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Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1874, p. 1

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 ~end 8 Soete Per iU@RI UbsJrd. IUUe bu Insertng itn.s1utu,. XxÂWOOntr"e.made W"à &HOTrL. OY.'aflo BA g, rLÂ~ , *00,OO. B7ER WÂK M; r OPRuiO By u rt orüthe Di re t r1 ; A 8u a we C m an ,(LT Awst)QT A HN' .4~ a dee B R I T I S H AMBRI O A N ! lTE L T Hl reartly~ aaidn,, b,~f. Iasdaso __________________ONTARIO.a'ath za#~ H.B.A YLOR , .FI NK 3(AE3053313. 58 it,. A a.tv!. 8 EsU~ h oros aê _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ocninHT CU 5ýeiicw.n Tal uB.C1W 'GN "BA, te 4 Vnf1dmir ~ tir n n , 'Wy h, TROeUAS Daowa d bforeboat w. fo i el n. .~~. RAand Weil MmHou tu nel un ovated sud , Osh b a d o IëP teprtvi texcpi,,c aism i! Atneate. :u 11a111-d roll m9jm isa o sdtlir mthe satn pua (JO NTY CRo N A TOR Y OR Lt'oueF BIf, . MASwon. nruo f usveI o 'ekn Str h rt, uvl ~ Iet turn iot ~4 p u eoeefo i rupr ea duringe an0'411,n P & m» Missb.lo, Xbol r ll liii bonmog t -'B n sl U RIA R T LI ' cf aao'cl C ànmonay TH Bc"_________Wtuo'abenbiseratacito y lin B IZ , ýIDt ,enusnT If)nibu Te,' ntlnueauh.1 L.oE <EI f O DF< . AR AN S a., J B IK ELLW ity Btllî,,19 ("U mnstw a ny fnfrg gemnî1 Suddiie r tonthD. il»_" ' , ;,' 1 .d I3ARIITE A AMr Hlia0t vil! Au-ut*r10b strotl efe fu- t a E- snlalan 'A te f 0. J.Ifjg HI iB Y," WM fb voÀ1àdld t tcbs sud t0ioman. Rot Pîblfo , 0vrAx iG ARliugot adpt n£ t-leOre or r8 niolabea Isn andg s e 1 h rageenssorapctixetipUsruAnyiu H And Tt hcio uaeto "rumh" hébunv fIo, I. obl I eeu h cerlvig iar ol-8nsembr aou lsiIuhu'lkes t b n r ,~ ~~ oC flvysu~, 42 nec tuasane drft uderlhnvug"hou.*.ma O gve l-i!s e oli mle ,e k IM RI TISH Q EE T E, h aBvoN hote laslou eBy lted M i LLCOX,- t i, d h ùatimout sh mne r i bo= fl e 7 :m i 1 bag r eth esoia olsoy o PAU iLL PRI4.rA shed. iiestapvil!2. d8 lu sparuesm i t henf oue d i tim~it h aaln abu O eoy ATTORN Y.AT.AW SOICITO ~ - O ET E a T. f ga~~ s j~ flpro filon; axeRW AM RI AW' Lv .rboasring wjelfchil&U otheeymhiu lu lctBlaikewaaitcatch- ATL W ESLCT O R ,ung iIN1l cm &n itT "tie ihtFr ide, 'u te Rdol" § E.0MelCorD W ELL, PB il ETOi O ur$bI - Of " vo ofp oe k n s ýý th é Silver Mod=S A l t e r OP thé bout-Aingy otbln 'aNt y nanc o r, & CntntAtraestos 9 en ig t c ml h hu o in end sudimjk,î5 t eck4 Y45 vsrt;tiledC a ti lercbangerini an Wand olatb~,vti TE s itr td paulTd« to», utfo ebwCodnOris cie dation & i e bit udte clooéd yards, an,! attELT;ýe ntveosars soypb I n a héennrna té e' f Ilutnyhn, b tavierba . s amireonteadervrten fil, Y'IJN< tdlII'l'I, LL.B., Th undes-gne4bue appIleduneiproises.u ,noera"a Giankhla '"ld 'bu esed te cd LAW, Mr. n Chne mo drm e oonMeru.n gn i &ii aio ýâ gdt fTh AnS doPublie &c. eRyon csu; B1înba'o 2' exclaimedXoMiNT. Ti'empiIeg 'Father1rJohnel thvautl yen.hHer J3di»ns TEro ATl tOret . Atb .W Agent-sud-also Shfpm gr Agonthe gborTthe Ilaving giva'fin bbes mufthaytlat b ye, 1f. geu. a