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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jan 1874, p. 1

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0 jOMA NJ(, THOM~AS Dow,'- LYJON BANK, BY ÂGENOcY, 3EAVDONE!LL, mus Wlng Courti Rouie. Ar- appeliretaluer cf Hou. Ur. dn Dr. McMiabael,Q.C %IR rWELL, LL. 0l., ÈOW1<ATTORNET Pon routtarnyBroek ret'bb. atrBokStreet, WIatby#, Ont., CHAnRLEX Co KI4LoleIt, ATTO1RNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN A2chiasryeonvyouner, 4:., Canning. LY~MAN 'VGLlUhl, L id. o., B ARRIISTBU AT LAW, SOLICITORL IN ObancoryConeysùcer, kc., ka. S one Stret, Oslïawss. B3 ARRISTER, ATTOIINEY. AT- LAW, solltor lu Ciuencery andS itnalvancy, Notary Publie tc,&.Oic- Mia' Biock, l3rouk ?treet Wliftby,,Ontaro, -TTOBNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR INi -A Chsaicery, Cauvoe'aîccer, Lanti Agent, 4,0, OMOOc-lis Parilu a Block, Brook St,, Uxritge. GREINWoO> McXIlLLAN, BAR1ISTEES ATTORNEYS, SOLIC- B hors, Notailes Public, Coiývyanéerts. 3<&rnuStrout, Souths o( î sut Office, L hty-fco-owu Hall. hours, lrmç Vta 1 o'clock. TNSPIICTOB 0P PUBLIC SCHOOLS focr the. Oounty of Ontario, Adtireis-. Rsglan Post Cfice, Ontariô. Rl J. 1<41NN, lu. 1D., ,URGEON TO TUE COUNTY OAOL, Iyrun'Streot, Whiîlsy. GUY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, "-NG., D NTIST.(SUCCES. SDENTs. .-H. cua.) ""~..-Dental looras-Dnntas St-set, Wkitby over Mi- Jameson's Stors. Nitrous 'Oxitieas adninistereti for the paineus ex- trsaton af toeth. C, N. VA Re, Lo . go15 rr~EETH inserted-on al he .L&-latent princeiples of, the art, as cbsap s thé cîapeut, snd as poil as the bost, Teeth filleS witlî GaI anti -Silver. Teeth extracteS witlîouî pain, lsy producfug local aniestiesia. Dental lloomns-'lu Cow. an'* usw block, ovcr AtkfnnWs Drug«'Stera, Ring Street, Osliswa. J I SSUER 0F bMAI1IUAGE LICLNSILS. Office-Towin Eall. ltieeinca-Byron Stroetïthroo doors nortla of-Town Hll. JAIR DREFSSLINO AND SHAVI'NG Hi Saloi, Brook St., WVbitby. GENT FOR1 THEP CLEI3ýRATED) .I Scoltiala Granite. At Mariae Work>. 01 Jonathsan Wolonte, Dnndas St., Wlitly. S iCLrNsL"D AUCTIONEER FOR TUE .L Lounties et <itio, Yoi-k anti Peel. litasdeice-Lot 0, 8tt Conession Markliatii, Post OOil8e.-.Ununuvilie. Sales attendeS on the. shortest notice, snd on reasonable terms. Terius'can bcamatie anîd buis îirinted aut thie CimsaicLs Offie for Mr. Carter., LICENSED AUCTIONBER 101R TILf LCuuiity ofi .uitario, begm to i-tari. thuàtn for tite liberai îeîtroisage h retufurc besîooiupou iuj, andt b annunco thai ha là propuî-ed to conduit sales oither iii Towno uiti joîlty at rt-itâonabie rates. Ar- rangemenits for hales cau [Jerîmatie etlier ut lhesCIMsNuaîL' Oiut., or uat Ly Oiil Oice, Brook Stroet, Wiitby. I UMIsIiMElICIANT, CARPENTEiî L1.1and Juiier, otiean street, Wl.iîiîy. .A laigU i.uuitity uci ail L"(18 0 ulinier COiL taim îiba îsîL 8 L~iedi anduiatnded o u shorti notice. Coffineh rept consataotly on liant. A hutarsea tu jire 40 lîbltoronsel. 10 Thea nntirieiliae anyamnolt fMn .y ta Lil dupun tarin o 'wîlroiîsrty,: t aitusnaUlyLow liai', ut lîitorest. Loaits eau bu rupaîlîl in 00î11 tu suit hor- rowi's. SeveriImîîroveti Farine and Wilti Landt, for sale choap. Invenlmentis madie in Muiipal Debei.- tares, Bik, and allier narketatiîlsle Stocka. For furtiior particolari aiîplY tu JAMI-S HOLDEN, OfficiaI Assiguee, lîrolîci, &e. OFFICE-Ovor the Donminion lfank,-Mc. Milàl'sBfrock St., Wiitly. Bpril Uth, 187f. l Wlsltby lIrust andi Sîring Bands, uîtaptoti for Soirées, Picuic,E xcurdioue Quadrilles Parties, dc., &a., wlilsuplîly the boit auJ lateat Music on reaconlabi. tercos. Applications must lie matie itlier parson- aily or by latter, (poil saidl ce J. WOLFENDEN, THE BDES T H1ORSE, MEDICK~ES. AIl descriptions ofth. hast lHai-e Mcdi ain00es kapi oîtautly on lucnd andi for maie at tie Wlsluby Liveriy Stables. i_ý-Ne charde for adieo. N. RAY. HoE 'IEL A T H E R L Y, Olerk Dlvi8ion Court, Tp, Olerk, keAtiierl y,,(ltu îîy'ilail.' 