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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1872, p. 2

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~ L $ . à ~ 0 * & p . e d l~ y I m u ra c e o o p a u la g f a e , f r o n i ts # r y b o ld ùé i s , t a Ee mw , gaver At IlaOsuda.1 PPesro more thannere passlng attentionDETO 281 voyiul tvrsl.bnhésmtpeurrta have been 11w.. men-Arnold, ýpe np" p o OM4Qâil@bnOu. -And Opr oles fIlis bcwni Slack, and Harpending-althoqgh, - i t . an et;ôv rna s" wapet hlff f rdc ~~Ikb lhIV.OWIE k~ WIL1h7Lé11< ~hdIiiS ow~~~t mupouedliaIotherg were 'ngaged 11088-of the grofésalon. I t e~ 8h b 0031 110c r. Oseto h a U1U1 1H .lld to rank. Bythe L ii. 8#idle.TheywenttoEngýgnd, faUie, a ki new ra té, ith.e eties aM d tow na f th e ad p urchaaeH o m in L ôndon fron $75 000 'il ing o ]rDouulaLu aredfvùfded lma "e-ýt1cu bs1oo'ooWorth of p1iteiou. atoes& C r. d i 5 1 4 - . W I I e . M o n t r a t " s o U e l U : th i a r t ; T h e y s le c t d a g r a e Ul y a lle y n tu 1 >e A T H O Ff irGH e w sy .i uxad ye Cbust"e -....ISmgy Scbool. Kamiltot, Toronto SmmdQuebec la Ibi 'ëky Mountassas "thé e cenefthhefr Doughty, môither of the Kate t$oughty, t llt10a wat Thé evi. OMM td.o.Dlo< eon;BalfrBooyfe ueiplî, fraud. There they satrd lha(Mn. B atolife) «whOse "&treowu*dnesostht1 ~ h Kizigston, Il »donà, Napane, ]Peter. firee1nd, id the spot which thod ..brpu«ht sa pr' tly-eoe eh~ pr~iiiw ia five ~1hîfbn Q frrnicte bor', St.OathariaesaMd 'Wwndsr La ad; moot -approprîate, smo te 0dîa. Publie by tho Tichborne Clamant, à IiitS0<1.0hu r al tizmadWhithy and Ail ot1her ionds, rmbessphfe,ýd nedead. Whe decea ed ,1ady 1usdbeen flloutaide, and whea -à flue man- ~~- 0 ~~places au 1h. Mth. The rtsaetyt hc hdca e omth orispisle lime, and it, wadeemod ad- fsted thegreateat. ereace, and, ba"l po' 1a M rte- 8ar, "hyateidh iai cnt hen smù"visai), bY lthe Cowabout tii-c wekaumade no attempta nything. ONLY< Oss o pait ANNU ae pnaminium charge, ffyTh etle cridb- 1 a ghâhve lheu disposition$ wilh me- eqiits per $100 in thelie rt csa e.Fmnfc h x oita pecianof gard 10 thh, proecuion cf'te----»tii THE La Whty~Irilyi. ~ 17.*aBy Ave cents Lu 'the second ; oue dol., lieiu diacovery. - for peujury taken. Hem Ladynhip wua The total loïsep *stimated att ____________________ an ti, hlu; hil mi. ou Bo <succeoful.wa thescemei ba-1oii ae8r dadf<m $60,000 ta 75', about hou f c Doughtyj12. -wi] acvrc ~ one.ad&qurtr laciargeci. Thu8 bY ed liat lic harpesl and nioepsex n- Ft.uarajHn<ou.-The Hmce.li ~ a1Lpul~ectoa>~ b~u-,g 4tedsa hr, -an insurer of A fmue ced men in Califomula weretaken in by ha.. ziskPmyi one-qusu!eu- per, oiiii"L. The swindiers tuck ai e high gahe Vinza maa :Âccrdindû*liethe -- esn4ites 5$,wii m ori f Idasbuilding je in W hiby, th an And ucce ded. The President an«' la tLst a4 epunts,'t would appear.'la i T hé V n i a ~ t d m n )L Tbé UL i> oiéwqi Ré ou I~t *erOi eL DeoviU, Dr j air0 iBtk0 aiousmdthe ancauncemeal liaI 8fr Fraacis lesioa evr neocrd viU., onph or ay 0< le othr Hinka intnde- Crasife",# fficeMfr.'B. HobbsWhul g-tbeHock mu, é A~as#êare ab v#6, Gulph , torAeathuinher ofaothe ho ..y capitaliste, ýÉ~ Lde cm a sai b y. ,> t j*~.rte a .hird cimes, nd -as much weresiàidIed by liese,cung fA,.*I ~ -- hi - opea us oW Mier,à lr e I OtwaÇh t the rope li e m twa eée .,*~ *- I i vue Ohav, n.maulu, ions; but La New Ycrk,thiey vere, lemm Fa Uunac nl <*< auhiejaw was bu but Ibis wai Por Hoe, m ay cer lac Lalieanceiss,,siicug Gà ra * * verxt onas ev m ys fotuuately found ncsj b. lhe case. TOor. qWatxar.KfidIis ii nlafwMtat.ac cre b idea that tfo b. a Member cf1'tia i- eb i; n qe mat- fth lge. Thîunfirese cided f ew 044eeî,au srep<l mortaebP "P1' 1>d~'~ws tors are biielànlg 1 traite of arneen a ese iagane'lmr. -ene ~a ,nx ig-ly injured. eo, Iadmee able attention, snd à varm eontest of apctNoi'cw forThe. .ova of Whftby in nov as vol o abe0o toit utliI ethetiy empan-bieh.ngeb $s eXpeted. ~0 ~ ~uotclod baoit ofroosesvasbit that lilie tai" aithe- uildng, wa eUoete aalstOrAs aun hierdicoviy (pu $850,000 cash ; but tlis feelingas ead' cf ieldLag ta the thurova doeva agaT Oýyr r e $0 .f 5<l50qpO ov . siadi i b.hird lîas, wý-vlh ,ietd becaume, thestate'of- lie wismzes of-ilafrlend; b ut na)*that hoeoxo.-'h s ubnt rsin m <1per el u.perhaplith. excepticn of Bratford. law w*au subi bbat thé purciasers cond- X#. n b î,oufsI II 11 w a us olu *anbeaea>5AM,,onrB'cf lie Gc ~5rrQrenwoo,. Webmw. . gao a itm,» jre engne no acqure a aoui ible eotii land emb eunueu - fo 115 roof . - acý u, fan au W@e .au I nt cqu, a atd ttl th .lad.olicy, h.'ialid ta conider 11h t iuply lMre. B. Smnl,-Ioiga h likoly tabu S'n'y ndeeda.u here'is Lin thevholo Dominion, viti Âccordingly bie swindleua- vent 1 'aMs i boknýe h 1I .I ' ' ovta. gel. ut, but no v h e got ont fle had a violent 1 w i fractred b . n~ niei,4O itàon plonifnl Slipply of vaer, villu nov Washington ad procuued the passage it-i lonor ta bimmelf and vitii lune nepan. 8e4e lytobe lame SPh.l4lelnwul .fi * 1rand good .ho.., viti ei-ery appliance Of Annetcl viielu covered thecasée, and regard for lhe intereseof the country. f&ornltfe" '.'u 'atm othlera vero Or envooc hm., made 'm"a enie1a e u e nci.offare ta prevent lils ex.lion lhe piÙcltamo vas lbon7snmmated. Thu isa-f ousf tmedansm yhig, everel buanbime' ansd othéra ao;lie ha. fuiIfIM1h dti.theen osu yî e re.cmpue-On o Io apouzb opdiiom ua aipcf8IL neni sic bli vr.bindb7lllcnd iswhc zurnuzitensiver.abdovn miont atreet. la some hàod l in ai foil t ý4 @» ré hqPY As i aeorns Lu whicmi On eor ted matfaorably.exhéd ri ..al vipords la li viliti fiot reigth h wrlow unb t g uk. In la, boy h. h W. <in tic Gve iment unt asir ifamto -tee agin)0,1e Are, in insurance phrase, fer had nsal. Hov munch vas fially paid cniu nteGvrmn ni i and e il isk ,toars tJo.hn8A. Macdonala mnd ahIis col- ever, remarkable, t thtere ver. no vacmâiiof un oedngru.Ti ul ftiugs lath le pretended diacoverers vo do not loagues arc kicked ouI of<fice ptert ci an W -wi I ereort a vancesmnt of f. IO*, tuai bisLadoubtleu e .resuit cf ounégligence knov ; but t La supposcd thc7 have me- 7 re-leti' n boldbebygeisutml« luh nEVAUEoFTPÀ' B Jil.