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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1874, p. 2

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-77- £n$IJMënl =1Zý 'el'Ollll* 'l ing B&ke-ýjCa. WEI take place »ýOU11L 1 ' rémétabu ' It is g c Mplote anaw 1 tige, tom iý does, John Na,4 on the soth or The no io' , whioh ;Zlu allow thé rate: 91,12enuy" or or Worke. er thé inan we tock bin, in6t.ý -wiu be Writtéli itself ta those, supéroilious Praters "Who aulx? çoxxrTnm, ýb4 bÈý ln the solection Ofs 1 àfr. emiih'rep'o' in Ls -rit« JOhnitOu Abéad-,Brown patter. fer, nor the MUYOr in whoiii the people notice, signed lihAI1rýý11 ana the Reuve ià8i8ting urge apinst Home met the conté ite son Mlfg Co tru by 25 qualified eloCtoràýý on t a e tut 120 memberi exoept Mpt- In%" ro Pa tte@d t'ýP tect their rights and in. and socompanied more tua ible argument that Indimenare jnoa,ý JbbaýBedul #1 g wGOàý the c t 2i cartin 0111ce ta, Let-- bya deposit of anv i &hOuld, epeak ,Gý XCD fer b 0ý y im not aftaid ta tn,-t dollars. The Sileriff, by r'son.wlsmng pnble of ruline in Irelsnd port »doPte(L - -aýnýt] Apprentices wAnted- teres aun prooh=tiD,, ta buùë the People. Ouee for au, we advis, th, will fil the ti Mohave the me for receivink y discassea - No one could, Veil the rend . Ur. z3efth TOWN tie the no =Uniâ il. Committée of the whole on without giving 1,âpouUý&Mj: of t'le tOwn COulleil, who itiltiOns, and 8180 in th th Mr. R _tuf the future proq)erity,,£ thé sunomce the ilagnes - e Blême Manner 6 gentleman- en for --, Mr, E*Y,, 0 - arIier aider 1ýwn At, heakt, t, aiscigra fmm tlloir Thi Oandidateo Of the' 0 -Mer's "solution- This molion the te-p-ate mamner in wbioh it Wu Moyed tut thé report of the- sn" t8mý of Dr' ea"cn'B the Reeve declared to But, =forhmately for the tee of the Mr* Ra whole ài the "port 'of the ' - Minâ nt présent in the, fiela be out of Ordey. Wagg heright p a the cause ho had espougsd, OW> PettY 'yard feeling with are Mr. colin MoDougait > iW Yom traly, ho ud, no Po :tolt*ddcl the tt6ë 'Ozf'tô*n-ýý'hiU ý alto -unn ta inisterw saible ý0rm of COM laint at" lut-M the Colin' ONLY ol 50- pIER ^,qUUM. SOMe of thom agoni ta be pas- and Mr. lankim, ()ppoaiti,,. ta cil .en -ýtth. COUNCILLOR. malle beyond the sentimen one r 0 reCOnsidored,ýag2 "88ed ; to look ta the good of th» to*n thatelevén out oftwelve jud s h OU résolve 1toolf into =1 . hall i 90 oommittee of the huit y. awhole-to stop tofooliugt, tu nou a 'rc"ebers' COnvention--Sgmgater S.M been political partizans, The jact of whole tlléreo Whitby, The waO Most decidedly wrong. 0 PlIrpose of a- aide t .0day.101Y 23, 1874. v the matter in tut ho was b mon fër th ery expressive àmer4aniom-aud to in& ted. D ding tut Olàt» Of the said report had,ý ZýfâZ MOLiOIL Was in perfect point te a single cage on il, b havn take thératepi 0 r no - 9 réfe=00 tu thé Belection of a him 1 àiigbHanded Procoedints. 'payen Intc, their oonade=e,' At the Tesoheral Convention beld At cafion given by tjze- reoye where efther polities or roli.glo . . 0'tè f6e & Dew tftÛ 11811. Theý vote tfon. Who, we have no doubt, wM "TorOutO On the 17tà inst - Dr, for deoiding against th, »uption 01 the téritéreil with Open.handod justice, or to w", taken withont dàemsjon hou bis t tholl plue ý ., « 84ng4ter gmeùdmeùt *u (800 -the fh of which Mr. Ray -had the town holl of Whitby wherè i Ob %tien by 26port) thit lit tout ayidenS of popular faelin there âPPisred 14 favor of the m' ?a bc atý Once; a cou t Win iduid the nomi 9 Otion- Au É &'=IdOlitY had aga ;4he ,Présent practice of fillinir mem E vénielles, au Ornanient, eOý 2. 110 voie 8 référence te a Matter aimadyvoted ino a Ramer, Cauou, Fair. lie il, 9'ven notice, fOi oubjÙitting the ques- and a tOOd 27 tO 26 and wu Vacant obairi of Law. There je no ij batiks ;na. Laper-5; NaYe, Messrs. like h tion of a town liall site te a vote crédit te the corpoltîou. of the taken by ballot. Th down tut evmiüg-"- Thot wu-not the itituti(m i9.1relind, which han kept U- Botte, Kinéi Smith, Blow and Hopkins the bu not brought bofore thé 0 wore' eue- 'The matter proviously voted golf as Pure and fxoo from mi politiosi 5. how"ers- obiaineil and publighed, VWU. jootin, oren;e solejy to thto soleo. nays ana rateva town Courgen At thoir meeting on Mon. 'no'her TtiumPh for the, johnstgn OUY Makiug it an open vote. upon b&d ref as the -Tudi" iBénoh. Almolt The zeevé voted with thé the town solicitor no- Reaper, cne vote tien of a gite. OvOrYJadge for yem baok us fought declared the motion lost. in k t hav. gras out fdr Mr. 3fecobe. Mr. Rarïar"o motion, to Ida wàýy UPWVd ing it in throi!e hotly dôlïtiot, At a subséquent sta a- MIC question Wils, In othér 001,1M.