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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Nov 1874, p. 1

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it'eotory, WKITBY BAÂNOK, TIIQJéAs DOW, DOMINION< OArK, WITY AGENOT, il. 1. TATLOE, MeK.J.eXMLCDÛOWELL, FÂRBWELL E& 8vTïLgIos B B1MU OBET,02 00414 Motd=asutb f hs lýoyal uioes EITTDGEM,».L CeuyCeuAte2uoy. 4 JAMMS KEBITIE GOUDON, A TOBENIriÂT.LAW, 801!OITOBD< - NLSL L. D,,'- SUR AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN >11KG E T, LLB. qlreR,' ATTOPNIT.ÀT.rÀ.A CAPITAL, #400,M.0 MU7tAL' INSURANCE CO'Y, HEAD. OFFCEZ,,IBROCOK r., WMTIA. This Cerpny Insurês Fam ne dlnât4 Coiu=,, etss8e e s ;a i any nobl cmpy tuCanada lUIT LosES PBQMTLY PAm. MCr. D. RHellyidy lo Juger muagent et PORT PUREz. JAS, DE9WÂET, '-PBOPIEToB. sdluors if 1h. bar, Attentve ailais, Thenaden elgushaviug beon appoluteid Agent-sud saso SblppluikAsuu.-f4eabo extensive Lumbor fi c fMeon. Smilla & Co., of Fpolc" Faihs, l ondlu cos. lion vil bis 0*er promises, su extmnsire SaLUMBER YARDI Adlljo lIe Witl- &Port ?a-I-" Rail. WT.WB RAY'a, %LIAT5 a isaw nova,) WHITB»Yf ONTAIO. WI3,ONT., The Albion bas bienu tberoughly <rmsvat BROOK UT.,WKT, E. M.: CALDWELL, PBOPRIETOB, Cleod yards, af ttentive etlsm On', a tbe prmiss. Chage nedrae TRVNX EA2LWAy HOTUL, fWM. O'NEIL PROPRIETOR, JBROOIIz, ONT JAS. POWELL - PBOPRIETOB - -'---'--'"î"-,'rnsma. baud a largo nud 6emplsla stock ai Lumber. J'A124, LAdolr, ciasUkinds foiaaa,maoeaana irtal.- WJ7STERN ROUIE, - JNE' tANw, Plauo$ingîacbiu ansd aUlkds c ofok ex. W, ATTORNET.-ATLAW, SOLICITOR IN çotted prampily, 7, ca-don.DUiO TEvRay Cleueai, Onr.ransrLausi gent, &c,-OMs-I'.Iu PraIBihe BW, Brook St, GEO. CORMACK. Umbridge. VmWIbIi-<Mai-27,1878. 22.lf The undersigassi vaulsi intimaista ilth _________________________public, thtthIlsalors promises bave besu ------ -- noîli-filleS up sud ranoratesi Ilrougbout, GIiEl &woD 6 IcULLAN, FPARM FOR SALE. Iloat Lfiguors, sud Clgns. "The Cresm 0a ~ARRISTERt ATTORNETS, SO - .Canada 'ai80 puma RIme Wine WaÙlsLa « Bor, ibolsaleansd retaîl. _gioa io -fic It.L) 1mrNOtaglI sPubliqf, Canvoyancers. TIai veil-kuowu fam, bot 2&, sasicon, ai heîle -ci..BAr anby Whctb. 3.-toet ei iosOfcWliy uv sJOSEPH A. BANDEL. THE DONALD8ON FARMOU, THOMASB USTON, As iu rsn uîeocpto ia.NIPISSINROUE OW CLERK AND TREASURER, N. N atls 9 os J. Whibll. Ofca-Tevu aall Hurs, .oiO. bu oRus NGe oona insu-s, frn f a-c t 1 oclock. ilos;,nsulbaT RN --________________~TO ONTO 0-sluiîscadfsrsieinN T A RBi-0 'JAMEAppui- le- lAS. T. JEWELL, - lORNEA. DOoURDEN, Propilt INSPECTOR 0OF PUBLIC SOHOOLS JH .DOAD , Toreonto, Aug. 12, 1878. îeS.Sm .f or ile Conu- ai Ontario. Aidi-ss- Gav'i Emigratien Offie, sI Raglan Peut Offic, Ontalo. - Marol 25, 1878. 181f Tarante. ILîR S. S. FITCH'l "FAMILy pHYS. a. Ji UNNI, . D.0 ICIAN," cautuinlng descriptiona ai R. K, GAOL Tm ISOLÀTED BISE diseuses sud anes for lIais treatieul viii URGUIt O TM CUNT GAL, bcsohi-ymail, faes of aU achar e, te asu>' SBrnSreWbltby.anaesnzdinugtIlirinddi-ssîto-714¶lroasai-, F/te Insurance Co'>'of Canada, New Yor-k.% Wnim, IeRIEnt, f«.., M.R.C,5., Wlitby, Apail20, 1874. 1 G th ëY Io0.H. .,OwOnai. XD P Z-igSto. h RTrn OBERT JORN YARNOL41 - Deposlted wlth Government, $67 000OOOFFI CIA L A SSIGNE E A.FAEEL M. B., M.C.P.S., 1îvnajs i ooavliu ea- u FOR TUEE Star- Modt alisdUnlrersllY iver Mmd. puy ovritIlscasshAT ONCE. CO U T 0F ONTÂRIO. allot, GrAduais ef Toronto University-,- Member ofthe Caueeai PJyiloans Hn. ALEX. McKENZIE, M. P., ADDREII-Bax 99, Wumir. di &lsurgons 01Ontar-io, -Presidout. Pl-siclist Surgeonu and ccoucbeur, JOHIN MÂUGHÂNJi. BROOKLIN, ONT. F__Pv__EE_-__S_1__TE W. DAM, (UCCS. The unseisi-fludidasia-as ta infornabi TOWN OF WH ITBY. Denta î?omt-i;td leteet-BEB SITE WILL BE GIVEN Omid dm inislirsd for the pei WHITBex.LI.nEPV nnA Wblib-aven M- Jsmsqu's bensldilngaa-n,,,t Mabiectin i Campsu ta-atieon ie.ih. Huvlng aneressesi tle number sud quali buldig.s OtalaR nGl lsBEvu.OD aillhe slnd, sud &aals dsesite asu ipnove .RME RENOD C, N. VAIRS, L. rD. 8. le canvoyances sud vsbiolai on île preini. W Mai-or, Wllth-. ____ises, ha lopes hi- bing iu a position ta meet Whi-, Fol. 20, 1873. 9tii EETH ineortesi ou ail ils the manIa ai customars te meit a ahare ai Tiatprincipie: o! theart, public Patronage.-MDRT, REMOVAL bsieha. ch suad asgoo s île W- CHARCGES MDRTC Te.la fild ihGolsi sud lilver.M Teudrind a oroe i lothl aatractd thn i,: r e N. B--Covrsa-d convyiancas for failias Teudnns a uos i local nanthois, onti Bom ilow-sud ladies. Prompt allonuo, as ereo m' nw lükovr tknsnl rg toefore, t l a cadia-s. -BOOT d-SHOE SyTO/R'E King Street, Oshwa. 