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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1875, p. 1

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T.A*IO tii noyrai L~.. MURITE B,. ÂATT9RNEYw. A-L ry Publie & &a.Ofi.MMls' k, »roak Ïirn4Whi$by, Otma sud liquar ut h. bar, Attentive ootlars "TIhudorn dhavilug hees,Salse Agst-,-andalaoShlpplng Aeni;;-forth. exteunsive Lqsuer drzam ai ým 'eanith CO.,ofF>e01 Pllbpopeuedluconnac. lion wlth bIs othai psiie, auextensIve 0rLUM-BER VAR y o naaai e8 ua compltie sock of LUM.er A <~ ~ ai all uis for sale, wbolesaleansd Watai- PlauelüumchIne, sud ail kinds cf work ex- (Late s msepad ùMMi".) ecuted promptiy, te order. TARISTER, ATTOtiNET, SOLTO. GEO. CORMACK. .Biboro nsmy Publie, Couvoyancer. Cf. Whltby, May 27, 1878. 22.4 1-Bfa-yrou Street, South of post Office, Wbltbi, Ontario, FR-A= THOMAS EHUNTON, - FR O AE OW. 4 31>AN TREASURER 1- -hat iiU.kiiommftlfa, lot 26, Srd con. of Houri:Wlty uaua froPto e'loa~¾THE DONALD8ON FARM, JAMES gu@DieEnr AndIas at proe.t in the occupation ofMr. TNPC O F PUBLIC SOHOOLS N. R.. ýCentains 190) acres;- about '150 .1. 1~ L. Oauta Ontarlo. Address.-.lere d delling, outbui _iugsand suitabla RalnPst 0900., Outanlo. officas, splendid o &hadc'ares lu extent. pply :2ta- do R. J. MMDe, JOHIN A.DONALDSON, SURGEON TO TEM COUNTY GAOL, Gov't Emigmaticu Oie, a'jBrrm, trocj Whitby. - __ Mareh 25, 187à. 184f Tarante. £Ur$S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., TMEE LTE BS tJhe eys R. O. H. L., Osghava, Otarlo. - ÇÂRD. - --rire Insurance Co'y ofCanada, A. PARZWRLLî M. B., M.C.P.S., Uss OrCE-Kluogt.,cor.Csurch,Toronto StarmbMedallst sud Unlverslty Silver Meti. c &lht,,Gadataof Toronto Uulverslty, C PITAL, .Ssoo,ooo. Member af th. ColleeaiPscis Dpotdwti d ugeous o Outario, eutdwt Govennmon-, $67,000 Physiclafil, Srgeon.sud Accoucheur, 4viiiW admet ail loasea vithout delay, sud BROO0<LIN, ONT. ta>' over the cash AT ONCE. - - lHan. ALEX, McKENZIE, M. P., J W. Aî4 , .President. T'ENTIST, (SUCCES. JOHN MAUGRIAN, Ja, ~ -'Bsoito W. H. Card.)--Manager Whtby aven Mn. JSesoI'Store.. Nirons' iv EriBy -Oxida das administerefi for 4h. painlees ex.L ftraction cf îtiit. Tise uudersigned deaires te inform - bis - - ns u4 pAtronsj uhat hho basggin r.. C. N AKSB.L. D.u. umed business atthe old qàmm!ýT BTElusertad on- ail thse WHITY -LIVERY 8TABLÉ8. as eh.ap as th. choapeet, sud as gond as th. cf 4h. stu4, sud aiea added teansd mrv --bst. T"th. 5Usd ïith GoltI and Silven. 4h. couvayances sud vehicles ounfie prein. Teth extracted wvithout pain, by pnodncmng ises, ha haoias by belug iu s positiontame local sureetheala. Dent ai Roome-in Cov. the ievants ai cutomners ta mati sasliara of an's uewislock, aven Atkluson's Drug Store, public patronage. »ng tree, Ouswa.85. CHARGES ,MODERATE. a TTOXAS DEVEltILL,- N. B.-Coi-ered couvoasces -for familles BUIIDER AND CONTRACTOR, »UNI)Ae ST., vrnITBY. IW Ail ordlere prmnptly exeautea ~3ÀI '-RESNGA»D SHIAVINO L.Saloon, Brook St., Wlitby. < Joux WOILFENDEN, AGENT FOR TUB CELEBEATED .ILScottieh Granite.^ At Marbla -Works ai Jonathan Wliauden,Dundas St.,WVitby. JOHN VARIER, LC N DAUCTIOiqEER FOR TE ,Caounties of Ontaria, York sud Peel. Rasideouce-Lot 8, M hConceasion markissm. polît fie-ninil.salas stlended ou the sisorteet notice, aud on easouabla tanins. -Tennise au ha made, sudbis prntad at 4h. CHIsoarrau Office foriMMr. Carter. IICNODAlUTINER:FOR THE thaukt ior thie libers] pâonffe eret efi beiitawid upon bisansd toa snounne that ho te prepamed te coaduct salas ithen lu Tov!?