Lb, 2914. VALISS AND TRUNIS. LE&TH~1I VALISES Sb2RÂTOGÂ TBUNK8, ho., ha., et fii sor, sotrêely any of wJlteli W 1iy eau reclved 1 >y t bimna Pthe' course et lila deaingau ith the priny, TljsaANs'wisr-Qne ftbe sià . tint t Dà .i4,Ou Collp who-waai400 laiyo d aptbt i ri~h, wfa in .b by rnala bisi cl witl"di&twist- out lu- his partlonls'r enmr estediy; not long ago, e tllo* studast tôok'tý an a~i~rie4 Ltt ha' r!sLte ',ofetou@ pÃŽh rûfesi!rs wltthetii.laquLr: - "Wlc,'1le t 114t titis ehlney la siohe7 pst uiplt tiI. peint and ne oh et ead gbntlom'an têea_ýIt u an elaberale aU4I di oealUleiÉxlanstion: wby It wad, argùlng "Wiii7greatmuid. p tnsso,, Sud it gverfeus t les tli show ticretesc l eunn Meanhha fhet fshadthet .studeut'sasi o No, air, yon are wroeg." '"Why in t, thon 1l" "Beaase the folow'sliAngera were net lontg anecagitgteresle suy tarthbr,"' replieti the studant. 'liuteailegt man has -beeau beau fç9nnd. His naienlaCharles Ford, late of Chieago. Tes day. qgo bis Po? wite beacame a mothar. F ord draw al hia ttoney ftronlte batik anti went te' St. Paeni. Titlitr, as msee ie was able, Mrà . Ford went aise, lu erder te briug hlm back lu bis homo and family. she mcet bimailu lte treel, andt intom bis ertes te body of ber baba. Il bad -diedeon te cars. Hoe took il, and went wth bier te hie tather'a bonse, witore te surrewing wifa and mether tel t h. &tory ot.iter troubles. Site tnurl bt speak te bien, bnt ha wasagene, auit has Lot ice beau seen. Mr& Ford willl net tollow bien, but in on ber way le join ber relation. in New York. BoSzIrss.-After al ltera le notbingz libre businteas for- enabling u. te gel trougit unr weary existence. Thée in- tellect canuot suatain il. eunnhine f lit long; -lhe liagging wing dreps te lbe ertit. I>easure p alla, anti idlaness 7is Imeny galboed rsdceriea inuoe rsane.'ý But buainesa' gats ovar lte heurs *ilhout conng Étitan. Il mey bc vary tiriug et lteeanti, tili l itbas brouglit taeday te e coe.sooner ttasn nyting aise. Common sces-Paunie.. Noab wasauanark.itacto et litra waber. The firat box eft lotitpowdar bas reacitetiDenver~. Haeastretci-tie tasrateit adussltae Maternel knee. Wtnisters eoflita interir-the cook andth ie docter. Cnysitep s adjacent te echoola re- port a briak fali Irade. Tite vilasl inner niey ?tlu-avery. tbleg are au uambrela. 41 Iigit,Ibli, and'ilfariug," le vitat êbay say etflits new bonnet. - Tlaey nado e man prsy saonheurs fer stiaebng e muleo le Delaware. Nov tbe Suiltan ef Turkey ,4'usiliead ha wore doad." Olr. Mary, Wiker la *thera. Tite worid'm maMren- W short. Il will for¶ot yen if yen d dole jog it Tito pillows in the Dulult botels are saB large thaI Iravelaors eau haraly pocket titan. . Terre lanfe larasto e hIlte intel- laclual- conter of te world for big watern3elenas." bash Billings asyi: "Tata eujuy a goodr rputaahnn, gir publlely sud teas privslcïty." TberadielaeI. oîans ballot-bo.