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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jun 1875, p. 2

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____________________ uisejoyed. On arrlvlssg ~ii he"" um- aa ' Rail Works, tise company>'alghtoa ana Stepbhmn Fuler, Poremlu«a were oiiowu threngh tihe extonjive pro. Thomas Bradley' Itiqlsd. Gwssù è kroniU44<e Mises l'y Mr. 01l nWonder eaIthé. Thoiii&Contes.5 J. UoIthy.jjr - magnituide cf tise works was the . nr Crosby Hg îw» 5oPER ANNUM. iînseten.E ysmert James Donald T. O'Lears,> lise connoeil was familier with the Hall len>'Declittls Jas. pisillip i 1Vhth'< Thursday, lune 10, 181à. Works by nain u euttebt JesephsDYW Ja. Pagi ny cf tins, freindiistant.parts cf - Jms oiais. tise eouuîty, nover provieusiy had lthe MO Houer,; lu addréoiflg th. Gra Thse Cerssty Counci, m..nother 1 Jury naid h. ébserved by tise calenS IrsIts'10 weogaverai poisonsacouif Thse principal bllsiness-bi foe. the- insspeeîiots. *1'r. Gien teck especlal où for laîceny, te whish wus added tl Couneil w&4 hurrirldtisieugh, la eue pains te, point out s.nd ezpiain-every.offense cf lseuse-breaking, tiselatter ci 4aysiwliIbcousen by lise report., iie* tig, wu weregbing te say.-But to fonce ëeceasing tise enormit>'ofethI w.sii #as itliensal rentlue csiraster. exainine eue quarter cf thes astonisiring; crins., and if tise offender were cor] à vicIeS cf course tise puntinsmenirwoul, The proposition cf 1Mr. Biceolfor a inacisinor>' wculis quire AU cxtanded *bc encreased. IHe hrppesed lise Magie '4COQsty Pocr Hon,. deserved bot;tîse. inspection cf woeks iisstead cf a hurrio4 traIes haît oarefulîy examineS tise evi seplaqe and cmldoistion tthe-an4o aftcrIIeon's visit. 'As farsas lime ailow. donse in sending tlise.ecaes for tria] 01 embrs.Ili reortfro thAst ed, te gest weo -howi trouli hesnoh evidence before tisons as wouli dlêogs oft Ovinsal Justice I lo oe f tisedifféret lworkslsepv-, ail tIse consbinec Jtustify theminufindinga bru. bil. Tisai remsarkabl. features_ of tise sessien. dOPictinnts tisaI go te make up tl,. WAs acase cf obtaininge money sinde: Thse u'jectlen cf tihe motion le Increase Joseidi Rail Works-witis nj>wards cf taise pretondes. Anotrier refusing t( the alAy oftheCosnty resureris ontbundeuren, aIlin ýeîrplaes nS suretios to keep tise poace--Whil liÀ s 1o4ts1en> Tesrr~ fu udo mn i ut~orpae, l ilef Wa8,2neoffence unies. tise cart' te las rqgrotl. The preeesqt, sRasit>'aand as bus>' as beso,-anc ainidsl tise.Wào- chargea with crime. Hi.lio'noi wisolly inadequate te tihe dutios VladSeafoning oiang and wiîrl ocf machiner>' advised tise grand jMr as te their dut; rpoIblliiescf lise office, ou lis thie siemboesof lice cont> ceunsoiliof te viltise gaei and luspeet tisepriso c e' wnued do ne more tisais rofer le. Ontario had aun pportunity cf judgiisg ors, and ceinsented speclaUY> upen li number ef innatce slnewconfineS tiser. 4lG4peî't cf the County Auditors,whicis fer thensselves of tise magnitude an& fer a length cf lime witisout boing abi * wilj,, fousd in tihe prceeeJlings, antt te importance of tisat grent iive cf industr>' le secure fer tiseratise neeessary s. thse recoummendatiens ef whtahî tise ma- anS Canadien akili. Itwas ver>'aising Cemamodation at tise asyluns. joriby etftiie council...sil( have paiS le sec a single visiter ble and thero Tise Grand Jury thoen retireS. - poster iseed, anS se aceteSl more justiy - 4ugor behlind, waîchiuig tise wcrkissg cf, :Mi. Smith presented tise nece.sary petiieot Jouis McGregor for uaîural4 tOwards s derervhîag efficer, whose seuns conspliisteil machliner>',- se ais- ization. watehifu effileeno>' savon tise ceîîîîy serineS that ha nover misseS bhe depar. Josephs Henderson on recommanda. lisousnda. .turce cf tire main body' cf tise visiters, tien of J. B. Feasis>'Esq., J. P; anS O. who, lcd on b>'1r.GM r Wbin . Mathews simd Jas. Bs fBegs Prebytrla Unon. abon iir'ugl Anthe fa awy are , upon thse reonsmmendation of Jehn PresyîcianUnin. hew tirongi acîhr fr aay artPiiIips, Esq., J. 1R were plaeed upen Th lthofýtisionh i b c f tise building, nulsuddenl>' amuseS - le list Ofcanty constable.. oenîful day-lu tiseIlistory cf the Pies- ansd ieeksog ro.uud lum, Ihe found hum. - Cisarles Farewell,- charged witis oh. self te bis Consentinlf lobn truetion of iighway was formail> byeinChoisis. Thon tirs union, usenai . t ein bronglît up for sentence ; sentence ui bytrla he enahrnryanS tise ther Seferred for tise production cf cor. aud intelligence toiseuiriug about, i il * loone cf wîroîu would thon tificate cf rcnscval cf ebstructon. be euniiatedl. Dclogatss freintire isavo te guide hIttrougb theo tutrica- Tise County Ateorne>' brouglit te tise fourPrel~ytrisu hotos 'ri ;- r as esof lise puace bu join Iris friends. . notice cf tise Court tise cases cf isîdict. bodiesvi ;-he, - e mnts a-oinst soeral inhabitants of Caisada Proýhyterian Cirurcis, Tiro Pros-. cne ttsshi ntrht cc-p ra anSdBRrma fer obstructions, whicis bytorlan Oisurch Of Canarlo in corlec ido, te (do justie te whiclr ioirid se. labaieeaàloed te stand for surve>' tien with tise Çisirch cf SeotiaîsS, Tire quire limue enS ciaboration. suffice is Mr. Maedoneil inlornsd !the Cour P'reisyterin4uq Clsîrco f tise Locr îPro, te Bay tisaI admiration adou 1 net itisIit was witii -hie kowldge ta vinces cf IBritish NorthsAîrorica anS âtal l tîre>' aw, are thre eni>- wosJs tîiot tIeCut'Cncisa oien action lu tise lorcter, anS thot tise nocccsary sua. Tis-Prsi.ytrias Csuriscf isehan -wilI adssjniateiy cxýress tîre irrevlin ciler>' l been pt in motion te offet lime Provincees ivili tison asosnsblo at feeliing cf tIse visiitors opoîr quittiug tho a seltilusont eetisfrsttory te the people Menrea. "ir nunisr c sriniîer isillc. . On the streets adijacent te cf ltb townshsips. who wiIi ousmter on thicOccasionr le 716. tise wc>rks tîsoro ias a fulerra>' of Thse Quecu vs. Guidous&-Oistruction Itifiietitl doegaes romC 'apin, - - dils Bodi s of Iliiway. , Ib is motter îviih had- luuetIiSeegts rostire lPrcsby. smpts, 'obmh îacat cn broogltbefere the aseizes aniS lerian CîcbroisçscOf Sotîcîrd airS tise SocS Soweri oui Bales-ail ll>'rigged sentensce suspeuinled, the court refuseSl Unîtels tates nihi Ire present aItise anS attaceleteaunes. TIre différent teo ct osilsaving ne jurisdiction. union anSI wisi IL weii. liuring lice Machinsswr werired csp anon dewo County Court. ponst yenir tliic cessar>' provincial logis. the strce.