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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1875, p. 1

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HIT B! UINMO K, BRîl âTB T0, SL. IL J. NÂCpubliaLaov: OMO FAW.UHAEbôrYkIIf UASthe B, ILSç~<LR Bm cinq. Si,' R TP S- Pqolarjs Publc&a. Elte, Beal~tre hlbyOntario. A. Go sILN AgitIMP,, ATOBNY,-SOLI( Witu1, Ontario. et fpt0 TIOASIVATON, TTIOWN 'CLEI AND TIIEÂ5UIW J.Whitby. Offio-Tevu Bail. ans ram 0 te 1 0'ck. It. J. GUNN, il* De$- ~UUGEiON TO TIE COUNTY GAOI - Iympu Street, Whlhby. Wes, 'ItCURIEN, AI.D., l1.,. GUYI'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG. s e le '.B. O. H. L, Oshawa, Ontario A. FAREWELL, M. B.. M.C.P.S., Stan Medealt anti Unlveraiîy' Suret Mel oulstGrâauàta af Tarante Univrsimty, Membofhheoolefa af Physiclans & ugosoOnharlo, PIsale Surgeon snd Accoucheur, BROORLIN, ONT. ' Wu ADAMIB, S]ENTIeT, ,ISUCOIS mrte W. H. bardi.) Ms.sTa2ss's Store. -'Nitrons OXM oo'dndtote fo r lth. palalsioz. traction o totih. Me -N. lAi!, L. D. s. T EETIEsshabrtod ei &U 1h. i"ss~ltetprnoipiss of fie art, ss i epatis oheapeat, anti s go a theis bu. Teth,'tiI vils Goatanti Blirer. "4s'xiraeotisin,aby -pratuinn sshsaDon wi leasus-in Cow. aànl nov bok, ovor Atkinion'a Ding Store, Sliè Streat, Oshava. 8 TUONA8 DEVERILL, BUIiDER AND CONTRACTO] susNDas 8T., urserra. tà- AUil adanspromptis axaultid 101111ROBINSON's à= IRDRESSINO AND SESHVINO S.Laloon, Break SI., Witby. A 03làFMTEE CEKLUBBÂTEMD -ctshGranite. At .M-able Works coonthaaWolfosdn,Dundas t.,Withs'. JOHN ,CARTER, T'IPZNSBD AUCVTIONEERB\FiOR TEE .et 80oualtes o uro.York Anti Ppii. Roildsus.-Lp BaSis ossaesln alhama. Pott ose@c,-Unlonil.' pgales altti 'n Tons ce be'eand-b iprinheti ah the Caosscs.aOffice lor Mr. Carter.' T Iî SED, 'C I UFRTEE' JU: con o - utadi- op o ïretura thans, or telibérl lýb4fflhenetfor. bootouwet Upn lina, anti te aucuescehiat helinpraparati -te coet qaagio elhez, n ramsaemntm for éniasaea b. matie lthir Ah B ek Srststy lava. quaslt y ohi i IWditialmbes cou- elantîs su hanti. go A ati siatenditioushort -notice. Cfus k~pooslntl' nhsad. A henst.hohire HB . O'DELL, j A TME R LY, -Cicrk -Division Cou'rt, Tpi Oierk, Comunleiloner la B. lB.,Lanti Agent, ha., ha., Aliseniy, Couuty Ontario. AT i.s . ...S..t . Iut .,.......8. CÇAR BD., i DRI. CARSON & BOGART, *pisysiamu, Surgeons, Accoucea, ha., ha. ýWhilby, Seph. 801h, 1874. - 4 RO A ROTEL, vsarrssY, ONT. JAS9. PRINGLE, -PROPMIETOB. Piret-laiaccommatiton. Ample anti lweittati up sampia eanis mfor ccamercnal S' LADWOOD- 10 sAez. Tisal subsamlbor has for ss aI ls Ma1MU, ousi Uti , a tsAtits'o or-otSa Waati. 1 A. >,B. AIEL JIODT. 'IAHRSAY il. D. & L.M, Eanti Aaeouoir, anti Coroner for thie Couahjei afiOOntaule ant i Sbacoa. Office ou ooiti*ator-sI,0 Orilia. 7 IW'APER -BOUSE, PRirPEsas', ONT., ~T. B. WALE1 . PEPRRTR àmuosoga, Oseraase 'i ~l. if- e, s, 5, i o r êat . ý a MUTUAL'IN EUD 019101 TWfO aM~y COn4aUD hod:Ot G=tSt lOts 7Et Z.PÂANI, 1 ~ ILi L$ 400,000. w M thon l fl7vo URANCe C ROCK si.", WH %puy -as ome Do an la Mia ým99 11I mta L UM ~R YARD &djclnissgtie1WI4b hport Peins'Banl. ~StIa, vboe ~okoopa oonshantly on etsitootek oh -Lumban ,~~sp IV losli a tiretal.- '&Il kinde of vank ox. meueSprmpts' etr. Witl tbs', May 27, 1 GE8. OUC That well.lsonuan, latu5, rd cou Whtby, knevn as THE DONA LP8ON FARk 'Ad au aI rest tseeo"upallan iC X.Ia.CentI,* acre; &bout ýmdvswllng,e01 tbunidn, and suits es.; splenditi ore: ard oet8Sacras, in exte - Aply to- --JOUN IlK. DONALDSON Gort m sl fl e Mrch 25, 1878. 181f dýýTara i mISOLAT]'BI S 1K Fire InsuranoCo' o Cna BIZan n a-lg CAP ITA!I Deposlted wlth ao Il il adjust ail la' pas' anarthi euhmliA Ban. ALEX . Ito.Cinnci,Torci lemnt, $07,0( Iseo vitiaut "Y'la] ONCE. (Ms ;15( se, ste. Q0 aud JOH3N MAUGHAN lin., nager L IVEYl unes sitres'telahamriniss e0IL a s, tis h aI s asaa nr. inti dbusinoss ut hhO ad WHITBeY Li IY8YITASLES, Havlag esucrsed ~e numrsud atqualtr 01111e sld, andt a iset t haati mpravea lie coaueyauaes an vehiale ou thie pren. j~ ~ ~~' gms hahp.b e~lu a positian ha meet public patrasaga.nir omitahref 5~CHARGES IMODERATE. M. N. 3.