ý or Coanty et reasonabla matea. Ar. rangemeants for salas eau b. madIe ithen at 4h. Cxaassrcaz Office, or at niy ova Ofince, Brook Street, Whltby. G~EORGt<E UoiSARcK, V$I)BRTAKING.-Funerasfu]!y sup- p liedlsud sttaudad on short notice. Coffine kept caastantly ou hand. A heama, ta hlm, ou lisral tenna. Clerk Division -court, Tp. Clerk, Comujussioner ia B. Et., Land Agent, &c., &o., Atherly, Conuuy Ontario. AthOlvE%'ist. Med, 1872. 8 Ç AR D-. - DR.. ARON& IBOGART. Physiciens, Surgeons, 4ccauechena, d&o., &cc. Whltby, Sept. 804h. 1874. 40 TA VER N For sale an ta Lot. Apply ta - JOHN BRADLEY, Ve..aar lt>' 1874 O. -7 - ROAL OTEL, JAS. 1PINGLfl, --PROPRIETOR., Plrsi-clasa aCeouasadatiou. Am"ple ina insU-f 14.4 np saussesraarns fon cocumWoW SLAM WQOlà FàsRSALEB. T isibocribernba' for'amuiei h, i. II ,uer Utice, . quuetty aoforft s Wooa. - UOas,.po ~ -8A. B. CAMpBELL;ý Q EBO, T, HALL, sud adie. Pomptstt~dsne, a baeto- fore, toalal ordere. N. RAT, Prapriator. 0H I cE APP'LE TýREES*, A 0DO U T 40,000, -Ai.T- - H-OME -NURSERY, Frein wo ta Sauýr yaars ai sge,aembraclugma the uat Varetias. SETH C. WILSON, Lot Na. 8, 2nd Cou. Pickering, on Kingetoe Eoad, ist Office, Wbitby. pl W ESTERN ASSURANCE CaMPANy BEAneOFICE, TOuaONTa. CAPITAL STOCK, $ 400,ooa. àGENT VOXpOUT oni-n I JrOSE.PH HOLM4N, BRooZLIN, ONT, Also Agent for the CANADA pA1iMERS, MUTUAL INSURANCE. COMpANy, - Head Office, H»nzLTON; and CITIZENS' INSUBANCE COMP'y, Montrea, Fire, Life and Gnarantee Departmentx CAPITAL, - -. S2,000,0i». -Broaklil, Dec. 2, 1872. 12m4g F LOUR AND FEED. The underaigned bege ta inform the pub- lic that he has mnoiad hs place of business acrmes the street, nexita C. Scott's hutcher shap, where ha keepa an hand the beet flour and aU kindso e a fa. Cash for farm produce. J. LONG. Whitby, Jan. 20, 1874.4 JJARNESS, SADDLERY. The. subecriber deaimea ta etat. thlat'hs has opened a lu the promises oppoite Ray'is Bitish Aro- erican Flotl, Dundea.SIt, NWhtby, whar hae wlU keep on baud a nupen. stok a everything in hjs line af business , sud wl] ý hlwe.st pricas. Re boss to solicit a sara of public patronage. Whitby, Fob. 24, 1874., ýLR DoI)umoN LINE. The Dominionu Lin. conssta ocidm4. chas, ioh.tow.",d,Cldbui ta- shipe, sud la iuteoded -tô perorm S régùhx service b"Mwen LiVEspOci.ý an Mcume,, int ummar, snd i4=1 111,11-sud Poin.&x PARESBý AGAIN RPEDUCÉD 1 Quqleo te Li Verpool,- do u~r . , ptý opiaays CoD at phe Caoxrcnofie liIy Osre G~.2iDT~v~ AILWAY,'HOTIL, 1Prinice A1bert~, audat thé. Standard AT WRITY STATION. W. M.WILCLco, Wo'NEML, - PIPIEO PrimeeAlbert Sept. 244h, 182. 89 Parti"m 4aing toraiu sualin XTALUAPLE PBOPERETIY FOR.1SALE vii have th.m veil tùmu car. f in-* ' ýVAL1 The subseriber affama for sale the foilow. t lBEaRuab1e Bret. luthe.Town of Whlt- GLO R TLbj- An-emce tBrlcïCottagewithlscr JAS.PoWF PltppIEOB.acre ai land, vWou fenced, and lu a high -Mate 3Â8. OWEL - P1OPBITO. c ivation corner Wefliugtan and GIf. PIasT.IILss àrcoxoNNDÀTION. foad s., North Ward. 1 acre op centre St. South 0f thé. residance cf C. Draper, Boq.. in W EUTBRX ROýUgE, .the Rih Ward lb 2 cmi of go ad,j -of 1lownahip cf.Mumray, Ca., Northumber,. DUNDAS STREET, WHIT5y. landl. -AÂclar sud indimatab itle wilibe giveu The. uzîderIgne, would lutimate ta. t oaus]thfe aboyrap-ertY. For furtiier-Par. puli, tat l0iaba,, Promises ha,, been ticulare appli ta the 0-nuer. aneydttdup sdrenavated thraughout. FACSCAK Bet LiUomasudl C aus. "Tihe Creainf aACSiLAI Cana' ai0 pC.bineWlu, aIa's Lg. l 1871. ggti te whess.sueti.Boarders takeu y V GBRTE I JOSEP Ae.k. - KIN JOSEPH Â. BANDEL. N~l~îsSING fOUSE, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importer., Dealers sud Manufactrn-aofa ail COU. - n a AND s 055E esi-ENT., indi ai TOONTO, ONTARio. LEATHER ANDJ- FINDlNGS, JAS. T. JEWELL, - Propriatar. Cash palid fcr Rides, Bark, sud Leather. Toronto, Aug. 12,1878. -B Leather stretcead. U. tl 5 FICHI "FAMy a7S L BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON .J'ICIAN " coaaing descriptions ai SHORT NOTICE. disesansd ules for thair treatmeut, vil May, 1872. 