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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1874, p. 4

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lo wu hia m'ou beau? 0.? B utLa to comback'-1as l' ier yeU p4ee ql#!# ou? to 0014 oliwmieier." aths sF vais ail lis s my have nover i bai, Jlved ou 071efk , Unic'Mar cGee, AND!WB0i .18 0 luiy WU. LAMI gw 0 ?} ot e' TSTIMM"IY IT lorery TTop' ToEowro." DMV~IMavnda"Y fo tToun eSt i tJ A.u -m., ruces gwi IaM sa&8 .m. p. m.,aMdLe4wl = $sp bs 1 New York, Eoton MdoLorueten aiNo. 0, D. MILLOY, Ag, Euase arteoacmmodateai Onu te ppia$o woi. ilcy. lux BUPOIL. S'ALE I .V ir.ipowispleni erin "FOREST, PARK, 940sois-uai rooUaOntario. App&y ta tha epreton the pieu wii." C sJOHNSToN ue vuiDEALILlt N LUMÈI I Uih CeuAmimsln morchant, Shipplun &d ler th.e ci*,& vurdlng Agent, Port Whitby. mi,~~~A plyngbrAI ueru prompii ationdeai ta 'k ba~ Whftbyl Oct. iOth, 217.4. - ee, othe gd, od*yritbois ü1onthi sfteà Ibaè.,,io*nt,n-I lv. en so daly, 1but 1 spd'yen seuaue reiuon of * ioblcud-thpeu-s wellci m au ba hve alwqythougln, 1 fanoerrne-t a gehi aboWà ulda have aiether roally happy t mastot" I old net lova euo e, or re. épeci yen mOoet'han 1 do," -ho rsplicd. 04 teman f1 pemau 11" obeutdDot, wbilo lb. four.ooetid Dot loln.ailn with a h igli bark. sm lb. double rap imade lb. farin.iioor tremblc.ý IWby, il je freiuCanada r1"slai Anulie, as abs pepedait tb. potmark ovrbher hbuibanaiurse.* "As 1 thouglit," mia Lis. 11I l fresesome poor friands cf mine thai 1 soutlDe ud mihave settled lun(Canada, 33y tboway, Il coul me a aiea! aions oy te do uo, andi vo inuit ho veryocoonosel. rc-l fer a poar or lwo." I coula livo on eatiul with yen, .Toit," sha salai; "but %vlo are theyye lli,iirnt ont?1" ~'A sort of brother Rad sister of mine, dcar, lîe replicai. ICash tixy bread upon the waters-- efa-L lhiyblrenaiupen tbe -wateu;andt Hsî'o tb o good ocature-for It vas1 ifrai. Pagwall wlio uttereai tbsae wordst --bd her face in ber liands, se gratin ( wate ubo for lber aauiber oidrai'sA liaWpness.- L "Wby, wliit are wo ail about ?" Baiai .ede, oheerfaliy. IlHors is breakfast gottlng celai; andi 1, for eue, bave quit* au iippeo1', . B. W. T'he Seneation Preachers. Rr Has lewhai lhe New York HeaeM sapa about tliemn:-"It le pihiful te ilote the, tendsniy la menatTloulbuff. ooner whiq oro.eplug fie lb.hépul. ffLt.If a inslstsr deslres te b. pepu. trand ti ho bau the requlit. ameut of - ubrewdiioom sud bries, ha baghui by a .dusoplay of reotorieal -pyrotahebles Whicb aitractu the diomuin ey.e, sud holds bis evu me long au ho has ehtrongtli andi agility te mako Mis mdi. euoes lugb ai bis pioturomque gymnas. tics Se seorbiai bas tbe tasle -of lb. people becoteno*It tu.