10 ]DANS, e xJ3 Biv K, A G E N Y, H.,; ,TAYLOR, 1ADOINELL, PY& CONVEYAECINGe Whgcor ouse. Ar. 711ýta i #lnr onom. r, 1Dr. MMesl .O BWEILLI LL. 13.9 VNATTOUNZY 1DR 36 n& ATTOltUiT.AT--LAW, 4o1Htor ln Chaucery, Cneacr à tore, Brook Street, Whtby, Ont, ýIAflelE C. KELLE.R, 'ORNBY-AT.LAW, SOLICITOU IN Ibiuoiry, conveyancer, &o,,anng B AERnISTEIt AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN .I.Phacsry, Convoyancer, &o., &a. Slm- "siStreet, Osebaa. BAnRISTE R, ATTORNEY. AT. LAW, BSoli tor la ChisceryasudInsoiveney, blotaey Peble ic e ,&0icOffie-Mc?lIl'" IBlonk, Brock ïtreti Wilby, Ontario. - JASNLAION,- STTORNIiY.ATT1AW, SOLICITOR IN AObaucery, Convoyancor, Land Agent. &-e. Ofinco--la Perrisis s Block, Brook St., Umbrldgo. - GIAiN (bO> JcIILLAN, BARST,1 d TOYS, SOLIO- Witby, Otdt TIIOISIAiI OU.-TONq, 'OWiCLEUII<AND) TIRESUIiI, 'TWhtby. Offie-Town flan. Ibm-s, 'fr il te 1 o'cleek. JAMlES IIotRiEN9 TNSeliCTO1l OÉ PUBLIC 8SOHOOLS J.fat'tise Counhy et Ontario, Address- Raglan Fout Cifee, Ontario, ,SîURGEONi TO TIE COUNT-Y GAOL, tByron Street, Wiittby. %VM. MenDRiIT,.Il. 1fC8, (jVYS HOSPITAL LOXI)ON, ENO.ý, CTtiseoye 1R . O.lb. L., Osawa, Ontario. ., ,NIT, (IIUCCES.' sor te W. Il. Carit.) Wlhby ever Mr. Jsuemoiî'e Store. Nitrons Oxide dggaitinlnislereit for thé paîîeîuss ex- tractin oý oht C, /1. VAi. Y ,. D. 8. L13T11 insorteit ou ailthte itÃŽaiâesi princileles off tise art, aschaai ts ise Cieatéil, sait asgood as tie est. Todt f11usd wit le Clansi.iver. -Teetb oxtracte it tiont pain, by i>rosbscni local anitheeli. Dentsl thens-iu Cen- an's non hocek, us-e Atkinmon's Drue Store, Ring sîreet, Oshsena. 8 figO.tIA'4 IIUsVIa'N, TSSUEII 0P MARRIAGELICENSES. J.Offce-Townu ll, .Resilence-hlyron Street, tbree toerm nortie et Tuwu Hall. JAIR DRESSING AND SI{IAVING Saoon, llrock St., Whitby. A GENT FOR TUE CELEI3RATED Scottloh Granite. At Marblq Works of Jonathan Wolienden,Dundaes ., Wltby. L ICIÇ13D ÀAUCTIONIiER FOR TIUE Couinties of Ontario, York aud Peel. Rotildnce-Loî 8, Su Concession Markbarn. Voîst Offico-Uniouville. Sales attended on the shortent.notice, sud on reasonable terme. Termes <an bc inade and bige printed aut the. itoanx;L Office for Mr. Carter. LEfVI 1FtlLDANJCs, Jlt.,- TICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TUE 4J.Connty of Gutarlo, bugs to retnrn îlianks for the. luersi jpatronage beretofore -bestowed ulion hlm, aud t ainonne that ho ls prepared to conduct sales etiier lu Town or Couity ut reasionable rates. Ar- rangemunts for salones au benmade ether aI the CitnoEîcLo Offie, or et ,uy own 018ee, Brook Street, Whithy. TUxulII MEIICIIANT, CAIIPENTErt Lsaid Joiner, Glreen Street, Whitby. A large quantity df ait kindi of lwnber con. 'UNIEBrKLNG-Funralefully sup. p lied and attesileit ou short notice. Cornusjt kept coneitautly ou baud. A heurse to hume on iberal terin». MfONEY TO LEND. The. sndersigneit liase any'ansount ol on- ey tu Leild esîscu Farm or IWawn Property, ait uiuosually Luw lButes of lutereui. -Loi eau anb. ropid in sumo to suit bor. rowers. Sisveral Improyeit Parms aud Wild Lands for %ale cheap. Iuvestmnns made in Municipal Debeti. turses, 3nland uther- marketatable Stocks. Frr erther particulars applý tw JAMES IIOLDEN, Offliai Assignue, liroker, d&o. OFF ICE-Over the. Dominion Biank, Me- MlU&n's IBrook 13t., WIby. l3prli DU, 1872, 15 WhiltLy Bras. and String Bande, adapteil for Saresu'c-iceExuri lc Vi4rties, &o., &c., wilU enpply le bestias lateat MomIe on reinable termes. Appiloatiotie muet b. made sither person. ally or by lutter, (post aidýt -Whitby. I E DEST HORS E-MEDMCINES. AU descriptions oethtie beet Hors. Meti- elueonho p t eoeelantiy onuudand for siloai tise -Wifty Lis-esy S talles. L--t-No charge tfs- aire., - N. RAY. M . O'DIILL,- - A T HF.R LY, ilork Divis/o p'Court, Tp. Clerk, Conesssshoesr lu B. R., LatAgent, d&o., &oe., Atbes-ly, Couty Ontarie. AihlsEt- E.t. 20d, 1872. 80 dwTO $20 PEU DA'.' -Agents Waut. I Q-et, Ail classes cf worklug people, ef - ý aiglex o, yoesssg or oIt, uaer mare mouey at wer ork ns la thels- s pare rnomnsti, or aU tho Ii, Ihan et nyiisingoeime Partie nier. frae. Aditrean G. STINSON- dCO0., Pertland Maine.. 87 RHYLIOTEL, - --WEITUY, ÀONT. hommrie «(iompany.'--- CAPITAL, $400,000. pffi ~STAEBII.1 K35131, Tis ioIt and-wel ehablfhdCmayi¶ At r:sa«lsm nunWOU naarprpei W O£olc,Brock St., 'iVbtly. MUTUAL INSURANCE Coty, ý HEA])OFFIE, BROOK 5T, WHITBY.- Tiss ompin inisumF4m-nulsifflinS!j cëlm cïwbëà ýScool Roûito,aMd hem menn ithose off aay wltailised Compsny le Canda. JUST LOSSES PPOMPTLT PAID.