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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jan 1874, p. 4

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mms Gauaoa.' d8:5 ber lamhera éousent, tu less Imw from th. time I ' vnt> lot go tb #le.Browvg tbat n4gh$, ay,'rortbo meutî. Nom .1 UghX ts'led two or ture tlzup& fi- foi rn7 ervea . were moup. coild not bear tb thic bla t it was ho more lasai the trul1 Ont word to lbesMore-I a went (0 b.d on the aeconad 1,$ môrubîqg came a note fréta, They hadlboarrd oMy.#4k.- v place vbhe- bho b.d 061W ,aha b* ame' of ame. KH- 1 r". Haanrfeta vss very sud! frlbltcaed sud would ugicthe day, I'i muelimone b tell. non. ,vei'Y Astéecttonste, sud Do at 1 Ïlikesi about, %ho under. W ho talinlg sboui.pun.ves ,marriasg1eh# Ir" ethit o I knoa, wn came ln iu thi.e denlg, me ho.. plai! l.tl amiiy àe engagementb, sud bop.d - ablet O 0p«to$tb.bouge md sday lii.1* et, aUi I ldon't y I$lusrt osaiý thé', ccresjon Ie ln Brown,4 car- Id..mnu lédora thal me ýdinxurfIy up tc ar, sud eaiid me ~,UUolIZS , kdies 10pàMireânWiàq Ws$uatornood, If BSwmîLU TALE TGorns-Y r P8lQlds tûJ9la a. petof your char. bèr, A gti*11wlIoka lie4:fry' or laeltthe. murairag lanul lu ho 1100id' lowcver ÎOYfileahay look the-eveaitng. ,NO ulatter. laow Imm. a your room maay lkg, tlirïe arc ciglat lugs lt.ahoralai Coatain, via: a mrrr,, ,alutau.l, oup, towol, hair, raail end -aîh brusbeas. TheÀa are Just as os. iil as yorar breakfast, before wihioh - ki alinuld mako qOod ueo tam Senta Who tfait to pi<vida hbir chld.' Ililaso ap liaÇoa, ot ora!y !ke a greatnt i&k..but courrit ai ira omasion. Look tialy lu tisemuriug AaW te Ledina', work, i Ove,, au ve Yolir boilet -b-Make h.-arulo-of Ur, dsiy Iffa i(o- sdrea rp' thebb ernoon-. Yorr rems.mary, oae Lhe, anvîl;iaig botter thora calice; but th a rîbliora or floyer, or smre bit of 1%wont, On eau have ara air o!, soif. âcacait v ioig veil cressel. A girl A flremrasiiilites cafanot hlipelpco. î J hbarAOW- ad; Awlevt.du a geiahy ires. villa ber -liai, lu. npt, ifsa trauger or noiglhoua ioaa as. Moreover, yohr ;aelf.roaapect nlie demaaîl tbeb aniaalappareil. torpnraod. -oashunte nike pSntta ook ai weli as -ou:ra c aý,iy'tu icuowtiody vlitBe. 0611O Itaanailft W ira lier enpioyauvt s oa the countary. Orau er. nasuj hô migalit ringàt it 4 "M.'- w9w oua t -Johan meajstlais pa. e - friand -,a tu lalv. - b so lai: tp besMY Pl rom û 5 oerý t Itba a pte buy anme brai ;eak or 4*8, lin, 11, 2ln, aay widih. Buter*ui, 1lnra au aaiii. S Ooss ao ater )iln, 1 iu, au>' widm.. a 4 .., 9, 8, 10 ar 1laa i le. e in1 u,1 , u,12, 1-1, o a i t loi,-ý -MajaZe, Be'ach, alad DAira: i ia , Iéiaa in, Itiai>If in?, 2 lu, S4iran, ln laJ 21%21, square ScanttJiaj9- W. In. GIBBS, Preierat. Cihawf,, Nov. 26, 1878., 48 The undoruigued otbors for sgale3,ttie prem. lMes ira whicl i hi% baîsnesm for the maiarafac. ture of Agriaulural Imilaieaaîa, Waggons , du., lnAut Preser ai rrleal on lihTown ut Whltb>', togthsr witl lias sal.ra.ae maichineryand iPlat tuverY tenripion.- l4 bigs21welliig house and lot.Tu place in known au a- FIRS-T-CLASS BUSINESS STAND Adou'whleh, ib wiil ha tocara<1on exaauinu. tion, au eceleut bueiness is baing uaw car, xieal.or.. Ho yuil aaio dispiole niflis pattait righ-ta, lu varlous Agrlicuitrra ImPlaainenaas. 