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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Dec 1872, p. 2

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àa. V MUN McKwara in clonalbating a a public im orylib Agerl ýXi*st be iS7ý'jya 1 cana, 'IReeve kioldeu ý*U "ple remnàbl , a tify* noi 1 _ ! ", , ý,ký 1 1ý 1 . 1 1, 4 . _ _ provements Mr àâd , , M Pa es to"!,. iras uleut', 0tot 'ihaiâom>i*,b.ùt w T i Pý1 inro - lui I ha et intended tl s t To bonus for the extension of, what ohould it ii; oniy bget sputy Reevé. ow cipai uni- to the h lxOf ing whât à eau k BI thouéf th il Col. bot Our County Renway. Although, it and acting toÉether m' one man, thât anadian Company, _,when *ell P f lia' et the b ly-.ï' :47t, si the 1 didate Tenders for Pusenger Station&-Do. Was thanght at thât thezon- thoix- Boa , ha said, and*oapsbly' manspa, Tmm-.Clerk, t ýa"gMbIaci ut ýàeýe wuno Reformer for if Serv&pt Girl Wafited-Uzir. 0;, Draper, ObÙodon' of the Toronto & Nipisiing intoïests te secure a fair share f e-, on itt an&,in, -the--Town- Courwil-there- haël First-ýrizo Filoiégraph through Brook would kili off fdré,.,, attention or coasideràtion. nly twq Reformers - Messrs. ny The report -shows ý129&-pglicies the Town hall lut, foi th were 0 twistm were issueil dQnngýýthe, 7ear',1098 of pu a' no use, and li ri 'Irt Beeveï -King and Botte., - Bo therewai th*,Whitby line-r-and no d -it --wasi force. Ànd aU Jhà work PV),Ulityv B:fev:l Oubt We bave.been led icmewhat sway which are in Derpo",ýf for 1 8. of Reformers trying, us tâe Conserva- more t Uugold Crown Lande, ior We 1designed to dg oo--the criginal Objecte froin what we intended soi on the _&,ý;rwu tives intended ta keep'- their positions. ýto Eng bas' beau, done withla,îhe fint'year of The attendance very As regarde 'the Agricultural, Farin, it if ha cc Boott, coin, bithe es4y prblÙoters of thât lino, subjeotý of the Municipal élections. the Company's existence. This cor. net quite se tof wù w8lUknOýM that it cames from a Notice-P. W. P. Bail*by. still'remain, wartuly U-««, -in View- Wehowever, refrain froin Makin ratepai g fur tainly augura - Weill for theproq>eÉty m on many At te, Re£um,ýGoviriiment, and as th Mayor Spécial Notice. and although, thwarted, and retaraed Ither remarks, although we did coin- of the Association, and, il it Continues oolock the Ta erý ý, HustS, bail bée a Reformer ail Ide 1"ife until Mr.. Ta Iloute-keeport-.Tes. BYrna. for a. time, the project bu noiiuer beau 7iencé these, with the, intention ' of icently, when lie proinised -to-vote fôr candidi toprosper as.it bas bogaù,ýbids fair, to took the c g resd bis defested or lost sight of. , Iniwad, of pointing out the duty of the electors in file Reform; cand.iIiate, and cairvassed lin,& >81 Iditîug or killing ït off, the ý conêtruc-, votinü for the, candidates b fitted ta OU4-trip ite aider competitors. proolamat, il, commen- tor tL a Couservative, ho (Mr. G.) had niarkel %st There is overy resson why Canadi. oed. Th loft with the eh influence with the Gpvern. ýîied-. tion of the Toronto & Nipigijiàg muet, 911 the position. We leavëluat matter 8 not mu the 0ovëmmënt ktïe*, Of !à was ans ahould ou port, Home Companies cuit ud se Many of Zc ' 1 on the contiary, have demonstra, 1 1 p Holdeü) could ' cause t tell j ta ýwith the electors theuuelyeg,,; Our respect eople of Brook, that the old' anal sufficisntlyîntelligentý in prelaténce ta Ameiiian. , Ma4y of them, 0 time :Gve minutes ti-..ye, but net a renegade.. tioü be. ONLY Si 5o -PER ANNUM. the latter liavý,proved utterly Worth. each. is as necesoary to-day ai ever;' and that; to formi a -fait ýand impartial "illdg'Ùént ]go hild ýbïW- ý1n the., COÃœncil baiera. claimet lose, and gens clown , âfter recoiving the The follo*ing ominatioda in troduced lities into in fact, the construction ofthe Toronto on theý Mêliti Of tho gentlemen now made and hàd-ùover iL - il the order in w in ya0ét il>, thé, Whitby, Thili Dec.ý 26, 1812 ýMOnsy ýof Canadiâný pétiey,ýhold'or&« , ' Fer Mayor - enwood, pro- municipal jugw ý 'Il ci &Nipissing demande, the construction bolori thÃŽm'o'oeki.ag their semges. -nCv- in èxiste ce, cannût ho ou> ho a vote& for, ex when t - - posed by W. G.T, SmiLh County Colin Of a competing lino, ta prévaut an Over- Guun, Conservativei, --far X*ýý, en agamst. W bond, t Christmas. bearing and exacting Mon' Agitationior,.tbe AIolition of the qqe.ý ëÈendiaiÃŽpon 1br, g; Opoly. In ', ý . fuir, 4,eà4 Iiïm Éroposed by Co, Reformer, becauffe be'beL "ved that the net tili e. R. Dart- pressing the importance of action-imr bec LegisIativýý Couneil. stances have me within our o*à proposed by Jais' man: lie voted ý1Cr wige the , etter quali alfthê The CuaoxioLz is sent to prou this --knowledge whare American Compunies nell, proposed b onovau ; Juý i - ho -,Coula cil dia fied for the position, But -ý, School- week a day ëarlier, thon unual,-Cluiîe mediate and resolute action-we would The Legislativé-Couneil of the Pro- have refused, -ta honor théir policiest For Rëeýe don, proposait show theý W Rolden'j'prOPOS ard Hatch. in 1 Zre' one of."the nias Day fading du Our regular day of *0 impreos upon the WhitbY. & Port vince of Quecec, have rejected' the bill and endeavor to evade payment on by Jas. Donovan, by Board, and s'ueeful member toO, Mr brough, Publication.