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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Oct 1872, p. 2

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ala p.hroe.umplaid-q-X. M row, nnui " q- 1i - o '"Dig, Among lb âially, the. brui a 8,ar~ra vsted4Ina l~prsa, putninnfpr Hie. Momt of thé ocM eus. 8~' arblSBO 1I - ya~alAlbSanlÇChrai.tonm arc <llen hIn titans. luinthis Con. -The daath of Marshall S. P44âwell, à * Gmxhhman' gods-'aln & taw ry; and tdh. <istivltles end innocent 'wel-known New York Iawyar, and for- Inolvnt n oIce- Jas. oudan,011-amuseents whlch w.re once- associat- nxely s notiedpolitilian cf Caneda, in * slveA ntc-Ja.s cl 01 d vilhleUflow-een ara cbangod iuto annoued tohave il1 eexrred in xNew - - SLES. dans4, nlnglng of door-bla, : pffllng +mri aving beau borainMeaQ. 'domu ips, anti eolmmlhing Othar pet- chuusehabut ai su eerly âea-ho ami-, Crédit Sale cfý ThorouÀh.brcc el dîy offnces. Thè yongstersof te.day, gralcd te Canada, soetling peur Bathi hilgb-gMadacatlla, implainents, &o, th ic.1 y§ lilev u h.By fQun e:.beeu propsrty of Mr. John Enimail, on lt4 tlespiia pm o I ak igdemnn4a lw 15, 71b con. cf, Pickering, on Fnlday, tcmla nvlgdt mk xgi min sslve;and cngagiug lu Nov. luh. J. M. Patterson, anetion. bideous" on Hslov-ealn, sud il may b.é pallies about thuelime the. diffulfe Credil Saliedfersa stocnsudt will lie noeoxcop. aroso lun thisa country from the mal- MCréitle o'im tockDeandofJohnAgncmadmninistration of public' affaira by tbe monte, th rty 0 notenicua "IFamily Compact,"1 o s mo, otJo. M.Picron - ho Jh Anw, Esq. peusadilie Libemal cause, vas aisetet! auafouer.-.W. regret tes have te record Ithe tlita Canadien Pamlamaut, sud b.. Auction gsic cf homoas, satte, -t&o., deauli of enother od sud higîy esu- Ci pae fh.Hua l et Globo Hoiml, Brmkin*t Nov. 218t., teemed réuident of Whtby. Jolin Ag. curse of action as le vIeller ha t où 182 L airbankso, Jr., auxtioneer. ,naw cildetaiehl resiclence, lie, on au active part lunliingixg about the. Crodit sale of farra stock, Iiplementa Tnemtiey eveuing lest, lu cousequeuc rebllein '87, in flot exaclly kuovu ; ha., tthe propsnty of Mn. <lac. PhiIPiO, of injurias received frein b.ing thrown but lIat ieuis synpthies vere vithn 1h.e on lot 81, orc on. Whilbj', on Fridey, frein lis buggy on thels iil malt. At insurgaets, anti that h.evas in Coiroen- nnv ue.l select hho, roh.bad teek, ee ime great Ixepes vene antertained pendeuce vitîx tîxau, ilion. is 11111. Annpuoe sylecftoh Mue stohckof hie racoery, but aven 1h.elieut medi. doulit. TIxio led te hlm dapartura freux loit171 ce x.Piakenlng,on Thursdtty, cal trastmant, wliciholie meivcd, prev Cnd.Tacrasoxec bc November 1411. - . md uuavalliug, sud lie brpatled is lest ho carricd on. viti tl. leaders-w. ara, .CreIt aie cf ferra steak, implemouti as above slated. Mn. Agnaw wâa nu ». teld by tle Hamilton Tirneî-am vas lu. ha.0, the pro erty,î)i Mr. Jomephi Boyau, iv. of SclienOhavi i ien blier»lutencsptad sud phacet Inluthe hande o! ci nds o. let, 1872, on lot No. 41 Stronera; ha cama totenrada lu 1888, the <lover of Upper Canada, vi, le îe 61 pu. f Pokeing Paterouxyulhp ite sud hwc aonoantioe ~befori exauiining mie ils inature, saut hPoucecr, Aucionear. lý daugliter, oetllixg lifixa township cf fer -Mr. Bidwell, sud teld lii frenkly *à >Pickering, vience he ramovad oins lIai Ilium corraspendencesvas inis yeara afterwards tleWIitby, dieu posession, andfixaI he bldnet yet I fh4.kuewa aus"Peih7's Cernera." ,Ho vas opened it. Ho gava Mn. Bidwell e - -largeiy connected lu tls Insureneaelternativs cf remeiniug lu tho country ONLY SI 50. PER ANNUM. buainess, and rcpeeented in 'tuila ec- sud abiding tis consequeucea cf exemi- -- ic» e number o el eadiug cempan. nation sud perneai cf lIaI correepon- Wilîib,,, Thtursday, Oct. 31, 1872. las ef-Englend, Canada andthte Unitedi douce, on cf leaving- thc country nevèri -- States. In hasbusiness trsationsterehuru, in wvilch cas. the jettera Auction BiUsle as ln bis privataslfie, lie vue tlhe seul of vould cl destroyed. Mn. Bidwall 1 houer, and bis services vcre higbly ap. chose tic latter alternative, a-nd loft AudICEfieio» ula r si.or tlM Peit by bis employons, and liy aIl Canada neyer te reiurn, tlougî, enlies. loa'eal pricee. Parties ljaviug bilsate vîivîcin lie cama li contact. He quanthy, ailwvi e vesengageti in tuis print alouldebar in ini that thelr hllda large circla cf intimate fienda; rebellion cf 1887-88 vere perdened, sud sals vli iseneciv a otie l dauedixe vas s highly aescmd and e- Mn. Bidwebl a invited te netumu and coae cf Tioore Cevenoice inthe s pected as le vas wideby kuown. m..talce part in public affairs, as mauy charge-a paper no widely circuistedAguwvsl i 3dyar iîetnotir c l eueadd oek up thaitush notice le offar greaer velue t cf Ibis dath, asudloaves -a son and liea residence ix New York, as airosdy thoie n xa le-ceai of prlnting tUic daughiter te uxoumu bis @ad sud. eaaed, sud cuntinuedib e practice cfo bille.s Hlmamins vii lie liken to Toronto, the 1ev ilI tîxe lime of Ils deaili, whieh .......... fer lterieut, to-norrcw (Fridsy,) occurred vcry autldenly, vila epeuing The Ontario Govemument. momulng, ai elgil o'cbock. a latter in»-his office. Mr. Bidwell vas a lme»ncf great abilihy, sud e bigi sonne O11 Thuusdeby lait, Ur. Blake vslhed -The RefomxBanquet, cf lhouer, sud il vaou luis eccount upo» Lieul-Gevemuor Howiand, sud - -tînt tîho Govemuor gave liii the chxoie teudered lhse wu resignatlon, sud* tIp h dciit e îl is ofmi in f abidiug the cpcning cf ile lutercapt- s cf tls Provincial Trosaurar, Mn. Mec-. quel, lunlienor cf lia great victoriesavon cd luItera or cf leaving the country keuizis, vhielivere ecicepteel by isaby t'le Party aet'Ile bats alecus,. lu forevor. Il lias lice» iuferred roi Exlcelency Follwîng Ii. svic e-Music hall, Toronto, e» ths evening tîxese factaolIait theboitera vorcfa- Ur. Blake, lion. Oliver - Mevet vas ofWexadar Nv aî. Ti Glbetreasoneixîs claracter, sud knowing tîxi a called Upc» hc forn a eCabinet. Mr.s ys thuaitbe cemnillees are .ti'cyMsr. Bidvcil close tle cours.elie did, r4 Mdowat ai once nesigusd hlm officsetofetiverk, aud everytlîiug promnisesa ~and expetnialcd hinsesf <rever rom e an VieCexeir u ccepted tiluansk. grand uecas. toln f]i dpin TI'holuxhen msnbesof ils Adiminjita- Théo lanO cf lus adoplien. tien plaed lîxir offces et the disposi h reietilIeto. TuE STEA)I FIEE ENGiNE.