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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1874, p. 3

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R. 8Mlit. Paul gbet uonMoasl, p hm olcébf0eLs utomïer,.ahtter,,article at1 *et=W2a!price than is often chrge-oifrîrgoa WHITB MARKTS, MSIC OR OCTOBEM GOLD AN!) SILVERWATOHE Cu»qw OF=,sep wh, MýVO0C AL. % SONG$ ANDOHORUSES. Gld-Setsvr ~a~ ........s... 181000610 Gabeses Our Ha......Sewart, 40 Bright and Colored Gold St. '~lsek ByePeGray he~in 01 m > ~Brooches Bair Dxop. anti Lckes, __ Ge»ma Mrn a1 aandi KeepeRi .bui r un5wutL.DaM", U 041... o87a1eie a y t. Otl - 00Jet Je"~lry Bayi; ............ $l a t ay.. ...........ysa, W 85ey .......... ...........s, lectro-piateti Greuts &Pickl Bo................ 120,¶ .- t@a.fr , Mla ni utr uv s ani C 1P ton ~ e roitbp86"Umge«y.ý VaseS, .IJes s, W r ansPrss C................ . oi q: thuu. eoe G.>.Wlo, 80 ute B5i~hs pril.à"p eswRaElnd G.D.Wllandn, is ........ 0 087M.PracOUticall......4t.....maysl4 Tuibss, py ~. -. . Olli L Wves arc.......... 0 . e55 M Mtl..... $7 08 TronV yu alse cl Vaeua4e. yIi, ox s, ur es Béai, Md S fôores*t acen, D.Wilson, 75 Béé, t n q -rtr ...... 4,0 5, olve rl..os.C apr «ice K nke 6 Cu nlg ele Mo qn isoi«*th e u T y ik ls p . . ... W li y S t t o n a t lO W e: i *v um r r d e i f O h w n i v i i i y h t l e h s j s e e ..pes......8.ni . Lo0o.. .. u .. ',s a.. r ais .. .. . * . * TVaS leaves Port P rr:p6 . ni N w and eautiul Dre e Goots, i0 sudî7ip. i.;arrvesaiwinl,7i.S es n A0agnAmuies..Xtmnt f Sawl. GeisNRih, h ves . a. V010#14110A...ti ... ee r îis L c r se e amo h Stoc o!P in , d he ke W nces T am ve s bit Porttic eIo. ' aum" "va m1tu7hepu187i 4, sud ni. oe ptu ou dtel rn i re lwOn. B N=d:ub ei rp init e à Bh lck, f ro l c e Expris....8:8 A.m. cicl.. .1&8&m3. O n.. L CaseB cfa esh and es f AU alus' hur h-Â l s n ,8n79p.m owMsBro adwayct . -r.Bae f 7i- . 20 . s ms . 3One Car,4i>ets.p'!ýt , ei Theach, 111h, StelrndmsFatWiCtnLie, 12 hhl hut1tr% h-Eve y ndy iornln Antteyr .N. Edlng, Cha Se osut, ele ne s hsrtJnPo . Newkean2d hauifuancesanodsat othe us are mar o C 1u4aPr. ies t W~Chrh-.ÂI M a.. ni . . A tk.s, Beach, h'ch, lu great iiwl1 asNrt,1161,6ite 1115i .m. and Pi3esLof Black: Lustres, the SIE, ebc> c> StarI Brand. e lodChr h-Aî 0:80 . m uol -r1874ec ,' Doblarchad l etlakiimI o.a DIIESRVC. Joi en oh r OGeIII, S. Bldate a.. .& O hiCasAUwl ho soldas-elos teioet A U s i t 'shr h A a u ndal p .,ca la. E d ward ra i l ro , M r hor !, 1874. O s aa1,t. B t , 1 7 .L te B G E T & S u recaninCet aeyou OnerdBalseef ay 141h, zRval Ur.eaylrsdcoo e ny.a î, Wilc don ro." " 1111 ih, St t oi c Cothtur sslBves suadzy on i:N elsnon e stley, ludne l i 1 nt h, -00nsz ac3E.,5, -- et 80,andles a.m.altrna4y-«. u.'M.s lac L ehn, Juliy 2r therUCC&u,;résiencnOsa rode, o C. WM.ky Ai NG hT*lng, Tcige