-hemai-e p idropueu fo _8e4 sca.iud .17aclmîo» alePut .We havei- t admsnt dis..ceived about $1,800,000 Lu Cas.Shi f -TnVAUorTALD Ja.Th muicsied a.vebeie, l ii b.For lthéSaluons experi ovtzcnlgatos byaet00,00te îeaue~ Globe gives an inteueaîing pucof cf tiie WIAT MITBY DmD. Beevethlp, Meurs. M. 'O'Donovsn sud for yeaue o1sdne properofluapraonso; on, lîe un0loret lof bisvalue of trial by jury, vhicii occuured In decribing ihai lie Wiitby. en-c T. H. Molillean in la b. falad; and tInaopvetuetigiibe n prao boeamiloaItIi. County Court, ah Toronto, o n. iteVuf8rmaa:"b Evn retnus hmad prto bv ifin Merryveatier eziglue vas ccompauied for rahledt aevulpý'M m J n osuneteow -ayjnt Saturday, vien a verdict vas gi-en from Whilby by ilsCmpany, andaN B.Powell and JAs. Campbell . Lor eune i aa ody nt This la lhe largemt amount of mouey inadvertently ta ltee'vrougauitou. The large number cf ils citizenm. - They f quCanllors: in thé CNortbWordBut,#sfàiMr. ableras rp tt rm sudthevate ;and e nefuudprob pri-atte case vam an'action for troyen, In wviici vcked vili a hlil suiad judgemnltial Norh ard M. Ls-ou' rpor sate, b~paris n L aulpobbel the tedefendat as charged - iti a cud uat be exete# frm the rcent s Keuors. BAY nd lHarper coter Ihenu. rates muet have beu. tuucin gpQr- scazups i ii eu ho ebrougit ta punfi. vrongl'ul conversion. Thene vas, b.. peuiod ai viieu bhéy had purciased s selves for re-socetion, and, fi laetahted, suce of 11he greait expense and deLc- mdstcpani uidfuetL i Aegn.Ierslni ahn lie wll b. o pc ed T és g nîe- ency f the. précautions ag in l fre, that - -~ suit, a Party w b ail in ocently aken and te m a gificent service it did here, ti mon hiave"zMadiexczulel npreenîs.Whitby ia nov possessed of, and vo - -The Counîcscf Bcaconsfleld. lihe property ta tie auclioueer tabeb.je a g^od pp of fthe visdom cf Ileir u tii-es At heb. Ceil table, 'Sud MainY. have no doubt, laia 1theysue fuily s oIti, and lie auctioueeu woboaid inno- punchs.., .>81 $0 toirexetios, nd pftiulaly o yA iris! cal lespatclu aunouacea the cenlly mld tbe property, and vho, Tii, Refnrmé aya: "Tuaide cf one & ,Mr. Bay e 10w. are Iadebte.ifor pasrepuemented sud explained toabiie -di!- deaîh of Viscontes eacouafieli, thc lhough onlyvtess eeaeqi.bu n uuiue fe u iiiohereehc. u tcualy cosîcs utii, ous, er e xaqite heurdtfonWIit ie teamter va.Smpiy-el sesaiug to-day aSstemmAp efgPou- fere in thncepComte, séuccom- v ! ie ft igit Honorable.- Benjamin.moio.lua-an action fou trover, tb. ing on IIzp lre puocunug vater rom es Thialo4e shouifi carrygr vîî i .plcdc oefvoal otn ýsraeIi, ltheex-premlier of Eugud; persan vie bas çwrongfully succeededth te veli at Bh.ck'scorner. -And vol) ol the ratepsy@ue la taior of the retomn of tlimn atPreunant Iu mu casi a oorne lime pasl been cut cf 'totii. posesslon'of 1h'. popert, Whici did Ibis litl# "Me'ryveathieri" under sn'e ~ Wioan.ho . n. nrtdhot'healti. Tihe occasiomn alI a tétii. lieh.aileges ho hé bis ova, le the défend.th-le managelieut cf tie noble WiLby in mag eteen h r'o i h 4i-mg aet b7thxe tzee n un.l oh unitetnietapchir1 ~ mx; simd lthé>-1pantif 15 i.evho ets Flue Brigade', do ievwouk-aobiy did vi mozun ta oppose tlb., ,in not klated; but anuce Morley,AsnU. Lawier aya, au up veicietsiaclart tér btevér éSlain of. igit ay b. tiie brigado vork; and to-day, th vlzYyu lid b.opposed sa al, vowcWuld bon repmy al oxpendilure for auriage. Amoag the friends-of dabis ulwvichaibis. The caee La quca- busineas juan en lihe outb side of King or conta uvhai n I, aili eictlieiem»eni. a ognizatîon cf êsuly life the young nçvèlisall n~one tien adieon 'a ,i e cleaur1 à h« tjetnq 4,lk te Wlby Pire te Ioni a brigaden nth rebiae.gnlea f« otne hrnd edrsebtcuoladcare yteý.ietpolet. may e wé~e.>sas l5i5if. A0 -Judge; sd eired 'a deliberae. lun th~- ceaIre Wied, the oid eouneillior, The Rtefortn Banquet. Ii1ji pecuniary assistace lu a lim, o! ue tin. licy'reltrned and t occasion- Cou*iîy Canti and denictal Sessions, cn Meurs. King, Bettuansd Lavî,r vii, To anuti need. Upen the deai of tii. hattort ed uio aumprise wien lly gai-e lu a foi vi tinderalsud b. ..dia., snd the ii baqut nouur of thé Refbrm 1fr. Disraeli, in expecîsticu cf beLag verdict for thé idefendent. -A jurer vas nEron Erms Boson JUDomi EURNREAM. a< cames of J. 'B. Philp, L. AliL a i l.andi ichosucntyiî alcaildupon ta repay the tn hiehad akdsoraîuard'17 ley- - gae the i-eu icb for "B." The juron aI COUJNTY COURT. (t1 * others an. alto maationod. lu the. Ontarit', inanaouneed ta tae, place in receiveti, coie ialgifin-as 1e once saifi tley-diti net; they imd g-n Wiby, T;dy e.1t. w Souh Word, Meurs. Cosmer*n sud telie. aoHail, 'Torouto, on lhe open: tb,0 mtops 1 lue alé akl af1e sen - cdd o A. .vsIInT«rdy e.111 Clar vii rtir Ibi yer, ii.formr ig ly c llî Loal megm'lanre . ed.hfr le ilofund a ,sho as ei averducttforal"A." va. e laiton atv. agae.'. iacs Clarkwii. retie thlayear, te formeîcaparticulaust of wtviie indver, gis end inla gentleman on accounî o! ili-hemlih. Duday, 8t), Januy. Thero viii tic mnatter vas eu i7 tebebaettieA ; action. The amoislîed .jureru mmvth11e hat ekmCulaofwih e Rvnnlt itainsd admitted viti muci NICLE, Oie jury nelura- n Mm.13evlaagin a i.fedsudilladob~eusbo vrylage aîîeiî fsuid, upon iuquing "Ilov?" uecei-ed ha-h nand other nabural ag da * ceit fou lice pliilcino n 0. ta' rported lit aIh, Mssrs. John Wateon leading Reformera ou lie occasion. sor amveu, "Mmrry the vidow." Ho of being stray, tiat tlîey iiad giuien ~ ikt s iki-uatont on suat Chester lDraper vihi repreat lw ~ '~ --dià maury tle vidloviu 1889, mnd verdict fourItie vuong man.ina cnraimmorynt;o f daul ut as a "noble vmr4" At lhe Council n.;t ytar. Antlelpatoti Change in the Manage. hrt astii a asrisilt tea stI off, andthle jury keturneti a ie-ou Ms JhnWilim sie a.almonsn t cf 1h. Grand Trunnk ry ymu lattemiegas aietset. UrGJhnobeW n cfa atobeu 1nity cf a peeresa of tic realtnin lu m- Hwt oWs.duel n Itie défendant fiu 661 51. A. 1 A-voty ugu«basrI Meaekme désire, The Goo fSatrday iss a m 54-1010ceazitiOiapf the distiuguislled abilitici li i î iîuryv.lio-ryOl MFrvillaoudforeaul. PsJ. . R vea are 1014, ta bnlng hlm La tb. field ; on lie Grand Truak managemnat, ia cf ier luasland, wvue, liorsouauuj, tic- snouia liai-e truthfury aumswccd lbcfouc0 Wery -vo. Dacts'uet el.