- Yan, a44 tbsy soemues daposit two tobes luil . Dobit liciks litIinetead oef iring cïedit visere credil la due, lte cailhbaS better te paid. A Mairie wemn h iaritair savon feet aud ire lueitea long-be., lontg te ha availablo for nois autter. Owing .tle ist rmy weather on, 8 aturday et last wiak, etly five ladies 'vaut te bc dirorced lu St. Louis. A cyie ays arrsgola Vary etten à .dullbokth a er ie iapretae. Soinaîlma 111e lia aUl," tee. A Toast.-Womon: ltaélust andiboat' oôfthei.Boies-if va may bave hon for a toast, v we n't askfor any but-bter. Sadl«&ia ulEanmsm akar, SEOCX.ST., WEITDY. ktiabS, 1874, 26ti GOOAL AND WOOD! Té the à =e oa f Wbitby antd enrrounudn naigbborbood, ferarablackamitbs, sud n O5wSlaling coal Ibls fal, 1beg te aay 1 is lp.teaIevery lar#ge andi welI select .tl stock of lhe best bard sud mft Coals ef ail kinîls, vonsisting of Lackawana, Scran- ton, Egghesnut, Stove, Grete, and cksuth'a Co041. Aise a car go o f lar Fili, the'beât ever offeri in this tmarket. Farmatrs, Blaoksmlths, anti othera hauiing their own coua upplieti et wholesaele puces.i 0.11 Md I 1mar cur orders. As, coi aare la ýwhuoile ndronds gond. ' Otidri proncptiy izaacted; ceai aad wood deirvered. on short nôtico foriah Boat miple par cord....... 66 O Baech and mapa nixed.... 5 50 Haleck aud pine, very gop. -... 4 00 we4lghad on town scales. For particnlars app-yet tuy oice et the wooti yard,' or et the office of C. Draper, Whltby harbeur. AlX. ALEXANDERt. Whtby, Auffubt 111h, 1874. 33 T 0 LEtT.- A i3akery snd Contectionary m-ith dwi- ing bouse. Front abop containa every vcc- "aza couvenicuce. Ot-er 25 yeers estab- lihII, eotDundas-stroet icentre of thé tova. Possession given lit Sept,']1874. Appiy ta- JOHN Â, RNALL, Proprietor, i'a7ncy Gooda Stüre.e Wbltby, Jniy 15, 1874. 29 hene8it of YeUNe Mss AND 0 cirieawlin sunfer frein NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS 0F MÂNHOOD. etc., suppiying the inassa pf Heifture. Written by one whoe cured hlnssaif aftar undergoing conaiderable quackery, and seut froc of charge. Sifer. ersa ara unvitati te addresa, poeit-paid, the author. NATHÂNIEL MAYFAUt, P. 0. Box 158D, Irookd3i, Nwtr WANTED L hDRS G ENTLEMEN, TO LEAIIN way Stations snd Commercial Usinaluthe Dominion. Send for çircnla.r. *Atidrease, COLEMAN BAKER, Toronto, Ont. June 17th, 187C CB A1I T. H. McMILLAN, OFFICIAI ASSIGNEE, Aima, Agent for the ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, r luavNtCIAL M. suarc Cii. -OPC-.Onlsrio Lean anti Savinga Compauy's buiilding, corner King sud Sm- cos strete, Oshawa. April 201h, 1874. 17 c AUTION TO TRESPASSEIIS 1 AiU partis tunti cnltlng, limber nthe, soth part cif lot 18 lintthe Sti con. of Mare, vill-be prescenteti vitit the ntmobt vigor of Las I tiearly love. Sonsg & cho, Duc No ttd4ungs froza orer the sea. ". " 5 Aabaime Bînaîbme. Sang & dance 30 Tnp nC, rusaders. Sang &cite. 30 Write te me, Willic. 00 Wb.u Chare plays the Drumu.-' "l 10 JE N N 1E) Darling, I arn ionely noir. " 'ü5 Kis me, Darling, are wa part,." " 5 lirace np, or Have yen heard the neire 0 Tbhera e aoomthîn.- I'mdying to sayli 5 Wslkingon lta ahiati le. ' " NsroweU, Auinle Darling. " " S 1T HE FLOWER Do nt weep sol Si&tîr Darling." Beentiftil Form ot miy dreameu. Meat lus, Basais, ît is Dell." Baek te lita aid Home. Close théeslsutteu-s Wili'aS etS. Aoking a blessaing ïrom Mothcr.", 1-ot: KI L-DAR E. He kisaad mo gond-bye at thie Gite. 80 Tauderly thtok of the Dead." 30 Give my love to al et hoile. 