- theux Whieh that, of Di.. Carson w&B su ea élections - ý through otrong, Mr. Harper, secon ed by âr., Ray down howevir, disousoed on an indépendent eport, f The Town printins. anond=Ont, WAS to submit the ques. soeues 01 WzLe 'and boldly eerýeUèirtÏ Moyed-tut, inannguch as the gel«ti6 motion of Mr. Ramer. o the reaping match hold et _tObo 1 And îlith irh4t Chatham, on the 15th fuit, tion, to a vole Of the ratepayeroi-two ODillionsi but every one acquanted 01â8116 f0rânew town hànvausmat,. in, the rentilt, we bY the nG.PJ'O$Ont Gateilet like ao many of distinct îAth the put and -présent lii«Ory of the tPr Of grest importance te the rate. aboula reffir Our resaeroj to the pro. Agricultural Society of thé éocaty of 'ta ill-starred peedecessors tut have into COMmatterd' The M0tiý,U te «0 Irish Bar muet iwkuo*ledge, tut the Pa Croï 6 law be, Propared and sub. And fil (linge ont. Promit itwili.b. »een tut the to: pot'i', vote, by bis Casting- X ýn t e a mont Purent &TUdges of the Préson have been ý7ttéd ta 2a, ratopayers 00 au te &Uow wu de "$J=eg the- responsibiaty Of de. J ClDzIItyth6f , nt OhustOu the Brown puttarscn - the ýW"M0st ' i Rus Ondeavours te 1%1$6 a r8asOnable lino, sud ohduld noi ]lave roHüoal Partis of thé them a voice in tlie solution of a site. for sub privind the Clectors of ýthe JOWU Of, the of hOwl about the town, printing. -The been questionel by the ch past, and tha they UV,', Mr,,scv,,,l un- Mr. Bay stated thst lu accordance . Mr. riglit ta gay Wil a-u«uturiug CO- bas Carried -of the. little coterie having charge of the 44 Mis. abman. in s" d the ormine. of au 0 ce aboya all wth the, notice given him at the Caldwe ore they Wisil.to haie *firot Prize bom a numbee of. -tompati. ïorâtàte" shoot deedng a Point Of Ortler it in the duty others the gi lut Meetiigg ho intend'ell ta have in. botter 1 thoir town hall locatell. Mie votestood te and Whine, of the prosiding Oflicar of the couneil ta Yeats ago Protestants feared for Ils. The triampli in ail t1je greq't'r in becauee, they gay$ T= Cllnoxrczx gels, notice, by-lawâ on the lob- t tire 1 pl Ove te, Ove, for and against the motion the face Of the Most determined and by state thé rufe appféablo they sàw the bemh mung jec the li ta the case. os Cath. tut they %lere in the hâlüb of, the Mr. 1 -the JICOV0, ÃŽft the absence of tl e m Onds allure Of the printing. Let I OlieJudges.It was iisid tut roligfous feel. T of any-Membèr to OWEL Solicitor, and were not.yet ready. the lut or, Presidilig. Tlle 1 ay "0 Most$ Borupulous compétition « the them howl. THE CHRONICLE in entitled aptpi: à,,,; cè" r'ght ing wôuld encromb a pure reeve, Ur, council from the chair. tration of law, an a adminà. It waê thOught desirable io subruit, Èë deal of instead of Men 30tulOrs Of the Burdick machiné, to, and Chains; t4e tOwa Patronage. Ta tuan's decialo, . Party -'feeling motioninorderto merw, the pectto keOPngtl'O Mutter beforo th h 12, asDr. C" u znigÉt would ret in conneil w 0 had boeu for tivc days previous to Place snob au excuse for a ne et hniOnt WhOrever 'One Of gentlemen of. the couneil occu block. for a full expreboi w havé doue. The tacking on Dr. car. ÃŽt was arousoà. lit t4ne bas proved Far such by-laws would be necessary. ting th On Of Opinion, adopted the lustoli, on the ground puttin thelr ýuPOn eqiW term@ with TUE opaper sous amen ýýUNih, the ý uglus«Al cotmc Of kÏ111119 it there 1 1 .9 WHIT13Y amont to Mr. Etozpe*ro me. eXact1Y the opposite. At présent nine, Mr. Ramer could net née how it wu and ta a 15 mu Une-'n Ortler' and bad 8 crcwd (If C]RRON'ctz w0làld bt) a fraud upon the mt of the twelve * j saible tut any gentleman and'thon by hi 'wn casting veto, Whig PoOP16 PurPMIY ongaged te talk ib up. Public. Vor nearly twonty - Oliseuse Of the whoie thing, Catholico, and iioarly a Roman ut the ty of thi is net what th lectOrs cithe town liad The ":Ohnotýn,, wu years TELE 1 beroaus,'D,'raoý,d Il of them are of ârd Could object to, Iùs motion ve taken, ti taken directly CHUONICLE hqS been -regalarly plibligh. into COMMitt litO"&IlYo it PrOPOsed te go like political, OPi the people the right-wilose riglit ý Ce of the Wbole (not on ho a ulon fifid Yet we noyer si it mittee tO exPOct ut the hands of Mr, from the cars to the ground and put to ed, without break or inteW81;,,never the résolution), but on Ida by.law te be te ard Protestant conàervativo object was-to décide upon the te of their sien 0 Donovan &12Y One of the juages sa a fit and tèwn baIL in electiug him te the ree va. wOrk ut Once.-the very teaw and driver was a de Iwhind its régalai dayof prepared and sublaittea ta the rate. proper persan to adjuaio&to on a - cause Mr. ]King -00"dered the yeas- 'hP' Hg§-qnOt t)'"eptooentativo of a having ta , be. picked up by chance on bl . couccil Fairbani ward, & Pu 'cation, sud noyer appeared in a payers.11 U, whien evon questions between Pro- quite COM nt of t'le WhOIG tôwu.,Oleeted by the Street. But ita ]nerite 'petent to décide upon . allah a Nays- tentants and Cathofies have béton matter w1jhout référence te were never half-sheet. unaur ail cireutuotances it ED. CIIRONICLE. brought; into public Court. The the people H kin tbc r'btopaye"% a£ large IvithoUt refer. more apparent, and afkr one round itu bas Upheld Most Ur. Blow expressed his aîtonishnieni ?he 'r'è the coati usine and fair The Council ocathing rebuke ever aamitdotered te a at this woucierftzl considération for the reportod, remember this, and net allow himaelf a ore wim ondenined--Wha and cuce te Word bouludgvlcti- Andlic-ohotild OUPOriîlr advimbage w itted-, filme Of the tOwn, nt houle and abroad, Roman Catholio priest, va board full ratepayera on the part of the gentlo. before th even by tho 8 whO ttn minutes before Itu 900d 617e, noat appegrance, and What là He from * the lips Of a- Roman Catholle mon whO in the firet clause of the saine the castii tc bO inguelleed by bis