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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jan 1873, p. 2

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d The M woman was ýbout sevanty age, though quite active and Vigiroub The money as lu a small cupb0ard whick wu forced a. open. e Intelligence 'ýwas con1m Mwated ta the Police authorities r4'ý 9 sud xa"bai Grayýand DeputyMarshai Frey, with CaPt- KeuneY, Of th, EasWm District 1 r reached the scene be-fore Mr. Lampley . hud-retumed fýoz:n th, theatre, (Joro- r Der Sultzer wA8 nOtifiod and visiteil th, scene Of MOU,'Ëingg but affer viewing the bOdY decided ta defer holding an this morning. one of a row on uni hl- kan stre2, Caroline - sud Bond, and on the left ruià a wide a ' ta thé ye8T Of the door of the kitche and it lu OUPPOned that the murderer entered bom the rear. Mr. Lampley, the husband of the murdered lady, wa, IfOrJ]ierlY a fiBlIerman but :for years past he followea carting, and bad am- ý"Bed a conziderable sum of money. He.'Was supposed by bis neighbours to be very wealtlly"and it la týanght that whoever committed the loody deed went for plunderý Dr Atdre, th, family physîcian, wm ;ýake à post- the résult of which wm ebMe e jury this - mcrning. ' ne- scene at the bouse at 1 O'clock this MOThing. wheu the children and graM-l chifflien of the muritereil maman hadi .assembled, wa& one not easily describ- ed. - Thé agëd hneliantî seemed te lose all sight of his liard earmngli, and Ouly of bis muidëïéd iw,ý,_ =8 children, stricken thenuwIves appeareil ta use all their endeavours ýý 800the hinL - BaltiOwre American, Jan. 8rd, PRESENTATrON '10 CIÎÈ thé fOllovHng accoulit of a Presen- fation ta Miss Rowe, of thà town, from, blie, Guelph Èera-Id-. Thursday, the luth DecemUr' 'Wa» an 3ventful day in the annals of the &»Ift 'HrIs Schnol. The uËuàrexaminàtiotL )TeviAur, ta the Chlistmadbolidaystook )Iace in the presence of a number ý of tors, prille1p ies, and was OndUcted ' a Most enjoyable mannef. 'l a were e ed in the diffèrent ranches of education and exhibited Bmarkable , proficiency, and a Pro- ramme of vocal music, dialýgues and ?citations very . pleasantly and very )rrectly arried out. At the conclu- onofth:exercises, thepupils having arffed with regret that it was the in- ntion of-Miss Rowe, their estiniable seller, to 1 resign lier Position, they aceeded ta preaent lier with an ad- ess,- indicative of the high rf-gard ey entertained for lier, thei; advance- Dnt ünder, lier efficient instruction; d their déep regret at lier deparbtir, amongst them. The addreW was ,omiianied with an elegant Pair Of lingly ëxpressing her sofrowat being )ut ta separate from 80 many- kind ?ils, to'whom $lié bail become en-- Ir xed, and -çýiýg-them every success Iie acquirement of usefui Iliowle(I-0. -ir haudsome gift wouM -serve 7ill. S ypare, amidst--other scelles, as a linder of past associates and a rdQn of future friendshîp. Miss, lison, teacher in the junior départ- it, was also the réeipient of an ad- ; and à, pair- of bracelets. The ors spolie very higbly, of lier meritoi, teacher, lier appÉcation ta her ýifold duties, anà lier true friend- for the iieholâïii. Miss Addison, e a very appropiziate reply, thank- - ier papils -for their ýresent, -and ng ta see thera all return, aller the IAYS, invigoraied * and prepared ta le their studies with renewed "Y, - - Mr. Branner, teachér of lan- es, received. a token cif the pupils m in the shape of a scarf-pin. emarks from Mr. Stevenson foi- I in which that gentleman refer- ) the high estimation-in whieh, Rowe was held by the Board of 4 Trustees, and thpir groat re- t losing sa estimable a teeacher their staff. Mrý Lafferty B. A_ Iliub School, sud the rêýre'qen- of thé Herald, also miliglÏd their 1; with those of the pupils, sud- tribute ta the. sterling ý wortIl of tcher, wifillinghercontinued sne- lier new-field ýf scholasfic labor. rizes earned bý,, thé pupils for ience iw their '-different clarses ext destributed and the exoj:cii;cs L an end. Miss Etowe cah4-- , the best wishes of many kiûtu ,,and will doubtless be a -vAlu-. giiisftiôn ta ibe' edücational'in- of 1 --1 - -11Y '., 1 i men. on Sunaay morning ted to take their classes at Éool, which I th'inks ke werry iem ; but they fell in with idêr., That's what beat 'ein, !idn'tý-go to School. They 'W,,Inay it plvage the Co reen he stuck hifl thu 1 !ýeint' ,-- , , e ý8 mouth, and -tUt tÉarnb been seen-irluce. Thats about iv' ,îlie, Wis;,,clergyniau deli.- ,mon Sitting clown the Cher nge a pet carbunele for- kg Iris text was the in4à 06 on Mr. Gree 180.wül Mr -1- - Nath" l Bay, n"biïl prqMia- exoeu of n. î0il Dr. camn, B---iohn IL Baird. 