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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jun 1875, p. 1

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- WMITRX 'WRITBY AGENOY,; - oeSothWig out ousAc r. mu f0meo, Q.C., an~d D7. aaMicluaqî, Q. C. FAREWELL &à8t7TLoE, -e -This 1> lleros, Notariat Publie, anti Convey. Contes omqsa finido or sonl o he :K. -yti jcs Jot, MESIh IUTLEDGE, B. A. L A ~ .PARREVELL, L. L. B., - MmÎ . OousslyOrou0 iltey. do Ibs JAUBu RXTUi GORDO <.1 b5~STE~~ ORNY-A. T disait s store, litcek StriaI, Whltby, Ont. Ageni- ton, ES . KELItL, 'flABBISTE AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN coseStreet, Cnvyacedi,,wc Sm 'BARRISTER, ÂTTORNEY.Â-t.LAW, B otincOhaucery and Insolvancy, Notay Publc &c o. lme-MOMillan's lock, Brook âtreilt Wbltby, Ontario. *(Late Greenwood & Iillian.) WitbOr otarlo. C TIJOMAR<À hUATON, T O0N OLEBI< A" )TREASURER-, Whitby. Offce-Town Hall. Hours, Irom O9b o c1lock, B. J. r r4N, M. D., ,QURGOOX TO THE COUNTY GAOL, 0 BrnStreet, WhiLby. Al. A.RE ELLOM. B., M.C.P.S., Starr melaimt ana University Silver Mea. aJimt, Graduate of Toronto 'Univerity, Member ai dis College of Physicians & Surgeons 01 Ontùlo, Physician, Suigeon and Accoucheur, BROOKLIN, ONT. W; AI)AMN, ENTIST, (SUCCES. D sr to WV. H. Card.> Dentalfloom-DundauStreet, 'Whitby over Mfr. Janieson's Store- Nitrons Ozide das admlnîuîered for the patnoesee. traction of teeth. 7UETH insertedl on Ili tho ' '! .-atest prîncipipej of the art, Cscepa hohapet, and as good as the bet.TethOed with GnId eud Silver. Tastb extracted without ain, by producing local an<stheilia. Dental borne-m Cow- an s new block, over Atkinmon'e Drug Store, Ring Street, Oehawa. 8 TiIUMA-4 DEVERILL, M3ILDER AND CONTRÂCTOR, DUNDAS ST., WHITUY. ~3AU oiders promptly executsd JUIIN itOliNcSONPS tARDRESSING AND SHAVINO .L. aBauco, Brc S., Wiy. - JOUN VOLPENDEN, A-GENT FOR THE CELERIIATIID -:Scottish Granite. At Mas-Sue Wos-ke - JOUN (.AKI'E-It, - -T CENRDAUCTIONEEFOR TE ofCunis Ontarioe, York anti Poel, Reidone-Lel 8, Sîli Concession Mliankssn. - on - aOffice-Unionile. Sales atteti an lise slbcstet notice, anti an reacenuble ters-,. -Tonmo can l>bcniatieant i bll, printet'aitiseé OUBsIosLs OCilice for Ms-. Carter. LEU FAlItiDAN]Wpu, T CNSED*AUCTIONEER FOR TIE .. Cunyol OCntaslo, begs le relurn thans'efor lise liberai patronage hes-tofore- bestoval upon Slm, andtteanaunce bisaI hos le puepas-edte10caduat sales citiser in Tois. or Ootinty ut seusnabie satee, As-- rangements les-sales eau Ise matie eltiser ut bise Ciuiostscc. Office, os -ut nuy ovn Office, Br-ook Strecet, Wiitby. L UMBiR E IHNT, CAI(PBNTEli stantiy on haut'. i brcn UNIIIIIT'AKIN.-Funerale inily amp. - -plitd iltant tiaudtcis ehoîlnotice, Comlisa ke6i censtustly an band. A issus-se le SIre oni lSesal les-ms. - lie seetion af suiste Auosuilu sudat UAL I)VSURANCE C0'Y, ramnanntrain.s. il<iaeus sple ros C FPI0Eý' BROCK ST5., WNITBY, -RADTRUNX RALW&T HOTEL, laýCosspua nqisusurePm Buildings, ,t* vEIvTYuvATiov. ;ObreosseuolzussnsibirWM QNEILL .PROPRIETOR. Atrte WutoSni' - - WT LOS PROM !TPAZ BER 1NXSJ,., . R.D1 nDHrUMaylain.ag boin b 4vo Lumber riio ù sn Fenelon Fa", bat openedM icoi ib bbu othei preiues, au citez L UMBERVA F -ijoinlng the Wbitby & eutorierry1 vaY Staion, vbere Le keýpps cuaneatl: baudelargeiaicasalaeto'steak ai Lui ofabIlkintis forsale, vlsale antid rebit Plmianlg iauiinoanti alikizuda oi as- eculet ps-empli, totisder. - GEO. COIIMAC: Wlitby,ý May 27, 1878. i FAUFOR SALE. TisaI veil-kuovu las-u, lot 26, 8rd ces Wbitby, knovu as THE DONALD8ON FARA Anti asAaiprisant lu lie occupation oS N. Ru - Contains 180 acres; about- clcs-d; dvellsug, outbulltilngs, sud suiti officem; epiouantiorebard oai8 &ores lu exti JOHN ADONAIZDSON, Maýr;i 25, 1878. iSti Tas-ei THEM ISOLATED 'RISK Fire In8urance Coly of Canai HzAsutOvrca--KingSt.,cor.Csurcis,Torot CAPITAL,',', $eo,ooo. Deposited i wtb Govqinment, $67,OC Il vi!! atjuat &ailoInee ithoul delay, @ pay oves-tise cash AT ON CE. Ha.ALEX. MoKENZIE, M. P., JOHN iMATOHAN, Ja., Manager c Ha O 10 E APPLE TREES A Il ô (U T 40,000, -AT TUS" HOME NURSERY, Ps-rn Iva to-feus- years ci age,ambraclng a bis e sct Varietica. SETHI C. WILSON; LoINso. 