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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1874, p. 2

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rL5s IA Ua.hiosst@ c,, a gompi. U N stte iet e , is 151. Monlto andui se teck, am j pW b. mater. 10? great regret if Geoldlrniur r o" - feeling lakes hohi upon auy laiâ 0'.9ý7tehCo s Rami byh',on Wedber oft fiss. ttoun bte pubit '4tic 7 h&()eQt., IZ. Fairbanks, Jr. ally look te carry on thosffaira 4i~U ~ Mai .country.' Te most mon of any worth lte gratitude cf lte poopl ~ beat recompepse ýf0oauxiety sud '~grcrn o, stiteir belsie but if te prés] thalta lsithdravn, 1h. Inuses ONU[I o 30 PR ANU country Win soon fallit ltotho lu Smere morcen ariem, as itliset Whltby, Tursday, O t ,1 7 .~5t55 u 0555r5 I No hIb, theiesre ou te tesr Auclon Sis..disiucllnaîjes ta b. made a tai - sud ta ho ridted vlth poisened Paries gsttltsg their auoiî ios » ta have onse*$ character Uassile pi*sto i lb.heaoîruu.m officege amotives, hoveves henceat, vu notice of lte anie ln, the Cuom=f coustrued, are ameng 1h. cou fofn eclteergo..a favor uvlcot thlb.tions vitici have led mauy t la ieponlttioleaotthe, camulc, vi»mon le ebjeet te enterlug public b. tonda Worth much mM o t heu h the li.stuat pice. f thse bals.- Jfi. Mr. Prsser at Giçnçoi HawkulePiny Diecton. Ourt ahi. contemporaiy lb. ma Mi. avIsnas any etaclen. scarcoy serve lie causeocf tIsePl The mre vilonvwialàit Ià lt.eorgan by deoe Tis moe ~le&ntOpposuitionpapers o 139. Ur. Praser, Cemmimulot cloinhu. te koep iilî'a muuire o, f Public Werks, esumse ltaI gentl hl.slrdabuse.orcf M. Ravýinsd apesteb OCtfll.To B3rantford, for vItal lltey 4also is hlm ppon suguea age uoi e be f i0ectOus frein tIi IParty u'auks. I lu omlalse a lessco titis they nelier show, onaitjuilgmurt the àMaitliJase 0muCIs fault-le ii L'or' goodtte , BaLisnobcourse et .aI q"o àncled , kt ailavents, ahi likly te brlngth hor anDy accessions Cathohia eswuit! b. more Iikley tI cf strouglt. Ou 1h. aonîrsiy, ai a itti. t e bsjutigmount!hlmstudvc. reffltotis aboulai havere stisfod thons, il r Rykert, Mr. Bouitiee ibut calcnalteû lt rentier lte astrango. vr.ned der (chieers sund laugbter). laedIse Catholo friands as ruelti bOLwou LMr. Havkins oui bis. making tîtioh"vos hevenu cf vosc former Party filoute nier. permanentîy travers cf valer sny longer tb th vii, ouiby emhllerln lit praent ise d muet gene ont et power prdend al hpet trte reclia holding il 'for Iveuty yoar (Chf -. -aisllhoe 01hua-e onin Titey migitîrely on il ho vouit! bleu., is il300bae1he. olîbof roin ain office se long as bisc m alYlig around M1r. Hawkins many ligieniesagol'fair play. They, porsosisi triends sud SUprîr Ie o flgair play novtrousth110B1 suigitl othervise ho -diapeseiltetek ira We et«y.Éh1ho bellaved thor a vas l t!d o bosi Protestant l intis country no8utral part, but Who wMvi» . woldnet vls.stitanslebave ltai fnighmtrain an undlesorvecilaI. s..ô yesrs been helpiug 1e buill tfc. f.Hawimns, i s tatod wsui tàitir nIe has e isud ne ver could on caa. v &iCohlerluth soi (ond cIer s:.Uuferhandsho bc vitl ouIt!beoslm a onera.tho veuM do se ne longer (ch* tv' as bolonging te lte Conservative If bis Cathobie trlatnds llsrorughoot Party. Ai a Môdorahe Reformer h. Province titongit tisaI ho (Mr. Fra hua, bke s~ ebser lu bte t.ao inl any vay desrîed lte position yatisaso erase ime revsaietof bela, hohoped they voulti support pate ti b léti peviemon vie vouli go ho Toronto ta soleilvu thlie Cunsrvatives, asud itaipeuttIho present Ontario Goireruta big eabare of goot! and availabi, service anti net those h ovt euit! go lises lu tIseconison(cause. AIt bispretee. Pull il Clova. llons, Isovever, voie vitI lte cause cf Lleoom and lte toor Party; sud TiseGoerdon-Draper Conroversy, vIsnlad - tie iscvltIP5 , Mr. Draper sends us asoter lei aieuoingsotlhty sut! Party Vue. Ibi, veet lu reply le taIt n. r.Gosé lJne causailte det eation cf usauy et publisbinte! l oast issue. It ila c -Ur. svkins's eorellgieuusls-wvhe nuecossau-y le lacki to the preef totn -~tbey exprssoi regret fer lte asescf fored bo satiafy snyuprejudie tie pasl aus(lsiteved s, disposition te do mmnd boy very much Ur. Gordon 1 justice t thse daims cf - Cathoics lu sîlovotl hhsuseht te b. led astray le future, Mr. Hawinsboa!a perfect tsclrlng Mu. Draper, as a business mi riglitI te lsI<o litaIparly aide vlsicitbis ferwvIsaIt tii utt cpreying consciece ,approvet. Al thie lalk a r ucs cul 1hoapel nows abonl Party principle, ie but icore" mako uson. n word, or te add a se vertu in suds a case-soid especially lary expression te auytbing taI vou a@as îpledte poliescgi ur Local Leg. serve te ounitter thse ccubroversyb ikasturo; 1fr. Havwkins oveti uoting tveen Ilsese gentlemen. As vo ba, te bIhe Ccnwfervalive Party; they, on5 alrealy balcon occasion le Say, Il tIse coutrary, veore indebtedte lhIins for vitole imalter hein,- on, cf s busine fermer party oervice, ably suantinu. ciaracten, la rie fit dnject for uevsîi grtlgly given. Tisero vas ueIhing per iscussion. Mr. Gordon bias usai lu te 'cireumstauces- tecompollte a inistake, sud in assailing <IIotenut Ierpehostien cf lte alliance. *To charge Bussian" lte monitor fer Norlt etai ltf. Havkins thon viit boa!aibh sudlitas aertainly caugist satact décide te lononnea lm ias s "ranegade', I"Tartan" inth ie persen