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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Nov 1872, p. 3

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-. jj~ r1 i; ~Jmpan. a ffr ~prtik, at 80 eu. ~ipper~d Slmon<' ?Fwn ?ovn ~fcitor IV~A r~qu~,t.d to aiid Iii tIJTcat cnt CflmpIete~~. aei~es, I *nid. $n Black and Iladdieî, Heriings, CodLh, AUU~fl o: i~i*. lIcMiilanî with iîei u~knlI 'masbeij lido s puip, AT OUI O'OLoog nr ~ ~Umxooir, Groin ut BU cta Vrcp.re a b ~ t<>i. ~ pnrpouo eeve~h~ aU tIi, soit peu. or hor neok At BOPSOWS ~OTBL, la tii. T of J -~- ~ tloneoi~thoI~»,j,~ Boa! Mookerol, ke. ibr atnkauqp u~iie. bloodva.i~ froin E.M Ca 'rith psroela.yia~ R. H. IAKZSOZE Contai ring tii." o i lapd ~vit1.i ~. e rooî.hon~, lying upon Id. bsck, PABCEL Ko. i~ ol _________________________________________________ agon. soreCai viii P?0~Orty bulhadno VAlUT ~ dovn tp lb. spi»afcoinw~ ~ M~Loj Fa!hI maka, IL, A~e. tiieroon for slnarkut aile, for vith bis Ibroal cul ados. niambor ~ lii lb. Ontarlo -- ni ~ A and *Jarg. ~ I . .0 of #*$>00, vas read, OtJwi, marks of vîoîen<,,. ~ ,,~ ownsiiip ~ D~>eWoDWEDSE~ SCCOlIDIS Ueo. ~0 b. fowid, and on ~ ~ ita~, departtneutja 8UJ 1311 IflOIMI *CC(>UifS. iiia<lo 101 Bronton, vho va. no. :45, of ci foison, enqnjpy il vos asoeusinej~ tbatbohad ~J"' boarri MO5~5.Jak.man Ieft for paus nnkùo~n. j~e vu î~e.<j ~ABCZL Ko. -Tii put OC ________________________________________ aaso4ed wiê Ohoi iert, wIiiI@ b b P~torboro', viere ho vas arre~d north ol.tho ~ &Of~bO5. Levier~01 DfllÃŽ~~edLl~n ~ ~ mor~In1stoii w~~FRft4Oaoeoserectoaarearo OEtob<,r ~ ~87Z with great~4 ~nega engava et tue trial of tii. ateaan heM, it vas olicitod t1~î J3rea~ton ~ frame Ibouso, frime bu ,asiao4a~ui stable O P R soilcit an iflpectioî I v2VLs fre englue, $27:5O,-w~e presente(i SbOniravelJing aI a r4pidri40 (alnxos~ PÂRC~j~ Ko. 8.-Tbàî P~~t ci tho ,agd __ T uaa oeenpfra tbe attention ai bbc COIw rnnning>, .~ ianiei2.llnejlt, IWI r. McMîiIau maved ~ anyon* ~ ~ ~ P2~diicod ai ~. vv tbat _ T.i & ~./~J~LTi~vwv .11 for tva boni,. Mr. 1~iuig move<i lb. lbe appearance of every on * T Wlyment, o! ho aefonu±~, and, lu e ha nlt. a».~Bai~ailv:y.~ end ___ Il % -~ P.~. 1JA1!iKTT Pi, j% ~,.. ho emed 'îoa~ SE Uv lUi ~ 5 .L1.. i~fh5E 41*>' b. reforred ta tii. llusnco coin. murder, but Lb. people of tiien?~3~ mon or loua, oxL~ai~~'~ acrs> AT dioeg',issIo~ followed, Meurs. raweu~ hbat b, lu ±be ~ ~ IiIl~~ ~""' Lots vbj<~ ~, lit tl~ follawlng indue,, A prolonge~1 anl nnintereuung bounhood are nnanuxuousîy o! ~.on ~ *~"'a'îî»uery Goods, ian, aud Duo~rnu contepcU~ app.'tirs ta knav viiere fronton .~: ~: 05. 67 [~ew Cloglis and Tweeds, TO BUY ilimat tii, accounts shouid firut b. report. froni, ouily hbi4 h. talked a 170 t<, 181> ' Setoi9î 191 8,191 b El New , Sb an~ Drawers, cd upon praper oonhmixtse, anA ~l1ier about feueviJle amidi viei ~ ~reat clesI 3~1 e ansi 822 CusrvOas laid 1. 1N Dreas Gooda W l A HoLà. ' t0t127, I G NewflatsandBdnne~ NewRatsandeq,; nemu,~ arguiug tI~at t~e accouuî ai a great barrai. oitbe llubleus somevbet pm uc ~ which viii iii New Shawls and Jackets; N~w Hosiery,. Mr. Lavier vas for paid b>' diefipated, but lu luis couvorMliou bau Just receive4 at t] mane~ iueauU@sttb~oelftb.