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Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1874, p. 2

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_71mat ne*- 15Y "CI to coulify, lisii.- U4""" fflmMors «Jéhe PQit d P-Ftichari- waya, initi'tt",l ma Party arjpivei ait Buce sois fi coi eln, We f Tàlièe at licou .Preunt the, Andt [t)i*o;liiiht uniongiit arc tbý pli Yll "Prung M. glad te lin j central nàaw w4Hned th. > or - laça spml--G. Young our the io route -proceli a' ifine -*- , J$ n_ nëý VS&Ï prince, of WàIoÉý that the 1e0feriner arid objerver, nppeOaCUý nt 1110111 ta,,, ýcoart Of noesion-T ng Bégnion of the aà mnýt,ý*,o sane , - Ï _Ctýàt1M -, P. -Pickering. the disailagion of the quefitiou in a c Conuty cliulleil would " ',,a Dakfq, cf Irenmy pari fo ý - ý 1, - , ', tt Co. 0111- * tbï't"ree ]nPu die, inoe 8 Carriage, min . Mr. r a- reu=,^,of mondable. spirit, Te thltir remarks lie the hest wayýqf arrivieg Our 24 eüùy hii"ýi-ipon of occupied, on tis expen&ttïre' and renuz"d tfist Proclamation 'jr'n Gneuwood>M& bac c , II. ýpý lu, 8bà4P & Son. yc 0 rvâtiGuë this, week will bc more tcal 'J"icý tio of, it ý_ -ýqf wales it a wastou. je The construction Of 8 and DucheW of a, Goýxu-Lowal, & KZII. especially Clonüned. Thé frauk branch À-ioni vgurzwiewý Card--»Tempin saloon, article -tu ýa fa or; of Brocklia or 60me point north on the MOTO süiotly M the-lattarwao chaëiýéd vehemently. Brooklin Store-s. & B. Francis. the former *e -reprint at IBngtl,.- lwotii - Of Magie- Part Perry lino te Oshaw the- 't lit is.now tmrtyýyem en up, thé aiËàiisaai- . a, woum"it gréa , fine and-Sy of the plesont os es £&ther «DÏ-.Se&ÙgefràjntheMugiton B Notice J. n- Peters. The last two issuià of the whitby tiyaffairiluet . , ý kuw ' Y. W re Brethoar ug COROXICLE -contain very fsir business. appearo te t'a, lie a verý ôm huý'bOejiýTM&ed b Emperor of 1 vwted mth Bowler-G* y eertainjournalb--m *S7 an account of aile cd, pc>Vtiom Solieiter. < like articles on, the im1ýortauoe or Only in its cOnstruction, bu in -no wilie remarkable foi 9ngland, ý"Tit40biýý nce ho tivity ovi ci t through . oyerlimen ana, 7 Me. haîW Jaup Excursion te Wasbbu a ru. tended railway Communication througb. the 1][80esaity arising of a -di 1 s le n. iea puritanical over tbg fact tý,the mina the e ýth- Premier w-ith ingo a ru out tinot and Wh sistencY thiè CoÙntY. The initial articte will - Oepamte operation in aIl th that Mr, Mackenzie Of Biér if4eswo reign, and > the h Lands for,, bc found reproduced in other COInains al Sale-H. J e dofifli attended a dùuwr tige iceriell, new And Preoh-..ýs. & E. . :', ý TE[= READING Gr( The situ Ofthe writer appels Ongwet cars and operatio given. by the Speaker of the Rouse ci volume of hàtory whieh fi býen se Francis, ra -te be te ns- Ad- na sanday. Grea't O=Ulâted.fiUC8 the magnificoist were reada thw t For mauce Count assistance for àe exten. Commet& 0 The fOllowing bills, the Lacliez-Domin. of the ý7hitby mItting the neuskty Ofs tI.1rôtigh track etress -£cru' ýtime and pamd:-A Peterol, Musical Month, lOn.Wareiootne. ad Port PerýY line, bûtweeu , WhitbY and fer the 19 further laid on the of of Nicholà, towrjui bov, the;Provinc biR ta incorpomt, 1 L. Peters. -me a 9 a branch te Uxbti.dge-; au arc The Geta Microsco 0. sud useof bâti, Pr und Company; a a spécia P aloo te obtain countY aid for thé pro. oposea Rý Wh Atchbishop, Tache'ha boeu prosent ]ýim, W" seon entering the hall or Bill' tink theý' Fëfiei'àl Bank - 'et Jected lino from Whiftby. %y e ether at this dinn 1 snob a track ah - Buckingham Palace, where bis sala Canada; a Bill te 0 VM9 respec -baùkýýJ!'Canaaa te thst , f Dii-iliolution, of Partüerll te the Nous. Oula lie a'OI'98'lde and or, and the merle rabid te _ cUnëe the Dame of Wagaga Bay,'fOr which a charter -wao Part Of the'Grand uk ý p W&YO <or with P101pen of the Sectarian stri 0 point tO bis hodesa was se beartY as 'te lie Tru lie P Maalliaettfrers Bank, ofOa Lande. 'P-W'Ifenden obtaiiied at the last session of thé Ofi. altogether &part and 4istinct rror at- the fearfw spectacle Of a distinctly heard ai the u8da; a Bill. Court Of ROvision-Town of %Vhitby. tarioLegislature. Fourbundred thons. thst r&ilwgy, the , , 1 from furthegt corner te amend the jet re' tin =01, , 'bain ro iltant Premier giviffg bu 1%pp long apartInent, and drew a of Nova Scotis Grand Concert.ý_AII Saint&, Chureli. and dollars is the amourit of aid which Brooklin - be P ýte roval of the Spacý ce 9ý the Bank -a In proposed aboula lie y ý unneees- na a Bi te aragil l' Notice. 