-Cored e'c IV fornami emes anti ladies. ôPrpmpt etonancal, as hareto. fors, ho ailenters. N. BAY, Propietan. APPLE TREES, AD /T40,000, HOME ÉURSERY, Sramn tua te four s'a-ns otaâge, smhraclug al ih. hait Vaities. SBEH vWISON, Lot No. 8, Sud Cash. lcokorilg, on lngston9 Boati, osl 0ff c ,Wiby. W ETERN As UBANCE COMPANYT BECA OFF CE, TORONTO. CAPITAL STO -K, - 400,000. aONise oB ourse OsNA, JOSEPH HOLmi ,BBOOKV.IN, ONT. -'Aiso Agent for the CANADA FABMEE&S' MUTUAL INSU OF, CECOMPANT, Hsati Oco ~ Y;es ud at CITIZENS' INSUBÂNCE COMP'Y, Mantreal, Fise, Lilha anti Guarata. Depi ucnient, CAPITAL, 9 200Oo Braolln, Dec. , » 72. i2mdp I LOUR AND t.EED. TIse underaigt e agi nform tlie pb- lic fiaI ihe bas mareS sWs pof ahbisanesi sormi isstrelsOt teC,. Mcett's butoher 0 ^ah~p vierh kedopn u iandtho hast fleur Csi for ans prqauce. w~aitl bs', Jas. 20, 1874. ILQNG. j 4 1 L I vEBRy I laitties'lsgaMnlrt&ble neiîcles, snd gaad hanses viii pie egir. liaeundermîgu. eti e caii.' Z. P. BLAIR Wlîltby, Oct. 27th, ,874. 11.44, flARNESS, SADDLERIY. Tise sabiariaer deefres la utte tsaI ha ian apeaià A HARNESS SHOP, lu tise pramimes appalte Bay's BrillishAnr- enIcan Rata, Dundas-St., WhIsti,'Whirsor ie yull keep an hnti a superloi steck af e'vaaythi i ina otbutiseu, ant vii soll il tiseloest p ets. Rs begi te aalfolt aà ohaneoahpublic patramage. FRANK TYLER. Wstbs', eb. 24, 184 1 Tise Domnial en -la coss of oh ta- clas, fail-povorod,j CIs'ds'bit Stean- - miipe, -and lahantnds~ es ýtai araoj àgnar service belveen Li 'asuoon Queueo sud Mcssraaa n uSumzs4r, atima Lpaesanti -,FARE$ AGA N IEI3UCED I Qqabea to ewlrsaI #15 bapgttise Agenth M i htby ~'u ao ' - 1 ETS AMEEZOAN Ã"TW ALBI-ON HOTEL, The Alilon hem beau thorongbiyrenat ed, sud ibE1ybllo lf ad mvery acoomma- dation sud e best attention GlANDTIV~ AMWAY HOTEL, WM. 0~II~L . PIMTOU. Pe.tùinthe tu ln alebvlng borm 0 GLO0Eq S OTEBL, ,ROOKLX, IN if TJE 18 TB N HO U SE, Cihe ndsàiied 'wosid ItinmIs t Publla, that 111. aboye promlm ass h b, 3ust Li9sm. d rs.Th Crm "esais o îm ttlL BeÂaÂât' teb tho veek. iOSEPH A. MMNEI. ~IPI8ING HOUSE, T'ORON2 M, ONTARri JAS. T. JEWELL, Toronto, Aug. 12, 1878. We4rl L>ICIAN," oontainiagdesoriptions lsgealse anti"s fer theuIr rmalment,v ",eeutbinmail, frep of ail l . . enngther addrmme7"%ow Kew York.ta74oti Tihtby, April 20, 1874. Pt OBERT JOHN YA1INOLD, -F FIjOIAL ASSIGNEI rOsU TE 0UYTY 0F ONTABIÉ ADDBE SS-Bex 99, Wmare. ý ai 1: 0 Ni w' .UMBER! LUMBER I C he ;01 eult. sc m Of of e th -of to tic Dor. 7 17 "El Ma '0. 41 s Thé unteieneud is sou lurecalpt oahi spîsad steak oatlas cleareti, val season. éd imber; selug ah $10 per tiausanti test. Ail klais oh Lunibar for Carpenter anti Housebnhldisg aItlouesh prieu. Lumben yaýrd neau orsiopi, Whilbyh P. P. E. Rallys'C. CHRISTOPER JOHNSON. R B MO0V A L ýPia undunsignati huem rsresa is BOOT cg SH'OE STORE lotlis promisse adjoining lhs Western Botel, Dundas Street, Wisiby, viare ho la nov prepanidt l exécute ail enters fer Womk. A sangs sud select stock ou hanti. Iipaining dons ai usuel. JOSEPH A. DANDELL. Wisitby, Mas' 8, 1871. - .' is il E Liverpool and Làondon and Globe INHURANCE COMPANY.- AsAILÀLE assars, 127OOOOeo. Laîse piidlnscearme of hhntyflre yean sîceati FOTYMILLIONS Oh OLLARS. Clama b y Cicago lira astisateti aI near. «0, auaeqo ben ag quidatetiaassotau Adjuste& vilsout detinction. Seuils' Promipt-Paymsnt and LibeaiHty in adjuît. ,ment of ils Loezes rahe promnasfutliures eft lis isthy Compans' BoaSoffice, Canaa Branch, Moatreal G. F. C, 8mrT11, ChlafAgent for Domnion. L. FAIBBAIKS, îa., Agsatst Wflby, Ont. OFFICIAL 1 AS8IGNEEI BILSIT RD IsIBIvsNsCOUssR, *eua -Whibby, 1a17 181, 1874. 1V .W=LLOX, LIE'£NSBED ~IOIM ID08 tU JOuNTIda O laid0, alG8to, $0 sfoiny fas ande gâta£en f*AU -W, May 1elabere Wa diiits'u' ýo ddl din s ar Havlîig p igre n plebut. hmALuSe.Od1lROERai Pu BA 'Tise ubsenher 'e for ersale thefefl lng valuahi. l aiSsa Y W hTom cetW ; situstei«on the oenuoh Qret!Ký orlme otauWr. Or CIlaet souhi 'eh theareidencu eho. Draper s. comoseid of parlolot *lé -10111 ý gw2p of Munray, ïCa. Nortin A clear anSdlm&ptabi iîléfe lbe gl s aU thiaboya prisperty. For hssrarp [culais apply to the ouner. FRANCIS CLARK Vlsltby, Jls. 1871.2 KÇING BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Iporto, Deakransu a tufaiars io, Kinds af EATLEI? AND -FINDING Cshi paid for Hides a, anasu Leather. Loathr ahrehched. EC ]ELTING MADE, TO ORDISU o SHORT NOTICE. ~ONEY TO LENDI. BepaYable bY insteiaients tom femTvo tj Tveshy years, ah 1ev rates of interagI, vith out caommission, and ah modanate changes. PrivaIs lunde t Laenti. Apply le- - I. E.FAREWELL, Solicitor, Break St., Whiltby ?