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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1874, p. 3

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hat aiczied ,. D. 1874. I ]p or-éon - End'-as m s aaaia -_____________ Grr' ts te Vron tris subt Mo iapacrg------- Te em eit Vr ai x a.-4a, O05d4? v!siG. Osada susprerd th FAREWELL RVJr< , Whty i.W .M GP . Lûer ""ati' gublic, ad Conve MillganLEd 5~ S, TTORNTs, soja. u»p0L0;Sud, Woa,,FoIcv, do.; by nisirt to CaaAssaePublie,- and : misera AI«. wwbt, ul. ; 4th, George Mnty. vtco ssfea 10 se!s3treatment Ofie., irsw"door sont, of th,, ROc&a Weot 'vbiby. WThfrwl clees-lam, W.. f tu ~bY n fl-9 Dru s Ilotei, Whitbyr. 8hqv Dprlng E. ; ill, 11.do.,.; att MdieW losrLJAMES RUTLEDGE, ».A Ora1, WAIltw YIpal" c 1, bJohn -___-J. E. FAREWELL, L. 1L. ]B.,. olasnltr Jrohn EME NFTcpI8.-Wee nti, oa Mieén, Clark ; 2n Roert ~i, wie a ue .am àlfm, o Cnounty Crawn Aterne7: ot l' rJa rmiaton, Darlin sou; 5 ia, anga y dim Of -theThpost or 018:9AND LOT TO ET!1 4thr RHenry Rower . CIârk. .NevarDestlty,Proau. <'vW.Plougli, James s k, Darl~ing- ceaIcnssand aOU disorders brough on A gooti two.story Trame Hôuse "atlot of MIb.- WyoUWthfiaprudence. land, north of Dr. Eastwoodis Ein th, Town > TUTTLE & C o., 78 Nassau.gt. q. Ir. di Whitby, &Pply t, li.b7Pi Ewmt *ud e otyALEL OGSTON, Audlsy p. 0. W.*A B&LyN . h IW ADVERTISEMENTS. or tà 3.E. PRWLW, train for Annapolmavuae aadng BeaVer 2t1er8lt, 1874.', .Bank - station, a Man., in gettlng offdot While th. cares wvire lu motion, ftl!L TAZD acr'ultheb. k. Mr. Ed*aeo prn a distance, of tM f(est trotb. platfom CT!~SAE of theoltaton,, cnght be roA tvo.ysar olti Reier, sud, erln cf Lb.au ationt.ugbî db. mat Irtemises of the.Subsariber on, collar, anti luain instant SURIR hlm «M W «W - 1 our tesriue2atedu tr se et, aWaitym clear of the, wbpuls. opay e ue, otawle tie vii b.moi Ofa port, cd four Young mon Who TmKfl<G O t dem ti SON» Vere deer.s)motlng -iu PAOMlO CoutY, P O C L AM AT ION. Whltby, Oct. 141h, B'ie7ï RIN SN làu.., Ibro.emtascldenti, aht-.îwo mlortaily....ly thoir caanpanLon. ~5 A degatei from t;tWbereaà the. L!euteuant-Govermor ai on. 25,00 A deptes roi t.Pcerbng n.tarie a en lae to a5ront andi set »fofue the dmsmctiOuof tegrenier apartThidy h 'Vhpa coer AR O eart Of thse bute., quarter of TieinaHA BORt., as.qc L'ahuudrfd ti alor'Iav beau b=ond,FO SA E anàtheILsfi»e la stili raging. DAY o H N SI N Thse master esrppsrs of New York To Almighty Goti for bis abondant morcius Tenders grilbe recelveti by the inir. havef detertniiccd sot ta employ a»y but fil d outil the firât day cf Decamiier nezt 1bon-unién mn. 1 do thorfore us htfthe pureohe f 025,000 harbor deben. sain-unIon men. I do thereorereusthtucs, issueti by authorlsy anti sanction of1 DO nW disse.. ii 'aid- to liav. made 2'HURSDA Y, TES »M uOC2"B., 1874, the Parliament Of Canada. ',Sec. 87 Vict. lis ppfmuceamog boate in otrongChap. 