-An actionanc but, I1 là belfayed, h Mntcob. awh taatsta r.Pte, (l1POd lime houerae!fpeenage. Hov hue tarts on lis jeurucy, and a Uitile ou a po acsrynte. Tejr i-o ha anit#*Snpcniuteudent cf lhe Grand Tmu'lc& thile union vithiMrs. W-ndlih amue baion lu exarninalion cf Routes amc.j . 'nv1 le uyds i Piitia~. Eetin ate. rComnpaay, vho visiledtisi country nlot Lewis mnayinve been inifluential in for- viii n mauy cases save mauchi trouble, G.' Y. Smnithx fou defeudant. quit l li to nship l aea Arlîîlong saine., has, on hbu euînnhome, ne- vardiug thxe polical aspirations of the infe and meney. 4iob8vcto.uePi.m'. P . o-te T.q.uiet l viiioenreie.tjeti reei-. byported sîrongîy agalusî lIme manage- sullîoe.oe! 'Vi-iau Grey" andti Coninga. The 1C., B. & Q. R. R.,' uung FridaytaDec. 131h'. lei accazmîon fr optyreve ~ meuh cf lic rondi. It Lanao intimuateti by," L,,t ia impossible la amy. but, certain- frani Chicago Ilîreugi Galesburg te Stillwell vi. Januen.-Witicirawn. f11 acflon Mfor, John Halgieutho bythie Globe Ibat the engagement <of- y, lîoever patent tley uay have been Burlington, has achmiee a splendid GEE$1SSINS5e K.isesofrohnsd dMilur, aren mon'Mu. Brydgou, a Mmnmging Dietor o!thue lady Ixat i ttle cause to*regret Ile- repubaîlon iLxx le ast Ivo years asthue Ttrdy e.1t. aO K.ion , ad or Ceiacor, . .areen, lie Compsay, terminatea on tie 81sî - towing ier lîand on lie needy 1n0eleiat. IeadimgPassenger lRoute te the West. Tuaiy e.ltm g Wm. n 3r, adMo okilou, PS.leenJoh cf lhecnrirent moulu, sud liat il lus es ondei-tion ta lîim kncv ro bounda. At Durîlugton il connecta vitiîtîe Tic grand Jury, turned a Ilno bill" tirE o! mt vas mfferdedaleri ohnagainst 4lie P. W C. i- l6s ressortfrblengitwl e cr.A r fi ff 0ed on hetmenu- gucal Bailinglon Route viici ruas di. dicted for nuisance. l a t ueved- ndsud ia a iery short, lime omable Occasion,, vîmn, altîxougîxuin rect blîroughi Soutimeru leva ta Nebras. Qcn a Buir.-Thc prisoner vas Uxna ii V uc.-The n.why lu. Mu.ilnydges' conneclion vili lic agony o!flpain, on accoiuit o! her finger ka aud Kanna4, tî losecon^1ion "ca;ghivitb 1 1 . !utieaedlie curporated i vllage cf UmiphigeeehAGadTua-ylliiee-e11--à.gbensauetbben ireu-t aifri ui I.Tefbi-s-idpla nmpcdd"ulgity'Vn -- - - nJi-e-,* ain. esA& Gllebpi l innllned an fc sadve ,regret t e laan hlîm ho va. cen uualae oxe-elleul t leetions n'by Kn îetoml uiey uu Jckso ndutSiilitP, eoroak in- oi depuly.reeveu, Messra. Cowjb udiuinsuret. Tue bau on lie building iitiing lMu. Johnstonus cstablishment, hu eear porio o le biling, vhc etihixa napelaais h s ud la IW, on vîîch lieue is au insurance andl cxaruining tlue large stock lue liai vool bouîses c! John H. Davis & Co.,dceusion o! Mçmai. TP. White sud luiee ai -Auey are sald t nteh ld. cf #400 la tb Outaio Farinera' Mutilailon limut. muid nîotimat o! Moeezie & McKey J .tîmal ais* taper ni Brook ia eîulLlied le two deputy.reeves Company. - *. - djiuing, hati a vcry narnow sae otKahnil,oia . jitfo-keaterila ue t0Ti li.ya. BCINU0 TO THlE OSHIAWA MALLEABLE beiug damagoti conside ryovev&e. gishmfoselnlquratrlceXII Oszsw.-T hofollowlng gentlemen, 3T1931TED ADi-ANCE. - The Guelphibouof $1t000.Ti ie .lv gnmeIîtin as wimoke atiout e Han- u'flo. al hforad tseil g liqnorathue expiai Il ls a ad, vill ecaupeme the OabmvmHeratal uys -,Tii. many riens in so! Sdollarste tlîeaMalleablc Iror lama viii 11e about oae lina . ion earp Councîl for 1078; W. F. Covan, eve; tIbis iiciauhty o! Miss Boys%, eadteIacîz- WC 'rka by t'le peopleofo!OshavawaW98s62000,asdollar. Tie elsu:LnoLret ?i fror bain ingneararvlesan, H Wm; Warrén, depnîy meus-e; eouncillor. er la the Senior Girls' Blîcol, viii ne- carniet almosl unnnimously au Fu'iduuy Pool anti Globe, 610,000; Hartford un tus ccuuy ntY, -orugt Ltie Aaongrt obor f ir ntnto o rgin lait. 'rThe vorkers are rapitily ap. 81,000; tIna, 610,00;Scotîlîsx lim lte eavclas cttegie Il Mnr.l Caern -W .tili, .Wlimd so peos euafuitio ln ua.puacîuiig compltion, and îtîo fietat010,000 ; Guanian, #1,000; Bitii Taylor , ml cfoe vr -- ~ tcclose o mtwiil bc matie uext voek, The -Anerica, 610,000 ; mat Victoria M onei Tayl Imne Wrnvav Towsm.- J. 'B. Blekeli hba4et CandiansMissîiltira. bastwîeiîfourant fi- o ock n eforbsmpe ofli - tm eue;sudHer> Bckel orde ataoedteti, pupîusu) br nsru. apny La composet o! Amecrican anti aI, 62,0010.,, bnugîut up nl a y o voe l t e pul>. reeve areLa lb. f .14, snd ruinerlions bai-e met viti mci aceepîane, - ,--- c ue re veing thebroke i nei-îons b-Messrs. - éli an F 0eab ana rck E gaste ilb. opposd, prcbsbly m* but bhmilng been appcoinled le a more CHRlIST-MAS GaOCFaî,S AT LAvLmiaS. of tlonoonagin h rouma hemb d i ou V;ose W n e baanT B oa mayate lu aainbusviltodaescni *ion hby appealet.Te John T 'ial0 sud B. F. camp-oeille. remunenstiveatd Isu artimons position, -We voulti direct specl lattention la before muylîiug canldî i.donue t i in, vas , iove , pil a fev tai- uPOclil- , For counculors, lie ols)a uitnttairl bi anaMr. Lawier'sa atvertisement ia othen lîeir pregrema tliey hati communicatet v tlicourt, muid tlie, and illiJ£D avsi & Co's store, th e buildi ng a ppe ml abandon et n m li n o n eouuoii. ~Grammar Seheel, bhsudecitotitb sooept comumua. Ho announces a large stock il aaavt vtxgra dfluly1 aI îr~~bdued foFelnmt Il, ani bave teellupaItie uev7cm.Of Chisitmagroccnica cheapen tha niglut, ati vilci vas guttet iunmaiery < oa tsquorter vas mde ~ Purs Fumai-no .