~be MERCHANT TAILORING AN]), New Flannels and BIankets~ -New Glove; mondons large hum, and Mv. flobpou'a vas y ardor a! alvaya avalded any refereut,. la hlm. ~ tho Mayar, sud could flot couu.quenuy self onu reiatiaas. Ho sayu lie is 51 Tii. upon tus pareeî~ tTd~Trc'çu-,. culasion ceilod b. belng ordiuary brougbî ocoouuts, a a ciosk tIi. b>' tii. dia. is ~ears iuvanableausver lu Ho ap. of ta ver>' lbe questions relent. ~ but.__bouses ebceJ~? Iota eoctad ~ (~.~rpq~ F1JRNIStIJNI-I ~~-* M ade to stock NEW PURS, deuci.i~~. Comprluinj Mayor ruliug tl'p motions ont ai oi.dor.~ put ta 1îim~ i' 'dou'~ kuaw,' end ~, oua. up Order on ~ Mr. LovIe>' Iluen presented bbc accounte tries ta Iead peopie ta beiisve bbat Le AIl tii. situatid about Divin ~ BLOCK, ~.'Otin.lng lu tIi. Olîspe tif a repart o! tIi. Si., end lu insan,* bu~ ail vho bave knawu ~ fr<>m pou oiad ~i.ar~ 'JOMILLANS BROOK ST WLJLI0j. r Kzngstou Boa4 ~ Lateat StvI.'s. ~ About Ibe fret <'f next n cd d.e counoil Juta camuntt.e ta wbieli Ti~xo~~ tathuVondoru~ onthuir SalIcItore, ou v~:tIi bbe rniing ai flic Mavar), auJ nia,. boL P"~asers are ta psy dovn at time . vnte~ ~ommittee, (lu brder ta oomply bu oono~der - bu more kuave Iliaui ~ A large ~ of ±~eauy~maae eî~Iinq Mi.. MeMillen purcha~ Whitby, Nov. l2th, 1872. 46 CLOTHING. finance couuznittee. Tlîe anueuciment Excellcncy tii, .Gaveruar.Ge~erai re* without intirest, tii balaux,,. tobesecnu,,J nient timat blue m&tter 1w roferreil ta bbc AUUTEALU,.....On Frida>' mai.ui~ Bis nuake up oui.tiufrd ai tii. purchase mono7 vas mut, on1lthe cr'1unî~il veut Juta eeivedti.îauo,~~.,~g teiegrnp1~j<, mess. bynort~<enpon tii. land, payabloina~ JXSOLVE~ ACT 0F 1059. aceonut. age, vas NEW TEAS AN]) GROCERIES doing. aftei. a lu-j, f cxpianaf ion 11mb Messus. am.~ Australien tue :-"T~Ie~pi bai>. ~~li~flj1orest aI 8 cent, pci. anummua psy dîl yearly. ~u paymnen$afth' eshre bbe bealth af lIme one-ghird, ~ e said In bite matter o! JOHN BAUNDERS 15 heiei7 given timet lie Midlauid Railva>' Jokérnan auJ Gilbert wei.e tii. gluesta bel bÂ31d. Aai f lie ai tue Carpêui.st'on, os they remainecrin lueeui au îe union o! tbe Empire." gage, lii. purciaser viii bi~ enlitie~J ~ an Insaîvent. "~ Ce lb. Lufiiolative Navember execufion ai tii said mort- Provhmce ai Outania, et uta towîm eeverai '~îm~ a ta inef-ruct flic tawui At tbo,..,,verner ai ~"eîaî~ Couviysncu -~ c'> b. icI buta pouseaiman. î, ~ ~ bave buen a lutad t, O for au oct exteudiuig the char. 8~gu~d b>' n.. £ i,,., .....' burt Wluiîb>', OUi, 1872. HAMILTON & - Co. P. 8,-Tliaue wlio are gl,,e. n-as pesucîl munnniuiomusly. itîr sage vas sent imi reply-: "Canada reci. iallowung <lieds oui>': De e b prodmuce lie ~ roi liii Compeny, entbarL,~ lie uSine engiuueeu~ ns la flic vai.ltlng of lira <'n. Col.4~... 11.10 ovîug teiegrapluic mes. The Veudons nmidertak Moreg~e Bonda, :xteudumg lie tlie ~ lime for lie ~ ai i.ailway, of sec Whîîby, Oct. 9, 1872. Ir.wIcr'e nec.omnt wss fI-t-n enbjceîed fa pracates ~ B Crudj~orse~ requestud ta SIe llieirclo~ni d C O P lE IL A N 1) ~ S a '1lsemîssion Mesm.s. Powell - JAMES HOLDEN, D. ~. BOULTON, an,1 I~frMfi1aiu eantrniYng limaI lime hase (Sigiued.) "Dupv~a»<*.' ~ d~dW1iîîney da -B LeystoP~mm~ for allier Plirposea. Australie'5 toast- liii Quecu Wiitney deed Fnauci,, one montb. Tilivi os, J Wr..