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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Dec 1874, p. 4

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~~'OR 84 ,l t..h41 themounty, endil cur. t Toronto, ust,î~ B MLL ALIVE1 the over. E MG It ha$ no N ELN their supportera, aoibr Thle marketsuof eyury kind Mad tb.iaah. WT OID inaare reularly rpein its col____ BOOTS A D HO S The pnec f thu W2EKLY SUX is on. AollrA yer for aushoot cf i,<hL as, ansiCdPRTHNEE, llfty.elx coumua. As this- bar elys CRPuT VR ab e MAof udsprintingy wa are n«t vaiu to ý a diaoint rklan ffÀT TEE OLD STAND; BB.OC]K-ST, iffs*ta *t0 extens i tOeclnenjatt. Unsir g1h new la,, whioh réqnlruspa7inent of poul.WHTYO age in asivance, one dolar a year, wth * TYOT. twenty Oeaie the GooaleIi%'»r ptaqea WhItly, Sept. 18, 1874. 8 ded, itthe rite of an u11 ý noeuly 0 ap.,to hav6e---h-- Badeon dllr An tý;; Âdns Wn Pt 5LLING OF., etdo o thvootr, poatvahon VaneEE ÃŽ n WEY U ",, UI h Store on Brock-St, etdonrh TRZ u EXLnY .aene, Pw «Y A cf0Mr. soucies Grocery, r&te. Aquaiutity.ofoff Goada l;ately importd TmE DAILY 511.-A leiomau nOws. bfont Englansi WMflbu colsi et wheue orcuynitn f Double Brahldi meisnt or 20 oet ,hley 4d4e«,_qirL SU;,Mkiw-York"Clty. Diautousi Singe, 18 carat, 10 15-cart Goisi * ~ ._________________Gens R ia utin ruai sapphlre, unsereisi B2 Y-LA W'. NO.h i. u and Mets, AibeatOChalns do, 6fiL Gold 4h él ReapecUng12 têtu of gnéof DIrtoaor ds 6 )Id W itch. lio#odiiw lld'Ektionof Droc rLns, wth a quandlyof i e tbf jet office "ýPot-f WhibyS.arboriCons. Ear.nngie, Broochea, Snaceleta, 13us-pn ansi set. of Shirt Stnds. Alec a qnuttoï 1- BO it enactusi bYthe' "Port Whltby Ibarbour Comupany" um1 t long se thee are but fiTe oîtkhcldon, holding the untire capital stock cfe the Consp eur ieau 1a electien cf directors ppiteS to bu 1 M on the second Mnayi ltebnit, ech a'nsi very yuar after tthi g hall bu bya i Mple declunution là huAnt on the boke of tge Canpan, t bébu ept for that purpose, zei maSoeà*t a e comî;inY& OSee on thé sldsecond Monda>. lueeansbar aforeuasi, et twulve o'clock n acc thflee eet that lb. 8>15 fiv pensionos seheoslng thu satire stock 'If the 8d Conpanuy (a muIorit>. of whons ahald er s n lim e xc a I usuben fflete d ut ail sctoanunLr eléetins bociisld tlieneeftar the vote shah b., by bdl- lot, asd any orion holding stock upon wvhlch a911celu0hVO ehecapali shal bu an- titiei te one voeofor uaci andi ever>. chine on lieId, antd any persan Éue holding ene on nmere>ahare n an wlch Uail aihve beaun anl all ha b>daumusi *0 buquahullesi te b.> cloctesieeam adinecton iu the sisiCons. Pan OasiacpP cf thli 'bY-law !hell hi plIsss tlesst thrue successive wooe inl a liewipaper pubihec neaut theo place whcne t e dinectors cf the Company uualy ineet fer cenductlng the busInesa cf lhe Casnpany, ansi uncir Publication @hal hi dnssno ab u ilcient notice te Al con- cerned of th.> tint. and Manar of electing sncb d.rectorsasauaforeali. 