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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1874, p. 3

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-& e v a jii. n anm e» f w o oj g - - wM. A w o s o t 1 au g m e n te a n e e.t é t h b ita O w ic - n -This àI I otoral shap.e art aoube ae ilO1i0".Ymptig. gfrq4i1h&à Witlperaày2 iOtiY ha bee.in;ane a nolesfromtUç a iab hie theipnaice, and shsl ot T4ily th kirf s ilq eed t w npo rte i t &MU 30d ibtihntOfs o Ilteblows de tilroys, bukh...knKhtk s tefilet>iuaOftlîette iv t uc isibui iiddontelt i a ofLie 7 Wsa ont ï bl~ ak~sth n tbl.tFieofsA, thdan aurtn,,eobnd n tue b, ildb t etl 7 " " -bonrilu @,! A c . A bdom inal ct o _ W bby, Pb whry lot , 187,L~- u t -, ,lt 'y9t0 h Mutof ic not.D W Il thc MIIs ate e jt laea d bu i sw e v.r ade , su e a d ti .question wisieler a= = = M d tt ames BR. lr, Zula oyn vne Ant, e e Uing o bore the :a d ~ coulai have bin uade g____ NEW , 1SCe, Trt o Ï 4itm o fsi A juryof iliuelit 40 sutmonsa ndlY. it'e Un n embrne 1 ,1. tumrom u fFbab<o~nb laweefad ~-lb. 17tb, 1874. thas the tr1ie muucrier as 1 rtalu eentier Jeibaudd la npouciies, Over. Foi on<ns lh 1, l apping eshOii llr at the centre of i. 0 StheT ABRGI I l A w0 c l o u ch a t a t O Ra sA LEa t- Ae u»lÀr h e r o w a1 UIte rhepUi e las 6boue ii, k, ebdyoCa wbe.itona o Moidy o în, ed te r in u fae orana llorton-B ll WhoP.The0dèf -ihobod o CGEORGEELP tilliWainu, lai 0f Tliowaa binaiKWarml. érom AlJ the teo/hatiug 1O1s, FOI)t, 7. c. 18, 18%4 88 er t'an biM brot bei'. Tii. irepon fiiie pouahcfEn. oldngthle < ooya 4h itsn.G.ODTAVmmTAD T RNT w1l~irdlifiairier t-e omiae irot jotit Of ltheforefluger ictw3en lithe kstepe ot the Iwmsaiftt: reu C TmtsdSTND ORET iris 99 Ordiiaay 1l1.01j 5uiling al'caf ut îlîtuihand finger of tue éther Ihaudt, rmiweautrement« &a dILX toe~wo pbi1etri of ail ' sue<ifaiil sWisîainl(Jour fi-et, long, -Witt gîte su omex at aafofia.e ar uge. maho lunth5e 10ai cf uoneg ni..ii Oni lowai wlare it liaitibeau u otaat o! ft-ise puencnohes; A lino igai. ed affinera)n&tAubur laauslng b. 1totheiéiof OthU-, faorabl lait sadatAhun WhIan, axe, anid the otIier end- wak tit roag@antiio neutreforffIicpbcudon "Wui b. naaaEY2 t t 'cd dtff s0 as fo zuake it eamy to b ohrialtir.oficprlin$un5Borr , leds, s'a varv conivaene fora nid(Lee ,andope th abovenau*a i. tanh& n oft he beaf, if nôt Lsdld, its uivertl eai WthIio iti08%-ii bdmna iv of fiai. - WH.W AnRR 012try, sd eau b. eued naos u te5veul is b. oi epilianiei fdeafli woulil flierefora probgipl), LetCL Ah,. o uife atclr pW otvktJýJg-bok,îtso of kuic lns.I i.kiehu n su Nofo smn er tetraoo1Um jei i ic ja gt î ucs f li . k u i t l of u aec sa I Y h a v e ece u îedt . 