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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1874, p. 1

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,81, AnoeCA OZT R O ! A K10 EI ,* o~ ~ ~ ~ B T M N t~ ~ j~ ny I3 ÂN~ .E TA Lz~ D z8x.~ uprlr ' ~ 0o~~ ;~ *~ ~~ e~ak.ta ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~~ t1TN MÂ1<A9~. &SSêA U88ES14hOdU HO3 1 o o M I N O B A N 0 É P E T E R b i u h o d C a Tq> n y (t e IL 1 2 l d L D i f l 8 ? d a' hoe taxyw * ~ ~ ~ te . No th e et 11 lie rgo àouý fiî la 8E4OUB pTOpYty nt ffS H A EBi»r IoL STe ' ILawi ,12 ý ,' 2 R A ~~ ' ~ , ~ . RC' WIry'N , u th lesoaji e 4 8àtA'l*rOa -iwr=ee thICbut 1 0 Otshaw uana e,.ae h mmjm This OM"anawoU oneabBo4oi CompanN raugâmentaor Wing Cur9 Ho ho eception botté_anu» tt éw .uarae atnsriâawllitkAstée,ý-Mr f ____ ___ ____ __ are eClnepeMard vii am 2 pupils ozi:ht ica S iuj. NO Etov 1) pro ýotet rates u lov as toseWof an Weilikjen anaebr cai ana coflom andr - O 3 N ,a e M fi w l-a ë e-,on ,'W h o r h ol v ~ ~ n d J t o ' o e s i ~ J g i g t s ' o aneesa iet the robm.sée ul. .a 1lut: ntrlnens Oe.FTHW-1i ,, e1h eg oryr -orleuft rpdanirew eak a--lowo PBop th 'dock on flturday~he grt~, aiWho Wq2thet Po 8 tu-p,upl rates. R A,., 1 Seor The ocbon-h te Mx. thaHam eXBýqe f te mIm1 To ru ]rok lteeWhtb. 8T LOSE roMP tYÂJ. (TE303SN IrOE. 85 P__ we k. acv e w 'i" Lutoat5eu, iiuow .0 l u tW rOh g da S t i h e f a n d n t h e sda nje f r o m 5&W s IULIE OOID NSerear. teid*T cARITR PAR R , uewyed e0vSrt1CanD1Ar1TCAUtcE.,lu ' o dntr to intb . ' pes: h2t not s fth o iteniwonr !fr.~ dcoor~ adhga asl re.frN ot 4he 0 to le prlnov' a-4016waudi furuîau.t e ed. eBsus or Pai fiuof -nC.OvaniOrd bae. P drro uner tordgbicu.,forrdvni mkeé;her. 10finsse ii otadhavoae , A Y.T .LARW SAT CTORy ?Ol Ths opanT P E a sa i . aocomznoda I Tu md att ONT . * - u MG oo.noed atabi. te ob -bln liever baisay, o enougl. MSONfo]h-von Bmtronn I nc, Dok YN vyaro.,.,igjtD W R, . R P E O iiigMand attentiveehomtleii. * botMuid of the steve ea CZTXýne, Eq."IatforomaaEainpeanadaphee lbion-daibeerpreorrutor mlove a - oTre.eeoqier Lady tn lit, cn, greent t~-- - - w ee w aoWe g a w a r e i a e ,' ai L AIRB moA O., 1 fltea Un n ebnatWie C OMMERCIAL O T E L , LitCes Nte8 se D aollate tO EE ont. n g tve1 eratd eb frtcli 'e o lamdLtdWrigo, ok~0 iitr o h a l rpreto. Ineeiaie JAMES A ERI ANnllru, ------e- ofLorwar.jng0s. amitin, ,1ouatbe elo w nhot buef 'or Brne fnie, ,edbe- as 'i eas a nybod ciao eoul ; in __________ta tHer OO ty FONAUOeI< Tlo I -JfEuxth ircuA,' f 18 quote lb. seh LIM N EN L~i, LT. l~P te t e osiert. B XROOKL SHT. WN T, dG ND- &l,&TSEB T L O LIOI-T o-LAW - Mr.M CDWE L, 0OPREMA To iy ?noYolongere AanuIagent Soofand ht layr of igl gai~ in Chanc ry, Cou e tho-lRot you ind P te n P arle oo OWe79 . S.7 ~ 0&~ro, ,tw mc r,-&c. c. Sii Coman y. U fE et co mdto u uene ie bp fM RlpsaG an rgt aaddi h ii riji u btyE ah.y~ * u cYnuhfatre htyu lvri i i ie oeta CHARL S C.UN C-tLL . 