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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1873, p. 2

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13pisoi 'mou No-' ocmmend them to the favor and confid. i 'o. !ohoton nce cOf $be~C nà&iàupcope Allhîee ttii.iaii fti r h~ i~~' w ~wbeuin politicadl 1f. were member. of' rident and diredtorsof the. Wliitby Pen Ph>iotograph- Flnt &Morton, the Liberal party5, antI it ig rather a otPO ryBay ape trLie4 Publi hor, siificanit faet that they one and ail was taken over thefr roaii, and a.M Owed Uhir elevateon te tthe, Bencli to- most delightful excursion enjoyed on-F Libeiai administrations. the waters of the Northeru Lakesi>y a of it Mr.Day wuasfior manY-years ê-memn- large part>' cf guests, on Tiiuraday and 'we ~jfJfîce.ber of the iLagIslatiie* Asembi>' for Frida>' of lest week. w 'Lower Canada and siuheequenti>' of the The.ttip et once supplied ail the en- aui ONLY Si 50 PER ANNU(M. îarliament cf UnîtetI Canada. In 1886 joyment nf a pleasure excursion as 'veli h e abicroivn Proseentor et thie state-1 trial§ in MontreaL, fror, 818 8 4g- asaffording an excellexat cpportunity c Wlikby, TburHdayl Aug. 21, 1878. 'ho mt'in the speciel Conneil for Lnwor .-?j1 peciaily te, the 'Toronto ,gentlemen, a Cndantd froni Eebmnary 1841 toe ft, pr0-c en al> xmningla June 1842 lie 'vasSolicitor Genera in, the cepabilities and esorce cf oni ExesBses oftheb Opposition Leaders the sanie dmioistratîionas Mfr. BaId" hwn teeak ft on - wxn. In theel:tter year lie wue elevat. là nonas L ceb ok'cuntry cf i,.wa ed te ýtheQu. 'sBench fer Lower Lakes-auti cf making enquiries as te gre W. are% ver>' fer froni effectlng sur'. Canadus;lere le'rmajn,,înuntiî 1819, its hitiierto-to thei-unknowu wealLiibd pris.e t the cour.. pur.îîed b>' the Op- wher ihe becare a Jndg' of the. super: cf tituber and miineraIs, anti tise im- . Position leaders at the prorogation cf ion Court cf tLb' sainie Province. ln xett hc temufc h Parlianient. The>' hea uoi> one Objeot 1859 ho was appointeti one of the Coul- nseetnt$wsihL.m uf-Li la ie-te endmnt~o ~~ miiionen or ô tiie codification cf tb, ture cf lusuber is carried on.. For i,, Wj invew* ecnonto fMnsfo Civil L.w cf Lower Canada, -and short- firet ime =est of those pressent hadl cnit -ani b.> crei -lo b 'vstt eeas%1>' ater that coilîpletinun-cf that great ocular tiemonstration cf the. ftct-often o tbltt we.s broughit about. Tii.y hll wonk eceteptedth ie, position cf Arbitor- irtfrcerdt i hs omah prnaded the nis.iveS tha& now or.ne4er -for tihe Province cf quebec for the di- leeooarfrat nteeclms-e vision andi adjustiment cfti.dhs -that tise short lino of Bailway fron is, ~rsietnefr oeklg-abotipa cre(ltà, labilities anti properties cf Up. -Whitby te Port Perry commandos, et stre joofe;andt hat, lsavimsg -heretofore Pjer Canada. Mr. Day ix Chancelior cf tise latteir point, tise vast lucrative fail6otinl everytlsîng sise, if tii.y diti-not 'th Universit>' cf McGill Coilege, anti, taec ea w murtimlsc nov ruake a bold ti us l- nc-soeeed ~it.is !net mucli te saiýenicys tii. uniteil taeo ei w iu dmlso rlting atopowr ,p ti, tp c ~.confidence cf al P rties iu lis Own navigable waters. Pahlo San , t > eiu u rvne But te make our description more Paciie.acadal an bygstingthe Jul1ge Gowan ln a gentleman cf intelligent, anti carry the reader with wai Governor.Uenerae 0tier way cf tiiink- great learning, profonti legali knowi-u hog on fth cec ftete ing, $oise' ust needu b.e content te stili etige and ecumen of higzh social stand:- stregisobcotasensc ts u reomain in the. coiti shed@s cf opposition ing. who 1cr mens' years liîld ti4 office excursion we must go oin sfter a noeaho cf 3udlge Of th. C'Unnty Court cof Sue.e ordeni>' fashcion- Anti first- the for anothier and iudefiite penid. No Ont., andi 'as eeof thse Commision- WHiO 'vESE ON 130A RD. Stt voulier, uiesefore, thefr chagrin et the. ers appeinti in 1857 to conselitiate the On Lue arrivai cf Lis. morning train M%1t4 action cf the, Governcroeueral iu se- statues cf Upper Canada respectively. . frojnTootth olwngelmn cepLinýg the.advice cf his pensibleRiLs knowlatiuceof law jeseo reat that Trntoie clwirgeteen 1x Minstr. Ti.' ne tsa sse teat bis opinion is frequiuntli¶e souglit for transforre t iemsecves froin tLie Grand er, Miniters The kne tha 6uci aby mans' cf tise meet einient -leativrs Tr unk Le thse cars in wsiting ou tise no,% course would b. tise disconifitus,. cf cf Lb. Bar cf Ontario. Whitby and Port Perry lin:- Tiie their Plans, ani therefore tiseir. unceii- Juitige Polett6 i. aise digtinguislied Mlr. ae utn rsdn ftec trollable rage aud turbulent clameur nt for lus legal asiliity anti personai WorthîCet. Jnr ame rutn Pr ietVc ie cou Hosast foi' Three *River. in the. Cana.- opu,1f.JmsItfci' ie e thie disappointmient. -.It was, lsewever, titan Assembîy for a ion" period;lbe. Presitient, anti Messrs. A. T.Fulton, eet tb. expectodt iaItishe> wouiti observe-cerne Comhissioner for Lhe consolida- a diredter of tihe road, John Gordoen, Cnt] the. deaencieu and proprieties becoming tien of tise Statut.. of Lower Canada President T. G. & B. ltailwayAi.ac their position,. hoth as loyal subjects, aud Canad~a respectively in 1856 antiy tl ie ant a ledes atirepesntelv _ c 'as elevatedtt tiie benchin l 1880, as Thisosu, Alul. Mefison, AId.' Close, beLi Jistize of the. Superior Court cf Lowcr Hon. John McMnrricis, C. J. Camipbeli; tisa -ths e opie. IL wR. net contempieteti Canada.ý Augus Menîison, M. P., Hector Cern- hall that -tbey would carry theïr hostile par- onQ.CMjrAtrsMarad tizansblp to suoi, en extent anti in tise New lîooks. eron, Q.C.hn caerP. arsu s,MAo.at manner they di, b>' ising Ris Excel- PNP-ooo& Greieerae onT gVd, JoertcNbW. EHughtJaes A. u ienoy's Message, anti boldiy affront tise Pnd Pooc lacscf ciebrtsanthe enT. otîi, James rt .limeL, AMs sit Quieen'sreprssentative by openi>' anti antiW noteti on H H Kl.prn 6ffn a 'vautein he um on rlatienR.