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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jan 1874, p. 1

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----80U à&& tue ri&kl r M L'out% lier Urie. nr#t allégratnu, Alid e conta, pek, "0' e*Wi 'Idubmeý 7-7-1- ý7 queut iuàtirtiuri. :A - Ltr4ets- guade with advertimen VOL . X V III. PRO.Vi. NCE r"-HTffl,, DA-Y JAN wliting iL 9 - 0 .irAJilô' IIOTEL. NSTE ON ON lie, ANO- ýÈý, FÙRTE iid, 9na -Mà1ný5, ong 0 ýt4e_ Bas'i'ness Direotory, t'W AND f WHITBY, ON TAILI UFACTURING CO, ---------- SINGING AND SIMGING 88F Toi ilmp-»tý6 M-LATED 1918K FIRE INS. C0.ý. Ç(A -8 -TAU1ýfiTJ1 if, - it le l a 0 j qw je Of c4mklli6 A ptirely cala IVAKMI, PROPItIETOR. f gi,ýwing, "T th& elâ allias; Iiiiititutiiiii. MR. GEORGE e-WIUGI A-1 ràg, WIIITBY BRA-NCII, Allio Xgent sud Appraiser fur elle Canaille ýSuperior iirromodatiojjý' Table, supplied rotniort,ý, ý- c ;ýi amnoth Gia SI, Ignelit Bllil'IÎY£g 91,114 Sà&vittl,"ioclf'tY, fut %itil betit il, seasoil. Getjuine liqllors. Bega'to anncmne mile th t lie wm m Il Ëàw te A People où the' et;,*" el rueiý= ýý-Ufts and. THOMAS I)oW, Sienne 01 laouey ut Sels, rates; oijutmiiL i"tbritudî. Billardroom. Rnouiv il (ýuýnpi ý,ýMRBO.; m -ivili lit well in e*very iiiiii. aille on 151 but r yeggr XAX-toma. t1Iý2 d sheds. B&tf' rgan, rpaw)» abIeý ter tri Y lire lad RMSH AMERIC" rnzzrné,3inçffi&l and Singing TltÏUJ> n4 tuneiL En îd RITISX AMERICAN IIOTEL, th,07 and il fà N K Let dieil 1 ne. le the- T B Y A 0 FN C y, R A Y S , W Cela 34âe not the A sàurance compdipy.. wee îîlei ri t -, , y B. TAYLOR, 2fth, 18M., Ve. el die; th we Iiive th wu aIgggcý (LAT£ eoBlioN IC ', 85 mwllr avez ew y nie Anr.XT. CAPITAL, 9 w ooo. WHITBY, V-W Rio, f &bout,-84 wi DUÇ'Yëari dying E, Wake - fflf, W Y, ren nom #11. j N tinoin wben .0 ESTABLISH'En Un the bead CING -,e-li corder wAN rtý Pm tNCERY&CoNvl, , j ",Jjdl) bil -of 'it! tg nibui4 ta-find Ymng. ry- 1 * .1 - 'r ý 1 - in h 1, a1tow if relit luýyw' Ëâe- an Wing Court Renne.- Ar. This alil and well established C MPêL1j>ý tradjis. ý(tlàs4 eultlIgle romins. To whon,7 raugernen if, for wpeelal retltilpr if Non lire Flre;t n fé wrmfr, 1 brt. PMPA»d ta accept "a in au 4111 i4rithout; Let; ('iwieroli, QC,, tend Dr. Q. C. ijropert d 1 1 QN 1:1,0 T B L Vic,'Cap. e = ai, for establis led COMPémy in Canada, ýj L B biteil froin eed 0 looluted and tion-liazardons property in Probi ng-*fiifýhallthen J- II t',% SI F %% 1,,'IA,. #A.. . aile- 6îiIr5ý&Ë 0-4, ellureil for triree yeurs or leu lit speciany jeu WHI N"ril)g itltnxiep, g, th a BY, 0 or ny à Pas :2 e-1 On 19 on, flOtNTY CROWN ATTORNEY--FOR Mtes. the boum a, Àbg l1qp-ýý ights, enwin -6, Bi -on OPRIETOR., Diglit tjlIý seven o'CW.k,, -*,P.Umd Y",fdie Barripiter, Solititor, Convey. L. FAIRBANXS, in., on Mtu Why heive wishsa th" his diglyo 1 rl Y -1g'nt&tQ' 1'l"dig's ttýc,,, &V, 001(le-Lat* 0 bour QI *" où Xý rèz 1 ey eî, ilceBrock Se., whitl", 'Ïýhe Albion hAq, eý tlkr '% VIIen th" 0.« wit4:.Um »t.. LýH. Cochrane, lui 'W 'aiz - i LO FR-q, Allil the pu Lfiui r(nrti A ttomey, Brook Street, Whitby 1 shali ej 4*80 Inte i -ire. elba, itti»s-hii"- the e"".- em itnd-' weary nWTARIO FARMERs, MWIr ce tUe el, ution- 01 M, ýrigein thin -elmu ji If EN 14RIror i.-Obsti)g$N f. n M ililut AND. RG r 1. R, in Wild sr Il Ta" The lending Pa u With the h(ýýà Of't iu elifineory, (,'itlv paw- WN lias rrét-isplv tdeoefthe»U'§' eertille, kaw thii Notarv 1,111dia N . A, SIRAT) BROCK PT fOTINT B "Tiiumnti." the beaintv niform, tue double Offlee-Over 'ST., WHITÎ A Y wiît clinoil's store, Bruek Street, ýiliiitityi ont. bY. ýmw nfliaIefs, flie 4-linkerleàgîýjirratq ga eir N Ji A1ýf0 ulxive 42 fine. thp etsne con- ew léido Company làýïurex FarmBélJldiyigý Gti greet; Coutitry Chtirchesi,.'