lu& * Jeu luidywisnea toi --- -_ -"_ -",U* a. jus. ý&à ffl uçozy, 0119UM11Y publ"ed by sub. loe-Weprovioug yag. 'y miiiitltiýý1;1- Dr. tf"hm,, for pupilg pa"ing QU BEkmuay Who n aoJýe B Pmddëd d bis gcrýPti0n st #8-50ý Bamum suppliog it Th Uwnwmuto Who hâd, amved apporne charge in French #sboeeI0ý 1 during the peti upoW"îhe jéalh pab eXAý»inatiOus, ýoIOC£ M p 0 a Lýý am! > 7 the col Cenoervmire W 44 Section tions.-for- Pro 'refe;x,»-Ibe right of -]:,ýqueri[aw ru atrne of his sho for #1.50 an s9siust 89,186 in 1872. There '40 to're. on saturdây night.,ý te was an 110 Ip purchaier with -a ticket inýiease of bu st 'thé age of six giuesd Mhdéi' pbintniê a ap- ,W.e té- years; "a -exhi a to r 0 imilligilanté Who Evening Star .4409na, t4iýe.,,ýý4ucing the The 'numfie i , < t th lie 0 ibn &Uowjbnee-ýôf six dollau Price of his book to fl.()o p Monorail 0 jýý1 Bpi-qovl or cc of The jury rétama into C ýpy- No canad the'r-"utenticn 'to- 88ttle in Par WMUM for sym year 40tilai Ourt at il. 1 - a rose from, 8#,878 in 1872 te ores, the coi .26 1 ahowman does this a doubt the. shrewd 'Aw ýbi h* and req'uest*d,-ýthat 4heYý 19 CoIý, a, w ICI wag ine to the1ý2ý Ur" ommfiid' 0,050 in 1873 beiný an increase' of ed. withil inteXpreter vÀýà % vertFngaodge, fer the book 36-83 par cent 1 t CoM"ýà t_ marce ONLY The fint, Mr. Macke Ver unies Muît cost hira m" th fi' ûb ha bést of fi= Ore anbogetoforit;. Au arranl- anb j 1ýr" g, Cernent Ilà - b', nov ýýÙr.'Dev 1 b en made -fà r' réPOrt Of the MinizteÈ-,d'f eting tel tbe,,iuterbngý Sankatc ut few Penons alter reading bis évent. the renewal of the syt-win or pa8senger, Mr'. 'w an a =ftg ý 'yeýpr e0sadin 1-7n'ait Wbilby, Tà ursday, Of PUPWInstracUm, thà t the contre tà r et the Ur. Drumîmafiavoy M hiÉtOrY would fail ta' "a him and 'wamntà with the Mlan, Dominion of a Selec APIII 16, 1874'ý $hall iDelude7oue momber to lie.&,& este, was BWOM to perform this dufý , , and Tetaperley, ail urn precisely, the tien of th, t,,,CO-mitteeupo. the candi-' Govm ad The jar bis shows whenever Occasion offèred, sanie footing. Indisq1b rupectively by thé, inzýpect«m of High 'y returned st 11:85 ; ther Thé eongequerwe however, ig4 thist Bý%r Dames were'Oà Ued and Mr, Desaaalle, The Riel ýdià ýîîIty th,._caýï Référence in madeio 0 UP, and gmi$"ý!w «Mdaetoryý the stronuOUýff to tien of thé -, ilu num's Constitution of theý Sena Sehool Teaihari »ypa' public Schoo, Put the-formaI question lm the - book agentiwho accomp»y big report of the Districtý 1 the 'ta Ilà nature of Mmigmüt Agent Ppoffi Th, digclisgion on Mr. mOtcný Toucher@., ThoýfInt" Ãœon_»tot*4 thoir verdict, ý The* énenad. m, ý ,an, - shows dispose of , hundred thon in Ùanada, and aloo, tlw prop,,,d ad- an pinots on which biffles d - - - Th . 84!nd . il the firet Tues escription. jury SP_ COP Vent of the MeniýOâji . 1 9_ alpanagE carry bu  th@ Prmnt mode of congti ide of his à 6 Life,, ench geasonq sud, 5 tO Mà niÃoba,ý Muon. AU, jiiv-.- the tu- But, ýPesrëd tO bc dividéa intô thr: whÃŽch promises te béoMè ý à iv ment paýtpéùiùï 4f 'i - thig ý, in îûl3iiouýîý --f[4, atte t'ug th@ 8011à te té boin and in reply to the ý quistion bf VT -big patrons', as they émerge from bu portant move 0-ry 'M- ý t)Ãr68ýÜrdBn of the.-da ' thé fedënd principi, consiste ' ut witil in f cilice .,for 'tbe memblèm, menti The, pà ýi egos. manner. j ý 1 , _. - a in Our. systeui of I, ýn1' t 0 , 008»Ûllu, there came buk thme an* gwattolIts with linge voInmes under granteil ta tirage Pe -- - - ý ý 1 ý ý L. ', .. ý dovolop Gave on and twerB., $Orno said "Non eotlahl,,, their armà ;, 10 cP a RB conditions e The Minister Of mmOnts, and oeeking to ha ok as if they weyeconllng settlement, are âxetà etion w School Te -filera - lie would not 1e read ary serlviëi fil lande, religion,, th ' l a ý 'Oon§tltuticri amended . as t,. "bon, in one Sn t-POrtiOnof the bli 1' 1 y to intréduce of il bot- vé 1 Bar; PU le Interpretea. out Of a oireula.ting library. fiehoo 1 184 il 80 grohi a Budget on Priday, , 1 th«S,-,o th - cOntr !IdgltlhéýPM6.3 eIeOt'edý.,by Y this 4- Not Guiltyl, to -Apply "to the lie. , The folle riviloge of UPOU esch province %lie lO Public and fondant$, or Soins w'ug O]Ltrâct4 made front Bar- aki Vointingittown &nators es Pý n-' to the din, thé more Dg" affirma on fantea > of tikiùg - Tiluraday, 9th. ?KTibter w of à . [Separate f3iËool Toacherg, is té Co- &Ppl'uu n='s Appendix for 1874, and written Pathé in court, and lavorable ferma Of Ron..,Mr..0ae 'wôý4ý Ji, the Rouge Me tip Ji, * repos ed 0 apnouwe B 'dded ý in ý their in London up,ýto the ýMt of- Maýèh, océan passage pe 1 Dani the Gov"ë'r'n"'o-'r"G'e haa' two yean liom thdýýJlraj Sha jaight. ici. ffl " Sienceill-'ýýBut,*Multâneo y-wüh gives us un ides- r inion Libe ai, Dorait cw Ail, uent élections i7ee@t ténies Uni of what, tids restless steamers, ad Wou Cà V -a,ý , grées to Milh 1144 9't former "",.,a intro the utteranceof the and energetie- man bu been about for bac ta "sage früm Qtie,ý, -to continue two years. of Momberis -ab wlth'meais-,à t Col. ýà à il"> 'THE the-la't twelvO menthe : Il nimilu résolutions, but With -SPPO!nt6d bY the Lienten le'? by a portion. o words & Fort Gazry, la Owa the juryvýsUOthéÉ , Being at présent in London, in. lingwood, thé settle 11, - 1 .