85 N. RA,Propaie;. TMOMU DVBRLL, (1 O Cte- the pa-omisea oiig the WesternHRotel, pa-epuasi lto exceantel orclds for-Work. A largo sudslect stock an band. Bepalrlug dcue as meal. JOSEPII A. BANDELL. Wlitby, Mai-O, 1871.19 AULE ND CONTRACTOB, JOHN, K ROISIbîgON'a gala-qwsBeek St.i, iVby. JullNvWOLFErIDEN, -AGENT FOR TBZE ELBBATED tI.Sottisb Granits. AI MUarhie Wcrks LTQED AUCTIONEER FOR THE ICountiésief Ontario, Yenk sud Peel, Rogldenc3o-Lel 8, 811 Cancofisian Murisain. Pont Saao-îlnc le s ai.atiendosi an tle shortemi notice sud on reaienahle termes. Tois aou le ma.<e sud bileprlat4at tle flisia or iiMr. caitai. * LEVI PAIe~ANçKri, JR,, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TE L onnu- ef <Intarfa, bloete rouru tlauls for ils lilersi patronage borolofore betovesi upon hlm, ansitela sunua lIai le is preparesi ta conduel salesillar n l Town or CeunI- ei ressonablo rates. Ari. raugomnulefor salas cueauhacmado iller ut Ils CacuosacLt Offies, or ut ni>' cm Office, Brook lIa-eet, Wlithy. L UBERMECHATCARPENTER suad Joinea-, Green Sta-set, WhIIh>. A large qusutli- of aU i Sas of luibor con- mtiltaiWon baud. UNDEBTAIN.-i-nsaala fI>. sup- p lied asiaud ed oan short notice. Coffins kopt consanly on bond. A learsta lire ou iblerai tonnai. H B . O'DELL, A T H ERLY, Cler/, Div/sion Court, Tp.-C/erk, Conamisaicusa- iu B. R., Lansi Agent, d&o., dcc, Attea-iy, Caunti- Ontario. - At-------------- 172.- s T O 120 FER DAY. Agent. Waut. tU éd. An çlassasf monktog poapîs, ai ,other tex o~,Yisa.« or ca, niaikacre manai- i mark far i-nai aigaars moments, or Il-lhe lime, ila eta n aiselu t las"fi-ese. AsdreiSaG. INSON & O. Pcrlsnd Main.. 87 T AVEEN - 1cr sale or te Let. App1li-te JOHN BRADLEY Febroan- 111h, 1874. 7 ROYAL IHOTEiL, WaraTT, ONT. 4A. PIINGLE, - -PIOPRIETOR. Plrst.chass accomamoaition. Ample sud Wi-flîted up samialeraomns for commaercial -- trreiles.la U~.T. HALL, COMMISSION, NERATL AGENT, AND unis isole oui. M o t a i el lat. '-J APPLE IRE A Il 0 U T 40,000, E S -AT TMa- HOME NURSERY,' Farn tva te four i-airs oa iag,oilbaaing ail the lest Varleties. SETH C. WILSON, Loi No. 8, 2nsi Con. Pickeraing, -on Kingston Beàa, osl Office, Whitb-. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, 4-- 8400,000. AOSNY M O5UT-E e5rMo, JTOSEPH HOLM4tN, BROOKLIJq, ONT. Aisa Agent for Ils CANADA FARMIERS' 1MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP'ANY, Liverpool and London and Globe' ]INSTIRANCZ COMIPANY. Lasses p aid lu course of tlirty-flvs i-sais exceesi FORTY MILLIONS OF iDOLLARS. Clami by Chicago Fire estimatesta near- hi- #8,000,000, u areuigliquidâted. as fast ai udjustes idmthout deductian. Socunil>' Prompt Pa ont sud Lihoralitin l adjusl.9 meut oci lio ses aellhe promneni faalurea ai Ibis veltly Company. -Head Offie, Canada Brauch, Montra!. G. F. C. SMITHI, Clsief Agent for Dominion. L. FAIMBANKS, i., Agent ai Wlitb-, Ont. J OHN L. WATKIS,- OFFIO/AL t'hi o m . ifatt5-a OI0 V- 04 1san r6asoua1le.toern Wr. M LCOX, LCE N8,ED ýAUCTIDI FOR TEm OCEETOIF ONTAMJ,à Townkip.ýof ma ripousa & (am, years.rngti C*oleclto satiSfaction to al 902ms LV.rn ieir Baba or-Ce0lelao m BiUs draught.diaud Nofas M"frsof 01Obarge. AaIU stamipi always eu han& st thes CERoirncz.ornes. Whtb7, O rnice Prince Abert, &Ladat iys ROb, C sP ort PO rr. h ,É i P~cs £b.rt «. LWMLO Prince bert, 24tb dt, 1872.. VLUABDLE PEOPBTT Pola w The, suleoll.r offers for sale ils fi lug vaiublaop - e lu ths Townuoai hi-.-b rece.atBruk Cottage milhJ 0f land, oiftuted ou ihs corner ai Gi-e. St. Pater lS., lu tle Seuil Ward. .À acreoft land, vell fancoi, sud l in hgh 01 e cultivationi corner Wuiiington and fard s. atiWordc. j acre on Centi Southloaille romidauce cf C. Draper, E, île RouiS Ward. Ale 20acr-esof goos¶ loin g ckposed of part of lai 18, 1011 of eovusip ai Murrai-, Ca. Nortîni A clear sud ludispuluhîs tille viRbc g le ta aU the sbors propert-. For fui-lIai m tioulara appli- thilsomus-.' tt. FRANCISCLAR wlitby, i-ni>'1871. YK INO BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importais, Dealers sud Manufacturera o Kus sof LEATHER AND FINDIN Cash paid for Rides, BarS, sud Leulbo 13r BELTING MADE TO ORDERL SHORT NOTICE. 1MAY, 1872. m ONEY TO LENDI Repu>-ablo b>' inelalmauls for frai Tw, Tmanly i-ar, st low rates ai interest,mvo cul commission, ansi ai ioderats chargel Prirato i-nus la Lonsi. Appli- la- J. E. FARIEWELL, Solicitoi Braook St., Wlît' May 28t1. 1872. 