't * - 1 e a -tl Wfiitby iiigli schoal- t- A£t'Pamd in the 84th ysar Cf si Wiintph Rdéobuy2iash reigning on thst day in am Il 1 County te bot" CuWrPrises ; distributeil "Y' ýWere snob a branch, ý COU. î ndini the monàr&o" jeaty's r8igil, intitled au 9 act or by the coines wholl Counteyance te auch do Omle bOul the Malda of horion of an ""P s'a the set te amOnd the char- P, BîShOPO laid Priesta, and those wÉa bc. jw» 18Ù, the Queen of Eng'land fa the ter sOn,ý Head Master north of the Whitby and Port Perry ru fettivities 8010 survifor. lEven Pins lx was theû Go'. as follows : $250,000 fer the extension pstoopcted if would lie of no Aoi'86 Vie., Chap. -bin- service té the lie Of the Ontario Bank, - te amend the rt le of'Pickering ana Oshawa, la the ve that afier maso, the sacrodueu of 1 Act -W Railway; 000,000 for the branch te f the Sabbéth 0 but à Cardinal. of the Cabinet of B . Dg. ýre ecting InSumnce Companies. Uxbridge ; and $1 009M te file Ontario waY 0 88, intiettodued resding, -connection bythe 0 688cili, 'It oert&WY, will land afthot tinté tw bc 6 se a" Central. Figu tral railway, and ,W,,, tutar()Cen» lie a novel Most nom< 0 m9m ru algue r. Mille Moyéd, th a% _the.re. doctrine to aný Ourvi"-the Duke of,'-Buadeugh land ý of th6 bill for the removal of. VLI/ te lie correct, are ad, sources 0 both companies te construot « il # re 1Ù& a shewing the f which tombée that lifie ose. tes, whicil WC progume Catholios, Mr-, Gladstone an§ time's change$ es , tionfo from .,navigable rivera. ý Ff eý e«X. Ince redness of SnudAy eüdiwiththe ho bord Main theý;asqeS6ed value of file '112D Oporâte a Coinbined, or union t Pl ONLY Si So pz COÙntY frOW 1855 te 1778-the figures th î , ý 1 a " of sanken Juin. R ANNUM. connecting both of w Of thât of the" « thor .,P < e bill which ý*3-6 te ' Provide standing, 1855, $6,482,000; in 1878t Wbrack st au willfug te suur di bfr, Gladstone wae thon th$ eý COReffle "for the removal an si wtî Oshawa. 'tby Churoh would bc iliaburst, t ough-going Tories, Urd' berM navigable attestas, about which 'u0on, and one te whieh b. lie Duke W 1 Welli ' - n, eomelainthàti beenmade da theirlines et a ribe. lit la truc Ïhat in maafey-à Cstho. sud, (thé late) - Lord Derby un Ond time on a WhitbY, Thursday, 0,575,000-and aise showing that As either proposeil railways, froin its lice Comitrisis a grest cicil of lidenu ex- bc un Sir 0 biH was read a sec NaY 21, 1874. %Ç'bffe the SOuthern Municipalities then ' Lake Ont ' - te that on' second vie Bolint PeeL In Frangé L * Phâ- division. 81 to-âe. Paid 6aï Per -cent of flic County taxes, teiluinus on ario 1 ie, four Yeats latir a (ugitive as Mr, The Libel Bill wag rosa s; te alf:r cent paid by the northern 1. Igts in the matter Cf gu#day &range. Un ith, seemed The,*eçiprocity Negotiatîons. georgiau Bay, 15, Comparatively'a short thon coinfortably set- time. townships, flic contributions of bnth lins, and âg =ente, but the saine thiüg may be said tled. Fredrick William waa reigning Thùroday,'May 14. in now oqtand in the )Portion of 51J on au Bach mu. of many of the ' , nt Berlin, and â,féw montha latér noar- It ]ces Beenu au if some of our con. the north, te h Being Ascension Day and a holiaay; ti,ýiliporarién'. actually f0ared that lfr. more équitable distribution of the Colin-, freight forms a large item in the--cost 48ý- luy, the South. This', WuYs t e cOst Of loading and unlaading Europe. ý Germany >1 in 1 this matter is no ly lost bis Efe atlhe bande of au assas- Parliament did not ait. WE Brown wonù ho . sucoegaful in bis nego- ty burdens lias been broligil of carriage, and as the distance to whit botter thàlilraü un. Bismark was Chieffy known te Jac fora 'r ne t about by ce. Leaviii aoide fanieuwhatthepstisians Cal, a gay r wal of the Recipro. the- improvements effooted, in the flrst Oshawa, as compared with Whitby, however the,,al)shlaet question of the liver, and Banson'g dream of à nuits Tý firs business after routine was a 04Y Tréaty, with, the United States. instance, bc uthem taxes, in making propriety of Sunday diverÉom, and Germany seemod distant indeed. italy re un a the La t ading of the Cu toms Bill. good mails for our northerla friends- frolu any station on either railway is bas béen turnoi topsy-tervy gin> Mr. De St. Insteailolgivîug expression tga, confuling Oursolves tothe Ma n. George, in amenament, Cou and whicli titait represolitatives in file only four Miles gréater, the rate Of ttsr in The Xingdom of gapiesp-,theee the moved te go into Committee of the oni coupa-q1ug Or &PProving word, we find COlIutY Couneil will admit were never freiglit, te or from Oshawa te any of point, it 10 somewbat difficult te MIdOr- D'achies of Tuémuy, Parma, and Mod. Whole for the purpose of striking out Grand 110thiug but cavilling, and a désire begmdged by thoir souillern colleagu i;. tes, have been wip the twelfth clause, which adas a auty stand the heinous nàtueé of the Offence 'Oni. sure their stations, should net exoeed the ler which the PXemier is calIed te task. cils' the papa' Sta cd Cvince'l te - Later, flic iron borse, as is ever artwrialit, -Cast ail possible obstacles In bd b case, (MI the rate te or from Whitby, more than It is flot snob à very unoommon thing, off the map' way the, w0y Net bocause reciprocity of t e work of adding te winiau Pound te the tax on ÏýOm 81 per car load, if even that. And we imagine, for a few friends te dîne irho was Buniell'a guest in London home grown uld lie impossible te fjr posi tobaeco. Mr. C 1 the inci-case of value, On the assesseil f' te thoron the Sabbath ; yet we bear whose milit t, the August of that saine year, and te said th&t it w0a trade with Our neiglibours tierosa the value of. 1878, one-quarter of a cent in h f no outery being made against une t" we ave no doubt that any negotiations 0 go RkT lues 'One we are told 90 the collection of the aaditi lius 10 net demired by the poo or discussions which may lead to a re. custom. And inaisin Re pointédonal du nice ple of Can. the dollar, or one dollar in the $400,1 Il a that the Di 0 'Wellington Il readily . tfrbom thio source. nt