CotAryPbic ' , PO MO UJ C. anndn a!slis poedincone H TE, en lGuteez t van ou ehRai b ditionsametîf tem ______Shllth_________lame _________ a nao v t h e b u s i n e s s 0 f t l r y n 1 07h e Fl t R S ý b n d a n t P rE J I I wuM S t ou' l l d n d e S s y I b d f o t t elr di e t w a e - a p t t o o u e 0 e r g o t r env -A -L ,SOLdITiOR IN y exeniv L and t Un ebugraLWAW . bolî _of__the______________ atb ye i n AT WRITcm odtonE R? F , IC N ED A CTd EE II so ectarti I efio'e'w ,-7 uc o GYMte dNLIvetéLLiCANVASSINOor stheow odttetipeelrau tbatofheth vas cl &aereu a toilere'd ~1 L U M V A R O .ONEILL .. PBOP»I1eT FORcsrefnj U endOavor, sud Tbs lleifrom tte air . - of178-lan j' ASERAAW , SOLICITÃ"RO Aienn he Wih &PrEeryRi . *satsfactonPatrg tehésines, giv mIltatpAnltnm 'Beurallwc el aateub t2 ge tRs s TiT ror eua. Tt é ,ilwpowpsible hlse.,stOhrf thetnoustaboutOht1e nudoralbus --00Sre et, Osh a nsar L, O11Bota c m o ato n nxa 1 rg t itto h ile e a l.1g l Chan as he L c r i r w i n s , A l t h e e s t n d " Y"t efai l nvl i og m s yd u o a c g r . G e t b g i h e r e n . E S e u ol a vea m r e v it h e s to l I h e e n s v A t s S th e fi f A l N . e w1 1 5 H STt - f o , , ote d t e o a , a a n n l o n b M , i e l a e ' e i f . B r a Lad get aySttinwhrohekepscestoty n a at , s t a tenth ve train s lan o*B ul i fcagTero warousepcflcfoftin tlé 1cttéanlu aoaraidpunour D]ilTE , T ONEY rok. hnSalrg sd comploté stockappI ntLub opvil]bave hivtae a so f m t. he9r BIlatoe hmdra îsnt8e90Paît172our(no Tegs tig 0.7000 -.an-a areSvery muîcb fa- thaîberAnJodn, elçvely anS r -nBarbay .1- bidge " a i n di fomr sale, oflsasudtf..renu Asefi! ta palvyscuc13 r r 7 aT II lbU luf,9 T OI .l!aen o tw sae tdue' od etacnshbta t ir we S tIi e t enme b noterCn,,Of F nreseFatl, baTipe. about tbe tunetrsg!,' up therepensste PubINWlD&0 & fN cSI lAY ,& ANocut Red pnoTEromtndinfuurlydvoemtetaroorehiiton.lr àW 05 m n. ho .y MOIanofng âtrend ail kfndwàe, a ok; ~ ~ I a OntarioyaObextensieeséil e u nveth or dith;ut tlécoppstr Whltby utaro. aIPeut ffice JA. O EILL - .PROPRIETO. Pine1 llen, et v MoWu L OX B&rPrmptndrTet- ms.Ill qcrNn,10 iis tfre ir ut £n Aune, in n eeupunîuhowoad nndcredmewMr. sa _____Station,_________ hon ue ho as auy)are divSeSParties a late 'ntteedeighîedaansur yen-I hiuk nS vhe vs net. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __La dge th_ _S leo_ b o d y y e n ew E n ri n d S t te p ir . N R I Eo ugty &0- Ofde--ID arrÃŽslia Bloc, -BrelSt.' bnd A lage andctmp::n stgckeatLuadvantago baveikem LadytaAunersve are tnetB quise dsureteu nd intt Noteasux;TreplieSpsoMn.o ofarban t' 'casioe 241h,1872. 