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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Dec 1872, p. 4

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In Ta hlgaâm l&,bt@-oi me pretly, scie ladis your a hi, riches to ril lu bol.. Coî=e.buy'yoiir % c ritr Twenty.seyen yeaàs England w"s e wouaed wý rly i" Mt ll1.pesa1 ;n Oraetugws mandsukveyors.. Lût Ion how to iroe"tleir hmd4ang wlth thei neeesoarpIai4p and profilm, lunO)i6eue & trgarn*Bs ehat,.ed for the ostensible p cf eneii cors. ron L,.te_ L.oncjng. d-fi ahol tfi raliwayaâu mente, sdthe p tort cf gïho road attendedsas chiéf unprs, ana lin" way the à»plicati was madle. The projectors cf61n0 er acherne bired a ,Jooiù~aiJr~ ristoJ tç London on .iaa s a o econd s48,ecise containbng là application of an Opposi. tion sehemo and it dashe& bto the, st g r fJWor,&ever#ê tyi cashire, ref ed taocpeon Uir offic es on Bunday ta e directors snd engineers utipc Preston and (*arstang BalLys7, U'Itbite 1tt0er' denirùed t ~1 bf pi~ufr a9 chseiar atw 4X,~ ,broUe Ã"épeal 1h. wi ÙôwB r j l~ppogoni tlb.floor. ou :teerb.; 4 thLon ~ s9h' sad been broug t ors,'rté *à~Ig ail.e;ipen- 4ture cOt,160,0WAWoq<IlaÏU id the ProsPectuescf 04W more had biee waYi'Pacnlsaffected Enklanu? the extent'cf double the amount:cf th, natIoial débt cf ithe United, States lat the ciose cf Lthe'war. Meail cf Tiêrsday. A,Ç pauzANs-Ur sD.-cjne cf -, ý u p ,il. bliëaeç,, or Otherwige wit ia Tory0tubbpj-r * ife. tthie case hILo idet lwen woman will she - Wdq n en~ad. t wheu 8 utndtMlan end on't. This peculiarity f dispsition ini is e1secref lm ng hi sc- fm.pA.snd citulem m=ce ire~ 'tike aàdonkey?' echoed W-, opening bis eou i -. 1 # oEdn't- - 'Do you giveit up?'I do., 'Pecanse your botter hali is eaubbru. th M ;É~ o~rn. 0 i a s he,'hat Pl do'Wâ" te iu !Pr, 'dojt 1 U ow why 1 Hoi wo4ted a moment, expectbig hiq jj sered- n '2Esttppcsê e boatuAe"uoaere'bpxlz t h~ur d oha j ofpt ownf piý>oolg y iw stese o thifrrYboîa,,ad exposed a fie cf the ~ Thç journ. * t is nItsal M bebd, ut te have -ite *huo Ie,ýnIthatflix icoke very unlike Koop sobor and4 thon y ou eau taik stralghtLý One of cue, drugie swas ;quite surprbsed the other day ta bear a efOw nqureifho bail any cf 4Mre. A young zman vIteran avayý "qSo a $lesant fitoste iu Danbnry, fl"'yea4, bo~ ashard cf lu New York, Tîxurs- would iot re 'turn. He.liait boon eoted à cornron cunirnan, sud, seeM.to glory iii bis sbams.Danbury .Evci'ing tip f' roarod Nelson, durlng a lilu theirugat he4*lf4ee Nilq. Blwwag umuîf n ceck. ',Tbieni" fied; "4Ihé bMttle 'toobd'Thàt! atory le Pat's' -TË$heowàhoni4 népidon i lady vito, speakingeof Adam's amn LU l. abn~ls,7àl site didn't tik renuomber, frorn the faet cf their hav. seenour'siru-board. tlnonter. faîî~~~ tmoosurt.'fanuceaumalte business lhe Can-iun 3oil. / He wilq b. pretty sure -to doitif ho able1e46 paper. Hieyonurtef un your shliu your business vil bide with ycu. that* ma in ew iork, perfeetly un- ect.d bunat tk haIf-â-dozen