8, 2rid Can. Pickering, onungeto Roat', sat Office, Wiiby. W 2VESTERN ÀA'SSURtANCE COMPANI HEAD OP5'ICEt TORtONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - $400,009 AGENT VlaiOt sau ONsMO,- JTOSEPH HOLMAN, DROOKLIN, oNI Ais gen-t last- seCANADA FARtMER NUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANT, Head' OfIce, HAMTON; anti CITýZENS' IRSURARCE COMPI MWsutoal, Pire, Lueé anti Guarautec CAPITAL, - 02,000,000 Bîcoklîl, Dec. 2, 1872. 12un4o FILOUR AIND PEBD.- Tis a ermlgnet' begs te inios-nutise put lic btt e hsmmoveti bis place ai Susine, ses-ose thse street, next tC. Scolt's butcist siiep,vher bsokeeps an baud tise hoat flou Caes Sos- arsa produce. J. LONQ. Wbitby, Pan. 20, 1874. - H ANSSAIDDLERY. Tiesa ubscrihes- tesirea le clubs Ibathb has apenet' a A HARNESS SHOP, ins tiseitreomises appaite Ruy'e British Am.- erncan Hatl, Dusutas-St., Wilby, viseri ho wil kecp on baud a upcricrs tocto o everytiuiug l in isie ai business, anti wii le. O'DEL, a sas-e ci public patronage. A T E L Wh~Sy Pc. 2, 174.FRANK TYLER. Olerk DlvI8Ion Court, Tp. Clerk, C H1 E A P Cer nienr lu B. R., Land' Agent. &C.; *0., Aisasly, Counny Ontaric. L M EL~~L M E cltssh ~ut u, 1872.,- - 80 U B R L M E S-- -.-.. Tisaunieségucti lenov lu recelpi aS a ýC A ILIRD.splendid stock ai fine clearei, wvol -seuson- - ed6lumber; eellAg ai 010îe r tbaseand feet. "-t' - AU kins i iLunuLes-les-Cas-pentes- anti 5>41N CAIISON & BOGART, H ousebuilisug aI hoveet prices. Physicens, Su-gouns, Accouches (-e, , * Lumber yard' near vorsisope, Wîby& WiItby, Sept. 30t ,P.4. P. E. RalvayCa CHRISTOPHER JOHNSQN. .RO 'AL Il 0TEi L, Wiitby, Nov. 41b, 1874.1.4 > WUPINLEU, ONT. VA7ýLISES AD TRUNES. iig.PRINLE, PROPRIETOIt. Piret.clase uccînunetaticn. tAmple aud LEATHER VALISES veI-t'cti dup eample ncoms Sfs- commercial Is-avellere. 18-AN S LBWOODl FOR SALE. SARATOGA TIIUNKS, Tise suheoriher Sas for suie aI hie Mil, neas- Utica,- a quanbiby ci four-foot 55i &C., &ce, at - A 1. AMIBEL: WILLIAM THOMPsoN, Ulioa, sept. 9w; 1878. 89 .Bâuiles- ant iHarnausaMakss-, ÉOeIT. UR As I. 1) . & L.,il nitoox-er., WBSTI5Y. E " U'JUGH, HYSICIAN, Suitsosm .52 2 ti !'h.upssr, anti Coroner for tise cautis of Ontarioeanti lmce. Ofieon Cedwt r-S O-ia, 7 WNALKR OUE POusa' rnaR, ONT., - T, B. WALKER, -- P4OPIETOR. WEBB, - PROPRIETOR, ')unte se, 184. mt TE Liverpqooland London end Globe JI5URANCECOPn. Lases aid ln courseofitblt.lveyoa- excoet!F8RTY MILLIONS .OPbOLLeSi. Climi h icago Fi eslusadagt noar. IY ou éeblnu25edsfs Ws u e s iéa o w e a u p o n h l m c u in g b b p a s b f o u r U O Y s t b e d i eL I I I IT P " o m e u g e ï r x wl e in e a # - u a i ë e a u1< Paruz e th en bbt aien os"-of 0 1 ours lveo, o a how ile wne k. N ot conten t W ith t " o- o » o al U l ~ a e h e l s bb a n r f b sh t Ri ie - o iv z u t e b sie -of H US E L HO S ,W e are al we sk w kn under tbsn ti n, d bbthe r'ahe »W1aI <ît!,Ilet- us he sc ne V'he< a n er. pIf wL,., .iuo Mbkncra Rai e te AUsuewnyTe er-ndÀ!! on.er Landleft ber seqs -.Rapidly dia bthé.priest 1and 1.i l consntb7 - en f LOBE BHO TE1L, Oalectias, onrh i saaS., Lut s usa ey ering iu-an#' 'ovr the . naW . lliI vhit ime teo bOr bthncesci Atoosîcer lu or csetrwadsreuried-hom.,'bt tti* - a mile Of thse odmtnotion nevgetrsces li.h ~ mi ~ ~ ~ ~ &eu etf on- cette$ bjbtejsannjitusMý smatra habrand b the light. e o odo bcdet edb-a alt