-ali boing put te tIse scier. ~ 55 lxaJOEaoiEL latoïtwasoffctu telbgliz th aml.-est tests, anSilmaris te irosîcit-go strain.4 BFR eSINIJDE)TTYL ganlu euSandPlace tire churois proper- wiîicis their robers cf tisa Cout> Wlitby, Too.day, Jâme Stîs, v175. t>' lu ti. re iopor rops for traser. Cuc us n errmnucesary, oui te iVil8esr vs. Cormckl.-Action con Thse ceremonois conut fo te becf a wbilb tlîy wouldl nover ho subjeed inlap:'oiissory note. Undefendod. ver- ëolen ad ipresivoclirgoer, the pürfuirnaisco cf oriinîîry octîral Siet fer piainîiff for $4448.24. A. G. sciisi su iuprssie liaactr, work. Tire> however ivent tiirongb meMilian for pîtiff Thuner 30y,&c.the rdcl i, th inst st ifactr an. Wilk'ison rus. Huierc.-Actieu on Thrde ay ~. - th rscl i ts îostefery inO O m riissor>' note. Verdict for plainitif, uer. 5tàsM.(iO J.JJA. 104-78. P. A. HuiS for pittS. Faoe - Lui-ic isssu u. Gse. . hAt.- Fr-thRaio Works thse part>' wero wel& Rotledgc for deft. MiRamwrles s ram F~re, nde divo lebin OsracCabinet pacter>', clardson vs. Peat.-Acbion en dlate lat Jonc, oui dosaecet oPPear te Masson Mýauufnssturing Ccwpeny,oedar aw9rd. Verdict fer plaintiff, 8175. bû, y ay meusonaoure ofwha Dal WoksMaliabl IrJue.Biings fer pit. P. A. Mord for b., y a>' ucas, namnro cf isa Pae Wrks Mohele onu Vorks, Ssft. liseiras seau ad for ouniis trip te ti suanStovo Foundi>' wisre tisevisitor, Vernonovs. Verneo.-Action ounpre- Ncr'Ii-West. With Thunrder Bay anS. wore olsewn iins'cuîgb by the Managers.,nissory note. Defonco s.3t off. LEft ail ho suiv tire lis appeors te hoiens. ter coinplohirtig tiere suni cf tis ebaSl- te, arbitratLeu. J. Bitings for pft. Pý premnl>' iigustes.-i. n Te tolli yentirs ing Fachosios tise>' rehuirnedl te tise Look- A. Ibid fer deft. - tuti," h10canys, '111'hoilrdoB ay is a hart Mlouse. And lits-e, aithiouîgistins narOCMCOBV. TVhUrf.-Action fraud cf bue w*rsîfilud oesof tire tiresgiven foi r rparation ivas oni>'anon proisry no. I Vidic for pt.,M laitplaces 0croateSl, Utd eàgoÀi tewn for heur or tw e-oor, usine lrost, tScott, Ehfor isferclei lnsfrpt l Ran ou edo in, I w,îs effereni 05ý10 or belfodft #IlJh) bonus o,,At iast, aiseffort iras Sut fnot fail to>(Se j>stie te tlis epumta. Bhlliuugs vs. Quqle'.-Acîion on pro- inade te ruiles t5at eincoîrit; ttc short a thon cIid hiotel. An abuindant chain- uisson- note. Verdict for pit., $167.22. prioting ir lice] 1ntt te ise nl phrse of. pagne hini ursws servei up min excellent J. L3illinfgs for put. P. A. Iborrifoi'doit. Icohuad here 1 r5uupc1 tfs %tâw. style. Tise reeve, Mr, <]owanr, eccnuissi Os laio Banl vs. Spesrc' d Paxton. I,wouîld nit livo iui f(rr10000 aye ni. tbichair,î iths tie Waîîil rui Dr -Actfion onsprennissorno ste. Verdict soventrieu i noeis te 705> ilrhaiantmi forputs, for $12578. J. Iiilisîgà foc- ainulnre' gcttiiîg alvay is wirsîer, I MiGilI on iris rlit [cud 5l, i l itl jli. IL 1-ish)ls for deft. licofore stumtei fer iPortI arry, anS vie-cluair wava1 uibiy hueS hy Mr. Gieur. have gol as for a Fargnlo oposite 'Thue iouûîla ityri nuS 'or-rrîshirreutary Wedîrcstliy, Jrsnc Dilii Mtonriccad) - WA lonue toinrssrw l'ytoalsts wore sivenr îsi re.i'o1î(d1te. 1loîSs- - lJtssICI2tiG. - John Sullivano bont drswîrth isehiS tiven. ouui epc te rooch iusmrieg lu>' 9ncturrcy. 'l1is sppeccircrt)cx'c nsiIub l'y tir" 'Vn oandsi Arln'oîv Ctrnhie tinidicted for lAa iln î cvi co ost1îy, andri1Iwouldn't oard iruý,iir ftuclw n r olî>ius to I'cteîs oeclnntn and Rtealiug sonse iquers iiibotte. trle oii 41e itî. 'lotrrn hîsrio îiv il expniend tiroliir rcInshr'rcioni of'riretwirs a seconrd cenI fer oiding - onte crtirouengi lsmnrkinng ore, andsi tho Wh htie>' irol seon, anuS their' aisircia- andl Ci>Cting. Sullivan wos conisictid reinnhioicisteni tinres iormet lino tiern cf tht gîcuit treret icforded îircm anS seo1ttuced te six seIIL1tîrsletire tieccusdl-lse cars con Ws (I.-T. 11R. L tiraiday îiureisis tise irsaînrtineîsîîiîy Ceotîral Prisoni. Cirtris %vas diichargod. Witi mysrif ireyeung Mesercs aS ofMî~.Gi T tie cidcoce nsot boing considos-eS suffi- %ihmslseounl Laioi , efl.slnw. î.'The Inv,?Mr Gien,Dr. cien tcsîsstain the indicloroent. Conflagration io Toronto. bristi>' fou' Oiiowa. The part>' book FAtls PPiFNCFlS~ .-J. S. RecS was -ciirringes for Wiîitby at oins o'chocle. fousud goilty cf obtaiuing mono>' umder T 'oronito 'inas suhl'orsn fror otccîer Tîsa>' ivrse corteS btiste bridge b>' tise taise Isioences, airS sentenceS te ono t o~tenslvementis in tise courut>' gROo. exen mv oniagratieis wiich hioke ouithouri anS sent off off wiiis three hsoari>t oi n..Ticgadjr eou lu oist' feoundi>,cu-Qee1-- oot.il h efrtreCia>1endl n Stnsbusaant m evc )Un ooitunprary judt a itIl lunýe? Contins ie irac tiuey la isoed. -ru I on son F(sesu 0tM dblulsoi leuetu-x.- Cauhsty> ha.s bea sîc'an thse 1Bsr'tand i hiescommenceî e et ini proeesson in Tc-ton. )ugis onlonlng th isa i thé i à multituide ot compatîtes, usadd tisa ie itfn talent, à munsIil, lIma secu4re his Là, bnIafs, lunsabuudanqe.IHi$ efound lu ether ceumns. IusL EXucnsre.-Tire pro. lsîlleon, ta 14aunounead, vili lite ~seiOU Monda>'; 2o11 T'hl LOOD,.-Wisan tise blocu 0110a vitlitgln iu lesein ps-eg ns suSfaîl caimation. guseecey etofs-vital eoia maIsles nisted wosk' and l1ev l' iiu ca nstise ?erreeia Protoideot ron) oaq suppIY ude s u suse viii Invigor. Z~as--Horion are asiivlis k't l u lise rase, viuli vor tisa Whltby CeUusus, oîr adiStht IuaI. Tise onînies foi ina. coe.on lime lotis liraI, p#rdei* n o lteevoung oi &Ph elrpsfrein Nei thal- thse Siries tiitocu Oethlie suorchants fansibusinene hen Oflise toýVu, On tiregreunni cf tee ba lw an.esnment. -Tise fret case cale4 wanstt Messrs. Loves & Poelol- r.B. & J. Camipiseli, oppoiauss :-Mr. Lowcs haviug beau sworn, was exausin. aS b>' Mr. Sr-itb, wlise nîtondod on ho. haIt etftise appellantef-. Ur. Dilinga ~-appeared for lise ospandents. To lIre main question pot hlm, Dlm. Lowes me. plieS tha isaehobcîicvcd Isigfircu vas tair. tay1 and iutly assasod ou tise s-el, asi- cosamSng le lisrmailing ce lise stalute. HaRecled te iôaunver inquisitorial questions as le bin private affair,, anS gave as a greunt terseo Seing tisatIt ert Camspeî bS ail ldontt lreats te cde- presîata th taDg cf hi. fin ltlie is r'Mratl est.,"9 Tise appeal' van Il dimiseti anS- lise issanhment confins. Tise nexl case vas tisat et Meursa. Hamilton.