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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Nov 1874, p. 2

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&V%;VÀLVVý eun theConti 10 mon i - --lu De me auty of do their ou with the Vie- rdial support. ' H61 foulla -râüit ' Chat -Ouw muaiml»Htv lu ty- tholup ta give the meeting au out. bQ5ý ta Plu" the conütyin that- faver- _'ncoo xesolutlon Was 4jo-i, rima a colinty. And wbat au woula ý'or oc,ý- ' ""«"«»*'«,"", V', fflffénted - ta the ptoert, affflr ................ , 80,000 able position, If W Dac. 17toh-alïýëxl'=*:,ýai 12 eoxltoéloiicak-, un it.take tovitud th@ roa Co area file ofwhat they wanted-botIk ou be- f4ri, ni de Bach oit- nleeting. t with itavut lm half croie victoria littilway, and the a aise fait it bis duty -1,ir. J. B foi ......... irg),000 cumstances Chat h as COMPWue gëwé nid ho xte portance, aym -11 es the Wh itby ................ ....... lino of the sceme ta which ioa=pbel, thy and' Port flint na reý,cluti£)n Lad beau submitted t1irough ý1 sain iDdOèd. gala, ta ex il Ontario Contre), illa we - ho had given soma- lIttle Consideration and r c ad a scheme Perry the wliolé lino th= wu 120W wante tnî & Port Perry liailway -Co. - 80,000 ta lay the O= idi ai th ýp-po»a by siéù _Beawâyý_-fiiîd' ô d by A, thly, àf" g for railwaye direct ...... %4B5,00o before the Cher bôwaver deèfined ta do go et prezent, .. M. He coula Dot presume ta Mr. Perry. arla Laid, 1 Huge, ta exterd the. midland and sa ho , Was never noted go would refund on accatint of bon« think tllât all the he'm'ei m', the poup 9 thut ose ta' 1 the or '-ItailwaY- And ho fhrther suerted bàcltwàrd in < for Il 1 g: give figures, and calcula- ý -Mr. Draper thought it -botter ta bc couticil in. the Couaty be,ýXqqaeà - ta- 80, illat, taking tho milway mattera abugbte n the NiÉissing-y tien wbich- lie Lad given would bc candid a d bave it undeîstood et the sana t ý a delegat Ced 4RU90, the Zeight of adepted Alle &vhelue-itàëlf caule ta bc orfset, Chat under 110 Circumatanu, Co ta sacil mpEýting; t iron and orerything lise intô acootinte Le abould Comply ý wïth ý the wishes or Brook ...................................... #É9 000 ed' 'Moywereoi3ly'an appro a and that'this mepting Výhen it &4iouhà,' Crie rond the meeting and lay before * theul, éoîde Ulbridg4... ......... . .................. the wbitby & Port Perry ýnlflw 61000 %VOU14 the tOlvu bc PrePftred ta support stand adjourneil, and s be obtaint the cheipest bifflt in eanâà,94 'y wo ViOWB whÃŽch coen"ed ta hîm.- -rat Seott., ................. urxe hall apin be ................. 8,720 il, ana CÉ ce coula bc alberec Il emO 'ivith a brauch ta Oshawa Coaý&ed by the Rail sêh way ompany uses froin etanding ail Chat 'otwith- more dieu twentY Yeats ho Lad beau Ù; as found, nec kin hall bas» said ýmeèti'ng for th essury- Thsil 9 thii Wlint was Wanted for Oshawa was a aiter such delegates shall, fiave witbont about railway mail ; twenty Yeats &go ho had Making- a patient beai4ng given switell-from, the Grand Trunk. hý the cOst- But the road frcul par& _Édvoestecl a railweyf g t1lni; they W Cola bc Mr., George,ýLaialaw (Who hud (le. ored sucàýTesolution." ýHe wotda ri,,fuiiél'to inunicipalitiei him, ana trustit But Perry louth wu£ by a long way the the norih ta 0 ô do 'Chair clinad te OPOak'Previously) deprecafed, would bot] tonna ready as one man t Moved by Mr. P.-W. Glon,, secoilded with -est Costly Portion. Northwards they 0111100t the waters of the thst lied given bbnuses ta the Whitby ý by Mr. E. Major, n of the Vie- but alea CI Lad a comparatively level country, few _> two Là1keÉ-Laký Hnron withOliûàio. Port Perry lice- dutynot enly ta thëiý own, iniruelliste th-3schemOOEOxtension. Accordingto l' Tbat the constractio Iocalities but Chat thçy woula net for the statement of the maaungog director, fi i B il err3 a grent imeortauco of the project bac' Beach ................................... $80,00 the bizelist of the county in which th n at its- confluence with si b#rehen dieu po utod out by h lie said, the 111 miles of r ad ta Port, leortihe Dàliawttaywaàs a first-elau trunk lino Port bragaý and 40 6egiuiëring ýdù1lcq;ltîe t lm and it ley nection. wi and ho Conid let thf colitract, for 'the lbwnàiP ýi- whitby ............... 15,00o were ail sa deeply interisted, Mt.-Perry Perrytoi t t4oe saine rate le ITPpër_ Ottawa, intersec was also predictoil w1lat th )st SWO,()Oa; r, tinc the extension at twelve thonsand dollars a 0 resuit sougog ......... 2o ïesumea hie scat arnidst applause. » the sixty miles- ofextelisî0n wonl ti w other localities woula 00 Town of Whitby-balf ità'lýdnus a Cost Canadien Pagiflo, and connectiÏg at, 'P Fou He asked thora ail, earnostly ta would ho The Chairman-Mr. Bigélow-took $1,800,000. And -thon it - notion at- forgo il t unitoI to east affide ther lttlo joalougles ho sure ta àtep in and posse Cham- 1 of #60,000-the $10,090 stock Occasion ta Bay that the schem' dlaiid»-and CO-' wu going ta Lindsay with the Grand Jù tte ïelvonoftho tradewhieh net îlly bc, ý to be givcn up amourit P] à ý _Ieav ng the a looke4 run- aldnedO thme OthW lino& and Belleffle, with, the: Mi nad looal ey0judidéd and join together a large one; but Chat if it coula bc car- must compete vitli'ihiïiÏfor the trade bourg and Peterboro' ta Port -Hope, longed ta t y i - 1 . 1 < ana Cobourg, -Lis ýcôuut -if action werg 1 towns contribution ta the 20 - ried oût-aud there iras nothing, with at ail points. lie adverted ta the dîfâ. espectivèly, in, reach Of ta soeurs a thomselves 'the ftýaao filet stponed and the men of the COÙnty* 'miles now built, 085,000 ...... 