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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Nov 1872, p. 4

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îWù li am~e up-tothons h êliyPeifrmwn=es. 40 [mpored 4U4 flome.bred tçhort. icfmao's 8batids,ther . miCtSe I s.esto bave Such alIdé10Ipre ndjaebe oi bos H00ow rta aa -o suqa ols the~ 1fople, p vng voie atNSP moo 113(1 orrows J Ho, wt'th lGunt u Hm«rdDr lms, tiiy mpeok to eack mhé-e l'.g". )wxn Ancl'ow;Abi-1 împred 27o.ya< cd Dribugý LUIrft $10hor "ths mr.o tanceRU,-A.sm of inphwih_ ~ , The subseriber takà hsuiaso ~n¶ utmo forinitig bis custoiners uand the-pulié. , Àat the leage-'of hi. Brtisb, teck Ch ~lton, ppr ee e etolwdfreh Present prensies .bing about to expires andI the- propert> fTuaàW in" tUb4t ,ffine' re4~ç bu e h s~îe~ hi lu~ lid.GT R.ý, the nightefr and the a tio Aeing où to £0111,e,'funda himself o ele et aublanging the bous, sent ehe ase.to, convey parties to the sale. cmctdtrtr London; . wlere they were S5ý c ý nton from business altogether.. LHe lierefure ofiers ýho .Tc"* wsrft mn eft . tlRe,-. 1 1 . 111. ýr xnany voears.1 At lmut Pickertig, Oct. 19.1872. 4 a t Mihe' oe ved a j-:Ã" Sale the, Whole of b8 Large Stock of GQÃ"ds. ren inpromio tobring I4~fO( ... .~ And as the premses -MUSt egv u m ledin'th. by Christmas, the ,wbole, stok& *l be 'disposed of The "n'exefator &mu in thèe*antime' -n. Bmemberth OlStand. JOHEN STON'S SELFRKI GREAPEIR AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE -I At the Provincial -Ezhibitio!n, Toronto, in 1870. neyer ma& i msseY noilut ho S fwu 'îc 9tint MacineM àwetuImivr been imBe 1W MSb au $b.ébelafgumt esoil ~iof - ~AT AN D uJNDER CO ST I teatsa ft publie joy dsoýwutetYW a The stock bei*n oW complete and T yan c urfow whteb ruiet! every- C=0Teuiem u b.,yu!y'e meixsts. If won intetsded . . wUseètead aig en ucasdrTe u &ni heai fi) w1a the icnegrees home -antnine O g . ..i is !inethe ha o'cloc'k in wiuîer; ten'in sumurer; B F R r O4P E-E T S I O D nulle scapMhn e, aftr hât hur he mihtnef go fate fi tets wltlisut a writfou pâse. YB F R 11 LISN l~~ Nuv~ or ucs dl T110 oimble negreoften eludeê!the CAYUG} b tie gvn P.wsil to the guard! initif>buit k 1h. esput f&wev URCHASERS WILL FINI)!T 'Re were awarde urlireL te ruloe, cf iicir ewu accord;ma xhbto. edi aI wi.r~&* "ïe i i liosn-lfnctured ln the P Tt: ~ et O H E I E ADVANTAGIE ulchleg ivt makosisx axenaie e tse mw amint T EXA INETH~5Y~for descriptive cattle, strolLore 'lutter heuirs," as it wu» oeil-OEAIE.à S2& Pulcýt ihereby given that Lyncdels *t ld o ottiekth .rcl Creek liai been striclly preserved!,. ind tisaI It wôult! oct suit thia'iktcix SU recail fosn4 tresassgo h ae the sseeuries cf tIhe t!ky whéu the se go sko is1er iîî b -srce- T.L e C nldn uc w se8w e Uftitesi States flssg, lewered frein Fort cnedwth the utmout rigur ofthe taie ojr C ncuigP rh8e le lee suinter, was breuglît up toe .City; ]y order. -, ý ý, ýirý amuui a bush 7on. geueral, one miglit J. W. R born have tlsotgitti r ep eoefd hem . lipetroli Fsfhcrscs.L tid hthat alm s of tlitar rash to~t, I seBme ene ordered, làhtby, dct. 9, 1872. 