Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Nov 1874, p. 3

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CA EOn - -...$4 ood87 X' av e r ~ bo en w for Your &agazùu D EÀ T Hjb i4,asudSPppers forcf1U758. Poe Pur.,rnptiy ta any sddregs. M Iefté oi W mta Ad sU, o, yAr..u,* DI DI GB in ini &ing 1 Books and~ M g eo ô d o « o 9 e Th ' . p ? e t T o L a d i e s ' a n d M i s s e s u r S e t s , M i f u l l y d a n d s e . > o n , a 'y, u' #d 00 Cý1 tw Of arfls Pidib.Mink, Coou4ey, Persian Lamnb Grebe, and rerotoaies 2", I t.C own. Oe a pd c rOne., rMiakwith Caps to match. AmeExtraJ. S~. ROB E T O sblp ouFrlsy,20U lue ussddoeeforoua esr 1700;poaegeuer, ud dealer in F ny Goods, &0. 0~ f Sto , s d 2 y are su d G w a U s. i r a C oG EfN T L E M E N a r e a i s oI i tton, 1fr.oren7 A.. Oood (Bongoughs 04Bsd ro 1~~~ , 2in < f ÎÙo-v ery ( m b ac e : ,S ix c p m f rt e lten o in S p e c t th e v e r 7 . ' e S t o c k o f im p o r t e d o d , c m . W s p e i i s innn o U c o d ri g o i e I s c . o k ojirtsa Inoean byrzi tealr , Bak eb : ors Y Sixa Cepjegli o e sud ~ *~ , pia1ng hleys, olr... of L isNwmanm.. Maua.13 aged r cb*ou': aiai8.fre. P s'g RuasB sîan, Batof.AIJ. M lUUJJB. kDý e.P-wpPr, lfl in usc c * ACoplte etetH&psa'.'ymskons, andBa, r Dow oulprlng 4 o dFilk B o~ ad B ie Broad Clo th ex u any e v rn.sd English Tweed. S«l oums tai,@ u To FBIICy Vestinge lu great vgiety. T m GW .T opu ao c, " mMr DtA 84. Co ce.,frbfdng 5c*,bymil'Tweeds froi thebe tm n fàcturers i Canada. 5,j 19 p o petld. r o o ayti drrie Engliga ndC ndehn z _d A3IWh..e-e....... 0 010 > mntoebearanuor toof É.» u.To Csand is der Clothing. Ucnws e Pae .............î'îOopîo. hflaovg.£aigusinudhstyles .ae... ... .... HPa Mo PROTHERS, -X,11,York. yusvr epcfuO E T .ï..: m e a ÀZA C om pl t 1c o N Ãœ ', o b . r . . Plee Petoialxisoryof heIS NOW INFULL BLASI. 811016 l ee..The besto cbeap t, au d hty o.' ,17.LAING &STE W ART# e.e t (Jlipe tP~ t p 8 "n t e Do n n o uns ............. in the-Dominion ......P07ar#8W e e k ly _ u tO M F T ' I .I I S6*# .... . .... :W.s* O S H A L U %,-ke. prfé.......100 haui lIlustrated -oia uliba hgS -O EFFYCNS .6"M7= cuutrM tc are soholarly And -cMM MM M O n Vi la g , a n d ca rry iu ch v ig h t. i ,t t fuiC"tP' r and wi,= are prpepadbyor etdsg.£polcf L geP tr and FramÉes at prie th 91teRtrIaa on of stoeui cs iu iruaiC40e te We lhave the pleasure tO inform athe opeo snihyuStjmr. un ofçe . deatc laa hlch goeru WeekZl f rcad by ai leasi halita million sud e caret i p cAtim of the £,a. opin i= o l im pl;r trem ouo p a y y ouOf D"Peie 'u ra t ui, nîsn@eýRnand ex W H IT J3Y A N D . PICK E, tN G J ue nxa i e ou p cM ens, i dëlid&tël be"f r sge vlilcii ma7deciddv:i sud epresses'I p i « 8fewos ming, 157dOctrs "bllA 