oý-*4 pants,:0 .fulat Xrs , c., tc. n. bousiden Co. Tresaurerdamoffice Couhty suanrer *srs lon h ir e r s ptnrer.n L. F ibn sý .S M gi i ilgiieit Celev hatl1 SSme &ï 'I Bro, g c db hflbhoiotlrd oeigtérgeWled, agodthoroug servant girl. I 1 iMIL Un iIV UL i l AI/ILl CYIM LNTA TH ) R Y(- Q O 1 8 I anrnnnjtenc.ite Permanent dantÉ 10. HOPRNS. thiai! have ronly petsmention WihtbY, Sept. Clu.!, 1874. BRO89 TREE . Créate.! r)adr. Rebon dt odeoB 0 0K STR ET.,W HNTTEB. ae.& Cou, lu o miio :îs ITBY, dcora, u ATE.CHEAP &FASHIONABLEWhhhewlofrhat»Ch lu and mii.tllo ani*co&«Fliare o ~~~(Next Door North of DominionBn. OTAI HESOE0 Professer Of the Na.ural scienc'es. WiitbY. Sept. lBrd, 1874. 311 A ANDd betterORE'OF Wh"'h * Newcasle, Aug 12, 187. 0__T._ 9_ la rg e r a n -b t e - s to c k of v e - o a t - JH N DnS'n L iia okenii a ad- g, the Best Patterns lie ever had JO NS A U N D E RB Company. th.1Yj0Warded lreur...lg tho 0=0 te of Tweeds and Well-assorted *J- Next door to &-oldsmniths' HIall, FIRESE A IY GR C RE CA1ý ,Jnly 7, 1878,whiltby, Sept. 2Brd, 1874. 89Gns nnsiga 1 EEEEBY CEETIPI TUÂT RFnrnishingBROKsTRET, a<SY The 1L' btuing Iloti erect.eilou varions T A APLI1-LIE. N. G -o-E,-s- parteoit% Tronto Unvert a:l mn. -A ~ R 'N L E S &Co, vers carfnlî~ examined!b me on Gents' Best Fur Caps and Hfls, Caps, and .Fur Goods sok o Ilthlji ufc en i t geod , quaI. in gr atva ie ym ade Ladies', G ents', M isses' and Childre s ]Boots an tidP i o 3 T T E R RAT;5 OFv1nJAOE URTHER geat vaodta.sud Shoes. The stock comprises the best work, anti will be ~ePiansBo et for 1è.,adl n epcosutbei.1. aerage rates front Quate erpo 1, founti cheap antiurbl.Satisfaction guaranteed.eus-5 1874. 88 BI purpose. Londonue:r7 GIAasow-816. hildrx in tt teriteett e adexamine HENEX H. CROFT. over on. and under 1l hall fare. Retumu UI FOR SCHOOLS. STILL ALIVE 1I Luer i fnitothrites o aad PrfossýetcfChomstrytrotvstty Co llag e t, go-.Quebe to Liverpool, Derry or B R Stegosand t o rcs Toot<1nuGsow $. rpi-passage certîfi. -B1N om r wi Tool.cato,-L vMI, eorGlasgow to Que. We give particular attention tn.the select- Rpisietyadpoity xctd Pe-1. hlreph a. ug of Music for Scheol puroses. Teaci- A] ELN e ~ p1 eeuei 'I',~Nervo.. leII..ers. r favoring ns vith their ores e.!oi Whitby, Sept. 16th, 1874. 88 Dr. L Esil tplssofMuictiey desire, an.!d O Dr .11Sumases A tftc Tonlo Pilla, ste i l aas eo m h oraausitoae téGetE nm y for aSU nervons do- Fromntiioni every information May bevaviiBOarTSe tANaD hm saisat bâeForZwrcun rshv i ORtin tory selectien. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W HITBIH R A Y rab euSthr 1 o id n %i aea.oîie tn :d ainor ae-a a Whitby, Sept. 1111h, 1874.01 GET THE BEST 1 CHEAPER THAN EVER carte, Ocdreuert it W7boey 4 ar nas rc 1 eATTEODSAD BOLTAU dasftt»u n ui'os The Best NE W Sphool Singing Boek. N(CORNE RO UNA TET taf ian f ubei.B sérur Tal ahtl an ain l ot af h egEiPric&0t., 73E ODSTN, BCKS. nL.d lith most clobrate.! antior- The flest Standard Sciool Sang Beok:.L M Io Dowvwvstlng Canada, sud le lirepare.! ta of lot 28, in the igth concesiou of th.o The. Bet Piano Inatructor: WHITBY, ONT. ta d re xalngdtaor. J Bel lm Townshp of Whîtby. The soit le excellent Paters' eclectie, Price, 8 2.5 s on rver 91 P,.0.. Hamilon. Two sud lu a geai.! tate of cultivation. Thisil Tht Best Res.! Ormn Instructor : Wiitby, sept. 16,u. 374.OSl e o c l h t e to ft e boxes oi P all e b Saut by mail ta u ns ftehs erah'fecnta.ny akl. N a rc,250 _________________ V u d b g t ai h t e t o ft e r ~ J S TR E ( . pa tC aasenrhy ronom ebsr offet. t easormeigurhe. Tht Bandin in sîructor or t e od, ie ~aobeutroue t friends and patrons to dur M ra am ,' lriaW tr villo, onsceii 01 For termis apply te Luddeu's Scicol ferthie Voire, 850 HANCEEF. SALE If dnuie. PM ssod rotatl bW on ratait Brag.WM. BLAIR, The fiit Guittîr Instmuctor g»taulaanwbol@4sa Uhs va'VolesahDruWglss and PtntUàdeSimue r. Whltby. 9TWorrall'a Guitar, Priea, 1i.60 or A Taot,111h Sept., 1874. 01TeBoit Collettioen fur Maie Voices- titi' 0»~4 t'055infs'g- a thirongh i A N T ED 1 The BeoiColection for Mixed V or, 5 VAUABLEFARMNE W FA LL à W/N TER STOCK1(,L ub iln>S, tiso',& imlléPr lanowladgsefthle natural la-vewici gavernNýPu UtaGe okPie OnçT ozd au.! iv a osrdnlal Na Pins ie ineThe l Gser, ok Price, 1 - f nes thvpéaiosofdgson ad utiton AÀgood s MES. ii. 15lyta'0 TOWNBHIP -OF PICKERING, which is now aimost comfor the eTeethe g e h va01wolIs, cte.! coca Mr EMRS D The Best Collecton for Cirdon oe s- M nay-Wija. -Sedgvick'à Complete Mleihmt, 1 50 eametIntedfèntcsesogosthasot delcatsly fiavoreti bavirage, Whiî Wiby, Sep,18174. 8The Bet Inotructor fur Concertina: Prnatt adt e. mCur feprment. In the ou differen, lse fgoi the asor- uberan B rnDrssngCo bs ado eaan h iply vii, i ll. oi, edw SsCopeeT ho <1l0Chpin tlheb.sol!ubic andoherin r adiheviu Segrvier àtorMI. 1-acR iplle ilbo. 8T.! Pnbliied sud malle.!, pout-pai.!, by the approbation of thé master, b. iLevi superior te any wc have offereti before. arTo '-Ji<ta ru k o. Hmoeiahc Le.J. 1. PETRS, 519 Broadway, N.Y. Fairbamhe y ogr, uctioneer at tie lai, Lond o. ,I shalbyon hnrday Set.ant., Sept. lai, 1874. 3 riihAmericaniotel' nteÏwn0 h m i l o n L n o 1 " I i! h l ' è k h t y 1 2 o c l o c k n o m , w onl aigu'CTUD Chamois Skinsl 20WSep sero f i rceslpedyr1nnnlt Jmsd.isJeelr G. Y O UNG S M ITH 8ATURDAY, THE 1OTH A FOO. 84 tention of buyers to their stock of T re n foecm ef difetio articles, eaI hhir vorirs in thea WhlîbY, Sp. Ob.17in oeaparcal, oee undred sud ff " sreg, con uued, Gid-ee ril nISSUER OF mer. orlesbI ohaux lite DWEst (JEt'Ho#hl Gie URCI! AN]) LOT FOR SALE. ofrth 0lottiNO.