25,000 union arnongst themselves, ta prevent culties wbieh lie believea the Company -Cho, VVhitby and Port Fin-y -'lino ta bue the COI pended am roperly balongea ta this coliaty. * He led to do Choir dufy. The Ni J net ask that the eounty ehould go oif Out,,,',,, fui 1, - it being^carrieci oulk--it woula place the would bave i getting mour»Z Ùild Whitbyi and of the, Toronto and Niplu. 64 by Chi iLtc rAllwa e spettilation, but ho pointea ta b6-trne and eftrect. (Cheers.) Since Makingý 872pooo countyof Ontario ins most enviable the road and7n iheii tob , 0 . ins ta the City of Toronto, fa Of me amourit.of Out whRt 2e county of Grey bad dong place. And lie would ut apart, ta be dispos- Position, and woulil give it the most' oaid Chat the propriet,6" of Caria out dwhich gnvé fixe handred na alréady intimated-- country, as au thonsand then great Changes hall iaken Prominent railway position in the Pro- Rond were desir ous -of helping them-, section of the northern carry the Vie importance,:tortËe netuejùent ethàt c)llân ta ho Wellington Grey & Since thon the people haa Doon educat- ýd of vince, , ad in railway matters. He Cook it for Ver Scote...... ....... . ............. ...$5,000 selves while helping the' countylI an'd affectivâ mo4ns of promoting immi- We:have il 13ruOO ; ta WbaÇ-I'DrMito had dong for Pickering ........... ()Ioo() Mr. Draper wu next called npon, thatthat rond, upon whieh there were gation, and as à paramotint necessity this week the Nipis # SiMcoé for the Northern gMuted that every man wagnow a rail -Past Whitby_ ... 5,0M *ould, ho built r aff" ng the iecultural and Co we are obliý and on coining forward Baia ho would now m men et wôrk, m . - way man, and Chat there was no-noces- 56W ho as briof as possible in the remarks as fur as "Kinmouiit-, and -And the w0alth ity for discussing the goiieral question SCU90g Bridge ... .......... il, And ta other coalition. lie wu about to maire. The scheme te prepared ta morcial intereota,,of the'Midland Dis., which we il colinty 01 Ontario, -,b-n -ar--ued, was u boncfitq ta be derivea from Thuo disposing of the $570,000 oeive the irÃ"n by the flirit of June.- triets botiveen Belleville and Toronto wofr ýLb1e toi give a libërslol)onnà to a uB ta tle presented, by Mr. Party was, ho said, He admitted that-it ho Io the in- th, i are ta whieh th- entitled in qelion ébtIlItY Eue 40 wai4 Toronto, Grey'Or before the county now, filera was first whilèh wm fa, perusal, Eh ey *are railways. Of the railway propositions The proportion which Rania woàld something similar ta *bat was agitated terest of the Victoria road ta, bave Cou- the expert and import trade ýpy otheri mi2niciptèlîty. lie pointea ho caliéd upop- ta pay of the grose sut4 belote the- County Conneil last June. necum with the Whitby roaaýana au be the resuit of the settlement of the inge. ont, as thb riveuit the acharne af* the extension of. -a the Rmàll lino frprn ýj;hitby & J116 n cazzynig p. p. lino ta Washa would 'be $4 , 560. Or, on its' 50,000 He îaw great difliculty i ' ' '"'Out outlet et Whithy- hirl>6ur. That was Valley of the Upper Ottawa, the inter. Vlýtby ýtëi --Port Porryý-thmugil the gcl. with acre,, lu, thon teu cents au acre. the acharne in the way of reimbursing what they waÛted. Ris, proposition, vening tenitory, and 'the connection the branches from Part Party ta Vx- The proportion of Mara wOuld be, the municipalities that had assisted was tind the Victoria rond aboula te" with with the Pâoffié Railway, and that townsman, L011214Ythe grÃŽÃŽVýth sud prosperotie posi. bridge, &0.,'88 laid down by Mr. ROI. $21,660. That sum for a railway otherroads. -Theschemeiùitself wu$ Ceîve froft the Co. Ontario #80,000 ICÉ- - Ï7 oopy of Chose r«olutions ho forward- tion. ' of Péri Perry to-dwy, and Contrast. den, and for whici, the Colunty aBaist through the length of Mars, which was a grand one-a magnificent scheme. ad. ft with wlisi fi waà five Yeats ago. anco ta the Amotint of three hundred without a railway debt, and the branch ta làudoày. beaides thoq mu- sa ta the inembero from the Midland find bY the proporti ])ad 011AI2 cd Landis fil Whitby and the governm ,giving the The only question was as ta its fflotic- bmuses of Mariposa ana Ope, District,-for presentation ta the Mon. cardý annou Amd as Another rbgttlt, be gCatea, inore thousaitll dollars was askeîl. He was necossary Stations, would e a small. ability. Ma own idea was that the maipal éY, ana ho Attorney-General, aild aloo ta the Bon. for the posil the list bfx*ýMcùtî 01 opinion thet this scheino Could il t sum-not one half çvhicli, accordii2g ta most praeticable was Chat of the people want-ed the W. à 1oupt. cmoQnta huila ýuP Secrotary of Statë." Proviculalzeuaro.* EmIéù the -M, itby COUIC clown j'vit,, it alolleI unless the a ', him the titii 1 CO r. Warren's latter, the townsbiewas of Part P r] Rose]], and Mariposa to the Victoria Boad ta the Nouquon CarIýy, and th&£ it wolild bc useles , 3'f Moved by Mr. Jas. Rolden, seconded ricks Ward Il dieposed ta give. unitin toge.-tziér ta secure Connection Creek. He aded the Prosident of thé, by J. B. W. Gowan, lllmb@r te Port Hope and CôOourg, extension P)RIfug n'il 0 %Ycro Retnally fiending melleille and made ta am. The proportion nf Thorah would be with Z11 Victoria rond and extension w. & p P. co, if ho wu préparéa to liThat thui meeting oonours in the Vance, feeIii b6cause of the adrRniage» lvbcll, the britec otllcr objecis Ao as ta oulist the $.