__ ta Ovémor portiot éeïd out si à f,>g#eau, ý0n My ngland, ward - Bach minibaum Obligation Dg auriling a re Ive a -Menninite immigrant bei TotÙ"41888-74, Total iwe7b.ý .,t.h.a a - Ile truats to ce ve four $hall retire st the and of one year 081 ilon è'éupabktý-(à fr. -Ir«»Oâu in whelln Way to * Itily, almost 09 more févOrAble considération irom tj@ from the ne not guil oc, with business, I ôver- about 825.- 8, trânalati Preîteut Parbamel-1tý , It' la SU Olà lit zt meeting of the courrai, bave timeý to ý-1ng ontaxio and four in two yeais, thu» allowlg 1 This rilliant write but a brief, and 1 jear a diî§ointed Thevotegin aid Of immigration, té Québec: as follows: Ontar,& re distributed Trùst punds, ........... o,«0,143ý 80 0' Mr. thst tbb,ýF3..âte sho the gaverai Provinces we ý" whi 'Itéance Provaked' accOunt Of mY doings during the last new Bloc rOsrs Of lauRhier from the iipëetsà tors twelvemonth. Charges of, ci Scà iidin, comPosed of gentlemen elec tÃŽv0ý and apeintëd iiplembetre and the officers t M')00; Québec, 41011t. Man . age- . ....... .... tedby thé, of the court gOt very make moist ext 1 was comPelled te $20,000' M D- raordium7 -efforts lie. New Brunswick, $10,000; Civil GO,ýernM 28 W7,W2. 09ý Ong Local Législatures. The iloaso'dia the to b Ors Ùe' ItOddu the face in thoir laudable exer*., tween the finie ofthe fire Nova ScOtin, 810,000; %itisli Colum Administration of 86 M,881;6è, the nort D10111har for Bothwell the gr ePutiiabyballot. Inspectora,>Itùd tionq to restorë v,,quidt. Sut in Décaniller, bia, $,5,ooo; - Justice ... ........ thi third 11872, whick destroyed 80 total, $70,000. Th, Srn. Police._ ..... ..... 484,9M m 494,161 s8 nome U e of- bined exPenditure of the Doraininn and PenitOutiaries..,. 5,&595 oo ali' tO 90 High Sohool BosMa am to Make out â1iýýhe8T 7= ce lation an committee or the _ýiO1e ý on' the ýEûà 395" 50 show Property, and the fint we.ek in Provinces, -léaving ont the abc tien., ...... 91 The m bu votera, figu ý ot, the -propiily qualifia Ul )résolution. lia coin' 4 ShOutédý APril 1873, (but mitteà ho Gnilty-; we find filera, guilty.,, ýAll thrée short mentir va $70- i21.811 eýý ý 48,ý7B 00 572,9M 00 non_, red the senate too large f wlien I placeil upon the rôad-ý a a 8') 000' was #5119250 tir týansPOrjà tion of stà t ... tl'at lie couside t Un'm theïr juýisdiûtîonl finde this ocý4Led but a moments but the bination of Ourisisges and 0111- in2MigrantS from Yoint LaViS ta 140,00351 W670 00 ad, fjilà à W be a to the Chid Superinteu. scène was one never to bc forgotten. perfOrman 'Parvenons bec and Ontario$ 050,620. Quarantine, ... ...... 367£83-56 BW,610 00 Go,ýâiricý] eMeient,,ýand ho dent in e0ronto. F ces that by far Éûrpassed, in Pensions .................. duce if by Pne Il î , PrOposed to re jvery te cher 6ný', The judge was jeaning, 16-rward aver 'he'ý,à niô &IL Inste4à a thé aide ci Magnitude, auY atteni Figures and fiëts are given in re. Militis, including 105,70129 f thora 'titledj6'vote -ni rectriv9a ,ýOtîu theberbéhý puiiiim _pt ever before fronce ta Mou ad Poliea or twenty'fOur-Bînators- 0 9 Pa-ý the jury-, higilébuntougncé. *,etowà ýdg made with a travoling éxhibiti - quarantine and the i mi- the JýXrth1 wéat.., eacW Par, foh, sri on In any grant Ilespitai at Québec, In Dé i,%s,ýbo'oo Piers and at Présent If from ng a country. Extensive 88 had been nly the gubject aftcr whieh Publie Worké,chayg- on r. Mille would ýTA 1 la g ho ié to fil' a ';'gn' look of ;ningled UtOÙishmenf and dis. gréait show Oftheconsus and hi , able ta capital, ..... 10,901,42, m Ulowlm 00 prior to 1 YO Ing Pgper in to lie forwarded to gus 'y have tweivé ;fi "Ite lawyeré engagea in thé Ca" the year previons, with ies is taken up. Tlý schédula are vos Publie Work,3;'charg- tire Dom rel"Ineil by the Local the chief Superintendent of were M988edin front of the Jury box t . milroad cars, the display of s able to lucome 2,477,05à , 72 2,723,2W 1 00 the aMo tue$, ý and ho W alti Il _'w -"- oceau'. and tho are those relat- RiVerý av thé Wh Il t va ta maining for pnblitation 1878ý:1ât,ýqUiring the use of ninety-fi ri" to owners OUreal. estnte, veh-cles 'Warka, by 0 18 BP&ce a WOOn the Public seats and one il dred cars, threw if entirel no rpturiled el,,tj a officio returning oicr. h ..... '419,4l9 97 400,W W ;,1 ta the coOiding &ny person votinm Ilas the t a benc1à was crammed With lawyers t y in and implernents, enltivatea pal autii politioal privilege of and the général crowa, ail standing up de. Indeed, lands and . . ...... 0 derfully ira- field product.9, &C ........... SM,5« os &24lffl 00 complexion of those attending the Barni sa '0' Ive Stock and iloine . ûoe» 10 oit, Y-legis atîî_res.,ý If three q OPeniug Of the voting Pa. and pressing téwards the jury box. -nge'was im's TraveIing Worlfpe Geological Surv 6%18j 00, uarters were Fuil,' in that ifs made fabiics arù furs, industrial cg. - Mpalue lie pers; an sereine expansés greatly tab Obseiirations....«". 