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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Oct 1874, p. 4

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Twl~.........May 40zA 01utW~~(o Pm adma 0 have pLtur.TitI. page. 11*.1 utponcerompt si mar>ud re.~~~~ 6,MX.y.7~PEE5 lue of lb. to SAPÂTOGA TRUNKs, loim ma SeIe slHure,., Kker, Mid e le tTove. 8C..,wi. *'MatI invite h t ~rThe kig&e8t.0a81& price £s ,o 0QK LVBTRES. *et Rrll4 éa c-j CASH FIORý BUTTER, The n.wiaud cheap GTooery store south of Ontario Èamk Whity, ept lZt, 174.L. OUCK. NOTI-cE'.-- The undlergge4 iegd- retu in bâ sicere tha ks'te 't! i hiýËib iants of, iv .tb n bM s patro ns gner ay thronghout th e cyo ,anh l be rai. pa$en age extendedte hm whilé 'oarmin< mn~ess mu the- to'wn, &nd bege 'for a co ntinuance of th6 same, te 3AME s H.SM. Furniture!,- FUrnitw 8TANIDARD MAKE le- Vý ANOQUAITY -M'-IUFACTURE. 4 - - - AHI DOULE WARP ANDI F'REï FROMI Thé favorable 'r'e£ta Ion-and sces - Diièl e s O e lu -the x'nerket Lustres branded with 6"Salient Now is the t:ime 'to"buy goo.and ha - , oîà.-Lions," I"Lions Couchant," aând LioÉs Dorman, &.Frntr. ai g ou t tho*uùeslae are Dr@o&>in eut. si~, ior. T~mab p C I.~ k - Th& b-ol i sel protecte4l y "L etters P atent," for the ~ ~ a e . S m , w a e tiS o p rt i y o Ç A E D. ~ ~ ~ ~ j j , j ~~Domin!o1, an& thé u deraig ed aPe thé,only M erchm ~tg, in W ib w o m ny f i nd e gi e ' s al, ai e i assur e a DR, ARONô OGUT aTo h X farit.b fiIhv t ~-. To1 ,ta we are prepared te o as'wel.bythelutie ftr, V~tILerguagAocehnu ho, ~ ' ,.,,.Stocitlhavenrrnlku 'hsilco Sffooï4q4obIu* A h"= % el , çoà*7 rOiWodlenStckthseason stands ueqaledin style a r aehs oeL h ast. wbb fa, 0hMi nd vlue; our asîortmeet of Fancy Trouserings ieSuebsd for variety T L& JH TN ton, E~, Chutwt, Bc= àandStyle they wl b ard to surpass. ABD. h~oa. os ai sri&* In 'atoads rih )0udW Caps-, a»d Gents' Furnshngs we can conf0- - tb vu fie L' bs' elt dnlyqcIn&Oyoe 'tbeen aelected w*ith great cars from Arkfflm 01.IOuaimpudm1SpS.o, caushl êrnouBlanksithsand lother, soln«gfal premMm .doay, nuryff dUe eiuu toiaer ove the Mos a î'nableohoues* i' v rers by mail promp tly attended to. *tusIh 4'rleejcùn~oe*ý uus1=~ 4~ 1 r, b'lu enousioù ý.'i. can safely say, that what energyad sont fw t bl iov, 1 , »-- , hil 4r, Ad ràadeteimination oulad ehv oei colleeting froin the diffèrent mniar- U-»i$n u*n76, 'p1Yu ot« -olaul wodàd deuvèrel kets, eeo h be u hoÏs tck mo ljby. UNDERTAKING.-. h nylrt ~eoneOofthe4 q oeuiandnotice for cuuli. TAT.rred .r W mea alep g o .16Th nl.Urt = .tpdLcW, forWcas. class Establish mnent lu the County where funerais are fui- BBB Bocho"a mla ze, r..o..... 50Whiby, Auguet 25, 1874. 85 ly supplied. F0 T E -AI. ugiuamteed. CTILWLtb, ctberlat,183.. 0- Peropared frotein .Pueuomis of tr y~' ~ wool yerdoralm à amcice At the' THE CANqAD»AeBFiAR-1. 'Whillaabmn. ARÂDI U L S V T ' A L 1' d4na iuxedue Whitby, Anaut 111h, 1874. 