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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1874, p. 4

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field; ro enu cen. ftewoi -P-a- »e for rea- XIeL UNVYs-Ueai,"ua.a> a. wa, Canada. - - C hamplonRapr (Vrom thema Bforiur.1 TuIe Hon, Johfi Simnpson, Fenutto, 'at Predi~oUoOtgeBank, re. aides - on ' bis beeiful lnat - efor Bowznanvile. r1n'aheasiv.a nluch7aï.- tention - te inproveti fàrmlngi, took rslngj kalning,&». H.Re wu among, the ver>' irati n Ontario te, introtince improve4 Agriclturei Impioment. mbt canada, anud has alwaya watcb.d lb.e progracsso1 this wcia. tniaolaies wlth very'.ot interest, buylag ail lb. ,nov- machines that gave rmôtbin seful. W'itineto e .Jo.. Hall Mfg Co., the.>Chanpion Beapor,-ho. sayaas "The. Chainpioi lu rai>' udere a mosb sayra test.- Char >& eut aii acres ei Baine> wlth it yestorday afler. neon, Whou I1v-eut fate >thée lil I -coalti hari>'zmalte xayalf 11.1eve _an> fruchine v-emml ont il, pratty v-el do".a ver>'heavy, seine thlsîles, anti a thick matting et y 0=8 civar7al lie 1,ttem; but il was deoing Weidtifl v-erk v-hon 1 loft the fiaid tv-o heurs sgd."ý Whaka is machiins bas been'testedt bha7 gi-an Ii most-petfect. satisfaction anti vithou1t an>' debt yul win 'the SaIt- in- Can ,nei lales doun thie UM S. anti Europaetfbeing lihe King oethie Har. vqst field. 0vlug to the great repuae., tien - thea Champion lias gainaS, other manufacturera ara patting the neme on a ver>' mach (uferlor machine te aid fa oelIing theun. No hettar-proof coultibe givn t ie aaperiority et the Chamn- po.Tiue Joo. Hall'f'g Ceo. have tho exclusive rigim to bu ' ld the reai Cham- po nCanada sud al olier so-callid loupias area a ranS te lime publio. DfnLecî- Fou Hloiasu.-This3 cereai teboanis (i albamen, suigar, gam, and, ia tact, allihe eleniontaet animal nu- trition, and contans ilae ver>' high degrea those substaces whicli enter Inioat> largciy into time composition of fat anti flesh>' tissue. As a sabstitute fer oets in feeding hersas'il leunsurpauseti, ils nutritive properties bainir som pareS vith tlimeolatter, in lime proportion efýt Irse t tv-o ; ini other v-orS., a busimelor 0 )Ibs. ef b4Wrléy ,centains 2à Ibo. et nutritive malter, v-bilot a bashel of cate coutains cul>' about 26 Iha.- Iu Great 13,itemn anti on lime Continent et Europea n arle>' masim in lime evaning is ç3onoldaee indispensable te the ceenoten andi well.hcing efthlie horse, andthonmer ialittie doah liaI ti& ~counne -cf treat- mnent aecouuti largal>' for thea Ùplnsaý of ib'santi glodoineaasof ceaI for --bhieb -the cavaîr>' herses ef the Englua, Ifrench and ethar Ruropean amis are A Yankee edtio keapu coimfenbable thrnlg the bot veaîhar b>' gettfng up a, iooileoss hîv-ean hienseit anti hi# sigh- beurs. Tie.laie et Wight beauts 01eI-blhi ke do Mie thilng v-blc-no ot4 rPZ Il là, the woid eau aocôsnpllsh - ilt, &Mnlabeî excellent malIen-heom Cow-es.;- Thor6 anss oltimait inluNew- ere Who laie secustemoti te tiat!ng bel 8 beckv-anl, liaI v-han aie apoekicfilti. latter part et December sha caflu fit "isaelun disaprlng," À colubleur once relarneS i dk, tlîrough limezuav-papera,. te the fin. lorlment fo avlnglus stock. This caemtigrbt alughter, 1111 s porion ob- serveaSltat bis stock v-subi au4, Ilam gýIad Ibis ceffee Son't oyve une anytimig,' saiS a boi-keeper to his %vire tlz. ebluer momnlg, et breakfast.- .Wimy se2"wv-e im4uatien.-"'Bc. causa 1 deu't 11eieva il v-cuiS ever1 Our gooti trionS,1 blro. Maiaprop, bas heard se man>' ahisa liSby the hegglnglttcr tentera, liaI athe.resolves- ln future te prooecut. ail eu.h imipeator aceordilngtte .laya f et b.Mendecit> Socialty. A lad, on Slivenlng hic milk a tav- inerning a ago, wv-a e hat -b'the mi 1k wes se goerun. IlI don't inow," h.o- r ui-i ith macèh simpilit>', I"anises- be twarm v-aber intô il, insteati et Wbaî agonisea mulhie Pest liaie eondureS who, vritiag et lus love, as. serteS limat lie "klssati ber under lue sulent starOLs, -ad ounu ihe con'ale lied matid l erala icketi bier under time cller astaira 1 Iu a Nev- York matrimoniali eever. tIssaient for a basband, -.he. averaif gays that-as aýhe "v-alanA:fnll-mew ma,nne o ipet Ppy wbo la wid.r six test.» That i n unýia-notion for a lady Sontou hy-meu. T~Fily," ui imotharlimer diughter v-lu - ati opsen bal Ibrea -summars,, Iwbaî boultl yen do -wlîth y - inolber?'-" 11-hoalt puit on.,e wp1wprompt napi>y. -o -- - -1 ii. that nlglut b'c FSSesnsnkad h8Pic*OTitis pMe#. - ~l~Pst-Piad on racapt Of auned pli Rghemmt MDseniirS2Lt ,P ad fo r BI V LSES AND ôuk, whist; 8ct. 15, 1l4 BELLING CHEAPER AJ 7T5 'HO7YCWS'~N gu 4, , 1 A874. W O D To h. peoleot wbitbyt and a9 eudn 'nalghborbpo,, farinera blacknths,an 081.tb =sstlgp ceI telsMUi, 1 bagl aay I have - la rtexiipxlt a s ealect- ad X" cof tI ebe a*Ru o~Cie ail bIià; opati et acew = tbn Ch M n a tev ,ofreta MUi, 1h. batevar offerei aIse ti.mket. Fermera, Blecksuiltho and others haullng lai, u-pncai suppuaedKt ,,iroueaiplices. COei" ,r;ej. our orders. ýAsceaie are g an ln n rce every montb, «et thaut la whiu, dry andi rends gced. - Orders, pweuptjy axante; ceai andeeeod dalivarod on ort notice for csh, 1et mapie per cord ..... 9600 Beach anSdnia ple mixeS ... 550 Reniloek asduiSpn, vry good .... 400 WeighI and- meauro guaranteaS. Ceaie v-igleS u ou 1evables. - Por perticlus- Ae ply et imy office et the voM yard, or et the officaet of. Draper, WIiltby herSeur. ALEX. ALEXANDER. Whltby, Auguat 11, 1874. 8. 