3: De i f rtier enacted, that ail snob ,leoiocf sUa-ctons afonesal s hili unlees atotelprovidesi) bho huel thle Cons- ilanyeOince, Port Whitby, at twolve c'cck ue, On the uald sectonsi Mendaylin IJecember, lit oaci ansi ever> yean, on on suncs ethen day aus msy b7 hy-I.a b aP. rpeinteS fer that Pnrjloep of whieh due iàe- te> ol chgiven, but at ne snch meeting sha Usore tb ie 1v>perissoona lOed esia sncb dînector,. Signed, C. DRAPER, Prealdent P.-W. H. ce. T. W. CeLIéO, Secrtary. 47 H OUS AND LOT TO RENT 1 A geoat two-ulary Framne Housesan 1 d lot cf land nath ef Dr. Eautwood'e, in fie Town efY/hllhy. Appt>. *0 ALEX. OGSTON, Asila> P. . Or t 3 M PARE WRLL, Wliîhy. Ocloben 218t, 1871. 45-tf rri H E rsbs'nSt si se f54d~lJ WOOlShagwyo, as Lce Suwing Machine- ýThe whai uth os f utno tweh. ýd & mays ,ani ara e yb. xpc s. 500 T~8TEÂER "CTT 0F TORON- Steamer "CITY 0F TORONTO," (Capt. Diciui leaveas ait>., foot ef Tenge St.,Ternn t., at 7 a. n., sud 2p. n., neecies Niagana At 9:80 a . nad 4:90p.ns., and Lewiaton at 19 a. ns., andS P. -ns. Connectiens fanr*the Falin, EnRaIe, Clevelandi. Cincinnati, Roe- chester, Albany, New Yonk, Bostea, L&c. Tickets sud aIl infonmation ab No. 8, Front. atreet. D. MUXLOY, Agent. Excursion parties accemmadcatei on mak- lng application te Mn. Mllay. 'Whitby, Jnly lîti, 1874. 29 F AUM FOR SAL 1 Dr. Foete's qplendid farsu '«FOREST PARK"- 240 acre-noar Preeklil, Ontario. Appi>. ta lie propriotor en the premie, THOS. DO0W, ESQ., Ontario E6.nk, Whitb>.. flnaekltn, Sept. Ï2th, 1874. OUIf ÂLSES AND TRUNKS. LEATHIER VALISES - SARATOGA TRUNKS, Lec, L&., et WILLIAM THOMP SONS, Sadien ansi Harnecs aMskcn, - BROC-ST., vuITun. rune 24, 1874. 21 "WEBSTER" CAL AND WOOD!1 negl,l.eo> 'f'"MW Y?>.an,&= PATENT 8E W/NO MACHINE hv npcàaho ' nea4v~ eet ed iàoi,é h bot hrdand soft Coule of - Ail kindi, conelelîng of Lackavana, Scran- Io pesitivelt. le nereut perfection yut ton, Egfh Cieutnuî, Stove, Grae, and blakeit'a coal. Aise acargo cf Dri an gtie yany machine lu the wold. Euh, lie huaI even offéeesiin t"iarkt attlnel h * isauF mriBlaekesitis ansi otiers a mrtu It e a thîr wncoul enpplielAt vielesalu p ice..> Cail ansi leave yona nuradr. As ceaI.are ENTIBELY NEW INVENTION, advisnclng ia pr:eievery menti, gel tiens lunville dryadroas g .Orduro pnnp ty x etd; coul and wvosi delivened po shrt oc asea. Hlavlng uwepl away et once à gréaet Del aptJlu urcd-s many o! lie diffloulties and Sa]noyancea Deeci ansi maple mixeS-......580 attendant on lheue of other Machines. Hemlock ansi pie,.veny goosi. -. 4 0 Welgil and meaunre guaranteesi. Coale -THE WEBSTER welhed ontownscajues. am.ot.li For particelarsa appl y OfieAth voosi yard, on at 1h e office of C. Dnaper, ai s marvisl of iînplcity, heing cou- Whltb>. hanhaur. slnsîclos WithOUt'thOusueeO! nola>. came, ALEX. ALEXANDER. or- coga, andi ragco ligit, and je go Whiltby, Augnust 111h, 1874,.s sy to undonstand, liat no lady>. lie- yvr aak on nlenrous, or however un. F OR SALE OR TO RENT. accistoiliod uho me a fa c tthé s af Tht mnAl- . Y -- Machines, cauu fail te use il WITII EASE AND PLEASURE. - Tie sllte of thie IVEBSTES la 60 censltructed fliaI