üy acliqllré. qui-ea large amunt qf spIritual bun. combe luaider te koep up thidi Inter. est. Plain Senciptire suois;te -W fiai, htale manuproble, ansudilioy do- inanai lbe pepperand alt of aesuotri.o îabruesolcgy, nd0saste ha buMost de. blgbtew îen yéithe pruchar eMst a rantic acter, leariutgth* air wth frua. *tic gesticulations su amus spart ofS thiagg afoetlmne baélai MaW . roea walt on thé sxilaratiesof thi' clorai. cal eenedla who burlesques religgo, wbll.le épews eofthélb.renduiex- paiunmler'of Holy'Wrlt romain anapiy and lhnurenleai. -'Sb.-mnlndedxseau sooUer or laler bfCoona djagutel dwt thé generai furce;but while looking miliuthé oaurenteméthoeisof destig wilh religion ae tba"euvalntafci'cun. iterfti4t c eiy thstiat le float feci pewerlesti ogainai- the strogg ie, of An Irisihmian, belng rocentiy on trwa in Now York for soresofence. ploadeai "iNetguillt," hoa l.Jury belin ibe boxl editritattoreruypreodea te call Ur. Fueklooon ao a wftmios. With tbe ulmuemi innocene Paticlk, tursa C hisi face ta the juolge andsai, "De I ialerhenai, pu r asr, lmiMÉ. pur. kàoif% ato e Ca wlhnosm fiirenet me agaix?2" The jtidgs saai drlly.Ilt lueauus 50*"- -"Wsdil , im, er benor, I pie. uIly ur, I yn ouer plais. not bcaueI' ty', fdr ilm as u. uocot asemucn' e s, Ltjiaiou se- ceunI cf savin fr.Fukieucona -s sel." A man lu thé Phtladslpbia insane Rsylud mainélus himmlf à,*Ohàýn, le ires.. bisuseli lu Semais . attirasud peit bis be in lthlb.inidie. -Duriug ' tbe day b. asec'laieu wlth the femnles nd dosea sewiug aud onabroidsn ofSthe. t fluot kind. le bsa bon rosiëerv for tho Colonnial. A litenal.xiudêd poungston vas pick-, "IlUipy civisiterofrthcflbSanily, vbo, 4andling bim n ieusknoo, osali:'0 ih I -d huiis littho boy, I tbink flieî,'a MnoLOin iiihm." Ta vbi.b , pnom ptly repended the chiai:» 'Iknov 'C lhsxé18, for Iewmlied a cotâtl vh.u a nt granmium1athle othen day.' 'W A Tanna '<To Lut."-Ever odg in Londion emungua i o th Surrey bille ; ev*ylad n ea l. ea. aide, coLMmand a eaubfuview of ibm sai 1 ion, Semece SlylfI" oleàly ber ta ons afi bisefNfprn#.--- Yeu, io," eplied lthe ont "bu r iequsmnm:ances l mflcsul DaiT."' *y,7ATiIsES AND TEUNES. LTRRVALISES &c, o., at uaecE. r. v or cH P iN r thé 4, lo. reut. 29 SWtf For. 26ti COAL AND WOODI1 et tok o ta buthart eut uoft Coaie ef ail~~~ oidcniiu f Lackawaa cSran- tonu "g hsnuS e rt"? anS biakeriifs cul.Ais a ar eof Brir HIlItho bemi ver eferet lu Chia nmarket, Faatsrslaeumlt ansd ctherm hauling thoir own ceai muppileal at whoesais puces. Os11 and leai-. oui orders. As Ce a.are advaneugînprlce every month, get them lu ýwhlls dry sud roude gocd. Orders prolnptly exeouted; coul unS wood delivered ou short notice for cash. eemi s=&pla per cerd ......... $0 Deeh and =ulesmixea.5 gemoc ad ýplevery gocit.... 4O Welght AZa imssure guaranteeL Coas 'ws a don tevn momies. For partioniars upply et nMy offlee ai the WocS yard, or ut. J'a office of C. Draper, Whlthy hanbour. ALUXALEXAY4DER. ,whltby, Aupîsi îith, 1874. ias $ 2 5 ,.000 HARBOR OESENTU/?EB FOR SALE. Tendersw be reo oivdbyte der. 10 thé ha" of barber deon- tu e~ one pauuior ni;animion cf * taeni t Canda.