'T0 LET. - A Bakery and Confectionery tit e -- lughouae. Front ahop centainsera-cry nec- essar conmmnenca. Over 25 years aa- lseon Dundsetreet, in centra cf ltha town. -P0osion gis-en lat Sept, 1874. Apply to- 1JOHN ARNALLI Proprietor, Fancy Gooa Store. Wbhitby, Juiy 15, 1874 29 e-rmis v-ho sufer tram NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS 0F MANHOOD, etc., supplying the en of Self-Cure. Written by oea vhe- curaS himoeit afttr unidargoing conidarable qucny, and sent free cf charge. Sufer. es ara inviteS te acidresa, post-paid, the author. *9, AI& all kinde0, F r1 aniy GToôéei IPLEASE- OALL ÀI X erThe- higkest, Caah pyi Wpheat, Barley, J3ea8, d C. AHFOR BUTTEI' The new and ohe Groceiy store souti Whitby, Sept. 151h, 1874. WHITBY -CHINA GIBSON ~Iarktp~,,0e ~L & J N.oPUBE Wl1NES AND B44AI-Z 'TE Be,' Ordergbii -lProMI)itlÏattende4 to.FRMLLiJ¶A 88î U~EI~12U .-«Lhe onl1" first- clàas Establishment hüi he Count 1r ueaI r u-W iy FlARÂ Yn )ER lS lyupphd. - TILL ,r&JOHN~cSTON. CrBnkDsew1s,.s1t,~*~$~-~r8 WJutby, ber Ist, 1878.,R 1I4$ c EVER AT < MEt PDEON OR(LIN8. ~W8L1ND. CA R RIACESêBUQIES. ~UGRSMESRS.TOMS &NEWPO1Rî a New Carnage Faeoy ~n tet Èýs, üè aie re1iie8 liEST -of "the.P ~ FIE TWO ~~~ '- c~xecute all wok in teTE YAWO-1FGCO L~MIi5 ! ,t Wi th an rw prear#_Fu . RGA ~c adfor amgea rLial, "ond 1hesoê.eu, wokauhiMA.NUFACTURE TECELEBjZ&TED I> ALL, WORK WABIRANTED. k'20 BtîPAIIIU( GONE WITR NZÂTNU'SS iANDDESPTH. Sye5 15;5yeT)~ 7;3tlgf0 Li f Otano lankWhibyJuI 2Ub, 874 81Inl Handsome -Rosonant Walnut Caseýs L. HULJCIQ 88 TEA STORE &SPAIWTELL Ha ve just -received a large and well selected lot 0f Choice Green and Black Teas, Sugars, anid FAMILY GROCERIES 0F ALL KINDSI Whioh they offer to the public at iPices 50 low they can't be beat. Corne One,,Corne Ail, and examine for youn- selves befone purchasiug elsewthere. Also neceived, a lange assotment of Plain and Fancy -Glassware, direct froni the maaufaetony. Thé best. assonîment of China & Onockery in the Connty at -ieny low pnices, - NATHANTEL !iAYFAIR, AT CIflSON & SPARVEILL'S. P. O. Box 153, Brooklyn, Newe York. Fnesh Tunnip Seed of Fil kinds veyy cheap, wholesale - _____________amn etail, &LGENTLEMEN, TO LEAEN way StatiCa nd Ccixmroial Linea in the Dominion- Senil for circular. -Addreaa, COLEMAN & DAKER, June 17th, 1874. TootO25 C ARD 1 T. H. McMILLAN, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, ALao, Agent for the -ROYAL IN8ÙRA2NCE COMPANY, QflFPIOE-.Ontario -Loan and Savig <Coýp&pay'a building, corner Ring and u ce sureets, Oshawea. April 20th, 1874. 17 C AUTION TO TRESPASSERS 1 AU pVteî s lpcýnd .cutti g *mber-ontb1e month wfrof3bt'1 mlba81i.<ton. oléara, wt ieprosecuted wteilthe utmoat figer of -the 1ev. 88 Lias I der! loe. gong &Cho, 80c N 4idingafrom over the oaa. di do 80 AIabam IBleuoma. Song& dance 80 ,Tenperance Croa&Sra. Song &*Cho. 30 Write te ýp' Wi. <8 0 Whao'h<a& llpiyo the Dfnm.'I. Il 80 J E -N N 1 E, Darling, I arn lenely no-. "tg 30 Ries me, Darling-, Ceave part." Il 1W Itrace up, or Have you heard the newa 80 TIare lu aom.thlug I'm dylng te say 80 Walklug on the shidy aide., " go 30 Nareteeli, Annie Darling. " d" 30 THE FLOV% Do "o""vti, Sîstar Darng.1" Beantitai Y crin et my Snams.' Mieat me, Baai. luthe Dell. lIed tetoe!,4 e. l Closa 1h. ahullers Wililss SeaUl. Asldng's biassing Ïtem Methar."1 VE R- 0F K ILDARE. i Re kislued uameeS.bye aI île'Gata. 80 TanSarly Ihi kof th. Daad. " " 80 Givon=yove teli stHoein. Y go5 'Neatl theavesahar Spiil v-edaa.SongM8 Thlnk oet saouetnmss, Mae. 80 Ny Sa-olS Met-ber. " 8 Anïd other8ongs by Je EE> Btswa$ Iu-ant te ame the Sear elS Naine. 