Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jan 1873, p. 3

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B,~aP * crew Stamners. oftnid fsaig eu ess Deunmark pseosossone ship cf t liin., eue (rzale, eue cutter, eilight boats, andI tweuty-eae tranaporl*. LAKDs.-rrince Luualie, the. legili mete bhefr cf the iete Kemehaehla V bas; sent forth bis elaiins te the Hais filan throne ln e proittmation' te lbh Xanaka.; Printce Lunailo id ugt look .4 upea with laveur by flche rspectabi4 classes ef Honolulu. ewing te bis -un dignifle luabit of>lying dr-unk about- hi Street, andt h1us uucousceuply triVVio1 xtp sober altizetus, Who NIai verhLim cii tlîpir my ltct al.1utglit. since tlb dtith cf the XJ<lg lie in, Iîewever,, un. dc-îteedo( te have washed luizelf, pui j on a new bat, anti ietermini te re. (tii-utIlubig proclamation lie cali upen lthe neltas te lîiti enueleohiet enci vote lm ltovàcant crewn. It il Det te be dlenieci iluat tii is a revclu. -ticn.i-y proposition. 'No ene Kanaks, -wlu'ther druuuk or sobc r, btas theii.riît te order e genvral ection, antd it à net impossible tat Prince Lunalilo's inîilscretien linttis ii4er will effortl Vbit; enc-iin's ;a pretexti for )roecùLiu~ -bln5bkefer clteosir n sttor King M- 'Wiielie le lte unwilling tenant of tht * caboose.. Tit FOLLY Or ]lING cWîeu.-HaVO ypn rend tiatin-wupaîera? seema te bc thue quentien tat proves mont fatal ta tfîe prospecs ' cf a, juryman beinz solecteul te serve cii aîy cane of Impor- tance inNew York ; antd few tuer. are whci'ean stîccessfuliv face tiie treaul ' ortleaL. lu fact it apuicars tliat atîy muan wlie confesses tlîît lie lias intellu- genici enougli te rethtt ie uewsPapers, anti uilerata.ntl wliat-tlîey say, knowa tee tuncli te ho a practicithîs jtîryruan. The euly ývtîy a lutin cati avoidti ii libel upon lus intelligence, -or hiB linsti.L lt .eyqueetionabie of Fnuyiig, asna mat int reportedtiat saiuà in pi-acf te lis i.tesrital Poo e u tii. Tweiu juryv. thnt lie meais iiotiiig lut lte cuitoriais, andtiltihoelie !IeF s u l liev. Pretty sonu abAolute igîit)rsince orliotueless stupiciity wiii b. thé stîpri-me necessity for overy mnan calieti te Serve as a juryman ou eny * important case, or, as tlite New York Tribune pùrtiîîently huIs it, "People wî~ll secte ii'lîgb fily cf rxpecting tat ý an eutcn e cempûtent te serve as a jurynatn-aliebcton itîcompetent te bave -any intelligent 4piîîion of events wlîieli dtite wiîolo coîueinutiity." If ignorance commitnd u îcît a preiui, asm te ridc1uioîî farce frequently en- acteillu 2'ew York crimittai courte in selkting jtries uppeare ta indicate, il were sulrely folly te beeiise. ýfBELECTION Or<IF iTuIt>UTiui-rii. -The. apallîy evinceul by lte ratepayers in th.e lection cf Seliool Trutes-in ail 1parts cflteProviiffcc-ltae been cotumenhed ui*n, yerar tfer year, anti yehlit centijutues witl ne sgîîs cf a more active interest beiug laken. Tii. Ottawa Times gives as e reason for itis state cf afftirsa, thut citherlt gen- tliestiWho fil the responsilile position mtanst be men wh lime~' gaineul inu a espeoini mernuerthtiicoîîluiene cof lte public or lthe publicemutcsingtlarly carelepe as te te fate of lteselioîts. Our munuicipal lectiotis excite sotue irqterest ; lte elention cf a iienber te the t'B 1 f Scicol Trusters excites non utîlensesoin. persoîtal rivalry cen hoiportetilonto lte contest.TIi li îýld ne, lbe aliowedti lecontinue. or "0entem porary goce entalustate ltaI ,;itorttatit cManges are promiseti by lte «Otario Gave rnment, iii regard te tthe relations lenefertlu ta exist between dililrent gradles of scitîols, andthelii elactors avîte Ihave te fout the. bils, anti the: people fit large, wlîo cuglîl te halte a pritie iunlte ivicenient ef eduice. tien1, solti evince more jutai-est titan tlîey db in te administration cf cuir Scîl,0iutlws, .aRFlte>' ow exint. It wruul