22- B'smsCHANCE. The undersignesi effara for sale tle pre fsanu ilicl lis business forerlsmuuufi ina-e cf Agaiculturs alamamnts, Waggoi &mc., la et prenant esarrieiounlilaheTain WlIil>', togoea- il lia itooS-in-Irai machine anud plant of everi- description Alsoh 2ldvlling louesud lot. The pl in kuomu us a FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS STAIN Ansi on ilicl, i il Ulebfounsi ou exaniu tion,s a xcellent business is belug nom cc riesi ou. He vil aise dispose ef his patent rigl lu variona Aga-iculuaal Implamenli. Toj industnlous mn i il mal capital ibis opporluni>' lIaI îeldom pa-asenîs iaaelL Desla-lng la ratire fa-on business oua con cf i-laahth, tle uarsigued la si pasesi to taisa Ibis stop. Tenumiila bmacle la suit s campelei pua-t>. Onil' a email sienl raqui-asidow sund ample lime givan for île balancec adeqJAMeSseenrit-. JAMESAt., ib N. B-Theabov ofr wl o SI., Wbit N. B-the b asinesser ch Mii na ito: ai usuai, sud repaira prompîli- execulasi. Nov. 5, 1878. 4ft HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. For sule, cbsup, a nov fa-mo bouse Can iaiuiug mine roonags, tînatesi on Byni streel, Wlhi-. i-er furlher particulurs, d&c., uppli- ai til office, or la MICHAEL MABSHALL. Wilb-, Âng. 1811, 1874. 84-t GTOOD NEWS F01R TE LADIES. A8SIGEECIENCE 0F DRESS-MAKIG. EcadOffc,Ham,&roa; sud j y 1A UCTIONEER, -&o., &o. CITIENS INSRÂNE CO~yOFFICE-In Bigelov's Block, Part asnneai, aire, Laie ans Guaianîso flea. .0 , -- - 0. CAPenAPPora-e', i-un 4, 872. 21 For sale, mith fa-ca instructione, ut BrooSil, Dec. 2, 1872. 12M49 -LU ERdSHNLSFR-A. MISS McINTYRE' Thcenîusca-ibea- las on baud and for sala 05E55.blMCNO Roos, muai-ny. 1LOUR AND FEED. atI lis mil nana- Ulicahala Cua-i'i), al Aet als.Lbes nuoiuat r Snd, af lumber sud sgantgies.t13.11 luinher île ta-asie. Tho undea-ignesi lega to inforna île pnb- sain 1t a-dan. hty u.1,87.8 lie Ilat leolbesniovos ieiap lace of buoineos A. B. CAMPBELL. Wib' u.1,17.8 seonos lias ala-et, naxlta C. ScaIl's lut-cler Utia, Aug. 201. 84f alap, vIsé a-ehekeape an lansi iheal siefur TTATS 1 HATS f HATS 1 aud all intis o! fecti. LAB WOOD FOR SALE. Cash for fan paoduaco. sJ J-. LONG. The subocriber an aifoi-sais ai lis MiliiAN EL . Wlithy, Jan. 20, 1874. naa Utica, a quantil>' cf four-foot la SI&L D FE T Wod. A. B. CAMPBELL. MANUFACTURED AND RENO- pJjARI, SADDLERYT. Ulica, Sept. 23, 1878. 89 VATED AT HOME f TlH uenbr el-st onsls RICK HOUSE FOR SALE. M.ý O'LEARY d& CO; beg las-ouc ThelusI lsndaonie -satr tat oiltat îlem lave cpaued business ut Osaaa lui apenesiane ha ime w-atorsi- brick bouse, -ManufacIon- oppasite lis "Vinsilcalor" A H AR N E~ ~ ~H , aa-Mr. Chester Draper'& residouce, ion.- Offce-mbore île>' msuufacture Hats cf A H - Al;rNF.88 SHOP, esa-hi- Gcupiesi hi-Ma-. R. J. Wilson, sud aI vr ecitoadi h etsYe lu Ils primie appelle Ray's'BrillIehA=- presentei reutes hi-Ma-. Hoasi. Thoreafo avent- dercritiondelu .ty e las . ai-ssuHalIDunas-î.,Witl-mbe-elmlisud ira cistea-na, sud a splendid Tat.fv- ercu ndrdi-pcs e iu Hltoep u adat, riaritcck ai egai-in ofaquartar acre, w:l laisi out sud FATS RENOVATED -soUtin il e ie l ino o lsogetandsolci- or iteecc., appui- to, aqusi t ew or amo i-ea e,. acars cf public patronsage. - ARTHUR O'LEARY, Oshawa, August lOIb 1874. l-8 WIII- Fl 2,87.FRANK TYLER. 'Wut>,lp.2n,17.Wbiby-p. O. _______________ WhibyFe. 2,-174 9 _ Wht __ Spt. __-, 87. 89TUE AMERICAN HOTEL. t bOM NI N I7E.F0 hIE csss m cT, CORNWALL'S SELP.î ITTING WAIST & IHOULDER CHART Da-esees filtasi from mousuremant alont The Dominon Lino conSIStgE cfifrgt- clie., fnl-po'wered, Clyde-built Stsmn- sbip!, sud fa lntendea to perlorm.-a reguar service betwssn LIVUEoOL Qui3zBo and MCUTRZL, in Sumnier, am nfl roVEPL and rAF-iE AG AIN REDUCED 1 Quebe te Liyerpool, - 8-9S d8. and returu, -.29 lPrs dCrites, 1b 5 ce.ng ttl*0 Aget atthe Wbitb7 ~omr AT TEE Il GLEN MAJOR MILLS I 000,00 fort Pins Luinlai, mil seainesi inch Bosi-di, i-bring, 2 x 4 lcantllmg 2-incI PIsui,- 100,000 fot ci Ok Mapla for ailes; li q=usl, - Baisvaod, 15,000 fi. Squar Tialser, AUl ef'vinc mii $a ois b~eor eub. H oila--e 1g sai $151le GiltW GEORIGE BROWN, PROpI1IEToB. This -.isp Jane us.au oan naiSt. ted up sud renovatesi tlraugloul andsi.f fards suparior Accommodation for tle recep. lion cf gos. The preasnt praprielar bai spured no pains or expanso lu- intnoduiciug vea--upravenaenî Ilat voulsi tend ta île cucrt sud couvenices of lis patrons. Toronto, JulyI- 0*1874. 29 ýN O T 1CR f I lieraI>'giron ilsi the Dia-sciais cf ile P. W-- & IP. P. R. R. ICOMPANYI liR net boeoms aseule ici ani- . cocunis e0 .t,-IL 4 .u K.-- au. Y - mime aya , zo lum It.It b awee Asmtte f raM D-sun d,,tus mombor $110 glft, bailfor me»« - -ý tà 9 u uh a draft aa w a gSwa Aupet ra u hom e, o n e n ng ta d D ing 111 eveiry note, R biriIz 10 ' 0 bi MR odeaé aaA o M ii By.cbeeIld,' hrgrenama 0Oi! ra, e o I ie d ithegang hm I iras 4u acroc oeuae u Io s o d o tro fe d > a i p s t a 4 l s d a I e c a ll d y o u - a r un g u a y Ib o u re th a t it w a s n t m i n h r a b a i a d r i k e s u t l rag p p a r e il by ampn hâtý1 nedsmàny eveninga befora ira reaohed a avry note of performlance wu ast me a ýltluselfnfthgr"ý;rjl W sio* Bu I elër avnge th thftpraily good undeotanding. Thoera '5 a ata1 of rapraoh. 