to announce that they h 0f Y'esrzs.T. H. MM 4iai & Co. ,to çwhioI' thçy ar'ai mauiglreadditions, im-ahliinea suitabie fer thi.e a~,and cf the, latetnvlia and beS to "oiit, a hare Of oublic Pa "cxnat op. Azad Wbeas ta bMitOeraehuid r. IIICK.IE & OLEAM cilt obet it 'silI b..ecsssary for r muid lfUiiicipallty tO JE debelurenaitiof i the lcipsllîy til Imoe hreil teMde oll nite I rfeen to the, above anlnouneement, the undersigned take the ndios, eo(d. e 1 rhoeei rtuit f reîuriiïng thefr sincere thanato cheir num erus iriends and 16t hrau je WAIrequire thesOumn01one Suliuoi b,1b.a toreroloiath itiajpatronagiextne oteidurint it eeg yearg t ausmi, lbueuiretiand i ftY dollars te have carried on business ini Whitby; and linloing m e go fll oictar aai lentuof the y.p, de n ratedorii Ba leme for their Jsuccessors, who, they are perosuadeai,will, leave uot tom, sent cf Uaesiddt, ebni,nter i~r uine 'On the ir partutomerit the apovland go.ilof the 'lhrai therdmutt f e wappovlrgod.ul publie. able PrJeriy Of the saidM iialt TR.ËÙLA Vee fsiiy.future unllpau 01ty, ,JUI1 $d,1878.- .a, ror&~ng bti te 155 eined' i~Wity, Id .M~LA raInt iralla ci thti..maa un o~dses&- for et, 0a OL thoieuad c e tbA an, ee"a$ ll sulm of on. e W ADVERTISEXENTW A CIaNSL Million U tiiTI, ý tI toun e.and i netninne_______A___ Anti wu IIn. hundred anti ton dollars.--------- AJu 'Weti thtnouit f te eis OMNIo Ë,Nx-nrVillage Loti and'DeI 0ftb" mesial MncicAlft lfor Prin. 1)- ýw iLe stele u o sauti os ecndA ual Report andi General bouses', in th'e Village 0, 'une bkidred andi tweity -dollars. ati Statenient o1 the affaira of tiie Banka, ' ~ t $hhséllia 10part Of s,h Interesi lu-c ar. sopteda aithé General Meeting of Kinsae 'O therown taid Oum ofas foten r &sOc ~YÃŽlug th' , the Share»oldcrs, lile aetthe Banka-Pikrn 'slicolo ffcnthouesuti oliars andtil of Pceig *à rent, a ber ean-. ineentiozèie, t wll ing Houa.e, Toronto, on Wedneadayhi IV Atitith Royal Hetel, ln the Town e whiI luiqn 1.4an the dtolar in acy.tioutohrrtat elve nec ean t>l euier ate teb, av~aiin acl yer. Thie Directors have pleasure In presenting 8ATURDAY~, the 21st ofJUNE, z! ]BO eAtbterefOr., enacteai1,),y the Ceuiil oftu te iareholdara the second Anîaual Re- the Curporation o1 the, 1 ownsiip et Whut- pert, 9accmpauied by a stateinent of. tii, At 12 O'clocl,, inon, under a Power cofj 1by b usinesse of the yearentied Stii April laýt : containeti in a Morigage tramn the ]ate the -Tat t $le bailblawful for the, Ieeve 01 Tiiblneciie o-ada Ouewihwl oi.Twusliip cf WbAîtby, for ttir e ,b,- te balance ci Pit oad-a Ctoohshwlbe produceti at the si uIIc ýte cause aly nunubar cf Debaintores ti, reitcfPrfi sd1.s ta b me . uroteltingo mn Acceutoi4 SociApsl, 1872, ACLI se orsua hma un - T une-1...... 18 77 P'art cf Lot 2 n the, th concession et dtey do.lreueti unet a, hee e -in airofite for thâ vear ended township cf Pickering, containing j ci the ag rieate the, said sumni c!ilceen.tÇou. PO AprAl,1878, atter dedi. acre cf landi, more or less. On it are a in mn jrs, anti that- a,.h debentue ing charges cfmnugement, houg, andi stable, anti alsoe a cettage. "1 h an iedai th , s a tf * provding for bad an denobt- PRE l he seulofithesaicl fui deh, anti iaving nmade oratlîl 2ie et the IRuehi f Vity thesecond appropriation of Part:cf Lot 8 in tlle liii concession of 3dunlcp It. d ~"~~ 20 per cent.i or -prelintnary te.wuship of Pickering, containing about: U-l'huhe ti. sAt Debsjtuiles shah be madc expenses, andi 10 Per cent fer an acrad. paiyable n tm*illty rquill annuasl Au,îal. Banlk premtsëes,,....12,13 05 On t are a frame houae sud stable. mient. et $7500 VOetipiroin the, day ilie. - - N.