lie tension of lienu- danrIlîreasi eau bu chaaged lu an instant withlout nnlhrea.ding lie altlue. THEE àWEBSTEIR" lu lhe ont>. a China mad. la Canada liaI oeeudu la fliIh, inalenie'l nusudatconstrûction thase of Ameican muanufacture vile ne Canadien machfine cen pproac iti. f::"rEvery 'l"Webster" le warranteS by, W1e menucturero for 8 yenrs. MISS MeINTYRE, AGENT, WHITBy, Whiero machines enu h. examineS. .una eceuent si arY and G(razing Fann, Lot 15, lot con. on tlie Elugston Rossi, 1 mile vesl cf Oshawa, conlting 9Ars Thosviahingae -iD in TerniAviesd vu 10 se il hforO punchaiag on taking an>. Wta.Ii OU vatenesi b>.a runnng steansUt ilSeasone ef1lise yecr. If solS eue hait of tie punchaoe moue>. me>. remain on tie Fanmesittahil lPr- cisa. SOshawa, Nov. «ls. C AR D 1 T. H. MCMILLAN, Fancy Goods frC 1 Vases Lu~nsPerfume from CINA, -TEA, 'STOIRE %zWanted lm mé diate -A T- IEWHITBY PHAIRMAI & SPAIIVELL Good Fat Dressed Ilogs, any s, from 100 Ibo. each upwaads. 1,000 Bushels of Good Tubs 'of - Good B.utter, for ail whioh the Highest Market Price will be paid CASH, ut GIBSON & SPKRVELI Wluitby, Oct. ldth, 1874. TA/LOB/NO ESTABLISHMEN B ROCK (Next Door North of Dominion -Bank.) WH 1 T BYy A larger and better stock of Over-coa ing, the iBest Patterns lie ever liad of Tweeds, and Well-assorted Gents' Fnrnishings, at JGents' Best Mir Caps and Hats, Caps, and Fur Goci inh great variety. Whitby, Sept. 80, 1874. GOLDSMITH'S. HALL For Watclies, *Clocks, Jéwellery, an( ai The largest, the hast, anti altogether the cheapest stock i the County. Buying for cash, a practical knowledg of the value of goods, and of the manufacturens, enablin' him to place befone lais customers, a gooti article ut les price than is often chatged for inferior goods.' 3-olti and Silver Chains, Bright anti ColQred.Golti Sets. Brooches, Ear Dropg and Lockets, Gem andi Keeper Rings, Soliti 18 Carat Wedding Rings, - Jet Jewellery, SIL VER WATCHES Mugs, Fonks, -Spoons, andi Butter Knives anti Coolers. SUULTOUS. u1 Vases, Desks, Work Boxes, iPurses, &c. EIGHT-DAY AND 80-HOUR CLOORS, SPECTACLES, &c. 1 OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, Goldumthi'o Halt, Willby, Sept. 80, 1874. A1u0, Agent fer lie ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, PROVINOIAL INeLTRAcE CO. opPI lez uuroLoa u aige Censpenys building, corner Ring anS Sins- ce sineete, Osav. April 2=b, 1874. 17 flsorougly in8efrue. O FFICE TO LET. *ci in fil e 80o (the Macin,. Mielustolivered tb an>.ades AND EA3Y' TE13MS GIVEN FOR PA7yMENTI 'FRONT OFFICE. CHRONICLE BUILDINrr 1574, 29nsjWhItby, Lune l2a, 1874. AP p BER 1 LUMBER 1't TT.TO0 TEE DIVISION COURTS COUNTY 0F ONTARtIO FOR THE EAR 184 N 9... a J81 1, No.5... 10 6 01 g i * No...-. gi 9J 21 41 ]19 -AMES JOIINSTON, .Practical Watch-maker. DR Y GOODS AND GROCEIE8, The undersigned is now- recei'ving a LA]RGE- STOCK 0F DRY 'GOODSI, Con6isting of jess, Goods, in, great- varetyandof the lateWfasbion, Colored Bilks Shawls, MantesHosery Gingham -,ott'ongà, Prits, &. A e'hoice assortment of C-(anad an ai other Tweeds,ý andi a fli stoàk of etImns unihn Teas, Coffees, raw and-reLn<d Sugars, EThe, best: WineseLiquorsan ,Branidies. Aie i p~a uWood anti boie. Whitby, Sept. I5i)h, 1874. No~oi~.