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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1875, p. 1

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HEAD 017101, »EOÇ(L BT., WàTny F1S LL RUTLIE1, Thi n- y im ParznBim .- ~go, <clartdor South 01 the lRoyalo lnal . e î5pomp y in.A. JAMES EUTLEDGE, B. A. L ARA]SJ. .B IR LE AEW ,L. L. B i.D o1 ar. P5«olt. Mr D olidayIlu no longer an agent ci _________________________8_ iis Compay. JAMES X1ETU GORtDON, ~ LUMER LUIMBE1Il ~~yPsli~ e. Oo.-b.ur"l~'Â~ The un4«deroIo<a'ving beeu appointeS -P kBiet,'hib,.Ot.Aet-anS Shippini Agn-fIor the -extensive Lumber firmnof soirs. Smih & CHfARLES C. KELLER, Co., ciuyen Folso, boaoponudLn connue. A TREAT.' SOLICITOR IN t-n wltb bis other promises, an extensive A Oban &c., LUMB-R YAR eon, ry ,0 ÂdJonnirtibe Whltby '& 1ort Perry Rail. JLYNAN ENGIigli, L L.u,, Stat.onwbierebh effoo coantiy on &1"Dt band a large sud comn]t stock oi Lumuber flARRITERATLÂws~JoIT ci - f .11kinda for sale, wboleoale and rtfl- .L>Canory, onvyanor, cc.,c. im-Planeing ïmcine anl alkinds of work ex- tôq Street, Oshavra. ecuted promptly, U ordor. An . r tOUN UMT ,LX. ., Whitby, My 27, 1678. 224fi B oliitorInATTOcr NEY. AT. LAW, NetoryPuanc lveny,. Block, Brook tairot Witby, )trie.'-7 F "M lOaSALE.- A- G 8194iLLIf 'Thst wefl.known la=m, loi 26, Srd con, of A. G J~MILLT<, Whitby,,knownoa (Loto Greenwood &MxcMmoun.) THlE DONALD6ON FARM, _ARRIBTER, -ÂTTORNZY,, SOLIO. Bitôr. Notai7 Publie, Conveyancer. Cf. And os st prefent in Pme occpation Of 1fr. Ice-yroSîretSuthîpo OffceN. oy.ÇJoutalns 190 ocres; about 150 Wbttby, nt.ro. ___clored;dwofing, otbnfik%gnd onitoble offc9s; splendid orcbard.ot a ocreo-in extent. TOfN G. BOIIINSON, M. A", APP1Y - e.> JOHN A. DONALDBON, BAEEITER.A.LAWGov't EmigroElon Office, -ATTORtNEY, -OLICITOR, CON- March 25, 187s. 18tf Toronto. VEYÂNOER, cf c., OÃ"rrc: 17 TORONTO STREETp T E ISOLATED RI8K TOOT.FIre Insurance Oo'y of canada,.2 flJOMAI -HIUSTON, te " W ZBIC AND TnBEASUBHxnt 'T0WlitbY. Office-Town Hall. RHou1REI, OPIOxz-XlngSt.,cor.Chrco,.io from 0tc1ocloolL - CA PI1T AL, 8500,000 R1. .-. Çuxrq XIDot Deposlted wlth Government, 867j0<0 OlURGON TO-THE COUNTY GAOL, îtwl dutallseswtotdly 4 t3 lyrn Sret, hlty.pay over tho cash AT ONCE. î *Wm.,21.cBRKENf,.q..fL.C. .H ALEX. MCENZIE, M. PI ] (1U'S É HOP TLLNON 9G JOHN MAIUGHAK Ja % .T the eyeR. . H.L, Oshawa, Ontario. ïûzaný-r W. DAI, (SUCCE8 1cHOIC DBo Ho . ilCard.) »D Whtb vr 1Mr. Janeson's Store' rrno.L . ~ S UOie 0 adininltered for the poinle1si ea .tractlon of teeth. . . ,.........A...,.APPLE -TREES,w, CeN' VR8ýL. »:. S. A IlO0U T 40,000, ýr.J.EETÊ lnsertedl on al thA TN es 1 est principles of 1he art, HO E UR ER , ashe ohespest, and a. gondasuthe ME N SRY o boit. 'e'eth filleS l th GolS" anS Silver.Prmtoboryercfgeebrinal Tetb extracted without ain, by pxoduclng the oi to arles g, =rga local anceathomia. Dentl.Boomsz-li Cow. EI0.WS am'a new block, over Atklnsonns Drng Store, EHC ISN, A Klng triolet, Oshawa. 