5" 0 'Neath the waves ber Spirit wanders. Soug.80 Thlnk c beOfm tone, Mqgie. 8e Mýy dear old Mother. Il 1. 30 And other8ongB byd. E. Stewart I %Vaut la sea the dear old Ilome. 30 Oyslera and Wine at 2 a. m. . 30 Ram4 th b hubth To 4.-",Io Stoien kises are tte swettt 80 ;Tnle, the Pioger of Kildare. 30 Vhe aboieo ara ail by Stewart. -Mlall.iPogt-Patd, on roipt of tho ak ed Price., %J. L. PETERIS, t>99 iroadwey. Ne 'iawYe 33 O MPC3B TO LET. PRONT -OFFICE. MT=tE CHRONICLE BUILDINGý;. Wbiitb y, TJoe uacd, 1874. 2' LIS 1T'07 THE DIVISION, COURTS COUNTY 0f ONTARIOj, POR TEM , R 84 No,1....2 9 1 li li 1 l i 7. le Blow, tr Eatly .Rose ]?otatoes. N.ay.000 Tubs of Good Butter; for -al Of 40 which t e rnghest Mctrket Price *wîll be paidl in CASH, $t -aS fý &.]ýfARVELL'S. TUE OLDCONTY (Crosby s Old-Stand,) Dundas Street, WhtY. Bogsto inforrn the inhabitsnts of Whitbv andl vicinity, tat li lias commenced buBinesa in the above lino, with au entire New stock of FIN\E GROCEIIIES, PiROVISIONS, Iùlurnt~ie 1 1 Rye,ýPortul ~*ood and botte ; Beer m d ùein 'ood'an dct ttl,é r ky G n Goo lac k, Grqeen, or inixd Teas, £5ets. to which wve 1 ulï#Icattentiýbri ù Cs4 ýid ee"0 Good Sugar, IlIbs. Tor $1 ; Very Fine Sugar.- 10 Ibs. for $1; Fine Young Ilyson, ec. 75c. and $1 ; Finoat Peari-leaf Gun- powvder, $1 ; Fiuo e oe Congou, 75e. and $1 ;,Real Goo4 Congou, 85c. and 50C. ; Presh Roa4edl Coffoo, C¶round ])ccily, 25 to 40ets.- Pickles, Oystcrs, Sauc-cs, Caanea pâih, Fruit, &c., &c'. Cashj for FarmeLlrs' Produc,2. Gi'Ve' us É. cali. Whitbv, October i4tii, 1874. 42.ly1 The retui in thle' to' his quooesE 1 egs :or ac MI Now is the time tç>buygQo- dýand h&"- Furniture. Having bought ou1t thée wi4s atieIy 23ie onby James. BYýSamo, we take, thijo4imiyoX -vi ting hisman. ried~to give'B a cl, sud.we caiqassure ail tlit.e ae reedto doas .e4,b4-them lu .the fu tunr e, as Mr.eSamo hlias s i past. 'TILL & JAOH N eT N Orders, by mail prý"omptly attend-ed to. IJNDERTAING. -The olyflst class Estabihentfin teCut wee'rl, ar fui l1y S*uppliedl. Wliitby, October laI, 1878. TitL ONTN CARRIACES #~BUQGtE$m MESSIRS. TOMS & NEWPORT, Be- to inform the public generaily, thà t they. have opened n New Carniage Factory, on Dundas- Street, TA/LOB/1NOG ES TA BLISHMENT4TWO MOORS WEST of the P OFIE., B ROOK STR EET,, WHITBY, (Next Dootrthof )olueiion Batitk.) A Iai'ger aué bttî stocki of Over-coat- ing, the Best Patternislie evei' had of Tweed.s n WeII-assorted G-ents' Fnrnishings, at A. P RJ1N G LE'S Gants' Best Fur Caps and Hats, Caps, and Fur Goods in gret tvariety. Whitby, Sept. 80, 1874. 