'rT e J . B . F A R E W E L L . B a rristtr l h i tb y . Ti. tflc JCtlus.4-uuiatîun alse sl,we,to-iloy anuiît te In pnaeuane of tiieaboa eorder, I1erho orsttéhR. caNAG' Abun ]y tîoi 4 j-Al;thei fl i -tntbôlcj i t C h ci nio asietidteni. 1iglt iat t boe wsi a ci.nuîatiuî ila-en e iimedliaf. refiarunIail ama, Ifb7, Febrnary 151, 57. 4 ~>-mi aî.. is ],.Slnîo-aiit r tlit tirrîuglli te n. Il AIsMan tati :îcuntra-mpntsa-adpuîn treqto the arm- rt.IS E A H Ahuu il 1 lit-wen Il J t ,cit irtu,, ii tlii.to %%,. asaa S, u d, ci ni s riî« m feréuéei j,,Mt tliclii ho or atm !arid i-t ra-iuieruolarg.,iylailtcil ,eOOK WANTLPD. â.Vf4 i lae ltu w, lî >t- ilîg ,iitii tlvwee ii f lein ofl i l tlt, 0<1i o-'~.M. O.D.)NnVti' ' - t tl it opolt là4A cieanlY fonms1, oitbitu-d 'ahnunr"Au. ly aluouin, 0uutî lmtil,rî-i aitlmajortut araadflotNot1 CO.iiiou,, latta fluojab. T el187-A. ofJ navtio n niuaàfy tua-'y oloiijiiigql, o-v-cr dr-pssit, !ie utiré tclt îilolisît 'theAn W ibb eLLAN Aoletiniç Opeuiw te iuiitCuitîo.#. WiL., .ve orua17,1 ay il)u- le saviliîp ualt. A Iac-o9 1 ittiy iut~Ii0ei 020 Pot tnt, plt -ci na v* Iialit i-cfront auîttng YCOU u. ,î 4tilsiepg'etoti hi l ic e ba#,JiwihlUa JIfELANDIS >IIA D N A t-.lf,17.Part Vhiifby. ffaulll cpCîiv, Andl lit it wts a wailet, view olieUlJA DONA# Pt nu at, 1874 wîîacl liail4%et ttj )-Orlieuia*lvlef of t i- î araliiÉi e ,g NA, -lcou COisfa-nls - taccfiuns hîc-uiun "li liolomni ROSA D'ERINA INSOLVENT ACT 0F18. 8-21 - and culis wtrde liuch4-f11P 011 ta-r ,l îruaifqr zll2 l Ucfotu i i u.l t atrq u ri d pa ' -inge. The re-port ci, flic Colloge c ." H wa eaîing ltcuste field iliit t i. reliaPhiYicias, Wetliieoiîy nlit, eot ug '- i igivat One of ber 92,t1, Sacrid Concertfs dicwa n Iuo Jon Hj. lAd R '01 te1100b . AtattIti lobieil rtî Icir l dvtrntugeo oltijo olows o-tilaii. tanii.llvnt - liatidurclLut taponite fluor and luart-'Colpe o Voftii ltu Te sit h- malle an. a luae.nt I...Gof ~ tliealjnrolrr liai talh. f'irrnai witn' # ' A T/WL/c CHUBCH, WITB., Tennvat & ii. uaomn tic largee bave gilaed n aeveaie orOUR the 09onSsfnrday. the 7th dai of Match. 1874, cotns 10in bauk Inotes, 03-2 Nn-O bt7o ln the xand i vr a l, a et i s m ong flir- T l e a 'n al W E D N E S D A Y E V G , M A R C I- 4 21. nt T roe no o e m f0 esel e satafen ,t s ciott nts 0e,000 Tmeet Ri WAtheNr .TIî n na0f hi affara sueL f lu fg0l2,1ud -89.e,Tatio nlou t fo i eealmeigo li otî- Rail., *Dou-s open at 730. Concert t 9. Datai I Wh an 111h FVy,187. valu of$244. -te fs ti ,i aè wl-Va ll w Id yXteaay. £le a sa Tickets 2cents. eserve seafs 50 n oai t htloi euf .J TJL, 184A lE Ir U - llagesto, ncî l tuensit enpt of the. Une furthe year WcB.8-1 . Assigne, Vht. s. w as l M ss li k e 'S ca-e, l11an- $841,588, agains