ý8,825. Thatwoulclbeauiniiignificaut of the branch ta Lindsay. ý Port Pe' assumotheplecoof road to theNon. of the Whiiby and Port Perry social standi iutercet and êyw.patllieR of the People sain coinparcd with the bonalits of the » was deeply interesteil in baying i di- quon ? If not, hà (Mr. L's) Compan in ever à railway had oeoured tho towu.' Mr. ' Thell extensian y Baüway, and in its connection with the as well as a Holdew noxt réferred, n.epiLin ta file te ili&b township. lu fact tact lino. with Lindsay, and it, wu wore ready ta assume it on the condit- Victoria Railway. favorable pôsitioà of the liiie with ivater tLCreý werc the 01Jýpr two sýlIeiLcs of 'l'horah ivould baýe no railway debt nt within bis (Mr. D's) own knowled a ion of $6,500, pet rails. Mr. Laidlalw staire in the connectionivitli the Victoria lýailvaT, ail, for, as lie ]lad already explainedir flint the people of Mariposa would cul re terated thig propoidtion saveral times, The firat and thira resolutions were the certanty communications nt lakes Son og, SIm- and the conptrtictio of the Ontario through the abili-ty and foresiglit of the bc disposed te grant a bonus by beipy carried unanimously, thst eting eou, and the waters of Mus Oka ana Ceiliral. Ire that thLs'e twc representa i es a jorah, the throc par soeured the Most direct oomiùà'nientlOn municipalities lie was ready ta build the erable pposition and there were a there wolaid IT ! g stating Chat with the co-operation of the Victoria Railway met ,trheop.e.,i,- enly lie roi Goa en 13ay; UN Connections with pellemeti Could be cent interes f a $50, 0 wLichý that in connection with the Victoria Emil- road. And ho wanted the President of number'of bands beld up against if. the pilpiins-1 ' ng, MI(llandt Northetn and out Coming down iatho COulity. as a towlighip W ' etting frein the Midland way. He remarked Chat lie had with the W. & P. P. Raîlway, tliero and thon, Tho meeting dispersed ofter present- the remit. I;nee Of the Company wo vorlu Victoria ý luiep, couteuding that inas- county, witli the 4sý1!st wo d be an cient ta pay Mr. Perry and others beau endea 9 te say whether lie was prepared ta a& iug the usual vote of thanks ta the z'aucil ai; fil the course of trade one minor municipalities intérested. For principal and interest. te secure a roadfroin Georgian Bay ta saine tho respousibility of jý Mî L, railway feil aliother, and as the whitby a extensio Chairman. hiirself lie preferred the larger scheme, The proportion for Scott would. be Lake Ontario. When the Midlanfl hall ri, and Vri. -1 'ber for Senti lino Only required the extension of a Amoàg8t those whoLa we noticed éllloli linký it would bc the direct contre sucli as wriuld embrun ail parts of the $88,005- Leos 88,720, portion of its partially taken up the ground and campoeil et soma length. present during the proceedinge, becides ing meetings colint but lie bolieved Chat, ta have bonne to the Nipissing ënd the $31000 thwarted them in faut quarter, and bc- Mr. Glen, seconcled by- r&. MaJOr, those already named, were Siersro. week, in thi of a ver et-work tif raflways and the riance of suceess, they should deal proposeil allowance - $8,720--makiug lieving aiç ho did that Whitby was the illoved the second resolution, civen et Mtuig, Wier, Jas. B. Lazier J. S. M. C ouflet througli which an immense trade niyveilla pour. No ralWay 11 the with it as a whole, bouestly and justly the actuel liability of that municipality, best point et which ta seen;e the 'non' the conclusion of this report--there ho- _Wincox, Ed. Mujorý Chas. kaiton, L. entrai Raili country, lie argued, wu cale and-with a due regard ta the condition $20,2e5. Ana for that Scott would noction, lie hua seeured the Charter for ing none other before the meeting-and Alleu, R. Wiekett, H. Brethour, L. of the deputi platea ta and claims of overy municipality in the have the beiiefit of the Uxbridge the Ontario Central. He reforred ta whieh was subsequently paased. Mr. pay better, or no well, Other tauds Cheers-) If this were net branch ; the extension of the Whitby & the peculiar geographical po Rbuck, Mr. Currie, J. Holman, John Hon. AttornE were sinking uuder the weight- of the catinty' ( - sitieu of Gleil, in moving bis resolution, consid- Ellis, and others whose names have nection with luortgagefiupoÙthefn. Butthewhitby doue they were Only wasting time over Port Perry lino througlâ Brook, and Pickering in the coucty; ho believed ered the Victoria railway a very impor. since escaped car melu riy between Mr. & Part Perr Could the threc handred èonneetion witli the stations on the filet flic people of Pickering were tant one, and Chat if connection Coula road, lightly mortgaged the mattor' The W. & P. P. Co. rail ýa special thousand dollars bc carried for the pur- victoria and of the - Demi Ontario Contrat brought ta sce the great importance of bc got with it by the Wliitby Raüway train ta Whitby in the evening after ne it, would lie, would be able ta Compete page of extension iiidicated by the man. The proportion for Uibridge township the conatruction of the Ontario Central for a swall amount of money a grest the and gave a free ride over has beeu Bain bijoccestWIv for, amd ta carry off the aging dirèctor of flic Whitby & Port and Uxbridge Village would b 50. gli trAde. ýVitlt' 911 those advant8ge8 in Pérry Railwa 8 il'."ggi» Well and goodI butI ýW 0$48,4 throu Chat muuicipality, and ta Chat good would bc accomplielled. Re,,now- thg n se in 1 g and returning, to ail who have beau, wi f loir favor ho wa1w apP_ý&1ed ta them lie Lad said, ýé feared t coald not. -Lessonaccountof its bonus ta the line bc, as a railway man, felt it te bc ever, regardea the proposed branches tO hall received cireulars Of - invitation ta re-established toùnlteinone audefférttôbuildând AI21i'WlaO