10.4 Gaog M ie saiply vitE bil. CI",ML odepcola Ofligh-ratoens- reJ- F 1bl5. r ük Ossoni dim letorandej IT IE l7 Vaeor ak Bac pcets lZi en cotos ot ve:v arguments n e a ailW E R AV E A R R A N G ED W T H ABA BEC IA L T Y . o pts ,COa d , b » . W flI e r s p o n e x i s t e n t q u e s t i o n s s u i i a nep : ~ i i m o c . , o a i e . a d C h o i t s eR~R n e n e e e a n b t 3 a s ~ & Cotmetecie utypjbu.hCm A H & T E Rut80das. arvteon, oa '& th e vil! no in 1R 0 T H E OoM S., ..O ve Posravcrks ttree ,Ç4ps~§a tne roc te al Subseribers lu theii.by IBoNro-scee. ntdtaies. Jamesn's Gocery au $lm S'ua aW 0xz ye y .84 00. b0,et.g2!p ailTnl do'&o rpayet ut U, B. post.To seil __ *4case paysnenhav ai ouriaSoaves A t O ur .p rice 8, a y -C E O O G ERS, e cauce StRlslngb d-U a. oue±'P, uiieg8on * fi»uuý t S lesa a ,, S -au zxapns -&AP OOn d e fronperson requ igthe same Mplease eu ;&M Cure -fortiaoéâï re <year, $1~0O; or, *no etHape',Periodj N ,a rr e s t ]r 92Mp twm8 cals, teonea rnsfoe u 7 Pd rons le tcotJb law Xl~'o.y age troc. ~ndestrn er8 0 et gy a he;1lo'lbrated AUibor. An extra Cep,' et either the MAOAIE =*.îatnglâ tje ublct.RisJ.'(ARMIrÇAEL, &dW4fco frs oa lte f ___1"Bdt for e ycu le JI &rd cir4 ' lb etfYivc Subscibesa 4(0Peie , ZS 9 Bllalp Och, lu on&r ; ncor Six Ce *e fo i>o yoof f* Wr P 0Haito n. T* 0 ,1 p cresor iPoi D Ohw tv O M I N /O N W A R E R O O M 8 artofu..S il lcb e Otabyal to ayI0 IObetsent b,- a£ . r. _uV express,ït fO"yz s,.o.fo fro- i e. oteAonsR EorR7 (1 ad. Obyd Ugr d y FR a Id -welaond re ., ent onrcpîecah ttertee$52 Completosost, onprigE!ghteeu Volumnes simp osu uencant ei f.urp 'or Con- Per vol., fralght at xpenge et purcharier. SeOI-6114, nda, Asthma, Caasrb Newspapers are not te cep,'ty savr e h v L~ YNerveu0 thThreat re e hsad O E 01 n% "vos ea _at ue.hreaî r1 ment witoutuhceexprss rder o "e»Wehaedoubled the numiber of hands LOWES & P OW EL L ce79 Weaknesj, sud 11 b Do.rem per & Brothers.. b,' yentui fuî lupden @ er roug1,î on Address, i u m TUT ieE& or. -1i 8 ARE &BRTERPloy siuce we left the "suburbs," and nioved into --- T-- 490au-BROTNERy. . otir NEW STORE. A L E E V N H I AscE t at a r oudie,'td ed or o T. C NSTAB LS. E TA ES OC u' la i hudh o nythougl UdrOdrn onidtd ~'We thank our numnerous friends who e , l sh en id e0 - 0 t e t m , y1 874.) c n i id a p udc n t d n s r n elu t . £h a v e 8 0 k in d ly r e w a r e d u s f o r o u r e n t e r p r s n e e t n = Zlesu lai tzü je, ecssr o: ePriargeanin dso esore UkS t o î'goriag c.Zc l ne c s gg Y 2 warrant ........ ...........$1650Ou lag dhn s 0 . oda u e l n or s u o n g t r e e i 1 . r ei s e e a h n d i v u c u p a . . 