thayt in Il ails; net but that the bouefits te - bc would lie the amotint required uch as dinner iO replied," lilas more than realiz 0 tarri'T wae altogether in fa 0 uneured by it are acknowled tOf bu er liRble conclusion te this eÈoct wM as mu h sa the for a a raiseil te meet a 0 a necessity to, the Premier, dreams of hà di sopher h- compared with the - railway tax of 0 -y to ont neighbors in Archbishop Tache, and the Speaker, as boat. perbaig th plomafic philo Omo grower se Who had U$ry aide, but simply out of blind un. tweilty years, deberitures* The amoulit Oshawa and the cast. Wliether h alist. we sec no reason wby the three b 91 01, ilucfirea -thonsand dollars, payable in provo 8atisfactoi it is the humbleài and hungriest joum- rior dake maj net have been without a IY SUPPorted the Counsels of the war- porter- Dr. Tupper, vor of ItIlie . Ti original- elect reafiOning hustilitY towards Mr. Brown is ..11, .,,.,ared uith the bonefi au nrran thé tax, nt eau bc boat effect versa, it ta lie unn geme cd by should not take thoir méal in the com. desring Ou t4B issue of that stimuler nOw di100 imposition Ofecessaryq of M personally, and political jealousy.of bis wilich a judicious Cirpenditure of the ' ay at Sedan four yeurs agi). and would vote against IL Mr. Bosch- cent] filicepes. They wou* it Principal sum, coula net fltil te soeure. objection te the Protestant premier ait- Id ra an agreement witil file Grand Trunk pany thst suits them boat. As te the , The Czar was met on landing in ard OUPPorted the amendment. Mr. George Br' ther th' Of course uîthe aggesseil value incrpifsed Railway Company, or by a union'inde. June, 1844, ly the saine Ambassador MeGregor remarked that in Essex the It owu @boula- prove a failure -and it wollid bc certain te follolv in pendent lino of railway between Whif. ting down with the Bom-au Catholics who met hm son' the venerable growth of tobacco bail licou nearly a ernm than that the country should prosper-, the wake of additionai railway facilitier, te retire - and e- Ît is worthy of Lord George Gordo Conut Brunov-no within the -twenty bY and Oshawa, aboula lie considered himself, but it is too laboura te uty. if George Brown. wero the. instrument -the quarter cent, etermined before -the meeting of tainea of any sans man Te bc enter w, WC believe, about stroyed by the imposition of this a lines Yogra the debentures would have te run, and a bis august master took Without any farther discussion the pany. through, which thaÏ wegaure Otprüs. would dwindle down to some very the County Couneil, and the proposd of this kind it 1 Perity should lie accomplilshed. Snob frac- cavillers n 0 Were Cal cd in, and the bouge bUgin la always wen to - 1 P.bà résidence in London at the Em. member When the amendment WU lest -yeur, give a la sy, but sitar a brief stay there left divided, fià tional insigaîgeance. in tact the tax bY-.IRW aboula bc framed in accordance W'de birth. There "B Il saveur Of 84Y. for Windsor. Uhat was au Ascot week -yeas, 57; nays, 108. on ite .1 JewS own thom, when the t'le ('ePlOr3ble extreme til which Woula never lie relt. wit i flic determination thus arrived ait. lock about y use the which lives in many a memory. Noth- Au amendineut moved by Mr. Baby, People Will 81low themaelves toi lie Car. - Se far we are with oùr Whitby con. This question of equal accose, both as JOU talk with you, and buy îýith you ; 112é; 80 brilliant had been known in ihe on tes, and coffee was lest, words, 111 will walk With - te strike out the clause imposing duties lover of Iiis Co wou!d lie any objection on the part of II rieil by Party feeling. Every true tern orary, and we do net believe there re,-,al-de accommodation and rates, for but will nOt eat With Yeu, drink with way of royal enterta'nmonts Snce 181 LIntry; evei7 man having the people of, Oshawai at Jeast through Oshawa and Whitby, must lie fairly Yeu, nor pray with yon.1, when the allied Sovereigna were t 4, yeas, 42 the iutOrOstu Of bis country at heart any feRr of increasea taxes, te submitt. lie naYs, 118. Pro met ana squarely setttled. guestB Of Englond. The accomplished Concurrence was taken in the supli. Goner 'illould trOwlidowLi sud iliscountenance ing a County by.law te the -ratepaye'rs. The Victoria Aailway, author of il Letters frein th, Baltie'l MentarY estimates. duriuý flic revengfill spirit that resorts te auch We do think however, that, where the . Our fricnd of the Observ&r, coniment. has-ell described the ffet personally A number of private bills were ad- increa oxtrémes. northeru auâ Western; portiolig Of th', 1119 Upon flic railway projects Loduced bY Nicholas at that period of vanced a staRe, expression being given Depar Itl; growth would mào lis Colinty after, his Th() Fenelon Falls Gazette in an Hie. by 3ýfeB'srs- Holton, Blake and othors, a nation of political fratricides W011111 bc go lnuch more largely Po(,-uliar style, gumas up his argument as article on the Victoria Railway,'says, But where in the Emperor ?' asked Of verY strong diasatisfaction a te -rnin our readY benefittud by these railway enterprises, f Ilows: t the de- Offlee Country fer the salie of solfie consideration shoula be extended o "With respect te the municipal bonuses everY One. il Net here yet " was the lay of these me., aires the D( Wreaking Party -vengeance upon eue te the castern section, whieil woula lie 'l Wlie have ne desire te prejudge the the answer. But gestes> was lis uttereti backward state as Owing te the 814 w Aliother.