85 Lot No. 8, 2na con. pleori',on Kingston 9 - UA DVRL, RoaS, ost Office, Whitby. BUILDPR AND CONTRAOTOB, .XN7VSTEBN ASSURANCE COMpAJyy UnuODABSeT., NEITBYr- 9W Ail orderi premptly exeanlod 1.ZJAIR DRESSING AkND SH[AVING J J..-Saloon, Brok St., Whltby. JOUN' OFN1N A GENT FOR THE CELERTED £I.Scottlîh Granits. At Msrble Works 01 Jonathan Wolfndn, Dundos et .Wbtby. JOHN CARTER, ~T ICENSED AUCTIONBER FOR THE .J Counties of Ontario, Ycrk anS pool RsdneLt8, Oti Concossion Morkhamu. eOst Offic-Unianvillo. Sales attendeS on tbe ubortoît notico, anS oui resoannble termes. Terms cau bo mode ond bils printea et (ho Ciaoouîcas Omo*cefor M. carter. GEORtGE VOIIMACK, T UMBER MERCHANT, CARPENTER .J sind Jolner, Green Street, Wblthy. A large quatlty cf anl indi et lumber cou- s(antly on baud. UNDERTAIG-~Funerals fully sup.- pliod anS attendeS on ibort notice. CdSùsn Iropt eonstautly on -baud. A beatie (o lire en libéral termes. E. O'DELL,. A TII RER LY, 'Clerk DIV/B/On Court, Tp. Clerk, Coiumiuoner'- l B. R., Land Agent. &o., *C., Atheriy, Caunty Ontario. A.hrl vp.2n,1872. 86 Dai. CAIISON & IIOGART, Pbysoisus,;Surgeons, Accouchons, &o, ýlc. Whitby, Sept. Soth,-1874.4 SLAB WOOD FOR SALE'. The oubecriber hai forSe at bisMi er Uties, a quantity cf toxr.toct 51a Wood. Utica, Sept. 28, 1878. 8 BOU1T. RMA.M .&L . Coldwater-St.p.OrlWah. 7 (10ÀATE ALBION,) WHRITBY,ONAt. E. ÂRMSTRONG - PROPRIETOR. ROYAL HOTEÏ,, vnsONT. A. HINDES. JuLR, PRIOPHIE9TOR. meuesoailtrains. . 271 HTLE OUSE, PORT PEIl5Y, ONT,, T. B. WALKER, PRRET. F eARMER'S & MECIIANIC'S HOTEL, C SE»05-IeE, TORONqTO. APITAL STOCK,- iooe 4-1LOE IOTEL, f ~OOELZlr, ONT qA0' P923rL PROPIiZETOR W7ESTERN HOEý, DDAs ST, IWEITET The znderaigns ouIlSltimte (o the Publie, that the obove piraiffl haye beeu' BestLipn sci 'Te Oream c ondotolBoe~rtao.n by -qz AÂNDEL. 204 Quusif ST., 'WEST, Eetween Suoecc on4 John St.., A- 3140OY-- PROPRIETi (Latoe 01(he Albion Hotin, Whitby.) The Buar lways au ploed wlth the Wines, Liquors, a iae QUE' OTEL, (m"Tt COKuadÂ,) BROCK.STEEET, vETBX, TAYLOR & McCANNI PEOPRiETO: The undersignoSasiro te- infDriptl rlien'du anS the publie (hat (bey havé te] lu bv elkuowu hotol,.whioh ti iavo uievly fitted. up anS renovatod, andS entc the hast ef order for (ho occonuuu Mon of gest@. The 3Bar, vhioh àe ha nmeet Cn (ho Couint i.8 vell aupplled w the fineet brande eT vines, liqunri, anS oari. Amle enclosedshied zoom and g tablineg,ebox stalle, &o. Detached roo for commercial tiavelleri.' J-P. TAYLOR, PHLIP CMA la"ofetToronto. The undersigned bas remeved bis 600T & S811E STOfi ;o(he premises a »d'c'ninthe WesternRot undas Street, Wbif by, vbero ho is ng )epaieS te exécute all eiders for Work arge :dnsealect stock on hanS. Bepouni un s ulJOSEPH A. BANDELL. hithy, Mak O, 1871. 19 TOHN L. WATKIS, FFICIAL ASSIGNEZ sBumMF RrS»D DISION ICOURT, WUOTlONEER, &C.9 &C OFFICE-lu Eigelow'u Block, Po lrry. Part Perry, Joue 24, 1872. 