41 ."" bone i illu lhe bolle te ring àtad cdanger, andi - e sold with sîsout ocf exultation tlîey t!rewn. edthe l.vole. thabrolll wained fliem te forbear. r mo laloo, . hin! fier tdefouusem cf saut!, reasiltail; ý7js, f o re C il i st m a s, tise efforts te carry lier, Duriu lteI flit hîirlro4 (540),9 t!ayo cf -bostarsi. nsul, ltlsc alewrr p art oItes and CONSIQUENTLY TITE SUBSCIIIBERIS 1Ã"OILIGED To MAKE Clishirs, wor.,iesfere, flice cannon fal ore iip tise vvry grave.ysrls, and A C IF C E Ihli anes of tlisendlsaciwro ooatterosl. L f~IU1t Yet tisaspifre of 81. lfit4lmcl' ws Linu- UUIL E S C RI IC E toucliet. Perfiapa ths~e nnuesers, W tieiltu l paru fit; pCîrIapi gosi auels F0Pl guardedt lif. 1311t, wbst rnilîer thse To the necessitie3 of bis position, malice of tise enesuy nec tiese pireocf f foiLtune, dia!, tise Poo le tlsenselresa gofctet.d. Ferlteheloiswere lakeon iu%4Adwu seent. tu Columbi4,, te.oe, s __________________t iste Caison. -Qeneral Jieaurogard, pgrisaposscoet! the deeeratin, T IE ISOLATED IlISit preieuncus! Ilim unfil (for Ithe P# T;. I andte liaVU, wliielis heapet! inp il tCol. tire Insuranbe Cd'r ofoàà'0 unibia fer safe.keeping everytlig cf'J vlup in ltse 51mb, tiser, t!etained fisc belle alto. Tiss *e rn sr.- tue.Cst<horn ~ cf V _A ,8 " ft!is, et oA ark ùflalifr uknsol. ps ,~iTHE STOCK NOW CONSISTS. OF usgslîsuî.A~ssry c lîslftlrssseneel . 1 ed withî Goverilen,$67 000 wure stoco tes! ly a egre vios offeres1 It wil adjoît l l i les itiîout delssy uund te glicie tbouts Is.bôus whic4I; ad. russg * ay ovQextlsetanisÂT ONCE, lu s ai plasy tisaIt tue agaittV' mndt! bsy jolhN MAUGITAN, Jsi. 1rsdit swiledt îlscm lto iabundrod pleces. 1 Msssugr. Sudat!h ie refurn u lict deaolilfet W. A. LAWV, AM'eut, Whstbly. SIAB E TO TH SE SN lieuses, mid tise meeting lu the. (ùmb W1b,~ôur917.S IA L H ESN N elstircbi, t hiihclisne qiracle uîigbî neir8,2 * frno~r le ?ie e~ Isecbme tby FA M IL Y GROCERIES A ND HA RD WAnRE But ~ itey wete inuof pluck sf111; mand as secu ai; tbuy Iat! sbikon tem. 5> seivu's up amut! Providet! for lise firai'Tsil R .D -'-Hewoî fe prean ig eedsg,'tll'y resoivet! te fax T's. CA Rtf/A GESoffe CA flîuxaive te1h.utuesîte el noe f, h.9îtoek unt a cretit sacrifice anîd he is' confident that uo Seisrcely IsmdtheIii.rector brqad, nuue- exàfiitkâ iôp cfthe same, they will fixd it advantageous to 0 E te;. vCtYçan~sd Coigrogmieu wore amli 'OFwih VrERe very 1,0cr, 'but flicy wrof e tu C. i. si hlievswt ucael Priolpu-mu fLotsicui, toenoquire -tie BUGGIES& cool tf a lâliaî tl, Titis siemati bat!iiIUY~o livet!s bolong i Eugien& as te have IIITB Nf luecome ullstaila Englislusu, wili -- ce --- afsnguîwie ansi buff .hant!ouue reuclecetion cf tise deuom'ol eces tisaI Jai 'calied hhm in clîilullset, mat! lie - undertockf-hhs.k .jtOhYI L EI ST O V tisaI lrotighst abolt it.eMcos urprsstug elton cf wliere tise ýbejli sès flus Buit Mr. Prssileu usosreeul1ise irectos'r .us'.Ar$ il i~e, ir Ccii Cl>e for thes oldeol foiundes o f tise hiyasl :&:,vuaru y will also fin.d t t h Ir a-Ansrn' e elleW1 atO lLi'd xaiieiîs.T(VES. iisFi-si a fiq Api1 l il:eli -+ 4A4'L'ýoted Cheiap lieui Ilirce biuudsret! yeas, lefudti Se u pEri. i10 R YS T EItS. -WyI41 l A7 E~ recordlcf flisc belle Cast a4St. lsichael'o8S S:TiQ.CK 0 F -lA' LL.tA .B 7 ..LB' . Cisurci, Cîsarlesto ,S. jC., iiif;759.- Tise lrvpbrfioqa pf~h iuIl s!size TAY O ' ' Ë S T D R cf Ils.bbole, wes'e ail enîcret! lu tie AYL' R bocks;-,ad tlire present Meures eugag. It wns hougclît before thc risc, and will béi-postielDIRE a edt l huocut a new set whiuh,- wîen .FREtSII E KElY DA Y 1-'and under cost.AIaoesokf lsoîsig siseuis nxakq Charle8îopsans A aes'. lotehsusf 1 the!nsel hink oy hengtlt! r A Ta 'farisr(c.&. wu# ~~f~~ A SAVING 0F ONE HUNDRED PER CENT JW150- Ttr. baik t avei' ail tha fragments thal Wiiitby, Sept. 2i3, 1&72. B89iaAvlsVt culsi be feut! scont eut, amut is uwms _____ _____ ellses nil ok e it> lnoter mcarvxMiç eg refoieeeft'ccted, betiw eil %çst then uuid profit now. ('suadla liit-. Ilst six, whin isai! been spprejstie iunuor lte ei atclmide ves'> foremlàu,-wlis,, more Ibm» ahou. Th .els 9 aeu'dr-ti, mou! yar wle, , M~(t as ltIThe c ln al n er hsnotice We desire toi es'oity, ileves reut! tliih. bs'ougflstteM il1con1men*ccthe is t e . iduclù r Mancn in the 12an y gaOCtO&)Ma o1873. Wheh he has fitû te reitderç t lkth utÈ nthe TraP yGiarr1otfi. rd e a. .-ccapnwsmdiur~"1 Trin Gln euls *1 irsl. ail.. * * IYEýC)JSf. WW qtired dijiientions. '. s Peme "x)09op am., 9il ý0p.m, ~4 ~~ithat JeestMsg lim O 628 oui' 2 8.. rrs'ytepr,)'0 't'- OLO.I Pictures ex] ut te k o çn u, tj4er, hu crdm. DI -- BA1{LEY.-As soon as the Barley AN fQi~ ~9 WbYo~sctle.4'sxs'.)~ ~ s~soi~Cttflm4aictsîe sut, acrlser will.be prepared te jpur- luiie 5Platferm Stations, TrzinsiscpOP!b s hâse tlkirids of' gr'ains is- usu'tL d it nidyi . - Gs ~ V U U I fl Ol .ll custoiners l'or the coming Hiarvcsot, two dis- wbich in -a Is and, ,construction, .enibrace ad m'ost useful improvements of the. day. M 6 "RING, 0PREAPERS." cess of this Machine, bothI in closel>' contest. endei cf thefïarmefri, warntu. lui îmying thsit, osa Self Rak- * h hua more gond peintitshit!s defect. ond 'Usm'et witi. failure, than heretofore oflered te the public. AJUNIOR ed the Z-Firitt Prize and Diploma, at fixe Prcvin in Toroto, 1870.in ci mpetition wigh a&l the' lending Machine, Province ; and-wit or recent im;ivove ment$. we unheaoit %igatico and cornpttri>on wih competirg Mocisinco, se or. veitigotinn will convint'e evçry 'îniorjudireil nuis-d, hot w. tn the Former for 1872, built in the Domtnion. £WSeti >gues. ]BROWN & ]PATTERSON. .