ex- hIlicage au a 0 i US g glery fer lte, exclusive use cf lades, smcngvhorn thero is a prowing reatieoneu tetcbo- éocqrfdcent viIh 0 -and psIci; ,An Irisbman Who vas found guilty cf steallng à 16t of thexma etr&Wte 9M M llia 2 -*Made lywi e*," as 3hie .reply.. It la as hard to do,, wep sitlîeuî advtsing as its foà eto1a.d mau th borro* ashot-gun. par ¶vr 0" à J. ýT ' ibo'pa dfor the t U vrýlutc mYcustcdy o)w ,esesped fraie "btyGag onithe ight cf the 4th ineý. lteis a ig le a descrIption ct Jackson KEias; h iveciIrelaud; about'85 years0 eh6leest 8 luches; heir, ight bi*Ùfthhayy beard-Uandmoustache; wae drésesin À tua Mcor-dark-brown çost brcwn treusers,- wit dark stles nat, smd new aterbae WALTER COULTÀtD Glacler.. rr~% T~L4r~pRI~ J M FIre Insurancé Co"âo7Cana a IUAD OYEZ a-Kin , b.ChtrchTarante CAPIT'AL, Soo,ooc. DepoqedjW1ltGoÉernee 6,OO au wil detII bes *lWthbont delay, lii& say over the cash 'AT ONCE. it Presideut. W. A 'LA ,;ýAént*hItLy. WhitY, Otobe 9, 872.41 biiiiuve VIL urmv Ljj rixLLU14P-tgrphGaley, 60 feet in lengtli, Ly therefore be effected, between, cent then and profit new. Which he bas fitted UP with. ail the latent improvemen 1ts, atnd xnew and bmproved apparatîts for taking pictures, troni ifix-size to any ro- The closing9 sale under this notice qtibred,- dîmentions.- p L commence Pictures enlargedl & accurately copied. IIANDSOME -FRÂMES AND CASES. I A , t EP . usinesi, hcurs 8 o'clock, à. M. te 6, P. M, No busines s d d. will bé wÉilI h fodispôsedayucf. th 1àntocI Whitby, July r, 1872. - ~ ~ ry VYIioU-jBO KWii! ne cau nup - wtpe nmeantioe AT À-ND T;NDE*R COST I Tli~~st~1jb~ix~ n cnipltean we1Û'Wékdeand bàvinfg1ben purdiaed. BF4?QRB 'TIJR ?ES3 -RIIN G OOS PUIRCHASERS WILL FIND IT TO,,THEIR ADVANTAGE T0 EXAMINE - TgK SA&ME Bfore fJJon Pu4ing .8eewhere. LetiïtýéèbQrneiin nd ha aimst b~ -MIR r CONBEQUENTLY TEE Sl5BsCftIBi~. -PRESENT -SÂOAcR .To the neeýssiîcs cf biàs i. .9' AkI~S-44.N D S Tr NOW CONSISTB 0F 0-F. -DRY GOOD.S - r~F~TO W32 SEA&SON. FA)1ILY GROVJtRtÈý-AND HARDWARE. TýO e-HE ,,TRADE-He WOUld ffe 'lis stock nt a gÈé'at És'acrifice, anîd he is confident that upon examiniation cf the same theY will find ir adviantageous to suit themnselves with, purchases.ý TJ~I L Dm R~S. I Theywill also fibd it to th&ir ad- [vantage te examine bis SYRIdE OY 5TEUS.Imi. - -Ik 18-TOCK. TAYLOR 's.BS FREBH EVERY DA Y, R. FRANCis Whitby, Sept. 25,187~.~~if1~' OFf-1HIVRDWARE Ltwas bouglit before the riise, and will1 be -po-itively nold at a and under cent.1 ma) will Mv And -i AWARDEËD THÉ FIR-8t' PRIZE! -Atthe ProvinèiaI Exhibition - Toronto, in! 870. We ofler to our customers for'the c-6ling 'Harvist, two dis- tinet Macçhines, whiý4h in Étylr and construction, enhbrace' thed latest -and nt nseful -improvemeënts of the,,day.