'f0 21) ER iAY. gents Waiit, cd., ilclacîof wo rkiîg jpeople, uW 1s fx, yo,, ii or oL , iriako raosie nu st -Ok fov1iî a seur speemoîments, ut silu atinue, tissu at aiytljl cIe lari-. slarg ira.. Adass Gk. STI'SON kCo., p.oiaad Mafi-,.87- IlO0Tà L, WEiIT, ONT. 4p P~X~$o~, P-ROPRIETOB. ISOLA 0f Cana o#N, ONT. EcFO TEE - E PIRE I28 y canadlan Isu Psrmansit Bildliti dsavisi> Society l bans of moiîey aI lai- aescf tereti A 88uranoeýe 'Companyý CAPITAL, $400,000. XE'TABLISIED 183: Tbf. old anti weflestbIhedh.SÇnpsS sis ~tes&sT asthosa cf wJ pies. ,trstesana cnaa -tise arnp-mydoCnsd. mraS fer uhiee Yea*s or le". at ppcW>ay Ziw ratesa.' L ARA~ ff#Ure I*st MdUTLIAL _AP ÙD This Coin ,psny,îaures Fgrjnw33ufldlngs Country Cbýurcbo. Sehool IHpilaeiidtboe Contents at rât"s'aOsý Low "w hmof S wOilffltz6llabedCoe piny lu Cailda. 11, 3UÇI: ýÈS POMPTLYPA113 L, FAMBANK S, JU-1, 13. B. BICKELL, Beretary. Presideut. Mfr. D. lofllday is no longer an Agent c91 tbf. Comnpany. RYAL B1~S~ENHT~ ..;I PR2o. R Spl.ndfd accomuxo4Atiou. D:bt"-Winý and lquors ait tbç bar. ,fitenutive oeatler. ilh un ersiguM baving been app ie4 Agentan alo Shipping Agentm;..fo*'I$e extensive LumeOr firmoai.Mesr& S5«4* Co., ni Peneion False, han opqn' e4,ipè%eo tion with bis other promises,l an 0 te L U M - B E R'-"ýfAlR D' '.d>ofn.img the Whitby.& Port Perry Rail*J* wa ttion, wherehe keepa s ta»tly on Iadalarge aud complote stockof, Luio of il l iis for sale, wholesale and retail.- Piaxseieîg machine, andi ail kinfis ocf ork x orutoiproniptly, to aruler. GEO. COIXACR, %WhitbZ5 May 27, M137. F AIM FOR SLE That well-known lairn, lot 2Li, dcon. oi Whitby, known as THE DONALDSONFAM Anti as aI pi-osent Inulte occupation af Mr-. N. lRay. Caulains 190) acrea; alibuul l5t learoi; twefling, autbuultiioge,fant imitabiîle offices ; spleniit aicharS ai 8 acres in extemt. Appiy ta- JOHN A. DONALDSON, Gov it Emigi-clion Office, Mai-ch 25, 1873. 1311 Toronsto. TÉISOLATED BISK Fire Insurance Co'y o/ Canada, BEAu OFF'ICE-Ring St.,,o-, Cbmrci,Toroto CAPITAL, S5oo.ooo. I)eposlted with (uVernmen ,i$67,000 Il wstl atiiust dlasss s 'iîiaoultiebîy, andt îuc>'overtlisecash AT ONCE. Hou. ALEX*.M1cKENZIE, M. P., JOHN MAUGIJAN, 11&., c OAL AND WOOD. A. ALEXANDER, liaving iurcliametithe Cual anti Woodi Yard tf Mfr. JaILIiKethb hop ta iliforin ail cas-. biueru tisat tbey ss-iI finti iii. îui-.'niu-ou. îctlîiy ),anti îlesîîifuliy suîuplid, cati Wod anti Cusc Salivai-c ut tise iuwtt puices. Ravitig lurcliasedlabrge tracts af thee hast wsod laîzîlu on thma back Lakee, a fullcati exiascuatise suîplp 'silIlube cii-cs ke1t on Itiisoneîule rates ansI fullmoasmîre gmi-.- citoiS. Coal weigiet unte 'raw-su solesi. A. ALEXANDERI. VWsthy, Jul>' 9, 18473. 2& P)HIXPIllE ASSURtANCE CO'Y,, L.OMBARD MT. & CIIAIIINO CLIOSS, L.ONDOcN. ESTAi3LISIIED IN 17812. GILLESP>IE, MOFFAT k CO., Agetsi-) JAMES DAVIIiSON, Maniager. Iisurcuce againait lasi uy li-e are ettect- ,.il on thoise nîotfavoriaetai-ms,ati Lusses paiti sitisouit reforeuce ta the Boardtilu Lau- YEOMXAN GIBSON, Agent, Wiitby. L I v E il y I The intbrsignci teirei-s ta inlai-n hic traistis anti patrons *tha isaIha bs agate i-e- .ýamed businscs it thte olti WHITBY LIVERY STABLES. Ilaving exsîroaaoithe uanmber and qualit> f theeKsil, undui ise-,cuiteSta aLd mul iorvesi theu ctnvsyaut'es cati vtsîclesoaiitlIe plui-cI ies, lia liolpas hty luiag ini c îuastioxu ts mut tse 'saistsi muoiners u to eril c shlire (A publiic patronage. N. 1.-CuvûeaScouaveyuncasq for fimihlieF mail latitut. l'ruuuîjut atuidauce, asNiaretu,. for, t aUordr%. N. RAT, Proprietor. Cl HOICE B A si 0 uti'r 20,0()0, -ITT-rie HOME NURSERY, From î'so ta foui- poars af aga, ombracioug ahi tise bout Varletias. SRTH C. WILSON, Lot No. 8, LuS Con. Pickeriug, eu Kingstonr Rast, rat Office, Wliiîby. VALUABLE FAIIM PORPbSALE. Being part ai lot 29, 7th coaaesb;olu Scott, CoaofaIOitrlo-lO00 acres, 75 oeareut omiS lu a goati sIda ai cultivation. Geoil dwaliLg bute, ont extesivieaonlbaihulumîg>t lu goond repai-. Apply tethe a wni-, - tIMEON TIFFiIN, on tise premises. Leaàdala, Nov. 14, 1872. 47, WTSTERIN ASSURANCE COMPANI 13EAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - $4a0,aao AuT ?eR sorri CNIKARIIa, JOSEPH HOLMAN, BRlOOKLIMV ONT AIse Agent loi- the CANAD)A FAIMIIfS MUTUAL INSURANCECOMPA!u,'Y, BeR aS )lco, HAsswrau; anti CITIZENS'ý INSURÂNCE COMI"y, Moutrehi, Pire, Lifa anti Guarsuite. - - Departrgnet, - -ONILi-~. ~PBPIET0. wlliliave thl ell cr GLOBE HOT, ¶. JA8~OWLL ~'PROPRIETOR. ",' IRST-041ACixn~l, H. FOY - ?OREO Supeniraccznnidadn. oodstabliug ýJESTM-RN 11013E, DONDAS STUEIET, WIMYT T hé,tic(lraîgneti wonlti intimato ta the rubliu', Chat the aboya pru'ecs ohave beau vcw-ly lîtc-d ip andi renovatati tliroughout. 