111,107 W 902,5W oo rmem aud-'âue il 1 ers appointeil by the At tilis Point Mr. - Druminond il livé tilonsand lisllinents, 178Nli P170(lucts of thé Mari the -quarter conserva. oun ad his désirs ta make a statem «l for- ne Hospital and fi , ent, and evory day. dollars eacli ests, siii pili, Initier 1 . _ Mr. De vos 90vemmentspethat justicois done to ri 0 a D e'z"ýede p figheries, . sick and dMtregs- proportion 01 Rrormors Il wh'eh lie did te the effoet that lie liait My bAst friends, productions, Mak il - in al ateil Seamon.,.... ..... . 6210W 00 75,wo tu à èOpy of Tire main. eamboat inellec- Ellotild bc greater titan flint of fi t a respective candidates, al2q declared 1 this Waal nine selle. le trica to do bis ality as Ãntéýprëter, but bat flic publie d 'DeludiDg those alread tion_ ... ....... lofw 00 of côâllïi servagve con. b bnroe'elký0m",B-ft dules, 9 'Ira elect, living outaîde of the place 0 î that if appeaied that the ýjury dia nôt 1 Y Out. Sudgidies, incluâjý- 14,20009 an woulcl net There lias been onsiderablt; réduction P.B. Island ....... pecting th a Ilected. One-fourth Ot the Meeting, Toronto, are ta bc eue could no' tain for six months in the compiling ttaff, ait rernainin.a ta Boundary 88,61300 whOlé 4umber ëf - senators ghould be th paid out of quite undontand Who it wa, that wag ans Indiana ................. ý:: 8,757 < 464 >44 tract h en unpr, with on trial. i ecedenteilly OltOngive ex- bc donc being reiision. surveys.. 132,OW oo 148'loo 00 "Prince, A elected every two yearq, and Que.Ijalf one Public fund18, by Order of the Lient. This of course caused more hibition. Mi 119,19880 ant Govern cýi;cellà llloous .......... every four, or. amusement and the usliers bâti to about llection of reven- 101896 14 79MO oo The Ho 'yBarns the ,,dogon@ 'l' Silence 111!very lond. Then tire juage suppose filera ïg a limit, beyond Fue 1211swins ........... &Z237 00 m ' to bc for wl The Grnishce Bill. Xcimo .... ffl»O 75 Yi 'ight YéÛrs As file ChOice of the représentatives proceeded te explain the cas al licli it would bc fatal te go. In eut.. ., ...... ......... 2"lm 00 *=ý950,00 ,Pr, D Mat - Tho.additiong would bc resta wigl the teachem and inspectorg'a a9sin- If should bc rue over ering fer Publie amusement sud in. 011111,19 Timber ...... 78,000 W 78,M 00, fat 00 le '0 the Prefflyt ý8ensfe, -and thëo Board The fallowi Weighte & Mesgdrai w»o cc wM 00 pardons a of Directéro or an F 12tioned that struct'on, 1 have offert experimenteil tire text of the Garn. JnsPeefOnofotapies existing 419m, Il rd allowed, to aie -out xectItive, tle law-Yerg-fOr the défoncé were not ng b Public Worke ......... 3.000-00 for capital 8ileùtý While this «tmordinsry retty largely in that direction, but I âhee Bill whiell val; recently passed by 2,970,9M,00 ntatio was goine on . E M 1501101 00 118 explail but, if any Seant 4110 Out; COuQcil was elected the 0' soenêt, ave nover yet fourril thfit limit 1 Thug and Peut Onice ........ 00 Or cilo9e 8D dYlection, Toachers, they 06lemnty P1rôtýested whieli ,viii Dominion Land ...... loom tain thon Ilis lire Sénator«Il il beentrie law oit the 1ý't Oct Minor 00 inforu for My exPeriOnO6 is, thst the more an cher, 1871, Revenues ...... 10,00000 10-OM OD action tow ip woula terrain. for the ont in August last against the réception Of R verdict under the botter a manager Win Provide for The Bill was intoduced by lUr. Mere. Total .............. acharne PurPose Of deviging the béat oqchcroumstauces- HiBHOnorbaving, t dithp tire memlicr for Lona 01 20,2U 1,1 PUIlishmét, TI colicluded hie exposition 0 ý(1 as an on, and is la Ur. Millets plan. of brinffing out Candidates ta lie Publie, the more liberally they will nten(,( - 7-5,4 Tl re asked the ju f "le eue, resPond. The season of 1873 was fur aML1141[nent te the law The amount of $5,752,671, includd My. Dor le der,, ry for thoir verdict once best ta obt Prenant the différent Bections. froin beI! relating ta fi 11, for a change in vie (YOD. Thé Board Win m,,t bf,, n.9 au exception ta this experi. 1 ( 'Ittarbrnent of debts as uncler the Ilead Of pliblie debt, is for atitution Of tir, sonate -. as MY tente côvereil double the respoct8 tlO waýrs Fond sdlaries of »icý 1-coleiliption of debentures falling due ýbY the rue a t'lie first ýare ail agrepd 0 twelvO rWi8d, 66 Wo once. daily growinq 19 Undoubtedly of Alignait and ta our,ý-erilict tirait next ypar. Boule of tilt 12a Win cou. raeoive nominations. are guiItyýbnt there ig. one man thoy sPace Of grOund that I 111d ever re. chau'es ""il £ho iucrease in Ordiustry phéation, tc a The nominations Win belie who quired before, and Yet thOY:were never 1. No debt dlic Or aceruing ta a nie- ýxpenditures proposp.d by 6overnmet tinne ta be made tintil a chantre takes . - ha-- duly anneau eves that they are net guilty.