ahad hn a bright light home. The DiDOXLX>? Cxv aaîifacbon t aIiwho a~' vr me Iargtb busesnorl ai arane, l i. _________________ Juaç'au ThisTbn _Noali ildig spunoma lfagicllye-ubrougmnat hon dssetTflanaaldes# ah -JAS. ]POWELL PROPBIETOB. Ibeir sales or Colleclinir. Lcd, wthlaretusesad nor fcoondtedas a f-va jskemimissedMfllae us, Nor evening ing h hrionfe ad ucerant hn kigSn~seeua s Wlkésbi asop _______________________ . Bilsedranghtethedhorizon fat.andurare andc paî BJohnon avnkisse i B~e, s~h ~IET-LÂ5 isaxan~zo. tifie i ht arged4 IRT. LAS Notes Katlee Cnno. hen lier fatber, ln bis, alarnu, sent casting ils lurid glareupon th ah Bva we ppicbo-riepé dt Alec BifiStanspiaways on handr miinlle"1co o1,S rti and eoo- - nlued)if possbl, hecause Ofîthe disapperance ýWilding.'omauujon was blâzing villi ence of Oriental eaaba Bb u( rS thé ZTBER N Hou Arrangements eau b.otuade îr-sales o bilng ex-ceeeonrny (Obulu<kd. lih. W ai àtu<AxocLeffc.wuhitbu,, lbbuamprnle aecommodaiàa for som"mer " aInlcneueiiimre of hie bclovcd daughier.-lnti il -Waa* fnry which defied il exertions in x.Broheklyiast swc oa~~e~ une. DIflDAs 5fT8iT, WHITBY. Ofme Prince Abert, undat the Siaesdas. i ' noas rxii< t u een. Rse 'Dstrefe e ipa wllh aur-l811pin aneims n;the rauion-o intnasysiigwaee hulig ebl oe preVIse&have becnhPrnce AIWrê, falovln oei'-* te hruhui ei.St, 81 8 omolurn -ooam . "eue iMpOslor t" sltamnured Wild iltil t1he Bonng arlY try haila short. lime before hurriedly lclaaed Mrs, Morue u fbs ~mo Rawl Bes LIurads oatd, Crm ci - aparmenafr *.ug-,reeoversng sonsewhab hie self-pou. nexi day, tIse seàroliana néeesnary s. n' miatihoir ,ytvrdwb'mnso Ral-r-sd' m..ýTer& fN. B.-Ord'erufor rooms by letter or tels. eason; "seize ber, boys;-ehheus on* qufries Wereparsueti;,thé* glen,.filda, occupiedti by -Wildiug, tering 'furbous VALEDITO4 R A1 E0:x suber~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~g ""Me tieai otàr aknbV - PROPEETY FOR SALE,.raUmmprouuptly attende o. Fileeei L m~er 1I But not, et-not aimrountains vere iracci, every cal. yells andi thrcatsof vengeance. ,They'BULLE N ls 1HeBac-~Tîbl m om=iusses te ad fro, the teames Ornibus;all.é te antin from tue st-:bemtanersd fwee yein;theh nu. be iinnocent.t veu ideadn tiveliing casiuA ansetio -k e- JOEPHE .,HBND. BThANDEL.crbTre - er fousacrthber afersohagefor, salea tuat tefoier kn.ltiseo ha!!, andthe prele-t bereck& jdlyutP Seccedvdsilonedto1an4ti l I»seen1entpla ----------- gvalualule iproparty5 lu bbe Town f ai ' - h .7184 QBT. RUSSELL, se ecapes smai." rigiti inquiries. Buti ail - these efforts an eniranâe. 'Not a livnis! eedrctlssabyLds.Te$tgj IÇHTTIOTE y-nexcellent Brick Cottage w1th jace rllaJa.-,87. Proprietor. Throughaut bbc wisolc of this e i- were -fruilless. Norais Wilding lied to breatse tiserain. With:torches iu héatied I Adics' (de);btnop yy * aofland,asituabed, an tise corner aof Seen anti hereni speech, Wilting aepeared tb la. ieuddèniy .anti myuieriosusly disappear. hâani ttitiepeastautry, with lout illVii enture - aser btbonovlh 24qzyswT, Sb. ,Peter Ste., l is e, SouthWard. Also, j U BT M hLLOX our auder the influence on anme strange ad.-sanie:cf lise domemllein relursi. choisie, traverse tiselong anti circuionsuaui ie Priesus o-lat o~a 204QUEN T.,W5IT, acre ai landi, velifenceti, and inlua high tate ONS.JWILO Xandhoevrireeexpicablepolcoriopacsssionu.el Mldsu, lut i l ise 'î egon, if alaei ikml Between Sunucos and John St.., ai cultivation corner Wellington mdan d inploalepaain .