-We like ta Ilkeep" Christ. Perry Railway-Men the gréait neeessity Èýsse4 by' the Assembly, abolishing 1echnical groundo, through the uncer. Jus. Wallac6i emillan, John Ferg«Ron, was put out, basé, 'use 'the cou Let there be no' diviaëd 4al representation. This hue given Jas. Rolden b,.Ilf by do. B- ýIt ie the timé of réjàÏcing, the of union* tain, dsigned certain we might say, his own cm, whty£r a Young rainwa, do the "tien in enacavoring ta ly.un Y Yeomaij ýhere W soeurs the terrible offence te the Libéral party, langclage of the policy-while policies: Y' Smith; 'T Who canie ta town, -wha, wag not ýâ time of the glid tidinge, when d'the 1 1 Gibson ; Ci Ray. , 'ilu au a. thâ If incalculable bouefits of the extension and the Liborai press now agitata the 13 m lif bu zý eo. Robson, 0 lie star of Bethleh la arose; wheu "Pouce va been p omptly For Depaty householderha gnointerêat, Qu earth and of the road. The time bas now arriveil abolition of t4e Vpper Chamber al- by JUý Wallace ri, by Thos. tOwn in is plaction l sàlïi5eu 9(!odwîll to men was paid by the Canada, and Life Associe- e on the a 0 a was Put T proclaimedi and, thé Cbrùtiau worici tâgether. Tlâï'>Quebec* correspondent coin. Moody; for this. Togother let us demand frein tien of Seotland. Life Assurance .-B. E Ferguison - Board. -These things hèfound - lailit t es. the Governmont a fair - share, of this joi the Sherbrooke News spealis of theii - . . - ý A. me ....or Hurper al ' ' Ho hall talion au -interêst in the tow'M horti, monde itself ta - aIL The provisio eu Campbell ýind ilow lie Nasý sorry for it, because it Railway appropriations ta which theý «Lard 5ý ý1w, t 's. iro z1lez oce.ý to _eý, made by ohips" after the follo'wiùg, este. it May be the d, -ývu à, ihorri: iii- his side, for;, ha had wheu ha ýýônv y iz entitled for going forward fiwhion m»Aem 'y bi He re ont 09 &us' ou] tter momies. differ an igly the e gi va C -ls F grouzd, cure au eter, StE(of7 Whibby, *han lie had'--bien sum ara W&Y Wei hee yoiuW ô«, will go-,Og fer Paring îts-own déath, with aveTdi1at,ý 2 nu !rietl(ilr soil on. il t la a 0,119 a aie a ose d arbre the Courts, but; without disgligt. beartis warnily felo 'de se. The Dusl'réprésentàtion ers te select thOsÃ" in *!loin his lawyor opening his mai acquit- Mr. Me' aria h6liefu é a Bill which bail p#ýSed , ta a final vote can ho placed in meeting their ob 1 f the o and ýdeveIoping the reibiircêÎ of the Il b- The actual caudi aies W à ut ted. Whatwewanted, lie wentonto could dû iowarde one another', sud *o 8, country. in the Lower lÃŽouse, ' as eau tbrc)'ýFu, tionst and ýnot thoee Who se'ek ta évadé the Ilesd of our re say was honest ment sud* lie only red ta th and the cares and Èmplexitîeo 0 - ont on a second reading, by the mock 9 lords of the Upper Rouge, by ov vote of Mr. Greenwo ho was ceived them liy trick and chicanery. wished that the men whowere associat- Donnvar àrü for thé MoinCrit I«gotten. in this ad with him in other enter il 17 td 6. Mine estàblisfiing ihe tact with aPplausé, Oui " that One . r aga _ prises, the fera t til t wé sainte out" readers, biddihg Àtio*t'hiï Word on Town Matters; thut it i8 only a target, to break the fhe ÀgriéuliUTal Collegë. they hall met ta IEýrfOr a si 'pur- Howla*nd--', Smiths,&a., woulil go in with (Cheers.) thprn que and all "À Merry Christmas people Botened td s.great deal of golf- pose as they haa, But t l go him in this, and it would not be long favor CI na à "Happy Neý-Year.lI Rouge, Whick the Mihisýtï hâd ùt The Oshawa Vindièatoý is ably as, fui al; le' was oô a, it was a of before the rosa wolild be extended ta týou,-ht glorification and élection clap-trap on meet. Even the i . tinýùsinàd-ýccatinj thé elàims et promise,, W Ide, hç was preÈred qýeorgianBayand the town inerease ad that i pluck or strength ta iâ - , I& * f Ide stewardýip. Me récitai] town lie Monday lut. No doubt, majuy of the ver'nmeiit « to gîte eï à*ôule in wealth and flourish. Morninq Chrnnicle, a Go WIl4bý fore the. Agrici ' Ãœtliral Côue,.,,e: . pùiin-iz tué- ýéaî,ý ad ta the best, of what a Rochester man toldhim. about Millan, 1 RaÃŽivý4LX,,IBY-laW DCf04ted. The duty orators desired thoir llearers ta believe organ, pays the * "old ladies" the loft In its last ýissue it Says:- jilipis of the t the duiness of Cobourg and Whithy, ket man, cd compliment of styling them a Me ability kep t' of Whitby dý Portperry that they were the Most disinteresteil ban" C> - I&Thé ý0 Mnüssioner-d, aýpbinied. ta , - h , à . 