(Se. 87 vict. C Pal1, sait deb.nurem are lu Semevin. allnset19D 0each, haviug feu years teimn, ana payab'le vith intere.et b'l.yeerly ut the Omtitno Bank, Whldthy, aà the rate of e0gh Ps Mrnt, pu mniTenders m ho feer toiecolpt the lowent or any tender. C. iAIPR4e, 00t. 901, 1874. Prm el 4imn*4l L-WAINT ED' TAI>Eft&GENLfML'N TO LEAIiN JJTULEGIUpi O1iA;IG.forUaW. wa Stations ànd (Jomnerclaî Lines in the. Dom o.SepntP ~r circular. Acde,, COLEMAN aIeBAIRR, Jane 21h. 874. Toronto, Ont. CABD T. ILl. MMILLAN, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, Aise, .Agent for the ROYAL IN6UBAXCE C 'A , PROiVIN~CIAL JNSURANCEo, o OPFPICE-Ontaiè Loun and Savingg iemnpany'sbuilding, core m ads. cou mlreeto, Oshavami Kn ndIm L.Pnl IUb, 187t. 1 C AUTZ'ON TO. TRIIPASSR8 lou cuttiug tituber on the op4ofetloi là lnuthé SLi ce#. cf Mata. fill hc prosecutod with the utraont vigor of th. 1ev. 0 FFICE TO LET. F RONT O PFFICEW. C"WLNICLE BUILDING.* S11T OF TEE Dm*SION.' COURTS ~OUNY 0FONTARLO, FOR MTE, TEAR leu,. 8; ... 10 a u 4630.028 (0: i 0 10 101 11 toi -I AT THE WHRIBY PRAIRMA( J. H. GIEIRIE &00-e CEMI$TS 4p DWTGGIý WHITBy COHINA -TEA STORE ýMý .Wanted Immediat0>,' GIBSON & SPARVELL' 500 -Good Fat DressedHgsnyi from 100 ibe. each upwards. 100Buh , of Gýood' C hili,» Peag Blow, or Early Rose Potatoesi, 500 'Tubs of Good Butter', for-, al. wioh tle Highest Market Price will be r -aid CASH, /at ~Vbilby, Oct. ldtb, 1574. GIBSON «'SPARVELII 4 TAILORING ESTABLI8HMEN, B ROO K STR EET, WH lTBY, (NexI Dor 'Northi of Dominion fBank.) M. don. 3Y CT., un ie oa I if IfeI niai El manui ingly satisfi offert for di CA l. larger and better stock of Over-coal ing,-the Best Patterns lie ever had of Tweeds and Well-assorted Gents' Fnrnishings, at A. P-R IN G LE'S. Gants' Boat Fur Caps and Hats, Caps, and Fur Gooi 1great variety. ht', ep.80, 1874. mOLDSMITH'S HAL-L ýor Watches, Clocks, Jeweilery, an( wl F, Th ifi 'Gr FANCY GOODS, te. largenit, the best, and altogether thecheapest, stock i -the, ony ouying for cash, a practical knowledg( the value of goods, and of the manufacturers, enablin fft place bofôre usuià litomers, a good article at lem prie thau is ofteu eharged for infenior goods. O LD AND 511 VER WATCHES, Gold and Silver Ohains, - Bniglit aud. Colored Goild Sets. Brooches, Ear DJrops and Lockets, Gem and Keeper Rings, Solid 18 Carat Wedding Rings, Jet Jewellery, - Electro-plated Cruets & Pickles. Mugs, Jlorks, Spoons, and Butter Kuives and Coolers4 Vases, Desks, Work Boxes, Purses, &c. EIGHT-DAY AND 80-HOUR CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, &c JAMES JOHNSTON, G oldi limnith's alU.Whitby, Sept, 80, 1874. Practical Watch-maker. 