9 o oCARRIACES # U IS i ed ufim n gt noi ur. It mcko th huirg* î" . E.-lcs J It Lu friec:iba trio nf tcir T0 fh Foir Watches, CokJwellery, and MESR .T S & N W O T léimk teoetaof U athed. Io4- e Foua cna ' v n.FANCY GQOD SWPO E p ro o g e v li ffy . ilm he= o n D u n d ai.e t ie et i n con tre cf t e1B g t f r h u l e g e e a l , t a t, a e o e e Salld y driigàtu. 0 one ar leti.low.'Poisesion «ven ist Se t 1874 Thle largest, the.best, and altogether-tlie cheapest stock in egt ifrmte uDunenrilta te av pe -~ - - - -. the O oantew C arrnage F acto ry, on D u d s S e t, 87 tPetaSt oentréaP JZ tetor, Fancy Gods stor uil~4~ A OR ____MORSW STofthePOÉ-T OFFICE..' ~ OoL.CNof the 'ýa1ue Of goods, and: of the mnanufacturers,ý enabling Where the are now prepared to exeo*ute alwokiL the jJUU5IU E!s,&SION an lr h O? AN IN Aplace bfore is uso m ëis,-a good article at lesa Carriago aking Line, on the hortest notice, and made of the bet ma- <'rfraua 8'tn « at» et. tofrez M% x esM îWho p-c han is often eharged for inferlor goods. terial, and first-cîas worhmauship. r cr fvrlgnuwi'ote rs ýTu op MANHOODI etc., supplyil e on er aorn n ihte aoi Cr. rtenboe-wocGed OLD AND SJLVER WATCHES, ALL WO0JRtK WAIVRANTED. we wil guarautee Le imalle IheneucLA, ltrco.&g conaderable -' tory' ulectice. si.ey uglfieeos ofcharge, o r GET THE BEST udre (nyte a cdre., ps.pl, hM Gl ndSlvrClans EPAING DONE WITH NEATNtESS .&ND DESPATCH. V h Bi LE'cho lnLgBoi NTAT_ ATAI Brighit and Colored (}old Sets. lece 6l'P O Bx 9, rokle Nv er.Brooches, Bar IDrops and Lookets,WhtyJu 2h,17.84a Tho B s tandard Sehool Song Book: _____________ Gem and Keeper Rig, Xh!ae Sang Bobo, - Priue, 75 Ll Petere golectuc, Prie@, 825 WANTED Slil8artWddugllgs mheBèàêuL Pianotriitor 3»xî GTLMREAT cLey- EXOITEM EN KhkleNýohd Price, 2 g D50 &GNTEE TO LEÀBNJe ' Tiie'-3gsîlstrtator for the Voie.: L TELEGRAPH OPER¶hNÙG, fo... Electro-plated Cruets & Pickles, A El lmdden*o sahool 4r the Voicel st0 a~tions cud Commercial Lines in the A E Tii, Boit Guitar Instractor amo.-.. Bo...nd for circuler. Mugs, Forks, Spoons, and Butter Xnives and Coolers. Worralls Giitar, Price, 10 drs, CLMN&BKR The BitCollection i- maericei5 im Tb,17. Torno On.B OaI R C T R . SageletPrce 10 _____h 174 Vases, Desks, Work Boxes, Purses, &c R Q LI.R G RY S O E Th est olcinfor MinI 'Voices: ________ Ne Pin. Ultra GI.. BooýkPrice., i50 EGI-DYAD 0HU Tea Boit collection for Ch nrc ome: CA RD 1Ea fA AD8-OJ CLOCES, SPECTACLES, &e. -o c:. ..A Thu CînoLur, Price, 1 50c Th~e M Inutruetor fo Aofluon: JAMES JOHINSTON, A large stock 110W offering at irresis- The1Bot T.s H. McM ILLANn Practical Watch.mnaker. table inducements ! Be Gure and try the oedgwlck's complts Method, 1850 OFFICIA ASSIGNEE, olmtaRnWiy ete P$nbiil'e ac cu eà ~,potpi, by <CHOICh' E WhTySet 5, E4.40e '. L. PETEIIS, 899 Broadway, N.Y. Aimes," Agent for theAN O F E ,a Sept. lit, 187t.RoA.NTJÂc OMNCH CEa T H E 'EO CAL INSUACE CMP, I O D N B C R ~Guaranteed of the Finest Quality i "WE~TE " PFcE..ontuiComa ng sud 5km. '" Tobaccos and General Groceries 17 -- --M-.