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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Dec 1872, p. 1

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With cahn Printed, VOL WEIIIMY <. PROV DeHO.01L-LIDAY, ISOLATEDBISK FIBE INS.'00.l of, Canada.A purely cana&=nIsttto Also Agent and Apae for the canada Permanent B niïadaSa ci , for loan of money st r ates ofntret TURODAY MORNING., Bit W, H, HIGGINS, At his Printing tabUmma, »ROCK STREET, -WHITBY, Terms - ý$1 50, per Annum, meont& teured in Nonpariel, ma insertion, and 2 éonts, per ine, oaeh ub- quant -insertion. ; 4 ontracts made with advertiser must einrtng Businýess Directo0ry. ON4T ARIO DANE, WH IT BY B RI AN C , THOMAS DOW, DOMINION BANK, WI1T BY AOENCY, ulTAW C'HNCRY&r CONVEYANCING AJOfIC,Soh Wing Court.Hgous. Ar- rangeente, forspecial retainer of o. Mr. • ,aeon, Q..nd Dr. MoMichae, Qe il P.l. FARtEWELLt, LL. fi., riouTy nunowwr-Arwitanwy on JMel KEI-11GieRl DN, . B ^"Ã¥ISeRn*CÂTTORtNEYAT-LAI Notary Public, &c. O1neery Convdeyanc t Store ut !*. Campbel, BooSr o BARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLICI tors, Conveyancers, and Notaries Pub lie. Offlee-One door north of the Poo OceOshaa J..FRWL. IR.McGrz. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR Il .rniB Cc onveyancer,&Oc., Canning ton, N NGLisr, L . E., 1jChance y, Conveyaheer, &c., &c. Sim coestree iOshawa. G• YOUNG NM ITiI, L L. B.# B4RRI 4TE, ATTORNEY- AT- LAW Solicitor in Chancegy and Insolvency of ary Puble &c., &c. OffEce-McMillan'a ýBok rc treet. Whitby, Ontario. J AJIEN ]L & ON, A TTORNE!r-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN . Of ICh n PConvy ancer Land Agent Uxbridge. ar rcS. G REEN WOOD & àlMI LL AN BQ¶"ISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLIC Cfillee-B 'on Street, Sutof PiOfCce Whiitby, Ontario T ION As H USTON, TOWN CLERK AND TREASURER, Whitby. Gillee-Town Hall. Hours from ,9 to I o'clock, J AMHES iM cti RgEN, TINSPECTOR OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS Sfor the County of Ontario. Address- Raglan Post Offlee, Ontario. IR., J. Gi ÚN N, DM. D., SURGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, By ron Street, Whitby. m. McBR IEN, M D .R.Csq., 8'S HOSPIT AL LONDON, ENGi. , cx the eye R. o. H. L., Oshawa, Onitario. - ENTIST, (SUCCE8- sor to W. H. Card.) Denta1Rooms'-Dundas Street, Whitby, overbMr. Jameson's Store. Nitrous Oxide Gao adinistered for the painiess ex- traction of taleth. C, N.V A RS. L. D). Md fl EETH miiserted on'altthle à:latest principles of the art, an ehe aa the chapesand as good as the Test, era tlie v th o band Silver. local oamebthesia. Dental Roms -nCow- an's ne* block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa: 35 THIOM A4IIUN,,TIN' SifSURt OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. Ofice-Town 1 HlLResidence-Byron Street, three dogora north of Town Hall. AIR DRESSING AND SHAVING Salooni Brock St., WVhitby. J3011N WOLF EN.i)EN , A°Na -°F"RTHE ACELBRATED of Jonathan Wolfenden, Dndas St., Whitby JOHN U M , ICENSED AUCTIONE EB FOR THE Counties of Ontario; York and& Peel. Residence-Lot 8, 8th Conc-ession Markham. Post Office-Uiounvile. sales attended on the shotest notice, and on reaso"ble termas. Tarma car Ibe made and bi11s pH ted at the L EVI1 LlBA NKý>.Ji., TICENSED AUCTIO¯NEER FOR THE U County of Gntario, liegs to return thanks foi. the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, and to announce that heoisa prepared to conduct sales either ini rangements'or sareun cmade either at the CHRtONicLyý Office, or at my own Office, Brock Street, Whitby. 