180 Oyaes allS Win$aet 2eA. zn. - son 8 0 ... Sllne tbrough t-be Towen; go8 lIligagaller Bellme" 10 Stolea kianes ara lim eveiatt 80 ironie, te FOru-a r c US,. "e heeoe arealal b>' Stev-srt. Mall, poal-paid, on receipl etflime niark- ed prie, b>' J. L. PETERS, b99 Breadweay, Newu York. 88 O FFICE TO LET, FRONT OFFICE,. M Tr= HRONlI.CLE BUILDING, Wbi*byi Jim. 54n,18M4. 28 1 1 IsT 0P TEE DIVISI.ON COURTS CO0UNTY' 0F"ONTARTO,ý FOU TER E AII1874. AT GIBSON & SPARVELL'S. Hame and Bacon, smoked and unsmoked, for sale whole- sale and netâil,- Ài (IBSON & SPAIRVELLS. Ail kinds of country produtce, eggs & butter bought, AT GIBSON & SPARVELL'S. WANTED-1O,OO lbs-. Good Wool. Higliest Market price paid in Cash. 1Whithy, Jime 101th, 1874. GIBSON & SPARVELL. 241y' DRY. GOOD8 AND GROCERIES. The- undersigned is 110W receiving a well selected stock of SPIRING ANýIY 'SIMMER -GOODS, COnSiSting of Dress Goods, " in great, variety ancl of the latesb fashion, Colored- Silks, Shawls, Manties', Hosiery, iim, Cottons, Fnints, &C., -A chiie',assortment other Tweeds, and a fuIl stock of Goods,. &c., &C«.' PRESH FA MIL Y Gentlemen's Furnishing &-ROCERIES, Teas, Coffees, raw and refined Suùgars, New Fruits, &c. [L; The best Wines, Liquors, and Brandies.' MAe and Ponter in wood and bottle. eJ. rJ. *MURPHY, Dandas- St., Whitby. SAprfl, 22nd, 1874. THE OLD ST-AND,. rESTABLISHED WM. TILL, 18 33.] - PROPRIETOR. Ne-w parlor Sets-, Ne-w Bed-roôié Sts NwDinbgrioom Sets. Andt.larMe -'stock -of 'can'éad - ôd Cupboards. Iur, Cloîli, and;. Damask Lounùgeé, Couches, &~. &c. ~n sock of"New Gilt Window< Comices, cheap,, The Iargest and cheapest. stock'of Pictures ýever brpug9ht Mntown, al of wiich he offensat pnices that wil not fail toi CREATEXCIITEMTEfT ! AT TE BROOKLIN GROCERY A large stock n1offrn table inducements 1 Be sure and'tny the CHOICE STORE. .at irresis- TEAS AND COFFEES, Guananteed of ýýthe -Finest Quality -1 Tobaccos and General Grxoceries At the'old Prices, inrespective of the Tarif. Greaten sat- isfaction given eveny day. Al kinds of Farn and Garden Seeds in season, and waranted. LIW1 Great stock of Crockenry and Glassware which must ho solS te meke rom for more comlng on. iDon't forget the BrookliluGnoceny Store-one door east efthlie Masonie Hafll 1Brookhja, May' 201h, 1874. S. & E. FR1ANCIS.21 Merchant Tai/ovin g Estazbfishnwn7t DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. JOHN FERGIJSON Takes. this opporftuity to inform his friends and customers, that lie has now in