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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jan 1874, p. 3

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BOOMS, ut SJI" ut 1'511W9ySt 'p. quare wr, Rio1) as black su wite ssii, , bich, e. Bt Jwe ueral .qtag. DU f >iw-ogiing'intiie nortis lis 4eduifter al; w0qlook forwrd'to 4Wp prompectg ii future. ëio letugof the. -Jonlon Board wfe basm been popIpouli liitih ozFobrutry, i conséquence- pf the âDePsrtmont Of Imiugration of Zéstd iiave et.nded an laylti. te Joueph Arohi, teotitWîthat eo»n. Io examine aud report upon its la ott.d by the < new opanfsêh lar ilretnove thé aptaiGoa. CXA,Y.:GuNN...at the reuidence lie brf4e'e fethfr, on Wedueuda 0 '11h, 1,y R4.v. -Mr. Balleutype, Yfr. Lip NVRf 01 ~utPickering, te Lizîr, tt eisnMiter al hotuJL. Garni, Eisq., i4~P., or Wlsltby. ITT-LYNDEj-M hi)e residetice *e lrlid's ifaiier, On Wednesd(ay,7t1î , y .1ev, J. D. Cayley, Mfr. Wzns. rt Ioe Ma ry 'Maria, dangiit.r of estti Lynle, Eeîq., ail of Whitby. $nron M.A.,. on'Jan. lut.. Bi*t»uwl Willeont., Miss martl.a Euglilli, bof h of Picton. .*1 D EÂT B . 'RINSON.-t, Port Wliitby, on wd tout., Mfr. John Âtldnuon, ageci WHITBY MALRKE TB. Oxaoazca, O»ccrz, Jan. th, 1874. Eau Wbeat ............p 15 (je fi 25 Sprng Whest ......... $1 id@ 1 15 Marley............... fi05@,ii1o1 .oto..... ...57 60oc Bisol Eye Pesa..... 7cO 90 cat ................. W0-'400 ]PostoOe............. ug App1es,per barrel ...$2 .hue...........Ie @ 150 Bsof, biud 0a~e . 500 6 Deof, fore quarter.... # @ $5 Pork pr cwt,.....ijea Chicksua............. 9%,j?,40.' per pair. >qeks perPr ..........Ã" @f»o rtrkeys, Par le.... ... @ l2jc lesi, per ton......... 7 @88 Wood..............OO$6 Se@ tirs'If. V-0F4p-j("ei,.'t el. la oil tntig ,'. io..« "13y a tboromsgh ie)wledge of the naturel lewW wlich gov,'rn he OPerationsu Otdigestion aud nutritionsud y aeareful application ni the fine prc4mr e.é -0 Weli'eejfecteci coo, 1Mr. Eppa bau ýrovideil Oar breakfast table, wlth a deictate. Fftavored' beverage, which may seve nu' uny ievy deetorbU' nl."-C'i,,iJserilicm iaie. Mjueesply witlshclling water or 31lk. Each paeket te laboeliel-Js;. Eru & ýo., HtouaScpathlc. Cheminl. Inndan. MiaA'ruez cF 07COOnA.-" W. will now ve an arcouit of the procese; adoptedj by (extra. Jamea Eppu & Cc.1 manuffecînrera 'fd1etetie articles, nt theïr worlcs in the Ution Aoad, Londn."- Seo article iu e.ilantoeekld Guida. 44 RIVEY Fl1EE'-We seul frre, a lmip1e and aure meamma of self-cure, for Con- ipioBronchlitin, Asthusa, Catarrh, irofula, sud auy dlueme of the Throat or Un~ Nervou Dehtllîity, Premeture De. , ealcuess, and ail disorders brought ou y yothfal imprudence.' TUTTLE & Co., 78 Nlisau.st. N. y. 'N nRE TREATRENT 0F CHRONIC .WASTING DISEABBS, atteudleil wlth ývitatly, feeble digeation, to'pld liVer, )natipaticu, and 1 irrton cf the kidneyu id biswier. &voel th use of also "lie allum- eants pr,7pas'tîons, conttinig trychine, id al ano ynsu sud vees sau their jus uatseTeet led noovertisaulats the oyl is. producilcgz a feoli»g csf temporary isu. UMPSTARSi, ov-ER -0F FI CIE aom it resàta EV ÏEY -V fr J INO (Suadays exoept.d,) ahobupuatj meu o'olock. 