9 Euici.,E. U ItLE Y, RCHÄNT TAILOR, CLOTHIER, & Clothier, Oshawa, Gentlemen's gar. monte made up-in the best stylo- and latest t akea ée ection e n ra och suits. - - unrut 1 arge quantityo all kind s of lumber con- s.tani on hand. a edand a tnded Lahot notiee, Coffn oPtconstan on hand. A hearse to hire ounusalyLtr es o Itret. - H O R SE M E D I CNES. Al9es 1tin o he best IHorse Medi- eint ketcosantly min hand and for sale at the Whitby Livery-16tables' ' te-No charge fur advice, N ,B ATY. A T H E R L Y, Crk D/v/slan C'ourt, Tp. Cr, Çommissioner ln B. R., Land Agent, &c., a,, Atherly, County Ontario. àbesg, # t- nd,904 . - A LBIO N -0T EL, -WRITBYý,ONT. The Albion hasbeen thoroghy rnoa e , th b in ad ry"Ccommne- CENTRAi, HOTEL, BRIT1SH AMERICAN 1RUMU N'. JOHN BAILEY - PROPBIETOB,' Assurane Coniany, "The above-hotel has been newly fitted up' and furnished. .Gueslts will tndcomotbe accommodation sua attention. Good stabl- O A PI1 T A L, #400,000. ing and attentive hostlers. ESTABLISHiED 1831. OMMERCIAL 'HOTEL, This old and well established cýmpany 093WA NTRO Are prepared to acc yt risks in all classes of61RAwA, Poetat rates as sas those of any wou JAMES BLACK,-POPITB estaished Company in Canada. orâetyiteu omsfromr Islated ana non-hazardous.property i Convenient ly td urooms o omr sured for three years or lessnt pecIan il rvllr.B omattached, rates11 - L. EAIRBANKS, Ja., > O M M E B C 1 A L H 0:T L3W *7 OlBoe,BrockSthib BROOK-orT,,WRITBy u m s RC • HIB.uCagföert siwier- , eof a omsâs 'lrt k he Ùýet wj w i: This Company insua Farm Buildings T ýonb o xct n resfr a ofa w"think she would'taluethat kind osloe, h oshegased..oaff -- Cunty Chrchs, S 1 ousean1th PA W T F RR TK LIM LoME Ti ° °"h t ehaand Eshe would -at once,, by instinct, .I thenburst, into anexplanation. indpfatigqble .rinsuranc gnde4 Cotna'rtsaw.o stos fay AT WII T B S T A TIrON. witq whiéh leyhe b oe d, hale.Watch the 4 'QI the is a gauge teaon fyu feto. htIsi nwnt;tenx oe-e; uzn í'èr t ft re -W, wele ihd opn nCnaa N. L -- R PIT dtiously and to guaranterteco p etesa si -Sitting ne e roUund ult; . Bother l' almost roared Dick, chang- thMàg"I recollect was, that shei)lai on awinter t eie hni o esoly,'oyuko.pwl im er,~ ~ ~ ~~~~~OIEL JUT OSESPRMTLIPIDT--ioRi.alaaes'PaythtOuld m. nipure withwa mg from ,the colour of a -peony to thie the ru"shrieking. 1 rang' the bell Welltohave somle set trdu yi :ymte idwe I.a. e L. FAIRBAN S, ZR., .B KL, Parties talsing the train and leaving horses * -JAS. OLAYT As they w>,ae ISodden paleness of a Liverpool and Isle hard wle; in'sed ee rva; with*him. -. bb adwe he foudytat'du Mr.tD.Holliay isno lo r an i n avo temelraeturn.of _ thrMay 4, 172 r-20y kIE TStER.,FXE did love, didaI? I don't know any- 6"Oh the wreétch I' howled Margaret ; border of sodled ad trdlokn ei esecle iph o this Comany. _ e sagent.rt .a h 82 IE.tfimg about it, thank, goodness ; and "hie has married another ;' fHen seld s h u ea o n rgt; hesiTeLrdwthbtente tI- opay L OB EH O T EL, IST OF THE DIVISION COURTS PREPARATRY what la more, I will be bound-to sdy fainteda&gain. Water dashed in hier and the old -womnan h oree n wie eae bet-oefo b. HÅ'NIX FRE ASSURACE CO'Y Y. that if you could get to the bottom of face onily caused her'to 'shriek ornee along it with - resoluestp asue anhr. st ., B a ~~~~o o L I N, O N T . o We lad not allm togehr for 'the matter, you would find that Ned more: "papa, shcamma, hie ji* going to herself audibly now ani hn:"lwe fny'Cd ad LOMBARD ST. & cnAarNo cRoss, LONDON.JA.PWL- - PROPRIETOR. COUNTY OF ONTARIO neur thirtee ye e were e and Charlot;hal only niarried you for b in his if.her;hehs o er 1es pof famtel eI Ntigmr 'qetoe i ybrot rs : Dick, the se -, aconfire some such reason as I mention.' the hall. Oh-o-o-o 1" Hrdeso ae aiowssot " elIdntko.Atral si ESTABLISED IN 172. --- T-cLAss AccoI[MODATIoN.