a. _Nipissing, $16,6000-nlaking the actnal hie duty ta address hinnself, as well as Uxbridge and Oshawa as dead weights. attend the meeting. in - Mr. Cal th, ,provi ing for Chose objects liability of j.hese two, municipalities ta the Pxtension of the & Port They werA only caIculated ta clog the 9 txtend Chie roafr; -and ho'*Ainad them they ahoulit net 1080 siglit of the tact $81,850. The propertions would be, Perry lino ta Lindsay anWd'I'iei'c'iv !uý the enterprise. He should be very glad au Monday eveni that the conoequence of the *înf Of t tilt) Victoria Railway wu$ just as for the township, $25,293 ; fôr the connection with the Victoria road In a citizen of Oshawa te have a branèh, tel Na united sud thorough action WôU14 impoftant ta flic sonthern 1 art of the villàge $6,557. And -fer this they order ta Le of any use, the extension Chat town, if lie thouglit it woula result W Aalvertlsements this Day excellent lieu I-etouUowthoir trade ta Fa" 8ý spirits. WaY coùnty.aî- flic ýVh.itby & Port Perry would have the Uxbridoc branch Port Perry ta Lindsay sbould be in any gond. Bat it was a wrong idéla them, se it won now doing-to go Railway itself. -la deuling witil the communication with the Ontario Cen' as direct as possible, otherwise. if tho altogetherand would bc nothing botter Leadiug Lines in Drees Godils-Laing offtin other directiots and enricli other gollenle tlà awhole then«they tral, and with the stations on that lino rond werc take than a waste of money. He showed -ru op j would re- n by Wick or Sander- & Stewart. Dm, localifles- less favorably situatea, but quire te déni witli the Lind'say brancli nt Stouffville*, Brougham, &c. lard. Port -'IopA Nvoulil be nearer aud thitt there would ho no saving ta the . Tableaux-St. Androw's Church. J. T. Byrne, o, whieh posoûsseil men of greuter enter. of that rond. Thoy rould aise have ta - Th proportion cif Brock would lie, the trade would go tbere. Ta these eople or the trado of Oshawa in snob a .'I-rillinery-Laing & Stewart. ly in Albany, « prise. H 0 explained and:pointea « out coma dowii and àqul with the Ontario $74,ýie0o.-LeEF3 reflind Olt accoulit of two pro,ýeeb.,4 lie would, confine Oshawa Stoves-Hatch & Bro. ranch, and Chat the idea of starting a Cho great advantage of baving Graud Central, and Collélidez the position of bonns to 119,090-rialikieg Bat, aq a railway inan, lie w£:.itid not 1,ranch fi-oui the Dov farin was ail non- Rardware and Branzed Lampe-_U., Tne rêverend Ttutik cars. The Grand Trunk cars hip of and the the liability of thaî' township, 555,160. oppo F4ýD--:e. Suell a branCI, Weald COSt more & Bro. way ta the n n1nuiug north, ta Canuiugton would file towns se any r'el l' fhan $10 000, perbaps 14ý200,00O.- to Buffalo, and township of Whitby. They would alsa Thp alivantages to Brock wouhl be that fit ilie or ilint inizht FXe-Lain£r & Stewart, iuake' à difference of fità cents a bushoi bave ta consitler the poýition of the by ilie proposed Felieme it rould bc pýtieih1e by the land;tlg busifILss '1711t'y could ilow get lumber at $1.40, Splendid Inýporteé1 Clothis- seen ta lean st ta farmers on eyM bushel of grain township of East Whitby and of Oslin- made the central rail-may towiisli-*,i of spirits of flie couniv. While hu saw lier iliongand. laid dmrn at 0shawaaud 55OQper MoLith- the MiSed, for buyers would then. bc wa in the gerieral sclierne. and aclapt () t 'th connectioDs With 1,110 1 the ral!way projects to whieh lie ceulil not get it cheaper than Chat Albion, Hotel-W. Johnson. çvlien passing abley to give Chouf that mach more; ana such menus ta tha t position es would giP'L',sitng e Victoria, --ail Our ov, Li h:%îlý-alà1dpd quitc praciira, le, lie. colliil if liov 1).èd tlie'branch toi taken ta a druc wotild be carrie« for Ion cents place the latter lipon au equitable basis ouh No pet, that the hy as sumraoned, bal 'ýh1 norrow. It Special- Noltic.?-Dr. Wbeeler. re paid. At7Whith ' E itt'y nad. township woniel !?C. li'- contcnded, a delta Weiglit 1 P-rospee Harper'.; Magazine Illns- Wherc -twouty Cents et barrel was no with. the town of Whi(by. Iv addition te oso mucii bouefit as would Brook Ppn urrounded le' inet Th W ýCc -y was r witil iliffi tif 1:iý bilir-fit fo osbawa and only in. W est is now carried tbig, they WOI11d hava other points. ta from flic solleine. In the eutersion of the whithy & Port to (ipir-att the object of exteý,i,, Prospectu7ta'Harper'q Weekly Illustrated. nt à cent a bli'shel leqa Chat at Scar 1 ti consider. Theywouldhavoto consid- Il eprûpCrtionfýr Reacli and Port Perry li Prospectus Harpers Bazar Illustrated. ne in Washago hey would have It woffld bc the saine with Tl sideï in ý,rheivt ilid net gli: the farinera of the Yàorth Brook, w1jich gavf, r1fty flic Inpete 1 ti bordbgh Jonction. Vie Nipissing lino et the poqition. of the township of Perry would ho S78,60C. Lors refond, to ce witli other rends and woiild 1ý,e firaneli. Thev were tld StAam Cawmunicatiou between Canada usand dol- #30,000-making the liftbility of bath havk, three rnads coi) 'ng for 1ýie 'il 1 1ýpwards of twe chéap freiglite, but witll tho whiLby 1 P. P. E. B. IL _ýpeti . a, fil,, short lino froni Whitby to Port the West Inciies-P. 0. Dept. ýl1ý1Lý IM.28 PaSIO lan, bonns ta the Nipisqin,«; of Lx- municipalitic-s $48,660. Tlhe ions sa, e rade- Tho mlier difficulfte.9 lie Perry could iic-t pay beeause of it, Noti*ce-Têliitt)Y L linc, cxionded, tlicy would Lave Chia ; in bridee, which al-fc- ga y h. S42.137 il lICt stop ta 'oint ow, bat Il)(, Ho coulil it pay et ail ve itfift thousand for each woui(i hp, pteac proport rI 'V Ue flicUt would alla te ilie vnlue of every dollars, and of flic, t0wuship of Scott-, Port Perry, 86,523. -Mi,. Perry here 1 U, -,Il see ý1, %vith two diort branches tacked on to 1 1 W Whitby ta ont, were v.