81), said debotures are Ein dounssE. its pjs~rane ainR sorss l varonsbe set apart s a ayof thankcgivlng andi atious of 5100 each, havi n ghupast u 11OLÈ aea iuly aen nnasi. Twe o caes ha t ayh arved as mach by tho dli. aud payable with ntersthalfyearîy at the isae arsns' ben otei.Tii hrs.,.zoesot tins Corporation. Ontario ]Bank. Whiitby, et the rate of cight Pl,-eomnneunçe tao til, andi, in eon. per cent. per annuni. Tenders zuay ha¶ or 1vitià Il, tls.y experlence a JHA1LER GREEFNWOCD, isuj minunt The untiersiguet is net bounti cogw1ch a diacharge frai thse nosî Muyor. tu adoI-pt thse loweat or any tender. rug. Whltby, Oct. 27th, 1874. 44 C. DRAPER, A vouug mnu iy nom f Ala Houas' Office, P.W. H. Co. , Presidont P.w.m. Co. 'i I ER « 1Cet. tis, 1874. î i.l Vtil At LIatowsl, on thî hinstl tAI. À.TI __________ O1,gsld kl:s .aa g gtoi dis', ansi Prie s lriing "o!isinrt,#hle vehinle-s, ansi ELLING OFF. P"W'tlyOf'nlbl tO esOt, 0liehi:ead href Wnpleuse «Eve teundersign-s luPily rfuv:d cl a ive tise cames of li e d a cail. Iu the Store on lirock.St., next door nort i reliltii'ca. Ji is psupp'sesî tIsa lie wal, Z. P BLIR 1,o!c.Iuk'Grcr, £rom tise Counîy of Oxfor. Magon'% Hote].ciM.IogksGcey A Northî Adams (uas.) boy, beicg Whitby. Oct. 27th, 1874. ti.4! rA qnantirv of ni ootis Iateiy imnportea LI rom Engband will L'e sold et Wholesssle aWab)'(roui hiomte rtecenaly. vas que.. ________- Prices, conni.ting ni Double Brcauch.loadirs1 tic'ifdlipsi is elu of* towhee 16, OODMERHANS 1 F<wing pis.us.a anti itisius, Lilevolve.rs ani liuîsîst i pîsliithera ayv. T i O D E NSI tininuniton Loades.eRv.uappcrs, Sheila. Las)sp.ne siatis da RéH repiclieh Fort'. or Fifty sres ni g,ndl lard Wood '.val;, sansd Cleasners; 2 Ladies' vcry fine bai] bi eu #Othle filurrai of Mr- a- isifor gaise on lot Nos'. 8 lu tise Srh con. of Pick. i)ianids Rings, 18 earat, lo1 1.usrst (dolti carritd chairs, so tlsey let hitm Lu frec I eriniz. Termsliiesrai. 0cm Rings, set En real sappilr emereld. Thse propeiie.r City of Pracol leu' lor particulaers atisress,)PRL. pieari, arnc 10,rlz-ad mes lin bpu.faiie' Guarti Chaînehighi aCt, lu filtmlsblwWiusor, Onât., nt) A. A. PnST, Aibeit Chains, ain., 6 lne G1.1d7WIsLch sahs Mirdyls, a ati.lsineiliately Box 151, Yurkviile..12 nets cf gnIfi shirt stusis, 6 1odsge lu 20 est af vtê. r, ixîen or sigltes s Otober 27t1s, 1874. 4in.44 rings, sitis a qnsntity ofra 1hEb e cf tss.on board vere killcd, .. ______Rr-rings, Brossuhes, Braelots, Brat-ping, %md sets of Shirt Stutia. Aiso a quantlty cf T@È ntLocomotive Wks of 1IHE PORT HCPE TIMES Es <sue of Piateti anti Vuluanite Jcveloery, Paint Pte po . J.,ra vént old Trs TIthe hast Papers in Cisocil1a. It has..i Brucs Rug Strapa, 811k Scarfs. Shetland Psu-rai,», N. J.,%hve s20,0pe ntel.Tserlarge Circulation, ant is îiersfore an exc,- - Wool Siiawls, Yak Laue, Sewing machines liutlti, ae' ovr 25,00, n4tise lent Advertising Mesilum. Partiunlar et- Attauhmcuts, a novW anme Seving Ma.- suseunion fit cous;equ-ntiluponthin-u.tention given to Local Affaire. Daý, cf pub chine, and mnu other articles. abl ryoftiseOsi Ir, 011acp~re lication, Thurutiay. 81.80 pfet anunin Thse viole mutnie s oiti off En ton or fornt.0 engles for tise Russian Goýveru. ativance. Advertlslng rates 1ev. twelve tisYs, aud bargains may ho expeutesi. ________________________J. B. TRAYES, Whitby, Oct. 141h. 42 44 Editor snd Proprietor. 