28 -ives to t tu, omwarK GRADZ y Ofits AOU09 Andmwls C Clio. % 0 te" of huroh. at.1i 1 ý IÇVIutby., Co Thomas Lawler, MMU4 Of PhO9h&t"-Dr. Whael- Rý pllopi. Alezan- ]>*=the Ne* Our- Invre -4*11110t; contem, P"Oraryl; af ter '8tatin Wm. D. ÏJÉA Frederié at demaild &Dr boum Amui imoeüxw ci, John Blow, na, Andrew Horus, Al- Ume, the W,,4,8. -1 leu S )Iép od fouaier of ýthe to Unie John Wýt6qn, - johnMc P 0 ý 1 , -, ý - mg An- bWS04 wbu W", gýet*he"omgtion or. W. S. )ICI? ý1,ý, Campbell. -,Màoun" the wluýle BuU'- W411ti: &Oretiy. nie J. Buckheeç, A, 1. W"d; sodty-john Oilà ........ mg-cotnràny,",Îý- 'the, LIV lma«"Oordon Ben-,' of "lis in 0,froétion it , ..... î . . its - mombers 64 ymt Zorald men, 1101110 of-w Ida 1- Sieigh, tbo NOw York'. goes --on te givi- avid ores êv'", il, B. Neswa.de u4, David -P ,,0 , - -P, we formeri r. -of the- one in Pt the dguty-teeveahip, and 1 ' W8 -£mm th P -Guer- C4 entrowam 1ýffM GRAÃŽ, Adà ho in a BedfordC am , geiiii, tual ing tà Cuit orthe %n0h proas"-ýànd Oifièr.. ýXÙ Build. rëtirino- çouxcuzeim Society ofhBaItii PMaý,, Lizïie idt«àture )àt 14" Lever, tu enable its Memi4ro to 40uneillors. %ss; P- cés -e- ter'Arthur Ferrà, mW novelist - TheOPIÙUJPi:ýÜttgP, Lca-ulla Mr. Nwell John --arper, 187 Bay, u 8.'120 ; Carson. 'cuchart ýthe =te loans, t'on t. A" P M8012, George Pound, David 1104 lllàUàmn4 91 Vu. 4 « - M*Uoi morsuft, an poet. =hue - ree or' lie 80" for the North Ward, e, wui, il. ýt"'ua. guson, 88. D'Aubigne, 'histo àe Reforma., go e» ,ferty. or erect buildings rian of ti t withiii Ca -Philp its of Bàln2loré C4 and the ONLY 50 PER Ampted the Domination for« the depil OURTS G&&Dz--ý-Saiwà Bigha limm WA» tien ; Prof Maurice, Fredericii Ger- Io n ANNUM. r»Ve - , boing Lawler 76 Bettg, ?7; King, 86 ettecker, Pro£ Ridley, of Yale; Sir Secondly, ýtë ol ------ OPPOU& Iby Mr. 1- John Bowr- SCROOL ST,&TIOTICS, Allin, 28. _mg, the reformer, writer on by unanimouti v(h WhIlby, Tharqay. jà Campbell. A change hall taken place- . ' om e ita board of directors gent at nuil report ýof the r - and versatile finguist ; Robert Prut Il Mril Il or Bo il t6 çmati, the , Manque, 8am payson z' meetnKi, purchase r imp 9t IR73 à the reeveéhi:ýMr. ODon f Sh A- W. Fon cLead, the same tu its members, at prîcèý puty, taking the TftotAes WO leam that the number ' - é e 1 ý Féru) Par- bor leasebold prope#y, and se love 'Ew,ýwpS. Cowan, reeve, by acclamation gpO"riby Norman M 0 fixed by the of the Ontario te ure. ing, 00 Openin sch ti n ni late, d n rétive, by acclama. nIrtý u Scotch churchniau pla"S' of Mr. the several ýqch la l'an- The cOutest was a sharp du geaus. Gibbs, Wall, là ThO'Beeoud session of the, one between both those gentlemen- rmg the Ybar 1872 was as ýândýTh0=tn. nd authar Horace Msynardý th board of -directors; Parliament àientario Win be ( mally o capital stock tu cOnsiât-, of th, e --t] Orecond Mr ODonavan Il enteied on the regisier at iligh School, aud'Franz rzer Band shares of the re the trentinus 58; 0 pour PEAU. Who aeoived Grill exertiOns of Ilà Mendei 06ming OPeued 'tldë (W,ý,luesday). n the regùter at the Henry - St. dm Vtera- in o JOSi Bigélow, reev ýture.;.o The ebysml&tnMion.; me - »-- oiýtydoM"r 'value 0' Apeech y SchOO1,467; at'tÉe-.TohnSt. Solléoll hu esch, ýtfl n'ne shefà Of the late - worthy - 00 P a il Mf aw, n, so of reove,, uneHOrs-1fusis, ýWhite, Boberta; tê!#es bave beenlost% cents eSCILý. kAlYC--COi-ngtalments à&dOw. . 198; atthe Anderson St. Schoot Cr8udeUandl>hRppo. ence--amongWom prof. Le rding te eectioý ticipated by the. Globoi Win 4ré from thil4rous' it JO su Who hàd tO fight the- battis ,Z., e, -emin- no member il; required to pay on folne Moasuresof The average daily attendance 'ont Ùl Medicine ; Major-Gen. Chesnoy rowsoi" OF ww»T. thw Ordinary was--at more thau yioneerof the Overlan share after its par Výgu Interest and im In the political the High Seh Un D: en Wsi ds" d f d 'route to paid ýnp by c e-shall have b Our com 001, 92; ý11e St. School a; Pro£ Morsei the great eleçtzi. portance 00 conneil plexion of the ý nry reeveahît. Iby savon, -the vote standing credited on said phare; but froià t'Mporary enumera 268; John éprilti and, lirc tês wùt - Reformer» have a gain over St. St- SchOol, 87; Anderson ciail ; Pouarbach, the, German sPecu. aiter thst - period the bolder of spce the 184t year, in' the deputy reeve, The total number '256; Dryden.,249. B. P. lâtivO philosopher; Babinet, the 01, wilt suggest te- the Legbi.. School, 48. French turcs. Dr. of Campbell was elécted deputy reevoi- savant , Dr. Francis Liebor e shall. receive two d -oeqý* -W PuPils entered on theregisterwas goli 26 majority -ever Leul, te e liciot ; pro£ 0 the pub. ends in cash, Carson and- Mr. fflilis. They ose, He B' kle ana his members The prosperous stste of th@ pr«ùwe and the avera' elected are gars. MoTag. Couffl ; M 01 Bowdoin $11811 continue 'uniesa