iq fSdT R- ,OWrG et mont'eie. .TO THELAOE8 f tff r à oé, IT tiask'y6U for IMIuS i stil uInessas freea f need Anothor deciuion And bers aur attention I'd ucw bcg ta eau MDZU joeirop wan I! nS them slecteaWith Prusue âââs to rop o asdtare, tion prose, whlch ae thghmh ntinted *ï lsSs4~4~ inl chigcus i hava thora, somas pratty, aqine aveed uesion ecuulan, ç~el iof thalaea open- W. lihi And no;I, My dear ladies, yen who hava' ma -tffêM,tbut, rchs 0rol in, kbitrato of hâv-lame buy your Christmnas presontsf rom- M41S. Fi. KNuW4NQ(. IDhtb,',:toh8721ci etilan >si'a çg rUffl6~ land lspoed t ~ hep ment of iheu tambgsisPl - 80W. -Urb e st n t ont et cordial. with A- morlea, at~4 she wants as littie opening of old.sores u possible., ' ButOn is it ntCanada that 66WOUl, yes, Canada, ibrouglh fhe hope g l~a vnmebasic from England iu an indirect -wayYs *"How la that ?'l -Cà À>'g EXO JOB. Xc<oa e, we are about ta build a Pacifia Bailroacl -ext xaar. It ,*fill ha 2 000 miles long, ans wilf work won- edrs for Canada. Eulaud will go oocnrity for us on'tIcs Stock Exchange, sud with an Issue of twenty million bionds. dv.per cent. interýegtprinciple payable,,iu'forty yeà ro, ;e shah ho Placed'in a wayoc aazringont tha undertaking successfully. The Engliali Oovernmet In Uis way will rcpaqy ne tan --tlanas- ýcvee f for ",cur:sD'by fthe Fenians, and we can, therafora, ileave Engîand 'ta zetile -the matter wltb ÂAtnèreia, at ler own -convenienca, _-,xiôh, no doubt, sho will do.' r ~ TU TN5 AÂTIOM GANG of suppose yon ignore tisA presanca ofau aniuaxeton, eleineutlinlu the Do. * minion ?"' IlNa ntnely. Wa hava annexa-ý tionista in cana~da as flxey have repub. licaus lu Esiglaud, but thair presenc~ is icaraely soecuor' oi.Il. . "But Zp arave a unpiue for dence, Elà "Jiin of _____ 99au" tell me Yeu welongto itP' Théeinpier lI4"in-ood u éI donht," saiS ha, Ilif yon vili fi sncb a party; or, il ou do 71 tlîiuk yen will discovar thay belongÃto .&laýas of idla, vorthicas people, vlio JxMyo np araka in -txa country, wloÃŽio e'a0p .- m itlon te the govarnmenit,Or -he ae b heau.disappointed bin fortune." "Thteé a'lu) gdtlng, o4er thé feot, howeven, thet your populatiou la under- going a perpetual drain, and th at thse T ounng man ïdth country are contint. 'y looking ta tIcs United States as ta a "I Sxffrfrôiuyon thGone it la truc niany of our young men cross oven annuaily ta. the UniteS States, but 1you anc not aware cf ftic fact tfuat thea at p a rt, of, $hem, Futunxp ttie wn in Canada',,sund say tlxarc 'tu no place liko if, 1 admit thiora in muali attraction for thxeuxinutheii. hrate. of vages ut fthe alier aida -; but wlîe nt4wy beglîx te finit ont tat board, lotfiug antd aIl tlte deails 01 living are a hiuuxîrad par cout ilclen tiotha ha ie, ilay osea tlay s have mauila notlîfixg by tihe ezoîanga, ai they '010 )I basiotîuso Ceala lias soontlîig niera soeil to givo i fow IoitI, 5fr John, that thée cuit. grants Wiitnet ste y witlx yeu 2" IThAt l auctiser tfrrerf Tisc eai.