- staled Ly tue agent ai --...-........ Frsuris B. Le3-s, dated j cunitue>' Assiguee. Presidunt. ira Gcai.gi Aux. ____________ -- thiran eandrniujnu flic accaunt lu fi.oui Fait Erie infaruis iii tbat lu Woodward sud ClmoI~ey Woodward - -________________ englnc ta lie wortbleps, 'tîmu latter gen- CJLINoS or GAUOE.....A teicgrnm e nu ~ B. Lo7s~>" 1051; mort. Wliîlîy, Nov. 18,1872. 2iu47 Pbrl Hope, Nov. 1,1872. 6iu46 51153 flînt lIme i.agcd COIDSI ut rang ~anp1lamrc. Be said tue malter spît. ai a learful suow stan vJ'iicjm domed 17 Seplember, 1861, ai vue-h tb~ O E S A L E. ~i'1>ATTti<-~~ Wî bave ~--' ~ iCW~, aitîr hase ail Summday, blua Grand Trunic porc-liseurs 'lUI be Ouli:led ta copies aI tueur F - &JiJj~Jjj<J~~ ialned J~5~ b'ing î'foted la Le warhiilas~ ~ jt liii. Imatwccn on-n expense, sud lie vendors viii flot bu Lot 24, souti liait, 7h lfî'a111' n'as, that ~îur. Iaiiei. ~ lise iuoou rcJucel po auJ Sarui o iunuui,,h an>' othun or fu'thei. evi. Dwqîliug baru, &c, abm~nt ~ Wijîb>'. Wsltzes lu Two Volumes, unIe. $4 usai i onde eaeh mu cloth. Tie tva vol T R E N G T H LT N A LT E R E D.) hourds. $5 slîould lIme foui. luit ciglit dcimce ai tille viateven Tii. saiS <lieds -qoni~es unies cOulauî over Forcy Beammtiinî Waltzes - 1,17 ut ai il far gaad sud ~ Woro ~urnff~ ~ pn"penty. ~ oi;::iceuî viii clee±ed. Situmaleda miii uortli ai Erpoicilu. iuÃ"~fï~i~Ã"~: lit produces 110 flaseau. Clear as crys.. g ,' Enghsl Imi.w, anti bLeu ask Pljicc raid !' caîîtiue~ulal "heulon on gond baîdlug A1i1uly ~ JOHN CAMPBELL duieler, ~ .~. LÂoney. are fond of il. Geili Rings. tîme reeve',, r:pid vark. Maeî~i.. ~ec 10 s reserved bid~xud b>' lie 471f Mn. Lavl~r rcpifeei fluaI ~ Brookliui. Si~iut-îs' WALTZES as il i5 lime ouly cI r ru vas as gaad os lime allier TanaînLsDI..~8101 AI' SEA.A tela. lu allier reunsrks Wnrc Ileitrime: tlîo I:ao lic pur. respect8 lie conditions of sale 5T1IAYED OU STOLEN. PETELIS, Mutie Puili ruaI sud couipletu edition. Addness J Ltor auJ if il was minI lia wauîmî ual grani ironu Lanla are Ihe st.,,dlu~, conditions ai 1h. Court ai - Wa>',Newyonk cher. ~99 3rmad: JAS. il. aEIIRIE & C0. ~-00----~ e, k 'ar lumîvuicul. Me sers. îl~y, Clark bilarine <licimimbe r n siates limaI s sad Clmemit-em->'. Seplember laut a emali RED COW* 8 ~ - urge OC ~J.I. re 'ai.ted fromu For furtier p'.rlicuîans ai aiFroun Brougliani, ou or about lie lOti 4 ,~4' arc simd conditions S. L omiel ].law alsu tank pont in liiq Jiscus.' Stralaund, vbero cigLI>' .mli LE ~ t y t.l lime Im.w odices ai Messes. yesrs aid, viti w ou sud ive>' HE ONLY EELL:B îm - Io,,., --- - Sp *,"~-',~-" " e. Jlt¶ nient ~ mî,<' ~ -~.-.. n-rack<-J "»-'smg ubie saiel sale aplîl ...