etfMUr. Citest Il traiter ", Iltorn.coal " - ands otite iDiraper. Thse latter, sudt!hie picofî abusive ephibheîs la noter catl. cenîsins are of lie nMost convineclu ad for user- justifiable. There la citaràcher cf Mr. Dnaper's entiineg ranchs et vhsohesome trulli in 'vlIsaIily. lb. National says la dealing vithhéteOlier usatbens le cenuectieri vitis Mi sauua sub)ject ant inlu vicîr tIsa fottovlug Gordcri'e business relations vili Il: lauguage la usot!: IlToassy oeeof P. W. & P. P. Jtsihvay, sudt! t colin5 rolootsve minI vie is not caryied adranlage he bas laken et his pouieo avay by party feelings sud mesiet!by as a public insu in lIse saine connecîlor moere-eempty vendesud phrases viiihave beeriplacet befoeous. We torber bave absolulely ne meaning in snob a nv eonua;ientls ~el:tliingap e nt eiering ilisota boir discussion. uttely bsud. horais o pincpleCorrections. nt oaaie la lte malter vhatever, aut! poiticat parties are as unucit eut of lante pîize lust of lte SentIh Ontario place luntte Local Ronce as in s tevu., Counby Agricultniai exitibition publiahi- ip ocuineil. Tisere o bsohstely ne e lt! aW oof, Ihese voie saine iuaccot- jolitical issues strictiy se lermot! beforescnies vhtic1t usaveoidabiy crept in. thtbdy- Is-lequs% -taha1 tr. W Ht!, o iouiav l regardieosa cf bywvit a oingless an a itory et Plymaulî Choral ol, n obiolete Partyadeilguatiens lleyp roter much vatuable inforibiqn lu counee. te eau lbomsmelvos. Psrty linos diravu tien Iherevitit. Titis bock ih iu groab Ou isfiue. tatahîy irreovosil tethe'live3 qtsastioUÎ-et tIse day, suscitas &ocipreeity !eusand art!Je s slirg rapit!ly. Mesini. sut Protection, ore misahiavous anti Mooro & Cc. vaul agentg for te sale of silluadug onough t ilOttava but ln. lîsis Iuteretiug vont and cITer special fiuitehy muse.ridlaulolus nOurbi bg lducosuenîs. Cont7 Ceuncit" vtore lteora Saposil. tire scaocily cf lint, sud lte lnstry TH IRE s ic.Tiilr xl. sahouil ho comoien lte plans adptet! 'y SanilfelilMacdonalt!, ltaeablest mou guisor vas oxhlitet injr Iitby ou haïi àseectet viiteout regard ta Do. Monilsy oveuing, anti gave general toinien pelitica. satisfaction ta a nusmhapof....s. Eleçîleus court. se sIsyofor th. trials cf tth ollov. 4ttlons have been fixat as tdilcvs ueo0 ]Elard-AI Piston, on 14t' gars-At Niagara tavus, on 201h- Mo. th Huro-Atl&4eieh,cjS201h et Northumerand-At Cobourg, ith ototer. 3t Webllngtn-nt Guelphs, on igton--at Klugleas, on 111h Nov. W@îi-al Miltou on SIh December. it MIddIse-atLondou, en 151h o* Bàz*êa,-Tb. a4ý of etta viso, lus spite cf thte luclens.ncy efthtie veotiter, collectei b vituasa tIsa tris!. Fiftleon barels ver, placet! ins spile, satuiteiil cool cil, andi ignie ; lte fr, vas givenlImne ta e la >got licol. vWaY, Whou M»Ü. Morrison, lte sacrebany cf lb. ccmpany, sppeonet! on tise scAne vit th li.Extiuguslmi on bis bacls onti lu les. titan Ive minutes ucceedes! lu cenupeteiyquso h ie flamea. Un. terlualy a nueeiug 0othlie Cennctb preveutei &«» cf oui More pretiineut citisens fions balu prosaul, but avery information asu lie btaineil on applica. lieu le 1Mr. ]MeygslevWho Isa ton sppoinlod agenot for titis tavu. Geszomsu' HI.u.-M.4James Jeitustan bas unteisbtedly te largest, lise bost, sud ahîegeter tise citapit stock-et vatlleo, clocks, jelry, ansi fluzoygWeoinshobc oeunhy; anoi1mer. dtiihatIss guaaubecf every article may b. thl!oeughly reliai uper.'- Booums A Blum and lte reamon ItWi a. igy,_Go.thr. Harpir proeoted the' report of sentdowuto'", r*Daett~v<~ r~ snob soh.W.à hfire faud vater commuttee, which cars of vbeat vhich soefglwd 12,901 suhaJlGlray, 4ngu ,M sý ud p. WooO2mended an increase of the saisr bushelz, butwhlch fell short SM bpSh Nono T.ni t of,*OsineD GleFl, etcher Pierson, e.hgincer, ta $125, fl, or nearly on an average tain 10) ic uaan Blate, . ard paWihtrT a nium, on socout of extra labor, u egpar car." Ànd a ftl at s cf ter. J,.Be airdP. Wigh, T. RÀdmstehnore ~to talc. places freindate. on li is b-erh amdbs>'"t y u2uclI 8. Brethour' N. F. Paterson, M. Giles. reotasdledva iBts Insurbocaa- le ithe P1e,* Beeve cf Brook, A. Mcf<ay, P.aMcART ITE. t Ilit giiug i ed.hm rThe attert robeChistie, L. Kerr, sud J. B. Lazser. Mr. Kiug introducad a by.lav t> ht 1 pure-ed" Th ate I tcfrouble ~ Ca. ie adei rooty tatemeat 's the on3efor wliloh ho de- spect cf n ceigs fteCneto le h slwl rpry Iilw ires credenos, The grain, then, il cf the OOIdiiPldy atr Emig ra aIst101.would seem, vas not veighed at 811, but of eeve reolOOLLSCTOL of- ih 'moaonred, it l; ~presuxued, byTom, Dick usuda cf - lvnrsltonBree hc Mr. Blow iutroducod a by.law lump.and Harry, at ail bouts of day andc 0 doue oould not Ibe ebjected te by any bodypot a colleotor, and alliatSalary. )r nigth, as cars coutl b. got. 