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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1874, p. 2

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.OffuivuUu,. More beld un~ -& ~9~'I4~WIY ~ T~Mt. 0f ohn £nI 0m~. ~ WJ*ilby *30 ~~V*P7 subie ~cesî.,~ ~Marçb ~"~"~Y4~U ~ WeU~ me~ia~ Ai LI~flei~i~. 110W w16' tii and p~, yp~ C~. ~ e~p da~ ~ t0., propewty ~ îny flutera, wJ*at ~ra~a,~; - ~ -~ au GeDIaJe, tj~ h~NOV. wore; ~rrr~n~v~ uo- 4h. lion, spd ho Would-roar ~ bmw, t1~o Gr.~d TZUUk station, sud ,~.., Bewtini4 iawtot.I0& 44O.PdYîIUO.SItb, WI Nighà'a DTOAW, ho woidd P17 the -~ ~'~' -~ ~J intoP~wern -~~~hsrIes D~#.. Offi~5. There is a ~ ~ into orne. ~ *1 d~ratL~IiU1êu1X 1~5fltS lnstead ofli GOVerrnn.nt.» It begins~ iently OUed ,.,,~ pro 'Amen lu A Tho trotted bntter thonS minutes ibs. Tii.y Ot)&~4. filnr ~l)4~itb~ ~ ~ ~ <boa it. ~ lut is. baabraiiobwjreg forth ~s ~ ~* 110~1"'Y -~ ___ ~1~'CJUCfr. ~""'»"~' inade by the Ist. ~ WI*ICJI tue nai~ batteries ai'. conven. ~ f0~1i. ~ iulat ~ ted~ yes~ ~>d~Ç,,g ~vedJ flti'eiitd resuit ~ ~ fouiid fr&fm~th. - ~ se P2R 4~q 4~'A$ the excite to have uP. No expe~~~ appesrs to seelL to PIIi'511e ~ e~r17 iu 1866~ sud Uer M~est~~~ W~II5Ã"D'B "lielile. advanced tii. 06. old cOlin tfy '*11 BRida. ~ , ' ~ inentof the con Bparod mn ftttif5 ~ Withtheverybodv of hasrnent~jas~<j iro~ t~. ~ O8Pt.CutIer's4'fle~ Hon. Mi' -~ list. - qvur sud have k~d * e Âuno~icau 5~ecu1ato~ vis; the kor of.18o5 to tue ÂUt~rn~ of priug j 8 888 ~rot, ~, zer replie Mr. B hoari ~uce~ an as. Hood'g "Long John S as CouoerfeaI Lt wau not tiirongh a by.l&w granting Li 1888, abo~t C Ipto werkifg oe~sg~if ~. 110W UieY ont ~ se brin prenuses. Âud situated 'te tii. office th.rn Pacift0 Bailway Conipany, tlia~ tii'.. yesrs sud ~ requi~e tion report Ceuses b tii. followxng parties. I*st, Which A:E Ba~'s "NeU Poster'. McKnnon's as theifim$gra OPfLY S~ i~ in *iie centre of the business À. w~n.' Weiîs.8111 r b knownss Boy"..5 000 would be <bowu is~*. few da s. He "&aynor CawnbelI G~4tone's "ua(u1, Thursdy, k'~b. 26,1874. "porlngjy 'W affor~J~j us o/tskfnga about &i.. .~ Dpumin~on, Si'lianmeuj$, waa elected laid that the polie7 ot the Bis . ~erurn ging W$bereafte - "Élance back amI looklng at tii. posi Go joyed an existepc, ef llttle over five entries sud resuit were: esented 'A tuuis ~'#ountry sut in a&iition Ward ___ h. sud Deceuiber, 1868, sud emuber 2nd Race, Ol25-,-o~3en to aU ho h.*3oehas ou- Bstilrne-257 - f111 OflhSVlo...TI,. ~ le b. "~ ~ have beezi bit OOfVefi.ne. to tii. publie sud acredit uugrnIse vernuientrailway ~~5S5. usquentlylt~~~iy0>j1011~,, ries Iafry wss 3. Varco., <1 COIteSîSd. '1>7 ~ 'a. A. acdonald ~ ~ Cornpsny, as weu as to air "pollcy" Maybee, T.I 'flhiflaf~ sud 47~ajg . mnorrow or th~iie * with agents wheth.r ~Pt Jas. Go tuer. suie, well Iwowa *0 ho oneof~ -- anan j.~ - fliadeof f0 doubt ît 110W '<XI fot amon~,$ ,~ nbost ~ BO~ Solfie Other Caruajobsel, Leslie but tiist tIiseiec~<>n "'whl.h ,,.~ ~ '~ ~~Ka0ies obligiug sud efficent ~ ~ ~. ~ b ut w. cauuot '. those ozî 1847 sud îei~.~ ~. 2 2 2 obhe>r sf8. of tho Âtîanu~ Th OVe' lng char agents, that use should be 18*0 b. couteated Ma. ~ ' 01W flSw Govprnm~ but bille of ex. cheli'ortii Y r~~~5Of5 Oxceptoul Speiran sud A.. for 1<OWthI OIItSILO "pense, wlthout ho~ of auy eartl*ly Company' ~* mcii vacillation ou Uer it e immigrciio~ societies at tii, b~ ged 025 esch 5f4 In. "USe su whLcij Lt wouia b. well. for Th. express office is divisied off from ~ ~i. ~ ~ ~ ha. flOW~~dfoeusarIy rest 020 each. 8Ce11 ~ Best time-2.84.........2 8 8 O- servativ. ineetln~~1og Cen ~ IWiists Olear we1~~etru.~. Gounter runnlng tii. widfhof the i'Oom. tsbing ~ ~ ~ 0Tbe ~ *zcePtio~;s~:~r.r~n. PI~.ftOllueîsfr,~ Cg&lhoun5~' ~ was Dot eiisnged; there were 705 5EoPs. w. aue~ value Dawn of ~ Conmpauy, by ~ ~1~sut to see tii. G0vern~,~t ~ been assembîe~j at Westmiuj~te~ under sstiIfD.Otioii. W55 tii. bonus Psid. It Wai bru. oz the TAN RCo' l*nc) on Monday Iset, Bt wI~ioii u~* j~ <b nut~ <>»~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It la also very conveniently fibted up, Pnreuing spi~.iies<~e4 Màsoumo.....ît 18 understood that tii. *gg ~~d*d hie lnstrnetious PI'operty y psy the counti~~. Beiiaâ for ~ municipalfty 0f Broekms-i~ InOtiib,,, ICr.~ Glbbi, W5 P~easnt, Ibis lfoit to Odiflirs-the elagange .....; heada 0f the Que deternjj~s~~011 iisd b.,n srrlved at, sud dleU~~n, Site extreni.. tbecompass cf style, or uliecor- srrs.nged for the safe Cabi hincftii eggwas- of tht wlbii ibelves sf8 compsrtrneuts omdorlv eerîaiuly cannot ap~rove~vtji.~>'~> w. fo ;> halL of-the 0zo00 ls~-I4st varions Masorne Grand Lodge of Canada. -sud - every dollsr h. had keeping o! It ont lu tins wluich 02,000 are Lu tii. uorgh n tllêfoUowlng resolu~,j pass.<~: rectnen o! tii. lanjuage. As for sueii sud parcels. for tii. whobs period ~as dispute betweeu tiieni. rus ~ ~ ~f Engllaii granminar as ~. ~ pie ~ tr~s~iou1dpi.o5~.