3, Tho dera rncd haqng becurappoî0td"the mraerate. blijeneralicon. cnaed r saned tet s ien[ f i ways on ï'al ciand i bs n ddt o in o f R a r.Nv d hsulcyeri iipeettr'lePlieyadd agi Ynhv hsnadsgen Chancehe astfounnelcs ton kedrio.dx bantn yarsieyholingantnived etI oigh ne Oh.asfW @mypee Isbel' rplidofeul b ebige b ile>eeeadn; ]LYMANy puiiiic &c &c. oinco-irci e the oGn.' jec ies cCîOî, t nlewrrnydt6b Lordag al,' said Lr W ,iidncbie - BARISTER ATTW O ICIYT- LAWN A E. M. CALeDWELL, gcnt-..Ior th veee ana O 88- T r7- -"iy t eu e H e el a] ebc Chney dvyuo,, 0SmP O RBIOTsi,, aIIir incnd, futIR:STi PRFMIU MS ,e o uhant uehr ve so y oeealmI e' yietit se M 9 , e x e n s i v ee n v h o e t n t t h e b uk h i Y t v i t e u n rye t to n s , a m o n gt g a l l A T T O R N E Y . 4 T - L A W. * satieiacto n tegaiçl ip ayAfaver roc vit TTiiEYA LA , OICro I~ Adoiig he W ih Pr Ier ial.UPtetOn te uincsste giv f our 1Tu hiol Snt TMnY en sha ave, ad ,'e aia ofan vcete de eyendlit ovnObh i S4. htoir la Cein eVY and IsokLn lek ex~~ teie LO train0M.gen-frdteeavn ranghted31 aloendM met n-Blanssgth q__________Publie,__&________Co__of_________Fallot__basOp,_sors.__Sm ith_& u 3f'or !otheeti «0-, &0- * 0M8ceiMgUnlltate t.i",edAuneogoed.hnANonredKy t SRevin giJ T üP the busi ess ofer;voice as T P R a'ndrese.lsandeaeeAilayyonmhote Whorenthey Blro okficel'errA n, wbar 0 'n it h e he kepe e euîAu tl nex 'tkigthhres tef ToNc nladStte ar. vy brfahr' eceay nd s i nx roxyeA 'Apuei n u 'npfn o u-lgitfnt iete ton ail k9 trndinndu complô -dvaitoc Atverios 'mber hae thebave t teeend me a se cou Il tak cnh e b u im sa of - u tocret ofb t t. . . t . - - PlauaeTiiIOog machntn&c.,ahd New York detofFaiorkiandi hil. Idict'tBP'1870,ho, loo . 1871, MESL WOo & MI LL N eue pentî,t edr Lou may nov go and. o chutom en 1thee Mer StingFirPeg rundon tet ?' Office PrinceODvA 1beet Wa StationwhObe hvéee Weecclai it vitb*rane takii cahe trainBaiiodcprn ttiailwhshmaLadvoAunewph rceOvedilwitho ratiyfac. quit eether. --là wookthe CooandIle fâce ckS bond larg revr gaentorthé Cepi uxbridge. na 1ros11rtastockoce quiter aulfaave A capitall 'aat LordThWaNO-ugden's etatssfFair. 