- ig -vr ece hsclddso odlgo hiinin ul s h l fora uts., NranisWari. j acre on Centre St. OS the Town ci Witiy, isas een appalutet Tise gipsy, hovever, wae agani drag.Wsr u asciec idngle uiun fmra ls inîsyei7acoy eont fth ie reaitiuofaiC.DrpeEi OFCIL ASI Eged awa, ami lsto andi hoat is beau perpetratei; anti hers iheir fears couinter. A feebleionmaSn lir Wttuusuewot riti i ye!is kon lcp doth hisassue set A. MASON --PROPRIETOR. tise outh Ward. Aiea 20 acres c a FIIL ASGN E hl o tphene tb doe he ereceiveti an alarming lospelus. * Tisey sûrs., 1fromisle edulorsiiï nipoplWrll oueaiofpariaif lot 18, 101h con. vilti excitemeni wlsich tise uuder nf* founti tisegrass clatteti witb blond, antII"Wlsistl'1 sItia hufs eard anstrydi. o c luteandet>ne~2- t, TisesaBaroaelofthitis anttsy.béathelanti.a Mate f th Alb on Mael, botu.)mà p 01M urray, Cc. liorthm aber. For the Caunty af Onai . AU bsiness te eider W ilding bailD m ducet Iin a ho trace of niany receni fnotebops on "A s Got lires, I l ysupliedth h botlad-7 entruseteis hecharge vil ba carefuily ua- district hitîserto ranely t euen0fmnts su ut lise body cf NraaIsWiii. tries."crdaeyf.<s.omet tienwportrtsr Wiues L'iquors, and !gars, A clear and inldisputable tUle villbo given icudeate t. pvoicetian4 lawless a crime. -Th lug hati disappeauret. . Soaie andering "Il ccetusuron bore, hy ailîisaî's UsaI under bis mangmu i ae 1 r.to all the ahove property, Par furtber par. WMsthy, Jau. i4th, 1874. 817nbaigbeu tiulr appl te he -ne- neceueary informaiorhvissiee tribe passsng attise limie, seeeng a uacred I'"ssouletia pasant, bursting- vii! give increaedsaittono s ~ T~ QU:N5HOTIT~, - PRAlICS CLABK>1~tG.Y O U NG S M thle maisrasSirAr- ~eale eîeganîîy aîîired, anti apparently open a door by main force aI the * esut readers. -Tissunn sunmn-fO t b e T i A b J l s n2 Mt u ' e a s t a g e t e a ln t e n d d e a t, Ih o u g is i f i e r r e s s a n d je w a ls c f tise p a s s a g e . -c u e t n v l e e a e t o u v l tot-(I£ et' hG Y U G M TH y smai pohicc-officers, upeedy ar. woulti conatitute a'tolerable booty, anti A dozen torcises im titeyluinespieaidobiadegtay BIIOCK.5TBEET, WmvuBY, TJING BROTHERS, rive'ntuthlie mansionicf lise Wilina3s. ihey acordigly liaiàtlly emovet lier ta atcd- the zom. ' Kathleen vasludeeti of our friands, butUerWanoale- ISSUER 0F Having raceivei brief particulama of I e Ir curavan-at a distan sce. On- pro. theme, but sise oat on ls o sniovet aie v onis'onanwrse ~,TAYLOR & McCANN, PROPRIET ,ORS. - WHITBY, ONTARIO, hribeoutrage, haetieterminedti la ake ce bt ti h oy oeete i onr'fte om trn ýcnwt otl ul Th udrogndditir t ifrmthi Ipr, ;Dealers anti Maufacurenof anMARRIAGE LICENSES, thse tetimony cf the varions witnuusea diecoveicti uoma signe o0f Icyel samain.hy ut tise intrutiers. Thera wat blooti canvincai us tisaI alakth apc frens ndte blc-ba he hvetae 91 t nc.ing. Stimuhatati by motives cf Immau.on lier face.; iserdres vas tenu almnai O tevelop a ioata ineatpbilin the abovevwell kuowu - botel, visicis theyKintiosHIBOTAI.Si rhr cf appiseti - tan aclaig pras o areit rbosa fsh id ne n 1tU haenel itel paà eovtd apteat tatise Mout conmoiiosus aparîmnent ewarti lisey atpied e, pembapu, a are viea nd l n if a s a trwge ; B a tieeiViulnt uaeru0u la.me thse boat of ortesfor the aco'mmoda.LEATHER AND FINDINOS, WHTnY theRI. m asiro'Rn, rhhrqe ad onn-ihathirulcul - -se ad u nvrhleà hréseetmrn sawe nre Ctien pafiqfor ide ThatiBLebser.ePlis T. HoLuvuthahebusiness. i isppily, not vitsosu affect. NomS lesanti viite as alabuster. aimonish us tisat fortsoigya eomcct un thse Caun le va!!Wsupplieti ah Pdfo ids ark, adL te.fl O . AL Mr. Wiltiug," asi a gisraeWuilug bethdaoepnitai.s Ktlen ari' i t o the flunt brande oa vinesliquorsanti cl. Leathes tretchet'. thn bs "bi ue m nraesu.