89 oflacé ay potionscor ssoslanay et sagen -atned et vter, ud' te it apita Innfreeu ofercrhadge.a Oh le retatersloinDa6Mur .ARMBll AtRLspréttyon Sowu.c asÀ TesE BII. n lr. bgbl~îltei taltig-ts p yBttas n tr tal M TO~~ u ~ Ne ELA N, LWb, AiM, H O E Riia T, ure o flen omaefor salesfoc. t'LU IS 0'LEOanRYmc, gisi fo t e a wsnt tht Il e tiviion ver teLor sit e a s rvligfrcon , vsdoeote n crs; u atlethe cglmwjncLi ifficeuostrian, cempanlWBoenleiau adveottrthe yen oser- anrrinseoBarharn, but tndeablesseds tretsing t lug ropety, the e diideve e ne tireGuon.orCOvRsACow.ueCnTvood hppe y Wehi I IJ I N A S a i pos utlut oMuay 27,n870f M-iB KLI , i ce APriocelbrtBrik Ct tge vlthIa cre v i'a dth atLo ar ig co e FOY - eqPuale, mightIho,. perbepsPorseOIevndiato'ThPnPyenndhtvWineyer beenetluaIre. geodnshurnonnse5 prhent StretSut oSPstOficEON, ýr-olike ay ne , a e n o t tge TNSPECOR FPULCSCAOS Iae 'wlfn, nb.lig, JAsîtbeS. PcOELLodaîOn. GoS ThOW .WLCIO uenti h _________________________Pr cre olsube i, Set.24t, anSu2a.im89stae l" UFFriomSo nCREER, OT, h a l Slmoa ue it an t heehn;orfMna t e r , a n datgee d ~f THé NCA mntyolu.tarfo <, 25 office; spndo rhard a iacesinotnt é28,o udattetiv esler. t Peer ts. lutheSouh Wrd. Ale, peto wale, teybe o ua mictn ap'ov;an Ians a Iv on 'tl taau i e XVE OU S E lord Bts.wNertli whie>*aacrenuiCentre t. loge, Tronto. th The subsriber 0 for'Oh, titisalil Ose goodMY R . G Un - l.ii N A d a t r s t i h e o c p t i" 'o n o r . O P O R E T R n o u b m l t h ede n c é a I C . r ae w n o R it .L j a i -a h e d v i i n w a e r e t y f o n J. leri; wliGo 'tuErdngand Off n-pe cm oaiceon. G TRE , laTu. th nstu a d iote2orerssofGeen ,iganT R1VARY 'UR E N, Iithérihbe f -tin- ne lnvbf F foy Tr C O Unto A OL, Marrofies; 13.len tid hToofaa r u to. T l hé ed ero iguead atenldtiv snas .Pt er ta o Mnre Co Nrthme. t rata ieseaIHreCI R G E Nbiao ?o e f p r f o o . jAs o i toao s pn.z ia i g yrl Po t C lc sO t ,Mrio l~ ~ ' &. gte -nîcfl n ,A I ,l Ultur I nS ACrts N . to art t e blu an rt e atailr- Mria. t e g tco p e st r , pp well euced, adedn &renpstan vhicb ay coneuunep Of noticiletornamanoaumodeWelmesivitohiuandhonldhaveaied'Ilaughdseehou I gx'eecse rant u amatur ettua a i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~7 JORNALLo noEA. Caatt"lcpue bie in Wlz tulaorapth é ovu i creonCetr t. Grduteo te ntri etr gr ol- a alm oeluadsay vsha re tr gt, rerIva kied n wbnireleaIn I b aeco, QTYRGEON TO THECOnet, Gliy ,manyàlSe. t v' Ei' orn ffc , whu NIujesudREEW T.thefl tak FAbu2OR u aIfTho soutb -of ahethlugdelse te t.iDraee, particlTorset.capitalriutberecvasotuehdriverlu suai, a4riugdeu KY-, ByronCCEStreent, WcEKtbSt. Toronto. fA. BnNDL. oWhityeJu of!8 part91ofJlot1878 41 eqncon. aAtrbiclituafraidnd AcrrpsnAsseohlattobishmas lierSe, hé va ceuvisnngnthocounty matson te 0 Wshi .fCarra C).NCAPITAiLIre cet, , dit't.n BROTHERS, umb« pa LUABL toi' anSbegn curing is hrse, anofuS ot ours tb priste publetbyatavenaove rr. esJaveneelandu& Stocrnendtitronotie.Iu ma of modrn tmis Whothinu ernldhav B T , O T AReO p e s iti e n li e st c a l c u l a t e d t e l u e u r. a s v a n s e S r u n k . H e f el! e v eram e, n u S ' W it b a il t h e pfebisr eol ulit e, hy rnucb vaeîiisas posible, enb , nme. netheraegnstcoldlstsr IpvaslatgbtheLord*Menttlappy0t coutrbute t Q 'Ith oyeR.0. . .,OshpsyOtaro. oi e I r thé cash AT ONCE. C na a J olslead eAS. T. JEWEL tlonKi n f ng, phabo i'ek sd htlyatthé? od RSam nlusato enlayoo fiht orf th., eppesFtANtIe CLAco, c; se tr.at se, a.d lie vas O0ofrthe. Aud there yeur eutorfabirneussgentlemen. But, ENTST, (SCCE -onD wfcth new, buCurfld. vo -----baeer oli. yeaver. n off othis pl tervoanbo o adalngt up ~, N. AIt~ L E>. 