-Tiire are saidt t be goct Wellss iliiterapuolntei o leby. O.t ae0124,2.26 82 charalacit ahîiparcels. effect, at flee Mhi euslawOte a Prm siidbsen tTEiIMS-One tenthi den; for balaii e ord4ciait- n o ti hare arer o f ohe cen as entia CdAti MeilcoponAt»afosrt h ae aitcof the, rate etf'4 r cent terme will bc mati, known ai the sale. ~thiisent caens or n. p en fofur th .~d..13,2 ehWrrfurriiar particuIira apply en- 8-Th.t the, salai iebentures shah bcar n. ?aidelNo a £ameateCNA AP ONE teresi ai -the rata of six per cenitum Per payabndl i mea, PJOE anun~, tram the, date iaIithenii hall pyalerth.y '884,505 77 Soiitor, Maaeaîic Hall, Toron W-ay Cempany asla" b, enujîlealtute ,Leaving a balance of .......... 85291r4 1 .13 ODA, sh. slri ntnres, as hsriiafxer previtieti; 85800e5,hc6habeî0a3dtiteshawa.ay 171 whtcii Ateresi shall he payable en the isi 50Wo hc ia enaddt -eFl 7hMy 83 dala01Jauuatry as uai in ah a ccoui, andtheibalance, 069.1 03> carnie te À aev er tel k01thJe i TarohsaiProfit sud Los& new occeuint. every yte e sai i. illaest te a ac. The total hiesi now amount, ta $105,00o,('I AT CEITSL aur fer i at nes eminr lon a capital of #W8,400. C ETCIDTSL d-l'bat forer roeDirvdnfor Th amemut placed aa eKt.eAcceuni in O thepuyentofthèuldDninres anti1872 wau¶50OW,00 but lteauuai b, remeumbereai the l aeegutthe rate Eaforesail l oeacl e mînriaou cn,(mftai is ,wssrealizetifrram eetlmarenaaqc ane peiia teeprtna nstcantithat tenibracedth ie' BUGGIaacES, PH.ÈETONC .11ailetier rates,Vle aire, lied aaamn anloulit addta s cet hath lst DEMO CRAT. WAGGONS, &c. collecteli ai y>caror alin t.,rat. yar b 5,000, entirely realizetifroni lime ahi, poperty i ll saiti Mujtajirte. Profite cf the, year. durng'lîocunii,,, oftheThedepeaits show a average tram 9195 Theeaxbscrth, r liase recc ivei luistructioe tiwgt meetiac ftie scai Daben. 1M0loeas tato$1049 o,000 ibsyear. 1froîn tli i 4-11W hal tae fL e 840 ate à h'* uaverage M RiMoDO ýcrilo oePtflnupu ud04ù00 un yart $4,00t syear. fiouiTos Mi.b O'DtOnNOVAI pub lec ion is factor airraTh at i eveeuree.otab aqé Shcwing An ail transactions cf the Bianklas Wimby, on 11fol-Tittaieaenîne ateb 8lset rapi Aprevemrent in ail branches cf its .o afon,le thu anlont bfiiiheBaa Ouum business.SATRAYtUN 7h,17 e fi eu tmocatialllrsha1111bc deliv. The Dtrecters have te report tuat, ssati- As- D Y U E t,77 e1eti y im Ieeve oet hei-dalitownship 0ofafctery business ha, be ti ti 'Whit cy fer the tâme Aeiiîg te tii- scai on nneautth baa AT 12 O'CLCCK, NoON, tarie anti Quab i li i-ohce ut ailh le agece i h ak Ranti ubjeci ta tei ri a ll o ii~Io 1Teuuiispections bave bren matie. A large anti varicti asort,-acnt of .new Woo floaVbg abaitAsla c-ii ouîle The Diriectors iavq dtii-cAtia eissueteie i laetsstyle anti finlish, sai] a fs auoc l-Thut t1i, propoei aia i' ioiibalance et thee nusubscribeti stock, 1amely, scîniiîîwecaesmniBgIs i Coc nybil ta8 li i 111,1600;snd the saanme will b, dilo1tteti tae wi)iviawti beCsaiolra iýihoutdreservc, ofeW, tyi -olctiheeu atWes Ictern te sare,.aiers posrteaut five per cent. TEI1MS-Four unoîctlicacredil on approv 2)-Tiat theid aitilway shall, an to tic Iu concliùsien, tiie Directors have mac-ich air conairaa4,fiec efthtat lart tiicreot '-thi pirasure in again bcarlng tesiineny te time L. FAIRBIANKJ. ti Taiismi ii liilyii sm malyanlcoutinueti aevotion cf the, Casiier tate inl- AKS, Je theainsb fl of Mcacncuua-nceti u r iturc ndterrota cf the Bank, te whcse diacrimuuating tht- yo ecibrot tobnde, ablity iellelBanka s grcacly indebteti for ts WcciMv2,17.2- tiatiaetDeemba,01aiileaiiticîit anca-ess. The agemnts amiohrofcrshv icundred anti seveity tiiraia, sad i ll betima i cre- her dt otsi cemriner wholly c tmplee tchair tIes fw hlias i'ivn iii, greaieat satisfactjion. fHIANCEIIY SALE da tDecember oaie ousisnd il irsi u Ail of wlicii cW-respecifuli' auhatc. '- drtirnti sevsniy seven. cgi ou Signeti) JAMES AUSTIN, OF A (0.)