140 Di? Y G0008' AND) GROCERIES, 9P P'h undersigned is now receiving a LARGE ýSTOCK- 0F DIRY GOODS, Cônssing o-ýf Dress Goods, in great vanetyaùfoi the lateSb fashion, Colorea Silks, Shaws Manltië eHosiery, Gýinghams, Cottons3, Pints, &c., A choiïce assortment of ýcýa,ÊUînaian-and other T weeds, and a full stock of 'Genlemen's Furnishing' -F-RES H 9 '1 -PAML URoC1~JRIEs, ra-w and refined ,Sug1s ast Wines, Liqùuors, tui d Po.rte ini wood ýandi bôtie. J. J. MURPIIVI NOTICE returu bis smoc bis patrons gel rai- patronage ini tiie town, E bis sucoosso rs. ended't so 133v bege for a cou FUrn-,ùiture! Furniturei -Now is the time te buy gâo« ýd ehe Furmituiù Hn"ing:boughtou ubsnehté on by James H. Samno, we. ta.kâ this oi- rtùinity,,of invii that w e r ýrearedo doas weU by themin mthe- fut, s WSam> has -done i4l he past. Orders by mail promptlyattended 1 UNDER«TAKL&-'IN- G..-m-The;onlyfi cIass Establishment in the. County where .funeralse' ' OARRIACES1# UOE TILL &JOHNSTON. Beg to inforin the public genera.iy,' that they have open a New Carrnage Factory, on Dundas Street, rwo DOORS WEST of the POET OFFIOI Vhere the are now prepared to exectute ail work in t ïarriage Makiug- Line, on the ebortest notice, sud ruae of the best n tonal, ana firet-cite, workm-anship. CLL WOIRK REPAMING JIONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPKrCHR. VhiÎby, July 201h, 1874. DREAT EXCITEME N T 077OOKLIN AT THE .GBOCERY A large stock UOW offering ie inducements ! Be sure. and try the HROICE STORE~ at irresis TEAS AND COFFEES Gurmanteedl of the Finest Qunlity ! Tobaccos and General Groceries t the old Prices, irrespective. of the Tari. Greater sal faction given every day. AUl kinds of Fai-m and Garde Deds in season, and warranted. _ tAr Great stock of Crockeryand Glassware which. mus, sold to make roase for more comiug on. Don't forget the Brooklin Grtocery Store-on. door easi eokiUn May 2M1,' 1874. F.&i. FRANCIS, 'e Led i] ~N. bo.l ýJOHNSTON'ýs ELF-RA-KI.NG REAPER A t the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. offer to our custonners for the comnilg k.arvest, two dis. d Machines, which in style and construction,- enbrace the latest aud most- useful improvemeutg of the day. cuniversal success of this Machine both. in .closely.contest- is andi in tbe banda of the farinera, van-ant ùusIle eaping thet , a a 8e.P.k- Reaping liechino, it bas more gacai peints andi teps defoctuQ, id- bas-met vih emuces and leue lailure. than heretoforeoaffered tte , publi. WAYUGA JUNIOR w .ere awarded. the First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin. Exhibition, beid in Toronto, 1870,in competition with ail the Ieading Machinfe afactured in the Province; and witb our maenît improvemcnf.p, vo uubeSjtSt. rcetallFnge inveitigntion and ceniparisen *with cpttMcf ,ae fed that sucb investigation viii convincie very unprejc'dioa d.hw the best liower to the Fariner for 1872, bu iltnîb lcriptive catalogues. Denaei.s-~ 4tIi'IIAE8 ANI BUGGi E8 FMR .$ALE FOR, ONE IVONTH-0OY CO0ST PBICE, SPLENDLY FINISHRD- RRI4iE,BLIOGIE8,- ANPOQUIT MSWORN B-8TA To: aul w m ?t,.may con,ùxrui: VMiL UD]n oahrtâ h hezl or~ C. c. ---sgot- - - -Uylon, J., S. ROeERTSON,- (Upwads of ight pears wilb A.