f 8850.954 in 172. ltt-hitrby87 . thea-ta-nwre blntg aTinaStu,-- Earaings oi* leasei hies gave au agga-e. an ero 800& in gate grosa revenue of $901,811. The CRDTSALE INE 'AEreoéigthrlae s pic . i i lle a tu i lli m fo low igdie.to as er electe ti - J. B. C -C r E.Suurtpinu a ortf avf tahaeit ili Robinet, Wan. E Iliot, - Wm. Thiomuson ,OF r E. tutevut a epacwo!la urtereta G. Ga-eag, Toa-onto ; H. M. Jackson, ORUH-RD& GAD investirgatni on Su - E glsun THOROUGH.RRED lan o'GR-D£ FA R M IN P IC K E R IN G !I S P I csfca-day. He bears a, udC. . SPauel agani M-.n 1 abail reputsan, 1ivirîg beinluprison Thiomson a ledPre-ident cf Can. ri' .A.:1-. i uasuanne o aDctsan rdrfo fo taigalread wg o . of. aaBoad n 1.J csnc ar usl made by th. Court o! Cliianea-y li the N a-or ,aantiund,-.v Jiielpson airndacauseEo ~eal)Ifon lielia s paesuani ne cffI>. Eruglis;ia B08.ofai, o! r Me. A portion cf the- stock, ithe pa-perty cf PITT VS ND F ait' laaruîl I eudant%"4hseIuat-> Cua -la o iitinual. as Genta-ai311R. D . D. S L A 1)E , There ail! b.e sold by public auction, with Potr nd Aei 5 lort nîî uiufsÙjcs 4of ftae vctj îalîigeof tuhe-up. obation cf George Il. Dartuel l E. PotradAei5 T'ugSlurtevataît wais i nHalifax tie WPST ONàaRro GRKUD OaAN«a rzLonon. LOT 17, ls o thCON. WourtliBY thby iglit Oftifeflicua-dca-, Atdti tfthe foi. -At ftie meetinig o!f a.Grand Oranjge Coniîting <of ±thar-ete fotht- said Court at Wh itby, Iowang mua-ing lu S&ntIa Abington, Lode ul West Oatu-o ishtc-ater, nd Horbred Ca'anlin D R ISH IM ICN 1OEý goa Otroyesfeeciay, thelsret-rt, adan htr i zaree ousDud r. TSHAMRCA H I cPlerson's Block, Wiiitby, Jai: litre b. in emn loyèdt thea flu e lfac- folouiaol ic'rs Vert- electeiq :-Ba-u lhauta Bull (dlit *n unpoated s :11 atac 111Efo tory of HccryljtaI(îmc Ieits o eatllaaaDai-cy, fouîtC0, M. P. P., re-electeîî alde, îy aactioaî, ona-st >-e IN TUE fo ~ wcfglsabujfî4. Bennetta,-kre. ±e Ti i VJISA , 3LLTc 21ilit,1874 TOW N th -OF iW H 1 T B Y , Theonglaf t- mn acre boua-nd iAssistant D. P. G. M.; Ha-o. 11ev. Jh At Tu-o c'clork. p. m.,, precisely Mondythe Nsali a Dy onad, 84 e up er vlu Hit a atowndcc) <>*Carry, B. .r-cetdP,.C . High Grade anil lit-lier rau2of do. lai874 ety hî-a~.a uit ilbttue.,,$15,000i> Liao.Thio,. Ky,s, re-uHiiîP.G Sc- cl! tb 1e cuantati, a ncl t n2ft_ oc ntt ietno, n s iu a -i 7 1 O fJ ofo. T l vio s ' u k 1'. G ., ,Y- a-0. J . E l . B e e c y , r e -e e c î d , 2 fe d o. lu c R, ig li G ra le - 2 - t'e r i d p e nt I. h t- u th -h l o f lo t -N o , T h r ty tw o SM' a - o t 7 c a s o i e . M s u c a o l i t- t a-y - - r B r u .lClat i 2 I - h a -ej ] . d o . , - b r e u f d o . d t , i n t h t - B r o k e n F r o n t C o n c e s s i o n f r a e "a% a