ýry f-rc,,t. bu,41iel of grain, and ta tlie value of ail which rfil *t its ten thotisand dollars mentioneà that his calculations were îî, Illisiled tû'iu,.nresq upcti ail the (-le- it ? Tlie wliole thiug was absurd. Con- mission work' a the produce of flin field and the forest. bonus -in osZing thpýpo, ninnicipalities te zuadp'upon the equalized value of last sirabiliLv of havt of being a LA m , pg nuy arran2einr-tit iir-ction with Laidlaw's Victoria road very 1-In lookéd thi c6tillg-tak'inoý come in under flic countv bueis iii the Victoria road conclition-il coui il be got foi- a ccased genti upon yéar. For this sain Ranch end Fort with the Finall sain of money. _5 cverytiang- that wu nt etîtke into lie- 1 "eh ' û, lie proposed fliat thûy Perry would havA the extension ncrth, ullon SÉ-enrin.- the ruest ffirect com- Tlint was what wa8 wanted. It would ONLY Si 5o PER ANNUM. land, and Was b( count, and loolciug to the future of this r,-"f'unnde(l ono-balfthe bonnses connection with the Victoria Rail%-ray, munication witli the front. That inake the W. & P. P. rond a good rond, He first identifli county-as the most important that already given by theni to the royouto and the hrid-8 acrose flic Seugog. ithould bp understood, let tLe Victoria and makA Whitbv an outlet for a large dependent Chal wae @ver lield in the c(iiiiity of Ontario. & Xipîesillg Itailway, ont of the gencial Mien for Oshamýa, and lie would couple rond branch off wherc if plpased ta the section of conntry*. (Cheers.) Whitby, Thiirsday, Nov. 26, 1874. 'flic preiient-was the time for thüm. ta couilty fu'ud te bc provided. That one- Oshitwa and East Whitby to.-ether for Nipissing- It was, lie pointed ont. the Dr. Gunn expressed hilnself exceed- folk, and Was mova ; jet theui net agalii mîsa the half should bc refunded, less the one-half thé purpose of making hie staiement --iin of Toronto te secure the passenger ingly gratified et the remarks of Mr. the charch of trolden opportunity. As te Port Perry. what fliev hall roceiveil a t of the Muni- clearer. The liability of Oshawa would traffic, and bave the furnishing of the Glen, who, lie said, spoke more sobe- Will the Government go ta the Colin- Great Yarnaout Why, lie askea, ehould net Port Perry cipal Loiýn Fana in Con8iiitc',ratiou of tlicir be $28,500; of East Whitby', $54,48-5-- goode ta the north. Whitby would seriousness, than any man there thàr, try with a Railway Policy ? vote for the extension ? Some people railway bonuse-q, and n-hiell was alto- both niakiiig e782,935. LesR the $W,. have the carrying teade, but-iil order day He insisted Chat the proposed year he was wu net interested gether over and above and apart from 000, and the $5,000 already nientioned, ta bc able ta control it, the connectin- Osh* the London Mij sala Chat Port Pen 1 awa branch was net oulyimpractic- ý1c tli6li-pcrcal)iia allowance. Thon, lie tg give Chain 8=11 railway connections link with the Victo hi the exteni3ion, that the peo 1 th ria Railway shoula able but Chat it would ho manifestly The reply given by Hon. Mr. Mowat were well enougli witli willut t el first settled at LI Y said, there were the towlichip of Reach, ai-; coulil 'bc po«vîded. Lefuing the bc lis short as yossible. À$-ct lie bc- unfair ta ask the people of the to*U Of ta the deputation in cohnection With afterwards et 13 Ile denied th6t. And lie warIiadý theru which. gave e8OOOO; township of Whit- combined liability of both thesc muni- Ileved that the interests of the Victoria Whitby, who had already burdened the Ontario Central Railway does net that the fîme miglit coule wlieu other by, 015 000; town of Viliîtby, $50,000, afities, $47,93â. rat this they woiffil rGad would be best carried out in this theraselves largely ta huila the main leave it 4uite clear whether the Gov- City, and Blibse( adm anime wight Rot posseàiOn of théir and Scu'go'g, $2,000, whicli were givon Ibli.ýllemabled ta secure Connectiolia with way. Any schemn of extension of the lino, andwh iloaetô WliltbY,ý'Afid 13hut it up ta émit b?, thern as bonuses ; and lie propoped the -,Y'hole railway systein through the W. & P. P. lino woffla, however, have so-to coule forward now and assist in leaves a widow, a were sneered et for doing grainent will go to the country with -'lance Le r.mý the hifèrésts of ôther lociîlities. He i ,j Chose should ail bc talien into cou- cotinty-assumin@r that the necessary his support and approbation and best constructing the branch ta Oshawa. any settleil Policy with respect ta inaiütainéd Chat they Lad Cho best lino 6idcration in coming irito the general arrangement,.; could bc made with the exertions. He hall full faith that the county wouid aidiug railwaYs. If,-as the Premier tIre' married dai of railway on the continent of Ain iCrica; scheme, inasmuch as the bonuses given Grand Trunk, and that equ&l rates Mr. Gillespie, reeve of Brook, ývanted nat do an iiiiustice ta thA tntirIr, _'r Chat oven, ta Port Perry it paill as Wall by thein were given for the Trunk Lino could, ho secÃŽ;;Gd so aFi ta nlace OsItawn IL 1n1nýiý as any uther road, but et the satile time Cý thn èf amonut to Wý bd th .,tô evG nfànthïý oî: y à tiù in he 1. surplus npoilýtbi.b"s of ýt for of value ofPibrDàY. à-onnLeZ 541 crea"d inarket value of )0 eu ritie& -Tliëié, irýlùèmiuýoù soi FI Stock 872,250, - Debentùr« -of ýC&a»Àj& in'excess Of amount, charged-foi. pQ»ýý Chage $706,471,DebentUrés f0ri_ý-Cj" percent. «.WO Pound" L . stg.,'at 7-1 Prelnict -02,092 M tbà would give àEýets , ,, O,ýZ > realize amountià, te 89;562 ua, coua The » next, question to, -be y consiaere& wa8 the liabilities of th, -Pro - which were caloWatea.t, vznce, ber. liere th,ý ý 80th-Septem..