& c. fMr. James Hamilton( vas -sweuis, gave similar tentmmon>' te t-tisai cf Mr. Lowes asne tiste fais-mass cf1 à. bis assanna, and declined te aunvwer1 -questionof a pryiug Inquiiioriai char- noater ie h i. pivata business affairs. Appeal diomtseod, anS assossient con- n firmeS., Thon felowet -iýn lumutie sa o c f Massnn.ý Laing & Stewart, W, J. MaHikis'& Ce., Thsomas Lawlir, B. H. -Jameson, Halai, Brothsers, Grenu & Mc.- Nailiston. Ail 'et vils la simi lfte g-viltiste exceptien cf lise -osnmenl et , Match Bruthiem-vIleli stands forV tiso nexl meseting, on ýaccoont cf tiseP nhbilît>'ofet Mm. RieIsard IRatais te at. -, r tend lise coust. TIse Caspebloeiesteredtise apea1l',, boheanse, lliay alege tliey connîdere T lInsteail et availrig tienseivaset fP 15cm rigisite oappeai anSdisaviirg heïr'I cwn çases ettîed upon- ils - mss-Us, tisa> spitofushi4tun supon Ilsclrnelgçhsors.euS or to io hm I teî~uri tIioit ni - OiiursînCits, taisi celrs-..... Liddell. e 'nishon,'b li . ....Ps-les,. :h as-sec, b Lcaing,.. Oe,r .a...... ... Bioarn, cTaylo, bh Joilrag .,.. .... i PasonbLan ..* sienne, rO0W......... iccit, net0 Raf-O ui ye......... o Imeo ............, il îi n - WRlITeY. tliInuinge. - 2snslInoniiys, Boy.,lb Bolees ..,.,S bnens - Arlss.tmang,b Llnesn- 110iS-.-....... s-e o............. liatreson, bhGres-eu i b anosm . 0,. hO 2 bPas-sens ......... Heygsate, l Cb e Laingh4 ains@ . .. 15s ero;o.d.....n.... C. M.PFiee, l Greona 1b wlcket,b Green- id ......... ..i f ....- . DM.Doler, set cul.,- 15 aPaos baiP-n. , H. Gias-rot, a Liddail, b Daines-z asui..,, Ta1uer, bBaines..-5 10Lel Para-sons i iiyes lia.... 4).,. etouta.... on., ye....... O egBs.....,.e W e . 1- ; WBaas ..... 1 'Total .....7 2 1 Totl... Tint CENTuL m.Exucmrcsor. -AI aâ meeting oethébeCentral ousnstta ielSj aI Poterberougha cri Wadnsduy lst veak, it vas a4nsuneoni tiat tise gpai. Dm0tîmuId fer lise forllioming exisibi. ion new alood asfoliows3, toaig of se tPeterbhoroughs AâiSejtnral- 'm'5il.rfO-.. ........ n>-..... Not af - Net Osiiei mv .s..........a teotrecOmniended payment oLi C. MeAuiff for services au constal the prooeedings ln connection wilý Wateon bcquest. 6. malsitenmine by the wayor, for. telegr piiig mont of 18 speciai constabls gt$ a pice.esnployed on duty on 241h id To Mr. lobertsoii for stationery, 4r r. Po8t, for lighting lampe. supp oùci, &o., #10.15 ; thât # b. Pi M8 1r. Wailaee'ior biz services as as A1 nd aise ôa recommoind*tion ths he! auditors' report be i nàliy Anaite ,.! ailewcd, and the nsnaFabstrâct pul cd in the to*n papers. The licIter 1-tail2Gd a Iliglîly complimentary ill toe i.Town Clerl,M1r. Huston, fc Scorrectý and efficient manner'in 1 IlY the books of the corporation weoIl h tm, ont fa ff re \h nk fur paymontcf the anss er were pasaed wsthout digcuseion. tO Ibat a discussion of considérable J4e 51 took place. Ail adnaitted tisatthe, ty was wcll donc ana that, the asqq or dcscrvedl an inecase in the aliow ty 0f$80. M- Mr. loew covodl te make thse am' 19 $125, and said there was. an ni rOstanding with the asseser at the Le cf has appointînont tisaI lie was te o- an inereasa if the work waa donc factorily. Mfr. Forguson opposed any ieri Yand* did net believe in tha prini *where tise anount cf salary was air, s.etticd and accepted. Ha dsnied t Siaseany aschundersîanding as r 10 tî d by Mr. Blow. M 1r. Fairbanks agreed wiih 1Mr. B edd pite tIse Bevoral circuinsta hieh increased thse dutios cf the, sesaor. -Ini foot, ie said, tho asas *had gene ont cf the OUI1 beaten1 Yand a now system hbcd been inaug *cd. Ho believed the asasasoe onti *te a largor increaso. Mfr. King bore testicnony te the Ifaotory natifreocf the assassinent; p cd eut thc importance cf the ch,£ >fmacle, te tho town. Insisted that *assessor sîseuid bo fairly deait witls paid for his work-, said tiuit if tIhe ti 't got the Worlc done for $200 there w( hoe ne reason te complain, and ins that tise asseasor bc îaid that am( in full. Mr. Draper, lu answer te wl question it wvas stated that thcrev oniy two appeais frein the assessa ifrein partis edsiring to have t] fassesereent raised &o as te c*îtitl.c, n 1te vote--boesteetisssony te Coi( 1Wallace's efflcieney. Ho remarked n the great advantage te the town hiaving, such an asseesincunt as WC tel in its laver abroad, and in the nE cisîtion of its securitice, and whlile -condesuned the p2rincipl8Ocf ica salaries after beiiîsg once sottlii, beli cd Col. WailssCO's services eUtitiled te a fair reinuncration for the ws dons. Mr. Ilatos, While viowing the mi in the saine liglit as Mr' Forges weuld deai with the assossor, wiîol doue bis îluty, ientIhe saine Way tisat Wouid witlî a ican whe had servesilI well in bis, own, private business. Mr. Phiip. in justice te the asseigs stated that il Was understoed tîsat was te receivo an increaseil ameunt censoqisonce of tihe extra work entai] lu the base cf assesaruent. Tlîcy i now a isasis that wouid serve as a gi fer future asessers in yeara te coins Mr. liow liad ne doubt Ur. Ki sucant rigbt, but $200 was tee grect juinp, lie wouid go for $150, ard suit tuted thiat ainount in bis motion. Mfr. lMatcli inovecd in amendinc $125. Th'Ie lMayor 'gave bis tcstiineny favor cf the silifceyic in ii tihe assessor baSii donc lis dly, ci aise inenî.imued the enhaneer.d reven te tihe town frein tihe tax vil doge aloi Th'ie motions ivere thein put and 'ot upos fl the foliewiîîg erder:- For thfc l2;3, 'Mr. IMatch c lone vote 1F-or the $150, ibit ycils werc e fssi Blow, Draper, Plsilp and the Mayor- For tbe -2s0, Mespsir. Kitg, Thoîrn soi, Fairbanks aluS O'Donovan v'oti yea. Al the imotioýn8 lbin,; lest, Mr. O'Donovati proposeS $175. MUr. Bieow agaîn proposed $150, whit finaily carried-Mesrs. Fergtuson a. Mlatch voting nay.