£ay 28147.22-hf B USIEEOS CBAqCEZ. Tise undansigneti afers fan sala lie pn em lses lu uwhich isea businae for lise manufac- lune ah Agnlcuiturel Iznslemesas, Waggon, ha., in et pressetcannletoin tahaTownaic Wisitby, tegether with hlm stock-lu-liae, mahinens'anti Plant ofeh vsny descnllin A1 ise ?i dulliug iosne ansd lot. cisaisec il Issowu as e FIRST-CLASS BUSINESBS SIANID Anti anwvici, I itii ha hounti on examina, tien, as excellent business jis bamg nov aar- rleti on. ne viilaise disposa afhie mpatent niglal lu varions AgrianluneilinPlemants.'s Teesn lnutris'umsuan villa esusilcapital Ibis is epponlunicy thnt saitieus prqsculs ilseilf. Deeiinsg ho retins tram business os se. ceun t i i-helli, lie -nudeaignat isledis. poaedt e laka Ibis lip. Tersas viii homadtilesuit e cempelent parts'. Only assla B montsîraquimatidowmn and, sapie tins given hornthes balance or itiaqunto accunlîs'. ,1AMES CL-AYTON, Broak SI., Wihitby. N. B.-Tise aboe offer vil sot inlenhens vils tise business ici viiibc aarred or as maui,anti repaira prasuptly eacutati. Par. 5, 1878. 4511 ) 111E TO LIT. - FRONT OFFICE. IN< TUE55 CHRONICLE BUILDING. AUCTIONEER, &oC., &oc. (OOD NEWS FOR TIE LADIES. -Wh ài7, lune 2nd, 1874. OFFICE-Iu Blgelowm Block, Port Penny. PorI Pans', Jane 24, 1872. 28 ILUME h sSHINGLES FOB SALE. iThe subsear liason haut anti for mals Ml ilsni Ie Ullea, (5aIs Cnmnie'il, aui ild ilaiser sud ahinglas. B ull nsisr saya to ord6i. FIl N~I A. B. CAMPBELL. lea, Aug. 'Poli. 841f [IDLANI) BAIWAY 0P CANADA. TIME-TAB LE. Gels g Nantthrain Part Hope le Lin dsas' Ileston sud OrIlla. Leare Part Hope-- mail....,o , m.i mIMleti.... 4:w p.s Golsg NarthtilaPeterbono' h Lakafilit. mail...lOio-4a. . i mxea .... s:85p. m. Caalng South frein Oilla te Llndsay, Peoebara' anS part Hope. Liane Onlla- Mail ..1220 p. n. Ar PI Hapa 600Op.=. Comling Seti frein Lakaielal. miet.... 9:o a . 1mail.... 8 :oo.m Cennuectsils liste Niplmslui5 alvay h antifronn Tomantesuimd in 'maitesant= et Milbnoek for, Petsrboio',anti Oihli, an ani s'r. Nermenian-at'D aàm. hr 3ooi6hes.WUt Hf. G. TAIMOB, 7 Snpt. -.f Trii F 1OSa BLE3, Ar rai GLEN MAJOR MILLÈ 1 000,000 esh Pi»s L=aber, vwonseaaueI.O Inch Beartis, - Sx 4Santlug, 2-laci Planlc, Fauclng Boards, 100,000gee f Ok, Maple for maIes, lst qualits', Bamoad, ý 15,000 fI Square imio, Baoiilobek h a mas'hiathéieG"I ahtpi~d nd iela tisuesk. orévare' WA NIW REVELATION IN THE 3IE>CE 0FDRESS-MAKING. 'ST & SHOULDER CHSART. Dresse filtt frein measuramaul alose vihoul cisange eh a stilcis. lFar sale, vils tieinstructions, ah MISS MCINTYRE'S SnESS-XIKINGBOMS, vxsrnr. -Agents vanteS. Libaral iutiucsmants la lie trede. Whltby, A'ug. 18, 1874. 84 1ATS1I BATS!1 BÂTS!1 LK AND FELT,1 c NUFACTURSID AND RENO- M, OLEARY h 00, bsg te a=nnnc0 tisaI thies' ie penet ibuluema at Oshea -Manwlaaens'opposItétehie "Vindicaler", Ofdoe-viare hes' mailue Bas$cf aeurs'description, andinhlebot style, Tveànhy.far pan cent nuder cihypnices. HIATS REXOVATEID equalteneur horsmr 4e Oshava, AugntIo0ti 1874. ls'-88 [PER AMEBICAN .HROTEL. Il calaNa or TONez aNa noir Ms. GEOBÇFk BROWN., PROP=ITOIs. Thia faii-dlams hanse bas bosu nevîs' il._ tatiu n nSreneovatodtihfrugih umd ai. lrds supurler accasuiuodallan for lie racap l«as eh guesta. The present propiatar hem sparesino pas ai expense ihitiuclng eery imprevemenî liat onititend ha lise conSent and conysulenc Ofahbis Patrons. Toronte, Jlis loti 1874. 29 QUENS BOTEL. (Laie thse. Clsaal.) OSAW, NTAÉIO. W. B. MoicGW.Ë- PBopnMTR.