1 coula inet stand i ÀAPAMM osOF Laa> s-r.Y stores, sLd mouU â e o the d r ~I thed eno m o wo jd st p er fiddle-strings, it fa grag ted ; W hy hould a e ou b m î n t .i ." thERodutpengoodes Twas w l s -obank so ie ene ieinclude tie biusisof a Bln laîeÂa w0stoîe Who a~ a a blleiür in nwhicb U hen 150 sill. *eth raslveaonte ad -o oeo Strampet. 9 It la aouder. Besta eDever awsy. )a ent ta Winchester, audis iaIabdsoveutt ~a ose hli-à:On s&P- ~rit undeKIlgbt rn fiN Oppod151ia Idnet lier graudma', ceunselvoal suc- saagdmeodll onpro i hs lemo u-fLawyan z oigk'a sh SWU Ud2t 1atolq making cthe ilsGarmain baudafl i1W s1 ycame as e<usive hotel va coula. obtafu. Par a Mutbals Iooldug inanaie vorin î, u1iiel oaX ve:7 chserful __________se__________ egularly sud romptly aif y vsré a w o e re quite-poar Bessia, in-u. delose by ailnft oblj t. hau sny store aoflUsa i uCanada I'PY musical Muao-*es-rcesr i of deoil, stifi as a mouse, Dot kuowiug that tbas vas ithe porson h. was in ai e kuom. Wb give î0iib it acastitou n lbor,' A Talc o! s Tirumipeter. flash and blood, But tle obus!, as I what ta thinis of ny mad couduct; but soarol of, ho maa n: te hum, bunt 1hâd suddapo temach -hare indieaiad,vwaaa dry arad(except cne fetai eveniug- wa vent ie one of no, seoner begau têiudoalis-eo mous ci TH£: 'I RG Be~~,~ ssis sud I eourtedisy tls music of luoe -qq suad blé w aw t a squares mbere thora mere nursery- utbt l~e~iLh41a~ ou. pf ~1hacouo'a e a-s4rspimelm: lâms, he ea . a nieo i nr âBi o frum a U .s.sil e 9 he-lu Lndo Atliain lie h oy iar valu. nuP~ ,~. '- ~ c tm ht bai su "rimuthae suivef? mia s toublaed inonadond Ataoutdis sud b mmi ls. Ibgn1aiin bs oion arv e l e blso!Ib round on hinto-,sa;t'r s My rafi rmvofta, Ue lurlv ~obilé gs -iô o run abut#softh ghts theèli dus an Bo t wet-o. 1 ega to hinkthi clild yn lihjuterait ejun tao deligt; fartiier ye'redoit'So tbqra is la 'MW of rln,e smo rsft a dor ibqro guco-serouada tle publio.houss. This vas, cours. o! true lova would 1dafy the pro. but, - as f1nov roniorstartured me muslug attIbsa cliekc'the.dooarl"'Ai ir z sdfi9 l ddtonaa #nu iecar. as o! course you ktiom, on iboir part a' rerb, sud un amootbly, wheu trouble oeymmn.ios nmling up te ihe, bonne ho usb. >ryf s il et aronnd sud undar ihs vIole dscp atr'oke ofî policy: tbey tok lsh feul on us lika a tIhuader-clap. Watl oolIet ylgpîesi ryialorurbupii~1 » e il cm o f i l s s to e . p iée s o f ! t î r m e l o d o n a d i s c u r m q agý t - 0 ' a ti u 1 r iy ma r i e v n in g l u g r a s , s d cd n g i g a e i l n y s t i g o a a o e b l a t a , m ùri h sit "1NEW AMBRICAN" inluiquor, anitdo wvespretty mclil' unet gajorMolotraÉ, Who bail aeldomutés, wboun, upon a auddsn, ai suy var>' lug Micol'bbood inthes anasiin.. On 55 &O~ !uislsd wyul brotl for ths rest o! île abhomu himool! sriviously, auadtni' e- ar, bu rst forth ihe; crack of tle Gar- goingUp t ansd iniroducl ien-' nEar niao lulb. nlie 87~Forta ba passait round Rusteli peàred ai île oor ai the monit -inbu.Ba~sykigibt I scefsatraveller, mWeosa ca cmaeout 'of f7 oekwing trne cimrcr o obe 14d o vsinp 7,rf fdir adelomlhng f a Stae e l Square may. And harosvaeucnounted amg passage in "Trovalorep aÛd*tapped wvIs doing, I gava -the ne aglanie, ré- hisvay to-ma oneo baL liaad n 0Kx, yar b e akBais dm Sa'yl teansd aich othar, througli the a50 me ou the aloulder. My heurt -drap- coguised îthe trupoetlilste -bauds of mauy yea, ho va. muah surprisèd avr a i l iatP aemiu ar identfsi o m ultanoousa b" t or e om w e ino t hels d piso ! f My the 1111etout m in, ipullod my ife 0ta uti g hi saft~o attokea u leory iîef fA o MOdiorni aul i est pscnharitaaa ; vhlic, vath theprfmi. oom like alump o! iran ou a string, laifect, darted tvway, 'and fouud niy- th~ e c, Baid, "?t'l-lie ny <aill soeo nglt.he conrst h A aryM utatameni ilai neiler Bassie Der I sud my forebead feni as if some one saif once more in the streets. ye'vc coma teoaae 's lu ilsthe oua. ;AE nlan.is ihan diuring.til bttva yens lraed lu Russel Square, Irluga nma ta vere vrapping a cola tovel around. il. Ta thea ld vo ent, paced up tisora. " He ntored;- sud thoranlue ___thîe poiut. We veut ia îlte parlour, aud îteh a an sd lIainigît ve led ,Win- vIa, vith blearod syssud farroeai ta-107 FIRST PZ&]MIUMS J Bastie vas standing in île crovd Major turuned up île gas mil a foroci- cheste1 ý1r. ricwrdoe ps rvst Wllt. At varions exhibitions, &aiz ougim liatcuiug t thîe «oeution of!M'Ap. Oestwist. He