- T e udersigned begis -to returu bi s inere thaukls to the inhabitants of Whitby, and bispatrons geerally througheuti-the ge ountry'-fc thie libe- rai patrong extendeti to bini wile onaearrying on business 'a «ato n u bege or a <ontfàuan e of the sanie to -Now is -the timie to bugy good and chep F ur itu e. ~ ' i g b o ,li o ut t e b s n s lately ca rrieti o n b y J a m e si-H . .S a m o , w e t ak e t i s o p p o rtn it of, in ;i r-n bis~~~~ ma y fie d o geeu aol~ and we ean assure ail, bhat we are-prépared to do as 5weil by them hitlàe future, as Mr. Bam-o has done inthe at. TILL &JOHNSTON. -00--- EOrders by mail promptly attended, to.- JJNDER TAKINXG.-The nY.frt ilass Esitablisinnent hinthe Cdunty here fu.nerals -are u- --i 1 1 Arr on. B )ds1 40 in' t19 LLLRIN WORKWIT EANAN EPTE. rhitby, July 2Oth, 1874. )OMIN/ON LOWES ARE RECEEVING THEIR A1-Iy WA-RE Ii'0M8 POWELL FA L L -GOOD S Whitby, Sept. l6th, 1874. JOH-F - *A^ýï"N ST ON'SE, ELF'RAKIN- RE- PER A t the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto,-in 1870. offer to our customers for the coming klarest, two dis- ýMachines, which. in stylti anti construction, cuibrace lie latest anti most useful imapro-,emehts of the day. THE ,,=NeGô<pIF EEAEfl universal success of this àMachine, botbinU.closýely.contest- alu and in the bands of the farinerawarrant Us-1, 9 l: ht uaSIfL Lapins Machine, it ua mre goo6d pitu m and fhÀÎan-£ as met itb succeaa and leua failure. than heretofore offered to the.public. AYUGA JUNIOR. MOWER! i'ere awarded the, First'Prize sud Diploma, at-the Prcvin. ýhibitionl, eld in Toironto, 870j.n ompetton with ail the leading Machines 'ctored in the Province; and witlh ourrecent mmproremîént, we linheaitat- challIenge investigation and, comipprieon with "opetiog maohinea,, we are e S t hat u ub invea igation w ill c onv n c v er> u1 r *j d ice4 m in , ýt ht:* , te buat U'ower to tbePFarminerfor 1872, bui, it6 eDominion. Sn scriptive catalogn'ea. 18/ADGE.> 'ND BUGGIE8 Wpe v rial Ex manuft ingly c a tie for des, M. 'no SPIEDD O0V ANS .Urooklm, May 2t,1874.' BOOTS -AND plendïd'Stock [or i A£- -THE CHEA P& FAâH WrNext door to .Goldsmiths' Hall, BROCK 8TREET, WHITBY. A arge a îndsupeir stock of well- "made Ladies';, Gents', Misses' and Chiidren's Boôts sand Shoesg. The stock: comprises, tI4e bet work,« and -#M lb. found cheap andi durable. . atisfation'guaràteed. C3us- tomera will findti it t éir ilitereet to eau and ýexaine the gooda antilist of prices., ýS AU ND-ETOs, -OAN8 -d MELODEON O-ýRGAN& THE IMUDGEý- & YARWOOD, MFG CO., MANUFACTUJRE THE CELEBBATED ÂMERICAN ORGAN:' Style 5, $ 150; Style 7, $175; Style 9, $-20o0 YAIaWO' Hadsm Bsoat-lnut Cases.Y Style4, $i5o; Style 6, $175; Style 8, $200.ý lIn hantisome Rosewood Piano Cases, higblly friihecl. 