22 bsetb'mail, ira, ai al charg, toa ey- au, sendrng flair sddresa ta 714Broadvay, T ED Novw York. M ONEY T E D Whitby, April 20, 1811 17 - - Repayabla by luetaimanLts for frein Tvate R~ OBEET JOHN YARNOLD, Tventy yeans, at lev ratas oainltareat, vth. J1J ont commsissioana ud .4 moerato chares. OFFICIAL ASIGNEE Pivte Fnndsto l'Md. mOX TTas Appiy ta-- J. E. FARIEWELL, (YOUNTY 0F ONLII0. Solicitor, ADDEESS-Box 99, wzmrsr. Bo41S., -Ï 41Msy 23h, 1872. ' mck5..Wstby lFRE E SITE! ]BUSINESS CHANCE.ý Tii. unda-sind, affam r sala h. pran- TOWVN OF W H ITBY. i--sinvisicli his business for the mnfc A ER STEWILL BE GIVEN Wliltby, tagather vith bies teck-iu-taa, tto auy Manulactu - Company machnùeny sud plant ciaiam descrition. buling su establisment IlMe tevu. Aso lis dvling bouss'ed lo.Ts place J. IAMER GREE~WOl is kuovu as s WhitY. Fb. 2,M1yo.r, Wist,. FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS STAN-D Whlty. PL. 2, 188. And on -vbich, 14 vil b. <ond ou examina. EMOVA .tion, an excelent business te baing nov car- R h unEMOVAL. ririrlvea:isdisoeofbis patent ights Tis udeaine hs emva lis in-varicus An rtrlImplamauts. To an industriaus insu vlth email capital Olis lae BOOTi~ S OE S ORE PPOnmýtahtisosdo- rements itsejL ocn fil-beatisthe idersiged i la le heremsead anP iaWsen otapsed t tait this step. Dunas tret, huuy, isos h lancw Tarins viiib. madIe te suit e compteut pd oka au.R .- pasrty. Ouly &s maM amoant equiied dovu, Frge-aslete ansd ample lima glven for the balance ano ion as OSuE A BÂNDELL. adequate security. Whitby, May 8,1871. 19 TH INSURAi'CE COMPANY. ÂAMLABLU ASSETS, 027,000,000. Lasses raid in course of thirty-five years exceed F(ORTYMI1ILIONS 0F DOLLARS. Claixns by Chicago Fire èstimsted at near- Iy $3,000,000, are beiug liqnidated as fast as adjusted without deduction. Security, Prompt Payment -and Liberality in admet.ý ment of its Losees are thepromiuent features of tis wealthy Com y Head oince, CanaXlranch, Montrea1. G. F. C. SMITH, Chef Agent for Dominion. L. FAIRBANKS, Ja.,Agent at Whitby, Ont. OHN L. WÂTKIS, JAMES CLAYTON, Bnock St., Wlitby. N. B.-Tba sLave eller wviii ne uofara vlth tisa business inhicis l ha caried ou as usus], end repaire pnomptiy axacutadl. Nov. 5, 1878. 484f O FFICE TO LET. FRONT OFFI-CE. alxi-ar CHRONICLE BUILDING. Wisitby, Jane 2.d, 1874.2823 1 r% ý " . GOO. NE.S- FOR TEE -LADIES. OFtFICIAL A8SIGNEE, A NEW REVELATION IN THE nAM ss.sFF 8 snDi-55; COURT, - SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MAKING. go, AuCTIONEER, &C., &C. -et OFFICE-Iu Bigelow's Block, Part CORINWALL'S SELF-1-ITTI:NG w Penny. WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. - -Port Penny, Jane 24, 1872. 286 tdfainsuanu ln LUBER &SHNGLES FOR SALE. ithot change of a tioh~ e u The sabscrbe has on hand anci fo ssae MIS S 3cIVT YRE'S i at lais mili near Utice, liste Curie's), ai]Ro [dadso a i in na dingles. Bill lambar »ESS-MA&KM. a ROeess, vus-u. tesi saA. B. CAMPBELL. Agents vantai. Liseralinlducamants ta Wh A. B.CAMPELL. the. iada. 'Utlca, Aug. 20h. 84f Whitby, Aug. 18, 1874. 84 GEORGE GURLEY flATS 1 RATS!1 RATS! te, edingupbthe fasalactions le bas 1' maMeaiPs a I--r Cloths. Al 4h.