- grant. whosa destination la canada (l0 stay tiaro;-but mnnylanS et Our ports§ haund ïfw qf"rauteý atn and thicy pas!' tle lh'c dringly, itsias m many 'a1migx'anïa for' Canada land at 'New York anS pesa throngh for oixr provincea. Whou our Paiûfiaaili'oad is completad va shal havea a erritory opaned up for sattlamenf mnoh super. ion ta any lying on your Northcrn Paciflo. 'Singular as h meny secmthera is lese of a anovfall ou the proposeS route ofour naw railroad than thaic ise on the Niharn Paifle, though it ba 80 Many nilles fathor.soutsi." The oer spokie larsMptures about 415 sc h of'sairoe4,iand of th villi, nknown c-.antry through which it is inte Ãœnd- to pensa. I hava givon - - yen eong fi fhi. conversation ta show Sth alat ytkes a gennina priSa in the DoûxInloà ana, in being fhe tîmpoxury iulerofbar deatinies.' Sir John lias a kindly feeling for thée United States. Th sae , omxe thlslx in onwinstitu- tiet e di Z-nkand aboya il, lie thiWM l tluebukiness, energy and enter.: prise wvo show - ane thea very xuenvel of the ago. He cannai overlook' .ihe fact thà ttlq pqe fIù fheocnntry.are, ha. linS' Âmerxcaus 'in uuaà tial advanac. neut, anS it -may ha hao heishas a saoeâtt 1bMiAt iO ( day C4nailà , vil ho an ludopondte-- uhlin, fa frôlým thea drag chain of Britishi oamnexion, vhiah tods sor muci ta onamp the- anry anisorrelffAblfthc pèoe¶h. tho w e i a young lieutenant, ai Sait LalSa,ý'tix bride va. attirea "lu a blanketd&Ccol. * ette, wlhyster-ahell neac e* aS ste learly et a we-g feastý of fri. thfie publie should- fin their coal more *bou thxe avuers >;aveaý'1 Ils grp«$b. fareeilfoeejisi ta u Cigo ta ýell aat.~ in- te visit aStrllv iafewdas ag. fflouds cf thie family Me inviteSota the i'opuxiDbletameng t1w i Mormons-- Spare-rib. The greateot Àmny Contratr- fh l'a 1ty» cm-h hur*cl ooal. CD ? pure-braS lBerkshire Iloar frein Mr. Crnm- f inýe, ai Bowiauville, wuill keep, biulm fer er'vice an lot No. Il, in thî, ltliýeitcemaîIxn of Pickering. TE.RMS-0i 00 at the timaetfservice. YeUNG BRIros -wu got by aid Gemhoy, vie -was itmported by ?dr. libach, ef Ilamîil. tan, ie a Sa.was got by oid Palmer, import- aS hy Mr. Grant, et Hamnilton, aud conaîidier. eS by 3fr. Roacli to e, haétue >,atainalu0 - lirkshire blocS aval ImportaS inca Canad(a. ROB3ERT SUMMEIIVILLE. - Fioprietor. Pickering, Dec. 8l, 1872. *49 Fh'e Insurance Co'y it anda CA A r, 500,000. D.ps1~d lt tôvenmn,$67i000 -'t inbiadjuat ail lbsmue wiîie,,t delay mind pay over the cash AT ONCE. nonu. ALLEX. iMcKE-NZIL, M. P., W. A. LAWV, Agent, Whitlby. Wlitby, Octoer 9,1672. 41 J f GOINGOUT0 p i ~ ~ a - sUbr iblriakes this meïans of 1informiîîÉ bis cus'tomers aôd the public, t _th' I é à fhîi preserit prei¶s el g '~oût to exiréjffd-'dm'poperty- beiletIRlegfindIj Ife,"qp-re,7rf fmbusiness altogether. Be th erefore oflers - by Christmas, the éýwho"'à tock ýwil be disposed of .8 ?'H -r l»ea 4fnq OT '~kT AND IYNDER COST The, stock beiug-!now .omnploee well sel'ecýted, an41iavigbéen purcbià êd e BEFORt.E ,TLI IIPESENT RISE: IN GOÃ"DS- ?:ITI&CIASERS WILL ]IIND IT ~rr~TlET ADVNTl' PRESENT SACRIFICE'S To the nlecessities o bus3 position. -----0:0-- TIIE STOCK NOW CONSISTS 0F M ay therofore ho effected, bet»ween cost then and profit now. The closing sale under this noti6e wvilI coineice M C N DA Yi -6th8 SE.P T.'7 2 -And will bGe ontînued ffroni day to day until the wbole stock 1wîll be disposed of. f.. - J3,,AJR1LEY-As. soon., as h Barley season commeioces- the 'subscriber,-yfll -'bq,,,prepçared to pur- ch?