0TI-CB1 DAVY-ADA5. - At Ail Saints' B 6 E TE BRN-XTise trllosrng vainable pruperty, consist. Cburelà, Whuîbynu Wetlus.sds , 28tiVW Ecg ai Town Lot Nu.-in .uPerrys Plan, Iai,t by V. r.' ol . r.EwdWest of Brock Street, in tL.e Town of Wbit. B olir hicgo, U.Ca.,Mjr Odrl 1by, being part cf Lot 28 in the 2nd con. ai 0940 .g Ns» , lrerlAift the Township of Whbitby (Chee«tâte ai the daughîer aiHRM Adazu, Esq, Of lataJohn Lyne tieceancd) wifl ho sold by Whllîby. 9PublicAuctlon'aîths. Royal Note], En the ______________LONDON,___ONT.,_ saiti Town of Wbitby, on *WHI2'BY MARKETS. L N ONSNT, &TURDA Y, 5J4tt CI-CR, 1874, CsaxîczO1,CE Og. 21h 184. ENLARGED TO EIGHT PAGES, at 12 o'ulock, cou. Tiers Es a gooti sizeti C»OICZ vyct Ot.28h,184. Containlng 64 ussinmnst of malter, anticd r Dwelliug Hous anti severali t treos ou 1l5l1 Wh-est .vise......pr00 o te for0tis seonc 17.78 tihe promises. "Spring %W e ...... 9 0 @1160 88 vi.8 proyefrthay abl i184.5. Tzns s:-One-tcnrl cf tise purchase $.0prya pybeinvariably En ad- cc cnc a f ae nits aac ]BArle.................o. 0@-93 aOk 0 venue, tise balance of ibis year asAfl5. wini n e on dh ofsher adtheer lnc ..e................. 70c@575o Prom tissu s JanuarY let, 1876, for 81.50. Zthi. n ot hratr BakBye Pos.......0C W A beautiful Chromo, iu 10 clora, entîlleti GREENWOOD &' MUMILLAN, .Si.. ........5c G 600 '"Little Gocdy Two Shocs," i te 25x25 En. On boisaif of tic Assigne s ai etiprcperty. ont. u.."......, .......oàc(R oc chas, vsicis bas bee ecutei cxpresaîy -for Whitby, Oct. 141h, 1874. 42 Bayi................12c 14 d u! in Eungand, viii be sent pot.paîd ta o _____ Hay.............012 14 veB Subsuribor cayi on ree year. weth. - potatoes .............. oc0 W orold or new. Thisu isgtis etsivalniai,î N 0OT I C E Bggs.. ............. 15e0 l7e Premilci ever ailered bly ani' CanadienN Buter,..........neDwspapsr, ant i viii h regaêrdeti hy utany Notice i.. hercby given that tis. Victoria Biili'......... 25ec o ne asaluns vorti tise prices cf ubsuription. Elilway Company viii apply ta tise Ontario Cosi, per on........ 7@88 W. vaut 1,0110 Agents this season ta Cet Logisature as its nezi session for au Act, Woodt.............. .....es 00 a86 680 up clubs anti crn sanni ftise vainahie enspowsring tise saiti Comparny to buy, Appln, ar ushl ...... # 50 articles Eu Our lEt of Preniue,araà cash lease, or suak'oather arrangements vitis ApChoc ebeis#i.......... 10 80 r omision of 25 cents on sacis ysariy snb. otiserilwyCipno,-oaqiofoi OIseue...........1 e 5 11e dn1, f tisy p.îcre vctoor excisauge vitis sther Companies, -Beif, binti quarter.... 85@ p * A 1mmies cf unteti alikeaunPreminni LiaiâtDock bonds, or otber property; ta facilitai, Baal, for, quarter ...................Iis jear visetier aid or nov. Ljt isr dcalin -, antis r thr roperty For, « Ot ........ 0SeBnti for aàCirular, Pronicm istadwlîîcistiseytave acsquiroti, or may acquire Park ps eut.......6 S67 aMPI., Cspy cf AVRTsErîss, visich is vii h untier their acts ai incorporation; te con- Ohiakoca ......... ...... 