-Tiiai a permnurmit trcigllt.uiuse said Preaien. passiuîger tation cf ushsaaillailway Toronto, May 5h, 1873. AUBETVR SAN antilae0 Boki i 'lot further outh DOMINO.? 3BANK. VL AND LTE TA VERN T A INDf thon the uîum'h quarter 0 c i c luth leieGesel Statemn t fLiabiiuti aiald Ast ADOHRPOPtIYI Rion, anti viere etle suidlprapoacti Rcilwaîy crsethe Poet Whitiy anal Pari Perry as on lti April, 1873. O N O H T Y 1tal iynlutihe sauiTosma0a1ieWhitby.- (4-iîDelientuies tiellie aaaiic ef LIÂILITIES.TO N 0F W IBY se% tru thouacanti iv, hiidtred dtiniirsamai TaiNotes in circulaton ....862,911 00 b. teiivereti taiellt snci lCoacny, n-lien To Goverumeut Depooi, psy. hr ilb oi yPbi utob li-Ar saidai alwacY biacl have e ii im- aile on airmaruc............,0W() ndwTh el e sa)rliai iy ifc Gtorg Henr picielaie. a ria]jhad txougiî the Toothrlepeete, îPayable on Dat vili i- spirolîciatGe ore Cortnrf outi wnsiiaut an llîitie on dn i ........ 8,5 6ci)-tcllr,I-ntîlreiot ruof tail Cr ai pmeuctono0failcertilieauîî o! il0Te aTeGoveriment DePasiof rlt~ itemiCort aî'kVîaîicy, urdaatd15t a iecre slip pgirc, r a uea iist ai tit. aile alter notice er nc>~>iatti m fCaîey itt 5hdyo Coamiielio!itihemidti OO'îal'p oait hly, (lit...................... 00() Miî 17,at aiî utu lu li riectfiin hereinlu4otre Aciîaiaai, To ethe; depo,ptible alter ~ * amat sub eccita thc caiaaLhi- '- e îmco. mce o ualxeidy.. 422,571 69 uennlflgs vs. H-opkiîns, tslinedi andt tai Le Debeitures ta tie ToaIue teaciter Banks lu Cao- rrmaiiiig soun' ot neveuanttoussnt i Il-c ais------------------2,741 110 13y-ticomiaiMastcr, auticselRoyal Hicici. ndreai alohîcre '>jhsjj bsdeliverc a t ii.-Toaclietaot sati.-. Itauk o r *a* -"aictby, cmm muid Cou',ir- leu 1ie saix tooci t o uCanada .........3,12 60 fuiy M »al v iaen coinjiletccf anal-Tta li- 28s etc uiic.TE 1TDA Fï ~T pull ÃŽ' >un- wl il ici propse,7gentsnet8in - SATURDAY, TE2S A FJamE NXr -. .tmes cfOiîxawa llitl'iI.,romîto as atine. .Ta Capital...................62,6s.6 81 AT TWO OCLOCE sr4", proviale ti cthlIe saiîa xi-iejality Ta Rost ..................... ,00 00 xciay lun is aiAHreota luaijsteaetof daliverimîg To hteserveti for hInes-est, &o'.. 16,ig4453 litic sft,-raix, li 4 harcela, cthe fallowlng tellamidiDeiutures as ataîreailî, jasi ta tus Ta Dividenis B nelalumeti .... 8à 55 75 iccînaile îîrcîcrcy: wiiole or any 'Part o et aii elsnuait alIl- To Divîdeimt No. 4, payable laiJACI O.1-os1 1 ntr s tLesuthiaxjudolaulirs, oeiaati lispoie cf May..................8,505 77 i'ArCo-te tNo.ble-Lat f13& LtiWest i the caui Delîrnîres or cay part timruof Ta balance on Profit anti Lo s u rtif-tIc, lith oftu nli e i te etots t-esto anti psy aver to tirmai ls.Coînsîxay lutcaih Accaunt carrieti fdrwarai ta rolaxlacitaeDuasSrtamtr the rsuai0 it tuecutilaanai oaleireor any unext yeas-...................9 1 r-i cf Wimtiixtaînlccg Icall' an acre.- 69 3upiin tuas îrohercy la xaow -erecedatcie Weil- <hiitli1r l aio au iah uiber-kiowxc Taveru Stand fur oncay yccrs kncwun Ttithetsuafi a'iîiiU net rcralat -rsa$2,813,1111rX as 'ScripcuretiHutei," amati iateiy as lie upon th e al Debciures, oran fitlinr, A excf aile frontua fiir uat vjAaîm 13a y YSreci................... 1,49 20 RO ON H U E. abl e lvercai ta tLiceilti te'Coarn cy rovlnciel er Domnin pe -usu4ta't. pr.i.omse..iis.3-liw Nis..........1 - -1 _0TiH_ c s nl __li la iocs c 8PltVle4ÉTIIDA <iJUNIt, A. D. 1878, at WaU bc elcti(D. V.