-pi tion pete ht eau bc lid lt any aller establishmn tuî sioetîime. T bhe Bank af Commerce, f e i, C sa of e fene. lecton o thepromt nyé, ERI&xAs azzàwn ONCET.-Tie nuWliuîby, atdAmenucan iver laken vhieli standsa vithin.a fev feel cf tie aylrappe l,, v8. Featon,. res- North w elehouetlb reea revMr. Jeu. sunali Chiristmas tre, ans) concert, L in pa (ecad-t) a)buildingscig aîe nesepaen.-An ae .%of Taylior, men- Elgoe, or pulhors, lie nas,us) of4he funda ofthlie Snny mhool n pr*(e hv')lent, took fine scieral limes, but tiohealepribmapaucsmt of Meseus.' A. N, Sexlon, ]E- WerlinLaconnoctioa viti lie Wealeyan THE iTovN TAxs- Tiie collecter fdames wceeextinguishet before lie7 hc euti iial.J .Fr-Cnr' ton, Oraudoil, Noté sud ollueri aremet- MeIhodisl cburch Li isetova, vilI b, demanda, lu an ativertisemient Lu otliier ixadtimtirc acommunicale vithein- w~ ell for ucapondeata. 7.JE.Fn-Car- tiolied.berior, viici proves) ila salvation ; fon, PRESENTMENT. tlons4, lhei isycr Latii. Mechlaica' hall, colullins, ltie immodiale pmyment o! hadl le fluegot unter tuercot whvici Thé GmsadJInn »adth le foiloLg Senth iw Buuc.-Mr. James. Gihg s a a O n Chrstmas aighî. Extensive pue- taxea. NO secound calvili bc persan- is coi-oued villi iran, ils destuctionx preaenbmeaî: eanddat@ for lbthe ovemhp, and Win parahions, ve mue tbld, are being mate mfly mdc, ao liaI, tb viCtias, tics. vouit liai', been certain. James Tial liey have Conuiteres) ail lie probabiy b. oeets, Mou".. Boîtes, for the ie al, and it la expecles) liat in anrean sixouiti psy f1h.amoual aI Turner & Co'solarge viiolcual, groccry, matlers brugit te their notice by tii. Cochraz vhici stands irnmetitly in lie resu ou= yAllomney; lixat bioy have el. 2rd con. W.lr snd Esimau are in -lhe fiels) for mU vho attend wvlll b. ahI, to enjoy a once., u nymprte)b pe Iabout sau es) tIol4d have fauns) t Ln th~e depuh>.r*eveuilîp, M. Gordon, 41x1 merry Cîisîmas. WALixy's SALEx Or CAIMmAcES, &C,-ix feet, vas miso an flnc, ans) at one gooti conditian ' itôlacleaalines, ad - bsvig removud ho Port Ferry, vIlInet TENmo Ac ALWI ADW oî emn u etr ime 1h, volume cf amoke anti dames bhieme vere no coiii.sinIs by piaea Tic r TuNa w GisZ]hAWiateAD vith wih.issneti tieefuozawvasnobcias ho confines) a inte g". as tla hem lucal. ment cf Uzasson-.~ Fo reveMm. Th> ru WOODa QtharieN. -A telegnau cretilt sale cf carniages, buggies, seigis, cause grave appuebieamions for thiesae. ment;lateyhvhtibortien .Ge Uzzamn.- or rsvoMr. hog.froui Toronto alites tiat lie- vooti cuiters, &o.,, at Walkey's carrnage fac, ly oa!h eti calesabslishumenl; bullie tvacasas oet «sol breaklng, anti atapted T44lej Ieded adfor deputy. mobm sud àaumnnbon 0< lie citi. tory, Wbiîby, yl tabac place on Saltîr- fanlunately lie energetile oefforts o! lie have C&mefuli e -medtegal -reeve, OuamueeOf-Momms. E.Major, Oo tatciar bigde, sistet by teli oye s se enti o yxiuedili te cguofMla J. B. Feaby, WI #ld au&Parkêr y are idignantagainstthunupro -net 2suecese oulte lirii itolie-osaine, anti t ife smybladif styalâteches) moi-es)vedi airrov paUge rsilvsys fou net fulfilling PauoE.Tcn-no aoae been olbucvise, tîxene i. no b mig o ny porion to Wlom lheia,,sol)ieht ther ontraste tb brlug lu Cortvootu. e 'o ai gere tic dealanetive element voulti bce stacheti. Tlu4rfladîhat thé con- Rlice'i ta Eau: Wugruy..-4 tamfa.rvo areTîunatif nigil vas Pest- liai-e ien stoppet. Tlîe las. la J. sîtelucion cflie prionussaias irM. able tosuertai, lie old couci vin BSIiEl A? PA--Mr. Skinnera-. panes) on account o! rcvseral i oalid Davis & Ca. la belveen $50,000 anti nenden lie gmol isecue, sud on ex. 1ikoly b. r.4hled.nouaces liaI h. viii ftesiver aItjpar promised ss)l aial beimxg unabie b 66,00 upoesDeb uautifr bimlono leeba lt la tmic Scqo-m .S et v0 ~frgoi.Hasd'nieetapau uma.ao64,000 in hid c i efor a8,- " on o 71he gat 1867, Mu. tha. u-u» nt bt0400 o imneI aiou 8,00frt-ip.e"otermis reporlti 1t7,MIn. éet at bably . r . .ebl ee t Sn e pro. focr 0elumn,a vlulcb v. vapetis) AProse u, Wvu0 tre fr 700,0omeriaTic ommerci0, alruba liaI lierrii@ e oreba the a! t tai solmain, 1diretlie Attenhion cf ail intentuug lie attention cf our readtiethie sa) consis)erbly darnages). Jas. Tunler & gaol lias) been aieiin by the late os- vene the soor.-Th OU olui à i sai verisemnt o Mesrs. atel & B Co.'s damnage la stock by vateu la very capes, te, affond,, hîIies for escapes. rigixîno] lihev, steue vas avory lauge sokTicy ougttil ëloe up alter bin M. wb, réélcte viwicb appeau. La otien cebumna. o e o atvieivs tms LMir.mi ntE 1 Iont oe i byiesalu. ACMxZX.-Mr. Henry Adamas, su., o e nbn h cu soe ntefrl n.ef yfordoe ih min me$~s-t1~~z#cqden onSsiir)sylab, isaonaie ani dien sjeuiIig~ immediate iicinity of ticelire, ant i ibboak plaak, <g spiked dworv, cu sti BOA a W O r S o asu z, T a ie u . . - àA b >. w bi c oh . b rek e lie ¶risl O f on e 01 forem g a lan dis abo l a n ot fail t e t k e 'teuae re mb ux t e w l e s d t x i . t k n .W e n h y r h Méétiug Oflith$pis4O t8ebf&110ITmuuolàe asrmen. Wluile vlklcg near tbe vilh, tienu a gootl suppîy o! Joîmson's guimhiti. The 1.love i l cci-eues)bygmol q ile u eo 0.411MGrand Jury puoperty Vséllu,@00 evealug. A Union Durisi trouas) on some foc e] -Anotlylmx, Limnenb. Ih in the.-most re- inaurauce. The latal Js17 h1 fuehaeyome - onilcucfti. tha le 1sisnhtandf mal re.iu. sUIppud anti tell hesvly on luis" a ide able metiicLne v ilpro, ie.> enth ur br f$0.0;ate slsd1.a tiacfhiSnt s _ auV.tIO'*or'mfoizf a's- u'bl L l.wws) 1 ot dcfo'shes, if yul aoimî to up- d dtin fth ntsag -Qr;'l1 purpapee kerevfabeau Mbnone 1 *1 azud wii ay Os 1 amusi t p b - lit ..dli - t- - .