'A persan 4o lakecf loyal mnnassembled, in cAnada. AI1ea. Pin. vas appointeil, hi& salary Who vas au ove.vituess teaÂllam's nov lrthat a Othèes, howovor, ïvere bismoil upon ûala. boiug foed -ut $100. Thie by.lav vas piocsofeIl cf ' l1ngo Il dumpiniz." andl xgt f promisesl, and lte Teutb, couclemuing passe1d. Istreklng"laio(nz cars, tolla s e te EeciprociyTeî, iBb lsç E ONUTS DEBENTUE. that that ho sawIl"fling" andIl' dump. ed uproved of by a largo body of Liberl. Mr. Denrovan presenteil -thse sI>eial ing",bt arlu lto ioe ol l Sreoseis. raeisort of the finauce cemmittee, uebu fled1 dscvr ny"trk umi.Conservatlves as veil as -the 8reoî body vered comuncaion neaiont which Adamu5 delights ta Il> uim e eformer,. Tho meeting, overrof the, cvas ftrdle cmuialll.Tefc a eeekesbte lisidra. M.dge ud yarwood àIf o' C r.Gronbmoctatb h a pbabl pp oredte b.e prtty nanim ens, and The, report setfort, tIa tthe Com pany tt n 1r o d n hi m lt a y Is neig 0 hed~ ~ Yproces hic quantited is a, Il lie a oommltteo onreports, organlzatien, h ti alil * hencoayroqtiire- cousî( ouîY h hoxIoa<Ied hai ea*m b. reButins t., eveythtgcoupons attached'from da c f .sngiAnedwte ta e as ctyo et and dry Ibere ceulil net b. zucit passing ofthe bonus by-law lio bandait ne," u ashwts nlilyc h groom! for dissenssion. ever la the Company forthwith. pmon, seekingëîf th revan, newo rail ca -- The. report vas adepteil. pooeptig't-ls ins.o PÂLI. ainWNE c>.M.Jas, tIsat gentleman v*ge, Mr. Gordon ssas, 'arty oft Seis,anouncernent ef 1he roeiptof .PINANOS AND AS - E58)IENT. always velgbs grain 1"soacurtely," uneiMr. » 'Donovan presentedth ie report anud viit vbet "lmisbusiness connoe. suengPllad Wintergoils at Osalava, lu Of 1he.fnesane d asseasment commit, tions have bean soibgreeable." sud ont suother columu, vill lie rmail iti tlu. tee, te figures cf vhich voie given in of the mentit ef his, ovu vitues, I pur. blensn teeat.last week's OseoioL:c. A number of pose ho mIaIt be jnclgec. Let us nov folov. aeounts for lte Gov..General'a recep. hear vitat Mr. John> Watson has ta Say. ormble Ce. Ontario Fait Assises, tien vere aise zpasseil, ana others laid Il goehAppeneil ltaI When My elevater wbich -ovûtltiinezI meeting. Subsequnîy, bacame full in February, 1878, Mr. ltI The. faîl Assizes for tho County cf 1Mr. Donovan inlroduced a by.law tg, Gordon did net stop seuding dowu Ontario opened at th. Court lieuse, raiso tIse suin et $14,812 45 by taxation grain beause my vsighlm ver. unalis. bertr onstndy Isat. lm lordship for gonert,, purposes, by a rate of 19J factory, as alleget! by hlm, ueir diiih ta trstMr. Justice Morrison presidet!, bis bion. mil bcou Ise ansd for scitoot purposes Stop at aIt--but, on lte cenlrary, lu. esu ur Judge l3urnlîam oeenpying a seat 08,950, a rate of 5J mille n the q- sîructet!nie ta dolver such cf his cars )0 H.d upon 1he Beuch. making te rate fur lte year 25 mille as I cousît!net receive te Mr. John Wat. ). o Âmongst 1h. lnembers cf 1h. legal on 1h. $-1 rmilae leu tIls ant Iyear. sou, and il aIse (fertonatety for my lgis rofession presoent vers M. C. Cameron, The by-law vwas adoptet!. purpose nov) se liappened that soume )an Hetramrn, Toronto; Chas. Mc. Nrofo eaca t tebe ctas vlich Mr. Gordon 553's a11, Fayden, Owen Sound!, vIe cendncted Mr. Harpor give notice titat ho wit oweeld ste a cc -ura, sroed as.c ,atrthe Crovis business; - MoGregor, aI lise next meeting moire for lbave te iyotheobld s o r. atIfs ,"dw eesOwen Sounid ; C.. Jones, Oshawa ; introduce a by-law te provide for lte vit re.%ult I shall nov procoodta te cor1Y . 'AUxb r in ;.c eiler , JBain, more efficient collection cf taxes lu tbeso. vereA 1fs aam;J.CE arewel~,4lwiOn Ibe 151h Febroary, 1878, car No. afrnConnty Attorntey, W. H. Bilings, A. G. On COLLECTION OF TAXES. 47, sailita coulain 405 «buahsela, sud Inota MMilunandG. oun SmthWhi. O'ïmotion ofMi.usg, lte collcctor *1slrokied as you vouit! stroko a haif- who by. vas instractod tb procure th .tzre. bushell" (se Baya Adamo.) was baudet!i tifaey T UaE GANJUReiY. ceipts prluted, shoving lte diferent over by me tea1Mr. John Watson, (whose F theystyle af weigiting, I it iieb.romoember. Id Ip * The panel cf grand jurors belng ealu, rate.q for différent purpobes. ed, Adîi se mucit admires,) aud vas oat ainve, at e wrn lu: AiessrFourtil pitesdeclarot by Ibis sainiepure sand patriot.u zopd nmes an wee sornil:ecJolnis eo t nîy cenlain 879 eors). John Ralcliff, toreunan, Tu LDN.ur.page pitu /s560 bushels, being short exaclly 25 Sthse James Audeorsn, Lewis Grass, embellis thlie Oclober Aldine, a nuin. 35/60 bassites. Preltty guet!, tîsis, fer *aser) Wmn. Evart, Jerry Lick, ber wvhicit glovs witit ailtlthe beanty sud lte firet 1<st. Thon, on the 17tIs Peb.,p n lie Sylvester Mackle, Robert Mooncy, riciteFfth f Ie season, aorpsssiong esci twIo iays tater, car No. 41, also sailiy 't te M. MTaggart, Johin Steel, cf ispeecse Atno pg yte pure and pistriolie Gordon Ito con- s'up. J. B. Powell, A. N. Sexten, J. D. Woodward represenîs a wood tain 405 busîtels,,-'stroket!," I suppose, Lent, Geo. Tbeinpson, B. Widdiffeîd. and river scene in tIse fal cf tIhe year, as ususi, vas likewise Isasded ocier te re te TUE JUDGF'S CHARGE. vIsonlte leaves are dropping freintite be bet!i by tise sansie 1fr. John WatsonB His LnrdsIsip, lu adressing the Grand trees, spd lte air la balmvi. Tite picture ani!wbicli after baviniz passedt! troug i Jury, sait! ho bat!runcli pleasuro in' 'Bauan xqnisiîe gelnsi. "Desdeooa," lits liautls, vall declare t teconftain cnly1 Y. uoticing on the siteriff's calendar tat after Cabanai, la a snable flgnre.wauder. 