- The nther items wcrc thnn agraedi sud the report adopteS. AiIPLOPsUATIoNs 0O; STSIEETS. Mfr. Draper brenglit in tise report the cocuinittes, wbîcli was considerc iu eoiniittee of the wholc-Mr. Fergi son in ths chair.- Thse report recominended appreprii tiens of $500 te Norths Ward, $,500 Centre \Vard, and $400 te Sonth War( With respect te ainounts required te i Mfr. Baker, tise uuseated suember foi Elsséll, will, ilt i stated, offor hiimsoi or ro-cîschion. PîcscL.-JUclgment la tc La e dlivered f5 t: e1 fo ou Thîe Pont Doser Iadeieisdenit îaye lisî Ceuservaîiî'os of Souths Norfolk intenni a isllugapt-nie on tise OOlh Inni., at viiiSrJohn Madonald, Dri. Tupper, andS olber piominent men cf tuaI parly have proumsodle lie prosent. Tise Coîssrvativas cf Monck mot on Satur At Wllandort, nelècted Mr. L.%acallu afMý o a, Second asf their candidates, ici opposition te, Mr. J. D- Edgor andD.HEa ne>'. Beti Mr-. Macalum and Dr. Houe>' anS tise late unscahed mnieos. NniRzTHP>'itU mELECTION Vo'rn. Tise Norh Perthi elcctton Case vas trioS yesterday, and resuitet in uM.bMonteiti (Cennervalive) boiug uns"eabd for bni. iser> b>' an agent. Ne sorrupt preottees voie. pici-esagalunt Mm. Monleitis per. X6ao î *Ex 'w rw's.-Mm, Stock ha appealod againsi hhe decision cf chief Jusitice Droper. gonu, Mi. 3l kohansbean re.eloctccl vilisout opposition. Application lias heen masde 1,>'tisa petitioniers lu tisa Cornwal oleetion case for leave te witisdraw tise pefition against;lise retnia et Mr. A.F.Mac. deoni. - rLa,-Ms-r. Melatyre ibu 1fr. Biekeil waid haiforisua.anicu. >smadet ontaibusto tý e f insj gy W1 cared strucitons ta tise sounty soliitor te atsert l abiiias. - Lttise mangement cf » . -.aâadulaw Pay. but did net knew whi4 isad been done. thls institution ie systemathi, eounmclai- nrad, ifl'rgmewus on fhe>'uwered 0 1.5<0 M r. M acélo e l, ( sun t >' S olicito r w ith Sa a ifui, and ou i c iar ty th ugsb est w ed t Bl k i S rg m n s o t se s b a l Mfr. Cameron) t~ad the matter ad andi dispensed, il i ndeed be twice bessed. AnS h. (DÈ. MaGI.) believd tiaI ew t Ma' en aSs ensorabanth a-cp. m tathe ii er snd reéver. W. devise reaihy eàervissg p avrand tobai loir arriveS ut. but tisai iwonld lbo un- ees freî promotoncf every. ether, but iew -would lie a5be taO - the ha wisate dseloe tie uni~tscf tse cfeiveabeiunderting; and why>mit e esof tie bnefit of suai institutions. es r ty's Satn ae.. n H aei'biat ths e uni>' h sae dira'l ?1 t,> i ll h nier y co - He believed lun paking botter prvisin stth was net'liable, anS tisat it was a ques. caSeS tisat the. resent hap.isazard system for bise peer, anid believed tisaI wae be- i idtieùn wetiseî MeWuain i aS icokedlatter is mont unsalil coî , srct cul>'ta tise som.- sng done witioult the espense cf more a a dm unit>' aI laige, bu7 aven te tie b aggas 1a u ty bti, hi. ow n rig iss as ho shuld have os ,,' th ismnlve . Îithisc eua y , a i eu t, i s c enti>' ions. T ierew re no nm ore r Con. andS1islSýotisr Parties respesible fr aise w aet eh n d uexpnsive. -we a ~ b>' institutions wated AnS ha sin u' d caim h li te put forwa rd. asietuai itu s hsobtatuîed ro us tie f erent usîerl>'hoped, he tsubjas e i lS bc r tIe Mr. Bieliseuogitistatishe township. town, village sd hwnihpuunlepalte. aliewed te'go ne farithr tias lie littho tisicl f Uxbidge, or peraps tie township' et tie Cunty tiat Irte Mg egatoamount ventilation il lsa 4 just received. Se t. o fi cî ts ac ts h ldý if expen oo. b7 ni;m ati e I u p esl, -fgu - M r. St. Jo isn expr ss d bis opinion - iiigthcrc wns au>' liailit>'. b> eximisrng h lus owledge'et lise piknnghc esso .f. F as ' gave explanations, s a zn a n e i xp ied a i ema ow nslrps, wlien Paor b euges un tie ciS cuntr >'tst o n cîhler m oem beyrs iaving p ok en - eCom pa heît, w it isse f et ue is - e' nan>' tisa>'n ver re aized lise object e for w h ish Mnts 1r. 'D onova n iner a t st e pe- large sin d w es1Iis are papabi>' a i %sow tie >' w ere inte ud sd, T a , isstead of o n rg ttl i o n o >x M W î e e e r d t e s ea c t u s i e l s . b u s e S l u t iis s w a - 1 w r a i e v i n g , t i s e o u i > ' c a s e S g r e a t s u f - esork tue o ntof A e%.udgc, lirt eflisg eunt- mon>munue laities neésiocurata, or ?fsioe'i triug, simd that tise peor cml>' want au>'accenitl~ Spt, p- isaIltle, f aj-tharalu, tise lest extremit>'. vance cil at its next session, wiih pewer te ling i. know$i-ofet liseniount paiS et or iéhS fer papers, &CI lhi puq~ose. Il Ifishowever, soas -'taso>' 1Mr. Heman saiS tisaI ha -aise vent 1runt T ie discussion vas continu aS Is>' bisai ti ni.fait, m ore t ison iis lid ' Sw n lun against i , reev e (M r., Ew rs) lu tie nder Messin. Bretisour, GeulS, and Ewaîs tise foilowing elruas. Tauing tise.tewu. malter, anrS 1r.-Feaslaytioilowed.,soit. nie p te the heur o c ase.sips isicis acerale sicenuuts have been 'Mi.-Rowland expresseS -iself. op- have On tise aSsenbling Of tise COUneil 8f- thetru a iut 1 mouie> 'sent b>' th isepsle ftisheositiwon;be ove tisa- stin- ter rocous. the vois was takon, sud 1Mr. nanrir corporations o teouty, o mcsc tstoo'aoi o wlce O'Doncviun's motion voteS down 17 geko rvt hrfi 0 ,etu YIpyo fiiladtaî ol as , te 6. ce th ng sd o lisr a ricle , w i l n m cl 6" lI ot er'fo r eteis m u icipalit >' - short of#,000. Tise foU Win~ are tis e - te support its own peer. elpile PICKERING Wr-LÂW. turris f9r 1871, te ieis W.e ro: 1Mr. Bieol repliaS L t lenglis anS 'eaSy 3fr. Miller mcved for leave te luItre. B. Whitby expenaafor Indigents $2791 0 hopod tise malter, veutila, ful>' dis. tisera Suce a by-iaw ta confins, by-law No. Witiy Tp., 471 W m i e . 