'f ia in(ltstricaaas maia witiî ruaall capital thaa fia opporturait>' tbait aaldotaaprugcralai itsadf. Desiriaijta retire Itroai ,btiplimett oanear. - OI 1 r ualh, 'th uai ndosiguc.d La dis- paoseil te taka ti iisti-p. S Teraswyul b.maalai to rait a conspateait j Party. Oniy ai amatI amaurat requiraad dowaa, arad ample tima. givaita or the balance on Adequate eecrrity. .CL OT IN! NEW, GOODS'I iW 'PATTE1IN ÂNÊ> NEW, STYLÉS1' for pisu d Wlnter mat rtceivAd atut <ia HEAVyr;OVRCOÀTINos, PAN-' S*TINOS, BROADCLOTHS, Âu4 4%,Il -tho nawést Pa:tteras for pania, &o. It'wiIl le foud tlai lia, Ijciuauat atairial, thoyatrilianaillotiabougha A aa lait .lotmi iady.mnsai.Clatliing on baud. A àU ni ms.e ira My owra %hop, 01 Moad îaatrlal, piarchaseraeau ho certaita thq Win flot, get aloi goods, but clothez lhat WlU vos,, Try them. GEC. GURLEY. Oshawa, Nov. 25, 188. 48 C ASE FOR LUMJ3IiI1 The 'Oshawa akinet Compa7y Wlfpaytii h stieî rc,ia i IaCath, forthe Dliîvered i their Yard ut Oshawa. JAVES CLAYTON, Iirack St., Whitiay. N. B-Tus aaovaioSer 50-111 Dot iitprfire witia til brairins'awhiela wllt 1,, oarraaad on as uual, anid repaira pruîrajtly exaicutaici. AGENTS WANTEýD -lVEIIyWHEREt OF TES DOMINION 0F CANADA Proftts rom 0200 ta 8M0per uioith. Permanent smploynit. - T & CO,-ý loi , i ug St. East, Toronti. stor'e a in tiiu mIaveljL , îf ~ o Nèw Fmi tôc CMAS, .àD-, O'A.L, GLASSWARE-,.&c,., &e, if you want to select from the vers Largost, Bëst, and, Cheapest Stotek of Crockery, go to -GflJSON 1& SPÂBVELLIS. ré s u~ cstomü- if You -Wallt to s elect from ge4t, ad bî3st Stock of Glassware. Go to' If you want the best New Valentia. Sultanas, Layer, ]3anclî .Raisiuns, or Curî'ants. Go to. GmUSOx &SPARVEuL's, If you want- the. Very ]Best iChùic( 'Family Groceries of ail kiîîds. Ga to GIIISON &SPARVELL'S If. yo(.u want the very, very best and cheap est Black îînd'Gre-cu Toa, be mire to go to GIBSON & SPÂBVELLS. Ail kinds, of produce taken in ex- change for Goods. The highest market price paid in Cash for any quantity cf good ]Butter and Whie eas FR-ESH OYSTEIIlS ALWAYs ON RAND. AT GIB3OS PAWLLg iNOvember 101h, 1878. THE Wliiîby Chus Tea Storai OLD STANýD, rE SI".ABL S Il ED WM. -TILL, -PROPIIIETOR.1 t li la'- ~1, C..very seleert, aud suuitd e. for the s-Lmors, wIicl he Ail Orcle'nacprSinpt1,' atYtdedtg) , and rxýccuIed ii, the la tIyle. Specel attention paid to giving a satfaotory ft.i. AUl kiuds o! Goc 1urnisiain goods. iucluding buts, capR, umbroihit,.&c,.Calsd xui6 --luthier kGit'Otatr NEW FALL i -MPOR1ýT AÏiINS; 4- COMPLETE STOCK IN ALI, UNES 0F V'cfst of Englaîîd, Caîaadian, and Sc.oeh cloths, &c., & At the Provinucial Exîajbitioî, 'Toronito, inî 1870é W'e oller to oui' eîîst~iia'r liaoi. thuee niauilaîv4 weîdi. riiii-t .MI:hiie.s. w liiîh inî sty'h uidieîîrt in;aau>- aJ0INSTION'S SI NGL1 EI'I1 IN( B1111 Pie uîîiversud succes' of tis Machiuae, I of la lai dLosely coriteitt tiai trisla ad ira tuh gtns ,af dit t' tsaaa.,a %aaeraanaaie mi easviaa..eh i, sma a seIaRaiL- aote suIea,îarls alem aaalaaae, a ere al îaart'. u iead i) iea-aaip lies e --r rAaaira' Jacea adlisIalri lUrala'rIaaO.rai Maeidîa iapalCW Rie were aîwarded the Firsî Irize and Diloina, et he-Prcviii .'iul Ej4aifi'iaioa, lirlal js i ri o r,ta,. 