é IL nav~lties lu - olor wi- e o onf EL ,a -~ MANUFACTURED AND RENO. NEW PLAlilS, BEAVERS, MEL- VATED AT HOM?! Oc TONS, TWEEDS, WEST 0F M. O'LEARY &c CO. beg ta annoance - RNGLANDS CLOTHS, &a. 4h54 flay hava opened business at OshanaM - -Mauufsctery;opposite fi, "Vindicetar" Tuée. vin hasold I h. yard ar mada ta Offle-viiera they manufactuieRatala aI'- ciaei.the b. ls. (Mth pur. ai-ay description, sud lu the beut style. ey t( chasefi ls.v up prarnptiy. Tvanty.fiva per cent undar cit-pie. ut A nev lot ~te' Underclaubng in L lt rie. n stock. Pricas a siarate. HATS, UEýtNÃ"VATED o Osiev, .4.0, GZ. iâtiLEY. equi te naisfoa nistr. triffs. fr Onawc.01874 - 45 oh&,wijz0 0h 84,y SATLEAEIAN HOTEL. Flaôr ý;tiue à fardlMmed Tiaoupeir accmsedaiabadit.e. e 2 M 4Oieanl'oiwanets.Tu. pr.eeauO proprialar-li Scantliug, pareci no pains ora-nex liut roýd -ig -~P.n PeclgEaien ~ieneofbis patrons. - 100,000 Seat aioaie&-4 Toraoo, Juhy lOthIW4T. -29 rala 1XgPiêfer ies, lo u iraty, - - - 'f-IUJSIii'(8 HOTF.Ti. - Cookins-Steve Ie var tea to.é ib -alg nsda in the!United, teti 1W. quota 4he Sellowiag impnihéo, *sisn15878 : '-Ter. 7 *-Ymded 101tise P rïtbnus~dles - Yeargt ]e Owi*Tank 'teAgiittfiiS stvsin tise country tjoh Sain 'Cf Ail Nev' Eniu.Ii took du*t he lait t-waye r TR4 Th 0 7m, At varions exhubi4uaazngoum il ha 0i.NwYm 4-4-1. -,No quaerer than oth.riuu?#," saye The VermoutStst ,le The Miluais Sta 4ar Wel, Jim , a ys, goju u ic The Michigan tata Pýair, him, sud takin' hld of bis band, Ilwe Tii. Naw Eiý1sud States Pair. won't quarrel aboutîit. Fîud a better Ther" vere eold of 4 < in luheh.tatu4.Ilivoman.for your vife, aud trouble 'uo 1870, 7000;1871, 8,00q 1872, 10,m0.MTis -mare for me., Youwen't aak me to' do yeam 14 has beau impred by 5ddtra n . ' btIoutdsd.i h ad ti-cliaker grate sud,"ialigiits lfrout.-begtIui' atceryd. im?!"lusid We sali it wth or wit4oût 4h.eopýpermeeèer. ee ecu'gua. vair, aud the. cast lro4 wamn lg oet b.. And with that ah. lofit us. hlud 4h. stave aud stve pipa, sud it wul Jin ioaked et me sud ho a..uiad a l burm cosa rwood. of a .bak,. I "1. t-e urseapalitr,", Parties buyii fromun an t aauy ime sud I fait mad tOc Ohikbi word, -ware replace any portions jour stovea that- maytueTi.grI ld ysfbt.r, get-rokn-agret aautge.had aven gonsansd takan Oc this, man, JCIRICHAEL, Preat. who uavar cared a bit for bar.- ,-- "' Oshawa, Nov. 24, 1878 484f We were tbmee trojxblidsouk 'that niglht. Jin vas out early nait mcn-' L USOILEA nrT in',:and I got on the shore by ai- VE TRRIN-4R] 1BURGEON, me tea ha et haine ta, breakfasat, soon, DUFFINS' CBEBK, ONT. It4wi5soefUne, the su was ehinin', sud - tha waters ail.cf a parkle, sud. 1 fait Gradaate of the. Omrio VeterineU7 Col. Most vonderful sarry -: think that lege, Toronto. Blioda anàlJ1m couldu't make up- mat- Having bean awardd the Dipioni cf th. t.i-. hetwaen thora. I vas thinkin' onuý Agricultural sud Arts 4ssocation ha is pre- itviien up caneman d Mr. Fletcher paredl ta treat-al Diseses af Hanses, Cattle tac The gentleman s.id 'O me: &c., wbich mal' coae ider bais notice. ' I'm cof to-day, Mussett, ai-ar the Hansesexamined as o jouhness. Mcdi. bille and fer avay," and lha began ' icines coustautiy on hnd. All orders bywhs atue latter or teiegnaph protty attended to. "Be yo-a unge.'frln? as Sàr Office et Mr. Thip C. Jenunings's. sud I was dawu.right gla te t hear haol Jeu. 18741. 