- Ti &,4184, Ummsa Hou . a. Dupfflo OU X, ONT., ato .Mr u eemo it=sl 'on tblssont 1 Ycnýll4the eewo atIbore ul -1JOBNSTON B Idi5h4 ',ýah 'kDp1é iai*1 ADEMJE1R IN LU-MBER, L a A.i eVre, voringAget, erh Pln andcr. I~sYOÙX»tid yoWýeetmy glana, ~AU oder.prom si'nnaau elévoi4 &gain. W h l t y , O t . M u t i n Z my h e r tl a e i t I i t r a t h , TEE YEAR 1875. astrseaey tue hlavap frami F011 sheln r ttarl"Wioe . ha by Wisitlsy..21î1'lîîaîî ýhàd beau in"tul itifrll Bru s4Ig2 8 2 8 2 2 210 ThuratiOeio"ta I Uxbndga.îg~l~ ~ ~ 59 ~ ilsmy. l l h ismeom ltisela IckI . 1111J' 171otyhat n i <tu-hltl'I 1 29a5'201'Un'4 aa 5bo 10yar Whihby, Jan. lot, 1875. risa a aiclalaheoséslt Ssrt's'nt'idtioghî, on ier 40apM SONON BOUSE i id beau te loékforlir'dali;at s., ibut foris' he7 e bsence ,of h iecilt TO0BONTýO. The haiioflhe buewu novaSU l limstclass accammedahian forthe trave.a l a daeIthe. &é' pouing ont. tbs'ouph lin gensul.Suites a, aparnments = the darvas as frn liehe uth.er a be huriit teliïortest natioe,com. fxaSi.e,'*1o0liat ingraeu hy the ey vas iotiiouesiample reossuefer CaupisealTik, impossible; ýMost of heia seond sBtoi rellas. v as aIsO bsirnlng, £athleantire first Titiso Ht e iua"tet hiave nmianutes ficer, for lietfie hati broken eout.lsr wslk alaCl'aRStation oh tie Norths. rguh.--Tneileaatsea ir Itnson1 21. naeu * ehl W Pobbl Yà Grean tieste ations oh Gnd TiukaUng ti ar, wue nueVithab4ycwùaalei_ on eh:ise atetnbtiv 0",milenn.entinely eut cf ~aqumle llra Wetr net.>ays hes" on hytavmiiwloets lsIpsas îseeasi~B la ,aat ~5~t îy! 8 presoiw'tisérà tao, InBsglauti tavesn opst kbelieva tiMta m ~ ,vivisection are anifravoriug ta peonre iia6 aclti mgofo thoïpassage cf à, leur te regvlalétý ts andihopa you viln mno e of latervieviag ]natue. .'assong your frieuds "Mr. Joba C. New, of Intimaa,,* istaý g,..u we"r. e..s..a..: z -# Mie HaIIovehl' CORNWALL'S SELMITTING VATED -AT HOME 1 41 Th.a<ol1sb.epauaa*sy - T BE B ST We do butsmlit'e tio-dy. Y"s ER ___,iàveiceàiéd toha snças nt lna. S !e ons n Isint and forsaléentt To qosn * ~ N. il A T T MayLady.vorede ere, four __________SatZybraI i c iD H ]R U S S E L L ] l a - gh e o l d s v p s a v t e q u a ls t T 2seMaaladsb 'eodins0 ht-~ f nIl jTissmagnlfloantIicklioWsiJOons'cf tise But; LWdý clamrs'Vsrdvsre, vlù egeà#" 4soeo no f raior buntt [la Y5eu rvas~y fot ham e, furaèl4 adeiIne'r' oai ws, s j1as _yIi i;at oomesp ýW4tislu111smssst of ils sveap. canif niansu by. tyliandSnssis 1 ~~~.,~i Casibnln' leass., 4 But 1Tam sode -th e -wiIïm isn14 ,1vlIt hsî foi m a 'ormnsni Yeu'r vat tisus:vils'.& score oeh in. bothrein iata&~iri3 , Betne-baisyOur uise is e f, ~ ~ ~ d damtaa;m.#T y Oust ê' e r t i s n s's l se Coinsotiaus simple roanmndsnlts h âtisiaeyeou i de an hain e. apmrtinents for famhlles. ~-Tour.vali gs m'iUas swa mtàiehn, . B.-reme'assbyltti«e. 'orfc sshi ujnantigootis E'.gramaproniptlyaittended toi.zoé hib Ëisoes ofmlylo"0 Oninu oaste t and ù=111e taagfa A iie ue d loi Charge. ~e'e5fe 1 1 rpiai ahn:inalc lew-If sasse day, Clama Vers de Vers, lii In BT. 'RUSSELL, U,é, fteomtet 0r Orilli's an.7,1874. PrOPosI-Lea1o r 1 - Tia'ald limes likat vths twfsmea sJ OH 8o . M. WILCOX'! eI y o ulti gianges'eu fsetlag laves aIs <J or one tins lave far evemara ieihen 1'ienv*a h come aud saaa fie p¶ace, St-. Ohie Town oh Whitby,h jhnappoinhet -,And mitthgaohharuoayor. Md OF'FICIAL A8SIGNE]Iý nall syVred ee OfmeWi ressua yen snay ; ber_ Fer tiseCounts' ah Ontlt. AR bsiness Ariyhing frei nay heart for Yenu , e austed to ie charge il le caefllst. - newvwOrla frýYans v:nclgway. P' Witby, Jan. 141h, 1874., ' Shsoat 0 -yaur dants fiey aassc'isy 81Y aivisa v n eact I clis.ime lu Tisa provetichein-araneur ah a flirt. - G.- Y OU N G'S-M T H, #Faithfnl Unto Deati."1 ISSUER OF 5IrSEE KETCH-FOuscnON FA i Atli the ead of nigit fiera v'as a C MARRIAGE LICENSES,' "lirai fanrel ftraI" Bren ina;a City',visera Iliare ara fionds ah s B, WHITBY, ONTARIO. le rentier ait, it is a terrible A'et Il leu; but on a loneiy plantation, hl iuaexpmaselabiy suful I "lire I fine I fini jNT ECONFESSIONS 0F AN INVAW4D It rang tiroagi the vida hale, aid TPEUBLIBRED AS & WÂ55515o and for th. achoati frein fia negro quarter, li n v bencfil eh YouNo. Msz %ND OrRzS Who - li o te toues ofhorror sud alart sufefe in mNERVOUS I>IBILITY, LOBSS l 22 OF MANHOOD, etc., SUPPIyiig the e8e mTutreoft hamansion,su - o Slf-Cswe. Wvisa lon wo u ig ua h