ý;ehnol HoumeRand theiý y up 4-1. and iý ligin in addition a returyi fwe lir. But inine a rçint-, file h-at ýrOn.d and Juder tà. rtlible 1 am the ruemories sail-if swepS;-ý_ m FOR SATZ Th& litiglitfi ai rUteN &A LOW UK t)l~, 01 aie, stabi- _1ý4 crévided Sr a, ýTT0l9NI ýY-ATLAW 4;OLfCITOR TN -0 -fistal)IÎKloed Company in Canada. gIg and attentive Il botter» oftlie Rtove. Ilit past; the "w guesta in lifela 'à; Vil, JUST LOSSEý$ PROMPTLY PATI). 'à land NEW AMERICAN" Lot ine sleep We 'OMy«r 1 Thèýýéntgâ 1 AL of 1R q Id r4l 'stégo s -Sexcell Stovp in warranted toIje Il L. FAIRBANKS, in., J. B. DIC4pXj,, H 0 T E flet 27,in the Io- Coeking - Lie ni$ 014112 Mý beart is ho font'of tht eh*; 1. wed. and eyes lm dim lad ilwell. 4 %Va quote the telr fý ing bonse, biem ûýl1ýe ýrg thetZnited Stlites. 1. fi. of.. Preinfileiii lm wl And t, k ýtz Wind-guë" 'Ont-builililws-. well eno., the Hght **tered. The ]and si icitillite on the lesdillg ypars the New yorkStato culture, % py et witili -Came ai, AT LAW. SOLICITOR IN in &lu ton 'agent "', ". 11. c , - 1 1 OF Awi 0 up to rry phis COjaf uy. e 1 rti, »Oýèf'hanfl Jet well &da tell for a garden- gwgrtlm it ttp e. 1 Wilo treade on an oid man's grave i BIW Anui -4eýy lit the Clironic. office, br ta ; ittonktho Süver Nieilal ovgir all thil 'Ap'l you t4 "th - oqtnvflg in the .(Mlltrv lit thjm fiir of Ail New ýluhttL(Leinmtero'ýinitgo 41ft ai t me into th yAîýejaITISIl QtEI-N 110TEL, ýý9E-NRY TRULTil themeelves look Qjeair %jl 1 1, il. 8'l- Yq!uan., attentivé. - - ' 1 Enirla"d. Tt tiloir ituri ç'the laist two yeare LB.,itt.1 n1the abadow am ail too neair Prellsifigin. no leu tlian ore t. ep Altltlg'l'l:,It. AT. LAVý ore, » tbiLpe le, lsm. whae trié old T"r-dim 1 0f,ýy0- Stilitýifo)r in Cléjowd-ry etittl fil 41 Il - PNý-3liuils 1. ýthé. cave of the earth dowa lathà-Mo W* lýay up the et#- - 'UtiÉltRkILWAY - JAS. D'«£WART, PROP, 114H.1i; j'rock let Wliitti) W WILLCO*,X, At varions exhibitions, among thelp The greenneu whereon 1 et" Wz_ý- here Gregoi The -New York Stnte Foire stan 'Véry coniro IWITITRVSTATION. The Vprjnorit State Fmir, .14. i et '4111elâill arc,)tntliodoti, 'Tix saio 1 that a cent Jt-iiiF.1t. gtsottN. li, A sou leu and bu 'ý.dd- Ming land ior cotinsel, 'PllopnIETO]R. L 1 Clf- SE 0 AUCTIONEER TI-P Illiiioi-4 State Fâir, e heart sui-h ee>!.o "rt)RNLY-ATiAw, souci-rou IN if deop i sbijý. Thi» Nliqý,iiigLu St;ttp j.eniý il th abidef bows and CIIII,11cery, rý1i1ld Ag-llr. Portion ttiking! Ili FOR TUE C(JUETV OF 0NTARjcý $Ny) Ille àNew Eligiaild stIýw rair. A Id th. valleye stretch and #,'ümnta glide Weavers apr il train 4rl;l IOJI"in£l hormex That sec no greenneu ud féel no tide, nite. Ili Il rriâlIý1§ 131pek, Bruck st_ i.umiii» i "ill haye the- weIl tktký.n étire of till tl,,i, The-re ni of it in t:je States in Theii sleegg whae a thein ter hù & IS7o 701JO; 1871. 8.(»); IS72, Thii the Old Tear dies 1 Sig il 1 New, Gri y-ar it):as beeli iusprove,(I bv ai,ýirtz an ait- l -1;ý&ps while glea iiiilersignf.(. 1 _ __ 1 Me of the future's fight f. le IY f11ý% 1 Il ýfIýîlIjz E(;S te tliailk bis iliati friltidr. aud Ille 91ilikor gritre and mien liglois' in froat.- On -Ili, fýrehead the New Yeair weare want te glie Il 0. Agpnt- fier LO1ýE -1,011NEVS ni of ý,witli 13 te rien. %Ve sel] it with or, withotit the (opper rpsý-i 'l'go AlilrisTi.lifs Air Lnifiýi.t.r lit. public gmerdl-.* fier 1 le liberýl .ai %VP MâY ilot care how the long dread npight' W'th ý itils, lent, (.