1A liberai discount for cash. A special eduction to Clubs u-F v .wuiors to une i'ur are request- eti to cail at the Factony, (opposite exhibition grounas,) anti examine our Stock of Instrzments. F FRE D MUD-GE.1 Wlutby, eptember 8rd, 1874. .)ç G PIREPAIRED FOIR TE - FAL L TRADER0174' Wi. J . HIO,0KI E A nanticip-ation of a la increasing *tratiethis fî ailhave purg Wuethankbig the,ublilcgen-. eraly for the liberal sup ot tey 'have, ]eceived i the past tre they PtLruut by -adhexinïg.to that straightfonwaird aud undeviatlng rulé ofdog business 'wlic-h has chandctenzed thein' establish- ment i n the puet, to meoit a continuance of public THE BROWN d MANTJPACTUIG capital- - 2*4oo SHARES OP 'mou I - I Wca ae,-MMesorc. .nown Vu5romhmveer unabled, l'y profita reailai, dt. take thelarge amunt i fStock abcve-mentonéa.lvia beau aubacnbetib>.thnlthei-à-tw Cons- paY. Tho propenty hue beeu4sieueinter icdirection ansi auperv*e0o1 cftesne. J. S. . flcoxani ohn Thompeon, tv e lie Provisional Board tia 6428S-h establishment buebeau"*i t epoee uo o the ne, Comapan>. since Iith Fe.brnay lait -the fi.st day cf ita erganizatio-tho pro- fits of the business commncing Irons that date. witb hésenanduglt.ansi privilegue. At the expiration of th. tins. stateti ly Statut. (fv rsxWeek) a ueral meet-ng cfl t. purpeeof eleting a permanent Boardi o! Dineroanad0fcerc cf 1h.Com=pany. Sabscniptions cf stock lun the un tak- lu g aremnt, espectfly.solicite& .The value of the stock, dpa rniidean- venlmont, ma>. bu eas e beg buyonsi doubt;- whilo thegreat ativataegus t. the Tov cf Wh itb asiCcunty of Ontarieinu securingu eent et-the favmnably kucwn Works cf MocuBroia &Zatturaou muet at once commensi thonsselvea. - partiuededing te subecuibe fan stock aeu raquectstet encloue nsemoreantinm, pur peut st'an early day stating the numben cf aehres tha>. wich *0have aleotted. .. K. W. BROWN, B.>J. YABNOLD, . ý President. Whitby, 281h February, 187. 101! trge and ohaàei or N. B.ý-The highest market for fanm produce. price paid Wbitby, Sept. Olli, 1874. &00 i.L I TMr cyD , THES-ÉL [ES#TBLJ New Parloer Sts, A -d.a large- stoc Ã"k of Cane anà sea ChisTables, Bureaus, Sofas, Lounges -Ã"upboaràl. H Iafr,,Cloth, suýd Damask Loung & A. &c Ame stock of New'GCilt Wludow Ã"n The largestansd cheapest, stock of Pic#ueés'e ait, ~afUr-Witbea=yjrcm qnackuy, asi ent fneu of cdu un f niteS t. adsires,p entier. P. O. BoxILS, Brocklyx FAMFOR SATE [IIHED 1833.]-1 Fratclras PIROPRIETO-E. Nov. 18h 1874. * i TaIMe. TAS 500 GIIBSON FRP lESH çhy, pplie o, 8 Vhtb, ctr lot, 1878. TILL & JOHNSTO-N'. --- 00 3eg to iiiform the public generally, that.-they have opened a New Carrnage Factory, on Dundas S9treet, rWO'DOORS WEST of the POST OFFICE.* There the ax-e now prepareil to- execute -ail work in the 4rniage.Making Lino, on the shortestnotce, and made of the beot Ma- tonial, and first-cla worlcnauahip. JAMES STOI Chihy Pea a.à - - 1 WllitbY, Oct. 15th, 1874. 4 irw Ira MESSRS. STREET, ýLL WORK si-lyl -E ýS« 1 STOCÉ OF FANCY GOODSY AND AWARDED Pioldes, J. HICKLE ]F» MIL x WARRANTED.1 A.- PB IN GL J 0 IEEN S.T 0.NýS ITHE -%# &A6dàd A Il U,

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