em as'if tfiti'admrinistrative part ofe! I'stcol systeun of Otaneo -%vas regardeul utsof littie account. An it'is conducted, il le toa al practicai Pl pt-oes a close Corporation. Perliapn. aange iu thue constitîttien cf lte clîlîf t-pditnivet, lîy lalting a respon. » ile trinister aI tliteutiti cof il, wluc wcnlti have te auînwvr in thue- Legisîn- turc-for ils ituts, wcuuld bo an imcprovo- niuv 1)t. Cettaicll' it ivcuhui teudtai ewuîake'n a greattý-r uitre uiitîrcst ii thte *subject, anti %ve(a ne îo t-oen 11Y lte educational diatu, ul loul hob uiaintait-iedouithue burteaucratîiey-cIeiui, t( huie parliamuçiltry i-uspuiibility le ClIt4unieN SIIOcTîx MNGt, I pigeon miltutl i t ufltun 'Wclntnht 'aine of New vYoi-. lt.efetlulWVurl, cf Toronto. Tha fou-tur sitot 43 lii ticont of 50, wltile te latter mie l l> 40. Tuhe cause cf tîisctiiiere;ttcuuisiug bo- t'WîîcSpuain anti tae Ulitccl Shahes is sîclulte itu reuovoti, andIillte etnte cordiale resîcroti., Th Ti.Prince Iniierial, il lut saitl, has assuimedtheuta ila, cf NuipleoriIV, but * il isletliedt lat Engoule wililjssue a proclamaation. Fifty.nine ilsîierniacubelonging ho lareacut , Engiauu, wcre tirowuîed ~. duriuig thie i-ceont gaies. FUI>t' thîusanti slaves bave bec-n eannipatet inl Cuba, andthlie Goveriî. tuent will put lte ian-<nl>'lu i force on -te Pacifiation cf lte Islandt. Theél'acc Itanin-a>' cing leagnin i-a- asseotbliig etOttawa. -Il is rumeuiret inluOttatwa ltttPar- huent wîhi rpeeî f'or ilespaîcli of businiess abount lte l8tiî irox, Lortd Dufférin, wlue tîlpears te tati' atuel.h iler.ýemt cin ba i-icr.titîn cf skuîl. .ilug, heng 0otihue.prizes la bc cou»- peiet rintluMenti-cloncthue 4h iFub. ruai-y. - Tlelie. bridge ies fou-mati et Qubee, andi lte population cf ltaI cil>'are higitly grehiieti nI the icuped eanu-iî of ceiutlcalioti withlte oppuisihte 4 Mo, - i--i ahoo - Snao Jar par IltdiMoacder, eM u~Uam le le le -bs--t *broex lent hau -bien accus. erineleethelb.dis. L. Ilwa àbovixb a~w ndi probsbly haen bve stolen, .e court smiled ad grinued aImmo~uut re leokedtes. thonghý dots they dia 1net ted df 1*, andI the Sin a verdict for the F*07,ÊXTOi33L7z-lL-The bpdy cf Mi unknown mn v wa (entai frezen te deeath et Nicolet, la., on ýsatulrdày niglit, andI two teams ef herses were frozen naer Worthigton, Miflu. ;eon of the. drivers is mlissîag andthe tI hier* flqàbadly frozen thet hé cannot liv.. eosteize betwéui, Sittiïg and 'Boak Ilepidu lest one passewger by free7ing te death. HisMe nts î !aA. ,3enkins. Twes1mall boys were fennd frozen to dcatb near Hnmbeldt, In. Owing te tlte'ighways being baJly. blockcd by te recent gtorm, strong fears are en- tertained cf ire andI famine et ayo the interior meuy c B BBT H. - * JAMESON-At Wlîitby, ounltse ltit -itist.,, te wife of Mr. IR. H. Jameson, tuerciient, cf a tauglîter. MARBIED. 8MALE- GARFÀT,1y lte 11ev. Win Scot. at tihe residonce of lte i ii-te's father. en lte (lîl day of Janu- ai-y, 1878, Mr. Chlels S. Maie, of t eonte, te Miss Annie Gai-fat, ltirdl tiatiglîtar cf Mr. Frances, Gaifat, cf Oshawa.- D LE D. WOLFENDEN. - At Wixitliy, on Siatnruiay. l111h met., of piraiysis, Mr. RichardutWeifentian, aged 76 years. Mi-. Wolfeien wasm an oltl residetic of WVittly, ltaving settleiliera oter -a jquîart-r cf a eniui-y Cge. He was a inittive cf Yorkuliire, Engianti. r MACENZiE.-Iu Toronto, on Sun- tia> niglul, l2tlî nt-., Mrs. Mackenzie-, reliet cf lte late Wmi. Lyo-n Mackenzie, in tîte 7ist yaiur cf lier ago. RICHARIDSON. - At Springfield Fartu, Pickering, William lt-rt>'Rit- arti, on lte 28tii of lte 12 mentît, 1872, aged 83 yearor, 10 moulus, atndi56 tys. WHITBY MAlRKETS. Cuuîoeeîi.xx OFFicL, Jan. lith, 1873. Pall Witaat------------...Il 20 Ca;1eliW SpVriuig Wheat----------..Il 12 Litsil 16 ilarley-------------l... 55c Ca 0e Peas-----------------...63e Ca 6601 ýRye----------------.. 