-Tebegrams ht cf Itie -Premier, vIe viixioilaloe oftime 'Tueday nxx, 5t1î Novemnber, tle have becu rcceived frmm tle agents cf el neccîxaimuciathue Cabinet as followe :- elaclion cf President cf tIc United tue is Meryweatlxcm Stean Fine Engine, ci et Premier and Athomnsey-Gneal-Hon. StaetakIes place. Tuhe cainjaigu las tatÎing thiat uhe englue yull arrive i e Oliver Mowel. hielly cemnisd on ; tIe fiends cf Mn. Whiytemor-xow, and vilil b e Ieted bi Provinucial Treesumier- Hon. Adam Graaley, uudsterred by tle everwheîm- ountaturday. Thxis engins uliaslies»di Ci-ceki. - ing defeata tlsir perty sustuincdl in tuie deiug vendons in Montreal, ceming off Il' Prnovincial Secrtary - Hou. T. B3. Oteher elecîf ans, atll express tîxeir victoriens lu a trial vilix a lunchi langer14 Perdes. - fatl in the sueceme cf Iluir candidate. engiîxo. W' clipthue fclhowing ec- Cerutnotiisicner cf Public Weks- Aliluongli tIiere-alectien cf <loueraI couil cf thue contentfrein île Mail'î di -lion. A. McKelIar. Grant is coufidenthy expeehed, tîxe in. Menirsal correspondence : - Il Tii. F dCouniisaiener cf Crevu Land-- eeat laken as tte sresi f île con- engînes îvcrs One cof Slîend, Masen & in' Hcon. Il. W. Scott. test la stili undimainisîxed. Co's double cylinder, fuxll power, andF Mn. MeatIhîrefee, eke-huthle sînahi 25 cwt. Mex-ny'eallcr & sons' ni single cylinder, rosi pronf machiines, #4 place of» Mn. Blake, as 'Premier sud Te anîInlEMîo ANONOST nea5Ns.' biilt exîîreealy for tlîis country. A lune o leader of thxa Goverumenl, sud llhtcf From ael quartis intèfligence reacixas cf hiose frein ccclx engins, 600 <oct in b Altomniey-Genemeî, pnevioumiy held by us efthie napud apresd cof tle epidemie icugîlu, vas laid dovu and cannled hi Hou. Mn. Creeka,wvIle Mm. CoQks nov xxnvaillug ameugat honees lu On- acrestue Champ de g~ars on in Creig of ha@, taken Mn. Mackenzie'a place, am tarie. In the United States th iae sineet. Tlirouglu luis a streain of about t d"eIe120 <cet hiIi v as thrcyn, fimt by tîxe Provincial Treasurer. Mn, Gov'e pesi. lae qually extended. In Rochiester ,Mce.ryweatler eolilxe ven lIhe ruine cf a tien n 1»the abînet inla Obî by Mr. oery homrs is reorted off thestsreeta, ths drill shed ; tuai ilrovu Iy tue:Suand ai Perdes, tuxe former gentleman Oci». vile in New Yor', Albany and oller & Mason vas abocut tveniy fret lîlglxen. li iug the effen cf meppinculen, wiîîî cielas housande are unaixle te vcnk. TwoE llcs cf Ixese vore thon laid freinco the Merx-iweeîlxcr engins, 120 <oct sud c rouoens satifaetony toe laietscolles. In New Yerk suovel sighi, causcd bY 900 feet, the latter cxtending complote- an gusa. Butillb Admnistaition vil net th disese, va funiaed Ou Saturday ly anound uthe Court Honse. Sirea liea uffched by thie change in tîis de- by men draggiug bosOsO vaggcns, frei ntltîines vcx-e thon tlîrcvu on pannment. -Mn. Psrdee'sabalilie.sudwvIle others pualcd behind. Tîxe 1the tep cf île buildings, sud botî or etreames carried tîxe body cf vater fnlly cel fituesa f<r ltx.peosiion are aduitiecl. losses le ttxe business mou cf liai -cii3' Ivo-Ihirds cf the wey te île ligixeat hi Evsu by is 1opponauhe, ho la-apoken of &aous arc alroaOy eaid te lic veny lxeavy, p oint reacîcd and very litile spray va .' as e maan cf unquamied ability, while sud vali resel lundreda cf tilusanda lest. hotlx vero Put le a trial of punP. tnt Oppositioun oepapera agree thaI bis of dollera.. 4laie telegran says Ilet ing ilucg 90<e c a udtnv e vertical stream n on tule Ceunt Honse. tifl ,ppinlu nuinla esourcse ofstmaui toe usdiseese lsaaetiug lu Boston. No vc -- -i di&--ncc-l!_tîxe Ixeighi.1 W raeneuracea cf Mr. Movat ie politisai tainnient îey lie aniicipated. 2nd, Win. LuIt.; SrO, Johi» TveeOie; hie, sud lis aceopteucaeofthebcleader. 411, <lac. Merqula; flil, Jaeioe g eat; Pl &h.,Relit. Augus; 71h, Relit. Pardon. W. aip oft1he Party, meeting with the . CESTcz.-The match lialveen the Second diansa in s t, Alex. Thomp <cl hearhy epprovel efReformran. crack cricket teasi-as thIe Globe very sou; 2u0, Robent Bateliff; 8nc, oli» pnopenly colla the final .1aen.»ofthie Mitchell; 411u, David B]eaIli; Sil, Ja. lis REISovÂL 0F Bey. FA4XR RU* icx.- Whiiby cieketcra - aud îwsnîy-two Stocks; 6t1, Johu Burns; 711, Welter s-aP The Catholies cf Whlliy sud Osawa, other playera, cama o« hlest Tlinrsday 'losey. as vil s mssx Prleeeaxe, il eemuaflrnon, u de pesece ! - Finat lelas iboyse-lai, Viu.Beail; priz à# el semaY Potstait, wlllean ftenon, n he reonc o .large 2n0, JuIn Stocks; BncI, Huei Resu. 12 vihji grl cf liInhendad rameval ef number o! apactatora. Tlîagame Me. Thxe 4tlî, Six, Oui, sud 7tiu prunes vera DTi Bay. Pallier Shean, roux dis > locaeiîy ho eulted lneansuay victcry fai thie aleven, net competeti for. Dor à Western mission, mhe river- lieeing Ileir eppenenîs by ever 100 Second cuaasbye-laI, WVux Hoep. A end gentleman, dunlng his reaidancea uag. Only eue ixininga cadi vaa play. an; 2u0, Freil Richiardson; 8nd, Boit. Judi homse I.psah euyeea, has galet!, ly ad, ths Elavèn ecorng,'159ma, and Beatux; 4tli, -ThxonMay. Thxe Shx, oth; dis - Ids plet y asa Prisnt anti baarig sas a tle T sutw 4.ad 7t1 pies voesnet competed for. Di Tweuy-i- Extra claae--lst, James Walker;2u truaClinutia genian», lx. goti-IGaoe MinI3'; SmO, Henry Skinner; 4i1, P ana. esteauxnet ouly o! hie cc-religion. Ni xIàî aNIPceaN lilra;5l1Fe ryuu h ilis Ito, beltou' tle membera et ali proteu» MAI'eme-The annuel plengliing match, h and ti pizea vere net conpehed xney tent danoraluatiosin lulimamission, sud undertlix. spicea cf île -Agnieuturai fon., I xM aepatnre <nom emougst us in-îebt Seciely cf North Outario, teck place Dotible-furnov la-lat,Wn. Leask ai as grsi oaste ie ormaunity., on Wsdnesdtay, uer UxbriOge vinlage. 