terminated sud the OuccOlls which has iittenàedý tue politically' th" Mie number go daily attendance' 491) gÇloarut",CBilIMT6ugb, and Hollidzy. ary , memlle, the EMF afterwards provided. côtincil would now stand- of children of School age ligh satronomer ; Mr Ponchet, so Air ma On.' L The lfayor,' =ORM French physiologist ; D,ýý tlie BY section 8 member&- may pay a acheme of Confede=üon e in thiB tOwn is rePorte4 tu bc '851, wbile W. Baird of Ueeve, Dr. Carson. and Mes Deputy Châli- Robinson, reeve, Iby accla I»ndon, and Rmount in advanèe, nionthly, luartei, cOncerned, wiii furnish cause ý4cd Willb. am King those under, that âge number 4oa. ma' Prof Goldatucker, the or the par value Of their shares, wi for The expénéliture for the High School f tiOn ; 00uneillors - Donald. philologist W&= congratulation. fflithout 1 . . or Charles GSUDW&Yý jas. RMP The pulpît bas thfy enter the association, or at a baving , Cffluvà tle Yèar amonnted to 82670 50, ofwhich Duncan Gillespie. CaMeron and lost Dr Francia Vin. subsequent Period. By section 5, t re,10une to talation, ."Verd &C.-Thé Reeve, and tOnOfTiiiitY Church; the Rev. Dr. first Year's profits are ta be dfeided a contly Publie fiuti àtestroï Hariber, Ray $2175 wa* naid: in taho tutiolu have boeu 10 ra, salaries. SCOTT. Henry' Ostrander of the Reformed B W and Watson. Lawler' ".hâP, The expenditure for the Public Schovis As announeed croditedpro -rata te th, accounts erect*d' and "bOràl nid bu bèm ren. > ý previous lune, Church' &Uger"' N' Y' Pfter Cart- the Sharès of both clams, n - dered îto varions railway &ad Othur was $2842'78, the old Comicil wright, the - Méthodist il n"deeni hOwOver, did net, we are the salaries of the teach. were re-elected by se- mâche "k8wOO& -and redeemed, at, the end of the fil P ersý-é clamation r; the Roman Catholie prelates. yeàr of -amOcMtion'o;exiotence, ai U"&rtskilig" calculated tobdr'ame the leased te bO able to'state, enter the . ight in number-amounting to 1 1 . Câr&,WA=t. Archbiihop Spaulding, 1 the $2285, au ver g of 8 ZAST WBIM. m to be comitid, as go much paid i propporty or tle cOuutrY, Yet thére Seill: contest" Sme of the bOst Reformera 8 a 0 285; the highest The old C cil wers reele BiàoMjfeGîlpof BUàioe and the the value of said votai! for the islary paid is Oun Véry Thos Nu unredéemed or "Mains aft0r Providing forýaII the smu ir Co 8500, and the lowest ctpd by _ irey, vim.Genenl de acclamation, as stated in Tim cimoxi. of the Diccese of V- emed shar i'ely, and i3hi hý.tllertO voted by the Iéeý»I&ture, a while, Many 01 the nster*tive fiiends Of the High School building cLy, nt the time. lie paid in cash te, sny memb vatives abat their votes COnserý fund, to whic Among the grest soldiers who died ànroslinve on . or whoj surplus in the Provincial ires, u*1heg, wore Ma ýe pala up, The affai for the h the town voted #WCO, of Reform tour million dollars, candidat« Ref rin and pzcxzumo. ct-00118. Meade and HaUeeky of" sono Ur. K'rkland, the - former head. T. P. White, reeve, elected by scelll. e Sstidn are managed by The pledgell given by the Midi»try master, donated fflo, 82782 50 of the army, Marshall FOreY Of board of 12 directors, Who are clectE the several callings the Prenci - anuy, Lieut-Gens. Ewell atillually by the stockholders, It been Paid lias mation ; deputy reeve, Messm Miller ai Gen. --the contractors, leaving a and Brown were re-elocte id Patien Henderson and dunng the last session, and the fiour- lire rOPreunted-the Mayor, lawyer; and for Wright made the duty of the board to sppoir ighing eond#iOn 01 the Meve, coach-builder ; dcputyý mer. balance m'exPended of $3767 50. counoillorg,,Megm. Gre Palmer of le Confederate army, Field S comisellor for the association (ped were re-elected by aeclamat . Marshall, Sir George Pollock, Consts- cate thO presont ad indi. 101 The ble of I»Uion Tower. fe'Ting a; stockholder, if competen, a suitable moment Rellant ý; ilarpl-r' Master A CtERGrxàxts ývolix.-Th followingwas the Vote polled for the sy uve whose duty it shall be to for Offoctlng',' the adjust. f ryt and farmer ; Ca Vin- deputy.,reeveship..- The detth-roll of grtigts includes make thé nc ment of the mon, phy. dicator pays thatau exchanges notice of IL6moett, tie landrea searelies for auertaining th and Idillu B.ow Ce painter ; Sully, 111il,111ar eu"'O'Pal LOZUPund indob" . King, Proprietor ta ]ýWeht- Ames, T. Buchan ti toyall Property offei-ecl to the asso makingoeuch a distribution of the sur. 'whOle$810.leather dealer - nnery, and the amonut of wOrk Performed by a Duffino' Créek ...... 77 105 69 and n 'La Mortiraged Security, and giv, Plus un May be a consistent with jus. chant and Lawler, nier. clergyman, re-calis that Performed . by Dunbarton., . ...... 