8 lIOn.ALEX M KENZIR M P.,roroutooAugabel187. loter. 38 il! bsolS o resso. Lor DentaLAlHER AND FI DIN S ush Alo vele areStoreietenth An, lier v otO aia Ae ne v Oth e ugtidtebigo ir. JAS. TCashWpLid foi' Hidésofark, sud Leathwali e adoining uâ. w en e t; isWe w ofo bsaten. e rybap t av aSte Ie.jst vndhppndle myei n liés TH inte GaiS :id 111,.JOHN MAUGEAN JE.,0F FdeJ .L AS a-SmN E E A BELTIGAND R TO OD EN8 u ' Asepriearent, yennte nwhtw lo eLdyA n ko eog t. appintSaf yn ope« a1 l t s r i c p e f t h t e i a r t , a n a g e r - O B E R T J O H N Y A R N O L D , C s L é o R d s rath é r , , a b e t e m s p' thod o a L a d A n g v n u r i o n s a l i e u la el , o n t o An ches 98the, cheapes,étnuSas good as te --R------------th. o e . .DO , îly.e o l nosue e sS or on, bo ecth fieri istrétd nd îed. 3 N >W OD N . C. BA LL, Thorold, Ont., thi k et Isabel, but t e t ink etf er ail lier sual g o . a u , o e " H u l , p r doncaan obligiug net euly te sure et aeoing-yen,' rpied MariaNtarFaîher.CG.îelle: tbnt'sBoymsupîrio T Os e th lo Oe r ttno i y pD r u cftore O A . L E A Nen F IL TUE ESH O R T N O TICE . W h ftby, Fe i. 11h, 1874. 7-t f h n ,v z ,t a e l a e y l - l h u h le local ate wihti îout ain C72.ALgirl, tat eeseemed very gréaI musemnt,-tn 'If uethug bu 85 lIaving pureliaséd thé Coal anS Wood yard GO US I'Y 0F ONTARIO. may' 1872.tofUi lv ih iad hti of Mr. Jonli eit, bgs tinfani aul us- T ARDEN AND, at'nievasa vey l"el theugotrse, îvue .herb'ofhulî, fttrped1r l an '118tee,4O,44swa. -- onrata te v id h reiC as great p îty t give s machbiùt atofy temn ae anmp a M.' Go II -~~~~~~ - SSE 0FMRIAELCNS s. tantly sund plentif"ud fi escon- ADDRESS-.Ox 99, WirBv. 41 HEO. T ALL. Sn yMi t Iaat e ieDm n ast'Alpine.' aStu ugly elo eu a di aSth Vlen I U E o r 'A 1 P i d ,a n d W o o d1 S Ent b a l t a t f t e D S e hir n t a t thio r e t l , v u u , n s a ta sI v i l e h o d0 1a , r j l e bétity tacteriandlogbyuteth owely.pNos.bion anS taste tie. sba supid loengl tel adaloge, ah.evebadbteuluiol Ie oduo,.. uae e Street,. redoons nanti, oi Towu HllU. ANwood muSa ouChom the backE Lakée, afulsudrsot Sgso iefar.bu ' ti r ,exhaustle né upply w ill lie lw ys kept on V l a i n a l n c o n sc l e t d r Ofic-Twi Hll £fdn ba!rn d. .,- O MISO S en l to Uwh a" "u it re seffi ofbs tibu t arf ei e ye n u t h mnbrs ' yo!,0 Ressn rtsaviug ullurchasure gtar- ' I-AfLiceovr nz± lvz n iug te auoti of iveParla, . isPictn, 7clcen erse, t aing n riuerglae o nef, nsuare(Cî AI DE SIG- NDSHVIG ted Calwcgle o tebow eues TWNOFE ITBY - BsnD mtl tede o Oui' '.hor a tgTirE 1Te Marais and hisrennf vit i ortmsl T ! hrfrecs a hwih