2n0, D. Mecil; 8rd, Job» Gray. hv a1v Mn, Suesovs tuxtde ti eelle The followfug Ivere evarded pize. -_ Rolil. Pardon reeeivad île prize cf a- nI oye Musir. Soscasmlaelte r ie slotclama mimn-lot Jane. Hennie vhipi, for lieiag lxtie raIin»doue Gi ofoç à » 88mPlv; udoteveno lomng the pi ina inersinuthie final os sd hudura.praexxailnsant liraBeah, 10;BrOJain Sne le men: sud Jchn Mitchell s rock. Wou" «e aundtalndome 5-aupor tonah d lisat, B c , #0Jaon - e ig cair, in îhe second clas me». viiex was ntetaied a &ýuppr atOshwaBroè, #. -Hugi Rosa received i e prize, a set cf are c haît nfght, by thei. Protenanti o! diet - 2md clauma enn-lsi G. F.. Wardi, hresos o onlefn oc toxx W rgrt u ixpuhty10pu.Beach, 110; 2ud Orr Greaham)BeachI, hr lioafr eigîlFirtoecon towa._ We egretour iebiliy to ull. .p eteliwork inthIe firà2cabos 8O mOJohn Ccvie, Uclinidgc, 86.; 4het-c-----eya. l lsh tihéetdnesues b 1h. vorthy gàmte.. <e. Watt, Brock, 08. - WHrny- Tni omT- que» me», l tlxi Issue ; ihey vil!, howvear, ,2id'chas.bey-loi Donald Deflon.- ' rxAxvScmrx-Txmveryl Apper l-eu; uit.- ad, rook 8.ociety, ve anc mqestod to uiahe, helde CavaI aa:ioa> nieDurugs 1» I8s1Mcxia»icu' Hall, every sd - Mçu.ruo' ISTIITE-TIm anue 'Wnr.-The edilten basico thanIt Friday eveniug,, Tie youug me» cf Ileair; M tn o ul . -Tiarabaru f . egsrs. Qualton St. George & Co,,-o! lhe loy» vho ara net elraady mambera in gi metinofsis îxtlt c ithé o v la f -théToronto, forsalictîle of thein «Rousîbione eheuilti licommase ah once. The ofce lasîren, Mlfmèd ote b. hall lof hi HllcW aO-&& Pont, wvilhdimy have s"nt lilu, by 25 cents per quaernsd, te uxemberasuncki »eaisd to@vel n theullNov. Weil. thouinagont ieha, Mn.Jas. Bymne. The o! tle Meclanica' Institute, <ram ou -»ds -vun nsii____o___ et___ ine a l nsd Invi'orting, and inlieing blalotei fer. - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oo inm 8ouy.~h.ami e1vl pnice-s, te b. vullin ithe .- et@thora À" w, 8« 0all.Tire New STos.-We vWo vixwo a e*1V#Of hou AdiW'Oeme hie attention cf Our, renda - veine Tir Lwàz."-The Leader a.aletannth -o! msr. L as *wýS1qem,1, nau eInu ly ju î' tâî xcIt il >'Ajp.oAmrelu cii-l - toletIyhpvM lfslss 1W Buniotirinventeti WU menti e!orese ,tor dt gantlime4".hurnxsd depr ou thxo nng of hie own nomxnati 'Il gridueflyho*vvax, Imakationt Il Mn. Wellsceixa lie» Approsehed i ,proviens evening n - theaubjeet réiriirnlfavor of Si Fancis Hinci end hid o-doaso ithoutmta *As was o g u y Bdusra,' diat *bonx 1fr. DaCosmàosbbroa Ot malter te hlm, as'ud vs iskei- up' odier-itingu*sbqdpas hoe dli liueansd foralbly rfm paculxrtehiraieli te ne pite wî han w vasfsl3' areged' by Geveru Trateli, Bunsteraimeagrmaing to ethf The aleacrs cf viosu liera arae oiî 480, f..l. thatthey have beau, meld Mf .iiaep, 1h.3' naet bavlng limen consul -ad'ýorn lu -t leanng duel 8fr Frniui Hliucks reqaired a satt li de»-vis tranaction vas eompleiae. -- Thé duit aVecouvar le Iari anti scatterad1 aeti moit voters vo»' have beau compoe ito teahndre cf muies anti at coniterebie emens te 553' nttlng aboutl liubelug aug get in uarveating operationi, te liai lis=rsnt et die'ucnomntion, fth( kna itwo candidates vera luI ebd, ' fud net suspecting eny Irickex vers content te lat dis nomination tl its cours, and deelde vie vas te 1 fisir napresenlallva aillhe poils; butai Sfr Prendis Hineke, tii3heti udevt beard liai ha evan- vantedti diir auj pont, antin uat, many eft leux h. nover hbard bis nain. Pecu-osen MONUMENT TO TEEu LAT HeON. J. S3ANDYXEL» MÂeDcîcmLu.-TI% Cornvall Freelîolder maya thaidi frlends o! tu, bat. Hon. John Ss-ndtiab Macidonabld, laving ohtainsd lis con sont et is !emily, proppos. laking mes ouros tovard thé erecien, over i grave, o! a monument or ucionis thsl vil testi4v te thein reraaubnenc cii thesdcesmeti. Th, prollmiary eT have alnesdy beau hekan, and sulimcnî tion liste vii ho opeued- et once. 1~ George 1McIonellî, of Cornall, viii se mu centre!' treasurer, and aime as becs treasurer, for Cornwaillsud viciniiy Mir. I. N. Bemm0, of Mernisheurg,M;7 Duncan A. McDo»s,of Alexandin 'Mr. Cihu. Leclair, < à North Lanxcaster aid Mn. William MePherson, tieputi -esvecof Lancaster, villset as treamun -ns lu-tleir reapective becaities9, an( lsts viiilia eplaced la thein handm forth, wiii. Il vil libe-understoot taiany thing 11k. cenvasaing for enliacniphieux is ne itedeti, ant laI imuividux subacniptieus uhabl net iu auy case ex. ceed I.» dollars. Ths design lu lIai cliseniphionu ahalliae pureiy veluniery: and nous are expccted te contnihute hut ileo e ill fsol il e privilege Ic o se. The tin orer cosing ile lista las; bssu fixeti for lb. iStI Deccmhsî ext. ADaoNamINausnacz CaeaXc.A lespatel frein Piladelpiesays ilual 'bateler MilIs, for hvcbve yeasa erck s the office ofthec Delaware Ssfeiy 'ira Ineumance Company, bas licou ar- esled au a defaulter, Hoelis issued 48,000 vorh cf frauduleul cantificates dtîxe ucrip ef the Ceuxpany, sud tiss ic lied plaeed viiithe genuine enea, i huai ail coulO raceive lis uignatures «île officema of tîxe Cenpany. on ho448,000 vortl isausd, h. realizsO 35,000, andthe properiy h iasu . e- cred te the Company vill cnly linug ,bout $10,000. Hm eperalieus exicuci sck te 1869, anti vers cuuuingly con- abed by the manipubltu o! the profit sO boas accuni cf th.Ccmpany. TaE OiuIN cx' "CLizAS Ger."-Tis rigin o! tie naine et "Cleer Gril,', in mueclien wyul Canadien polieis lm n.s givan lu e Refenux cuntaiporsry : Wben Canada vas "aIl l vsn ant ish. mcted by intamuai ustrife"-aa vas tea- led lu 1864 by Mr. McCully ant in 372 by Mn. Tuppe-ile Lilierai anti 'uservative paries, haing alite une- e te carry e» a Govemenl, agrasti ferin s coalition te carry Coufatie. n. Afler s consummaictu o! Cen- laraliou tue mank sud file e! the Li- raI part y Oemnded lIai lb. coali. nm shxeuld anti, andti iat party Gev- mont aboudbtile re.aatsabsd. csans. McDougalu sud Hovlaud, lie miÎnai nepresonhatuvea cf lie Libersi rty lu lie cabinet, tieughl ibey ilO featuxor iheir evu nessuad se- re, Goveunshilpa--as .lie3' aflen- vethir suffering country eud meke -- arrest, iudictmont, and trial of crimin. aice thiug out of it, by cuttiug them- Is the niind a penderable or an im- ais as more taxes upon the people, frein [vos adrift from their old party, and pondereble substance ; &n essence, .'