%invthe D000G DB AND BLAOK LUSTRES. PURE W N S ANTR ND E *RP.!IIDY- PraiI-Wo eulireTen.! tritinre Ou 1h, propIAE ICNSScii ery iernaetrctdOf ge c r ok e n F m o n t c o n c e sSio n o h e '- sumpîlon, Boo- ciutis, tree,, Oeiava, tu-o bocka norti of HTY NAI Oh cerigaums oi'y dt arlo d Seaua n n, a Rnçsrea large traîne building, 86,dvelling houa n a. t o ncretFsu diousa. nyalse h 1 ie Tra or'KlgtBreathl ' __________________________trame bar viii a sa t ionto ra. Lunn .Nervens Dhellty, Preature e-oeqter vicre18ofada, rear ly tu, under. use. fer a stable sud rot hoas.LION BR 1N osye *isas, sd aird s o o n br cgl oarter tiarme o plae!, m oraoîs hîgBl RICK HOTJSE FOR SALE.Ti.car!In!lealfoe!suude yoyntifuî imprdence. !ernerrlTto amlabledfrlplaceuoWeileiip, or OandEDICINA PURPOSES. col!h el nte vartroozus or nsal for Thot haudsoea lo-storey brick houa., and!producesgoodcrep. Tiere la a good TUTTLE kCo., 78 Nassanest. N. Y. msini4Tntg r rposes or lvellinga, bing rneur Mr. Chiester Drepr- gsdeco orm- ulaton. Tii. se I ra d tomangsd e w rerA e n w neit._sevhIh a ra . Ph s c a s P e c i t on a e uly p e a ei tt ea a t.oug uli b owuothotram edau. orveil tu y o 17 bMr. .R. J. lsnand! ai by Dufina;' reekanud Lake Ontario. H T NEW UVERIS oit tenerpresantea rented by Mr. Hooti. Tiare are 01 the land! cir oe u ndedac res- ara MEN auTeêtrs recel,..! nuuil finIoho Novemubel vo vwons andl tie cieterne, sud a splendid arable, anal ni'.!. goo.I culttvaion exceptW H T y P AMY I neit, Andl possession gv, o ogbot aredon os aquarter acre, velllai.! out an.! sboultvenly acres vici are covareal vith o.iek D d about tHe isst rd-wiFor hoini e fruipply eu.lImbe, ehiefhisalvooti. The viole 1ro- - ~ ~ U;eten o is t neessaly ~PrYafteoeul5i_!y it.r louie ta mat uCrîro ndsso. hly et 5h s Thli'machia gives tlea-bost protection Parties lendering vil lalase taieprince oh ARTHUR O'LEARY, occupation o e T na s ields. feremd a e ry ii!e n la. Ilotuofet. buIldigtaeh a adesed t th,9.îf .DulSinCreek about lu-o miles, where li ne. Whiîb, Sept. Cr.!, 1874-.9t gnlshing large ooniagratlons, but of pre. algue.!, liere a li station oh tie Gain.! Trunk Bail. RD AK ventinghemi. Au mneo rveto aE O?~Uatces aSLlByWer t iabur o hp TNADME IPOÉ b o t r b c à o n c u r e . I l le a v e il S e c y B . o f I A B M m liFi;- tr ou. ki'wev that aiabout nuuaty par cent. of Oshawa, ont. D.fiay, viiid frx : _oe I ara tas lea dtan RE aimr'_ liaoli torin or 5t,174 1-8 YA vutý le ue.At lAND QIALITY. MANUFACTURE, analo ani u. b. put out viii one,5-xtl-"FOREST PARK- _ail Ihose places lieon are gooal markets, PURE PATENT FAST FouiGead usher infomatin ud. y G E *240'acrs-noar Broeklin, Ontario. The puciaser vil ha requtreal aia le ime M O H Ai1 R B LA C K, -ÂV2~I F.taHY AE, L.DC-ISI N AND er t a the i.proprietor on the promises, Oh se altepsy dom tea héVenaora' Selli. Pe J EGT LNCMISOADota trsa depoalî of on&etniothe purcisa. AND DOUBLE WARP AND FREE FROMLJ JV8 F0U I<' li.W gT Ni.01 WlliySet 11h 174 ge1n. GNIALAET TRO5. DOW, ESQ., 'nons7, an.! se mmciimore oethle nurciasLAA MPRETOS Cuharlo Bsuk, nonwas in, >th he!dposi,maire ALAG. i E.FES 18 Agent for the Contederarion Lite Associa-&ookli, Sept. lîti, 1874. 