~ or tiie peo. oftiie HOuas o! Hânover " eseia ~iiows have COIfl~ if ~ frj*u~7 tlfl8ft. flisuner. Oleeblon and to ~ *O~li1'c nuder a * ~ average dtirabion of standing upon tii. muatteus sai J Oxtravsgence of 04,000 sud ~g preposition, iiaracterlsbie8 of ~"Y been en to COnteit the ~O b. .Qlbbaouolg~ ililIDorte * 50 long t Goverurne~ if fll'AJgi'5 bor. Tii. AZ ounts were furiiisl P1'aetieas fraud~>Ieu~ th.,wpl Seut, ~ie parties Qylueut cf tii. participle ~ trottif~ races on tii. be corne off to.day oePlO. sud l1sisteucy sud i~ about tiiree yesra sud siglit mou~ ~, The buis o! settienieut srrived st~ tion clear. Tii. inorease of 10000 ~~eY rebnrued 080.40 but refused scribe fîîu~lsto 1* cal.leci i'5 Ou P*0 uonmînabîve, they are ai Satnrday, lu order thop~k O wibli Iti ~' be.n poutponed ~ ~ud s poiicy o sud of mtesd of the yen, sud that tue verb-shs»- sud to~morrow.....Tlx, open trot has dissimulation is a.,~ ~ ~ minis ~ tion o! Parlement. The Grand Lodge o~' Canada ~ COSt; tue expenses per c~ita, in 1871 Mv. Brethour mores tluat - tlig 1fr' t fu'om ~ distsuc So swindling lu a~ mdlvi us ~ uearly tiie Saine as the average dura. -wé learu, briedy asfollows: ~ Persons ~v~g obtajned at su immense tue #9 for stgatute labor. Was ; lu 187Z 12.05; lu 1878 ~t b. an<l la hereby instructed ta becaudsttii.n re"ues" 1s51IIgRailw~ ar tii, Ministen have exhibite<j Flrst Lords o! tii. Traasnry. Appcin~euî tiie Province o! Que Mr. Bykert dU flot preSu ina motion .1~mg theni Date o! di'~~ altogatiier froni tiie terribory o! increasea to 04.68. Toronto sud Nîp upou te togetiier too Conimouplace to b. attend. ~ ensile partis. e wiio themaelv~.55 men who Wm <'o Us~ James Stauhop 1717 ally code te QuebecaîîM~niej - otiierwise will b. tai ceedioga, ~ In mcii pro. .8 b by tus new.ilsdged editor, aI. Ail the otiier tii. day before. Sur Eobert pole. have cutered *0 bwing ou hem iiorses. whab tiiey moit solcmnIy sud eniphati. Oct. 10, 1714 meeting 0f its aunusi proceedinga to-' Robert Walpol COfli~a,,..J...si tii. beeniiereto. b have to as the repo requi. rt would contain mount of their tueur taxes fort 1718 isdietion witiiif tiiat Province, sud site Iliformation with the of the ~~.1ep~oPîe do not protest againut tufs Es.rI o! Wflming~on. sohool 250 trot, sud for b 1720 mak "'se s tiiongi, ;sre bld Happy ~ ~ '~: cn~B!~oha~~: ab ~ et a the lixocU~I<,~* Conunitte.> compris counbny's affairs tue del'~ LimOn. Duhe 0f Nswcastle. ni 21, 1754 poses sud tii. Commuttea uamed tii. sohola the ~<> Tii. Jobs 11A ru unden tiiat 0f Hemy Pefl~an..........~ 11, 1742 tloment, to j~ te ou the Sciicoî Bull was ~ collect tlîe 5ai»~* e s financial set eJ by ite Board o! General par. Sum~cl sfter recels.- sud tii. bUll iuaving Mv. M. MoPhaden lmesented T1iom'AB:Ym~1~i~ail. ~ been substîtute<i, for hommes OWued ~ 20, 1748 rang p82'. lu5tru~0~ of 16, 1788 Ail tii. subor,îioate Lodge. 0f Canada l>~en read s second bime, the Houe. ad. count of 84 for Collveying- a Ass<,(,,~On n<' mcii agvsmmarlaîm, JJ tiie County that nover l>eat tiiree min. wifl soon be evident amoug tii. maSseS Marquis ot Roeidnghsm.lily 12, 1768 g Presl4ent sud Seeretary o! tho doilvenano . George Grenvill Ar±l existun în Quebec ~ tranefer their ai. Tho Speaker took tii. Au >~ 19, 1782 ibs su os lu Quebee. i11fl~O(~ at 10.20 propert~ lu 'Vro~mantou ho co ~y.> vi~ The article gos. on-. utes; 880 ta first iiorse; 015 b~ second; lu tii. ion of contempt for tvuth, iion. Novtb............g. ~g legiauce to the Grand o! tii. Province, oclock. S3~s bordinate Lodg YllIa e; Josluua Wrigiit, Beach Wm. "Tii. la te simortîy ~inrd, (if more han tiiree regavded sentimental Rebow~auiilp; an pleasautnies Rock tion. - Govevument, b.. sud ~ wuIl be meruly M.GllIsapl., "fore ltroslgud offie., 55W fit to fiood ~t Thursday, Pcb. 19. On motion of Mv. Bretiiourtii~ luonesty, whicii ciiair at 8 clint was ovlered ta be paid. Wm. Robent., p l'y witu uew sud most un- art.) oui~y useful for tiie cloaking of fvsud Eari cf 8~îb~ 1782 sud ta be uumbored ou tue voîl of Lod- After routine. .'- for the office o! Aseessor was la ingiism. . . .Msrch Procto Tii/ ~t!oRae, Mars; Georgw "81~, conut - HenyAdaj~j~j~~.M arch ~' of warrant. Tins wiil, of course.ucces. Govevumout of bbc Dominion Qrt "'called for appolutinente Pensiouiug Tii. cntrrios for tho open trot are as anc deceit. Duke cf Portlaud -'-""~~ ~ 8, 1782 ges, .aclî Lodge takiumg priant wiîii due Hon. Mv. Curvie asked for cnpics o! tii. table. application froni Mv. A. Il be appointed ~ oIson, Seotb-. 'lug that Y ~ 1'~±~ :2::::::-~-fl~ 2~ 1788 Qnebec Lodges accordîng te b dr date ail ColTespondence, if any~ betwoeu tiie Mv. Bretlîonv iutvoslnce4 nud c* Perry; J. Adanis, S ; zs~8 ~ "offauit~ pots, kuow- follows ,-Havry Mitchell, St. John Tuz Rires AND SPECTACLES...... W....................~ 8' ~ Grand Zodge o! Quebee undertakes let July, respectiug t sud Eva 67 sud tii. blirouglu a by.law appoin±ing L. e action ~ tlzey ~ ~ ~ sud T~o gabiicriug intention Lord rai«J'~..........Msy 12~ 1804 sîb504 5 general re.numberiug. The Goverument of bille Province, smo. bue sud A. MacKny Es Assessors o *~tusy oeay ~ et bysuciiag.