~ a kinds of Lyreiýas usa, YEOM4N ~IBSQN; f E TO fIlS OLP )CIJUSTOMERSi "h subscrib-'desix-es to ofér his bédrtfet thanka fobr past fà vors,:crtending over a period ýof so many years. and -regrrets thefclosing of his pleasing. business relations witb tbem. Be deýélr*es to say fhât 'they wvill receiVë thA fuli -beneéfit of"the, and also on th 1 éaler~.4mmeycdiunl s the ursu173.- - - s - - -ïm ééh'mti s .3mj ; ýces, to se- ,1uruture ire- orde Supplied as heretofore. ftbMs 1871. ý- - ;S,.ELI AWA îîm o tzctre Krames, and i.x1 XSI N s~EP THE FIRSV IPRi±E t ýaExhibb, iTônà lt;, in 1870.e 4:' We ofler to ocustomers for the cominlg Ha" cot two dis theate"" ~içhn 4~I a~d çus Ru t, ikki)race- JOHINSTON'S SIiNGLE SELF-IAKING 11EAEIR The universfccess of this Machine, botb in closely contest- ed trials and iu the bands of the faimero,'wstisnt uiilsaylng that, aa a Self Rak- ing Reapiris Machine, it bas more gnod points sndd 1cM defects. and bas met witb Mior sucoest and les. failure, than-heretofoe oflered to1the publie. IOAYUGA JUNIOR- MOWER We were awarded the First Prizeand'Diploma, at the Prcvin. #491 exhibitign, beld in Toronto, l87Ofin cnrnpetition with ail the leading Machines man4à faciired la th4kPrWîiie&; a iviuos rcn aIrve ent, unhesitat.- -gly ch nf s.'tlenge lnýetJgationand' C<nnri!4 wth Jooep'ti"g Machines, we are P;bisfed that sncb ls tvestigation wilI convinre every unprejudiced *i.d. thnt we offer the hest Mower tu the Fariner for 1872, buit in the Dominion. ffWSend. for descriptive catalogues. B O N~P TE S N STOV ES! ST-OVES Armstrong's Cel ebrated Cooking, Paî'lour, and HPating, for Wood or Coal. Perstons deairous of purchaqing CW' FIRST- CLASS STOVES, with Firat Cla.s Furnitura, should not mail to purchase nt the 1- Poted Cheup House."t -HIATCII & BRIOTIIER. IMPORTANT N "BOOTS ADS iihe uïidersigned .--has a la'r'ge stoék of M Ladies', Gents', and Cbildreu's Fine and <2oarse Boots & ShoRae ý I l 1 1 - ' OES. j 7Boots and Slioes ,Overshoes hi«ned waî' ni, coifo: LED..Repairïing neatiy done. gay 22, 1872 Uall at-the old'Stand. WILLIAM-, BURN, Boot & Shùe Store, Brock street, Wbjitby. F U IlNIT U R E FUR'NITRE -AT THE SIGN -'OF * GREAT. ROCKING CHAIR jC-Furniture Selling at Old Prices for 30 days longer; ,Notwithstandbng the ýriseîhi imaterial and labor, the undersigned offers bis stock at the Old Pflces for 30 days longer. Now is the time to embrace the opportunity of selecting fromf the largeïst stock in [ha CouiLy, cf siulehoardq, bureasse-centre tables, sofas, chairs, badrom sats, &c., and lli e the best quality and manufacture. JAMES RH. SAXO. IIRECT FROM ENGLAND, I1J3HJN~EJW3 A large stock of Double and Single Barrel Shot Guns, Pow- der, P'otiches, Fl:aka, also a large stock of' Cutlcry, Slî'ahf andI Heavy Hardware, Ce., &é. 1-À 150 Toris of Iron, large stock of Refined Horse Shoe Bellows, Anvils. Vices, &c. Apple l'airera, parcs like a charnx,-only need 'in sec it work to btxy. 100 boxes in plates, Il (oatbridge." 