> in the, Ths hinreisser et Parceii 3 ccd '4 i tich llie Townshliip Hlî1, ln thevillage oait lioila. tintie o f tshe leta psylî,wma theie wlce et lin), sud by'a mi 1)ox01.eIl.T. IhmToui amnRe. "aur ! f - 5s-Te-55 ilîir pi-clisse mont-y tai'th. Vendors ais 'tus-ulug ilcrr; sud listaxaih pollig pliure TOW N OFl' VrIITDX1 theiir Sliiitors. hiî-ait ailutoei un hek in tic nioriigxxîîl theECiG Theslucrvahere ot Pcrcrls 1 sud 2 te pay imtel au ie a'clas lin tc, cteri i a IN osadeliasil cf one-teuti of tiair purcaise thealibris octîxi t 1w c ane A. tr'. 83 UE IAY ~171 JULY, mouey ta itxVemdora, or this-SolActItrs, Dutedil. j* Iird mA. D. 1173.TUE Aaxiyald a ufllcicut suman ta make viti lie scai j ILT 1Tau aililx'.AIT 9 A. M., depusit tlcseeffiis (ix! lia purcia, uaauey Tc)%iýwill)Clek ichcixaaine moi t ram 1he dîcy cf soe-ch, Bu îxt Cacii ivlin ittxotct a talsheaop- rernaiing tv-o-fliths ,tca bc setorecl ly statu-.IV 'l EERA SESIOS.iinal taubjectie n the Cursriculaum for Secondi tory mirtgccgcs aut imc exuirna ofthes pur- B (~1iJmutAL l-XiSlo:s.Clissa, L. s. lisiaesi HAtary, Bucaxiy, axialchaasera nîîaxx the preumises, nitinterest, ln Agri-alcamal Cheuaiitry, muat presecritlîsua- yearîy, at sa--ci- per crut, pi-s- cunm, frein Nptce a hairiy ivei tasitia Coarl,,~selves ut 2 'latk en the day of scie, payble fi-ce Ycare tram the N'oiceislieobygieiitha te Curtof MONDAY, 541h JULY. day etSsce, with Ixxua-nce clans,, anti bar GENERAL SESSIO NS TIR EXAMINATIÃ"N 0F CANDIDATES cThe, Vendars wiii ual be boun ti afarulsi AND CCTJNTY COURhT, FOR 1FIlE - FOR any aisis-cewthe isave cianeti dprc. pertArs, as- la protince cuy deetis or. evitiences ç ou nt y of O n tarîio FIRST.CLASS CERTIFICATES et title net An them possession.- wif b li-liAu tic Cens-t Hauin utîte Wîîî becielai at lie saine place, coem aUuueu payment cf the purchas, moulies wîfl on ccmng antiexecution of tuai morigages the, pur.- chance; rse-,ta h iitled ta couveyccces TOWN rOF~ iviiil Y, MON A Y, 21s 'jLY, a2nIcletis epassession, cxcept cfpa-eNo - ON ~~~~~AT 2 P. M. - Novemnici- 1t1,t. ese a ,it u11 TursiAY, JUNE 1iii, 1873, Asilmmimcceli Authe "Journial niEu anec. Iiial oteile respects -tisecoidtiens cf At ths )our (of 12 eA40('19, 110a11,, tf IN-lutlli tien,"' lie gola lectal, (granteaiby WVi suel mre lie clan ing couclitions'oethie cl)ollil., jjim, ndCo nsueea- s-carqi- hcC'abe, Lsa1., LL. iB.,) mi-li ho aisarleti Court o! CliaueXy. Cd e-oi,,laaaSicla-r. teineus muIL-casful candildate fora FIs-t. For fustics- -- nr ýpy o ili N. G. RE YtN0,BS Clas CartAfieteniatch, lugiest grade. Ken-, Vaindors solicitor, tlbaurg, W. H. Sletlf,- i As iutilisillat ai cdttes sionît i llingsami- iJ. h. Fasewell, Soliciters, uoeir . .nt fy tii,£o ty luspeetor niat Icter lieu Wiiitby, acutheiuntierbtgneaimuai er' et thi Sla.nAff's offle,, ti 241h lit JUNE, ofi heir intention te pire. cout -Wbltby, May 27, 1873. 22 Senit thýeuastl-s fuir ex uinetion. cit -- -. - -- JAMaES tlcBIIEN, Dateti May 23rti, 1878. rj7M.II3E I 1LIIMBIb11 Insp. P: B., Ca. Oct. GEO. if. DARTNELL, - L May 27i1î, 1878. 22 Master. -The undelf eti xtshvilig been ahlýlted FAlm oitSALE. ARP I '- l extensivWe Liimbe3r fIi o cMeesnms. lulti -C-i Çq i sahan Pilehaopenedeiu ccuvc. Tltat wsll.knc-n ftarin, lai 28, Brai cou. cf Tlao unilersigmefl-laai bren Astructedib *iun with bils Lesar prenaimisc, an extentsive Whithy, lnewn ase eas., h e, tFinlnF r- - U M BE R A R o THE -DONALDSON FARM, à tu 'lti snaee ia 1 Wiliby tfeîr cies-s * kte lie cltlzenb o! ew" bobity etPort Pas--yRail. Anti au ,ai presant iu tiie occupation oetSMr, lumber on the«haftPeot lia lietire a W" It 0onW arel etIJ& coeetaatly on N ia.Coxtaina 190 acrýes; about 1500 unre pariiuularlïv o+e mmes0 h f aIê8smptedccof Luaxiles-cImts< wlogn, utb3lldlgoana sutable