~ -THE-"RING 0OP AER. The unisal. ucceas f 0 Mdfrnef ôot-in closely contest- e&lto'flss.ui n l-e Iàbau4s of th iem rmer arat ùoib aylp b&o Ia ai hig Lapiins 1Machin., it bu msoregood points and l"is efec5 4f, , ~asmet ýwit more GA s>ce n u aItttnhrtfr ofNl eRodt h ulc We were awarded t6e Firat Prize 'and Diploa at the prcvn 'il! xhiitonhed ii ornto, 170incmpetition witb all the Ieading-Micbines manatictuied in tbel>roviînce; and with our recent ipoeet, eabeht ingly ehll lenge inventigation and comparipon with competWg bMachfines. we 'Te autisfled tet ech investigation wiIl convinre every unprejisdiced mlid.> thît we offer the boit Nower to the Fermer for 1872, built in the Dominion. IW8end fcr descriýitive cahalogues. BIROWN & PATTERS01II STOVES! STOVES!! Armstrong's Celebrated Cook ing, Parlour, and Hpating,' for Wtood-or Coul.; Perp-ons d~eairous of' pur-chaiting CW FIR'ST- GLASS STOVES, witb Firet Cla8a F,îrniture, should flot lau to Iurchase at the, MNotd Chesp Housm." I-ATCHI & BROTHIER. ciaud Single BarelShot, Gans, Pow- alesivge stock cf Untlery, S9heli and Ilosvyl ,Iî ro nN,kg-sock of-Rlefned Horse Shoe r ci. Apple Pairers, paros liko a chara, nnly netd bîy.100 boxes tin plates;I ,'oatbnidge." '800 boxes 'eNt brande tor sale. Ait gce>q -as heretofore gitaranr- return thanks to v uudd ourtctoek and v Whitby, !epternber 1~7~82 CAIBIAGES AND M. O'DON( Our numerous patrocs for pricec; we intend t,)lie foullil,\to .and cofence in the"No~ -RIAMOI & BRO. CUTTERSI )*Y AN'S. SPLENDIEDLY FINISHED CA qplxù£-SI 0F VER Y SUPERZ OR IVORK1JL4 BUGGIES & 8LEIGI48. REPAiRS WHITBY ~ov 22~td, 1870.. PHROTOGIRAPH GrAIL E+7Boots, an-d'Shoes ma-dei Overnkoeailine4-,war*m and comfortable. I~Repairing neatly doue. Cail at the pld Stand. F[JRNTURE!FIJRIUJRE WILLIAM EURJP ~.TTH SIN FCHAM ~Fu nitr~- ellngat Old IP'-iees for, 30 days longer;ý Notwithstanding the rise i. n material, and labor, the undersigned -ofirs bis, stock ýat 'te Od Priices for 30 days longer. Now is the time to embrace the oppottunity.cf selecting, front the largest stock-in'the C uîity. f aeidboardsç, buretis,. centre tables, sofas,- chairs, bedrooni stp, &c., and ali the best quality- and manufacture. The only first-class establishmenf in the County, wheére Fu; nerals are fuiiy supplied. SMO0K E RýSA FOR A GOOIY SMOKE USE TilE -MY-£7RTLENAY See T. & B. on Èach Plug. Pr/ces80Low that Ail Can-UBO -i, Sopteniber 17. 1872. m3 NEAn mme-s0Stok,,ofR' N C r1j ROOKERy -P YIVP. AS LISUAL. AA #XXX ALE ÏunBottie. lJow's, Superior Bottled. Aie.. ÀT -U-MDV-. MI B-T I-, BROCE STREET, -WHITBY, Begs to aneunce that be hban buit on the above prernises, ORT WfflTIY & POlIT PERIIY . B. l.--r:c~- -13I.ÂB E 4Tak~e4o au d~ uel t Trals GEluig Norti. Mua. WngtbY3sao$loiQtL 9 0GOa. 7 30 p.uu. ,Wbtb 9 07o a.m. 7 37 p.m. Broe ~ 9 29 a-nti 7 59 p.m. ~rtl5 M 49 ar.. 8 19 p.m. Bnrnit5 9 02 ain. 8 82 p.n. P4r* erry, (arrve,)10 80 Ra., 0I prn Praina$G'lgSenI lé. a '[kbet, ' i8~ Mrookliu, 7 01 A.n. ilP.x. Wbltby, 7 28 eau. 58 p.rn. .Wbiby- Junetlcu, (arr.) 7 80 a.*M. 4 00 p.M. P1latfortuStations,, Trains stop on signal enly. TOIâIS OL D IT bis b h e1k LInký ~~d~ineovexit f é miny . ara~ ps the ciosing cîf bis pleasinlg husines relations with ém. - e desires tb say that they willi eceièç th.