-Taleq, sketel.q, sJays SutiW..raio.a H i rot tiseysubsttut: tise Tus laces, MgîDo -Flant tîîeir r. iisJaes Ghrlesamoer, A.L aii Mforton & O., Pubiieliers Toroute. Lymnan, CaltainiHiiLiHu> o outrage. Intu liiitinteestin volum liastheeTisotpson, C. W. Bantiug, W'alter, S. sljde atiprincipied violence cf factioa for thse Tits on urstle. volue a li ad e. W. esin W.D. -ahesTj vhis - coustltutionaî spiit cf legitimate part>'ado u al.I sa otra_ eWn esn .D ýahwJ Tise 'vafae. nt noimartal- mn enahi. book, sceil printetiasud got uip, ani H.Kanoe, W. R. Brock, anti William ionE finti a susffcient apology' for tierse juat sucis a couipanion as one coulai ens- ctiel niaseLs ersai entsub nes ani ipronsey c thir ondctje>' when traveliiu, r by Lise seas ie. of Lise Globe, Mail, anti Leader, ce nou an immpiot ofthir ondctTise sketches andt anecdotes are fulcf Of tise inivitel guests at Wiitbv Lise 'ris lu thus respect. It was the ver>' wan- 'ut- Caîl rcwlltod.fîîpin gnl n otel iSn lacer -Mr. onness cf insult anti intignity, of--Miteesssrsrclltoti oIowuggneeult k si pLades - F e fereti untier pretence of zeal for Liie THE SiENCF Ã"OrHEALTIT for Septesus- Rai-, BMO>vHai-r anti Nin,-, mini-iier publc' goJ.The )ovraèrG e-ira beris n unsualy pil uinbr, i eus cf ut.'. 'rnwus Ctseiî; Mr. SîîeriffTh pnbiogeei. Tie Gvenïr-Gnsai erisan nuu igoiuubrwii Reynoltds, Messrs. Chuester Draper, G.Vs ectei tise part of a 'vise, a prudent antifacto ant iniformationi wiich if acteti on, C. Gross, Geo. Cormnack, Gi. Y. Smith, filn censtitutionai ruler. et te hav, an-. woulti rentier iL 'vortli uore te ever>' S. ILsîtcî, J. V. Htuu, H. B. Taylor, h cepte the tissîvice teutiered i iis by re- rentier tissu a yeau eisuiption, cou- A- G. Mu-MUilittuJi. Dawes, Jats. Houiten,iag M kowu$0 ave taiiug "lsejene L Halts ;" Husv1hnaging Direetor, R. B. Kimbahi areo gponsible Mînsters, knw uhvshe ain"Oeec tIlll;*"lo general Supt. of thte rond, J. Mfarsi, Ce.,. confitdence ef parlianient, 'vouiti net Long May Wc.Ltse; Practini Tempor- tecreîa-y tif the- Comnpany, W. if1. Hig- liray, cn ie t a violation cf the conistitution, erance ;" "Expci-ieisce in Weter-Clire ;" gis, Chlttiel<-, anti Charles Tayiorn. crs. anti a biow et tise ver>' existence 'of r,-- "Diacase anti Its Tu-aLment ;" "Nature E-oi Osis-a, atui svio al,,c el ttitrou sposesible geverisurent, but b>' telîunig vs. Civilization, ',Doctori; ad 1Mfait tuu aL 'uYtiiiv, tise.were Messf. nsi J.W. Cowan, reeve, Jas. Carusiclisae,cfu tisat ativice, iL 'voulu1 bn tantanott tLo Liqucrq." Ini seasousaiue Dihu.,, unier J. IL MoCieliaus, J. W. Fowke, li. Me_ opero prociaiîning in ativanoe, anti witiuout tis elîati cf te "Ilousseliolti fitpart- G.., Dr. Rite, Dr. Coboirti, J. S. Larke, visite fuvestigaticu, tisat h. blieveil hs Min. ruAtnt," we hvissîtu-uctionîs for Lise cf tise -'inticatot', auuti1. H. Bruock cf luul lstena gCuitycf tisa higis crimes alieged Use cf Tumnatoes is varions cvnys ;tise lh-forutter. ter At t-n minutes past eight o'cleck the eonvý againset Liem. lu oieuing a Royal Penchecs, Penns, Plinss, Meltons, et .; trait), iseitîcu by thse fiue ews locomio- liec' Cotutiision, 'vitis pofer te tek.e evil- isow Lu Remnove Fruit-Stains; Catnuigiý tive tise 6"Jaiuies Au.qtits," anti te -bocirle suée ut uder oatis, aud expressiug isi.Cern; Description c f a Distiliing wtse atitaeisetiais oriiuar-yiflat eau-, arcis- & Co' intention e! catlinu< an aarly session of Steve; and ais unuguai amotust cf ini- eti oser iith evc-rueene4 anti affortiing an puriîsaut to receive iLs report imusue- is Tulks with Coriaspoieuts. Titi tioe u'Gar atestrkea"ew' tte %weiisettietucountsry auîoiîg this ne, t i ftiutely after lita Cothisuision sissil bave magazine is Peblisiue. at tise io% nuleltfthîe WlitIy statio;i, taLkin_îr up on tin-ilso co'iuicided its laisers, ausul leaving'it witlî popular puice two dollars a yean offéec te wittv,'Mr. Jatsnes Drydien, ex-Presi- aw perliaiieut afterviarils td teike supremne fou- six moutiss ou triai, for $1.. A etic-tij,)ro Forpian, M. G. Roisson, witlu &giisaicecf ll~seiol ulîte, H. ire. 3 R.Watspîtuiesct., 86andtiNMr. Bauidofthile Obscrter, Prince Messi Albetrt, adwr i attisrylag L2xotilency issu dons, ail tisit dt>' andtiBroad(way, N-Y. mi nties -siigiiaotfo-> ag vdudom anti a igis senecf th. reapan. - AT vOuP sistise et sibiity cf Iis position coulal dictate. CsICi<ET.-A cricket us ateis svaie play-T En.tes Wlia mor cotld fir;honet; ad pa- e at lareiion onSatudayAn I -eea sutbstaistial brealcfLasî awaitedthie1 Wist mr. ottti ait; hnea; ati et-etiat larsuistou tîtruiy, uset tise sisiiors, sit %ille-se itel, andti Lt> Euh ïitiîd nieru ties're 2 But tise leaders cf 9tli, betwecn 'les'en cf Blroughsam ant i svui th ie siiarpt-iuet appetite cf tisose fri me flite Opposition show tisat tise>' are net eles'cn cf Ciaremotit, resîiultîni in fas-or wlto 1Jtail beau travelling since earhy ".Wi luluenceti b>' fair, hounorabeor paîtriot- cf tise latter b>' 4 s-ens anti iisse scîcîsets nsoruing enabieti thsem te do ample Justice. M3Brekfast ceer, no timne esas "n Io %o lrtos.Avnlciv eie'efail. Tise foiiowing i. tise score : lti eîîBoeoadM.Crsii. l te tiegruieiluthue eyes cf tise putsie tIse lliOUG11iAM. steamner (Janmodore, %vsidei wss yiug boit,1 mon'vse ee tl.montcfoffce~ HLuISc NI-jbEFNCSsue, b itunse, at Lihe whîarf wiîiu teain up. givini, peara te ob.- tIi, base anti unwortlîy W *Vlkiritîoj, b Cr James. 0o c0GJatrne eg,sPaty, M. P.lo.ustr. b>'Mr. prui .»piiti.>'whi4ch Lii.> are actuateti. It S Stevenson, b E Fariner, nî b E 'au-mer, 0 io-n ,1r e-owr W S ievenSOn, b JiS) b G James, 2 r os f 8-ustog, Mu-. Bîgelose, reese Lake, la nut iapartial investigation c1 tise FBnta b 1" 1 iti1) îtiuocf lPeut Perr-,.sus l oin in cf thiinelligent aieniglitenati part gret Lu learu, of tise ilines cf tIse atte-r tise jriiicipa lury gootis anti guocer>' tlisa it Of 1leCOLinuityaging th tecliiigý4gentlcens, wîso on tuataccouint' a ator n tsi gene-rai business hplace w:îe ing it ir of Litecat nit>' againd t the teacîuines. hetîat o!iMu-. Josephs figeiow. Tiser. lu>' tnrt cf -cbuen. Anti WC ask 'vietiser, bcompessleti L is-efu ure iee ls. sea Jassenger stage froue Wliitby, s îîuhupartizanu learu tu, moderato bsneswiil ftre s eaund OU antivsse fietiaatm eatter esortiiy a pro. Ie- V1110 n etri hi a.b>' Mesure. W. J. Ilucie & Ce., anti e- eiuutpne atCuetsthiata Mr cour asi 1viuuiciive excesses, tise>"tu-care porsuaticti Lîsat %Mu-.H. ivillil-aveu tae-ai aCbotL Otai- paRt si] tt tu guide anPart>' eltser Withluluinntsiîsg tîntione ou hie part toessses-t tris uctes. cetî ii tstocaswin- tIse v'i or safet>'P a cesttiutsance of tise libenai patronsage A cesisasî Lise present Port Peur>' picttsreF hiitiserto extcnieil te tise ostabliehumient. te th ise vliappearauce cf tise îîiace picture Disaiio'vcd. fis-c ycars lugeY, wlisu tone* log cahulîs o11<iais lu Jus-r Ruîrva- ui ost.tise nargitscf tise Lake etînstitutet t.e cd ou a us ourCozi-.eltire