ý re W" Rail - ay, puna: balance unpsid,- 81,100,572. Rail ,d Za7 .Subsidy Fund balance unpa ' on yearly payment, inclusive to 1874, #214,M Wth june'- - There was alèo' the,: surplus distribution payMentsý nfirn ]Y$. the amOnut under the -reviud Behedules,, 48,115,7U ; P&id t, Septeraber -80tE4, 1874, 8724,678; still payablef 02,_891,- 060,-or a total liability of $3,706,188; abowing a- surplus- . of #5,756,M. Against this there may lî; ôther claims il future which'may have, te be- con. _sidered. Among these 1here was the Common School fund, say four menthe to Quebec of #914,246. or a sum of 4406,881. Therowel-ithe-amo=ta te be paid semi-annually on acSunt of. railway subsidy fund, 8,1,750,000; pay- monts te co=ties under Goal Inspec- tion Act,, a mm net exSeding #6M, in value of debontures; drainage de- boutures, balance -te invest, #110e7; drainage *orks balance te extend on security of municipal ' rent ckargesi #148,795, or a total under this hesd of 8254,M. There was now a large cash. balmee than in Sept. 1871. On glatDec., 1873, the atnount investea was 04,MOU, euh balance, 8277,948;-. or a total i of $4M643. On 80th Sept., 1874, the M--U-2t invested was #4,8U,- 158; ana cash balance 8185,670, or a total o£44,526,828,- or-a différence ot 0715,858, -Xr.Ciýoksthen went into a statement of comparativb receipta ;,.,a e,,,Cditures in the différent years m te 1874,, tending te show -au improvement in accounté in favor of the present Government. There is itill a portion of the year-to be provid- ed for, but ho expfets a saving of 6200,0- 000 for the whole year. In the esti- mates for 1875 the total amcunt asked for current, -expenditure is #1807,594, and es comparedwith last year shows a alght 'difforence.- The comparbon shows thst-a half a zidillion les& is asked for than ià-1874; -the diffèreme . beizik obieffy npon Capital account. - On that account, fer this ýéar, the new appro- pristions are Publie Works $15»0; Publie-Buüdings, 824,600,'or'a*. total of % ittle less than $40,000. Then as te what can be ielled upon as incý0=e for 1875, there is interest, on investments, ;ay three millions,. at 5 per cent-, $150j. )00 ; drainage debentures, $95,000, at i per ceÛt., 84,750,, xent charges, $6,- ý72, total, $161,622' . _', Crown Land De- ýaTtment l 0752,000;'-Cast:àl revenue, ý15,000; LicensesýfS0,000; , Algoma naes, 850,000; Law Stamps, $60,000 ,ducation, $51,100; Publie -Institu- ýons, $30,000; Municipal Loan 21unds rrears.of old debt, $39,000, makini a- im of $1,184,722. To this must be Ided sums of money due frora the Do- tininion, viz: subsidy by population 360-1 #116,87ý;ýa]lowance for roade-, 30,000; intereston Trust funds, $89,-- î8;_ interest for 5 months on Cou2moà ,bool fund, -847,488; making the pmr- Ile receipts for 1815 amount to the, ru of K578,292. The expenditureý 11 robaby ho 02,200,000,- leaving aw cess of $800,000. Ile beliéved that, B um would be further increasedî as ýre was a revival of the lumber trade ýthe Crown Land revenue wül sho; increase on what was estimated. e expenditure on Publie Works and Jdings has been $2,445,U6, and - te s may ho added;' for the curreiA tr, #460,000,ý-making a total of $2,_ i,256. " The excess of expenditurà for 'S ver 1871 is ; For the publie build. , #176,788 ; for -éducation, 810Ãœ,847 ; rlum, maintenance, 851,688; Iniriii- tien, 8129,466; colonization roada' - ý,541; Municipal- fund, #45.881 ; J,8601,206- Showinga'dîfferenceà ween the two years of SW8 805 At end of the vear 1878 theý; w'ss a, ýln8 of $5,525,859 ; of that 44,394,- had been invested. There were dal pa s fuuaýýentq of 372,787 f4r rail 1812, and $426.642. in S ^tack t ýi expenditure ý w lie i ho sufficieuttObttild the branches ta the benefil o, ,le -aa if t,,ýj thaý ""w" -i-- and i.tecepting Of f0roigli-capital St. Andrew's, proini ýVU4U le .",V. .13 won as sauiiSiàihdg.- The Government cannot go tlIrTolniEg]ITt&he town. the 1 W n l' u,,,[.w ,, 0 ridienled the ides of t U'ibridge qua aller. bc mak- Lookmgat SU the beneflts that Such .ÃŽ.0tea iitiý- and accept half hh 1 la o -1 0 ta build the braDeh te i Oshawa, and make the sul.u.t Of its bonUSý it would alng the Saskatefirtwan th BLE A Ãœ X- , - and Rim the refund Of $.-)5,ooo Railway, although lie (Air. net appear ta know that aétray in boldly declaring that their ind already referred. , G ) as Dg ta Ray what Elysian Llu-lisay,,lancl was a8tonislied that Mr. 91, nx 85(1.0o, es the auffOunt Of Government moet attractive pu[ connections deaired. - [Cheers, atuidst general county scfivrac. th yp ut 0't"elon ta Wuhbgc Itud gitO 811 the ing a very liberal offer on belialf Of the that lie boa laid before or le Assineboine, lie lielieve(l there ulà net pve nioney ta be future Policy will, as in-the Pest, be in whieh Ur. Iléïden teck bisI sent.] Next as ta t oint, ho arsked that gentlemen sbould was an immense and fertile territoi-y ta Of ifs Own limite. With fiivor of granting aid t'O railways in of the seasoii. Tlje3 =Y CI) u Thorali.: Thorali gave $50,000 ta the address tlieméif,ýIves tri the subject as te be openeil up. as lie lioped te sce it regird Io the extension, if any reason. those localities where the people are about two weeks, ûuý The-ohnirmau next called lapon Ur. Midland Railway. The Thorah catin- couniy "zen, and Dot either as Oshawa soule flay, in order that this courtty oms were propoun d sa lie would re Austin, Pros 9 t. of the W. & P. P. B. B. cil, however, was well advisind and liad- men, Gr Whitby men, or as men of any should derive the benefit it shoulà de- i "0 di" "et belie,£-, hweer, PrePa a te ta' 'hemselves for thoir Rail. Th, Ur. Austin rétumed thanks -for the a gentleman ut its head, %Vho enrefully one in n-c locality. Let them address rive from s aýs a a,;h and Port Perry man that cOnst tien. Folle- large sttODdauet of influential geutle- looked aiter the interests of that muni- themsclves to it as illeu of intelligence penditure. Respectiu.