-1 At the old Prices, irrespective of the Tariff. Greater rat- PATENT SEWING- MACHINE ToTE ESPASSERS' The undersig ned is 110W r ving a isfactlon given evory day. Ail kinds of Farm and Garden ÇATIN ecieeds iu season, and warranted. AUl parties foaud cn'cttieng Liober -on stctohe m a -le poutivley tLb. eareat perfection 7o1 soth partcflot 18ijethe Sth concf MareLW- Great sok fCrocker'r and Glassware wbich m Zt r'tUlaleel by Mach0ine in ut. erld. ehlapreueCutedf with the nîmoat vigor eoLARG TOCIK 0F DIRY GOODS, esl emk ei oecmn n tr-n ores Don't forget the Boki Grocery tr-n, ores ENIEYNWINVENTIN4LoisI de rylevo'. .one «o "C -Lof the Masouic Hall. EN~1BELY NEW £No tidingu ren vrue eeo 3 nsJiLb1tifg of uress Uoods, 1n1great S .F aNCs. - - ' A~ipe Blo ico variotne ad. of the latesb iaShiou,ý.Colozed- Silks, Shawls,BroiiMy2h,87.1 Hâvugawptc&y cI oece agroo m>iié c-&'& ëbtls Ho'80 inàizy of th. dIfiscltjes and OuCyco. 9 4 atenen nhiesoooternohnu, ~Iyshohn DO' ' bain 10ie GM &s, Cottons, Priutci, &c., JE N, N ,LE) _ 11l 1f; hoice assortmentofCanadjan and JOHN STON ' THE WEBSTEIR Darling, 1am reloy now. 1>1. other Tweeds, and a f11 stock of GteMensFrihn Misrcea, orUnHave ve part." 8 0 &oods, &c., &c. Ioe rteduj01oîîn Thorè isWsIke~Otohad'Vindyi o sy F E H FAM LS-ELF-RAKING .REAPER ~l iro tscpily en o-TeeL eahn ' ye e IO ERlorogue, and irun§ so lIht,aàndl lu0e0"AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE 1 eaay tc nndératand, tliit nolDy a hov* T H E F i' 0 W E Ri Teas ofes raw and refined Sugars, A t the P'rovinicial Exh:i,ion, Toronto, ira 1870: ever weak or-. eorvou',qgr hqwevet. un. Do nuw.So, SterDain" s accuetoipoul eh. maY hb. the b.nie of Beaut lMsëi 6oif aydràams.l, .. ï,New Fruits, &c. i . £ - ,ea filteuseà Moet nie, Beossie luthe Del.8 machine,, onu ailBPok te tb4hein.. " best Clseth 81itré Wlrèý ëi(": 0G J 'hXVet ines, Liquors, and wV e ttuOur customers for the comning Harvest, îwo dis. WIT BA E .ND PLE SU E. nkngalemiefre -~oha.. ~ B randies. A ie arýd Porter in wood and bottie. tre M aclîliies, which in styls and ceonstruction, e nibrace -of liatl ! uswersae go ~O F K :L D A R E. el. el. M R -- . 1xîUîipuy, thelatest anad ost usefuîimpoelxut fthe day. V contruetoelt th b.tension of the. ~Hekiasel mue k'id-byb At the. Gale 30 dor1îhrdoea be oe&gqd lajý istantTendon7 thlulioftheDesd D 1.0Wib.J0ISON lGL M E Give iny love Le iii et Hem. "8o Oct. 2usd, 1874. 17na EL-1KN~ EIE wthout nntbrecdLzag lhe- hutle. 'Neth theovaves ber Spirit vanders.Sang.80 oTp' IG0 ~PR, Tilnkof me sorntim *sMaggle. ,T80*"RN TmE.YiiïiTEla" la thé only ras. y deer cl Maîhér. ' The uriversal success of this ahn,7bïiWh chine maIe le Canada Liat exceeds ie And other 8ongs by J. E. Stewart Z:& ý,3 NW JR X:qy30 41ejtriais anid in the bands cf the fermer., vrrunt la IciaeYingztbat, us uSelf.Rek- Liil e " ns hec a hý WtêLî.~.~e.5 ..