0 and why Capitaliste would not 'Coma lie didn'i successfül break-water, and in truth, 1 in, aefiô;n zia;uguiated à 4 and patrioIýiO 01 citizons, and that the they. are too week ta break 4nytljinI, report upon a suitable Site, have ýiSàed . things, àüd Ihié. eavoied fô 'n theré. Ag for himaelf, if ho could, lié ratepaye -In ýOgà the interests and prosperity of the town stronger than water. graph inforins us thàt iheý faùnît éÏ- Guelpti and Woedstock. The tèle- thern oui lqn-' hega"n. wotild willinziy lose ail lie had invest- Mr. r- b>laws ta aicl'*the construction of the peighed with thera far and away be- was desiréiýïli of bing them ; and, fd, and pay well besides, if lie wore, Te- loud clip Another Kind and Priendly word froin collent Boil, výhich is not to be doubteil. they ail knei»" 61à ëar"s lease of office leaseâ ticim the Railway board. Was received Lindsq FenelOn jeails and Ottawa yond all personal enusidetations. But The claims of Woodatock rest upon the il4air then, tci ask him ta be Mayor, or would Il Oshawa. was net enon h te 110" go. Self crOPPed Out in every woid. And fact. that the land in that . vicinitZ is 9 à CM a alïdidàte for re,_TeW' M te do He thoùg*ht not, and declinAd say lie Il Pailway project have been d'efoated by as will Worth '80 Pe;, ae _ - 8 beiin a andidate fat any office. swer for -4rge-Waýoritie@i, The . il ý *-'tii Although the following latter, n( ý a"- > this, and MI do that." re--el6et, 2à ad iý legs than lit Io OiTer ion, a ý -)epýeclmto be able.to edlieie,àdiffeýeü-ýý of 19,00à on' the finish *bat ïe n Menced. He Mi, 04Donovau said tliat ho was everexr 1-t1làt 4ý0-lirîfîboulçl And Il My oppouent failéd, ta de the be acon by the manner inwhicli it il, farne Tbýè difrèrepis hCwëVeÏ, would electeà for 1815 as depùty-tea%ýoi ànd Mr. Y wit, thç,, orontiq ý;ipjssjng maY-bO 8dulitted, 'addiessed, Il t beau writtenfor be swuil -, - îf jhe différent lie trùste4 th other thing." Ail, it as no owed up two 01 iIirýe tiikiei b' dia nét i'nfélid to a uÉ' théir tjàüe in et his setî . ans in the coun-. was not ,tain a sincere désire for advancing tees of the ses conneil were 4118 ut .8010 publication, we take upon ourselves the the uecesSitý & erecting the CoRege commit, enter Y tàIkfngý ý, the chai n cil *are satil3factory. Fat the coming men alw arid Sundçrlaudý-and tbence lie egatin. *a prospority of, the town. The diffi- responsibility - of printing it. Suých building. In -thé Whitby' site, in ad- greýýënt,- and they ould be prepared -year, ha *as ÃŽo oppose Mr. MeMillan sistency uied tlirbugli. the inuthorn. portion of culty lies in thoir incompetency and the kindly and, 1 friendly expressions of dition to obtaining a ready built Collége e hkid n6 doubt, give au account ai foi the iSvesÉip.' ife had nothing ta the railw the Government Ïýou1iI ilsà get a nun' their sieiýaidship He réferred ta th soi agaïust that gentleman ; but lit, ratepaye Mariposa, and on to Feuelon Falla and wrang way they go about it. Ail wer() . good neighborhood ýand ý $Cod will are ber of cottages suitable for dwellings market qîlestion, wut whieh go much u glit as the offices *ere honorable, to-day hi the tqwu of Lindsay. - Th , a --i-*tepayer,%, in favor ofmanufactures ; and each ous'io-he millibeld. And for the pmplo ailes, and lie had served his apprentice- him. Bi tac Preci -yeee. had been sai&_ bail communicated -the Iiiglier now of b of;Lîndsay,,.some. short ticue si- ncol paso. speaker blumed everybod'y aise, but Of this must serve as, our apology to their The Collage èughý W céme out of with seveïal, tow and the information ship, that lie was entitled ta course himself, for net assisting in their ôron , nd a ilàd i6 jéý the lie had ,,cived 0#ss bot s one. As ta the market, if the people the Prese Ca a b haw gr manly author for printing, thein. T ta a çie ar atisfactory ; asked for one, ho could on1j submit a aýO that y- anting a bonus of #60,- oastern papers recognize this fact. À lie wanted maire Iiýht; but. lie thought, 00t) - ta nid In thé construction of the establishment. The Bailway, the #re OSHAWA, ONT., 1.2th - Dec, 1872. number of thora have already come out the town sliotild, nôt be pledgea for by-law for their considération : but lie for a niai roatl-. . It W&S expected tilat the town. angine, and other staple tolÏies of Town W. H. HIGGINS, Esq. distinctly in favor of locating it ut more liability. But the time might was net in favor'of introducing oné intoý Mr. M 8hipsý woulit follow suit, and by-laws oratory received the ustial arnount of Wi£ITBY. Whitby. We liope ta ses more of them, corne, wlien *a wo Id want te use for the Conneil and Submitting it tO the Mr. Gi W01714 AubmÃŽtted te the ratepayers of attention; but 't wâs tlle Market-the I regret vM much Éltill de go- public purposeg a inlrkf-t or saine What is claimed is Cul ratepa:ýers without. a petition frein far as te h distribution of the Y Snell Fierielon Falls and Soli Market, that was the grent bug-a-boo. thart it was impossible for me ta bc justice in t e Publl building, instancili'l'ilié erection of the tllem. Vien lie, nor Mr. MeMillap, lie woulil l'lie reault muet have been disappoint No one wanted a market ; no candidate present with other ftionde frein Oslia. Institutions, and every çastern pu thern Mariposa, pecr engine heure on Tented grounds, whieli nor any one aise cailla net refuse. He decide wl ought ta unite in urging the claim, now hadjieard it stated that tliere were reléted ti woold go for a market, and no one wa ta meet the -non Mr. MoKéllar on wliitby is the only 1 was net very créditable ta thé town. saine pledged te the market, but hi, Ration wi ing ; -for, «A we 1wre aiready Raid, the Ilis visit