-- L. FAIRANKS, es., , J. B. BICKELL, Mr. D. Hoflay ine oups-aUau tis Company. ROYAL B1UTISH QUEBElN?, L, ?OUT -PEREY. JAS. DEW ÂT, - PBOPRITOR . and liquors ait the bar. Attentive osilers. L u»FER 1 LUMBER 1 I Theu nderslnedbaving, been appointed, Agent-and also hlpping Agent-for the extenaive Lumber detcfMaessrs..Smith'~& O., of Fenelon Fals, bas opened,in connec- tien wtbbi othur promuses, an extensive KErLUMBER VA*RD Adjoin theil Wbltl>y & Port Perry Rail. way SýItainon, where bo keeps constantly on band a large and compleotoc" ofLunuber of ail indi for sa", wholesa1, and retail.-. Planeing machine, and ail hindi of work es.' ecnted promptly, to order. GRO. CORMACK. Wbitby, May 27, 1878. 22.tf MFOR SALE. That well-known f arm, lot 28, Sra con. of Whitby, known a THE DONALD8ON FARMI A44t seahtpr.sanb in tise occupation et Me. N. Bea. Contains 1h90 acres; about »o1 ciosmet; dneig, oulbnibdlug,snd sutabie offices; spiruddt rcisarit ot Sacs-es la exient. Aîppy te-- JONA. DONALDSON, . JHGov'i Emigesiion OfiRce, March 25, 1878. 181f Tes-eta. TUE ISOLATED III F/r-t'Insurance Col ofaiCanjada. [TME à EICAEIR OTEL,. RAY' S, nraconta r &ms. istcAusawlrom. reauÉm LTé OTL - WRITE?, ONT.-, A. IUSON --PROPIRIETOR. ýTii. Albion lbeen t rogby enoyat.' ed, oaid the. public wM i ervery macco=m-, lation and the best attention. The. aboe o"e bias'boes newly ,gtod and furnished.Gobi$ WIvU 15 cnfrt accormmodation anà attention. Good itab-. ing and attentive boktler. CÇ0 XER CIAL HTL E. M, CALDWELL, PROPRIETOR. Beat accommodation and superrVines, liquors and cigars. Good stabling,, wth en- closed yards, mni! atÇentlve ostiers aleys on tihe premides. Charges moderato. 7RAM TRUI4X RAILWAY HOTEL, AT WRIlTB? STATION. WltX. 0'NEILL PROPIIIETOB. Parties taiulg tIhe t rain andleavinghorsea %il have them well takeèn Care of tif rotnrn. GT LOBB HOTEL, 18OOLIN, ONT, JAS. POWELL - PROPRIETOB. ROYAL CAAINHOTEL, PONT PENNY, ONT., il. FlOT .PROPRIETOR. Superior accommodation. Got bbuu o-ui sisedts-ons, andt attentive astlers. wESRNHUE DUNDAS STRIEET, WRITE?. Tise nnderaigneit'nouid intimat. hotise public, tisaICie aisese promnises have been newly fibet up suit esuevatoit theongiiont. Béet Ltqnor. ant Cigare. "The Cream iet Canada , aise pure 'Rhie Wine, Walz's Lug- es, WhIssle asuiteeli. Beardm ars lak y tise neeLt JOSEPH A. BANDEL. EAD, OFtci-Klng St.,cor. Cisurch,Toronito C APITAL, So.ooN IISSING HOUSE; Deposlk'd wilh Governmen , $67,000 It Wn adjabia oses nithont delay, sud psy os-er tise caib UAT ONCE. H Ion. ALEX. McKENZIE, M.P., JOHX MAUGRAN Ja., ilanager C OAL AND. WOOD. A. ALEXANDER, Hnaving pumcbesed tise Ceai sud Woodt Yard et Mr. John Kebuh, begu te infus-mailn eus- Coneers tual tbey vnl Wsdtise premines cou- stantly suit pleumifally uppliet, sut Wood assitCeai deives-u aitishe lenest prhcom. Ha-ring pareiaueit large tracts eot tise bout wood lents ou tise back Lakes, s asuad uxisanstios spplY nUl b. alnmyu kopt ou band.- Rensouable mates as uitfcln eeure gar. anteet. Ceai nelgied ou tIse Town scales. A. ALEXANDER. Wisilby, Juiy 9, 1878. 2 L IVERY i1 Tise nutersigneit testree te internehIe frieudu mut patrons, that iseban again mu. smet businem Attse oit WIIITBY LI VER Y STABLES. Having encreesedthtie uber sud qnaiit~ e1the slnd, sud aisoaedatot and lmpros-ed tise conveyances sud vehicies ou tise prem- losm, i. hope. by belug lu a pomition ta usuet the nanta of custuera ho meit sams-e et public patronage. ZW CHAIU.ES MJOIIERAT£. . N. B.-Cvemod cous-eyanceu for familles sud ladies. Prompt atteuteuce, as bereto- fore, te aintrers. N. RAY, Proprielor. C HOICE A#; 0 U T 20,000, -AT TuE- H01ME NURSERY, Fs- in wo efour yemns et age, ombetsing el tise bout Vsrseiieu. SETH C. ILSON, Lot No. 3, 2nit Con. Pickering, ounLugtm Rosit, at Office, Wbitby. (ALJABÉE ]7ARM FOR S4LE. Buiu.g pas-t et lot 29, 7tlis encesI-ottel County et Oitasio-100 acres, 75 cleaae mut IYne good.0iate et cultis-alion. (boit itnellbngiseuse,'iUit extensive oulhuildlings in goût repair. Appiy ta tise ow-uer, SIMEON TIFFIN, ounlisepsomises. Leaskitale,Nov. 14, 1872. 47 F ARM FOR SALE. 50 acrese letise nostiiunit etLot 13, Ils-u con. cf l'ickrn-soi goi-aboat 5 acnes et tirewoit suitmil tituber. Fartaneili wateret-. Newn tramue welling, 2hx20-gooit baen, ôWxD. Tes-ms lbes-ai. Appiy to-- Cr on Cie premises. bas-. 8, 1878. A. founE, Duffins' Cseek,1 1WETERN ASSUR1ANCE COMPANY RIbA» OFICE~, TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, -- S400,000- Cou. meIe su»es, ozs STIEZTS, TORONTO, ONTAIRIO. JAS. T. JEWELL, - Proprieor: Torouto, Ang. 12, 1873. 88-8e R OBERT JOHN YARNOLD, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE mOn TUEi COUYVTY 0f ONTAiRIO. ADDRESS-Box 99, Wums-,ev. 41 FBEE SITE! TOWN OF WHITBY. A FULeEIE V LBE GIVEN building au establishmntu in the ten. J. R1AMER GREENWOOD, Mayos-, Whitb. Whitby, Feis. 20, 1878.3 . t-t IRE MOV'A L. Tiseunesgetlu renioved hie BOOT S 811E STORE ho tise promiseos itjeing tise Western Hotel, Dundas Street,Wiisby, whes-e h. is uew p repas-et te exocute al erdere tur Wos-k. A large ansslect stock on hanit. Iepairing toue as usual. JOSEPH A. IIANDELL. Wlsttby, May 8, 1871. 