3--Cî G 10 Hay-----------------0... 15 @t-17 ,Ietatoees-..--...........oc@t Applas, par burrel-....12 Eggs-----------------...18ec «t 20e Butter----------------1. 7e «t 20e Ciees----------------li. 13ecg«t15e ltaI, Itinul quarter-.... «t 917 Beaf, foea quarter-..... $3 a1$ Popet pr wl----------..14 78 «t St Chietieus------------.... 5 J«Ca 8c per ptit-. Duiekse pr .ir ............0e Turkeys, pet - b -.....7e«@10o Ceai, pet ton---------...57 «t$8 Woed-----------------.. 4 5 Ca$5 TRA VELLERS' G UIDR7. GRAND TIIUNK R. IL. Trtain letve Wliitby Station as followe: Goîng Eas- Guing 'et- Expires... 7:15 a. in. Local.- -- 8:20 atii-1 Mixed . ..2:10 lp. in. Express 10:1,5 ant- Express.... 7:20 p. un. Mixeit. ... 5:10 pan. Exp.Mutit10:10 p. , The ltraine ru» b y Montreet time tthiclu ii 22 minutas faster t t au Whitby tiinc. WIIIY ë& PORiT Pii1RY iR. R.N Traine -Going Nort- Mail. Mixeti. WhibJtu4ou, 9:00 u..7:0:3 hit Whity, m 9:07 suit. 7:1 . Port Paru->, (arriva) -*10i3O ait. 8:40 pin. Trains Geing South- Mixeti. Mail.h Port Part>', (depitrt, 1110 tien. 1:00 prit.1 Whitby,l(arrivc) 7:53 a.m - 2:23 p.m. 1 Wlitby Jonîctionu, 8:001 tin. 2:30 pan. DIVINE SERVICE. Ah Saints' Chureh-AI 1l a. m_, ani 7 p. m-Rev. Mr. Catyley'. Cttholier Cliei-E ver>' Stiîy'-DIOnrnng et 8:30 andi 10:8(1 s. m. alternatt-iy-tc-t. Mr. Shea; reetience, Oshawa. Catnada PrusbytaiuCbureh-At 11 a-.tm. iandt 6:80 p. m-Rev. Mr. Ballentyne. Coiigreaîtienîil Cliurch-AI il a. ni. aidtti 6:30 p. m.-Rav. M. Gibbse. St. Andrew's Churci-At Il a.». anti 6:30 pan-tev. Mr. Fraser. ,%e.teyan Mthotilst Cliurucl-At 10:30 a. t nti 6:801 p. m.-Rev. Mu-. Saniterson. NLW ADVERT'S M-N1ýis. T IlLe Slomîch iîthi ite tierangccncîite cri- tice ceemna etou Moe t tutof theu Chlir it-Xatinit Duiseuesfou- whtiehiiuiic-C itie are veactnttyseceking apeticit. Wheu a tti-fo) tit i is iiýrietly tilgietei ant ii-o icti-ul tubite hîceoitîe întuîvt-nieat nd tit ait tht- orgtîatîtlaicd ti-et ofthe hi-ly etilli- j, ct-ttî( y w-uttofetnouishcuat. Tis ,geiec- , ai uepravity-ofi hua yc ttt îîiimitiufcmitlcîlf J it seint- ceîstitîîtioîî ty tîdiseetoflite Lîîngseu i-rt, Liver or Kitineye. unditni atiers ity Scettiloin eiitargeuttint qi tite- gituisei-iptitiftet itant, Uic-m eofboîte artl finît. epitîtl we-tkiteesinituglîriiee. i-xlttutiîtg -i-tliarges, itervtîne prostratin, l mntal actiitt, nuturtlgie anti rlieuatie pains, ail oai lîatrsete t-en ulprute-t ntritioni. Te invigorate the Stoiue-tsudti i:,erfu-ltidigestionu, udthea oiniriaî9uîub Illee loo tD. Whleelers Ceîîîîotîîîî h Elixir oft luespluitt-n tnd Clinîtle eti O b greut effucat-> antd reli-itlî>, îeiîîg turilei- ni te inufantt iii- uit,ani promtpt aitîl pt-cui- t riant in itseaffects. Solti b>'aIl Dc-uggiac.-fi kncavlelge f uit auttural iîw' whici govrnet uta~~~~~~~if tprtou ttietetaîuniitritiar,anîfl iî> earetlppieatieî, et the tftu- uroper fle et ais lectetcoco. rl -Eppha,4' mtoviteeut-breakfast lubies mitlîa lu-ata. AVoI> '-AKN-A victim of early premature decay, &c., having trie.1 iii vain every advertisd remeily, lias discovered a simple ineans cf self-cure, whieh lie a-il Rendl fre. tu hig feilow-,uffuirers. Acldress, JI Il. itEEVIFS, 78 Nassau Si., New York. -Septembei 2nd, 1872. - I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NO0T I C E i Notice i. h.reby given tiat application will b. made to the Parliament of Cantada st lit; îuext session for anuAct autît-iriziti' the Port Whtliy & Port Pe' ltailwîty Com_ý 1ma!ly tr, con4tiit piers antid dc')t-t in thie waters cf Lake Ontario, at or adIjacentt te te ternminus of their roudati P ort Whitby. Dâtted U18 h Janxar.v, 1878. MDOUGALL,tLNGLISTIt, bMcDOUGALL, Solicitorsu for Applitantsf. STRAY HUIFER. Camp juto tue premises cf lte uniieruign. elu o,"7ou Pcrilhkering, about thei,511h- 14%rmit et,.a rouiand white. leur, ris- ing titre.yeartiold. The owuter is requîeeuted tu prave property, p.y Gcharges, tud laIe the. anlmxusiaway UDIAH ýSPENCE.iL PI~afJa.