\TEW GOODS $NEW GOODS ! i AT HcMILLAN c Co.'S ,& The subscrilbers beg te inufornmaIluir éutomers mnt h. public generally liaI tey are now recei-çiug thelr fail ant! winter importation@, whicha will coms. prie tle inoat extensive msseerfnent lu lis market, mot! ehicli wifllube effes'ed st price. tefyixig houourabie competi. T. H. McMILLAN &Ce. UcMillan'o Bleck, Brock t S., Septesober 17, 1872. 88 £8E ô AND' CUTTERS ) 'DONOVAN'S. LENDIDLY FIN1191EED BUGGIES, AND CUTTERS,1 YSUPERIOR IVORKMA.NSIP. SCEIGHS. REPAIRS AS. USUAL. !2nd,17. ES STOV ES!!l ehrsîted Cooking. Prl.our. anid T-uting, for esîs ds-sirttîun of pttrssha.ing L--« FIRST- CLAS.s St Ciao. Furnittîre, ësiud t! OtJil te pui-t-buse antUth- ýCT FROM IIATCHI & BIZOTIIER- ENGLAND, Double imd Single Buirrel, Shot G uns, Pow-' ks, aise a large stock-of Culle'>, EstuWt,#nd Ilavy sof Iron, latrge sitoek of Refiviedforâe Shoe s-s Ie- Aplis l'airot's. itarea like a, parn. ii)>' lyned Y.10f) boxtes tt îîlilités. "41emSabridge." 30-,bexeti tbrasnds for sale. Ail gooda 'am' heritofore gimaran- return tlmrîks to our Ivurerous .p troc~s for y isdd otir Ytock and îsriec"' iraintent! te) ho fsii up to your s'eqssis'esouu-nls, andi confidence la the Nuîed IIATCII & BRO. iStît, 1872. la xw7 GRAP~H GALLEURY.l )SITE, ON TA RIO BANK,. ~that. he,,hias buit oýnthe above preunises,, ~ Giley, 1~feet iI en4gth, id up willî ail thé lultf'st impr-oveme-nîs, àncl pparatua fer' taking pitu reg, roni ife-lizss to n>'ris diarged & accurately copied., )SOM1E FRAMýES AND CASES. 9'c1ock, ii, ni. to 6, p.m, No business doDe The- undersigned bas a large Ladies', Gents', a-id Children's Fine and Coarse E?'_rBoots -and- Shoes made to Overshces 'ined warmn anid comfortable.1 t4 Repairing neatly done..- Cail at the old Stand. WotSiL.torBrc stIrNet, 'iiy gay 22, 1872. ia RLut Cimres FURINITURE.! FURNI1TURE.à( AT THE SIGN 0F TIIE eeedi *GREAT 1IOCKRING CHIAIR! - lieve ,t:pFurniture Selling -at Old Jrices for Cm 30 days longer;~ Notwithstanding the rise, mi material aînd labor, the undersigued u.ffers his-stock, ai the OId, Pricâ for 30 days longer. ie Now is the titne to embrace the opportunity of'selectir>g teol from the largest stock in lte Cont.ty. of sigleboarilg, bijresîts, centre tables,.sofas-, at th ehairs, bedroom sets, &c., and all of the best qtsality and manufacture. 1 tities JAMS IH.-SAXO. 80. S The oniv first chuss establishmnent in the County, wber e Fn. neralit are. llIy supplied. S MOK EýRS 'I FOR A GOOD SMORE USE THE MYATLE NAVY.' Se Y. & B. on Each Plug., Price soLow thatAlCan Useit, September 17. 1872. 3m-38 An Immense Stock of N E W CROCQKEý'R-Y AND. ,GLA.SSWAREt. XX &XXX AILE in otte.m Dws ýSpr BottIld Ak riIl A*NC, WVhitby, June 19,11872. Fâniily (hrocerf.r.