town; wiîcsîtu-us-chars from tise Pigeon Ti.Toronto Mail of Monde>' lest' Mr, Juhînston lias juiL opesseti at Goiti. nortis ae -up lus eiues ati ekilf i nswiihr states 'tiat Lie Cdaims matie b>'tise*sînitise' Hall s cisuice assortîssent of useu-e obligeti to cainp in tise 'vootis, village, Unitoti Stateu -egainut Great B3uitaiur, deaka, wonkhoxeus, vaes, toilet set., aiuel.travt,,Il u, i ticîdovutlrousgliî smu costi>'1h aising ont cf tise St Albans ani John- mneercisanîn anti brier rttut pipise anti as iseiLs> iltt iiIîi e> eset WVliit-by ecti Oshiawa,-"Nu- w ta te influent fou -siaul raids, bhie-been disnhioetiotiser fancy gooule, ant illts.e ee fa u1qesu e-onwscstekVd b' te Mixeti Claime Commission nos Eugliicoueigînment o! jeweîeu-y reati>'an vsek ou-tee tisys Le mate' s voyage Tiie lui - sttig t Wshngt~Whisrsesultwihi Lte busopenei luScîttember. ssit;5 itreigluit and passonaers" eLni is at-o btgrai»ing $0eIlhe Canadien people, - a>', an> gu-cat iimrc-ment on Lise twenty1 andlti bu wht tey ad riit e LVFL'g AzrTTEltOF RITSHprimitive mcoie cf. cosniitnicutiou is>'euh anti ani îl bt vIettu>'1ud rgitLe LoiuL' GZETjI1orBarîucauce anîd skiff.'" lare*aia expeet. -NoarseAup.RicA. -W. issase .receiveti--wisat sn conîrnet induseti ties Lisé' curingt ample aisets cf this TMver> teirable Port Paru-y cf to-un>' pre sent te ailtLiii,? toweti1 Mi >.,BxEO, Emigration Commisutioner work es-iicis is uow ln press, and jeLenti- Wii4 its bus>' popelatioun nmhering brusglis b Sctiati or iseProvncecf'Ontrie et]to a pishsiit] l Neembr. u ieani>' Lwo tîsousandRîtOUIS; its csurclies blieo. t ctadet W hePrvincbs «a nta Trcoedne bter lislti is oe rcIn C110c,osmili-s, factOries, foeui'ries, anti lecalit> calldatWhiby n bs wy t Toon-no ottr bndscoud, lieproucton f hues>' unrs c!commerce; iLs raiiwîuy cipai im te lest week-iiaving left Glaugow on sucis a 'von ha piaced tisan in Luoe.of bingiug iL 'vitisin hall an heur of tis! hation iE the 24th JuIY>'. ,E reports that iis Mr.Joisn Loe-al, cf - Moutreai, Lihe en- Grand Tmauuk antiLuake Ontario' ; ite arce stni mission tu ScStland 'vas eminenti>' suc- mnent publisher, 'visat ame la ct' itself ulpsu0 tuui bidng ei ad igbs cessui nd ise heisai snt nde tie te bet gau'ute fo cat-f4 >-~~-~~' anîe.privatý rosiitiecesandthie tjsou- newspar aBBsfiadt. th â etud rtetebe uiue o aLq CUaysen t tior ijunots o! progrs- ani11, ' d amitdpas8enger arrangement tise pro. anti reliawbilit>'. (See sels-t,) peplnt>ven*ry'e visible i Stewart. sent year :seanîy tiva, oani seuls, And ti ll .rorpne ng 'a ieti. tise siigi WiCi a equaly goo prosect' Ir îhe Axo=eaLiYeu-SUITuaid. eorreinformant,, sweare -sssert'I Vitt a eqehi' god s'op.c ti -te Aauu~usLIBL Sîrr-Mn Gergebuilding an utiditionai uichoat hbouse La Frenchs- eususng yean,' Re brouglît wftij hlm a Washiington MeMullen, cf Pacific Sean- ccitt $1,00,and Lîthtwiligive ecemouda. lig pi'ii 'Iimbe c gilsfrot ii.negisersooî al fusme, lias entereti an ntion agnlinet tien Wt t e o-lsildu-en, e owniu le ocost tuitini cf Lerwiek tae'vcrk attise bat factory tLie Kingston -Neows, for, iblel. Damages $6,000, isides variens ether-,imipu-ove. Eithser m ,in Oshaswa. ar ada 2,0.meuLa. -1 * - ýlation. arelai e 02,010.Andthts.taxes? Iv'emaba FuaxiTuiU.ee.httelition la directe(,te . .. ..... LasL yean Lise>'- vere $1 07 lsis e ýf the th-alOlWoto . gmude *'LmsuuzaeANI) Siulexs.i-?r. A. B.luendreul dollane; this year tisere.. vii vic!t>'Y tea lncu otesto!M. eausi Cau'pbel offens for sale et hia ii îabnaaigltecrna . , le esjyl tits Ieat It Ottar~Ohuiitii Ti. pe. L1~a aqustit' c luuse su s'il ea. be unii n 'rosea iceaig2 e nsp i'at aii . o*se y f ('Sm See ativt.) -c - -oiqitireti. ~ -'oei éù0quOsOihi n4w ane. Tise" repiy wses. :-The-e aeLiirteen plaee, fai hojn- ut e utu, eitIble his Lu mprtdtstts H, 'ainboai.s ûis ixty 'scowss-lise lattes,: ing w'ild '*«lk r s 'or fuitu fTuppas, in seing t ieDr. cssrying roiuseventy-five teaone hun< 'piae.tu dmtitin n h6ohnet atàwL çti. e-er Provinces - dréti aud twents t housaxstfeet\ Of 'Intn.able. ,.13 -s-en, and 'vins tse change of uag8 athe. Grand Tsunk, Lies. faclittes b>' ater anti rail enu be tunnete stili ma ter necouusL,-auti ne dcjsbt vii ble * ieenterpriaiug business men cf thse Pa.sinig dovne tis Iutuans river-cf t saine nanie--so seinding tiat, 'ue- itstaniiing es-an tiemuais needeti h at t4ke 'De-ili> Elbov," those on )ari 'vene inomentîri>cInetabion seeing tse boy cof tise oSet rusiet 3adiong asis, tisa Comuceferé, Pro- udoî safel>" along - tise ulnggiss "On 'vise.mas-gis tise great terest- F t8toodremfleoLeti in the 'vater; is-er> tu-ee-$0p hSe t Lsiatev Motleuiess haneats Lie wvater."1 LINDSAY as re-achati about tvao'oclock, eud nre ne. Lime 'vas iost ou getting on ruthLie Vanderbilt, 'vuici had been tu-teneti for Lise occasion $0 cans-.> eParty'-Le tise-Faisu,-andti Lssouglt urgéon Laele cBobcaygacu. lare re, Margacis, anti Major Deacon, anti inmits, Lise miii ovuen anti itmber- vet'e atidedte theLi.Part>'. Lindisay' continues $0tisu-ive fast, anti is w a Population estisuateti et 4,500. se Lown is most>' ut cf brick, anti atains sesrale b ockso! stores.- -eu-ah ue' buildings are un cous-se orf ution, atmongsi- otisers a large cou- t asel sîool atjoining tise ue' liha le rh. 'TseuVandeu-bilt la evueti db>' Ms-. Crautiail, sud being igiie as a passengarboat, lsa muais tes' fitteti up as seU- as a fastes'bhat Lu tise Commodore. Au heur aud a "s sîeaming Ilirongis SLnsgaan Lake- 1Fenelen rives' lrougit s te$ PENELON FALLS, iateti on tle ris-et'bet'veu ICanicromi. 1Sînu-geon iaks. Onr boat ap- tclî,eiLoeItue foot o! tise Falls, 'vii lihereaebouL 2!) feat bigis eut 300 feet e, anti resemble lu miniature the se-ase et Niaga. Beons put] us eu-e aise construeteti iene Lisuongis si legs apd rafts su-e. floatetide'vwn. asvillagaeWfltst essnmiug tise propos'. se!o a te'vn. Quite te nomber cf Itntial mie'vbnuildings lias-eSean ra-. t1> erecteti anti are sLiil going np. place lias new iLs newsspapen,'tie ieon,-Feuls Gazette, pebtisseti b>' .Hanti, a epic>' lis-el>' eeet, seciel- us-clti Ltis.heinlerests o e!Lis odalits'. ne lsa goc l boel at Lise l iaue. surreuntiing counutry>is rapli1 ag up 4tnt becoinn settieti, and village coluinlans he atrâide of a ,sectlion cf counutry>. Saw-miils uss-used llure b>' Messrs. Sunitis .i Gu-caen & Ellt, Iiiyss'd A Mo'v- ,D. G Steith & McAntbnr Brouis.