- FOR THE YEAR 1872. old hachelor, who p roseed in Ned and I of course at once went Things were at apretty pass. O yes, and scant, while hieraniutdbckvr mches?".eyugmn - ~~N AT H¯¯¯¯~ Nk eaad DJckINso, h troghpntmiicatinho h efet o my el auh, alofyo; uibnntpshd areouh ac ro serd hsiatn lsthi orsahol m- GIJLESPE, MOPAT &CO., gentsfor O T L hÃ¥ beenall oer th d, hat Dck wa a horiblemendaious hinkof me "Peraps,"said tocteihe heatdhfac to sow aYimuofroughbrin a shdow o-painto thfblueeyes g. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T B C Caaa.BR KsT . w IT Y n fooeland ad. wrth;riigJuayecoktecilnfahr,"o ilae m e yui ga aiws h wrefo ay yu ethsi sc srnehr JAMES DAVIDSON, Manager' O. DAWE S T-~ PRO- - - -- -' One othions t 1a vn.sea, and so on ; while our wives looked another room, and I will explain all.' bruise and dent. One ad upea ol.Gdmd t ob-ue n -. A E, R PRIETOR. No. 1.... -2- - - To o.eithi' c2ns ve.';tenderly and fondly imtoour loving "oertainly air, if the matter admits hierrysMains coulda mae igapdte crsfriIs ni ea ed o thce aainsralss'by ire are e T heaoeodetbihdhoe a en 2..3 2 2 2 3 1 ed teparson, w ai are 0fcs fepaato.Jms'ade et ade ohr graycto aaol islwis ihyd d sa -d on-tem andvral tnsad os s of tbeguihdi nw . - ie h ol he ardcots oan ol ntmk p ymn n at al-ow, s," turni t me, of frut oeh aeul ih genicietlh mnlvs age pit YEMA GBSN, leveoti ndnein roNo.s. 131627 19 pa2ry; than dal m na barrister, wich wouledd i me es t nor "c zan boomethisway." wl'ev e Re ine rde ngtsekosb vr hne hr em an the bstpur e n ors be g nsh dares.deidbu cul oteaiysoI ose gn.H har e it cmrese frai veled alk rwth eve lnefr aogtetras ti ayeog ,21 On.aE uthe b l tritue Th ad e stablng12 Z1 BURN AM, ,1e7ee ssmld ethaer e at ouupandhIlcl net a, Margart ;t i eliallnd we aeirth rg te,vn hefo racssteeadawhistoblvenasp iapoetngPo - y, , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lev a n o ingateu te, ivliyof hte rs . 0.,Tudge27 20 18 pa .otern d's vicar a ag O frdria ,aeF hs u iuds e beamewhie frt e slt e fsa ing in ,aditohe ece vrap rew te iy lke u s ./V8fp00/Bad 0Dd0p a d Q/Obg ~ _ Whitby Fe. 13th 1872. 7 ai J anar 186-. ,th efrstDa e o m retched l' a edt e w Obies.te none W he a l. u iihed, uinet sha d ar w heeMs at u hr aes nyghr- u AN F C U EDAoH O eeeig fe déebfoete acae, u of Fann. Wht e ,oI oto her y o beoulard ne you shcourelt ed-rvldress of witewto ebto citr fee hee wsoe'a i V Ir A L E A s T s $ 7 0 0 , 0 . N o H E R , o N T a e 11 j . l a diW ees , c o s s m in g o e td's w tf e a n d e a c t l y I f o g e t ; b u hi aetat h A losm o e x l inMi r ' s i d Ld a n y w o k i n h r h a d . o n n o w i e s a s h a n d c n b e s r v d b N~ý th --B.PL N -- d - P OP IE ORps, ana a fut facWfk .em , ad lft us t asprp selbepit - am ly ha i h d o uc " ouraclyo ;ene rid to ex hae as c ai ro pe t eol w m n, a if ik h s? D esit se m prbal MF M eof thit -dvey ars tagst.ndfo hibadail. r-oe fr nue r tica a e xohd notm ney.;wsgon oNw Zaan b liubn ; ou nog, eyou htraue fr ofmyh e pe rositth asktb'd er n, htay ihr oe drcs1i a CIerlabyCaF ees L to dLRSndyotnio aid to'geests: LEFF'LEB RA1TED AE72 cAN D nUBLE almetoery for. T',O o a m e-nd w ted wife ;and wut ke er, porcdaughte' oen ce." pl bt fuih uismg her battre o nntsilaghnl-pupsls oig n INiUyiC , ,00,00,arebe. liuidtae asfaUEar; -lTURB NE A T RtWEE po sibly, dor probably hmi ght n ll 'T he wouldhavme . I a d ed thaw a t on eart o th heSiryu aexa l I ittearhes a ck, beni re u i-gig hy eh d n beti adjusted wihout d du ton. Securit, OYAL CANAIAN HOTELne etoigter aga m ealbfoth andt aehe hcohr wiigadonotkno no prbaby d d ei