wblcW s ham witnurà wnfrein he acquainted lit. vîi 'letige of the frnuà . tedi on the couintena t.1 Yi )uwilI niotmat Ir. Baootu2" lie asketi. and( licra." 3ntt Iost £1,000 lu Liono ubain uuu So. , 4th con., Whiby. Id , Cubas " i, a flalnray'be ieen atiho Tiin. 'Éha *nmtees viiinot blnd themseilst .Spain. Té cet e lowest or sny tender. est ole fourth of THO&. ABKSEY ~ - TruSteéi. been defraud. 4ppliestle il! Mb. made tote Legisis f a wided tuie of tbe = ce of Ontexile at ltà next 1flei to Lon. 992 ore, w;agar'e- à nd, 187 "if S,- andwh:n MBRONk FÂTTERtSON ýme, ho might r.-Sbould lie MAeUFACTUIRING ÇOMfPANY. £500." Thie- gg-, DIVIDEND, NO, 1. itheEor oie wiirt h s<,,"n.tiaLern- Alarni ipg erls7Sbngt4at e rat of tec o e ,per cent, Pei annùmý, nn the. prnd np ianc of ie $l ofthe rown & Patterson Mfg Co., ke this pub- lia.tht. dsy been decluired, and thie lame wiIhbe puyubieat %hoir office on' and i ater. the,0 ýXne Mnday tbe 2ùniidaý et ?ebruary, 1874, e By o Mrrof tht IBoard, tat aih t N. W. BOWN,t , h niglit Presidet. " Wel," saiti the piserobant. Ilratura ne thon £9,000, andi thongh 1 littie ex. soed niy instrnctions. I wlL-neverthe. ms give yen -bi ck £500." - SMy uhi o l g ot"rinarked the lotg inan, andi lo' forthwith hânti ilus pocJket-booIc nine.,£1,000 notes îbWhos&. I cananot change one bf theenotes.e dr. Bacon sait ;Il wilI îot iny check [0 yeu au wel 2"1 IlQuite, repliedtheti, Gernian ; and her baving receivuti the £500 check .Vie fQllowinig morning. Mr. flacon int to Ris ébau t e ps'-f lnotes, cd fouilil te ie urprisetlitht hm wcre ýI ir uterreits. tlisncxtinqury was rter lits celit, but thiat -waw alroatiy aslied..1*lc then telegraphied to lits aubarg correspoudent, andi learnoti tlia was profouniy ignorspit about ie wbi le affsir, It %as ai; adroit eý foclign ant Protete, Long prosparity hiat bronglit over euity, anti I Iiad been se long pros- érous iliat people saiti thoroa vas ne ecsity cr the, Party orgauzi g-we Fuldi neyer bc put ont. - -ut now that lew wlras gonc, andi al overQOntar*o Blng forinol, aiud *ore" working wî1tli !eat Z eai. If' I ceniti steal soaie ivate letters, I wouid fluti in thoni idigenant protests frotn followcrs of the ýoverunment for eansiug this ciection. hatve been revengei, not by ruiy own suds, on the traitorswlbo toitMi n i orning thlat thby-*wpfdd ,supportL Mc, id 'lu tht aftrnoen îgne'dairoiund illn askiug me tît resigu. Mr. Mac- Lwie humenoif liati teltitlise mon 3 vas dlonc with théem anti would new in a clear ritntu thtir places. Anti e verdict ef the cenntry would bce lke le celebrated oof ethte juryr-"lSarve aor nght." (i onA atoat' ascii at ingtea.)