\ - f.ogum -M* -M@ý d loT n Concl, - ne Ti Conard mal tins ei-enag -aS In t'hc. ale absenceeofls vor-1 shLp lie hoMayor,. lie ueevc occpied thé ch&ir. Ti.oer .members Present voeMrz1~, Pve-,Hape Lawle ïvn,~lf, Camerc, nDIoncý. van. - O i N C A T I O N Sa . -_ Of Ueo. Dovoreil, aaking for -use of- lie firi engine te flood lieistmingrink. On motion d0<mr.Bay,, hue 1maltervas referret <thle comuai-,tte, on'fieana - Tu clrk aitbefer. bie Council tlie santaelatatpuont otrm e l texpen- diturea a.on streeat s devwaka.' -Mu. Lswler ',premlented lhe folovixg report : Tial s "tth1>.flue in O§buava, yanr fueni.anticiizens w*er. mainîy, if not altegether, instrnuental Ln exILa- gnLahag- le.aLu , tpupientiug ils extensi o eeua l -fan mutvalble. part cf th,,illage-; 4ual -tliegreat pover and'effiçiency cf bic engin, vai tiqmtgbly testes) anti estabUahedthat the abo6ve firecvemy coiclnsivoly, oeeot lie dcsimaiheeao, at-noccssity cf pro. cnmin g s utili gtremulengti çf hou, than you hâo o~ nn the ti,m milte. liemefore -rocom m ea)hhliýey' b. auliaxized la purchase ýwihotd. lay 500feet cf o-cas hou*. Thal the atteation.of ycnr committee has-been directes) 101h.ev erates cf lire lamur. therin, sudfin ths thse rtesI regret ta0ose in lss Writig-st John Pringle; 2mxtiAg art i ken, oat efi ns) t l yh o e rats veek's G azette, Bmn e ll-na u med an s) ns M ill 'sut H elen B ey no du, equ l a r e lI k I y l a p e a t e t u n s l y a v a t s e n ire ly u n e m le t fo r n cm a uk s , l un e fe r - g r il G e r g e H a sm ; 4 1 .G e o r g e W e m . Toh18 t H ito . Tiand vls e , e ~ca tl heb, efficiemcy it i vhich the, W ite a exam ina iôon- Taot J uo. Prit retente Hil u s d ass.a n-W litby ie engine vas vo ke , a h le gle ; 2nd A rhlu r D ra pe; 8 us) A g at u re d a Ith e iei h t. v n g l s t I C d as rd th O s h a a fi e , s d vo u it a s k s p a c e i n M i ll ; 4 11, R a te M o c a a n ti J o h n W i I ia rates.......-......7 5 1.00 1J5 1.75 lhe coumua e! T EE CIlaO NCLE, 10 x. equl. knaliLaBleleville, pose sane *f lic fashootis it i vbci - iuET roui. BÏn tnfrd tBolvle -he article lu qucstion ab unt. The G neml Proficien y-loh W ilie H irti Iule h, 1p a gsPteo , u:G azette ay s Ilere '"ve ne one ou Ivo 2uti A unie L o ves ; ut M imuie Foote Stn, asaes etand, -causes vhicli telayedthlie Vliby En- 4h Maggi e ltilen. il.Catarîsa ud inegelingmb ffetiv pay hume- Greeb-lat Wiilie Hiri, W n brIu xildings used s)g ttn n o efe tv eon same p mrpo eu are tiately upon Lbs r iva I attîfie s cne o ! L a in-,Ist W illie H ins; 2 d LottiE advancedst) ......-1.00 1.251 1.50 2.00 lb, conflagration, sud wviici ouglul nt Tye ; But Frank Powell. W he ea s W hitby axis)t 10liaie h ppene t."- A lgebra- isI A g sbu m P o well; 2n i ill ollier places tiey are Tics. causes yen., accor)Lag te tic WVillie Hiru ;'Èud Frnuk PoveIL etill fai-ther aatncet la1.25 1.60 2.00 2.25 s.peul vniter, laI: "Lt vas Latend tes a Encli-lal Willie.Hirt Cnt udJh lai youn com m ile, arc c! opiion thaI laie flet ap vien vitiiu a ile o! Alexandern; Bd Thom as Epp îl ; ,4t1i the rates establiaihet fou Wlitby are Oshawa, but somnehov or otier tîe rFak PoveI. unfair n a L unjust, ant imusI have beca kimdlig on the funuce lat been l st Frenchl-lot losephine T o p a trnck La ignorance o! tic lage expe- in trasitu, sud o imne vas lam in ge- 2ad Jennie Daves; grid Maggie Rs dihare viiu bis leva lias latcln La- ling up sleam."1 Thuis la simply su un- 411x Maggie Smith. eunet fouthe steam flue engine, home, Inubi; lien. vas mua kindliug o! eny Anithie-lmt Josepiue Tlionp- welis, &c., snt believe tiat a reliable. amouat 10mb, lhe steam vas up anthle sou ; 2ati Maggie Rosa ; Brt Annit haternent cf lie expense anti effieieney cagine neaiy t'on vonkiug as soon as Hovard ! 41u Jeuniei)aves. oflie puecauliona lately laken agminat lie hlue. as laid aItute flue, anti I ' Rcsting-lmst Ralo Dow,; 2ud Annie nre, vouît, aI any rate, p lace tîjis lava douhî Lt' you vihi he able ta- fiat co Loves ; Bril Fanni, Gnou -,41h Alfred i the marne position, anti clas s e le- man"ia Oshava on Wlîitby to-day (vitli Gros, anti Alice Artiagi, equel - lle, Brantfordi, &o., ant iaI if tha lime exception a! lie vniler lu tic Ga. . Grammnar-7imI Ane Loves, Fanai, 'ere accemplsiet the. smiing efecteti zette), vha vilI ay lImaI anc minute Grass mmxdiRaae Dov, equal ; 2nt Mia- nr lic insarsace againsl firn. u i vas lest iu gettiug the engiue ta vork. nie Foot, ati Maargie Holten, equel. ivan, vouit soon nepay mli aur expen- 2ud. Il Wieca hua vas accomplishei Hiatary-lmt Minnie Foot. ; 2ad lilunes fon aleain engiue. &c., Yaur (geîliag up stcam) Ilue auction hase vas Amuie Loves, Magge Holden anti Rate *rmnlhlee voulti tlîenefore necommeut bovereilti m asmmlli l conlainiug Dov, equal ; Bri] Alice Artegb. mal the lava cleuk be insîruete) la oaly lIre feot o! vmt'm anti a foot or Gecgaply-lat Bella Anderson; 2d Immuaicsle vilu ail lte Canada and more cf muti." Tii, tmutbu!îl Gazette Rate Dcv; gril Thomas Epplelt 4h neigu Coa. oiug businesis lCanada, is umborng unter a miatake agmin. Willie Hiri. lniming themn as ta lie pnnchmsc cf a Tlxere vere bi feet cf valer la lie tank Naturmi Science-lal Annie Laves; e engiue.the construction cf vells, (nel a veli as the Gazette ays) but Cnt Fanuy Gras; ;Bgri Minai, Foote -ueyeby ving a plentiful supply o! tîxe Whitby mca vere uo al bb blaneti 4ti Franka Povell. - mIten), the ox-ganizahion cf s fi ne bi- for ti, fanr111.7 vere acting under tic Composition (lexI bookc)- lsl Annie ,ate, andti laI a oopy Of he by-hav instuuctions o! the Oshava Chie! Engi. Loves; CatiBeila Andierson; grnl LoI. iely passes) for lie manageaucal cf neen. Batth, Gazette goca au, anti lie Tye; 41 Maggie Holdea. - ad fine brigade, mccon~mny bis lellen vitx presumptucus cancoit tlsehîvmal Composition (veekly cxpeises)-lst cadic Ca., mcaIial, ifpossible, ti. uappenet a the englue:. "1Il vas of AnaLe Loves anti Jeunie Daes, equal; )u may be pleaot on a moue !par. course speetiily discox-tredti laI txe 2nt Josepmine Tionupset ; lins)REte le footing, (as