7 9 o f t i e t w s s i i p c f P i e a r n s . i~ P i c k e r i n g , 9 8 6 5 2 c s s e d b e f o r s - e t i s a r t op a y r s f t i e 'non- la9wofaeatopimofiaclsskerinsg onheBrac:, -984 25,ceunI>' aI large. -Speaking fer lita cwn by-lw psse thon hitssevralstags Bock8Us58 80tcwnship lho nndertook tc sa>'tiaiDmne: 31W, - uringlisheissequent piceedsnge. Uxbisiisge, 8 40 10 lenlis cf the ratopayers vere lu tavor of mes OINDAiiRYMÂILAÂAND RAMIA. Mars,0"aIssYl h>0e, anS lie' blaieveS il would essor Mr. Foie>' breuglt up Ibis motter Sctt,' n 40n00 b eor-hons odpcuaio era p olis an S c m p ained liat tie re o ition Soug e ,' 27 00 individual t e go itu b if hoe gel fr ein tie 5mra- posseil at be a l meeting of tie ecOun- T isr:' 5 10 count>' viai was now paiS foi the sup- it ed c i, t Ia i lie W ard n an S C e k p oiîlu T ow n et W ishb , sn480 01> port f tie poor, an Sd bia I il -w o m a nt tise Coisamissionor et Crcwn Lands on Village et Oshsawa, (SayI 400 00 cul>' pa>', but be oallesaing te the poor eltin- lie subje t, b aSt n et isen attend e S t . 5 5 28 beïide . in - T Ie Co nt>' C erk explained, r oer. Il84 e r a il ' u e o ie 2a6 evo A ft er s oinse furtier discussion the urLIge ring te a leIter rocoived b>' Iis fions biaI tis mine expendèd lunTiserais, Scugeg inatter was alicwcd te drop. tise tiobwnship cierk et Mara, anS te tise and Scett muet bs for belew the actuala- Ceuncil adjerned. an opinion cf 1Mr. Suiler, cont>' engicreer. anounten and do net reprenant oea itho et 0055 i. Gileepi cud tiser opok ~ tbi e rosiexponaihurs. Insteani tobin ewn r ilsi n tesoi n $72 , ai totlS, il would in ail likolihiseoc THIRD DAY. '0111(1 th t s bj c , as t e t ie pe iti cîs proe ed . lie near r $700. B r ck an S U xbridge a iso , vd ing trrame flic c o nt >' c u ncil, b ut t Irt i ig it b ie tere sed t e $500 a si. N w t; - T ie W a d en ook t lis ch air a I h a f- Cnt tie twisip coun-ls Sîouhi foot thei g tie erlins CunI>' Ioor-Hue, bicis la poo ton o'clock. Lie busnless was bill. well k uwn lieb a complte andS aifac. doue, thec nmobere of tie council eing 'base Mr. Sheir P. L. S., was aise beard as tory institution of tisis kinsu, for'-our guide on thse qusi vive in consequroisca cf tise wer tatheprqerstes t bctakn. we will oses, as sa business transacion, visat reccîstion of an invitation froin Mr. vers tethe jnrper stpe te h takn itraigeut expunditure et, se>'SM, paGr evsthr al 'rk tOia nont eqoluionpsesed, niovei b>' 1r. nnunuin, mi'rud o fer us wiseni expended inGe ajus h'll Wrsa sa blcrGillesspie, seconiei l'y Mr. Suire, tirtainud thrcuglsnaCeîrnty 1>oor-Houeo rom sWii uvrAr eis te WardunduSCount>' Clerk teko e flic reprtsoftisaIt istitution, for teyeerTH VITO* uccese:cry stops lealhave îî>e sturve' 1870, we meke tise fuslowirg t itracts. TIse folldioiig wnetise invitation as <nS c is ousa>'lnohiren Delisulures srrouuting le $20,00)wers . ion maeo tebunir ln eten.ued b leCeunit>, and a fsr'm cf 100 acres read roui tio warilcs choir. rin Ma nd amia, andthttirIhie towvnsuhip& Orrb>"';aiGe, n ué ised tise buid ng s ore ted tiercun a e ig Sm ithî Esq., W anrden cf O tari o suiS pa>' lie expeureos etftins saune. thes oust oï ever $10,000. It bas new luesn Oiny'hly cge- COtItT T1IZASUiIS EI'e T~c . lu openstren over three ere, sud sas biten Cen ,lht. - ire Tire courut> treasur'o's report was entirea>' siscessful aird admirobi>' sunagea DEASIRS:- calling forcir tre lnoquelitedt praise cf tise Perrynuit nie te takçe bhe liberty' et ouîg9 presoutpd. Il gave ostimnates et ne- Ceunît>' Cerîreil cf iWaterloo, os wei]- asr of ioviîiog tire Cont>' Concil anS tun licv. ceipts and expcnrritures-h ianount ail trrsoe mWhlo hilvi iusapecte iti. Prose, tlireugliyen, te visit Or werke rima rcquir'oàIho ho leî'icnifer tise yeaîr bcurg No. of ilunnsîes fri provienis3'ers. .37 temorrow afiernoon. Ve miii have 'ork plateS ah $28,000. dri adinittnil Suring '71. .121 crigsnth Cot-H seaan 15EPOT O>' TUE AUInsTeeLs cF CRI5INAL Discharged, obseended, and other -10 lime thno membeis oethtie Council na>' tter- JUSTICE. oise 5ef t during '71i--------------.507 finS il covoîieut to conne. son, Mm. Bieli intmeduîecr lis report,N - Ycsurs ver>' tîi>' resrin ia ts ale ota Nd~ o. in tiefouse a close f tine yar, 51F. .GLN is il was socli -as required a good sisal cf Ivrainhe ne. aI tomats fSusrtn tiseRPOT FAUIT attention and lcunoeirting upen tisa ir el ..............ps9 Te urtrspsntathesuyanf88Ilowm~ing rer, va>eus clauIses anslie preceeded. No. weeks' board cf ininatens urinlj -their tisird report;- ire Ynî oditos, nmpeiled i tie lethtie y'r, keeper' a ts-il>' anSdsiren esse n nf au dtinis , C o n te a u dth e ug s T e i 0inclu e ........... ...... 8 0 4 6 Y ou n a idito m e beg lerep ort t ts t bie >' un Ssino hsCuctt ui ln oa expeuditurre during the yeax, $4017 20 have carefuliy examnineS ycnr Treasur-t ied wihh Judgc Burnaai, bise criminai jus- Add for eiukiuig fund anS intereot hooks abS occoonts frein the litJon'>' raS tice accouamts et tIns iceuni>' for tire pro. on çapital inveated........... 156 44 ho 8sat of Ma>' lest, and have prepamod iris seiut year, tee! i a dnty tlIre>'owe te F,ý6 hes-ewitb te subinit for your cousidera- E chmovt s-ela et e onoîi to Deduet fris hf- tienr, an abs. t t tise saine.a ing report lire progress made lu thisIm-n.Expsrrded on peonanenim~l- Yoor ausitors hanve nineisploasorsi f a- portant bransiet ofor ceunit>' finances. provmeets & ae irueces- ertnta hyhvefni eys i- Il ivas Isedr, mlsen tire prescrnt plan itrie un tarin & blrdings $13378 610 rpotgtatie>iastou ve'n w as ndopt uS tl at t ie ch an ge w o u id ifar sr rg l eta i use and farin 453 76 3 e usr >' corr -c t te th e ver >' cen t; tiret e $ 3 8 2 1 8 v e > ' v o u li e r l i a s h e n f ou n d l u i s - t'urt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Vta po-nsgetscinlettcnt, uaA'hiiexpuenset ofinmates, keep. preper order os per nînler, anS dusiy uniasore stucislbas licoustirs case'. bint Jcrs Jasniy as-ort ide heip tuelS $52671 28 atienficated; airStise>' bave tIre fur- 8 lu not ta thuat extent we liai reason hoe- Ainrourntinng for 8,046 wens le, per lieudgt, er pleasoreofe repenhing tîrat ait yonr I ichl pin. isper mseek, 87 7/10 cents; or about 88 renie, Treesirers transactions, ivhetîrer me-S <id Upon exauiitieu of lIse returuns fr mueek, as tise grees oxpensse et keeping, latiug le tise crdinary Rev'enue accoont S ul nmasde b> tire Cousit>' Treacsrr tao tise ledi g mshnaSsefrfably tairto ire Ge't-'nnreihcftis acecru pase l' rae fý eei ora o eleue. f th ss cffushe Couutyr tise Non-Bosideaf Fond, u ni] Goerniiet, f he ccoiit nsse tb cure ap liig, of td o e scwwsb or Scinoci moneys, have licou