(j4p ge bestulved upou lýjn (JUI'illg Ille leuý, f',ur voir, and 'Ile elist iron wtriiiri,, closet ho- a Falls dawm en the old grey haire come ont ýI.Ij with liitl)tldter ait ext(-iiilý-F ni cý .1 ai. ýun'i stove pipe, and it will But the veil of the griv"lou(lo gâther near manners, if 1 ffl(,t- - J,%ýrt)jj Strect, ISqutli of 11te-i (JI X)1 Ani] the long deaith-siience lies cluse te mý know how., Vý' hit l'y, iéi.btrif" PROPUTETOR. L, .1.1y 91-21 up tlie--husiij"g (If ai 1 _. I'IIItiý 9 bill i-19 trnm lis pan et a-ly tinte ear; L U M B E R Ilitellil, iu future, ta devot Iny rpplai-& uny i-odiniig of our str)vts thât lua.v Se I have no joy in the cem.iàg vear,-- 'Mayor of Art*()'.1'1101).%T'o WhOir tilile te) Ille business al Aletie said by yon, Il ts', 1 1 ý'l'i t N. &C, "lacer, et broken-a gr#-nt advatitag». Let me sloop whfiq the 01j year dies 1 rt 1'tý,rr-v Iiiei lady 1 wisi - - Il %vill be illy AND T1iEAý t liolé, wli-!rte lie k,-e,1,s hl- prompt and J. CAJIMICMEL, Pront IlOYAL LANADIAN HOTYL, eurefül ettentioli ta 1,11, 5 lawa, -%:av. 18-4,4. UE il, ilýilirizie ROIS ('ititIl)lt-le gel ciness, to give fllil 01 48tf yon. jeffori if 41 kill(tt+ for Rait, sâtieîfýertioll tu ail who inity fiLvar ne %Ville 1 TH C MAY01Z 017 WIND-GAP. -id ye.' Aý ta, 1, qj'vlork. wlig)I"Nltlf. Illid retail.- ilvl»l.y. ONT., tlit!lr:salt!s (Pr cullectifig. bowed himu lagitmiiig nàni-ifizj,., tend ail r -l LA B te) W(,Rk .-% 1. BilL i1raughrt-4l and Bialik Nôte, 1 WOOD FOR SALE. l'ICOI'IIIETOII. ..d 1.gî CHAPTER VIL Now Mien l' 'Y. free- eif charge. The f;lll)gc.riier lion for sigle It ilig Ifill, - teen bfaller, Gli Al.-4).Bill Stailips iilwaý,s4 ail bond. 'Faikg. anI surpiv 1 otitylit Nliiv 27, 1147,3. rionfl Ktablilig Arraiigtiiieiiii vu rietr Utiem, a qtiautity of i.)sr-foot bielle tu carry relisons. ro',to, and attentive ostiers. il be Malle fier Sales &'f. fol. tile (,,'nlttlty est 06 . Itaria. lit the C IV lieagl hiclipr than ever 1 (111. But, yourself; rem pitgliiii Polit CML-tl, Olitano. Ji-ut'N"cLE office. ttliitb Obserri- A. B. CAMPBELL. - 1l"34 Itlrlif',.I*11 tell Yeu how 'tiq te be, fore You 4', t 'y l"mi-Nir, FOR F S T E Il 1%, -Il 01C SE (,filet* Prilice Albertf uljdat the Istandara Utieil, sept. c-m' 1873. (iftiee, Purt Perry. tliiq prilsent tirrie-tlie roail is tue, nar- gaw Yon wen DUNDAS STICI ýET, WHITISý. W. M. IVILLCOX, ".W ter thme of us, and 00 WA nxigt while agoue- Tillit farine lut 21;, 3rd col,. a Prixice Albert _111110%0N Till" COUXTY Sept. 24tli, 1672, VCID vigtirn ni parlv tiike otir way ilown the bill over elle 'OÙ, injeeti s Bysoil Sir«t, Wljil by. Wliitlly. kilowli lu; 89 r«velý.' Afrnogt while lie spoke, the the younR lai M'ed wofflil intitteffle ta the ipri.mistiire il , &( el 111 Illalti ýlitvor of M'inil.gop sujdenly Ruided dj ,cuit X, THE 1 1 DONALDSCN el above pré-inisés )lave I:epiy ýTALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. -véry gî(lvertisý4 _,I TA RM, fitteil ail, tend -liirll;le ýrn#-aIIs if v0lieil lie wili i lier fi-oui WI)f'rp tlJPY gtOOd- and ran frighten ye m -gt Liquetrs ']l'Il Cienrie. '-TI,ý(ream of ýi-II,1 Ire- tt. l'i fe W ilh lier d0wu the uy's 11OM1111AL, LONDON A 1141 ait lit present in thé- ovelipati'ut of le- "u trerers. ýNtIfirf-gg- bill Of which ffl- spake furtlir I)Ilrf* lellitie %'Ville M'al Lag. The suligeriber offers for sale tlL. fullo' H. REE VLS, 78 Naesal, 4t., New York. i nve sprkon. you on yotir g -1 tlêe eye R. 0. Il. L., Cuittailla 19t) ai-res; mixent 1,4 Thesthrfinge man. sthrange as - - 1 - -d; (]Wêlliytpri gnifi and retail. 13,,ar-*ir. taken liv illu vuluable property, il, the Toivri of %Viti,- (10 a -right (;Iý(Zegé!4 ; -41)1f-11(lid (ire, hitr)atllI week. e Mitli 1 acre OAL AN.) WOOD. 1) tg -J. le>- -llAil !>Xceut-lit Brick Cottag Wall, ilid net attempt tO follow them; dour, fur the Apply tô.- JOSrPIT A. PeNI)FL.