e cry, eprang frein hem b, himeif afler nuidangoung censidanabie anti iurmledly began te drese, gazi qnackai-y, anti saut frec ch charge. Suffai,. amounti bewildcrad. Fer a moment E ors are inviteti ho sddes, Past-paii, tise vam cousclous cnly lisl ler husa enlIer, as absent; but llea as racalieti t-NATHANIEL MAYPAIB, eemetiug lie iseraalf by thiabiele P. - ox lez158, Brooklyn, Nwoverka. ltheinid wv ia d slept in tisa rea - -astiWhovielslentiof ameistinhg Il' teil ONEYTO LNDIvas polullug, vilIs 'terrifieti gasticl ONM T LN ions, te lie mntity refleahlon pisyl - agauml tisattises-la frontloft he hi ;Y Alareuantlî1vci mncy te lend et lau Sutitenly, te ait te tisa confusion inar mst, severalTun os lu the sce'se, tisa clamber dear vas' fin Bouses, sud a largo Brick hane. Fo oeansd e crouti cffemala serral canins, appis' ha nussmo in, fioaking nffs-lghîetly tegeth G.YOUNG SMITH. like a covey parsutil by lise sporteni Wbitiy, Pcb. Oth, 1874. 7 Thay cleseti arount MmmS ftavarl's b, - - - - - - - eaiung, ueaping, viging tsi ]R US AND LOT TO RENT 1 lbands, anti tapiviig hareof vint lit ~ Jr~ -presancaetofmmina ilbeau left. le, "Oh I mimeus, va shahliaeburned Agooti two'ehory Fiasse lieuse anti lot oh dents, va siali, aill et ne 1Theafraih -land norta oh Dr. Eastwood', is thse TouasP ae ef W!hi±by- A h o't.caunst the stainaso i' Thesa, ni ALEX OGSONAudiy 1) 0.simiar exclamations, sud crias fer ha] ALD GTN Ade .filti tha ais' anti disîrsatatibean all a- or te J.E. FAUtEWELL, Wbitby. tien.-1 ,-Octoien list, 1874. 43-hf' Menstima lise conflagration becar ---- moesserions avary minuta. Hadtih sa lerrifleti gronp lisenati, tliay coutla' LnM NYTO LEND. hasard tise roar eh lie dlames in tisa bu is -onleide, andti e lia ccsng soundtih Tisa undersignei has any amaunt oh Mon- aneunceethesaapprai eoft ha fire ey le Lenti upen Parus ar Town Propenty, ea htie voeoreuar the staireeea, ver unumueiiy Low Rates.bih Interest. lag thoa utuien, if fiey voulti maaeh it Loess con ha repaid la sumoisit ulber- lives, lis fliglat mtel be tisaIinstau iewers. Ba Sverali isprovti FPansme anti Wild Landis But tliay enly isutitleti doser toeahe haralSe cheap.mlssobki g i12neslgembracing oseaia Investments ui Municipal Daban. eliser franticslly. lunes, iBank, and ti hen iemetahebia Stocke. AU aI once ae man tieshet into Il Fan hunthan panticulans apply o meoin, viti agitalti face ast i rasti JAMES HOLDEN, eiaa. Thrasting amide tise tbrifai Officiai Assignas, Brokor, &o.maida, h isasstiiy approacset isiemi OFFICE--Ovr the DeininsBank,Me F 1bccrdrntlsy;fi Millan'm lBrook St., Wlitby. M- "I'1 eoehatlml;" Bpnil 9ti, 1872. tiais mement,6is"U hatee laIe" Tise glascing ralpitly amoundth ie rooni, 1 sEtoati dtiseocrer from a oCntra-tabl M/AJOR MILLS. vhidli stoctinatha nMiddle cf lie apar .LV.L -ment, coerredti lsbooks, pretty tIndu sudd foeainlavases. Tisshlialre' T.tiP. WVH IT E aroun i lis mistress, excisimi. 66] 'wl.on tei4th October, 1875, remuma con. viI.keee tise drefroin celcii &m Irai et lie Major Mille, vian ho vill bc -Teo ightoetis fnac e hd irosir preperealtho puylais suistresi. Juba v*s about lier ov -'ae aldbaau barin bler fatiar's tam THE, RIGHEST PRICE lyp anti hetialuays azllibiteath ie moi tivetei aIlechinat b hersai! pérmor for ay quastity ch uheat dliverat a y. Aboya aU lie servants on th Wisitersa. Ha villniaka ave'ar le oPiantion, le vas distingulseti for give estira satisfaction tthase Wvi ayS'trictrliuspr'maseo hL patronlze tse miii itshishelng9nislng. ,rlospromneo Fleur sud F'aed of lis hast qnaity anti tulles, for Jà ubaconisistenlly piou lure. Seathdwaftched& the firei in w, IP realt ,.,enors erersmaedu i 'pe, anti Iýs, pôrtet ,b, suspense; 1thugs Iengthening ont Inter. orality W.b Wab1y, as:lt osem ecai eintoler. oh aracr.:Bu: !Oh ifts invâbïn"Olie"r»ldmaIing eï,was $r it 'Afreshemirtltorash into :thé- oasses;toai lera fi"hO'Oanot flnd Ùrny boy. liat me go rallier naÉrracw1 tupeiL"ty,, an theblalif At batinsant Ilroali i sokê lester ta -giveý ~~sot irody n f~,Appearod, thi Aftor*pro*nmein faihflJuaholin àlftthise at' ton 'hadbecoe ~The~ama wer aUarountiau nl'a ious tut-i oment mre voulti overtake hlm.