131-n icjquurm ati Cigaire..1Te Creain a1 ('unAtia, " aIea Pur! hihine Aine, Waizs Lag. i-r, whieelialo aand il, o. lai-ters taken by lie week. JOSEPH A. DANDEL. NIPISSING HOUSE, COR. ING OAND GEORCGE sTIIETS, T'ORONTO, ONTARIO. JAS. T. JEWELL, Propriator. Toronto, Aug. 12, 1873.83-m R OiERT' JORN YAI1NOLD, FOR, uÉ CoIITTOF'ONTA - tb>ýthuîukus man fii £.Y ublwenerllyfoi- thefl v njn w giveu up bthe ,Bif-ditentin futua, b whols time ta the business ai Colletisg, &C. Il wibl ha My ondeavour, by carelul attention ta busiess,1 ualiuia(luon ta ail wlî a y fiý tbeir Sales or Cailoctimg. Bills îlraugWIi ancti lanI No ati fi-ca af chai-go. Also Bib Stamnpsa cways en-i -Arrangements eau he matis1 at the CcnsoXIcLE 01aies. Wii Office Prince Albert, antiat thi Office, Port FPry-. - ' Jryu b hoit'àround anSdautier tii. wbela *Ilbottgo f thse stýve. ' '-. - ea Persant6, "New _AMERICAIN" tre Scol- Coaldng Stceiw=e I. tiba fi-it-clas Uri te G. H. madee lu 1h. United States. We ýquote the. wuho wili sade following fi-oc 1h. circular, et 1§78:.tFor 7 eue, and lima qears tha Pasy York Stata Agilutural Sa'y awardeti it the Fir-st Praminm and lasI ea .DAE, il teck the Silver Modatl ava ail tb,, liait Secrtary. slaves in the suuntry aI dhe lai- uffll New 61-21 England. Il Iook Surlng the lait two years ne leu than At varions oxil+oaa on~ in - TrIONEER TeNwYr tt ar 'AIsO, ANDS Tho Bilisais State Pair Carîwrl ht Theo'New England States Fair. g Thor.rie modo fiti in uthe States in atandthe 1870,' 70W01871, 8,000;* 1872, 10000 Thia ibei-cl palrn year il bas; boan i znproved by'atdiugan au- th uto i- clinker gi-cIe anti mica ligitu li ront.- th' ut onrWe ellit it4or witliout tho ceppr i-osai-- vouina 0 ir, nui tisa cast iran warinine lonot o- businoessy ai inuithi. slave andialoi-e pipe, andti I tU r Atioo nerhum coal or wooti. 1uloer Parties bnying from ns can at any lima 'pumiaSreplace any portions oi aur stoves tisaI May te give f nuijl gel brokn-a grçat ativantoga. aver mue witlu J. CARMICHAEL, Pi-ast. Os;haira, Nov. 24, 1873. 481f i otoo furmiiei. bandi. for sales &o.. Cby, Observer oStandurd '- W. M. WýILLCOX, Prince Albei-t, Sept.124th, 1872. t -ýALUA3LE PROPERT Y FOR SALE. Tiesa sbscriber aliers for soie the foliase- iug valuaile propertyr lu tise Tai-n aI Whit. bp:»-AnL exOcIlln Brick Cottage withj acre af baud, situotoi ou the camner ai Greenîcuti St. Patei-tSt., iu tise ioutis Word. Aise, 14 acroi- anad, seailfesîied, ant iniia bigis stata ai cultivation, coriier Weliingtoun andi Gi. lai-S sîs., Norths Wcid. J'acre on Centre St. sontl ai 1h. rasitience of C. Draper, Rq.. lu lima South Word. Albos 20 acres of goond landi, ,being compouei of part ai lai 18, lOtis cou. ai Tewuship 61i Murray, Ca. Nortisumber- land. A dcci- cuti indisu)ttabbe tilla silUha gi-en ta ail tise above prapertp. For fui-tier par. ticulars appl>' te theo wner. FRANCIS CLARK. Vniby, Julp 1871. 25111 OFFICIAL ASSIGNEEIIFG jIOTHIERS, FOU TUE I vift-- . - WIIITBY, ONTARIO, ~ ILAB WOOD F01R SALE. Tise sbsuribor bas lai- sala ah hua MIII, ncar Utico, o quantit>- of leur-foot Sbab Wooti. A. B. CAMPBELL. Utica, Sept. 23,1878. -M8 -VCID QUACa(S.-A victim cf carl>' simule mcin i self-cure, selirit li'will J. H. REEbtL Si 784 Naseau; St., Nas Toi-k. c OAL AND WOOD. Tise underignei liotue turu Ibs oroi bisa iiberai anti inci-easing patronaogelise isas bocu lavaioS 'situring bisthi-es yeamu lu inesu, anti iereb>- iniai-nis oi tomer itisaI ho bas nase for scaecii kintia et thse hast Anthracite anti Bilnmioous DEST RHAJDWOOD, At the leesat posile pibsoaroi Cash. JOIM5 BLOW & CO, CO UY§CY 0F 0./TA RIO. 1Impai-ters, Declers anti Manifaturers of I lUl51OtO ADDRESS-Dux 99, WUîrnr. di SuiEE SITE! ITOWN 0F WHITBY. A PIER SITE NWILL BE GIVEN ta îy Maîîîîacturiîig Comîpany biti n a.tal.irin itiha town. J. HIAMER GIIEENWOOD, Vltitihy. Fels. 20, 187. Myur 0Withy E1 M 0 V A L . Theise toigneti bas ren.avet i s BOOT &~ SHOE STORE tu the pricrises ctiuining thia Western Hote, .)auîtdi St-eet, Nehitly, whera lie is now pri-pareS te exoeute alai-tiers for Work. A ,largo andîîlsct t tock iounlieuS. hepairing dlea na.JOSEPI'1A. BANDELL. ;Vitiby, May 8, 1871. 