40 LDMITH'S uHAï%LL. For Watches, Clocks, J 'ewellery, and FANCY -GOODS, Tho fairgest; the 1.esty, aud aitogtherthe chetpest stock iji the Coanty. Buyiug for cash, a practical knowledge of the value of goods, and of the manufacturers, enabling ,hùl té- place beforo his cutitomers, a good article at less Jr4ha sofc ,cared forinferior' qoods. GOLW:'AND SILVEPA.WTATCHIES, Gold and '~Ver Cha'trins, Bc'hrht and C olored Go01l. Sets. Brooiches, Ear iDropsua-ad Lockets, Gein and Keeper Rings, st)lidî 18 carat Wedaing Rings, Jet Jewellery, - - Electro-platedi Cruels & Pickles, ~fùs, oî'~.Spoüns, qand Butter Kulives and Coolors. Vases, Desks, MWork Boxes, Purses, &c. EIGH'T-PAI AND) S-HOUR CLOCKDS, SPtCTACLES, &ce. JAMES JOHNSTON, Goldsaili'a hMll, Wlsitby, Sept. 30,'187-1. Practical IWatch-maker.ý 40 DI? Y- GOOD8 A ND G/iOCERIE8D. Tfhe unidei7sigcned is now receivinga -LARGE STOCK" 0F «DRY GOODS, rC9nsistiflg of, Dres' -Gobods, ii gre t vaniety"a f he latest tashio n, Colored Silks, Shawls, Mnes, Hsrey, Gingharns, 'Cottonis,-Pints, &c., Achoice assortment of'Cania and otiher TJSvèeds', -and a full stock of Gentlemen's Funnisbing Gooas, & c PZRSlE FAIMIL Y GROCERIES, Teas, Gofi'ees, raw and refiied 'Sugarsi Nev;-Fruit,&c 7'The, -best Wines,, Liquors, anéy Brandies. Aleand P Iorteri-w tood and' ,bottin. Where the are now prepared to exeente al work in the.. Cerriucge Makcing Line, on tiese iortest notice, and madeeftheite best nia-, tenda, and first.class wurkmanship. - ALL WOiRK NWARRANTED..T 1IEPAIRING DONE WITH NEATN]3S 4ND DESPATCH. GREAT EXCITE'M.EN'T AT THE BR OOKLIN GROCEBY A large stock niow ôffering table inducementsi1 'Be sure and. try thoe CHOICE STORE.1 ýat irresis- TEAS AND- COFFAEES, Guaranteed of the Finest Quality Tobaccos and General Groceries At the old Prices, irrespective of the Tariff. Greater sat- isfaction given every day. Ail kinds of Fain and Garden Seeds in1 season, and wanranted. -fMGreat, stock of Crockery-and Gls-ware whicli must ho sulat t malte zoom for more Cozning oui. Don't forget the BrooklÉh Grocer ySoeoedo east of tite Mmaonic Hall. 1Broidin, May 2tt, 1874. S.E.FRANICIS. JOHN STON'S SELF-RkAKIýNG REAPER AWARDED THEýFIRST':P RIZE At the Provincial Extiibition, Toronto, in 1870. WAle offer tc6 our customers for thr- coming Hlarvcdt. two dis. tint Machines, whichi in style and- construction, enibrace the latest and most. useful, improvements- of« ibe day. Are ow recei-ving» a Y selected Stock of Ge aC-o(DC Which thiey wil offer Cheap FRESH FAMILY GIROCERIES! Paid -foi' B U Market Piice ITE-R.6 BXc1renslch. ,Whitby, Sept. 15, 1874. 8 Capital 2,400 S mniifr. RA01 Esti 01104-N8- &MELODEO OBAN8SP$I HE MUDGE & YARWOOD- ýMF'G CO.;- MANUFACTURIE iRE CELEBBATED AMERICAN ORGAN: Style 5, $150; Style 7, $1.75.; Style 9, $20-0. In Handsome iRosoriant Witln-ut ALSO, YAIIWOOD'S Ã"MELODEON-,OPGAN.11 Style 4, $i -o; Style 6, $ 175-; Style-8, $zoo. lu handsome Rosewood Pianio Cases, hlighly fipihýed. A libenal discount for cash. A special reduction to Clubs of Three and upwards. fiVisitors to the* Fali' are request- ed to cali1 at the Factory, (,opposite exhibition giounds,) and examine oir q,otclc (!j~tun'nc 1Whitby, eptember Szd, 1874. FRED MU-DGE,, 1 . Mà A3tAGEIR. PREPARED FOR TilE FALL. TRAIDI, 0F-1374 -oo- W. J. HIOKIE&00 In anticipation of a hirge,_ and increasing triide this Fail have purchased more extensively thau usual, and in a few days tlaeir stock will be complete in -,il its departanents.' While, thank"ing -the publie gen- erally for thoc liber-al support- they have received in the pafzt - thcy trust by adhering to that straightforward' and undeviatiiug rule of doing business whicb bas characterized théir establis;h-. ment in Vthe past, to niuent -a -conlitinuance of public favor. w. J. -î H KOK E &co0 a JOI.NSTON'8 8IN(GLE SEL.F.