- Mr. Pcrry*s ildi-th would do those er-,:,ý.tiOn purposo lia Men prestilt, and was glua tý find the citality. They obtained, a bond uuder- -as men Who bail thé good of the scheine, ):le (D-kir. G.) féureýI that if 'Là any good. Notwith. South Ontario. Ofentirely digèrent people tek@ auch an interest in the mat- w ich the Company bave te pay the whole connty nt lkeart, aud with the friend. 11r. Pei-ry, desired ta crush out of terOf extension. The extension they township thrce per cent. upon tlifir determinatfon to do justice ta all Parties -te overweight the cchcme of railway as the r, of great 1 e fillknow could net fail ta bonefit this uonus of $5oooo for ail time ta came. and ta all parts of the county. The extension, lie hua talien tho propor with the extension, Mr. Farewell has written a letter in. j woul-1 be viorth five cents a timating that ho would allow hie Dame illir, wh oýa k 11 JoiLNSOýx lie section of country largely au woli as the -Thorah got some $22,000 from the leur railway propositions before tbem mothod ta do it in the scherne proposed bus e more 1 )ping t lie ual'ef Toronto, lias rttilway-company, and lie sud bis col- ý%IjIIlicipa1 Loan Fund, and under thp did net, lie clontended, confliet with Ly him. Ho was fair froin believing Torclitu à . thon s il i by t e ta go before the Reform convention te Sq NipiaGing. Althouglx th loaques were rendy ta do everything in Railway Act, and as Thorali's actual each other in any way. Tliere wu liir. Perry intended tli'Lt--lle believ6il luuuic'Pal't'ci; in w112 a candidate for re-eleclion. Much urn. and renovated, and rE the2ipowtr In co-opet&tÃŽng with the indebtedncu wu only P24 OW and nothiug te prevent all joining toý,(4thelrll it was hie, élesire te havo tho scheil-0 of i!nl-,Iotliaiely intereEteil woulil net be brage bar, beau taken ut this course, as now ele.-antly fittea Il people Ofthe connty for the purpose of they were receiving flic* thý:ea licart and band, witheut either doing êxteui3ion talien up and carried tljroûgh. ljpiieâtftd by t1je extension, it would Mr. Farewell LaC repeatedly declared of gueste. The pror. encuring it. Ile, however, took Occa- as Rlready stated, tlipy. wern in flic the other an iDjury ta the Other. By 'L'ut it was (illestionable wlictlier tlie largely benéfit the muuicîpalitics north, hie intention of net being again a eau. Jolinson, lias been Io Sion ta »y flint in all those rRîlroa(le, Positiou Of net culy having sufficient te bis scheme, Port Perry would be a rail-ý people of the coiînty werc prt-rared tri iuid lie ttlrmitt(!d that ir wauld be wrong it waé the country thrôugh which they pay the interest and princi al on t1leir wi didate, and the voice of the party op. known ta the travel p ty contre, Uxbridge a railway centre, diacuss ho large a lt 1wits oue Io stand in the way offa great public pasfièd, that recoived the bencfit froin liability, but te bave ail încorno of $1,- Brook a railway centre, Benverion'a of very great jliaguitnde. Re did net ihiprovement thal. -wouid beuefit the peared ta have concentrated itself upon men are botter qualif theîr eonsimetion ana net th" Proprio- 500 a year for all time ta came, lie cou- railway centre in the county, whâe say either but tlivL it luiglit net lie one coiaity at -large. He comeluiled by 31r. Truman P. White, of Pickering, plete satisfaction ta tors. They encreapeil thb value of sidýreî1 that Thorali would lie well Oshawa ut the south-east corner of the of the best, bât to, diseuse the dctails of chp-rging that Mr. Laidlaw wisbed ta (Mr. Gibbs's old appellent) as the coin. cvcrythinèý the larmer bail ti sell, even serveil by the extension of the rond counýT would'have un outlet fur ifs such a echeme would tal;o the time cif iiitike Uic of the inceting for bis oývn ing Dan. Mr. Farewell'o' coming for. RixGsToN ELECTION the value of every -stick of timber on withont making it any other allowance manufactures, and connection with all Several il Draper's scheme, purposes and lie haped that, the meeting been declared vacant 0 hie land. Iffe contranteil the ptices Ob. in - coming *ir.to the general sclieme. parts for securing at chou» rates 'the and Mr. AGysil*'Lei;pMier's proposition for a would net bc sa foolisli or wicked as ta wara again is certainly unexpected, bribery by uijauthoii: tained by farmern now,-to what they The case of the township of Scott was raw maférial used in their production, simple, plain entension wÈre nest no- pass the resolution whicL lie had eue. aud is net unlikely ta loua ta a Split in got twenty and thirty yean ago, and un exceptional. ense, and lie. proposed and the town and -port of Whitby would ticeil. He was net, lie said, a railway cceded in having submitted. . . the party ranks, while publie Opinion Jolin bas been acquittE before the era of railways, and believed ta refund ta Scott a moderato sum ta be, as nature boa designed, the natural man laimgelf. The geographical posi- -Mr. Laidlaw replied, characterlmg liad so settleil down lapon harge and dechtreil that it wouM well pay the farmers of nassist in making ronde ta the Il o of Ozzt1et for the trade of the