- He vdry awkvard'- madie àarapid gsture for soaeone t cillyýresult Iii Four cf tha nmali, 'comjpreheuding sagres dea hie wish, enatchledablankeDt, andrush, part'.-Andthel 13dprmpiy'forvarcl. The hast' as wmY* tewbal hi inolrable, bu tey i.egdod i, ndvnt of -morale standing baneath the vindevî wih'ithsa deal embbarrýase blankat outetratchied, tbey shout h'for the daly tao Jubala throw the chilh towards thein. , ie embarras Ha had, however, aniolpatlthein. lemeneti vlia The infant fellwvile thay were speak. inito thlienô orT.. îng, vas caughtsafaly lu'ia heblÂnkat, lier iiandsomini andvwu talcan imméndiately ta Mrs. wlsich auhane St wat ho claspad'it tb her besoin brightuess cf. '7', will frantie- deliglil. The viol as an sd beanliful1 aaât the work cf laelime than wv a iva ws, sheald n %ud t*en ta tiescriba it. das bafore liet hat But silmullnneouàly n terrifie crash oni civilize i n leIiwsshaard, shah madte e vr er littie hovn,au, wstrembla benealli the speolatars; aa linte morniug to appe cclun c f smoke aha up towartis the hlm. ar7 sky, frein viere tha roof liaitbeau, sud Sha greeteti i ' m.à guali of intense dlame foilowcd, leapiug as ha noticet no, a.fer up luto the highast clentis. hier manuar rael ed, The crowd, one sud . ail, gaspeti for td by a stii e mg brealli. Thon came a deep, In.danlacluring lier on lie sigla, for tharoof and fiacre lied évident. semaepraliminaý udly failenailu; 'asd ti ie faltilul Juba, whlalieshe neti ta aOf ââ I1was nawliere obe seen. lnervous sud i111 'A dezen persanous uhedti twarde the termiued effort t Sbilding, andi, until driven bsok ly lhe disagreeeble tasà lot' béat, shced close by the vindev Lae Miss.H.loW h.h hatibeaulast sean. Thayhiatliopad yeu novwliat Ln ta flud hlm tiers. Tlioy' hkl fialteaiy out lahw 'so themoaelvas that tisera biaitibeaulime-h ave bacoeanlu cf ancugh fer hlm te laap. l Iera. ng But it vas nov avl=lent Ibis ianet " arm nvary gis Lits beau lia case. Ha most probably fait: me se muaIs,Y Stihe floor givngva, beibra ha thraw1 swerad, witli a el ID th =hli;atiif so, this explainedtihe Ha fennd il cause cf hie haste. Tliay said Ibis te, hing more at Y esW cai her as hhey feil back. . awkwnrd pauma. tia Thore wnm, hlîevar, 11111e lima fer that sasnehhing i la W rd . S c rc ely l d t li iith u g lt b e a u 1 k n e in g ex nc tly la axciiengeti befere tisera vas anehhar veut an in a et d crash, sd, il a u m om atary avlg stronger tisu the 1P malien, simast tisa anlire building fl'al raultid. in, suam liaI vint lad beau a slately IlI feel as if mausion au heur bafere, vas nov nl friand ta yeu,"]h ne a ebapaleas pila ef blazlung linisbers. net secs suy bai kat Tie abouts, lthe exclamatins, and acitéd my interc albut tise instant before, censeti agnin ah wliichsle becama La Iis appalig -spectacle. Nelghbour ever, visle lbiecc ta lokdn neighbour, agisetilisbarrer, tralu a certainj look toecdiniquiriug face. Thon a IlI won a7»l5 iuinltaneens; cry roefofrintise crowd saiti fiualin a a Dtint Juba andthe tisaai nurse vaa buriati afraiti yeu'il liais rin tharuains. 1to gay snob a hi But snddanly, freom oultthe dama an- ntieuy kuevu oi se m i n cie, i l u th a d ir e c tio n v ie r e th ea g n . h in k y e n w il - . [8erotte slave hltatbeau sean, vint' Hear lie calme d seemed a human figure beganu lemerge, as entirly at a [. cra vhung pa una ldly o u ba d s andi ne s, But b fre lh ec eu -a humant figura, anetianti manglati isesilalien, liais but stil i iih lnit ui. Anti iark I a breuglit innîtere aY vocca-a full, des voie, coming frem tIsat put a Vary di Bnthat peer, cbarrae bady ; anti viat diti affair. il Say? Net wortis of palin, but vords "Mr.,>Theorntci cf joy; vords liaI yen anti Imîny blase manner 41 vhialh e d if v e a u àa y v ia a u y in g . b u e t i v i t ei cle iw Th race hm, aoped over hm ; 'I k sew vaî yen It anti oulti ave raleeti hm; but t htan sd I'm msure it ,, moment le lookati n at hie mistress; y en before yu os ad à prayervwamon his a raua triumpli. 'vrc ging ta s)o ut emile broe over hie fae; han lie au alw yscoteau r feUl back lifloe..1, m ch :ibutit Wva et Th ndiadt h le, faithful Juba. Ovr- me le be moratl hi e:rve there a marbie tabiet, vih ifif I ishatal, for Sthevcdiuclatithareon, "Faithful tisat I'm esga ad) ant Det. Wiat nober mollo I Miss Haom cest Iroquois, Mr. 