0 a 400 per pair sent ires ou applicuation. 5crm tise By-laws gradting aid ta the seli Docks pet r ........... 6t58 Register ail nioney Jettera, anti they willlC payanigerl tenrgthr Try Sb .0 osm u lk dies corporative Pawers su as to atiapt them te Gooe ..... ..... @0.JOHN CAMERON & CO., tise circunistancs ai ibis Railvay as a Col. Oses..............0 50.AtivertEser Offce, London, cuitation Railway, LrTorouto, October 12th, 1874., Do/no SarLghtnlng Rfi â USIC FOR NovEmBER. 42 A. MaN y, F Pompany. YV0 C A L. TO RENT -I As tii.goumsof atlhsnderstorme s Ence WhoesBrsissing tIesewetest. Song & a. !nore uponis nd anae5Sout unusuallj eta-a Clin. ciar aid..................... 5 To o --buss- Oecf-,-ni-n TiseLiistning Rudai erecteti onua Fnaý. u % pat dteluoVrom'Is'l"frei ......... "a . lusiths,60nu patso te oonoUniverit L'rîbiisgLostves. Lhîst%7ni . i .]5 iet, .lntlug sny a4bace, ant i .icsss uo- 1'srlUif Asurk-a.aprie. Ki.ke 0 tiersca'l6nbSO w crocetibY Mes.srs. Isheai àjPieces uiarketi * have picture Titis pages & .tv ure sarefsshlz examinsi b>. mc -on Mf réum. 1 c5nsa.r t .m ofgoctiquai- pNIif tPice.ou scipt 01i are Es>. e mou uS icien t sufacs0ossi 11 pio Addtrsî, tIse a raclag6etoihaVn ohrdAi o hj ieiiig gel. 699 Broadway, X. Y. purpose. HENRY H., CROFT. N O0 ICE Prufessor ai ChsmuutryUiest Toronto. ,Ules~,Clee SURROGATE COURT, COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. M TRLItVLLER8' GUIDE. Take notice tiset tise endors!ned, David Tskol eial t Dtuuo nts Bowses, of tise Tuwnshi fPc ke ru uoun elale(if itribuini IN VALUABLE GIFTS ATTH L. TbD IsNEPS InCHEAP & FASHIONAB 'LE 17Ot)h REGULA{R. MONTHLy BOOT AND SHOE STORE OP iIF T ENTERPRISE! O N S UNE1 o be drwnM on @brd, 18 OH74A MD R Trains Sse Wiitby Station as foiluvi: -Ibs ut-cn-z s'sye ater rthdae c Goiug ut- Gans Wea-- Burha-, Y a pZlicatio nZieel ]&Xg m . GlgCourt,En tise quire, idge ctf rito Mie 2.:0 p; ni Express 9:87 amniren, feo sifoWesei ouedo OrEw Loa .:20 P. ni. Mîxeti,.., 4:45p.m*Luther limes, bots ci tise seiid Twio -Express .... 8:46 p. ini. Exp.Mailllo:15p.ni Pickernug, anti rOsidlng vilsTovuse Tii - saiti Edward Luthser Bowi1mother out The bLMnîreal tisies vicisjesBaves, horaMidletoà 'sn Serais Jane rtan unhyMo b e.i saiTownship, -2Minutes tister tiseWhty Ie, l.saisItwoc diltiren hi c W13HITBY O PORT PERRY B. la. tise late FrancEs Bowes , anta sons Of Tcws c ftise saisi ano :1g Sau91k, leves Port Perny 6 a. mn. Intewsat.. Pickering, 'Yonm, tiecaaseît an OP. MI; arrives at WhitbY 7:85 i.-il. Datati Pckering, Lotisb ie,14 anti 8:48 p.m. -bé,184 Gocnit North, leaves Whilby 9.85 a.ni. anti DAVID BOMES. 6:ià .ni; ariîv& mi Part Perry 1:bS9&.m. 4 anti 8!0z'.M .DIVINE SERVICE. FA MFRS EHEP AU Sint' ur -A il . n., ati7 .580 aces, North.sast quarternci loi 18, Srt An sain s 1 ahAti .m, n .oc. Plokering. pci,.-Ev. Mr.lCale. A. BOONE,- -' Catislle Cbh ýBoi-very Suuday.morning On the Presilse., or Picketing P. o. At 8.80 ant i 10:80 a.qm âscteiY-Eev.P&.-Ct. 14. )tmr UceOmnu, 5; remities ce, Ohawa. 9i54 u'.s sada&30P b ras liih-ti .n OTSWOu, RAM LAMBS FORSLE cogetoal Cisuc-AIil 8,M.andl .