02 5 O O s o r e are 2.' evn uinn o upei.SOLE AGENTS FORG 0 0 D S 1 pajs dr. W liceler con et 4. M eeage W11611ervice Caunot ho sufead ne-va, and Basabonsrooe t utduodigence.... ol1tsso, c- euostitutio. taklid9 n O os.gurr0wity SPt 5h,171 sIr la tiei e a ie un 0r as ii *1ve et diburaementa nec- "Y it ake laaneuir -Y. v eOsarîl,'oPeuded iu their cou- F r= 21 bo tr e e, tr us o deb uu i i h . S.A tten i g u tic es o u * u m n ar W h...it b yr S e p t. n d P ic e r n g .t h , 1 8 7 4.sm e t yul, e thPositive cetaliuîy cf trial, o n et. pmri loe.charged with Ier fahday necegssai,' mop Bronazed Larnps, Very, Very Cheap. egdmore ilion four heurs.. 1 OC iJaI7. Do. ii. heu engaged more th=n OlOi .Aticndiug Assîzes or Sessions, 1Df nxsm-tour heurs ............1 oHa urter8 fr Hardware &rf Stove8. caday........ ............ 0 f SQUARE, 9- Milcago travelling to attend As. T O B 0 N T 0. B- zes,Se@stons er betore Justices (viien public couve y sce eau lieCI BOEE Ybtoo cotaken, on!,' ressone ao dburse. 0A &BRTHR T Er OTT A..W A Pls asacmmoda tien for the irav'! netsteb.alowdl O 0_& b-WOt.l4h,184 1cezamunîî,' Suites-et apartment» cn 0. mnstbcROe ...... 10W iyco r, .tuusi,~o h horteet notice. c,,m. Iyqes:,îc Cdoranersg a Caon simple reor ommercial Tra. i nsd ailservice, iu res- M ONi&STEEContre, F il e a.m or c m er i lSr, Du e6 , n o u d inury a r orn ers' atIm lp o rtera o f H a rdw ar e& o J R N &T E L M N F N . C , rhis otl iuj il ti womnts pect thereet, if baeS en sainie day c o l i th eo it y Es ! BtJury g i m n a . . . . . 0 il at o 1the North- 11, A iteding each ajuuin - A O .( l T l. Mtesaions Raivan sd abeut f et mile th ereotif lnot en Y- A o ne .st at o '0et a n d-Trunk sud fi ur ho'ni g agged more ihan 1 05 rees t eG'ril 0 stablln'g 12. DO. do. il engaDeSFFIeE, OanAto. 4 ~ i f b J y o n g u ~ w ,' n h u r ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..5 R qrp e c u g 'h o e E lc tiO o f e t r Is Pr pare t e cter a the best style for Ber <if f/ccor "Port o q Wliby Ha rbor Gem. Incorporated under the epecia A t of the Pr ovneo ubc o 6 r r mintoita àg nest.1. ttn o re 104. suje T panyAPTIc W...................... O 25 A rving1- Be i enteci uhe "P t by Session, 2nd P riment, 87 Victoria, 1874.6, 1 4pi o . sie e v u s e . . . ..O1 ' 4R, a r b o u r - C o m p pa n " ' 1 5i cing o y u d ' 8 & 'a t ' s e l o n g a s t h e r e l e t o =ti 2&1h Neveniber, i Po1874.5 xiiil8 ey erCrners are but ldv.e toce 874. W arrant tax.s.lu el.ci ,on o d er a o d n h e A p i a in--l b a e t t e n 0,20 Nten a iecapital stock of " the Co teniiuîrnneh &t utri fti 00 . 