stock, a splendid selection of (Jloths, Tweed8, and Fancy Vestings, Whidli le is prepared- to mnake up into Gentlemen's Garments, on the shontest notice. Every ar- ticle guananteed, and a good-fit wannanted. Rats, Caps, CQllars, and Ties, and ail kinds of Funnishing ods. - Whitby, April 15, 1874. JOHN P:ERGUSONf, 16 J*OHN ST ON 'S SELF-RAKING REAPER- AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE t- A t tihe Provincial Exulibition, Torontol 1870. We oder to our Mutouners for the comii Harvu~t, two dis- tinta LMachinies, which in style ,and contraction, enibrace the latest, and most ù ul- impro,#vement&..f the day. JON Si'ON' SINGLE SELF-ItAKING - IIEAI>ER TSE "I NG or, - APÉE5iP - The univers8tl succoss of this Machine,.both- li-g cIoseýy, content- ed trials anSdin the handp e 1hofarns-;v-svn Insyipg Ibias sgaSeff.Ésk-ý ing Reaping IMachline. il ha. mue egood points azi&lepedefècts, ýîud heoeàë.-wi more aucceas anti loua foilurs. liien heretofere effered te the public. CAYUGA JUNIOR- MOWER 4e wýere awarded the -Firit Priïze andDiMplona, at the Previn. ils) Exhibition, held in Toronto, l870.imt competition w-tC aIl tboIesdicgmachine- snanufactared 1u the Province ; and witb our meent. improvementa, we unhesitat- ingly challenge invegtigation and coznpariron witb competirg Macb'ine. we-a r ma8tlsfIad that sucbt investigation >wiiI convins-e avery unprejudîoc i d , tht v offer thè bWe ît Mwer to the "Fermer for 1872, but la the Doxinion. gWrend for descriptive eatalogues. &P TIS N AIRIÀG E ANDBU IE F01R SALIE-F0OR ONE MONTHONLY orUN DEIBCO0ST PIÏIC E, M.D OON O N'S. ALSO, YARWOO]YS IlMELODEONX OILGAX.<* Style 4, $ 150; Style 6, $ 175; Style 8, $00, In handsome IRosewood Piano Cases, highly finished. A liberal discount for cash. A special reduction ta Clubs of Three and upwarda.. [E2 Visitorsto- the Fair- are.ýr-equest-, ed to caU at the Factony, (opposite eXbIbition, groimd,) and*examine our Stock of In«friMWZItt8.- - FRED j MUDGEa. 1Wimitby, eptember Brd, -1874. PREPAIRED; FOR T!M. FALLITRA-DE 0F 187ï,4f W. J. HIOKIE &0'03 In anticipation, of -a large. allé' increasing trade this FaIu have purchased more extensively than usual, andinS a few days theiîrý stock will be complete in adi its-departments. While thanIng the publicgen- erally for the ]iberal support they have received in the past C- they trust by adhéring to that straightforward and undeviating rule of doing business whiohlias characterized their establish-. ment in the past, to merit a conti nance of publié favor. Wi J. HIOKIE N. B.--Tlie highest.imarket- for fanm produce. Whiùtby, Sept. 9tlm, 1874. &c-oý. price paid X7r x ICA m TE, NOVELTY 0F ýTUE AGE 1 An ingenio-ns piece- of meehanism, -which éau be arrang- eS in 80 positions, aud converted into aà,- [nvaid --lailoi, Librar>', ead. ing, Wnitlng, lieclinig, Smoking, Student's, 'Ph'sieiaxts,- and Dantist's Chair, or a Louage, Bed anti Child's Crib and' Swing. Cinculars titi eiplaiiatory diagrams sont froc, on- application. 