ta Whitýy ta examine the tllat Ocality east of It was said that we were heavilY loadd t lie Wu.,; not ilistilletly -by-laws were rejected in both town. Id do anything witlidut a petition locations offèred for the Agr. Farm and 1 w'u Toronto that is really in the field with - debt,' but ive were not go much could say for himself tlia Mllipm-in Fenclon, Falls on Pi-*tday last, from the ratepayero. The speakers for- Colle." - the towns west urging their claims 0 as many thouglit.,ilhe debt, net takig Pledged te auY-tl'iDg- was a me aild in Maripalla on Monday-b got that the conneillors were elected by I trust that yeux town will secure the institution ; but nnne of the for into ccusiderationýhe fire engine and Mr. McMillan said that having ouly question- ilitjoritioiq. Mr. y large the ritepayers and that it was tile auty the Collage. I assure you that ail car M, we school debontures, *as, $42,000; we hall five minutes ai his disposal it wouId tien time George 14aidlaw, and people appreciate the very kind man- fancy, eau hold ont the inducements a territory of 4,0W acres, a population allow him ta say 9 foi# words only. ride. H( Ilis coadjutors irom Ircrontcx, worked of tle Town COuncil ta initiste ail mat- ner in which your citizens rendered us whieli Whîtby does. They May have of 8,000 ; and the value of the property He referretl ta hiÉ outrance into the turcs. E hard, Rpendi ' ng weeks in the townships terg affecting the Corporation.in any assistance in saviug pur town from as good 'land up tliere, but can they as"ssed at '#700,000. We were not couneil in '68, wlien lie was opposed by Powell 1 and addres8ilig numerous moetiugs, wsy, and tlut, as fur as regarded by. destruction by fire. Süeh manifeste. furnish snob a building and the saine oppre;ééd, nor highly taxed, ae there the Rame men wlio, opposeà him: now market ai a laws te rai8o tuoneysuelrýby--Iaws would t'ans of good feeling are most hopeful amoulit of land as W itby can 2 *W was nothing-really wanted that we did ta Iiis re-election, when the railway statina fli il, endeavourlug te convincé the rate. dications of our progress as a Cliristi- think net. Whitby is central, in the Pftyers Ilow greatly they would be bon. have ta be subinitted in . net possess. The town was a large one, was the subject that occupied tlieir date.7 ta the râëpayers, an pýoPIü. midst of a splendid agricultural country, wusequence attention ; ta the couneil saddling the Mr. Ho Il granthig the bonuace. But arn Bure desireir your pro- and is easy of access, both by lau for thoir approvai, and their yen, or nay Oshawa 1 il and the streets and town with debt, giving the railway first tlip great 'y the cost for repairing the ratepayers fil,îleil ta -be convinced . eitlier passedor rejected it. In a Word, grëss next ta ber own. water. The Commissionera have visit. sidewalks was more than if the town $50,000 and then $10,000, wheu it was sonally hi When Mr, Laidlawo statements êa-Me that the whole ultimate responsibility Yours very respcetfully cd Whitby, and report the land ta be was more compact. As in the pàst, lie net deserving of it, and when its direc- if a majoi GLEN. ail that coula bc desired ; and we hope was in favor efreducing the expenditure ta favor of a to be exarffined, and his arguments resteil with the ratopayers theniselves that they will, in juqtice ta the Province, ra re.fused ta carry out their pledges 71%, matw 1 t * * of the town's funds. 'He referred ta or keep the bond they Made ta the have it ca il 0 suvjec Coes port in favor of Whithy as the place th, AFrieultural F f th dïqeijsjmpil îf wat jannn feuind fli 'ï igy of? a town. He opposed ail this thon, and'a ket as a F wuro,î-,Itller obtirerý rr,ý eýo«ué "or wn onnew, Te ENGLAND.-We MUSt congratüfa"LT 01 wn en az- -WkIA 'lei -m st san. or allil the second futilA 1 either- individually or colleetively. lay. It the Dominion Government on baving A HFAvy Pi guinie, if the Midico site was ta be against him ; but ho thon appealed ta it good. G.- Mr. Ilich. Collins, abandoned. Indee4' ha had practical the people, and wag triumphantly re. Gibson's il1g 110 sella facts for' their founda. is net bore necessary ta enter into-an made at Ienst aile judicious appoint- base lino, recently killed a spring Pi.-, knowledge that the , chances of its bain turned as rpeve. Mr. Donovan was Powell Il tion. " Plain corninîïn-sense people argument Qn the Market question in t 9 could net he persuuded Into the belief support of the vieqp we have hitherto montin the Ernieation Department. eiglit months old, which weiglied 829 located ut Whitl*lwere better than tlieft opposed to his return, and lie was depreeateý hala. Lietit.-Col.'