114 Il supportme K uu Luvted to b. prt.. YEOMAN Gi»SO$1 A aslfarmuof 25s ares cf excellent lauti, beqZCOgnPOaed of part ot lot 27,tt lb.towsî wh ithsre il a " 4dweli.. lg hon.,br si ebilnandO& ; wefl wate. Thla a t iptoa f ~ alq MW Priée190 r&; Apply aI 1h. Chrônel fq, orfýo Whctby, Oct. 15, 108,3. t GE'MAJOÉ MIL;S -l 600,000 est Plus Luinber, well assoacui. Inch Boardts, 2-isch Plmlr, 'Fenclsg Boardsu, 100,000 feet ut Oak, Maple for axies, lot queiîy, -13.000 t. Square Timber, ',,' BEL LIN& T S0T1A Iios. A LER8 000, Old No.-,,Br.ùk Stree,:Wfhitby, Hirzing detertiiued- upon closing up tlheir bU'Bine.ss, offer thie wboe oftheir large and well selec- ~. ted'stock of G0 CË RES Aio1bthwlbeolch.pocah. '*. CIROCKERY, H.f woukvalosoobe4uuy that' the Grisot Mill iis running,a!ndis doi'ugfrst.lani, work G . .S Choppliug done 0 dayu in'-the week, for-evss'yI5 c. lôth bushel. P7r E. 3MAJOR, l)ec. 151h, 1878.'IoÏeo - -r (D111f TUIISUANT te au> order of che Court of P Chancey macle inîbe malter of the es- titte oGerge Derlad inamuse ef AI. Thle sale xiii becontinued from , the Goieor g lyaiter cf the c'reditors cf date of this advertisement up to the Geore Drby lot oftheTown3bî, of Wbictby, in the CouutY o1 Ontario, wbo died lu or abont the Inonth of FiebnRy,-1872,, arseno or before the làth day of Jannary, I O A. . 17, send posît ýre aid> lxi J. ofctof the defendant, lhe admiuiistrator D Y 0 P > L 6 4 of the deeeased, cheir christian sud sur- nasmes adores.sud descripcion, the fu particalers of their dlaims, a, statemuent of'L theil' ,cconuîts and the nature of chesccon- C an e w l a ep a ei h Itieu if eoy> bell by thein; o', in defauit h n ac n thi e hy will ha erptoii eluded business. arrangements of the present firm. A clearance of front the b&nelis of ie sdorder. Everyth hoeft soc, 1c.±ie>. Creditor holding sny seaurity la to prodmice' teliel o the stcIhchi h aro'est in the County' tlhe same belore tue at my Chambers nt the of Ontar'io,) nmust be made by that time, and the ,greatest Towu of Whitby, iscime Couacy of ontario oth101daY of J îummry, 1874, at ten induceinents "<il therefore be offéred to purchasers. o'cloc'k la the foresmoon, being lhe ime Sp. pointec for adjudication on lthe claîiin. Dated tis 24th day mof December, 1978. IEc..In. DAIITh9ELL, Am n-s the stock will be found every l-21i Master.b TD~sWÂNTED 1 Tenders tili be receiveit by the uncler-! 1iue up to lat Felbruary nexî, for the erec- lio and cosupletnu of a brick School Houpe iu Scîmool Section So. 2, 4th con. Whitby. Planesud upecificaticus may hum seen et the reaidence of Mr. Sonley. Tlie trustees will flot binai themselves to ac'cept the lowest or auy tender. THOS. ARKSFY IIENIIY S0NUE~ WM. YOUNG. pro%, tueut. ifsliiwedbv i re"apseanu geuer- Wiitby, Dec. 28th, 1873. î-td ai prostrtiomo. Radcals andt permanent - - -- bmseflt retita tram tise uoe of remtelies tiet 'URSUANT te s dccre cf the Court of exclite nutriton, an~d creats pure bloCod-. P Chanucery madin l a ('anse of Hunt Dr. WIeeler's Cqzaponnd '.i or f Plîms iagacnfit Tlr,1h. c'i-dt'itrK cf snuîlismolttn fiseitea cand Calliasuli a Chîmicel Fondl er lateofïllIbitby ixn the C01111ty of Ocixarîc,, husaipplsa the wete atiman admudscsle, whc died imi or sabout theicmx,th cf .InIy, tuvifocrates mllnd sid bhdy samd Imparti n 17, r no e s h 2h a fju f1ghticlty cf01 ltg zhai gvos umxw ceaI t 871, r, A i D. 14, ormendthe 12sh dr ay c J ufe. lxi A. G. McMillaxî cf the town ofcf ly, eh. uli<itor cfthie