regnbari>'ci ;çd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R tu nltî, r leretlntvr> bsg e uereul lu eue cemon Cash-Biook, b>' o Seriuctians.sine omarle r>'tire Government Frein the alieve facto St wili bie essil>' which lthe balance cf fuis aothe credît an. rudihonis. Tire irtetr o m ad one b>'sern, freonhuntiai expenceeS dshatitits, or dliit ftise Cont>' can at a single I ne cir Trr'scn'ive as for tire Deoemobor ualIbre 80,000 anenticuedl as expended inguceleon -4~ audit, '1s7-1, a und ai nn teà to the i ~ nr eum n fy tes- forindigent pu sposes w u d g ceni, o p re S uitis bie B ank A c- Ih - alrrost rver ever>' animutilfay et surist] et 1.517.15,tis Gm'e'nsssct nrirorarr insstittinosa CeuI>' l'eor'Tluse, and Tislistenethod cf keopiug your ac- i ÈoS stnnvk off.tnis nretlun tihe soin et $80024, actuauily perrisase anS psy fgr tise whoue ceunsnl a ver>'- greel improvoment tI anS tlien, rliowinrg t-otiirla cf tise megnhlteent and valua, le prepent>' of a opoîrtire syetem forissri>' prrsîrod, ai. balaînce, $766,863, a-sutishe v,,ronent 1>ton-lmousen anniPaFa nlto thheliargrcliu, b. ho- gii novsa ra nr eo proportion, inate tlirs soindnîe tIno 5 unrttiorr aniend te the present isaziS-to-IogiIlnvveagra crsof ris c e o uri>' b >' G e v a r n u ou t ,r u i t h u' o nu r y mte o . - lIo t n e f p la in M i e n t îa t w o r k np o n y cu r T r e a s u r e r , rs a r fe r - jui contyby oveninut n tat urs'4 prr'snbchfant>' ts mastefub anS expoîrs. enct le senumiser cf entrica u itahi ,i $.511.24, instead etf$104.66, ae il wouidjv 'isot being satietocto->'te au>oe- Cash Dock as comnparaS with former p have beon, lias]lne items in tIse reun everi ttire wretrhed eipienu ofctomyoame wiii oxisibil. le b"en disailoîvod. A nuiober et charges in liorriuy? il>'tire prenaut s>'olerailia>' are TisaItirere Io a.ver>' grahifying in payabe re thero ar y anclairs-seSf leylivhoikusuep, nd butauefpe5 veur Sagae rn aeuseimedla bcprattieutedanliegener-dusomease euinetnase'rsvenoeseindem'rvenue e frosufr anan- the t Ine ui providd fr b>' sLaboî. den and a nuisance te Society. These ea. lbouera'i and pdlar'liceses, vIicissi et Tinogradinginocideuls of their miserable exiel. yor auditoraiiselieve jneunaini>' attnibu. of Teresuit in tisaI, inasmîrch as ail tis ecr oughe ho ho, sud wourld be, onselirated table te the nèw course adepteS b>' us , accouinta on being audited b>' tIsa ceuni>'b>'tise stalihent ofe a Count>' Poor- your Troasurer in periodicai osivortize. pi O~anliiore are paiSb>' tise Ceuni>' '>am. HneaSFr.Ts ra bettalehament cf lise oxpiritig et suos licensas. tir tirer, bet'rs tlrp Govermrsent audit anS attained in giviuig chant>', or lu gtviug To ycrflatnint h n a La roout o rasrr ieeee noe>' for:n>. puspose, in te have -it proper- TsIb'cmtlatnint iei-l ruateais conrt' vîrth re ofor 1iyapplied, se as te produce thisenetirefuira berents et yonr Corporation, yeur Treas- ex taas tecut is concerneS ise eor tise inveshment.' Thsis eau onu>'lbe doue tirer lias ruade arrangements witis Fise te 'd Govomnnent anditor disabowe, lheiselutise natter et cirant>', b>' lie careful, syni- Insumance Compassion, fer lhe Insurance oi nk cont>' net oly logsantiro proportion of eatie, sd ereuiomcai management e crbiSnal ht>,b'vsc i lis items tiues iled, but lins wîole speriil>' pprine for thisepur ose, llnbuijeieg pareS vitir provwiens sa Stse ain, t snb oHoua tan f o e te s is fr- ,sir sema ext nt, on o re oonied.his mnel es, even ame~ tie m nt g ner us- lI f wh cb s re iio ifah >' uism lte n unced tiat in a l cases w enrc un I>' o h-c e s charges. It would icers, P OU RT H1 IYAY. I f 4 printiug ha donc b>' cenîract, tise count>'lire feured, ho but a shite-not for wiil o cluo ea nve thre cenîract et widews sud cisildron, bUfol ttoso wiho FriSla>', Jiuno4,' ti IQuarlorl>' Rotures oet-Convicions, te ire w bctd lai ar1got nid'oe-t haýbundon Tire Warren tock itsechair àrithue t- prtntiug of which now, i he umanner il cf support of-ageni parents. Mle point- usual lions-, anS 4ie councii, after iheir as la doue, CossIbis ceunI>' $50 tor caireh 6ol tise SiffIUotios inn tue way cf me- Oshawa sprce, weunt te o-kîaira e îretuin, nskiing $200 yeas-ly. Your hioving lise loatiug claset -indigente benînination le get lhisougi lise businuess oS auditers thre-fore recoineuni tiraIton- anS tramps b>' means et a poor house, dnring tise Sa>. Sers for priotiug tise saiS rnmafer the ari, aI Saune isugth, centeuded tissi COMMsUNIzCATIONS es balance of tIse year hca anuei for aItishe indigents haýiug clara upon lino veme read frorn Lieuî.-Col. Wallace Mai once, anS tIsat hereafter lise p'nling ofcf imunil>' eniual ot ciievod tc ssking ftie ConrciLle upta seicie bo suds roburus lbe inclusSeS u ise C tendons au>' cousisiemableextaut _tisiugb ieps'cft eothecra cf le htBt et 1anS cenîrsiot fer bise rogniar cont>'-means cf its establisisment. tPaliOn he Vouintcaonae8l iiasudnfo pnutng M. Bretisour centendedtisaI tise os.friA.G doM Pasigora . Your audito's tartiner recassuend tablisismeul cf e poci housi vouldti a rih.Godn .Posvls1eino a 0d limaI tis coorjcil appoint a select sorns. reliaise Brock cf uts present expense eo tsf frcsotHmcfresgrant ofWa tw mitteaetftisie te conter îtIs tIse Gev. auppoiting its 0w55 pooir. ' toy, liruhodHm for >'oan a - - Ce ermonau, upon tIse whle question et Mr.. Ewers looked attisa matter lu a oysbre dweat ya o criminal justice accounts, ansi furtiser difféent figisI fions tha lagtseae, MR-. 