19 TfH Liverpool and London andl Globe IN4SURANCE COMPiANY. ,&AABLÀnLs aTî, 827,000,000. Lasses p it iocourse oft blirty-live yenrs cxcoet FOtTY MILLIONS 0F DOLLARS. Claies iy Cictago Pire estimatoi t a near- ly 000,000,OOO are being liquidatdai astasa etUIsto it nutiot deitucîbon. Secuelhy, Pronept Paymeut suit Liierality in udjuet- ment ef t ibLasses are tise prominent tustures eft Cils noaihy Cempny Rosit Office, Canadaliranch uste! 0. F. C. SMITH, Clieu Agent for Doneiion. L. FAIANKS,Jin., Agent at Wiitby, Ont. Ji OHN L. WATKIS, OFF ICIAL - ASSIGNEE, -mILseîrr DDIssVISION'tCOURiT, AUCTIONEER, &o.,- &c. orFICE-lu Bigclowm lolck, Port Pers-y. Pcri Pers-y, Jane 24,18712. 20 LJUMBER &- SIIINGLES FORZ -SALE. Tise subses-iber blas on bandt ansi for aie ai lits miil near Utica, (laie Cureie's), al hindi etfIuber unit sisingies. fiHltumeo sawn te es-dem. A. B. CAMPBELL. Ulica, Aug. 201h.- 841f IQLA WOOD FOR SALE. Tii. aubaseiber isas tor sale aethi# MWi, Isoar Ut-tas, a quauuity of toua-foot SIab Wiei.St. 23.187. A. B. CAMPBJELL. nui SaXT POUBOUS onraeAMe, - '- .TOSEPR UOLM>tN, BBOOK.LINV, ONT.I sUio en lfor lise CANADA FARbMERS' AE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANYÃŽ, AF THE Red ffce ReLON nit GLEN MAJOR MILLS -CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'Y, Montreal, Fine, Life anui Gniantoe 000,000 fel Pin. Luneber, nell seaiaua& - Departusont, Inchs Boards, CAPITAIL, - S2,00,O0O gW, Brooklil, Dec. 2, 1872. 12m49 4 ScantHiig, 2einch Plank, - Feuscing Boarda,' SA 6à L.- 100,00feetof1OC",s nni A vainieiu, inbuaMeple for ixies,'.t vation, soit ual excellas!in u Osantebin. Dasenot, Lot 25, 2adt-con. West Wliiauni,Couya - -. 15,000 fI. Square Tumbe middlesex, W uares c aa4nitL . lo ed, good fou , fo an;d af - n A o htah nul be soit cheap for cash, mn, Hr ou üai s bhoa MYe-tia tisa 13,4mb IMIIII Wliom it, May Conceriz, viraim P ad Iiterote IereplcitTlyýcautimsi steny r,11g toi tlùoclanus, nd eruy emoro- ALEX. PRrYGLE. lâcem nseMor Town of Wbtly.ý" Whltly, October U, 1878, 42 1V M.WILLCOX, ilohm fts iv.' "NEW AMERICAMW' LIE SL A CIONEîÊR Cooling 8toe isn arranled tlobet*" FOR TUEE CoüiqtETor osrTà .axô, » foilowing feon e .circuler ci 1878, : "For1 yearrthe New York Siate Agricuntunal9*o' rgtsamded ithob First Premine süd isI y to>~ipof MatIposa ý& (à .rwrgî ' tise Siver Mofdal os-or an tihebo EGSIOIhcos-es in the. counnteyet the faim cf AUiNe, BBF Otank M bi ins andi the Engiaud. Il took during the lest two yean . uleueranly for t libéral patron. -n e Is Year. paitfour 107 FIRST PREMIUIS- Lai nnaseu up tise business of Baiff.ý, inteud, in future, ta des-oie My At Varions exhibitions, amông ubene niole ie. te the' busines off Anctioneer, Tise Non York State Fair, Lol in f.1 - The 'Vermont State Faim, snI W y essieavour, by prompt and Tise Illinois litat. Faimr cereful attention ta business, ta gis-e ful Tise M1-hi:- State fraie, -slstieoss te ssIi ebo neay fis-or me nitis Tise ieniglait StatuePair. their Sales or CeiletiugTie.umsoteetllub.Sasi ed drefcage.tant leitNte fmni-1870, 70o; 1871, 8,000; 1872, 10,000. Ti et fue chrge - year iiiilseeu ipmoved by adlsing an asý Aime Bell SianePs ainnys ou hanit. lî-cliker geste andl mica ligisis in front.- aAmangemneau e be made for sales &oc..tWe sollit fi ui or -without the. copper resue athei ClmusecLr office. Whihby, Observe,' voir, andthtie osai iron warming closet be Office Prince Albert, andat the. Standardiûdtssevantis-ppan tnl Office, Port Pers-y.-bmn ceai or anwoosh ppé.ad t V.M.'WILLCOX, Parties hnyinq tromu n ceai auy tus Prince Albert, Sept. 241h, 1872. 89 replace any portions et our stves t al _________ el brokn-a greait-autage. J. CARICHAEL, Presit 'WVALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Oshawa, Nov. 24, 1878. 481 tte lef z green esi greenP sbearta ÃM4e anioa t Tise snbspçnber offers fosaetisetoie OU E AND O ing vaînabliepvoperty, in tise Townt et iit- O S AN L T iy -An, êxceilet Brick Cottage nutis b acre ALO T ET of land isnatot on-tise cerner, et Greesn sud FO SLEORT ET St. Pelir-Shs., i bIse, Seuti Ward. Also,j0 acre et lent, nel teuceit, anîl le a lsigh sels t'uOOD Pramie Hense, Ses-en Rooma, and off culîbvation *ceuser Wellington s sui lt -- tortl as,,bNis mWd. CareoTeur ~uQuarter Acre oM Lent, ou Hickoey-St.7 esouti t bisecrsidecCetnt e Sut ite Tewn etWhitby. Aodlfteeide2 aiC re r, 5S. in Appiy tu the. gentisWamd. A ot geoiacr ait,Wl.SPCE bein gcompeset o( part et lot 18,iltis cou. M$PNE cdTwssip et Murray, Co. biemhumbur- Os-totilc - lea n iibpbeltti ui.gse W. H. BILLINOS, t, aIl thi. aboese properly. Fer turtiser par.