FireIrigade for liaiteeinhrn etfhaIr of ILkiid lerBaewhloi sle anti relal- afâcoues I edorcbnautâof 8Suer. An eitant. axihing 'liei ire, adsaviimag su immensge .a N Plae ulg swHlne, ant 1 i elUluaofetworlicex- Appli' ie- l= nt o! praperty freinidestrucrtion. lai ~ Q-Çl - JON . DNALOON - GEO. CORMACK, on EO. olnmà Cii Gaiv'î Enipablon Ofl., - 'hippiug Agent for Inaibl & Co. Vi1S1Iui liic Tarent- . Y 2ajMa'7, J470, -CAR AND WTLL BEACH S, M ::II ON N SATURDAY JUNE 7th, Iry By Double Special 1Raifroad Express Train, k or, lUS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, of 3() 0 0,() 0 Capital - - $120,000, METROPOLITAI MUSEUM, 2,400 SHARES OF $5o HACH. - ~MO'ISTER MENAGERIE, The chu-c, Company is in course ut -, - IPPOOO5IOADONformation for the, pus-pose of purclsing CARAVAN, £QUESCURRICULUM, tuledEatIidngaclcsy - Plant,' andI good-wil ufthie maeufac- -Aund Great New York CircusI turing businesufthle Brown & Pattes- sain Agnicutural Wrs-k, lu lie Town et IN SIX MAMMOTH MAIIQUEES, 'huuby. In tic new Company, Messrs. Brown Contaxmlng SEVEN Distinct, Dissimilas-, anal Colossal Shows, te wiicli ONE. & Pattaison have subseribea 880,000 TICKET for tic ucuai price adtuilte. atocka, and tioes- subscriptions have al- s-oadyben obtaiueti amounilng tu, - A FIEE RIEN AL CAIRAVAN f 85O0Onakng a total now subsc-Abed Of Mi-sie nd iliutin Eeplant, Wr Cmol, Dser Drmedrie, Arien tixssuinto 8120,000, in es-des- lupro. 0f uaiesl, aal ihiuimn Eeplant, cs-CamlsDees-tDroeahrie, As-ienvite means for increasing lie business, BaxfitîOCes, Ells, Arabian linsses anti Fairy l'unies. Liviang Icarniugi80 lutuboiea unhierud,,nl Mlassivec Becs ut Taýrs-caial, Ampîuibiono, ail Marine Wuic-,wîicm enlcrging tiecacpacity eft he present f il licos-eaiî-c.îI fotur yeax-s of incessant laluorndax ecîrîy -a Qcarter Wonks by ticeosection of atiditional Miliou Dallas to colleet, anti whichî lhave uic-c esiafa>s-e icen builtiings,pus-dlaaing ataitiocal machin. hihareul oiaexhaibitioni. A Fos-est of Gigamitit-, Gocigeoxx-ly oyatasealuieecma> ,luiireal. Tcalk-ixg anuc]Sungtug Biîrul; a Wilal-siieoa tif to carrsy on uheir whole business on a - Gru-llica, Ous-ýaaîg Oiuaugey. Belîcuns, Aples,' aud stnictly cash icela. lu orties- te show Muuîhavys; s Uuisata Expaoition ot Living tic profitable business cireatiy matie for lienomena anal Cus-lusities, caintainiug, tic new Coumpany, t le uni' neeteti to 5,00 tut raîses, a Cyîal lien cil 20 state tîsat in olosen yeas-s' business op- Moxustes- Serpents, pubiilî per- esations-trom Jauury, 1862, 10, Jan- furuatal by Sicuîeys Afican us-y, 1878- Messr-s. Br-own & Patterson Interpreter, Zcînga, chiai las-c be enablei, iy prefitarclizei, to Mys-terious Sanaka take tielarge amounl e Stock aluove. T h e L a r e s t G i a t s , M a g ic i e n I1 Im n t o n cda s a i n g b e a u su b s r ib e ti b y Th e L a r est G ia tstlieni in t e naiw C um pan y'. F ie pro. The Smau/este-ty has bee ahiaetiuntier the dise-, Te inletDwar/'s, tiY. on anti supervision ofet asss. J. S. M. Tha Os-igiccum lansd (hnly What-Au-jî t i Wilicox anti John FliompRon, two ofthte Canuilba, Motioc Wttrsior Chiets, 1 Pros'isionail Pireciors, anti accepteti luÇ LiaiiîigShcc-tui~, Bai-dd Feales tle Prosisional Boas-t at 864,268 68.- Liilg keetns BaredFeals4,,-4 Tic estabishnt ias been l ite pus. Circassien Beauties, Aibino Mous-s, - sesgion out he new Comupany since 171ii and RIlcowucd Luses Naturmo. Febi.uary lest-tii, fis-st tay ef t s us-- A WO RKIN G E;LASS STE AM EN GINE. ganizatin-tie profile et lie business -Tht Jlohîcîuiin Glass ]luwcrs, -conmecciug troni liat date. Flue 3(ji ttmalsancd Hacaîsoxunot Arabian Application hais been madAtieei usd Selhaid Peniaus in the oid-a. Legialature tor a Chas-es- in lie nouai tonm, anal witi lie usuel nights anal 3 C3E~.