ý If land, situateil on the e(pnicr Of Gru-el, and c 1ý1l1v glailliuc a Point from wWeh lie the kind of J)ENTIST. (ý,« CLç, JOTIN A. 7)().%;ALI)SOI;, si- l'eter Sts., in the Senti, Ward. Aise, 4 The uiitlerFi--neil becs ta rfturn thnrlk,, f'r couli! tinte flie Progreiffl 0 the 0141 fel. IIIISSING II(ju8Iý7- uere (Pl land, u*ell f.»siced, and lit a iligil stjgttý rge. During mlleh mode b, %or IL) %V. SI ' Ctri J., Ille Mw-rul Niid iiigreub;ing I>atrori;.gi. he low. and bill elia bill rê- 0' the 9traniyý Vh1thyý nlver ])Pntltl lîtrept, ford mtsý, NortL %Vara. 4 âcre ini Centre si. %.eurs in 1)iIsillel-s, and lj,-ri- ifffortris cug- tirteen would oce Duiidit 6.'V't Eliligratiail Ollive. tel cultivittion, Cartier %Velliiigt4il, and Gif, lias 1meu favoreil %vi il (Illritg bis tbrel- trpat. '%la sinnàlly e Xr. Store, Nitruil, 25. IF47-1. 131r COR. KING %-il) aFfnn" TnFFTM. 1 by ligok up and ntlslrpi;g a wordis bis Iiitu lie crouit P-4111111 A I lie I'esJtleyjdýr of C. Draper Esq rantepr tlifit fi#. bas neew fi t -111p, 'W' tu , What can, ýwr9ctioll (Ji touilà. Jç TA RIO. gr sale âïll kiii(Ir .4trjtnge, il, ýXL)xiil#1 Gus zd rilluistereil fier tfàe I)jtiltletfti c Il 0 lie 0 N T 0 0 N the '--)Utlj Wargi. Alsej 20 agrrex of gond land uf the beet Autlriicite and Ditumin.jus jile u!i.!er bis breath lie Olisil or very heil-sz colliposeil of part of lot 18, luth con* telline, lier 'Do JAS, T. JEWELL, m nt let el), 1 rownillile 01 Murmy, CO. Nuitlinmur- 4 Io fear n"ntliinf.'. Propriétor. -A. IL - Miss - Annie, 1 -in* clegi, and intlif4tutaiile titie will lie pve) l'igrnuto. Ang. 12, is Al-titit lialf way down the flescent of sometbing Mo insertieti lnsuraf7CO CO'y e caffailéi :eýII the anove property. For further Par file Ilill, tlir-re were bigb--Clum"--of r-ud- -0irý latest priticiples of rhge ILI 3 (M "PT Y,%11% tictilars apply ta the owner. over him, il Il -OLD, Ilirze and voung treps-and, notwith- an e an rhf14ý ae Ille chempest, aud U14 gond 1JEAD Ovvicv,-Killg FRANCIS CLARK. BLS T BARDW OOD '11111ilini'? the Mayor's exhoitations 341tli filli-d' with Gold alid Sil and 1 Il une iL Teeth Axtra4ite(l without %Vhithy. july 1871. 2iti % renie's courage biegan airain tu fail lier such -a way thi jý1 -C A P 1 T A L. S5oo.oo.. F F 1C.1 L ASSIGNEE At the lowest po-sible prices fier Cash. Dentlà, Ifit)làjg--in C .Iq slip bearl issningfrom the obscwity harin. Biit ur, )ver AtkiitAon'a I)rtlg 8 1'('Pllili'd Wîlll G FOR TnE JIDIIN BLOIW-& CO. they tïïàdp- 1&ýj0 jjýI'NG BROTHERS, , Et wild wailfnjz voice. this, heàd anoti Kiiý,, Sireet, oeiiiva tort IIJVel'IIDIt'il, $67 y - 1 'Výllitliy, August àtli, 1873. 'Come ont n' thut you poor frj-iphten. not lie far off m M It ivill adjust .11 losmes witliotit dehty, itIJ4. 011,NTY ol,- ()-VT;l Pil erf-aturp.' said Maurteon, land thault sent time, ther --- --- -., -- - puy over the cutl: AT ON cL, 1 - . WHITBY, ONTARIO, Goiltliat gave ine when.it gpeond reason 01? MARRIAGr Il - N. lion. ALEX. McKjýýNZIje, Il. p., 99, w1wray. 41 Importers, Deillim and ilangligicturers el ail 1 plenseil Iiiin Io leave yoii without any liere was, becai yon riinnin' frway from yotir tell yon, Miss 1 Street, t liree illý()ri iiortli of'rowij liail. JOIIN MAUGHAN, Jit., te lide vou where the Pargain, Gi LRdit--ý and G-,iitIq'noti, ta Iparn TELE- and 1! E L S I T E 1 L EA TH-ER AND FINDINGS, CÎRAP11 OPERATENG, fier Railwisy Stut. -ou colliel meet lier again. Arouet Yê Peggy Carroll -ýciid forcir4:u;ar. A(idre,.,s- c.