ý calleil UPOII te pay c'O case or wis)i te obstruet file path of general impression Beems te bc that' when a towel the Parliamentary large a silarci of the bY'Isýws will bc carried in Fenion ring Plume moved ", the printing. cambe progress ; crowd fell back, and enframed III' its Mr- Dorionle Bill for the suppression n2ail v ýV(i are please(J-ag ail sbould b- the Moile.y. We are fùr from counsel- - but for gooduegs sake let Falls and WestVeralaxn by large ma- opage stood a figure te 0- ling the dog-in men bü sent out urr)n Jetters -t)le-rntingfr part ; lier whose word which there is Of volantary and extra judicial oaths solfie rellauce jOritiOO, and in Somerville by a smaller, te linfl thaï the negociations uoW going do n'O oýerlooli t1je fnet that die iiierease one. no second in Bussia, if in the world it. was read a'third time and passed. may lie placed ; the but still satis ctç)ry 84,759,1 W(ctihingt0il arc likely te termîn. ofvRI710 in the north spoutings of bil'Otl "avocates Woult go Of Fen8lOn self-a fignire of the greatest beauty, ex. The Bill forthe Admi istereq ana West would far, that gainc is jjayod Townshipsthere are sorne doubts; but nistration of successfülly il, a new Treaty tliat tend te lighten the taxation Of tho eust- -0 ont ; the 'Pub. tho disaffecteil ones of course have au PreSSiOn, dimension, and carriage. The Justice in the North-west territories was 1,09401 will place the Cru mullicipalitios. But, WC, in lie ha% Persou cf the Emperor is that of a colos- rond à second time. Revenu Commercial relations of this aireadY beeIý too sherply bitten Object in 80 Positively predicting defeât, 1 n ho full prime of lifs and Mr. BORS thon moved the second read. 18739 section, Tvel tho- want of leftt-el- railway and we 8hall Dot bc greatelY purprised blialth, the beail inagnificantly, carried, ing of bis Bill te establish a Military 0 flin two countrieS on a fiiendly, unfet- facilit'c"', alul WC think we arA entitieà Te this we gay, L,ýnlen. Il Experience ifo wlien the question is voted upon, they a aplendid breadth of shoulde College. Ile expl th in ney tul'od,'and Illuttfally advantAgeo to ha Inade more air-t Partiripatorq teaches foois,, is an cla roverb and a prove te have been mistaken. panellu r and ainca the whole scheme 0 suE no basis. in thri beneffig of the P chest, great length and syrnraetry of In a very careful 86,177,£ in thig ilireetion, Mr. , propose(l coullfy wise one. Soille of the by-laws passed COuncil will meet on the 26th inst., and and circumstantial Brown glieilla ]lave file gQod wishes of the petition for the submission of a H« f yearati expendiliire. Te bc lait,, n'if] if) tJJA limb, with finely-formed hands and [cet. manner. The Bill being rond a second The ii the entire Point' WC th'th we are entitled to de- lits ek)lintrytaon, Ilftli few 'ears ago in aid of the port $15,000 By-law, whieh bas already re- fincly lined, large, Open, bills, with a of the Whole. Along discussion ensu- are in o] 10 sec is strictly Grecian, the Aves t'me, the "Ourle went into Committee Ruccess mana a through tl*aek between ý1.1hitby Whitby and Port Perry nailway Com- cieved a large number of signature$, ci Of hl'd- mission their hearty goed Will. a a Oshawa, in order te sliare in the PLillY, were Culpably negigenf of the will thon lie presented and no doub alfuness a coldness, a freezing dignity cd upon the several clauses, in the OIIIY, Wi 'Plie Governwolit COUld net have made flill bf,ýneflt,4 Of til, constrnetioti of the best ilfterests, net only of the munie acted upon.11 t whiclircau equally queil au insurrec- course of Wbit-h deposite a bpttûr Reloction than, in sendin railway to Nottawaqaga Bay. We ip. tien, daunt au assasgin, or paralyze a Mr. Peter Mitchell oppos@a the Bi,, and the Mr. sholild also like te gi-t te- alà-fes grantin.- bouuies, but of flic real gemerally as tending te b - or witli i Browato ilegociate the ternis 0 A Well-deserved compliment. 1=9 Dur Young new, rards the construction or a braný intereq& of t lie Company it,,;Glf.' claims But during that visit bis aim was net men in idleness. 0 tors wa@ Ilroaty. Few other m"n in Canada the Whitby and Port perry lino J'rom for intrrest,, owing to delay in the con- A -011 doserve in the te paralyze but te plonge, and lie won cuiî,;"£, the details of the Bill in a prac_ or otlieri gOula brIng 'te their aid the same Drooklin, or solfie a compliment, ILII hearts. noire was a Russian tical manner. Mr. Ifoiton pressed the the POst« other peint liortli, te construction et file roa(j rage, amonut 0.91lawa. WC bave il , were advanced shIllie of an address, was paid Mrs. and it knew no bounds. Everythina erations. of Ability and intelli othing but ý,)O(J GOvernment te gay where the College gence, and Will towards the pcol),,e (j ý,iirhitl)Y Il lýld ailà collected by the company, whiebi Ham (DOW Mrs. Johnston) on the combined te maire that period brillianï would-belocated. Mr.Mackenyiecould case of 'nÎgljt alau aild influence. iii the wowillgc7a,.;fata,,RtllcCll ONc j altl 1 f, dày of lier luarriage, annonnoed in The QUeen was thon in the zenith of not.give that information