~>~ ~ concerucd, Major King, Kitty Wells P<~~î upon its part ail tii. obligations o! meut of tii. late Phenson, Rama' w gg work la expectad ho b. a gaceci ~yencer ~ ~ 1810 tîsu" until suc also sfflruned liy.law, have mnoii pleasure in anuouuciug the Duke o! Polaucl.Msrch 1>3, 1807 18 pI~vpoae ocoutestiug tl~e raz: " lpperias. ou.. disesses, sud ~,, use sud ooargO.f Llverpoo........Apuil U, 1827 thno as a new treaty sua;1 be entered meut of tii. amount expeucle<l by tii. by cime cutlug time pensons gullty off fThere Is Duke of Welluugtou.. Jaui. Major.G~er~onu townshipfur 1874; tIi. former ho a ul.nt prectuces, sud-to Initiat, sud carry a ciisrmlng confusion of Cintrer 54ê.as ow Tnogaouou.ass» abuse o! spectacies, (Dr. Edward scowmb Godeneh. g. ou ~ a eoileiu5~u le e ai proeeealu~ f0r nounu sud ey., Uts 28, Canada referring te t s Isase Brock, ah Queeuston, Sud bue the nortli lualf Et 860. ho Grand Lodge Sir tI~3 soutii bal! at a ialavy o! 050, Canuîu~.........une 8, 1812 o! England sud Sco h lsuds Connected tiierewitl,, sud state. Tue spPointm.nt of Colleotore the purposes sforusafJ treasurur of tii pronouns here tint ruakes it CATTLE......Atteutiou la r.qneste~ ho tue Franke, oi tii. Royal Eye sud Ear lu. Ear1 G~ay 1828 Lu to between Quebec a n Province o! Ontario upon suoh unoun. John Barker for tii. soutii, ani saId fend." uJthe Europes Mabcolua Gillomple ho sud tiiat Mr. difficuit ho uuderetand whose "political aunounocunent o! auction sale o! ~ firmavy, Manciiester, Laucashire Eu~ VLecouxxt ~...Nov. 12, isso Grand Lodges. TIi. committeerenpret. ment sud grounda. Eulwsrds for tii. uortii.hîaif. i t, îsa~ ing Qu lite w.as over." TIi, conclusion o! tue - o! tue valuable stock o! Mv. D. D. baud,) ta pnofessioualiy visit Whitb7. Viscount Meibon.......Dec. 10, 1884 James Dunbar, oomposed o! Brother5 Csrviod. Tii. Auditona Messrs. S. Baird sentonce....." and fltoy wogd<i neve~ have Slnd., Lii otiier commua. Tue pester H. Lu cxpcctd ber. lu s iew daye froni Sur Rober~ ~ - ru..April 18, î~ laie M.; G. H. Han. Hon. Mv. C!ivnie's Bih, respeotiiig Joe~ph Lucas brought lu hoir r< -8fr Robent Pool ~........y ebue was Tii. ststenje~b was umade thstjuj con. *m,~ more wore for those whipperine 1" portion o! tue aunnals offerd for sale Liudsay. Tua gentleman lias been Lord Jolis Ruaseil. ~. ~ B. Mee~s~ J. H. limitation o! actions sud suits veîatiug ta lIte fOllowing effeot, _ D. G. s.queuce ut tii, manîpulation o! tue i. altogetier unique.) are high grade., tireo.quantvs sud leoturing la Ottawa, Kingibon, Brook. RanI o! Aberdeen ~ Feb. 27, 1852 ail D. D. G. M. M. M. Tait, M. -' Livo Mn. Rari o! Denby. . . - editon continues.... halI.bred, Rani .........................................July ~, ~ I~aacson, sud S. Mnvray, tiie latter five ho mortgagc vovide ~ To the Council o! tii. Municipal ......................................................................................................................Dec sales sud ta p aseesument rail, no feWor tiiau sev.nty ~ sud v Jun. i ail o! slnpevicr qualitv, u~ ville, Coboung, Denby. mode ho couduot future nuonhgage sales, pone.tiou of Brook, &r. Petenboro sud ~> Vîneount PaImers~,.Feb 28, 1882 Canada waa ropveneuted by Brotiere was read a second time sud rebovred ho We tii. undevnigned having exam lu bue bawuslîip cf Uxbvfdg, alan,. ~ "Consoqueutiy, ho psy theni off for Suc condition sud cf hic kiud pveferr- Hope, sud supplying the residuts ol iacouugpaîuuers M.; Tlioman Wluito, D G M Mv, MoCali move& lu ameudujeut vouchen sud fiud said accounts <'au VO~g~g wcr, cEnt for ......................................................................................................................Feb. 8, 1855 W. B. Simpuon anil A. A. Steveneon a special oOîumitte.. hie Treasurer's accounts, oompaved 26, P. G. peut Services, ovor one hnndved ~,. cd by mauy Cauadiaîm ~ ta thon. places witlu luin improved sud RarI o! Denby...............18' ~ 11. L. liohuiuson, Wm. .. iviu and G. H. that pensonal pvoperty nluould ii. ~ veot. »ttnues o! wituess.. ta otiier allsged "polutumeuts are made, sud those men tii. whoily tlmoroughbred Tii. pateuted spectacles. Hie suocese ms l~itanu4mEDisnEe. Feb 25, 1868 cf sud ai. RarI Iluseli ......................................................................................................................July 6:1858 Wiikinsou, P. D. D. G. M. Tu. Grand sesned wjtiuout auy exception. - We have cxamiued said Colleot upon tIi. ehelvea i~j<,~ becu nucli as ho nocive hum mont flot. ____ . if frsuda sud sets o! bribeny weve plaeed "ave crowded overjiowin d~m sud lias a firît ~.lses ped. ~ering Osîmoniala .-~nv contempor. Voînm o! tue us. by tii. au edict tlmiuk burden b.. tiirown on 8652.30 lias been paid Lu, leavinj Masters Qnebec Canada have Hon. Mv. Curvie thougiit that tjto en- Bous sud find hie total for lu tue huandu o! tho coîulnltteo. Tlîo ~ eau ~ ~~ougîuîved yeaviiug bull la front an ~ I.' .....~ tentîcu give eeob adetone. - - .Dec, 8, 1888 veady, by tslegvam, declsred their in- tire Lucome o! tii. peopie of ti~ Pro. soutli.lualf ta be 8880.5.19, but wl aies., froua fOport frouî bite Village of 1~xbvldgo vcom. But Kevevt1~ arias cf tiic, liamed ~ Cen. passible issue of en- tii. shonid igreo. locauities Second ho inimodiate as !sv vinco sbould be taxcd, but b. did not ouglît ho b. 580S.79.-.Of tins smo iug .~ joining tii, renunlption o! maternai in- bauku alan.. belance o! 156.49 stii sbowed tlîat oîîe.tiftî o! tii. '18mai o! "t/tcir elevated positions tliey" (thîc ~ ~ ~ tus Doctor long rc8ommeudatef7 cd. The second volume o! tii. Ceunu, >î tercourse. Tu. session o! tii. commit. - Tii. amonciment was lent; also an totsi on the rail for siectona bcd b.en omittefi front tho siielves qain?) ~dav, aile' te get tlmeir L1IJ51L~L Coxas.svÂrrvE ..