ýJjigý il ý,e of crature The two girh A L ANI) %iruo:). Cash paid for Rides, Bark, and Leather. lliirteen as the lialf calmed questions tu Mi AIR, DUESSINÎÏ, * ANI) SIIAý'iNG c - - 1 OW N OF- W H IT13Y. Leather Stretcheil. C LEMAN & BAKER, lippparod-1 Smilloti, Brück St,, Wijitljy. A. ALEXANDER, 1 Toro;jto, Ont. 1 aru*t you sorrowful in 'She is safe. bIADE T@ ORDER Sý %igg. 26,1873. your heort, for liavin' deserteil yntir answered elle ]%ý, llkt%,ing purchased the Coal and %VO 'REE SITE, WILL BY, GrVEýN SHORT NOTICE. hart or sorrow, ('J yaid 1 ", 1. _ ý yntiniy thistlirt-8s, in lier gorge nêed Mr. jolist Kt,-Jtià, begs tu illff)nlll te) w1y Coirll)auy ýTRv. 18-02. 22 '\Iy 0 T 1 C E 'Oeh then and intleed I am-' sohbed got. only jhai Col.,.Y'r FOIC Tiljýý toiticré thitt they %%'Ili tifiti tll'- prelli ýII Grnce, but now mure tranquilly titan remember the 1 At blarbie %Vý 1ý. ILL] g-stIélliý lent il) tLe tnwij. 'rh, stantly miail filon ilill,, sillepli il'glial 1411el cipal delivered ut Ille 1ý.%VtMt j)Iîc-eý. lJ-1)IIý(1lIali J. GIîEEtýXVOOD1 E T. li5 hpreby civ--n that application will Il before, as s1je a second time foll on lier flyin'day. Ani HALL. lill-ge tra(_,tg if t'il, il -'i 1 Illityor, Wjàitb)-ý lý T- nuil.- to the Iegjsllltive Afi,;Cml,!y ni (enta" Iiii-eg, and clagped and kissed ber in me, on your i J Uli N nd jaillie, Il,, the I)jii-k, Ltke,ý, et filil filid 2CI, 9-ti IR73. if, A ir,; nýxt sesinu fer al, Act niithoriz- 1 uiiptrigg'i; band- nie, and 'twill 1 aitalAtlekiK Kuplely wili lm alw4y AGENCY AND COMMISSIONS. lig the- 1%IidlaId Ri.ilway (if Cana now iloubly charged. a ila things other *a) AUCTI()NLEit FOR Till., Stand, E M V L ilitee the ilter, Ic1 NsýQi Valautioiiiq rnade jjjud ac,. si ou ýuefi lionifi; I hanging on eaels arme continueil 1 tell yen the m Cleiitàtitý, (if Ogitebrio, York and 1't-vi lielisonabie rates atlil lui .1119 nine tticiisiinci dollars a mile, ali the 8, Mtlt ('14,Jit!etmig)ji &t.krkllttii,. aliteed, Celui (IIJ me.&411re gutrý The unilergigiitdýlias ren.oved bis Office nver TiiF IMNICLE Pl,,. kilonilliv'. Saiew atteildt-il )# t le Tovii gicaley. ffil 311T.Criil n4ilway colar, u tilif.tllfp, llobeityjýe,,nti and North fâ. wm towardoz and by die river side. Peuizy Cmmll il teill", -fflef. Bliétiness prorriptly attetided tu: --lit lie miglit by this time have Grigi ile ', 1 tilt ân(j bill, urj,ýf-I 9. l873ý numbeï 0 wà -Z r-ý mina to'sit dawn 'Z wo wbië] "WOUI bé Àùlrda*ýthiukthëra is,4»Y PapeTe- -of r-âagàmn« au -nuYa She attê ýher élothés iàýud ir lei èon4dýýng thit ýtW1Riàwwi, tlàt net ',jrt going in, but 1, tje, t4 ýén9eMù ýA11a his, dan Il VI te, ta 'ted inet6- jà ïha Beffideu-, pretty Tanny .Stuart waril d-the.dànghter hitd- .;Ld"tàa -ai *jlio4, suil wôZý&îé6w«1 ing home ta alwyýiù -a weiFk GrýtwQ,>Aàd, it would be well osiongh ta call 1ý0jjjr10 before hawil What am 1 talking about ý_?w111eut ta 13rown's th&t (fay bel- C&tm it was juy fate. No man can re- dot fate. 1 Sent nP MY parue and Reluietta, came inta the parlor looking exeftaing- ]y P18assnt sud was very sociable, Î bad n9ver naticed muah about her, 'When I n"d ta call there, but I hâd a - 90neral i(lea that she Was a nicé kind ofau old girl ou the whole,'.tjiongli rather dreof y and fussy, ana acting lor her nize, (Thompson who ,ýý0-8 everybody's age had said she ,.*aaP«tfortv)-and I thoilabtit waa Well enOUgh ic -have lier like me pretty '74 in. ca" 1 needed a-frieuil in future ýemergencies. Well, 1 acted glad ta sne ber, quite IZlàd- -And £ho ffeerneil pleased with it. I knfw -shè was rather bard Of hearing, but1spoka land and plain. and j5he fteMed tounderatand w1j't 1 said about the W8at1ierý aud the n"ew park, and liow fuilit wasat Lôn1ýBrànch 149tOuMIDEF4 alid sonn.. %tty soon, shesýid@ojýethjcg about Liow longit waa since 1 was there last. , I Baia; 4' ' %ff, it wag a gond wfillé, tbolIgh Dot 90 long as it SA-éme(l, either But I hopej fihedjil not titink I'd