19 lfHe Liverpool and London and Globe IN.tiIiINCII COMPIANY. AVAILABE .Aar.vs, e27,00,000. Lasses paid in i-surie af thirty-fivo years îuet OîRTY MILLIONS 0F DOLLARS. (t'.laims by Chicaugo Pire estimated aaI udr- y 5,IJiO arc bcbng lquidateti as faut as 1lSostcti withotit deulection. Sccurily, 'rompt i'aymrent andl Liheraiity in adjouit- outilt af its Lossea arc tlîc praminant factures A tub s althy Cornnîîîy. Ibad Office, Canada Iircnch, Mont-cal. G. P. C. SMITH, Chu-f Agent for Dominion. E.. 'FAIRBANKS, J1., Agont-at Whitby, Ont. JOISN L. WATKIS, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, naînrr 8lno DIVIsioN couSIT, AUCTIONEER, &C-, &C. OFF ICE-In Bigelow's Block, Port Pemr. Pert Perry, June 24, 1872. 20 UMEI& SÉINGLES FOR SALE. Tire subscriber lias an hanS ani. fur sale al lus miii 00cr Utica, (late Curio'u), ail kinîts of luinbcr ailsiingie, Bill lumber sawn ta orular. Utica, Ang. 201h. A. B. CAMPBEILL.1 841f T AXS I TAXES I Notice lu haraby -given tbilai ciltaxas lu ar-car mu#t ha paid fortiswitii, WITHOUT A SECOND CALL 1 or lIme ceibectorw'iil have noeatiser alleas- tii-e but te tuke pi-oceeilga. - Papno t axsa eabhomati, aI 1h. col- lector's résidience, Bondas Street. collecter. Wbithy, x«v. 12h, 1898. 46 A vauabe-Pam, n a ighstate-of cull-. vatian, soil net axceiletinluCanada, b.ing Lot 2.1 2nt con. West Wiilsms,-Conty of es 80i-e icea red, sud wUwtr Kisidu cf LEA THER AND FINDINOS, Cash palS for Bides, Bai-k, cuti Leathar. Leahhar si-etichoi. tl- BELTING MADE TO OIiDEII ON SHOItT NOTICE. 1May, 1872. i0E. T. HIALL,- AGiENCY AND COMMISSIONS. Vaalltous matie anti cccaunts collecteS. ofic Ohloaver Tuz Cuiiamr Printiug ofice. Bliinesu pramîutlp attendeS ta; bigiseat relemmsa. Wbithy, May' 14, 1873. 20y s TLAMSHIP TICKETS By AIIan's Magnificent Line 0F MAIL STEAMERS Foi-sala, la antitram Bhitain, aI iowesI rites, anti ail necessiary iniarinctin chioerfuiy given loy G10. TULE, Taiegraph anti Express Agent. Whihby, Mercis 111h, 1873. il M ONEY TO LENDI Ilariblo bY inatabuontu for froin T'sata T'santy pears, aI law rates of intaresl, i-. ouI commission, and ti hmatirate charges. Private Fonds ta Lanti. Appi>' ta- 1May 231h, 1872. Solicitor, Brock St., Whiby. 22-ti 712J Cnaio'ST., NEAU vîcrou. Su A , Ladireani Gentlemen, toabai-nTEE GltAPI' OIEIA'lNG, fuor Itiiway Stat- loua uti Coummercial Li-s ilatue Dominioni. Sead for ciscular. Autdres,4:- C(iLlIIAN &- BAKERI, Toronsto, Ont. Aug. 20,1873. 85.28t1 N TTI C E la bei-dtp given limaI opplhi'ttioass'il b, oiate lu tue Legisatise Ass;eibl!y aiftOnta. rio at its auxt session for ait Artathuiriz. isîg lise Mifibînti Rsiisay ni Canadla lu guar. atea lime istereit on sucli Bons t ulexiecd ing isltOtsaLit toIlai-soaLmile, as tise O),LctLiee, Bobeaygeoiu and thi-lsPaterbor- onglu Janction* Riiiwy Compamy Shan issue, antitoi- otiser purîsosce. Nue. 12, 1873. 47-St TENDRS FOR BUILDING A CHURCH Wil be recel-t-S luy tisa mndersigneti on ho. lialf ai tise Building Consmittce, up ta lat ai Jaîuuary Liest, for buildingsa Bric k Cisurcis in Part Pari'y, 38x62, ho ha completi bp FIFTERNTH AUGUST NEXT. Brick anti Stone fsiebeti ou the spot, ail truti aterialt ci e af uisetib> tise Con- tractai-. Tenders nia> ha for thoeuh-te Job, or for lise Masoury anti Pîaaloring, inciadlug ex- cavation, or for Carpeutti- anS Jpiuar 'sont anti foi- Painting anti Gioziug sapai-ateip Plans ati sp-ciii-alios andt %rLms o a us- Ment ah the office ai GRO. Ct}BJIE, Sec'y ta Building Coin. Port Perry, Dec. 2, 1873. 49-4in p UBLIC NOTICE. Bli-Lau' Vo. 4, iS'tfioit.14, enact - es fallou-s "'Tha lise ocacn ori-pergan in possession of cuy bous,, building, ai- lot, shabi cause tise r-ite'alk opposite bis or' ici bouse buildig, ai- lot, ta ha proper5y swept aua cleaneti 'sen naceasary, au lai- as tisaenlter atige, Ires froni obstruction loy anas, SrI, or ether incumabrauce." -NOTICE lu hereby giventisaI thoechai-e By-la-w ill ble vigileuti>' entai-ced frein tis dala. By orSer, JACOB BiTYAS, WhooIu -do the, eatching n st- th hnothey call cato bothur me il M'I carry them homne to my tesaPI And the monse Iooked. about wlth &a confi- dent air For.th.ecatures ho thon&hh t. Tliat gray fnrry mass lg«de0'Wn te Su Was a nmontn ithot any d tb. Hne eer lngandtha «hig could b.one, Of;the calsIdclbeaueautionedabout, Se ha walkeul la it. aide lunaartidCal