- "W-p m-Bv. M GiAs. ÀumRsr Of. Cotavolti Rm Lmmnbs for m Chtw ounbi-At Il &a.andm ,"* y$ uqJ*nyz= duu inmm du h"as te eput. c 5Cents, 71 Cents, a cente, anti 9 cent. a yaýrd. Juif Arrived, aeCae of thoa.p Celebrated Linen Toi at Five Cents each 1 -: for bQt anti tollfcl tibta. BLAO-K -.LUSTRES! 'B LAOK SILK Prou ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rm :o itc y r . Â eyar l a .V as6eto-O w O à ayard O A a 2 S a y a r l .F r o m 6 0 t o l a y a r WLILé Lawn lidkerabiefs from 8c euhL. Table Linon 260 a ym AGood Heavij Wrappng Shawl for $1.95. A ' .B4llW OLLAD-bl ENTSawA ARD$371 A- MammotIh Stock of Manchester& Aberdeçen Winc A heasy W uceyaIS. a a; asicauroi Wincoy at 12t p ali to e b o AUR, azDFElocCSeektiWiieS rtngs riM1E. WM b. found larg.ana el eeoccontainiÛug al the.New anud Fashio! mater"ansd shades of the season. JusI arrived, Two Cases of the Celebrahed Cornwail Blankets, tril be sold leuas tise i half-etton lmsporteul Blankot* kept by other hansm Plain andi Fancy Flannel. in greai srbanda>nce andi ai rcmzrtiably loo Pr 1 2r The Hosiery anid Glove Department wiii ho found complet .very simo sud quality 1I A splendid stock of Beaded, Bail, andi Fancy Trinnninés. Cloude ant Pancy Wool Good ini great varlety. An all-wool Cloud I 9rJust ta hand, a splendid assorttnenh of Grebe, Mi.nk, and1 Glents' Furnighing and Ready-Made CIothing Departme. Juat arrived, a splendid stocek of Mon'. ansd Boys' Fait and Pur RaIs, nev ai aud popular prices; alao s fresis arrivaR of Cloth anti Fut caps. îr 13. * cotIiicgfor Boys i l ai sesi ,1,eý A large stock, cf Rgasly.Mado Cloîin Puits, Ps-a J.Iectf, andi Ors-ruoants, wiîich rs'Iihollsdisnt wlsoleseale prices xpisutlbl stocku of Boys' Clatliieg ou baIss. A large stock of Clotho anti Tu cnnstantly luspt ounisaud for tise crier dopartup.et. Auj artiens taluta w! got ap lu tise sisrteat possible lime, anti a gooti fit guarauteesi or co sale.. Thso sissugiter has cammencesl, ansi wili not finis!, mlii ail are couvinces) S1sea's in tise p lace la l.uy Guod nd Clseap Boots ans) i o..cost no objs'ct. 1Iam ndetermissed nfot ta b. udersoli!. My mollo te, "Act ccarslieg to slatesnent." Came andi gel bargains. THE GIROCEIRY DEPARTMENT will be found co piste in every branch. A aplondid stock csf nov Teas jeist recrivei. Faru Pnadnce, suaIs es Butten, Eugs, Lard, Fowls, Ciese, &c., talion iEexcingo Gooda. Cedar Dale an.! otîser Facton-v onîcyrs taken as Cash for Goodu. groosls mnarluesiEn p lain fites. 9:" >No Cretiit giren, as thse above quotali couiti nat intier auy but n Cash systetn. o MY 8 WOJVISTA TEMENT! To ail whom il may concern: Fenton's wife says that Mrs. Hlopkins told lier that she he4rd Sam Grub's wife say, that Peter Parsons' wife told lier that Granny Lincoln heard that there was no doubt that the Widow Baker said that Captain Wood'si wife thouglit that Colonel Malby's wife believed that old Mrs. Grundy reckoned positively tliat Francisi Melton's wife Lsd told May Carpenter that lier aunt declared to the world that it was generally believed that Mother Staiton Lad said in plain ternis that she Leard Betsy Woonail say that