896 42/60 bualtels, being short 8 18/60 2r ltera vas onîy ene prisonor for triail tully on gravet! by Jonuard. Tii. face ittîsitels. Bot I aminont doue; yet. On" ttei aud ltaI one bat! only beae mie laJefuît cf heauty antdpensive saduesa, 201h Feb., a fi-v days later etill, car don te.day Otiterwise, lie wonld bave bat!aud lte banda are claspet! as in prayes.. No. 41 agairf n fo te banda cf Mr.' uly lte pleasnre cf receiving lte eustemary Ms". Artur Parton contribules a grand Watson, alisa said.by Adam tb coolain w lore fei ltesierif Ter fuI1-paged picture, called I"Thse Rapias 40,5 bnlieis, Isaviog gene, ai s lieh re as ie, lus fborsthsîsiivent on er cf lte An Sable," and reprcenîuing iii asuppose!, tirougi t litsaine "slîoking", ced perso cia rdsvIip lit eiosaycragievvd sanner tise beLl cenery cf lte fpreess as hoforo, sud vas declaret! by ti bas cf rape, ou a yoong chut!, he holievetli Adiroodacke. Tise spirit cf lte picînro titis saine John Watson le cootain ooly aI but lie bsd escapet! frein custody. His la fuit cf hfre ndt motion. A citarmîug 893 42/60 hushets, being ggain shsort e lan, lort!sbip reterred aI some leugt talethse subject, sure te attract witbe admiration,. il 18/6) hiuiteis 1 Here, Ilieun are qî lav lu cases cf titis nature,ant! theite l Spring, " hy Pierre A. Cet, frein lte ire lite lstcasn t avn he n( 'in difference as te tise serlounuesa of lte original lunlte pessesqiotl cf A. T. Ste. vegtt u y M. Walson-a person i Lte charge. Titero migitî ber chier cases ta wart, Esq., cf New York. Tite efftet vsousMs . Gordon laya alway egs cesebeor hmvier ltepatisof sunsiie iii soft sud beautiful, sud Sn correctiy- sud fotud ta ea hwo hrt"45 ait! vere cul ou bail, sud eue of nuisance.tIse visole piclure is a poeen. Thse chier 1 81/63.ituslsis, or an average cf 15 10/60 be. o dreced einle eamie Ie gciillustrations lenttis aumiter are rends us sels, par car-just 59 per cent more sot! e'dreport. expretsiegabisnelth ltd or ee ustiunUua, si , it lian accordincg la Mr. Gordon's show an and reot xrsighsbl t mr imeo te Gra adCosq liegeivniah fu! ls oan f a scoen teGadCanal, Venjice; trtg wts tise case ai my place. Thon, Pi1 lie sstisfactory state as voie nearîy al lte IlWild Flowveîs," by L. ]3echssein; - wlîy does Mr. Gordoen Iisire ta acreen ~ cie geislutis Poirec. ines of thirteeu p;ctnresn, illustrt tve àMi. %atron visile aItisa c ame lime De Thejur th et li.ofthe life cf Marrie Lutter autite le eiîug i Mr." W atsn tia P"ic Tlejeylies eirt.Cache Wartburg, ln Gertnany. IIThe me ? Etsr1f. -Onkotfreim P ide Hlartrick. vs. Poic7ai-d8.-Ti"v-~as an Ugiy Beatsty," l'y A. T. Eiwes, and 1Mr. Gordon wrengaftilly titis 45 81/60 action for seductlen, lte parties cf ltreo viewa et St. Paut's Catlteral i. btîst's whîeat frein titree cars, or es Pic 4le wviicirosit!. le Pickering. Postpeot!Tii, la a a nunrivailet! coîîec. 1r. Gardon prattciced dupliciîv Ibronglt- 1 lio titi neal assizos, on account of abseueu tien cf pictures. o ut in loeing lte cars. Mfr. GardonPi et! cf seaterial witnesses. A. G. McMilla5 Tise table cf Iites'ary contents for tii may tate citer lucrecf lte dilemmea ci for plaintif ; J. E. Farewell for dotent!. numb)er la admirable, couaisiing etf a lue pleases. Que thiiegis certain, tIsaI, if ter' il ~ ~ ~ ~ pe Tier biIln cie cse rad, Lake," by Alfret! T. my sîaîemneut eho rrect,anti Mr.Gerdors TI it Terebein nocillr -ase reay, tree; muytri-aitsd iuîeresing aud Mr. Walson'a boks wlh tii as sg Court vas adjeurned t Tnesday IlRocoîhections of Williain Kailbacîi," ta ils cerrectness, tison I have praven 2 g- snrnieg at nine o'clock. tram tise Germen; "lA Mare Gimpie beont! a pccsihility cf rccesatrui con- 1 SECOND DAY. eI Dippie," by Henry Morfard ; Il Da traiictianltaI li saine cars averagot!Dai Ir. Tnesday, *Sept. 29tb. maris," a pot-m by Laura D. Nichaois; 5 10/60 busitels more vison unloadeti F ie .flUby va. 8sf ele.- Ccnnty Courtl*1No. IHaro After Ail. " a atory by.F. D. ai my place tit anvtl îiey did vison S ie case. Recor~d vitt!lrawn; iiproperly W asburne; Tie M an anut! e lite , unlodet! ai W alons. Stili, 1fr. G rdon & enleret! for lteé Assizea. G. Y. Smsitia pocin ty, Salle A. Brock; I"Tie asserla litIl Mr. Watson's weigits n for pîtiff; H. Mâtbovson for deftî. airtbrg," a descriptive article byliia,.e ahways been satiifactar-y." I have D nu Wslker va'. Stilc?.-Vordiet for (loft.iHelen S. Connut ; I"GolileuuHaired no doubt but taI Mr. Watson veigised!& ar H. Camoron, Q. C., ant! J. Bain te;r Alberta," a i'eveet stesry hy Edwart! Olin Mr. Gordotî's cars correcîly ais dit! my pîtif; M. C. Catuern nsot! E. C. Camp. Woîks; I"Oetober," a aoniet by Mary ove voigtmuan, aud tisaI 1r. Gardon Setl bell for dett.i B. Dodeg;A Visit trous a Stainese utever bai but approximate ideas as ta 2 Sexon a espratencf or Pe Prices,"byMisq. A. H. Leonowena-;lte qnanîiîy of grain put on eseit car; Joli] -Thse action libla case vag brought" 1 Fy aln, pcsb ia sdi avilta f.Waandt a eo by Mr. Sexton, iste Warden cf lise Ce. Fanny ]Barrow; and! St. Psul's Callue. sasisare eft tîese cars ho unloat!, as il iog; et Ontario, for dansages sustainet! y dral, by Dr. Fuliioi'Wslker. Tise edi.- proves itont questioen haltliter, conit! B lujn l coaoqeuc ethiehere rnnig ri articles conssl cf"Onulte Grand nont possibîy bave beenute discrepaucy Jol.l Iituin oneqenobishoaoreunu nh Cant ,"Desdemena,""Tise Au abealleget! by 1r. Goidon-Mi. Watson B scaw e lte vilge.Iscseodîthet1 River," In tise Spriug," Musi, iiiieit (fartunaheiy for me> titis limle Bni gteo f ethe .vil; lain.Tifecaseuidte~ sdLtîsne en iejd isIssonti.juy rued a verdict for messey." --------R R., Toronto. Tut lte plaitiff for $100. Thsis la looked - . - ....DosAsSuaR.