ayf As soit as itooif sud as bold. When swoopl1went apaw 4 gray. And weli w itremi~. The old parent lice cazt edi &t uight awy And passeS the. aid cat 0 ea a. Her jaswr Ubod an loêat ber LaO' elatfinal end of the. poor littie mite' ho thouglit hfimsaif viser than they. THE MAYOR OF WIND-GAP. CHAPTER IX. Tise momning afbor Ibis occurrence, Amuie Kennedy was formacl>' ,-umnu cd ho a confér-ence witi tisa Mayor ai Wind-gap, upon veaiy important busi- ness, as lihe messouger informeS her. At once descoudf'ug, oba fonS bis Wor- ship in tise saine parlai- wisnco George Biunde iitaSse laaily matie is Sa- pai-lui-atise oeoiug baera. IlA isrigbî gooti morniug le pour htindsom-fate, Mles Annie,"' ha bean,, smllicig i-ciy cordiali>'. IGondi momnig te pou, My kinti Irionil," asnawei-cSAnnie. IOcli I hie'u cclou&,,darkanug pour young isrow," continuet Maur- len Il acut era's o bliglot ateasing on pour yanng icart. More's tha pI>' 1 But nover give giicitise mostei-y ever yc, rny purty young ci-dura. Il wonid bo a soi-clhiiug teta thie bMay-bush witbcrod in its biossorning." Auiul sigiet i lunarly, but mcdo no ethai-answei-. IIfAtil anti . ielpeti, Miss Aunie I'ti go «a long way, clora I'S daSinuy- tising la pour tsi-anSi.." -1let tof tisaI evil Mcau attse Inch, tisaIpuyeni-ae corne teu peak ta nia, goond Maurtean?2 I understand fram pan Ilial we wayrte bai-o an asplana- lion obout hlm 2 " lunt-uti, lhen, il is ta upako con- corniug hum i aI I cm bai-e tothe fore Ibis maoruing, Miss Annie." Go an, Ilion, at ance, I,-bcseecb pon," criaS lus lletener suxioal1'. IDou't gi-e op ta grestar bar tisais tiicre lu neaul for, mp purt>' paung lady. The iiggest reoson whpîI diS net 11k. te open ah nm indtityepn, pesthertsp, wou, Secousa aomnething I liaS te gay was for pour own aelf olono." IOcli V" bursl frein the yonng girl, "I couldti loole asI niglil, lhiukiug ai tisa lon-id muI Hi-ai-y lima I cloueS mpy aas is repulsiva imagea wsbalai-o IPeopla ara fouasenangb la uap, Miss Annie," tisa oit man saiS gravely, IthiugisI dou't think, lu my own aiLit, tlsere's mieli seauiesa uaing, tIsaI tîntyoung gil hs lok fixas ou angîla hoeochoni-egnsrd." Il'Wiai eau yen mean?" Semnded Annie colanriug, butI speaking proudiy; Ilyen do ual suppose ha woulti Sara ta-, lunhi-uts I do't Ma lan-na,* i-e- uinedul oiteen, as sabe pauseS, answer- iug lier unformeti mosulng. IlBut Miss Aunie, 'tis an aniti maxia witb me, hile ILOOIL a y.ar, le moka pi-oviaion againal lise worst tisaI cou coma round : si-br I go actai-ding taelimaI masim,may i-int ont myseif, of courue, adeug sitis thi mmd, tien jogs ou osy sud 9uiet, ever cuiS oiways. But it'usu>' hope autI Saief lisat nothiinglika bisa woi-t, or hall ai lia wodtt eau camne next, or nigli pou. Foi-, I as louIS pou,nudiar the roof ai my couusai's isousa, au Wind.gap bsill, I have bise power ho moke tliaI man, wieked as hlai, anS inucis os lie frigliteus otier people, give pan np tmb pbaunds, aveu tiiaugi pan miglit hc in is." IYes, I remnembar pou saiS so," the girl sait, mai-o than oves- SisturbaS hp tiso gravit>'ofail ooks anti warts 'WoII, rmpp¶rly Miss Auno, I coulti uap no more tiliiwc wcre logethsr, andi noliody hy, Naw 'il sap tisai no moi-e ---l'ye sep luis papar, Miss Anisie V'"lha coutinnoti, holdinug halos-e bis-eyes somelhîng like a soaled leltai-. 1 ceraiily do one i, Maurteen."l Tisa writiug tisai is insitie of IbisI peuneti Sowu with up ais'u iautis. Tiser. lnouanae ise 'soi-idwitie kuowa wîoit lie ws-tiug maes but 'inysaif onîy. Audtheis wribing la for pou, Miss Annie" IfBut payu il bell mc, Maurteen, sial aaetise contenta ai lb. papas-?" Aunae cakeS sus-iausip. laIlThat poaai-aonete kuow, mp purty ldy, But lil tel y ou whaî use pour te ak nItf il. Only aiora I do dial, pou inust givemina svaw ;-ayc, as bindine ca vow as if pan sware upon thea blassati'bookt 1" 1,Tuis le strauge-moat strange 1 What can Se tho nature'oi tise vow pan 'saulS imposa.- "IYan imuât vo's te mea before tisa goad RHaien Ibat laves penau nd bakfi cas-a af pou, up pus-tp child.