26 -A R D J1 ioZNTFBSOlUTUr OucrÂjx, T. f& GKu &J6'TTAàS£4 JOSEPH HOLMANV, BROOZLIN, ONT. OFFICIAi ASSIGNEE Alio Agent for the cANADA PARMERtS, MUTUAL INSURANCE ciMAY SHead Office, HAXILTON; and OIrIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'Y, Montreal, Pire, Lite and Guerante Department, CAPITAL, 82,000,000. Brcnkliui, Dec. 2, 1872. 24 L ER &SHINGLES ]FOIR SALE. The subicriber bai n b aud sud for sale at, bis Millneai Utica, (loe Cutrie's),ai kinda of lumber au3S shingles, Bill lumbor savu te order. Utica, Aug. 20th. A. B. CAMPBELL. HARNESS, SADDLERY -A HARN46 8 SHOP, F ABUTO LET 1 ta the promuses opp ýite Ray's Dritâh iAzn- enican R-ttel, Duuds-St., Wbitby, wbere 20O0 A CBRE S. ha yull keep on bIand a supenlor stock eci gNot*cflto.1anEst*e everythuin bs m tbsinesieSviiBetin Nothe1 of lctN. ikmn.Wi seoU at (ha inycat pices. Ho bege te solici adapteSefor rsicong stckering. e a ahane af public patronago. aatdfrriigsokadgan FRANK TYLER. Apply to E NR OE I. Wbiby, Feb. 24, 1874. Ott on (o T. MOODY. HEAP- Whtby, 9(hJune, 1875. 24 C N ORTH RRITISH[ & MERC ANTILE LUMBE1H LUMBEIR !1 FI/iE IN8URANCE COMPANY I The nndersigued le snov lu roceipt f a sIM&astok i aibcleare, weU season- Sale, andreliable, chargesi.noserate, prmnpt AUi kindis of Lumber for Carponten anS GEO. YULE, Agent. HRousebulldlng et boveat prices. 2 Lumber yard near worihopi, Wbitby & Wbtbýy, Jue 2, 1875. P. P. E. Eailvay co'. CHRISTOPÉER JOHNSON. FAIBANKS, .Aise, Agent for tb2 ROYAL INSUBANCE COMPANY, OFFICE-Ontario Loan anS Savlugi Ccmpany's building, corner Ring anS Sin. coe streete, Oshavai. April 2th, 1874. -I YOUNG'S IfOTEL, itoNXcueOAD, DALTONt, HOBT. K. YOUNG, PHOPRIETOB. Reiirble information regardiug (hi con trY, etc., ternibed te parties tequirlngIt- ample accommdatin for Huntors anc Srtue.The bar and larder supplie. vu'tthe "boit of liquors anS viande lobe mondILb conntry. None but ebliginir sud attentive servante kept. Commodicu7 stabing sud prompt hostlers alvsys ou -baud. ILOBEE T'ho subictiber dSiurai to atate (bat he Dalton, Otb April, 1875. :RT K. YOUNG, Proprletor. Whltbv. Ncv. 4t.i~. 157A '~ . - SI-tO v LE. w lALISES AND4i>TRUNES. ,THIER VALISES AND IIARATOGA TBUNKS, & 0 c, at ILLIAM THOMPSON'S, Jae 241874. 26ti T HI L verpool ànd Liondon end Globe INSURANCE COIîPANTy. Lasses8p4S in coure of twhlrev or ozcoeed FORTY) IMcINlT.nw -s Auction tg Vommission Rooms, Opposite Blsck's Hoiel, King St., Oshawa. Reglar Sales evouy- altenaste Bat.uray aftenoon and evenig.; Firet soleonouiBSt. urday, (lie lOthu JULY Instant, ot 1 o'cleck, P. ns., . Coasignzaeaî eouitto. Sales in Tovn and Conntry couductea a nenal. Fer Terme, &o.,yaply at Sais Booms, Oshawa, or at Ofiée,Wbty WhitbY, JUuiy lot, 1875. 28 F RSALE, AT TRE O0 eefot Pino Lumber, vell seasoued Inch BOordS, Boan,..........$ $2 $1 Ploerlng, 5v......., 82.- 2xm4 Scanlling, , Boar Pig of 18765.8 2 i 2-incli Piank, SovPig of 185.8 2 i ico,eoo foot o1 Oak, MaPle for alesrUr...ty'sB8o2 i Bàaao, - o.......8 2 1 151,oOft. SquareTImber, Boar -Pig et 1875. ... -2 1 Allofvbib- ola lcbMp fer o&>sow Plgof 1875 .......... 