-0 mi 11. 00" TOWN'O? WUfrB-Ie T(ESDA Y, dAN/Y 28thf 1878, At 2 e'elock in lii. alterenn orArt form the CCof t1he Corporation ot the H. J. M3ACDoNELLj, le-oath lount,. Cnnimutbreeeda duplicate te th. CrkettertanM day, 27th it. County Cierkls Office, Whitby, Jan. 14th, 1878.5 NSOLVENT ACT 0P 1869. In the ntattet- cf JOHN POST, an Insolvent, 1, the. uniler« ged 'Robert John Yaniold, cthwnof Wbhlitliy, Ccu.nty 0f Ontario, have been appointed Assignee in this mat. ter. Creditors are reqnested 'to file thcfr dlaim. beore nme %ithin on. month. Whutby, dth January, 1878. ROBEIRT JOHN YAIINOLD, 21n3 Assignee. som 712à OuAte ST., %CARt VecToXtu SQUU., M O0 N T R E A L. 12 years ex pptrient-a in the Montu-eni ro- dut-t-truite. Ihetti n iet, ant ijluent mit-tu-t prit-% t-ti-i. - .Consignera tapI posteti an te sala ni tht-le grotdsprospecte -tc. Ilfrmtoste prit-e, &c., funse on appliication, i A trial cenezgnmueuf Solicitetl. GEORGE FERRY, Jît. Bu-feu-cne : MEtrrs. Jtia. flennÂti. & Co. Jannar>' 1i, ltE3. lys GRAND SOCIAL ENTEIITAINMENT A 'ocial Eitttirtuiiu-nt w-il be beld in the Itrskine Cujîtatu Preebyteiii Chut-ch, Lot No. 261, iutlite 2nui concession efthe Township of P'ickinig, on Wednesday, dan, 22nd,,j673, 'The feilowiîîg getlemunîîatre axpectdti l etidres the meeting : Dr. Tnc-tir, Recyt Mes-tu-. Ke-nned-y, et Dtiniareîu ; Rocs. ef Duthlusf' Crack ;Dawsoni, ofiunBl. Iet-ittyn, aI Whuitby ; Cou-niaiti, et Green- woed ;Currnlu-tau-elt l-ium; Bain anti RIhoincon, of St-iraro'. 'The procet-dinge o et it- vtniltg will ha atlivanet b>' Vora and iInslrtrmental Munit-, tha - Hiihtind Cr-tk Otînir luaving kinîtl>' ciunsenteti neusait-. Ret-r-nintis wiiî ha servt-il uring the evcîiittg. Adminsieru 25 d-, Oltiltirtu15 ets. Tita p rot-t-adn ai the maeting te i. eppili le the liquidlatiocn ef tht tait ou tht Chut-ci pîuopeu-ty. -Doorsete»ah6 et-loi-, chair la he Inken aI 6:30, by thae11ev. Mu-. Peattie. Piek-ec-ing, Jan. 15, 1873. ' ID0MIN ION B 4 N R , WItITriuiAGENCY, SAVINGS D EP A'RTMENT Noticei- j -lieu-eh>' gin-tntint a Savins Di-pantinent iansliten epeneti in cennectian witu tItisecv-. Iuteri lpiti on Depecite i-f Oua Dollar ant uit.tt-tn ttht rate of four peu- tart. Le' Dceoitorîn -uwithtram, aithai lthe a.-mia or fttrt tii îtir dulc-îts uit an> lime, anduit ittieut pletîieus notica. Spiciitl rres oetuit-reKt uliowati oude- luncutî, critti notice, ot vitiicîns-n IL B. TAYLOR, Agent, Whtty. Witby, Jtan. 7, 1873. 2 OIRAY SEEF 'i,ý Cua ittetht- xrauiitcnoaithte uliiuriitir, lot 14, 7tlut-i-co -:u. -iru i ou-about tie IsI uit Devtetbu:r lt, tour -ns he antioe blakî hettiitp. 'l'l aietit- is reîutcI te pt-ove turopant>', îuuy ixpu-nuteqttatidttaethtmaw-uy. JOSEPE 1tILKEY. Pickerinig, Jatn. 7, 18(73. in2 s _ERVANT GIREL A'LD Watîutt-a guet Scrv:înt Gîlu-. App>' te MIlS. C. luîAt'ER. Whtby, Bau. 2dt1i, 1B72. 52 c IlAXNCERY NOTICE Tr(j Creditors of Hugh Quigley, Pitrsutt tea du-ri-a oi the Ctrt ai Chtutcerî-, tii- iii a ýi u-:t'tofl trti-uict igîtinst Qîigi-Y, t(,ict-ut-ituir- tf Hugi Quiigicy, laIe o ie titi- l'us. rttfiu ickii-erling, itt, tile'oit if 0uti ltrij, f.tnc, tliti died in orial ttli ii înîti(t Autril, 111111, tu-cci or lutfîtr-titi- it-thDAY t(FPJAINUAlIT, 18-73t, -tiisu-ut by po«,ui-pre-patid, te Hiessc,. tou-at, bi:ui-ui na onîcttil euttiy. oftue Cit>' (if Torontot, tthe Siito-ii ftr tue îluiîutlff, William HBitu--, Ailiutiinct-atuu cf the lt-tceda ttiu-ChtuistaitiandtiSurnanten, udt i-ese-atutnd rîiiitht- huit pin-rien. ni-c et tiie-ittiiis, iattcaîta i tfteu- -e01t antc thil iti turo ofuiteti-eciriis (i at>')lielu b> tieuuin ; or it u c:ult tht-ruet bcnfitOf he aid Icnve.Lvetuce sato ut-foe-niaie uuittti'tciIuutcu in Ou-tii. tar>' of ttd cviii Ceou-t, uit in>' Chambners, in a.geocdu- I11t1, in theiiCitv o