~. eUt> ts i.ri. iloaluin & Sprugge, Vendan' Solicitor,, in hie face. An>' lie !'eilY 0E IJIL T-Guw>CCVEE~G ~ steleumeml ai lime rneuiuy paiel <lie sîînnîe~ au lIme weat s bore a îa non- Lcye &- IdeMuinci, h lofer- n-Laie Rer unI, Mn. LnwIe~i. Pl:awimug s î,îa I îîî Tou~ouîo ai K. JmI~ gale huit We,'uie.sela . Slralenud ~ Mes,~-,,~ Mae-leuinaîm Don-ne>. & En-art, sud motion os n-lu le, o en necover>' r ed ectadt.s. are the only Specta- n'en. Tîme r. paul n-mus possod lu conu. row strait wliicb seporates lie isiangi ai Uordamm, Eeq., Soliaitor, Wiiîby, sud ai the ren~srded b>' lie an-uer. ALL THI uniîîu-e, n-iitclm tiien arasa, ta linge-n frani tic mainland ai tIi, Po said AntiJoueur at Wkilîî>'. -; James JOHN BAlLET. AB des that 1'reserve....as well the sighû, and the Electrcj chenpest, because the bestalways lu Caiurmt'll, an maîiî:n fan adoption ai anlani Pranluca. mer. DateS lic 101h de>'af Nov Pickenî~ Nov. 20,1872. 3iu47 BOOTS & SI-IOES change being necessary. Sole agent for Wluiîby.- fl-e rrrart auJ psy niemut ai ilCl'ammu's, I. - êiiib.n, 1872. (WeeX-lp "-G lobe" please COpp OOCC.) hast 3fr. MaMillou fmi arîler t imat Ime nmîgimt asî AT SEÂ.-A Nanvegian aiuip îSigume<lî J. A. IOTD. maîîy years wiîhout TTALUAB7~E FARM FOR SALE. MUS.XKI)WL:NG Watches & ~l liane Imis uazna mupremmi. au nec - n-as n-recked lu lime Xai.th Ses dni.lng HOSKIN & SP1IAGGE, TO TH E LADIES. ('himneys orel as rat. hua gala ai lasI We sud, ssii Vendons' Solicitan, cancestion Seoll, - ners, niDtl.-i. Le reie~u~J hock ta lita camuiil. wued. ai tIi. cran- WL-ro Beiug part ni lot 29, 7th Clian deliers, Lum ps, Bruekets, Bur- t1'~ Fach carefully ex sme'cammn~'; maveel lImaI flic tIra Mm'. Lawicr'~~m<' edJa~l'annhio part ai la relata, ecu 1d47 Count>' ai Ontario-loe acres, 76 clesred Dean Ladies, I tlianu< yomu for kind iavors fîesh of Fresh tee viti, inslnncîiansja stnka amuI flic. CAR Wang,, DrSTOOYED.....A lire ~. ~ ~ ~ N G aud lu a goad stati ai cullivation Good past, &c. Coal Ou, 'se holesale and Retesil. performance gnaranteed j-rn> cii #P2 for lime' purcîmase ai lieuse'. cmmrr Satumn.lay lu flic car siiop ai E N .1 n-wimug ta tue on-nen, liied it a >'ear, viti Buicceai usyou hanse, sud exlensivu onhbuildiugg AuJ hopea coulinuance ai A supply Clear Strain- tîseni nia>' Iset; goofi nepaur. AppI>' £ have cd I iin<I it~~5 calleel Sa ~ ~ i sue, lotie>?, 3ii1'mmn erputeel <1maI uc n-î,nîed lIme yens I rail sud Prapî-m.fy vaiued ut about. anc R L'A'0~,iute peincipsl ai Chu Bn. Arn. on lie preuuises. b.. <3 'liv'sh>n n-ps ta~cc'n, n-lie-mm Mn. Mc. tise 'cimigan Ceutrai nmmilway at Di. -o--- SIMEON nFF1K~ A.ud lion- stand lu busineis as ire. se need J. .,., Jro~k.~ Whiîby, Angm ime'mecereled ta flic tub-uta Iîaak. eircîl dallons n-as Jesîrayî-j. ~ open" muem-~u.j ~juI1ege, OCtave Cii7, Lu 47 ~1mtllicrj Mn. Danaveun canlendeel tuaI lima---------~ ly sud Oiusw~, ta bi belel frai 7.8<1 ta 0.30, -_________ a Ctnmniercl Acsdamy mn Wiît. dais, ~ 14, 1872. aur mmlle.ntiou I'd iman- Leg ta cou OOD stock iii Famua>' Goada s,~ted <~ 1~fl»tby, Nov. Ohm, 1872. Course sanie 7<05 ond ruovs n'ira nat calleel for, muid - B I R T Il S . G- colie~es, SERVANT GIRL WANTED ~ 51: CBEMISTS & DRUGGISTS __________________ ta ail kiîîds ai business, un. - n-mIl Sud <hein selected umilu cane, n-bIh prudence an Ma~ a suie, ~sciooI ~ lu genenul AuJ tue l'ru(es so Ion- se n-iil niait, yon ail lrumnted t Le eutlie.n