-eiioWsly tieulare apply te Chas onner. Whitby, Dec. Dlii, 1873. 60.1: - ~~FRANCIS CLARK. ---_ _ Wliiiy, Juiy 1871. 29tf ,-IOALANI) nWOODn. K IXG BRIOTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importes-s, Dealers, andt Manufactures-setail -inde et LEATHER AND FINDINGS,1 Cash peit fus- Ilidem, liarh, assitLuatisr. Leathes mîeteseit.. Le" BELTING MÂDE TILDER ON SII011T NOTiCE. May, 1872. 22 Tîse undemaiguesi bega Io relus-n thanhus tom tise ies-siansuincreamitsg patronage hi bas been tav-oset nisthuring bis threi yecrs in business, mutisureby internescau- tomner. tisaI iholias non torsale al hindy efthlie beest AnCthracite suit Bituminons BEST HÂBDWO-OD, Allihe loeet possible prices. tom Casis. JONBLOW d& CO. Wiiby, August bIh, 1873. 32i GEO. T. HALL, TE IUSSEML IOUSE, AGENCY AND COMMISSIONS. Censi-r Matceleish & Missiesaga Sts., -. - -- -ORILLIA, ONT. va aisns nmade andeceounits colleced<. 'ýW Office oves- Usz Cnxsican Pvlnting office. Business promplly stutet te t; iigiesi veforencesa. Whiby, May 14, 1878. 201y TMW TICKETS By Alan's Magnificent Line 0F4 MAIL STEAMERS For sale, te suit noneBsitemn, ah boneet ates, sait ahi necessas-y infevuatien chees-tully gis-eu iy GEO. TULE, Telegraphi amîd Express Agent. Wldtby, Marchil11h, 1873. il m ~êONEY TO0 LENDI itepayeble by insiaineents tuom ôeTino te TweutLbears, uallen valeoff inleest, nitis. ont ce m-isaion, anuita modes-ste charges. Pris-ste Funde te Lent. A ppiy ta- - JE.FAREWVELL, -Solicitor, Ilmeci St., Witiy. May 251h, 1872. 22-t M I~AND) RAILWAY 0F CANADA. T I M E-T A B L E Going Nos-lisfs-eni Port Hope te Lindsay. Becs-es-ton and Orilla. Mail ..9:30 a. en.1 Mixet .... 8:00 p. ne. Coing Nos-h tla Petes-bomo' d& Lahefed. Mai...... 10.30 a. m 1 mixci . ... 4.20 P.Zn. Coming South trom Orilia te Luudmay, Putes-homo'sud Port Hope. Mt-xui .... 2.40 P. ne. 1mail-...800 o. m. Coeimsg Seti frone Laiedi. Mixuit -. ..8:00 a. e.1 Mail ..2:25 p. us. Connects nutistho Nipisshug Rail*ay te sut tron Tas-onte and intes-metiate stathons. at Miliieoit tee Petes-boro' and Ovehlia, sud nis Granit Tsunk ai Port Hope bots neorn- ingý andt esening witI traisas and utWest, sud Slm. Norseman ai 9 a.e. tes- Rochiester-. H. G. TAYLOR, 20 Supt. et Trains B USINESS CHAStE. Tise undersiguet aore tes-saiselise prom- isse in wihi* babusiness otei.manufac- ture et Agriemtnîti mlsmet., Waggons, Lic, is ai ps-.euent ied on in tise Towna ot 'Wlitby, together nis bis stock-lu-traita, usacltuffery Sud Plant oM es-ry description- Aieo is liliug ios niesd lot. Tise place ta knonnsaia FIRST-,CLASS BUSINESS STAND Ansi on which, it.iM ho foud anexam2ina- lion, an excellent bunisl belug non car- riet ops.- H. nil418o dispoue oet'bis patun iaisA lu varions Agriesultural Implomeuts. Ton industriona m'in nith s meil capital tiAis opportuaity tisai seldoni preseus itueIl - Desiina te retire frem business n-c conut et il-bheatb, thé undereignuità i.dia peetto tait. tus step. Termos nul be mate te suit a compel ent perty. Ouly a seai amonnut meuiroitd OW14s eut ample UAme gis-en for th. balance on JSOc s.,htbyI Titis magnilheeni brick boletla euenetflth; largest bouesnos-CIeoftToronto. Ih la dît- et, turabisit atudcontucteit as e A FIRS'T. LLASS HOTELJ Combimiug ehegance, cenetort suit uceneney. It isas ameple aes'jsmotation for annemer visitere, is deigittnlly sud ceutmalîy situai- uel, being bu close ps-exiunihp te tise steane. btot. wass, Mitlant andi 'Noruiseru R. R. Cemmodiossanejle s-comm mut suites et apartmentîs-tuailibes. In. 1.-O-de--aftas- omseby lettes- or bele. grame promptly aitended tot. Omnibtusses tlansuit ron tIse steamers troe et elsarge. - ROiT. RUSSELL; Os-ilai, Jais. 7, 1874. Proprietor. ANÛ"TLO.AMEIICAN HOTEL, 'MINCE ALERmeT, ONT. WM. BADGEROW - PROPRLIETOR. Tise above cemmoihons isotel bas baesn uewly renosatet sud turuishedt timonot, anui hais amîple accommodation tom lies-c- ception et guests. lb supplies a mtuoicon. venieit 'pointtom Comeercili bsavoUer. sloppiug lu that direction os-or Suntay. Cimtutabie rooney slabling sud atteutive osebes. 44.ly THE PARKER CUN. - OsrAM;p FoncOiROu LA"l PARKER BRO1 WEST MERI.DENSCT. G OOD 13AU]) WOOD FOR SALE I1 About 200 cordaetofguet isard sterve neet, cul Ovxe leugths trom 1a te 20 incIes. For price ic., epply ta J. LONG, ' Dunds St. WMttly, Dessember 9is, 1878. 50 M ONEY TO LOAN. $5,000 te lus-est on Pare sectuety,at S per- cent. No commission. 'Appiy to- - W. H. BILLINGO, Wiitby, Dcc. 16, 1878. S licio,&c. 51 GU R L E, Y',S FON CJJO.THJNG NEW CGOODS!1 -NEW PATTERNS 1 AND) NEW STYLES For s mut Wian ov .1recels-ed t aIIe Oit Teloriz4gEatanb"dLehmen, Oshana. 