ritaitti, tot flie 28t01 DA Y 01" JANUARY, 1873, at bie-en oc-l lin tue <îuuu-tan, being thie Mme utîîîiîteti fuiruadjuitioin on titi lte thie Igti, ta>' of 1Datcmrb-n, 1872. (Sîgiati T. W. TAYLOR. TAXES! TAXES! NOTCEishaab- ive hatui txe in arrears mueit be puli forthwiîh, WiTHOUT A SECOND CALL, or thuaclleclor ms-lîl have ne chaer alterna- tive blut ttaeproceedings. - Paymenl cf luxes eau ha mate aIt the colletu's office, Mu-. John Fat-guaen'a stora, Dundas Street, HENRY HANINAM 1Wlilby, Dec. 171h 1872. Collecter.j5 D EPARTMENT 0F CIIOWN LANDS. (ACCO Ul-T'S BRANCE.) TcoOTzO, lUàth Dec., 1872. vili hiave Our Car no atoc .rl es >ont.pc4p swé layYugmmn,'sbool-teacher, peut. mu«iOre.ceepe,r'ettry ena else-'wibe. erer gsiupàa cub olS, péc *'.tsP.cdïom unoney ata a paper Ire. Wheever secures 1%@su ar;a, tkesl#O sd-gie a paper t,-e.Wbs.ver sents 28names wif -ln Ï10O-and el a psperfree. Tiiese are plain ligures, sud ie PAT ZNe vOUS 0" IAint. New it is plains that w. cannot mil lis ccpy of "a Âciz't v r ezin Csnad& who hrnews hew te resd. If it reaches oae lu ever>' tweaty, it wll«de welI. Se eacb eue who recelves it can essi>' ouxi A ctiiE, anti, %whi1e Zrvl .gLn gooti caus*, by encouraging Canadien tuilent, ldustry>, su enlarprise, zsmmc xouzv fer hutuself. Set aboutîIt at once; see' ail youtr fu-lentis, atif make tient subscribe. De il NOW, beora au>' one bas lime te forestall yeu. STHE FAVORITE " MAXIM. C<aada for th. e aia,,-wbether b>' birli or-adoption. Let us bel p est-h cher, if we aspire te b. a Nation. uu'TRz FAivo,&- mT" 15 a genuine Candian enter.,- Canadian la ils conception, its plan, ils sxeution,-written, edited,-print6tl by Ca,,- adians, ou Canaian paper, -witbh Canadian type. :W- s;1V1 TT 'OltR SUPPORTr. Kddress:- OBO. E. DESBARATS, Publisiar of l The Favotfe,"' - The Canadien Illust iaail News," -L'Opiion iPublique," "L'Elendard Nationtal," Nu. 1, Place d'AresaHill1, and if 1 te 110, St. Antointe Street, MONBAviui. w EALTII AID IIEALTH IN GQOD GABLE SCREW WIRE BOOTS' AND SHOES. 11111 luot leak, and lastiWiice as log. NO0TIC E.- Applicationwi- ct-i amatie te tsLeginlit. hure et Ontario aI thue naz nesin niaIPar- iantent for au nntendmenhte the charter of the, Port Wliithv uandt Port Parrv Railway Company, andthliasaveral Arts 'amandutîg lia si-me, for thie put-pose et euthorising tie saiti Companti>'teextendtirai-Railuen>'te neme pToin t on tie Georgian Bey, aut fou- exteuting tha lime for tic commnctemant anti completlon cf tic prapocet branci te Lindsatundt FenciatiFaite, andttagive tha compati>'poettehuilti sud concîruet pierît ou- tecks nI Port Whittiy, onLuaeOntar-io, or lu the. waters tlie-oi. J. MARSH, Seetar>' & Treanurar. pORT WHITTIY AND PORT RY P RIWY COMPANY. ' Notice is heu-eh>' given liai the Annual Geeteral Meeting oiflte Shacuehoitars ai tie Pert Whitby anti Port Paru-y Riwny Cite- pan>' allI he held auithletaCaucpary's office 10 lie Town ci Wbtlty, on WEDNESDAY, THE TWENTY-SECOND DAY 0F JAN- UARY, A. D. 1878, ut Ten o'clock, a.m. - J. MARSH, Sacreter> & Tu-asurer. Secrtarys Office, Whi*tby, lie. 21st, 1872. 62 L IST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS 0F TUE i aïttoi14nu. -NI-W S,, YQtOUI TIME TO BU Y ýYOUR ]<L AND WINThIL -B oots an id îShýoeSf * Just received tut the Doininion B~O'ot and Sho"eStolre, a tré,- mundouts li-g. tocietFau ctnd W!itkr oots- t14 ti Suei., f ei- deciiiin. Coml)i-iiiug Uth, A cn-rc-n, nI - dCanadian nianulactni-e Aliotthe du-st of nc-xt menth, lite wiii sdi l11kida of Boots and Sbot'n ne. prie umts, ini ou-de o terduce liipi-Ee ut eii e minîh stock provieus t 10 iihg. r4CalI and get bai-gaine while yon have the chanice. of So doing. R B. B. -KEELER. P. S,-Tiiose w-ho arc-indebted waili4*plt-ase seule inmmediitely. %VIliitby, -Oct. 9, 1S72. 