at presen, LI' cal, lOn,' 1 011ild te lie strictly lec in that il tlement ci guefi a quution. Noth. fle8ire tu 9() in liceping up tile, existiii,, wel'e lieitiler entîrely honorable, nor Other colurnus, on behalf of the - ered atos 5,211, ber career, enjoying those haleyon days varions matters bad te bA consid ly detecti 1-ngr fleflait lias -trancpired as yet as te ID wo towns. e(Illitable. The lier en able te gi,, cOnvicted 0 frienaly feelin,, file t e)n*'Te- Whose delight she bas reconntea in which ho lladuot yet lie bile actuâl reritilt Of the negociatio Ai the Raille tiine, the stockholders of the gation of which the lady was à member. journals. At windsqr and Buckin attention. They did net propose te agit "Prison' t4e position te whicil thes hý1%,C 3. ' intervsts f,)J'oýjllawa (.te %vlliell Our col Co'nPluy failed te cftrIýy out the pledges ManY of Our townspeople, outsidé of lier bain Palace SU Went MerrY as a mar- a vote for the parchase of any gound et air- ,,F;illgly rcferr rimI lit. Mach tiule Lq of colirse rL al) ,ml)ol.ary so pie. directors liad too j-ashly un. own eliureli, will, we are quite sure bc Who thon 90 for the Objeet. Re would lie willing NAPRoi the irlt,(.-rtýmts Of the Peorlv of Eaf dertakeu- The Datul'al cousequeuces hftPPYP te jOiD in congratulations to'the mach contrbuted te the brilliancy of however, te 8ubuiit the selection for the four child quired in the iJiý9clIsiion fall questions Whitliy and the wll,,Ig F,,Iltll.ea ý"t lier court, nearly ail are now EL-PProval of Parliament. stci fil 9f embarrassaient ana delay arose. amiable lady whoni they h,,, After some buggy bel likoly 10 ba etlli)racet] in sa Comprèýb Pectiot, (if the C-ourity filin go long The Queen's n'est intinate friena one* further remarks ana very full explana. of Greeum vast en- overlooked it, '!Id net bc Such resultg must Dow lie careffilly pro- known te bu in every wièy se wort Duchess of Sutherland, passeil awaytýe tiens from the Premier, the Bill was re. vale, the 1 ci moiç$uTe. ani of such im- 1 ni'>' gelleral plan ni' al), and deserving Cf thei years aga, and an exqusite monum Ported. ropriationq. J118tice 10 Oshawa and %"'('Ûd against, if the Promoters of the r respect and es. in the gardons of th ont -Mr. Cartwright laid the Sap. led the an Put'tande £0 both r0untries. The fol. t1ile Cftrt, -ill sectire, ciii, co-op(,ýrt.. PI'OPOsed schemos hope te Most with teem. The followin Plementary Estituates on the fp.M. tn, f.11. -A lowing (wîthont inthbrity bôwàver) t,,.e tion in fa%,or of 61 Railwni, V 9 are the kind Viceýoy of Judias , 6à Th' 'Pià"' STB01ýý]_D, gOrSES F t "d -Es 1-OST 1 in P«,ràve into'- t thé, of Mlié' mit ànaïs of T.egolù,tion', Vit mg Harapawre t'O lhè- 1W Wiaumburg- r1twelën Io ýoq-. àg-an&,at- 1 - in:the4th te handred con. as. desoribea inthé, S0îýaa- &Tê 'Shier P. L 8 John n, " a sy inutant ewat - y ' --* '7 .. th In --and roee steep and and ýzeporte4.,theWWe àüâWjth0ntý mg, jnanu- endment. 1bnrgý and Mr.-.Graenintroducea a.by-law 5y through' ter the auowance for, road betw - Àedè,ý ýând 1.pý 111 Ili- 4th eerjý lots M thèr. andý veut f, meadows, r Of in Aguatus P the Con- same benow yead the first time andý th3t the clerk be iiityncted to adverfisé- iuto Wil- the salue àcéordipg ta law. Ower and Mr.1ýBrown moves that the EUm of* ilia;nufac. 025 bc granted for the pürpoge -of re7. d«wëuings, moving pinë 8tumPs -On Bide road bc- of proper- tween lots 84 and 85 in the 7th con. man fife. and that.Davia Barkey be COMmissioner y leu aw. ta eXpend the saine. le legs of Mr- Brown moves that Wn,. FI dred and BtLrk and Win. B. Turner be appointeï Williams- commissioners to buad a bridge on Bide FdeDýiUe, eoad betwe.,n lots 82 and 83 in the 6th con. of Pickering. pre- Mr. Mackey tnoves that the Reevé il airivn,90yt order the treaonrer ta 1 pay to John Bar- Dzwtantly key the mm of 840 ta pay for haIfý an ; hose of acre of gravel purchaaed from Iiim for ýed to bc the improvement of roads. silfe to Mr. Green racrves thàt the regélution ýèed-150, Of thi-3 couneil of the 25th Apni à-p- 'arly apý- painting a court of révision on the 23rd ofMay bc now rescinded and that this t ta, giv, coubeff meet as a court of revision on cmide Friday,ý19Lh June, BO as te complywith ;d dam- the-requirements of the Act. canied ' Mr.'âfaekey moves thât it is expedi- ýnd hüll. ent'to èall -a Mass meeting of the rate. is. The -payers at as early a day as practicable ,ülion or for the purpose of considering and de- nearer> termining the-best means of aepropria- ting the money , accruind ta - this -town- Lruction ship from the distribution of the Muniý Meadow cipar loan fund, tbat the Beeve eau Baia 4, but meeting Of the rat.epayers on 30th May, pýe the 1874, (there bemig a difference of opinion carried relative toi ýthe last ' zneeting called for nub that pÜrpoge,) and the conneil - hereby ho pledgeà itself ta çarry ont the disemssion takein of that meeting at-as early a day as De one practicable. 3 were Mr. Brown- mèves, in amendment, tbat the resolution for baying Pickering )ivillei- Harbor.-passçd àt the publie meeting which hold at Brougham in February last to lave _ a conbiî1eý the best disposition ta bc made,ý of ta- of the money accruing to this township Ley in. fiýom the M. L.