$teaex.Jxeselfmuetlainet a fo o m r i l t a e r .s a ,m l n i oy esu ro u de t' by s l im d s p ensan t. a tvancisug vi hi slabling, box stale, &o. Dtachetiroom6.93"BELTING MADE TO ORDBRNOMSONN, uwbsnss on mbtt r any ULoi nsu-rtvaesomtiva iohe ure mnogeiare aosingg .le; * cyceight, frcmeca reeZSHSORT NOTICE. GENE BAL AGENT, Yosu atiebaer bigiudsnbsmivsgs eri."ue o laeaiTrat. cAN.My,172 2 gn frbieCoftirtonLSeAmoi-your prisone i8neatilevrs h isauttreti a uisiek aI alarmn; but bing naw." ae hv ( Q0 J. P. TAYLOR, .pHL75IP - mi.Ma, 87sai! laIte your depouitîons. - informessat tIlabsea ciildian cf bs Heshtgth"eiiekt atle.anti puit' or il, va eseytnrau ______of__Toronto.__22______ oryaans, hae moud tis huis e u ,xid ___________Agentforthe________________ tienAcfoCan-A-. Tvoof tise donimess,aco-POni5et Seuls aIse vas indebteti for a reneweti "i as tld so." acknovledgmenu.Tbu iohv nadoktie ouletant cone ai u, by a policeman, vera immatiiately des, xstneueWanml1y lhauked tsens, Antiase madtiels aisata iSlken thesa açer jus ep lao NIISN luzmSpcel attention given te tIse collection paicisedtil bring lise gipsy imb court, anti agnia san<k back exhnstet an tisa ber ecreeciiýg, vît' laugisier. neyer volunteeringatineo cgiz HOUSEofhNotes, Accouns, anti Mortgages. anti turing t15dm absence ual a whiâper ,cofluei paliel on visicis she racluet in lu Heavens 1" exclaimei SehvisaisatýI- lg aa n, vasha! al] L u itI -niRepayable by i4stalnuentu iiorain Tva b Office oves- B. E. Jameson'e, Dsundas.mî. Was breuati by tise peam.aulry ussenilu.tIse moviug caruvun. before spaken; "ber.brain'smirnet'." ve racovar aurbetia hskl Con. RINGO N» EOcitaS T5tEETi, T-wenty yearm, eailow rate of lutereet, -witb. Wbitby, Sept. 1, 1874. 88 led. Tise messesuger enon returneti, ant i Before muninthe gins e r u- Tise peueur toihn-fei u esn TORONTO, ~~~out comision, anti at moderato nu csargee. ________________ urnisdly announcedti tis h ie vonan fans Boacrea; bni, unvilliiug ta oe one more des peaae tisantise reet snmnug -We cannai omit t mrc iie' TO O T , ,TA 0.Private -Fanas ebcLena. » luati - pd.possesion of tisa rire 1111 tsey bat' se- tavards Rt e'aisidlie inbshupe hast fs-ce oppcruu JAS PrT. rietar. J. E. FATAGEWELL, NTIse magistrale rose la Lis feel. "Es- curesi a rayant, Norais ,à prisouer, but arme, antisisonteti, I"Vingeusica.boys!: editarial bretsmen hlutikit- Ang.12,187.s capet'il, cîclaimet cIlha"oy is ie, yel kiudlly treatet, vue compelledto 10vingeunce 1" *nase of heurt haveflte-'ouabi Toronto .a 12,81-7m.Solicitor, W ITY & 6AW .MrDnusWpaulianmgne thenu. Antigratultifon, Anid-cativengeance, indecifieale,exaleioui vis-usatlvstvss - Brock S., Wbltby. TWCRAf iat yen, ut leust, voiti hava buhon w hoatthSa campiseioate tender. -teak. Scutlèring tiosemelvea jsronghs- et' ur fei. TIsa"aaa"c b ~ p OBEET JHN YARZiOLD -Mey mStb,1879. 22-tf Leaves OshaA tSa nani 1 u tisa neceeary ps-ceenlions aguluet cs- Dues of tise banti-so gratefu,tisaI sise ont lise mansin, tisey fire tlin varions crufi vWha, lakiugatvnaafo OBERT -JOHN Yp-SOLD,> -Ma 28th, 1872cape."LvolennOa.iiywexatluaem., anis2np.ber cun-.punistaanti befareedtan mem lier unaparisaapdosenesee havequttemptet'lptasuu'etihev >51 Leuvea Wlsltby ut 10, a. m., anti 4, p. m. "Yons- ionosus," saidt'hteaPoliceman, happy condition. Evan these matie elapseath ie visale building vus lu puet )-coaasdico iyyepugoesb OFFICIAL A88IQN~~E BUSINESS CHANCE. Fers25 cents each way udutpIvathe iewirdovvas open, anti may be cisdren aIfbiso tasent it~îa o-iat ae.- rvv a f'rit-ogv niIn POl IS Tsesudesiuei de-,fo sleth Iieu.reidencall t(w he os-as e laitand i u idtatvyt agryaiiati han la -e Xrnai andhilb ves ii ucuetsiF-gi hie busines, for otisesniaeufac. abosut - FO RET e n eri ne ff r frsaeth re -tise htels.) Connecte vils Osha a ant i Tis a strnge circumalanca," oberv. liseu, anti joisi bhsein bribe. Ksuoving, tiser M cCarîiy, breu lesu anti agituteti, Anti nav, viS ait y oh, a no UYITY 0F ONTARIO. turc af Agriculîsural Isujlemente, Waggonm, anti Port l'es-sy Ruilway, andti v uh-bpe;,utte mntins suui"apgy bai &c., lei ut s-e ent cas-ried n in tise Town ci'arn mail ut Whitby. lrsui'hiea; bttieeaniutinsah t a meta ts uaiuntcineeenatt t fvoir as a ia ofiad aut osat alabaka au ADDRESS-Ilcx 99, WnsITBY. 