8 2 i Hovolrlpleobe10(o say, Usai te - tFAT SWRs. MUf u iîacýsdo itl sw r.Fat Eg .. ....... 8 2 - l c F Filly " " 4.. hest Pair General Purposo Heorsas.............. l DnÂUOHT HREBOr, Staion ............... . 6 Mare sud Foal.....4 8.yean. olS otre Colt. 4 do. il Filly 4 MS. 2-yean old entire Colt. 4 beir dci -di -Fpilly 4 ,ken i.year old entire Colt. 4 hoy " "Filly 4 He0rse Colt'et 1875.. ., e in Filiy- il di.... 4 'th Pair Draugbî Heorses,.... 10 1 i. od lass ZI-Cattle, K N. DURHAM. -Bu ll........$ 2YearldBull... 4 Bull sf.....4 E Milch.Cow, givtag milk OriMCalt.-,.......4 ýe 8-year olS Cov ..... 4 S2-year old Héiter.... 4 AYearling Hoifer..... 4 ing Hoeier Cal!............4 Milch Cev, Canadian 9 bred. .. - .4 -- 8-yeaî aid Cov, do 4 2-year old Ieifer, do... 4. Yearling Hleifer, Se . .. 4 Beet bond, le incluSe Bull aud 5 females.,. 20 Bout Bull sud S et hie 0. Calves.......10 " " etd ofany age or breed.....10 Beet pair Steere, any age 2-year olSBull.4 Bull Cal! .............4 .je Mich Cow, Giving mik .Or ilucalf . - . 4 2-yean old1 Heifer ... 4 Yearling Heifor. 4 Heifon Cal!.........4 n * AYREHIE. -Bull ... ................ 4 17 2-year oe!ll .4 Yearling Bull......4 Bul Calf...........4 Mîlch Cov, giving mli or incai......4 2-ycar olS Hieifet*:.4 1Yearling Heiter..... 4 Heifet Cal!f. ..........4 Mic ogiving mille S or inealf ..........4 9 8-year old Cov ... 4 '2-year old Heifen. 4 SYearling Heiten ..... 4 Heifen Cal! ........... 4 - FAT CÂTTLE. IFat Oz on Steer,. ...4 Fat Cov or Hleifet,...- -4 lass III-SBheep. ...am . ..... ........ iShoatling Bra. 6... ]Ram Lamb........... Two'Eves ........... Tvo Sliearling Evos .... 8 Two Ewe Lambu . 8.... Ram.............. ShearlingHan . Ram Lrb..... Tvo Evas ............. .Tvo Shearling Eves .... 8 2 Tvo Eve Lanibu.8.. Cotswôld --. Canadisu breod--Shearling Ram, 8 Tvo Ewes............ 8 Twe Bhearling Eves... 8 2 Best Peu of Sheep, auy btoed, te consiet of i aged Ram, 1 Shearling Ram, 2 Ram Lambu, 8 aged Ewcs, 8 Shear. ling Eves, 2 Bye Lambe.......1 1 OtYTEDOWNe. Beet Peu, tb consist 0f sanie as aboye ...10o Beut Ram sud 6 etfhL Lacnbe, suy bnood, tho pnroperty otxhi it Mre ad a 1fjý.....~.4. 8-Yà.r Old entÃŽre 'Colt. 4 2.yoslr .pl& utir (loIL 4 1.year4ýOld elitire Colt. 4. HorseFiy 4 Ros otof 1875... 4 cil i. " . ..ý4 Pair Of:Carriage Horses 20 SigeHorse in harnosa Glu Saddei oi'e... 10 * GECNENAL PIXEPO5E0. *staflion....... Maread-Fa . 8.yeaLr.,Old entire 'Colt., 4 2-yoar old entire colt. 4 1-year ôld entire Colt. 4 di fi illy 4 I. D. * 21 li f DUBlWs otatàe , l te "'2 "l 50 eo g212 roots of Turnipi ...... g$2 $1 2 12,ro"tsMngold Wurt- .2 roliong red........ 2 i 50eý S "roots, long yèllow do.. 2 1i SO0 4 Mrots Mangold, yellow 4 globe......... ..... SO " ots Crrotg, lonrd 2 1 6o rooýts, Carrots, white.. 2 1i'50 A "roots Caîroi, Orange. 2 150 2 Cls I-airy> Po&uOb.: 2 Best 10 Ibo Butter, ýW. H Higgas' prize, butter: 2 taking pizo to beconie 2 bis property........... $10 0O 2 8rd ........ ........... 