nwnilmei-s n-fIlm Iueing n-iîii lie T A N~ ~ rT.u .J;., T> r**I***N oeearmling lima mies ai flue cauuucil, FMRBANKS..Aî~,VîJItî,Y sans ai -.sll upcm, fram tic pmupil aI ta One liaI lits, iad experienes sysleniaîîc, sud ns id n-a>' oi vin Appi>' ,7 ou l'en nionîli. atare! ~ (Z~ _________ JO R N ce nid ruai lue rccar~lgd. Mn. McMillan 'la-v 11k!, iumst., flic n-mie ai Mn. L. Fo lic. nian of bumum~ess, n-ho ii-lehes se-quine ousu n-erk. Ws«es Witlu immunnels sud haIs, I arn auxiouis Nv'eV'I\.. ~ ~. g u ofroimi <r osîieineJ ai f udr veule in tise ai 5 saui. bmmsmness, Ina>' atteimd sneaî netit A ~1in47 MIlS'. LEOPOLD KINO. ess.nual<iug loa, sithougli sucli a Di 'mven, liaI lie course n-lui b. Aud~in'~ rrattei-, ta n-hidi Messie. Clark sîuîl . L'AILNES.A$ W'iîihby, ou tise 19th ~J'eJ~ eleaired. Tlinongimtiup~b. MUSIC... lu chigiois I liave theni, somu pneu>', sanie 0.t cahi the ~ attention of the ladies of ,, and i'curîven ne pîic-.î litaI if il n-anc ~ mnstaîmt, the n-lie ai Mn. James L'arnes, iic~ frit simd hb.rslity eut lie baard, CHE.t.l>rSTÀTIONERY & pîsmu, l~e~' o cneon;ul Whiîb~ * camisalot~cuu~ ta tua neeve la record-- lifs ais son. - ne~. Pazununs in - Aisel Vin onre Iliat n-nu cure your vieimîiîy ta udr -gu. anti varied - vote lu lima motter, ti~ay voulel lic Ima . M A Il ~ ~ E D. reacli ni iii, Pin-n attend, becanse you conie . ~ I-mn. îmm contact nith humuineas immun enS otten yon - AT JOHN POSTS mu, le> olion- Im Mn flan- simd J - BEATT~ - Oi ~rec~Uelto offices ai trust, 'n-lien ancha - Myuen-sîocic oi juwelny is oi lime latesî - - ~. MACLOUGALL u mecluguns atlemud, îuveutwn, ~mn asa ccmtbelenuned lime sel Ian ailîme lima l1kli ai Nov ruiLer, 1»' lIme lIen-. ~ îeaa,1jluteWv~>u5îîe; -"i-- sud Ifcev<', lime farumer s<aling fluaI sympa- ~, Hîin-mmrtl, ~ igence rulees yonn c.....,.g, "murv lie vos ual leglsialiuig ian lime gahi C. ai Ad qualifies yon un b.commg emplo ~ees; sales- 1' 'ITIAL NOTE PAPER & ENVEL.. To n-hidi I nhicular atten. ~., ~ c. m,~ sud clercs stteud, becamise is Ituavi. OPES inom 23 cents pen box- tinu; p-ami ai 11îp lavu, lunt ta si-an- viiot lic laide, ilmird dauglîter ai John Beatty, edge viii bu s n-eh uuveted capital, sud AnA ladies, soeocr.~ O F' TsLEILLIN -E~-Y - TERM 0F LEAS ta Mam'y non-, mimydean 70,1 n-ho i.ove tii Geatisemnon wima are- (Mc. M J 1usd Jouie, pud lime latter lin. Esq., M. D., ai Cabanng. qualli>' yan es flicel>' ta b. suc. Came bi ~ preaunta ironi- - nmc.rcnslv ncmanking limaI lIme coal ah cussini; menc s, pn ensionsu mua sud AT JOHN -POSI'M. Wlmiclu wiii b... faund ta cxciionyuiming silavu lu tan-n. Also ta acqautint cal ~ lia b>' lime lien-J. pom~t~ "1cu MUSIC~FROM 15 CENTS Wiith>', Nov. 6, 1872. fer ,i~0u~~0i;y lime council lu and.'r Ofl ~'~.EÂî Lauuoxviilo otimuns, give il cauntuuaimceauel sup. S ~ AT JOHN FOST's. REWARD i 1 t e r (3 i o t h. i n. g bbc C. Scmmrth, William G. Westby, ~ lii>' qnali. MUS. E. KN-JWLLNG. f The whole stock oi "-"'.1-i ,.. COST ai Lennarvifle, munit>' is buttai. lien au mueli moue>'. 2; î~~uys y, anti P.