1671).üle irs ljcaas a i sl aisie luaadaaag Maclise i:aau,leeeleaerd in thei Praeince ;audAisi ilta anee, raacs.a;lalîoe'ne ùf-wibet4i#sét 1 agla aiasll-nge iaaeeajigaalineiga îspai aaa scia)ti, aeayie-g M qMlnire. ie or, .,l.e sislsat aaeae'le ie-tigaieae ylae'iaa- evaf'rs-eîiiIdae m a;asa-- iciterth lle st biaier îonatse Faartzer <air W2. lsuult'ir1-Ie LeDauiio--(."re foir demcriptive caialogues. T-EL E M E3 N LARGE -STOCK: OF NE W.., FAL L GO Coist~tîîgofa rpleidîld x oouliat o: (i>hqsf dinuds for w0aierankaear, tie! a comîîiete stock of THE' NEWE ST .OUT. A.7 8 p -SP 1 bSTO<'aK p II"S&CAPSa& * j; 4:' if B, .1 't',. ut, Ia~ j" 0F EVEIZY DESCRIPTION. 'The GR0 ER1 DEAIL'MEtj'is replete with a.choul seiectioi, oî Teaî, Uoflýes, nlew f-uit, spices. Best tobacco. Coods at prices defving !c.giî-imaîîe comipetil ion. J. da Jt. MUI> il,) Duradas ' S t. ht NeW Parlor Sets, New Bed-rooîn Sets, -New Dirinig-io om Sets. And a lar'ge stock of Cane and -Wood eat Chairs,'T'ables, Bureaus, Sofas, LogeBstd. ~b6ads fair, Cloth, 'bd Daînask Louzges, Couchesi c., &w. A fine stock of Xcw Gilt Windoe, Cormces, cheap. 1Theé largest à,nd cheaest stock of -Pictures e-ver broiglit n towyn, ail of whicli h o:ffers at prices that wiil pot fail to 1i;' The undersignied wi'islîes to st ate to lis old'custom- erî and flie public goneraily, tlî-it ho ïa to bz fOuud ut the ,OLD STAND," uand his neither bought aut, nfor sold out, and is iu no way couuocted with auy otbpr eatebi.huxeýn utowu. K -ktTndertaking as. usual.-A -Large Stock of ýReady- mado iCofflus const tntly lupto n baud, and tî'ixmed to order to suit eus- tomera, on short notice. FunerAus failly supplicd with everything. - Whitby, Outber 15, 1873. Mrxx~xz~. GLASG.W WAIIEZHOUSE, WBIT-B-YX B. & JB CAMPBEL - Eeg ta àenouuoo lëi fatrPs ad Wirter Stawk lu nov-tlauaLund! having mmiii meanu Ofi Z, - artaoanat, s ' iawaaPlace theyn in a POS1TVCN TO BUT GOODS FORL CASH, - - su ~~~~ndath lhoet praies h pbl Mvely on la'irag eélserva'd with a gaod article arm! u th iawet pies lavinglie-ai bafure 4h. pu'bilie fi thîe jasl,22 yaars lu iitby. - Their artacksbia sesa slrger than aver,, tir.fil. Campbiell yard lai Eritalu thssumr Ied th L e H'1uwF0R3 ýUat' b ' ' r'ilieectî ouca f the finegt stocks oser sbawu ia Wbitbau tbihan, taaeiaoa-aai, Liverpool, and Glaffow, cvis -F/aoee<aLa wla. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tqa D : Paaeia, areitsa*Scotlanad, Circeaian- FoXai, Muesbadon, 1>4 9 aucs 60 acres in the iiorth end! of Loai 8 aO astie, M - ýeW, -kt aua t igrii4t, e r irs; aaa-f8rtber1Tiplnau, - c bauthoner'"". c.utPiclcerner-aaol gaad--aboaa 5 acresped >thatiwve.av. .ThiMm or -f tiiesmpanad latIa ev-at o h "'ht by [cibae 01Auoci .M adtiber Pri wn v. ee rrcwe-piau het wais bbc lurar sain('anuda, and in mauycas <mtwtrol e rame dwellirg, 28x20-Sooa thuey are ct epjerfror taZicth-t2'liaeauch More ailigantly tisai tlieobayera rom bar,fsOB. Torma fhnal. fontrealurr uo»a ie ~ woa-ali"wirt flroe o-hra> BOý NF, ivsr, arkANS tha lx,&-asuale R. C'ag the vi iu1n M '<atinl Par ego the Dffua"Crel, v ahowast 1lo-ritala, for thira- FAUilStrk, arnd! iiCT 178 - ADVANTAGE, avhich Vor cabaud. Cr on the. promises. afew v usa.aidtnonnaiiafth4ir ratail campetitor cua char. lu, healdes saaing theohle.