a-eceo D1î . G. Senrttay; s -b-red yt-arli'î t Cou so bo a ti Hhia atikt- uStio-o. Clark Watittca fa-i 9 rd yearling uirh t-a-b -red do., Thorongli- TW.8P FPI. j ---- olti'1, Slas i-us bl kilis-i uwhulu< usarn JIttted. TO WNB I-I/p 0F1,PICKERING, ctîutaio! hiefaiiuiy. iteuaefiS ua , TR. l'acçl ie, ,re eP L a-ctua-sa-r-7; s à'ca-t-ilt on approte Inlaitht- Couaity cfOntarlo blgtt aru0 I SaIn'li ue lui i htuf îlecg o ree ed, P. 0G. D. ntes: dsc onthrcs8prcn e n aim Tie unti-li4Ci heIrLevci- CaT-taige - 9kTit- faunfor sale by paivite contract .tu ateias nPuil.W e H anaeyiit. siS-avies te meeah elu-dat CingotheGrantiLosge c-u psesinuxîFî.roperty isila, a poudiarniing district Orti h l treaje ee lana Wt laiexfmt illng.!tiesituate atut h. RogeHla (luig parc of tht- Orl uth- li tn-t-aa ut Tue iFei. 2u, 1874. 9 Wesey p0pt-atbot Tea i lles frotu -~ - presiineo! l-ativt-5 aaî ftnly CATitOLIC BAzAART uaie- tht-Touaio! Wiltfby sud ison ft-eSouth W l fe o n Iriicae n c éfa u1bst-dc a it iIi iaindiehaml th- H liat-- k, fBa-th-t e -rcenntep-tns- aag (l u n t y u l i e H a i f N e d i t e i n is id e c f s u d a d j a c e n t t é fl e K i n g t o n R o d . d u c t i o n , f o r C a Caga-gatÎni,4j Cîtircla. TIacre Vas ait lae pua-pose aI'risisinag furas fO liquiîiute oc ao rvn heiuda pasei gQrt ut ert-a , aan1- hîîandî-rîs bc'u u le eu ntu thuuu~Curha a franne lhOuse lately occnptt-d as a hotel a Yu- 'mý. 9ýn- edetiton th Cathoic Chrch, asTat-odstrnsam i nn sht-an a1 oeno a~J ogef ili..-ic lebuilding.1T14.saicCess, fI.eaa-unî reaIiza-nî heiug ioc-r The-r o T I C E tht-oge oea-t-o!.]t« G OD - cè Oi - cia e l'Y a-i-ffectaig. Theii.iqnst aight itif rîrulr1t dollst-g. Tht- îand T CE t e etlidyelofantsudprit-s e xc itohu _fntoOflj reSl1àeý melt tble POn e Sutt- h W îetc rnerennis fTh O ER ID ut-lt Munday i-whllc tstn, u-attbhc uuca-ier emnagcme-to n~ fntaloofI let-y tea iat na-cTilot oaM oinfus about n C M -s. T h os. u c al y, ai ollatyOf O nt rio,1 hT -IJ-' g (olennutia, ufis T IIT vn htr c-h o cnàn botE f sleu wara c urici. olem n, an IlleTlisWë- R- efiti teCourt ni Assiz., acres. izec t e ~yles, r-i-Niai- Priais, O3yer and ud Ge r h ucashalathe.in IÉ - 'u1ail ti.ItiuilFoutt-ci! about 85t(. Tiate i Gaul Dl~cîiry cii llulci l iiaand fonp.ltaisle ira sa-uiti m t-iai on a-ultiiu lo- i.pa-izas titIl,k lacp on Fri- tue CO iî al ntrio, lut tht-Court Iont-e, tht- balanacet- bhiepald Ont- Mintclt roanuti 1l-buûr - l4tIî. V- t-ut tîittfelue ua-lu 'iy, a-îtg,,tî aso ilp v ry satis- i1, tht-eî )ol htsnc it Zts a T (eveiXrili uitImsb sae, ecptL tsi n f lnu- 1lipoî- of- Coiuii4ee apî)Ltintc>j acaury %A -iu-, V. Blughta ., andi G ra îu11arwicMY rciau o a t-esE o îite oflt- tîu tl ti 1."