tlh Afsw dk cinss rishi nià . L '. 1 E S moâloemedlncilt hrongj thé ,erae;mx i UzEL S NEe ky toohff, 9aff cae'à e t Ittà in t~ 72 REGULAR MQI4THLY rel"d Arbkpà .paph hinlé-heurt cf tue doue,t l. GIET EN1TEBPBSE i pto, . Nuhtsf 1 tvetn &yà ahI1 Barba, noit.te- 014 o! sund tuve, a numberof giaplt pui n adi 1Worlmgorers, TO BE DA MONDA, MAY GRO, 187k d O 8 -and'ari wbosî agis a'Iîragedw. e appar- TWO tPBÂIfD O(PZT4ZS Or AESTH zen tamli somanof .thn csoeai ena fCiis f vlation carrist i on the s an1,sric hncrjgbscaet o hundredm cf cames, whici, $,5,000OBUCH IN ÇA S . -7WêI È pip tet or tIe e ung gils; and= îrladé 1ih cilis of vire and heleyiron vap *stanoî,07;gc j<y, 0xi f ;e ruar rmnwish koorbatohes, O IeiisrtismiptiiruhFV rfli f 50 Om bt" uwisWkhave rwhlpa, anai swartby Nubiens, ar-lV2 ud Evry ýw sdTE R IiOe ~.aagro n<mn ih apeure, clos e l s .Cawaas$ notes orbia100~ ~>l ~ ")-g * M o p t t hch re4tdan rkO one HEeortdB ,*t1 Ivr-mout- fooa. i rt npreasea thé anm ie~ m cave mpoeAreon the.hif iiwoight o ità oad,hbaifl Mun on Oui Plnmtonsd EeoaPianos, Worth 0- «ýaîtsr6'B Own rseceerong Sets~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ si:~m2 on u inabandonétave a. SwnXc4moi4o 0 nfe lo n teJeiavs aud," sfii e vai mark. s4meslgraph umFmily sigud chines, worth. * fl-ahbsn4fl.-1J0ýJ ver, given insmd .# u n. ne' Three Golti Watch« n ms o Wrh IUpoti bis paii for two or'tls'ii warddontospan fu. desmrt bevomn worth at5 machr' '9ii ý Kordofonand Darfour. A good many Ton Lde' eRumtig Watohes, - %irittng lrnaesid sew g5. tudnY, 1 xlamilvwu ii bblyb. sà ificid befi;rth 1100 esoh l'-qeartn oumrbcsor- ouddol~i ýui«.Gold sud Silver Lever HU!tlng Ut-108#atileaving mng ~sfor 1?r Are net p grima. Boys and Ibm liméecau hi cousidireti open, as the Watcheuý(lu ail) worthXfrm t@20% <U5e(s5e 10 f4od WIpOn. 0i net go toea.It à à usaslave A"bu, Who- esgerly steal every Pla.eof Gold diiains sivirir, » eWBIycc Zla< * 011o ieto- van. Now, vbat- in ta be don@e? -mu they 'eau meet willi for spear Number cfâi, 6,500.'Tickets fizni doWf 4OruUccess of jus remyinn ar Qmy ton houri froiBaebs.oMnts, have ta b. umvelely pmiahed b.ho GQO CUSing Ig Dynpepsla, LAver Com. 1 ehntno adifom heoethey leavo off cmttlng dowu ils Ajeutsot'anted to sa iTicket ',to whom panDoî,Crn ir =nor thati- e o te itringeut polos. ovever, ti fcly once ingrle Tèickes w S i; d.xTiktgP5 lainft- D)O»BY,.leCrvo ie Diar. rfRiven by tb hedsave asudthéilsn. got avien,-th, talegraph vil) b.e as aly SweîveTickets l; Tent-fvTickets o; 4Oajlls and Foers, Humera, ors cf Colonel Gordon. l, the ii. workedas tbJoeue bateive Ka teu wo. ikt 91;Tet. i eCl$ o Cn etuIona ior, , the. slave traders are langhlng Ai snd Cairo, vhlch, vlsn i s i atIaiti Circulars ocntainOfg a fuli liat ol 'Vrear, eard vithin iwenty.five mles of1Ilovu, v>s contihiully beiug lternt deCton et thle m'erof dra in, asud 1seaseso! AlecKidneys. and aniOr eà v TaDRi o otun a -,a.other inormatcion l eerénce te lhe Dis- IBUdcler,,. nomale complaifito, 'THE SIýVE. TUD£â OUZULVB Messetributioi o sent te any_ oue orderlng and a ilisWê' ntn n Ia*utmentioned course cf action MA 4t EIED teInetbadesdto aaI4itt.00-.c heughi ta b. the be bout eue; uand, - _ A dco;Excm & Lo ldn .1 D.