lier sister Poily had said that it was' well known around Whitby and Port Perry that Mistress Barr made no bones in saying, that, in lier opin- ion, it was a maLter of fact and of great public interest, that Mr. Swaze Lad sai&-that Mr. Jipkins told hi that Mr. Tracey Lad said that Wm. Gil did declare and circulate that if you want to geL Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods at reasonable rates you inuatgo ~ . S. ROBERTSON, (Upwards of eight years witli A. S. Irving, Toronto.) Bookseller, Noedealer, Stationer, and dealer in Fancy Goods, &o. (Bengough's 01d Stand,) Brock etreet, Whbitk, S HE A, PRO BONO PUBLICO0 We have juet iecoived an assoî-tment of Lantps fron ýostos, vhieli vo offer cheap for c-sL. Soie of thei are 60 pet cezi s than last year. Boit Patent Tabular Lanteres, $1. Our Glasgow Stoc *k of Business Writing Maferial is th, Lrgetst anti eheapest in hown, Note paper, 65e par s'easn; Account pape Oc pert rosi; BuR-Lents, $1 per reai ; Envelgpes, $1 per 1,000 ; Peuf De pet box; Stephens' Ink, 10o pet baIlle. AUl other statione.y clieap. 100 different kinds of PIPES, eînbracing the Meer. batin, Turkieh Hookah, Briat, Fancy, Clierrywood, Bircli, Swei sîbination, anti Penley's Patent. Ont Cig&rs andi Tobaccos are goct ti cheap. Knives, Forks, Shears aiid Sci'.sors (Rodgers), ltazors, traps, Brusheis and Boxes. Have you seen our famous Ride Sharpen ? A splendid assortment of Pocket Enives. Pooket-books, Bull flolders and Purses from London. Fancy Goods from France and Germany. Vases frora Boheinia, ubin's Perfume front Paris, Atkinson's fronri London. T THRE WHL TBY PHAIRMAÇy. H. GERRIE & 00, CHIEMISTS & DRUGGJSTS. QOTSaANDirW16M ( ~"Next door to Goldsmiths'Hal BROOK, STREET, WHITBY. 4 1ar made Ladit Shnes.' iTh superior stock 0f well- Misses, and Children's Boots and ~nrses 'the best -Work, and wilI be ilE. 1satisfa<tion guara1 ee . 'Cs- 1 their interest to eaui'and examine micas.,- LAING & FOR BARGAINS* IN IXR~E88 c3-OODE AN IMMENSE 8 AN IMMENSE STOCR 01 Di til b3 ws! Beys. De. rhiel M. le«.. 3eal nt I tpe$ ader. ig in, 1.A Il be cers' for t ARE RECEIVING FALL GOO D s! Whitby, Sept, l5th, 1874J ?OMINION 4 Ai rossanable priue viiM ISa b k -cou-.i stantly on an ad antifor sale., -T. P. WHITE. Witlevale, Oct. Clii, 1874 4 VAXFOR a i otN. 1 s TeSounh-eat quarter c o n.Di thse 4h ooncemlon of thei. pdù éwhtyon4nn 11 acrs, moe r iss J. E FAREWELL, ButEste, Wihby, or JOHNB. ITCIIEIL, Whitbp P. 1 Whtby, Oct. 50, 1874. 41.1 1 FOR sALEz et lu tis md con, 0aiButam i tby. Gc hons. ad nti-utbuildings, &o.- Fo, furthorUaticuias Y-pta Lot No., ca. Plekelg Whttby, Oct. Srd, 1874. 41 ]BE A RI N E FOR TME HAIR. P Ce A Ati tri ts ur rase MN ;a- clh, ts ýed. 4.ly PTHETSWN.MCf la peitively the nearest perfection yet atiainst yaNEWnaciINN T s IONd Havieg seopI avay at once a great many cf tise diiculies anti annoyances Auctioneers' Lklenses' non 18-1r74, hlave Less takon-pnt by tise endeneaniea. litasBou'ee, Wilson & Crottons,' l'uc. C. PuIsa7,s- Jolais JoisestonIl Remus, l'a. SBlet L.E Fairbankrs Jr." N.