for.' yet My. friel dg if i did stay away., 'Tried - k forget ? And Why, 3ýjr. Parker? -rt-certainlv ilbes peem, a onq time.'Jhe murrntired iookjng. il fiaVuýtý_7Mt1c11 time to call my nwn, Baia, trVing again, and averlonkin£r er wi9týke. ---j have ta make the Lest d it, and go 43 offteu as 1 woie. d JiLze a ree people.' She LOOked down agàin, and fiesitat- a and fiizotea, and i tlwng-lit she lusbed' Prett-y Doon sbe saià rather rchlY, 'Are yoý sure. ît Was Imaking ie best of it ta Rtay away aid try ta )r9et me? 110'w Waal ta ânow yon 'auted ta cail me ýOar own?, , 1 tried adain, begincing to- feéj sorry T ber. «Noue of my frienis Eke itý, sair-11 ara sa deVO4ýted and at- ntive ta business, and see r 1ýtl6 At thoir own ho-wý,- hem 50 ,rry 'e ta MY affiairs pretty closely 1 lienrietta êimpered and h-uüg-,-, ýà4, and looked sa v8ry conscio ti < --that 1 krye- 41w bai In, she loduetl Ait if £&a expect--d,, >=orajý sorne way, btLt aftèr à, &lie imid in h,ýr siwaeteat to» rell, d8ar Charles. if Vour, devation týink ybur ýien ight to he ton milich Consi-leWd. Aa".57 )n sa:ýï it iq -reàiU'y none or their w. anà your ara capable of attniin-- your own offairs, angT if they iion% 1*0 US ta their bouses, qwliy, I houe e hall have a plea3aut 110u'e of dur ru My dearc!mçt.' -, How olionid I ruake her n-uderstand It I wss oniv talking of common. Lee things, anà- not Makjng love-p r?, beýeaU S;Z£Lin, dia no t ... ý Il. -- 1 - - - - ___ -- - ----- l'lie trum, ta, 1t-jei&jit Ili jUýuî L.Jillit 1)I't, ile!', lie P)Niffleti ti) - answered thf [Jit*,rti ta Intrit 1 lny gra. De %,ait rPMêlnl)er that of Ief (;11"tj JOIEN L. IVý%TKI.S, ; : 1 ta n kn 11ay evpziinz:'l Prnmigeil you l'Il lie illstalmëllts for front Tm-o 1,ajJýj,; rwelity ýýZcAý-j -.ý" - 1, thjýy C V-111- I*ripzlIl élitin't loge sight Ofbelitvre vnnr4f q Il lr 8 Utl th LUI 1 >,etlrm, lit low r-dtes (Ji iliterest, v-fil illillimsioli, l'lit, ut niederate charges PlDmisû. I)e'opli- told me that yon Zain. tý ývtje litiliLo illa;1t) lit r: Il 0 1 AL ASSIGNEE liaitji, f.,,. rIVate Fund- to Lerld. catni» tû 118V Out of gooil nature, ta poor Jaff Car For la afiL r 1).Lrtiiiiiiitroi apply to 1"«-)Itàllt atteildwice, jui m nI ta he wffl f0re' tu IIIII ortlers. EXILEFF I;jý1D COUIIT Citrroil's cabin. when 1 Ilari 1 i iZta the gaer JAMiýýS IIOLDEN, 418 fiilloi, that, I was watchil), after yon, for Borne th OMelitl Aisigitee, 13ruker, &c, AUCTIONEER. &t%.. &t,. Rud J Raw thRt nald fox makiup long t ont 0' My solicifor. ' Tlint the 0('ct'Pal)t or pergnn LI n P-ggession 91101 t eut ta lie afore yé, on your path. Prit time. And 011FICE,-over the 'I)litliliji,)ii Batik, Me. Brock S wonldn't undecaî 11,11.w's jik.o.jý si., iý*bit6)" 1 il 0 1 C 0 7FICE-In Bijelowla Block, port May 28thI 1972. lot shali (.anse 1 And as 1 knew mare 'ýbut the nbort luire the best pI lui il-9. or lotovief)hite his or lier hanse, eut,; in th( Re places. thau ilo' could II 22-ti ta lie propt-riv fiwelot n'id k ni -lie hein g, only nha LI)ril ucli, 1872, c hin e Perry. 'Id the atrange man rth Pert Perry, Jaite 2-1, 1872. leuried U lier, ueüe>sarý, as fil; as tùe ont, is% becaur 26 of Ille Inch lifter all, I chonglit 1 could plaint U S 1 (J 1 m U à; 1 c 1 Ly rnow, dirt, 0 lagh, the r m ;% ;*4. i llïFâR 0 o à r forestall him. Sa, Mfiss Annie, at the Mavor o UMBEUZ SHINGLES FOR SALE. n tirsie 1 came up wid ye, there were five le M'an o' the Inch w %vaitl)Y J3rÀýîê4 elid Scrillg Bands, adal, il where ohe hall lie or six stlirotig mpth from Wind-gap, wotildn't he the si 'ÇOTICE is brel)v given tliat the abore ing, in the ilitell that*s now over yotir -A P P L E T R E E S rit 1*11f, Hill"( Ulig r jaale ever, poorluff wi lot LIlritl.,. A il