ageoshieg eb ie orledaotcor o JOJIN luîînN'A.N.ALHEXANDER.eine, prmpîî Catlogu c,vemailygratin Pray, LerdBoWarthe I-oru dirovnet sylersfîaud thé terrn. a h asube atîaS mnue g Ar. o ay M znatii nSeam n sa a n. Iae ol ae a ndaon fbr L r arn AINT D RS TING- AND S AVINO b id n n et bl s m n nti ct P Y T A S IP T C E SO h aniseS. Coal wngeigl bave ou théberowu craies.c '-f Office evor Tua CaBonîcan onut of Fi3- Dollars. ber, sud,--u-thé-ea-nstneas ot Leîcostersbi'e?' anS Mn,.lPerest,-.tbat'n the PriOon'i Valutionnine suiaconut celéctd. ent réeta al wo laonis Mahyores10 e bi disouHe, RUSigEacLasber lat Tobeerure am;Barinuet rel.uiee.allaeuarreS e eu Cotîilon' SenSeton vtndudatransg fnltinier taeegw tbn a courimyaelf. en 26ev1th8Oral. tha T onr tho - sh. & ' s6agaSt laerge he e yea vBin hadho r i ebe thcourtheun s'Fîhr C îaio' la, cl er M', Iî V l lRCI O - E F R T E H T y < R 0 I E I L BEVV N I K T O hA, a . 2 S i ,1L4,u Y f u e Moniso ntro okandlé-Peel. VJ.LIAEVERRENYOSTABLeeEr. te iap bi ta.;sud bgreîl tu tuf. Han ho mau ly crn uane itI vsnt br vu n- STAMp. Murauil D "ie "EAD OFICE, TORONTO. USINESS CHANCE. li tm[f sSelbudeIi n sijre ,' hn m a dp ne a ai na s r p i e SIu nd neic i p a lv e n I e n t i t e l , v n e g s d Bu t a n s h i e t h r p o p e , a I t WESTMak i ahrnireauflE N T. 1ourjs OChe sPtiagel!h uud c hean. bèe ' îtt ea hetvdaiaeesd or e Ci leu Cor, lia tiSotte a kalio tocka CAPITAL STOCK, - $400,00.O F Fo0 A L A SI G NE E, The undersigned Offero forMslé thepreai.___________________ Ittvenîtnrthi mate lu POU SOVTIEOF /CiIi - WimeteC ste-thé ai' bsabl-t.atrlyaslefthe vaselu ecvuylcbnetneSssiting evo tliei'avruiffineanS cern RIDENcT.8R DIVIStON'nas-ets tietbcaptivaîuocnrehse INo, qu e'reptonw ile aiafat.Seaeligsn uIerbSo i JAMES lIOLDEN,. JiOSEPLIHOLI IONI N.COURT, cfArintfulnlemoti, o aei et-h ursbtt eto i f neBroegg&. nnA - OHNEBR S.IN M..tuWIO LriCoxa l f&c,n lRtiegc arbiessfr h aggnus, gzwndah-h uo u t et antd te fiaS usad, Bt de , cu Smstleé ue,- sefet noe 011.i r, Oertheoi niioneBankoer . Mogent for the CAN DA FAR IERS' A U C T 1 O N E E B&o, c, Wh t g ober w thOluin the Town oi O! lb S.ovM.aWititby, lii apontS lnud n . Aiuette'shalloor id n ay uy to n -ilteei ecrs 'lfns yaay M yle sn1 'm Arc, s at hesencarne o u théTouae,0A IeoownS knpe ckr.M'iugane al eor . _ n oer, oan aiuii caindi h , u.Gie î, h a, er ed u IlPril Oth, 1872. -In Bigelow., 13 Bl.ck, Port AlgoZ? n d plant f ery description-E tdex" b ths woke ye- Head CuiOvCn he Dominion &aMd, Mr. - s o w eln g ouaesu lt. Th _h ale party, a n o ild sc soly e ore - gain t plain U S I C i M U S I C C IiE S N U R N E C M ' , P e r t P e r r y , J u 4 8 2 6 F R T L S U I E S S A N D F o r t h e C o u n t y cf O t r i & ý A R b - ' n a p e i e n c e w b t c a n b e ff c t e d b y t h e r e t s e d h a i t b e r . m i c n i t u , a e t e g n l r latut one o sppî té len su nt'real, - *2,()<)Oeond- rieS an.entnsted te b chace viS b ca mf!y At- Most tnflng cure cé hic b prom . Who, the , co nI nps te pan lve'o,ý e~etdt WiaSlte nlnaî,irpfjféAn en tic, it vil! e mIund o ein ieste betendeeSuue Ceri btgod-utaiu78hgl AruSEINoESéFOR SALE, lon, suexcelentbusinesR n bidgnov1ar. WhibytJa.nl4thM1B74.eoisgcautrycar-se lite WbiJan.eny Wtrn 1$7t4.eif aangerustor-Ssigu. uffen uyselt t h.e'deturbed aoftits bufd ièatu ieatinahie tenue,. liaîfuDec. 