0Te BE of&l dofr ae Onlaean eti_ euB.f ilsd&ulte ntÃŽlrkNoe lme- hrewrcfla001i iPhoSaesi Wy le fteras atppns iS b , ndns h .ex rd ---eii acie 'n alkn fwoke. eASdPWE L InOPeTO 0.1. Icharge, 5 nyngfruxnseu t nythe liu ervic. n theneeoin lsdonbrpeflfg F A R M O O D & t u orLr. s salCeK on hand ye5 itheastee au sve pi pe d an a -I a s m y u - a a M e Princ4AlbrLOBEpt. BthEL872.tirelae pr tiosc crseesta a nave yn, r u love?' eheadde, i nOelekaht' e, mons cn o m deforsals c..an Mia Ãœht î1l ron.-L atn d no B ost#!OP ub ie O, oy#Ter, ht well.kno27,18r, ltQU id o. fgt rknagea danas sae-heen ebe anltrvie oapend naveyba!hm u O M C rinc Al ert ndat tbo voi and the cast irai wa yýli g el cti neeangda w hea Ouin 'Street, SouthCf Pas,; Pr111t sPertettled. eue theber ve antstove piperlad it PIenlady, neau'tealdyshe Wh' euT er ef- - AÈ OW LLit vaun oa o oo. oseedleeca'utOft FiU eue I ff D NA D ON F RM T 1' E R AR OOtT o. Prie sAl onberfSept 2th 1f-.r 9 salece thprtoneo rftoes tev. AEYLve, o, Mg ouve rphis mor ing -a e tekn a be vyfoxhm r 'cauee h en T-tmelknw aulo d r-ogtbo- aud gaeraho frov y : ai ayayeatsiiosm fwthbreraeig tepaen hi pepry1hiO vater, dumbiow sOY L CLX Dtg -w iprit ie a ghewhl e p H. FOY - . MOTE ,PRI-PETOR iFOR valua e T gt elleittled usnes . e -daty ,-g vesu SPodrh'. _ c;ERY O T.,anavlregay head-ay Jmis i c1flRlipN , idi<1 ut present i the one ptio c lM . FOYhe and rau vireritorsitethte the bouse. f o N.la-:nan 9 ce;'-Au xcelle Wet ith ar L OpâSte-nibie sstrrev,'v ad0090 INSPEC'rOR O0, PUBLIC SCIlOOLS cdearcd050 cres absout 1 0 S uiraemx ein Geds~bo ~ ee o. nt BeckSottae t fe enOf Ontario. Addres- offi e; me)plc.rdl or ,aof 3Ia"rceOn tuen d ut he'e'SUThMos -,Ra«li pont o ae, Ontrio. lian tier ce let, alle su Ad attentiveoestiers. StPer â.inhe ouhf ioh .,W llgo p peI i odW Ser 0 lad,1el fn e adesta Office, R ON. o Ogeterie. yu.C Ap y lyroutetan J . G U N N , P l . c. , -eWuor du n e d,,cNo r thT her dn osac ra mo nb len tr e g l ur 6h e u gO fh ehg oOn ta r ot eeaer e s e t heol.r. GOVt nliraiosoide lo eTrno. BJEO , -~arevoty ' Wel goed peeple, I v iii en WatTI1 S UaCretef a SothWod.d.so2 oreYan lfeteeo . a Byo -Sre, ty,2, 871 sh oono cepse fpmether'e fad, R vigb enR ade h D po a fte l'i__dr i gdrtefl tn8 bhc n gr c lur ia d r s A s o i ti n nsnp o a e m ny a o og eeedae to e e tp1B i D -.R.CR-- - y rVHE I O A . XD SON cf Iculti vetoon ecuandr 4eoa*eW avi t, yenndsud I warehdeafromeundre is mgtieen80uchalenme cfglauaecpThe Lad lady edjuitr gopr RleingtolzaLg te"" IPYtateo ne sud Gif. r or te te C AEE lOT. ne tulonrl ,-distubyen. CM e, my deasi. an n idIendbcinh carwt yu? entaiaclN Govt nograte C 1 c, UrIs TREBROTHE. he R StA WAN OFAA TI20 Sor Hvingbrensu-o edlyfsudvietu the 'reero. ' Wh escosie l ey -nlw WPd fc cf1wi.ler pr ,au litby ver il JII)I(iXelue Stre, meinevd Byron-Strea Dts Whiîby. $6 r00ute. 