-SinBcon Ined dl f r zlu ly loadlng oui revolvers,, w ni' t OLNo. or ekLmwrthjEoeBg,- ncl. ksofîieslÎtcm .ueoiree ir Pîeker bosson lii 10ih instantby the March mati, O.187o.n 4c<o i1 n, qm ts rd suecaaian.-Aterisombackiv 3O.Smith,, Mn. A. Webster tae87. 8endri7ofng qk-eces are 'Vsotfo. kme up villi lé, anti Mr. ci ur ne MizzeISS lnsn nl gh. lon ,brCrespondingra< la- ter ofa ther ' lae I.Thomahs on ouly dem WR ORDIT BALE 0F UOn, tat>are permanent, <nfe. mosUf tu. -hef mrhat, et e b ai hms olnon XK -fgsreu a,.iur adnt 'hia io ulmetboutt beys o i A ý.- Too-Bred & Grade 'ie adbti<l p ais IrotCYon rie~DZ IT bino>lglsas t1 feftoMot of the sistem, Cyewre stsi éat Intehexi01 LL-At Enookihi, on Tues. >XToxD =Axe, &o. 5fU cf HuiWs thumsle Ehedivi e y gevenlng, ilSrd instant, Mr. Joseph TibousanclsJaave l'een changg<5. Marco¶l ¶ast hlm. âd Bultchlae s8yai uabacriber hau necelved instructions by, thetue oj'tMU remecy, fl,n» 3a l w. éa yuhave any Theina l a lcplc fi-merbs rmweak io, ay, uf mtity b deta"ime ?'wa the neply laie neuidiec,"on Friday, 2m h lus at MR. -JAMES MITCHELL, hesptsronj, halKy an' man naddre&sud, vbo nov um-10:80 o'clock a. iM., ta the place of To soU by lcmticu, vithomi resenv, men s and ot tn oglily frlghuined.l"Hfov in, no n Bnayhg Grounti. - at lis remiai; klt 85, 6Oh con. eht:71e1W11il I ébat yen aweofficers of 1h. Geov. LN.AîGog cneTenon- by, pmilesvmaOefBrocobh',, mon fterie i r ut?" sal a irtzder rid1qý up ta ta, ou thé mornig o f the 22mdist., WEDNiESDAY, APBIL 7TH, 1876, SVI 4aAN Y uPb n<nt « Eeg U- le oftIls laiaer cf -the casavan; tho ayle belovid vif. of .ifllvn Vlsl noml IAN IPIbký1 , hIi èo . r itcyssem' ffees. hê.mati havesthoas Flynn, sq.,'tuZou. in-1sauOfmatchod mares (Cameta~~o s~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~a 2lbhe, ru ughter o hnSeEa. -matcied hors es 8ad 4 years, aerbya>, SETH W. FOWLtE-& SONS, Proprietors,* re are yenn uoldlers ? I billivi. hr7th year.2 9 psu hcru, 15 thorougi-bre sdh- 0iMleuiae t kne rabbins," aboute« mnotier. -lae cowa, S 1-year ocl hoUera, S 1- 1 No.1rmtcldx ar soldilers are close by,"uaim : WHIfl'.B> .1! - calvs éuteers 5yealigbuis2-eesl DrL> Daooox.'ns orz;znÂLr.r, Ipoli (Ifortlinstely il nap e;m Y RKE lamb TBerksUhlepig à 0 h els polat- tome tva w*ltlhe: mahibasyaofces, iw0 buquls l B est Pol poighu, har. mxv)" -l"saidthticchiel Ousoxiona Ouvua; M ardi a4til, 1875. rticl es qmachie, au many otherc taAlateirmuuttonng ioaiethilng lu FOU Wiaît.........<0000 0 a80 ssale ut 112 'Clock, noon deioni taeue af bis- subontil- Spnlng Whist .... .0 es a #0 8 Ter9s-Sums under 010, cash; oven liai "n h 'aicse 1 viiiacompauy Barloy ............ 