41 DOMINION WTARE1tO'OMS At-e suîppVed with at full stook ot o Chrustmas and seasohalile Gocd-e t , 01<.'V iRilS.Ttilu[u-us GodIS Di-primeut is weii stoîdît--tiwiCii tII tclasses ut iveol gctcuds siiit:tLule ,- Utc scen. ,t-CLOTHING, HATS- AND CAPS LADIES' & CENTS' FIUS IN GREA'V VARIETY-VEIIY CIHEAP. '1heir Miin-uyDpir-ut efuliy .-sorted w-ith' the ('IiOICIiST GOOI)S OP .THEÈ SEASON. TU ILORING, MILLINERY & DR --SE-MAKIN(i te OICDER TiJEY HIAVE RECEIVED Ae.CiIOICE STOCK 0OF CH-RISTMAS G ROCERkES9, i4EW LAYER RAISINS- ONLY LONDON LAYER RAISINS, ON'IT NEW CURÂNTS, ONLY IbsGOOD BRIGHIT SUGAIL, -TEA FROM 20 CENTS PEIL POUND A Il -Other fJoods Proportionally O-YSTERS 'ONLY 40-1 CENTS MýcSILVER'AT PAR - SOC - Iýý - il Toi I. advertised a weelc silice that I woùld takA American silver at parand allow four per cent -pre. mium, for bis. Soine parties having -thought proper to lulsely stete te customeis of inte that if I took Amex-icait silver at par, 1 would charge a lîigher price for my gooôds, 1 jusui mention the price cf a few of the leading articles- used et, this season cf the year-ao that inteudfing purchtwers cari com- pare ihem -with wbat they have been payin g for tihose goods elsewhere. EVEIiY ARTICLE WARRANTED &OOD.-I AN D In Currauts, Raisins, Peels, Teas, Coffîte, Sugiîr, &c., &C., Chaetanay ter ouen wliich îhev otfier at .very low pî-ious. 91 hil .hnayote ouei. [(%lOW S 45 POWELL. Whiitby, Dec. 11, 187C. 50 BROOK STREET, WHITBY. We have ju.st to band dire,2t lrom Glasgow, Seotiand,, ex si. Ptrî-k n ut nsouînet c Fuit Ilats ald Ciîîth caps. whicli we irîtend tc, si-il ai verv li%, prit-es. nid beiiîg. dci rîinliîîd tu give Duîr custornerts gooid valt. iv ieiy îiy el n geti îîg tt l tst cg baraitins, We aiseo inivite al)uiptctof utoui stock ot Yali anîd Wimuer COUNTY'0F ONT AI, AND TWEEDS. FOR THIE YEAR 1878. t'ait îl i i - i 4%u 3u, 117 titi1 Z, BURNIIAM, Whilb>', Jan. lt, 1878. Jutige.1 v iC K'1 s FLORAL GUIDEi '"ii-Vti.ill i e lcuuidtu cotmtpare fivcîu-ailv witiî any--tiug sh»ci'uin Wittiy. 'l"t- t-tu uling 11u1> i dîlua.unîtlt.living tîndcî-the mtng<a-ment-et Mriî. c-iniits. a get-1 trun t*t -xîuer;it-ucî, tu-cuitLomndon, Engnid, (ititel>' tif Toironto.i nny tint- lt-virug tîtuir uîîlcr lot -o geet ieing garuent mn>' ri>" oui gut i iîg umiA 1u- l-t 1-Ir OUR N.lI~NEPRY & MANTLE DEPATITMENT r-quutiii u-îuno îuuîc-uut. lii- liii- lttitt-swltcvisie. uis fu-ciun îI.y teday îestity tutti- siuiîi 's :utui-ytir guiois tire gui.îîu. i-dtItiiheu-ey lun prices ne sell A Il thp- diftet-îei classs of gcucds geiîerally kept in Du-y Goods Stores ivili bu loututl ut vii->'loin'puie-t i Witbly, Nov. 27, 187é2- LAINt & STE WART'S.1 le - 1 8 73. The Guide il noiv publisutat Quiirterly, l E II 2à1E J T I ~ I -~ vet-ts pai -fotr tic yeuu,Ieur rnlieru,wchtch is tuat heh ttte cent. iîiîae whvute tuuwardc At [ulh& 1llu-ouitei-*s Itoun 25e to $2 c:cli, n-cl fitishîcti andi gootivaluie. se-nt moea>'te ltaenineunt af Cxc: DOLLARu an more ton set-tt, may acso oau-tien t-. lve c-t&woutitextri-tita prit-t- laid fu-rblT T Ti s Â- t ltae Guidea. ý AEMi2R ni S " T " I Tha JANUARY NUMBER le beîntiiul N U .,v.. givicg tphatn fou- matin g Entai Hoesc, De- ~ siens for Dining Table B -enatjonc,M'ciuutaw cirt-ir: h-v uuiltlî-c. a hon- mou-e it-tten.old tieebi Gurnî-t, &c., andt nnîg a masseof et (ttgît -iti- heli l uit-îinîer ics Ait> nifutui rinicits rt-q:uritig firet tlus informnttionit ivalnatîi t lulte loveraif fia'- 1vtalueciii stoveut n-il! jlt-i'artt-uit u ui. ii(n .t 1, b aiuiteaniî'. - Sne iat tus-Ont linireti ant iftti-puges, on finellicti , &-c., altin u n btanuu. Oe So Pps tinltid papar, sente Five Butudrati Engu-av- inke anti a SUperb COLoaca PLATE anti Cnuutte Otvrî-The Fit-et Etutien oeT"woT O B L A C K S M IT H S Erintreti Tianeant Inet prinhet inEnguicluO B A C S IT S anti Garnan, andt reat>' ho sent ont. JÂuus Vîcx, IRocitester, N. Y. 49 A huige rsu t-ut-k rît iit-'ti Hou-se Iiso nea ltîtge