~.nnOo o~ itoniai notices, C-sPecially lsnding lus Canada bas reacied us. lb coutains tocs wae an extonded one, we loden. amenclment pnoposed by Mn. Rykent. given ah 00071.68- but Lt Ouglut ho give voter's lut, Seveval other grounda ~' fingonu into the Govenurnent mouey 1?? Wicnr DURRÂM.-.Tho Luberai.Coej. eoUunbifio metiiod o! adjunting speota. tables giving nges o! tii. people; agen stand, penfeccly barmonions, sud tii. The hanse tien adjonrned at 6. 6075.43~ 0f buis 5998.00 han - iij wore aiea put forward, any "wineb tiiey rentier te tii. countvy no tives o! West Durluani do not ap.. clos ho hlm. oye. Frpm su oxamination o! hlj~ malTied; ages o! bite widowed; resut, w. are aasuved, wae-au ail sides Friday, Fcb. 20. paid in leaving 77,48 stUil ho psy, qnallflcatio» of tue sibting "baga sud draw opt large salaries, for IOrvg~ o! the eye alone iie ~ number unable ho sud write; deat sccOptable. lch would b. *lii~Iciqllt if deaths; utîmber o! cixuvolues, "oqui1'sleu~ whatever." sud have forme tlîein rocent de- geuerauy sucocss. and dum; îîiud read Lieut..Gover,,~v transmicciug rene. Pt~cvod, ho d'uprive hlm o! ins Seat. fWhst scaudalons, tbieving shelve.? feat, J an association, fui ou flic tiret trial. As s lectuner ~r. mmd; occnpstio ~'oÏlc o~ud The Speak, es froni The Report in abstract sud Jet And y.t witii Mv. Jacoba, reeve o! Newcsstlo, t v road messag e; Pickenng Caunctl. tii~ Le s' Franks ~ a tue g><~o~ soU o 111. a< ou thon placod in tii. bauds o! t the llidiug sud Oglat tue Content bq tbe ont large salaries" I AuJ ho bava fui' SpUOialty. bs plcdgcd hImselft~, stand by how claver, to bO able ho "di~5W *~ President, sud Col. Cubibt, Seore. liii H. la Luveutor sud lent educational sud penal TIi. Co~cil met 1;ce~u - huîlons respaetîng sottiers on certain ceve who with hie otluer-membcre lut, Aud, as au osrnest~î,ss o! ins gens I AuJ ho b. silo ho get tics, "fin. tary. A moat entinsiastio meeting heuhee a! vc.ny important improvements ineuts. Satîmvday, l4th FOb~f7, 1874. Fnee Grant towusliipa, sud necommeuda tue council curefully examiiued it. eha~: Pickeniug pursuant ~ rosolutions ho lie considevation o! Mn. Bretitoun move giviug tite ages ~i a tu~ tii. nep Fvom tIi. table î - ho adjouvument, Meuibers ail preseut. of tue Eli<litons junt submitted hsvt mouey.bsgs" ws. hold, lendathorougî organizstuon ou spootsoi<.s wImiclg improvoments our people we gaîu>er tîîat tien. wene »~ ~< Petîtîcua ~.nenented.....of James Mc. Hou. Mn. Frasen iutncdliced a bih ne. ~ Csrefully examiued bé~uowfiuai tIi. Assembîy." smeuuting bu OSis were taken up on AuJ "neventhelois fromu tiieîv eîevategî hie nidiug ah tIi, hownapeopî. wili no doubt avail thaom. Dominion 141 pers ns o! Avo3 sud et ors, n n for alteriug ~ speoting public aid :owards malc supporters ho baok hint up.subnenipti<,u. gere ~u~to ~ Governmeut made fan ons over yea for lie spot. The nusu o! -North Ontanlo poiltlons"....." wbero tiiey can scam'coly noxt electicn, wiiich,ît lu expcoted, will salves o!. uio. o! wlîom 78 were mahon sud ~ rond divisîon; cf Tiiornas Hesd, for ~ additions aid altenations, which wan islied alidtîed sud allcwed; tue abstract pu that Chrenicld. aIes; 67 o! thon. were lu the Prov Certificat, ta enable hum ~er~bt~fl5 nead a first bue. 5hEteuien~ ~~0~gieu o! tite Jetai, 'know tluelv rlgiits, sud ktaowing tuent, get ubsnding rootu" 1) tatai 1,085,879 marrie î On motion o! Mv. be Jîcld siiovtly, Mn. Jane maîntalu He eontlnuos...... prenent representative Hon. E. B. To the .EcWor cf 0ze Wkitby ou the agen cf 91 sud 101. 0! tii. ors for centificates ta obtain hoches. tuuem." Wood, wiîî sbortîy retire froua political popumstion were Mach.y, inco o! Ontarjo. There wcve 1,889 ho: siop license; o! Twelve T On mntLou cf Hou. Mn. Crookn tite amouget tiuo rate payern-Cavnid dmstributic ~'Tiiiu shah, o! tuingu is entively wroug, life and aceept office. committe. o! supply, A commuuicsîi0u froni J. H. Thon Home went into Wlîy Mn. Blake accepî.d -Office. <~ quihe agres witii bimu,) "sud w. are Wiiitby, Feb'y 2lst, 1874. o! wlîom 18 maIes sud 2 females ~ ieft tii. chair for isîf au iioun Mn. CEitienonhhcîght it wan uuusual Taylor waa nnbmitîed; sud ou mt oven 101 yearn e! age. Tîjore were Tii. Cauncil resumed, tiie ileev . ta consider tua ustimates Lu Conimitîee tien the taxes was ovdered-ta b. refunt Lu tIi. Chair. son reganding tho taxes on Bey. M. Sxu~ :: flsd ho sec that tho uew Goverumeut S~z, ~un FATAL ACCIDENT AT BEAVER. h ne veorto~ iudicatiug that, ail sîsuderoun reports Tite Standing Committe Hon. Mn. Crooks said us ouîy pro. ci regardine ras, e un o Everybody knowa uow, tiaah it was as sàw tue necsnfty o! Lmmedîsteiy Tox A mont nieisnclîoly case e! tii. Ennual meeting lie Contrany nat wid. accounts in hlm '-ir report ru. posed that ou. item suould b, connid. wbicli lias bOOOil ese 5p. Jr 87 widowers ~ couu~î to lîelp bite Goveruiment Pavty witî th, caucelllnga large number o! tii are likely ho marry a second ocmmending Payment ci t hic, that iu yeîmr ' e ou Petitions ~a Certain Were - Mae~onzî~ namo. W~tiion~ 1* Mv. ~,poi1itumauts. AuJ hiive