~ which no benefits ensue. ,ging on to the skirta of Sir John A. par, or an indescribable something The old train-roai is deserted of its cdonald. wagons. No more are heard either the ~hes getlemn ed. teirfew whjcli cannot lie grasped, feit or with- crack of the drivers' whips, the oatlis nds lienthempen cend.to sillet hlad? Man thinks, studies, invente, cf packmen, or the liellowing of oxen. mpt te speek for the Liberel Party tires the brain by ever-work, and loaes The cattie trail frein Texas, with its Ûcl tliey baed betreyed. A 1fithfn Isa reason; resta his intellect, bpcomes thousands Of fcattle, 'tg wild And untain- ailier of the party,m ix e cours or acain, uses restorativas, and agein able M1exican drovers, is a thing of the eech defnig itsyripIs, remerked thinic. Wlxen we reffcct tîxat e pewer poai as the unison taeioncRail- it he and hie coleagues wera "1cleer. ra estebsns fteee m t Liborsîs, sud the tarmnwes sftcr. of endurance enu be impartedl te the the venions linos ruuing te Taxas and rde nsed -te distiagulali the res Li. brai», and that week inaOs have beon New Mexico that cf the other. rais from the Rowland. McDougall restored te strength by Fellowe' Coin. HESPERUS. np. pound Syrup of Hypophosphites, we ZOKERINO Sueow. - CoeezCTzoN._ caunot but concludo that the subtie Calumny Refuted. ehave been requested ta make the poer fa rcally peuderable matter, from Te th, Editor of the WhitZnj Chreanicle. lowing corrections of the prize liat of the fact thet the ingredients arc supli. township of Pickering FeUl Show, ad which render it supert and give it Sce :-Soxa kind neighlit publiahed in Tan CEEmxL,~ vitehity. Persons wMco study hard bora have beau seo chaxitably disposedl as te insinuate tîxat the geeds stoec Iprlug Puy7, iesvy dranglt-2nd sheuld proservo their balance of pewer frein the Grand Trunk Eailway, it is a, John Miller. by uaing the SyII1p. suppased by eue Jackson, whe is now 2cars of crn-lit prize, Wm. Pile, e* awaitiug hie trial ini the Ceuuty jeu,f >o Shesrllng Ewes, Hampshire BOOTs IN TE FIELD-TIe prizos wene by huxu bronglit te my place and rns--lst prize, John Wilson. oftered by the Nerth Outario Agricultu- there chsposed of. Lnumber of extras, omitted by th' rai Seciety fer roots iu the field in I i.Sd net tell yen, sir, that a foular p Dies, wrase ne pie i 1872, wereaewarded as foilows ~ caluxnuy uaver emauated froi n auy Dirctos. .oee. When I firat heerd the nitsr,b 2Two Acre# of Turnips......lot T seine few days after the robbery was ezY Goozxs.-A large stock et redune. Costes, 70,868 peundo te the acre ; 2nd detectedl, I et once went te His Vor- prices, et Old No. 1., As Mn. Gilison Albiert Willams, 67,140 pende te the slip the Mayor and effered te tlirow j aving e clearing sale, greet liergeins aeth cr r lx ee,6,4 ne openny plue, frein the attie te the bai secured. collar, if lie would choose te investigate e Quarter Acre of Carreto.....; lot lH. the matter, but hoc would net licar te It . sIAwvnz, et old price, the stock Harper.-Standard. Sir, my cîxaracter fer the past twelve r ing beau beugit liefore the ris., ycars spent in Whitby, I tlxauk God,S b. ie etOl No iTEE ALABAMA CLAZMxs....LodoOn, Oct. neede ne vindicatien et my liauda.p be Wait ld N. 1.29th,-Sir John Pekingtonini a bec. And, certeinly, the moral assassin who IOEXE. utending purchasers tura, delivered et Stonnbnidge last niglit, weulcl circulae the abeve glander la ld de well te call et Old No. 1 adverted te the settiement of tbe Aie. more te lis faned than the dagger of 'e religroeres e reue _ 'berne Claima, declerîng that it was the assassin, or the miduiglit maraudcr. F ýrefrshgroered strocd pricev painul and humiliating te epelogize I thank my Gaed, air, thet the littie1B o5éed. 'fer wrengs nèver 'cemmitted, and pay pessesa I have throughli onesty, integ. g armers aud;stock reiers have fre, 4 fille for injeuies steelily denied. Iun ity andprevacadhpettI 2tly told us - thst they hv eu di sstion et'otith San Juan Deun- shail neyer do any net in the declining pl tlytoi! s tet$he ha eandey Qesiln, bowever, hae aew ne yeans cf my existence tlîat will cause a t geod results from giving Slerldeu'e reasiln te censure the Govarrnêènt, blutatery chuldren or frieuds. I uedpi hly Condition Powders te cOws ] -IMnG -------- scarcely add, thet the men Jackson, 10 mine lier. sund etter tlxey (bop fD TUE COINT.-Strathroy uier any beleuging te lin, wea neyer, al ryoug. he pwdes, ut te papflrs Smie. thet tbe Legialatuira cf On- te my kuowledge, uer teauay ef my t youg.Th p des ut he triewx . etitouédet tha next ses- family, in my lieuse. h rod condition, and gis'. hem ien te dVIde the ceunty by etting Thanking yen, Mr. Editer, for yoxxr st igthte eg and provide for tlie spart the T0wshlps cf Adelaida, Car. invaluable spece, aud trusting yen will saie, kfrd, ose Mecale, ho ewngive thoe beve an insertion, I suliscribe lings. of Stratbroy and;;he village ef Wards. mysalt t have allen woudrde wetemvle, Arr esparte counity, of Fihul ours,- e is, a person in ta lNew lglnd twihn rtro. h . onyJAMES J. MURPHY., O neiflt know and aprclte thie~ Whitliy, Oct. 28th, 1872. t Df Jfolxnon's0 xoyna LXiniment AU Auitrlien correspondent mtjetes ýoeily Iu-d-eIp 1 t adp e-a t tegj azn Proom, o pe «emn Coxupleints are agein being madie cf lis&!beaupràactad. s theua nmxner li-whicl4 the Toronto nur- lem üd Iîsý e0 qwueariWay&do te, wood wry- ;;gt hir'ms n 1,0Tea sw rad ti0n Grand :- - se E. 8. Caxnpial,PcsrmiL. Lve Cavi Campbell; Hny Brtlxur, de John Waheon, > Wm. Bculton, M. àark Canna, Jas.DavidsMen, t, Wra. Dxuba, Jr., EB. Hsyverd, ' ou W. Hercu, Jas. Jolinaten, , stJas. Làka, Johlmcouxxpl, rà Thoa.