- Tuîne oui>'penmuîîti d a niei igi Lise fret naîneti, sliclu is an Jente ceuccru, lsns-ing man>' gangs t uigist anti ses-eu-etcirceiu- rsa've lu i rtionî. Iu a van>' fe'v minutes tiser unes 'itne-sedth ie entire pu-ees o! uer îiusîkitg,-fuum Lise hutiug oe! roughis eout o! tithente- te tim0 eu-sien inîo emooh cleas' pnke. i qunîstit>' o!fitmben tisanufectunetil v le elli-uous-by Messu-. Smiths e alune rine tourteen million feetm ail>', snd is cul>' lituiteti b>'tise c [y of iogs. 'fIc s-e aeter powver 1 y exteni anti capacit>'. bue ses.e e sare oii> kepý rnnniug froîn fiîsL v te frest Oclobes'. Iu connecticu thitc-iumbering tunsiness, tiseJI nes. Smiths hsavaeao sgriet nul !f Iwc nun o! Shuntes, 'visich ties a T luusiusess anti is a great hoontueo neiglsbourhecui. Standiing 'vithin tss--sniih1, tise noise anti racket fs-oui e nnclinens anti tise nano! the fi inake catieafening duc. Tisa linge ci uvv'onk faini'LuruSices- fc ish tise freqicut repititions, V W'iîh Luhe rustsisig of thse waters fi nd the wiîti reverberatten.-- n odataîtt'litiurict ave>' Le Lise tc Lute scu-èaming'vitle cf seiis lu itise signal fou-"-aIl ou beau-J," tise s- o! tiie Vanderbilt la lunneul sents- lu in tise na-uow nI-ef tewau-uîs tise ti, eandtiliiencea sress te otir destiue-nn -Balucuygeon-- 18 mil es distant Il tise Enlie.in TLS E AO5t-5S !st h th id nues- 'e au-e talu thé, stor> o!ftb- 'Eatle's Neet," pointetiontetle us S patset nonîlîsanu), about ei-lL nu lueleve 1A Lis<se-; Higîs up ns ist a 'vite tu-set cf dÉo'vneti ou-Ps id Limsber at this point, anti abotoe imile u-oui Lte inke n giacL cetar, Le eiglsty feat mn iseigiut s'ess ils vs- on tise Loptuost branchses oa!as is pardhieu au- eyfie. TsS spot an scessahule fram Itie shsore, sud c'ena lue reecietil fom tise-lake 'vits 'Ils hi' b>' cance ou- skiff. Heu-e, fu-ont i e id lte rnmur>' cf living mue, t'vo Li loka erectati b>'te cliiGos-arn. an: )f Censtis-minl>' tisuougli the. Lis ce tuf the fou-mes' meusber fou- stil] t, te laIe Ms'. Johsn Cameruu. ho imheting ibusiness et tliapeint a la s- es'>'extensive, epvnils uo! mal million feu-t teing meufacter- te1 aluiMppat anual>', basidesa e Y amu>uît o! squa-e tuber, seiicin ofit Lise met t'voseasons bas been dlue te Port Peu->, frous thenca 'vos jei b>' rail anti safted lu Wisitby ttu Mr. Beyi, 'visettitdinlutis. Ali sanie.67 years ego la, Lise pnin- g-Oe iufactorerTise total pope. 1I5W is estimatati at $1,700, Tiser, 80 c se goot i sores b'h do a tisniv- tht dneas. Tise village bas aiso iLs mai kpn-lse Irideendent, -a cana- d.0S itet 'veu>', publisatb>' 4Mr. Lise t. Various onigins are given for 'va isi'ar nme o! Liseplace, Sanie -des' il ta, Se a !'carr pion c f" tiese Oi ée ;' otiser. tisaI lie egin i, fui sigif>'ing Besuetiful Shs-nbSes-y. Û-na wvanlîl ha au eppropëriito-Appel- cont T lace la a, Irni>' lesuftifl isal 0senar sptiitiin the midut cf tl foralst. sGae. bountih-In. the ue' anti iuntissgant i tsil aasu'- uef yei t, Lise hars-'s content. AÂnd pulli tis aircumuetance mlgist have nie ig $0 deovitistis amiu2g O! tbe ans, s, fs-cm Bsubi-Iseounul for hat- ab-e U auimalis,-uclestacle, hsliing béel te nains 'vwould el laashils trie-(Che nae f r.Bodoffbe gon n *uubrqj s u i >' wtamêus esbeteislter3. us rocky anti wi1f atvI Says sitcfp~ iee-It 'nmot in. thetoast- theBohiecgen l. Tivl ieitse. spt t'OUItiet becntinue ta be a timben groviug colin. - ThsaSpeaker xepeated theiin. aiîi ce- MiDoiderllïdowih-h prpoin Lsetosttie ianmn ilt s haslt time, -and ssalle4 -upan a 0 r>, for ttisetuber 'viii oui>' hecleaneti ngo.tsa on__i. 1edin hghl comUmetaryters tamenttha ILSEle ncy'e ws yaitins, eun à î M o - amd repei-t-#id' the sghi> wrk complme er>' tflil $ nk tise toast %vy4 full umper. am iL is 'vanteuL' Wlisre tiseland is Utbe Chanberoftii l pr- rnmisld qii tsecogreat 'venta ilen meners e Thse ciairnis and isitvice-csairssuis- -lpetianti fit fctr aultivatian tisera rogue tise Hans. [Cries "cf e&G o~ s îdt > ac countsrygan s p ensin opeugtaauth e r. i<jê o mplsnt). iiib.tise fàrssers' prou'tîc., ant tsae Mi. Mackenztie seidt huat -notisingtemnpt of tisa _G*iLiVt: io 11Z1150 up luecosetr, atiespcialyt tie ~ MaIllan proposeti'tise ladies, la' au uisiimited snpp>' cf liosestone anti shoulti intenrupt hlm nhi ie remaxitalie about a 1n eusqiry. -~ Lis ratiseroflaea,iioin&5Sith oupbutan tailmeeting 'vas then braaking choie, stone cf supanion qualit>' for 'vas about $0 snak, ta, the lion. . -He Mn. -Hùnitti' f4 aiu~ open up tii. ccuntuy is>' 'ater and net-und trip astaning en boardloos the building purposes, 'vithaut et ail takiug 'vas astonisiset et tieiuimation tisat fiamm"torY 8 eha&e --i, style oet tise vsre bsuluin-4 n vasttra-î totLinise>', there sno Lise as yeL uniievelolfati minerais bi i'vas destredti a pronogue tise Hanse tha"-eler -1 Mo*l etnty- tefonest 'viscis wus develcping Cana-: o ome ios iron anti otser are 'viicis are kiiovu $0a'itisout givang an op rtuffi>e Lodisq- ossi>'more so. Re repre~i8*4 MMu.- de ita e great nation. - TE RTUESS. - exist inta aceount. Tiies, are some cf cusg tise mettes viia 'as befove- the leu asaà,model cf' ail that *fi pat, a Mr., Boyd, (for 'vis andu cais 'vase Il 'vas a quarter before tveIve when th"i proupeetu'of tise trede cf tise Whitby Hanse whien il a'ijouneti. (Renesvdd goail, asi inted l iat he-ý uila.o- matile), in retnrning thanks, saisi ha'vas tise Yanderb£ilt goL hto Linedsay, 'viicîs & Port Pans>' Railway, ant Li.>'car- cries cf' "priyiage.'.) -' - eât befs tse proposed 4yh"& M t*on. -rn ab h' anygv ar puomise$oftee tiste gut tuat evetiug cf site titi 'itisot accident, and l a] anygefi'oIecmn bse Tise Ministerial member. saeeohaMr. ationsas ia 'houiti no$~' 'tise Port Whitbye nti Port Parry Rail- for tise Couve>' loas,wviais 'as -Lis.eut grpase apýabudant-suecesu. Wisat tise summeonscf tise naLe Chambe , a ptseci.but iMaoe'tiat - tssmýM& ' 'va>', anti aougatiilat-et hi mseif upon genaral nandazvmss. lUere supper 'vastise Company' praseut>' require às suaisAJi tise Opposition members ramaineti,ad iti7st-$ebw isesing Lise opportunit>' cf makiug tise ser-ouiaflen artaking of 'vhics thie acontroiling inLaresL in tise steasuboats snd coîstinueti ta converse ingronps. tese $ t *èëesè sBti-i - otk .acqueintauce cf, auti meeting sa men>' Part>' til;pr.etîfor tise -nigist, Mn. Con-, lL,-ou tise watersa $0 ,pensun- Wisle ýtisaspeachs vas Seing delîvenati eti,howvl'i'tiifme hè' týs'iuv t friandsW'vis hahehall nover seau befona. va>' tskinq cet'.a uoi, utb.a- y rntoi- tisetratie te ýPort. Penn>'.anti in tise, Sonate, Lthe 'tember. 