local ïweda... bail been ehouting betting in favour well printeil pages make tige town wel, To t1w rÉai1ý Judge, and the purity of élections w report deolared, without consulting the Yeu- Io e ward of whicli ho of the Id Durdick," Not a of tte Whiiby Citronicie. t1nouncéd at 'the ln favr of. tii' _machine Ou spoken of tut produLes 0 jr et 0 ratOPSYOrs, tut the money Wo are fer boln in th uch a paper. udge's life when the doclui a Il d to the building -of a thould be banks, Ci tend. 0 grOnud, WC are told, came witilin At a distance front home tiie newgpaper was town han Noyé- in DUAR sin given againgt the ChUÉ01, ta ag '0 hig to-attributc Personal ci ùlteromtod MY per cent. 01 that of tbo--B,,)wýu a lie They did, Smith au Illotives to - le 'alzon as au index Of the Character of 1 bad Otcitr-iou ta attend belongea, ana the h ta e for no other purpose. Olir frieud, the reeve. IVe Patteraon Mauufaciurjug Co. arty with w *a net want to ask the people how the witl, thj And of the tovni in wllio4 it is printed, con. the last luw meetings of thé Town Was associated, tylirough a long ana moneylvaitobe 0 ont butnowthey have Always found biln Above suph con. this Ilot Ouly the juageii, but th Cussion of the . p the CNRON1crýE with it 1 Coulicil durjug the dis .0 crowd Sequently Tffy 'violent Olitical career. did want ta Cons t thom as ta sideratiollil. "' a eu 0 Of this kÃŽnd, Présent, wiffit scargaly an exception, circulation is of itself an ever Co 8 urge to, and I fOay I muet gay 91 Dr. Cai Town Hall Si We kuow of no* botter donisi of the silo. Rà considered the 00ancil quite 0 aboula be removed werO Bsti8fied on soeing it worlt- hoviever, Ida action notant thst I hava net been oatly edifiod by columon statement, tbat Irfshmgn are compétent to make the sélection, and eommitte, rom . with recurring, advertigemont of thé town of wliat I sa a h gr me matter. -f the -tallit of au w na eard, rÈh apable of ruling fairly in Irelsnd, àldl'uoàted thé Caldwell site as the béat, Violon- Evon wore bile Other machines the judgos lied WhitbY, and its local advantages, and I tLiuk, is much worso than lhepr= tun tbat Rivau bY the Irish eoncli. atoll. Tor. le, averso weil convinoed filthough it was à patata p The ree in bis Own éome dfficulty lu deciding upon their of the enterprise aud publia spirit Of iLs cil you used to designate as honor and uprightnesg- OntO, ho gala, was btWt on a marah, a mi53PPr luind that the Caldwell site wu$ the morita, but in deciaing to gve tlle f t ble-Jumble in the columils of tlle even-lianded justice te, protestant and un a swanap, and if the town MaD, and but site thât cotil 0 Iret morchan 3 and buoinous 9 Cfttllolic, rich and poor--Loid manly re. CI, 190 Men whose CilnosioLE seine years since. SOMO hali,111wu built on a patata patch, what members bc selected, ho Prlze t the JOhnotorg there 'was no aun0unceinents appear in fte Columus. Of the members oni,4eavour to set a good baltes when ileeded-eabu à Ofit? appoiuted ')120""t-Weigling woli tlý-e responsiýility 1 eltitation whate.... doliber te It is pro-eminently a Whitby paper. Mr. Iray, after, complimenting, the that actioi exemple enough, but I four lut black juagn'ollt& rluit0d tu the moment and Illa PO»itiOnin defèrence to the Mr. Brown, the progilleut of the that identifies itsolf in overy way wiffi ahceP have been allowed te croop in the Merits-sound law, seldom appeal lut speakér on bis able speech, said next weeti amonet thora of late, and you küOw ed against-coupied with wi - it was *011 known that ho hm ail On moti Opinion Of- Ouc-balid Illà colloaguen, and COMPatlY, wits présent, oui et the ilne thé interosta of the town, centaine a, the old oaying about doué scabby obeep and eloquence-these o and have alolig expressed oýiiliîons of hie townsinen Cultural diuuer given on the oveuing of curate reporte of the Town Couneil Pro. infecting a whole beau for yeurs, the a ar -.i S un the sabject, allow tige lutter t'lie op. tige llllttell, Rila Occulliet! flic place of cecdings, as well as a coMplete Chroll. Ortler too are flock." The raies of Irish scats or h&ru'tez!Ùies of subnlittiÙg the quest on of the site to Thomas portunity of dociding for t1leMselvv5ý 1 not oiily net enforceil but Jud illstice. As a rulé, the the ratepayero--thut thut waa the prin. JaruAs cati '()lier on the li-illt of tho chairmant icla of carrent évents, alla i k pt in are directlY contrâvelled ges are Men of great Cips, question, for the manu sidered in, 7 8 0 on almoRt gifts, refined er of ex- and U()t Undortake ta do go for thein hy Mr- Horn, Pregicleut of the Society. butina files for future reforolice il, the every occasion, and you have nothing education, and ownerd of a long Jugal pendinq the luouey hall tllready been long discue any 0120-111ftn power, lie infurrus us b.ut disputation and contradiction, and careor; and thOugh of lato years Men determined upeu- If the site woo in appoarsa f Or in n3ly way that thnt "0 WaO trëutdà Igith ecO Of the 1-'Dlvýli Clerk. -,&na the t1resonte repetitions of a . of op *egit youth have boeu clevatedI Savoured of a high.llallaja Procepding. extrerne kindigubs and courtesy that ho Gaetle- wLet ig its jumble of the right place, as Mr. Blow and etizer Mr. Southi We are tigre thjtt little COURideratfon character' aud "Ordo (PIcilse