'ONe TIRE FmcNc.--Tlie other efterneen have beau mare a a bey vas seau tea sudtienly shoot ont a few momeutsj of tise door ef a lieuse on Dandas streal Bat tise aller$idic sati oramble tle .top cf a boardti ece. soncame a e im Hlie meliar vas just an lustdut tolat4 vitisont any pro -ta catch hlm, and conoeealing lhe poli. faîl into a violent to hoémher bba hier omieickati up ha ter.ieisefforts tI tlier mon villi a emile, anti saiti;qaita usaemao, asti IdCame dovu, tiarfing." temple vhlcihi h "6Not jass nov 1" raplia thebi boy, .iuslantiy smotbere le sticking ont hlm longue at lier. Mise Hailovali' ï- ilComa dovu, dear William, anti ve dlht as great as hi ls wiii out tisI pie,"ielle condlueti. ,overed frm theaf el "fou oau't fted me 'a cantlsvorths," bslug sucoedet by jha answered hllohingaiossg. - 1et, lu lier case, by Ilwon't you drzo~ dovu fer just às engar. With a 1<c miu e V a ,ple t . - meg6t up, vaflci adI tellyouits no usaeiliahoexolai. and.vent zatralkli eti Unîli Iamn tiooghiy cenvineti lMr. Thornàton lofti tiaI yaur, intentions are pacifia I mial eble ta mie7 ny, 19, 1 L4., 1 1 -- s;t her ùmanneý'r vai suga neo'tuaùly uuüilesa ,o ree andi nçostrula mindti deasoh ropId ter latibégéed bler sasln li -teyong l"ay 'ôme [vicéa upa tise subjeat. gË 0o conpylr.Tlrn e saeat moreCOcU-, ie lcet imefiflaa Position, 1sud, tintthe. ;ely la ensua ,fromIn is adv is 0IlMisesnloa eai of diipleaure on hbar lougi, unviln egv lféeratmigit b a a mare touûage, lia vas a geeti etiWj vhen a ime cama ba pirmtie. msant vas by ne meens 2-miss e lde7illm loakisgnanâly loely îla lai-bine morning tiraseo,' J 3ed, b y coctrasl, the ber blonde com plexion .lgt bair. The,' huIs IIde np liermina.i oeea at lie ministar vas "tha -ian* ae livola 'shupid md bat akcu pains tfisl penr nt ber basl beloee sun very o-ia'l'y.,sud iw frani .eauti plasant lly vas, la wae treuil.- 'enter uneasinees about sn hah point. But- affer iry canversatian-during icedati ho laas Very ah ans-lheMaie a de.c te gat Ibrough ' vith i lm k. . welli," hoiaetiI'm -sure 't as higi regard I feel forc rary muai intares»etiI ' yen sînce yen bave beau, aindeedti, tisIyen like Mr.'Tsrtn -le u cimng amile. psmiblo le may aàny.i irst, aùd tIsera vas an Tenu, undearn se ,mutet ha eia ,antiDnet vishaI il ougit te ha,,iho strain that -vas rather ho faescto liste caseé var. Iwcrc. more tIssu at ais saiti. Indeati I bava i dy fer along lima visa t rest as you laave donc." ,as nnoher.pause, turing9 miore cmbarrassed tissu comýpaniOn bagan t ean. 1Ides about lie menu. ýk yen somuitbaJug," lie i esitallug -vay. TIm sic il very etrange lina c slng,to yen visen I've na fov vweeks; but 1I-a mIn-I be p- c l oa sdeaistop, anti e ia lees isov te ga on. st nild put au nduto lis lady laersalt suddanuly, tes aolimux in n vsy as iffaet aspect -on the oc y ous," ale StLid, wilis a h klnti feling vas coin- r vs firinnese, IIhilai l su vaut te gay ta me, t vî ha balboter la stop w say it. I, believe, yon DA 3kmetù,snarry yen. r bi 3m anti boî ryen very t, snyarfriand, evenIa n "rltelu yan frenkly , il t a soe aon a e 8 . "1 al lied satit7nIy sp i.k re.Sansàril or lise aloi." - r.Tiorntoa coula iont jstondoti. Hffset for s la ite fasnlforce, an ti , ' mgsltOrY sYmptOme, altie'd nt panoxysm »of, laugis. j o control ilmIofvwere h a oPr tva fint ah. te ade tlaepeae vera' 'a t i n fr a s h i a n îb u r et . lia Ps astouishint vas at eOU âo. $lie, too, acon r. :ah Sfeelmng, but, insad cof rej ýy mirh, it vam foilo;w. OZý r a p ssion ahe fit f vi ice"i ~fineffable scoft, Cti out cf th.'parlot, la it ta lias ova reOI.o l it e l i e s e f e e l i n g Il . 1eoiatonae-thslia i h ewheMieHalle. nusseirm o ralir iltim 3vengeupoulihe Manle t etreatoti haer so ïs'a for her, censider. Zoo. But aSlit lie ow Roed cf leàr, anti oon -- 1. isaire us.,'ae yens' va, avisaM ea [Mn ; zmaiayor own eus e "suSoti' as, Possible.: W ith a l- d - 'h6t tr hot siuitime. Leave yur country if' yas pleame, ae villi-you my gond naine- ,,anti dlmy hst Prcspae cts ilfeanti tae ils yo sy btteràt came, ahid maty yônuýlve ta rue fie ime you rans etiae as s6rely as-Inowxrue tue limaI' mWet yen ýfiiýôt. May-Gatisow tie samis mecto Mtu if Yeus aver cal upen im' lu .it e a lia I y au bav e sh o v ato, m e. IfýI liveI bave>faiti ta belivè liatI '. 