- F. bc air a by-law em- coco, bracing the substance of said resolution r that bc submified ta a vote at the palle of epa pid thé ratepayers of Pickering at the time and places hereafter :Gxed by this [ose of eouncil. Lost. - - 1 The original matîonwas then put and as ta carried. Du en- saine Whitby Township ý_0UrtOf Reýision. last story. Brooklin, May Ilth, 1874. 9 ex- The Courtof Ilemision nie alling to notice. All the momb-ertappurresàueanntt Point J. B. Bickell, Reeve, took the cÉ&ir. - ýxam. On motion of Mr. Tweedie, secondeà café. by Mr. Holliday, it was resolved that aside the appeals. of James 19. Mathewson,* dam against John Bradley, Sr., ànû J-ohn-" 41011- Bradley, Jr. bc and are hereby sustain- 'n of ed, and that thé ý roll be amended by ýitua- placing John Bradly, Jr., as tenant for last the north half of lot No. 25 in the 5th -k of con. ltelY The appeal--of the Grand Trunk ]Rail- thé- way Company agaiiist th.lemselves was man withara,.vn. losts On motion ý of Mr., Campbell, it was ater resolved tliat the appeat of J. B. Ma- ugh thewson against Seth Hiibbell be Bus- ý Of tained, and that Seth Ilubbell's namê at bc inserteil on the roll as tenant for 17he twenty acres of lot No. 25, 8th con., at xeà a valuation of $800. a of On motion of Mr. lffolliday, it was the resolved that the- appe'al of Jas. B. eas ltlathewBon a lainst George Mcodey bc me sustained, bis-dog being dené, and the oni roll bc amended by redîicingýhis asséas- ment 81. ýer, On motion of Mr. Txv'èedie, it was :)n, resolved that that the naine of Williara ise Masson be inserted on theroll as owner ife of 6 acres, part of lot No. 21, lst con,, )le at a valuatiou of $1800, the éame'-now being assesseil to James and Kirkham ni Lockhart. he On motion of Mr. Tweedie it was re- ta solveil that the appeal of.J. Spencer be àý sustained. - 1 41r .1vi6li roVided in the inýinuatioos i - -u 1 51"4£Vurj 1 Irlenaslup with himself and Withdraw C f 1854. nvrOll - is to, succeed the Caffuse of oùil d'ar, 'PI st May posoibiy ndulged in; but, on the 1 1 su or by 0, or wfli not th ng bills were passed:- ri bc exterided a i'ýa tel CýO[ tu S rC, raal y ;hl, Il cae as Chief of the Indian r Change of position in the 1 '110111 froln France." lm = ry am to include aericultural inipifilûeut we baye a generouj; rocom1î. I)epartinent." And eter a little more speculation 011 1 Act 86 Vie., Chap. 49, in- latitude, ai j Ontrar To am nd I)lý17)llfActurers of irou and Qteell St r, 1 titu -and -1tiOn of tho benefits, Which, in proceding a a"'2, Act represonting Insurance Groenland en Wolid, of articles,» WC Il ug Yeu, and You>-beloved ý..Itiýoniaalillalillle" he accoûn minerai Cils, sait, and a few Other contonded Nvould re. -ýfAso.,;Ic LoDan op I 'Ilecontinues: 46Itmay ra article NSTRUCTIýN.- 1 lc'liu'rband aria familY, te the tender Mer tg in C'mpan'es; te 'ncorPO ta the Standard VOIcanie rock B. Thore juay bc otller tIlin4 of ou Marine Insur a,", o 1 sfter all,. have been only a iwheim ci to incorporai ancO Company 6f Canada; have upileave 6uit to the wliole cotinty frou, il,, l,ý_ We arn rcquestea te stafe that a gen Hesvenly Father, who is non , 1 ds." Under far happ'te. No e the Columbus and ore. The inliabitar _ v lafndful of bis Children, ana in Suspected' ansi bgaéinIdConsolidatea Silver Mining Coin. Part pc2ýr r d Locige Of Instruction , Will bc open- weiýle.rra vi * t of 1874 M vated and iefi the contracting parties May con. tension or the Whit1ýy & p à, pile.8illntt. si a toll bridge over the river L'As. ia?3 exist in el -'-iller proper and y we Idiveeuraumdadamve our being, Political objecte are ove, pany; te authorise joseph e &0. ter and te Meunier te voted to edue, t1fig treW umit tO COncludo in lillO, and file construction of the newly Cil iLt the -ýifasoiiie Ilail, Oshawa, on yol, are' are connectetl most gincerely is the visit of 11Y daugh- Somption, in the Province of Quebee. il bc Cqually satio* chartered outIrio Central ptailway the 28th, and in the Masonàr 'c - across th Whitby, en Filday, 29£h ine, Rt 2 S. T. GIBBaS elusband--a circumstance 1-jalll the lionored Mother Monday, since the islan of that The Rouge adjourried ai 6 o1ciock. Just ton Cen County to Nottawasaga Bay. whic 1. Il à & Bill was i ouîiL,,y where family and May 18th. We nt Once grnnt the argmineilt of tll,* ro. J. B. Trayes, 1). D. G. M., a. ROSS JOHNSTON, the coming su -il stor, domestio ties are go close sa in England, Peans; and 1 Ccmrts ci Revision. , o elock, p. m., in each place. Deacon of the Congregational. Church. ntroduced by Mr. 34,- ICfort)ler thitt tl 0 IJOI'tilern and wept. ed by R. W. Bro. C. D. Macdonald, P. WliitbY, May 18th, 1874, come especially acce b lie Jl 1 D will serve te make the Emperor's wel- azie (Montreal) tomodify the Cent- inillënîal birth lit liýigIàt ho Wall for municipalitiog erti portions of' the county wntiltl bc pis, le to the hearts The Premier said that Ile Wollid lik, \,,Iiieli have already liela thoir courts of more lar4lelY beue-fited than the cagtern D* D" * M' ------ of the people, Who will - et fail te recog- on the plain of G of Ontario district, W. Il law. javik, the cap JýýMHiOwto tal(O advÎco as te the legnli. bY tliele railwa.u. Neithcr (In wp Bra' Jas- W. M. Peterborough EXCURSION, WHIT13Y AND PORT PERRY nize in it tliat proverbial t in con RAILWAY.