don't dignify thoin with they Uave in no way dimmed the un. gentlemen contended, why wé ru they require a ri faith in bis saiiding? Tlieni-ý*reral)ié-c' tige name of specellet;) sullied lustre of the judical bench, or ail long remember. Iiiii on even the afraid ta go before the ratapayen ? il permanc. wài bu ellOugli te satisfy bin Lettel. illd, hi oncern lino trivial questions bronglit Most lowered UR etan(Inrd in the eyes of tilo Gentlemen wlic: toolc it Upon. them. K- mige ne 'a ullbounde(l, ulitl of courae beell everlzi stingly changing iiancl-4-oi2c, Tliere à a con d- nation. forward. stating, in that be i,41)litcillghillloielfill a lie 10811q proudl avez* this la6ti wbich be proprie-tor or set or proprictoi., f, tomptible littleness in selves te deny the ratopayers thfs rislit Bldw, tilEkt a y, . eir îreatincut of the question of pool o-da. fli need not expect tu be trtisted when elght or ten Po 'tO", wllich would cong'aors it@ greateSt tl!UIUJ)ll. We ant, ttllc)t]lCr to-luorrow. It baï; been Own Hall site, wilicL I trust vol, TERitiFic TaUNDER STop>I-BUILI). they oiTered theinselves again for rg. diffleulty in ilisappoilit Ilim alla MIlicil no askrd blin il the judges hall net eoluc alwayB IlOtOrious foi, the unpunctuality "'11 fe8l it Your duty te expose boléro ixos D,&mAGEr)-WO.XEI; jjuN AnéluT élection. potitions roi one WOUI91 liercaftl3r look back te nith difliculty in (lociaftg. di NO'l. saiti lie, thn rate ayers. Anotller Nu Mr. Harper reminded 21r. Blow that of the Blair ,Ieeper regret t1lail ho woula hilUý Of its appoigrance, and frequently its cIrcumstance SIIIIIFIZINE; A. Tpitnolt-STRICI£EN.-A ýelf. Id âWas just ail Casy as rûllùig Ofî a log subsclibers lire put Offy -,Vit], attractes mY attention, and 1 was go. terrifie thunder-etorm broke suddenly ho wite net a Party te the réiport; thut On motio It in diflicult ta uiiderqtand the course wilen they saw lier start!-, D lialf Slicet. iný(, te saY.8xeited my disgust. It was over the oit Of Ottawa 0 ho was in favour of paying off their tion& were r takeil by Bir. Betts on this .natter. S changes to ses au illIfavoured, hulking, un. Dight, and for over au h there was debt with the Morley. Wlien the largo lu Whitby Races. ; i tone it liai, car atreets, &C., Of proprieloi-Mllip it lins nutier', wholesome looking fellOW-(WhOM 1 at Beareely a mOraPuts intermissio, be. maïOrity Of the cOulleil opposed him in the cOtit, &c. Otea foi' Mr. Harper's i 0111Y be011 Publiallütl intermittently, and first tuait te bc the town SWeCP frOlu tweeu the crashes of thunder, while the tliat, and weiit in favour ofs, new to Mr. MUIO, illotioll that the (J'oision eliall be bis geot7 wn loft im tliel'efore utterly linreliabl ul)pearance, until the latter l'ghtning lit uP the whole eky. Num. hallq ho bowed to thoir jeci$ign. Tilat & Port Per witli the ratopayerg, and in the uext Good 8 )Ort 'S exPected Ltt the races rd e fis a con- was aftýrwards pointed out te me) con. grolle buildings being the case, sui as the se huard before votes direetl - lie whioh Commeuco to.day. And if a, nected reco lu gettiug iuto the BPicuOuB amongst the croula, a m were struck. The new town ha lection of .1 y agaffist the sanie Motion. oking orange Hall l'ad a verY narrow escape, 11,%vould affect the people the consent t The regison gi%.Dll by hin, ' 900d fiuld of goodhorses Coutribute te IIRLtIs et' iis pre-sent üwuers it is worse a dirty black ripe and 'Mitting clouds the flag-ataff un tbat bUildit1g beil2g net on'y now bUt in the ti to comey holders, be for lgis rudd'u tliat ond there- of horrid sine liug tobacco Brucke in th struck and knocked down. Tigres of ho thonglit they abould havxen'éomethi,,9 rolling stoci never Wall 90 good a t1lan ever; its circulation bas dwigidIed Couneil chamber, and in the very facee the telegraph poles on the to gay in the sélection. %Vhere thore changé or Opinion was tilat ho wailted 1 8 Aylmer mail was now rei by.lawg, or, ut lenst, tllrec sites to The entries for the firet da are supp y in Whitby before. doWn tO U feW 111112dreil. It is ouly of the Town fathers 1 The saine par. were strucli. From one polo, a long was 80 much diffèrence of opinion, and Michie, and bc submitted. y qitote(l to Le scoffed and jibed nt. It à son 1 aise Ob-qervecl making ver noisy strip of the wood, ivitil the inulatorl Wher@ the COtII20il Were go pV ly di On Motion Suroly, Ur. BOUS iliast 11URDLE n 1 2!d clemonstrations b y wascutoutfrotu neurthe top of the videdhe thought the, peop , eu b M S bY newepaper y clapping his dirty - --le as the 1 'm knowl, t lut, wlica the by.law "Elackbird Il "Dame Liglitbo* 0, p na atarapiii, hie feet it was doue with a matter; bc r% Joleitiýate ne luen as a bands together, a e 9 8110uld Le allowed te te the bottom, as if Indet interest calao up for discussion, 110 Coula Move and IlLilly * 1.1 y wspaper enterprise depend. in au unseemiy manner ut the Most gouge. 