stock Ocf li- mrixes. - '~ '1--- - - t s Nails, ;Ail.s, 1ililows, Vics, a lîtuMrse Sluoas, &é. O T I C EH A R Ie heu-eh>'given that at the nazI session oif - H"A'R ID -W. A FR. E ! lte Lagialaura ci Ontario, application will bc ruade tor an asel b set apart thie TownButrKui'- ~ Dset 'i mîtipe tif Ou-llmanti Matchodach, Medonte, il S itIn s, Bttr - vv.liî.klc muoraz. i s -and Du setLFik 'Tu>, the. ea5î hall of Gu-e, anti Maru-ion, in Rougeus' l'able andi Tu- n ii-es icu ivui, 1u1tii gtrutteed :18 rcctlutniatuded. Brit- lte CeunI>' oI Simoca.; Mare anti Rama,,in tac- nia lue't Pote fruiri the - O(>d Suud," cheop. thue Counh>'ot Ontario; Cardan, Dalton,nnd Ryd, in the Ceuni>' ai Victoria; as a naw . A Fev Sets Bob litmiers left-e.l si;zes. Ceunlv 1er ju'dicial anti tunicipul purpes, the, village of Ou-ile toiLb.th CouStl>'oisn. i"Ce-il (ii. Cluiniîn--s, Lain1îs. Ilitu-t-ri, &o., nvhoesale and retaih. Dec. 2, 1872. 49 Aise Axe Ilineui5 uthde **Notat Ottrsphionse" ni T 0 CNRCO INTERCOLONIAL RAIL WÂY. The Commisatonars Lppointeti forthie construction ci 1h. Intercolonial Ratlway, heu-eh>' give Publie Notice ihat ltaaue pre- psu-ad to raceive Tenders feu- Tuack-tnying anti Ballastiug on the Iellewing Diiiîo, vi:- e.1, on Sections 8, 6, IY, and 15,-a distauce tof about 78 miles. - No. 2, on Section. 16, 10, andI 20,-a dis. tance of about 48 miles. No. 8,esc Secliocui 21, 22, anid28,-fronthlIe Miratlchit River te Moncton, a dis. tance et about 72 miles. AUl lb. above sections are lu lb. Province ai New Brwuwick. Spesiflcations anti lot-ms ofiTender can be obtaineti e thie office oi tIie ChiaI Eugineer, aI Othauisand aI ltb. offices eut lia Engi- neers, aI Rimtouski, Dalhousie, New Cuti., anti Monton. SeatetiTenders inartei uu"Tenders," anti Oudt-essesd lelIte Comissioners, will b. rateivad ti thebir office lu Ottawa, up te 12 oclock, aoon. on FRTDAY lthe litIotf .Jan Notice is heu-ci>'given, tliaIthieunsold na y,1873.:- Lan1l iith Townshiip oi Blake, in thie A. WALSH, Diîra c Tuda Dy s-eoen for B D. B. CHANDLER, At one dollar Parmace ceci, under, anti sub- je-et to lia provisions cf1'" Tle Genaral C. J. BRYDGES, -Miling Act t011869,1." £ W. McLELAN, tAPýdllationc te -puru-ita c ahatide te 1 Contissieners. rolIte. Com à,0letc a Ouonnbus! ntereclonial R1lwv route. = Cemeissieners Office, ç 6 (Signeti,) B.. sCe T, OttawNvî (t,52 - Ceailsloeg t Ctm Leds N.B-.;BaOpai-e Tenderswl h"l rqur e 'Ce i,' uo im~I.ui,é %ýV1iieby, Decemlber-18e.it, 1872. IIATCFI &BRO.51 CHR-JSTMAS AND NEW -YEAR HOLIDAY PRESENTS JÂAmES JOfElT sTO- 0IV Begs to ctîhl the ttc'-ntîon oôf bis fiends and 'patrons to the ver>' extensive stouck he new litohth. coculpriuing ntnberless-art.ivîIes suitabie fer prese.rlîeanti prttseutatiens. Iv"' Gold and Silver- Chaiuis, Colored and, Bright Gold Reuts. Gem ant i l ing Rin, .Pec-ne-hCaises, Leekets, Seau-t Plns, Stutie. &o. thte qitalie.>' oh csirceuina'tet-d. Chet-ka. Electre- juinteti (iuod.,, Dckis, Wurk bîoxés, Vas3es, Tôiitî Sets anti Oruateeel. LW-SP'ECTlACILES TO SUIT ALli'sIGII1s. - Especial attention ca]Ied te Lis, stock- cf GOLD AND" ,SILVER -WATCHFES, Ve-y. cheap -éach watcth examined, proved.and tined, and pe»rforinuuce warrauutvud te givu sattsfüt.ui. .U~ai,' IUhi kb'y0Po., t1.2 -- the. traue in Whitby. TUbIS. .LAWLÉR, 1Whitby, Dec. 18, 1872. SL V ER J0.H N ChEQUERED STORE, BROOK STREET. 51 AT' PAR S K IN N ER'5S. CHRI8TMA8 PRESENTS A T SKINNER'3, Fane>' Geodeaet Cent Fric., Nice Warm Shawis et Cost, N ew Jackets et Uo,4t Prie, A Il d reme geeds belew ceat price, Tweeds at ouqt puice, Ceatinge ut cese. price, Overceuitings et lasI semoins Ceet Pu-ico, Susîts ne. tishe ai alCent Price, Shirts and Draerset the C'est Price. Fan.cy Fiannei Shirt4 et the cest price, Scariet antd Whbite Mann el& et cese., Everye.