ýVallace, of tiiis town, lias Palmas. Who can beat that ? many people waÇ - believe, and for now. Mr. Donovan said in hig address given ta tlifit in railway travel tliey could find The whol'e7 question bas béen just -reccived the appointment of Gov- this lie claimed, stne crédit. Feeling that lie liad faithfülly served you ; but town, and the fître for two miles chéaper than fur dropped.for the prescrit, and %àýe fail in ornaient Emigration agent ta England. ODDFELLOWS' IODGF Ar BnoucH,&m. grateful for the nexiination tendered lie would show how tliat gentleinan certain ge Olle ; or'that in gending tlieir produc, wý bila, Itil the gencral inclination ta let it n ed hall served your interests. He dieu up a àilvei and ta Iiis 'ver, lie conclut] ta market, it could bc clicaper- paying r(-ot. We feel convincod, however, that Thore could bc no more fitting man -An Od(Ifellows lodge was rece tly an excellent eec y announeing him- related the circunistances of the town- iiito a poli solected fat the work. The Colonel'a oPened ut Brougham' Self as a c did and resurneil his losing 62,700 on the accrued interest men net b going Sevolity miles of a riiiind-about there lias been more clameur and btin- 6xteiiFtive experience ; his thoroilgh seat amidýt applai whicli the Railway Co. demanded on silver ut p thlui by taking the sl;ortcut of lialf the combe than any rosi argument against kijowledge'of the country, inolnding lin , THE DPAD-HFAD SYSTrbl ON TUE Mr. Sinith said hua lived many the debentureg, througli, as lie alleged, raising un CARS.-We are told that ail the railway years in the tow and this was the Mr. Donovan'a vote ; how Mr. Dono- ployeê oi]ý diStUrice. yet tiiiii - wan -in offect the it. Butas ta this thing of the Couneil intiinate acquaintance with Manitoba first mornin r received, van hall voted against handin ers punies throughout the Dom ve g over bein- a cai utterly aliolirdrciiiioning ofMr. Liiiillaw. requirîtig a petition from, the ratepay and the North West, and hiR practical coin il au nd of it lie féit u, . He was pleas- the debentures until the questiou of Ir. A. The lumberers of Feneloir Falls- before acting on any nli it is the knowledge of ail tuatters relating ta the have ad witli the rem the last Speaker; socrued interest was settlecl un ta a Showed th glirewil lieu as tlltmv nrn veriest nonsense. Wliv. thp. wliAl. ,or, - for Y.T Tf ýnd te 7 Gr-eek-Divwan A-lïw - W- HtUrto1ý' a had ý2ndR%.MMOA11114 gr&J'ýI.Johnst-9,, Re 4th Rèeéit- ifixii- uR. Irn., >v.ý.B- ' -4at ' Fred Hill, 2nd Fritz,' the, R1ùgýàn'dW=-'Buriýis, eqwJý8M %22 e neces. Ormi 8ton.. 0 legs Lâtà1_-ý*ýý' ývious, rniston, 2nd Jos. ) was Mairling, 4th Huizh- McCulloch. less; Div.,,B-lot Harry'MOAIIano 2ndWý- wai Hügtwdn,' ardEmma Riggim, ý4t4 e. -Yrâe bt the King- '-koý6d' « Claïs 2, Div. C-let Mar3O7A=strong,ý, le the - 2ud ý E:atàý, Correll, Brdý Esther Sinitl4, gre 1 at 4th Mary Ashby. steam Div. - b-lot Fred Rül, 2nd Bimj. mmd, Browii, 8ýd ý Joë, --'Webster, 4th -Rarry ýý were Webster. iarket French Grammar'and Exereioes--lot ýY-l&w *ry Armstrong, 2ud leuis Smith, Srd 0 bave m. Huston, 4th Emma IgiqeniL i cmdea French Con vem«oný--lst Mary Arm- r that strong, 2nd Emm , Rijzgins, Brd Mary the- Ashby, 4th Katý CorreIL r for Arithmetie 1st Fritz King; 12nd Wm- i now Huston, 8ra Fred Hill, 4th Benjamin â4ion Brown. nark. Grammar-lst Wm. Huston, 2ud J. jority Johnston, grd Han-ry McAllan and Aders Louis Smith, equal, 4thýWn:i. Johnoton. ý the Natural Science- lot Maryr Arm- n fit, strouiz, Mrry - MeAuan, Win. Huston, it ha and Wm. -Ormiston, equal, 2nd Unis why, Smith, Brd -Victoria Blake, 4th Hugh Me- MeCulloch. ' nik- DrawinR-lst, Herbert Marling and other Mary Anderson,'eqnal, 2nd Fritz King, im to 8rà Heleu Johnston, 24th Annie AU- nark- man. that Geometry -lst Wmý Huston, ha [beený Modern Ilistory-14 Jos. Jolinston, «. If 2nd Fred ILU, 3rd Mary Asliby, 4th ý tÉe Annie Aliman- ti b a Alicient Elistory-lRt Benj. Brown, r him 2nd Mary Armstrong, Srd W. Johnston, 4th Fred HUI. -ad a - Algebra--Div. À-let Wm*-- Huston, e Mr., 2nd-Jot;. Johnstoù,. Bril Victoria Blake. that Div. B-:lst Kate Correll, 2nd Emma Lown. Hifferis, Bra Mar3f Armstrôna. U of Writino'-lst Rettie Ham jýd Marian ý Mr. Allin, equâl, 2nd Wm. Burns, Annie elec. Allman and Vîetorïa Blake, equal, grd ýamer Herbert Marling. other Writteu, Compositions-lot W. lins- eired. ton, 2nd Edith Ardagh, gra Il"Éry with McAllân, 4th Helen Jëhniâton. SpeIIing-ý-Ist Freil Hill. 2nd Wm. unity Huston, Srd -Mary Armetrong, 4th the Releu Johnéton. Wk, Written Exarninations--Irt W. Hus- work ton,,2nd Eminae iliggins, ara Yàate Cor. Iling) reW4th Ilirry'MOAI]an. mark Nap'Drà-*.ng"-lt;t Marîan Allin, 2nd 'Ç -) - Herbert Ma rhug, 8rd Jos. ii)hnston,4th ing Wm. JohneAon. ow -à' phYsiolfýgy - Ist Mary Armstrong ;ked" an à 3fary Ashby, equal, 2nd Kate Cor- , the- , rell, Brd Emma Riggius and - Anaie D'wn equal, 4th Marian AMn. acre .1ýeadin, g-ist Eli-zabeth Johnston,2na bked FrnLm Iliet,-ing, Marian Àllin- ane PCG Coùstu"2ee H6weII,ý-- equal, 8rd- Edith Ardagh .111d'WLu. É,urns, eqilal. EngHsh Litéra ture --lst Mary -ATM- 2nd Elizo-bet'h Johnston and ,Cous 'L'Inoe Hoeell, eý,ual, Brd'Emma een -wo Edjt]ý -4x, 'lagh, équal, 4th 'Ual 17, ý_ r . Mariau A'T%_ ,ni- General Prýeoienêy--IÀ t W. HnFrton, poll 2na H * MeAlla n", ffl ý K= -na Higgins, 4th MM. ArtnstrS«. Godd Conduct-Bôysý Johnston; girls, Victoria BlakIl. T. GrL k 'e _1. t Frank Brawff fat P Cton, Srd Jas. R. Birowmý"&à. Henry -1147 ?w, Latin-Div. A-lsi Jas. Rý Bn 'wni ac- 2nd Win. P. Cron, Brd 17razik Ece -7n, 4th C. Cook. Div. B-lat Mary Bickeil amxf,'Lalzi. va, Beaý4 eqnal, 2nd Florence 3faliinK- cil- Div. C-lst John -Leng, 2niT JbEii lie- MeCrimmon, Ord LoULIS Smitly,, 41lik James Milleri French-Dîv. Aý-lst 2na Mary pickle. ,nd Div. B--')st Florence- Marling, - 2rid' Lonisa A-r-kland-,! 