- 'Tire cO clOsely crowded wiiii visite,,. chimie, workmait, labourcr , servant, ls 6118811&58; Of this tire inerenae Ili the After fg 011 to the différent teacliers în oDtalq,). "l ali re exPouses Of the civil service if, $90,676 Macdonald Plue(, in file pros nt 04jection do%1idre=rmý1cye ima-ine the affect of th's Wh8r6 thousandf; attended mY show in clerk, or cinployee for, or in respect of, The grants in aid of Provinces towards The hout upon flic apectatora. But 1872, numbers of thOusalids came in -diall after file ist BYN- Tefichefi and înspeýators are net eUgi. a verdict had te bc obtained and His 1875. hi$ Wages or salary, tain of appolutmezit. wiliie- Admitting ible to 611 this pt)sitiOný and if ,, day of October ilext. he linble sleizilre ', 1114 immigration, $70»0009 je this, howaver, WB very V'S'ted file largest cities in ti) L le flic evenim ed to Honor offercil Borne -flirther explana- Connecticut, ,toulrc, paid nextvear, but the Rani the ûxmin favor the plaw n'il net be Inclin. qt'estiOnable whather any Privilege bas doits. Meanwhille Mr. Devlin deinand- MassachusettsRode Island, or attachment, under the provisious of towards assisting ilamiffltion and n propoied by bfr. bien conferred on filin 018", oeusider edtllgt the jury filiould lie pollail or -à Igine, New Hampshire, Ver file Cointnon Law Procodure Act, or of meeting erai of Mz Mill" %Vhy net rathér go baok to the ing the the midland and w 'mmigraii0il exPenses and aid coriling te ( - asked theïr opinion BOPamtely. This sa St. Louis, M e&torn stat-e3, an far tire Act pasqed in the thirty second vear ta Mennonites, is increased from #120,, jontlng to PIC, elactiveý-PVIUOIPIO that workeà go themsey are not allowed to represent, was refugea. Then a - 0.. taking Canada on the of Her ýlaiesty',4 rel.-n, Ontilleil, "'Au ojt) to $245,000. Questions Ivea. Juryman-018 r0turn route ta New York. Act ta atriend flic Arts respecting There is ta be , il,- "atinfaotorl'y In flic élection of elle Lor. digsenting' one if aPPoired-made this When ImY troasurer prosented Ilis ion C Divis- creuse in the nlilitia ,xpe - subséquent islative conne P Defeat orthe little speech, lis your ilocor, If yonjl fi 1 mi »b. Ouris," Or une-er the provision of 406.909 nditure $181,- Manitoba aj It would cortainÃY Mara %ilwaY By-law- allow me I'11 sottie eis thing in me un 0 Il 1 Ou, demonstrating file fact any other Act relatirigt, to tito attaci but this dGer8ai;t, is mails up ceedings ta] bc préferable ta hnPortingthat portion Minute, telOven of no find the Wienýesg that in six months more titan Izve mil- or garnishinent or ý!ebt, liment (»"'('ýfly Of twO la?" items: $144,906 00 Of flic Tjuitea Sta The 3,Ura rail visitors liad endorsed clobt glial] exci-vil tho, ', litary Clarke) bad teil systatu, and Whielà way byelaw was voted guilty ; 1 do't think they are, bui, how. by their suyl, of tw(,ýntyfive Stores pureliused upon Saturd présence jny va inovements, on overy Occasion stly expansive dollar' frOlu thO Iinperial Go%,erumput this t d Relat ad ex- t(,ýnt of year, and 0 .Oven 8, and then only ta thp c% Cage of a UOW lu the ing to chro aY la8t, and we -regret bav- eVer, I acquiesce.' of course gris did Perimental uew departure. I colifess sucii excess. $(-)5,000 réduction i, flic 61100essor-to the we nicle that the voting re t Irelp to Drake the erowd loferions. Of to no eliglit cellirge for clothitig. dissuade fil Sumner Sena astonisliment, e 2. Nothiiig in this Aet for ed in Ifs defest by a majority or suit- course file lawyers for the défoncé with senfitne OMmingled a 81-all The inaintenallec Of fortifications and candidate. NO SeO Attended witi, ,, much 4ty-, stoutl rate il gýJaiOst auch a verdict, nts Of gratification and ffeCt Or impair the l'i-llit tir rewedieg of I)Uiliing,.3 Cortuectecl Wth 't tand f r Wiro-pulling, tricýery, gratitude. he latter orne a n'lie- This in anYthiniz but creditable' but' T 811Y Creditor whose drýbt lias I)eOn hore. ry t ru ad that averything more pr tiens were a, 001, ofolindly excited when Iri, grouivis in ta cost $30,000 more titan edged that 1 Whother theà %n(l Political im. tO file Ouli4fliteued libeÉali Ino9f ed tofore contracted before the said firmt this yoirr. There is ne itey ý* the ý ý Was ail YÃ911t st last and a verdict fflect- Présent Aystem ty and pro. UPOn tl'P immense daily assorti blages day (if Octobel. next. il in ('o_ rangement E "au been Abused or net gresOive spirit of the anti. Jzuilty" wslw aacordingly entereu. l'lie no Igrgely composed of the good, file tiMateg t'or the lie (Ur. ci, in the past, one Inlay men. coansel for the defenldanta fyled a pro- t il propagea 'n"I'tary col' fight Riel a eljtlg ils certain that i Tire suru asked for was $12, gras &u tlic,'wlse-uc)norea niercijtz4u&tj, -let loge- 11, tile estimates lorpublie works abuse, and thât an t il, liable té such thio insignifi 500 and fQr test against the réception of the ver. bunkers, lawyers, municipal authorities t,650,000 is put dowri for file Unâcrupulous Min. cant bonus the Mi«Aud dici. 1 was "import Inter Railway cc) P"b"la lhat th- pet MAY iutrudO UPon the House the file township five stations. Ive Hà Honor itïtiînaW tilrd mg ha bail and the m"st "luac'It e(litOri;, tencliers Montr,,»al Post-oTlce Invest;,çýat jielill""rt (-'Q"ry Railway, but no other mpllny fiad Agreed ta g and divines. Frora these innuruerable ion. ie ,ive,, foi, the Construction of fi warrant age n'are créatures Of 1 re;erve(l a point relative ta trie riRht of Facifie 1 le Grand Jury lit' Win, without re. Juries the, verdict 'ýailv,,av.' ùalf a million dei- V ' agilinst Mal. the érown after elliaustiug the Fa7glish il wa8 unanimously The Moitreat roý7t-0fJic0 iul'eqtia- 1 lklis iA to be atëd for 6tirveys for pci. Kur'l to PènOnal î1tDess or qualification. Annuai Press Dinner. Pallel in the sélection of t a jury, whon cOMP menfary, and the monster enter. tien lias beell g4)illý.1 ort for sDine tilîle. fit ltllilwnY. S6,403.,00() is fi, net $et the Il Ta Maké flic Senste a refuge- tor what the Dames with flic il stand asidès', eloik-work, received ', POS'L'Ofli'-e? In- f a telegram bOOn contemptuPugl everywhere the sl)zfrt,)r, 1)'*OVCrriLlnts Or the CanAls, be. t ly unilej ,politi. Tire suuutl re-iiion of the moinbors were afterwards ealled alternately, ta llighest eucolilitims Of iti, Sides a reVote of S4,293,oo(). 