are oduere yeh OW~g occnrred ah Bot laut sud Pont Company pub. d j> sanie day tii.7 ed 86 4 nd 79,897 widows thO chair. tiie <inpnted. prestige o! hie wincb should -b. ah once wip.J ont." Fniday aflernoon. A litti, gin, daugit. liehed in yonr hast issue, yen shate that hune tisu widowens. Timer, wer, 999 Eccolints: George Leng, or Slipplyung s tIi. adephion cf the Annual Report wan ~ !olIow~u~ ered. He moved that tite s Mensra R. sud W. Baird came befor discuasing the lulatter Mn carried, Beynoldn ~ aid ta Margaret.McGj~~y, 8 ; ouatha~ G would scaroely uv0 ventur. [WJ~~ net 5Aw the "otliers" up into ber cf Wm. MoKniguut, o! Beaverton, ouly Sheniif dissent, persans unahie ho nead sud ' Elle, for une o! Tempenance sud tii. romîtmnden cf lie road allow. titil 0f C Aften ed hlpon bue bask ofionmuug au Admin. littI, "siielves"?] - winhe crcssing hlm, river hftppeued ho mng. Titis Us not correct. I stated ~* a! wiiich 162,104 weno maIes sud 188. Municipal eleption, 82; W n oxpianations on neyeraI items, anl 5,880 b. granted ho Rer Itlajesty for ~ rncved titat hi. rond uow hrav Hait for overuiment Hans. expensen. ehed sud known as Barkor's voati b. im- Mv. Canieron a * tii. Bvoulug Star, wc regret ho v.ad lu We venture ho casent hîmat the coun. itsted into tic wat.v. Si. ~ ~hEh.d ~ coud oct support sud der: o! illiteratss uJ Mn. Rykent asked pra~-ei sud ccufinnied as a public voa~ Istration ah ail. But as ho Mn. Blak,'s - Report ~ neyerai ~ were as un. enucu, for work on aide vo "sud rotiremeut. Wlth our ooutomporary o! Has tuis ex.pcdagogu. ~vev conjugat.. venture upon a weak part o! tii. u~ tinctiy that titeve wene sonie tbings ~ 471 feniahes. T~0i~timier Cono.sektu, relieur moyen tii. Clerk yens Se. sud Do? wheu it gave way sud ube wam pvecip. tii. îu lu the Mn. Id tii~ Mals. Fetuale. Total Report r 1> ere replied ho by Hon. Mn. Mokeliar suce ho nold as tlme law directs. ilîtan Stepi. thiovote beiug put t Et i vot. lots 2 & 8 lu hlm. 8rd 085.84. Han. Ittv. Fraser sud Hon. A. H. ad betweep w BI eceiyed aid adop hie Glotte hiiat Mv. Diake did nat vo- :009 parties ta enable tiienito obtaîn lîcenses, Rois: wssiluenp HLgii Sohool wcnld not siiew mc niauy under tii. lire. No ou. wan prenent ah piaoed upon lie minutes. Ploase Brunswick.10,197 8 ~ ~ d Contigencies - - tabilsii ils owu cousisbeuav" lb h lu: tir, franu the Cabi7nct "lu order ho es position o! the yauugesb pupil ~ ~ niediately carnieti by tue curr.ut unden tent-that it wan umy intention ho have Quoi.0.........107,782 84:080 191'862 clerlc grant certificates ho tIi. od namj. I Jid witbdraw a formai pro. Onhanie.........29,408 27978 5 179 Mn. Green moyen tiat tiiq Reeve sud TIi. first item cf 85,880 fer salaries Mn. A. Joues ho ont down and remove slated upoti tiat Mr. Blake nehirufi sun granimuticai errons su ave to be found tht> moment to renoua iiev so that wiieu -note correction. ted. Genenal Mowst. n iereby iustnncîed ta nolify Scolie..14,719 17:608 followiug an o! tIi. Govenument whaheyer timîjer be wislues ho tak. g ai Yeurs tri!7, Tieve are lu tii. Dominion 2,576 bu pelitioned for tie sanie aud assed. front Iota 12 auJ 18 Lu th~e 8rd concens. 862 hitey haviug id lie mnterpreted, meanu tint Mv. Blako eau ove quoted. Anytiiiug more dis. found ho beexhiuct. ~. DRAPER pensons, e! wiiom 1,409 are maie a uired acoommedatlonu. Join ho uit agafo. Inspootor iaving -report.d tieun ta ply for "ponsonsi noasOni," winoit, bclu lu s singie sentence c! tii, production takeri ont saine time aftenwords feniale. Thon, o! unscuocl mmd Cutiberî, Edwat-d Denusha, Jabez M nd bavetiiencq The rose sud asked leave ion lin. nold la hUm by titis corporation [~Vo baving mflisreponted Feby 1,167 Houa. tii.n a'ljcunned ah 1i'20 fit-st day o! May will be taken possens. regret Mr. 94,285,026 being mal. and 4,897 femate; Fcrtîirop, S. K W.bb, Chas. W. Mati>. onday, 28. Mr, But-k. Cnt-rie,?. Wliatevem' lias net been nemoyed by tite as a Speciltien cf newspapv OSNAWA RAT FACTOEY......The propni. Draper. W. hock it for granhed bush blîf a Us ubout 2~ la eaolm tiiensand c! the ews, Joui Fislter, George Heudenscu, TIi, Speaker aunauuced Ihe relut-o o! On motion o! Mi'. Bretiaun hie Clerk unake more mouey at Chaueery prso. graceful tic, thon Uic would get as a Cabinet wnitlng sud newspsper editing bas ehor c! tue Oshawa Rab Fachory ha. iiaviug withdrawn tue formai protesb pOpulation. The oocînpationn cf tii. Robeot Seccr, Rugi Gnaiam, Titos. Mn. Daly for Norti Perti. Mv. Bi'kert WES utintt-uoted te wnîto tii. Cono:>' Ion cf by 1h. coîmucil sud pasad over ta neyer eomc uudcv oui' notice. made atm assignment, sud tiie worlcs ho hîaJ scquioncd Lu the nopoot.....Ed. poople are sunimsnized as folhcws: Laskoy Mrs. Juditi Sterling sud James moved for Correspoudence renpeo Ministur, aisa hiat bis love o! lucre fi AgnUculî~n5~ *ues propent>' luxes ou lot 21 Lu the lîti con. strouger tisu us love o! counir>'. A. Tii. uniniaîlîgible jomîle lu, howevsr, an. for tii, Lime ubopped, hhnowiug a Cironicie.] Commercial clas:.479,512 Cooper. Carnied. blu, purchane e! Mn8~' ah. MUnlutonai ongans deolare biiab hi. ouI>' introductary ta a contemptible at. lange mamber cf female oporabives eut ~ Donmestic clans îiîîg Treasunumr îlirocting hlm ho cancel tii. Goveruînej>t wiU coutînno ho bave au taclc upon Judge Dantnefl. AuJ bue cf cmplaymeuh. McGewan elecîcd for Ncrntt Welhing.. Iudu~hnial t'hass 60,104 75,200 Mr. Green introduced a iiy.law ho ai. fan the sgnlcnIhnr5~ at-m. Mn. Mc. Mr. Ward prenenleul s chu o! 050 531db cf Mv. ]JIalce's sssîatanoc auJ burden o! tIi. grammariau'g complaint ~ Not classtfed... .