8g 56 rK poet ; and Robert S. Dancannon' b'g OP'n'On therêOn in writing. B, la to ai, sections of the .unery. Blow, P., grocer ; PhilP, saddler; F4ther neba-nu a few Snndays ago. Greenwood ...... 97 48 and Georfe Catlin, all AMInicaus ; and article 5, everY member à entitled to; duce merchftnt, &C.; Watson, lie hela higfirst service lit ()a 82 eestmacitt the Engliali sculptor. whitevale ... ... ...&5 81 88 The stage lost the veterans Forrot loan 0' twO hilndreil and sixty dollari brWarder and warehouse ; Willisi fur. halws, begin. CIare he Speech Witt Allude to the rapia ning at 9 mont . ....... loi for each one of his unrodeemed Mer.- All are men of respectability a. m. Re thon Proceeded to 71 17 and 8edify Smith; 180, eliS, 0,Neilli -ohares Made by the varions rail - - Sud When deemed advisable by thi ýy and averra lVhitbY and field his service, . and 893 856 Who wu popuIar in England fifty yearg board of directorg, phares may be offer, ýr6e8 slreadY aided bY the Legu.' 90 intelligence ; but certainly wounà 11P, the day by a 202 Ago ; Elisa Logan, MeKean Buchananý ed for redemption, Applications for au st the "nie riving thirty Bogumil, Dawson and Emil D - tle HOUSC will lie aoked te t'Mewc must Ilot shrink miles to Toronto eYrlent, loans on phares will take prceàilc-nee ne- from Baying thàt there lire am f Whore lie preached The election for Scligog ropul Yew emilent musicians died ; the art, ýher effect tO the liberal policy 01191lt his third, a charity sermon in the e thug .-Beeve td howeveri lost Ratingsý 1 cord'ng tO date; but filleuld there be "eady i-nellgumtdi in te, "OU" tloin men Who» acquaintance with ing. ven- 'lors, W. Bat ' W * B. sextozi ; cotincil. church imu - the writer of several applications of the saine date, ib.&PPlientions of on, municipal M, Çmsu-, J* Collins, and S* Englsud aie, Lowell Mason, of New atters, or whose training it shail be decided by lot among the M'Ilicational -Platten. fame, and Henry G. Chorley, aCqUireMeUtO ShoUld be ; ALL SAINrs' SUSI),&y the critic of The London AlhSneum. aPP"cants Of that date who shall bc . SCROOL FEST1ý Amon first supplied, and drawing May be a fair rOPreSeUtation of the VAL.-Remera Malcolm Gille Amerieilkus in POlitieftl life continued at the discretion of the board of the town of %itl, Festival to-niber the Sunday, School a large MR . , qhe elected reeve by Who dieý were ex-Secretary Seward, of directors. glit, ýýor1ty; Geo. St. John and ex-Min Each member upon re. isber Ingersoll, ex.Postmaster- ceivin- redemption money pays as (TllursdaY) at the Heu Our' defutY reeves ; Ada 9 General Randall, Il in- Mechan'e Hall- The children have Shire-and John St. ohn, counefliors. rest on the same, in additioit te his theirteaat 6sharp-aud af7.50 the Kelltucky, ex-Governor Bragg, f regular weekly dues, the sum of forty VýXBMMGZ VULAGE. North Carolina, Norman Eddy, Soi, cents per share at every regular ni . eet- Publie will bc admitteil tu the evenînggs JOB. Gould elected rose. retary ci State for Iudiana: «-United entertainment, wMeh- is to consist of ing (weekly) of the ai; RUCE. States Seilatorai Wall, of New Jersey, sociation. Iieadiný-q and those Christuatie Jas. Graham, reeve; jaa. Hc, Grimesof Iowa, Walker of Wigeonsi 1711is scheme seemp feuible and. prac- W Iman Vau Winkle of Virginis, Garrett Da ý1 ticable, and puts it within the power of hich All Saints, Sunday and - Weir, dePuty-re0ves, and of Kentucky, vis any indnstrious Mechanic to obtain a -n'jus.> Proceeds in nid of 11188ors. Pilkey and purdy conneillors Ameng the Oregncra di, COMfOrtable home for himself and f.am- were elected. in POlUical lifé who died tinguislied ily. We understands that thoilsands i weri) Juarez, Of Pour men in the èity of Baltimore Igàltxmux VUJAojc. President of Mexico; more lie au. B A'411 -We are glad tu learn James Breight, reeve ; J. Jorman ernor Gene Earl MaYO, Goy- have paid or are Paying for their own ral Of India, a8fflassinated by 'longes, whicil without the aid of this lieusemer, tile inventor department in connec. H* Tans, - A- Milne and ]EL àfae' S reliplous fanatie; J. R. Thorbeeke, building association theY would never 'je Malin Iiigh Schools a of the new process of makjug steeIý j'B couticillori.. D êj- tatesman; g0aient ofthe Tech. 1 tiou withthe Dominion Bank lias been Mazzini, the grOat have be tle Mau Who lias thug become doubly a tau 8 een able te do. lioLogiëal Colloge, and on ' 1 establishe'd. here, under the mana.,e- XAitXRAM TOWNSE". su revolutionist; Duke de Persigny We havo several buiIding societies in ter goverument Of the e fer tIjý but. bonefactor tu his race. Lest the re-ader The following are reported the ardent adherent of Napoleon III; ()utario ; but they do noFand cannot 1 University of Who bas vivid recollections of his last 1 Ment "' the