1 N'a tres ed 1 have flic exception ils s'taud nsidell hold the Publie anel tnat Paine, New Yorli 8,11th The es. te bring it i-t- dis. tire pregs. wark, tiniatei -IL If the canai itnpro,.,elnents epired with t0inâte and déotrOy ifs influence. pros@ gallcrýY Orthe Rouge Of Commoni 90011 until the Wholil Panel WB,; of. 1 visi-ed the slioiv often. Boston, and Dr. Girl,,voo(l, rf this city over tiie vote for iieit yeai. is $24,()44,- .U austed, sentence would 'os' reinuined witli it for nearly 0 ensaing point for allitig file 110,18e DOý bc doliti. ri xPerts, l'ad la8t fall giveil ûfwhich 37,30oooo is for file Baie tlm allewer& , place we learu at the Russell Il 141%eek.OIITilo llc)sto papers dÉclar,â and inost politive ]lion that PaInièr, Verte Canal. The outil of $21.5,00t) Of'Lords 1 the "OMO, Ottawa. on Saturday night. Çreà during the présent term.- opoi e,),upo,à fei., ta second ý6mbérD, if je Représentatives of the prggs from near. ý Tire lasb procecoling 1 tIl' 'b0rreý*t4 Gre t Musical Jubilec a Clark in this P1)fit-OffiCý: wils tire author Crixlitable te a Place 0 c Ur. Drummond, on belialf of four ot.1 ec uglit go wany people to- glied fer the 1-ntreal Post ckery in thi of +Il- liandwrititig direvting grotesqLle tu IY everY Bection of flic Dominion wore file lie envel. Oflice, and Course of the #50,0JO for examinin a warchouse 411er atel ilid daily. Extensive w4 .vert, aile enclosing the n - The .11 jurymen that they might ha allowed POPe-MeDoiiala lettel. tâtiller items are of the usnal ellaracter, a tlirentenini 00 ntry' TJI&SOI'AtOofýthe Dominion Prenant. ta filcop in the Court Rouge aa if for visitera they ta aon. Joliti YDUII- bu heen j3ent, te 1 al, nt Présent constit weire e in generai tire reurarkable féature tllat hie 1,fo m was OUC too. Sinan in Worcester, expert of Ion" ex '» Ils uded in an itre8pon. MY Mr. Paine, a The chair wà u Occupied by T. White 011 Illte and flicy lima a long way ta Pelience, ileclared, af'. go Springfield, Providence,, Boston. al is "'blé bOdY- APPointed by Ille Crown ir. Esci ta reach tiroir homes. -ici fer careful examit t'le 4'pn(,rýtl illercase in ardinary ex- -§of the Montréal indeed in nearly every town we vi, latiOn, that lie woulil rendittire. ed in bis COU] (or "tel thay arif Cet rOoponsible to the thé vice-cha Gazette, and His Honor's reply Was IOM in the algrough we ýdý 8take his reputittion or, titis Ile was nt leu ir by C,. H. lfcjntosll# Egq. , assertion. ri r neige of the departing crowa. gave three exhibitiong each PalfnOr, who very rf-,cerjtlv on oath de- POOP'01 thOrO &nY power té con. daYi and could accommodate ûýfte Friday, 10th. and the order trol thoir actu. Au el@etive Senates de. Of tle Ottawa citizen. Excellent The court adjourned et ton minutes tbongand persans at efteh show. en nied finit lie wrote tiiig (jirectiol), Ur. Cliariton tiloved tilat in the Oplu- tendance in hi afflCI103 were made in reply ta the On Of' this HOUSO ggestions The remarks Of týe apec laiton as gray '3perlded last Sepkalber lit the ecret a geograpLical and remponse beiný r'vlug itî ýâuthOrity inimediatoly &.m variouis toasts prOpOsûdý and au MORE CURIOSITIES. FOR: Gtuovernineut lint W118 ri-1-ilisti geol(),iciil examinatiOn of the North- ton Was calleil the people, *0111d ré dimpeneil were not very flattering ta NUM. a couple (lays subs l1Lutlyý by Oro, lied %vu présent Zf'r. Barnuru ha recen L-r wcý.';t ti-ri'llory should be undertaken ut ed. He gave Of thé POOPIOand kn.OWil2g fi--!, eà tabliOlliulT file riirbin anA 113 ÙY proeured t1iC Go-,'O"iillierit. the eiti, "'St Possible incluant, witil, lie ad donc a the various were made with a view to more flrm'y jury trIrýl8 In gell -r ri t a in gaverai horses Cf Uayl- ZLIV Uniee e W ' brida Ne Sn W," lin 'K tintil, Itw- et, and,,,. Meir Z re 1 a,- y Eti second el]fxneek9ý;- - The gru-, ýw" a na engumr 91W'O£'%UdOOP ýaud_ the second liamed -.Booth ý'bel 'dtoPhilaelphia. -The Bhook fert halo, deçk va 1 ry big-, 88. tbeYý-ÇXR s=_ý»Pde4 ýdQWjPf Laxn,,uj,ýabletà ilà ope-, Re dfic -Causé of -thî ' 'l ý & , exp mon- t îhï, fai- time the tu ë1nedicated &_ gufficiency r in of wateri butgl 18 nolw supposed the guage-wEw-ont--of order. The,- bü,,,- built in, by.1- 'Nasille -the- nes squareIIýeh', ý the test ýbelug Lie, pregence of thé fixýt self. eDgIneer - -and. wy., - - ýOn Itliè '&Y,ëf ",the7 explo'à ion.,fthd- ,sleaüi- gabg&,.;indiestea Eixt, eësgtrtei à hd;ciiiQiï) as, 'y Y'Provioqutbï?ie ýwas ý ptessu1ý8 of - -eighty" in. the mon " a vieïe ýoù jïh;I of tfiWbýà ôr at the time. They were mosil - 1 - Poor =Cpm, a »nà jeayé .9 ' 1- ' ' - ' gqow- on or -Iiota it ro- - -eth get up a su -Pose Rama. r4. -1 FýIDGE ACROBS ýTjîE sEVý_,IW ÂWAY-ALMOST À F.