'file crops have been very Lad. décide. ne did not cure whetber it and town ,a a Illerits £Çir Publ* v1NcFý Punf9E-"Slt'REOWll iug a ÃŽ s le support, unsensonable Moments, and whon the IY injured in places where the tain is was the Caldwell el- whittever other Mý Pleilsed substi. bat taken up by a few gelfish speaker lie was applatiding heavy. A bouse on Biddy. e lue of d'Augusta FiDy", 111,3tol. "Iri.311 net eet was tuted' Meantim0p the simple question ni, tua str site, the décision should Le left to tige in Girli" "Molit-roall" If LÃœ Io,- liavi rnake a single point. struck bY liglitning. P rRtepayers, and not to a few gentlemen belore the Collucil was a, unestone," iig Boule printing la this person in ortunately it a 0 0' on and Il IL * Il 1 id adiu,,,d. tu wlictlier ppias. 4 ti 0 bis riglit senses 2 Who and what is uot set it on lire. The oui "0 lit the couticil board. ne cOncleinned tIlO people ellot-ild bu givon tbe oppor TcOTTING RAcE-2. 0-"Toroiito Boy'li the 'Ona" donc was to the roof, whih Y clanla' the Caldwell site as thé worst -Pa y their contre', ti'u-"l't lie? And pray, wllat je your opinion that tunity Of exPreusing ail opinion. Mr" "Long I joli,,,,, ,Varcoe,,, 6.Black ke it pa3, 'S a specula. of the couneil, as a boay, ta -portait 60 tom off. In was partly COUR be soieLte(L The Mack', and 1 tiOzl. And, as ngi"Igt Hull accidents were more Botta, hy hie firet vote, Raid they Sholild* their 'Bailiff.11 0 be expeeted, L-now- much indecomm along witl, nugnerous. The dwellinô bouge of Mr. Mr. ri sirbankq wu$ in faveur of sub. ýVUITliY PUBSE-"Major lUiteon,,, -War ing notlgiug of the business tlleMBelý,ûs, other Rhortcomings ? Launary was strnek, as well ail the ro. Mittillg thé whole question te the rate. COLU By bio lut vote lié said tlla pooW CLY," "The lýloor," il iriifierably tlulllch*Y sPeculation it has Yours, &-a., sidence of Messrs. 13rndvey and Blc&n. P&Yers-nOt Only the site, but wheth,ý 0110111il not ]lave a voice fil tlle lagittur. and "ýlontreal." turned out for thom, 1%ith a,, thoir A VISITOI' . In the forgner the doors wère puilea off, they éboula build a town hall or uot. 8.&ItÀTD(;A, Tilat in the ineonsjote elOcks and furniture brokeu, and other 'le could nOt $es whY it should be ob. were 15,000 t1cy Of lils position. The four Pursos aèlvertýkieîj for pri(lay trich-s and litla%,ery. This is tlle*c-liarac. The r dama es donc. The wolnen in morninoo W, 'WO are afraid thut AIr. Botta' ni 1 ý oarn Towed in to Toronto. 9 the iceted to to leave the whole thing ta I)erinittea Itd IVCII, as niaiv' RB tell beilig C-11. ter OÉ tige ghoût that coinpluins aboli vicini homsolves, thOse who would have to pay the Monev for 10 a. m. bimsoif ta bé, wiliiperva Oüt of hie con tored, and ail %viii start, ili tip. mile niud t110 tt)'ýv" Printiu,,,. Mrhat printiu t tY lost ail control of t au st 10: NO TrACF Olp TUF 80 gro-at; was Lheir terror undér any as 91 victioné; and horgeSt intontiong or leggv« a litlartcr dasli. g it LONT CREW. - They shriok. oircumstauces. bY.laýv ed and rail about the strectu lookinn have handsoniely ti llfm (lotie fur the towil, nearly tvo for would to be sab1uitted,ýas.,the llnlfI ing 't tu tle P oPlef bY the ineddlîn,7 h-- 1-... Th(, followini, rnAmulftnc Blielter from thé; Éeet rt 'Pla man ver,- ton$ p5r mm in- fftt the ïeff, à _ýî Stübil, ý Raltm' AU a, tho, -gean s'-ida ýà Sentie 'i-raje. 1 .,M , to', - ,ery the teeth above, for > n&ý the, irldn shibbles ai ,.s'but new Pimw riàht wer is bei sttý - ý - " IIIý 1 -8 4à, ý" ,. goïie, 'One of the nimt-wriact and i1wur t the ýThe -HAII'WM menta ôn'-the. fargn. hwd them"Se hàvé ttamêd out 7,00 of Ume me 1 ýlfaux.Dodas & CO., a Ohý ad to have 6 re 1 0 sold 4,wo, ind Com. sevend thousand mi", ed sud go grest is àw superiaity ov - own* other Baltes that bféom. or Childs &Co. 1 re- of 'utima N. Y., ,t beiüz ablë'to get a 'p'u' RUPPIY:from Daeton Ohio,-Spplied to ,,&lu* the JO»Ph Rail T n'on, in the fow"Of the A ; 00-10r thîm even and per oëm," meric= 1 Tara of 85 was we aiso Snad Our 06(ý"uàlidletiye tà call Attention ig ý ele' fflwer and on Self-nskine Comb"d sales the 'united @r lt0àper,', ,mrhieh ýutàXb in a rival as the Wes and Europé *ilàmut . Ring of the hirvéàtý lieu - also, our lmPrOvea " 84er!W"Brosd' out Seeder and culiivatoi- combined, w Il with BrM- or Friction Hoeo, ý*hjch iis Undou iteàfyl the niosi'n"fu 1 1 farm' im. the plement intrOducedwitbin the lut fe-WL yeffl. The IISUperjOr"ý has no) equal 1 before the publie-it à guýý ý Rive entire ostiereeti= or no Eau ; alco Ve", Ourimprovéd 448uperirit ý 1 Gr&in Drg olvm with sprffig ci pin- lloe&, Our ýTh,.e- *a eré and il - - moïs powers bave bbon Ve -M Much. impro#ed ibis - season. ýAmOýy d'O- other thiigg, ie Our pitts g geared, si bot& «dè go, HOM power, as tO ho nud .qht Or >lbft band- me pfing, for.lin (im ý8É&ty cou- old e shaft-Leadbe&Wlg p&. t-ent Badine Beit and windlus for rais. ng» stackers withOut stop - bge pmg 040 We invite intending pur- ýv- heoe" 10 examine Our machines ho. hà fore. bu.yfng. FUU' information will be zd sont to al! appacants. Addreasý j-OsEPE ter IfAylýiÀçTuRoe COUPA", osha. iv- Wk, Canada, Boym",CRÀaGltj> Ivrrx SEDIJO. Tlol;'--The Bey-JOhn S. Glendennin je the puter of the prospect Avenu; Progýyieràu ckUr9hý Jersey Rty. lu bis ' of - -Iwo Yeam' Pa«tOmte -ho liveil lu Btrgenwood aveu» v;ith C--mother and 818têr. lu the £WXionable part of 20 Van Roypen avénüa lived miEa An., PoIneroy, a pretty brunette of twenty. five, of refin6d lus=erq, and poosemfing r, a-riüw musical oducaikn. Mise Pom. eroy lias beau; t'ho orgamist"ofthe chureh forthreeyean- Sh&i--OrÉhan,.and bas livid with her unele, James Smith n Miller, for the past ton yearg. About & P' year ago the pa8tor, wooed tje gir4 anc, w gave hier- à gold watch and chai a sa ph' en t Sud 0 or jewl- weùt b go on e esda an ed for or p là- est, on the. gro Ilýd-of se C U. w tyaq intruted.to, One ble en u, an the .010 an WRS arresteil in " own ýparI«r late on Weduesday' night. Ai midnet ho was talion befora.Tuatice Aldriage, and bailed k $1,000 to answer. 