-Attention is Irected te the 0 of nature HIÏoubseeawl)laes tporocoromaruaeudnica thbe re8ult of et only which makes us ail kin. the thousand year -Y of teleir I)rOCOO(Iinge. It is lield that Ilony the riý,ht o' our c ijtýiu Loage, NO, 155, Pote c Cap excursion by Whitby and Port ------ the !&>eciprociby negotiatiotent efore D 0 t, porail, to The rboro', W. Bro. but also the gri illidor the Inw as amonded last sesdion ask, and rc(.eirc_ýRs 110 fairly conteild. Winelà, W. M. St. -John's Lodge, Ibrry Railway and Steamer 0gemah to The ffrst to a Sse's 1-eftisal tien by Denm flie Crue for hýIdiiig suci, courts cannot for his locality-inore dire et parti ) - 1 ýNo. 17, Cobiiurg, antl others well skill- Burinai meeting of the Millers' rosi 0 in the district of Montmacny péudejce of tb( cil a ed affl higli in the Order, will b Washburn Island on Monday, 25th inst., National Association is te hela ai Si. as bis appointment m e thantwenty-oue days fl-Olu tien in the benen ta of any county ex- sont. la pre- the re ired, and bis and it is inten( tlit, lot- of A4 -Qý wlâcli date the PeuditurO tO 11O'Maile for the pui-pose day set apart as a publie holiday for Louis, Mo., on june 8rd. All persans drawing money frora lue Treasury for 'feeeds as the aff assessor'à roll is roquired te be retnrn. proposed. Like the The iàrce degrecs will bc fully dem. Birthday. invited to attend'. A Mess are district, was brought celebration of the Qaeen's interested in the inafinr,* bus- travelling expenses from Quebec te Ilis enricliment of vd. As wîll be seen by advertigements desire Ilto be plain and to the N' . ---- ý e_ matin ousirated, and every Opportunity given large attc ce cherean. up by Mr. Tas. point," CRICKET.-A Cricket Match wili be 'S "PeÇted; and by the interchange of A few years i '11 Otller Columus, tlle Clerks Of the town. The claims of Oshawa and the eni3telli thi . said lie all Who attend te acquire the work se addresses, etc., ailloli valuable In reply Hon. Mr. Doriçn, down at the wel ship of Pickering, and the town of Whit. section canuot I)e iý, a orized-by the Grand Lodge. PlaYeà bore betWeen the Junior clubs of Opiniona' had net had time to look int, gnOred, as U" Practicai information will doubtless be a sound-stearnei by have t9ýkàn the proper stepe to place thoy are just and roasonable. - _4-ý y elicitea. ter, but would try and do a, con. lae as Yorkville and Whitby, next Saturday the mat- dishes containe the question beyond doubt. Consideration of the SU bject QUnPN's BIRTRDÀY-Glt,&ND CcNcEaTý and, 012 the Queo'2'kq Birthday, between ------- Mr- Young (Waterloo) moved the aize. A serions- Must Coli. -The concert to bc held in il,, Town t4o Senior clubs of the same places. SpRrOUS ACCIDENT AT COLUMBUS.- adoption Of the report of the Committee this disli toward Wo.01. vince every one, that not only as a M't- Hall, on Monday, 25th ins - PlaY WHI commence, Bach day, at 10 Laat Thursday, while a number. of ruen appointed to consider the question of cally, Il This is ter of justice to Oshawa and noighl)or. t-, in aid of engaged in raùing a bouge in th having official reports of p EHS next neighbi Ilood, but as one of imulonse the peal of belli for All Silits, Charch O'ClOck, a. M. '0 place, arliarnentary The wool Market WiH 81101-tly open, ftavanta-ge One Of the jack screws gave Way and Proceedinge. The report recommended immediataly insd and we trust Wifil fair prices to those to botil proposed railwayal as well es to will, wO IlOPe, Provo a success. The Caught Mr. S. Marke, one of tbý work- that.the proposal be adopted after di& fish and transfor every interest in. the county, such au proceeds of ibis concert are to be ap- SALE op Ppizic C.ArTrs.-Mr. EL la. men, between two Bills, Crusking the cufflon. r6li2arking, Il 8 Who have 1100009-toilell. Theprospects encer sold, a lap poor mu badly. A long debate took place on the - body bas a sowl QPPeiÎ as isnow proposea to bc nuide propriateil te the purchase of the 2nd SP , daym ago, to Mr. motion for corres are good. The stocic on band is light, tnthe ratepayer., Must, in Crier the dismiesal or Dr. Strange. te ta and 4th bella. Vhe 8rd and Oth boue; George Rudd, of Gueiph, à two-year old ------- *-a-*- pondenoe relating to self." and in Bouton the price is about three 91100009, secure to evvi- will OOOD be cast, and wliiie tiley wül heifer, and a yonriing inffl-both prize. CCLESIASTIcAL.-It iS With regret motion waï carried. The OUTRAGE IN D canto] pet 1b, ýMOrQ thau at tbl& ti art Of !ho barmoui takers at the Provincial 1 thst the Catholice of Canada learn tbat Mr. BoweH moved for correspondonce of the Monck Bc county, the meut un 'y p - zo very prottily, yet we féel Sêt falt-for, Mgr. Ijoran, Bishop last your. Present ruling prices 00 J1 acceaswhich enu bc, Speured to a,, the 'Lsst'rO('r t bat while they are in the tower wG are t'O a, 6 high figure. nt of failing bealth found him. F arrar emigration solne Maliclous sl: ple, fini equable 1 on acéczt of E"9'tl)12, bas relating te, the appoiqMent of Mr ville, was entereà 62 Jceuts, Americau ciirrency. tliere wili be all the greater anxie --------- self obligea to place his resignation i&p agent. Re saiâ %Ve iiocil goaroély romind farinera of markets, mil;s and Mallufflotures of the ty to GREAT EXCITEMIEXT AT iim Baooxxmi the bands Of Ifis Grade the Archbiallop Farrar had been appointed for servien- ed the fornis oÉ tl towns and vil ave the whole five. The colle rendered the Pins là.11ex t1irougholit th, it f. il, Ort in G of Toronto. The resignation, bu beau nS,-Ministero a cases of type, &C" the absolute necosattY of bringing thoir county of of Ontario. . RE) 1 IV u1illoubtedly, be go d the ROCIMY - STORz.