hier orous o fro hewisefhhihetread ad Prmp P etan Lbealt i ajut-' TH M sEc m oLwH E N WI U Eat I orelwbrefsloIsoudco cu e, ifeIid r ot bruge.,"you come her, you stelmG o feno n r.S akeueshrnn h r a i lsl s t a m e Vofits o SSErethepr minentfeauresN- HST E Ra , O NT,,lae c onesty reladtsg m tur n d e ear in aIfor tuighut, ith a t -he ot eh l's afet- xtion; i ul ri' hi p said Mistu nimae d.rtof l aighh sleow . N B. ad0 C rac, otra H OY - -mRPR E OR• g e, at e t ixhehad 9ev r o eni. y ob - noaccept my o1er. We, a - Yu f tasa n ot hfo ry cl oth . "Afenocid - ea k ow. An evnt t fnls ts etie , G . s e s p l a i o u s f . C . M I T H . J e c i o n s of c o rs e e re a is ed T h e aft e r d a y a s s e o n , n d I h e a r d d a r e n ot a v e h u s u t r a gdom y f e el . a b oult h e g o o d . A ll ut d o rsha lal l c e ', Mint s ai rl w at h i n g h e l g h t eioscnd rindsFw notjugeMxpctaioOadSllthaFkndLfLoshRot. eStairgIsay orI salason ondriy wth notintbu is eadou poe re ve al. he er harsof OHL . WATKIh' SrY atenRio aB aý ustON HUs E > hi EEZAEDAERC OBL nmetarhlyadhe orsalngavie muchn ot a bt fit;I i ntcaemuh fretmyef n ser.B ofoif a er It deseara fsm u edaenmee-o'-o e prefered to m a feisapenes fro ifrFan d id o i se ad my fl, tk i er ould J a e sal nnkckeo nuce erng fls wsjs ad ostadlok m m e o parw vn al 1Y F8Oio F r / C / iaedasfuta T INA LTEUND As T E T wH IT BY ibryor ers a wh gist. t li hOwfor agare. ; a d cud otat h b nellf r th fotman "yaes, 1ick artin' n adeyplcswhl ntohe run wtottekn - adj3td itou dAu8 8/ GN. E Eit, O 'NNDANIO Lo se nsoe, ed ; aitisnsuealto snw hookand andtheither ofwhy iater al o the rasc liet." James hes n itetr fo lks gnfostugn.yi h eg fteFte. BtmP ALIFF ad Di aiyi n O U T .G .R OBSNE PR PRI TOR. all WEL e I UEsprtomýÏ orrw we Iladour1 fel yrI culd, I asup odnn oldific o rage."All om orais, said I. a re, "Godan'dut. Wnt o by ay",antudrtn t it 'et-of Thessae h rmîetfetrs PR pe r egs OnoNeTha, h beakfalostl t elotire ntrno em, Ackla, w it.ho lfa t ime doe"Jafekck m i ck oudh oe he bucklebeies onlmyfivecnsaqat mpretysr htm ri ilb OFDpur'sHIelwhchhawbenenvaedawt tfhe bdsdow er n.'O - ha eacpse ;I aidonf e moreW day I was ettin fanr y amlo okedY up afre dre a. iatogii ar eem c og IEIea fa1t ý n Big lo w' c, Po r t and. fO YItt d p R I ou nt Eh s a aiOy Sal r J ak.o to m k s r . N o a s er loit w s at b t o s e iaot k o w a heoyhe s a yseneego k a rie adefig ty oa cnua i > rr.G.siuaedoposieSMpPIsTOHc din h wom oe hourseout of th Tetgny fou cear that Fassin , nu d othe ae e odo.thv hu urga yf .abotnerheart oto seoh ogh wth.n te ln frakA o PertPerryJuDomn io4I72 0 n tirothectown.m hedation lwo aym nus asonexatl y fhe same s another, Welth n , I su p oed ed ts o y ad i"A low me, it e p l aingy a n ; hi igw a. -T ee t me , scach d faewl. W it lod M obe m call s ahe o tl, and t htiestagers fr.wheth rfo lepngiatn, rnk noauo telt er fll . I h ug tof d n' ouseuhtitim isotu e h n sad h ganh i, e bnth m do'sy upiy met atI mutgofo EW AIBANKERYin&, A Ut ST Wi OEnt d vro ev h oo vr lyno kn.sapyigt theas oned, nto write ofth oo Jmms iky faul?" a ightyappalt e a onh atd yo trih it h urigAgs -- ters lway in weÈáEEce . cmtal -t'e ll, bn t,' iedDick 'gwnt mud ilheecond lt fr t n fbouMt ."Jaeso, kikaimr I wrI ll o our uclebies i nowjs a h hd snsie? R N L.HWATR DS, ENOBO RO SE hnihaahad e , ; ( tuhvm uch~ fiebaueiaturt a.nt aemuh fre - .fadswa. ef, o -..er ds Beg t anonc tat e s oi pepre yaefr elf, wnacr l is te rmn's gamoüwaidnthislie.' [Nd lyI old James ra i;"kand heuthrew Hehreg orlbesuretwa nt as afrsltr hy slewdaE OFFICIAAnd SIf G N EE UDA TREWHITBY •Ndwl nl e s3 i h i-ethr forargaretouldimell a at or eala the foot