-In aecordauce vitit Boati upou ia sa surselidcation tisaIlise Na. LAttz )sassvuIs sop s.c.-Ola yonî instructious, I bave compared M1r. Twt tem-cl as ne evidone., as if il had t wuv, Sept. 26.-Tise rectaî îigh 0s.co Draper'Balatoruent et grainu roceiveti nt o wonit! hardly have siloveit i, lte lirai psu fer hsrioy have stimulatel faiss ers his elevalor, sud aIt1Mr. Wlson's elei. r Coi case, »o go viitout offenlng il. Tise te deliver freely, anti already lte re.. tar, viit lte Advice Notes, giving . Twc ermiofat action against ltso praprieton ceph ant e 1Port ot Osiavaexcoot! sîippers' veiglîts, aud the bookaesehBçat cf lte Nalionacl iii came cff earhy lns Ibeausof Ial yeirst atlie close cf navig-a- the oiliots, sdovi v esainreitoed lt'att Oclober. lien. TlIe rîceupîsfoot uit unrly 75,000 br lsîes u! u iesiet . Ss -----buaees. Thte curont puice until to.day co01et.- -Tse reault as beiov: Tv DIaBAsy OP TaUE HEAR? Cuass.- vas $1 per bnsitel.As s000.0 aithbe.Di'aper'o Eevaor- lea Wetport, Digisy Co,, April 41li, 1870.- came kuovu ltaI Torontlosud otiter Shippers'i' eigIsl, 18870 15 bus. Bot Jamès 1. Feileva, Esq.-Dear Sr. I markets hct declinet!, tire pt'lco feu leu Eltivsîer, 1c658.OO bus, & Milg have boon for many yearas ù vichltim o 0c, chcaiug viths a dovuvusn tendency. brae3.5u. ic heatl disesAs aut!prostrationcf lIse Thte quauîity deliveoeil h varlcusly Woviorao 2.8b, e- syst .eus generalhy. Havidg Iriot! physi. eAlirnate-J at frcn.5tusOt60 per cent, cf ton's Elevator- over- Cians cf eminenoes, hinluEurope asoth Ie crcp. Deliveries cifviteat have Shipper,' vei-'ht, 1ÉO30-24 bus. T Blevatur, " 18261.43 bus. Bout Amerlos, sud obtained ne reliot, I vas heen tree, lte puces ianging frein 01- H. Spe aI lit iniueed le Iry your invahuabi for spring lu $105 fer vwhite. Sisorbage, 0841 basu. Ras Syrnp, sud amn happy le say viitt lte »Youre truiy, - Two best resuiha. Ilta staat! is Nov York ltaI flfty (St!.) JOHN J. ROSS, Seey. H. SP8 On unnlgîthe irgI botblo rny cemplaiut inlusurauc cemipsnies ar iýpe e Hn;thn o ebtee eay fSpio vas botter, snd h.erée tonrt v as retire fobusinesasl lnChcdoet! r;toW hv h ertayO pn finishot! I vas complotely cuired. generaiakî ct f tse Ntina o li fte, P. W. & P. P. B'7 Ce., Mn. Rosa, Fat elos ne#blih or h cfi f UIrrierittest it e atIsoriU specishiy clsarged by lte Presideul, Mn. ahears, Plersaen biseofCitorguo uit ts . d her. UAÎ. teenquire itbaand investigata CAPT, MAURICE PEiTis, Sit.- uremeulnts o te igurd eir1e etite foui charges belng csrcsuîated by Mr os ut sek dmeilin ati m cu.Gerdnasnt!bis co-agitslone eomposing Bret PÂTSO.N'5 INs>zLU.o« Isr.-An ni- toldb pltc He-shsles Ihat the nov varehouse fdru, sud vbat doea 1er. ablo article ; every housc.keepir shonît! ne1arlaIse English compaiiues sud hogyinso eot idelrsvr Sw bave il, every hraveiher shouit! have iltIse oat!ng Amealean companies vihi v intr la btr ant5 Wi evory holel siiouslt have il. Il la ouset! adhere. te Iàsir determinstion ta villa. particle eft lithi ini biot; tIsat, on lIse villaa comtnenpeu- sl ut! la 8vrvadrav froua ChisagO. -Ctntl'a!yo lte result et bis investigation DorI roady. Paysou!n'sIk hisondumet! tfze lneuliieuy lin my tavour ; liaIvitile, H. M.1 leB et ty yeuslIsere-is an a parent dlscrepancy et 68 Cela o#rtryysi.T«si GR CÀwpoasmu Tio.-Sac. 41/60 buslieI vheat on 18880 -24/63 PelaI 0IeWest Northumberad eectien'ý ramenta, Cal., Sept. 25.-Tite foilcving busitelavbeat delivered t! tr.Watsous's, so trial vas ceuchudeti on Salurday, when lm tIse tret-for $50,000 te.day; um. lter. s u u aant' discrepancy OaUl bir.Ker wà uzseaedbisLordéhip 'mary :-Sam Part!y, 2, 8, 1, 1, 1 ; Oc. cf 82 15/60 busheis op e larger quautiy Spati doediusg, hevever, thal the charges cf elden!,. 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ; Bulack id, 8, 2, (18870 15/60 buhs)- serbë dehioi Leghi peronatu brlh.ry had net becs sustain- 3, 8, 8. Time--Z.21, 2.'241, 2.'25j, 2:28, at my pI5tltt-over 100 per cent lu my Thomas ed. ý2:28. Wben it wva is> 'thatfavur. Doees 1Mr.Gocrdon vant n Thn U1Mr. AldemnS inn">u.ît ad wn û-r hà --ma a -- fils ode o Ida filir car%, sud Y îEr ' 2bu s. Sprng W lia-4 e to , lut ram, 1.1 Rosmseo4resv tena sud Co"3tr. 1r. p tn n.Tôo ieJ, Stnesebouoe, aspteve wnrth $, -.pro- vW5in B a l w a y C o . ti o a a a d e d -S e v e r a l e x tr a p r I se s f o r s e u te di i ; R . B . H uata r , S t ooe 1uttei uutmthfàlnessof Ail hbisolIssi fovu. - Mrth M, tr a.niB. nd o. sot nA hrsvOîiellage ofotBmpaveiep,, statemaOnta as leMmvveigbing comparet -nd0 o h ith tsof eMr. Watson. -AGRICLTRuAt.TecaS. Jln. . - iii left c012Pday laut for parés Ism , you s, » .. Steell hto'-2 ut sud rs, W hiîlug 2 bus. Pa lt W host- 4 en lies, lot B .. ub u su . ohom, ip eo wlt b uggy anauu C. DRAPER MI'gCe., Cetar DaIs. Cnni'ugsam ;.2ud T. IDevis. -bayr, aiuv domotori buggyaetc, i 'W iib y , S e p t. 2 9 , 1 8 7 4 . M ilnu r o fo r ls- 2 s u d t r si(le . - 2 b u s: P e a -- O n t rie , l t T . H . h o r s es, a n s of elogS ,s, oIw e re àb a Sading feulc-,lit auti Brd.' Glontlîuulon;.2at!Jas. Beach. wan l st er on Satuis li. . i TIs PorucaiExibtin. GraISs clhnes2nt! sd Ot! do, 2 bas. Balev'.10 surus, lot J wên i . vav le Ibe A ItývPentiiuExibtin'g senteit . - A I lth e P ro v in cia l x h ib ition , h l l ah P rk , v o o l-isot d o . 