&TAL iý;TiS7âO;3&. ed- . otiýceà nt telrest yon take in all mattSré"AffiEýtingý, the interestR of any portion of the peo- n- 'Ple-ofuûs part Of the ýcOnntrY, 1 zeqnest-ý ut YOU-'to-inser4 a few Unes for the benejýÃ; 'of the residen, ta of North gama., ';The->- 1,ýnhabità nts of this lOc.alityjïýIIà oà gî -the neglect of -the county: CýOuuCil8 of ly, ohutbffdmm st! '.tlie-;çivilized.-Çqmmunity. ýneY 14ave, I ý-been:é6mpêlled'for'thë past thie , "' - té eirect a tën ý ý e7yeffl Porary :floatbriage scrosa theSeverný.ýMver. every fan, whkhis lèwept'away- wheu the -sawlogs and flo'od wood caïaîï déwb in the,-..Spring. ý brid90-in question, broke awa-Y on, A yonugmau ýnamed -*esléy'Ha it zard was crossing,, *ith a yoke cLoxen attached to, a sieigh. n Finding that the bridge was givm'gway, a ho had suffièient presence of, mind ý to 'g 'Ui2yOke big te, - - - S RMI just in time to Save them and hiýmdelfýh.Om a watë,ry.gmvé. ýfter rtigdiiiizig the, ghore, Mr. Hazard had'the Pleasure Of Beein 'ý'the oleigh «I with its contents libat- a feZ roda, when >1- it was lost- tô sigbtÃŽn W.à sdell'il Falls. IZad- it. nôt béen fér big; ý reîe ? P nce of Hazard -sud big oxçn wçtld bave sharec; the same fate. No dôUbt the éounties wouldtakeninto considération -the value oethe*ôxènf but how would they recomptuse the father for the' logo Of big son, or IIOW WOUI(l they ejear <ý their conscienee_,o,'ý shall we Bay murý deÃŽ-not'.Premedts'ecl certAinl but LSOLATED. à #_"_ _ < - ý' - Mara. SUALL FOX.-There are, cases -týf sma" in this tolivnship, and consid. ,bl..POny,.riness lest the diséase aboula spread. The Municipal Council met Ou ýVednesday, and as a precautionary, meaauré appéinted a Board of H-ýà lth consisting of two parties in each section of the township. The Boaril was em- Powered te prohibit partie.q who have bêen near auv one havin- the disease from in any way assDeiatinq with others, or-travelliug on the publie high. ways, and te take such other measures as may be considered necessary for the preservation of the publie heulth. The following gentlemen wore appointed as such Board of gealth : Messrs. R.E. -&De]], Wm. McPhee, James McAdam, James Freel, James 157 Folby and John Ste henson. dwelling of John Lee was destroyed by fire ý on rniurt;day April 2nd, during the ab.; sence of iiiinself and wife. Nothing ,%vas saved ont of the bouge. No insur- ance. P.clamation. To the Initabitants of Oittarto County. I regret to say in answer to many in- -i, tations to visit thA Villau.. _f 41- -JýL4UW1j, Iroul tjie 0 it r"ill apitai in- Wili ýive tlie 13,iti.,'Il people upon tilein Litlepil they we - re 4 pro -1 Ca rOn, IL P. P., Toronto, passea IJ 0 chef et Lord 'igius 0110 of the atOvOll COU V Attorney, Candie ahnost absoi Wzolo bis final* examinati Il 19 tth.tbe a c tl 1 Il ou lu le !natvtertwit], bpý;iics tige UWY 1 the darkt and if ive rvat've Of môn, Who roc. nors g those interested will pus,11 1 c A long list of nd received liLi degree as t 111 eellatü that ouclev obtained. It is uzifor- de-8irf-d ta induce seulement we ruust Ommended the eledtivO principle at Medicine a' lay '-L'iI-1b], ýeriac 1 in 'aval, of a Pl groat criergy anj we plit the people in POssession of wliat tu ioreign policy has dis and in reply ta the boat check Upou t'le 1@gÃŽslAtiOn Of Han, Malcolm CamerOn in favor of D. Dr. Canjûron is ouly M. ý il liýs t'ail the 1)cst purlç bc. 1 ai") . . - ivere reni 18 ycars of tiveen Toronto and TLtiriy&,ton. ICA 118 froril gaillilit' a riiiiilai, position f iný to]ytllthe 'nets of the case- Re- Stated that the G the 1101188 of Assembly, and the boat Amnesty. age. 4 D t 1 d err , 0 Pacifie Railway il; inifflit intention of brini 'UllunèyÃ"f aiving it ind i, fli-CLI 0-1 Pacifie trade b,! that a thorough su would in. at presoût. Afte ucnOe. lie ýVJÃŽA,'£ CONSTITii, -A- C,&R ýl ýýe0n1v of vast, importance duce an alto,-#,tlier newrVev saw that tu apply the elective Plinci. The OPeCiâl correspondent of the CarcuET.-.4k meeting of cricketers is BeIow wilI lié,, fotind a E;tatomint show- ta our commercial systeni. -lià ulcnt of it, motion of Mr. M ple wsâ a necOositY, sud that it lwolild London Free Pl-egg at Ottawa gays: announce(j ta be held at Raya Britisli 'Dg what cOuigtitutes a car load, and HF and give us a far botter route for it. into Committee way the diMactûties whiýL Amoricau hotel, on tomorrow thongh it may net exactly suit overy- respeci alunoth a ý,4Vy Mr. D. A. Switli approveil flic nie. for thetieloctionslo& ASSIZLS Fer. lýIlliDLFSilS.- tion. Might arilqQ, He condemued tiie Hon, od aut r- s"day) where it approximates sa ciosely ta a The London criminal calendar for the ces. After a dise It is staw upon -0 114iddlesex Assizes, 1whiel; Hou. Malcolm Canieron commenteil takingýaWay fl-om 'the people at the for zi, . r 0 ý eveming at 8 o'clock oharP. A larly general average that shippers will filid M. ellémeron, M. P. ý5e JLn On the 011 tile singularity of the fact tliat the tee ro!