300 boxes Canada Plate. Seat brande for sala. AIl goods as hei'etofora gîxaran- taad as racornmended. 'We desire--to returu thanks to our nimerous patrons for pat fiivors, and i nay xdd our stock andI prices va intcn-d t'o ha full up to' ,the trnes, to ineet your raquireînenta andI confidence in the Il Noted Cbeap flouse."' Whitby, Saptaînhar lgtb, 1872. ALL KINDS 0F DRY GOODSJCAIi'BAGE8 AND SUJITABLE TO TUE SEASON. F A MI/L Y Wi'OCEJ?1E8 AND HA RDWA RE, TO THE TRADE-He would offer Jis stôck int a great sacrifice, aîîdhe is confidenît that upon L'Xiiifittol of tlhe saiîw they wiIl find iL advantageous to Sutit tlieiuîlftýves with purciii<eis -1--000- :Jc5Bu1 ID 2 :2.4S. They will also find it to their vantage fo examine bis SPOR OYST EP.ISSTOCK TAY LO0R'S B E.ST T FRESH EVERY DAY 1 Whithy, Sept. 25, 1872. 89 IWlAIKETHE. 'WLAflSTRQNgýJ A. M sLma5yrap,'4(5<ff-r'ï rslanlj biawa la dis gas,. A W-1paue pamphlet ,e fiee .jýD ise 1.1 4lrfrtfer1Uiys PORT WIIITBY&' PORT PE RRY R1. R. -Takaeect op Saturélay, June 1st, 18 Trains GoingNorth. Mail, MixeS. nibJucton, 9 00Ja.rn.7 80 p.m. lro in, 9 29 arn. 7 59 pi. Myrtle* !9 49 arin. 8,19 pi. Snmriio 10 02 arn. 8 -2 p.rn. ~Ma~ih!st~ . 12 j4m., 8 42 p:m- Piluce Io mt -i d mtr. 8 ai putm Port Perry, (arrive,) 10 J0 arn. S0 Qpi. Trains Going South, Mixed. Ttail. Port Perry; (depart,) 0 010 ar. 2 80 p.m. PriceAlert 60I ,m' 239 >Maxcbstr, iSin fi~8pin. snmmit O 28a.rn 2,58 p.m., 3tyrfle*ti41 a.r. 8 il pi. - erolcln, 7 0>1 arn. 3 al pi. Whithy, -7 23ti.rn.8 58 p.m. Wbby Junction, (arr.) 7 80 asm. 4 00 pi. *Platform Stations, Trains stop an Signal only. - 7Â5. ~ ±4~ Vhitq, September 3rd, 187v% ad-1 It was bonght before the rise, and will be- ýpositively sold at and under con.1 HATOII & BRO. CUTTEB8 M.ý O'DONOVAN'S. SPLENDIDLY FINISRED CA R/f/A ES, B UGG/ES, ANDO CUTTERS,1 OF VER YSUPERIOR iWORKMAYSHP. BUGGIES -4 SLEIGHS. WIJITIY Ney 22nd, l1970, REPAIRS AS ur*UAL.1 PHOTOGRAPH GALLEIRY. ]3ROCK STIREET, WHITBY, tAr OPPOSITE ONTARIO BAN K. Begs to announce that he bas buit on the above pt-emises, A NEW Phot hpl Gallery, 6 0 feet ini length, Which., fited up with ail the iatest improvements, and new and im apparatus for- taking pictures, troin life-size to any re- quired dim IPietüureý t'ilarged & accui'ately copied. H-, NDSOME FRAMES AND CASES. Businesx bc#rs 8 o clockc, a. m to 6, p. on Suldavi4 Whitby, July 309S 1872. FA SI-IIONA BLE m. No business done BARIREIT, 28-ly TA IL OR/NOG AN D GENTL MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, T JOHN FERGUSON'S Mro r antT-týaailor &#-Draper, +DUNDAS SRI'ET, WHITBY, Largenter stock-Canadian, -Scotch ýad En-g_ýi Clotba-Tweed su-its. Yoptbs' and G'ildrens' suits. 8J4rndid material for -overcoats. Gên white and éplored Shirts, and Furnis- Goods of ail kinds. JOHEN, PERQUsON' ;- -(;iothier &k Gents' Outfitter, i - - 7 -. - -Dundaà .St. -Whitby. iwmV by, q I ~ ~ .- --- - , The only first-class eUtablisbinent in the County, wbere Fa- mcals are fully supplied. S MOK«E R S FOR A GOOD SMOKE USE THIE MYRTLE NAVY. See T. & B. on Each Plug. Prive so Low that Ali.Can Use it' Sapteniber 17. 1872. m3 -An Immense Stock of NEW OROOKERY AND GLASSWA'RE. XX.