-- ' The Corporation of Uxbrldge have o HIoIly Ficoce Punps (one of cach )ing placet i 'lu eelcr'. anti Gold's ,w MMIS) anti 1,000 feet of 12!ic]h Lbber hose, anti with about 200 feet )out te bU PUtthased for,.the. use of ýe Corporation, there will l-osufficient M'ach al the steos anti rainciple- taufactories anti resitiencell, anti with se assistance of the tlhe Janti engine it comi4re JlMng ,s0cUetne"t lilpétlô.'hxe"freJrp kve' been trieti seversi times (net ut ire, luckily,) and proved a groat cooss. 6lircer AC."-Aîneongst tlh eje the laber agitation in Nl"eVYork i.s a suSPension o l-0ît 11ýil thé filst May, U a a ians ef relief fer t110c un- plcoet-tyorking-classeii. The ques- m hai licou raisoticiteaffect a reduction bouse rp'îts by twenty.tive per cent, "e0slthe enactmctît. Unlies the glalatt3ureo are te make goti the les. thie owners af stihlieuses, the idea fins to be that-of'a tacuporsry or par. , confiscation. qxw IRSHu icc.-e.William nlu1, lat Poqtnxaster.General, lias n raleedti teicpeerage. He vas ?n on the 218t of Septemxiber, 1812, at voe, Ceinty Lisn9ric'k. -jIoi. the, hem of varions pap'ý'hlets 'counecteti ;1 Irelatin ti on Public edecatien, sfelleof'oisevenai scientiflo secie- *~Uti t5li9 ]ilgish gemmrnnit hi il utanc. adeirk ite -thie 'r ce,I'ridiontoftie IBoard cf Healtît'. e-Presitient of thalBoard et Trsîd, 1er Secretary of Stato for the, Colon- tlie ruembe ofl-èliasc xieme a f m n tnity, ou s8v- 1 occasions since hie first entîsuce te liaufià ent ln 1847. 'à nxs's DaEmos LeÂniNo Suer g.+Iro .4ay reeciveti diroect nà e -kwkof s îelî-loadiing Shot guns, anti eau Ly Say that le, tha best American ech-leader wc hava aeven seen. It ubstantially matiesud veiy nliooiy Lsied, andifer avery practicai use il s' a" ashfixa hat Englisl Manufc-, cw~~ pte abot lirce 'limes sm iii ~ ~ ---m s 4 is Jtyof re$ders' want a gonuino breecli- lng glin, thoy woffltl do weli te cull onr office ant intke a look uit 0cr i, before xendiug perôss the water que, ~COU22viI BZtffà (Iôewe) Buge. Notié t. alisto given thti,tfuyther cali, cof tes pear cent, per menth. heom th day of * uly, 1873, te Oth day ot Deceunher, 1878, on thé sulscribed Capitali Stock cf thit.Cern- pany are hereby mais, and payable auith(le Counpaay's office, Whitby. N. W. BR1OWN, President. [Whitby, De. 18th, 1878. 51 T RBSTPAPERI TRYITHI THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, uow in Its 29th ycar, q4joya tiiefwitiest. cir- culation of any;.iveldy nteospi4er of thé kinli iu the world. _,üw aevenýc commen-ý ces Juinuiry 3, 1874. Its coztents embrece the lutogt andi mosti iutercitiug informuition pertuiluin te the, IndstffsI Mtiusiclau'deetilac Pro-. grs f the Worid;* Descriptions, wifh 1,suielegravie g , cf New Inventions, "New Impleineuts, New Procegee, ant iIm- proveti inductriecf ail kinds; tiseful note., recipe, Suggestions and udvice, by Pruicti- al hç W nitr ' or vcme uniýtn1yes, ail Mh10LoMatIs. AMIIIIICAX t. the cheuipest andi best iliestrateil weely peir' peblisiuîtt. Every nuniber coxtaiuî tronc10 ta, 15 originali engravùigs of noiw înachiney anti noyelinveoîtions. te Civiiali Mèü (ilaical EngineeringMll ' *, ainuudMetuhlargy,Recorde of the lta re(ress lunflhe A".lication cf Sti-am, Stem ngneering, liuilwuiys, Ship-butid- in.Nvgton, Teiegraphy, Telegrapli-En- geeng lsctrîciby, Magnett.m, Light Farers Mehuiice EniacrsInven- ter,, Mantufacturer,, Chetuiste, Lover., cf Scienea, Teac4cera, Clergyme, Tau ers Sgientiflc Aincrican neeful te' there, It siiecitihave a lin e very tà milY, Li- brary, cindýy,ocilce, sud ccintiu;g rocm; la every readsing rooncedlege, academy, or schc.cl. seve l h~ded egruiviigs. Tiiousands ut volumes5 are preserveli for b)iidiig anWire-4 ference. Thtelîractical receipto*are veil 'worth ton times; the subecription price. Térms .98'a ycsr b y mail, Deeccuat te clubs.Specimeng tient frçe: Maiy be..hat cf New' saisaleà . l>TENT.-In ceunection with the Scien- titir .émerican,. Mesars, Menu & Co., are saià vé the, largeat eetahblshmeznt ' *tht, worMd. More thta flifty theusauti applica- tiens hbave4ieon na45e for,,patents t14rugh theii 4gcncgr. 2 , L Patents areebLà ineti Ott th.'t it eati Medele of New inventions. sud skcetchese ex. amninelid a vice ffee. AIW patenta are publitshed iu the Scientîfli American tht, wýeek theyilsue. Seni focr1Pamnphlet, 110 pages, contaiing lawhs ati fuil directions for obtaing Patents. nise O o nteirtng la- =rach 0& ecei . d 711e Sts., Viss ington, D. Whitby, Dcc. Sth, 1873. 5 ý 0 LET. - 'TtBla6esnîtt Shcp, DwelingilogHctt, anti P.emis;et, rateîy cîcn;îied by Mr. Ge. Ayers, Hamner', Corneri, Tewu oftWlitby. T'or iiarticeiiice apply te--- JAMES 1110E, 'Te Htch Bloc., or Yeoman Gxibson. Wlhutby, Nov. 25, 1878. 48tf GASIti'. LIJumBER 1I The Oshawa CabinetQompany \VîlI psy the, là x 'batfpnç, ini Caâii for thé Deliverëfet te i rYar tOiawa. Oake or Ashin.l., lZ, 2 in, amy width. 'BeUrernt, 1lin,uiyid. RocedE li, i~l , Ji in, :any wi4th. Ccmmos lVafW Blin, f in,niny wltifh, Basawooîl, 1 inngij wth. 1ji lu,8,,10bcr18la vIde. I,1 ,l4l in 0,1 uwide. Fine, lin, ll,QinÃ12, 14,"br' Oit long. in, là t,i*3eeie, uRie: 2 i , l 8 j lu , 5 lu p I a Oihawa, Nov. 26, 1873% r sufforer m liberty tegs c-H 0o1 UIBSO N,- &SpARBVELL. B04 ,tp. iforrn their mimerous custom- orsÈâ aýfiùnda, th1aà i th yh ienstreoeived a g of Neèw Fruijts, CHQ A FMIL»*e IýýOCERIEES, TEAS~CHJA,'OPAL, GL~WkE c e Ifyou want, tao seet from the ývery, Largest,,PBast, and Cheapest'Stock of Crockeryý, go t'O GIB3SON & SPARVELL'S. If you want to select from the lar- gest and best Stock -of Glassware. Go to,; GIBSON &. SPA.RVELL'S. If you want the best Sultanas, Layer,,Bunch Raisins, or B~1aksDithby your ~osel Paiters, buy ylI~r oDiS, .paintg, e4lox, 1parmere, buy your h&rdw&re, stovesi Whre ymauget White GoalOil of a supekir q lion ts extr.) 