'Tise stock ineuites REAVY OVE RCOATINGF- CY VESTINGS, BROADCLOTHS, Ansi aittise nea llsnfopetLc It nun ba. uusit ue xeletmtk sud ils s-anlety nIl affor a chance for ail g~Goit ork gunriteet. ~.-edthe yard, =4itCIO oUa psght A. uprlunptllyx i. a il u ont :tt Io bo y aepe, forgoà tten, isat Ilh é6uncnihélamon off Winc M Ilptook place' on tise eveubug ni eorgeBiandeit, or, more preperly 1, GeaaI-IKennedy, egsaeit from prison ndtconferrot nluis Hnmry 8hokesbur7 Il no* fërther appeans tisai Mannte. Mmisr's sagacbty nas ai âûîl, s't Stoesbnmy'a desline mpon tise yentl Tisai, i l a", isb hlle biriteen, bu Otise w ords, bis sester, hail faeotafathon thlie desperate man's presse pumpois î Nay, itla aima apparent thha, about lis 1- lime wlen tise lire.esages -puzzioit bi - lie business lunliant, agroit1Z ieie ou il,' in tue hope off geÃtileg p Mon n enligistened t lesaxi sumning, Gumal Keuneyhi lad ont on. hi te rond,' ho -etasrnotiolrom niici tisej Y noro aniioni ta ans-e him. To tise t.caupllsiueut off tisai dcom, indees! preticled by Daddy Leescis for sa mat ibn bis inenty-list.year, sn uitnfau uaateiy bhem unitertle peculier-circunui *stances wnicli alentedt Gerald's. birh Stokeunr, upon;*lise ,iad'asudit o-ui agiateit deparlume frointise ho»s lu Wviichîithey heit ilsobr hast conversai a lion, prepanoi tho folan hi, hto zhit stops-, snt keepan oye upen lisi motiont anitactions. Bul il happeue t taib. coule Meuh necessary for him ta bai bu bis possession, buffoe.lho sutGerahl soulit again meet, lise proofe off hit Young s-tlm's1a entmge. To gel ai lise.lie was blig.rdt.ioslit lise iousE aI tise Inci; andi lIns nom. tasse un £ ns-idabiy elepset, or. le caulit proceei ta isenltain tue mec uit offbisla iabolica' schseme off vengeance. At lengli, h. o i t ahtie -toor c Connor Kennety'm dweiing. 1He H& f.eneit. Ait seernetsii andt peaceabti vithin 1'Ras lita heurt filiethibm, andthas hi net cornesisitiemni al? Or hache dane it sud have they again latge i hn lhbi gaolt? Or, ina ho usait the second pis. tai, suit dous lie moof'off Ibis sileni hanse cas-sm lwo cerpses,--ono off li laie own?' In tuis manner dit Rarm ySlohesbury commune nitis huisueif foi a fen moments. TIssu lie gave lrce ion huochu ai the itoor, anit agaiu istenut. No one re. Zpibei tho is signal. 1He repeated t Tise deer stili rumainet cioseit. Mut. tering courses egainst Donueliy fer hus iach off at'ietion, h.houancheitbuter anduiteder ani more bohiiy. Suitien- l y lie alarte-i, sud iet figure became riglihly dinbuanposition off teep and stesu attention. Thse sharp report off s pistoi.sietwnec bard nitisin, revorberat. bng 10 a doubl, campis, as il rani tirougis hie apaimeut off the lios. ' TiseIhles naiteu oe offtise pistoles, o-ttoast,' pursue thtie listener. «Ticeitoar no-ssudteuiy puliet open -aiod Josephs Fitzgeraldt nas musIimg pasi- hlm into tise tarI and sient sircet. ' Stop ' criait Stohesbury, 'wisai le tise meauiug off tint shinluyeus lies?' 1 Oh, sir I1nlseever yen are,' au- snereithlie servant, 1'for heae-e's saha, gseChiran help ho soeurethie mer wibas muviteret my mo-thor ile)lis sloop l' 1'3urdoreit your muster 1Iao-uite mm-dorer kuon ta yen ?' 6'Yes, yes, sir I a Younug mailtai escapet frorntlise cornuon gaot li es-euing. Ris naine -la Goorge Blun- deil.' I'à Ay, hudeed ? Loasi tIse ay, tienj, wI n rescue hlm for yen.' - Tse nisite-heaitot servant preccitcd hie suppomed aossistant up si-ira, and buite tisedrsning-room. A single cisan. lsor-ligist diokereit upon lisetale, 'Gerahit Kennedy no-s seateit close ta -it iei elison resting ounlis, hable, o-ut lis fareisatpressing bo- lia haut. Tiere wa ne uapitai 1ylng nuar lise canitIe o-ut anohin les Iehanit thal huug o-I leuguli by hie chair. 'Tsere iliste mtuhheer,' sait Josephi Fitzgeraldt. Tison, inrning bin regard on Stokesbnny, ha stoeeitbnck, -Vhen, inss inho-re 'cagniseithlie sirange Mo-neffile Inc, sud was oboni ta re-. tire froi thie roomn, mutterng inandib. 'y1Shaut yonr greunt, mass I 1 require your presence,' sait Stokesbns'y, inter. cepting hlm, oklug tise door, o-ui put- liug lise ley in isis pocicet. - Tise bravo nazI t gdanceit aîonly ho Geralit Kennedy, lait hie handt ou hie shonliter, anitsioôk hlm. Tise ynut isluthisiseod,enudlooked Amt tise fviund's face. 1'Wel? ' ashei t Sokecbnry. Guait Kennedy maite nq ananer. 1'TIsat shot ?' contilneit Stakecbuy; tise aitserva-nttouleme il no-s yon Whso firedit l. 'Hatlis yoe tise fat,' repieit Ger- -~~~O TE AORCINI CHAPTER XIX. D-GAP. J dog tisai croucset ui cranled for 18o. Look aithuis, to ;- eau yeoeil 11 mercy nover eould Icsite. When bis tISaliflte tieg to a And 1" - - Ideahs aneeuiulï have 1I etufimi, left 'Oh! murcy b. ta me I Ilta is he tni r 2 hm, mark yen,îta ho deaitupon by gospel 1 hsssg round lise infaut'i!e .oi - cuIaho, and fl proportion ta ny massiy iguet of a ineve thtie wnan. mean sasintion, are Mey itistilce assi - yua!' scoffeit S hesbnrya cose les ýta - ~T cail up contomPtofthenfestn afssassin. 