thon nioiionad nia ta a Hors ire brestlied. The niorb!d le atratobeit ibis paisiean aud ta & 5are Thbew oir ak tate Fai, ei-iudrdotrgi u ithout seat, imb vhicl I did not ait, but aeem- quietudeofo! iis city muitod-my diseasad catch is virms, and ovrr Ide shsould- M sud The Vermout lsta Fair, Auy form of liv-sund I vas about tva ed ia dissoive lise meiting -buttor. Hc uei4es preciaeîy. Tis condition ofau r, bout under the veight of ysar, foll Lago, i Thie Illnol is tte Fair' fesi fran ierci, abaerring the persan cou- !aced Me.pssasdabuieay. As I lr a pr Ue okh s l au isa '4, dmnd a.infal tsalargeat of île "You min" ssîd hlie itj net ai île Germen baud e&"aidgUp ith slip. very pictcre ofa! grait e. Ho mas a-e Niw lu idgàsFir runipsîs. Ha carried lia hundred yaur instigation ihai I ame torlured peruaturai abrupînosa cpn aro nuâ uetthIsdo a l il Tore rare saldai f f iluthe ts irawigi figuofniy And torture oVsr mil tilaracket ai my door oery othor agaju vo vere compelleilta taise flight.- rifable man., Rafilng bis valsa, fàr 1870, 70bas;b1871,m8.000; 1872, 10,an0. l oaolesdiragta lsih "Thus, once mors, wvs fouid ourselvas lie fouud tle aged pairiarci doe! a. i~~~~~~~~ co.ha ia au ~o ua i a patience sud ragar îloroughly - "Wel-ahem-ys..yes, air"' b aciluLondpu, ponuiloss, miseralle; Most na-a door- ust, linlet Jua n kw uo.W. soli h it ithor mitboni lbqoopper raser. elarming. Hie sysvers o! a fright- "Sa I thonght. Nexi, aran't Yan Ibough the sacrai o! ibis desperite oit. Use purpof o! vieil. But vhat mas '4e vair sud ile cast iran varsug closei la. fui greu, sud lis cheeko disteuded ta makig lova b My daugbter Po" nation luhabitait ny bosom alane. I lis stnament vlan Ibis wiihared , .u hind ils store and store Pilet sud il mill tîsir utmost-limil. I saavthaperopirs. "I varsbip ber 1', etormned ta uniold ail. Fia-tIl en- tori by ilshe Iohisney nauk,'" pointing bK. colorwld ion pouaing daim bis baonzsd face, f"Do you expecita oma-ay lier?"' gaedlodgiuga lu île -only localiit'te ils doar of au irmerroax, sel, -"0b, I R. Plactes uy pea-iloin, fourca t aytimeayndmarkawaéll ual afnfrpaeayprin forsce htmya d thele sing of bis aevsrely. I"I csrtailiy hope ta do se." vasIvsa a d a coufintg itl l e My faytbor ye've came- ta ses; gsi lrolcsn-a grealaadvsutsg,. taxcit lings ; sud, full o! sympsthy, I The Major rose. landlady; lhen I pulsed Basais lu, le's laeu- tIarei?" sna ud suei omano 3. ARICÂE, rei.drew near. "'Taise yonr bal," sautleorai-y quiet- locked the doosa-,nd areaied erery. vho sut by ilhe Ère aditei, I"Bureiy, air, J.___________________ 64"Ohir," said Bessie, clasping ber ly. "'Neyer caUl bore again; hld no lbing. She faintad, of courso. Iu My you'Il not go 1111 you'va sean thel.Iuaky Oslaa, ov.24, 878 ~ aud aaptusaonsiy, aud roiiing tupiards communication irilliMy daugister. frautie state, I ballera I tisa-a a slorel Dad? " Anud "bun ilero," ta lecsur, L0~ 'EÂY,~lier grea lueine s, Ibis resuinda me Goad 0svauing." aomisonoulber insteud o! a pitelier o! lyiug lua "loi-bcd," hie ionnd the :>iailLO s OLEAYsa mclio!M. Juilien. Don'l ilyau 2" We marcbed la tle door, sud Io vatea; lut as finally came ta, aud le. ftar o! lhe othor tIi-ca generaious, VETRINRY U2GON, Nov, th tiset-ll. itlid ual. I could choking wîb grief, allomptsd ta tall gan te ca-; yet, dear g~i, ual a a-c- ilivo -induo& lut. more like a. dried VETRIAR SUGEN, delecinotlsiug of M. Juilisu about il. al la Basais. Tho major sta-ode pasi proadli foifrom ber lipa. I asksd bar mummy tie living man. 08, DU;FFINS' CItEEK, ONT. On the conta-ar>', I board ilsis iustru. me,. vaut dam îlhe isppansd up- simply vînt vas ta le doua ? Gaadat o tc nlrl Ci.mental agony, sud cxperieuced only proacbaed-tise Gsi-inn Who caried lte I"Write ta papa," the soblad. "He - Housebold Measurua. ra- at loe oftOt.Vai eranary Cl-tortureansd madues. Eut bers vasa i a-geai of tle tauupels. This affable* mU lfargive ns, I know." n Ico Trnt.paetty staanger wbQ laok Iit f lu sud giaul imuîadîateiy lovered lis insut. I pa-ecursd tisa nscossa-y stitiouea-y As ail families are net proridas itu Having becu awariled the Dioloma cf lthe had the ulmoot failli iu il, sud vouid meut sud amusad pleasaully. (in exoliauge for a coat left wIl a roi. scaes sud vsights yaferrsd ta iugrod. ON Agrieultursa aud Aris Associatblie a is pro- chenal il parbaps, for mn ast 'e ol eus oehngt caieadstdw ocmo par-el taeaet al Diseases of Hm.es, Catil, sydy0a " urudrqui aebu ab sir),sdatdv acmoaanioaungênerai use by evsry bousevifs, &co., wuid many coma undea- lis notice. corne, sud bave lier hie baigtened by bayed ?"lie asked, lu an accommodaI- episîolary isaart-vriugar. The effort, the failoming may le usefuW 22 Horses cxamincd as teaiondjusei. Mcdl it. Would il havaelicou bai Ilian butmig loue. viewed in a pua-ely literay light, iras s Whieat faur, one quart in, a Pound. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~l n chc osanl ubu. iodr y i a asay fleudishinlume to bave The Major,villiota amoment's nissierpiece. Il readl liSe Slisaidau'a niniol u qati u on latter or tclegraph pa-onptly attlcuda . desta-ayed lier hasppy illusion ? wa-ning, snaicbed île immense Irumpet.specl.iun tls Hastings casa. If olsi sud Ivo ounces. Ie.1le ai Ma-. Thos. C. Jontluga', Consequ'inlly I bovod, smiiad flatiy, but of bis baud, sud fluug iti mb tbe Moletap aboula, be curionas sciugia ta Butter, vison sat, anc quart' is ans hn 174 sd tayiug tulookisesntimental aud ahi-el., read il. succesmas certain. Pound ana once. vo ta Ja. 1874.4tf sincere, ansvea-ad, "Julicn's musac "lBe off nov 1 le Baid. I"If yau Nexi day came Ils repiy. I tara Les! sugarjbrakan, ono durl l; uen rith-comas bacS haome, sud rings in uiy corne about bars anuaying me again, I open îleensvelape, and fouud-my airu Pound. ]R T' B1E ST car I' auteud ta give you lu charge." latter aaturned. But on the ma-glu White sugar, povdarad, ane. quart is TThen wmetcIaae up a différent con- Tise baud o! murderars atappesi short vas scribbied :-" Stuff f Starvo if you ana Poundi onc ounce. HO S ME ICI E .versation. The ururderrs of Flotow in the vry middle of a bar. A troke like; appeala la me a-e useleas. 31. Best ba-owu stigr, ane quai-t is aons HO SE M DI I ES le aa Nt mgt ndmin ea-of! binn tud ea r r." uhpouud tva unes. 1 iftng îlte roof a! my hbaud; lut absolute consternatiou. The giaut vas Il vas the end of my-1a lashpe lun ., Eggs, aveage sire, ton, eggs are ans-. Ir, Y heIîded thor ale. Bessie's 1 l rt ta a-scovra.hizuself. Ha picked tînt direction. I tosed lise master- pound. a ines Sept constantllzon baud sud for salo ai silveri- tanas linklsd imb mi- ecolaie up lis brazen tuba, sud advanced. piece ie îleheempli- giutc, anai vent Sixtsan- largo tablsvoonsful -asre a th Il 4'--by Livevy Stablas. ea-, sud I vas indifféent ta ail aise. ' Val de tuyval dos dis mesn vrt lewno hr eaewehl it ih r il a 9SNo charge for advjce. île finaiiy-mben île barmomus oars paisi la blay hea." sIovtaing indoiar.m1cro ess al ia!plt cgin-s-a----- &c _____________ N. nRA Y. eut-lIra-ase ad fSnislad Ibeir labours Major .Malaia-ap novai- sigied. Heansd thora, upon mi- lits, stood tlehei-- Dr. Hanali-as beau dlalar-ad ly ni- -_____ in Ibat neiglibourhood-snaled oauliar mas also cholo Rei-i a-ised lis wallc- ian baud again, araaging thi iel- uîte-denobes aof Ca-ai'.Inn. T"c M RUSSELL HOUSE, iray suad as it vas aiso my mai-, me ig-tick, sud sta-ucistîe Germnu acroas strusueule, pa-eparalari- la a baginuiug. pu-udiltgts-.îea-ioiun g i aa. It is usolisa," I eaiedtin a foaosn A ayslemtof eouapuuaory eboîsular- of Corner Matdlicdasl & Mississaga SIc., We taliscd about munsic, of'cana-se, nexi appearance is île li-umpet -in roice. I Iarn launtesib l rîaemclo l al nuu-lda t d, ORILLIA, ONT, sud claarningly, because il mas a aul- tle air a-cadi- ta deccnd an île iaa-riori and eau figlît againat fuie na longer." Pslcralurgh forthliith. jeet upon ibid vs mca-e pea-etcli ig- head. Ho lad jua inaultedimc, tua-aussi Sa ItIrei mysaif in a chair, sud l'a-ua, il la reportait, deelines-lo'an- É e T is.magnificent bick< b l i. eu e of île norn t audgo l etl, ilu te me out o! is bouse-lu mIsai mas I ta b ard the- lampait of meiody t h îe îosaiu tle proposai made hi- Rusais Dlagoal hases norlbh of Toronto. Itle fit- 'Defua-nishesi and oondaocd as diae-coses, caitical. We praisesi do? Allai bis anemi- la ca-ual lisuin sud. Ih asibeau lad anaugl se ft for s re-adjualmeut o! tle boutdarles of * vea-tling sud aven-lady wilh a sin- tle dual before mi- ver>' eyea ? Not a baaron Suais; lut maria rernainad île lia counta-lai. A FRT LS OE I cn-la a a-l ule u o- bit o! il. I daslad forwsrd, and IbougI lehinsi. The fiendalu trumpet l>irsued Cembining elegance, confort sud ecoooy. tiiuing Ilus, va ara-ivea ahiese airnul- 1 arnoaal, dimluuliva, I melled tle Me ta the confiues of distraction. Upon A duel belmeen two hI-lishmembera uts It lias amnp leaccommoistion for summea- haneolssconeiusio's: tînt vs mere tan l-urnpeîca- mitI such dicasia-aus taielouai- of a fellow-heing, Ilioa-si o! tls Brillis Pauiaient la reporiad. au 'siîo s~a lightully -atid caniralli- situai- highly- appa-eciatire sud capube-and offet tisaI-lia, hl-the naît îbing il noxt moi-uing in île ver yboase- 0u13 of tise eorlalanis l id ta lava tac, b. cglcosae roxiuiily la tle aleasu- Bcosis's door 1f Hers ai Ilis latter vs vas, le tound si lîf onis lacinfuthe cornaîero up-stalra ! Ia-i,,iod fraui- beeu cevo-ety mouradei. boa I irrsMidiand ad Norhe Rn . Il. aucounte-emuMajor Mlera, w eyed utr al aasabtthante-cfi Amnwt p heOaaPs- astations. MyIa va "le la- C m dossnp1 omsud suites'-cf me farn undea- lis bs brwI But un anc sanie it masanrashbblowv. cil-hnl aismoutabissdcîlete-ofid ceA. anda eut ît, tis e iln atpoet aparment ferfamies. . Ibougli auspiciouely;, lut lhos î y Hie confederatas came ta lis rosonsmnublai ta au uodgings mitI lier tielie bir orMise Home 2?"1,*No"o reeied 3n N. B.