2 lu s. O st- O turier o A M i h ie y t. te.nu mb e c k e fo rb s~ a tt e w i à . TrOronta ast eor, le out oet(nt'arAN.2sd T. Il. lsnînnlug. - e; sêibtkfoottvlie- y ar- E~~~ohrlos aly Rie-lO enlies, laI 'Th. pnfl o heTibt ,b v Cana Co's prizec, 2b3 bus. fIt vieat Jasq. Titomas 9usd Jullux St. Jehn. c sussubahpr fl.teabsgoiswl'.ô le carrisil off a larg e o u unh r et p1f50 . -2 ott Tho n. 'TM an ersos, Beach. - - Pet htnPs, s Iv vssie v- G entria z s, îu n a c i uli .o yes . T h a e x h ib it io n, as -va s a sîllip a te i, va s W hite pvI oe r v h e a t-- iti d o . W ". B a irt! ; 2 ailJ o hin * H e v s a u. 7 h lu u b us s grand s noces- tbe num ber f anrez s p ing W ient....îsî d . D zen T rni pa--9 e neris, It H ill & T he Ciinita~ t n aie a beavv tlfe sqt h .lin g b ag e , th e va sî be r p ro p it o u s , a n a ,i , - a r I eir(2' ie vw e d ) ...l sî M - T i em p io , F a llo w i î o ,n ; 2 u d i lu i qs S t oî i ,i t i e P rp u i e . o f N1 i a r re n t Rail Whithy. Tes Fuy ieldl CaoR o. nirieso, isIrDonald i78>h tg lthe attendanco fImmenseii. Bre 8rvs).4iMPtd 2nd Wm. MoRe. hu otlaat ia iMu A m o n g t t .e ' p r i s e s i i c h v o g f& 0e O s h a a . - n ai W cl - n r o s s I I t a l f o . f a e n i t f b . s nf bay, lb etaid raugist mores Oata, -vwitbe-lot, T. Mneso,-FSeto 2dJ tenes. ury of St. salpi.. 101th. exteut- of $11,. et the Meaars.,JoUr.3'Brothers shonitBeatsch- cs2n d.DAIET PRODUCE. 00 by nigit appeiar luhlist5. Tiey hablaver îei, î....îeî WmJ. 1e0psr . 20 Ibo. Butllotid lu eis-S apules, 1ot V OfTMO ON Wi'us PRoPEIrn.-IWe ahrady ôàireiloff a num ber et pizes W itb . M iss Margaàret R peel m, o ladies' dres, Ipaiu front Hnsilon- fluai tlb Cousty vherever e xihibitot (secondti asd third Alik o C o er seefl-2 ut, . ' . 1f o th 05. reseutd y Brabaz en & C ., Juile of W entw ou'l. M ur. A m broes, bai A I h l i s t Co u n y [ f o , ) - s u d n o a b l y T i s e m a , B r o o l i . b M e r e b e t s i- Su n d e n i a n i ; ; Z u t ! M s . J . d e i d e t h s l v i s e n s v I s a ra i s v o l a lit dv yer ot! arc viici ba al WhiteBeliau flIt!carotSt John->;rt!Mi. Thoms Klgzht. n tihe propery ef thoiu' iivevs are nt the fiv year ld mare whiMuba . C. WHiebBînfeliui. - tsoed-2nd 10 lIts. Buttor lu rolhs-12 enlies, lot Psntitlte d se Rnunies the o»oz.tion of rea!ytaouh. an. nuhe cfBoau LgrC ot maugoîs!vusolsei-atM. A. Hi, slven Pl"te4Cruit lte nov "Marrit-d Wona'a Ast." if leey prise. thpear tIsaI tofseegt . C.ongrit. odwrzlBedltStand, vahused ti I5, presentei by -Mr. marniet i lceltaIs el caesintb terce. sema hnuing ,Itey vr. t at t rielt Mm.s-.u T. Gy shv. Wm. Gordon. Merelsaut, Sundleland! Moltou sea a iswoun a fie bill nomebanlin thy wre nt alowd Tres-2ndT. uyOshwa. 2nàt!Mr. Jua uSir, Ord Mis. H. lias beau litant!, gave hal lu 820021for le show lit.he havy tiraugbi, as Iîuey XI5CELLASOS. Gleudeunnin«g. 11 vere n t im portor. T Iey ver . c lle t M ap e s g r-loit W . M ajor, Picekr. T ub EnlIter net Ipos tian 40 Ib h.-5 trisl. on te cha ge et libel. upon M iss "Caadenani aim" nt vse .lIe1ng -suniesn, let mis$ Jane -Carmlehae,sa Preoter. '- siDio.e cake-2ntl W. Major Tes Set, valuei aIt85, presantesi hy P. The taunerv ana-u t aer 41sting jolges cae round uey thatTaylor A Doilge, fBea- C. JudiMercîanundenland. . Zut! kctery et J. L. IIrmar,& rCo.. of th l e y s i o u t i a i e i o w u i n t é h e a y v e r t n . M i s s M g a e t B e c i s e ; i s . C -onMa, w s d s s o e i l y f n i o n d a y t!raughl--.tus displacing th orn eut cf W oot! elr-2nd, Jas. Stono, W i' Jolunslon. m ri g OSh a y a i t c asses vlere th e 7 v e nts! h. u re tb b y . . ie-- 1 0 l . C h oe s - It M IS. T . !V a Ie n - o a v Stum p Ex r scor- st, M oore, Vicis. tyne ; 2 n4 Mfra. T. H art. > ca uben ke por of th ae -bise reeen i have takeri prises. ors & Co., big.HRIUTR.Vciuntooes Camp ntt Lencln hIas beaut Hus.Sulky Uhore. - iseaTîcallLTuaz. fluet!860 85c. fer seliug'liquer lu tb. usra ris-2t!Hal an'g Collection of apples-lel H. Glon. -camp on Surudav. Titoiouglsibet!s-Saliou, 4 yri a d C ., Oshta a. d ni g upvartls-lst P. Llustan's Warmauitie, Stores-J Carmichael, Oshawa. siinusng. canedba0ga D o z e n vin te r a p p lep - 8 a unr e s, l aet i ' t I e m n y h u e a i w a Pickering. LADIES' DZEATNENT AND FISE ARTS. - Thos. K ight ; 2ud H. G iouinning. thê Iut.rnstiors hat ruce, thes eras; Do., any age-lsl Do. Waber celer pile, lvr-2a Dozen fait appios-lal H. Glenaiin. heing almosî entirely lu Biovu'. foyer- Yearling lily-1t John WVatkei, Mise S. Striekîseadt!. 'flwr ing. A caiter,namnui Itevellier, vas sudo icoterein os-atN Gls Waem caler paiohiig, ta'scy tubjecb- Plums--7 entnis, lIt Misa' Mary sI- a lavera Isabinthe itiMotntas, Picke r e, ng.. él-oN. 'Gat$,ls Miss Nancy Sîrickîsusi. Sitier; 2utl B.& T. Peekle. Montréal. hast Monday mornlug, vwhito FaGaoPickeeng. Crayon or penait pertrail-2id Miss Crait appleo-4 enlies, lit Win. Car- trylug te fore uahanos eino the bar. ngol i14ItN.cohh-2 cker- M. Strickîanci, Michael; 2ut Win. Paterson. roou., Ne dioi shenhly oterwanila. J.gB S-pia-2nd Mise Nancy Sînictlanil. 6 huoceea grapes-4 enbia, lot R. & TIse Isigh id ta INov Yorks on Mou- 3 ie h s e iI r sBr o o t l i O u i a J B - 11p a in i n , a u y s u b j e e l- la t M isa T . R e e k e ; 2 u ti H . G l e n a i n n g . 