41 Wbitby, Oïéther vilhs ealock.in.tratie, THOS. HOPPER. neves-thelese, procceti; anti sec tisat of a plausible anti deep-piatllng v'llinmmli viicis pravailatl, andtihie dc-es-pilvoragtln, eesln mahnsyand plantaif every description- Y ndakavnn for securisug tiseg'sbuidi P A l o b i w e l nT O L ENdl t . T eDlc e- a k n f o eir n g t e p e r s o n c f t i s i s m a u c e v i t i i e r h an e r t , au S e a g r e e t ot a F o r a m o m e n t tb b c o W t v a s a i e n t un M 0EM VAÀL. le knovn asea axp te ps.;andtior tie w~lenty yeass sise anti ubasiset, but lise pausant vWho bat'l Tis utirsgnRiba muovtiY IRT-LAS USNES SAN -- rooal;nt FISTCLONBSIES TADIl voulti unneceesaiy ex li s beeau wneigvagiant ounbise origiuulîy rescueti Kathleen, mustiIfo. Tise Roman coneptii cfue Th neage a eoe o Anti an viicis, it vil beinsuntion examina-a ce e!n asoy adt'I isre panse ta giva in datail face of tise earth. Kathleen ieuIn a-'vlshu i ubsum.Jocrnsal de Bruzele rtatsIt b BOO ~ S OE STO~~tio, ase : eingnov ar- A large quani% miî1 i enut lo lise evitiasce atincat. No one vas m- u-yn." Nr Wilding stands halos-e "Tis acuse le haie, yous- raves-na course of a convarsiateiii aht He il laedisose patnt interPat r iv e-era i tv F-uneplicated, until Daunis Wiltiing eteppet' uttLook-, for tisa love tu isaven, an poos- a 1ev daye ugo aitIs iaf il n tte iepremuueead ocnsng the WesternRHal i,ricuvs-lnaAgsicultsuz-l Imalements. To an f0u"es, anti a large Brick IHouae. For l edr i tioy a Kulen ullaretd ont, silîl ecreanu Kathleen; iser brain s lu mzneti " o s oasmtclaiiceIa Dundas Street,,M.y, vises-elise le nov sitintrions man viti.sa capital ibis is ter,,pply bte reluledti tisaNRil Sud visitedth ie msan- cf deligisu, anti, leapfug btisaheboeonu cf ',Thay ay he's hangedi 1" ecreumetigentlean suidt lhm"Uobey ,ptnt htslo rsnsisl.G. YOUNG SMITH. sion tise ps-avions eveuing; tsflaint Rsai iling oblieat muet e ahle; ni glKhnaceeiifholurg.y fusyaa- c ge nt i baud. Repalring Desiing te ritaredirounbsuaine.m an ac-andstby, Fais.r915, 187. 7 accompisulati - o. pseparedt laexecute &Il orders for Wcnk. A oppartnily tisa9seldo18ps-tisans lIedS.i im oves- tIe prenuisee; iflibas heurt vus bieuking. Har deep unnatural langis s-ung in ttise elllmit'- uejortmenti valt,fatruuuone JOSEPH A. BÂNDELL. posed tte Ibis stop Ij1<>LT AND LOT TO ET 1[ roo, nd .ne tt istisai' emtinue hvigunsitet-is peFatii McCusthy bus-led hie lace lun itellect "vi Wilby, My8 81 9 Tes-ms viii ha matie ta - suit a comnpetent -tise eider Wiltilng kapt the marc valu- "~Lat me nov concîntia," eaiticsite usbauds, auti groaisoti sîuci. * lioseaIn fa- mual J 1 io. i My,17..party. Only a sana!!ameunt requtreti tovu, alipocn o i poet .But all i"this eventlul husto I have env as- e":- * ,, eulS lesgooanti anti ample lime given for lise balance on A gendt to-story Fs-aineRHansanti lot cf ab e potimony cf hiverpyà. - 5tandapoto f ysoy kmwrk ifofse JAMES CLAeurTTON lancf W h o . Bapply int eTlovumannes-, anti accompanicti byoccasion- crliet prioof n asy rni It altiink il neceusoery lurtisai os-kinifos- bue ni iisiut J O Na.veti Rail ty. Aplytetise lips of nsy fatisar's isouekeeper, p oog mny atory. Kaibleen Sud b vic-v ut nng d v u mia- JAME CLYTO, AEXOGSONAudey . 0 alobervaons tli eie e is won occusionali I1 viilet inuMy Capa- cone urerevably, i ralýmati osttton o OFIIAL S»DIIINEUR , vl b uieivscsvlBroo aS-sdacbr2a, 1574.bl ofais ain n il ai- ailtetof bunei' Iing. H ig lgtyW tanotofmtlsuéigsh atbs-o n N. B.