88,4f è , la">wthi àà emnt CBooks postei! sud accoànns mmi. ont. o nce lu Oive equa oniIsamne -tiThle favoraberu1'+-ie n a' n. »Uq. AReN IOAR, e Nte, Acont, sM.MMrtggs. U . ayYer75tihtpeS r ani' ,ta DigueCARB)N & BOGAR , spcialatsudionon atl tnnpolecti nmDn aye Sale of the above brando lias induceti other im anufacm . Wh*b, ep 81h 17of4 WNtes, Sept ,a"74 - Intar. e ore~ lc nteznre terande wita"5aiet Physicana, Surgeens, Acconchmns, &o., kc. OUc Wr3.H aaeons tna.s.7elt~ yfv rcent ai ers els Can ui i pelsaa IeLnlee~ TImmCoFEAMEE " iTY F oBoN.* na e a aI te possessiounin th.m ake L strs raZ tille1, __in t 88 ~chier vibe i ~Lions," Lions Couchant,"nd"inDomn" Anialknsfgera£mlyGcestrdue pi"s 5TEAY EE EuI caIR 1eovnbslîb onyb md,~---- Ioul iti co- Pmoaorlng on o abou Domino"d .H..aul ohof _é The above U promip&otftheted by "Letreters Patent," for the ce--heaPer tha4 n'ohrhueb on qit Janetaasa enà cm rfe.!hhelf«r, Tii The a ..ve netpprtacuce aya Let *d'lo 16 th cn- Plk*rWon &outabtrat oti ute Mlands sud v iii Dominion, and the undersigneti are the, only «Mcrchants in Whitb7 Who ."i e-ur e eqesadli dim~ lashui.evre Cyaofli dieds or documente rne lu théir Jao' have il isiffiaol sut ldp*y szpsuts. --ailpe, And, te lntenioi al lrorm barThe U n - e '0ldOur Woolen oStock thi.s sesnstn fn1al nsye AXES 814, cn iRelg Seme CT ?TEi'o Serice5L, tw um Lno su zaoand l Ti ii torthé1fu-«andi value ; Our assortment of Fancy Trouserings ib ouperb, andi for e ,'7 ., tIevs ac 01ydfo hTnge 'le conditionsL.el thérsCo -0 Lm u .W -n lvtuAtCD1 rricir u mI Rats ndCaps, adGents' F ' 7 ai o aI95a n.aa 40'.t. u .u-ao IPARESé AGAIN REDU EFI~ 0 u odllnosl .d adurnishings we.eau confl- 100) IETOB]) ls.man! . 1Cnnotins oruheQnhamt.therpolau- oÈfce of I. Ko11hdently recoimn l anoue ast have b..» selecteti uitb rs mfo a9 a 0 v, B1 acePe8, -o FaIisufale, vl mCncnati, - do. anal retau . 85Grca 2dr9so.egea aef rItn fyuha mrdë , a ~ ohsi t er îbOrtllats--notfsin ont at, ~~sit.r~ha ,ouiitI lmprdenow etc, , B os't.T îikae1 î, 26 eau b Msesud frEokm laknclus.iomn, we eauli sfey sa, tinit wiat eue -- ORyBtTTB, re. deeay, nerv a cI. s sud au 5 >,19tsniecd att.! eMmiMal 6 ad llake K ten Bio1yd~8 yýi - & of O c" detrmiatio d d wehave d min Hct ranth f f PP41 v g a u w hi h le , d eyir ~ e s . l w i B~O L , l y D. e LOmn gent. Daed téLIl*mon 9178 NASSAUMr.ell- jy les$ [ers., ker. 40 to Lv- mal bID OMIN/ON But J. S. ROBERTSOCN,1 (Upwardo ôceeghîYeu»s with XA. 5.Irving, Teo=lo.) Booksellue-Xel"ded«e,,19atio4,, au.deieiii,,ancy c,k..," , 5p1.