~i.A..'2 .i ? J~T~'LS ! priviieges. At lie expiration etftiie time statet lui' Situte (fie os-six weeks) Iu n sapes-et, Colossail a-lit 'roui, witil sente5 for 5,000 spi-cialore, ant iAn wlîose ai geceral metiing of the Siarellolders grand Outes- sadi mues- aies appeer ithe i Aggs-egcuc granti Pe-rmîanent Iquestrian, Gym. siuîl be helti, ou notice, for the pus-pose nestie anal Olyceoisti Troupes of LEaT'S NEW YolK CIIILUS Stocopolzes- cfheiofelecîung a permnanent Boas-aioetDis-. leaiig Artiste of ioth Hemls;placres, said lntruudueing 200 Billimant l'erferaiesaanalPd , eir nt foe-sf i Cnpn' legs Steeda. OSNRADIS CANINIAJ2OLLEGE, aucniasr eand]etîsr Eduesteti Animais tien ail aliais Exibitions eomblnca cc pretince, 11lelasey L.adty Euuuescnemaces, Sulscriptiens et stock An the under. ?IVJ~ 12 T l~ - q-y 'T hkiug are most reaipecttulli' soliciteti. PyTF CRE T CL 0 W S 1 The'value of the stock, as a paying dii'. AuJailtheps--emneutiyproiueuî oue-chs e Mi-ti ani Mscl. eing boyonti donut; wlille thie great And ll he re-minetlyproineit Mnarlisof îrthandMusle. aivantages tlu lie Town et Whitluy anal IIENRY S. PAGE, tise Gs-atest of Cornet Plilye, uithc Magonificent Countil'oe Ontario iu securing an en- Mois-ooitan Musical Sensation, Ps-cf. liuthey's 21 Sole Astisu, î largement efthe tavrs-du knewn Works ut Messrs. Brown & Paitessn MARTIAL must aI once commena l ieniselvea. Parties alesiring to subsenibe tes- stock M us iCAL -aise roquosiedti t enclose memorandum, MUSICALper pet, ai an early day, statng tIh. B R I G A D E num ber of shaes h uai wi eli t u have al- N. W. BROWN, ThFli mosi talenieti Bauid anti Orchestra ever i 1 rganazeaL ccd a reater expes, tian lie R. J. YARNOLD, President. p ectuna' salas-y lAiste any atier aies-ct. Tiir Fs-ae Par-ad, Concert, mu tht 890,0003 Triuua' Secretary. - - phal Leviethan Golden Chariot, drawn by Whilby, 28th Februari',1878. *iOtf - ~ ~h iasosttwea wof-l aof ile ocs-ncyv W, iiereby give no" t c iIw, nema, 0a or bcfcre lthe s5th DAY 0F' MAY NEX'r, i587 c in p'a ort liaf heNARROWE zsrry airs .uthr tuaai lft-av vull hastoppeti tram thesaiti 15th dayo May, uatil Bnci lime ce lies-e p airs as-e fin - - ~isheai, et wici tact ntelWini ha gavenc. WILLIAM BOULTONi Cemmissieger for Ontariô HENRY CRAISWICK, Cei Eugiueertes- Sumce. - N, B.-The cuutiee et Ontarie cut imt cee wAh3 have ne respensibility tekiug par. fies acrsa lie Nan-ews; or anytig con- nacct wili lthe Pers-y. Atxss-y, May' 121h, 1878. 20-1m. ,F OR SALE. - A gooil Mil Site on ti, East branch of Ly nae's Creelan s excellent locatien fer. a papes-mili. Wilhb. solai cheep. Parties bculatng will b, enceainageti. Appiv tc- J. HAMER GREENWOOD, iOU),Mayor- 1 7 Whitby, May 141h, 1878. 20 to gi-te P ROSPECTUS. - ~ ~ ceC i artiseieamel f mo! th -e -ss-eve- te heus-, as il b also te ses tise alazziug anal 'HUGE HIGHWAY HOLIDAY PARADE, uiaraigig illimitabl, Une ot refulgent glas-y 1h, Vasi Orientai Cas-avan, .30 Mass;ive Maving Lais-s, CsoeauiCdurs, anal As--embeliahtai anti ianneaiivans anti VehAcles, Arab- ien Sîctisa, Fais-y Poules, anti Panopili lietainens cf tic Greatcst cf lie Great Shows, huai giug Stcrtling Views cf ZANGA aud hi, Pý thon Pîcymates, anal HERR LENGEL IN THEý SAVAGE TIGERS' DEN ..trkt& Ali aA A A - WMrHTBY IGH SCHJOOL. ýApplccaiAcus(rtwihtestimonile) tes- lb, IE ADMASTEIRSHIP 0f the, abore Sciieol wlll b. receireal iii'th, naersigneai nuti lOth day of June next, JAMES DRAPER, Whilby, Mai' 21, 1878. 21sesr .