--'re aiseve offes- vii sudinterfere o-eJ.FAl EL Wly ereismfat ci iti iee, hee.tom ilappearanca, I duscov- endus-es on thse day halars-poken ofl aifiay as7 ~ ua iatc asnuai, anti repaire roptyexecuteti. foracvsed t iNe 0 an. mefthe fa is haaceitai'tiada May ava aearh nti l Fisegoti pmuei h a oma h erl asitu iee!vll A UC T 0N EE R, &o., &0-*Nov. 6, 1878. 4 -ON-YTOLEDleet eondi n Reil. luIsfates- balievedti hat îIhai beau rabiset eku o hve. Ftri i er-intellitect. lc asblt' s Pers-y. iglw' BokPotbody of tise eider Willting vue protiue. anti rerdandti St bise vffian s at bhnotahaveubuleratlues intllec spurte-iedalagel -kif, tilShe tiied, visile undar mi' aua,_ lisie e. sous.- i iscangtc iasa Pc-tPes-, 7 4,182. ~ FFICE TO LËT. -c.I a eg ls.nî,uubsecrete th ie body' in sema sealudati enne. Kw metilca! ativberrs follow bbc PotPry J 1 87. '6 0TIse ntersignet ban an y aunnt oSMon- .coveradvwilisblond, anti appearet' a-foi. epot. Bat veap ual, Kathleen ; t en lIsst;btber reason neyer oi pruatica, anta hue tt ou ---------- -- - ----- FR Fi'î . -ey ta Lenti upon Fez-m os -TowvuProperty, aI midabia veupon. more ipota Ipat fmi'cmm vas.Hetr ela i Ied vntlainoflit"- F O T O FC . unu.ually Loy Rates of Intereel. Thse moment Rd l lacet'hi eyes an cation as affacîiug you bue yet ta anme, tof circumalancea 'cantsiiuuting la prove Giambling for cuimossae tl MBR&SHIN{JLES FOR SALE. -Loans can ha repait inu sumoa la suit, ber.lise instrument a g asbly hua aver- I asrivet' in Mntv ilg, ie fataennis Wiltiingvue lise mre -cnine - h i a-Ts uss-ie- sa.adanifrel Seves-ul Improvet Ferune anai Wild Lands pet-sscutnne niie en i aievlae ie'of ift D murdilwasneer es- conneeutiamausesgdmc e ut isie mil near Utica, (laie Currie'e), al n-- an iaap. foesupni upn aneiisbus-ug an eiing ""su 1evduay e ains of heatse. su $5as0yea00Moac.0tis anoofM L lac kinde af lunuhar ant i gles. Bil lumber CHWRONICLE BUr~ ILDITNG-. tIrnveBsîmente nuatberlmuical tcs h aitaeOsre i gt-i oAéi saw t orer reenantsprit t hae iseosiBUy-CUNgoraa W.durceokposanti oftDeh$,50n.0,ntnt.ie A. B. CAMPBELL. F6frt6rputci Dapy a- lo rpenant pisit, avensy.tao théaI hiahais Fo frterprtcuar apy o on ealtoMylfalber anti rastati =y veany property of hem fatiser, anti livetiuu mai. A Scotch Du]avn8000l Ttka, Aug. bsth. ait WIitSy, June 2nt', 1874. 28 JAMES HOLDEN, "Doliyen!knov Ibis uile, ai2"limbe lu tisemy childisooi' mane. br L .eoeabesigttos esta hl uht Domalsinie on Punis&o. Res! utaggered up b bise table, atiUpon inquiri', howvur, I fount'liehasus unnliser. .-;UsaI anti a great -des'mr er h OFFICE-Oves- tisathsaime deep, aonspiriug villalu I hati 0f lise fate of tise ruffian, Dannie anti cf tue saune ay.Teév DOMINION LINE. GO NWCFRTHTADE. Milan'a BrookSt., Wlitby. '1 iuiut uptitsiuesdgvnn Wiidiuug, I knov uitile, lb is,.isovcveir, tisre caecf sucitid iun uÉak - ~~~A as-y ai amuzement bust f-nuhe iember my exclamation ut.your ma--- tIhtatiia oiultts. ongodsslusoea.TaPnc -/ -A NEW REVELATION IN THE - lpsotloaeembldpeuanry.Nilu c[ 5 to tistier hIt -£ AN HEEDTui-Muny peoplea 5,00-orth ol MAJO MMS. Yes ýyur onor,"cantinuot ilrtua IcasI bivue dcet' thae tiaI luA) SCIENCE 0F DRESS.MAKING.MAOinLL lagilateti accents; «'I von'Itiasave bati mmnvounltiask fos-givaes rm neani bforgel Ihul ehuracter grovs; is nI disPoset b istul l - T. P. VV H I T E ~~~you I.Vmine. Bu I uea, by bb uman ein sunless la aid hm in the ua buuiumtsu apto ety AMueaa~pr-ai 7on T ise D ounm nianh at t i snLin sm ohco n siste o reai M iis-ct-ap T P.W H1T E besdVis-gin, 1 huti no baud lu the fstsrnéofsm akrmute vith vomenhoat'or innioat; O fr aheur fui o Thiae DonlIpvio Lyine onilîstean WISff I-OUDE HAT. li, on tise 141isOctober, 1876, resue n mu-des- f Ms-.Wiîtiig I A reketi puo . utde $Wetearlnsa"': c a s u l p w r d l d b i t S e mt i c ! Sl i s t e M aj o r M i l l e v i s e n S yo b y d a yh e b a i e o fay o :hAS HUDE HR.cn loving day il, vuti'ae in for une hatiYo vlps-ape