ate Ightaom gl, kck woa atin tilld,retnadmra- ysndpoigaw dru amr . J f /06 ch~~~~~~~~~~~'nen ,n hat n t tihlps t n, 4hoka nd erh aps e wd pot hr &Ifo erand avance."iig hl e adrn yssan-aant tedy' icmot. H A t~~G O h i l t n , l t i c u i d b r . T e u r B S i gn e d w Poul d in i a e t o t e h n h s r a n sm eve g n e tshm s l .' ( e d s w i e l o k e a g e se dSi , .m , ai , t e i c i ord v ry a r i l eilt e r omsw t c e w t a s rt o f s il n c r o s t A. ublc, hattDhvab ve rem seshavRbenb d."Stm t o e w d o r fe oul I s ote m self t no ldargaret pretty c ircum tan e ."es' sr . g a e m ; u ck e e res a'til.s t e a e , jo ti g p rpiin r w B e L i or and Ciga. ." eTh ram ofe aprta nyohrsobi h on r demonastrate t ostrm ot edrat wth uto andy ; b ut fo t e ortih " a nd tckhatwasckthlasteherd tal ; ise folsh mt ht ht igo·asoa p1oiceIrsi e K pc ot anyon han, inses. Cana ea s o phe uediRhmeWme, yknW alz s g n e wl ie ag aate wt a snowpleight icheds al d iftheo pien, a fo t e b snsr e s a otd ot f t e r o r m my I tlmu p ryawe.esy h aifo a g g ,b t ep n p a c n OLOB ERS MON S 8A S eueksae and etic ail. baders en b e na hm eanlmdan ih etde w ei a rf-aterw AsI eceiv e touleters bay xs rt ed no 1 fthe r-in-aw-t ado'tI wçeihave breadad ik n1 tna wpn fd mp fcs wt O FCE E TgeOw BCck, 'P o StrfriheadftEd P HroA. BA ,n e mnfatrd nh Dmnon d dn newud lf alngt-p soedofIwihtho ughtmoke d waste, an rm isJooma's loe. keeresenIm p in s ut kthnkrhes BE A deliered dilftosustemesTand es e<iringaurtherinformtion cn Thirr w Or for the n Weeýkatest lj ke ur h e was r om M ar- bTh parsno.sa id al ebt kmade him many of em.h e s ,s awy ai Y u lok a otne si o all- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ stad oteppvsosangoodeie'd s IL siteNtheP O f e, obamnithþyadresig o evnethe ubiquit o rd Bisht;op ; gartt, ful fa y ou ol e woulde swear d. Tefatwsh hdu enkdoeboe lyfor t ;btIae o weeo Genad' c onan' Iny er ery ue2,82 6 cnr ftt .Ted. W iPAXTN, TAEn&bC., tat te artsonelswa mty I upptoe, cl sI ng scenetetyaity. very muncseria laguae. Whnaais handay t b em Hoi m1mby rmre i nier lotcosy Choice Brads of Cigrs. ASI€B the • PerreSt.,oPor Perry, O t orsepig aigrinig, t at ss the ce te me . Is t lengther ment y swe ta igIhardy sk tn , b nIdsetangtery 1 a. Isoldtikth niemih er RICHARDbSNOW. a In , JR., PtRi vthdORETOR r ch 1,8G. 1 i b oreedm dwol ealondrlnwool rve aebe ikanug a enmuhwre.'OI a i o apalonik gyru ihu.n it uhadya Wi by, ept.,1871 37 - -- - th beter or tbaRÅ  oke Tolut s silyn a toe d on t ? Pap a ta l - n I hae epau t ed o roalyt a i y woul lte ai;sths! R "" v^tt'h"a*b""'"ñ°°1'"'ti"*v"'°re"" AalubleF hi ive ipe w~ in he ev. istactd wihmhppiessor ome oorfteme, nd as sonrfteeontWel, nw! tat' proer in-; hed to may hghbpes orbm t .r ~te a nnetht onsnovGuea e st ilfn vey cneineatte Mdlsx,8 ce lae, n elwtr)to - n i ar as w r ray c ul1ady;ep lug ig a"Dc ' an m k s about a itakew hat ononb e ts l n tms a seud cmii "n et ral oo tr at cigr ofthubstbrnd awas ep on yongorhadifnhonefrit; it ated sev e Indi vida e14 ationd . I on ith isst 'S tatjob wa hlf i gnd s on th oughl. tas,.to don't y ural sml fth m flatoktersas ihtearpfmrys to~~~ ~~ theprmiesdninngthhWstrnHoelahndtGodstblnganuatettehoslen Itin45miesofth fouismgvilae f ixpar f ar, te'swiebndis m Fnn Fizt raduuttlenitwht' gt or'nthn he wnt?'nogoatlaos Mericorer \Il Dua Sr eet, hitby, wher heisnow alay anda ne. Park Hill, and containng 142 acres.6 sakit- etled , I a t oul m ear Mrat r ry0y gm, utoItel s H ! Shak donesl astanl. IDLApidbyM. . Th NDeRILdWAO F ANti ADe A Pakhe11.sming to muchan sittingoup tooibtmad. e p my ind oo at oer coudinotIabe" rih t he ; a n d ed an I ai cle gin t eh oiiok teei ;'ada .edl htdw JOSE H A BA DEL blie_, tWhtbyJult24e187. t-20 lat. Weletswshavdylkeirsu-adonotaDeonshreand setleteerymmy wors en my oul nevr sy t at m fi er of I S I aint go no wit a aug."tokee;outthe outage WhitbyOMay 8, 1871. 