Iank agent, Mr. H. B. electea- -- H. Eakin, reeve to Conti, another dovoted friend of tle offer t'le advantàges whiell. this associa- Toronto by ni-eans of convocation. attemPt On shipboard to throw up Ilis Taylor. It is t1unecessary for us to Lane and W. Millikenq deputy , n 01-Emperor -, Sir Henry Bulwer, broth- tin dues. Point out the 1 es ; or of the 120 Sliareliolders get perliaps accordance with the constitutional 011009 and stocking may suppose this is B. Marah and N. Button, re.,vo velist; Lord Lonsdale, once nine or ten per cent. interest 01, thair j cOmIcillOrs. POstmaster-Gneral of England; and xhares ; but those borrowing to buy or PriliciPlüs laid down by the Government an Institutio nany"vays in whichouch AL PàpjZ]R. ýh rate another 4ewapaper sensation, we will W a benefits especially the THs Loc - .*- - the Duke of Bedford. CI build a bouse have to pay a hig of 11r. Blake, the judgment of the Leg. convince Ilim Of its rkill' n'en, sufficient to say tliat go The N. Y. Royalty and -Oyal houses lost, Kille Of'nterest, while many rneelianie, and fillatulo with respect to renlity by a brief Popular linve they beconje says Of the local paper . --You Charles XV ci the manage. description of the vessel of ti in G Sweileu, Arcliduke ÂT labouring Men would bc unable, - fi-OM 10 future B,-itai that they lit rent Owe; it to youraelves te rally liber&lly brocht Of Austria'the Duke (le Guise, thoir 8113411 earaing, to mept the month- mont of the Blind auýl Deaf and Damb on board of Nhieh the passengers present hold on Don Angel ItPbide, son of the Asylum resPOctivolY will, be taken a delicate atèmach inay lauY 1 with bellalf of depositors about $250,00o,000, tu its support and exact from it sa able, first IY or quarterly payments. mi nt t', Iligh-toned, , charâcter as you do from -EM,,PerOr Of Mexico; Prince We doubt P upon Bill le frOM lvllich trieie is derived au. annual AI; 'e"Of Germany, King Ka Froderick Much whetlier rnany of this class ever t] 1 s'f)rthat Ptirpose toAie laid Bwelling waves and enjoy his dinner income or about $7-ý500,000. aDY educator in yom, Midst. Mahameha séck to avail themselves of the aid ci before the Heuss. A Bill for the es. amid the Ilowlingf the winds. Mî. It is in of - andwich Islands9 Archdueliess whil, our Canadian building soci tis d nO sense beneath notice and Caro. SOPhiltpf Austria. 41-Iligliment of an Inébriate Asylum il, Bessemer's ides, ship is e M buflt ,ery Eltl.CTION 0 unless you Yourselfare beneath notice Am Profess tu offer to those who desire to a] F 8CHOOL TRUSTEES.- 0*9 the M«n Prominent in busi- build Ilouses for thempelves. An asso. vý 4180 one Of the Incmures to bc sub. long, with a IOW freeboard, fiftY feet in The election of sellool trustees took Pl and care-for it is your representative. lissa circIéýs or well-known in private ciation like the one referred to Con- mitted. length, nt each end. This wiIl enable to-day(Weduestlay). IntlieNortlW ace Indeed, in its uve Ou last Year*s death roll are James ducted by thoroughly In the dePartrnent of Law Reform a it to eut thrOI191, the waves instad Of Mr. W. IL Han > ard character, it is the Fisk, jr., Samuel N. Pike Erastus honest direetors, competent and P( -Bill will be introdue, nani was re-elected by sunifmation of the importance, interest Corning, J. A. Griswold of could not rail to be a cd -whicil, whilst rising to tilem, -and wil, a,,y TrOY, Jus. great beneiit tu bundreds of Our liard- acclamation. Mr. G. C. eTross wa. and welfare of you ail. - It j@ the ag* pe Scranton, worki- population. 'gre would like tu Ou preservîng te the respective Courts of Witll "Pitching H. S ranton, wilo founded Toprevent the roIIing also rettirrieil by acclamation in the gregate of your own consequence, and Visconutess Beaconsfield. nd, sec soMe, of our respectable, enterpris. 011 Law theii illdependetit action and Of the vèssel from affecting the Passen Ceintre Ward, in place of Mr. Dunkley you cannOt ignore it Without miserably ing, leading citizpns Io( PGVer,,, WÃŽII tend in the direction of the gersp a saloon, Aeventy feet in who resigned ; and in the South War,,' depreciatinR vourgelv., talie liold of this fuÈon nO T- -i . .. e- - . - lengtli, -- ýs_ - zr-... .- - - - matter. assin-pa -1, - - 1 fLý let. ce k4tiE nest ho into a, coi hnin of' th 1 Areai dedgre for _anýýiýté 1 ïe'n'can bu ýO degree of comfor ey prèfer-' beial . the 'risks, a w cà ïi8kis _- thffl bc 8'ý coua ulsorj ihem' a Brze in ýùbÈc àbt - They p, annexatio sud Most solemn pro- rom Ïèderal taxa- onal--debt Th" en bui th-itl'JU- to the one under 2ight bc accom- 2to power on the as P' We ehould a once ont loose, thin the Union.