- IfaBrian, ýAlex. Weddmll,, ira Hie Lordshli lmiafly eharged lthe oni. Grand Jury. e vas pleased, ehossid, bat toe.aala te hll diora liaI tioare r thfi culy tvcprmenera inugsel, vaiting fer Of tril, fer lercany- tuora vee alzo's km, hhirdne»he calndar, chsrged vilix [ch bigamy. 1h vas satisfactory ludéet, Mt nt in a mchea populous ceumity as 0u- Md "it thee vasuchai eslnbatotal &0. abisnceofciei.. lis»onexplained bY d1hev wregardiu i M ansd berce»y, [Wa. nd.ramindeti is rad Jury Ilial «. tvalva of -hein nuniler sicubde ae !th bafore as "trua bIb" vas founti, sud lIaI At- il required more tIls» oe meaxajority or to bing-In suci e bill. Thora va, lie e. siti greet des] of civil business lie- ie fore, tie. Court, but me soc» as tiair ka dutié - vere. disciiergati, h. voulti ns- 1*- liavejihm. doe Tim Jury thn esraired. )la Ràa Lrdsiiip, ounith. usmea et dia Petit jury beiug eallsdl over, infermet go diejurors tuai Court voulti lis ati cura- MId md aci day nt 12:30 te 1-80 fer ainner. di a, Expert o! Canadien Agricultural ,bm. - plamants t ew ovueti Wales.- Dy' Our attention bau beau es-lsd b3' dis se Depantuxeni cf AgriculturaeoftheiiDomx- rY laie» Geverninent le the question 'cf -e axpori et agriculturai implements sud bemaciinery, viii a viev cf brnng it of befone Canadien merdhants anti matn.- un facturons. P- Au official bolier bas bac» vniiteu by "d Mn. Jules Joubiert, Secraiary cf the Agrlculurai Society o! New Seuil Wales, represe»ti»g Ilthat in ibat col- di "ey thora la an urgent demand forj le imported egnicullunal impiomenis and i e . llalior-aavlag m echiuery ; lu i s yei IdI "i has neiilxer lie tacilities uer the1 "requimilt ei for mannfacturihxg S thr.-Hitharte importa <mm ia hi "country have lise» blmited te lumber,à s b u h o e p e s i t h p u o h ts f u m n i t u n e , s u d s f e w e t î x e r a r t i c l e s ; 1 , ' v l assort od exhib tion f vh sl ar a kuovu s-s Auxerican implamentu, in.- le " ventions, and laber.eaving xuechinary0 "vwoult net eRly lie a great attraction J d'lu the colouy, but rassit in epe»ug1 Id ean extenuivo and profitable markst - Id "fer mosicf thie articles exhiliited. Ho i -, 'l inaimuctati by the aecioty te etate t 'Ilai, shoul any reeponsible ladivid. t -"ual on Compauy desira te meke s triai Of "cfdi plan auggaated, as saliusinesI Y "entenpnise, they have a epacieus liuild.v "iug ada pted te tîxe purpos, iuated a I in tIi. Prince Albert park, Sydney,1 Id "hici voubd lic lace e t Ileir dis. p - 1meal, tcgetier vih eveny etber fecil- ti uiy ai île command cf the sccieiy." ia ITe thIe irde alesdy carrietioc» yul c ils Australien ceionies, thonasheould, 1h fi t venld uesm,ble ne difiIcully in adding l fixai cf île macliuery, &o., referreti ic i by Mn. Joubiert, and île manufacturons fi o f Canada, vene iixey ie act proîuptly, ft veuld scurse auev field fer ibeir pro- t] r ductions, sud lie enebled te fuinulal eux- w pleymient te a large number cf men, Ii lisidee incmeasing ti etablishment,;, tr tîxercby enabling tIen te bessen the ea ceai by tho greaten amouxut cf prcduc- pi tien. OPa WVeudemtand the Deparimeul cf pi Agriculluncilba. entered ie oa connes- ai pondence vitîx - Mn. Joubmert, vitix a iw visv ef obtaining furtixer partiionlera. i -4 -----i Hov te go West. il Tisi is au inquiny vhicI every oeem uhonid have lro4hfully asaered liefere th ho mianle ou bis journey, s-nOds-litîle da cae taken in examination f Routes u vili Ile casaes Bave mmcl treuble, r- âie sud'meuey. j <eo Th c "C., B. & Q. . R.; nu m in frc front Chicago tînougl Galèbhirg te Ilus Burlingle», bas echievedl a splendid uo roputailcu in tle lest ive years as thecav leadig Pasenger Route te tuxe West. pr AI Bunlingioni cennecis viltixte M( greet Burlington Boute vhicî us 0i- rifg rect thneugbi Seutiemu Iova le Noires- lin ka an d K an ss, ili close e nu c i n B le Cabifomnisansd tixe Territenie; ani citi pasueugena aisrting frein Ontenie Coun- ce. re-, ire iof ?ep Accessions -le th. ,acnsy. lulute, for vblci they nxey nov r pant la leisurs. Livby Uiesa va tiios.e!oftheIal"olti goulag ,'days 'timea ýthat *»aver vililibe vlinams egela. Like the'cia! ccaclulng days. Englànd, lhay live but ilu i. uxmori cf the 'participants. Tli, Inde cf- continent lumbxemmng tirugx desert aud over uxouninas, anti dova stee descente, lu wagons 1i>Tii. mail 'cosel es, thal tre- veblet niglit sud day,i vici the pausengera passeti tînong lis grandeatacena lu inte 'vonld, su -s-t e pace thal made-1h. aujeyîenî it peamibla-Ilesa will nover lie s.s &gain. Non diose hardy, necklesi coachx drivers, non diose iardieriuoz reckleua, vagouens-txese vill nover b seau agai». The ci3' (Nebraska,) use lo e a tIriving tmv» dieu. Han. va breugitthex. uuning menufaclurem lia oasl, vih toree endi wagons, au, carriati evertlis Misouri river, antipu lu wagons,toft hrea or four toua but don, havingth.n, hveuty, -thiriy-or fort ycke et oxen in front. The vlav ths etreais of Nebraska cihy inheol tisys , ou lieazarivaI et a train front tl West, vas ae lsighi te ha remeubered Firal, oesr tlEs evhulse te the vas cf ths tewn imigul ha sesu the meas-e gers galleping la te tell of -ths na approacli o! ths vagons. Theh i long icrua cf th. foemosi oeutlia the isavy heasla Ibesves, -slowv, waddlixg eieng. Sixiy- or eigbty inu tean, vitt i Onvers beside 11cm, oc poues, urjhug tuent ou by probini tioen vil slaves, or lashing lient vil vixipa. Tien tic Issu bebind mig lie scout; lIen anotxern d anotîer sud se for ferty liane cm more.. Ant vuxel balleaing and elouiing and cun. hng cf drivers,1 sud avearnug cf pack in; and wvI e isvols tsam reacl oses heciiy, 1ev IbisvIols noise vomIé lie inereaesci e» od, by the sbeutine of tie drivers, angn, et the friglîl ibîsin liens on ccning in île cily And aîlthis confusion increaseti by lbc bsleowing o! lie hmngry caitie. 