4t, vas gaIn' et lst. - - ----- ~--- - "14may befor years,,an' t may be- TME BEST for oer," Bays he, piokin' up stonaés T_ sud mskiu' what children cails -ducks- and-draks lu the water.I"jin," ho HORSE MýDIOI NES. sgut-or Jim, as navin! off--youi AUldescriptions ai tas at Home Medi. sud loak boe, Mussatt," ha says, 1 aines kapt constantly ai baud and forsale at 6ou've lied b.d lack this- ye ar, .50 th. Whitby Livery t4es. tak.thia"-snd he gave me Bomne gold4 I1"No charge for ac4ica. man.y-"l I awe i4ta you for yeuxr N. RA Y. giri's fae. l'y. igot 14 right enougb nov. AndI gi-e my lave ta Bbbda, sudi TEE RUSSELL IGUSE, tell bertuget married te that gros* C07e trhdw Sts5i ., efter Jin, "baeara I, cone tethesa ORILLIA,! ONT. ategi"I Rhode looked white sud tirad wliau ù Thie magnifieunt bricuhotel is oue of the. 1 veut hsck, but she vas main gentie..t [ergeet hanse. uorth effaranto. I14 se f44.tmerdadgodta ey e cd, furnished sud candipted as ameedsd odthtda.Inoep gave ber ne message fram 4h. Pointer,.t A FIRST - CLAtS HOTEL ? I ouly toltI ber b. wss- Bgene, after I see Oombining elegauce, cosfamt and ecanomy. thebhast witb the twa mon in pullin' In [t as ample accosmIation for summer across the vater; sud I said it wouldn't vîstanýs,l.deightfufly tid centrally situat- elk my girl te go frettin' star a la d,,heing l close poility ta the steam. in that neyer ceuld bave a tbouglit boat whames, Mxdiand ud NartiienR. R. o are. There's nothin' reaily sinisa, tations. la thare siI:sd 4ladbrc Commodjous sam -e sloms sud suites ci e2 sd1 u h adbrj apartmeuts for families. head devu au ber arm, sud cried liea 1 N. B.-Orders for racla by latter or tels. baby.fi gr-tm pmptly attendeqto. IlNo, nethin', fethar," sea ys; t 0pO'n"es toa sd frai the steamers ires auly ha di oeaes diffamant ta the b( of change. mnen aisout hem.." ai ]EtBT. RUJSSELL,. And thet was about 14,. 1 su poe. th Oriia, Jeu. 7,1874. Proprietom. A was's fancy l 11yab ..'s .igt; E _ _ Yen can't tell eue momtent vhich vay nt JOHN S. M. wiu..cMx, l ltumu th. nait. l im joiueéd c-pny'wth saine athea ' )i the Town ai Whitbybas beeu appointed boats latar lu th. day, sud va tva Iapt as byaoursalves,snd, ivbataver eh. thougbt OFFCIA îSIGN E cf ftr se.had hem cry aut,RBede madIe . utnsedta ofO.~aJ A! usn s sshe was cheamini. ~i ie r'an the County ofLei.A uins tmgtb a month feth wn mtatdt ascharge ffil hacamef ly et- P ýeded ta. . the. lady irom 4th. Cott4ge camaesup te Vhitby, Jani. î4tb, 1874, 8 a ur bouse ana day, sud'findin' Jin eut- sida vith hus nets, e. quastoned him , et a des! about the day ha taek hem cousin 66f G. YO UN-G SMITH, ovethe watar. Aun sert cf seemad Y btheeil bt asweedwhet èe. skad y ISSUER 0F hlm plain enougli. mi "Had ho taken Mr.' Fletcher over sa. ~'IRRIGE I.ICENSES tliwater te At. Mairy's that day V'" o'c WHITBY, (ýTXRIO. IlHad 1 Mr. Fletcher said viiere ha 11 vas gain' te?",o "Ne, ha hadn't." c -~~a IV R I"uhe sentueomessage hack by c Parties desling camf(ttable vehicles, and "iNoe a ts o v.?"e îod hanses vill pleasa ive théunudersigu. An whe'sok fer, getia d a cal!. -Adwhcn h' oesefrJin o r . BLAIR, up sud said, vith 4h. lady's leava he hLi Masous HIotel. must go uaw. Ha isaver loeked et us, hitby, Oct. 27tb, 18741 tf.44 but struck off ta the. beach; sud vhen c b. cerne back that night ha vent te th ne. /ONEY TO LEM King's Heud instaad i couru' home. o YITh - i.lady-salid se.asked this hecause ne Alege quanitity ai naney to lend at low t. a e er ri e osnv Ltereat, Pnlvate fauds! since blaiet. Haehad *iasOed tva 1.t- hoi Fan sale, severai Ta-au lots, twa Frame tae at St. Mary'. viien Jin lande a]! inses, sud a large Irick Hanse. For hlm thare, ta soe othar friands, isylu'011 rms, apply ta ew on esa wt hm u oto G. TOUNGS3M. lha n-vas gain astyvlhtameutb hitby, Feb. 9th, 1874. ha7 ee eu . The iamily laitt Oha Cottage seonau aI. mi -teansd siter avblt t-wo strangerei cama ses [OUSE AND LOT TO RENT! and put juet aj( saine sort of questions as - toe aZd uhoansered -just us oai A g0ool two-aîomy Fmaua Hanse and lot aofLera; sud 4hezu va haamd .ne ore- aduorth af Dr. Fastvood's, luth. Town Mr. Fletcher. a W5ity Aplt Rhoda seemeamare cf a veussu aI. the ALEX. OGPION, Analey p. o. ter thetsuzumarý,Ia<lwas caWrèful sud en te J.E. FAREWEIL, Lsib theugliol ,bayoInl .hei0t ypars. Sha t tben 2lst, 187.