- Q. - .Sin~le course $8, exlund.d course $10, sun-un up lime .....ee, ai aumonut euigaged un quesîfan Tic onidudmant n-as last Montreal, la Nuilie That ouiy Jauglîten -yeou, ~ Mn. I.mivîer's h. W. Paige, sut Tii obov j riz~ Pli] ~ flan-, Cjank day, thc 1911, inst., aI lime nesideuce ai merehauduse> lundi ~ n-e iiuwler, Cmnn<-ran, ~- Meusmrs. h<EESOII....MILLEU...O Wedmi<is TElI'ms MUSICAL MONT1r1~y Whb~ tth luxai. ian m-mu e, J Douavimuu Il; umi>-mi~rowc mg iandsmuuiuu n-lU ime gin-eu b>' s b. they Ihe servic'es of Mr, Clements of London, motion n-ns carrucel - 3-cou, n - bao s nuulcd ta %onn - n-lth colle e moue>', aTionias JOCk4~ulivî.~l buta ~ t,~.>' >' neîy on geutmug a syPrehiensman sud kîîgland. MaMI Ian, 2. -11 sud liii> bride's faîluen, G. Milier Es q., ~- . A ~ I*muk iurm~us ai oU i~ on Il Il iii ,4 I ou tii nigit 0f ~î Gao - ~o pid tram lutely aI Turonta, Ion the bette-r CX~Cuîlomî ah' Cmltling. Drcss Gooda of every kirri iy n-hale sale aI 62. ~E kiuds allait semmsan's coul,. Sti oh.. ninsie- Tie io On-mng bas description0 foot Fanru, lu>' lIme llevc. J. ,A. Il. Dick. board ai examuxuens, 10 diligent slndenîs et 85 yesrs ai ~O1~IcR ay tioîinie, son, Caugrogatuauu~ Minisîci., Mn. Dan-- tliu cuiS ai Ihu course. Iloord is Ion- hune, AT JOHN i'OST'ie lIe mss native ai Irelanel - aba f Jackson:- tic colulideuîly and Peacoalu nuden Mr.Danonaîî a partlomi ai as eve,.>'. e>'es sumuicen, nigil eyulid - iain, ligimt GOOD FI 2 7, emnul aIne-nil lime same. I~~<~2îîiic started an ardu. Tua lisp. - tichool attend lie Higi Whitî>~ Nov. 19 1872. 47 n-u, n-iCi huevy buerd anS niouat,~ie. - - gsi-c nalice limaI ime id Boisai., MIss Jane Milisi., >'oung inen could came - age; iei~lit, ô ted 8 ucîusuî T'TI N G, VVELL MADE ARTICLE, coat pi-lac. lista ami 0aps et .ind (flaves et coul price. Fanc ne-poli by.ian- tliiugvllbe cli day, ta as.ist ~ ~o~m me>' vest, mon-n - n-il1 bu gin-en es ver>' plain - sud ane iouir Ç A U T I O N i n-as uieessed s black on dank.bnovn coat' AT A REASO>I AIlLE PRICE. in-nmiuiiutîîu nex: umaehing inînoîluce ~ ail ai Markliam.taN0 c route la Scot- ing. Noue ueut~i'~ sud unlieuvun. arums, Irousers, viti d~-k1stnipe~ stock of staple and fancy Dry Goods is tuuly assorted [E7~' ~ Ai' sud Sean ou tue sud Seanfa aI coat. Siovîs amui McGuire, tliose iuho nia>' ueed ena ion don-n tue imen- gaiter The 'flic Coumcil thon aeljaurued. EDMUNDS - VARDEN - At lIme circulan-lnMr ~~11~~or desire it liaslelud. T H E WAL lEver-v <muscler, n-ho llaopmm atcast puce. Corsets ai -~,.* ~. - nesidenca ai Euialia Turner, an lime Olsî ly couuleumted ta osaîsî- xn teaehlng certain £ QUEBECRUBBER COMPAunT snbjecî-u, an appl>' la lie Poat Ofilce Came ONTARIO FARMERS' Ml/TUA UER COULTH~D, Geolur. lu ail departments. TEauiîmlmal SorlMa.-TIic . Amualmaul Eulmuuds Esq, Maryi>ora ta lie Muclimenmcs' Insîbînte tu i e r liaI, on C W ~ iollowiug Oct.,by tua lien. * Tîmazuas n-iiî be fully ~ ' TEE Itention Oj hitby, 'JCI,. 3O~ u.>s~, s au~ amalugat 11mb man~' 4msu.ron-mng ta Haunalu Vanmien, n-iilecn- ailLe laIe Tueaduy next, a p-ni., n-imentîecou~ INSUIIANCB COMPANY - fleg b eau the i _________________________ ~ simd a A lenrIlmI. s~euc took place ah tue meut midi fana - 10 n-ici. cumInenc~ 51111 continnus ta maure tan buildings oud îLe-un imen- s±>'Ie ecues n-iîue-ssJ aI Iii,. Bost~ei lino :- Tlmanujus W. Vanden, ai Pickening. ibnl Pimrt sud il~ ~>' ~. ~ IJOOT-.