8rd W. F.'Cron, 4th Hênry Morris, , Charles Cooke, and ýur Adelaide Gross, eq1ml. Latin Prose ý Composition-lit W. E'. Cron, 2ud Henry Morris. Ancient- History-lRt Lâura BeaU. 2nd John Len- Frank -Brown, 4th hu James B. Browu.- L. Modern iliàtorr-làt- LauTa Beau, [)Y 2nd Chas. -Cook,- Ord John Leng,.4tli Florence Marling. Map Drawing-lat Lau:ra Beall, 2na Tv.'É.Cron.aril lfarvlý;Idrlp -AIT wni il many cases save Much trouble' 1 'y ml, tl,,"rllewlelln 11leeeý e-anJdlPeicakdvOiust- CarY21fit Oc-tobrëorslpaëgrtitYthatý itth-was néces - accuseil hin ing anything-any one solitary publie. ýh o, tors now, beeaui bc as plain, as anything in rouon eau time and money. ad , a el 2m, is :tOwn to t cOming SOCIFTY the best menýýl4 it, -spirited act - notwithstauding their OP FairNi)s' SFxmARy, pj«. .ýold 1,iard feelings- buildforne 2 î ho, that- the ahortest route.to market ie boastful declaratibns about tlieir large nnillia-y-The Society of Priends i Mie "C., B. B. B.,' rnnning be buried. a t oBome future net second that motion. luapr.iu his fa l'f4yr the at, once the chcapast and most ntend urg to n lie a candi- Mr. Donovan-It is net ,. 1 did He sa RI]hopliedghthe from Chicago througgh G date, but lx 'a nterest in the town-they coula net erecti ins' Burlington, lias' a iopedlith ng a large seminary at Duff alesb time ha Ln point to aven one. Whiey in blessed, Creek, for tation in thi; lasetlitewvoedyenarf;plaeiintdbied a position to, as- pa rsol pioerrtt y i mfo ( -expeditious. To the most obtuse, this 1't as seconded by 1ý1r. Powell, repu pire to the high o i*r which, lie had tliat lie war incontrovertible fact mufft bc appar ut. the education of lhe yonng been nominated n 75 (Cheers.) Mr. MeMillau read the resolution, was therwise, with just a tribe of such people belonging to that denomination. le which w e ading Passenger Route te the West. Dr. boast and croak, and do no- and not by Mr. Donovan. He con. ,gay tl=tý at 'And we are ploased to find thst town. or 0 The building is te be of brick and À uýda eLct m)iipn, ouel as ýBrock, -and others in men' Who Gunu rat- qd thanks te his that lie was not present on - thon t Burlington it connectii with the mover for the ' 'm-'ation tendered tinued, ,ht it v it ed thing betier than deprecate, and sucer,* stone, in the Ionie stYle'of architecture; eh runs di. him. lie to see that no the occasion ; but, ct all events, on the fer a Joint 'o hein trc X ' )ni ' i Victoria, .-ivho 60 liberally sided and often mioreprcoent the efforts of it will bc four storeys in lieight, mýth great Burlington Route whi politics werewas troduced in this 8th November, Mr. Ray moved, sec- 010 NiÉngÃŽiig line, tee awakening to it. rect through Southern Iowa te Nebras- , hein oxided by Mr. Donovan, for leave to, one or two ývis1 y The are 40ginning to find that, no their more liberal-minded 1 neighbors, a frontage of 118 feet, and twO wings; ka and Kansas, wi election, as advisf-_ y some newsPa- introduce a market by-law. And uow, ail, with oni Wï g ýl' 1 -t' "A ý 6jý ý Yý th close connections p«(Irs, and it wa a, matter of great men côuld inat ILOW many 1 ines of rillVfay znay ino;tebd of lending them. à belping hand. each having a frontage of 83 feet. 'Ph, -îý*liforni& and the Territories -9 and e to', bu. éloubt té otliers he-teus you th" untaýfSýi1iQped for it is -He, -in a (11. bu U'It They are the men whose seifialiness and main building will bc fo Il. not hie e bring in-, iýýh -à _j;ýýstarting from, Ontario W loët no 1 concefitrâtiug. in the City of pausenge t lm thcýwLLLg*-e h wenty-thre w t ý"qu of ecunp, ha sees that the, Short-sightedneos.h"e made the. town, a94 f"t ty Canada, 'ïau quired dim alla? ýM0Àpk ww, Mot petition -foi- iýj,. bila Ïre thé town di( ldqaýc? a More direct outlet-ýý ainst it. not do botter thau to thatoue wo t ree týÎ desirousfor-one. 'ÇMy.even Mr, the C., -of-vRtby a ie iý;vi a a à WMê self; fer where their co-operation and e.ý- Frelea( au th oir material, lntéresti require ýL- Ã". L. 568.-The fol- Q. and Burlington Rolite- n'- Donovan and one of hie collesgues., had encouragement rnight have secured 4 INC rq as ho dia, on : Lu 'He had advi i t. Iff"e ow, from m'any oources, that Owing are the officers for the eng The Lino lias published a ought lie diýj -of the nicestt plans of à market î , wha ire ir 11, One papers uing pamphlet the World, exhibiting it te the ple, a very tr greât Permanent good, they preferreci (Dr. G.) Ob- '""t how m, Once feeling exists amongst standing alôof, and by th'ir node and year of the Cannington L. 0. L. 568:- called "How to go West,' which con. by whicli 81,400 profit would b peoi a the peolile'of Norilf'Viétoris, as to the tains much valuable of the market, a made the saine impolicy and u pr6fitablenèos winks and whispered suspicions, erpate BrO- W, MaY, W. M. Baird, 1). information; a becauàýiqes,,- one. vearly by the town. He rcférredýto of sella- There Ïhe intention of the *1 ring" te bri ý in