r micIti fill 1 P,&rtI,ýÀ Iev., will 'iaLlibly the Imit aild alid fil ly-law will lie vigilently enforceil froui this beail. For although I always hall a of r;jijýl bilit g e8. Bill lutober It ffld bis ould hel 'ti l.is inurit bo made eitlier sawij tiordi-r. tmijiant(Iptroestelinilý.vtiaimsey, mtiieautnisf, tIbteliogutigilmitugaet * 'But it would nei by lotter, ditifij tg) AT 1'lik:- 7124 CRAIG ST., NEin VICTOUIA SQtfLkE Dy order, te ber là-ther, foi- tl J. 4%. B. CelIMPBELL. -T R E A L, J.ACOB BRYAN, Irian sliewed any fight against me, in keep ýlo e here for HOM E NU RSERY, i Utill, Aljý:, 20tli. uni. regarzl, Due whistle set for lier, therea M CYN on My finger fi Frolil two to Chiri Constable. y er 99 '%'Iiitby, Dec. 3, 1873. 49 lwjpoüul>';"inlljtalkiee 'ri'vtnerbe tBllaMtblwe(el hweerje anvot the wiger. 8 T lit! beôt ký»BUfhZc88 exclu8ively commi88ioli The sage Mayor calleil on ta attempt that ; we have our Loi No. ýl, 2iiil Cole jqI-kIrirjý, U&,C. trade. Itcttirns proirs RSE _51CINES. Ullail, oilii.f. 112 yearg experience in the Montreul r own way, any how, widout it. And audibly, as he finià [10- rA F , .1, lit, and 1iigC,ý narket prit-es olptained. Consignors kei-- Ciat'athe eaniest way, and the best and the mannerly, Alt Uýývi A 1 THE PARKER CUN ï1niong of il lffidt flor-4f. Medi. i post4 8 ta sale of tlif-ir goIecltç, jrnspprtý wny, ton. For. as 1 ofteu Raid alaire, cordinzly re-appeai e lit te pri-ée, &c., fiirniMhe,ý th- aisy* wav is the best way-' emancipated damne X,,T.ILUABLLe FAltf Poil Olt al)Plicatiüu. L-rA trial consigninen. ,,Yotl dear olfi 'man.' cried the now in the arma o( lis art of Int '29, 7rli si-ott AXES TAýW-,S 1 GEORGE PFItý'Y, J,. -S-o I-Wtrge for adviv rp-ag,ýtirf.>il girl, Il «could almost kneel to nearly si; inst4ntlj f 011tarin-14h) izc*rei4, 75 T you, to Ihank you.' blood relation, eyra( ý.t>,î iý,nýp-gond itatte (Ji ellirivatiou., Refèrence ME lliiig bouse, ZvId extetoiive outtillildii.g. Notig-e in hereby given that ail taxe ý.iM - 8610. JXD. DOUGALL 7 Very sorry Vil bel' Raid Maurteen 'l There's a kind o iî. 1 b Jannar aliter. 1tosee yau spiling your 1-1., repair. Apply ta arreur ýjj)u,,t Il,- ft>rhviLla, y 13, 187. 1 Y.1 nce went on, when the i A R L l whitegownil goin'on you knees wid thiq meeting had bi il; for a saiý%ice not worth a thrawn«n 64 thst tell» Me of uses. EXAND RAILWAY OF CANAI).&. SECOND CALL 1 SE-NO STAMP FOR CIRCULAR iButv uG Carrollhave-yon never will happen. ý Whet Clirk Dtv!jio,,i Court, !Tp. Clork, Nav. 14, Iti«,ih ut] ne the co'lert Ir will la.,ve lia other altez- os wjr.î f.,r me? suddenly asked the or a magpie, ar a 4 ili 47 tl%,"tt blit tu titki- prI)et.e(iieigïi. T A B L E PARKER ÈR r or. makes no maxim. 1ýN)rEWfLRN ASSI'li,%%,Cr loclor',i r-ilà iIec, ta Lindeai WEST MERIDEN.CT. lU_ of tilX -q ent] he malle at the col Gninz North irbm Port ilope IIMel met Maurtéen Maher-mel it came to pass *hai At1i-ývlv -2,11. 1479. 11(lièverton and Os-illia. 'W - 1 Uayor 6f Wiridzap CÉ ALj:;X. l'IME 1 p led Gracie nôt peggy"-(Ilere collectas . M'hi] ...... 9:1w a. m.. 1 Xixild -.9,00 P. m yet quite impuzzled from, ber late dil- rielians balf don ta Pctert7nrn'&- Lakefielà. j eut ma-'Oeli 1 what can I oày or dot the Mayor of Win CAPITAL STOCK, whi'J'l' Nov. 12til, 1ý93. Going.,Çnrth HE ST. LAIVRE E B NX wid myself nt all?, ýpass) -1«To be.sure, or 011 lit , LkIj rooré iiiý)ti--Y Aîsj,.Nr rol: sorTit (,NI Cominiz South imm orillia ta Lindsay /%Il pl if4K."4 of %ýo001lir Pt!f)?)10. of S400ý00O- Mail ...... 10.2À) a. tri. 1 Mixeét .... 4:20 p. in > T "C 191ell, ivell, don'i' thry to 'Spake a for such kind ô' wa Mi)-tre or IrOSE'J'il 11OLMAJV. IjliooKj,(.' Poterl)()ro, and Part 1-liripp. -1 () il s L 1 ý1'. . 