plaintif! therelu, thlcir NEW DV~R r8B IFN tri.litian sd ssuuejmes sddre -seea" cldes- ______________________ cripîüi<x, the full pam'iëu'arlers cetmti!ir dlaims, s sîst-niec< of their a(icomts su4ad cnaure of tiie securjîles (if uy) lield lsy tileu; or lu 0X T 1T O2E. I efammît ther< tiey ail! bce eremptorly jexcludeit tram the 'bemefits ot5'seul deerme -' Every creditor holding any uecxrity ig to The Annusi Meeting cfilise Couair Ag- prodluce the sanie hetore me et my Chain- ricullural Soeiety oI-oxmîh Ontario 'wIll he «or. 't thie Town et Wbitby, in the Counîy belit t the of Ontario, on tise 20sis day cf Jaauary, 1874, ~ at Iun1o'clock iu tie teremmoxa. eing ch. ,rowrn Hall', Vlitby, tIne appointed for adjudication on lie WEDNESDAY, JANY. 2ist, 1874, AT S'O'CLOCK, P. M., For tise purposof electxmg Officors sud Dir. ecta for tise turreut year, snd otîser bui. sesàiuofimportanice. The Director. teil! ineet at-Inay's Hotel, Whltby, ai 10> o'ciock, a. ru. e THOS. LAWLER, Secretsry. Wliltby, Jus. 11h, 1874.2 T ÈRUSSESLL HOUSE, Corser Mtcisdasih & Mlssissaga Sts., ORILL.IA-, ONT. 'Thio% ;ug,îfi<-exttbricklsotel iî..oesno!the largentimuses uxrîi ni Torno. It àle SU.- ed, f<rnluhisd amnd Vceîmcdactea a Comhliuxmg elsgauc's,'coxretort axxd econcxny.i t b a a p l e a c c o m o d a i o n f r u x u x r 'llolulelightfolly sud ceimîrmmly situaI- cd slg in e pesroxiinity tle ieaiesn.- bo:amreMidLtnd-sud Nurmilermou . t sationlsu. Coxumuulonusmixpllle mcmi sad suiea u1 apruesLita fer feilisuer. ,W B.--Qrdersç for moimns by letter or tae. Date t hic 2-Ris day of Dsc., 1873. GEO. H. DART>NELL, 1.2iu Master. N0 T I C E1 Application alîl beimacle tteeLegisia- tpre et the Proîvince of ()ntj ' nt ils nexi cession, for au set taineuor"ýte a Ladies' Semimesry, to he locatud u tie Townu of Wliitby. Whithy, Dec. 22nd, 1873. 52 S TAY STEER. Cames' nitie promisees of tic Suscrilcr a r ailw te ieLingotey sud howoer je otlierwisc ho milb ch vor;,t agea HENRIY KNIGIII,' Lot 22, Suh cou., whithy. Dec. 2'th, 1878. 2t T HE-BRON & PAT.fliRSON MANUFACTURINO COMPANy. 1IVJDEVD INO. 1 ty atteucledt . e to and Irmm thessteamuers free Notice lu hereby givon tiataDilrdo ore e centî, for tise curreut hait- -car end- limg lfI t Sptm ber, 1878, being et th. rate o! RCBT. RUSSELL, toîmer cent, per annumu, upon the_ pair]upi 7, 1974- - Proprietor. Capital of the Brown & l'sttem-son MVg Co., NOTICE. hem thimaday Leen dleclared, sud the saxns - m-il! 1,. phycble et tudr office on sud atter M'snday,-the lé[d day cf Fehruary, 1874. ie lavlppinc;,haseil ail liv orden cf i,ýe-Botrti. re Mîticiard L7nmici§, par-N.W 3 WN are ioeaby' mlt)ia d thaI theN.WBR N sttlsd by tl iI iébuay.- ibDec. 10 maut til,.]&W office' of Meurs. 1Wu873.~ rsilet ;MeMilan, Barnlters, Whitby,1 rer tO granut recuiptu. ' Notice in alao gis-mn ilalt urtiermcollfo RICIURID MOORE, ton pur cent, iper month, 1frmu 9h day et 17,Brooklil. thil,-188, lOPIbdaYi Of Decsmber, 1878 ou 287. - 2-2u te subacribeit Capital Stock oft tus dem.