'Yi7s uïd poor, ýsave your money; b y Arznstron'sýe Cooldng, Parlor, and Box' sWfVeÃ"S;; I dtons, stoveýpps elbows, &., at HATCHI & BRO. Whitby, Dec.. 2,187&. asea umb FA LL- d WIN TER',OTJN JOHN F.ERGIJSON Begs to inform his custom 1ers Lhat he is no w1 in' receipt of a New Valentia,, ucirýSOko CiurËants. Go ô GIBSON,& SPARVELL'S. If you want the Very Best Choice Fa Ml Groceries of al kinds. Ga to GIBSON &SPARVELL'S. If you want the very, very best and chleap est Black aild ,Gieen Tea, bc- sure to go Po GIBSON & SPURVELL'S. Ail kinds of produce chOage for Goods. taken in oex-1 ~irThe highest market price paid in Cash for any quantity of good ýButter and WThite Beans. F1RESH OYSTERSALWAYS ON HAND AT GIBSON & SPARVELL'8, Nhitby China Tea Store.1 OLD & FEST ABLIS IlIED Cloths, TweedsVestiungs, &c,&c., very ýselect, and suitablè for the ' s"aon, which-he isË preparea te make. np ini the. b4t style, andi at the sliorteat notice. Ail orders piomptly attended to arid executed in the best style Speciai attention paili te giving a satisfactory fit. AU kinda of Gants' furnshing goods. including hats, capg<, unirea, &e,. Can ani exyamine. JOHN PERGUOSON, (Jloithier .k Genita' Outfitter, ;DnndasSt. Whitby. 1Whitbyp Sept. 24, 1873. 39 NEW FAL IMPORTATIONS, A COMPLETE STOCK IN ALL LINES OF DRESS -Lemn, )n~igand lCitron. Pe urs,'Pe4oà hS, Tomatoes,, Wortleber-, y VlnoeCjd. ~,faddieo,1]3loaters, Oysters, Sho ru ics:Seasonnt, Inuipe.ivariety. iuerry nes§, a jlr ge assortment of Aies, Wiskeys, &c,, &C. g-'- OMINJUON by th lo-ur and -',Feed Store . Having bought Mr. Smith-*s intereà t in the Flour & Feed b"t business whieh, has been carried on under -the papne and Sfrm of Smith &.Hem- te~ milngway; is no* preparld-io.offr any qnantity of. S -the, At the Iowest Cash puice, wholesaleor retail. Oats, Corn, dt Chop Feed, Bran, Shorts andi Peas cons4tant1y kept on band, cheap for eash, at tml.p TRE DOMINION FLOUR ý& FEED STORE, Dec. Brid, 1878. w Crosby's,,Biocle, Est Door, fludas St., Whitby; ha su GOO ,DS-1 S TA N 1,lIWest of England, Canadian, and Scotch cloths, &C.,' &c.' 1833.1 - .PROPRIETOR New , 1rSets, New Bed-room Sets, New Dining-romSets. And a -lai e stock of Cane and ,Wood seaf hair4 -Tb1es, Bureaus, Sofas, Lounges, Bessteads, Cupboards. flair, CiotL, and Damask Lounges, Couches, &c., &c. A fine stock of New Gilt Window Comnices, cheap. The largest and cheapest stock of. Pictures. Lever -brouglit ,in town, allof 'which lie offers at puices, that i]1 not fail to suit the tùnés. U 'The undeisignedvwishes to state to lis old custom- ars ana the public generally, that ha ie to-lie founti at the "OLD STAND," anti huis noither beught ont, nor selti eut, andtis inicne way connacted wit any ether cstablisliment in town. ;:ý Undertaking as usual.