2, 1872. 1xn T Ihei, oflibenoan U nica, dlal ndfrniosal ra . m te i2 G ANDly Applifcations,,muet lié aléefiiher pernon. 1 g9 a isail tbnanS tiane. Blil i d U 8 gion iliI émeute. TSanUMIYIER.who, allyyanr Iler, -er a tpolit 8luntliero esnte oreItrbpatdesh unnilirouille but geedlinmoure5,Plangbiu Msi'MMER'Denyenathlset'wBayabieor -evenhd-ishor va.tenk arrenteS, asjifj(yâa spe11, lu9haaon martredas beapitcli. Encenraged liy Mns. Pasent: I tongot teinay, aie bac!erge ji ____________ wtiA .14LL, sawnute orro. OPPortnnity lta I seldom prusen e i self. - be n nS; v'l Ilean n eeegry hmapioaenosi.xnto tfé lpe oteîeb i atanhu i. hi r A.BCMPEL ceu i f etie r musesdsa- bou te'sud vthe l vare e rdi-hivbt. eie J.-E - T r- ILDE B AN D C NT AT'EUtc Ag 2th . .CDPEL .t in tha l i te fnom uine s dou- Th nubs mib an ha neceived Ia coverer s, udwh e ye s oryigewteMesTrerh Ii evgnte e,'sy l. sengu BUL E A D C NT A T R Uia Ag 01. îp ned o lake is etep. N ew C ,,AAs and Slynx , vaifthy ossesicatona ins as an - lT.,ii. By.pro ert7 fpoeddvlihecuiel BiSTvîrrv.-______ T onm s il b ma Se o suit A comp otent lol.. S yl s, visionI an S niud pi orce e velyr o it ie gor Se e ra Ss~vi! o a'yvncdofih esec t fre bt dnye pncivd I--GebiIsi HO 13 E ME DIC I ES tA'110idér PromnPtîy éxecutérl- LAB WOOD FOR SALE. Party. Ouiy sainsai! arount required dovu al tê erwsetlyeedo arynS 'Se vn tnuSovn et a. DnMrh e' aaIegaa ___ says I. 'Nemle re ivn orth blae a'Fo-alrnganoedmr'f ne. ala,'h doroâ éitY 'eed adbe liu fnn -------Thé subscriben has for sale at bis 3Mil adéquate necuritlvThe sud durable goodi, as vol!e Mary lle Tune Aiiécit u f 1 , let anfrseale di. F L OUR 'AND F ED. ean itca, 'a qunauity of four-foot S a o tJA MES' i e u orm u f h n o h o M The Undersignetl bei- sd ampleotdé gi-non for théblnces lsddrbego i swHo oý- u n â acanSofuurnen,0fu1874. Father Jhn M aieyite n tteManyEl Trevito el!ngi."e' oiruss1 sr fvr due assontiatiat lit1 ite lb.erset l'o mlere hekIllep-01eray ou' us I 'lieSAL d 51 ba91 a n earspopj CaTTOcralireYo ve. uit rgi,' bsrve crsngandys' ' eile' dyugno er no-ajzl "o ja etflu Im ul n 1. it iasdig.GStriem e afo H ieWiîybvr 1 tales TCal eb r sign podue. tFuea l.A .CA PBL. Nv. 51 T18a7 veo8 . , inne i tferentASH i l O eaieto. fradne n owè 1 Clrk care anatvîe. - it h b acéf 20,Ut187Spt42,17, 8 lb thbues1 s vbich vil! bu can4Yd2o10,avedstd' l ,usrtu It e u lt i se aemnteao /81,00 - - rtasTn. ai sud repainandmpIlth B LÉ i e s YLe ,das sm .' ~ S.gie rm e rprsu f . RAT. acrAsltrgemlof néné exe strt Don't iiu inmasnnoner ntB. R., LandpAenty&c., it yen-AMno5010welugttearlug tro. lieusteIdevhwon. sur? 