-bisat ne eps Sutyeus- o'snsisali eesi-euo-his papes-. ni-e thestise outoilS.oh' lb, bar. ringth bisa hume ms te put it teas lghb use. Yen mut vow ta sue lmat pou 'slll noves- open il pournehi, uer gi-a 1ht ta auy otiser te bc apaseS, basring peu gi. lu te the anly eue I peunad ti idowa foi-. Anti yen mutvow te me, beo tisai if a lime neyes- comaes tb hjaS it te Thot Oua, yen wihl raturil taeme. taf d'Slound# Wearn W fI eta Slier 1111i A,,-- ws aue-d aganst e;laemad edma ý t contina -n mp wap. Héa I - 'Mo.lver>' ligisi,'"U ai sIb sadha kisine nhing about me, sud "w ô wuhleili'tO bk open O ý- bu& tisai ýhawauéd ta6 ko notiig -about v5Ult.- m, ad hath id Wbe léft'ïlonfl#. 0 He--pFueWus H6r f tas-nn',ii But 1 Sdsdu'h quit himm. I upelea soh'lYp wiibeoUlowed-'by *HMa Obs.,Ws te hlm, with a Jittle sense, tiousy bc. What Ma"e His.' Indleeti, sud inu th, LapaIt. tà hlm - like anea siha aa feeling ilo'blu, frI hý4lhàppe a wOLi ,pur.,,_ - - se'"44z - . L"ar t ,- = eemu dour*veï" a-but, anýea s i 5115 5 so'. ipsun when uý*fl - ijni awsyiUomh -4tito ef bier. '4t vmh&3 xuuéh intirqIy fcrhi£ nare MMHe-rat then, Miss- Anni.. taikeil ta-oa olt papes m, pour lceeping at lait: i-e-bcalt azÛl&a membter, or al tbingi, - tiaî it.qcoMes e4 auwe, ~back ta my hand, if the tim.ue er ziét g o o falîs ont for giving it as 'fia, diletetd, -eve r. - Cash your oye ever the' writin'. 6i.thâ -â-c l'aUout, d4' 'tho Aneégry glcdo esu,, lwkib inc - lbln ily-sealedpaclcetiloopmg 4 4 bottla er th' .;, W -Mh.' the noame, at bush, aJ i. Pexeal' i ui1uidhAnam'e winoéad, ) - Si-aSeS. Butho aonlÏn The lune whei t h 0 um-ns a ahi-ange Mau'ofbithe on1 m-au ns. au ûest tise important--ddeffletaIày tif est tMMn, 0 -Mr audfurmal clîaraeters, --l& Hitib i , Miss, Ânçia, Imlàý, it up rlght arnuesh> scie, but kaepia k l h 4 MlLmn, a kaows but i -1 rasi oue! Msrug-tén Ai , ssmat(ieoàilz àack aiýgo.oliS'6uy. cornes plauisile piadinge, 'arê oua 0" te prt vibi II- ~ : ~~. aure, thât, jpueof tie 4readfilides c "Hesveu dafeud me l'cied theyesterdap îvpulg remmafîinbis mindi girl, stUll gcziug an 1h. ahiangoei-is . I6rn m Pkt? youbg ld~H tials iu bei- Iavour. ' lbitsast-ange,-promliseS mie, poor boy, thât-ild è leven clarnsing, -lhat ý-5man o ai se, ' t xlp by iii. rooba, ane"Îbrcw il Ï like you, Mauiltaau Malem-, siionit ihm--anti I have s -Îelisiice on aamy really think suscb precculian uecîasary I pomise, ont of Geai-ge Blnnd.ll's lips. on my beisalf" I ut Imaeahlm sa promise, lu returu,ý ITimr.is au ounco, or go, of' sensa hawsomever. 1 Iprosaihlmâ,ihtat ' iu our i- eat, we beliovo, accoi-tiug ta gain peur lave sud licens. for him hoý whabtise neiglibours gay. Have a i-o- cama ta pou, al alase,, andt taoit with Uinuce on me, mny chiill; ramemiser yepo, ail ýalone-4thiah hQý' ap bell peu wisaî I hava doue for Pcggy Cari-oil, something. And wh.n-I gave hlm my and 'twill go lird if I don't do more -baud ln pietige bbatl'd bi-unthii- abou t, *flor your salie. DopenSl upon il, I'il h. wauted lo go dawn upod;-iaIcne.uto keep iIy luttle Ilirdceit'flytu' to and ti iauk me, anti- te'p rap foi-r in firo, for tha bai-e liteancutiIIItwist lise rts; I wasasbammi la behalà 'i,î-<~ neck&a o if ad by coorse, the bsond tieman like hlmgai' ta al4moau hlm- follawe tisa neck-if ho doosu'b cdo hia self before bh is . o' me.' . duty for you andi ly me. Wlien yaar 1'But, lfaurtacun,' AnisesiS, with affaira ouglil b kaup me wakin', thora heigbtened calai-, nw shakiun off lu a, will ba no sleep on i-y cycu cny haw." Sagre tise affecteai b is Wai-shmp's ora- $1111 muclî puzzle(] anti alarmcd, Au- bai-y, -'il la up opinian tisai pou mighb nia s-enewed lierorssions af timauku have first consulted fme, sà a rty te bila mysterlous MaYorsip. aightly concernaS btlieaypougave bisah kWeli,' continueS Mauni-on, rubising promise aud that pletige, go very confi- doi i ii knee wilb bile linS; 'ow dantll.' Ilunt we have tuaIt matter sathieS, sure 1'Not a bit, up darim' poung lady-I tisere's acliicr litho tlamng I wiînt te bc knew woii, that you'd have tise pity, if spalcing about. Lt wsian'I inîireiy on nathiungcais, in p ur héurt for hans Ibis lima hoaS o' tisa papor andtie tis hi-ange ýmonning ; anS tat ou'dSigve Sim the .Man tisatI'I made go boniS as ho ail tise and tise place ho sap whahever ho dowu ail cloue witi peu, Ibis morning.' eau in bis own dafence, lu pour haaig. tacI know y au ai-eainy friand, Maur.i-I knew pan' useS ta bse just lu pour taanti Iwill attenda arefully ta. mnaut, as weil as-goot iniiiour nature- wliatovai-pou lhave te gay ho me,' sud pou owsd ums