0,-dons b>' mail on othenteise tecevepompt altantioa, and (ibýslna carafui &aisecne packeti, hippîedti tan>'ai=oson receipt cf pnlce. Si-eu TEIWILSON MANUFACTUBNG (Co., fo Soloe anacaes 246 St. James St., Da P. 0. Dreyer 292. OTEL e!l BAR R E T T &C Wish to return their sincene thanlis to the public generally,. for the patronage. bestoyeti UPon t-hem in'tlb.1pait end tek. thua oppon- tuait>' of adventisfing thefr nov- brench of business, vhieconsista ef STEIRE SCOýPIOC> VIEW:S- FROM ALrLb POINTS IN TRE Town 0of Whitby and'vie-inity-, From --one of the. iinst-Studios in London, Englaud. We'now have an Artist whoiie work e'au b.liplcity relied Iln, onlga'dfor a couple >ef weeks exil>'; thogefore parties vlsbing- ho haaSteresc'pio orthervietesof thein nesi& oi r e enées vzese &"lofniend4 24a. diiaence,,by leutvlng th"eir oraetsjý mpýy dépend on-beavlngiluca tlentied te' et once, and- finishe& in a- styëlo -ihcanot be. Bsunpse -weny ofthe or 0FWHITB: n,* -HAIiES 0F S5c Thie abcvw'-' mnofa lum mationhfoheI> 9ingvess f p les! afate, Vr fns Mt- iroot i te B 9, e. nianf - Worcintha. m f Paltergon bave.uQls.imWBP tained eut untfnsitô'W (M m nov- subËcribad ef 85.<iiW: té inc-reasatbisaum i 2tl #126 pro-i dc ineans for increasin-. h t e doubla t-be - amonaI li-erte enlamaine the . caii of tuie prs iea1ld: 5v rno sroaliga, tA fo ifbL.ldre limnurit cffgt,,ek bove.inpntiôned as bo-virg been aul'seried kv flic,, in tbe uew Cern- na,,v.;,The -proptrb.v ua bee,, vneO uneér- ti' d ecIinii spr'sni cf esgrs. J. 9. y Willrn na Mm>J iThnirgon. fra of- thep pmwigiorul Poard at 2M.2FO.68.-Tbe~ ostabliainient bas l'ppu inthe possiep of tbàc new <Vpnv afine17th Pébrrzary la.t -the litA~ f its-r'azniu-h ro- fila o! ihe busiffness comuiencing from that. Aple liibaen ronde te tbpLegila,. tu nf a tClarf"ili th, fe ususifor,,andl v-itb tre ipsuàl lrI-tsupri rieilcges. At- tf liM prfli cf OC' finie atntfd 1w StAtUte - fl-r' br six *p a'Is rrare eetint- cf the SI.-ebldr w IPl 'eTdOn cf;e. fort!, !rrcsc oflelrg É ianaewfiFcard of ]J)irtecnrorn;'u Offikecrp 67*5e ('nipaiv. FSl,g;aervlint; cf eiiM if'l-e nnfleitpk-. it -P re uio,'f rrffnllvoliefi. The Vnlxe of tfli sAr. esstnaf e idn - ves-icn. is Le rardcdAR bie bevouL' ilonilt; - hi c trpt advapttepc' fo the Towncf Wlfbvsud omrtýv cf Olifarie in acenrini-gin oelpi, eut.f tlic-favorably Imnn ieWrso ~ Poe,& Patterser- muaI a, ii ep eonrr.eud ipmrp'slvca. -partie dcsf,4,,t fo Sulweribi,'for stock are rpolnpFteci ,Opiela, r'oaiipmn TT ont of, sn carIl-r v sfefjn tp-unerot abus tbey wiah-to laveallý.effc' 'N» W. ]IROWN, R. J. YABIINCLD, Preaident.- - Secretaxy. Wbitby, 28th Febrnary, 1878. 101Of coe Jnc&oulue au thue "ci- t-vo parts, ç Ply te 1Wb#lS, Tales aS Trains ru dren shonld ~ 1, -Ù&;Aèzu. 1

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