- moment thel ace of thé nding army -abundantly dAhe power of tax ta pay, or It -bc- b&MY_ a flitéen ports, ý and thuis, tue, fosters the Ties., - Crime' is ýurderera never ýe moraisof the ýgher than our g:ýonly b, tiet j2j lesom. Clet of those Who i committed to I of the govern- great economy. 1 rare, and wheu 1 [ers are ahown 1 -1 ountry are now à , and when the 1 ýle±ed the Do- c 119 'I'great fiela a ilese and Many 0 rous to detail a 9 as abc is. ti independence- 'W hat question is ai wnest',minds, fg 3 stronger and J g ýhe Unîted a asked to au equalidt soip. A few oduce a great ta g the Domin- -th last forever as eV Gi DEATii.-New . PT, 3. Stokes was Phi for sentence. vis made an ad- col ýill of excep. Cie Ss which he brq Prisoner was ren to gay why gra at bc pàssedý. reei violated the Cori ed tes'imon Rio£ e was, mai ' Jeaz idge Board- ýtenf address, in teae 0 prisonWs proc f8, sentenc- dîes Friday, the the3 g the short- men y allowed a and JUSUI, was in fron The'y were acco: liet, an,, er gold Lpplying, at Icelfi 's> , and ul- abou will obtain. pupil t the law- deari and publie ' ýe of mur-' ýhtehiI 3r the ad- after ý have de- remfi le, but for guerd and his re- Addir, ment, au inter- dress tokcs was dpnor ution and as.a 1 repeated inanif, d the ver- Rhin f, 1,Guy w,,,,s a native , own liiyililaglfwtgoioun(i tijat our riv-r was near- r. Cornwall, -The Wall - The Americau channel Unlà tue Frivy "11VV crali willle it à tossing in the ,,, -_ 1 _- 1 RAM 9, SOLD -kn as published a pamphlet a , race-borse "ColograM,,, Own. go Il Co . 0 'a respective creeki lty, the Goverament *,fontario am MOsttrYÏ119 ses for ýný auý le tnliýn Red ow tlu Conneil bas pronounced UPOU its valid- ChOPB Of elle Engligh Channel, the Canadain The British channel. looke(l as if it bad ýt11h 1ý ýý1, Il jaLtneý ernigratea to for the page year, was valuable information; a been stnitten with a quick consumption Worh . tho t ' o - t whie Il b d d indled t 8n'w qualtuisli people '42. leaves a wido- and two sons, '. 8 mu-ht Great West, and was fast p awa- ut anville recently for $80. gý. ".,T,.r map Of the in the 1 -,;Ppcted reeve of East takingiallýthesUpipouible toprésent wOrld - and féelnomore motion b from the head of Goat 1. y. Fur up le do 1 't', Ir the4r case for the -docision of the Judi. that be nOw experiences in a railrond Whitby, and Thomas, a well-known The parchaser was Mr. Martin, of wh'c ca.rai e obtained free of charge - slan'd, and ont agrieulturist, and owner of the Sydeu. Newcastle. by addre ng 010 General Passenger Into the Canaf"n RaPids the water "V Ofar Committee' car. Steamboats, huile on - this riew Agent B. & M' was 90ue, as it w; B- B. Burlington, Iowa. as aiso frorn the Low. The Conimission té - detèrmine the plan are inteuded'for the business be. hum Farni, Port Oshawa. A sure thing. OABLE S - 0.. , er end of Geat Island, out beyond the boundary botreen Onfaiio and Quebec tween Dover and Calais. lle . re la CREW The Sandwich Islands. tower. The rocks were bare black, PRESENTATION TO CONSTABLE GUELLEY. WIRE Boots and Shoes wiU.nt ript and forbidding. , The roar of 'Niagara le proceeding with je& labours, whieh au opportunity for fume and fortune -Chief Gurl., . leak or coule apa almost to a inoan. The scelle was f Oshawa. was recent. rt, and are the enaiest SUCCESSION TO TIIE THRONg. IY Presentud with a magnificent Family ever worn' TýY them. AU bear the desolate, and but for its novolty and senibli are in the nature ni *% survey-, and do for iomo îngenious Canadian or Yankee Dot involve any territorjâlýdjfficulty te inIPPOve on elle Besseiner idea, and Bibl.ý by a Patent Stam Minneapolis, Jan. 4-Letters have certainty that it would change before but tl1ý stcolnallips number of gentienien, as P. been received bers from the Sand - 1 , many hýurs, would, have been gloolny the w1j The iânaucial calculations of the lat gill the world passengq an ne Islands, dated Honolulu the 15t) cil au absolute ÃŽnourance against sea- knowlegement of his faithful 'os about Treanurer bave beau inUyjustified with "el' 'r Du. S. JàcoBs, ON APHONU, Ou Loss -ýývprv Per-on who vices as '49uardiau-of the town." describing the situation after the th' "iiigarm wiil reruember a 11, 12 respect to the revenue and expenditute sickness. Mr. OF VOICE.-Orange street, Se. John, il lins vifiitdi S pý_ -- - Gurley la an 'n(lefatiguble Officer, and Of 11ing.Kamehamella SI:Oots ilp ni of the past yetàr, to which face the Pub. 1869. Mr. Fellows.- The correspon- beautiful jet of water which Sir: I amý dent BaYs :-The King ut tile time of out of the water about forty rods south tLe nn, VISIT 01, AucaBrSHOP Lyxcu.