19 T I M E - TwA BrL Eo. - -- --a--- - -g en r wtlean ly, I g rnt ou, my eader, th aivoe ? I n g i te bes or fe roentme td ourtake an eI s-a parila no pro spec fgti o e u ut " B t a i l a e p o e L I V E R Y.' . will rn as follows: 7 - mas ime, we had n snet fonvery toubergot readyand preparations madenext affair shall betdfferentlyuman.ethat yo needn - ;mmdnabout reurning, day, answeringpatiently the manyaun . - nsatyonbninsa. n . Geof udrN Noan'RTH-MAIL.a maaneawih a ny eart nhe sn dlÏ i f ted o f m oupe.Ienn caeesl g nI wl eepp frtel u ireesayadelfqe os usin RiNG EpSattMna ha h hs agaIi e Ln s rie..... . 2 0 a.m. oo waaimossblew cold nly It adbee midircte, ad ravlle a auhtebholinsi th net rom. jutwll It mus b nieotthaeopinttosecre omeofthemos deir " depart.......E12 15,Sa.Sm.i•. -( get outgattheaback-d sothataowing half overaEngland, ad wasdcovered In thrheaorrioutdaafeIwwassaIa plcntydso's ouecanrgiveaawyetottheNable satslfor weary m thershand tire W H/ TB Y L BACO/ JYERPY 8TA BBES, eavetonarriv - -- - -i- t1he, D.m.niRE. RdL Dt o nwatte w d w a n teuch wth vey f many p ostarks. It wasoryin, an frent isfo a u a c. he poo rrd es evin',anti no ,ltecidr . mxEJa. ChPnceiOf Ouribeng fdisturbidfandaditedcaathrandberaf-' yhear e arrialo N o. 2 fIa bthe-iaw-thi- Taty f'sharItod rsH e evsohr T eln ra pd oto h iy BEDdelacred a ed tad aor , nd Pr oe ear....* 0 p .dtce." ek tles ick.' dit l oatheenvelopei close- w1t-e owo a epthd dy hnsegvem ahtb;aa rmtesoeo t onis the onvyanes nd ehiles n te pem- Linsaybarrve....... 6y0,a. m.DeCsTHisFgERsoFx.aven tstade aboveqMoreandoo.daBote Whe hecamhheemracd thughsaksli'twshnluse'thut rn mlls;sersse moe sowlfth anther atsocusoms ntgodamei se of Baeondea..... 24,pm.- isncyudrtn atree S N O S ,is t pinedo te;ea,'Iloe ormrejee, ndsofrt.l fudoutafe- hik f ht. Cors wuln'psk edha.pfonetewaer adthnfar puli a ronger . . insaPrrvX....... 4,5,p.m. :E &DE.'r ba e ns'rkigon s. rtYof anyofus t asumore,' with a hi eart smething waerds th a e a in detadwhate ]d r cursbegI n't eiv bgml udrwyHateeoisrnt n 2;; ic OH ARG s Mo DEig R A TE• Pot Hoet.......r4t p.m. M -y ggO n o ke hmeing ack o u b s ntomdl. Iamntmc fatruhhsduhe ogth fmnd ýZ- ' so talays otrOd"se ioft ag n et hrigo N. B.-overe convyance for amilis y ... , p m. SND FO A CICULARm, nOsubstiutin or th f ofcowarabutIudecarehtoyoulIberscmoneytAfteme.tiIwIssberedhim, taybePeggycan fd one for ou intotheIwld pituresue contryt foreIHAR toal odes.. . PrA oeav.... WL ,J . 12 5,pILE . M ar3,16. 3 'Alilbok rig t i se oul aalon meting ;oulIs ee 'h aest e ,u whan e Ihad beaumshed, by te 1trying to - k eetesakeo fnot gr3 a n s nro - N. RAYyProprie.r.1H.1. TYLRO87 EBt h y mte fr ak t ke eusots,? ik--We a d left homepeforelath pow ae r e sal eaor o th ai of herueyes as she wnee htwstak; e ln iz egs hr 7h, Srbr eBtaanupcto fTrinds. N S LE.< h m deai, n w«,' h y bstie. amria o yor dea ltte, awhiché I a ife aimg:ilill Illyou, ythespal- nhex heri l is.arre. ee non ie hl K INGMBOTHERAIL hrebyd nttha pliction wll because coul tellbots o xes sall fr everkeepaúd haegbee1peen.tIhamnot a ood hnd at rishi Willve ? 