il La in lie opinion o! cylindens vere beiug cioket vit lue IDanmutMsggie Holticn, equal. lcommilte, entitîlet 1) before laI latter substance (mut), vîuicx v. necti Spelliug-laî Alice Ardegi sas) An- an. '78, lia illa nov îstning in. Mrecarcely att, rnereal the englue iuse- nie Loves, equal ; 2nd Mmnnie Gaulti; [n commiîhee a! lie viobc-Mr les. t'on e lime, anti seriouaby enian- gBut Pannie Grass; 4h Msggie Holtea ay la lie chair-hefinal clauses vceegReredthticintegrity e! ber maciueny." sud Minai, Foot., equal. ses), lie clans. ne!errng ta instar- Oh, dit il; it viii ho novs a bauy Writing-lst Lottie Tye ans) John ie beiug lefI ai-or fou <nubien con- macminial andti te-c-engineena liaI Alexantier, equal ; Cut Annie L6ves ; desion. yankee tio ue gi,,c ais*l- 4-,41- i..,SdT.msJJ» nianeGuos i-OWN PROPERTi-. liatI l the cylintiena vere ciiokoti vil equmi. Mr. Donovan pre r'ntedthle report o! mu." la the Gazette mari ure il W ittemx xamiaiauas Il Bella A n- ie l a v a , ro p e r ty c o m r itte e , v iiel u va mn ' l bt e sa !eîy -v a lv e , o nr lime c o m i d e so n ; 2 n ut C a i-ie IR p p ; md A n i , ornne aÎ t he paym n b f the fol- bunker, o n the ani*ko-stack la I bte L aes 411u M in i, Foot. ing accanns :-George Cormsack, mjut cioket Up so ? Anti as ta tîe ane hou s, .181 75 ; J. H . Sa mno, cgine bicig en ere t u ele ss o n a France. 5 50 ; G. C. Grss, nails, 70e ; John ie, lat ia a tonrigt-mitmke.- 1, cartage, 810 00; loin Bell," cart. Agmin, lie Gazette grumbles beemuse, On Saburdmy niglut, afteu a, violent o,10 50 ; Y. Gibson, accouit for as it ay, Ile base as tequenll- anti protraced ebat, le French re years' neccusarea fou ova hall, rapes) aong- ie grouns) for mmmxi National Assemby as ejectes. by a 1 0. Th eotao eomne yards, a procecthiug whiich could not vote o! 409 ta 201, the:petitions for its In e . T i c re p r t va s a to p te ti, a n ti ise l ! a n t i t . c o ulp i ug s;. " I n p la c e f o o k t i c u n u s ul a l cou rse o ! i- din g lia I re su er ath orizedt ote p ay the tuc i hein g the case, if the edior f the M init r D nt'ure's sp oc ch on this , m t , G a zette la s) b e n p r se ul a th e fi e o cca sio n s îxu l ti b . p la c a d e t i e y ILE A T Y O F T A X Slie v a itu s-neav accu lIa I lt e hli a s a co m m u n e Itîm u og lio u t F ra nce. Lamini-E r i-XEs.canefully bautileti by tixe Wluitby men, Dec. lGth.-Premitienî Thmiers appean. qn. Blow, secoas)et bY Mu. Cailer.-ail vas not " aspet -' abong the cd befene blue ceaumittce of tiirty la-tay moie t lima Jam es Cam pbellî]lve gron t. antI expîineti lis position. He said -isîf bis taxes on tlim e a-emoe lot Ilmnst I ]lave siovu youxr neatera tii. only remety for tue preseuit diffil.1 William at., Base line, rofunted. lImaI tIe unfain stahemens o!flime Gazette culties wsi-mtble argauluaticu o! a secondt &r. Rty lluongit hua rehatiuig o!f ma are untrue, anti only gi-e nus mn Charnier. The responaihiiity restes)1 s0 vas geltiag tbo preuiheat ; liey exam ple a!the olti pnoi-erb bluetIl"iî's a already vit>hhe Execmxtii'e, adlIme botter rebat. mli haxes at once, anti foul ibLut Ilal dirte, ils ava nemI." uniniaters vere ready la retire if blîcir I ]one vii I. Even vene ibmsînticturea consisteut villi acta vere cdisapprai-eti. Ho vas vilbiugi fr- Blov expiminedt ha lie vag no the bruti, I alt you la; il fair, i. il mari- ta accepl mny other modus viendii fav eu o ! nfun i ug lnies, but M . ly , a eii ie as lie G azette las, viic l th ec cc mrnittee m ig il p o s opbelh's cas, vas a haut one, atdil unter lime eirciîmslances ? I llîinlt mut promise te confer t'neely vitîothein b ut jmxaI ant riglîl blime lie motion tuaI the 3-ouug uxe, who, viîmeul ,y btltc enti. The Presitient's vanta hat ild carry. TIi. ]andtinlueastion ongaaizatioiî, vitm usiuev fine engiue, a moat concilixstory effect.c -frmerin assesmed ti I8250 as <arun- vonketi at a fine ft'ohIe firet lime, dit A Paris tiespebch teatti, Times ays, lanti ; Iis. 7<an, beinui uelnrnet 5asO90veIl as tlîey <lit aI Oshawva, are it is mare than ever evideit liaI lie -resitent landi, it vas seset, mo- desenî'mug of the bhliest praise, anti net mxujou-ity aofItue Asaembby la La direcb ing ta lmv, per lot, vih bueuglît being madte eubjech e! tic captialus opposition le Presitienî Tuions ; ance aseumeul up la 6500. Mr. Camp. faulîtiutiug o! somne ignorant t'ellev, or otiier must yield. The country afte uvard , purelise t hic lant, v uo ln accide taîy allo veai tîe prii-i- supports Pre aitieul T hiers. king liatIt1h as oaly aeseseastie Luf c o! atnelliug lIme colmua o!fIue er yeau, si farm poperty, sd le Gazette. Fie in Nov York.y oas lie fauma o!is neigibors. Youua,& er. al aseset at $50 peu acre, A FIREMAN. '<OCKINO OCCURENCE.-EEVENLIVEa t z-i aicuit Mm. Campbell be nss- WViIby, Decomnber l4tlî. LO5T, for 81 0 peu moue hiayean, on ** de tiat af ua neiglubors ? He Mn. McMîllau's Praml«ed Market Sta- Nesv York, Dec. llli.-A fine bnoke w hàual 11e assesset for 0100 peuris o~ ut aa iuttie puaI doyen o'celck lest nexl yemr, and ti l aà but <air limai niglît in lIme uppber part of tie Pitl is)l psy ne more taxesm hman hi, Te the Editor cf the Whitby C!arolîicle. Ai-nucim e îc, an the Twemxly.îhinl. hboua liiyemn. -sîneel aidle. Tue ouginea vere quickly ed t asssor vas boesrd in nefenence DY.ARS Sn on thîe spot, anti accu at voba, ponning el o malter, anti full1y'boue ont lime V1at lias beceme o! utz'ears e! vmtor upon lie flarnes, fid ulabien of Mu. Biov, mut aftpn bue Ilslalisties of lie conandmut orking viuieî atirnitigut oui-oipelt he viole a5 Srmrka <nm Messrs. Ring sta!d ofuarket IiuiidingÉ lu terlun malî o! Tienty-tiil-dstnect aide. Maay cf gr sur, the mnion passeti. lavas," puomniseti by Mn. T. H. McMii- lime guesto ada ureti, on vere about tý STREETS AND IMPROYEMENTI. la, lan luxa <com munication viici p- eiring on tle nfg t, vien ire alamin tI . P o ve l l p r e s e n t e t hb i c r e p o r t o f p e a r e t L a T u x I Em i Cîi o u î Em i o u t ue C s I s o u ad e , s u td v l me a l i e f i r e r ne n i n eu g t u : a um itte . o n stre e ts a n t i i p ro v e nlto . I b a v e se m nc eî c cs e t' ly o v e r t ii. l'ose mI e lit e it e rio r o f lie hu il ti- tIl a. T ic rep rt co uis îca f a s a l- le suceeeing issu es o ! you n pape n ta 111g, a panie e uued am mng le m ore ex of te rceits nd xpeditresfiadthern; bau i a. Tiruee issues bimit cf ' hem; îmousiieifot'e ir 1 e olite foipratie ntitueas o!ofTuE CHRONICLE have been _publisieti, trunka, &e.,- demandet metîlemeal o! B comiîc fr ieyerasfo-but Mn. MeMiiuan'e promisetil talialice thueir blîls ati lefI theobouas.