't1-eWhnl auibaelthein aescdcf tan cf ot 8 Othcen. AvcBuur, sentit cf t((lfr he1;tnlý3sex He eIde, cfoCnDrepe, Echù-9 oyecIt e rv e any ologicelel e teet? eihe afre It v'ill dju,ý aillumoe ivihout elny and 0 R 0 . N O , U T A ? 1 0 .and r.tH.h dngppiïedgbhoadn , i te ber lZaap Impoter, Deler andManlact au " exerin fti2 he 'iha eso 0 h g n PaY ver he csli T ON E. JS. . JE ELLurer of c uner te sme nr thiukcs efmyewase eut.ar. "Te r &c., whit h ey cne n udr i ntie !onuejnem eeul cceted La dy c nifregnI,'e U er 'idie hnh T E 01F ae /nsw'ance CoN'y of Canaa ewhlcainu.,aeWue al' t I -te A NDeprpro.F e N rter pn- o gient oceyo ad i reeb iuel, de o uuigsrat. .'Giddy hn hn Jl au UA slatOstPcPI l Os ()f te NartcB LîT O HNpr RLg tclr epyteteove.tter tleusespomtîyaten de.g cl, ' a n de tan d ybi havr e ae oui e oi gst uidelo 'Lu tle ClOttP(!Mt fteit a pflehy eyeît e th ten, an the eea.tiheBrrdrsraeteby ed. C1rCL aK. o Sc eto, r.1082 Jbourg. tls. tirarne et frtec h oeu 250f Jeu. 1874.40f ' I (,(,Id a v are S ila n y e g a g e m e nt L erd, said shecw ith v il.e etev avn = Ah.. mf,'rretur WI ]Detlt~ouin, bîÀ rd 1: Stre , C l tt AD W O D -t ,P Au8Slwbok vrAkl81%1tore. itore . ALE ANDE , JIFOR THT OUSAND. u,te ÃŽo oftsrce te onhpie d s - se coLa d rA bl jos c eent i irri - bereOsa a H R N T C .A U 1LE F R IF R SA E 1 iiil ook.a f 6te 1ng tne. Bthe n ing end ee u g eil fee nte -'vin y Hav..........- p tioverthe uATC.E. uWodY'CUITO NAI. a,17. ahrhgh;salI 'e t? ofD Ur. 01LUY, ur4r RIO Coneumticutail rdoe22 s hving enin fJý0 e OFM R IA u Il itnly n ln, 'Tid 1 .T e Noth afl ofeLetrpr irat tiu c oNDL yN c ame cwi cuis t peren de t e gnrioelkdte e le unlnde haeageeth qusin l ol auces. Hall.ewhat ofcc-sTrefïpORpee,' glennt the IOtegttpperticalergquestion.f here et 00dooN. VARof TownJ>-atu. Boit.asdlreX. cI1a îi, . '. oof AStTheE EL, eidecfR .oi ere o u it ew bk ou fotthatbatte ng q ai h onr 55 choc e n d oianaiabtutotJoliacrA.'IIA N 11 i'inoideut. obAug. 12,l1e73. Prepriet3 ITIEfftni ficatâo b,' 'eyhaustles sIPI)IYIvaud l'Ontwiys the one900drsthonnthef yeu hav ItOIn;ILEAOTHEF? AND FIND!NG. 8t wirce rc el reoued thoV; unt, luI. Sm et]cr.