& XXX ALE in Bottie.1 Dow's Superior Whitby, June 19, 1872. W arm FRESII JAMES l3ottled Aie. Rt. FRtANCIS, Fanîily Gi-ocer, &c Xinter Goodsl A N D- GROCERIESO J. ---PH Lu now in receipt of a heavy stock of Wiîiter Goods, embruc- iuîg severai FpIeniîd i nes SWINCEYS, FLANNELS, UNDERCLÃ"THING, TWE EDS, BLANKETS, FANCY DRESS GOODS. - Black Silks, Mîxlins, Lustres, Irish F'Polif f!5, lhlly Vxirderis,-%Viité andS Grcv Cotng, Sheetinigfzici~,&. &c., canéiderably uxîder nmarket vxlue, le wlîiclî ha invites the attention e'ofcîsa- toimera. j&-' A Choice Selection of the best F'resh Groceries. WVhitby, Oct. 22nd. 187 2. FRE SHI- JAMES J. MIV-PHY. Dundas Street. ARRI VA!L-SI OF 2S E3 . M W PR1 MEIRCHANT Ci00(D A T NG LE' TAILORING AND GENTS' FJJRNISHJNG HOJSIE McMILLAN'Sý BLOCK, BROCK- ST.) WHIITBY. neco u eU5aIkspectiiig lue aEn e, Sixa is t'ay he namie and addréaaof tha veuidor whoii-eling the spurions medl.- cies, and likewlsc th -n adý,ad ~.. dreas of the House inutheUnited States, or clsawherc, ivbich may have supplied t5msoaasto exiabla me, for-flia ,pro-; tection of the-publie, to- instte.,pro- ceedinga against snch evil-doers, and I engage _toremunarafa vcryixandsornely any.person who may guva mec sncbin- formation,-tha informnani's naieneyer baing divfllged. ShbolSany parson bava reason te ha- liv htlcbas bççn decaîvad by buy- ing apurions imitations cf thasa medi.- cines, ha will do wcll te Sena me, in ,? latter, fa flic addrcsai foot> (wbich lhe can do aiea cost cf six cents inpo 'stage), one of flic books-of instructions which arc affixcd ta the ane. 1 promxise tà exanifi and scud a reply,ý stating wbcflier flhe medicines are ganuine or not, so fliaf if apurions fie may applyfo ,the persan- from wwhom lia purcela {themi to bave bis money rafnrned. Cbemists and Druggises ivo desire eo obtâin thc madicinas con ha supplieS aith fliowtvst- wlolesalc pricca lum<plan- fities -of not Jasa than 420 ýworth-vliz.; s. 6d. 22., andS 84s, per dozan boxes of Pilla or pots *of Oinitmient, nct, itbott discountf,- for which remittanca muat ba aant ini advantc. I havaeflic honour f0 be, Wifh great respect, THIOMÂS HOLLOWA'Y. 558, Oxford Street (late 244, Strand), London, W. C., Octoher 1, 1871. JMPORTAI4T TO PARTIES- USING J. B. 'STOCK'S, EXTRA -MACHINE _OR. This onl excéls ail otber 011, bcth animal and vegetable, a5d we ara prepared ta show thae superlrity of a01t althrI standste tests necessata oprocurea afirstý- chas -article, it ïgladptaS -toeiethar ligb or hevy machlnary, frein a cdock or sewig- machine ta the heaviest of shafts. The fal- iowing are the p oints lnwhichlt excelsother Oils. IT WILL NOT GUM, hancama&chin- ary can ha kept dlean with but li4tle trouble, and it will cen mchiner thet bas een aay gumnied by otherQl. It vill not coga or thclien n the coldeat f veather.