- Ater Bi S .-Appraprltion for 1872.. #,500 00 are ual forth co mniag. W la l - la lie lie fle Iat been p e ty - w el x in . c E xpenditure -----------------ma b te r ? Vce n el the tatisies iery gish e, t ue fire en on ga gin er ugh m Uaexpended .... .....1 fav'siorable te Mn. McMfilma'?s ieva ? the nooulrne L a iLaktiovnasme ie 9402On venehey too favorable fou lîs op- cock-loft, occapittiby tliî laundry.va. tni LSt. A on ........n.700 00 paneuts' ? AI any natte, the sîsîatica smon ati temealica. ver, horrifie) by eX i.xp.ndutnr.... ....... 700 43 sue ual gli-en ; mamd ve are coumequeuuî- sturublîng over lie'romains o! huxuan le ie-A pprep iatlona. . . . . 2 0 - 13' lefI ba believe t ua I t tit id not milt lIe b ing e vilchx ve re pie t on ' t ic f o no! o Expndtte......2 2 7_ece'-Iu -om 1,! ubi, bi., b TLueu oeimeill rcrt n aeeay cmrcnmsances, and knowbag-t1h lue haibean LIIfûrý a long àt, a. M.Bysit L.wis reporlod 'lb '~Rcs usdiosaedmeoeut ai interes siaca>1 os> 4beenreisated.- -M. Bovaitlha slthereve Iii moi-ethle resolutiea lhe voulti 1ke - heai hisexplanstion,------ Mu. MoMilau explaiedti latI Eh hatd oaeèdi1 t see if is taxes coul nWiberebated. .H.e1usd no-persons liaovledge cf his (RLe') circnmstances but hoé nev iaioi istibeen ilIIfou long time gns) lia it usd cost hinui large asum cof money. Tva cm tiri otherrespechahle peueoasiad alaapol toiim La <aven o! rebaling lie taxes. -Aflen furlieu romarbas from- -MeSss Lavle7, Barp'er mutE King, iLa vine th,ii, rnéiplbocf meobating ýtaxes v utrcngly dences), lie-inmotion wva camrLoti unanimousiy. S TOECAGE or COAL a. Mur. Donovain Ltrotincet saby.lav tc regulate lie alarage, of coal ail, and oleur çombuàtiblea La- large qiuaniiis. Ia com iîe lie malîcu vas laidavem, in orter - iluat olier inlanmablea ae daagcroui as lias. meahioned Lathe by-Isv, migit 11e coi-eues) by lie by. law. 5ELEOTING JURORS. On mati 'on cf Mr. Harper, lie, tues urn>vas instmncles) lapay lhe seleelaro cf jnroe 64 emoi. - he council tien adjeumnes). An Unmanýly Attack. Ta the Editor cf thce Whitby Clirouicle. AU' Frank mien; oa ergi xos AlIgebra-lai ArthnuDrapr JohnPringle; 8lt'Goorgêlo s;- Ll'Aritbmeti-lU atHae -MoonPa W, 'GeorgeRfosa; Bit Oharlea McGillivi 'W ad' ArlinuDrapeujeéqual; 41 J, 5Pringle. - 00 Beadu18f t&ddie Campbell 2 n el riU Cnthans); 8rd4es 1Mill; Hate Meeni., ~-GrammA - lstK&rte Moon;y 2 ri lu Har per; Sud Ipillu Pri;gles '~Arthur 3Draper equal; dIh Jeà '.Woilhhese. -- -- Hit6uy-Tast-George Wtir .- 2qdUý linuDraper; But Est. foca atdJi Lo iieWoatihoaa-e:,qual;14th Agnes >Y ýd ati Chérleo,,FohrgilUeqtal. Geogapb-lai~mla~îccIbIi ,~ 4th Agues Mü» and'H,ýate -Moon, eque Le NatÙul Sce=uce --li Frank . Halc -ad John Pmléié , oqual; 211&Artil Draper; But 4eorge,-Boas;,4th Agud Mill ans) Raie Moon, oqal. Compoallion (texi .book)-lsi Atis -Camapbel ; 2d George Bou ; Sut io SPriugle; 4th Rste Mocu and Em=2 Blew, Ïqusi,- - Composition (výeekly exercies)-l1 Maon,Eliza Nevportànd Emmsa lIas equal; BusdFmak, HatchL . wu& Mrs. Htge , vn it, cf am eHotiePige t, altho gli -lx.o ia tbee a i l enimaca y Dr. M ausly, coroner. His Excellency bthe LiutenanbGov. ad vas l cading m eney, anti if lunt T h e juîy f un d t h a deat i vate cause ti r uor ha . been p e m edt a1 m a le t ic s ic cas, . hougl L vs otbyhîe use o! slraag drink. Sîxe leaves !heigapinmus -u:-William Ti Dr usI ta uebate hi& taxes. - îo anall ciildrin. -Cobun. o!fltxe village o! Os1mava, . M. U lauper saidtIhat at the' ust -D., toahocmau Asmate Caroner vihia tie ho vaan'î avare cf Mn. Riee's RLu-ELUyX.-Nev York, Dec. loti.- att'onrlime Cony o! Onta'rio. Ciris. -Fus, ;tnce, auly viat wvasatateti aI A Tribune's Washxington speciai maya, laphen Ruovisan, af tie village o! uel able; but ince len M . he AttoneyG nral is reprtes) ta Om cm c, e b, a n a Assoite Coronern TI d tla ) i i i aI lxc h o vue s) th e have ais) ece uly , tla t lie G ver - vi Lna nmadlfor lie C oun ty of V ictoria . lie y iitîalf, an s) ho felt assnrcs m ent biait fot efuses) to pardon a Jo ua M a le so, 'o ! lie law a of W ood- a ie -e .u- hmuuiUj tovn ingle Rît-Rni prioacu, Lu vose bc. slaek, gentleman, Attùrney-atýLav, antid ca irounistsnceu as Rico vas, haita proper pctiiioa lied been filct, Ciautiue Tidcy, o!he village o! Nom. Tl m ail thopsy thein taxes, anti thatit l van afuture refuse ne vich, genhleman, 1ta11e Nolarie, Pubie ville Wb4Mtf U w "FsP..p f àudeý u14« simil- gfro w ot , iiua Md for 1h. Proyhacoqfi uRmie. fi»ue cornuniat.v Mr. Taylor, Who - imid vili gi-, ail necesayifri' lii Meus.' Joseph Taylcr atdJames Wart suareisubret frein competition 2il 'forithe cp. , 1Thé gulea of the Ànxs. and teurs, Bueoch.losding shooting Chlb- mic eau, be abtainet frai» Mu. Taylor, ai . 25 cents per copy. - - is- Dm=AInor Hoe. Ma.'-GÀxVxU.-We 1B regmetto meceive hui elegrap he Sn- nouuicemeni cf the 1lOthhof<lieKnn- say -Wiii ým Gem-le, a Nova Scella'>étales. m~ ua4o--gnal promise, antd commission Li- rof W1&'iuthelb.Local Goveimnient. ýi -Mr. G&r-le .1usd long boca La failing ju ~hea1th, âad«iuesoited someime mincoeLa' oscouieqÏnee to lie south 'cof 'France,- viemehle dieti. Thc deceaseti gentle- b man Wva . Oirnl*t by profession, -sas) coi6 o ifitequelutiesof 'an za sle writeu those o! an -ouater o! no -maa outrInu. atle latter capacily bp Ls -hadno equallin the Province of Nova ~.