(Beougýh'e 01. Stand,)Brook'Sireet, Whitby. le connty, (spec", atteni mugie, L ý-DOM/N/-ONV WA BýEIBOOMS8,' LOWES &. POWELL ARE, RECEIVING TREEIR Whitby, Sept. 15th, 1874. ST0OCK 0Fi WA BEROOMS,1 1. BOOTS' AND SHOES.l vve neea011Yniyay that Our IÙr. S. Hate] have -visited Foreign Markets and pur( choie gootis both ornamlental anti usefii STOVE S! STOVES! The best cook4ing and hé~ inthe :aktfor Ceai anti Wood. The made by J. R. Armstrong, Esq., also Ou] (Joal 011 Lampé, a m$,VM D WE URP SE K EEPING v eig 2=.! ont.waieales. pealcusrsa>py amyoffeSà ahe Hô use Furnushaing Ooods, Z in addition te oui present large. stock of gooda. hby Augusi US., 1874. 33 Hàving erected one 'of fxeý fineest t totfoA h Hardware Stores in the Domiin n keeping obliging "'Mioù thet «forai'utso dt sfhad cierks, and with prices which "rig the erewd," w ar d n4ýower yt. hmVUm determined te eutstrip ail comeys. T- nig urm u "éliof cLa.ke Onu jeh, Pa friends for their past favor they 1Wil inl2 i d t his "Thfe n sti!!andtfr x'thetimne for lieuse" from which te buy. for oiJer purposes. 9W Plese eaU *anti see oui store and thé new goodo at â à " h ept'M4 the Olti Stand. T ABRM Cff HAZARD POWDEB NOW. IN STOCK.> a ODrBFRSM.N Un Ne. O i'nthé 111h con. of &cug.co- tahn ng2M 0 ac res l' acr s loa e.! an d u eodtate of ra;= .Tbifs Isc of tii. has grain ternis uin te outr. ei situaje.! aMdllaya bela4 ithul, cc a frme bar,4tOrS, slnd,stables, tfis= houe, orciail, kc. Possesson te do fanB plougiggvna MnY -Im ai.! msessIo0othe biMlding gen-in ih6mStof tMarch i»=Lt Aiefor sae 85. agereiflau&,pa of Lot WViiiDy, Sept. 15, 1874. 88 AMnwrcITONg & Oarg lOin lii. tIi cou. et Whhlby, at present ec. cu~lcdby C. Blauciard. lndiepi'tsble. Apply ta- JOSEPn IIIGELOW. Port Par,7, Aug. 20r'8i4. 37 tvopart, viliiniidateposeso. p ply te WiitbY, lIy 14 1874. 1 AT TR CHRONICLE OFFICE. T 0 LIT.- A hlcary Maud Confdctie MTWsth d'-l ingionia. F rauconiaina eexy ae u- eearycnveicne. ver 25 yeara eteii. iaalad, n D nda.steet an centre, et lhe Apply te- * JOHN .&RNALL, Proprotor. Fancy Gog&i Store WitbY, lIy 15,1874. 1 1VALISES A"i TRIJNES. LEATHER VALISES ANDp SABATOGA. TEUNKS, WILLiAm T-HOMpSoxN' 1=0n 24,15ML 2lti "WEBSTEiR" PATEIff 8EWING MAChîINE s0 positvsy lie neareal perfection yet iai'.. by any machine in lie worm. NTIRLY NEW IrniVETION, laving avep t Svay ai one a peai nany o O ifit e cWiu ian oancoe= tti'dant On the us»Of other mashlnes TEE WElBSTER a mm-vol cf aiznplciiy, bet.g com. note. vithouttheue. Ofneisy sais 'cog, anti mus so lht> sua le se ayte naerst.ud, liai n Dy whou-. ,o weak or nerous, or hovever un. cuatoméal shoeMay lèto the use eOf machineso eu lltouas it IE EA8IE AND PLEASIJB. mlis li te WESSa ingo simew ! liaItle tension Of*ua The proa pf the and purý,uaw for your- STOCK OF Il and, well. ýl F Splendid Stock /op Fall cg Wintprý

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