800@#e 0 93 amout 7 mentis credit on approvod papmr, MYRTLE TAT7YT h1 thn you eau roture *for tIl Pesu............... 70eo 78o viti lnteret i. mot pald vien due._ tees cf Our P&Éy' "WIl l the! Biack EyoPeau ........0Sc8e L. FAIRBANKS, Auctiomeer. f the slave deaiesns mt 6*AcO Bpe Ri - * 5X7e Mrci 24, 1875. 1 he slaves If vo bave them ?" : Ols ..__...._________o__70o__ t.~~~ ......Mr..nopli Hf ............. #4 a 15 . QEE'SHTENONE 18 GENUINE'. aleotvbaehecifPi e...............500.(0 (LITE zCOXvucuL,î oon feui i vll our., 39Pg............. sec 0 200 iirid lthi saldiens te '. Butter............ . 20 a 5e0 iOK.rET aUNLESS' STÂ1M>ED AÙlbST TEE ERuANT, Coal, Pei ton.......... 7 0#86 TAYLOR & McCANN, PROPEBIEBTORS. peme, aeivmIaluhy e..We ....... .....4 00 @ $4 50 The undeoigneti deuire te inîerm theïr r S qüuaimtances; for, aller -ualutlng PthepereA.a.- @S 0 1hpll -mi etlieyhve - %or, eycommenceti conanîtimg ........ ...50 0 40e-pr pair hv0olfte u eeaTIfEAl uinu MTTSO aloot olkne'wn éveil by Our Duk e p......0@0 ltô lie bout cf or r fer lieecSommnoca. i xtallnt'.freud. I su ad Turkeys, per lb.10... ctien 0f gesla. TioMar, vh i hie iaud- TTE IMARKET. he rosi of lbziman's caravan Gâeoso...... ......... 0 @ 70. somesi lu the.cCcnty, S ii ll unppliod viii Fob. 21, 1875. 0a, iiié ontok nuiti given, I"sad Apples, par bwà sh*el.. j 0 leSoibat fvns irusdo i î «gars. ple encleadlidrar udgo mi vill you, but 0dotilot ie th e........i o 017e siablin,9x eallui &o. Delached reoms 158SPOs'o o auy acontt;rupou, Beef, bind. quarter .... 66506 for commercial Iravollers. mdi B " llBief, fore quarbtr.7.. 46 5 0e J. P. TAYLR, PHILIP MCCANN. Burnçtt~s Oocoaine ver, iae&bon minutes',lUme - lae c0oot.Poet tetl rc a8p fers camea k anti à asait that Dcksî-~asCcu.GaePncfnUaUyOn* 'chant lua iPd pt, favometi by 1 a nd . Cmtorcug:"B ateruhFR AR kuend.- idHEs bas bribet yen te knowvlA.of thenaturel a tcon FARMFO SAE e, vas o ani nd ud vi liopenationu e!Btlge ico.«O e igt crs 0chnt pr. Lo 0~ Burnett's - Oocoaine îhatll tupisetovo ledsan; b acatl plication cf lie fuoni te Dii concesso r i~ing, edjolning 0ns r yî~ tcy mardi 0f the slavedîlr ro'p..erties cf voll.selictedccooi, thp le village oft Clanomont. v eoranc sib ias Bo dt arbradu aberv But the igit v V, T ank, delicaely aortibey 5 es;OEr Apply tloW. M. iciei, CMaremont, or Burnett's Occoalne. Ur - about, an hors rulilis suve la mauy heuvy dcn bilh.g, i t Guo., KEITHLf7aii JsgoaboOlr WC lsd tdeglve U& the attOM 6. bv lie indicions use cf snob articles cf loIet cet 171875hsulTrnio urét' ocan vor raii"sait Marà opoll."î4ae i at a comtitutien'may bhfaduilly bultMuri1,17.liSabdnes flefractryflair. 11lnev.r ,b.»able o fa the up.uitil string enagh tc remet every tnufeton.ooane GI 5f himmelif spm id ieb art fioating arcund ui edy ofaleaa.TSLVN O 0 5 reuduybuÀù$hthe al O tuck j«hoe n w., -Seethes thue Irtaled Scalp-Skia. Ide.ealsilng4 sla l.ia ts af vhereve-ireluata pil ont. W. aMay - urfle±tys Cea etnlto a lunint thenoa cape rTi tl aeS lcIpn. ur th. malter a of u uh NGnz. 0 muke a forcîtmamh t-. elves 'Wil rtifed vii hPureblotids Ad à dJolie ichesi Lustre Serbas anti uk tie Govemner te prepe n