ý. NEW MSI. TOE BROCK STBEET, WHI-TBY, :Wlere will be found Sheet Music, and Music-books of ai *kinds, Mu~sicaîl 1lssstrumensof every description, includ- ing Vilr eiîg n ý'ws of the bçst quauity; le k Ettionery, SciiouulBooks, k&c, Beastifuil- 3Muus'ettl.tand Litcrssry WVo,-ks, Sui- table fôr Presents, constait- ]y on hsund. A C[IlOlCE'ANP V/MUlHD .ASSOIlTENiT. dors for MUtîsuc aniýlBooks e&pfully WhsLbY May 29, -f872. Carri4e J8 ugaJoe Po vers supplied. filcd.-l JOHN doac Bd. 2-2., anc 34g., per cezèn ccxi 9or pots of Oiutsneft, net, 'vtf mIiun, fer wMich rcrnittaxice muis n badvane te nurf I hveth enertee,ei - THOMAS ]HOLLOWAY. 55,Oxfort! Street flite 244, Streit!), Lonx, W. C., October 1, 1671. MPORTANT TO PABTIEs usiNG 3.fl TOCK'S EXTRA -MACHINE QIL. TissOU11excels al other 0S, boihamaiu sud vegetable, anid we are prepared te show the superioiity ofethIis 01 te ail ether., il stands thse tests neceusa7 te procure a liraI. closa article, ii a ado te oeltiser ilgistor lieavy nuaciiesM' from a elock or sewts.g miachine te the beaviest of sisafts. Thse fol iewing are thse poIitslnwbihists exceiaother Ois:- IT W]LLZurOT GU3M, bexie machin- er> con be Isept cla witb but Iiitle tucul le, CId il will dosa nuot-iier> tisat bas lheu ordygunîniet!b>' ther Ouas. Il e-i! mot cnelor titeken ithse celdeat cf roeilcr. Tiar ailit of tie isighst xyortance, fren tise can 011 net isavinig tis qualiey e-il! net miite a'cold saft, s ncbouCil nia> b. ajipliet!li a ýbemted Blte, but tise momeënt if touchses a colt! sboift il la congeol. ed sud e-Ailnet _ubricote uitil tise journal b>' fiction acqnirea the tempermfture neccea. samsy te reduéeil toa lquid atante li acquis'. ing: a iigier texiperaînre lu> lihen, tise journal expoxdis adtise box is-ixijred.ieà6a au u le ale ue uiel 'tbat Wllcill on a celd Ebotaflt'iutilst iIsremas it is ate min- Él? ell-itisets. J. B. Stocka 011 e-tiilu- Au s 5the juatisaur e-onllsless things are pui in ordes' te prove thot t] and te secnre ourselves lions et ssnscrusplouga ci e-he= mjInot besitiste te of ai] eh relinerie. o-s lui Stock's Extra Macinet Chose e-lieare interease tise.statements, te rend ftion, lu>'aor otserv li axiy e-y, a saxn1'e cift speak for stsehf. Anade a tee sfimple test a& efeè' enabling ilium to cdetenui tise OU1fore-arhet!lias tr' AiU parties desiings'n i. 4e te cemmunuicate-lth J.1 Sole Agent Brougam, arch151h,1 TESTiMob Tiz bsE- HA"ts.M' J- B. STCK, Esq.,Bn5ueî W. bave heeinfg =von] for tise ]?A"Jour lnoh, ont bhetauton t iIin thI evem uset!., it lasso ehea thai-nxyoties' il. W. r 14 fiel ira» plaines', 7 doy Il keope thse luxIs c-ena noet ni ytihsg lèltirs' WV. M. WILCO, LICENSED A FOR'TRE E OOTJ op0 Townsbip of Maiposa Ox Ira li Tet lor ;Stre teisel Tom bte tuema AilOr P03T SAMU-E PRACTItC&L Ci ~~DINDAS in-returning tl mmmmmmwdÉý We offer, to Our, MOWER GERME s 1- «

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