-Orders for mros îy latter or tlu- baud, sud sais ile vas glad ta meet vibli a unanimiti- by ua mens sgrae. aftea-noon lefore. Moreover, tlie par- tle cierlt, "Isteia ien'l a lsIIcrblera for 'n, gram paomptli- utîendad le. me. Sa bagan Mi- fi-st asiveulure in ala, sud I immanidialeli- discovaresi aaforer<id Daot plai- amutling; luibabli-'c coçi." on Omnibussas ta snd fa-ou the steamers fa-ee lare. ni-ual! lu bhe midat a! a florce ilot. nierai- îuem long, re.eehoiug hlaras -. of charge,. RBT RSSLL ehn I meut amui-, Beasialusialei Thea tilis, I wvsbaltea-esicoufounsi- Ilat noîîîalîy fa-ze mi-bloasi. "I mut ta Saiw," caii a ca-aditarý Ca-iti-u. , 874 RBT.RUSELJ, that I sbanisi eaU again. Lile inno- cdli-. But Majar Moletasp sscaped I stoosi the nuisance tilI noon, sud Oaeau-l, Ilvhen i-au ara gaiug te psy by.Orilia Ja. 7187. Fropriciapr. canif1 absneyai- ibougli a! ils lipro- almicalenlia-el- lby auuning inte lhe tien I cama ta, a resolution. There me viaiatyu ove- me?2"-". gire i a-e prieti- o!ti inluconusclion vill a lousas soon ns lie pocived lise igua. aboula, le s terrible end la ail. -I liusd up," repliesi Uic daller:."ask me on J OHN S. M. IICOX, sranugar eounterosi hi-chance, like minions discussian gaing ta sud aex- poîlhiveli- resoiresi upon murdera-nsd saniethiug efi. if~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h 0fîeTi !Wutilsba pauc lpeople o!the sang, in s croa-a r a-sm ensgîho lu front a! il. Bessia suicide. Ycs ; I shonisiwait tltiBossie "Wlat is tbc malter vitI oi-n mi 5tf01th Ton f hiby,4a bau ppinedBut if I sîsoulsi gel ba isuairber pa-atty entluadrauce, sebîug sud ca-iing tell] asleep afler dinuai (au appieansd a pet?" "01o, aunti-! lirai uanted ta -OFFICIAL ASSJGNEE, veil, I cotoacis endbrbsterilnn Ihai. disîracteli-. biscuit, for weme i-a irallY i- asving), tond a-littla chiceai-nsd île nid heu 01, i-es f Tise chiai vas as usuai: the police sud tIen gai a pan -o! cisaicoul, put. il gravies ai m ansd' lit me mith 1dm For the CeunI- cf Ontario. AU busins About threa sisys aflai-varda I ian. appearesi, île erman baud fSed, aud I uear bora-,sd causea sgraduai asphyxia, nase 1" i~ ieued la w;51la ca ess t-1 dea-siinluau accidcutal va-, as a upiokesiup from tle parement, Wbile ibis vas lu progresa, I elouii auaende a is lage __for exemple, I lad bee a anasîli- asen (ou the principle ai pli-sic), sud oteai up.shaii-, enter- tls rooni o! tisai AseuOlO-seld sl"sdi nu Wbtb-, iJau. 1411, 1874. 81y wvaappes inlucontamplation, sud la'J then haken-to tle station-hanse. Naît demnu iseposseasesi île tmumnet, asicesita defineil, blunderesi out, "Il i. .~ gaus asti-ai-. This impression I-pro- dai- I ma fuas sud dleliarged. My gi-applo ns hi- ythc tii-at, clouta Iùm issus vhew a falloir don't mani te cri- Li HEYSCHOMANCY., ducosi hi-îe daepli--aril straSs af seul boilesi far revenge. I laid lunirait ta death, sud lliug bis instrument int sud it burots ont -itoeIf. ' Anotissi de- p susidouli-coming ta ai uighi o! Bessie'a neur île Moletap minsion,su ane- îhe fire-Tison I ahonusi decens i g uina àcamma ais aparlid vusa a ii OR SOUL CHARMINO. face,sud confusasili- saing my bal. caunleaids serrant gaing toi- ber. ta mi- rooi, -lie t1ovn sud inhale the ' Ifsa manu's hasmi fa in ils righi place tf aio cither- soi mai- faicinateansd '-Oh, Ma-. Bohley," aseexolaimosi n Hlm I hiled, sudlu ia ischarge placesi fumes o! île chai-coul, ta fa"isbmi-elL lb maSos no differeniceowirho parte his thil lovea nd affections cf uni- parsonen s thailing raice tht veut ail ilmaugh s note for Beau.e. It vas a éommaud A dismai programme 1 Poor Bosale, bai-. eloose incîannîli. Thuis simple meutl ma n dodemusic for mi- hout ta ta Si- vil nia, or give me up fori vri. yeanaudili for vanio!f fod, aIe ber* quirrnoul ail ean posseca, frecelui-mail, f nie, ansiby niai te4*ath 25 cents, iogtlar mith a Ma-nage Guide, daucehi-, I"I ami sa glasi ta mee ot i- nu blaniauiils t uman came ; île appîs ansi biscuit ravenouali-Hi a bl esii a"ac Egyptian Oruac, Dreui,me lta Ladies, agnin. I have Issu duing for some dear gimivouldsi -lSail, aud put bar i"Have same, dear 2" oIe askaîl blcmng' vlan île old -an lriugs iltae &.A queer, exeiig booS. 100,000 soad. ono la tais about masic la." happinesa li- vhauda. "îutlv, rpiSvliali2<7 EAdirs, T Wna.tIeAM& V Ce. W-,4lEiul "ndeif I-j-essm I...tugs v o-t l one tgusl-sil;". .ntbug>. Hu li l ul i uimign - -- ..