- k.pt thme, wônidaripl âaddidn'.éýto l 43 t m u a i lon g er w it h O ie R in o f t o 'W e. ' an d ONYTO LEIM, Jin va i matiu uwtih' u [OXEY ~~tâld me e'ad goi vbit h' anNt he uudemlgned bs ~nv amant cf on- lu'for.-. Rhode idposse cNOl oh Lnent po enne ow mpeta n h.Srug airud ld 'ae uedtn a sudounLof Mo- n' . 'p-- 4 -p., tla Ur ocin a au- nog , id'4.ý 'truf,-aiiibmde in~ i o. Ouameigt (after- Mi ,~I~~p.bail beforema~to: 'i~I~ùjc iýIold on wt thOs so t hiug. auy'longer; iM iutBa.es*rno; Will yau havaI me I c i antd spoit -%te him gave a gras soba suriissdts, hùo grn ta for md, fa myaa".esd- lm a d eh, hldin' br bby ight vith et eue., armn, tr aetche a out the .ot ior ov er ai h lm ; àh d aa, ! Ji ndear,. I love-y en ai "H e v m u ail"' say s h , ftr y x nt b li ti bi se f up & ,bit; h a pok e se0- sharp ai I t i Og t t h e fe v r f it - a s c o u s i , n - u l e hum iagans. Bacausa," b. "aya, "I'!vae ,D gaVe m Y sou! sw y for' y en u d ov-" Ce . ,Husb, Jim, 1" said she - 'sud, gttin' wý peohé enoothed lackhàshair> sud trid oi tu cealis po headj but'ha cught lien TI ar n sudn e lit fait. , dc " D e y cuavàye > sue b tte r than -y en 'ic loe h.âinOe;r, "0é s:Cila yntant sue nov ?" .«ta "14 isn'tOauntln' said lia. "W lsici ce de yen love the hast?"' "0, you, po , y en " sh a cried out or passloauatly; sud lbr eyes shoneon 22c hini,an d le k uaw . eh . spÃ"ke t.h a tr th. fa. *"Thau ny theeLrd ý help mal1 But MI Il e ll Y e n a l ," h é d. i.I. c H e to l tI u s, s t ii ' ol din , o n u t b i g y t w ifal's arm , bo ytue pa itar lied said , su whasuthey vre xidvy betwan the* co islaud si. Maiys that lie venid h haveiîjwlmbeore he vent ashra; ai o [ haohe took off bis thing s;, 'as le -ba& v otan d eab e rea nsd "p1 ugadinto he h water frin h. at. eJuin tlt us, vith t b . s v aa t d r o p p i n' oa i e s f c e , li ao b a h e a n devil bad gene into hlm, sud put baerea-ai hm hde ai fgttin' ria othe minuha wss jasions a; for iniglt ha nt coma back sud stop Biod a fr am bay i- ' hm ? Q gks hgt hehad look a round an Beesi th ere vas nf t ï b onb i4,t iil nu hal, scarcly within sigt;-,qick1 as the vil thougbO liae tered hlm.h. lied inld avay fromeima nnstrugglin', lu tha vavas. a "F o Gd's sak, m an, have doun iti fel's play 1" crid sai-iea, But I made eswa. "Ney, yo ea ini h ad ieais p lay for m an y ' ev a k ; 14. W y tarn no :" sd se ent o. adj "ýI b aa r d a a y a n t v a , a ud d u r e t n t < th e Lok, back; hn I urnd my had - etthe Th ii i-the es-bha gnedou.ad ivlilsu-1th zmev ei-ro dbslathrbag sd Oh books, but vh eu I sa v hii ettr sI e-row h 3daon tu St. M ry ' The -shap viera . 'hy kap the pst-cffca la hrd by th.esi1 semae; I sl pped np und ' put th in in, w"w Lnd 'th n c enah o rna aga s. , A nd lhe A ay th re a-dyi ' .sud tlt hiObs. V "iO, la it true," said Ehoda, 'as vhita me. e a h o t.E "Wi," lia saif-and tua startd back à an in su ad.ahoek fri head te foot- me', f yen speake'don't ourse me; i'n vair id out val fr wvhat l'y, do ue; but" the -ha hgan tu sp ak hoarse an-d>1e- m ei 'l d i t 14 fo r . p eu r - s a k li.; O ,"t s ud h a hY trtchad.cnt bis handsvitlisuca sleook, con 'fo Yaum sake, vaman!1 AndI ne, dn't fr ,n pltY' in'? cau't. you halpine 2" 1a,>lu, Sh a turn ad h em fac .