5AitTel< INDEnTlfNES:i vobu te roquent oliser ceunt>' otilstia10p. eud saiS tiaItise rernaso f lisereeve Mr'. Rowland brougisl torword' hIis point sinîilar ctxcmitt]ees ta actinl con- et tie townshiip cf Whiiby weis just t incuau Ibsusbjoot, mvisihgae ise neni Janolion witili our commiittee for tire suds nfis mot bis-(Mr. E'..) cwn viswSs te an, criminloun sidiscussion, uS evéndodsen sosie111 pumpose. anSdsýpprobaIe Ho cunteudosi tiat b>' leaving tise mether in lise hand ffn AUl cf Wlsioh la hsereis> suismitted. -tise argument of tIse rmeve cf Osisawa thesool consitteè. ud tcees- J. B . IC K E L L . w as b side tie qu stion ltog ntie , airS OADS AND usInsesus . o 7. Tisa repert was dedaferbie voent>to Sotails cf tise pesition cf tise Mr. Rowland biomiglit orward'tis e it d is n s i o n p s e s îl 5 to w n s h ip , f R e a c i, vh î i lih e , a id b a S r e p o rt f I is c o m m te c, vîsc l u * a s i ic A ctrori ecamiuss isscuasuu. paiS delhousanddSoiiasfor tise relief cousidamed in comnsttteo of tise viole isooli À CUNY OO HUSEDICUSP. cf ind$gents bast year. IHo van fIIes- ndiadoi~I as foiIows. al>'. .Mr. Bickcll brooglin up tis sobjeet, sabie te tise proposition, it ul ud hbc u eamtc isbenifre roading as a substitut. fer a report, tise;ecenolsslesl tae tlownsis anS is h tie Sou og ige a'i. neSfor tsi, oS. -feilowiug article tricn thse CussoxuCaîsetof punl>', anS -would Ihave tire affect f e ;thrpoe etStou igea-tjet saegor e -d Jenua->'1878, wInich ho made lise bansà doteiring thosa e w gno wrenet- iioper tinsiseofiscrt anS tiIts. obridlgisaor cissargument. subjeets for cbiainigre lifrenc.herotooro oom tjue -rob ig e Jr Remember-tise peor." isa a maxins an. ing tor ohm.s Lobtise>'kncv usaita in 'lbsa n> iete-iCiv ein -j9- el pns un frein sur oarltestiînfoucy., Soiujegosethe o>'indbc sent'te tise panor 9SIar age elng .t is ste c esersis I A .&OOPpe,or ameüu fuiteaboggas-manl hanse.rda gesaln sti ue foSel t anlseSitaiMmaway," vwas as a ùÎaannaropret poos. Yoisr cenmittec receomend %hol SIn % cshsr asrity tosillar ta oee iduf Mr.Gile ise no aiS ho seldoni Iisot-turecayetaleer. JosephIr Lsa-der, bc 510h ýAirS Sa>' visa vs 515e, i5la !aitise SaiffiiiT trous ,iso reeveo 'e't -ow iii hUii~tdt~prohiWb iy 'pers*om,5o 0 style !oîonrtIîeusî,Gs'c ht>'01eie atidia e npensonstrom fastènnganyratl5asaev al ors i ssesg o -vs' st h e d>1j on esOiscore o c _as tse meeseit> of such Bridge, anS re- sommend tisai 11Çe matas- bealloved 10 standelover. Tour committe asan aeexaminaS by.I&w Ne., 87gicf tise corporaticuontf tsatowuitpof Picrkering paiseSthse 21st Sa>' et Novansier, 1874; anS resemeud tiIsaidlay-lav las confirmaS. ;AU of wviich àtarespectflfui'lsuitt- R. ROWLAND; Coinnittee reesus, - Chairman. -Jun tise 4th 1875.- Mr. Goul larougist foivwardtise re- port ethi ceiaFiittee vhis 1,and' porougs0em sittocf tise 'wviseai vas a ^e t t , r c m se d n a m cf erou eoum. Mr. Pesli> isougst mp bise report cf tse standini committe-o vistis van con-. sidared in commilse eofthie visle, anS se scisoduis of items fom gaci an celant>' supplies reconsmeuded for pa>s'ment. CouSuneS -the licounI>' gaei fro tise, let Januar>' te 8sît et Mo>'inclusive, 182 priseneme-16 of visons vemo insane. Ou 8lst Ma>' liera renainedl 16. prison- ors. The aggrogahe number et, Soyaý of mpiemeut fer tIse penod van - 1075, ben nincreaseocf 674 over lise provi- ens 7 nuonîlis. Thec n-verage coat of erici pîisonor van 101 conts e rSic>. .Tisey finS tise appropriation fer tise contr poionu cf lise Beàisir>' offite is sufficieul- Seme impnovomeate in lise designsaoetlis building wena reqocated, bol the Coisniito rsncomnmeaS ne change tii 15e motter of heabing lie un- dertaken.' The> cao recemmoird 611t ne action imsprctin- tise constructionu of a rotin for lise aecoimm'Sation et witnessec ire ,o nt cof ceunISe taleen. Tie report was adopteS. vAsnx's SlURSauEMETs. On motion et Mn. Bicicell, secondeS b>' Mr. Donovon, tise Troasurer vas autoticized te psy $100 te lise Warden te coi-enlIse yoa-'s expensos. ED)UCATIOIN. Dr. McGiil bnought up tise report of this counnitlcee hicis was adopteS as Tise standing commitîco on oducation beg le report chat a communication re- ceuveS frei the educaticé al office shows bhat I i ilbo noceanar>' bo uevy by os- sesmenl Ibis saine as lant year fer edu- t eatienau purpeses fer tîho presemt yea- -viz; tom Brook $763, liane $871, Rana $160, lisacr $74, Pickeing $1088, Scott $409, Scugog $180,Tlior-kh e 6290, Uxbrtdge $494, Whitby Easetr $503, Wiib>' West $475. Total $5,417. To visicîr five per ceni isas 1 sanaîl>'been aSSeS tecoverau>' dotal- ation, anS te tunse this a Om aI bonit equai sIh liebcs-aiseS.s Yens- cesmittes reccomend bisai David Ormiston oethie Townet Wisitb>' s e appointeS ceunt>' examiner, -bo MIU i1e place in tise cont>' boorS of -exain- il sera, rendemenl vacant b>' ti4 ealis oft ls iale Dr. Th onton.a Ail et vicis erespeeltul>' sulimittedp W 1. M cG IL L ,' t cîsaimman. INANCE. Ms-. Gllespie brongist np this report ff toliows: 1. Tisat in orSon te provide for lise sceenar>' exponnes requuo foer ceont>' srpoaes, iilis Secmed neeesas->'lit ho Oums cf Twenly Fivo Thoisaud Dol. nea bs lovioS tise presoni year, asint uxpanoion afttie increased amoinn s'O liec levied tise saine is lu conséquence 'tse largo suns etfviicis tIicocun>' isB been detrauded b>' tIsebale Trea- urer, Wm. Paxton, anSdviois inrease sur censmilise ieoonmoend te bacecn- rueS untl tIse ceunI>' indebledness on Ccont efthsee sme i. removed. 2. TisaI, in examtang tise Auditers' 9port, your committes finS tise foUlv g9 tawships are indebtod b lie couu- Vu is te fotiowisu ame: The townesip of Raina on aeýcuntl cf euîooî anS Ceont>' rates for lise years B72, 1873 suiS 1874, tlipsum 0o£$768 ; asa, in 1874, tie rum 111 ; anS tie wnsip et Beach tie suin of 2875 om cont et Non Résident Deisenuran. sur comilltes therefoe recommend la tise Treasurer li innrneted tceitake miediate stops. te enforce paynsent cf s saine, anS tisai Ton perntouilu 'eelt be ehargesilfrein anS atter tintas te on aill eisoins in aricars.- 3. Youî-'cecmittee necemmeud tisaï' 1iennie solS for taxes b>'thre late 1esorer, Peter Taylor, anS romain- Snpaiti te thîs corporation ho charg-- te euSd coeiinl tiensIhi$ Entate ýliîmiti l[s>'tise Treanuner. ourS tiat eClos-k neuif>'tIse Troacnrem cf lîmîs ose lu luis report. 4. Your coîumiltoe highiy oippreve the cousocpusued is>'tdis uditors poinlod boe examnerthe Crininal js'- so ccoul in deductiag snob bisarure-d are net allowos b>' tise Provinial- til, aud reoeîmenn tiraI a vigilant Rpcliesi et aisl sccunts ho continu- b>' -thecu. 5.The appication oftAdai Gordon, o 1., askiusg for a grant cf *100 te theie nchnsont houss eleville,-isaving. en conssdered, yonr conmmilîce are1 prepereil b neeomnsmsd. ùuy ganti tIse naine. 