-BÀIUN-G REAIEh; N. B.--Thie ighest market price paid THE - RIANG U.F IU5A±'IS.$ The universal suceess of this Machine, both inCi losely contest-. ed'trials &nd inithe hands of the areneri, wqrri'n' i' , S D iig Ihat, sï A Self.Rok- ing Reaping tinchjne, it hyis more g'nod poictis and leOss-Iteët.curd bu mt it more successnd Icas faibure. titan hberetotoro oflered te the publie. CAYUCIA JU-NIOR* -MO WER! îîewere awarded the First Prize and.,Di.ploniaat the Prcvin, .ial Exhibition,. beld irYoronito, co'n)iaitio wtialtcdrgfchinp,. ïnc-zfictredlu h~provinice andwiib otîr reces t r~~nap î,j. ingly challenge inteRtigaiion and comtparison with competirg MaChines, we ari sstisfled that tîrli invetstiga,à tion wilI corvinré 'every npirejiadioed miiî.d. tbat wi, ofSer the- hext bMower to the Fariner for 1872, built in, Lbe Deno nîv&d for descriptive catalogues. .nnei.* &i PATTERSON. FOR SALE FOR 'ON-E MObTTH- ONLY, 1 tr» UJN DE R COTs IRflJi- M.~- ONDQ' SPLE2NDmLY FI] Wbitby, Sept. Otit, 1874 THE iorL Uiali jJ±ice OLJD STAND,l - FS'!' ÀB Il HE D 183 WM. -TILL,ý New ,ParlorSe.ts,- - New Bcd-roco NewID. And a large stock of ýeýt Chairs, Table9s, Bureauls, - S Cuiph oards. Unair, 1 Cloili, anid Da &,&.A. fine Stock of New Gi -The largetit and cheapest stock- -PROPRIETOIR. been finl'seib4 i11, tleitn t l-e r e'n<ý- .rany. Thep poe.ertvbasi- een '-sIs4.eiin iLer - R. If Wil<na' T'- tev -- n nI tii,' ~ ~ ~ n PwvstclPsd t94.2i'.e.t..The A!etashujshnme nbêpn la *bhp qsessinn not tle ,sew Çnrrritrr sirn'e 17'11, Felefvrry lst -,h Lie ret ,ie-r Mbtfs n" ,safstl.,tle arn-- ýfthtte businegs cornnencing trcým tia .date.- Aplrsrtirr mleeeer tJ'pje1 égsls- ti fpr n <i--tep- b, lte ssrrn,1 fomi, amita wmt'tl -i- n,'nsl s-be-te eiiti rrtiipr s.-At.- the etsirsýtbnraL(lftu- tie statri e fflttpté tfil'r s fix weelee ïplls sl h1îiý.of lte StcIc1swil l e 1-P141. nie retire. ferthfe of t -sn lertre, as p.ieiptFosrd ot Drerpea su' onffices-set lte i'nwrpsav. 1ScI-seritni strrk infale nndertrsl- tln". es-a iee re-proffsllv eet4i.Thse. veinentofflipe Fwir'l. n.e p,'evlcpil;v,ipnmi l - bAfv s*.1.p' l py-ei-eie1es 'eiboynnti a~nsiif: W.11P Se rante et,,es fele Tnwn net Whlsti-ýn' ,il ir fr M ttas-bn in Prlas-i-e e, e f ee,,,lt9i c tseVvmHrely lrnmçrWnnlrf otNfrqe#.1Ps-wiA-Patterson me.'t et nr'- cnmT5-p't5i *isreeelve. Pestes ,SppFifisp tt iinhrt s- e tecil, ere et an ea-Iv inuttbs *eaimber ot islstrs fhey VIsY h sse fletteli-. -%. W. BROWN, B. . V'eIRNOLTTi Prezideaut.. Secs-rIes-y. Wlib,28t1li tnsry-. 1878.- 01 saccion. IL<tf or un ituca)rpOcrâttg sasiCo camne chereo, tse d for -sit lailwuy tw W1utt oc thtee hoe ofniLake <Jnnuty of Octaneo, s rihe voimstitsoil of it Sets, d, ID Uv e e Whitby, July 29th, 1874. 81-lyl li 1 ý i 1