- te li n, but ele it i aigit bava beau blind for auythiug eba shei vw -s nc i a u -ise ag av a a m ea a ns d fou i lutcbed at the b a-curtalu *oc bid e it te n rnm him, sud thoagi seh. eit he moenthall 41mbk that thé great aouy th t care éq nha naver missad lhem.. If I dame n t. le se him . Aà varnan >tue ne lu sudsked vbaéra flisda va. -expi 'o thought aehaa takan *teOb a t ta had ur naigihors; aiterwards va knaew diff. sien ret. Bfome twelve he diat, nvr lu atoi as riglt m ind Altr his vif. had - left. su ab I vas stund like, and culd't Oinl tlej vishat e'd taitI n. Sarntimes'ven -M G v I catch m ysli vond a m ' if h a van'e m atl ot nventi'and accuFùi'hirneiiiahly. cern I ve ut o n R hoda d avu he stre t *te id i seor a I th ou h ' ai. vas; bu t ourmn ig i, let Ë >r said"' e. l e d n t beau tuera chau 1 -W h t." Axsdthon sa rightyfarcam e , M3 i m e, sud I k n a v t iare va s fu rt ie n flua s aLbla ta cern. We seglt atout for h. i er sud litned, lest by hane. vo h. c îgt hoir tua child- cy. W. coula ceMIn o veR.t taok lh, ntbafsslloon seone shan cearssdey; it vSsa fo od tidàeone as 'Il fe m on Baia,>sud hohalfth ou gttbo 5m i àtrv*ondbe ver tie uav bcn, if 14 cani a tiha nat ail hur as 14 had doe of M E taijl nauglt aI the-tale I lid berd 3Mi o k o u ' . a t l t L a t i iýo x lÉi t a f b a i n " 3 m t a ç au I e e euë i é d ,lik é un e 'd u , t q i h a nmr , i 1 Dont os aneia suiora. Ji al nmber ai Mm. G, ecanuteauditad sud sent ta thé Gai'-oea raunant ena-hall bad Léen disailed 'Mr. s âd stili tuiey ver. paid ilu mil by ithahave an, oruntjý- Mn. G M. Gillaspieappented 4h. motion, right te1 id cemipluluad that Oh. ceunty had sud ga- anh loslng-large suinseof m*oney lu the lied net at tsmeug i inattantion.- No office Mr. S onnectad vitu th. cOunty, hoa assrted, thosa -a ias so importent as tuat ai-tisesauters vhich e Oite âe.Onsts fan criminel justica. 1Mr. Fi Iey vsuùted men, appoiutéd'vwhovwould Mr. G0111 ýtueir duty lnlly sud fai-ly., Ho swvret »pqtI bfr. Bickell's notion vauld b. Mr. ( Arned. Shlar hal Mm, GoûldI sii ha hafi ne abjection that vay O h. dalsy, if 14 vas censidened ne- ausvem I 555i-. assai-tedl Mn. Blakaillvishad ta remamk thet-noe at titoan ne -insinueated- that tisandito-s had Cauniingt ot' don. thair duty; but tlii-. vare ont st6pý a&ts that 4he.committeb shenld' knav., lot in Br !har. v aran. o baera thse finance, Mr. SI onmiita. shaviing tiat fan tveuty a loti lu] eau tuaecuuty. hatIbeaun losin.g .large. ,m.,Gi ane of meney asnually,- snd fat -the. hcabI. 1 Daty haIbeau robbad. night sud lait Mr. Bi ,rugth. m r-nnanl vihOie haudit ver. eo ftis counts lu question had beau H. eanica vëicookad, sud :he ante4d ta knov Ha leaskm a resen vly, -o ne lot?, Coinrittaemxsa, raparted pregrass,, 3Mm. Sb ad obtainlualaaeta asit agein> fis 'Mn. Bi fernne. 1. 1fithécours TENDERS FOR RsI-rTc. thaït ne n ,On nation ci Mn. Oould, tue clark fleP'li u uai >imactad Oe asi for tenders ion, sud thelt Luntig. F - - taok toai - Mm. beSI Mir. B r ov , secouded by M n. G r eeun, ied er n ivat tiat vian the council edjoumu itser-tin and adjourued te Tueaa, first .Junevitsa Mrn. Bieal wsuted ta knov viat tue SnTd tcim ver n u asut? 2 W as *14 b is in te ti n . en -i anÙ te council adjoum nd.that day to trm e u it aumu until Je,? becansa fiat vas frai-ai up te affect ai bis motion. ,Hacensidered enOhr 0motion pramature et that stageaiMmO B session. tha valua i ir. Brawn, in aiplanstian, statad clusion s-- t bis abject vas, that up is vsy Est Wbl ey