- -~actang as t-Oa-iTttipia t Itls. ()-'WVN 0 F WHiIT13Y, tory Mortgagt- upon the- sai ittiiv- .- Wit) iiieextan ay lttraenof ttt m"iig dohrg dopleil' A ea-ti-que J>a X.LK-itnctiy. anti Mjiss 4Mti1ae, Is.'a-.oc- wtiie--tm iia±tt aeo fýlt olil - ittail O] t ui tsaf-$r.Clt- 0110Clif,îtei 4Mu f ucaemont-y 'nctili dPui,(lu èn. , lot16. lut ittnctié tenuresol tehIc fait'. a1 yha-rs, afa-he nu-u tht-o sdatefot saa-ath j'Il Crorer, Commenc(i ait tulob,(. , -lastia-u-scfifat- Pt-a-t- sud ail ani t h 0 le ossession. a-nhui uitio* >tita î . 7î-utid c - aritot..Ouiih EpoUr.ttî--aotu-,-aed -iii tu utia.'sd gor Tht- Venu -s Wau1not ha bnd to p-oduee Yd ri'-tî ia-o tusc- tticidtoloi- slaop ie(-nilm Ttu t- cviila-s.i tsu I eNIcta-spaa-î, NELSON G. IIEYNCuLDS, abstat- u-(ri -"4s qo n. ei (il aia' ;t cfitpf. Cilst Ciaila cilil tt- Steari fi,, ,Sheril! C O . na- tithuyîer abaca-nqarethe taninegscau- t f i îî Qutit i attîti ~, u, j 281j l a-joi,,i t-e a-i fittY a'-b. - <j 174.itionssOfthe Court oni Chat-et-,. cl-j 'îtu, ii -ual W gatiuf',- tdtul Jai l iai t ' -urititini- y itt-Vub ;î,,a84.rtita-G - Yugb'l tilVe -r' o ltuin lireai tutitit titi(-ui Iltutittfo-aitte ~fi ti tt slaaîiy i wr--prieson. îîThe sutbaa-tjbn-detires to state thathle 1ar G. H. DARTNELL. Ilu W lit ic-ti ttt(î-iitg litfua-i tiu 1 -iasg*a s-a-s.ter ofttircaiu Ii('iitic,, lu ý1i uutîg Aa toratt-5RtzgaiT A H A R NES S S H -o p Paît-ci 15h Feb. 1874.A I'OL'N r e n owe s elli n g il(ýrJ Ineufs nu i ni itu-ca-' ( iovn- r mis-. BD L LLAt Broetli, nu Suutia, N O T IC E ITt ot i ( l e n t o iu c e î : - o r n î i n t i o ra d V î o - t hei f i c 2 2 n d n e f . E m i ', y o n g c o t t a u g l t e a - a c r es0l u T h e'r i jE S T A B det i lF l ue Ca-jucx on; Loti G orge o!J. B. Biekaihi, Eiiqt. Itorthfie ,of LtaoSi i ew b cu Clsale t-n , unujaonea- of Pt,. cessio_______________ntce- I n cialai,! an-et-ksud li or m m .W . ola-a erb gih gi stats o! n tivto Ptn W 100 7"regnon.l Oe 1cou na-il i th Corp oration nof Pia-ke-in wall e acre s gd'àon oi ba u fi. N e M . .DT I LLO Frionial b-naray ca tl~1ti inFebf. 2flI , 187n4. ul, l fevettn ce Ayc ,F b l so 0 -a-resld 0 eo n ----- Tu IOUE0Hall a Brougsantou,u - ateean. A ly t-. -t.lîi>otuflc. O 01cteS'tringy, the 8th of a ch JNO. C. BALL, T iior îci, OtN w 3 d U Tat sittsîitPoai sou'AT» t-ilWia-------$ 2 ~$180 p-n-e-c f i 4a ay-La to altet te or f W G DO 1W -c, by e B d oa-so tiql a t h i e e W ftlt-y-------------.t 40 t@ ab, 25 in-s,,lt-he St b--aetnlosNo 4 and 7t flukeultCa-c'-ns uao h-due p.5-------17 - @0. P. kt -hOud f t he *tonship of iii iii fie Sti an kM, uî adOta-esa port.11 te epitdlo. Hi t ! Àpit 1si ---------------..... 