-on althOu' as the Vindicator says, bis bound to d t S 0 er IR 1 apids, call- lie Accounts bear, niant encouragin awar lie PAIM of merit te bis death weighed 19QU' ýonnd . Chij of lit Si te -in the great r 9 Tuesday evening 1- duties ate Often severe and Unpleasant, the prepartio Justice E. H. Ailen'ats 'M 1 with sinzular contradiction of terms, testimony. ast, His Grace Arch. . Il Df HYPOPhosphites dis., as Regent. bishop Lynch delivered a moit elo. es on account of weari- gOvered by you.' The rightfül successor is William Luii. the "Leàein- Rock." Theu-riterdrove fo 7 w.ýo, The Globe édds we ses in the - 1 "Ielnl,,el"ýeorr cl'e",.asl9i 1 had occasio a bug-gy fro tateq on account of don. Il te use; alilo, but ho is au inveterate dritiker, 'a(I of Goat Is. court foregoing any occasion for re quent sermon in the Catliolie Churel) it my8elf in a case land 0 the he gret, je, is gel, or dislilco. of Aphonia, which and unfitted for the position. He is conseqti in this town. The chlIrch was throng. would net yield te re ' ut te a Point above and- near 'to that BD 1-Ar se a that jet. ýVith A dOq .98 a mm of busine bould 911lar treatment, exPecting ta be made Ring. The t cart and four I1a-pI)û1ý ed to such au- exteut, that the people PICKI'ni,.Nlc., and am happy to suyt je pro PersOn in rank is Pananti. It is Ineux- from the ouloide týý( bave been tindortaken in one session. AGitICULTURAL SOCIETy.- ved to be Oured that Miss C. K. Bishop, a good bof the oiit.,r island a stick of Pine tim- desire fo keep, faîth with the Houss gat all thât Yeu, claimed for je, having Il of the congre ' ion l'ad te give up The annual meeting of the Pickering woman and lady in the highest sense of er. hewed twelve inches square, and ,,,tor, and Country bu pzý)bably lad the Gov. their seats te thOsO in attendance be- Agricultural Society will be held ut acted with expedition and entire gaiis- the word, belovéd and respecteil by na- fortY fé4 long. FI rom the top of rnid- éraraent te veneur* on a tesk Ù4 will longing te qt lier communities. Avlany Brougham to-morrow, P faction. I feel calied UPon te publish -tives and foreigners, was offéred the dle iglaùd was drawn a still larger 'Pi U13 li,185fft i8 tax the whole enüwies and demand the cOuld net find standing room, and Ilad inst., ut one Oclock. A full attendauce the face, that the profession May avail thrOU0 On Wednesday, but declined. stick, llûwod on one aide, and sixty recsived Most assidiious attention of the Ropre. Of MeMberd ig requûsted,ýajq matters, of themaelves of a remeay 1 Whether she eau be ii2duced to change fect long. Therc are few places on tion to mentatives during the perioa that can Rio Grace great iwýortance will b Pound Syrup of ilypophospbites. a te be acon. The GracO in the vestiLule. n your COn- ber mind remain il bere a person would bc less they woi il - e brought before natives Beau te think of William but ýk"a1gy1obý w lumbering than in the bc devoted-to thoir doU weelt PrnciPallY uPOn the duty qf the meeting. would be satisfie4 with Mrs. B' eration. Only Yours, very truly, api.18 te by unwearied applicationcan th Obëdience to elle CommandmeUte, set. ishop. of Nia,-ara, juge abo-;e the brink DEATH a work - S. JACOIBS, M. D. There will doubtless be tremondous of the Horse Shoe Fall. AU the peo- 4tli.-Wi Of whichwe have given si Outline be tilig forth the great punighment which CLEAEING ' SALE.- Messrs. Laing & talk in the legwat * on the eighth, -Ple of the neiglibourhood were abroad was kick the uon-observant-e of the Stewart announce a clearingsale in A great many people h and>làotwords willare eYploring recesses and cavities that liad on the 2t matinfegiorily aoOomplished. , Command. 1 &va agked us probably pass be- ce a o t ments entails; the order-to reduce their stock. tenaing of late, 4611(rw do you keep your horses tween the members. never before been exposed te mortal duty of obeying ý1 lu -4 *ý- eyes. The writer went some ctance and four TAr,&ý._Tbe trial of them and the grent happiness of Mau Purchasers -tivould do well te call. (Ses looking so aleek and glossy 2" We tell 1=813 DEPUTATION TO THE PoPE.- up the oliore of the river. in doing se. Rio Grace was li advértisemeut in other columus.) them it'a the easiest thing in t6 Large fields W.G. Fitzmâùrke, charged with in. te with the Mo stened world; Pbme,- Jan. 6th.-A large deputation ýt the muddy bottoin lay bare. The MAN K at 9dmwo4«09 &à Devem. t profound respect, give Sheridan'a Cavairy Condition Of Bomau Catho1icsfýom Ireland wait- singtllar SYLICOPe of the waters lasted A man r 8 OPF.%II-N;G OF TRE.CLARENONT PUBLIe Powdem two or three times a WeelL ed on the Pope to-day and presented all the day, and night closed Over the almost in being là lirgt add* rosa to the people of ber last, Commenoed, bdoio là Rocor HALL.