&S. Ri&or, Il-S-Blet ISasuel Bairg, s Brock, Match f41k, IH. E. ODeU, Y =$ta, July 8tk, John McGill, - . Ridiug, - Slnd, E. H.Canieron," ThoanI, Il 1tIs, Donld a n--1.9 92nti, Ja.;pattersu" N.&S. Rldg" 91 ' wm. H.Bopti, s BrouIs, -29th, Wi.M. Wiicox, *N EdsOct. hle Dsniel Bou" Daviii ZEshap S. nlin,"L 51 laesDigby, Jr., . d" i 6M, 7neDigbp, Er., Uxbridgc, -s.8Em, PxvesaA iN xwxzzs r,îCxscus. EtivartiFrank. Couit., Matchffrt, 1874. Etivarti MuGee M lay 141h, W. Riîchattison à Ca." I'l Otis," Nelson Rovley, - lune 1lmk iasse Lehusan, -' - Jl>.iii, lm7. P MFOR SALE! Dr. Footessplendid tar ""FOREST PARK"- Apply to the proprietor on thse preim6see THOS. DO0W, EsQ., 1Cntario Bank, Whitby. Brooklin, Sept. 12th, 1874l. 584f B URNs STILL L E1 A"D 78ELLING BOOTS AND SHOES 1 CP(EAPER TItAN EVER, la-AT TIE OLD STAND, BROCX.,ST.. WHITBY, ONT. Whitby, Sept. 10, 1674. i F OR, SAM ! Thnat valubi. fanu,,being the north bait of lot 2, in thse eighth concession 0S1 13*, rownsbip ofWbhiy. Thse sali ins olant ana in azond stateol cultlvatlo, Tht. l WA REROOMS -U8T AS WE EXPEC TED oUSINESS FAST INCIREASING laving nearly doubled the number o: îds in our eniploy, are yet unable to meet the demand uburbs nowhere, up town is the place, 3TOVES! STOVES! STOVES! hé best Stdves for Cooking, Hall, o1 'lor, -Cheap at the New Store of HATCH & BRO. New Lamps, New Lanterns, Newv 'dware, New Sto-ves, New Pipesg, New Everything. SHAWA STOVES 1 e have mucli pleasuire lin frming people of Whkitby and PFiokering, that we havearrsimgd -Mesurs. Hatch & Pro., of WhiitbytosoU eourStoVOS, mr pices. Persons requiring Fiýmt-clao sStoves will se cail on them. J, CARMCHAEL, Presideni, OosavaStee Worke. ~eerigto the above, we shail be y t suplyOur friends with the above Stoçe, and add, :e hnl put them up (in town,) free of cka'rge. Rai Cal] 0 thej with at a pleim mlay' Sst( mon. aTten E outESTlER mcsns [s a marel of slinplicity, belug eaon- stnucteti visant tise nu of noisy dams, or cogi, aud ruas m ligist, aud tas 8 esa to understantt na lady hou. ver usaIs or serrons, or hovever un- WITH EASE AND PLEÂSURE. Tise siuttie ai 1h. eE-,BTB tasBo anatuctet tisathie tension of tisenu- or throad eau be-elianget iEn as instant rittiont uutlircadtug th. shuttlo. THE "WEBSTER" st.hIL. niy nia- Est». mati n Canada Ibat exceetin t iniais, isteria useti, andcouatruction hoso « Anerlean manufacture vhile- îo Canadn machine eau approfteÈiti.1 taS E McyONebTerYl vRanE.9 4ISS MoINTYRE, AGENT, WHITBY, 8 Jhe»rc nisois I. ç*an cuinti»c oron ed lui Mahines tiliveret teany atitinSa, Dits. CARnSoN k IOGAT, Ç NUl ;andi "WEBSTER" 1 1 1 )shawa, Oct. 27th, 1874. 1 Il proince a luuriat gwth. 1h oatis'ssnan& tren mthnair Lt umkeu thse iair soit anti Man. it 'imparts lo tisehair a rie lotos fiti.h. isla r«« arnlea-no sticky oa n s- It stimulatas tise roota ai tise hair. ht enlivens mmiii>. anti usaIshait. It prolonge vitalit>. Sulti by tiruggisa. 