Conne" diaunion, and consequent failupe. Such -IL; W- P. Cooke, Chaplain. W.B. largecorrectmali oftlie Great West, were threa for a mar- ng Powell seco ing tlieir produce over the Nipiosing lias been our exporienoe in watelling Cavana, Secretitry ; T. Clift, Treasurer; which, can be obtained frec Of cliarge ket : ist y direct taxa: down the by-lawg for the market and necessary f lino to 11cronto, and that a very ottrong H. Mellinnon, J. Belismy j by addýessing the General Pass tien, and 3rd taxation, that school as one, but owing te his (Mr. town, and h the course of events in Whitby during . Parlia- enger McM.'s) action this wag deféated. deoiro 1as for some time been maiù. ment, M. McGinnis, I. Johnson, coin- AgentB. & M. B. B. Burlington, Iowa. is by erecting &c., and the sincere dieu feRtin 'ituelf theret inýfavorof extending a PerW -of seventeen yeurs, If tllo corporation roi them. He And wheu they coula not bring in the lie would go 13 me in ttee., 9 geriatim, and school matter as a rider to the market flependent large property-bolder and the MANSIO-N HOUSE HOTFL, BALTIMORE, by-law, knowing that the people dia the Whitby -sud Port Éerry lino north r- took up the seh used, w tors of ddetrriÙmneenntall to terestg of the townt not want to deféat the former, they ter froin ç; through Brook, as orWaaUy contem. ehauts who have accumulated illeir Tim "ALDINLF."-The proprie MD.-20th October, 1871.-Mr. James argued tilat the , , oald be sueli matterj plat94 by the -aarly promoters of the wealth in the tOwn would only unite this excellent Journal have publishod, 1. Fellows-Dear Sir : I have inst because firatly,-W. emmed in by would not vote oii the market by-law was stated, 1 and set together, set aside their con. to their subseribe finished the tenth and last bottle of prosperous towns, trade we got aloue. There was thon a canons- Mr. MeNlille Wliitb.v lino through the county. The temptible jealousies and personal dis. handsoine rs, two careful and your estimable Syrup of the Hyp,. now, if nt all choc it would if Mr. Bay-It's not true. but lie adinii exporience of the past YDai Muot have Chromos, called "Crossing fées were put a be turned Mr. McMiUan-That'a (referrîng to méetiug, th j away froin. pl lor ; secondly, Mi oerved te ccnvincoýthe people of Brook, likes, we might lie able to tell another the Brook" and '*The Village Belle.- pliosphites. To its use 1 ascribe Ces- Ray) the chief, and lie is a credit atleast, thât it ý la notý upou the Mon- and a prouder story Of the position of 'They are singularly pure and correct sation of cough, of sharp pains in m the taxes 1 ingh aiready . to the Il ring." There is a set of men, ratepayer, a OI)Ol.ltOf Scircuito - the tOwn Of WbitbýV to-day. Talk about in toile sud tint, notwithsfanding' back and chest, and of copions expec. and, as lie î ont one-fourtl; who, if elpeted, would carry the mar. the wartis in un route they Onght their t ket question ; but lie, as a ratepayer, to depend, and how, 1 » 1 the ProsPerous poàition of Oshawa; the- elaborate design toration ; also, return Of of the ras e to-day tlia interests we ý, 1 much their interest and great variety of appetite, -1 ratepayerg wished it, lie êould only thought the peo were dispirited -1 want a mark lica in seouring $ho eltension of the 10ading men of Oshawa have confid. color& The làst numberof the jéAldinel, buoyancy of spirits, increase of flesh usually. attend _,nomjnationg, lie would oppose it. If a majority of tle future, lie w Whitby and Port Perry lino. once in one another. TheY don't contains an unusuai *ealth of tastefui and strength to perforra' my daily thirdly, lie wbuld if the merchants bow to their decision. It was Raid that money to lie . back-bite and run One another down ; and beautifid pri études witli a degree- Of pleagtire d lie had subscribed money and aqsisted to mmufat Having aaîd thio mucli in nference to uted engravings, 1111 were willinc, and agrce to ta% the fe they go hand-in-hand together, thy known to me ror a long time. The themselvea tc, in opposition to carry the market by-law in '67 ; past career olin 'o"Ot'ng north 'n f&vOr Of are "If-respecting, and that je one of d 2.11 yei Tns: BIA.li TREASUFXRSHI He itho 'It Was a wild 91 this lie denied, and stated Ahat lie serv,, P. - Mr. good have experienced from it 'B 't'O cheme, and ehould bring the dfréét obtitherly roù Gao. Currie having resigned the office b 0 - 7 -never saw a cent of the money. If asked, *hy 1 utel fé llow ad- the mesus by which they have achiev. eYond description, and 1 will ad dress tho'fliendil of the Whitby and VI" into the 0 a laige Petition elected, lie would bc elected as au auti- lie dia, ,a 1 edsuccess. But in whftby, it ig Ouly of trensurer of the township of Beach, ail peredng afflicted with, consumption or ratepaye H > glit it was the market maq; lie *ould oppose handing beeause theri whicli lie lias beld fora - number of net over the railwaý debontures u the that lie cellio Port PeýrY "IwaY What is tfieir nooossary that A PrOject should aman. to delay a day in taking it. Feel. duty of the Cionn carry out the ntil duýV inthe prescrit favorable condition ate from years sàtisfactorily, Mr. J. M. rantize b - the town ; they company were legally entitied to, them; One 1111111--ftnd no matter how Brown, ing sure that were it not for your ti of things? ýObvloualy;,byeverymeans motitoriong, it Will, aveu witlloUt el. of thé firm. of Browm & Christian, Man. Hypophosphite (thê councilf felt y were placed and lie would advocate manufactures. men thora in withiff théir power. 