-The neW l'al! crected in the an address, reciting the benefits conferr. otralge scene. But in the mdrning -Tuage BuzzIllamon Tuooday mornin Wh'tby S$ S bOdY, Where bis Protestant village of Claremont will A, gentleman in the eastern part of ed upon Irelan Western 1 be d é the Holy See, týred in all its stren " znorning. and up te elle t(me of going te ' g' he&rers lârge1Y Prodominatid. The opened on the formauv y sud 0 9ffi pro" ening of Tuesday, 14tà the State Who vas about hsvng his tendering bis Holineu à contribution of b sty, and wle were in front oi was Dot conoludad. , AbOUý eOngrýgt1On wad . Due Of the largest jùst av leg Peterlâ pence. The Pope responding, g lat,811 filwelliag tide oàeo fell. The witilesses were eidminedtand nearly' ever Aosembled in ý auY ýchurch in sut, by a.grand hall and;suppex. aMpuýted on acconut Of jeu b deplored the inffltitude of the people mole. horribly 'n - 4-- balle ut zight Ofoeven persona hag been »0 raany more have yet ta, give whitty. À Word in praise of the =glas and atiff Who PerfflItted theexacpeolilaotniolun Ofa the aidait ut B their WIITTBY AND BIST WHITUy TJNION kneet heard of churen. lie zaade oisoned in Decatur,. Ill. lived abou teoitI'moisy. The evidence agéinst the eloellent Sineg Of the Choir SIIOUIl AGRICULTU e c * Some fiend living ther III - Johnsontg A of the Irish P A family short time people, w om he pràised IUL SOCIETY.- The annual Liniment. After using je a for their enduring attachm put arsenic in the pumps frein whîch prisoner Io Dot 80 strong 84 was autial. Dot be OmÃŽtted. The Rov. Father meeting Of Ulis Sbciety will be lield ut bis leg became etraight, and is now eut te the Hundret p4ted je Would be. Proûïx, «dthe talénted no*ly appoint. the GI . Obe liotel, Brookhn, on Tuesday, 88 church, and co%,,ýmtulated thom on water was drawn for the, use of the serviceable sa ti» other. the air faith. He out of emu Pziest of the mission, the It 14th mat. Preurvation of th viotims. They are happily reported concluded by giving the Apostolic out 0£ danger. they demai ST, A"Rrwo Clitraex Unwith Rev, Father PETEx's PENCE. t another disas. blessing to Iulàn-d. Ing rat4er UcCa' YO S.mall-poz prevails te au alarrni to Brazil. Ant!àt 1ýaY- 1. 0. 0. F.-The insiallation of Offi. ter bu , befalien the Holy Father - extent in Boston, Xass-, sixty deaths 11*00MU.-The annuai soins in connac. den and COZIW&Y, assisted î Il y Yesterda of î glith tha, St. Andrew#, Cb=lïý at -the cela- cers of t a Eutern Siar Loigei 1. 0. 0200,000 of the money coliftwl The late Ring of the Sandwich la-- from that scourge having respectab, #'ho eh g under lands, retained bis instincts of cannibal. terrible 0 0. P., for the ensuizig . terni wili take tliis basa was deposited by the Papa] igm. He didn'teat humau bodies, but occurred last week. Queensville sa -VM > ÏJý JWld on Woduesday place on Tuesday evening next, 14th Nuncio se Brunels with, the Union éorgL,"- ;IoiýUUTION Ã")? TRE TOWV.-.jMe he was a great lover of shark The néw commercial treaty betýveen the charch. population ýOf the tOwn, according te. Ùàmeu whieh eoptained all th ssentîalg()u between inst. A full attendaace of Oddfenows Bank of Antwerp, au establ France and England was si 01410, . ý ' - - Deially suppô t a a Pt farm, lie fel liabing 9whe uscal tes papplied se là1ý 'the c ut je ýt96 à requested. ý'c ges, Party rted ale- gned by -elle ed that lie i 0,uai'in "0' edt recendy tako by the appoint8d: '10 *'Waa 'eut whý Woduemay es by 'a meý 8.4, sadreues by. Bagian ment&e representatives of eacli na.. the heurt. Vas an 'tipporti6no Ulollow's :-7..!w190eh fane tien luge saturday. mu _Dy Miss Dit which afély d. 841YA4 0 24M-r-W alight mu broke out on board nue havd,-.boeï, 00 tlm B Dy 1 The president of the pepublie AV40M toution to Mmitted for the Bri' of' damages ag lw.-mn7 frigate -Anrors, lying ke jn*dhl- for mut ta j Mn 1 MOL f=W 'It lia t 1 mndred b le ' "' acqý' Most terst, he pre- mmoth The Se dO is Knox Me 0 Pat",e ful delibei of this solved th£ would Inonumen fflth- worthy of The Edinburgi ýeed to ration An, actic lilaud ca*enter, ished. against th, ing £1,000 cont'ined had affer the-il pour- that of the Must iDR7 on Que ws be at work d murdoring, Shootin-, irý lias of gloriýôus, the ')ry- and The follo- and trouble in held given by pre- knôws, youi L good young van- l'O etarte au sanday-Sclic .De- good for the .hàli a -West'End and they.diè son- - oin- raised a row ria, and Mr. GrE re- Mr.- NobbB' haswt nevér -all I know al tho the A Janesvil _to ered his sern, its Sunday,_beQ da, bade »' Sb to frorojob, ra- is Raid th wde ($8( ih 'erect, U of a 1 La eprin )0, The Goveri ys couragement 1 11, cal society'.'m in flikheritâce in tion. - 1 w The populat by the new ce] being a decrea ýd It must be ren le the countýy ha terIýtory in AI propriated by h date. Thé Gerrnai ïhat Gex[. 'Von ýpen appopinted r: man Council C)j theleRs reinain

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