- 5 e eotdJh in eee uUE8 PrP ,cd paonikeller, cheîîîeetate an ful ici a g as.gondâ av r TtîC mot -E pri . ce cures iug, sud187t3.porttagW. G.fDiWs re-toy quietedistahi E T. FiOR fihl El i L;'(ttil ad tiv BRA-----. - - ---- - - IL ,ta uLeather ctretmanyncehed. Creddoek fe&i Ce.a, Ieyou op A Scttis, Grnit. AtMarbe Wrb ER y buldin an stabish ent n tg ton. T AMSIIP'TICK TS pty ele as nttic eyself-ceux. I TqsOnth extraee itî,oi ua, y itdî: L S II«>RUSSELL UOD. _ loa JOetesa en0II CA Tnauxisudptos ht10bs gi e hiýY P.26 88 ongr the eper. siRere-Ste, P i a ns coof Mn. M'immensehtrndbusyness.ez loti 10c. iteulaen -Lot 8,th. conession arre..sedriestbousesadyt roseorsntonandtorcdd out Tre cho ae andbilsHeU nteaut t oasa uîf a'tfAllysnppId He cempnitshe i iilr -eiuue n~ ~ - cecnte h euefloI~ .5. Offi infrMi Crer tue iueel 1iliuedesonte re-BO T rE Tu nS Oon ! CO P. i, f h deu e 'Alo M $3~IOESS eth 1s EdPoitio tie cn DIES..1o 9 nTv btycoisn eec snin iOla- lps 0F MAIUOjÂol , , iered h o wctsd d C3O T. H LL b c ordoL ia!c ytnii rtyite ny Lr,'scouinc,'e eh smr ene tehaeauvreehe qesin selda vrymcholie to, h gnle a wimfe vIldmLnADoho oi -eOl t Te slov OpiîU Cerigeaentbeo raal pliei y fe sle~100~ovd a~e udWldLeda ' ~ ASLIINC C MpSyTIEL. WATOT CHAN E.__E____________ ppen te be igue he utrnceof ur6dBatik and the BcESvo'ledsastho A(Ilý"eT Fot 140t1, ON - ffer for ale thgpOem-litgletssbad cane.me 'o 'trsBtisu OhrArLe cssoe tce PT L S O B I1 E R, ti Ã"1w giý h USINEs HAulsin e . ETiM RIDNfS 1au ui dovthe aii n t oho ecfo d e ce &X,'sa .eet af l ns W gont înayea5510 . flO va sk iseavre boov r JflOcth e rsto a norpelb d fiue o h eo i i AsFor unthe t3erý&c ieAetfrteC,ýD& ,W i- Iila' freux kvSc. oWlyfreuxa vifoUlu olevod y Mn.flsrhO.latMreinsnaveandntPlanetdOfer- i soti 1111ril Oth, 1-872. eeo. IOFFICEIA nL A SI GNEE, BlocknPoe?,l -desOF I IA bo if010sauaswrtot 'ces on whtch hic b ~~~~tha 1 'gAdver eudh l med ,avo- suelry edira.'sfae htOeba--s ol l A JAMEs JbisLwenl.gObous andHlot.NcriBOOKLIN O manauitig te ahlit sudOhieaffc. alceuaasabeOhoul tsbataie n taasota_ Rdetnplacase, n vich ng Ni'. >~~~~ nAILi 0~~~ Frthe uT y fOtai.&U ui AsfIseayel bh bec o sta mourbho rsef ~' idstho ini, ceOre ele stt utnvno rhbt oopn te.c.,te lem o0d preseee ffecion;-betheOctOr, the T a Motrailir, il i' Gar Brookc f isd&g Olty rs - iio Daisgce18 rkr, a . Me g 1fr h CtITAAauER. A TIO EF., & ,, & . htbteehr ih i sok-uettenapened ts ustosu n i cusec ti hsanl;-'Ye av e oc Lrttonoaofe u oietheel. et A i ai ons illus i eM I C iÏiI)crg i TIZ NS I2,1872. C ML'Y, Pet12J ue1141 72 As orIsbil loncaelo Oe mor 'Oh Irocgfse'Isbo's tochstNent une4.Geenor eseRva Wobly oby Btr, q sud BO---in,1114inulelieroulaiet dlaeooti-oeala,, irerLiu e acti GorranteeI fe ioise, .