- cota, 118remature demI vii s-, -q baaseIpubhdi. < ly rxsea La populau estxmation -turing :m& Jhia Parfiufmentary esmeer, andihe mcl. .t ii.nehô1y neya o! hia tiecesse has avaka 0 e a s)sgeneral feelinig o! - oruov La lie 9- Pvovine. Mu. Gaui-Lets teath creates Sa eeucyfon lie city cf Halitex in tihe Pmôivincial Leiature;. S Dge'mxi. nzToEoNTO lIsx.--On ,,Thursdlay a.ternoon about tree'clcck, a yauag ma-t naniet Wm. Genmel, ion etf!tfr.à: lexrantier Gemmiel, shoe- Màp oat f'" itciy, vent f101h.'bay ixi Companxy wlak a fuiednt imîc Alex. Munro, Laten&da g la skate acrosa lieIslad and 0, et an Ice.ioat viici, Letlieu bee. Mnf. 1 fuo fons)Iaskates t ul *rputu 'ag them on, sut ai on«cbookheuu ul ') 10 tvn. ho have them wllaupeued, îeaving Genlme. asn il1rnalf On L he ice nemusfnrý vlxe f vas e-xpect edtoleavait hi&aý nfieutis relnurn.AsgMKhuma vas longer - -absent than bhe- atic> "atOt, Gemmel coacîneto tart off à%1One, bts) hat arn-vet vitiaIhue htumIres) yauti#f t liestern point of the 1. shsndti, ven lie ice buoke hénesth i L&,ndi-2he vas stnugglixg fourlite- in he-vin34T vater. Bofore mai nîet', te victinz &0 dsunk t tie balbom, antdls romains vere mecai-eret by memna o! grapplera. DEDICATION OP i oW fIURCOf.- Barrie, Dec. iOîh-Ifie iWCa-halLe Churci o! tusle ss twn dédiateti aycstcrtiay viti gucal ecta(4.îiigt él3 8t one tionssati pensons wve - w' ilemu 1An able ans) imilliant tiscoutet sVm-* ieiveucti by Rcv. Falier Hade;-- 0<i Duffia'a Cuceek. The ci ac-î'~ auatedt 10 6500. AIti-esperw bis, Gumes.tiq Aucibimiop cf Toronto d-- livemct, a letume 10 a large audience. An exlraerdiaary franti upon lie un- tiorvuibers ans) Hem Majesty's customs ha. juat been expose) aI Halifax. Il is saidthlat s vessel vas leatie thi bande) gooda,- ant- acon afler ber te. pantnnc mie vas reporte) 10 bave been bait. Hovever, il appesue tiat beu car- go vas preiiusly transfemuedtoaun olicu veasel, andt i taialegedthaI lia vmm a touble albompl la tefrau) fluaI of ail tie untienvuitera, -att tien theue- toms. Soi-oral Halifax -Airma are be- lienes) la be implicateti Lu the tranisa- ScuoOL ExAXîNcERS.-Liniaay, Dec. l0ti.-Tic Board cf Examinacetc icre lc.tisy. Tiieme venepreseal, H. Reazin, inspectan, West Victoria; J. H. Kuiglit, inspeclar, Eat Victoria;-- John Shav, heeti master cf lie'liigh secol, Ounexae; M. H. Tiionpson, Bobesygoon ; mut Jai n Wilson, pnlnci;" pal publie aclical, Feuclon Palls. axa JlAai-Lmi Famih. - AleianÏdnia,- Egypt, Dec. 17-Sir Bartie FPne, vhmo m9 nav en route hotaAden, la - jain lie Brillihexpedtiin fan thbe suppression o! lie African slave Irade, an-mvet bouc tuis attemnoon. Ho vas aueh, ujmoa latiing frai» limasteamer, vicx bronglit iif frai» Brindisi, by lie BriihiCounsel Goneral anti s lange number of affilcers- o! thc Egyphian ariny, via gai-e ia-a varia geeling. He pueceetis froi Alemastrim la Caine, - viiemo i. is tbbe lie puaI o! tie nhe- tivec, A MEXIGAN Durrcuiy-y..4çgam0r. as, Dec. 17h.-Tli, telegatte-assm- bles) la count the muuicipaMiy-vote, commenceil quareiling. To privent a mev tucopa vere callet culu. The, Governent bi;a aboghaie I f,» chis grntes) ta mauchantsbae. Ti auvamaLng o!thbe municipal' rehumu, vici vas Laternuphetiiy the - nilitauy mre lime ago, vas reaumes) yest.nday,wvica hurt7 armet rougi,. altacked thc cauuiassersatdcdslroyeti. thorelume. 'Tie csbel bievedXla 11e- te vouba if Contins, via boastes liai i-il anceticlegate a! lie Ivealy-fonu, le s-cls) carry the election. TEE HcosAc TuNNL.-TiSI great nlaeriag feat, lime tInxcling cf thé bass0Re niauntain, lias beenaceompliai. t, unth le direction o! the Canathian ugineera, lie Sluanly Brnos. - The me»n rom boti setions met a fev days- mgo, uti excîanget complimentes ait nemI ciecriag. Tic calcnlationa vene atie villu snob extraoriLarycane at -the hcng at oaci eun'of-the innel deciateti oui> a fev Luches frein uer respective linos.laitds)ovn b> lie Igineers. Tmm RETIuRixuai-OF BISMAItO.- ;elun, Dec. l4thi-Rmouns of Prince ismsnck'a neiguatian cf lie Preaitien. y- o! bic Pruasian -Council - excite - iuci novapaper dominent. Tic jour- da! of iis it7 mli diecus ho malter, je tenor o! tIi. opinions tins fur rpresses) being liat Prusais lthe eart cf Genimay ;liai 1he leadersmip Puussta a ite*affair, o!flIme Confeaf. ,ation io essentli hle leadership afi errmaay in lie affaira cf Europe, atd ia Prince Bismsrck's netirment bfra ie PrussiaCouneil la likely tole he an important culais Jia hue politios of se couahu'y. tei-. J. P. Dumioulin, cf Hamiltoin.r as on Salutsy elcetetioan lie'ninli îlot, lo ti, office'o! Missionary 'Blai- cf Algorna, by the Cmurci ef Eug.- Ld Synoti o! Quebec. I'ATAL CAILEL'EsaiiE5.-Lonicmx Dec'. .-Tuis mrnng amyouug umt memd mos LLean, wvii, kylenking- vLth md. iîci11e titi not kuow vas tdeti, mit el dloui the.Spotis aiter, s. Mary Wadc, vifo o!fltme propieto the White Hors, Inn. Sain. oflie pupile cf lie Ganmnoqueê ao01, dotermnet upan iamig a hoU- y, huoke tlie scîxol Windiovs on Tass- y st, atd the voaler vas sa colit clause. s) ld a bo tiaismes). <n. Jamnes %Vart ha. ciailcagetilIna -ne a! New York tb Shoot hi,» ai 560 saons fou 8200 e siàe, oaTSrO pigecus 1 50 Sacybiita for 8 500 aaie, aIt la comae off eien ah Buffaulo ou rnto. )eslnuclive inunatiote puevaiLinL Snorti eshera depaulmeuta cf ixce. he report liaI a general aluike cf Engliai Bailvay employeea vonit a place on the .2at lanunry provet M utouatieti. 'ho one-al f oa!the hovi cf Chestor- a, Souh Curohja w.. dostrayot by on 8 4f 'I IW W, - I roi2 ato8 C std ie 6:50, Stdi Z-m. wo t ni. sv 'Fei udies - eyae met h feUes Ypecli Msten Cier Ntic boile.? BuaI Seli'ai Pigoif the-oe nemaIC teve of Fondt -y - &Toi liseus bazle Of moiLui ym flan cf .ie. eml ina WiTHt or lie col tive buit L

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