-, .lIrving, Toronto.) Booksaller, NeW*S4âaer,, tetiodner,--Sd d9se1rim-na-Coo, &c (Bengougb'u OlildSand,) rook Stroet, Wbutbp.C ;OIiGA NS if;MELODbEON O RGA NS, nu THE MIJDGE« & YARWOOD MXF'G C(0" MANUFACTURE THE CELEBBATED IAMERICAN -ORGÂN: Style 5, $150; Style 7, $175; Style49 $200. lIn Eandsome Ilosonant Walnut Cases. ALSO, YARWOOD'S «" AELDEON ORGAN.YY Style 4, $ 150; Style 6,-$ 17; Style 8, $200. lIn handsome Rosewood Piano Cases, highly finished. 1liberal- discount for cash. A -special, reduction, to Clubs of Three and upwa 'rds. 0eE~ Visitors to the Fair are request- ýd to cail at the Factory' , (opposite exhibition, grounds.) ýnd examine our Stock oj Instrusments. PREPAJRED FOR THE FALL TRADE 0F., 1874. Nw, j. H.IOKIE &-À 0 In anticipation of -a largeand increasing trade- this FaIl have purchased more extensivl thau usual, and in a few days their stock wlbe complete ini ail ils departments. Whue thanking the public gen- eraily for the liberal supËpor t hey-,,ha4 eo e in the past j& they trust by ýadhering to that straightforward and undeviating rule of doing business which lias characterized' -th-eir establish- ment in the past, to menit a continuance of public favor. v. J. HI KIE & C 1B.-The highest market price paid NTHELw. eider to made f ed toete enàhied, amount tureor Chrte inthé nosual.form, aua with thu umal T'rihtasud r& le A t the expirati on of ite tsdby Statuts (fiv. ir six Weis) a>gereal meetin.g of the Sli Leholders iii hbrid, «n notce, forthe c:ips f electing a pernment Éogrd or Dietorsm ndOfficera cf the Cmpay Subscriptin. cf stock inu'th'undete- ima are meut respeetfnfly soiicited. The value cf ti the ck, as,-'yingdivideul in- vestient, may h regardeti as being beyud, iioibt ; whieIe .gan da tage te Town ôc'f Withy asud cnyf .m 3 n sCurinff an eniargeanet ci ýthe favcrably known Works cf Mes. ÈBrovu &Patteraon met nt once commneni temwsevïm.. Parties deuirxng to aubscrihe fDr stocka requested te enclose menorsndulm, M f oit nt an early dày utating the niumber cf shares they wiuh te have allctted. N.W. BROWN, J. . YAB!NOLD, Peiei W'biby. 28th February. 18M. lOtf ~HE CONFES~IOI 2itby, Sépt. tJ, 1874. OLD ..S-TAND, "JI f EST A BLI S lqED- ew ParlorSets, NeW Bed-room Sets, New Dining-rý id a large stock of Cane ai tChairs, Tables, Bureaus, Sofas, Lýoungj pboards. RHai, Cloth, and Dama.sk Lou-uý c.A finýe stock of ùNew Gýlt Window Cc lase larg 1est sudch'eapest,,stock of Picturesg DIV, al- of which he offers at prices that -N 1833-] PROThIETOU. FB> PAEMFPOULSL ef, lots 17 sud 1la lut con. fu-i.e -H 1kuovut. bai cultivatea for mAny.yeam ,orderlcrgraimangcnd vmu nuniber .of' caChe eutsbeç slmeep aeut pg Wel1 vaSm fert w orkmeun. To b.e old ivo pate, vl:h imuiedate p or 11. Whutby, ,Iuly Ith TIME Tnaeefeci on '- ty tvuz lin lTN DE R 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 l' 1- 1'. 1 ia ýdeéi;we an&'CWCý r uaFaucv Guéd WMtby, October ht, 1879. MESSRS. WARRANTED ai. U E, MANAGER» VWtby, èptémber grël, 1874. 1 ' AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE 1 -HICKIE« & Co V. RUG oir MOWER- 1 S. .3.3 à l le m Sil TILL JOH,,N* TOMS NEWPOýIRTI FRED MU-Dý TM. TILLý

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