'sha triampli oves' yen y'l. If 1 dia my blecti viiiha -upon your léatianti my dylug urse IU rail vili you anti yors frver. 'Yen ara frea no, anti I arn bont. 'But I eau vait eundsy .day eshal ýcame. Fhelveî masy kinti iotids wvie 1mevme hfre I ves' sav ye, anti thank- Qed ail your lis' viii- neer make thein dsat- me, Iemam- ber-tWUai ever I gel yon in my power (anti I believe I siall) by fat great God vise lias seau al my uffring, 1 vill lave ne piy ou yu, ana ieï gooti bye tiU vae meet again. YoýuaigAmrica le very forward.- fi I put aàiseet on sou,",sait a litta' gam in to a c emipa ulen.. -IlY o n ry i," ýwas the quickreply, "sund yenr molheres monliey viiibis is demainatheuseconda", Tie Louisville-CerierJosrnai Baya., "D an ica las caie ne t f-t e siad ov o f b n k r np tcy vitl a m i l g fa c a, sudsn p ep o s . t e -s ta r t s ai s h o wv f i m m e t . T ie -re sso n D a n g el eu t oetl as troublas se quickly vas iccanea ha Ovati 985,000é ant d ambuts vainaeti a '060. This vaa àtiin, xlibit therfore, for cretitorsi sud nualoeue f hein ap- Isearedti fe'other day ai-lie alit meeting. .Dan le galug lboberow lie m en e y, t e s t bim e f u p a g i , r a m . is vie, vho lways keeps an1 'te sial [n tise locici."' A NrewLAiue-Noar Winaipcg tiera. is acrisity. Iiii eabout an mile frein th e to v ol. *-11 l e ic c n tly ft roî s d la its about four miles square sudaime five. ictin ludeptis. Tiis leis listery: A man Was frsing a vall lat [f]]. [th iat previaney beau, put dovu 'te [the tepîl f nient ifty tat. iis inu .1 appears wvsesoemadistance tiova in the vli, anti ali aI. once illieut axny trv e n i n a tio n a ' to rre ut f va lcr sue r icrack l tsa 'rock msking' it i malterat censiderable diffilculty for he man e esýcape. The streai ile qual in mdgnÃŽtudtèt Ibt of sassall river and ds tbi'In]cc naturally contiues tu oncrase fia tevuishouglt t e binu c an s i t a m sb l c t a ia n ra . - Tie Ohio t aIi Jna.l els of U' viii a g e - le rg y m a n v is e, v isâ it u -a p n u ipr""assthie 4wite-a a iope s IlasI eas aomtims spoketisba etoftIhe future. I do inutie d ii," vas lh a reply. Ofloitanti ofla -I waks ilutha niglal und gays; 1John, John yenlithis think of :ýthe tormets' asis l Prapared for NoW TU nDE bUL.-A gentenm al]k. ag ils lis'ittle boy pnmt h ie ccttge'ý fos German lbrer, fia by's -aten- ion vas attracted'by a litlte dog. 19 was ýnt a Ring Chalem, ur a back and an, butsa cemineucur:. Stll, tice boy to a ' a fscy 'ta lh4a. - Ju il tien lie mater cam iome frpm laielabrs, sud vas met by the dg whi eery de- snstreion et jcy. Thei genlem u<a aidt t ie.ovuer: .11My 11111e boy'hs aken a fscy te yur dl sud I iii aUy blý?" -11I1ceut l sitntdog. saiti se -Gama. - "Look ler, aidthli nonâaa, I"that la a o n dog any vay ut amsybeyvwnLm 1aivilgive su 5forisa.' "Yas," aitlo-Ges'. aun III kao1w ha sa vurry per 4og, ida hl'altvcwrth almost nutti'-hut [r ie ' h von lutle din g i t d dat. d eg vol - asuet eeil.- I au'l seil de vag cf he al van I-comas home aI ulgi." À gecti story le bld te lthe offe'cl tiaI he Duces eof Eilbugli, belug cangti uti- lus movr, hrroveti an umbrela lise cottage of un lt voman, -ho efused-ta boan anybul the eoi dbest ne,. It 'Weeretrnadth le next"tay, ris e hautiome aaiaowletgmast., Goat, dd true,iholy words drppoti *conversation may bel ttle theaght t,but ley are lîke sees f flowera of itul lies falling by the wayside, 'inahy sma bte sar, haply tiare- l o r o ' n i g e i t s a u t y s o i n s b a r r n 5 u t a n i a r a m a i e g la ti s m es se vildarnas. A theroselree le comaposeti of tise 'pat st e a su d li s arp e s orne ae lh e sevens ara som aises ever- %et sud somtime fmir, al1ternately sslpoi antd iesrenè--so ithe as a a s neràeingleat i u t k hope an ti Ls, vit u ý.ji y s n id ' mo r oe, vit - 1 il. -1 1 UA] 1 t 1 1 1 il 1 1 1 - . 1 -1 1 1

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