~* ing Reaplng linchino, t bas more-good poinIdeit dfcà,i alntwî fiis, tela ue, ulooutnoj n v a eueothe leur cl Home. 50mnepgore s usand le..fir,tee.fr férlt hépl neÉtO D T N , C YU A J NOR . Q E wu' --- ' a, I I .u..;1.7' ". " t eunerigedwihe e at t]» is old cstoin- f 'Lsj.-mm '% .. '~ 11 r hbi tSAD"SLNDIDLY FNIRD 1,~ v -z4- 4 20 N:4,, 9S9 l ý n gerq hi8befnn t h " L tyles ~ fh 1 ~' l u ~,~male J~ s lkeppphiid an ~ k qt6 ou - CA RRIA GE8, !OG E&, AND OUTTE S / 'ý 24T~4~~ htioau rmJ A . .~Lare tok f eay - ' ~-- .i: -r.- ~sTfl'4 ~ yh~"~l',isauyual'uwg. I Capital - --$12*0,OOO, *2,400 SHARES OF? 850-EACH-. ý8 Theabove Company iu le course ci for.- màtion forthépurpýoseofetpniciising the Real Estate, Buildings, Maeblnory, Plant, a nd good.will cf the inwntrieg busi. ness cf tihé Brovn'&, PattersnAgricultural - Woi*inleth 'r-en of Witb. Tr.bçaow cinunM esitrx. Brovewn : -Pattermen bàva-subariied 15,00stick ald otbe3rsqbWciiptio M- b* irealy been Ob. taip ni ngte 125',g oLOmsking ctotal. nov mubu' àbeof 1ri,00I. ILi.ende te incee al stm fe 1120,00, le crder te- provide m 9sloiaacr g heiebusiness, 41- dob 'tam nonit I hro-doue, ced b~b rcieof sadtini ildings, pur- caigidiloa ieciry -ind *aiseon_. aiblingLhe o Co mfia'tcatry on their> maIe far-tbe.nov Cernpany, il s in ne ea-tod-attothetl- oeveevntIIhd cperctiees.-from aarY, ileu, te Jannur l578-Mlesos. Prowe & Pettersen bivebeeni- onableil, 1w prote reaifool, Le Lake telarge amnait cf Stack ubcve-enetiened * as avng been subucnuhed hem inlethW nov Coin. pany. The. prorerty lbas b....valuel iander the 'direction sud superviaion of Mosas. J'. Lhe Provional Board eL 864.8.8-.The e"tbibmientbas boe it-be possession ef Lii. nwov onnv mince l7tltFebmresy leut -ti rtÀlav cf te ogiaTn-the pro. Aof ethLebusiness commencing frein Lia Applicaticebsboende tte ieegisIa- Lare fora. Charter lu Lhe uu4 torna, and witb tLie usuel ighbts selpridi-eg. At eb expiratin of tho-ise. e b7 tute <Si"' r aiz'Weeicg) a hnra weig cf the 5.Preheldoerc wilibe , on notice,-for the urose of electînka cp - ment. Peare of Drectra an5fii eacf Lie Cm ny. su Suocniplocf stock-inth b e rtsk- imp are. meut «epctuly soIlcitel. -,The Value 0f lie stock, escpaving dividlena in. veftinent, m&y.herepardel az beieg beonl deuiL ;, vii]f. fgreat, adventasgohe i Tovw cf Witbv cul Ceuety cf Ontario, ie aecur!ýi an emnegement cf lb. favcrabiy lifown Works -of Mèeas. Bràvwn &Parsace muet et once emmeul tiemselves. Parties eiigtabsie for stock ure requostel te enclose inenioranduin, per peut etLan early day statinq the nnberg ubaros FOR MEDICIIAL, PURPCOSE~ Physicians' Prescriptions -carefully proparoa: atý the WHITBy PHA.IIWACYI,ý, Cor. Brock D& nu-as 'Whtby, Sept. latIi IH>ý.AMJL T0-N,-& 00 ,Are.nwrciigalre~&el seleoted- Stock of-General )DE~r -OOI~T Whicl they will offer':Cheap for Cash. FIRESH FAMILY GIIOCERIES! The -HEighest Mark etPriec Paid for B UTTER. MecPhiron'r, Biock, WWutbY, Sept. 15, 1874. 