county, if tien of.ilis municipality was snob that Mr. Gortion'a peech as the most extra- Mr. white clection. the country if Ahey taxod Ïhemuelves, railway. Rewonldalsogivathetnown. ever the time came for the men of the it could net derive the same benofit as ordinary e9ortshe had over heard. in the thaï; there was every p9ssibility of bis , and paid every cent of the ey for obi f Fiokering eight or ten thousand colantyti) strike it was now, and if they other portions of the coulity, but the whole course of hie experience. The boing returned without opposition. LiTLPRARY ENTEriv mon 11, 'twen -one yonroý,to bùild ritilwayq. ilowars ta lie usdd as the people of the failed this tins ta agree they might se people of Oshawa were quite alive ta resolution Ouly calleil for the moral We anxionsly await the result of the Tuesday evening t4e Ile vZ aise glnato Bay Uiat therewas townshi inight decide in the improve. well for ever liereafter bold thoir peace. the fact flint they required a closer support of the meeting in lavoir cf a Reform convention, whieh je ta Ils held thaï place will hold a M nn time in the history of Canada 'when ment oeirond communication with the The amonnt, 0 70,000, looked a large connection with the northera part of great publie enterprise. Re allia took ary entertaînaient in t mono waï no -plentifit], se nt presènt, îwmediate railway stationý of the On- outil. But what was it after au ta a the county than by the Grand Trunk the opportunity ta warn -gentlemen, (as on Thurgday next. ana sy géd that thore -coula te no furia, Central in that township, or in the conn(y with a valust,ýon of between Railway. Re dwelt upon the difficulty did Mr. Campbell privionaly) that the the express cilice. A 9 botter tirue for urgicg on the extension. Moment of Frenchnian's Ba forty and fifty million dollars, and of getting business donc ovoy two Unes, eted extension, bas beau provided. Til Ur parallel 'Y. M. C. A. Lroiunz.-Tlws. Re,- Realluded ta what himsolf and the ýË: etownShiP ofnast Mlùtb;r shond " adaveraperiodof twonty years? liowever good the connections and run- =t 'cother Unes, would not receivg the ning, Esq., of the Globe, la rialailing announeed tprea otjier gentlemen, Who weze Inter- èISO have Saine consideration, masmuch He referred to w1mt the couuty c-f QSy ninÉ arrangements, and said tlà&t if Govern-ent reway Ria. ta deliver a lecture, under the auspices Ta- Commspo»xýqTs. éÎtea in the rOO4 wftl, MM as proMie. as lt woula Dot be no largely benefitted hua, doue in giving #ve fitandred. thon- Ordhawa coula, net get a branch from Mr. Holdon (warmly) took Meurs. of the Y. M, C. A., in the Canada Pres. " Mars - Batepayer" ri doný lu nuuming lia liabifities V roilway ýxtension au éther partions sand dollars, and what Simcoe bad the W. & P p lino their could go on Laidlaw Sud Campbell to tuk for pro bytoÉsu Ch ankruptoy'; ' R ana 04091il lie deaIt with doue for bÙildicà railways, and ta what in the old ;1ý;Y: As che&pÏy and se well suming ta speait on urch, this. (Thursday) evIg, this week. mma tw théy ha oomplated iule r6ad ýibéiW Y- F 10 POStOn Of Oà&Wâl tao, a feW townships in SiMMO lied dlanè in b bellaff of the , ffla thât clui au 7 any Otber menue proposed. Re Government, and decied that tbey bad et eight o'clock: ; subject-Il A winter in' gdàotSgy, tbat ità bénetta wera Dow ifiould lie tiken into'nceptuât ihing tagethei the- otheT, day a-na bolieýred that the popple'ef the northem any authority for saying wbù the Bome." This beffig the jlrst of an ex- Capt. Fostér, 01 Part cipi ity liber*Uy dealt *i .!' bave been 1ri -muni * al' th 'Vin ' 0820,000 for a rond ta go ta Portionot thecoluty, desired. ologer -Government would or would not do. éeumtcouffl Of Six lectures a e - hg WOUM, out of the fand, nue The county of "t)utâÉo ýonIIî«fiOU with O»hàw&ý' poopýp of The Governmont lied nIready decided by tb» fat the e r.0Yý.1 "fou. The' )rOvided cough'at time v soi for the =îtrubtion, of b,, ql 921re twwe the Oshawa, si botter Offer ta winter. we paît. 1 have fouff Alh lié hod îisý4 1 ý thouttà- ha not bý&n in what raway £îd. was ta lie am" the Soigo th 4;àaniýt, t#»n the PIAM IlDon oria ", * 1 - - .. - - 'It ý _1. . - agitated Fen with. cMz ýt- 'It ha.. qqîîwý W&44enu evetopement 0 its national an& al esources, Canada Ilad for ite the greatest and laost briniant 'L' - -Re -concluded by sayinK t . Govemment liad not the "ce Of the people, they had both 1 and the power to pot them out W- The Ron. genùemSn .î rterspeaking for two hours and lutes. , Toronto, Nov 20. roa * resumed tho debate on t s eech Ile was greatl with, ÃŽ.L. y 88 Of the finan- ýeznent. Ile then referred to Ling at laceburg, where Mr- alleged t the surplus WaB 0,000,00() - Anâher mectie ho as $900,000 and again $400 - r- Merrick Said last niglit tb"'t lus wa-s'81,562,000. ne jeft it éPOI111101, tO agree Upon some or Illa p lle agreed with W^^ Over ood d'd nOt thiuk it so inuch ce to know, what surplus wo ,nd, as te know tho InOne y was tyý and it was better that pub. s should be aided than the rPlu-13 Rceumulated. Durig 2t Governmen!Ï tIrrn Of office sent neàrly as rauch on ý8 IM8 Governn2ent. With to the sale Df d-beutur&, ho e -y had been sold to great ad_ Mr- Sandhold MeD,,ald-f. MIL was the raost economical be. -, L"t Year there was al, $648,000 Over ýhe ye,, 18V ixtha Of - this Increare was >yinereau.in Public Workg IWILigration, $128,465; Ed- M1,656; AsYlum mainten- MB; Colonization made, #40,. COÃœld ÙOt-take the hpful, direct taxation would - not e day, and it might com Ove=mý^t n the it was- the G to "lus.

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