ýe, repoi-Led time of confeileration their right ta ty-to.Louis Riel. il, and ar. refrence :-As a general raie, 2,) 000 't 'nclulles one casé- of murder auzl three way acro Ontario, is fîtrongly in favor Of amnes. fittendance of cricizeters à requesterl, as it a great convenience as a mattür of 5LII 01 Mpyq is «Ilt-cad.,"Iu'l",uallY lle.Li-Y. ' country li-id imdertah-en ta build a rail- Ieave ta sit aaain. elect -Senators.' In principle this was 1 Re lias frequently i the organization or the clu le G, WrOug, au& ho glictild il lime, ssýLhecontinentwit-honth"Ilow. enquired if tj" 1 ýxpressed the opinion that Riel %vas rangenýonts d ta ask for an ai osez - in ' 'bel justifieci in crâcring the execution of pounds or 70 barrels of sait, 70sacks' Of manslaughfer; tho parties inipiicatel thin- about the route or conn. o honI, member for Middlaupport bis _ fer the coming seaigon %viii 90 Of four, 69 of whiskey, 200 a - of in tl'2 Rouloka car disaster, and ODO try it woulil travirpo. He Lad, with gents of the Noril anipndment to- make the Rouge elec. Thomas Scott, on the ground that ho coule beforé the meeting- fleur, 6 cords of liardw, il, 7 cords of rape ' besitics aundry larcenips aud Mr. Merrit, the honor of advocating the if go when ? M, tive, blit w1tl' à few alto' Was an offender against the laws estab- BaoNcaiTrj;, unless uresto(l, wül sOftwOÛýl' 18 tô 20 hea 00 1,st wI -stions such d of cattle, Soto 11 contain some The citil iiiiprovernent of our water-ways, and that wheu the Goi as longth of office, eto.., It litibed by the Provisional Governmont, agains teetj suite had aise, in 1863, ailvocated a railway position ta enliglil Vory well to have the sonatmeigubortaibne. 01 whicll Rial Vilas Pýeaident' Farther t idjeep, 9,000 fe'F' t the Great errainate in conguluption. Au almoist 60 Ilead Of holy , 80 ta 100 bead of WL.1;térii PLailway acrocts the continent. He, hovever, tilis point ho inigl. that it was as niuch in Lis power and ne r failiug cure for this çatuplaint à 030 feet of flcoring, 40,000 ahingles, ýoýnpa!iy tor damage orý liccumit of iii- liail iiiost certainly never expected that sa. ateil by the locil Lejùlaturesbut the ve -fourtli jurieg; sustaine-1 by the biiriiiii,ý of the the four Millions of CanaJiau people advantages of such a system WoUld within hi: jurisdiction ta ordor such ex. found in Aüen's Lung Balsam, which one-llaulesf; of bard lumber, one 1 , < lýHITBY î: ho as nothing to the advgnt&ges of au ecution a it would bc for the Queen ta logis green luinher, one-tenth lessi joistgl rai way car nvar Kotztoli;t. Ainoiinti; would have been obli,,ed ta builil it out Mr. Gordon Mo can te had, of any Druggà t, price one scautling and ail other large timber, claimed vary fron) iniýre1y iloininai suins oftheir own fuads. This railway Lad the Orderg; in Coui electire chambér." approve of the taking Of -the life of a sr per bottle. 840 bashels of-ývbeat, 360 of corn, 689 uP ta M' l"' 1)uv'F, ()f Sur- bcen the dream of the age. He saU W Dr tg And Mr. Gordon in.the hij; reraopkà COMMOQ Outlaw. These fitistenients do" )USILlesq. that chillate influences lind réluch to do p a 11, yil.b y Hi," 1 rs 10 an of course strongly denonnoed. 400 of barley, 360 of fax seed. 850 of n'a, 's ta eorldu"t the Crov'ril baid 1o sugported, the principle or au SEVnNG Mà cmsrs AND Dîmss.xAmuG. apples, 860 of Lizli potatoes, 1000 bush- 1 . nitnd SLates had net influences tend- T rente, and King aid th witli tho stability of* a nation. The %vas the only harbc alectivo eude and çaid that the The samé correspondent alio insinu- -:Attention is directea ta the annonnee- si of bran. DieATH-BFD 3ýfk.; U - 0 jirelat fault of Mr. George Browü'o ates that the "Old Coon", lu intriguing ment of Misés M. Molntyre < under illis WRONOFULLY SENT Te TZ, ing ta wolil them togc-,tlier, whilst there life boa been thst ho hail filways op. THE BaïDans MA!ïtiLA'U(411TFR CiSE Auy.-At the last Wptei ery safe one. In posed the princi alréady, and thât hé etrongly consistons hesd in othe' Ilber tertu of was tic country su favored by sitnation ple of an élective Sen. the Goverument r columna. Dress-making DISMISSLD.-Ilontreal, April 9.-Judg- the Court of Qiic-ou's Bench, a man was ta il 18e it was made ate, but the 4et Wa&he' bail been in proposition of giving a 1 a^ t1ceyoule a.great as Canaia, situated by the GovernmE in ail its branches elecuted, promptly ment was given by Judge Rainsay this Sentenced ta two vearki, iinpri,;onment gssiý breakwater and dre 1 'w botween latilades of an bad compiny.- COMP447 Qontrol of the Da*oon route. Sn'd'in'the' test and, most, fashionable morijing quashing the finding Of the in the peniLentiaiýy for highway rut- ubven, ^1,u,,ýnp.eratnre. If we knew ail maineil in the band style. Agency for the salé of the cale. coroner of Quebec against C. J. B bery. Recently one of thé wilnesses, d net w Mýiýýaý.t . gllitily and pablig;ýed1 it we nll,.il 1864, when it- bfà Énuoz Lzcz»s£s.ý-Thq new law brated. es fur manflaughter by the kýiing of Jauoverti, on wùcse testimon the per- Riel to Retigh. rydg- y ý ant such a number of im- the presont Campait reducing the chuge for MarÉage Li- Pierre Cauchon at Point L gical reports Howe Sb-wing machine@. argely based, on Ida lits the letting immigrants 885,4w, the Goveri ligimours are 0 Rouer held thst there was -bed confesseil that ho had sworu ?msolves Seo the geolo -urrent la Ottawa thsé 8 to; 82 comes into llérc nothin death agents '-fciir iùiiùigrâtiôfi. COU" a on firet Baroness Burdett 'Coutt'o,' who bas shoïqr that the G,,ud Trunk were legal- th riglit te take the bal it if Riel'& Intention to, reaign bis ass't July. 