4 y f o t e h e l r n t e s r e s e B i ck ll , r o ok i n .N n c y S trie kh au t! . D o s eri b e o ts - in e ritr i 'es , _ls t J e h t h e a y ve -feto t l c o ll ais l b . s h io *YeailinR f 4ly-lst N. Burton WbiLity. Do., Animal frein life-2ut, Miss Sbonses; 2nt! Geo. tSpeuran. - litearivr toouste udaise abe Carnlage horses-Sallion, 2-yrs ahi- Do., figure aobjecî-lsî, Miss Nancy Doseri table carrets-let J.tSe asy adpr e ieLogBac Bn Js oit ily-ach. . Aekl. S eius." bouse. 'Ri inad . lSaudly, Hee. Sing l carnage BeBnomko... Do., flovors-st Miss Nancy Sîrick- - 6 iteals cabitage-IsI Jas. Thomas. A oltien untar airr-st fer dmuulctsu SingJ. Cnsul, oseaori! Bate2&landl. Peck -culons--il entiez, laI C. S. neeaI lte Citadat Barvaesa. ahHalifax, W.J.Coan, shw ;Br Batie& De., portrait-lat Miss M. Strict. Johnu, sous. ; 2nd J. Stoneitoose. sbol hîmme-If vitsa riflts losted vits Miller, Picksering. 2y l lantd. Dasen tomstoee-8.,entnies, lit. L. blaut cariire, vlsiaiha eplacetho ii.i Canatian bret t!iangbits- I! Do., alihi hueé-laI Misa Nancy Strict- Joues ; 2n1 Juius Sirer. -menus. Re bal been Ivelve yean. lu Lalion-4t]i Âudrev Nicot, Wtby. landl. 2 cilroms-7 enlnies, lit Jas. Bysu; lb.-service, sud bore s geet choracter. 8'yr cld i fl7 - Sut! John Miler, Pick. Potgrhfinishud lunoi-2nd Misa 2ud H. Glendinning. Au allers ilshrl e aet 2rig ol!ll Zt a.DigNancy Stuictianti. 2 pumpkins.-6 enînies, lit C. St.I-fat pIe ivhhomiacrly . at érla. 'Iihy; rt! iyn & J oiau iise. Bea! word-Bi Miss S. Strictiait. John ; 2ut! D. BIcPhsadshen. Whiby;SrdBirell& Jhnsn, ickr- Braidliug-2nd Miss M. Sîrictîsut!. 2 squashése-lI J. A. Campbtell; 2et George Brovu bas soent asohser chai. g.Croteitet varis-lel Miss M. Stricis. M. MeGnalth. lange bo Saisies, lthe Enghlsit ciu Y ea li g tlly - rd Jeffrey B îc 's. , P IXlan t. -8 p on Stity Eri idelaint ms. -lsI Miss Iran lharava-lal W. Mois'. The yacht Ina et Tarante vontse Heary.ofauabts, impirrlle&!Johslon.Sro ag.Sing-le carniage-lai W. H. Oliver. lirat prze au Tuesisy lun thse race aI H e v y i a u h s , i p o t - d - S a l i n D u . , il e c t t e u - 2 n d l i a s S . S t r i c t . C n t t e r - . 1 c s u d Z u l , i e . B e l e v i l e t o n f i a t - la i s y a e i t s . - ut! titree osares-Beatîles & Miller, lthe lui eiyoboaus...sTMmes S'r ir yîsit!e fupwsnde-lsI 8i-aD, nd. te-s, is .Srik itdo. laI do. A terruitle gale vas experieuced on rtin -4t r Wea' rzo 6D. ndvcatt!-aî Mis . Srit. ieTtest!sy aI GCharleston, S. C., casiug ) e t î re & m il l e 's - ' J o l în o he C p . " G u i p u r e v er - l t , M i s s N . S t r i c t .kM S W S T R S . a a e t i e-n o u t c 2 0 0 0 S-yr clit alallior-lL iVin. Titomson, lsnl. Folle! clath-lcî T. V nn; 20a TIse Sctt 1" p air hl ' yc r i d l hh o -2 d G . H H l K nilting-Sitl, M iss S. St ilhan.- . M iss M A M eP i eu . a , S n f r n T ý r d Y h o 2-rol tllo-ndG . alNettiuig, fancy-2u-1 Miss N. Sîics. Flaunel, itcrne.unade-lct Mies MairaI atfenî uTusdy 5he Oteening. land; 3rd Miss M. Stnicishaut. garol Betie; 2ad M ns. A. M. MeLean Obisr Yearling col-let J. I. Davideen, Patchs.vart quilt-2nt! Miss C. Nos. Biauketa home maéle-4 entries, lit A Vianna dispalcit maya the Sultan Of Stehlin, uyae-s Bali & thl, E. Wtitbv. Mis. J. C. Hiuctins; 2nt! Ifn. M. Mc- Turkey intents appoiuîiuig hi,; eldesI 'st "Joln n e epe." H Mi- aîr vert-Ma. G. Neshoîl, Est Pîsaden. 1son ttahIs.comman! e!flthe snu, pro.- B-yî I aoitfliy-lt,2n st!Sî! m Whiîby. Coveihet--6 entries, laI Misa Miehie;limminary ta decbsring hlm belr ho -12. s-oacu, ilceniug,2a n d. Macs picture-2n! Miss S. Strict. 2nt! Mus. MeDonal. Timon.. LiyoIt il-aIBati AMhi Pikrigaond. Goni's Plaid-lai Mis. J. McKinley. Getppatinar igMoen 2-yroidfily-it Batte &Miler.Socts-8 entries, laI Mia. Jue. Hait: Geefreat e elosebiusgomte tlu I3rood mare, vila toal-isI Js.I. Brotk FaîllExhibition. 2uid Misa M. Beetie. i Qune anise celebotienn tli by tiaidscu.- Milla-ltMis. N. Shier.ofteBmnChÉ rlgninhs Feat cf 1874-2nd Jas. I. Davidison. . Sîaciig-G atilres, laIt Miss Mary ' etitRomnCisoi eiio ut S p a n f d îsu g itî io m es - l aI B e a t îlo T h e tl o vn g la a li aI at tise p r zes S h ie n; 2 nsl M is a M . Beek ie. c u t y Miller. 0avarde t Ilthe tatexhsibition cf ltae LADIESwons Thinse uruce -ageuti lu Montreat CATTLE.Agicuhînisi Society ofthe towshiip o Piece-wo-rs QuulI - 10 niis, let propose le organises a special lire patio! D u uiam - B nl, 4 y r - lst B oattie B r ee, iteit on the lGh sut! 7tit u to. . M u. Ira Feltan. s p es orie dis on O f eiglhsl or n i e m o. Mllr. l ulltEieI&JbscPIELSstand vot 8$1.50 pieseutet hy Wmn. Helhems' pl aning-mil, ésrpea's ilsi s o i. O A U C T ~G a r td oe n , M e rc h a rt, S n d e r a n d v 2 d s o p a n d lu m b e r y a md ,f a t S . C a h a rin e, ýos2nDAGTHnE. Miss Mary Hoakin. togebueî vith a pauul.shop sud a dv.».- 2-yi al Butt-2u1i B. S. islson; Bit! BesI Sipan-5 entîles, let James Ren. Genl'i ShirI-lst Miss C. Conusirg mos-bouse voe> bunnedoten Fiiday sui Millet', nie, $S, presente! hy M r. J. Windfiel!, bain; 2nt! Mus..M. McPhisseu. * oigtt. Tis e Ionas aha.sy. A large .-yr ohtl Bull-laI T. H. Hall, Pick. Nippiesing Muie. Fermera' Wreath-lit Miss Mary Meeting lunlthe intereal ciap. Nomis, Bit! John Millon. Bront! Mare-laI James Dette; 2rid Hart. vtctvshis si!a ietmrk Bibl caîf-Zat! Jas. I. Daihsois; Bit! Geo. Haden. Baby'. Dues-lat Mra. L. Switzen. up viton lthe shrm vas- ised. un Milter. 