îxî~ 00 Qauto,,l Ofu,, n hinr.'ll).Iatoou ýLMIE SI G E F R SLt ie, xclt b i llugebt nesig kul E2N FI.RST..LsASS Fora= capiac Ceunt For infhOntday ofe. fi. Walingon ora' 1pL POtmt htsedmpeet tei roaim e n eslmp y yaectIon isdniorcOsimpulsenlcndto. i evne aino o' yB e ND-OT A--- 2t CA PB L. --- Audou te eit iie fOM usessoe mn a.e- tbThe eu, 40h,1874ber basno; ye, hadciebisod ieniaudOco Ye,' sloa ady Anethiugsud e 870.000 sudtibuttal xpeuea.t beet seul1 '11- I'lt'hLth" unded-oci .oees 1 Shcceeuevinsr H O Re MSE oMnsoîubED I tNtîu5 . Il O Ier. Termereo U hudMylise de oa t ahie pets NG2 oSo e A îes lcri ut - 2teaulu, eiîYexe tel ADTO D euh r S A E r ale y. On va Bons Agoi t t El a om neaad i LOUR ANDanpampascied etn1 tua a" entebasOresnte! Obise teau rhoxcOnentbMyb's ot. - --e-- i--ee- l.Te dso!inncrsu loogri. Cuoea, i i aîuion ic 0oy onrus i t . an 00, oWOLFEN1Iisu enNr a . Cr a PB e LL. deqe sntug Oindorsigofetd,10 erie ccco ls iii îber oeng e nimn , Oen e t e osr, e Wlit, LiotL v- e ori ua4. Oe Whpulse c uld et vtablesse. nt Wuoodabl'sLben- sen sud durableSate, sd faura vonl m..e ecqeuscniber hbrea c8bree Lï-N T hrg foEr3 L adT T ILe R A D CNI ÇT. , Utc,4g2tl.50 o te tminetetit S U TTp. New Cloths ani a vice. liSTe vittTnY ,bTenon,, beghotmt idfSttl sA.iB.noionPBELL.icBceekhoSt.f whte udorass01ugthe Mosta A ct.ra'Fts isetit of s ! Geergotvu. Toxas on Herd H ORA M ED YIN E. 'cr o rishu S r nttyee n tluPue dof b iWOOI) FOR SALE guate secn nt tha a s-o., seude ample8 s tinso ger wi otisane acebt hc ti heto ____ __ ovu 11r1g1udhomuer o 084. 0, Il.l *4 ttI kminnotia, senonr sbly o btto. Rrolerl, bve en te jilOncldau eu mudere su thse OR AL ,i, ndbasroPr pno xeson.to e bi lnda r OtOlnt n en Lr,..sutps Is 5htltheo ie'nsnneoto 5t bash frorarsais No. 5,bis8.MDlt mee te l eudua le gooa, rvoL adylpe get ber a hnaved1108xLord 5 aîlaot2nuurd M. to i epoettex~ ma t ov Y, nTTsE 4t'cousH SODuDY tw6 îîsuda modrberPrdecei-akFL gWood.auBlr cktiSt., WSeMtl. ùle chasnge fr avieeJ-1-let 2(4.187ced4. *0 Lu 1%r G. thuu Tint do n d o nbuh lehr aUa dy oeta UO n te tl hnrpidge Cams o! i B B, ane ono N LO.I Et S- A16 cl he ae eniegou lus d t o t ba Baeo h e . tkh i d iain tmte oes yOerfiu k.z...ry,10ut- ntro.2__Atiti '50O atcbOe as vhch ib a f r k e 'y p et beylageli te I1r 111ý pri e i pbyfoa adt bu - l 0a nanCninat.ve ouaedOtTt Atiery000lect I ne tfet t e R SLE, er nusronltN.1hnteeh ucC axô. ec r1 - - ao h s to gt)e 2ud,-1872, u6uInl, sud nep W611 pOemOe xesiedu . . isband'sAna tae igtet n eld , Mi lniet.'lqe ehc( atrs),ie' v o p r e m p a y . i o r n g a l n r h w e t 0 ]i 4 d G el snnd a.ýt s i e B Oolululoorlu . ., s1d Ahetv&eA nIrS o is lu tI ednC àIde tqADE gtiod *0. ? 