'visae- about tise OahisË BiIi,-anti aaot%5j. Tlss. vis 1ud RomoetiLis WhLSycomodtuo - utstieforahivis 'retise orentization"cf alconiphete systera maineti intie Hanse cf Comumons cou- insissuetet that itËu44saU1bîwancé -by' iw anti Port Penny aiîvay dcesenveti gra unable ta get apanît et tisspaeon fer Liougi freigist 'andi, passengerli. tinueti in session. Gladistone Govonisme bal .~5-ss preise for Lhiis 'ork. Tisonghis i 'as isôtel. This secur,-dwbuntil gis-e tisem the 'Mn. Cauchohs 'as about ta speait, cunati b>' "sae isnuek-oeu. truatlst Li. inihamantiervet gret Fida>. mnnin, tse prt> agan vsai cf the tr te se'atest"portion 'visn cries cf"Ilories, chair," interrupt- me>' vist" Senafit fron tise lina yet iL 'vas tise gathil otin boarth ie aId'Commod o cf 'vieiissncv diverteiat hé LseMli- ed i i. Some nmeiier. criat " let us Tutisae eaning the. meeting s'ébbéiep-- country et lange 'viiaiswonld i>eaeis- aneut]t uhu a'cioeklu i -tse mit0 o! landRailva>', thuougi l >,dsasei-'ait Liii Prorogation ia finisiiet." bled anti tiseGovennon Qeneral wo tise neal antiultimaeebenefit. Ithie liîthe tiizzling nain anti iaz> ' weatben, teiesb -anti influnce Of ithe principal Tise fellýicviis!AstLisspeech, daliveratiliberal>' ebusati aud cisrgati 'iti hav- country toLise back cf Bubuuaygeon 'vare tise 'viistie bhev sud, iftishert 'vas o'ner cf tise bate Tise change cf 5>' His Excellena>';-os-a teppeti-ie Royal prerogative. IL. great mines of veaits as yet net uniles. pDssat-"Alh abeard fan P.rr>." Tise gaugs ou tise Grand Trunk 'viii do Hon,,re i Geeîtle,,cn ef tha Bénete. 'vasmovati b>'Mr. Canchson,' spaodeti stooti. Soe persons Wi iaisertet bst 'eaLiesason eeareul up, antiail,'Was mueis t0 enabi Lise Compauy ta gusar- Genutlemne f the House of Comimons b>' Mr. Miii,, anti rasalvei, "Tsaithlie tise lumber trade 'voubi, exilsuet ituueif, froua tinti eujoymient on Soartl,aillbrim- ente.s parties iasiug thisais freigist. ,lI rehieving yen troos. furtser attend-- prorogation is a gnose 'viciation cf thsa but bise tristis'as th#etaitsongistue fnl o! praise cf the Seautiful scener>' on bogs iruiat u hsrie~ anc. ou Parliaseent, .I beg leave Lo cou- pniilages snd Iidepandeuce cf Pmnfli- puokati pin. 'vas Seing baken off tis up. tise 'va>; tise air bam>'- -- - f>great etivautaga ta tise publie as wil s- ayÙm ottýnkfrtedl-mn ndo h ihso e>' Lo .> pi>' coniti net lSe extiausteti, anti tiese Wit tishe ours'iti.îcetau a source of profit anti atiantr'e taou >' e st th h yLa ve' fortise di ent ati cDri. nigiscftse oadd b tratie 'ouit] Sa contieued in otiienkintis Wiveu-e tise veodmen swnng Lhiser axes"- Lise Compan>'. - yoersel-es $tiste performance cf yaun Mr. Cartwvright, anti resciveti, "Tiat besities tist cf pins, andthisii.Luada ant alking oves Lise pleasurable ocisas- Weitneihu-LaigpLsepo public dutieé. Amotig tisna seres tsa House of Commons iStise proper niud iangeiy contu-ibute Let tiste pros- ion. w ned hrtaigUtePr- youlias-a adopteti are hases of great isu- bod>' ta proseaute an enquin>' andtitst Lenit>'of Lise Province. Tlsanking tise 'vas 'vonuierful witii 'viit zest mniseti extension cf Lise lin. nortssard portance ta tisa vell-saing of Lise Do- tisa proposeti Commission la a grosa vio- compen>' for tIse honour tise>'lied doue tise.staiti, piotiting, 'verk.a-dsy,isard- t.eo is e, cf 'viicl i te portion milinicu-Lie iterest of' bratie vii Se lation, ie., _&c., ant iat itwL 'viioSethe but in coepling bis naies'vitstise fisttil business men o! tise ciL>' enteredtiat Port Par-y was originel>' reaee promoted is>'tise Act relating tatisein- earliest marnant. $0 take action for tse toast, lh. begged ta proposa tise toast of into ail tisa feullsudd erriment, ant i . bta h r liuk, but cen remanks ecto! Oftis learticles o! Canai- vitiietion o!fLiseir rgt Port Wiîtby anti Port Par'>' Railva>'. joyeti thems9elvau liii, taes-ar>'best cf hae leti>' exLend taei L ecis a iengts ian produce, as 'van as -b>' Lise stutute Saes-uai gentlemen speke but sait. (Cifeers). jol>' gooti felioses. Tii.gra-e Senator-L thaï;w must tiefer tisa discussion cf -relating Lta'veigist8 anti measoras. Tise ueting Dov, anthie meeting Sroke up Tise Loast his-ig beau tinank 'vitlianti sae.legisîstor, tise ietinetillawyu'r thesubjeet ta a mo-e epportune occa- se-uel Acte respecling aur merchent 51 10.30. ail the honore, Mn. Anstin lu respouti- andtihe1s taiti marchent anti dignifssti sien. sbipphng 'vilI graatly tend $0 thsti eces ing- saiti it 'vas otils a short Lima that beuicker joineti in ail Lise amusements ansd des-elopmlent cf tisai great issancs Fou-nai Rep> c! tise Gos-cmos Ge-nesai isall elapseti sinceltse pu-esent Company' anti sports as natural>' sud esiti, s , Fiait Mm Lost op- Lnrc- Au-OsHÂA- cof cen national inuisr> ud LoaLise pro-, - came Loto possession cf tise*-linaad sud mîasc-isnes fte ieocurd i saw ta ery gisnoftelve= sane.B t h emra o h ppsto Liseeglimuaishati beau accempliieipr>,potia ieygs fissesl.fieocou-t a sae tann>'-te ctn cf tisetlis-e f iau' s famen a is M M emil cetse posto Pry rviug wvmh Lie poat Lisat 'vien- hîeuron Wet]nesday mcnning lest in tise Ls c eam 0Ls ra fcnr-Mme moisis md >et La e eamoe. It ramaineties-ar tise nîglt cisort ius toeîscu- -vrteti elecîjons of member. of tise out ta tw genteme $ienn>'is I"E-es>'humia- ieart us humnu- apweiiugisouu asepit by Mu-. Jrdan, Ions. o! Commons, you have adopteti Tise olio'ving laLise formiaI wiitten otage ans fuiie andcompîreertiecodii- i lfs I eed itr '1 'a eel> etryttse sYstesu 'viicis a ov in succe.sfnl reply of HisExcellene>' the Govenr coiletugaed antiofsitsseiflantintîa.>' 'visates-errLisenconditionminllife.outtny-;- wena eeemined to do se, (Cisees.) carcel>'b. adietiltisttliisu îhtfini un!bigllieagilaei operti onri tise mter ou n the ad 1Genïeral $taLise Memsciel signe] b>'tise nase cf tisa ententaisiersbhel madea ar- s-s-eu ycans,isurnctatodeats. Anotiier sneppositionmttuiaue you. on Lise cd- - Tise>' isat hadtiLeraise a lange 1 provision of ail tisa gootil things te taugister reccis-etifatlinjuries b>' Lie mission o! tise coicu>'of Pni-ee Ed'vari Opoitiome mb Te siauetiporog.uen- amouni cf moue>', sud ut 'vonit]stili r.