& .S able in smntanstluvnc* 0F TE lwa amaa the Coaut lie menth foeathq 9tl Igà 5 -4SPEIALL TIý.IY, -à T ILLF- PAR1E, will -; ave Port Ferry at 1,,. rM., 81opping at ail thie interned he , %te stations, arriving in Whitly in time for the afternoon aeotia urfor mance ; rellu~rning at ig1 im eitl after thje " WaI< 'ening 'ex htibition, - - - - ii - i heult fUn Wo Grauid Universal Expoalliona Hach lefbora -n, i vwrnv-r . .- Day .Dors opeà at zand 7 P. M jý-: ason. Oi S______________________ e it tereore eacteti y th Municpal - Ceundilofethe Township cf Pkakea*ag. -L TeFiat bshall be lawtuh for lie fleeVe ci nto cause auy nurnies-of etDbenturau O L-D N-0. O N E tcwsipetPlkrhg e Ii Ofidedollars esei, 'and net exceeding i te ergate theé mm ef Fiftythlo=sn i. d ollrs 1 a n d t la i t h e sa i e b e r tu se o ebalr b, sealaiti wl thhe seal of tha salA Municipal Cuncil ai thle Townsai, cf - Piclaeclugasd b. signeti by the -Reve sud Ts-eiaee- cfthi euai Mncpauty. 2. Tiat tiie Raia Debeutunes sahEb. madie payable Au twsnty years trainstle day :L AIN C #c STEA~I iremnafttar sctianeti, fanlis te a- the a~~~i sucpaiyad shah havre »?, At thediNtie haveerer d At O d N o 1, ave ust.eceive a large Itii, tteraeo i ercn e n ch h a te ai' sixpafereipa n- supply of Carpet Warp, they have always on hand the best ', antm'n Oete ayuaesntiais-cgcAteal ),Cotton Waum, for manufacture, and wfl endeavour est shah b, aybeon _the furet days cf a to keep January and Jlyin each sudeairsy yeas-, up their reputation as to the completeness of every depart- t the office cf ithe, ateresait. ment. 4. That ferthi, purs-e ai cformîug a siak. beucfu-esoantie eu t cf the RaidiDe. benurs ndtes= at athe rate- a- iDepa tmen ,i-~-s11 forceuai tt become du e thereon, au equal Our lot ffi D e art ent -is, si*lL' p s-s rteéai' 289/100 cf & ccnl iii, ahead, superintended by ýMr. George ClemetsrirmEn ars-shail initiontoa cil ches-rates gland, a gentleman of ability and taste. yccs-, upon cil the, ateable proearty cf.lie MISSEETON has just returned £rom the markets wlth S'. TItu is ]y-iaw shahllaite effect sud some of the choicsm gootis for the Mifliuery Department; so that our cus- couac Ato opéraion pn the tlinty-tis-st tomers May rely on getticg the best fitting garments. ini-a uiaiC n thuîs-ee. gh ]R- ats, Caps and Ties, and the choicest assortment of M~il- -a-8*Thcc thai Debenturos se te b. issueti ce liney ad Mntle intowaos-esciti, te lie ameunl of lic said suns lime-y ud autes 0 twutogethen wfth an eXcellent assortment of. in- et Fifty thonssut dolas, shah b. alelves-. fants' Rata', Old Ladies' Caps, &. o Alo heiis raoaletsm. et by tise Rtove ai'the saai Townsip et &c. &a AUon he os resonbleters. Plckes-lng, fais-tlis cme being, te lie saai, Iý e nsteembes- tli stand is now Old No. 1. the Ontario said Québec- Railway Cam- pany, upah sud subjec ce the tcnuns anti P. .' -es, rin1s .ai~ cens yrd.conditions falaowiug, that lia te say: -P . 1t i e fP int a 1J ensper yr. 1. Fiat lic ps-apostd aialway of the sali- Company, shah travers, lie township oet Whit y, M y 28h, 1 78. 2~~ Pickteringsfroua the, enssîr n I i ite. WhitY, My 28h, 173. 2- . Reidtownship, ta liai western huaIt liens- 2.That lie Raidi prepeseti Roati shaU as te liat part thes-ef wlthiu lie townsip ofe Piclrerlug, b, acînallysuand boia fide corn- mnenceti an or before lie fis-st day of December, On, liounuti egisîhundreti u h scecty lis-e, sudahai b, wiially toaheteulbatwecn thie cAties cf Ottcwa aatdl Larnto, on oan ictone thc tirai dayOf WHITBY, MAY 28TH, 1873. -D.eceuaber, Oneausumid elguit hnulred - 8. Tiat iwa permanent frelit sud p-'sen- AS. H G RR & u - ger stations oethtéisai Railway'se ube JA S H . ýxjE IIo&-eccti anti mainteinealiAn ithe sali l.wu- ship et Pickerinlg, one uhttoga as- ceas- tie Village et Greeuwoad, sud lie Have