01 Ferchance the sirseis oethe city ari Iined hickly vilhi mud, as they cften are, sud tIen vliai strivlag, tugging, anxd vading e» ths soft yet stick3' day1 Anti vien île wagons neacx ils vans be'usea, ail tusse ingela cf eibvcr an wedgcs o! golO muastlic laken charge osf by seidiera of tle gevemuineni, and the liuffalo-Iitse lie paieketi eay b dise varcheusc.uen, on take i n tIi wagons cf lIse Tranafér Ce., and bmeuglit dcv» te lIa river, vîsre ile wagons drive lu on tle ferry.beat, eud are taken acroas te thec qiLxen aide. Mie -feediug cf aillehse oxe» and packxuon and drivsrs, ths ropeiring of tlîcir vebiclea, lthe supplyirig cf thixe stores for the long tramp back agais ovor ibis plaine, vas liuay vomk encugi for thxe tovu people. Moucy vas cf itibe value ilion, vîxen île daily magon-raiu brougli in ils ailver bricks ncnm Noyada, anO ils gold frein Cauli- foulie. Life vas cf 11111e ceusequence liu, vben on every Jeumuey soe wors iikoly t o le.il lu conlesis-viii Indiana, or by accidents libish menu- tains. Morelity vas cf a very bous tanîlard thonî, vben se mmci cf the pperty cf mails, anxd tie confent sud 3pfcly cf travellers dependsO upen thxe pesosiel efforts cf sncb lev-cleas por. ina as driverai and paekinen are ai. Pays suire te lbe. Durlng thc van says xc0 vihO axd reekiesa spirit cf tise iaie» vas even more isilcuaified lu Jisse vesern plaoces, and il u ac )bses cf ifs as axisted ilu the " train- nu," it vas reekîcas and daning in îse extreme. Net enly did esv'ery me» mry vaos but nsarly every oe ue tea daàýIly. I have en thxe mlici Idles lu île ferry-boats, vhene uffiana, witboui cause, îlot at unof- ending passengora ; the lunis aof trocs ron vheix men vene -iauged, and ils laoson tîe sîreet-comuers vîcre mon ove been suxot by murderons. Even mvw, vbsu ibis liusy lifs is oven for- oer, and ths preservaticu of lIfs and -opsnty by legal meaus, îveuld senm uarantosd, by a <air shais cf public loality, the spirit -of clOs» limes is eé, and it ia rare Ilat a criminal la couglît te justice, on ilat public inciig- atien hsarnused againat the homicide. ýut a year age, in oeeof tuhe principal les cf this atato, a me» vas killetl lu Id blood, and ne accouni takcp cf se murder. TIe jeils are fmcquqintly se transieni residences cf mni vI avs takion anotler's life, buti narcly )ea one get sent le île stata-pnison .1 nois anc bth le cor-oct judgcs iii iileinn ; shuenif a are carobeasslu jarding, nd jailors uax lu lcokîng 'tn pniscuens ; vlile geverners ae ly toc willinîr toegrant pardons te glx suther cniaain tlb lining rettrni to.irece Ler a raent viti d p eoPe h ro th t ne er thik f com ig th r, frthe purpose of com p lting a - Of 130w; People of other villagei1 Will com a aiuge mnents f er rirnging ut fixa colon- sun On arkit dy, te mslka purclase, ifatsThe- inlibitantm of Alsace sd s, wh n he fin d the advantges ta e l Lrraine are fzi gratin i n large n - e oitin e. A y eune thst d os nO e i bers a tehle United States,.' They do n t b a haev eth t a m eket is g ing t e lo is e lik a b anùg frall s ried ro ux L a B elle ed grat boenfit teus, jus. Jet i visit France tae ti.îpeirule f Gsmany. ne PortHope n a market day, sd I will o f g u r s te a tl x t lie w ill lia t b r u g h y A U l t h m D iff é re n c e . d ceviucd fits usfules. m oicuec h ltosldg t Now lct us Sowly it Will nt psy, natinctausToryte rst oides. r . o r w h y it w il ' 9 T h e in t re t Do n' 25 - c fati do f t é r y -.nu g te s it h eal ifo, a s ' t y 0 0 w u l d a m o u n te a 1 2 8 . U p o e M of w a'd g r t b a s d o 1 l i s t a ci e n ta i f a v e r a g e th e r e r e 'a b o u t 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 b u s e ~ l l yM r i u t h c o r s lf a o n g a ri c e n l u ,Id of grain coming in Iis tow u every atieT n t oursofial ongpap r ticld in, ie Yea , leid s h y, Wood, straw , pots, e. oo n tco d, t W e aàre t E d Bxitr, . t es, & c., w e nxy th e nfore, sa fel yr p u t J o n M o a to t eks ar e told , t e D - t h a m ar k et f <s e ai # 1 ,0 0 0 ; th en ea y , m x i ni . o n a b et, pa e e n s n t tepo n.- stall fr butchersd vegetable d l mno Cbntpole would neat have a n rs, ýw h i h w u ld br in g* 850 ac i »m ak th u g lt s o man ch i f it, b u t t luet ha ie ing 800 fr stails; th n them , w - d s hoculd ave', d scend d te th.-,position ,, lis a et= iu tîe corner f te uldn f Premier f Ontario w s somothig.» Y the entl ef Whiclî could lb e safly cal. aw ul O co uemPl te- &s ihug th~e a c nated t 0250, the Division Cort f- prm e ox f the firt province in n fics 810, which je guar >auteed b y the C= -~wsa positionu lmuasureably g clerk f tîat court; the town hall for b neatli tie lowest se t l i a heD omilnion h shows, conert, ad other public. enter- Cabinet. But the great point f the it tainnient, we may cal 200 more. différence lies iere-had Sir J,Ie.l-, NowM . E ditor, I think 1 hav a vited judgc te c eins dow n fr cm i a h Id slown pretty planly, that it wilb pay ]enci ahd assist- the grat U. Prg. B- t e build a m arket a d- t w u hall. p rtit W ould n t have beeau a lid - Against $1,280 f interst, w hav e, t t ingfr-tle judge te -consent. But, i. very lw calculation, 2,100 f revenue thon, 1h waa n e: the U. P. party; t is Id p er a nu .In Mu m m d, Sir, ther a is the ierid G it 1 ed-there ly gives the 2g nt the least dout, but that the rate- trasactin quite nother complexion, of payera would lis very glad to have an orally as well as pclitcaly. ' e PPO tunity f exprssig tîeir beety T e epprval f this very nectssay n- THE CNADIAN PaxESBAssocUTIgN.- r proveent, and, I h'ope the Tewu Messrs. James Smerville and . le Coun il will lo ac n e ti ne in sub ntti g M athison, eon liealf, f the Ca ufdia o nu a proper 4-baw te tthe people for tîat Press Association wero appinted a 9, purpoÈte. 1.committe te preset te A. P. Cck. I ai, ir, ur, E sq, Muskoka, and- tha officers- Yours truly f the Steamer Nipising, a ilven ice id ONWARD. pithe,elvr and goilet, as a m mete, Ce Whitby, -October 29t, 1872. f the visit f the Association te the o beautiful lakes of Muskok, sd as s y ~ tangible. recollecticu f h . pecial-kiid. e ACCIDENT ON THE G. W. Rt. R.-A uss exteuded te itîe Association by1 STRA&IN Tuncwli vEiAN EmBANKMENT. Mn. Cockburnand the effcers- of! dia- ýû -Hamiltn, Oct. 29tl.