ý uhlor Nov. 8, 1878. --481< sole profit, wlulclu ait <dail hera in ibis oouuty puy. - --- boXai?" ~Aor in wel(l l s~X1known it is unecessarry ta enumsrate, SUnIRcilbte a"y that ~oiI B LaT - ti2hbave the llargemistok of uRNCEALBERT, ONT. VJ ~ O DS ILN R ,CLOTHS--lýADY-7' ~~p~qiy JIBOPoeOR. - E,éLOTRING, GIROCERIfl 01100~K- a b io-vueenmodlout. botel bas beau gju to ueyljrenovstedanirih olbefirou loti, ERY, AND GLASSWARE, eaeor retail.Oi Corn, aaflly kg Pt 0o1a baud, cli-aa'p for rada, ut :F YOXLU &FEED 6TiPE, -' w'7 BOO T S A NO HOD! ['le ndcsi Lti bs a iargc stock IO-f I L'. Il ats,', I'îl l rt- i's 1 i i d % n au l ta,aîs kurb& l:t, UZBoots anîd SIoes made to order. ;n &calav. 1; E&L L ct. neatly doite.G 1UE L P H Cai tît the raid Sîili 11 1.IANI 1 VI A-B N E .J. .a, THE IOVELTY 0 F THE AGE! 'An ingenjouspiece of meýhiisxmi, .lich eau boarrang- a in 80 îucitiunaa, "ù CoeLvertcd ù.to àanhvdia, 1>atlor, Lijarry, it"a- .aag, Writlaîg, &elùaing, bintolwîgebtudent ai, -lo.auS, uLit't; -.Jha&r, or a Lounge, Lcd auid C±aîîd'Cila iaad buwiug. CmuLtrai witlaej:aiaaydia-,rauni iet frec u. 4pjlication. Oro y tuaait or' uîlarwiae ra cte jîbunajat aUuuîîoljla, Uuu Claiarai aa.elUlly isud aeurely TIIE WILSON M1ANUFACTUBING CO., &k Munufateturer., '245 Lai. James St., '.0. Drawer 292. HI CKTEE1 E IIST O(*'1LE LIM COUNT>Y CF W. .J. HIOKE &' 00.,ýY. Repcillyite HIslýCtiE&o'io elEargestckof IFepecfuiyANDite Ins'eTioî f -r1rcsoko 'G*4... Nl,. t. Dress-Goods, Xiceys;--ilkets, Flan-. .els, Quilta, Bcd Ceilortur, Ladies' £':irs, Stripcd zw8 J.osi r ld G ioveis, (Juits' ±.i4 r Cps ol ail kius, b birts 'Lck t es o ilrs, L aiu b W o o l ýý IirtS aL d f)lru wers o id yý FRIESH FAM1LYLIGROCEfTIES. The above Goods w.ill -le sold Cheap for Cagk. The highest, price paid in cash forBîîtter. W. J. HJCRIE & CO. vlxitby, Nov. 251h, 1878. D 03 INK I ON1 FLGUR-& [[ELfTCF The- urra1errpipfeal 1ig te injýfp, Il ef i la - altiai aifVt l L ii Iýi 1LI Isl0,1a% e siea I dt ItI' 'jl' C e i Fiu-,) 4;p i 11fr - Opfosite tte -, £cbec Hch- o_,, Wi.e daa-y ta-ai aI'Y Le yin."eraaug -aati,'aatiaatI iista iis rn a i, S îa a- a , na ; ia l, C ]r, a-a i j e da.,~S cal tia -a-iriqaaility liing ÇaLa ic'a-f.'liaad. - NO 1 SprtgVJrI 171 &1 I.> t t .Ç.- A - \VlI.I.I.~M I'UP.NS, CABINET < ly'a-s. aaaa5 - Iliatie .i 5h. e Ssaaî.a, lireela s~ra-ea, h~eIIle~ - - au I L 1AMPS! Q e -1p. F -',, ' - b~ iea'ne'iaa -. i-a.rai~ 'aae~. n'a' Sole Proplsatoaa 'd Malin mer's Patenit Qualify ÂVarded the C, E-ver giveu Io mnkhea-ifciE nt Pa-o"laiaITbug cy liM ialralisi-i /2 -M... , rýu ' be~ Outdone If~RI4Ê~BfGE FALL A WINTE>C4, JHN FERGUSl legs to iîuf'urîn 1118 ustoitnes Lt h iii n w Cl'othr*ue. weeds, Vk ofn SELF-RAKIN'G'lAE MPRATNW 1 xhitby, sept. i 24e 1873. 0. Drawer 202. R ES S G 0 O'D'S GENTS> '%Vllitby China Tea Storc. FRESH FAMILY GRCOERýIESi TO' IIAND. 1 September 24th, 1818. Co. ýlitby, Nov. 25tli, 1878. PRIZE 1 22. 187Z. - lu -P E'T f' FURNISIIING GOODI, AWARDED THE FIRST jAMPS ! LAMPS!! LAMPS' I'S , N..,.'O. W -

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