very mucli pleasure in announcing otersofi suci stations ai as- ucar tha Vill- that they have resumed- business in the aetWitrellislitanip 4. That Debeutus-cato the asmount of Twen-. store lateiy occupied by Mr. John Saun- ty-tir, thouseutidalles-ssab. tieelives-sti der , o pos teaver te the sa i Company, w en eaisthe d e r s , o p p o i t e m u a l d r u uî o s e dc a i lw ca lh a U v e b e e n Aie salitownsip a! Picker-ing, A inte Li L. ALLI N'S BOOK .STORE s-cctien ieseuber inlc'ta adusuu4,eî -~~ ta chus cenditions iais-elfore contiluet, flrock Street, VWhitby, where they w anti li01Dbenty-i-e toadd= mh sttm cf thuethrsid omaimsluAne be happy to see their old fnends and cus- lue eireai tpoplie id Compy sanhave tomers, and hope for a continuance of been comphieted bptween the ctiez Ottaii TaiÃŽdront-o aforesaii. -PruvIied -liai their patronage hitherto s0 liberally be- the Raid Municipal Cenil may in u é stowedupon tem. Debenturesas aforisait as te le wil os- any part of ch, stad sunof Fitty lioaà ut Thanking you for past favors, we aiars, ssiI ant islapose etfithe saiti Peben. remain, yours very truly, thecswa- u pr tC eear~y oves-to Compcy lu cash, e sens cf Fity tiusuallo»s-eos- cy part uhaire. JAMES H. GEIRRIE &Co. t 5. isi la at Cmpuy shahnet b. enz tittîcal to anal shal e receiva iulerasb npun licsaai Debenins-es, os- ani' cf tiim excepi anhy treni tie lime ast whilamheys- iallbe tielli-eeat the salitCompany pus-suant ta lthe provisions o! lis fi-las-: Tiiet unlese the saidtheii OntariAo sud Que; bec Railwey, as ta thâi pas-i liereof -with: i n the sai tewushlp ai' 1elckasing be boitd ftde cemment-etias hereinhefoes ention. T IlE O T A IR I O oanuor befors tic tirat day et Decemb, T I E N A R 1 0On, thousanal clght hundredan sd seveulî, cire, tua By-law shan betfne force or - . effect. That the, rotes et tfiheheecters cof blas sald i - Municipality shasll b. telten on Is ps- LUA N & SAV IN GS 001 V. ed B:jaw, on Tesay,lie serenteeuli 1 ay fdnc, an, liossanti eigit ieud.ed sud seveoly tire,, at ths follewinq places, O E L W ,- ces-s: ForDison No.1,Mjehal Duffina' s-cela, James Linton, -ni clflcer; Divisian No. 2, Tempes-uch2 - Dunhanten, Davit iGlchrist, Raiffins-nlu Incorpos-ateti Februsany, 1873, Pus-suant lu lie Adc f Parliament, gth Vie . afficer -Divsaion No. 8, os-ange halI tori, Capte go andAm'ndmets.Graenwoed, BenjamIn. Meen, Reins-mu8 ios-a, Capie goantiAmenimens. fficir; Diuisn o. 4, Mui hll, Whlute. vale, John L. Spipkt, etunuug ffioer; -Division No. 5, Coershall,,.Ctn, - Thomas Penn, Returng officer. Fiaitihe electioli or voting on suýci y- )ermanent Flxed Capital - - - 25,OO hah lamtuisicecttheheofur ot l ock $2501000 nlinte toreneen, sud ecoserat tire o'clcck NU )I IC El Fska notice liai lie aboe . s trme a preposeal, cf the Munlcipi thc township et Pickering, which lsken Auto cousieratieus hy'tha Cel lie salal Municipality alter one mouý tii, fis-st publicaition liareet lu The1 Cimoxics.x uewslpes-, le date cl ayable eitues-at once, or 0i' Munthly Instalmenîs. -Dl R EC0T ORS. WILLIAM. McGILL, EsQ., M. D., Pax5smExr, - W. . COWN, E P. W Vîoa- Naa E, ' T. N. GIBBS, -EsQ., M. P-., J. S. LARE, Esq. SEOETAE-Tdasuaxc - -T. -M. McMILLAN, Es%,. SOLICITOU LYMAN B'NGLISH, Eaq. - flà exxa - - ONTABIO BANKe- votes et t he tewn Ithe saiti th da,'c as-a b avance money u ,200 amI upwards, for from , half.yearly, os-yearhy -h a1 à low0 rabs of inbereRb. isas, wl s'And ail goQods sold -at unusually low1 A.lrestock Suxnmer Dress Goods, suitaNle for theE Our stock of Clothing is very superier. SXILLFUJL TAILOIRS,-]YRESS MA&KR ;andl Milhiners on the preniises. t à IfKRGESTOCK 0F oFRESH GROCERIES VERY a ~ ~IlHEA P,. ti 1