4 woril, a-enigli-la, if that's what plma got: àomé 'of My' Il rVl -able ilitriii , iiý a Ili- 'ulti; Mixed .... 2:40 p. m. 1 Mail ...... 8-00 a. ni Nelilep i5q herp'lly g4vrn. thot a Dividend lita- fý,ýv G. STEN90N & et) soil ilot bi chiliteLi 1 " Almb Agent for tlàê vali. ;ý'11 stute Of( votzlejçt. Dou't be sa foolish either Civen a good lanîb-J a the rate of cent. per anunin, ul,_ Il -,,ý" 9, C South from LuIcg-fiela. 'IWO the P, Colt. WeMt ma collets ; sure lie couldn't ate the-- lople that, wa i1UTUý%L II;SUIIA.Ncl,, C0311>11NY ty of zî the péli'f np tIII4 Instûn. 0' ye, nt the onie m 1 Any ho*. - Toi awalr- and né) avib t Ileuil %î ---X, .... 5:00 a. M. 1 lklail ...... 2:9.5 P. m 4% by _ _ - - 1 li illit, -rt -1I -vil, atitl welI water- Itou this d î cage ý th begin lilàn, ain force, Ir rl bblieve . tùy *rd t'ioïn'tifyhuenm f"ýtjt!ei, gooti leilîl.ill.gs, aitit a fille Céinriecct§i with the Nipis il, Railway ti he liante vil] LFpnyable'nt its Mmil omée . 1 1 y wae off. But maurtéin CITIZENS' INSUJIAýNCE C0ý%jp-y, ort-haril tif irait 4ituaud and froin Torniito alid in nand fflilip, an, dot-JXýÇUýRY, 874. y P.0 irisé lâtp,*tatiol)fg Britnilif-P '.4ir after, VIMAT,.ùýç le' Il t Il Il y, 4) 'V'f witilip 43 illiles ni 0- llIel:rjllli'JA' Village of at Nfilibriu-k fnr Peterb N t ând Clay; nooù an(]' mornin, fool and Guarantee Kirl; llill, and CC)IIt:iiilifig 142 aère«. 1 mith Grand Tnuik nt Port'«Wnpe bofb morp l'A ntmer r i e Pr. htinm .' Of 11 is 0 wM, in tàe do, Moutreul, Pire-, Lille By order 01 the Baille E or app)y ta- ine and evp ii-g wilh trniijtç Fast aiidWej;' Illiollni IT011. Dopt&ftmeut, 1. Il - il 1 91ô«R what you 'wmk l4tioq. Atnl)lp and raemlau at 9 A.in. for.Richenter. up &aLa;jlu r0gj»ýj lot commertft, THOMAS KýqIGHT, lier r', Bah) Graéé C and Str. Nu 1 l'il lie (ffërin up my- prayers for yoý IL F. LOCKHART, à1ist Mabe amll. - and in au aipy, quiet rark gju. WLitb y, jaly 2-il er. Cr. çaàw "-lifitamewill(lo U3enoýbâr1n a' Ï1104,1L in it, in mon ýý À@ h led ù) the -and-1 ose the cominou ý Soldiers are not Lted by the interer-t an;l patriotiom our arruies felt.!' I* thnnet 1 d keep on Ionzenou,-h-for lier to le drift of wilat I *as saving. She lod intently. I did uot know thon ;he never reFid the papers. t wae ver-Y jzood of yantn tbick of she re- ance this year on aceaurt of the and aq"- say wé1.qha1l be gooner I q Ilite LÉýnlr, under the cir- 'aneOE4 1 ehould prefer the irip, in- wn conntry, and, as you suggest, ws ýatriotisrn."- cold 8weat stood on rjý forehead, éroaned. To be snrý, l*waa ig cny thirty-second vear, but I want to get marriedýYet, ont] if 1 lid not; want to warry her, I à if I went awaý she woutà think >Výér, and know by My manner ie was mistalcon. Sn I rose and Must be going. ýve zny rei;pects to your father, return, Il I added I bidYon good- a short time onlýV, fbý I shaU ext week to see him and pay My ýs to Mi-QS pauny." you could. Stay a little," Hýnri- adý - rming. » too. and COMM9-up me, ýI1e will be home th din. yon noeà not return to see him. ist a hurM you are in, laying td on my arm, II to talkabont a lez Du urge it, but -next wéck fa -en. ýù goon. Tes, ffi give your ro-- »,-Fauny. She is wmip-g home ek or two, av ghe will be nt the SheissoweetgitL Entoh, ýi:to think tbat yon 1wred ine all ta- d 1 ai el and--à Y!ý t me, when I ýtUcAf" and as calosit n obe throw betiW."i'e"t into La, and . put liar, àwýu.- Bq tight rhY neck that I conld net 'help, ingtnA. And jnnthetLtho dow. und. o1dBrý%ý walked> in." rer Mina.-Charley Parkerl--inoyer ..ho khonted., -Il l've men such -2ýe5 >dSs In =y life. Ma - 'all - light, ýîà-.

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