81300Mwe CABE.-Ottâwa, July 17. àentleman writeà from Chaudiere to sýY that there je a Mrs. Thom" on Câthcalt-street, whois 1.*ing in a dread- fui stati with aman, Pox, with children al'O 'H, Sbû bas no one to look after lier, except a dranken hugbitud,,who je distracting the neiRhbarLooi by best- ing the children. Last night- ho turn- or, thera out on the etreat ai tec Welock at night. The hugband dces nothu2& for the family, Who were support %d by. the poor woman who - was accustýol'Ued'- to work by the dey. ýOwing to t,ý& droad of the discasé, nobedy Beema to "0 9'lything for them. EXCITINo Discovzjrx.__Bostouý July. 18.-At E(outh Boston tIis aftern.on the remains of littie Katîe M&ry Curran a girl ten,;years of age, who 150,,m3ý;st .1 OUSIY disappeared some four M Gri- Lnths a , were found in the cellar of bundilg ZO 827 Broadway,-ÃŽrmerly Occupied by Mr5* 11- IL PomeroýI -mother î or Young Pomeroy, Who je now in- iraol Ilwiating trial cin a charge Of crieil tOrturing and murdori Y named Miller, in UR a Young oy Aprii last. The dii- ""ry caulied grefit excitement and the 60 intense that the mother and c"Mer brother or the pomeroy boy were =e6,";ea, not froin any suspicion Lhat they *erà Aecessory to the acte Of UlbýUn DY oti(-kitlg 01, à ý4VLi, 1 tu,& eblieswaing tuaroughfarai; ta ,Vljicll 1 ra a 0 D tL for the al alla dragý,ed'ovér a considerable 0 ;u DJIZ. GJ'Or(3F trou, îc t rne 01 NOTIfLa IIURD-ER.-Morristôwj2, N. 'co oula bave casy accesg. ou', tal mm ti dweu 1 aný. f;tubbedJ(ibu Monaban with a pitch. Co lee was ýrJars0,n, movea the council iuto gond prospect 01 w, a 1 wn Moro. avlu'", recoverea It1g block, Again, Il STI:Awnrltny 'Il but witflout hny*it if; ugoless J-# JUly 20-john Guerile, a labourer, 50 that the matter scýcOnfi iustead h1à tho mattür ton l' e'qtri'J2]e regret the sud.* bodics. They argues againgt lenv. £"ESTIVAL AT Z)UFMiq"; the 11711010 on Kr. Har. IL is claimeil t -The etrawborry festival out atIV goi fork in a liay fipid, on Weane the i-otppayeltq ; and CREEK. fiath Mr. G60rge 13- rabazon of ý8day last. pers reqOIuIiOný and concert, in ald -of St. George's. ahureh 31 Lerabazon retireci tu yet.whilo doing 1%0 ho Votas for lur, ýVck. The affray ývgs %vitnesoed by Wm. Hall ore the chair. tl The second titn bed, BODIE, S FO UND. wJohu O'Douneil and Frank DunI&týy, ulight bc more fully, dificussed n be. that Yale foulej -nitrper'o rcoolution to Icave it with au ever, en ririd' the affair, meuclment orgau fund, at Diliânli; ergoir, ci, Wed. ûl'Parent]Y an Wall ay Four of flic bodies 1 à,.-O S'nce -been ho agrced ta say nothing of The rceve doclared the a 1 give up the race, thom 1 And, ta cap the elù,Lqx )f lis nesdaY laat Was a highly sllecé;i3ful Crening. A few minutc-s itfterviti-ds bc fOl""I On tho Aiiit,,rL-.In lilo're, about and kept the wounded man il- the tiold ta be out of order 1 It was, lie said, Columbia silot flicohalotoncfin, like Mr. Dettn, bulne. affair- Al' attractive programme was Craleil out tL,%t lie Was eliok-iu«, , (11- fiiiir miles fro2n N;a,,!tlra. Thay have untiloleven o'clock atniglit, whonhe only taking up the time of the couueil, lls been , idel l tffi tioon after- and it Wu ont of Order iuasmuch ad, kept it tu diatoly affer votùw 'fol, 'the resolu. PrOllared for the young peuple, in ývh1,b altvmddrl familY fonud Ilitu in bis deatIl of 0. ý?. W, bOCaMe 11UCOnSCiOURal2fl died had reference ta a as it È an 'Others, Who IV, Vernon, Charles ivard. The mon reporte'd that Mo a. voted t'lon-, 110 Rgahl VOtes again8l tha &,zene raacs Of vRriulls kilids were ïGn for throef-,-& bloodvtmgel haVing bursted. R. Murray, and Woir ght wound 4own that Ovening 11 race would bave 1 l'an diod of cramps, the ali Il matter alreudy fouled, say that regolution, declating in effect that Ille prizei%, which %vûre ditiLnuted ta the Mr. Brnbazon w as Wall liked and re- siderable éliffleuity ivaa eypeliencod. in mot ai,, visiqe. Preparatione were Mr. Rarper was allowed ta, amena and Harvard, an, peuple Calluitt bc trusted fiuccesru, Competitors arier the rési spectoël. He was R, conuty the identificatinn of thn bedicg, o radde for burying the body, when bis favour of the la alla that the tival rangistrate wing bis resolution by adding that the criun- maJority of the council shali 'lecide ' to the extent tu whicli ditcomposil.io,, father becain, Euspicieus and denuand. cil go intu committee thereon. stood lia chance i by the ilev. ý.fl-. johntona ViearJý in. ;'for mauy yênre, alla was one of the ll.,Àl Fct in. an inquest. The Coroner's examina- 31r. Smitli-opposed the motion. yle The feeling betwE upon the site without collgulting thom 1 cunlbent Of the pariah.' The oidost mnnicipal and connty couneil- tien reve 3fr. Blow inust sce -ries and a i alefl the wolind,"Lu(l the threo was in faveur or the Caldwell nite; saw lu very bitter, allé that in VýOLin3 in reatu Were elispeused by the Inrs. The Beecher-Tilton Affair. r aboula tn't another ladies of the con.,rer. men were arrested sud placed in Mer. no roason why the matte the winning crew rist ail. The murdered ni was left ta the ho 'w ratepayers, or that they isimpossible at votés aga, Ation ta-au appr0-ý TEACI!LUS' ex. Accordîng te the Brooklyn Eagie the agea 2n6! and bore a good character. shoulâ be the foula Occurred chance for defentilig the lative, assemblage consultod. lie bail sÉoken second town éve The concert in the a,)-niuatioli of tencliers for tilis couuty Io act m-hich the Bey. Renry Word Bepeh.