uniset trami."1-t7iil Service - -,d h Rce uté ai soldièesmoumbed ilmdrome-. _________la__ he o~ie. Bunetts0'.oou alne a punsul, Tbey viii averlake RnEuDy tPRE-W simd fisn, a r, the nudersiguoiGeorg ontGou mm- bulotslé aMnol sutheleobel _eoWasb. van~~~~~ beoa alesil.mi imple and sure ins cf self-cure, for Con- of lhe Towvuoet Whithy, iluthe o Cuzty oi urneftt's ocoaine "do if thei soltirs aaloita hbeosunaption, Brenchltls, Asthme, Catarni, Ontario, have beon uppointeti Âsalgnel in1 aafi ver by a-bribe Ai e ur foilows Sarotula, aud amy diseuse alibie Tirasi or Ibis mnatler. nt voè shals. the vhole nantyLump, Norvous Dohlitity, Pnmmalune De. Oelesaerqottii ielands B urflett'8 ocoalne back to Barba beforo e e ave cay, Weelcmess, sud aildisardens brougit ~blon m vit rein sei on.l hi r u e Lâ e lmlar - -- by yonlwi nlImruence. bfr ewti n ot.Gvt e u otoni. iil' 1ie SSSSAE TUTTLE kCe., 18 Nessan-ut. N. Y. G. O. GR~OSSI untsCcan TNplUtie neasslty oet ieiiug e tauleDaleet IWhltby, tliifi 3hMrci Au18gu. ua»LegtluEc. avenuesWho roelyeti n svea .e 'oit 1.bpoo'd, udrestera couvti. -,8 c l ar---- tito taviori'-uu eà aceîlgrened.b 50 snd 75 cents pop Botte. ba vi ra b 1 r.traym isaor 014;* lie Indication riiglslng!-à itil fhlla Eg bigapesTo ilr:fo depravei nutriton ceusefi thie de. SAVE YOUIR BYBSI rERY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE, 'ht e bat pasedajslave *car. Pressinîg affeci t prr t WCotvshrRaamo.-MNTEP.Q im1sgbo, ossid; upan ltionirvanas ysteminnt onft-door - sest otteile rCs.s tiieouy l ualhapu& 11f. oeris., and' pure osumile.. Ceusti. on01!aIYAJJ.11rfP00in»ofCmes MiefjTauhocialu ll ::I d l'Ysirt JOSEPIIBURNETT S CamOB! 55@ ietuiilr bed s zly , d t MI=pe ersD(. .he, I . C mpo time Vi55e l SO'o w s- 110w rAýL -lhe mi te a ire uelVlI~i55i The Go mahlou t: hie~Bit8harnedan -Commercial Colloe BAi ABlTE CuSE 0F INSTRUCTION, ,And furnishes MLouE ITUATIOks for Young' Men, than aul - the other>Coilegesii i Ontaà joCombinedi. RaEEN CES son. rvii ex. Mackenzl1e, Preier fOnsda; Honi, WM. MotaLster, Pr esidani Omdau '010f ece; Hon. John Orawford, Lient-Governor of Ontario; W. Ir. How1ana, Prosent miin Board of Trado4 Hon. John -Simpson, ProMn nal ak o aho7, K, bshw;W. o1rsmEqPremidnt Bank of Toronto; J. ÂAtin, Eigq, riMent Dominion Bà nk; H'on. J. Bfflaard Cmneron, ProsMent Provincial -insur- aneC ugh Scott, Esq., o.Mng ueOyInnac oDn ia Our riedsaongthemerch4nté are entirely too nuinèrous to mention, ana we eau -DOMI1NION WÀRE-ROOMS. LOW-4S-& POWELL -AItE RECEIVING THREIR SPRING Dress and Mantie Making, Milinery --and Taioring to order. WVhitby, Mardi 241h. 1875. 1 LOWBS &POWELL. A. MIRACLE -0F CEAPNESS A T 1,000 Pairs of Ladies' Prunella Boots at 60 cents per pair. il 10W complete, oompriaing ailkidnds 0f [jadies' Misses' and Childrens', Genits', Boys', and Youths' Wear, Lnd somo Fine'SA'merioan Goods. of Boston Manufacture. A.lgo a large assortment of Trmiks and Valises. RAND TRUNE & BOOT BEP OT, KING-Ott 0OSKAWA. hava, Mardi lOtb, 1875. 121f C.