- îany ane hereby =a ansd payable i tise IE1- 0 omPsY'aR Of", Wlitby. N. W.BROWN, Preuident. Meeting of lie Whllby sud Whitby, Dec. 151h, 1878. UnionAgrlcultural Society ~ ~ L E S .otel, Brokn ON T NES i emciet itl tis Y; dA N, lOth, 1374, upnng atlaréeeurc. brick store, Irtus 2 O'CLOK, P. M. cri' o lns a., tlie b senat Ouruf. atrticle usualy kept m« a First -class Grocery Es'tablishmen £ UGARS, FRU ITS, TEAS, PICKLES, SPICES, EXTRACTE WINES, BRAN'DIES, ALES AND PORTER IN WOOD AND BOTTLES. Fish -of ahl kinds-Salmon; M ackere], White Fish, Salmon Trout, laàbrador Heruings, Finnan Haddies, &C., &c. -00- THE SALE WILL COMMENCE ON THLJRSDAY, -l8th 0F DEC., 1873. And continue until the time above sta- ted, or until the whole of the Sltock jes disposed of. CASH CUSTOMERS1 will save fully 1â per cent, an'd as"it will be, ftrst corne first served, the eau- liest customers will be in the best position to effect advan- tageous bargains. 1211bs. of Sugar for $1 00. 20 lbs. of ]Raisins for $1 00. -'18lIbs. of Curantfo î00 2OlIbs. of Prunes for $1 00. And, other Groceries E quai/y Cheap, -00- TE AS. ;-Having- lately made largen purchiases of Teas, at aý great utdvantage, we agre able to' of- fer BLACK AND GREEN ThAS' 20 per: cent, cheaper than heretofore. 00-- Neyer before was there suclia chance fo Hoàse-kçeers seciuring the Best Fa miIy tkyoceries and Crockeryof aeU kinds,- at the LOW CALL EA LV' N"G- GEA LOOK INTO BEFOBE HIS We// Se/ected Stockl Becomes broken, as hé le of- fering Special Inducèrncnts, ýFROM NOW UI4TIL THE End of the Month. 'Fi 0 4 WORD to the W/SE is sufficient. A CHOICE LOT OF NEW CHRISTMAS 'ROCER1IE,!ý GO00-D Iresh ]Rol Butter, uaV e repienisno loteaso' Sils5, Ladie-s' 'and Chuldýrens. ,Fure,. B3lankets, Cloths, Tweeêds, Menùs' and Boys'.-C* 4Rpbs4 .- Ui FeIt Hats, Pur ai S, Éeathers, F1owes, dÀfth NO'VELTeS",'ÏýN TRIMMING&Ë.-,, MILLINERY, DREBBMAKING. AND TAILO iN~ 9 ý 9lf A' large -Stock of Crock!O na Glassware, &C., &o. Alsçq. our usual large stock of GrQPrie& Wlhitby, Dée. 18,1878. LAING &-STEWART Have made large -pre parations Christmas Holidays. for the1 Having been so liberally patronized' during the Eall-have therefore on lîand some of the most useful articles, as also the inost beautiful; elegant in taste, beautiful in design, and altogetiier suitable for this joyous season of the .year. ANOTHER LOT 0F- CHEAP REAL TO HAND-F1IOM $15 00. U RS CHRISTMAS SALE 0F LEA DING LINES IN DRY GOODS, SPECIA-LPRICES HATS, CLOTIIS, BONNETS, TWEEDS, FLOWERS, FLANNELS, FEATIIERS, SCARFS, JET ORNAME NTS, FLANNEL SHIRTS, CLOTHI JACKETS, L, WOOL SHIRTS, SCAIIFS & TIES, WOOL DRAWERS, FUR CAPS, CLOTH CAPS, LADIES' FURS, A CHOICE LOT 0F FLOWERS. LAING & STEWART.1 OLOTHING IN NEW TEAS, HAMILTON CO0. MoPherson'a Block, Whitby, Dec. 18, 1873. NEW FRUITS FOR OH R 1IST MAS.o New Currants, Figs, Grapes, Lemons, Walnuts, Almonde, Brizil Nuts, Prunes, Uc. .Rasnws-Valentia, Sultana, L'Muscatel, chojcst table Raissns, inu Double Crowu, Single Crowu, and Blue Basket. PFEars.-Lemon, Orange and Citron. Peek, Frean & Co's., English Biscuit, a choice varicty.' Cauued Fruit-In Pearseaehes, Tomatoes, Wortleber- ries, Strawberriee, Plume, Corn, &û. Fzeui.-Very Fine Cod Fiali, Haddies, Bloaters, Oyeters, Salmon Trout, Labrador Herrings. Sauces, Spîces, Seasouing, in greet variety. Port aud Sherry Winee, a large assortinent of Ales, Whiskeys, &. c - R. Fi- JAMESON, CO AL OIL LAMP%9' A few Imiported Lamips cheap, at' HATCH &BROS. Faney Globes ami-Shades, Chimneys, &C., cheap at HÀTCH & BRO.'S Noted Cheap House.. Chopping- Axes, bestquality, at GREAT VARIETY., NIEW FRUJITS', hly 20et . .per lb. BacëitE ,biiy your Imor tel aEni HADDISONJ .Having Jmrchae rope, consist iI into-t)iis country,, "the$, Iam.prepa ,to'purchasers evei Cahonly« Remi wich are bou.nd o revolutionize the old high.] Read the follGwing 'Price List, examine:i osuit, put yon.r Money Mu yor poket. om'e riglt away befi bargaina re goe, sd I wMl guarntêesou will flud-our gooml han any lu thi.e oantry. 