5M conte pet hottus. PERUT DAVIS & SON, Suie Propriotors, $77 St. Paul utreot, Moutreal, P. Q. 40 Im usic FOR SCHOOLS. Wegive prticular attentian te heSelect. lus ofMusictforSchooî purpses. TeacIs. ors favaring us vitIs heir orrs neeti oul state viset clans of Muaic tho>. dosire, anâ vs vili guarantee teiniaIse tisen a satisiac. tory selection. GET TE BEST! The Besi NEW ScIsool SlnugBookuaI p&'ryEhiooPs'.ce 660 Tise flutStanà:rti Sehuol Sang Biock: Tii. Song FEio, Prie, 7à Tise Best Piano Irmtructor: Pîters' Ecleutlu, Pnice, a 25 Tise Boit Reeti Organ Instrutor:- Klnkel's Nov Methoti, PniE, 2 80 The BesI Instructor for tise Voireo: Lutitin'. Scisool for the Voite, S850 Tho Best Gultar Insiructar:' Worarj's Guitar, - Pies, 1 w0 The Bosi Collection for Male Velues : Sangeresat, . Price, 1 60 Tise Bost Collection for MIfxotiValues:. No Plus Ultra Gise Book, Prie, i15W TIse ]Bes Collection for Cisuruis&Hoine : Tise Cluster, Pnice, i 80 Tise Best Instrector for Aucordean: Sedgvick's Complète Moethoti, 1 50 Thîe Best Instructor far Coucetin Sctigwiuk's Complote Metisot, 110 Publisiset antimiallt, post-paiti, by Cents Furnishing :Store JOHN -FE1IGUSON M'erc/zant -Tai/or, Draper, di DUNDAS STREET, WHIT8Y. A. New and well selected stock'suitý ble for the Season, including heavy OVercoatings, Scoti English, and Canadian Tweeds. A large stock of Hats, Caps, TiE Collars, &c., and a very large stock of Fur Goods. #ý7 Fashionable Tailoring in ail i ranches. Stylish and perfect fltting garments guarante 1 - 1 - ~LiLby~, October 21sL, l874~ 1. 1 1 'J I ETR 90M/N/ON JOHNFIGSN 'l' moue or tranamftting fliaty by mml. -Ai umil PFast Ofe, i»tse 0ontry, viier, Poat. Office Ortiern catiu0 h. ab n iomney may be remitted in 1Ad eriÙsements, toa limileti nnmber, viii b. innertedi n the WrýxixEIHzIax,. Prim. af tse DAILT Haxasse, four centsi'a.,capy. Anual subacriptiasi pricu, 612,îays n ativance. Wvrita.Ithe adsiraonantte"aho tihe Nszv ol Yasx Hxa in a baltianti legi- bis bad, atgs 1h.nameof eeh aubseibraIPat Office onyat Staes Pliojsthatn= riro rs n mil RE SEAMER "CITY 0F TORON. Steamer "CITY 0F TORON'TO," ICapt. Ditk) bavadiii]>', fou iludgoSt., ~oron 10, et 7. ni., ced -p.Zn., reauhas NEigera at 9:10 a. mrussd 4;Sp. ni., andi Levigstam 19 a. ni., cenâ5P. ni. Canneuticus for ts Fus, Buffaso, Clevelandci, lcimmeti, ]R(- chsester, Misan>., Now Varlr, Biet», &c. Tickets anti ai lnormation at No. 8, Front. 1.MILLOY,.Agcent Ezcursiou Parties accouniodatetionnias. lag application te Mn. Milero. Whitbp, July liii, 1874. 29 Came juta lie-prmises of ris. subusen's, lot 29, Luti con, oi WMtbry, about Jssly Imat, a retýni tihte hoUer twu juans otage. Tise oues areqeestati reVs prcporty. psLy expensc-sautitase hon aa. HENRY HOOD. WislthY, Oct. JOi, 1 74. B in-4 WA REROOMS LOWES &- POWELL RAT£S-ONý PASSAGE FURTHER REDUCED. Stcenap rares inom Quebec ta Liverpuol, Londionsderry, Glasgow-S16. CJArlsren aver one antientier1li ait fane. Returu t4ckets,-Quebeu te Liverpoal, Burt>.-or Glasgov-881. Prepaitipamage cerItii cateo,-LiveM~ol, Do r o lasgàoaQue.- hec-865.ciltren haM are. GRO. YLLE. - Agent. Prom whisonieor>. luormptcasmay ho obtaineti. Witlsy, Sept. 191, 167., 89 1 1 1 DËAâtiea ffhitbn October 21fit, 1874i TEEIR STOCK- BRO. T-IA-TCJ:l & AGENT, WHITBY. Wi NTE-R 'l CLOT-HIN( 1 IIE A M E S

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