'd be ustrst up nw ftefulmp cipecslan harpl on th RteaoveN E Y oTeOL te Vlaeo mAh a be F the isae semlyogO. ih'rohr-etl wldctte rveliginesatlsothtitwa o ,wl pssoerhid xpetvsmrey fsh cud, cm enedte ldldy; r.non sm WH ITB , ON TARIO, D 1 trio, a its nxt sesion, Of ct to w ari e s, 8t -ost of the nttllls ihtta yecie o r oadn tat while he Wallhowhng w tndten ih ae etngmdiaesit sr-foedcetueofte1on br.Tebuei i-an u is e s Vtainshand'onthe sill d in esofn otsoo e rmiat dt ut if er I ulat bon e r e th te ae n a l u tuk mt ets dd tis;ad aeW lo undfo ImoThersDeersnd anuftrerelbs o l aa ble by ior n saments foral f nromot25, Two. et W4glliEs, conn pam tnio ell ou h sfix yto my s ler papa: oIngagae i con et , ; fcompel nte fltohie chi a s n atisfaction.nh r ' ep ah easo ig af re o n vp tomw GuePr ivateFnds t r o nLed+ nowtthe arde.;x 80adfrespererlyand eing.te agation- dsxp ist me. ndy oul t rdyliee agiin Irean D- 'should'hkesabfoutmi age at In a n e i lon . myell in's 'oeIsa' og hog h as n.i Ba T 10E S OR aoe nAPly meto- ame.liuor,.adGo, nod erusthandbuidinsman;' fneand the tahour aornof hewOx .eshisdrfriendf-actcamea l: whoertheil et nonesqureayroIuns pofanti;cu'he ciar o te es bani; BWay eLLn Wngëhi a d , 1872.ut; iuaelseethidviul ea.o.1 a n ih l absor t thea s a, I clnei ekcon o cre. ts to* n"d*yo askSeuP tote rmie djiin heW ser otl bn.Godstbin n atntvSocit a breatardde4atmiles of .tistead gron suddnly obulegte'exprssion fjobew SHpre o ReecTe NlOTIE . fr o.A May 28t, 186. 22t F orp clas-l o-mn ondorpat tIblOe or esodac Lr wgmus I M trc er f w èo rewa e uI telhadbcm e ofHu l mpryln twsse i lag ,n 18 lect ~oc¯ERT JOd.N YARNOLD,-- T HO A IH u c , and aeys gai e p u frn ln . Ind wind ong upI w ath a alw ays ili e o o I a nd eaw Mr on OuttsI R erdia meg1ees o nbharaine t h donc s usalINBLANUBAIWNCEF CAADO.ParkT *iLU moresingto u o n 4ieacg u Jhe I any e p M ' gothon e oiann, came inow my aroom awihsaido' Iat- ow. Hetameao as obvrteeys(s o saeosr FOREPTHE. Still contWinus o'nsrfam u ild24,n71. and as e Wall. it ae sdl rujettowont a e onhrc .a Cter.mywrs nd s c oua ngve me ante :to-dy, n' I gOff i m h se o Sin a iir rnbfr h Canda.Theweath ndresectbilty f r g . achu m e r th g igand m 1 amngthwe wrall orf " d i F acd " d ny topieaoei ehmtecapi teirslt mrm aewt t ~~OadRESS-Box 99, WNrrv. ist 41tr i s Drcos r ufiin uratet verpp s, l exit . f t auage isat rain ih ag te tDik ei ean, .My ere re ho gh , n ie -"N o batleft h 'dre;yitb oghVaIIeeyees a upiak be -AT TuE- D I i a fllws 1ý R EMoisO R S : .° , we .ia .n* smtofr owe rY t h wa so m e wa t réaatdshe aresum. 'When r . Fl b itzg er end t oo y'e gt h u b grim"e-a'psno,-ep ndd ar m a or-handla h e. ed : 'Itfor M y be vry goodt fn frl syu pp ied a ch othl e, pahe fir a t He lbothaf Mt- s s I A 'h l wd S ake ah ru crany Lotai sno. ss Sut C oPikein, n inst n dsayr rrv e .r.Wellington05,a i. Jn AoT,.......krn. Eon'tlet a ife le we sorya inis Mtary two wmie I coua nt.rerbloratnyaethe sotM. se ayoeedysw nbegt Cdeideehahemshave seiz "°-4, "°'"'- whBt'- so t othe riec-. '-.. °°..... JHNDAE1.....,.....Care, O twn a, an' tg n noO h noet itedast te Ftgrl ird aan;tebalwn cee up t h tci' it;a'etheoprhiy he i ielf - adTowns p of Mrra, . Nrhmerc.BhBCELanit of pmk and dshas mosntJeic h , but dI o nld nt cooeóe hlm the otemN. 2Reathat, I lwhper. of life I e-a'n mr e il H a due ta hesoldhv Being earlo 2, th onmessn aioScty Aoct andeidis a ble........ Presidein. fools do. Iw ud eMav isd bfoeteohr ànrcud I berte e w a to n t a t honceI f you ie , o c Ve l, I mustlbe govei Tm 'ege ta n ths dy of ll d , o " outy of ntda-1a es 75n clered Lto all err ve F.b.g.....yri..ha.ay. ude te un . dea o ossing up, n o tat chalese Iwl rtr o ypaeadnr o fr h ladts he "crw d tte sikn'p ,b , dwellinghoucs advexesveou tbupid30 .ing. C hen S ailHoliat h ota u o N e Z e ed to¶ ly s la eylad oh h ooeme.aThen,trndpesiou odhahews 'a -b r,'orcedMs. ' henwr," urikepae ti n t ofreparuA ytos th eri own r o Baer, h tby , uy 87ga N vet1 a.nom an'.tkewih e2neoo4ateaai, ul d a f fae ah r n ut adisefied, a fnd rde ou fatefull 'hy s b a . Que ho yo ag y an g -o jk , r. pubiepIMEnge ONndaTIFFIN,....diticm y u e, o - at e re t rne ntesaIIlv hn fta. 4 15, p.meals, gunpowder, horseorewhip deprt ....... 