8 OBAS ~MEL4ODEON h'GANS, 171E MUDGE & YARWOOD MFG CO., MANUFATURE TUE CELEBRATED AMEIIICAN ORGkN:, _ -yl .1 / -- -_Styl 17 'I ý: Stv 1 b n V '3nc Inu-Handsome ilosonant Walnut Cases. ALSO, YAP-WOOD'S "M31ELODEON OIlGAýN.,, Style 4, i5o; Style 6, eI5; Sty e ,0 OO Iu bandsome lRosewood -Piano Cases, higbly finished. liberal discount for cash. A special reduct ion t o Clubs of Three and upwards. UlE' Visitors âto the Fair are request-, ¶d to cail at the Factory, (opposite exhibition grounds,) zd examine our Stock of I-nstruments. F R ED M UDGE, Vhitby, eptcmbcr 8rd, 1874. -PREPARED FOR; THE ~ALL TRADE"0F 1874 -00-- .J. HIO-,KI1E & 00 increasing trade this Fali have- purchased more extengi-vely than. usual, ýaud lu a few days their stock will be -complete i ail its departints. Whule thanking the.-Public gen- eraily for the liberal support they ha-ve received in the past iÂr tbeý trust by adheriug to' that strlaightforward and undeviating ruie of doing business which bhas characterizedj their establish- ment in the past, to merit a coutiùunce of public favor.-CI J~ HIOKIE ~. - ± ~ u g u e ' u r i t ~ -P r.i e p a l u,, tbhy, Sept. Oh, 1874. 87 mli to returu theur sincere tbauks to the -public genierally, th patronage bestowed upon thea n the past, nd hte Iisopor- imt of advortisug their ncw branch ef business, wMh: ossao TUEREKS CO«PI1C VIlEeW S and Vicinity, DwnofWhitby now hg"ve an Artist whose. work danu be miî i-,,agag-éd ir cupe fwecks, only ; therefôre ýpa - ëerscople orother veaoîerresidonceoy, soni Ico, byl j'j vin}erers adepe eo'n g*< eaudfee u n ùastyle-which cammot be: urpase ofc91, atteltion, as usual, pRidto PhotogrE hOuld corne early lu tho day lu order tesecre goo&' we alw ays keeýp on baud large and o~ cff mouldiug, *#,e prepared tb frame pistues in ,jand Meut satisfactery manner. êý'wouId, RIS--,remludthe public that we ke IC. Y. GILDPRESLEEVB, -porte KlegotciL l THE BRO WN d~ PAVTERBON th. 'iBNsutic Llottol. N. W. BROWN, B. J. Y&BNOLD, Presideut. Secretary. WliiLby, 251h February, 1878. lOtf 4NOtco la iiereby girsu Liat the Lake Sim. - eeunction hlaiway Cenany vie apply :the b.Parileanent f Ontansari Lb.henext sImen thoreof foraseac ot smnenl Lie ct incorpora -sil Cempany Le cha e- ne = ' eo, and -for paver iq-= the e alI llalvay te Whltby or smot her port on thesiiore of Lake Ontario, vilain thae County ef Ontario, ana to iii th. lime for ýtii censtctien 'cf the nmid rallwiay,. anI -for etimer poces. Datsa-lBtl.Sept., 197iL - 89 FIN LPÀM FOR SALE. Frine.farm for saie, 195 acres ouli liai cf lota 17 cul 18, lut con. Wbitby. This liarie lu veil lnovu te-bave beea,. ihlby cultivatel -fer maey yoars. I~i. lefin ge buildings for lily head .1 catt,.,7 herses, obeep .and pigs. Woi ellwteoL -lott4ge .fOrî vcWrknÏi. To beucld entire,or -le tvo parts, vii ieameiepcsession.Ap D.1 orIR.,IM ltb7, Zuiy 11 Chil~I - I'~-, -' &UQ~I~B b S1,..~lGH8. F 1 1 c OTICEt

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