- l Islandi as a Province'cf tise Dominion. palain.Te o4ttina qus qtre mocre, bot te>' 'vnît carry cet Utiesireul on boarti; anti after ail, lise.tire, anti dieu on Wetinestiay. Atdes- GentZcmesuof1e.ouseqcfCo Mou-: tion, iL 'vill Se seau jn fasl>' axpasuntiati Liescsme$ Ls lLer nt secoîimateriai necessilies for necupt'natine tise filOsa ui eLs fioen u1r te sem tia thileoleti t ndeks moyu nc-ml ie'di .lun ah i-patel rmhw-is v sth,, lwig I H Majestys namne I- thank yen. sud upon is a'Excellen>'tae..hie >ears Le exhant tie resorcs as-au- rea ta tisa ependiug f " a ond imie" pniuas-fu îesple o aes ieroi'sad ahi., anti before James Holden, James egpeciaily on bsoardi a steamboat on te tise h e s at Mr u. Jorlan 'vcxàtgrasieti. Tise>' 'ili ensure Lise vigerces Hie Excellancy 'saii :Geutlemený. Austn, ntiJame Miisi alir'uonei bak Lkes hsme somewlssî irîtoxicaîti about Il pu-osecution cf Lise gu-cat publice'vonka iL us quit. unnecessa>' lir me ta assures Lise~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o sctm.(iea-)Hhvs of- O ie retente Port Par-v tiser. c'clock, snd lut a fine ini Lie kitchenseierî-i>caetfob'tsevns tien Lîtate Lisesis-cHei' 'asni- w'as aise a feu-tai meeting ibel.d, with steve tu puepare Mnmieu Tsmen-oule composition for cf tLisgrowing country'. y in t a pereessessiutisnigist.to- ha des-elopeultaLe inncforth, macis fu-ul r Ailema - pnas;cisairmas, raiuugL,, cunsisîiug .9! turpeutine anti Hem Gentlemen asnd Gentleenu speak on public affaira' 'vit suci.anti-- A i Liat 'as asket o ! tie -pui cie vsas t 'viicis Lie m e nite f tie W iitby r eail, w ax, snd, tt i. suppose(!, lie 'vent te I lase tfough t ut expedient lu tie o -iL> as yourselves, 'vila iw ays h a co- tiseirs, maty He Lîoughist l uts cns-eniece tLoTroute men, asd lied svitlsott cuoviug iL from the eLeve, intercala cf geoti Gos-eiment teaentier sidereti b>'me stiatse greatest respect,- ta heinerstsoftie onîrïtasu, hefecilities itaff-'rded for tise ciap wlsics 'as tiubtless tise cause cf lise tiat a commtission shoulti be issuedta 0es-en hai CoL ciscumàtanees aireal>- peu-t Lise lino.an uk conveance cf gcods norts. fire. Mie. Jorlau anti even cisilde nuire into certain matent coented cempelleut me te gis-a mcci auxicus Mu- Miise 'as est cîlti ponnui n 'eleLs e tu-aieo!fLise nortiseru ye.sle-epiug rip Luuius, aoi bu fou-e tht-y ithte Canauian Pacifie RalY, te tisougisîtte i.maLter. ta 'viici yen nu-ose amitiet clee'-s. Re saitî lielisati ccîutry tnibotar-tte Liun., 'vere dis- eeawtukeuied ftie bniing 'vas ens-ci- 'iicstisepublic attention isasbSenudi-,-an. new desirous cf cahling su>'aLLen- no icubi tisatIthe Pu-esiietîcul eul eplieti cussemi. - Anti wîen w'va sidtiLîaL' Mu-. opeul in flumes. Sise suceedet inlues- recteti, sud tisatishe esjueuce befone tien. Yen say,-in yenux memorandum sufficient>' fuihy. UnIes Lise lhure 'vis Ths.Paxston, 1fr. J. B. Camipbell, Mu-. uuping Ltuuugstise viudow, together -schl Coifisision ithouiti Sa Laken on tiat feus, mentis have elapesti since suprelby snedsmenasMessrs.. . - oe, Mr. Holtien, anti Mn. A. suiiis Ilîrceeof tis eclillrec,aui Mu-. Chas.oetuis Tise Commissieners ehali be iu- Houl. Mr. Hentmngtn preferreut grave Bcyd, Smîih, Mu-. Eiiis antd Isens, Gr n ee tise pirincipal speakers,, il Hoiey,-v-icse , xet-rîlcuis uleserve Creat stru--ted te preceeti 'iti tise Enqui'>'cisýgesoW corruption- egeinsi my -pra- Il.> ttiustexee t g n 0 s-î 'iiilu e eatiiy elies-etitisaitshe genthe- pu-aise, te-sieti mb tise iîusning building 'u sIdigueaîi etasiiersn si-sr irfrus e s aii but tie>' oui>' skntir afair ahane of men gse Lisrougiily acqîîaiuLetil'iti tise aI tise niseof luhs-n lhf., anti succeet- repent as vetilte tise Speakers efthtie Balses>'contract, anti tbat, aithoughs uhe patronag.El. Tise>"ouhld do tseiu- sniject left notb.ing unssiti capabule cf cd in nescning tss-ocf lise cîsiluinen in an Senate an-I Icuse cf Commons as LeaLise Honte lias appointatil ÉV committee 1est fou-tiseir patr-ons, anti if Lise>' dii ceain-t a fas-orable ipesi i uosl isensilhe condhitions, but net 'vitisout myseif. Jlmmediatel>' n r.ceiptcf the te enquîis' jtea. sagu-us po et ie bopet li.> 'oulu let Liscm iscar ten mieil tieheures. Mu-. Gonion,in ucos- iuruing- bis face antI neck. He vsas ne-peu-t I sial cause Panliament to Se ceedings-of Lise Coîsîmitta iavéton var- u! it, se as ta applh>ie pu-open neiieti> ung a speesai vote o!fLiienke to tise Pres- telti this ail, but svlsen aftcr'vands.it 'as summoeustifo- Lie despiteis o!business, ions grouutis been postponet]; atM- tie Le 'veuiti b.welh pîcaseu vsitîs a shse' itieut ant iriectore o!fLis. niiiway,ilweit thiscoveel Lisut an ittic ginrvs-as scliiin antategis-cyou au .ariy opportunit>' of enguir>'lha. net yetLaken place.. 6- uf Liie business o! Fencion FPs.andti pon tise quick anti caf. tu-enlspusnîionsflie hanse il'vas toc lutte te nescueber. laking sncb ne-port inte censideration ; tiemen, ne per'sou cen regret 'sn-e Lluiucsgeo. leant bi coieagesof geode b>' tisa Wiitby & PortPeur>' Au iisqu-st wbs ioiti, andianvenrdic et C massvîihe, I hidi >ou !arevdi. deep>' tissu I de, Lisese un Ontunatet-é- . se cn imlkes-Lsylin., paying a juet tnibute to lue oficene turuseti cf IIaccitieutai dealîs,"lat Lise On Lise neturu cf Lise Speaker andt laye. Tise mer.se, as tise>'seem hoa ~ no5~t tie Iitietis>' ougstof tise rosul for tiseir canefelnees, said saunefunme ceusuiing Jordan, tisrougl Minisueriai memiserste thie Cosmons, huave gis-ennise te tise impression tisat 'lcui s-netg auhec)uiaet, eysuhte seltiug forthlut tise sameLimie Lise anu l- vose canelesues.suad intemlperancelit teentminutes Le four, tise>' 'er. me tise>'have iueen.unneýssa'intioerpose' unig t viîtcseîuu iecgeen vutges cueil> elug scith1thtIs is-c eiginateti. ceis-eti 'us isisses. ed th ie ectien o! tse- Executuve. IL. ['niehuli e isirohjeiani vhen w'iolee i sercisant cf Toruonto insteati-------- -Mr. lMackenzie Lisen announcee tsuit ma>'be prematnreuttibis momaentteen-- sesa tser. w-c es a abjtpoindtion itef zai- te Montresi anti uoiug bulicess. - Iosete go Wcst. e mee-ting of Lise memhers.oppoe ati$0tern hiLe a' bister>cf tise diseilosance df eceii bce spceudly rectifiet]. As tiser. Tise motion 'vas secontietib>' Mn. -fie course tisat lied been teken b hie the Oatlis Bih, but tis much- et ail rau- se-euah tisr getleen 0 senkJames Dryiien, tise 'vsle cf tIse gise-ste Tis is an inquir>"hici es-ern>ea Gos-eîun-Genenal veonitibcSelt-linsutise es-euts, it la but fairtLe esy oce tiat I tk-e oncelt b'thnkigentseen pa joiniug lsisnin dtingo, andtihie ehair- sisoultibave tutiulhi>'arswsereti befuuue Geucral Commufte. B-oomn, 'vitier tiesa ioult state, ani is,Lisat immediatel>' l i o n lte e il > ' u is iu k in g L ise to u s i o ! m a c b c d c c l> ' t in te to t e n d e r L t e g e n - O p s t o e brlu eo l e s î o k d f p I b d a s n e d t i t ; t a t forcgopear otise 'uVhkithe toa&tPortPe-r'lIemet isonoret tise compliment o! Lue lestîrts eus bis 30cm.