-Btween ee Nipising on thein annal trip lstt d and twe o'clock ibis afterucon tle suimmen. Mosans. 8emenvilbe and1 ,.PacificeoxPreas going West ou the Great Mathison macle the présentation inuae d Western Railway met witil a senleus letter dated he 201h Septemben, te )f accident juet after passiug Beamaville. wbicl e suitable repby was returnedl by1 [r One cf the P>ullman cars, the forward Mn. Cockbm-n on the 2lst Octeber, ab- euoe, it la said, w ct off the track, and sacp fro n, hom e beig île cause f 1 Scitîxrornee or two other Pullman cars tho delay. )f and-a Wagner drwing-rooincan went - - y off as. Tîe engle antd tlret cars Reclemation f Land. chdid net Icve the track, but the folu- eone, a Pullman, lefItue track and was Iu the days cf engineering tiumplis, apartially overturîîd. Tîhe tlrec cars almot any euterpnse u ela carried1 o in rear, twc Pullman and a Wagner, successfully trougli if there s l uya( ýjwere coipletely ovcrtllrned, falbing, sufficieucy cf the sinews cf wan. Mouyn down a Iow emibaîîkmcnt. The pas- answors aIl thinge, and whetiel- ina sengere lu tîe car were nealy all iiore nakiug canas, on 'puttiu g Itnunelse or lesa b uisedl, but it la tîoughtlîhat throu gîx mountains, leaing suimarine- nons cf then arc dlaîîgcrously hurt. telegrapha, on aveu turniug deserts into The coductor, Mr. Funîesp, wlio lias gardons, if the cash lie forthcoming the t beeni a numiier cf years on the rnd, work cenulie accomplisIwcJ. Accordiug. ý was tlînowî acrosa the back cf à seat, ly, wo uecd scarcely li susrprised te d andl le epposd telbe senouly injured. lear tai the long cntinued discussion t] IFle received sons wouuds about the about dreiniug tle Znyden Zea, in Bol-n head, and lus lîack la prebably badly land, if; at lest taking practical shape I aprained. A number cf tie members and la likely et ne distant day tealis an a cf tlîc Patti-Mi-o troupe were on the accomplislîed fact. Thîis will ne doulit h train. Strakosel u staiîîcd seule slighit be e glgentic enterprise, but tiere ie ne fl bruisesabalout bis lîeadl. and is now at reasen wly it shonld net lie successful- p the railway station in tlîia city witlî]lis ly carricd Ibrougli. It la about 700 t head bandanged up. Patti and Miss yeara since tîhe gulf was fonîned by île le Carey were badly stunusd and natu- inbreeking cf the ocean and thlesub- 'a( rully frigfliteued, but neither cf Ihîcin merging of a lange district cf cultivated c0 are inj'nredl. Marie and thc reet cf the land. Hitîxerto, it miglit hava been ab.- E trouxpe were net on the train, and haxve surli and chlmenictib te ihiuk cf rescxuing îj lîad a lucky escape. It is almost un. ah tieat drowned district ; but now, bi possible at thc preseut lime te give a with aIl the gigeutie engineering appli. ae fnIl list cf the wounded. Laurient ancea cf modemn unes, tle only diffi- oc Prnyn, cf New York city, who was cuIt3' is the upply of funda, and we- travelling lu oeeof tIhe ovoniurued cars undenstand thai thIs is net going teli e e with bis wlfe, being on tieir îveddiug allowed te stand lu the ray. TIie ne- ar tour,' anti on tlieir way te Nebraka- cent drainage of tle Harlem Lake on.-la sustaincd a severe scalp wouncl, and is ceirages te make -hIe cttcmpt. By ve wife was bailly bmniaed abolit the face. that undertaking more tien 44,000 al Tîîea. Kennedy, a manufacturer cf acres cf fertile Jand have bora recever- th dlocks frein tîe State cf Ceonnecticut, ed et un outlay cf net moe than #80 av was scvex'cly injxred about tîxe apine. per acre. The preseut undertaking in- la Many ailiers snstained asliglit bmuisea volves tic recbametion cf a large extent and scratches, but theu'i ilîies do net cf country, and nay bie frein its position aunount te a greai deal.. Iminedintely sornewîiat more difficubi, but tiers 'W it waa kncwn home tliet an accidcutixad soeena evcry reascu te bdlieve tîxat -it. vc cccurred, Mn. Wallae, the traffle su- Will puy ; and il will be nonseof île ao, penintenlderit, aceeinpanied by other least cf the exploits cf iliese days if b' officias f the rod, lft for tlhe Scenle f soins now living shalieb spared ta see n the disaster, taking nithl ein Drs. dottedl witlî villages and waving with aid Ilullen, MeKelcan, Mullen andi Mallock golden harveets, wlîai lias bain et tle et f tid city. T ey returud te iis sta- b tton f the sa frlundreds f year. cil tien )Witl sons cf Itie wounded in ilueir No oee xeed enlie ai such a preposai -pi charge about éiglît c'clock. A numober as absurdl or cîimerical. It is net li- AI f tîe wondd live licou conveyd te possible, and tîrefre its being doe set îlen Royal Hotel, andb anc lîaving every or net la simpby a question cf whetlcr the attention paid taemi. Thc bîne* bas or net it will pay.-Globe Wh aine been clearejl1 and tîxe accomme- ~we dation train go4g wcat reecbed lions REvENGE I-TIc LondenrFree .Pre88 tli alieut sevon o'cleck, bcing an heur gaya: 'Our readena will no deubine- bl laIe. neeir-the lîubbub creatcd last <ail by di tle disappearance cf oe Thomas Se- unI SUSPECTE» MUDER. -'Mooretown, crd fron.thIe neigliborlood cof lger- Oct. 28t1. - Considerable excitement oIt and ils suspicion tat tshe n L,] ws rate li is viiity n aturdA- aladbo onl-nlyd iih. Te as- Me ganuser vin nojust wviee te go -le fixetipurchasera cf Ihein prcduce,'anO S U v I ! a i u ,t h - t t d i is g r n p n a e r sb l a te diair havking &Il about tewn. Be- sies, h.itere ita araket, tire i l l i s r n e uy u i n ga f eu n u t * f r s l , d s t peeple tic nett lhul otbrnging to mark. metlo'il act, il il baaxny in aid abuse waa inflicteci 1>3'Mrs. Wonc- Posil"île key te BIisî-'Colmban cc man, te wik f theusdeceaad. on by waters te theZuited States, Tis et- acq S a înu el B utler, on by lieu." T h e su s- ti e m= , cf t1 e" s ai e » h ard i3' ten d s te 1 a ll peceh d parties w e e arr stldas d con- i npr o v - l e ai es ue w xi t ng i- hall veyed te the Sarnia gaol teen England and Âerie." oth,) '0-e--- .. - yeste 1 P aîs eNP a SENTENC E» Te D EATII F aeeaî.eu AT L ri; sA y.- O n T mu rs. vue on RAP.