îing nt cccl prive. This is the lest ile we shall have in Whitby. W-e cotmi- ineuve car Public Acdin lu a few a-e-kim. and te make ron for th. grand final rush, Ci REAT BARGI;ANS MWILL! BE OFFERED NOW. - Whi tby, Decenuber 18th, 1872. JOhIN S'KINNER.1 CHRISTMAS AND N~EW YEAR'S GOODS. JUST RECEIVED, <CANDIED LEMON PEELS. 'eANDIED CITRON PEELS, -VANDIED ORANGE PEELS, FLÀVOURIN4 EXTRACT8, 'CURBANTS, SEEDLESS 4RAISINS, LAYBR-*VÂLENTIA IRAiSItNS, TBRESIL XSCUITS, cf ahi kintis, -CHOutE ýPORTS & SHERRIES, <CMOICE FRENCH BRANDIES, -40MICE OLD RIE & MALT, ÂLES AND PORTERS, ALL AT LOW PRICES T. H. )XcMILLAN & Ce. MUcMflha'sBlock, Brook St., Noveaiber 27, 1872.< 48 Thte Cmimlnsappoinieti fer lte construction cf lte Inte-colonial Raflway- gie.Public Notice, Ibat lte>' i-a m pared te recelve Tenders ici- the.erectien -TP au -. manger. and tisrexhinnîBuilding, Freight Building, sud Englue Hcouse, etCambelteî, N.B., ani for Pasene anti Befretbaisut Building, et New Cas, N.B. .Plans, Speciflion"s, anti foaraiscf Tender ay be seon at tihe office cf tbe Chiai Engb- user, Ottaws, andti h. Eglu.ers Vfrts MI Rimeouski, Dalhousie, New'Castle and Mouc- loti. S Tenders"ta y b.for 1he whole, ran>'les uum.ber c f Ilfse Buildings, ad a.lU'b." rereived miat-ed 'tTpntiersfor Bufldthgâ,îî aI thte -le issioners office, Ottawa, Up -te 12 o'eloec, iocu, on FRIDAY, tle 3tut Jau- nety, 1873. AwAH BD. B. CHANJILER, C. J. BBYDGES, A.- W. McLEAN, Ccunmlmmionarm Cffice, Oiawaa1Dec. 4,1872.1 Ù2 m RS, XNOWLING - Dear LadiesI ltant -youfeorkidtilavers Anti nope a epatinuance aIoitth imalist; I bave ttieti it ayawl succesa as you Anti nuw stand la business as fre. as neati Anti hera y eut- aletio7l'd no- gt a Te m fan1 stock of Fane>' Gnds miVtaI te Yen wl fidthent seleceadwith prudence antieau-e,- a 051 - r-itemse0lew as wili majte yoa ail starel Witti -imunets anaI bats, I a uos te Andti ii tress-maig toc, asheugh sncb a tese i-n chignons I bave tient, soe prett>, rae --plain, Anti ali ers, I'tm are thet wil cure your MuY> ne* stock ef jewetry is of the 1a4est invention,- To wblci I now cil your particutiar atten- tion 4 Anti ncv, t»> dear ladies, yen who _have riches te t-el in, Coins bu>'your Christmae prenaents front- MUS. E. KNl-îWLDiGt. Wbltby, Nov, 8, 1872. 45 s UPERIOlj- YTI& TAYLOR'SàBE ST FRE$H EVER Y DAY Il tt. FRANCIS'$, Whitby, Se4ut. '25, 1812. 8 m uSI CBOOKS AS HOLIDAYr PREcIENTS. Sent, Posl:.paid,, ou receipt cf 1he mat-keti prce. Wa cen recommnenti ltsei,IaVotai Collet-tien et choicePlanosonge; u4.hi»i Ligitsr," (Sacreti Songs>; --Gelten Les-tes, vois. I. antifL~; -uuHaurth anti Hont," 'Fi-esitie Eeeos," uuset Scund," 1anti uuPrictles msia" Price, 51.7 auhcin l boards; 82 in cleti; 2.t1Oa clitti Alsoe ti, 1llwlng instrumental lTColec- tienm: 'Tait-y Fingeron," fgieClrcle,- "Young Phiaeit," anti PýearI Dropmle-i' easy collection$ u"MusicailieBSratin," uPlan=etMenteries,-" 'Goldéh Chutesi*, anti 'frillfanî Gents," for mou-e sti-anea- player.Prieof each bock, 15L7inlaboards; 52 in ctoti; @2.50in clolband glt. - Strausa' Wallzes, <ast for Paters' B.dltien,) in 2vols., $4 esei la boards ; 8 icloh ,Novelle's Cbiesp Eti ocn cf lie.Perla - Clusmica,*consimlug et Memdelzsohîc's ceint. pIte wortsAu 4 vais. Svo, pie.85.0sa&ch F elle Edition, 56 eacii; 1eethto-teu'aSitua. tas, $4 ; ieelicven's Piecam, $2-; Chopin,. Waltzes, Polonaises, Nocturns uMaroua Balles anti Preludes, prica $2 asci; Sahu,. heu-la 'ian Senatas,- 38; Sciiubert's Piano Places. 52; Menai-Vs sonalmi, 8; weber'£ Ceomplete Piano Plecam, $4 ; ehutuan', 48 Places, $2, etc., etcInct-dat-tu8 lb.,., b. mure te ami fr Nevehle'mE<lltioti Th au i- mil hautisente- edtisn. Ncveihe'mse An Immense Stock of N E'W GO.R OO K ERY h p AN])-G'LAS'SWABE. F01" Lot 24, - an' XX teXXX ALE'in Bottle. 47tlAfl Dow'sý Superior ]3ottled Ale. V 4 PER CENT PREMIUM ON-BILLS !JliTEijwO1OJ ---j t :0* «mmmmý k 'l

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