-o gre inipron-enie11î <bing ave>' ______________ ai PATENT CL furnislmiug store ai Hciîma~u, au Waîli. WHITBy AEAI!KE7'.~. - - - -- L Lan-ga tan a-hi aIl auno Whitby, October 23, 1872. Canada, su>' allier Former,,' Mutuel in Suce ironi id style 0f mgtoa sîrt'et, n-liera lIme 'n-ails hîsmi beau Directmn are a sufficieut guaneulee b F A SH I ~., a-,-, s., s... s... , ~ ,s... v 1?I N G Tii vualîli sud ruspectabluit,, oi Itrapa sud hue es. For soie b>' rmmppeil ici Jemailly cuibrace b>' lIme CursasucLu Ornes, Nov. iOliu 1872. 311145 Boa. & Sieas Dzaaxss ox>eis~~~n-. I> A/A P I t' T~ A Il 1> flaumes simd iuad l>acturmme veiik auJ t<~î Fail ~Vheat...$1 2Û~g $1l-ring tlinouglm tua intuzîsa hast. A; ~pniuug ~iat...~ ~ $1 20 M tue iusuuug public ton ils nuliebilit>' Sud An Imm< buried lu lime sliouil<l<rns amaug lime Pus..... tl(>c lI 87e lengîli tucy îeîî mmii îîmn -t, mon vere Banle>' .., LIT ANDREW'S Jouie Sxrre. ..Es .t Wiltu,>'. Ilit>' sere,, viti eamio~bie Wonled, s smaii terni, coutsinmg about 'b svy ai ~ ~....liSe ~ 67c - DIRECT O R s FANM WANTED. sud stono. Oats....tIOcgOtc ...........e J. A. E W O I NTLEM Tirti terrible agor>~r ai thueir Ha>'....615 ~ 18 Gsoi.oz Hmcsueasorrrax Piekermg: Addhesî, GE E?~'S ~ÂuÂS,.>IÂÂÂ~U GOODS, AN]) GL J. E. Gouras...Cxbnidgu. Wiitb>'. ~JIRNJgurlv- ~, Patataes....25e ~ 0F WBITI3Y & PICKETUNG. Grosos McGmazjv~v.WhîIlmy. Wiihby, <'c-talion 2ud, 1872. icred llIiu-mI f Le social iiugiiîudun-lmlclm~~e~ hOn-on; iuut ut fmnst Appleu~, pin bannul.$ 2 - A ~ - Jouie Hàuoorr...Pkkmniiug. ~-- -.----~ - adnauccd 15c &20c sud n-lui Aiild Seotia~s Sans Jouis Dan-ar. . ..Cien k e T R A y E D. ilueir suceur. Aflî-u.~ nio~ueuls t~r..........gallieniug ai AT JOHN F'ERGUSON'S, Daugiteni," lie held lu lie L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., JOHN WILLI'l M -.. t "'~ bn-eu r fume-e emidlu Suereta~. Vicep~,~~1 ~ prenii~ ai tii un. eroli:ri .- cnaumsad tht, utnoet la Cheuse. . ..14 e (J 18e MECHANIC8 WHITBY, J. B. B -nn- ~ bu lime mouChai Aima-ual, a Lange ~ 1.0 r ~ u There cornu into lie Y~ ~< n-lie-ne ~ Pomtlumui aI tua n-ail n-as utîfli......$fiuJ $8 - HALL1 DO Beui, lîlmiel quarte. ICKELL, '~' Thu ovuen cou leki lien ove>' ~ awrn-~.'-- ~ YYY Pruaident. b>' e auxul simnfi-kiug ion lueip, Panlcpen en-t.. 5 ao@os ~ FR10 A y, NOV ~9uh. 1872. ~, B....NOIn-ltbstandiug stjite- WM RERU ont nummmuugîag Wue speit wlme-ne- tua victime fluai, fora quarter.$ 5 ~ $8 Uudunlieaus~ceaaiSî.An~,n-,1~~>',<,11 D prupci-~y sud paying expen~. uu±~IjA~ vvuîiujy~ N~D~5~ au-I Imfemi b>' lime ulmimsmî ex nîlon ai Chicicins. .. a (Jtacperpair. m.mmts ai autel Hoilida>r contrer>', - Lot 21, con. OtiîWliilby effp~~~utîî0 ~ ta ~ - Tie enuuiug's eux - sud eousisî bu la, no laugin su agent ot liii,, Campan>'. Wiiîby, Nov. 6, îe7-~ - 8iu45 r - - er lut>.Se lentaium~5î,<,.aeJI greuten timein suifer- ~ Novumben As tîme Lnicks simd Joins ~ Cool, pur ton..$7 ~ OS - MîIlîu. n--.. ~. r~. l~? So.ebety, A. ________________________________ , sq87. 