-Michael Judgc waa tried et day afernocu f lst week, Meley bais4 3rockvile the other day, sud feund Parasol, a lad about 16 years cf adeIJ2g muIy f havig commritid rape on the eceie e hsc i ecal-'xie? T erson cf a ycuug girl. The jury fonnd heils for s-n indecent assasuit upon tie Lady pr* enen guiuty, and bis vas - seuteuced person cf a litti. girl eh Cambrey lest* reéi e death. The prisoner lies a mesi un- moulu. The bey wae; pleeSd lu a tria». Teret repssesing appearnace. , He is a gle, and t a the Ori ffl tilid-i is îw-sized, dark ceplexioeud mati f gra an.Teobe i.isaes -n ithei i b o u t o g h t s d t w e n y , e a r s e m o u s - f g b e e n i n f i c t e d , t h e hd ' a p - m e elh ýa c hie , a n d b a s fia i iw re c e d i g fo r - s n ie d v e ry p l in ly th e ff e c ts c f ti s s e . jead, Which indicaies debaaed in- vn uiimu. m o'.th cas tinc s. ou iti have excite i com passion lu a y Yn ca on ee, and iis te bceloped thal the ex. lu Da. PNsfo.-TJIte statemint i ng 5ful aavl aa anayefe te h o ro u n d s -o f ilh e p r ss , th à at i s e a - h lma e l f b a er s a a d ief c t d t e S t ýnt divin li eit loït C anada, is incorrect, lie **Po bi lfi nd ot oï a dite hI. t. V a e lea m » Ila t h a il r a ma i » l th e s e v c O s h b t . I a d t o n t h u - o u xtry u n îfIl di la tter sd f A p il O r f g g i g , h a W s sen ten e il te o n e W mnietbu's mpnlaoument, the terni ciof ho begning f May. ieiviepre»h.te!oen- bl S ta u b y , th e o A i n s » e x p e r e n w il l e r . - - p l n ave Engand fr America e» te Oth _________. fNevenxb, ;gemnayoxpect an v. Thiersausforbideen th sale of car- teïfen ea Blue miles: le 885 ngone manage.- itit 19 L 2,980 abeut 4,59 m 0e,50 heurs, andi 87J Cents per Frein CIicgo 3iles. Heurs. CeaI. Mentresi roea-.8,9"- 896 soc Nev York " 489- 655 85e Diffenonce lu fanon eof Moutesbroute.... 4W 159 5e Frein Duuth. Monîrcal Route... 4141 .426 82e Nov York " 485 590 37e Differeneeinufavor cf a Mentresi route. - 454 164 -5c Nonria lie atvaxhageocf lis Caxadian rout-Mnly ehovu by the. aboya figures. *Ou lis-Canaiean rente lierea re but 72 mileslcf cens-lae, sud tuat le 700 tons capacily;, c» lie New Yorke route thora are 858 miles cf canalof 210 tons Cape. city. TIns it vil li eau ent v -hilea voel o! 700 hen& burden conldj -is-ke l Àn ils cargo at-Chicage -cor Duluth, pnoeed direct te Mdntreal, sud -diachange imita su ces» steamer, te reaci Nov York. the sanie car go veuli have to e e ran- shippeti aI Buffelo inte canai boats anti agii ah New York int he .ecean steamers. The Nov York folles -are qit nil. iavare o!-lie advsnitaea cf îe Meulmasiplroute, lbut as, li ixproe,. ment o! liai rente veuid mililate a- g ainsi l -i ltenesa cf diair Chty they Olmonnenaiceencouragement cf axxy- fmprovauouli. The Chicafo folks, -on ts etuer bandi objeet tôei ng Iceptin lis liackenound te mstify -New Yenka jesîoueiy. Tiay appredatelaladsevi. tages cf tue Canadisu Toute, axnd maxi- <Eut s-dlopositicu t ecuthinselves cdean cf New York, domination by -usiné ths Canadisu cankals. This fl,àshCane.' de e very gocd opportiiyfsfr elaxming e righhful ahane cf he-csru-lg traie cf île.Wst, vici aie vil le foclhixif aie aiboiva le slip Ilrongi - lier -tixgan unimproved-Eemilidu Spectalor. A, Mimer or a Mysteny. Tic Terre Haute Gazette cf die 22nd l.nsi., says-:7-u Seturday afierucon Bey. James HIII, of Asbuïrý M. E. Clurci, vas summ ,oed t hole dealli. licO of ocuaflcf srolling.mil bhauds,, et alerigbouse' near the near'fixe nail.vorks.Beeching dis bouse, lMn- Hill1 fountheichk man-anffening. <rom t leo v oer sud fliix, anti soc» sav tua le patient vas net long <on Ibtis world. The Itixii .heanted -gentleman did-s-ll i. coult le pirituaîly confort the sicIt eue, vlxo prcyati te ho a Walai- mian namcti Thonas'Evana, of Pitte._ burg. Lest nigît lis breatue i s last, and tiose vie hali aatdndêdiiiin bis siekuesa, sud vie vere bis frieuds -n lealil, epeusci île trunI to0 beir sur- C n s e inding un ista labl s vidence eor le vealtx cf'île daceased, belag net leaus dieu 850,000, Ccusistiug cf batik acceunts, mniou o eneti1 on secunitie- of venions kinda, -anti farmin lauds. Evidenevas siaa founded liai b le'o the belief ltalie; las a vife iu Pilla- iurg, Penn;., frenorn ho li as" -.'1 sepanated fer sone hue, viotier bogel r net is yst e mysterY. -. j Tic lîistery of-lie life cf tue deceas- O e egoe ocf myster-y, lhe ing vonti an ample ccinpetsncy, anti a comme» day lbourer lu a busin ess that eau but ho very laliorîous. Ris bands vere lilack- and ierdened, sloievg bayonti a deulet tat buer ad long boen, ngeged inu lis Ivcalion. lHo coulti fot have been ions lien tity-ivs -years cf ae. AnCA3 WNs B.uNu<îuON MirxC.- Wasington, Oct. 28.--Telegraphjc adi- ices lave lies» received bers cf e raid )er the Mêxican- border a5<0v Onyl; age )y a gang ef Amenican inmarandera ir- ng abcîxg tle Rio Grande on tile Texan ide. The sole objeel ofhe raid seni. I tel.e plundor,,anti ien he Mexi. - munoflicers ahiem-pted le inipPde loir Irogresa, tle rufilans niurdered ths Icaide sud several Mexieque, s-nO han et irs and ccntpletely destreyeci ail he lieuses lu tue tevu. Durnngthex blde cnausd, ivo cf lie AlUxens - re kilsod. Stops have been haken by semltary euÏhOrfihis along heTexan îrOen te arreat heentins 'gang, in or- er tuai their laviesues. luey nI ge ipunisbod. TEEy IMPxEsRUL LicEismisG AOT.- mOdc», Oct. 28ti,-The , ean e Dquxini le drinking salcons in Liver_, cilte cloue at nmue c'ecicckou Suuxday nults,ý vas cenred for. he frai hne eetsy, anti gave ies b onideralle citemont ameug lie frquemitera e! us Places. CrovdS Cllectet in uval.- a8 Perlions of lie ciity anti vers ad- eaed by pensons, savoraI cf viecu mle -uxiden-tde influence lquor luin peaiticu tte &t. - _h. gaie'g aY liecame se n layla ieple %rea o!f tîe cjlldyen cf Lord and! Iý Dxxffeiu..q.,d Clanb.yo, Lady - [n Blackvoodi sud h. Hcncuriàbls, esc Temple Blach - arei x Pnîcaiaictxsa Qudlie, ou Montiy 1, »d ou direcilylto O .t hIb parente. - v o lé' I 1 ce]

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