0t20lERty , Oct ene ' " GltA. iCP O RTOL, 5t h00 feeAune Lumber vode eineMyd. etthe tovutroublehltby, 8 ies sual neA-n1nee114o81leOf Nef&aog peoplus oouehe aboaappe2 X 4The nophow had faileho, Onvoles, Ateok fo uvoadn n cf hr l e t ut ' ot ain A h e Ç u n t get B P goodob l c e o el vsc0 suoftoeVi eos, &a,.cGrapotc le tbv e;~ eogon a ke smomnt@ rfr h e e n2-OBo rds &PpHes ctn M ~ h5 i Tll the. 'urpse eof iiet rong e thteVu- -Abo utOehusatrdne, Oe -Asvros6 o nlu accoe i> i K t k t o-r e OthAttb "0 xnooOny s a sPloeaccommodationL Vie fis.Apf ro tea. Tietro.-unstiieO e ieeoi hre do pee, u st Mrhybtreph vn a eos nog a t aooat i tear oreCePtien cf goets. Itupâe haMo t Fue Barsch, othen Once t , ufron1Qte 2 co uOf tè,herngG 1,usuVnen na eel pnce. o S GE O. GURLEy ' Si bevhoever , was'Lad y mÉae t s elig.sbpiand bopat5Oo.Ho potlndMane oitî frCo mmeriahl tinsy vapo errse sO ult,-H MA Ul , Osha va, April 210t, 1874, lfiOoeeot ege cen. Hn 'eh o a2 ne ebu.Tcsnec !Jc ulvn o. Te ~~~ ~~Osot be ,O m ,,abi_ d attentive 15000 t.SqurTibe, rcln.o Lad yst'he~ i- n t. Rer Il ho coma 21,en d C etifo butlouraiOpOst 1QA Z O E, i.B inzafl4 r 4 -,ail yeisr T.T9 e octi6e ef Isabel for bis ne ý&]?PIy, to He -- o feil SwidMi jM'iîat..àtla ends atiSi Orviweid f Mairi. JAS P IN LE, .P UQMIETO n. For sale rtLo, ApyOCh .fslat sd Otii- Whtl eon 'stsft hlO !PI ROeGrn i i M oc;c,,à, -ebeoo Ise L y. tumis sËne foumental se- Oie yeeug pair h, ireaI, vilibe ca îlo& T h ISÂL a~ ~ 1KAXt~ - J~0~Pi~T7ù,. pa" ticuljars eXiOio f 'go Mental th' Young8o Pmber.wbaç tua nfaide-, Die orr by. ide w- bss, e, u zfe fô age eSo. Und-_ e, 'rbe Boy, nGse -~ I, or .i, M SIIdi a ag va 9s-e hido, but ib hers &J, e d - . srdposit y Il er's ~ ~ e nut ers sd rde fere1,_ cry upot ye nliehorzon ofm Leve vas eue Onentivsepfth. pn 'b- tdcr'sision, -sd te osJ t sv Oople Ji, ohnMson so 'a re it. blo ct asts other, Dsd a n sith ad threvmgi p lo d of dustvhie L I hoon o if andeid f r i rds f unýer beimdlëie Te Oie lef e1t6niie tre tas Oiv te rac iePato l o raj 111 at e ss b d Oh en udies A- ee f ey rock, h1 dautc e c loin trî M.tate Lwe saitzl 12r Oemsako afN Yenr Post0 Oalkeaout ho Mauxcînices hoy Tfrt YOorU ne, tatavae Bol of nis udai te vl riadont, btwa a- m peny.nidra.. ase vie osrsieale i. c su he vd soi aeris;.vau, au h ive mies a'p peedayl eyo r darli naie yn -son sf as etor el P"Bt bezsi t orosdba dboue av'Gs ee eo o.'io ,'a suToher we amor ofa sboexbts, (to anv terid vetaOie brv ie horsea i sud t alest sttion c pra ng a- ret At iue, r aers idhn tean l ride -~~~~~ -ee