allegiance, more bc-. ' Lishen, thon, s,-gi-. Tisa avening token, as bise Mayor-a' Wind-gap., For a' ycsterday wos s very fluaeveiug, hougb pou are livid ntu hbalmwick ao about Wiud-g-ap, Tisesmeîl G'tIsenew that poar soft-besded cratns-,iluths nazI hsy wouid hava i-cii-caSpur heart, stbreet, pan pussed thba af-hast and samie -ouug sud fi-euh au il le, al-eady, net ta of paur-dapa under mup ine, wheu pou gay as if il was as aniS as mine ; thora wore fastei cilS hoô Juif CarrôoU's got- wasn't a hi-anti ai wind au-rring tise womauiat'.V now ne mors, aud foster- laves ulon lsehe os;au;nd tie sun, sistar ilu he sabargaiu, la litils Psggy wisn ho wa seltiug, matie tise slip, la Cari-ail, tisa purtiait anti bail girlI gov- lima waat, look as rosuy as the bloiaalg ai-n over, except yonrseii Misa Aunis, on your owu aoft checek. . Well, when I and bisat I saveti fai-pou oui>' th. day am a-.waiking Sown by tisa river aide Aloai- - pestai-day, bacause abse lot me on sunis an oveniug nu tisaI was, wilh takre up awu way. Tieseinme that I my flsliug.rod in my baud, I hava no sk ypu ta let me Sa,.tlisi preucut imo- oui-y taelime greatest kiug tîLat ci-ar sat meuh.' upon a Ils-oua. Oica surohy, thoae isn'l 'Weil, Mi-. Mayor,' answered Aunis, ai-ar mueis care te my lot-I gis'. tlisuis invoiuntary amliug sah iis transeen- for tise saune ; but, whouevar care or Senti>' ingeulaus spech-II ypld pan trouble doas coma ta mua, il goes away, M ailegiauce. But silli Iarn convine- somehoow, fi-rnmMy sida, as I saunthser.cithat 1 anghb nat, untiai-pi-osent ci- aiong by tha batiks aofbise paceful aurnusîsceos. l hi luereoni-sawitb wathhr. AnS it's s thrulli, Miss Annie, -Mr-. George Blundehl. Apart from dhe take il iromn my lips, that a uts-oll undeiended chai-gesi galusihlsn, ha has sloug lisal grauuey bcuk, about bise houx given me new causa for diapleasure anS o' hie sannel, WilI do Mai-o tissu Maireesti-angarnent. Testai-day -avenlng, a aoi-iowful licort happy; l i-hwilsmareIt.hbrs lu bia vcc-y aileur, ho insulteS c happy anaelappir-ay, cuti atili mars mp uadian Mr'. ennedy. tisan tisaI, 'twill amoolien tise wu-- Nodarliug, purtpyaung crâture, the kie an lise cugry man's braw, and ti hssidaiheari makes a-bool af he i poor- wilI sîsie ont of tIha breaut ai tisaworlti- young bead. 'Wban pou refusaS ha lp imsu, lu a long sighis s avy, or bsuacomna Sown to hlm tise boy tiidn't kuow illilU li i neighbiour. wlîaî hae was sin' uor dSai'. Mare- 'Woll, ogoin, my chilS ; we haul a over, haw do poid kuow whab b.h wants fne soft suxnmci-'s ovaulug, tise haut b Bay . peu, quit. alois., batwoau eveniug tlao' gona by. Tisera wero pursleaphvmoalgtad eisiltli-n istugliig ouI loua cuti playlng wltb tisamn charges yoÜ apake ofi?' about on hie ilil suIe, andti tiai-cwere 'Il wouid bo wrong-ve-y wrong ta anIS peoplea-a.itllug dowu taei-est thso- see him,' delibei-atedie lii.' salves ; andtihep lotiketifor acltisa Anti shah bus beau predicleiaof tme world as if lime 'vauing of thei-hifo sias wemau si-ha delibsi-abea? Mui-bau tie.xoniug tisat the heavacus sentalan- Maher knew thaughlieo ati pover msti- ing simd silfing oU aronud tissulutise poet's lina. Anti siheu hhosaw'hi Pacean sd lu quiet, sud in pleasure. lied thus virbusily galuai! bis point, ha But tisera *as ana man, Miss Aunale-5d aletggoan arguing sitar aanvunclug. ho was a youug man, lubo thse bai-gain He 514 not anter luta tise question of -anti lia augist la have iscen singiug tisapropriety ormipro r sbp oh'giaung witb tise bu-tu, auS jumping bisroug h:IbeDoon ho salieltad, ha onlp appeuhau tise gi-as, like tise grasshoppers> But laehbernpassiou, i-epieuanting tise lie hurrieti aloug as if ha was runnun' cousaqueucea should elle parin-ieshr from imnelf ; lh ascphecdless ai whub refusai. FlualIy haopbhsinsd ber filil wLIu givin' tise heait's jay t sailishe cousant toa s rva~ interview with -allers, aud his braw was as dark as ifsW George Bunudeli; an l eft tise houa ta tempeutbcd beau pellin'an il. Wbeu communnicate ba is diigs ta bis pi-otage I laaked upan hlm, I thonght ho was with sbik's stop, andinlus bigis tise mai-a and mai-eangry, baccusa biseespiritesasuif hh ati succeodoin gii n«n aunnnyky d515nualolok mises-aile, ike aftei- a liard battis, soegagit parsonail lmslf. (lu an gie s es, Misseici-or for hlmsalf.