- If$ leaves a ivife and child. ta lnauY people --on the - subject, and It in belioved by hau altoffether, ana- car71119 out h4s niug wa«T larguly atienilLd l'y a non', being hcla in Ibo Iligh SOLO er no cleeply regrets in bis let-ter ta Mr. whore ho fotind one opposed to, the race will ho rowet -k'iuiùtiV expronscý.i inunticil or apply. Iligbly Opprociativo audience. A ;arga, ,ore. Th.re arc TiltOn wus adviRing Mrq. Tilton to BRUTAi. ATT,&cx upoN Ex-ATTORNEY. resont site lie fonud, ton or a dov Luter.-The fo: ti-O candidates 'en ta ;40 the illonoy in rOduction of the town's suln Was 1-eulized for the o1ject for first,:çlas3, ' Or louve lier huaband if sho 1-ounj all other GF.'iEUAL CLARn.-Fort Garry, Man., go in favour of it; it won the old ward decinioa of the J. It romains foy thai gpIl. which, the affair was hold. na ta seenre fidelivt V ni to. indebtednose. thirtten for second, and meai 'û-avàiling. July 20--A telegram from St. Pa feeling wbich was the ourse of the ta day - Columbia, fnrty-fivo for thiffl. The Exnmining After giving this advice i r. day gives the details of an assault upou that boa sprung up. L Bocchoris He -cou Harvard, Brd; Wî tleing'à eoun,, with bis represonted tohave toit thât lie hâd (lune ex-Attorney-Gencral Clarke, last night, that the lot waë wdrth tho Monitendo-a 5th ; --Dartmouth, ilisty to- DE$TRUCTIVJC Fi" lu 110QrÙ iA Ilev. Dr. Thorntoii, ilev. by au unknown on the streets in that the town wu "Y' and ýtýC P-ë)Ple of the 8011th m'ard. M LAIVA. - '4123ris. MoLuiinan and eurrio, Itr- G ý!rong, lience hio abject letter of confes, rough, gotting a bargain of Trinity, doubtfül. Itefipectiliq ur. gndtllto 011dAy InOrciu- L18t, about 4- o'clock, ' BIOZL Froul all that bas tran, d, we that citY. He was struck on the bead it, recorded the tim ridieulotto tiré brake ont'7 y- 9mâh, barrister, an(J Jamos ble: ap in Mr. Gurloy's telor B1iený oonu, are inulined ta think this i witl, a oluug-ahot and severely injure Mi. Bay tallnted Jér. Smith witb .Y.1nopoctor. s t true al 16:42j; Wesloyai $hop, 0131fing litrect, and 14proacl 1 etIqteMentthat lie follud ton or twolve The exitmin. resson of the unhappy affair. There A secoua attack ivas made upon him at being, with 8220ther rueinber' of the 16:D4; aqd Williar personi lu favor of, to One Oppose& ta ICUY ta ti *&,P* ation w*11 9t.for two weekq. are doubtiess c in momi Il ty as ho 0011noil, the OnIY members who bal '40illing lecodon buildjugg. asefi wheroin it would be the train th U brought up the su tili, camweil Rite, nobodY belleve4 hini. À otronglon RIIOWD)ýle foi- a minioter ta tender such was les'çÏug St. Il& eMý ject of wards. He The niau Rot& MôVe like (lie Y coltouEu.-,.rlw last Official advice se Bfr. Beecher in said ta have late chief of police at Minneapolis and himself atriatly avoided'the mention of July 20.-Dîsaster: ou l'akl Ad'%'O- the dames, destroying, ljeuryg bat Oo. Cacette cnatuins the fiallowing appoint. n Mrs. Tîlton, but é" inly thqy one of the parties confined lastyeur. wards, and considered thatotilers aboula al, Mail Lino sa ii tý of Mr, Caldwell thail a zqreboutit- ta-blishmont, Wood"s tAflor shop, Ilaw. ment : Adolphns Farewell, Of the wgihvoll do 00 unilertake a vory serions ro. bfr. Clark was terribly boston, anct two aliso do go, and look tc, the genersi in. mortgage on it. Ai Live of tllo--towàl oecking te prôtoqt and Vil- sponsibility. This, presuming the star of bis ribs wore brokou. teresto of the wholo town. no cou. 7 , uwo»'o shoc y steamers lm beau âcllaneo its IDW"toi 01101l, Irobb'o ilour and luge of Brooklfii, E-équire, M. D', ýtO be to be 'Correct, Mr. Beecher ovidently tended thât a town hall and ra&d» feed store, Gurloyi; shop, Gaxhys butole au Agsociate . Coroner within &ncl foir reslized whon lie penued the letter DFv,&&TATiON j3y GuAssuoppEns. - room would be malins placeil a Ing net, one of the two Let "t bc undO»tÛM hr. that it in Or's shop, Mis% mac4r&hy a Mill!Uôry the Couu*ty of Ontario. whieli boa so.ourprîsed the world ; but Grasshoppers hava made thoir appear- site proposed, and th,%t whatever Mr. tine ta South Shan 1 n thn the regular route fi very for Ù'om Dur wish or dosire ta gay ah9p, ana lirudholm , a 0hce store. if nothingworge la proved, the Plymouth Rues in mynad8 in Manitoba, and Smith might gay to the contrary, Mo P ri or (10 anwing, thatwould have the the buiIdjn(ý,s wue blumed tu eho grau Aýu u t ý on Saturday uffect of na, Xcurtilox TO PpRT liopg. - The ChUroh pastor will ligue from the Cloud )lave destroyed th@ entire crop in file than thres-fotwthf; of the poolè 0 e,, currefia her maohi 1111paroeu ur. caldweille The ROOCIA wera Partly saved, Norsêuiau,, io advertiocil for a of ocandal now enveloping him with . un