had a yanly mneating about tiat cmae ne ai year, sud as it waaud b. impos- cmae ceunt tue ila feré him te attend bath eit oncle lahoev watefi tha data fixad. aps h titan sorna furtlsas'risrkh. enotice eut maae,è W alloed ta standl as a noticaetf vavoa' tien, teck recai REPORT 0F i-ni COllET? VÂLUATO1S. Mm. Sil àin. Bronav, sacondad by, Mm. Mie, tee. Iu yod fiat th. repart aofiathe snty upon racei isatere be recel-ad snd adopledas valuatere basis ai aqualiatian oai he assass-chargec ntlfor the naxt .fivo pears. , -1ha d<diAls gn. Brethour considera that thse *o, thair'eb acil shonid have saeômedelluito lu- fui ai-amix ation -baera Obein as ta viiet the M. Bici Êstoma baged flair valuation.upan,; Ra ta 4he imas due. ta tise-ceuneil, that 1. lay 'Whtby an sitI ai-plain. apon vhet dats tbay Mn. 8 hi mdad flair report. ,As ha vas gi-a n» vas oaura anderetsud, aIllthe inicrmnti0Iey i' Mr. Bile v as, taken -enoui e reports o ai ds ain 4h mlizatian cenumittaealun pears past. Mm. Shu âat ver. 4h. casa, -ha b akd, upon masdy. $600 ta b. pai-&tuas a uselass Mr. Bi sundituma. Ha vas ,convinced they Bracli? neyer iainly axamainad Ieuoe cences- Mn. BiI :i 4n he Tovnship ai Braek. It vas -Mr. SiE )getbem unjust ta psy 4h.ei-alustore ^the viiole' en an aout ef noney for Oh. vam*k suit af aur "haI perimmad. , gI-e: ., &44nô exl fr. O Danevan ' gecI thatas the doua. Ltan vas in the. isuda ithe.,finance M.BIc enittea, sud flop bad it under cou- good des! ý 'tion, 10 vould -ha ouly 1 pi-opar te duty ta se th natter coma Olirougli the proper doua for-it, pnel sud avait flair report. ianraa prol r. Biakeil :diti ot knaw tisat te e satn-ta nca ccùsrnttea had more ta doc mihb. paid i nàattar-Olian suy othar ýmambrs ci vomk donc councl. Haevas aanember ai that - Mm. SMe nittea; h had ne ejection fibat it 7Rr. flic ald go baenr thein, but vould jast requi. ail discusa 14tiehn. -Ha sued l i .nhI mannt tuat ithe >col ucnil ge luta nequiras. umittae aiftua vhole cu othe, report Mr. Brel lsm.e Suai- sud Campbell, the val. Brook ? r. -mi ,Si r. Bronovaccepted the amendeat 3fr.Bret s0 motion, andth couiseil went iu- The ahu cmmttaa-M. Broewn luth. têsir. 65,800 ic-a r._Faseby shad wh.ther the c-qn- Mn- Biet] 3retheur presxasmd ta suy tsai- ,six lottiln Break exrminad. idif fi-e ised beau axasuinati? iif teybed aven emnined hiem seflssed ta rèply furtbar. -rathour vaut ou ta condarnu me takan by the a dhtcre, smid eau iu -Oh. towvship lied %eeu Break gaing about tlair duty, 6t 14 vas a stranga vay thay arrive. ets praper veluation. JtJaohn !ttntldarad' that 'm'iat' n said by Mr. Bmsthouar were is itisaut prçef. -etieur eskad Mm-i Suer gi the vainatars isad tra-alatI cessieunlu' Ohe. ocwnsbip, anti ut Oh.efn imflaier appoint- vWas nndemstoad thay voald one concassion lineand dovu bhrougli the coanty. ikefl rneved hua questions te, ar as ta tua basia uponvwhicb atare md arn-ead e lir c0u- -espacially. as te Wbitby sud tby-vwhtham Ohey lad fairl>' atuie landI,sud tsken luntoa s- a ther pi-operty lu bath tovu- lici h. kept pressing, but vith- ving sny fu-rther 'raply. viien laock arrn-ad and tsa coeunil M . - Iesmmeld- der again beicra fie commit- exýplsaàtlan, hea tated fiat evztheauleninn. the'i, arge thne.ca kill andi judgr ination. ekali again pli e basis af--va ,na East Whît ianr replied liproeaty. ikel -Didy i. t-Co-tovua! Imathour-Dii ,keil-Did, yc: a ao n t y . . Y u labonrs hait Planstien ns mkail-The % of Our mnian ee fiat Oh. 1188f $00vw )par vainstiai et the i-alati accorne tu ,- 1 1 1 1 1 -_ 1 1 1 Il 1 . 1 ,.l 1 --

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