-A Large Stock of Ready- rando Coffins censtantly kept on hanti, and-. trimined te entier. te suit eus- tomera, on short notice. Funerals fuily aiupplied wi.th everytbjng,, Whitby, October 15, 1878,. wIvx~ CLEARI NG trXLE.raf SALE GENTS' FJJRNLSHING GOODS 0F E.VERY--DESCRIPTIN The GROCERY DEPARTMENT is replete with a dhoice selection of Teas, Coffées, new fruiit, spices. Best tobacco. Goods at prilces defyung legitimate competition. September 24ti, 1878. Jl. J.MURPHIY, IYûnda~s St., Whitby. J, 0.ilHxS T ON S SELF<-RAKING RE APER AWARDED THE FIRSI PRIZE ! At the, Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. We ofler to our customers for the corming Barvetit, two dis- tinca Machines, which in 'style- and -construction, enibrace ~the latest and most usefýlà improvements of the day. T]EEl NOVELTY 0F TIE An ingenious piece -of mechanism, whieh caibe arrang- ed ila SOI.Positions, anti conyerted into à it Invaliti, Parler, Library, Reati- ing, Writing, Reclining, Smoing, Student's, Physician'à , andDenist's Chair, o9r a Leuinge, Bed anti Cbid's Crib anthd îg -Circulare with explanator-ydiagarama sen-t fre on, applicationi. Orders. by mal or otherwise racaive proçmpt attention, anti Chairs srafuny, ana securely paewked, sbippadti teany atidress on receipt of pnica. Atdres- P. O. Drawer 292. B. J. YAftNOLD, P Whitby, 28th February, 1878. J. -MA R GIS Whitby, May l4th, 1878. THlE WILSON MANUFACTURING CO., Sole Manufacturers, 245 St. -James St., MoNTxioe. IMPORTANT NE WS! BOOTS A.ND SHOQES' The underýsignied lias a larýge stoclk ot0 Ladies', Gents', vqd Chilà -ren's Fie and &eorse Boots & S3hoes JOII,.NSTOJN'S SINGLE SaeFAKING IA.ERj EBoots* and -Shoes'made ,to rdr.- THE "RING OP REAPERS." The universal -succesa of this Machfié, 'I1tIf-in closely contest- cd trials and in the bands cf the farmera, warnut us lu sayiug thatas a Self-Rsk- ing Reaping Machbine, it bas more geod points'kad lefs defeets,, andlias met vîth more succes ansd lis lailune, flian heratofooferé - ard te thse public . CAYUGA ;JUNIOR -*MOWER TF ewere a warded the First Prize and Diploma,at the Prci- A-4al Exhibitiou, held inl Toronto, 187,in competition vith aIl the laadiug Machines ,aanufactured in thé Province ; and witb our recent impnevemnetdt, ve unhesitat- ifglyIéhilleltge investigatio*n sudcomparison wIthiêbniïj,étie#g Iichiùeq;% we are satisflè.ttht sd ivsiaio vi e neeveryunoprajudiceti 'stbat we oSfer the best Mowen te tbe Fariner for 1872, builtinlu the Dilno. Sa ion descriptive catalogues. f -LARGE STdOK 6' n f 0onstistin~i f ~-l f ~,g ~g*y~ ~ c S Overshoes lined -warm aed conifortà ble. * India Rubbers, Sli ppers, &c., &o. 10-Re-psiriiîîg ,neatly dôlne. - Cal at'the old Stand. for, lMay 22, 18M2.- LAMPS!l LA~ H.OUSE FOR SALE, .1-1001 Or te W. H. 'Bi 1 f WNILL.IAM BURNS,: BOcd k Sho. Store, -Brock stme*, 7Whitby. A i : MPS To com menùce 1 Witby, Janu. lth, 1874. POR SALE FORu IJN.D EIR il' on Jan.; 8th,- 1874. AND- BUGGIE8 ONE 'MONTE ONLY, COST J0. 1) Q,-NOv A N-S:. tENIILY FINISHED 1November lofli, 1878. THE: WHl J.HIKI E &0,0 Wil otifor one 'Month, aagreat re- duction, for Cashj, their laxrgçe stock of_ <GROCEIRIE S, f WIES1&LIQJOIRS, READY-MADE CLOTI2EING, -AGEl. rloe WH.- TILLY 1