> Annie Kennedy, wis tisat. yauug man Declare, ah Bochofaucatll hO bw wa5 2' much, or how hutte of' poor olti Maux- , Indeati I-saw coulai I know?2' tise taon Maiser's vauiby in bis diplomuatie girl M-us-et.At tmae.tletulgaonwsocsowi 12 yoars e rieuce lu the Montreal pro- Suce tre. s-Retunus prompt, anti biglust mar-ket pricea obtained. (.ouslguars icep p ouled as te sale ai tici gooda, Prospects la. Iiufriuatioaa te pi-ica, &o., fu-iuiied an Applcation. ta' A irielZ oauiguraan oolicited. GEORGE PlEUT, Zia. Reference , Mrsexs. Jxo. Doneàana k Ca. 1 anciary 18, 1873. lys1 MLà"D RAXWAY 0F CANADA. TIME-T A BLE. Golug North fi-am Port Hoes la Linia>'. Baavcrçn andi Orifhia. monil-.. 9800. M. lMi-ad .:00eP. m Gaing Northm ho Pelai-bore' k utalS. Mqil-..1080 a. M. 1Mlxed ...420 P. u. iCamiug Southh fron Oria te ljindsay, Petes-horo' anti Port Hope. Mis-el .'. .,2.40 P, .n. i faih-...... a. m Camiug Soutis, from Lakiceli. !te.... 5.w g4051 .IMail ...... 29ii. i. TFtE PARKElRGUN- PARKER BROS WESet MR -ID ,EN Zr. 0GOD RARDWOOD FOR SALE i About200 or£ o ot bard, steve Wuood, eut lire.lengtbs fin 111tla20 luchas. For *polo.kg., apply lae J.LQG MNEY TQ LOAN. MONTREAL. jChiei Constable. -o-IWIiiby, Dec. 3, 1873. 49 Ce13usineas crc sitely commission. parts-ait ; thanase is long and doi aquIli ne, tbe lipsful sud hall' tise eus-s eniormomi> large, Thora la neozinsculai- cauumistic Slcai-e oh' a voilent Seath, au( 'siola pes-son, wlùb ih e apose0 'sWha swaps a placiti slaep, Shows tuis unhapp citizen of Perpeli a spyxia. eso ha liefsidE mng tiheati a n tisa rigisI aud, tise othos- as-n ouet iuter thse ire almasi; coucealed; lise legs aread op unoqucihy, tisa left muai-e thau rigixI, whiicis astretceiseiout ni .As-en-Ithe lains as c lnnn ing 'shicaucealed a smailpari tise legs; tisa broasI 'as nakat, si he sbfrt, unlesas eres-aoieaFc suce of ans ntsi-thesllft arrpit theafeet wèe-analeed,and thesehbave cast rnagniflcsntly. lt is 'sort] notea blt tis bodiy'sas fhuaS ai 'markailo biht, cîrost an lise lai lIma second sor>ansd necr it wera plcsOf Èl e naplubronze 'aid e T'hus suaother inherresting aSSiti maSe-o thie casfhs.inuaifori la tise musaum. 1Thea Sit es-perment ofitdis Id madeIla long ime aga" by the umeudahas-. Flou'ojli, uow directes- National Museum, ini bie prss pour correspond ent. Il ci-esteS a sensation at dis tima, as 'seUlil n for 1h brougt. te ligbt, if nualta somnsaiofthe victime of h'saIgi-ast lion 'sbich hurlaS -a whala cil>'bai !te ahues, anti presentai us wlth of lbe race 'sho once peoplod the es ofitiat no's allant city. Ativenture wltb Canadlan Wois Alongthelline afthue Gi-anti1 Ruailway, bebseiseà h Isandi Pou, tien ani h. Fi-sncb vilaga ah' Couo lu Canada, s distanceoh' eigliteon i lb.h ceunts-y lea- slmmau nbrekes est, ant i sd animnais ara fs-u seau beaide tdia read, utaine'inu's athe iapassing hi-ains, 'siila Sscis, lyns-es anmd'sali-es oftan bounSa tisa s-ails in front of 1h. bacons Sema poars sialco, thue lattarS-oiu wae rernarkabi>' plenby, someo appearing lu Si-oves oaisdozanaor1 t>'. ong eveuing lata lu the autui yonng minu aS occasion to-aia s tis lanasome saaufol, audilm accamplished h= biedistance 'sb boardi s cracklfng iu tisa buss al aide aiflthe track,,Saong the. ps-a oh' somas 'ilti animal. ThinkiE frighlenlise ceatuxe, ho thiew a s lawards tisa place 'shara il seos b.. This 'sas anssvcredb>' a ho'sI tise 'soif, for sncb lb was, and ti'sa ea lalie Siscomfoi-t of tho sltn various etiser howle s oea choeda ra-echasti by 'salves frorn aliaidai thep ioon bga ta close roundti lb lisaroughly frlhbeuetiman, 'sha ed'oua rua, but 'sas sean obligé olackanisise pace frorn siseer exhatu AlîhongIx -the pack of woli-es nawi bas-ad abeut tweutp, 111e>'stiR for rasuon folleS toataticIthlm, but rouisSeS hlm eai 1h.distance oaia pacea, sach moment groi-ang b anS holSer. Lu hise- Ilsperatio pieketi np atones and tisu'ow tov them,a hicis ha>' 'sulS seatter' perlaS sud,-ho saulS suako aui effort te-escape thorn, 'sics, hosw 'soul pi-av. usaless, far as oan a turnatito i-un they soulcl again Mn hlm,santhe'oonly'ssp 'shieb loi( keep thon st ai a>w'as ta-kaep op sbo'ser ofhmisles, abouting nt the of bis voiëes.But-avenuiblu i-osé 'sa faut failuug hlm, as h. 's, 21 221 .. - QC 1 1

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