e u o r o n ~ a t e r e o f man beO sce but tolns wn e buonte you cvche hrion, bvn'ee-nik rle oneficd. Givfor the the dninlo, e riserionntel, hrase t- lîoy eeuOiwa te h agD an Far ehrr on:thcy ica ter p ausKe-?On- eel tho tinor e! t of ue ri.lret ohe aethe vstolrof d teae 10 anonte asersesge, tîtedter vi Oiegreno ftehe1praii Telloe t eovon is tuyrek Passeugeraligface Io*kn aitt sud ancoduter lg u aout Oh e od ta ay t as R oiethet vkennd edl pausesudfetnliedboie therse ukes fthnme lrad hofteinn, tesavaferBd ofli even g th Kenuldîey? btiw are the et om hepae teeu micn on eir salmaraud. ere Turniugvi and niaedt elLtboydaner; wtho tLe tic rideroflf. Xin vrowme- rv the ale here rdmiles hie p see insyl t h S.en o th OSVagcsrd a tail e ondlsdo 1en e apoverful he -r loi and mes ceaxing inmoevifd as bOMit args Olie oblte eanowmal Jimbeeide YonEssexeu te baepe lite oe andk Bus tetione cûe e Ael mie moren-sud Oiesbneiagdfrde 4 eonere ilie eu N es omas tefere n every sdirectin, th prcspat e ~rel isef htho pnrsuineddsed ou-e d, thgEerier fo 10 Is anrce-ece vres ere ocol, bavpnon laohrse;O train hsclodner of heatfr yeunýw tervlh vetr-o dstage Ride; the :efor eeryoih làg let afita. e arde rnsed Oeerse Oie aou he ba agnde tthe ebuêorn th eiboak kne . te -ide sud- Oe ider reellooktic dolue, but f8er-nledthe fyioBén:-,Ml ft mile tic l.at -insd fstto I fe satdono ic geeand relarts neo cksd eed gte ta earney cae2 On th pntrarie ta upeOie oftral h appfaiuirider cheof Onie fe!en The areth pfietsyngote. eecosion the vaing ff. arr ge, sud the ;pero tethiad theo gates po lmesux. pi i e ne-a ure the neo!le anad le stides.~0 up ! Moe abot hee sud rider no bore. l ovnnsw', s feu i ci berlic te tic d Êut et. ju 'OUgi seexU rae bis headfrn ierraveic hadt aew3dt s.ar o 'app?, d 0, d I fee s to tiIr rsrvin îe. Mc re ston cOfsthd ot-help--, carenS. wtistilsu aerhan Wh, Sod Bell cbi gnt and b aeelc upotetcarrpnybsiessck uti brevo beas nonliedcs sca edt ~be cosired luhalppe?' r Yasn lers O MOnY vae co ntr oe are. c1 a * h o i e l i.l c-ap e s IlehOft vinie nd soU is siga. svu tettot arr ubusie Io couaideed d-litcbter suiI meda nigseon aeu non, lzfb I the Geat Wsternhi cl iepat 2tltrain e!c8,m0 o sud eouty Sevn e cloet Ohe ranndt '12 Mosult fdicien alo siid rsaY Sgtaf, n b romotion b erfr Oie iook estern Raitv itil b theinpublie.og-ao n de tew 5e Toon Aderapon. CL eiutEseadons et Oigia YOM MLiCkl -g hmn. Sle LktIOWtifd ineènuat at s )Uy leta t ao. biys romto youis] Poert-M ge lted t n'a effty-n ca the yese rea et.fieite ssl

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