7 @easocon , a a O-i, rtotahe b ' dise, nte >............. .... "0Da800RILL, A nd a1 large stock oun,» A n M le NDCONTR.ACTOB, Ç h& rTabe, B ea , COafpifoYitiîes ................ C. 2, Pofto1a-----------25 c d 8 A -ECTOR EATON, DNA .,WITY C ., &c.Ar fndtcko e givef in te aax'tdtl'4 te L.i-uten 1-a p'" Pickering, Fo. 21, 1874. Twsi lrDID rwua.. tiC Oh n Ait- everruor J'cl atario il f, . . ....... od. Har2loh n Ohif lef ace, C înnnlor, aafia-7d 8 t2Io >> T lors, aun Ju' ga-. o'Ith Cour o!Ouib Mal ai rt-!flic - underilsoîgnih le dffers cu- etis jueli ad Cmtuou eef, forge quarer -he $ BIiR LL JHNS, u a t r . . . 4S e n t yi o n . - D m n r i m i f u u l c g n e r , t y , h g h . . Wlio l. alo q cl y fie i eul : s, - ERNle«,aninafn056i0FiamtaDollars. eilar o ng on, o s al on thtou forialt- of'roi tove. d lu T rirsyspr , A..p....' b - Zn-- - wen2ag -turà 17O thereea5 bmethy kt o nd, autGovernof New Brunlswick, a OL ........Fo-r sartoLet. y et all h li maclenfiCoffns -00sM'I kP O an bot ; é .......-oux BRADLE.--- - C Aa t,.aa.-;.. -hot:nî,s- FIRST. U0E s-m 187&4P. lth, 1874. TN TO TAKING a stock at greatly r, make room for MPOBT., 'RESHI GIUCER] tu- 28, 1874. S2M OKIE é le lnonth, at Lsh, their large stcý VELL.- 7- ~UL SALE 8TOCK, edlueed Prices, t( ATION-S lES ON HLAND. 11113 use. LTON & CO. ~L E a great re- ck -of eon Jan. 8th, 1874. W. J. IIE & C00. STEWART ! Ii[U1ISDAY;î« 8th 0 F DEC.; room for Spring- lmn. And continue until the trne above 8 eau be relied on ted, or uneil thje whole of thàe Stock 's disposed of. LAING &STEWART* CAsR C-U8TOM]gËgwill Save full! parooeat, a a acs i i n --Ubt, ug, <fume.flrs evd i liest customers will bo lu the best pos;ition toBefet tageous bargains. < c - 12ibs. of Sugar for $1 00è -~ ~ 20 lbs. of R aisi s fo $1 0, 18 lbs. of Currants ýfor $1 00. ) STAND, 20 lbs. -of Prunes for -$l 00-" H E D 1833-j *'t- And other Groc"ete qalyC -PR0PIRIETOR. oorn! -ro Sets, EA..-..Having lately made la Dinin ~ roo m Séts. p ucha. seof T as, at &great advai tage, ie a ] t f. Cane-'and W od than heretofore.. 0-ar, e -tCêf h« Sofas, Lu esBessteado -- .1 DaakLou'wges; Couches, Mlt Winddw Comices;, cheap. - 0o QCE3iâAl ~"'c e n v u i. r n u U IL'm t /UteieWar cn 01the. Counaftï e-and 1 ou - - - -dor - fMP t tlaOusiad doll -", faid forsa n t a - flhan one iundr1dollrsfor del~ trtre n t.re the oi ofaf pr nu >r aiuum, paygil a-Of JanY n ha ndeVst the contlnuance<> oit th W l t T H Oci 1 and i5mtes o be pyfblea 01 the CourxtyTreanuiec ci t £ï Ut OfOntario, said theaas Lfld 1M. 1, Brook Street, Wkitby, eOIE u.psi Couneij of! l e anl>'f nt=ufz tha'ving determined Upon clin'- =tho Oef Whltby0j fi oe tici Cnaf teir buins, offer the whole of their large andweu :1 5tisa selct- o0'010o ekafi ateno, at wui ted stock of Ue0àdPlc hemmb the lotflu GR CERIE s , tftthe neverai reat,&ags, Witb., 7t1 H. J. MACDONELL, Couaty Clark, Coaiafy o! Onlurbn (To b. pubilli.!a i Tex Wmizy Cemx o GL SSWA~E &5, ~SALE '0, r__ A.VALUABLE FARM s ~ r - AND) VILAGE LOT IN THE - TOWNSMP 0F BROCK. The sale will 'be COntinued from thelie _ nte i.it-tan sd order of date. of -this advertisement up to the* tiie uaifoCsueary, lu a suit o! SHA W YS.