4 r iedn geou USoeme ueendmodat r rTE1IS h od i. ud S lni co oed Shi ts a2ilnd rw rs urtle ci;au-n a nr " un itq,< e s O S VE T E UÉ . 7i f0 . n-bfUWsimon lt, W LIA M MA o Furni O k, allofthewal, nstte ae smpy wthoncenswseioGnMMlime GE .BvalBRCKiTRET,>Y'B Ne . mtril o OERrUSOt, Kyaulq Iom sdvii n-ei\ia i wl g Ea h aislablledan . n-h Peidieneu Lais 10 t. mdtU GH lb b ai.-mk ~irooMin, ont Let. 825 hi liei & G This s ancnes ryleich eversude lie balrancee a himan vseurer NWOI1G E. a5d - -hPh"1a s, g tartson hs iorne, an a lttleholdauide No ere biaany d ucoloGrhea yse saelmdhu obleeessiodmucanintsnhovn6g87GLOAdB s a i te r G o os. h r". ,& Q.R .'rning lulm -a'uahsn f eia opto and utigti~ fe p opni b ---- . BnStamT at size equalmiite ano l f orhiby Auust 8ti 172 i tbyi5~-W iby u e19 8 2 p en t o n ,a s t a h i e v e d J a s p d a y , b t e l y e s s e t a o e M n . hbof B o n W a t e ud sh u g h. s e r a n & , i ch p C o une w a r t r , F A "M A S S O N - rumc eai elsunnl geth yrniedoi hudslthu nl Nuieu .1th JAMESarTOWf LL P S HGE R G SIE SB M S R n-hiigo R uew ihrnsd. s sth euto e -hn ie a v us GO---AV.....- -0- ...- -O P P O S iT E yleiuit i lcd vie s uamn na- a WOOz bus"- Svie - R C nTET doid AM E Jt-M U R k GetH Y ° "" °=citater .s Ca- r a adt ertri n ar i al i Escl a b.le bJ 2 NiirooklElu, lStu Sept.,n 187c5. ra ea y stc o w .. 1 8 7 2."oi ° r - g -a O A"L" # O A L f Li tS M' e t .g s e e a p e d i ¡., r O o d , e n r e H o n - l a k a o W e . Cn e o Hm-ae n . d a d i i n o. n , G e n rlt S e sio. w9, b o d n n a t L m n - b u "c" " u- l e n a Wla i t b y O e p e- , 8 2 a e I C Y ,F A N L ___osfheboyasitbulduhec__t._hecont__ntri._nh coDrîmemudutPn rohs.o * . .B AKES . Whihih tbittd. au nld bavurdailyfood, yBsdun-enodaneforepEidkr"uNl° d, oud-u---- UNDERCLOTHINGu'uTWEEDS, ' ubDOE NINu.ie*AUndiimprof ors en e ner.m a ie sle e an-pie : insCei e--uI>a',nerare Wa.,tohhil' b.:- ni s M tu e na e lents amoxbis lauw re>', suds ca, °n T id GuAdehoice Selection Ocotheebeiou eon-,H A NDai B laid ilaIsu'cse mvcmci rabl, D -W HBns Ean 8 CO Elxi FO AB WN s luvstdlsnP ly a i °foln.- Ae, iT g a, Bne Gr enesWeeîb>r'. AcocN D Y, theQ1thZn 0DX ce a~ r 9 whole sokhsbe 3aead w Ifrblnd goa and chesp. ~J oclce der.p1t~ s YOTJ R TIMJ YOUR FALL AND -WINTR ahnd .Shoes- le omnio at sand Shòe S re tre G TO OEA- o red e. hk p u n m m o th s ck ek o 'argains whl ou have the chance orsc • R. B:- B. KEELER. indebted will pieuse setle immediately. MIITI'S HLL EAP ALND RELIA.8 E GOOD& iColored -Gold -Sets and ~N GOLD) S E TS. SLATEST STYLES. -Plated Goods! OCks of the best Makers,. amneul, proved, and timed, and their .JA MES .JOHI NSTON, Practical Watch and Clock Maker îSt 21, 1872.-4 E NEARLY EXPIRED. r Dry GOôas are bein node [CE AND) UINDER. d much belOW cOs. Flannels of aill L rr etbeiow làsiasos.« yt Wooeets and lPants at cust- Homiier-y . WoIe odaet os priceYraa hospie. Tweeds ai comst pr- N cai pra..<u UneSkirts and ticle at Cost Prnce. JOIN SKJTNNE R ense Stockof R O OK ER Y A SS WAJ1-E. or BOttled }ie. - - Famly Grocer, .tc. ET, WHITBY, 'N T A RO B A NK ba60lee iiilenh. th ltotiproveetand ~ iourÈ,fos ltaai.ta n v. aE rtl ~xd E8N &

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