~..148,070 p'înîion of said - couucii as duey did before lue reslguod, h tint bo Ludu faut with tho appoint. ~Viuirny Sra&it Frits Co.-Tite nu' Professionaî chas,.212.808 hon hie Elhosvance for read between lots Relier sud hie AttorneyGen.t..aî gave for hourd, cct'cliaIgu sud athendance for ton, ......................................................................................................................89, 24 simd 25 lu hie Sti cou, sud ho vont a exp he charge o! taking 3 n'aithîîs ci an indigcuh iuvalid sud Lt lu plain tb~h tuer. was 110 ueed for ment o! 1fr. Dartueil as Assistant unal meeting cf tus Wiiîby Fire Co. MAJORITY 82. Tlie births duning tii. year are staî.d adjoiniug Iaudn. Ilead tii. tiret bue, Whuicuî arase Un obta' a~id lite dithcîmlty 'lamuiie tc furniture. Il wan urgoil latititions as ho t nliowance lu cwners o! fcrcxble possession min1 JuJge, on tii, econoun>'. Forent, Feb 20.-Tli, eleohion anales 56,858 cf femalea sud 128 tiiR the second tinte Lu îl~. îexh meetin e ring deavu aIl ti~ papers sud 1h. lue- heon f'orwarleuî lier.. ta have pîaye~î tii. Ineonsisteuit score ~ Hore ~ ~ ah bbc ûngiu~~ boue hast Tuîurs. Mount gton for e repre ah 118,561 ; o! winch 60,575 were cf aid on motiou wss orderoîl ho b. rend rnper±y. Tii. Geverunient a~ee,î to pality of Uxi>rictge sud slionîd have part ho did wlien lie consented t, 5W,îî Le bow h. Pib. ~ ~ day eveningwu.n the !ollewiog ehlicLcrs in Nartia Welliu sontive sex Wa5 ual given. Tii. destin ~ ~ tIi. council sud tliah hi. clerk bave bue tion was withdrawu. înîug a hittIe ho lime tîgat indigent behenged ho tlme ninuici believe ~ be ~ for tii. ciment yean wene elected: for lie Ontario Legis1at~r0 - tooîc place sanie tue WOre 47,814 Cspbaiu.....Wm Eppîett; ho day, sud resulted la a victor-y fen umahou, 22,428 cf !emal~ 24,758 being ~ said by4aw pnbuinied as tIi. lsw ne. M Ou -motiati o! Mn. Cowa9 014 wore hie nunihor o! Cabimcut Miuistcns, sud w. ev tIi. LLbernl Counorvatiy.,a, McGow. sox Was 1101 gis-en. Ti, birtîs, tien, Mv. Mack.y 'neyes timat hie severai Macdeuald, D. P. S., Sipenintnd.nt o! the Muuicipa!iî>' s, sud cf 128 tlîe quit-es. n. Bykert mov.d for ounneopendence allowod. gf~ wuuhd diable uit ta shîirk responuhbil. o per!orm tiio dubies uevoîvîng umajoniîv o! oigity.tw0. At icy ho bIte oeisntry. If tht lii~~ ihtat heu by aCcepîing an office tuat " ~iIîing, sud weîl qnaW lit ~ B. Clearwaten; for in refreuce ta obarges macle Egainel A. Tii, Rec±ye iîforniod tii. Counoil that hi, sud if tii. labor required ~ 2nd Lieih.~zopuaoia Blair~ nd, tbe~ Candidate, beiug r.turud ~>' Lu hie yonn giveu (1870) exceeded parties oct havung sent lu their reponts draina iii tie Towoships n! Baleigli sud froni tii, Municipal Lenu Fuuîd (815, MinhsteriaU " oXcc5~ o! the saler>' lie nuceives, us 'J'rensurr....M. O'Doncvau ; - ct-gene I.,o correct Un thair statenieuts "aslar>' might ho increased rather than Secrehary.....Gc. R. Rani . geneî'ai eiocti~n Mr. McKirn, hie Grit deceaned, 11,086 were manried ; 8,852 pechive divisions as reqîired b>' Iaw are Mn. Bykent meved tîîc lait tii. Jeatis by 70 247. O! hlm. ~ orerseers O! higiîways in tiieir t-es. Tiubîmry Eash-.Canried. 683.57> mny now b. iiad on simplicalion 'noie>' ceîîîiug te lIme WhyMr. Biako acceptefi allie. or, upan wiiosu siiotîldere jildicial SPaini,î peu dron sud uumarrued persons. Tii. or betere tii. n County Brauchmeo....Samî,i B candidate was ebected by aven 600 ma- were widowed; auJ 82,485 wore cliii- Iier.by netified ta fcrwand tii. sanie on denco reforning te tIîe SPPOLOtnionî o~ Iaw netting fort]> tIi. manier in which ~ lb la-plain tint lii. culy Possible t-eason "lîs~e hi, burdend auotlî. Casîcu, RUchard Weifeudune~u~Jn'n<s jonit>', sud tbe nesuit înîîst bu acet'm Tii laid ho invostigate ail Correspo n- and il wonîd ha ie~O5sary ta ans a as indicative o! tIi. great Liberaî.Cou. e destin eccuu-red Et hlie nges gis-eu cil. ext meetigg o! tii, colin- Wnt. Edward, wbo was sent to Eug. ut us ho b. expended. * ensile ~~îe Govevnmeut psrty ~~'5~Z nu hies fali vevy ligiblyin~o0J.' IIAR7eE~LV~Y~J~- atton. sevvativer.,,~,»1.,~i;. extending below;.t ~ îî to 21.e- - (JIai'kson Rogers b. entered as commis. agents, sud iii, evidence.....Csfied ohtained Lîî wipiug off as mmci as pon. ~ p hy. Mi'. Mickey mos-es that tlîe name o! rocks Cocjcs sud cIller immigration hliat tht. ins-enîment cf lie -'nouey ta ho (lie prestige o! bis muamo duriîmg ~ Ont o! hie c1vu mouti ho StEnds con- tien ho Mn. Praitk Tyler's uclrurtiso. to-dmty's figures: fdlicwing Uaden1~ear. ...18,885 21 te ~.40 6 0 sioner Un place cf Levi Macke>' for snp. Tii. -Attumnîmey.Geu.ral 'noved tîîat sible o! tii. railwiîy <but cf hie tawn.