- 'HOMSO.V, suAd aifli fuieapprobaion 01 Thomnas Watd. FI/i8 T DA Y 0F A PRlLe Cor1874, sldb publie nue- 0M.GE F StJNDERLK1ND, When a chanewil ake place in the a Station o!fuihe Toronto sud Nipisrng business arrangements of the present Unri. - A Clearance of T da the 3~Rullua>',ou ac 84 the oe of the stock, -wi hi 'h ag s n h qce:' w h o e ( l n c a t h l a g e s i i t e C u n t A t - la i d d a yo ! ur cn i n 1 8 7 4 Of Ontàrio,) muet be made by. that time, and the -greatest pr-l.olc uh eou at inducements wil therefore ho offered toypurchasers. <theict-ncess. iotea-f owbal iof a - rorpet-s5anares!ofie wesatern p.r - fl eoiouf n-atc veyedty Joit-pli Thomuson f0 William Thomson b>' desci rt-gistred in Amnongst the stock dIll be founid eveiry onQâah 5;alteWs af0 article usually kept in a f llovi, cga-es. hunam culu, -Xtt-t fi Wiaioumanto Thomuas Valleuye - deeci, egisteret-«in said etgiste>' Office, 21sf - J&nnai,>', 185; on. quarter cf auat-rt- con- veyed b>' Wr. Thomson f0 Viulaua Blli.b>' met-t0fice, a 2suury Ma,18W3 ; sud 2aces odisudI et- ites, tayOf,~utte-in a -O i. sol la a-cilosmand dgot faU ad sn gra in. FRUITS, PICKLES, EXTRACTS rieOn il t ea-c lansuohardo abot y it od 11tlu-e-, a gravelai! un aloaig itsoe n tL I ùOmis thatvil.. N I N E , B R A D I E S A L E S A N D P R T E R lige cf V l u t dista t about t Iev WINESfroBANDIlieMvhn ge, asd about four nulles IN WOOD AND. BOTTLES. asof he out weit gOf taud sca halai lot NO. 8, in t-esali,7th cnu-tsalon, Ouubltih i a large fa-an. storesu d dwell.' iug boune lu on. building, aiscaK lar-gfa-ure slabla. Titi, pua-t-t-ls sltuafec inbu-tie Vil. Fish of al kinds-Salmon; Maekerel, leiVne b.saolo hi OlOta y ra ly ne u sli o T, o n t White Fish, Salmon- Trout, LabradorHrrng, terme:; ose t~o!fiepre, . dnoney Finnan 'Haddies, &c., &c. Alt;5~f vifli t esuinf 8S.~00 ta b. païd vitioune mthithf-rnfedate - iOf itbintea- ue àbslanne toie stcu e! >'M thg pay able u itheaid of lîa-y m wj ite t- at Ijaca- cenitppay.. leery payaiment-o! sai! suan o! 1873.I' i Dis ~ 801.8OIC l eUtom- ýo ie found affthe !"OL] STAND,, a=ns p2 »u iray SOcuuuat ih A Lar9e Stook-ofItaaMr < mm,. p., 'i Por P.ary -MISrlg. TbeMual 0f Drnck faut an Il g, b eap. j tay Of Pebr=r Iitr.-T 3M UG LINPR : Y. -il, s ýt MA MA A N b 1 1 l 1

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