'The les at present is 66 and at malle than once been described sa be- ly compelled ta keep a gétte and guar- ci n-geoanmtepudeed that . the, true line conditions wore net for Provenoher. Eté doos 0 yond SU doulit Il the mast papule, fore ajustice a the posce, and Upon Re Of of whichwaî; that t told, upon the conditionthât the Gov. womm in England", -bu keep the liarbour in 0,- we an that ligue those Who are in a hurry r dian ýât the crossing, and thst although this a petition bas been based for pre- wealth lay above the line where the and not dîopoiied te wait untit Doulin. > peal which wili go ' -made au ýap the omployes of r&iÃroade can undoubt. sentation ta the Governor-General with surveyors of the lato Governinent had that day there we arnment will do thoir ttt=ot to, obtain ion Day, May stin oblain th straight toi the heurt edly bc tried for manslanghter for faulta the view of procuring the pardon Of the penetrated. Re hapeil a third survoy since then one Lad for him ati %-nestyý , This M ve . etn from, ýùf the British pu bue. It is on bellaif Of of omission, ne weR as commission, it accused- WOUI4 tako place beforo the rAilway large quantity of Itu w sa Mr. lluotou, thé accomoglating Town the children and aged " n Of tb» late' could ouly be fur omitting te do some- was commenced. it, but the compan: Riel filouâ expulfion, Whlà ,wonld Most Clork. Dr. lÀviugstone, *ho are ý underotood to thingthey wore legally compelleil ta SociAL B4LL.-The St. Patrick's Bel, Han. Mr. Laird 'said that a party of for storing it. They cerminly U the reault of the voté qf à # bain . etraitenotl cirent" a. do. Judge Sanborn agreed in the deci.- Devaient and Fatlier Mathow Temper- the most scientific -mon were te bc sent provide aufficient; ets majority in the Rouie. TýzAcazu' IYBTITUTz.-Under this Sion. ance Societies cel the opening of ta make a survey of a great deat of the grown in the couil bead à programme and lecture by Dr. Oman ihoir il in ýý hâd large . grain-gromin On- Ma loth, &.,body of R' ew Hall on Monday ovening last re gion to which the bon. me ber catholio lesve New York In regard, to the reunt Jugtown by a Social BaIL The music was fur. refèrence. m intained thât the S&nËM« are annonneed in other col. for'Rarve by the èteametPerfirj;ý wal boiler explosion in the Uniteil States, nished by ClearwatWo Quadrille Band. Sir John A. Macdonald' point'e'd' Ont thae Corâp , any haël 1e Coamvà tires ýof W«b Whitby, Lad moting of the Libéral- umns, 'The instante ïo. at once both $ýQ' tjionsO ýgt- - JOurci" to visit the the inquest bas developed the tact that About 90,-couple were presont, and a that the resolution. prokably went fur- the intercets of the Bon . âgé to three condemned boilers were in use yen a4. dosirable and noedfut and frèm -the Pl 4; and - thence te ve,% pleasant eveuing was spent. The ther than the hou. gentleman who Lad That tomýz1ad gi nounmd'for ýffg9urday à f&ýîsrt jl«ty bigh "PU au. visit the LIY Father.' The Ha '18 situatogi in FarewAll's NeW-. Ërgppoedit understood. It pledged the aid of ý thà M;d*à y wo oî'èkî*ý' At thé Town rock- Block, and is one Of the finest in town oiue',td<ý go en witý,ïhéý oùrvéys with- tien thaï; the nawa "ty lant"ýdu the nüm- and will lie known as the Union lralL-,, OUf dëjà yý andpledgè4,,thë tcg penditun of Wmoll t of the 1 1 ýp- ýMIL 01 a Bufftlen the Bides caved and balied the one à t the bottom. e other two attempted ta rescue him 1 -ore buried in the same Inanner by Bides caviug in a second ý time.- A leumber of men set ta work to, dig kthe unfortUnate Young meni It one hour before either of- th 14 be rescued, and wlien ýf0und -es", ýeXiinct, The last body was recový 1 at ten o'clock « the , Bame ulght- of the YoÃœng Blacks léaveis awif& iourn Lis uùtimely death. AT A BIRTH.-Not long aga, the Cincinnati ý&anSi Shd Obsen- Nrs- Tif-nothy Bradlee, Conney ), gave birth to eight chihiren- e boys and five girls. They aie SU ý,y and are bealthy, but quite smalL Bradlee wà s married',ix year's ago onicq Mowery, *110 weighed -two, Ired and seventythree pounas on, laY"of lier marriage. ýShe bas i irth to two pair of twins and eiglit more, Making twelve 'child- il six years. lifrs. ]Brïà re was a ýt, lier mother and fatber both be. Mns, and lier gra*udrÀ2other the 'aroffive.pairoftwins.. Nextl ùri)ý'ýbt T TO À,; 01,D JJAN.ý0 ghawa; old man named Denni,, red in choppin. thre, mik, north ýfi Place to-day, had hislég-ýrokea ý anklO bY-a fallingtree. ItIoaged, hrëw the jiump and round, which ýt hini before, lie could get ont of ay. Dr. Co-bum was sent for, and acture attendeci to. ruly touching thing happened in la _theý Oth6r day- As-an Evans- aluilywas going calnaly to bed je Ùrprised and awea_ýy a wild a'd rIOUS inelody procedingfrom the It was ait 0 a uce propo Iý0_"-edium," when the:floswe- Z railis died away, the piano was- opened, and a large rat respeýý - ýut raPidly bonnoed ont. À: more i incident of this lénd has rarely, laroniclëd. steamship Ohio, from Ne* York ý5, for Bremen, haQ-Put ùita'Pgl- with ber shadt braked. 7 iam Kaulbach, the painter.,Whose ,dus, illnau from oliplerawso re. 'on ýTneaday, dioël in Munich a' 'y n4rht,,,