- Tin la a qnslity of tha higbeatimportace, frein the fac t an 011 not having t1l uqality will nuf lubrlcate a colS shaft, sncb an Oi may hea ajplied li a heated state, but the moment it touches a cold shait it la tongeai- aS anS viii not lnhiicate until thue jouifial by fiction acquires tha tamperature neccas- mary ta redore it ta a liquid state in aquir- ing a higher -temperatura by fiction, the journal expandca and the bcx la injureS, inl as imnpossible ta se oil tbat will chili on a calS shbait vithant this remui as it la te mnin- gle ail vith vaber. J. Il. Stocks Oil yul lu- hricata the caManzt machinery the mement it ia applied, Thtis ointa ow u0ed in overtwo hundred establishiments, and is giving bbc beait et satiafaction, andSael unita lu aaylng the prvfar ifta orelleed Spem a' pureOclive. It in trac otraheficobacfionb urgeS efaialst ait ethars,_ as it Socs mot gumnr Irete, Nov os the public are avare that nxany wanthîcas thing» aruepuffed Inoanotoriety, iu ordar tu provo lthatItis la Do husublg, and to saure aunetlves fegainst th@oapera. flof etunwmruuu01ilagenjts, (many cf whamvlllunotheltate teopai,, cff the nieu of a9l1011 rotuerles as belng iaentictl with Stcck's Extra Maine 1001111.W# pyroe to thosa Who ara lnteraatd ul rubl -ci thome sitatcnta, ta sanS ta them, on ippil. câion, l.y mail or otharvlue, frea cf chrge In uny way, a aploof the o' lt, it ltxn speak forIbachf. AnS villalsà o senS wulhf a fav simple test, as effective as 'those faeste b yvlich g ai la lcnontrmthebaser-met- AIs nd vhich yl anabla parties orderlng te secure thainsalvea againet impoaition, by enabling thein ta debennine et once wbether the Oiforwarded is as good assanple..ý AU parties dealinigin Machine (liigi ll do wêll ta communicate vith ci J. B. STOCK, Brougham, Ont.- Bruha, Sole Agent for the Dominion. BruhnMardi lîth, 1870.> TESTIMONIAL. Tnux JoaxErR Hex.z. MMmExWouxa, Oshawa, Aprfl 4th, 1870O. B.1. Srocrz, Esc.,Biaeuons 'We hava beanuÈuing y aur Lubricating oil fer the juset fourmonthas, anS cen say vith- eut heaitation tbat if la the hast cil va have evar useS. It in aisoe eheap, and lasts langer tan any tro i. W hva nar ag 11 eet Iran plainer, 7 days vith anaeilng le keps the tolsan anSd bgtWcd flth 1ety b ln b et as al ur 1tar M.LIWILLCOX, FOR TRE COUINT 0F ONTfflo, A"» Township, of Maripsa &. <Ianrght B) EGS ta thank hie ax yfriands mnd the 3p7ublic genaraily.nfor the liberal patron- age bastowad up»hl n ring tha puat four years. > Rav * ýgven up thé business cf Bâi7f iZ.ý infuture, to devota my whola time to, the business cf Auctionear, Collecting,- &c. - % [t wll a exideavour, by promp n careful attention te business, to gi-ve fui! satisfaction t ail who =ay favor mna with thair Sales or Collacting. Bis draughted and Blank Notes furniah- aS frac of charge. À]sc.BilI Stanipsalaways on hanid.- Àrrangamentscan bu macle for sales &e., at the .CimtoNcLc office. Whitby, Observer Office Prince Albert, andat the Standard Office, Fort Perry. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, ept. L4th,1le#2. -9 FLOUIR & FEED STORE. The undersiLned beg te infoxin tia inbab- itants of Whitby and viclity that thay bave opaned a Flour, and Feed Store in th - lacs lately octupleS by 1er. laines = . on Ilundas Street, Opposite the Robson 'Hoirne, ýWhara they trust by kaeping evcrytbing lu their lin always on band, to beableato gve satisfaction tocustomers. 46 r f - - f f f s,:, , 0.F HARDWARE SAVINCî 0F ONE HUNDRED, PER CENT a-IBso1~-, val fOL THE --0 AUCTIONIEER iWWtby.-Nov,,.ý12th 1872- . 1 1