% ful1 efit of the aboveý5 and aise on the usual terms-'txamel c dit u,ýntil lsi Octeber,1ÃŽ873,-14~ i.soi W'Ibý etm M Ài - a-t1872. FA8'HIONABLE TA'LÉ ME RGENTLEMEN'S FURNISH'ING )RINO~ AT JUflLN JFEdE3tJUON'S IVerchant Taito cD~pr DUVNDAS SREET,-WHITB, Larg-e winter stocik-Canad -ia, Scotch sud -Eùgliàh Cloths- Tweed suits. -'Youths' and U'hildrens' sQitý. S, plendid material for overcoats. Gents' white'ý and. c olored Shirts, a nd Furnishing Goode. ôf>ail -kinds. y Clthir &Gents' -Outfitter, 182 Fanîiiy Grocer, Sic Whitby, June 19, 1872. Warmn Winter F RE,,ý8 .H;-'GooE<ES JAMIES je. 1Ni.JJRPEIY le now ini reitipt of a heav'y stock of W'îiîter Good, embrac- J~~Ing, seyeral splen nu.iýs. W INC YS, ' FL N EI ,BLANKET$> UNDERCLOTIII\G, TWECEDS, DOESKINk FANCY JRSS' 1ri ODS--31ack il ki Lnttre, -Irish P o p fi i z . l o u I ç V , r t ] L t ns . ' A I t l r e v . i k i n g e , & C . , &C., cnsiderbi> under market valà .,o, o leàtke',ttention of cus tomera. A? C ~hoiée Selectiôn bét reeliGroceries. ~MES J. MURPRY. W .h i ib y , O c t S t r e e t . NOTED FOR, IJWEÂP AAD RÉi GenilRings. AM]iý JCAN %II Watches & -Cl.oks of fthe b '1 - cinee, hoet, lett.r, to tl carido st a crie cf tb b are aiBxl t exaninrejit whether titi net, SOethat lte pereca i them t b - -Chsmlists to »ebtain th at lte loves t-ities; cf net 8e., 6d&22:, i Pillaor pote discount,' foîr sent iii sdvx 558; Oxford Streot jLondon, W. C., MFO1PRTÀNT TO EXTRK MA ThIs Oùlexceu au and Vegetable, and I the superiorîty cf th stands the tests iscs élas article, it ih ada4 beavy xnachluery fii machineto the besti lcving are th. pinwe Ois: .XT WeL1OT e7y cenbe kct cleau d Ilit vil ean inus aiready guznmed bya congeal1o thcloen ini -Thl auai. yof t fr.mtbciet an Oit m vil not lubricate a CG m'ayllie applied mna1 moment it touches a cd anLd yul flot . lb by fiction acquires the, sary to reabce il to a: jore xpth e l achine is annlied. This oùinbl1 hurÃŽ.ored .establisbn.snts, an, best cf satisfaction, sdi the prefer ilte refiLnd Spen It la fruafraie the objectioni all others, asait dots not gz Noaw as--the public are a*i worth]ess thinge are puffed lu order te prave that Ibis and tp seite curatlvee ase tiens of unscrupulcue cil av wham witl fot leeltats topl tuf 0 il refinorles as hsi2ij thoa -thonu cati inai Is Lin M eV t 14c Ite TEST1N Ti E JeSaEPHHALL JB1. STocx, EsQ., B. Ve bave been ueing, or the pait four montÈ ut hesutation that it i ver sed. - It iseisee an any ottier.5ôl «MN 4 est irou Plaier,7 icepathetools ele ot wamt anytlirg bei M. WIILcc I CEN B ED- f whitU .ers, l 1 the Ët,; Whitby, àugust 21, 1I j --j Wl M 0 w 47 THE, SIGN' 7 THEJ FROM cce. Et-i;e thE ENGLANDi c * t] -il te . ýýl 1 An Immense S.toc.4 o.f BUGGIESf AND, REPAIRS Lý- 1' Fani ily ro, 1 èer, Whitby, June 19,,,1872. 1 . -i - A N D OPPOSITE ONTARIO BANK. 1RAVINa 1 ,ntxxkEAT (IP IINV ý,UyTmnnrln DrD ouvrr 1

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