20 ara m s b d lha t lcte ofa'eie hhetlntemeodil rospectus. ONT.............2 O Ntlra ceyecterg aPPOinteS obehl n . R-bry) is m...........arranreatui bnpa orhvl, On the second Monda 'nDecemberAIAL $O i05ieh i1ol o foer moue, ed evryAdvezîte thegîrunder'distrees- var0,00), R sPS 00 __ M OE....... ...........1 0 ;iii 11WITHO0UT A. SECOND CALL 1 delaraUn n ri ___ O -LVE 1. Srving distres Wa irantlsud re-anSINver0,0ear (ie .4rstsaFe$by Sed er Agnt. an ie........o pa u,,O n inrug On ith books P O II N L SH R S 0' $ 5E CH . general, ...... ..ani6 i le .collecter viiibave neo oher t ekp o hto aedsr ,o oalterna. adotil o elepatorl0 ouua searCh r od omalte ai' 't' e î o ta e s caedn h mS o ito e! i eve co , ' s e cenie trsi A.D ÂBE 65Cag . 1.Tavlig emlt itress, e tv btt aeprcei .said osezexS JAMESSKI< w n good are tound. . i l in0 se 01tax hol A- 01 d in g tmh ntr e ocor ~ ZA ~p . ......D iin eOl i rde nsnFovrdu st MiSent..us Cli Igueîb don««. of iî l9th3u '273r eju Sth Jul, 1875. fe t leusves, Ulir sppor4 W tb ,No, . 8 4. W . I 3 , C o. T re asueer, 1 0 U 40 TePié0 T-Eex gs~f~ TuE OL]) COUNTRY br fl0&' ableuto fi GROC.ER-y STORE! en th a ei uaecthrt (CrosbY's Oid Stand,)- Dundas Street, Whitby. Mrt "nnds eue dollar Copr ur_ Teas, Coffees, Sugars, TH AYS Wines, Spirits, and General roceies With any-other -hou'se» in- the. county. ------- - "A Repoutoy (JALL AND) SEE OIJR SAnPLES Ha rp e WANTED FOR CASH; ANY QUANTrrY- 0F LI OF se- Nle MÉ Potatoôes, B ut-ter, Tti k yslee e ahe urni,. ,, Ducks, Chiekens, &c. TheBaza; eà b,' drof sud prou,' 01» Farmer8 give us a cai. iaeb-igîhc Vhàitby, November 4th, J1874. 45. taeand l e.â 1874. reauiarie, H1AMILTON'& BaZ- nd >gebth pubisb ire 110W shewigful unes in Fali a'nd obscin ptejut WINTER EKYeana Booa Y 00, T- , free..i ID C) M) AnUExtr 84 c ucin e mit aI bngt irc fomti, aufctressd il h satr i d ie i t e Br a niv iiabe a ou n coul for Cash Sheavanacibrtasg aloug yonrsquremno,' uents ayats d ane ipl S n GiaOtNh pu o fr bS nSSobifl ebs n1ecSthe stoecrk.codii, ses. Of-0, thn at ýthe nuber DAICEns.Jeess, nedi aCI ho fb*tth se deairahile Departins- 2 Betnr.au c am S-- O~"~ LICITonsar o te DWA..'. Ce t Piv et, Cents, sud 1 Censayr.aptond tt ., hno oe d te , sdnea fe al . har2a actoêu 'rrBaù .- loNtiSr and au,' r tho evei e stock. lmw .W HAOC Equur, Just ArIMEdE a Cs ftoe eertdLie oes"edto emmufno, "e oran,'- al MO? ethe er ii o r aneived excpto c sal, offic e e, otfai sch andualeecti Outar ail ! .BLACK LUSTRES I BLACK SILKS 1- P. retaUN, Pic ib 0 selelds ad an,' person se holding oeeor F thoar.A ey aiApc ro 0 e#B0 ad >Ick.ic A calls have been This Company as beau fornicd for t Oemo purchasiigsd wnigosa 5 ad te rel aefon tuatoen sud Hui lu il t the aluale ion mnes ituae inthe ownsips fFroleto and g anaw85 Og lb a y50ad.ad. Fva,60Nov,8 0 ayrd.4. &W1 NO. 6,197t 0 belctd O drector lu theia. . om 0etOttawa, sud ProvhIntHa p a~ e 10h uldd e tevian ovinmes of uecn t he au Oc Irn octConipntye v p an sda cep,'ofethiis by.lvshh holding the Power