emniura, ia ittl11111 it te gotantidsraet e atriugs rh ocai i sLips, sand'le intendedtietoperles-nua regisiar Rprapareti Lopuy 1 injsus-et' a hais- oflsis Seat'1" - -on bise n sIgcfbe les- mratr e geva tt ite gohntita ie aitor, t'e"aintisihev-b Ses-vice belveen Livau.ooL, Quzutre and Dresesafitteti £sonu neusureeneulalone "TisaImai'ha" neveret ir r. --omtetu shov mmm tai, ds-orbavilis em lsgt, all "e 1 gc1 ni ht Ieprneuts McwsEAzL, l Sinnumes-, anti Lcvzapaec anti vithasul C1111ng198aiaasticis. TTV, IGBIEST Pn'nnRIC SrOBgu btlseaaeuiiiu i isIfi nue'uul...n bngaio-bt i eoe lele-c GEis 13. gas 1hz-su a toue oc voice aus .0,-saiite, -in, -continuation, Mro. Pm 0f Cannellent, umi thie TIse avae.' IaOioàor~pt FGRO. H. DAE. JnrNELL,1 ',ýyou-fe'arbo acoepi -my embasyý,.- But vould5bag hersehf if Rose watini'iborna-bug & eot r ATL HE -HTE. -Whllhy, Jan. lot, 1875. 1 Tm saipsy'xWclisatia V0Y" - fu'rn êo iri t& aiglit 'c10Loe Whems.ho camaia l t- ofNiwjre.adi AT van T B ýy ryozA D Ïg. ______________ itin.-" oulsi ?eavlts FU uitha h eU thî sho -vas gsapended - bo, &,,besam5 tira vil! hab GEORGE Kathleen bell lici Leis- Y.U. yo il aisman-Plae P ott'in ahisi adedstb Lt flaus GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 ENEE -1 TONo5 -HOUSEuh,-hW acibn*-bewereù G E R E B R O W N ~, P R O P I E T O R . JcSôbo clis a vdb m n ~ m o ntl 5 i s 5 5 h w i a n i v a n d h o tib b"T i b lre s a n 5 5 l O o . 4 b * u Olsi O - 1 r . aoe,cOoice Fine L=uber, vd!! sessonet'& îfrtelg osla eau tuytl. Iwllh a beng *hos. viele-, at'in. lýorn-1boa0, yon Cbiýed1$;asunderte! -laon-auth 2W of Mak Inch Boas-ta, - - ted up anti renovaitadti roughoni lani . EAST xMARRE SQtYAERI varlbly.bien tue harblnper of-ail. -oouraga,.if yon pousese it got,ans aait -Bigias, u-Hst - Eaa ford. sPerior accommodation for tbie reee." oliscko orhsadheueply" - WM Iorldin lu a stage cahfi= afondgsifty of Murdé ui ' Feaiiiug, lion ofiguesto. Tise preeulpropmeor bas A T Oe R O N T O. - --ew orkan- 4 a 9 z Sanu, spareti ne pains or:exlse uinbratiucing -an.-Opnied rts bu Ii 'leko Ienlh Sîe nce Joak AanBuewh uTekrnanyy -i 9-lucb ln, vr- 1pvs 01=ua olt en a ieFis-ml clasaceausmton estisrsave!. Kaîleen unsiltiIbsefasenings oS lIsefoloving day, anti lu a tiep and ise- Yc'useohVa-r», __mc.- -Fouitug Boardg, - oMiorl anti eonvéesuap0ohie patrons.i. in gcammunuly. Suites of apartmmnta eau deaanilspy etlket inl. csdt ato L egbsru in, uhinaisi srnTrl h, tageTiernot udyBeiér beiuisti*e.bnle* ntic. Il 'Lock 1l'" suath ie gipsesi',"pre. thora stand'ivo fissures. -ThIsci' ifunmokting vue ugrecuble ta him. te Gpossbofmsrnani ansesià 100,0W0 fetia ie a, Toronto# JullmIKu t1a84. 29 - onvùioC oWdi aneveico". C;."tTac of oriénWlpossand le er M- s",lcrneutred es 1- usl o als o qaiy odiausmample roarnafor CounnesciaTra. vent inimuelon." IIose f RorahWiitiIl antiPtherMe Naple fo ailesisi quahli', 'veilerir KRathleen mecbunlcalT obeyeci. Cau'lIy. Thay epoke ina a hieper, anti thoughtif over I vu riaItenouglah mas :t--aarirs,~ Basevooti me, QUBRN'SThis INote!fis iltuatet! vithin tvo nnuiues eCre-o, hli'si' iegp u -geue oiilt birs- oma loafer to a<sokc lu y su>' 500»idered quiite vit 15,000 fi,. Square ,HOTEL. velk of the Cl.tail Station cf the Nortuh-t - tÈIe' , -- robabliýy.~- - en. xins>l w i am C G scyuand lt n to se . 1 b ou e-" o e b lu 'nt' '~ o w : as n h er t t la-p ovb o . s a et u t s o t oDai T h . - T f l i n -réie~l ~ AU ai wisieiW in "l hc oiic p for c ah. Q(Lie <e C ntf-)ar n lb.ustion s of * and auoub e l e Y n ab o itte -- " knov i'ou ki nde s z olN ofe.1 d r t l o a i al 0' 8 -- -,' - OSAI ' N lT tv rIàtwif,,, -"-., ( -,A___ . rL0PaSfl ier- v 9, ahèr eýýyae nte Ol, s- un. lIeras rool, lus-a - ost p Ora ma - ere 'ut, &Éli

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