- 2ItK r..X -ua~ CMEAP CASHI STORE, Vi1l be open on[ Fi.r-st of Aprl 1875.. j;â Dry Goods -and Groceries, the Newest, Most Fashionable, Beit, and cheapeit. ertain -Preserv4tioti of' the ýýSiglit1 LAZARUB, RFEO TED 6ME mhe iieailiû, form anic TA CL ESf E cols YEGL A 88£1 IDISGOOtJTT s. ]3eing about to leave ea: Sprin for ingland,' (being advied that ti trade there has lowered thé prioes oft goods w1now seil'out the ,balance of la st yeai's Englih Gooa at a Watches and 'Clocks,- Very LoW., W~ Great iducemenlts to ýCauh. Customers 1 T A a'etCiUSarnatchia Gldmithu Hfal, Witby, Feb. -15, 1875.. NEW'JE WELLFR Y STORE 9 REPAIR SH01'. The subsoriber havng- rernoved. to, an~d fitted up the-pre- Mings formerly o. d )'M à J. WILKINNb,"B8a Muic sueJewellery Store, is prepared ta r isho iIUne, lnelading W» Pianos, Organs, (loc7è8, Wà Atc7ýea. and Jeweîlery, AT PAIR PR[OES,ÂND ON OÂY EM FPÂYMENT. B E P1A I IN e i a il is branches done vith X an s a a d sp c , an satisfaction guaranteed, aud-at priceato suit ihe limes. If youw"ish<rn Or- ga, lock, Wath,. or anyihng in my lie, à ont forgèt the place-sud if-you wish any of them repaired, be sure and cali, (and if we canuot suit yon we Win armers'!prduce takn i achange fr goods. 9It emember tie place- 'Wikimsn's eook, rootr,et5. b Great Annual Iclearing 8aIe HAMI1LTON ý& 00-, Are offering the balance, of their Win- ter Stock at greatly Rdduoed Prices. SPEkCIAL ]BARGAINS IN D1RESS GOOflS, WINCEYS, CLOUDS; HOSIEIRY, SH1AWLS, MILLINERY GOODS, TWEEDS- & FLANNEÉLB.- Ready-ýMade, Clothing, Very Cheap. McPherson'd Block, Whitby, Pcb.l1à , 1875. 8 M. D DN OV AN'S carnage Factôry, Brook-st.Y, <wn AIJ A lbum IAlbums!1 A" ana engce s EEDS ISE: Home G of Aýmenica;' - A1NTED-A Gandinor, aeoransu. S. O. BROWN, Wholiele andi 1ctal Soesam.' lEmb rd', 875.Whitby, Ont. -T- A.MIEEOE FOR ALL PEOPLE. REFLECTOR AND TEACHEZ0F * THE SCRIPTU.Eà iI Cnitaetsix h-b u novlue oris, Oh4stisnPllrm. hita iii BoofCamtortimi sud - By ,JOluuW. Barbonrsud othars, sieving- thé diveusities cf ihe Himan Oharacler sud queities cf lie HpmnuHeani.' -Price.5; $4.75, sud $6 00, eccoang te bluding. MES MÂCHiE, Agent for lie tovuahi cf WiMithy sud Pickeng. Tii steve wonk can bhoiad tram the Agent in suy style of bluding as ondereti. JAMS 1fAOKIE, -BiatP. O., 0nt. fLOnT. R*MAY, IM. D. & IL. M.,. Counvies oai Ontà nio sud Simce. Office cn Oeldvsler-SI., Onlia. 7 T. B. WALREc, ; RPRETR - T, SALT, SALT l FOR -SALE1 To7Farmmcra and oieantiug Sait, I am eln gooidean Fieliisai, ifesi tram crfor 6 per ,ton,or hy carnla te suit purcuaaor. Varzm clantileavo yaur eors, yen vilneyer lly cheapen, - Aise nvinz bycars a effntity cf fresi minea enMasrds. Anyqnantity -efgocti, drî itootia sale aioap for ceuh, ai m &Cu su for fyard, t ldll' Hotel, Whuby. ADEX. ALEXANDYE1L WAMTD-200 Cajal Greewood B"i sud Maplo, cultliii vinter. Âpply éà - Tender8 for Grat the Woodi.4h1ý CAL & EETHEM. a~BUYTI- STOCK. H. -NORVUM, ONLYO, shaws, March 16th, 1875. SPLENDID STOCK OP FOR A FE*W WEENS ni] FFI Nygý HIE R E,-