miSer (ha ActiÏtet"carronouTtebusiness et exSe ringtoTablehai .ei ood Quebocboaaan Haudkorhhee sucrom S .oaci.tTable Linuninessaoyard. TrHiElGrBEiA Tg, pnbea î a sî iepu scessive weka"s mel , manuactuig ealing lusun Sîpa hagetarodsd.uhe oes nGREATs t > anwpppbîhed nearest the. place anScin tic naniauufoesactueaU -4 6oa eayngr v li w e r e t h e d ir e c t e r s e t h e C o mip a n ,' u s u e l) , d u c ie O Ù n a d st ea0 o h Metfrconducîing the business cet he Tipo.voh cnr l ,iy'dsrhdnhra r i Co pa uad sncb publication shallbeo Eneheer Dr jCie eeoî~. demedîto b she nt no Jgo ornt,- CapninProfoîsor BON hoND1JCET tice te011 con Collae, Toroto, Double ofMinhawl jomi $8lYA. cerneS et the finieand manner of olect * nie rospectus) h nia,' ebriefyds,' beas h UiesiyA Ma m t sokO nc h d ir e c to r s a s a f er e s a id . 1 . S I= A N E N R C & B C ER 0 v aTH E P o p E n T ,,,.. T ii, a c o c k I r o ca t ioeny i M anc e t r & A e d e e n h o o r t h o . ce sacmac 1rsof800 acres c iea anad10acres ofWinccynd at* 8 e i ar h enacte d that aminerai lanS,.th sud 100 ,.t h av W in 0y a 0 a Yard ; a coure i cW I IA M electious o itors aforessdsaid n ci aeg gtedlnie Provinceet alrh.at oethe Cii, t » aOelottavaedWncyS rza1 ma oth(unloasigoîhor witlasutathéiona ce ofl o acs near t e t f ai t onntef V ud e . ilSa the Coi r Gati eau, as escriho hed floig rs ii ed nvgto h tei pu' O cePort htb,',ai elvo thTe otilu o i i lan Ht,!,cmrsu 0 cese I. wub o al O'clOck unovon th.l ,saidseacond Mon y - o 1n~ONrhl Tthenen OUJR DRESS GO0ODS DEPARTMENTbl RY$At àl& r7 DOilonihenol MoaciWsud evervnerungoral sd shades of the soaso. ,nd su c i o tier Sa ,' as n ia ,'b 2y.eate " ,ETho L ot C I N pointeS fer tai yr e 0 :W i hd e n . m rii 200 acres et minrai Io S.Tenplte tic shal bmor en , t t nôsuch Medu g .Te mrisl g ï i Snatoai osLts2 iSth ECIRaneompME D 00ac"sC nE by. w eap 2 adosîu 28 8( eru ou Seil Hlve e hoSîi R ng Lace Nett for W indow Curtains ai 20c, 28c, 250, 80,Oc, ad, 50citicAuis iou t esha i!oe hae ivo nn ho e e tia g 8. Tii. couiig,- ne Sou TreMora Deb îlt, ,plentra c, t. suiepr an oelce s tianber landti-ai t o 2 l o ao age osertc,10 cese such dirctors. 4 Ten ore on Lot on the th-RCureof sEINeues e D Sp by Just arrived, s of The elebrated Cornwall Blaukets, whjch which, flu.&,y cs. cd oe hesigne, *4 o ce;nLo e he(ioanee u t on i es ban cf the River G stlu. wiIl b. sold leue tissu tii half-.ooton impoteS Blaukota krept b,' cher boues. l d la i he. une f te bacc n a, C. DRAPER, eau, which beau secured parti, te serve sasterig lacead udn TonS o OMPl ngthp ebutghOdYal;a oevnbut itchieth e,'tonaf aconve hi . -Plintnd te forth. i erectionne otiwPur bu th sacel, ed Tu e Prosient . W.R. C. in4ýonecte wit the-i- al o iro are b aand iy Flanl Nov. iotiiiss re18n6P.W.H. e. isatramway, cof 8 gug, ro-refptpe eganil.gsb ars e buigea abeauue ndc va 05f, ta'îep or epThe Heoo 's.a znfl lm p îte. M re O »Cb y rcomm nde asan unaco _______Y__tram ayo_6jMl«_i_____ pmg ufreits W akei, p TýW CL GbSecetay. 