4y Gernld's face. 'Asdhsit 1alenrsed llhe se ft tie skntkin g, cowýartly, mideslght mur- fable off yessifamous ioom-he doom a ,î Se-to esn deurer 1do deteal ;-lis bhina I can-Isolit 1have leil yen-lera shiiib>tlo aoam- Hary itoltos ne inter'or:ast iaI ido' rudi- 1cillai, as I before tld oti :ený4gtesned cuoise ;ýný;îeî 'Wh34, boy, 4l.caao is evêM u , 'sfiii iéwùâl---pun Whie e'oei wero tint anhinfanth, ua iit No, 1 do d&t Y e I, am ýnot that!1 cherii maïs of oreepistg fteah, more helpless CosiuorKene d%" t'à à &endisa contiuihave1 -'ad more, conte nptible than t)so wurm; fiction.- 'Tis an amp pssîbllity, -anu tier opre o in fadi, when yeoù were but à a <ew dayâ imnpoesibilUty.' < n areiyo, nid, 1 was wlrsely inforused liai, because 'A.nd whiat - particularly makerify ou no tmalter 1. you haà ppëned ta b.ie wlsiped upon a go very ioretlnlous?' isneeYei Stokes- own slimeo 1peculir dit ,tise- day whicli, as i jbMr. aditer ho sti aeeâmed goo -to Providence, ta to Prove:!;'Because I1 feel couvincei t tisiyen, thse tissue.co 'à c urse to alft maie brats born: within a, even yon, Devil as yon are; nover conlit have I wovE certain number 6f its hours;fo this couceive thse thougirt off eettingý on the sinnating ii e. reason, I Say,- I waa sageiy, credibiy, sonto kWltise father. - Yon dare not 1 spider-spire à - toIt, that yen lied beau doomet', upon Heaven woul not suifer yon to do su. Fetraugle ils In attaiuing yonr twenty.first yellC, eitiser 1 gay &,gain 1 do nat belic.ve taughit me- rto shedt blood, or te have .your, owre yen. I gay egeinu. I ain no*' Counor for thiis I br sblood shed. Tisereforc, my lad, do ual Kennedy's son. ucvINo r. blame yourself for what yen have dono 'You have spoken wsll, boy, pessinir agein, couic nto.night. Bies your stars, rather, well. Thie7re tpiti eyour words; and upon yeîsr f ýo wlsich allowed; you ta lbe iutrodà ceid your view off riglît -nitwxaug- ta- vers witisered Md i. amn thl ii world, et a furbidesi correct. Yes I do myself. declare ilt k. witlsered! Br moment.' e black andt deait to murder -a fatîser! ou,.anAL bi M There is îsolntiiÃŽin i your mode off Yet that dec.d yonliave doue.* inta eMy lben a. speech, andt in your accents, eud in I ]have nÀot 1 Yom liv. and yon ,are tie vold, a ie your loak, ai present, tsat,- chilis me.' my fether. You ihave brought m re- np frons an, id q sait Geralit Kennedy. 'I seemq as if as veur offs;pic.;-you have. given lue avon,.&1Ail ýp yen wonid now sucer ati sce for doing the~ tille off son, andti t tille I wil iip.in donce nos re that which you drove me on ta do.' bal, eveu eg.ainat yourelf, befor 'tise Tisai oalis Id, 'Not at ail, not et ail ; yon mistake. wovld.' b ie blood et- is I suerely waut ta reconcile yon ta your; Pseha!-I eau easi!y disprove your thet sou h q seolf. For ta h flot quite plein to yau, titi..' - gallowe hoi r- Ilsat, when thse doing off a murder, wissu :1 dare yen ta tîsat itisproof ' lié wil lias- 1, the, sluicing off iumnan bloond, hast licou PFool! do yen thinli I sanuot meke te liaek li aI aseigned, ta yen, by fate, or by whetever mny words gqod ?-Do yen tink me suee-r lie Wa£L 2- el"e you cisoose ta eaul yonr Lord Higi very pour an artifîcer as tisaI ry pa- raton vsef iýAdmirai alofft, yon coulat fot possibly tissu noürk off sscarly Lrenty yaairs yeeîe miost viarttu L. do ahhevwise tien obey ordere and ist lieus-ta lie blewn down by a pîtffl7of nersa nith(l a work slip?2 This baing aliewed, I nan yonv fluissy breatis?-Si.Iy cor !-I*hiad shalh jouinii le have ta 'lemassi youv tlsauiks for has-in_- anfieipiated your presaut attemnpi.tu tisaI ene cr' t7 ael you ou, as yen eay. Remenîber, I palin yousealf upoii nie, even befeère I Geraid lK as hait a koodlok-out for yaur p.riional eîaiaved thic banpe to-i!s£It. And now coelqs~ng is i La safély, boy, affler yen aisonid have fni- te begin n.ey course off prof.* i- positiot c-filleit yonr doonuI iy biowiug ont tise He tboit off tise imsndkehief vwhieis :a-c last de 15brains of tiseusan we used la cali Mr. usually listf-covered lita f ace andl con- still u sPoun1, IConnor Kennedy. Th s vey nigii, in tinnit, 'Fienit 1 is fact, if yen andl I continue off a mia' I 'Josephs Fizesîl old sud faitlsful cirawn n as- tt eau suaicli yen, as 1 befeire hiuted, out servent cf ruy fatiier'o iîoun'-do yenoffOrtise fate se off ail reacl off tissir brother, on tlse recoileet yeur fermer master ?' - Gadt!' lie c à eaibond f what yen.lhas-e doue. *Surely 101i, r-i, sir,' answercd lice man, uvan lia kui il yen now compreienit wiy yen shIistlgreai wondicv coules upou eue wiil sîrctelinig Il il thauk me, do yeunont ?, j'Our worîs.