>', anti a luttle Ooitinmebrsaticu ocked an ted al atetifi o itt h e I in s b o l> '.a ttr a n s m ut&7iPo r t arc e ia e te tin ic e p >'m ne !iin f rtis a itusa>. vote passedti in 'vien tise Coutme- cr ae ueainto u ots TIe foilo'vingl is tise motion put inte Secreta-> cf State, iu accondance witis Mr.Hîlien'vs cxt eiltifor ettidore oe@amore eu-ris-ad ut tise vwhiarf sill in many>'aestsavc mccli tsoebl,, tiseisantiscf tise Speaker b>'Mu-. Mac- tise instruction u vs bWicl I am iSouist lr od wsnx aldfran a atuedth ie part>' ahistife sud soundtlme andiusone>'. kenzie 'vien 'Lise Speeker' tcok-th- -eusn cb occasIons, tint leauing myseif n uisiug 'vas greeteti 'itis cheens. He anti in the hast a! spirits. tahar-thLie opluouai opîifiion loutieti on sî iepy n ddeson um uîir Tiehe at amis-et simonti>afLen n I. iaoBio &Quue> îoved b>' Ms'. Mackenzie, secontietitse precedeoceffo-uee b>'tshe at et tise ru ie copieann t cf Lite tond. o'ciock, 'vîsen tlec'vhsole part>', 'itît Rtihu-oadtissielie-etI n epheuditi repu. b>' Mn. lton,-"Tsat tis !lause, Ceondian Pariatteît-'hci empow-v ftas oemimci etuof fie.tliath Id one or t'vo exceptions, precepetit on talion in lIse mît tisu-e- yc-u-asathLie iuring tise preeet session, orrdia s -atse SenaLe $0 examilii 'îttieses son wa iwsite easmneli- a oadteseciai train in 'vaitiug anti icatIiîîg Passeuger Route Le Lise Wcest. enquir>'b>' s commiîtee cf iLs owù. inte cats,Lisat Lise sab wec s ltu-.ire, I se- frai atis-catedthe construction cf tise M - pchi'cniht e 'ity t ~ tCsc" l certain gras-e charges iu cennection otpsulei h b>' s full exposition cf Lise roand, anti b. sas prendst haelinscivetWhiîb,'tise psu-t>'anti aînumben o!fu-PeoiS rns'iti tise gnaoting e!fiie charter andiagmns'iii eudiesre i l Ise, tise day 'vien if luinopera. inviteSf fiende 'vraeegain dfiteutainel directl LiugsSoîsruI' anti coîtraci for tise construction cf tLil support, butt-n tse peint hein,- rafene7-- cun. WlVien lie filon pointet cut tise et ujicer, gt ulii is te beet style o! Nebruaka, 'viti close connections Le Pacifie Raii'vay, 'vics, if true, serions- la e "tssu-Secu-etar>"cf State- for tieapro- vast Ltae 1e ho openedul p b>' lie miii.le-sot o! LileRoyal lcîc. A repe- Cahjfornia andtihie Tens-itonies. It is iy affect Lise efficia[ lieues'anti integ-it>' fataoni opiniona! tse las offices-s cf ýuil.dicg o h io ie gmtwt tititîn o!fetos&sud- satimeuls a£rain aise Lte short line antibt-st lin.oLeviss-sf titisxenueas nsti irienad- te u i tib-astieCned ineti. at- tie cm-y e! "bpii froge"; but 'visatwesetook pince entil Lise Isol c a-i~o i ieiniei is rsn ts-spooneiIcni iow tIsene-suit. Tise>'bilsatiaseae tics arrivet ihlcu oquickly, Su tLitneQuncy, Missouri, anti poitL s nKansas tience o! Penliement ; tiat tse inv-esti- tisaiiserefore tisa Jostponement of- thsa a>' some e! tIsene-sources cf tise im-isutale a de te ineeL tise Grausind ti Newv Mexico. Psusseugers on Liseir guttian tises oruereti las se far' net heen inqjs, se ana as à ut aaisaen ont' oiT iunse country Ltalue openeti Cli sîsulTrunk local wiiîbail a siieciai car fer svny vestward causuci uicbettes' ntissu Locceetdd'vitis, c'iug t10icusmtancestLisciranustance,'bas resuteut wlol-- se te Ls ie i s'as hikel>' ta pass cer the esîctssionists. Tii. Torontcnisuis take tItis soute. iset anticipatei 'vien tise enqui'>' 's l1>'b>' tie.-operatiurfc! insudatibas; te reil'vny, ititket up as iL 'voulti le- 'ere eccoun aniafile tt.Granti Tunuk redadtti Jth imesv bubon hecnolfan n )ysc e sMsr,ýed and io b'Thlngismieo!Lînioliasterîl atitietutlatie mpraiv beabaopamispchlet o a>' y e ceeu mcx as Mesie.tatioPn'by'uisllinounsupubishtofia pnunp dut>'cf tis Hanse et Lthe eariiest posai- ccces'ned. Yen tiien proceet turge teiisent oisca.H.espokesibueu- fuiends frcm Whitby anti Oshsaweaanti entitICdti"Ho'v Toeo WFST," 'viicisbic moment Le inke suci.steLps as 'viii me on groundis, 'viici are vr- fais-ly- egs man,asdst fi c iegentlemenlie lad pinces cou-Lt, anti 'vio, aftcr s geneuai coutaitîs muci saluabîe infou-muation; e seu-sa foullParliamentar>' enquis-y; anti forcih>' sistet, te deale'thse adi-- ianct as business meus, ta 'viseenter-isanui.shakicg sauL p de-leu- afte citeen lange, ccrrect uap cfLise Gu-eat WesLtisat censiitetiouiai usage requires tstt vice 'vîsics ins beeunanimanael> tan- - - tise tecount>' ailarge oseati tebisLte train for Torontoe used oItu- sci e u oîie fcs chtarges cf corruption. egainst the. Mi-taeîLmeo'epniulmists, grtinuefo 'ittL~c> le dua'arda." ister o!fLise Cs'o'n sisqulti b. jstigat. te refuse te pronogne arliae ses'n -'varie advauciug is pu-ospent>-. He bAu lime as'nantheueents cf iiitpanlilme., tti~~ Lei "nito."htI~ane siuicsre Tie eîio th iu- Kmbah -Nouutitrseut sn'enus ppoit a iaccu ate ud bas denieti on oatkiLise aLln "aoten i' sa'(i as te tLe in," anllt e "csgg," 55 flat cars ujrnam>c!tisnCtmslo f tires gntlePmaOn o crcne !li>ddciu iau 55e! niu emploeti ii desdop n It uriLen boxeau-s, Titisgis-estLisent ve, -îri.lte-aLusis uis-i ens-ii.,isete take evidena, coider cats, 1fu-uî m ss, andl variousýasser-tionscon- onu-ces o! thccountry>. He heua e suffieieut capecit>' for nesulil>' neuuovîng andtineitisrtat lieierttt ndtuulto report te Pansmn,'iiliLia ntsenf-ii- c ieoie, îcctet 'vit thtie naiuvay pu-cje-ct ,antIier.cTheicauaemeet an>'aamount 0i cileuit vyste ciittinti. u-eeklosnessto! tht,' andcosi inethuen.mTIe causeao!tIse- se-wouiîi te sumonaiet abt aniy husdte- have eu eiysel conînsslateti. I. m is ncpton ati sal i'ay ai-frehispasesig ov'er te noati. Se fer, cnhntrsi tîienc ie - N,@ t<u. wes specitled, but tIl E-cal. -tise Goeruor General, upon tis. eteti anti seppertedth ie projcct toefIu-Lue peetbai! and, tIse rtenusrcte-vs-ceilec ie.iat iutinsatedl Lîat si t'o f L;ntssstreugts o! sucsevitence as tis, fo' * uet c lui alihit', itisct fs-o ah hesipet 2,h0au-ye teret lur ' lu-tain, sciose ltt>'it 'vas le seau at La a uptein session 'vessti bcebe-id. Wis <driv-e fuom -isupresence gentlemen viso, e eto i bltt out acl s vîte ,0 at, esl rle',178MountI hepassesgex tripsseti, resîseci Le Lte dialowanca cf tIie fo- yess, have fillethetia iigisst offices 'vwa' cf ils succes. This ceeurse lie5,000,0150 feet o! limbes', 119,50f) slaves, uiers te pu-occed.T he 4itucteo- Oano"bl ies, x c 'Iati tatoti !Staetsess, a rl vioduring Lisre eat hl intendtiebpurse. Ani] as fan as 151,000 siieges, besitleta large tise coal train lia; se coutue ct -h isat nbise s-a tha ettcisti e cnladssont',riauant anfiepceatetIL> 'vwas personaiiy cucenseti, iasing ameent emsco cosfu-litg.Tie th is i e andi s ogi lilis %r unnhm fMntbb net been seeîsn th roaitîce theinites-ouiset.rcîer ts ainouetsaece? iL canîsinge e tetiesat a;tn vetfieti. No liise is attaci t e theisehg catied fou-, saut had, îsti oiiug teappeereti, Inconnaction 'vit tise,. n 'vio lied lest spoken, itlseoniiBOnet t upsearuis cf $11,500. Tis is ar officens tof tise puissetuger train. fou-hi. unterest te place obstacles cf email as-eu-ea, for, se; is 'vehi kne'vn, it -ahi te "hat bat failen frous Mîr. Cart- metters, o!fs'aiy grave significauce5 in Ykinul in tIshv'e at tise soentat is in thse iast hall of tiseyeer Lise greaL - -----Ùd-- wrigist, saetiat 'vien is Excellen>' regard te seiici tise fullest expldkatian lie s-ced. He truatedat te .oue- buîk o! tisdfariner»' prou-oe -lias 10 lue -a b&SisuE-AH <AtMsi isi10siiuo iesmeniai m dtuai e gs-nbu esspril oof h st ie o! aih connectad ti viitise s-catimos-ad. Itsers-es tLewv, isoseves', Kînu.. lits 'uVîrIN 'ras 'uVees.-laic 'ould tiLediamia whiitrs s e duuei'iic ntcsai>'cne siti lue snob as 'vouitiobtein Lise isaL th. s-atibas beau tieing evan i n uys.CuLiEsATTttACr AeNTIýnTscnîe.- (M5r. Cunninghlie) sai tisaItisa, accu- tsem i tiste cuipebi. transactions or et anti confidence o! tise pubul.i. i mperfeat anti incempieîe condituon, Seaforts, Augnst 17.-A man named altions 'vere before Lte. buse cf Cosu- wvIsih, iL la assesiti, tse>'forai a part, est]>' tishe od lsatieffecteti mueis antigis-es satie;factor>' assurane cf Sctit, e scisool teacîser, w'vlisas heen. mous anti n(jt belon. lis Excellena>' iovevten queatioud1ble tue me>'appear, ut ; iL hall ratiocedth ie fu-igîs ht it i lacapable cf accomphigIing s' esîding lat Detroit for soeutLime paatt forînal>', hlia t no.igit te take action as piacet in a ta-position,'vilatisa tier frotu Linday> $0Peu-i Hope, vslien füi>' comnpleheti anti equ ippl. reterissne es ouFrida>'theeniglît le tiîe Matter (C0uiers.) ' carrespcnien ce o nis tleyihavoe esi cents er an iousacti, antipubtishe A large trade bas Seen sîreeti>'built train, anti 'ent tLe his faîher',bohsce, lr. Bersea(New Brunswick) strong- appendedthe b.pet-sou 'vio -baspos. ference je tisa peekets of tise lumben- up, antil wiii Se daily growsiug tlas-gerl -atout fis-enuiles frotu ileafents, in tise 1>- sypatsizei wits theruema seof sessed i siosaf thasu. Tndea tises, s. Ha admittedti tistLhey oud-ad Anti, as et once-tise shortasLti aicap. ï_'township et Huilet, 'viera lie .m[et bis Mu-. Cunîsinghamn. ccunistances, 'vIatrighit has tise Gos'- bt cf gratitude $0 Lise lumilermeën, est route, tise gres atu - f te lumisen 'ife andl thueir >'ungest chitd, ' nue Mn. Ciuncs (Nova S'ieremukei ert'Generil-tipro-clelinte Canada, mnen Lisuoughisseameans Lise manufactureti in tise uortisenn district mOrls ith$ . b- is>' Ie!t te-.aboet Lisat- lisExceileus>' 'as ver>'decideti nsy, ulal oui' acanada, but toAmerica tii o! is fidt andtihLse'fore'st wu 5muat finti iLs say fs-dus Port Penny os- eu tea. su. on Satuis>' Le go Le Mrs. Te sis.opinioua, thoughi neceising tisesuErpeasuca oeeiugoi lopig, but h. algo caimedt biset Lise he. rom Port Peny ,$0eBridge- ScoL's fatier, Mu. Joisu McMiin's dteputeins itit courtes>. Tie great Lis partpe, aI s sha pry-d,-ionI rodaihdg 'vatitvaltuoe b'vi g- noritisanee is au exteul o! nninterrnpt- acreas tise fielti sud tissougi a pieca ci bulecf tise people cf tise Psovince frous SaliOeeshieMiister a!'bl pradetspeser alu b>- poviingetinas-agaticu cf-neani>' ninat>' miles- 'vootis. Net au-nising a. et Mlae' i v-it wis habcama dasirôét $ aettsce lagtaaus Io~~rj l ie n c i s a ap .t r a n i t t e m a r i se L. 1R i n o s t e n > ' a n d l n e n t i a a st e l y i n t o . i se i L ' v a s us p p o s e t i t i se > ' i a t g e L a c h a n c e m et t e s nd u l > ' I n s e s t i g t t b e o el e' t" r imo s e tis & pg O 8 a i s t 4t a 2a h , a L isa tie inteoresîs cf os 'vo-landiteasi cf tise - Limbes' aouutry, sud Lise sud lisutigone te Seafonts- --bunal sich, tise Houa. ibatilseleateti, all cf tIseEIOÃŽieantip te~il ilm Liee t vek Ienmnicel>, atiriver. fovsing ihas e L Lke's, - tiyn on su ra muning a man paçsing anti fusiiîg teolistain tiat, publie feeling 'direct communcatie»o ikth plf th sestr cin reovu gthe tro.u-hi tselgandti imbes are, fisateti', tise wooi vs triteib'tieoyu4iMo-er. l 'alib.otaed,- ment of tiseDominion, Muy preseue p [sefcu.st orin emohgtis p ofr tise manufacturer, gis-e a furise cf thae t d 'vhieIliela-oistuintis e atga M'Paquet ecidec a fe'vw wntis inLthe b4rs-s ents 'vouis ld spes;b se o ! t h i e f le t, t i o s e e m p l o y e ti h T - L ie e x t an t o f m o r e t h u n o n e i u n d r a ti m i l e s o !f L ie ' o o d e n t a u s i s i n - a " Bit le s a e a s e n s e -t s a i s u p s s c l m O s i i s l > , a I eu t - ,fii anti goond wouk 'vuniibSefeuntic vtn dmuaîon i ~ ~tnîts onearcM' 1 otani Mn, Canaion couniteti on tiis b- a suaet b>'ii> Pimossb . a ing togaisaantiailuitlng .ýinlsîs, assillas tis.fan prodluce cf tise bis vifa 'witis thein tiu-atg cnt. Mfrs. ing no mes-e part>-meeting, Sut compes. report aft' rcehg tltz eisndînfaunt> ieh atipsesar- ceuntry,-o! trous 'pigiit 'teitvelve anti" Scott's wwspartiaily biden isitudea by'eel cf' liissittes o!tise lieuse. hesoî usssuqnn~ss ~u -Ol anti iluent l't'im utfifteen miles at achside'of'tbe Laiie,' jog'visiaüuis uîg Lte e!tesnoou liter '-Tish isi-uo o«-e-atisiipaliamtsnIatjounni " p,' n i L b r o r t o !f L ie ir ô n i so n se s v li a is c en Se ,p i ec e d ho n b o a n t o f s ao w , ' th e r p us s e d lo s e S >' a s h o ' ve u t t a a il ve r e et ib t r I >' t ae ue x p r e s s h i e - e y e t ore d 4 t w' v u s .1 n c ý neartifrôsu the Atlantic etiste Pacifie. 'vii acteas feeders tetise te~to'~ M- ct, oa 0iqieaottsu isns irsn t i b> s leade ti LO ,e -"t. ih- s e r a ) - A g a n t h a n i n g t i s q er n e r o s, . A n t i t i s e i m m e n s e p o p r t i o n s i - n e r i a b e u e i f r h s M , L f a s e s t i i v s n i e m e t i u ý o n , t - t b s l ~ l~ i d i e tos... .ma d ,..t.i î ia h êt k si4 a i g li u d h t -t e ra-of o -â N ,-fl m e a Dhs w s - 9 rt v 'o u iti e'i n uà m i r., '-s -* t t-mu- 1: 's-'

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