7 8 ý cnstuctd, nd t i no incopleosiry na GoveDeprtmntwil befOud O ploe i mitorbe, i potnnolanian buts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _sh rt__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _th__ _ _ S p e oldooi e a n q u * - T. . LE'G Scrta,' 4 vrlin ede. a uaetrspleyeti o ice sdhl vl ople. eOrnir adLcis o et e ry, Ujvernai -Loes. heu.~ sor dstnc tr ~bare,'oc pep rti' aS e ien - eps .npinadaPe aueG y contiueSuloughie uiltboirda .steso Amspendanstok ofBea0;, Bul, sdemay TiminigsinNde,- sa la te Daki>asams. 0 tO hnda SlOnid goormen ofGree, iükandSea AU01thaià,5*as a poeseafnt a!e te Rram "'n u Gatiean. te tie Aumileeet tamwanlutcmple. ruuiug j C-tgs ud Fnc sooleGofdAtl rea sr ety lo Au alle.woolalod l na tu e na or Rad o . l C A wo fr Scollcin. L,' rean te erebds iete furnce.sh.sud de vus f1 rhesto cideMeie umaneremitofa~ 93'OficeAteAis riishnc»euSmho- j t. Id orsoan.povcro 01- r te D em d u S re t Wn 5y s *11cm L 8 u s M Y J n sS 50 b ud> s p fl e ün d ys' F it ao f 1r b e , n e w , s u d S e si n t e p c an s e m s. a a u c W- b, ov.11,1 874. îsuacouha nsule udcs epmt o p. Derrth cBasud en e; O=fie:PStbles; ovdhiHohe. Sets, hlch lltb vii! ho Mdecod luhienabout il"oa tna cf raiied oofsudo80 aranUlcars bane c J.E. roonvoii er ollctin. he oanitanc.55ecrrau csclbe . refsae Chpniu, e paenj9:111 - - com nd thae Agente At assAalamge stock of BmiilsrsluTie 8 ve TACRER WANTED 1 uThe= t e o pai for the p urch e,of te proport,' ooW re> SIand, eeO4 aWi 'iObsio lokcfB.isa,'. pries e Bu t r ome kagutsozy in,,v Fe s!~ras~,r loîSetin n. pcthetc Ic lu#1y f up s aros d tho c 05, neiifluasilu n cite e Byswlohlgonbae. clrg lctheA lseu poleooripoyo CIe t : v r l i r e i o m e . ne u t a n tY k t , o n b a d f o r t h e o r d e r d o r b e 2 t ,o r d m - t a i s c u -M b .e m n o y . a d ràL .M a l u . = jp.o f t h UP n e s posile -m -m agood fit guaranted or no sale,VI U/ - By & o , DVDDELONG, or - theundertslug, xzwILL OutuxTerpTM' rassmaaiclnoz A Seà Xzi i'o.4T o andShoes ! Boots and Shoes Uxbrdge P. 0, ont. date f *the actm nt o si$es$,m crti ns 1*15=mena, eree4 o , ie vde- oeenue 5t iis utl U usgbter lise sdJ& esByu îy u Uxbrldge No.f10,187f.ont the pint lu tbse bndejettEi Cemp * ___ V'llù 4 o p tit i iàohânasceotm suelada W b e t h o; ; Z M e h ol e ci d a d & u » F a e % , " d i v ë o u b a e b r d ej a is h é p la c e r to b uy G o o d s u d (IO m u a tn h &,A 1 . AD TEE WIEST'INDIIESI IO',AND YiCM ST TOABR B ;OEAND DBEIIA j PrUYDEREgaddre...d i 4. ..