-I kuowunot 1.ssf.iLreÈîy tu toue off lita- Geralit repieoi, impstienily, tisai lie mette yenV!' tà rli, 'f ei o,eaven yet, undercsu' lim 'iier -cieu. e ss, a edme; bIl em 3- Look yon tissu! lIait Iloft yen te tise neatiser baes petcilou mue, and thtie humuulcdi i ae tae.your onchance, luntverkindg oui sin lias ecorcised nie. Yen tee befor tegriu tisai terrible itoon tisai was uposa you, you, isowe'er,- tise maaler yen liav-e ies-t, nit' 5ton ta one, but-yenrs usiglht have lioc u s long tseugil deudi. Go îor your oration, ijecn the e lose, ineteaitoff anoîber mnan's; wife and icaîl lier hititsr -iccl. or off tise -lo --ton ta oeeagain, bui tise ddasmigiaI My v:ife yen ectil, girl' repe-ateîl Iasgsli -have becu againdi yen in au encoaner Joseph lookiig more unit ssssre frigil- Whet £s it wit a differeni kinde ffpersen. Ilu Mv. oued. I rieil stoket il Canner Kennedy I toah caro hiowevî-r, lye miau-yenr wbfe-ul id I net O-adKi y ho prov-ite fer yent a man wiseusyen speuki disliietly ?-Telliber tiat.Hari-y fi-et, Raet dv or cenlit kili, withiont uuels danger off bc- Stokesimuny uninions lier le speak witiilil ala 1 iug killeit by Win. Tissu, as ho tise hlm. Teit lier ta remeinlier tIse es-eu- tien avalerp ae lime and cireunslenec off tise tnunver, in- wlieiî yenng llarry Stoker-i.ury turc- itliea a e -yn are mtli fors'cnate. Tise poor mes ii etCîsusor Khi, ycia fumisriud gruce l,1 b.wa s eaep-iiis tîcastrcstiug conifort- arma; ltli er te rememlbcv ttc thones 'e, guili b- aily nîcen lita pilon, niien yon putne c aviait ier tiassilise rhouîiîlibc ea..am 1 NeQt 0 ai o my littie pistais te il. Wetak as necas upon et n futuse day tau dcjitil.ý tise 1,10o(j but F rChie wormn, lie inilgit have turueit upon lraiter's hantlig,. Teitlisar ti thtie pralectar ne yenliait lie beeauairle, yen Icuow. lime lies naw couse. Retire, I say, arns ta dtef( e Does ail lis show no fatiieovty aeoff -ar.d lead yanrv.s--le up te Cuis raem.' towî-r off s4 Iyen, boy?'Heo spescul lise door, fted tise cer- mnyria.ttf.'N i 'Il is popnlarly creditceei,' saiii Ger-v. -nt witlsîvew. IHs wenit on- ta Gev- esssmuy lc, ne 'e aid Kennedy, ic oeyes d unpen»the ssii- 1-. ta sliieiel Lis 9sneering, s'el triuspicîscoutesianca <eý. 80n1off Canner Kennedy, I v'il epn off tisespeaker, 1'tisai yen linnan shape so ean teustrale te yen isa taÃ9or cis. paiss a is but anu nîrd seiilaneand Ilsat radlier lîoa ecyour father, and liow ci. iarrythh a Duvit off darkness possesses,enuimates, fuit aunJ hovncrus, Isas, therefere, lbeau SLîn n i anit gos-crus il. Ieus non inc!iuedtl teny revesîge. On eue peint, cloue, I Esisenbut ea 9 adopitt hali. Fur tisus,, it i aenit, liav-e ual quite satisfisit nsetff.-Bs. nature. Sti it doe8Ithe enemy offmnu, witiî wily Wvia- fore tisa s-ciy tact ,asp lefI lis bodty, lie m g dem, tead it ltdupe imb crime, assithtissu dt fot Iknout nis Iillet lmii. Oi! - myy o, e 5mach aitishe wretcis fer lia-ring- falten.' wouidti lia lie coultlihas-e known i! 1tio, yenr; r - ' Wial ! - gis-e me liard nords, enly AJustmaime, eftcandmiioflen hsctve I toaî, lait for my watciffuiueas os-ev yenr prer.ious pondercil te a tnd arrange tisai lie tiltI-i lil!.? Ont upon yen for au uiigëutemui sisontit Le u2l ueuiue ilîts ppesîail n ebey Yss,ungratefuI lyon are. Andt reltiîinrhip bsitwéçnl4 imianuitbits ex-riybn 13 ido 3011 cur t isie is but oue oliser sinmomrs hsinau;iecutioner. But lb nec imInssible b itu aedt a than ingratitudeo:tisai eue s mifrier ! coupsscaii, nithont puling hotu off yensnue ft Cool murder, I muasi;toalliy, cas-i- osu your gurd. Wlionou nluy ln you. 0 aritly, midiigit inurder l' der gai, boa, sy uMy caniris-nuce, leisite yq 'Oh!1 how rpvoIting isaci l tis!' erieil anelisor mode off veng-enco ai firsl oc- . istte ,t tise boy, recoiling, but euhl watehiiug, cuvrei tot me. For eL moment I lme-nec ;-lern 8as one fasclateit, tise gteambing looks off tisouglit il subgt lie îîractieaisle ta teresti- iny ibis temper. cisange my Incts; tu gel yen tried it, sta1suy 1Tise iltime yon andt I laid env cosîvieleit unitexcetieutiy we-l liengeit ons is eads logetîser, I iouuit yen, Ilist wliscn.for tise nbductiounoof Annio Krnnauiy, >onily msan ws I liait teft Canner Kenuieîiy iampleil muking blaa à iiei3ca ini's yoîs. mfuli pret IdanouMy ownliati 1oe . liiomsgist Ties, afler yoesr popuier cxiti roîn tueav uie i Imy full reveuge nets wreahed upen worttî, I woulit have juai nîsisporeittamato a-111 hlm, but thoen lie, eeieuibu lis, deceivod itiiisthse slary off yonr parentage.