Pidei;tiur, and White Mud settlements town were oppoood ta the a si . op PI'OPertY. In apeaking of it, ne a alto la estimated nt il Tho lýs8 OxaUnion to lart Ilope ne tgsttrasy, mrta;nisbed name. Of course this ýer- from the western limita ta Toger. At It was aausteh gaule 'th those 'Who without- its worst c for a town bial, WC do Mo roIstivO1yý and bout $8,000, eni X e ,,, y par- Sien Of the matter Places Mr. Tilt>n in last accountA thcy wore driffing in the wanted to'deprive the a ayers of a *a1king cylinder, pi atter. ter. tially inoureil. ThD Or,& in sup.posed t> Barnuul'ki Di-eus exhibiting thore that a vory unenvîable position. direction of Lake Manitoba. They hava voice, iwthe mat were brok 'Ob, but th "0 '=P4rc(l witli other localitice whicIý ha-re boeu tho %York of ni;Linc6ndiary.- Clay. For full partielllars, $ce Our na. Tilton lias since eworn ta à len«tbS, Fat some flftOcu MiIC8 thiB k;idO Of Pem- Mr. ILffl r denied that a majority remained intact, an WP congider Moro suitable. varueing çolumns. atatement of facts, in which be RI. bina, ànd appear; ta be enterjng the f the ratepayero were in faveur of the For V'r. ,es - 0 ta anchor on ý the hinue2t as a gogd citizen, wo 0 lengthY details of the seduction of Ilis Pic - ce frOm &il directions. Thoir Caldwell ' Un, AND MM. BojnZl3T IIMLZ a haV vlu Caldwell site, and BRid tbst OMIY thosé Light, five miles bâ GMEAT OLFAItr.-îG 8-IT,]g XIOW going on wifé by ]Beecher. 'M"Iiat a nad comment adveût bas alrélady created great de. in faveur of it Who knew. how Mr. excitement amonL- ti antertku the lâkhost -roopect, Our re. goce pu a trip to pario, Ky theformer ar prembers 1 pressioni and the opinion Je universel Smith voted could have spoken iolliul gros - n -1 - wi marks are prompted sololy by a sonne ;ta Atténd a largo came oalé' at Hamilton & CO%- Immense bar. nPou tle morality Of POPul thst unlesé the Dominion GoverumetIt the on ject. He contended that the ent oflttbue f gainu Ùl IuWkelY and dreus poils. Il the Go d- asthrai duty-upon public grau4da, B,&Y$MZ TO L-n,.-Ur. GO ÀPPODrTUENT.--Mr. Vomkoughnet ha$ Dames tO the àigl -of. the soûlera, elther money bolonged ta the people just,ý' as that all was saler. C rJoir ad- :bien, appointeil Chief of th directIr or by commenculg ra1Jwýay much Re if it *as levied by'direct tàxa- > nt feo,,*, ravour, or affection vertigeo his beautifal auà weil.kno wn B.A4L,-Ca*uuington was -lesteil Branoh of 4he Department 1 Indian )POrsfiOns betwOOn thié ilointand peux. don, and that they ohonld bave ' tug Lady Franklyn týWârdâ ani QnOý la the alochargo of &=,B#ygidiltolei. by Bsver ' of the Inter- ( the morning and towed t ý ton' Qt 96, geme of base bail for, %ù, 8 bing, d0stitutiOu, tO su extont never be- #ght of 'disposing of 'it and-thst al, y lut BAtu1ý4sy. pragge deadasadr. Re Wàà or into port. Thst el thst duty. Où Public RrOuâds we als'oi aituated en es* margin of Lake Ontut üeXt for promotion in that office. foie kno*n will reanit. though the Isw did net oompel ! the is very fortunate ýbJ awthe Mayor, ao fioad'of Uw eorpors- and, is one 0y the best- 0 ouneil ta oubmà it*tO the Pe9ple, Se seribdo. The repain It ispr RÀmw,&y Boxus A bonna of #26,00Ã" Father tioc,, as we have ahosay 4posw ta ý&=f in thé sotti, , 1 &id of the North Simood spoken of oposed ta hold a 'Connerystive was.carrwd in O'parret New York, is it was-the die ta do M, Els resolu. ,ând,, aumnv î1WA -M th& usa nu icriaay aftorncon. At -lesot 00 Perlions were obliged to walk the village, four miles- diatme, ing to the lack of Convoyances. . Ther ;BD assigned for the postponement 9 rOUgh water. )TTAWA, WàTBR IVÃ"VM;-Thg bUâdý. , of- the wheel-kouse is prôg-msaing: w1y, but -the work appean to, be roughly doue. The masonry, wlach: inder the superiniendanco of-'Mr. P, beringhaid, in massive and a»ý6mnt. trongleilou;zh to Withstanci ?. àfiý munioa js su " pres- setting, up of the maelànery wlùeh, ýGi%- macle and sent dow , n ---from- awa ' faster than the _progresla o the on work wiU admit or its Put irL- main pipes have been laid through he principal ot.r.eûts and ý theý service s are being put tbrough Tjpper a. it îs P06611(r that -part of the may be supplied with water yet 'a-winter GetO»in.ýOMawa Cie- aew and dedrable CI"£; of immi. *-are being attracted to the D,, )a Of Cacafla*. Thay arc the Ica. irs, ofwbom 100»Or more are now 1= 11 te Nova Scotia. Uaray, urand intelgent, the Ice. re are _people who *M probably a minable addition to car popu. 1, if they can, bdAnduce'd te coule COÃœsideFable UuMbers and to re. aitèr they gethere. LoMes were struck by lightning Illeil last Thuraisy at Rôndeau, standing under a tree for shelter. 8 tune of the Yearwhen thunder ý an se prevalent, it imay be well arate the oft-repeated cautiong'sa danger inc=ed, by the proxim- Wees under euh cirenmianceo. n: Niagara Falls we leara that dY f a man has been, on -the 00, :U daY. Ilocan.beitliatimtý. lfromthobank. An efforts to body havé provea unau " eceufui around. ' At Clio - time ,a and and arme are VWbIe, and fier hielegà are to be soen.; 11is xe tùîý in Lis boots. -Re ivill iY stay in the wWr1pwl>ý>ýîcr Re is dreueï, as a sailor. ker fatal colliery ex'lo p mon à re- from Englànd. m'.1whiéli'laftýèen lost theïr liveo,

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