0. 1 would now bain ther to igpend mGný ut se position Ile then referred to tiie saviný- he had ideas of thpir to élert thémAélves amihation, be condemned. This is the cheàter,- lias been appointed t, the my grave. was 0 -taiie one. ncow aid effécted to the town, by getting the trolled by oti high rent for... i county rate reiluced $90 the first year, Forsome yei in soeuring an immediste extension of bad spirit that bâP been engeüdered, office- The appointment isregardea as Yours trùly, a' Own ho Il tlieir 11»0.' Wabak'thein to take ad. Oui of the wants of Whîthy is a an excellent one. GEO. C. FOUT. town, by taxesi net a condi- and $100 the next lie was in the Coun- art in mun vantige or the iiiiu'nt àvomble state Man, Or'Men IVIL0 wouldý,p date; lie woul owever, that if ty Counefl, and explained how lie liad stated that rove thom- Fria lie as econom- saved the town a great deal while office 0 IN tTxBRmaz.-Planks saw. Hou, Joseph Farewell Mayor of !lie present m again; OfPubhc OP'DiOLL in Brook, F611610n' selves lworthy as leaders, as in Oshawa, Mill, situated on the 8th -coùcesgion of ]Roiaklittid, Me., -Isaac M. . bis pub ty as ho was in rePresenting it in t ould Uxbridgé,ýWag totally de as - sa Who" were Falls,'-and Sotith lfarîPOgs- ' Thére in and krotind whom, the people w Bragg, Esq., 1. ý te bu would lie doing cluded au half hourlo speech ýy"sLàiiug - potroyed by firé Éangôr. and Messrs. e Bros. that his past conduct was a Gîc all but a certaffity that, -with a -united rany. Let such come forward and POP wft for the tovm . ni ex town were w 1 ho endorsed Of wliat lie would do in-the future, and t, come aga: at an early heur on Wcdne'sday,. morn- Machias, Me., lumber merchants, fully Mr. D -tnnell sa môvù by ýeé Whitby..& Port PerÏy provo by their act# that they are art -ýàf introducing soliciting their votes for the reeveship, Poi)PIOý,wow', liberil bOUUOÏS'Would be' wort ' the confidence of the people ; ng ci lut week. -The cause of the fire endorsed the Sheridan Cavairy Condi- Dr. Guun'a deprA elections. lie for wliieh ho ý was a candidaté, He relézrodét obto!ne hy wm"Ot'diuovered. The losa in esti. tien Powtlers, and have given the pro. polities into imuri the tow t h,ý rvat aid that ha was not not lie ý1i. ý4__ apilth haýlf ýf, Mari. and lot thembe backed pli, net, pulied Mated at #2,OWo on W" t Conserva+, 'but if au jý Mr. B. Campbell -a ' Inj au prieton liberty to use thoir n him ; iý1liticj or re U 1 late lje,,,referi-ed tc, the market the -agreeme Pâlis, àa âe insu ai dowe w Q* @&rÉ0ý MdIWW i6on4,a =Umm of #,#M diffored froi no 'a eandi, equal. *R--llillg-ist , taurs BeaIL A Caiidîd"ate for Deputy Reeve and Ris cry. 1 MR. EDrroit But will st -au 4imes encouraze 5 -rnanufacýnrf.,s Of any kind, that would F' be a menus of briù4ý,- tradeand popu.' lation to our town." The above seMencp-.ëj ont from the pUblis;lipd aditress of JýàTýes Caraphelý askinz to, be elected Depatv Reeve for tbe Town-of Wliitby.. 4ny- cene ?"exilIF1# 'Igecurè élection, is to gay, e,,m -2-È.lus the market," -Àm in favor of manu-&ctur«." Surelâ- every one is in favot of manufàRures - except idiots-and - it is unnecessary, nt tbis e ana élay, for. men to inake snob -declarâtions- to catch votes. Blât,'Iet us examine how much Mr. Campbell ig in favor-of fâctoryt. When the pre- sent Foundry of Brp»m& Pattersom-ý was erected, eteen'--.Vears ago-how, ranch àîd Mr. Campbell contributer When Mr. Brown purchased the oiffi concern about ten years ago, and once- more put Efej eneigy, and ente#riàe ilm. the undertâkin -'--again how ý mueu did, Mf. Campbell "st in that good work ?ý . Not the firat shilling. But on every occasion, when the question of factoryfr. have been diseusseil, Mr. Campbell bas- notbeenthe man to "encourage" in: anY WRy. RIlipe ' or manner't sueh good; ýmôrkR-- But on the contrary, either the kina of factory- did not suit, or the man did not suit, or the locality dixi not-sait, or the securit-Y was not good, or the interest, not,' satisfactorv-Mr. Campbell Ïs reporteil fý be- wealthy.. 1 hope ho but what h-e is ,worth, has beW mi in Our town. AudIâ returà, 1 havé yet toIearn tlmt he- bas Invested.. one, dollar in maniti- factures, cramisteil, or ideneônmRetiti a single one of our maiffufàctc)ries in this locality., To provë"the value of mon' it o à * woiàs (about ilection tîme is welIto revio* the put, and %,OUI that àtand point judge ofthe future. on such a basÙ4 ' in my jud«zement, if the future of the town of Wbitby de- ýpends'où the àmistance and -encour- agemenV' of James Campbell to manu-,ýý factures The clection of thst gentle- inan to ibeoffice of Deputy Beeve, and' salt petre combined would not save us, AN ELECTOR. Du.ember 24th, IK2.

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