- lie cuuchuch cf Hon. Tii. Couîmeil nuanimeusî>' agneed O eloction carupsigu. Iii otier Words ~ dernaed. Whure La tue eoouoniy.....iî. nient înd<,r tîui îesd MoGewsu, O'Cshlsgiau. ~ ~ ~: : ..3,598 81 te 41.2,765 Pl3~mug nid ta widow Gaton, an Indigent. hie Rois. again go into Committe. a! suit> la tue beat wuy lu wiicli tie mono>' *0. was us "litti, frsud." ereasing tiio Judgo's salar>' instoad o! ~ - ........ 938 81 ta 100.1,8 7 9 for leavo to Lot radio. a by.îaw ho ap mates beliig haken unions ou a Govorn. thirough a by.is~ for lnvestin~ tue Sm. Iii Whsi~, to b. l3on. wiuh the Motte>' F cornes it tiat fanlt is îîow fonnd wibii istrahiou Agit, w. woild direct tii. ~t. tiurTcwhi .............................................................................................................2,6 8 6 41 ho 61.4,8 2 7 Mn. Mackey giron notice thuat hi, wilî Suppi>'. coud he apprcpniicted. h paying bic Auuiubant Judge? AuJ how IlEOîsTaATboN.....Under hie uew Beg.. Anthmr Village....~~ 6<1 oms bownsîîip cdi Ameranbh.2 2 7 mal. 8 ta 4.1,8 5 1 61 ta 81.5,7 2 7 at tii. nexl niootiug cf hie Oeiuohlrmaye - Mn. Camoron Object.d ta lIme enti. Mn. Brellieur intrcduced sud carred ah 20 maj. Sti 5ppolntm,,~ wiioh, wiieu it was toution cf parcuits, guardians pli ~. Manybono.9 2 .. Thon. wen. iu tic Dominion 6,717 point ami cers for ment day, aid tic Renne then weut cuot lu thi, pnrchsning o! debenturea <1> .............................................................................................................2,584 j Os-en 101.40 Piio~PoWu Coînoil et tito hast niosi. fit-st niade, the O4rett~o coiD'nundcd isus, sud abîmera, makLng ih umperative Muta & Rarriston 4 pal denouaiuabions as follcws: Mn. Green mores that tii. Beeve sud bih renpecîiug tii, inoorpuretion o! joint Itu committe cf tii. whole cu hie se- Oi >' iO~ Mount Forent....................chitincies SPportioned ameng tii. pninci- juta Cemmitte, ou aumoudmeils ho hie o! tua or sanie ohîter unnuicipalit>'. mi -- ing hsd under dIscussion hie question se hlgiily-.pvalslug even la fulsoni,. upon thom ho repart birîlms, mariages, Lutiior..................14 Citurohes. Buildings. ciork grant the proper certificabs ho stock canipanies. Sanie verbal Entend. coud readîng.....Mr. A. Sbier Un tk, G~ as ho tic disposaI o! tht> moue>' (sorne nosu-...Juclgo Dartuell's eminent fituesa aîid deatis ho tii, Division Begistrar Pool...................148 .. flAi>lUshn............771 910 ahi. hlm ho ait e>,, .6000) coming ho tiic town front the for h, Position? Wiiah hou broughh ~ 1,8.54 tii sal f spinitnous liquors. Mntnlelpal Loan Fuud. Tir.0 propoi. about tiîie change o! cpinian.....from RAS? Waîrar prcpos$sw, boavu from 884 - 245 CiiUi'Oh... . . .1,125 2,898 ~ ~ Eni a siiop licoule for 'nittee rojo. fihied in an tue part>' ta traunset tii. '~' Catiolicu. Tionias Hesd o! Dutiin's Crîiek taon, monts were assented te and hue Cent- cliajr-.tlio name o! hie Beeve was ti~us are put fovwsnd ho tlule cuill t (1) word: o! cougnstnîaîm<'~~0 mako tic tbe Vindicator, ho expenfi iha siane ci Majonity !ov Mr. 31~05van, 82, ~rosbytenians... 1068 Apply ths moue>' ho hi, reduction o! Ga:ette upoak now c! Darbueil, gentolemau.."...pon2ho2,e86Md.eBsoo T debenturesuemuiuatfawhich4ure n chie atrtakebpeuaments bnoler v Tumedtocomelhe ai-. Madean mahe applicotmeu aee et w ta No 848 . Ibe r au tiide lin b. tel' ho a thof anadarg cohan s insitute nd lirarythe Dathileareport.use Judge CUTTEs.b--Afe0W friend toutefwonerftrtmerie.of -l>O5 ibson voved snuarnndmentto eh.o 10t concesionionand aowsrn teuet bueing o!d a vilbl e h -lll-wed" u - a be -husnc e - CMr. O'DonovAn' cru tters left ov-er a h double-barreled breech-loadi ng sio CAPursicA g's RE .a BOF JA > 22,A18ABL as eo r rw th.b-awesb-eto alownga1ireu . nm to fM . rtorteRee r thua nlurpo e Alhl tsud lan" ue hitherto , p sr Mdera..cce alay' b Mns ooldh a ' canage factory will gun mn ufactured h' Parer Brohe r ME.- aerown, N., ulyo22,188.D passe. Baw myn irda tueim r e nd hien Cant Couuaies afberch asesrnert n . MaroC wereapin ted ot o e. a ho n h he t i e t d sr. e c oh so t fo-o e . o e b g isa a sm n tls e t rien Conn.tr Jamer I Elows, ChO s- e r M . r wPAe h t h lr e b t heu villaty Cou n , hoÃŽa a n Mr ao e co de e . -0 W to eonsy neiof mahem avnbe lo wdd eeii antin Justte ,Pn.ThdhgesisstmoiOn i ;A'onottibarostnoy c!nisheebnatorzeStteciv.tn. ocadeat.thudbae asa.liniep oth86kile yt ain f msat pueesf.cial t he, plasen ara igthe uagest cir nt -l pap er P îi Donap, tharldaie sudlebrat- the t Mhoouhest Cin. iSih ed Ubr; i o n.I h eave u stiinye o r> Un tu he rl> motiionof M rceys ten his atbteo direte At t e neraî oio fM . he iFr euma mos o th ton ?the iseabl Gaett d on-ad tat d cntaric, Roa DEria, s aver by ur fien Cat. ree B.Samuls aveen siswit mared eneitand c icil jounedandstads djorned Theremindri o th esitingwasad1jwanor.redtoeeepid as of8Di thed d tosa of te moey, but ese isthe co hl gory o? T a dn, e biee C opelgi s ahhs ofahitgaUn.es breh aingn deionuble- reio pa ons wit tner a mep Sru pt cf Ryp exl rosf. ia tte ntioer dused, d aotu ion eae.n-tino r S onte on u T op nin is a d e su m t au n re h r ed e ay e n e a ao uno de , he ciiy p torevy n for ro Deetai bsay fa ed sae h ia bn hed t!asa4 D n. I ford ngT oNE p sidN To i rs wiote h l ue ruesh eon to- wouri T ownd D 'E a es h o-pu i si d Lu p p r rima D a g ive, on cert in ce e it h u w h ih nth C o d c nbshpebe tm e