11k ol fcenO - 1 _". SY e.an 1bsdadnt t &no.,fil! te examiné tOntatrnoa Sinuer sudLa -,i0d, vonldPfil!1lun7, PrisoanNobe1binanhee giv me saab Aiko maS?'L'An vireand h. nvl'eDencg AtH 5E . OFD L, A u FOR SALE,2- o v. 178th1éC OT townshipY R, oftimebtnvuinlstdwu alo e dvcaaou 7-rg e omu u sya1e'it saak e lm"OeneurI Cashanfanrofan protntî ch Irièe é eee u _________________-_ sema neya.i ,l0,, *audT Pst were -lstely c ATHERLY, Wbitliy anAd G 'sbeg 01urpandontesamseauarchaserranaauaked'oqtwvflong Murpn by esu tliustekC utetmihet Yn al in cn' saretehl ne,'ussshe,19r,40.fo lkD vicssio i or t, Tpp. l r,Jo h bv omdOSbilbsb san. 20,1874, J. LONG GoLEN MAJOR M.TLLSheToERSrIephe&: he dot bWh] exn Yougiol olbonag/more Leeu d ad r,=sta 2 x4> serti ; sensI promiseS teIs ona dW he's genehe=.upette lb. aastle, -hiiâde-ai -e msns eio er n B R. La t gen, A c.,H rOTL 0, 00 b l in s L ubnk, vIl oieol O a d 5 0,0 0 0 f r*un in t e ïW P a re m o m e ts ,nr A n 4 -- a m p l b ismm oo u si no r et ei gf0 1 1 ',o a0il - t o a lk d i seasonhati,.. ees t te fe r csal m- G O£ mLEin te, havaeomntbing e s A U d ac bu ie ols eI aothta~e î!cl Athe ty , t ann at aniioe. e lovnnouhlpts IcfuP Whitbmnt, re 1iles ftsudsa con-OAAMERI2' - J1t74. inlet-once, ,,,- nurnety Àde7rrconasQ.n -TADYOMNECo.TI Oenieurtp P'innts for tii.hastsurTiseSMAStedtief1ueairdS rigwKs'nvyo auadn( Porlan Mine ' I wa lic ate -of ,hoc'e 87 P'119 I OE At di et OvruN. IrtBars'al olvsîa rroiu.o hnd n t aËidel m-0. se1M c. slotie bera' n u 0 wtee aa oul d er m- _ i eycn fn sud lb WOi'O5ilb BasssluP, B a, felirm heg koogm nh.ythyw.fel 1 ate on! e ysabin etateniegeed .3frh nMAtNial, purchaena ca cirom te W ie d:ina ho me.i ne' 'i-al e 6'jo0 Flee AUTingr cébebri'nni Herse thaI.Sqarl1 tiCR sre to of wTOOgI PER DAT. AgenthThe abavo àceinby bisoel basnbeensC ostunjen" IR haveOT. eaiseiithPean, tootaýàbe he w eta gell lop gooda, mmongor oS, tnk. mre ntno"sud ias aplee VrinTes, acr Ap pI o .thae (SE.Tcula tici. M 8.P-I Gyen- areE R PT Mnso toLPtdoiest,' maydaI I ;.mO ton 0 a duhlath bet rom a"terkferus in Qtb np Are mlendn pto f accommodton fordn 6dysi té ,lb.- reft ly era cy Orfin ýleo a"W t44 LM ua, Ch tsn yiia islP-StnT IlÙni1p6en mon â 10.00 foteaIOakmakig etFater Cstelo. aS vbcm. herlîuabanhe wt4 herb iir U fo'istyt' ~h tinoJw th tp vone onld yo bai.hi the entlrel Goa gave aubesp, nie,? s ean- L ieAh tintvyvolu' e aiu TIe Paleroh?'sas a..Itbef5on nos ne% malte hei ad. I M'irb m, Oi'taiofhi~n ta1 one tea lugig= lbvoider, manojà ol. leh veou'ss ibl sendtenhbYZ .i<ý in, Jfsi teohnns 2..'îs a w sue h oSl wÙ voul't rte2die s eu hua. ail heva'sa ha. 