-- 28 'i. Jxecting'serci warrant. 150 I 8 erviulg noIce, On constables, I he n proona l, serve S . .. . 50 Pubisihed h,' rder, " H. J. MACDONELL, Clerk e the Peace C. 0O Witby, Nov. 17, 1874. si-4 ~$~:ig 9 - - - 4!n$-47- JLACKSMfITII.8s HOP, W AGG .5.>5110, anS Dwelling House for The undersigna eflers for Bale one seent-.-'s"IdioreuVc.vutli sesaytee SîlarT;anSh. ne eter prt o Tceon),' reliýae lo t ~Distribution -in the hsbrace i nS ati ~ cuntry 1I-uesday, thce Ist /)e o<f Dec'r. tsar .ND PRIOM cunD. . s3. ,STWLNTY.1..HîST Ti rntrfok i lsSfoii iresed as sbove %-ll l aIsbe GhodAnn al ndî ie 1ter sud trequenc,b,' stesu T ,aDitiuin i _it i elfl y onngeTo e dawn O Of enhr, bell, day Als, e nsd speed a le .lot, 1873. B,' oderaet ti. Boardl. cimebeî,..u ben tresi sud$ 0 &b a Heee uts 2 0 c I P m a s b o h w a y , ; b u i in e I A T 0 0 0 <O î i- 1 i B a n k D . p S H E R3 , C a s t e . o & thot theicisola cafn nwi OU. IN Y JaABLE GIFTS 1 DoWm5iaJO, 28ti ct., 17. ~ nit licJu g ADCAPITAL PRIZE, n tilonl respect te otu - 0 O 0 I À S W II B I E S IO L Moest Oficeeu n ppia. ON RAND PRIZE, Tii.nexi lislfyesrî,' isbe,)0tojxnMjý 1b-olued00 1IN CA SH TRANCE EX4MINATIOYv àndltoai, sviliebe h.i hniîto, sd S tDopri 1)NE PlIZE 0Fp $5,00Ã" IN CAS11 hcSh day ah 0, Cni chu) O Berouseit t.te u'u 0of #8#000; Six Prire e! Si stance nia,' PASOaiA!sk- cadid tA Air. " @t&to in , 0;Ton Praz-g r nA . riI - it- Auuhaet~ e WrT é e y o of LZ 0 ,&W. E~ Y G )C)D S for te ea1 , 70 cnT&osh ieenittsu MENT e7 00 fibegh reinClife - ewspapo(rs are net te cep,' ihis adverfi nient %thont theepi s r -'Rep1ete with the noi ahinbe BTmsHup. T W E E D ] 3 I O A D C L O T H S ,, &H R E ' & B O H R . O o k F A If lP <O - D TR I S 1 i Tatvaluable tarai, , hclg e noriJi hait e!lt28",lu the eigith cnoscnoft iii, on ftébs arma inithe contùi,l, andSia p i e offered at-a reasenablo figure. The fighest Market Pie For ter=sapply t, ~~ ]Paidfor B U T T E R. ,Teonte, I6ti Sept., 1874., hesnsBlo)Ck, Whitby, Nov. 5*- 1874. 4 A L A N D WI TER ANADAN'PACIFIC -RAIL WAY, IMPOR~TATION 0F A13tZH SEAED-,PnoposALS rtiao- C PaiftRhelGeorgisu Brauci et the sasSa m . Wa rkvîi! Ott ,' 21oh day cf December nexi. Intendjng Centracior. niust glvo atiatas. tory evidenca tt th tic, eu, a cepta of ai lest four thi.,.- p- -ne___ ftUh peasre n anouleig'credit lu on.eoft he Cliariered othe ueh leasre ~unuonomgto is oustomer, and the pUblie in Dcniineninao o*vrnctsc- Jlit bis stocise nov complte. An immense ssrmcat slc fo, n s o hi n de a oacjtd . . .. 2 i o*n............a r i11 tTOMuary, 1975 .... - c' ................................................... t I ln oo val Torc s T at t.o TO --ý10 ký L, % STR2 or TM tht

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