-. . .. s smate. uieieng. But(p" _ _ ardon tic lusauity- "Young mnu," saisi be,"iyou'a-a s fool. Men visa have an alu n l ifs never The uuuderigned las sui- umoust of mon. it ms a giariaus aveung--deami-,o!ofilieremua-k Yif i-an s it ebacasari-) Wiseae's mi- SanglIer V2" visle. ai- ta Lausi upon i-arienr oownPrapenti-, ai pcetic, luloxicating. .1 bale r --I bure -sconscience. ]Hth -t sl'- ol ntasa.whs a' 1edrs mtl ai u u s u a l l y ' L o i R a Ies e o f h t e a s t . -i s i n s s n b l s e d o o r a l p o t i l i l a Ine i g l . n o v i t u v o i s o , u il c c ad u r a i t v l i d h c a r i Loan cu lenepisilu uisto uitber buriug steeple yaks up, i-avnea, sdguu tagromi. A boraibis secretsoa- da," lie coniueas, Ilaftorle -trouble mAa-a rnning accounis Sept lu sbopicig Impovei ssa o "Yu gre e nis roetba, i catandi i i-ea mpoe armesud Wi1d Launsdee'tUs i ont.eben. I idparted, eainluilutîe sombre abadoirs o!.mi- I've bsen ai ta Suda>'ou. I'ra t-arelbos hanSe 2 for sale chaap. ltMci iking Mi- vai-ou ai-. -seul f I vas s lcggar fTamsa-lataeti onr-1nioa-osilt Lgrries-T trsBak zdohrmaikettale tck. Tsel <aifbs egn tfudmi-iai vas talon nie on tis bridai tour slgli o! i-uonieuterda.,,Your. eter--aterus. Thssongsofa!Germn turas, ansdoartoksiluBai-lai-Street, No. 99, tIre> vas al ihat I1sd bsenala b acratas gava uns ils ouy kuoviosge etof ui- geng Fer jurtIor paa-ilculars appui- la eveuinga a!filsemek. Yau remeniler, togaîlar li h laai. Whon it oboulsiwecbueta mm o a uka e uWy-elw;bth J Am m S HO L D E N , I s u p p o e , t i a i B e a u l s a d - r p e a t e l y g o - t h o nl - t h o n d a i fr à w Ém l o c A b o ul h eti s a i I i a d a in e s 1 o n , r au A n a t a si c l fa.u o r ' t h a r u Oficiai Asignee, Braiser, &o epresa- 5 ouduosafri iuile 2 1Whai sud duc river, ils - dea - razo1r ama-. » o ande 70us t-Beset hoa Th 'tt izfo 1*.-ner IOFFICE-Over the Dominion Bank, Mc- a 1doue?2 Wb>-li, la f upon mi- I roseu ie UPm i-bride lu carnages; J18Mun airra ai yen are siarriug. Bipperi-ln lhlaua'a Broehc St., Whitb3'. hobau!r, u'i ba ravate3 ougageci s but bil cam ast airai - Iinit. I Dii y», 1p5 ba,182.hnou1 ru ëse the ueultn vas LI lid notsa uitaheur luis question, Ny1cv ui uapg-a- ________________ abovutud1ItUiou ea t is true; btIeasi'.oa bailoe. about il. ~~~~aimais ai tise lourd, Ilironiteithe pisay, lui do,-àsdoui et ils rooana uddown ol iotaog etiinî ORPel-L. . Ilaid lu voit for, ansi sitackad viî lut couscisuceatoasi for evor ai uni-ida. 5l5a-s. Major Moleimsp is le s pît tool pcumiari- offers, île gigautio leait-Wiîl erery boum ibisinferna uiaer>a Plsuboatei lu ot puani or o! île Geranubaud tamichI I ncreases. ,I1grev absent ilu y m bi- le a ~in I He'& uit î tic 1iIf i-ou cnt an scqualiaSuce-are 7055 T. P. W H 1 T E ave aliady Ïfrati-d. Wihltricty afridbid dnssusicius, d u-H'sbOnet h t man liabie for sssaiilt i i, o 0 t l t O cto er, 1875, r sum a con . lan o ro en t m plulse itla é erai pin isa Ir d sort of![ B u I p au se S a i e c I s Y - A b s> . a i l i k o l e s - irai &r co fa liàaohéa lnh il a<<Ier, aLmuýinistrs nrpê.se. itmerslu a su aY',Irougluont door. .I lurs4it o<pen, aud muahcd l Iu fl itile ilinga prasre laai-stn. Saig'îe ouitS p ios hltispa i v ters o!î e a - ~- ,,tcui--at, as il W l-i a -roir ig ight grsime n i-My If iou h ta slopee il,iiavri-tak T H lE H IG B IE S T P R i OE cown luisth i-o it s ie jnore od o v Oe-d. ma i s* e- â.n r nupeter. H o ayees? D id I S e ni>' B ssiolapalli ia our cares t e ed. th usu!tespaed c ss rs, Ip use si-at sst i lsUtis I a .eg i-ee gsponsible for corpse, 1 3 of- le ai e t hie p sa o t - n ls ir n h Os .i ü G for u>' qu suiti - of vea i d li rreds t ai p int, sa si-roach asi th e question , ced 1 ,c am ed about i na; Ifan- cha ic a i? n g N y t' a i 51L I a h e ' W laouis ma ail t 'in as . ro a aa ý W l it s v l . H ao v i l m a k e v e n - e ff o r t t e a "W o u l d m i - ' f r i e n d , tf i a c o s i d e r s . g i u g i oe i i n u d i s g u i s e . d g - - 'i t i i ng a i t h e s l en , i - - '-o n' - u . u u g r an re satisafction t eibo se v bo ai-7 'i n il u a dvan ce ap p ar ît re e e e n n g s h i- ,ay foo ta p o; T . t tou k t I e a rd b oiled h i elen , l'a m , N d3 aë ab ta5l,: d e s da 5n l' 5 lt e ' a Y ' i - , - F'ieuei- ~) et er>yacek lUfe tholdoorvono 'l v5 lGer as aeh glie' it.r, aveohlo.Wa "a -- " 1 PAILIFF ORD DMSION COURT, 1 1 Perry.

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