1 --" 25 pieces Dresu GOuda,> plain sud fancy, 10 cents per' yu.d, 601 70 pieces do., 12J et., 90 pieces, do., 200 woruh 800, l08 pi quaitY, 250 Worth 85c, 81 piecs Duchesa Cloti, 29e wrth 41 utis Poplin, very rich, 84o worth 50c, 104 pieces FrenchlI mke lu al ho ne- shades, a mngificent lot ah ah, 500 worth-* Black Alpacas, ivery low. AÀfaM ranige o the beai'goods at las '-000--KS B--- 7pieeeu excellent qua1 ty Black, 75o worth 01- 20 ; 18 pieces very fie, où lx Blak ick, 1 ,Worth 6 50;, 17 pioes -fouet bot Lyoas maake, $1 75' #2 50 ; 82 pee Extra qality, boni lu-the country, S2 26 worth $4 ; 87 p] Coloreit Sil, . hese are in extrordinary brgain ah less than hall price.1 can't ho ought for Ilu Uas $2 50 uywhee. I wilsl' thons.for 81 2U yard. No persn wffiI1o-aUowed téo ptrhae more tissu ne dress. 'I n Iis a rae lu keep 6" k~merchants frm buyig' the lot. 1,000 81k P. Dresses froca 88. o 15. '00 handsome (Joll Jackets, bautiflly trisumed, S! worth 85. CL.OTUIES, -CLOTELS. 40 pieces Heavy Tweed only 45o yd., 60 piecc Very Heaývy Tweed, only,60e yd., 67 pieces Extra Quaiiy, only 800 yd., 75 pieces Double Widh BeAver, $1 50 worthh$2 50, 98 pieces Doble Width Fur ]eaver, $1 worh $3, 87 pieces Fany Pancy Cloth, very low. HEURIRA FOIR CHEA? BLANKET 100 pair Blanlets ah an awful sacrifiee 88 pieces Scarlet aud 'White Flaüuels ah 20, 25 sud 80c, W0 paire Corsets, 45 cets-per pair,' 7,000 Linon Towelah 8 cents oa, 82 pieuse Canton -Flannel only 12J cents a yard, 10 ales Crash Toweling ah 8 cents aydl, 50 pieces Linon Huck Tuw*elig; 12J ecea yd, 800 pairs Ladies' Gloves, 'froma 124o per pr., 400 pieces Prints, good queity, not trasi, 10cyd, 600 ieces excellent Prints,J14o yd, p6 Col.. Quilh, large size.- oly 90e esc,' 476-pieces, White Cotton, from 8 cents yd, 97 pieces of Horrochsa' Cotos, at 10*0 QrEM-1000 PAIRS 0F GOOD WINTER GLOVES F0. LADIEES AT. TEN CENTS!1 Also a largeô assortment of the following goods whi,ý wMl be fonnd fabulously kpw, vi: Tiking, Sheetings, Grey Cottouz, Gra Clothâ, flosiry, Gloves, Laces, -Ribbns,ý Embroideries, Inertings, Fai2i God, Breakfast Shawls, Table Danisk, Fancy Flannel, Winoy, The following special Oheap Lines, I would oal partic lar attention to, as they are Bargains aperon nly meets once isânage 400 pieces Dreee Wledy, 9a yd, 888 pieces Extra, Wide, 9o, 201 A] sorted Dres Goa, lutc, 78 pieces vry handsomo. d, 29c, 507 Yauî Cloua, 40c, 10 p<ees.lHeavy Tweed, 5u, 1000 Haundkçr<chiefsrflrTLadi only S'cents 1 SZ Remember thue goodehi these 'Lwo luimense S 'tooli are ail first-class, and flot poor trashy- aricles, the sanie' some hohses advertise. The reason of my sefling them ;heap-,jes on acccuunt of buying thera at 50o on the $ SQ HIUR3Y For a pi l and, Americau [s, rasps, &C Painteus, buy your oil,).paints, colorns amners, buy your hardware,1 moreyuu as et Wlbe oal0£o a s 1- 1 oýi Bàýnýkt 1 1 IR: i a MI NUL, Whitby, Dec. 18th,_1873. ýl

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