2 bcnosÉikin o ofanvof anamoe,'wpingheat r oethen rds taeed. db, n wnedlerco e hit on t wa atd m le h1ls wt s ue n ff thi mhEDfRACRUA -fOr'iýsti h ide ot ao . on the premises. ARZM FOR SALE. RWNTDOPU HA C and talk to A f e { hsloe n tditne Whtn 'The note was. from his dan hter it now ?I oy Leaskdale, Nov. 14, 1872. 47 F^" F ATDTO PUCHSECRpi t nigh, nd- b we earth could be donc ? At one- time, Fanny, my affiancedl bride, was ated that way, and I'm wli uht YorfrVhn;tatwl isra 2 O O A er e 'h "e 'o;a5;db a I thought of sailing straight off topro to my first interview with her take em'; u, o en gro LAWLER 3~~~~~~~~~~~Wanted, a farm cf from 60 to 100 ar ehn ste'MNwZa New Zealand prematurely ; and then father, and was addressed to some Irish nobod.MbyIdgtaogetr.' i othaeni I, ' ~The udersg. . ~uho zdtese]theter articula aply atthis office, orr ofu-Man Mmylfinbreeks, I remembered you all at home; thepaer who, pretending to berichi,had if I was, for I need a sgtsosa ok nti ol tbnvratt Importer and Dealeri all kinds of north q of lo N. 15, an odos the 7 but formerly I wa - el, I saw tarnish to the fmily name, and the on er so-called -affections. It wüs, frocku an' thing. terfle enslk hyogtt.e p er in , s of~c lot No. 1, in the 5th coneesion kst BOX 98, Whitby P. o. clearly no one coul all this for me anathemas that would be launched at moreover, to, the effect that she agreed She drew her old bne1ate na'gease o'~l' ftmsa Fam/y rocrie, fre /ne erîng,*omprising 20 aresofimeelentlnd- whitby, Dec. OM, 1872. t5 u wfs e d ato marry, II m ostewtrb hs oed ohrdrigFe' rpsl ndhrhawiehree ogtMstshitgtnn.Iwdd' en Es we adapted for grain and pasture two said nothing to any e about the mat. WAll, -I made up my mind to go. would meqLk him ad.hisost-chise at face, in a- curiousdln lnet oho fIha cW ietu - P UR SP IR T B, urable streamsa runlnmg throu h the farm- 0 E 8 A LE ter-first, because ew I should get through it all, to see every one, exp¯liin 6.80&a.m. a sranp .It, was se@ the1 effect of this Las aeulan bii' COKRIINGASAE&.,fur the use of thtpace rewoodinatiibrs orose nte ect of the bareohemttrfully. Sùrely .every one, about 5.15 when h shrfrdhse it tsee ohv ge ettihmor i sle n n CROCERYCHIA, GASSARE,&copleaant beig mdwa twent e on Lot 24, south hall, 7th con. Whitby. Poss'bility Of MY in love thatm hogtImstseit with 'a mistake, second shot, throu h àht. 1I left off harmlesly, and,wthaitlsg, ean pyvni.e oidl- ClÉEQUE RED STOR E, of en enoda roug ha ilDaellnr,&caottre-uresiewol emt rble ; second. and. will make allowances for'me;, Ireland as soon as 1 cou./egtee phrtraue n e n.avgoaswudKn ' Forall iformaion enire f- clared.Situated a mile north' of Brookii. ly, because 1y ssot and I What allowances 'they made, yog shall; 'The res ective ends the wo girls- parted. rcat Caewl n sBoc IE T, HENRY H WELL, APPly to- was detenined to auick workhiea. I afterwara heard were there-Fanny ier shadow had areyvnhe eeIlne hi Whitl, My8$ . ty e'thty ONC Landb#os fr 2 * f etie ot-three o'clock 4the-ne # a e-g» sf fwthbherlover Fred. :Morrg t h or eoe hhbae a e, A04 ý '14 CLAYTN'S ,TJ PA TENTED W TheseHrseRaes th mt areilow bon duÏ à= the ;j ; they * sacng, arme of Ilh very beut edaétethoft - e rfect rileof6th e veintroduce to B the famiîcom doing the work S' quickly an& wen,S a t fro M to-P S alnecar =jar atJuntion is also cal to his v ROOT"')f AJb,ANURE DRILL% They are 4upert nyhn fthe kiùdAP

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