'W .he vItal.lsè-i 18y whe ou l it-bav ~e S'o, u8 Win as dIn, ,ik etia rosI o hae m è leverI. Atali, iyutea ya.gn one Fhr Jet nada glîter eta inalospin f b bs nstor' hsauys tbnt'smarrie-I 1 if ae Saebeao sin ef bis eao, e 1 budrliv, I-menyseIth- mY,ét ar dr. a thegnlvryI l di huglie àa be. :boaglileg, nuyrn u.egeî a . ine pu nch léti nceog t el, t8te-itt Om i thnee d ste s lées e ih poorteKuîty,-l'iainfbr usîgn5 atn't ts 1 dyn, trincuvnth e anSdo F ane, *-r oma sae - se il te beetface I -t c nIdapea homater, aS n I sit!o me wuh traer iunnoffeI setbhome, gay L h 1 s te liewuaift sdfl ho ntoi-'mnpr se . WBarbai ei 11Yhodnin hotinu,, RyenL know s 1h -me as 'ia y aling obet i,,' rtnd 'agyen,.buthI seurIe v whanetethe B.moeus éie, rped ttaayeungRng il- el!, tin, a l'Il terof it nval il o mea ant boydagicorsneon haison rneaiésveu a groteue-n ish lad ma trieS te nbeyestr, atdMlenS inttao ttdin ee fa tuonvé eug mand's poopl te cométete vedI put thées acse1 tby tyhapytho edingeDal te s fth rt, nS hat'enlit tbydagu- 'Srug gginghome, voakeocal a- saneasabauk yn, tn oe' raut on, an' Lordbt Wanndn 'nud uev lt us beans iterquele her amnsin deng 'Yos :a'reéxremeî pehome, ory Lord. hutome, I'm nairSgir oeri yen tne 'et etthe veîpauy, Wihousob cOmsh, o'omtelied Min'.a fiand, lice te a t,'ttu enn lqai , Mis te heamt, srent eti's wappey ahiug t Ibogn c homya le., M.1 'anpiyefreStx, qocutien, H.i Lorid 'aging eue et thé neveotus hrlteaduly o aginsîromus nuS gen as b, d nvert nclite lMyuLordu.I Biut, fired m ti ne eue vb o b andthe t ofmytaencOitatre,' tsiS a~ lonrignSleelbotcing ndrat . Oh lngo,' eah. md Mnusraw Iom sure -P7fer-Y bod cyings Creemari,e,-tb toy, Ihe tory msa wou 2eISa yeno , LdnYunle Lehay Ani., rern oiteneas, anS lin. te m e njy ataueS tes ey alaSothe nost ned aecn alen- rèaly en Faî, Johusavontand en- *eiy, buS no Itard it ezea itiead asenee anS in lidyate d eit, TISEa Twua sole CsS Eatutvo lîsBar ban mou tn paper aygis-"ie-Tici-on n caïnse lkey arecrne et as and je atillsai Nandthotren- tner t ns vet Bitis p Iaelyn.nl nc comps erhapay ougnos. thon bl hamve lalte mat~i ngnoTc nio, aoAnurente se, ialhero,.; -, erinaik Dati, lic!ev-, by huIt;-S.. It li e dtdnguder dsbagnsDot r^eg*bPt teudean Ii. aTe oal reen tngherb Lordlil guiz aienuder tthe lacrk by rc ming Dr. pnei pincipenerf.atne c enga eé ls ter eme nfl Dol. inuu lto neraetiveut Lar 1fryd s Ce tlire."e i h Cu îebar Wafnvigt, -.Éat h aioyb. 0 igandof iiates ýaderi3îbe Vick, near London, cdaIma 10 have th tastent steamer 'lu tir venld,' intenSeS for ýhe Britishi Govein. 't Indisa, d team ataIa naven- fmore liai twtenty-four aniS a iota. mntis! peraonm lu Englaune yp: b Gvmumeut tie demi'.- et mln lb. Suez Canal Brit. Vîpeityi,, nuder lan' international tee tlas vil lceep lt oe.uin time- . I i Sad hatK e Lesseps lverse 101 h. Plan. )man's medeety ta litre -ier celer cSigly bccmngif it isnotput s have decided opinions eft heur honever bouisate toe out n Dxtensive landaolide lu- Oregoni in'ied an enlire, tewnship îmb àing County, and the resideuts wandeing town now i-efusa te -- Ir taxsinthe county tey amuS cuse heyare not *tjier- enr 'paytemmn thaeencnty luto, éy alSd, lecause -lbey aay lbey ang tiee. ce by vhiah fifly tbensand mn laeS t&'bè ont et mphkyment ' resa lu the Durham i(England

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