-See advt. or S. à; B. accepteil and forwarded to Borne. , lu Ide election. uring 1 into the canal. 9 wool in 'a thoroliglily clean etate te To the f,,,. od, an Francis. Mr. Costigan withdrew" his MOtion the 1088 at 8250 01 ers particillarly, on ývllOsO favor alla Object Îs worthY of licarty support. the MOM time the Dîoeese wili bc ad- re are suspected, nui Inarliet in ordor to realizô it' Farm and gardon seeds lative -to the New Brunswick School Bilyors do net want dirtyjeecos nt any by - TriF TLRu&p,,N.-Tlle est and bc V. th 9 Worth, support tho passage of the propogeîl 1 - Oý the ch0i!4ýz ministered by the YêrY Reverend Fath- Act, a quantity of Correspondence wag will be arresteil -law 190 largely dépends, thn viSitor to To. st quality ait the Brookrii er FsrreUY. G.,ýéîder&tîou whieh can strong- ronto aboula net failto call st the Ter. grocerý store of S. & ^B. Francis. OBoyle acting as ,,,,,,Bev* Pather aaked for, and the Rouge adjoumed nt price,- and where tlicy 'are prosenteil est con 1.80. The latest advic urged tapin, ou ying st. [gce adv,' villages, in Massa fully one-third will bc deducted. in oolicitihg thoir &dherence aed Defeat of « ancholy accourit c t-] Lunch Tueéday, igth. n sUP- Or -ditiner eau be liad in au TOWN COUNCM.:--No m eting- of the the French Ministry-Dan- port ta such a proposition, is that il y style-and e Several petiùçnsý*,'wete presentèd property. Great e QUIP"-iii the tifle of a, new hum. et of the best in the reuson, at a rnonienVe Couneil was hala lut mondif evenmg, gerous aymptoms Of Political dis- faveur of a Prohibitory Liqudr LawIn to, relieve the disi Orous, publication which a On'y W'11 the ýtOwn Of Whitby be'iln- notice. EýGryÉbiu OU Ïor went of a Bay, quict. The Library Committee repOrtea in dia OMëA tO us proyed as a market in wilich they May g the Europesà aster. frOm St- John N. B. It io very oreditý buy and Bol], but the market of Osi PIRu-ý Untler the ir-anagement Of narP4, .-King, smith'ana Blow being The Yýre]ich Cabinetwere deféated on faveur of prevenfing n2embers of the lawa the, Vre&ént, proprietor, Ur. Goodwin, !3a tujý"y on 8 test vote, and résigned 'ýun the only ruemben pregont. ig More than three books ý- PLUDSD GUMTÎ ÙbI7 9ýt "p; and more aftQr the pty le of will be made 'ble r con"quellee. ]K. (3ýOurd MaSsout of the Library during recess. the policemen, wý Bumh thu- luiyilting 0ý ýfie kind ' ce acec-081 tbat Of (Who is as g6od a feil WC Whitby. Ow as bis good RICRàaDSOV &00..bav sted byý1>re bas been LýwIe eaded gui looke ana mame béspeak ertise, thé be aident -ýý-4Tè him the Ter.' of fresb gioaries Ot- entm achfahoa with v r P, 'fg. #4 Aa te the Menus proppsed by- the r4Pin is decidedly on 7everytIn. new, MI tW-Sorràation of the ministryý"-, prison fer li 'The, re -Ontario Rofmmw, by wh epf the iOW &Mch ob of 0 in Q*nAdiý vi -11- two liun. dred were inflictëd, nearly killing, 3ila. gee. The Commandant Ëed. A Pana- ma letter gives the f0llowing details of the affair : It appeais; tha?-Gonzales arregteil Mr. Moncrief, ageut of a steam- 81liP Company nt, San josc but released him retaining Magee, w'ho Protested a"s iýst the horror in th, "m' of th, 13,it'sh flag- ýA1nériCau Constilar a-ont James ettered a protest j1jst as %,Zgee was about to be floa ed, wlien Gon2 ýg ales thrent-ened te serve James the samè. P our soldiers performed the Whipping, Wo hundred lashes being inflioted, atter which Magee was kept over night te rë. ýieve the remaining two hund-leil next ]aY and then be sliot; Mr. Moncriéf fut CL messaý&e te the nearest telegraph tation, Gonzales hâving guarded die t'legaaP]l OffiCe in San Jose, and"siiin- loued Gen. Solares and 0128 -hUndred leu [rom Lfic Capital. who arrived th, ext morning. As gagee was about te c a,-,ain whipped out, Gonzales fled -te te steamer, but. as hemas getýng on )ard some one t3ilot ýngw8y. him-dead In the The Governinent of Guatpmala hsve mPensated Vce-CODBUI Mages fir the traý-e infflicted unon hira by M £10,000. giving 171le Czar, at the reception of -the ai. fflatie corps in -LandoÙ, on saturd, 'lared that the polie y preservation of-thé 3ý of Russia wair PeaCe OfEurope which he hoped to be -aa*ded by th., lernments representeil by ora lie addressed. IL carsonr Manager- Of the Bank of tish Nortil Ameriea in Londony i8 ut to take the management of the- Milton Branch.0f the same Bank. Wier, Of Moncton, N. B., takes Mr. Bon'a Place in London. -encefoýrth all British rhips will bi - litted tc the coààting't"ade of- Ger- 'y, lü",a lik, ti 1 MaDuer the Canadiau '19 é Wî le open to Gerraan el.. The 1 erman consting trade t be infliüjtes* , ally Sm A Il- compar. rith the ritish mpire. - le ecent. in Pictou, NI, S., greuter e.e iiI New gow te .hWe lately referredj are believed the works'of Plunde ' 9 incendi. A niau and woman travel-ling - 1 with a wakg0n in P.y a , le were ted at Traro last week on suspie- na coramited for SaturdaY afterndon to the the Czar pa'id

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