m n h w t o b n fsa t r m t e m ut ft e S g n w R v rj u n d E . S rB rl r r ,a a n e . m n motion tied to the-ratepayer and their rougHam onTuesday latg at eraenEast Wuihieand Da18igTubercbeosptnclian, tsuavkelablitefinasud sequenoigeneralneediationstandse ,dwhenthedwindmtokndhr cfet ke stheiposewusionkoener12orein Gra rn, t flbe reco mendationhf Mr. Sdent Grea B.Sain S, ave is-n Utta gret nmbercf n>' e.t b, tui n eetia lul ie oe avlaw g t the pse crcoul itng fr ob tedicsion.an his catri ,R D" l ofJquetiarrla n t u uni stina be is irta , ti ens , il t nE sauebons. a d, , .. t h e a t-ce ea o n e iem c! 1,4 fr aegis i ing eann ho tah childrand ou Lo p idrbueftre co whi te merow ofth o pningra th e e d u Cre Mr ed g ie ret onagrisulturtst. cobet o r co mmendo it to evry wauble.bnee el rontn ts ise arhe obe Aking up th . ht-anse e and c t i e glerst' kud el R SLTOrTE.L dots ould e fuly di. gag toé hp fro theM n t the hn Guld ws eleted Pesidnt, prtsma who an aprecite a er. ow pefectl well Iniatemse waveThdiencousswresenuderingoown dremaheatignthodtaoeing!ssemby'Sts -ohn th.VicCoain.- FHua o h o r e t k n b t c r u n n i p o i g t e Ã¥ b n. y . se c a . n u sr r n B n in y e a r p c i e .hv eietra e . re l a y A f iMro nda c i h e t n y o d - a > b o rd i isti C in tioto T e an.so i omh eti sh o lan h c a-s eOex viga: T hha ckr.'Edgar, thie d Ue se onertluemet.)-boey, feusa,4l; eub or ted ares uofdd wh e dacdlit sen ao ptthois o the e pu er . ra ni back. Thed o! hi lae a d Riv ur bac tRdCod cueo h a eiel nfvu fM .Thns e eded f one ha fat.or br, arew rdof 6,00 as feed ourmaingwha ueryuapeae odiepathewavseereruninhhehiwtehefunisingofworhi gecy as onDeop. h o p untn x t a oriC a N z a a wt rS C n a s k il e d o n M o d a b th re'o n auw sh y owaituc e s in y m n f a ne- th e m e n ti re B s e'od.n w i e t e o t a t r o t e s o e y V c o i , . C ; F b 4T e suin a y h i o n o B i i s o u m i ; S c e t r F s t I E.fm n w h a b e s a c i n o m e ntrt h e n n oin ue i n mm noyur tybg tola p f o m tei s. o t h B u w s eo b d h tca n n a a s T eei n s aeev rîi hîhau g. l o s - ui owu pn io D lu-u we tM .E . di ob ie . æD fe Cr e , Tisdsad, s Bous orthre w iiheeas.n hacane utongl e us a reoten in the u s of BAshiore..2.- butoe Gae t dno ttin t ermed o - in Coul , tarbeo cto i ta ltn Ã…e epino ot e th Mneaeeih. ou' evenaugdsyathd thiatnattr, con. e o. Au Amse usyg :-."meg e-met-oncerwinh.lwfll Kirkbt.dlydccomestaiquie whst uiopldb. do. wit ths ono>';puces o! hJ Digstion soap , 'leuti- e o k ea °cam u hs esa e blnd 81,000 m - P ss . °°d d 8WinA in sd tar Bslwsd wii earonnetg ois suad Conneil, of the day. tGvnei ont g rd. Thereois a s-ast quanLbo~ to pay now necessu ari -nbaeibh a lerk caninot be-rendmedaviable for -comi rite tie m1erce withiout ansilway. Theinmêrssd cemlb&il der0lJivedl frbom thos Gov emines alrea4ydso. aner-ie etndoubted evidence o! tiie u->a an ueopd S4th. A prfecty gigantie business i- eeKay a busnes tii mantdo!hihcu id o» not be appreciated withou el an- es h ug titmber business in Quebec su arried li umber business of hthe Lower Oh.. o e hes, on th uî cou ulr the. utatis. fsenue tisma i umbrsu iite toad o! was ln et th br exp hc n o rt u c tue d E. Ti.e xcessive eou oe spes hard and are, boots and shoes, &c, required for port temauer0nc aoften blumbermnen of Cor- lumbr trade into astate o-stagain ined tain figure, ial oln e obo e ce the. manufacture timber to advantagm at ,. ors Biway wol nofd> reduceOe th cot o! ti w hô do! tii provisions blr unt of tiie Province cf Quieee lovernnt g a 10,000 acres cf land per mile, su lb w tern Colanizatfon Railwy fuly un ee m un i onl0 t e p er O awa, whc i muet not1 be confounded¶ with du. Lowe SOthawa district. er ofi tou Takh e prcpositionof theCompany' o! Tohe muiparti>' f lathe su npGrey> Unv monedto te bToron tu cewii i rooe ala îs o an R> Iuould espectflarg proporti o!a duoe b.cn !iucostucto e O bee Tai totalties o! haont'o ee. oeisingle ile sud Bruc ailwaysi i. roauh the ne coutr uon' ther take b'rct txo e a soureeraid - e ayor tist a cashoo! o nas mnillipan o!ppollr, surqely aiedwo Pre ovenen!grane alltd 10 esin but a t a rat inebeat ose cset Ii, cy wasuanounced,.Ituk v ml~r~ uchZ pse it~i palwy - Bareholdres who may beufirlytu classe - h f a îP r ne o f n . ver muingebnp nw ur, la Thee isnot single mil. o villa .ui rhfrmoi Otnwa cothe uSt. Clabsr ruppfort o! e thoderment; sud .1 can> oher proidusl ndsmrcau> sera wounld reslt fnromthe oi nob- la va bndL hewa perci over>'montland Parliaent wil Mncpl hopt the prooedce, sujecd fo u put modrlctonsanruiictions hias ino sdfr iei rodueta su ercbsu a,l i r, oudr e u fr o obpie tse v nt cfTiiheNe Britht tintyJp. tte a suo cano e liev leia l i ot Lothe Treasury, Mr.aiet - îmliOCasllousrd h Ecnutatmsin taffordNrto r5li-in areueres 'yrtmirttion ore pubieLu r assmuyMra Vnrth omeWÂT ha!eIoagi at.ofca L thalof rea'os enDeamt. foh haeforlWr GateEehqo, tSetary' f State-for i1h.Homdy a; Sorutano!Snae ioRich~.l GrIent iEr !Drv e. rtiermen o!Cr tan'o atg fro te end , a -r probableiisu elto n ti ui o! ce- al on, inssfa la avue& ean th a of the. oUcla- rvc ev Qene asld 0b arygeae ~ in~ oviSuaet fonsdte,. > prr bae n

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