2-yn oh'l FiIy-lsI Geo. Hadiden. Latiy's Dress-2 entries,lsI Misa Ma. B u, soy ag e- l o l B eattie & M iller, - r ld C o lt or F illy - 8 en îies, l t V ei l ; 2 d M s J C u t n .C U sa-nyor Bssi .- T h e n e v vit for itt Baron. soit 2nt! Hill & Falicytiovo. Craie Quit-lsl Mra. W. Patbonson. Es of ns Meuot upon lien ueatu avw-ItBahie & Miller; Zet! JO. Foat mot 1874-laItGec. Hait!en, 42 Csi il-0eîls S-o n crgr a eulso! )faî, Beach. prse tel by M . J. A. Cam pbell f tt M ary M cK inley; 2uct-M r. W in. Cal.- ie n m n lo ue l c nlt Si 3 y e a î o ld o - Zn d s d Bit! B ea ttie B ro o k H u se. h o ui . sutl te eg i ara r i th e e lsiru b g tiller. Geuserel lpurpoeote-Spa onn ~uiSofa PiIiev-4 oentnies, lit MisO fnedynibamnB .ym ott iefem-2nd Bure» A John- lunluamnece -9 enîries, lai Edwvin ShInt -, Gise. Thomupiosi;2ud Mis. 7no. MHonw-ida illamn sra t.$5 presenteil hy Mr- Jaunes TI ppion ain. Gunniug iihes anoîber nausetFPeel, [eifer cstf-r! Jas. I Dailson. ohftthe Poil Poiri' HansepaLrt y; IVake! Siipper-lsl 1frs. Leacha. in Titaîcd, by bestitbg hlm on tse Iea! tenciOh ofDunitams-ls8t Bestîle 211dJiiius S. Johnu. 11\ Tuttet Quilt-lst Mus. Di. McPbs. vita spade. *ieron- o -2 d Tto.G y îeb r a; 2îst! Ae. idýd; t James. deu; 2rd hins. W. Pattenscu. T he. inter natnlheah bat race aI St. )evog-Cw-2d Ths. UY. Chabers 21d AeMîcisie. Lace Wenk-3 etes, lai Mis ns.m on .. â nBon fHlfx reifen caît-lît TIses. Guy' 2-yr year olul colt on f ihy-0 outries, Calisoun; 2nt! Mis. Juhiu S.to. John. ,an .B.ri, oflvee Burga, cf aifwon ýysitires-S-yr oit! Bull-laI Tîsos. let Junii aSt.'John ; 2ut Gco. Hadt!en. Ru- Rug-5 entriez, leI Miss Saisit ud Mrows, e Plsbuig, ona va v Y.l-yr ait! clt or lily-7 ontis, lIst M1art?, Zut! Mis. JosepitThouspeon. yB*oh e eluls nO lsty 3'mr oIt bull-Zut! Tios. Guy. Jas. Dobe; 2us, E. & . Brabazon. Tam B 1na-S nieltMs ast Ts Aeissvnlt oanto t! -M------- 1 ys ot ul-o E- B rha lding on .Cwit r 511k-S. eotriesWue St dlock et Coteveit-lt Beattia 5O- The tow,.i.ovfrAeniguaars. uarge - 1er, 8100. Bull Clf-. Stochose. fiabaon.Tietvcfutga, uama, suesbmsTv ees1Z00siat Milcit Cov-lst E. A R. Brabason; F.t'alsen Flovers-7 lMisIf.- J. Centrai Ameries, vas enlindly dessoy. -it Jsflay Bkas t! man 2dGo. Hsdder. Doble; 2u'.l Miss R. Stonebeuso. et! by an eaetlquake onu Pity nigat. -s cw ey rs a it rs. 2-or oi Hoitonr-lat anti ZndE. & R. ISCÉLLsAME. sr.-LstFiaislt I.an.ul. tslovs--Bar, Z obersy Biatson.Tinsiitît WOr-ý-lt .B. Hner. G. T. B. betveajs Maureal snd ot.. s i sona - s î . M i e r C a f - l t G a o . a d n ; 2 n t C a b in e t W a r e - 4 'e n trie s , l a i J o s e p h t Issu v u c ita n g e ét a th e m e d iu m g a g . . a au-Zt!H.H.Spencer. Baao. Tbontpson; -2n ot! Uas cock. Revil. Henry' Wand Beechas- hau re-- ev oes, Z sheare-lt a'nt Zut . G&z- 'a ît ulliJIu Mloiona orgas-la & 2ud A.luethmfintieiioMnans -- encer. Movsars. - aee.nu il peacb is fiast sermon of the shalig Bull Colt---lot T. H. GIeudioniug. Mt-n's î0rB et-c Kîe aser £0 hia:floot lin Bieokln next aitarhng vesBri H.M. Milcis Ce-7 ctries, let Ja. tone. en's care Boots'-lt A. Kela. Sunay. -- bSeep-Tve Ees, union 2 hous; Zd Gao. Hadn. -Lafe ilmass-Iotriast, lt-Mi. Jas. -lit John Miner. 2-yi Gott! Mif"3en anis lI u! 1ekie 1Zut! is r. R. Baird. TisePrince of Walea has ameoept he Z o t i G o o M a i t i s i . - C o e l t o n o f P r e s e r v e - l O - n t r i e , G r a n t M a os h ira p o f t h e O r d e r o f r or . 5 W N .1 e a n o lti H e i t r î 6 e n tr ie s , l o I s u d li s t -M s . l M c u l y . M a m u . * tlg s e v- Zn i B ea t te sun d Mil. Zut, G ao. H atd n . J a r J el y - 14 a nr es, 1mb M i. L . M a t r c a f - lU t ME I s u t! P a l e v . J o u s ; Z util M m ,. L e a c h . L ie u t. . G u>v . C r a to r d , Sr R g A jl Vunder. one year-lt Battie Adeo*. Jar Preservef-14 anres, lt 3r, d a uibr'sof- thiip.etet. YokeOzeu4 enriot litB. 'uin.B. lBaird; 2n Ma. F, C. Juiiith,*~&Rhrs ui-usq,-- PO L R.ingiam ; Zut! Jas. St. John. Jarn Picllesa-5enties, ist 3 i. R. R. W . A. Bos, partu e Ho r É_ W . sings -Whuite, net importet-Zut! FPst Or on eeea-O culmies, lit ad Prt;2i i.W atro. sot a euapitdCnyj T h o m a s , li$r o k li u . n d -J a s S t. J o hin , S o n . -s u a r r itî; Z u M s . W P t e s e t . O a t, is s f u b i e -p A r m sb t Co n g , ud -FCtluoetorFruit-S enîres, lst 1fr,, lu placeet Juatige'As.P. -0ugJ ouds, old n- Zut . X Thom ss. Mad te ; Zuti Ja. Sb. Johu, jr. _- e c iup-7 vutries, lt-M rs. M eC l. ' a h ii n a fts -h 6rn o r - l t sa td Z ut! . M . T h o m a s .« i a E -l y ; Z ut! M s . B . E . P o r r i t . t- E x i b itio n o n w e , i u o d î y 'w a à - i a e ý- B i t ! H . M . T iit m a . L o n g W o o > t a - A g a t! R a m - B n i e s , P e t n u a s h i p - l s î F . . J u u t ; u t - nsu, bac-lt H. M. Thluoas. leloid Zu C. Paece. Jebn Betlsur. - - -k. -. hor , w h ie- lot andi rd 1M . M . - S ie suing ram - 4 enr î , l aI a ut Pa sel D er- lt & u t J. T h om p eeu ý A n A rthur O r on hI tsr ned up i s. - Ztd C. P sce.. WiÜdOw Sa mi-lot & 2ud J. Tiomp. Kinp1at Poe e p.> - ubuigs, gohin PeueiOdlst f- 14M aIzb--,Sentieo,,,st and! cui sou.------

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