1 G.Your committes, liavug cousiS- t 3 tise application of Lt. Gel. James1 allace, 841h battalion, asking Ibis mdcl te spplenent tie psy' f tho ubters, wie strngby symnpatsms. witls tîîe mequesi, sire net piepanrId Oecoiniend an>' grant aItishe pro- t, but are ofpirin tiatishe gv- aient ahira Samp>'- psy tisa veiun- ea wîsemcalled on dill. r. Yens, cemmitîco are highi>' plots- fi on, readiug tire Atîditoms' Beperi n -fi Brnce t leaefficient moussai in, mi'tise presnt Treasurer keepe lisf te simnd dnis argad hies ustien gansu- Il et wieiis 5l'spostfuliy semtt. *9 r -MALCOtM GILLElSPIE, t mmitoe Roone, Oarnn mne 4tis, 1875. t -evns 1er, B itauigs ttInamore,-thon common sutreas eau ba maSo. Tise moaping anS mov- Iiug.machine -bus*iness lhan boom ver>' 'pritable- erounatsers; immense' esalese ave-beenbuilt up ln varions partsof Amerlos for their -cou-, strnetion, - 1W.presunse Mr. W. N. Witlaey, cf S p r u l e d 1 e s t a n d s o e s o t a t lie,éetlm as inventer, patetése anS mauatrrof reapmng anuS mev ing machines. Ha inventaS Irie Champ- ion reaper- anS mowor. Ilta schaumeS tisaI lisMachine viii Se Ils verS bat- lairIlion amy otiser lu standing anS ledgod grin, tisati h l cf ligiter draft, >iea duable, lens lisible 10 gel cul of' eider,,aomS ta theo uosi perfect haiventer lu Iiso-worhd. Titt-tve tissanS._of lisese maichines are being maSo lu tise States this yoam. TIse Champion meapema are aise cen-- stmuctod lu Oshsawa b>' lie Josephs 'all Mannfactnring Conspany'. Mr. P.'ýW. Gien, tise preseut manager eft iscern- pan>', aS ns tisrough tliselarge -entas.- ilbîent, visics ve cousielèr tse king- of, Canadian agmicolînral inspiement mnannfactoriee. Foui" isundmod mou arc now employed in Ibis establissment 'Tse groal vork ncw iu p 'rogrees t-inbthe conunstruction of bthe Champion mevers and moapers. We were sisovntsa pro- ceas frein tua maklng cf lise viongs trou trames hoalise finishing touches et tise painters. Tise honds, as we passeS tismougîs, voie net oui>' flttiug, but lu lwe places iad-lhe _verksput luinrn- ninif ordor te ho sure c f -their being rigsî. At -the hast phace tse violo machine van filleS lanS in, b>'steams power at doublés peed te ihave il faimahy leted in lu hils parts. E4sn lise vooti vwas imperteni frei Oio-se 'bie>'couiS -net procuré il homo cf sufficieni slrengbis le suit them-.Tise petent cane ýap- pears te ho besteved ona thisir conatrue- -tion anS ou tise matemial l'seS. This. cempan>' Ï& new ct45nstruicIing trans 25'to 80 -machinen par do:vtAt tIse-lime voae 'listera--Ma>'y ih 600 liad beau shipped, anS eiders veri in for 700 more. Tis cempan>' lutanda !msiuufacturing 2,500 lit year;, tisy mal>' manufactuned,2150 lant -yeor, but; tuho reports efthie greatý satisfaction tisey gave-. onsures their sa4 o lis seasom. flic>'n taoSmaking- ý000 next ycar, anS dem-ding 'bies, whoi es-oca ani suergies -on Ihese(machines.; -tise>'are lr-eod>'making tieir tpreparations. Wc approea. f npeoialities, anSdlac- [li-o Iial botter tuspîsments c; eau ote sp aI, cîeaper. rates çisen a persan or fm Séote tieir whole attention teaa speciahit>'. Tisey hsave disposeS of theirbay raSe, nead drill and broadcas$ seoilci pattera anS inlerest 10 a nov <lampas>'fermei. in Oshsawa, uSer tisq naine eftise Mfasson ManufactingiCompan>', vils'h a captlof $1009000. cise novCoin- ian>' lias uow purcsase thbie Hou Fac-' tory for ils xworjs. Mr. 01cm has tcrtuuaseiy securadtheis 'ooËl vil orsd aid oLf IWisiteiey, tse svenler cf tsa Champiiçn and tiseovu- or cf tise Mont vala1,)eireape nSl nover patents lu tise Stis Canada mda Enrôpo ; M. Whiteley -stands il, ong manufactureais as Mr. Barnum- cea amnseg.sisovmen-mlnnsBar- onms humbug.- Hoe'lias aise secureni se ge.od vil and aid ef Mr. L. H. Lee, imont axperienmed mnanufacturer. Thun le feeéelonbýhy note l it s gro-at undar- àking. W. musi Cougiatuflcte lise inlaiattants ) Onsawa on tise acqnisition gaineS lun ucuring, Mr. Wisiteioy's aid anS. iapital; utis vit tond ta malte oshavas tse - fisoffield of Canada, anS great>' aSsitea ie piosperit>' eolite silîczad>' prosper- ffe place. -No tevir va 5mev cf shows ,eater signas cf prosperil>'; ai Ivelve id six c'clcck tis e ticets arc alinost ackwvtimiechanias, rasembing lacs- av Sarmhng lime ýstise>'touse frein e varieus fatorien. , Oliser largo Tb'ie Nova. Tisa Anseican Xrifle beans loftNov York for Dubhin, emiSturday, on board bise, tteniner, Cil>' of Chster. TIpe s'nte Se a*grand gatharing et Fomesters in M-amilion, ou Deominion Day. - -The peusiome grscnted t-te o teran Of 1812, duirnu ha'st .-Session of Paria. mont, anc soon t e isr iboleS. Tises-e anc about ilsicé t l;iseusadappliaus. Ors-roussi.APPiOvsusseveS.-IHiS Hon- Our tise Lieutenansî.(veraonlias lmaSe thse foiicwiag appsiinlnsEuts :-JAsXES IENFEY, cf Watford amS Tmo3s ROBERIueso,of Neýmàsrkat, Borrislie.it. Law, le b. Neta*rienPublic unanS for tise Prbvince of Ontarjie; Jess; E Bsacircay, of Newmarkeî, M. D., lo ba an Ainseciate Coroner.iu AMIrl thlie Ceuini>' et ork. RÂmwÂyAieAsoeÂxOc..Âia meeting OftIna nsaseholdein cf tisa Nertisein Railwa>', tise agreement et amsalgama- tien vils tise Ncrbers Extension Rail- s> Censpan>'. vas appreved et. Tis s'as tise final step, an tise agroeement~ saS beu Previonni>' ratifieS b>' tseEx- teisien Comspan>' sud b>' lie Board et' Dinolect lise tNorliamrnRailva>'.= WRemi A BAURI, o OuDi Tise Bar-- 'e- Gazette givesa censidoruble procuir- suce t l emgtisy Seluls et visa aBarrie nola diS lu vrecking aibouse'cf ibîttme in tfisaItowss. Tor-tho nasele Kangarcoolise Mar. quis- cfIlsorsa ûe-s-s 10 Mu Genei bers Pope, proes cerem 'Reord 'arei brida] Senco hanS 'te-re -Pax 'dsties -'sitiou cf OISEs for lie ovenin an ado sucript] situati Dur t-ctise teparl colussi nlt. tha memcE COL dlay, Ju son, cf 29 year cm Fan W#h Spring 1 Barhe>'. Claver.. Tiuno5s Pes .. Baye. Ha>' ... Reaoe. Éggn... Butter. -Cool, pe -c Wood. -- Park, pe Chicken Ducks p s- Tnrkeys L: Cheese. - ieef, iin Beef; fo EMPP £iseMoI~ ,os-rsiilk. Epîses Tlsir-adt Wes-ks f icad ssid -' REMU -simple a E5ixir of vasoh'ii frostili innsilsttV stosuorli tiselis'er agreesisi, . hse, c aflreh -- viger a 'cfliassesi - ugocezaf -ttff a er is Z<revb 4en 1

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