-Bub me. More, thai- insteaitof effsurîog usy chîlef nites, Doneliy, I coulaintple nin n nauseitailt ti imy own tiumphant vengeaue tint depenît upois, attise p-uli i; lie nai s ltCanner Noni inight, the silliai was stihi abls ta you cati a persan off baid ciareeter, ani t .bbsi w ruaihe hiecoeils cioser anit loser beasides, any mau'a sers-eut ellier in inb hoolita iarounîl me ;-nas sîtlil able la cusi te-utli or in falseliooit, for ihùîsns-iesî mnielsowk-o t anui sting, tili ha enadiethe remainiter bribe.-You haeve yens-self hourd hlm noe e i-y th off may ife but oeelong wiiiiing fit off admit as mucli e few heurs ugo. ut ant sioctiei tsisame auit iegrodalion. Wall, you, ne matter. Alhisengi Canner Kennedy lisid, uni t h god yduus, liait pres-ians1y beau placet conid, ual, lest cas plan mn'ighisle, gel But tiseeFs; iby me, as an infaint, nier. I cautitfinit a huntinletiiaortit off nue-i nas 11wsI yi Io yen e I liait Isisure. Finit you,to doosiétut take lisa lite, yet, us vsvy I s-ly busmil -bring yen up for auy purpase, niiion god peuple say tiscre ia anetiser norli, iortryibutrve refleclian, shonlit appear liesi la me Ipeap lekuo-e i non. Inued, for poîichylur %Veil, I say, afier lie sentence nisici =sespei31 consolation off my lieaml, wlidl it isent me, braaditui 1h.Cale, buta a ne-rer have 1fIot blf se inclinei tut hbc iiI e " sîrange itounlry, L feit, nisenes-er tise a diru believer on tint huotly subject.'gihsI e "re'oleetion off yeu existence occurroit Joseph Fitzgeraldt re-enîoreit, canduet-tia latb ta me, tisai res-enge by usy own bandt ing is niffo, bath ag(,itetet anit trefibe parri-eei - upn lse atho offailmy mn, eeslt ig te~il my boues- -nOtU e 1-anguesn 'ilnglil tYou sep, GemadKn 0o016ee, J say ta yon- i have been my execuitouer fther. Reset suitbrancis Là ne; moot - assd bmanebsYE ae- Tmue, 1 bearis brand&uj? is curaos euh itoaper bm -le ssii Trne, I nalhro amers sisadloin offma, u- ientity 1 dtue miel natue- or- ,tisai is-tmu(e. But sometihgr f te recouce eme tanMy Ioti< soilo viilliau's sou liasshedt tmy nul. -lmante ai1 arn mli lis as branee. Tise hsigh msyv esisepe, for I suppose sI inoende s ita slic-le nool lifoiislise Vemiesi huai- atelis in existence, endithe ins peoptem-Le ves'bein- o moaot innocenit ohiirea- y cLatI ho tarriie 1 Kenneity, as if sestslenly me. e agtvengti. cpreng np freni nacanl attitude l isimi e esrie i isi; traces of tsars hi ciieok-s- - ise setd,1'you isseve, hulleoit. ride, aînt yci a ti'ne picture of a parricide. Oht, my CouLiussed, liu iuihins3ehf uese, uiiig ins eyes, ent is uruss upwok'rds., -nulle the neice was frv-omt, ni ring- ;isty Eyç off tio unive.! ra te, an erbu; saisi a )eiug ! Accepb, Omnmpetent, ade of aelibcleen, bumsting ,h gis-os tisa praise anit ail- cause biset cff parents ileoil,- Iot off any et Tiy creu-tu res, ;a yen, norw,-giltuss' iljum-y, siurting back. s'neuiyagiu spmauîg tslis n i.itnsei up te tise fuhilof height. A .Uiîà hoff exuilta- pmacd lus-face, lbis, tank oye hl deflauce. s&:;-mtis euargy !e continluait: Itlsý off ail Caisil off bic01, I 0 ii',' gutîitera off My ictliers8 sissndiug lieve my fatier'.s elinst L'e nis-urss!Tise cuit lIbm, emmitChis boýly as o- trengts hsetivs-snuMiua ndi no; mi;1 cors ret if is ian or des-il-hims son tsaeble ni frou aalli avus.' d us mosment, a littie sauai- thtrcike.-bury onby -ditonred cbye ut it I nanuwr. w:y --hîesbnry,-yeu have îclIguthteowieitge of human *nieesburg, abtmongi double ,u liavs- in tisai. Doue n; nit îvngas -I'arn, I eniseniticut ao long ta your 1net mssy liesamý' iioceuoe nie ngciscithent'nait I isch sîorer -*off ssyffuLtis,r, pose t could hlav-e sa tamely yenr repracies b roag- hieacl ? Tusie1 usa! li- you îes-ely liocrtse Ilia! ta attain -froni yonr -elie- olîject, lieetees-est, tIsaI im îurse extatence. Ay- 1-unitcer cejmpeteni inaimuc- IsI We gain frani yen-ths -lie coulat snpply it-.Lproef, iiil proof I tient Ilied.netbthe to e syour -son. Sir, you hit lin anl ebsers'ahieeyou se nlile ugo. Yen, sen me saI4 coul liavrideit, nisen yent se prohie nîshici mate me asedy's son, auppomng me cisîrdorer L-iii again Uyetid s1.s interpeteitotise onI- s f e guily oncinc, ist se woeviugeoff an effnigliteit à seul. YeSa--uny cheeek ne e tasnp nas espan my bren. gupf am sm Eimpiy becanso en ta tise lari as yen moce- sitiy placet hefe'me the off thse- iieons.oins. ta sait pro-ohet m6,' sud off I migii posbIy have been ýs, Stakesinvy, tic mure ie ceo enlie rond, ta become madie cosliste s-ery mareo-w -eolit-celtd-a5tise nons-, airs.sbury-wesI nuussiet usesence, bnt of tise hanse, ta [st brougil me, thse spir-it b me,assithisaspirityen- thme, ls!not accompo-fy- or. nais aflitcooleesa in )f he nigi ht ils, as il dlii- iny bunuing ieas, nafle! exemcising human feeling gai coulai net commit n nagscd.i-I ioeked tenants 9,-be iteep.blue sky no- 'nm nisiilss parklings ôff Ina- seA gbnlous s tars IMve pro. 1 i j-, - . 1