800 2 4th...........00 ...00 SBout 25 ils Ceshome made, N. W. Bro'wn's 2 prize, Chooso taking 2 Prizé to bocome his pro. 2 perty............10 00 2 n........4 00 2 8rd...........800 2 '4t11...................2 00 2 5th.............. .... 100 2 Best Factory Cheese, net loe 2 than 80 lbs ........... 4,00 2 2nd ................... 800 4 ** r........2 00 Boat Fîrkin of not loe thgn 40 lbs butter in, shipping ordr ................... 4 00 2ndl........ ........... .8 0O $2 8r........2 DO 2 Clan VIII-Poultry. 2 Pair Black Spanieli...$1 5Oà 2 Brahains, ligit . i..... 2 Game Fowl ............i1SO0 2 "Dorking, white....... Oc50 2 colored ......1.. Oc 2 Hlamburg. ...........i1 SOc '~Polaxid. .. .. . .......i 0O 2 6&Cochin -China ........ i 0SO 2 6 P e a 6w. . . . . . 0 0 e 2 é AJy other variety ...... SOc 2 ' Turkeys, colored ....i1 50 " " white.... 1500 WidTurkeye.... .i15oc dé Geese, large breod ... 1 &)c Geese, sonilbreed. 1 5O0 "D u k a.... .. ..... . 60Oc Canary Birds.......1 60c Pigeons, beet collection. 1i500OP GuineaFo1l. 60i0SO Bet lot of Poultry inono pein G owned by exhibitor, dis- si tinct from ail bt11qý on- P tries.................... Clan IX-Farm Implements. Hoaper, any kin .....$ 6 $4 $2 Mowlng Machine ...... 4 2 Pl Threshing Machine . G.. 4 2 Pl Waggon,(two horse toani) 10 6 Pl Waggon, (two horse spring market) ....12 8 Bo Two Hoes Carnage.....4 8 2 W~ One Horse Buggy.....4 8 2 CI " " with top 4 8 2 One Hotse Phaeto .... 4 8 2 " with top. 4 8 2CO Two Horse Bleigh......4 8 2 GE Onol Herse Sleigh ....4 8 2- ItoÙ Plougli............ 4 8 2 Ge Plougli, any other-kIdnd... 4 8 2 Do0uÙbl1e m ould.board L 2 Pîough........ 8 2 PiE urnip rill ...... .....'4 2e, 2 SetierfHarrows, wood .... 4 -B 2 p _, 2 6 4 iton.... 4 8 2 Tu 2 Two Hots Cultivator... 4 8 2 KÇ 2 Two Horse Reller ...4 8 2 C Gang Plnh....4 8 2 2 Grai D6i...... 4 Sil 2 Broad cast Seeder and 1-. Fi Cultivator, combincd.... 6 4 La( Straw Cutter, for èorse Bei Power..........8 2 1 2Corn Sheller ............ iB One Herse Cultivator ...8 2 1 Fn *Straw Cutter, worlced by Cro * hand .... .... ...... 8i 1T at * Horse e........6 4 AI *Pea Harvester .......... 8 2 1 Et Planning Mill.........64 Cider Mill and Press.... 8 2 1 *Chese Pres............. 2 1 - Washing Machine . 2......2 , TurniPSlicer..........2 1 Hai Churu... ................ 2 1 Pli, 112 tale pples, witer, 12 coolçing Àppies, viniter 12 reesoftApleg, named, six of eacl.... 4 Bout dlisplay etf Apples, gnovth of KxhulIton, distinct fromia eabove s 12 table peais. faib- nam.- pecimen of Dried Fruit 1i aned Fruit............ 1 specinxen of Fruit pro- served in sugar:...... I Jar...........75oe JrOf Picles,.......... 21 'Cucumbers ............ - 765 12 Paranip.... ... . 7 6o 5 6'heae <elery.....76o G Peck white ~I~S 750e51 Peck rdOin....75c e Pielin Onons.....750e i Potato Onlions ........760e5 S Ie Hpe........75oe51 Chiekory.........76é '5 Beet Collection of gardon egtbe........ . . . Catsp...........75c M MaPle MOlaSse....... 760e5( Raspbprry Vinegar ...75a M Grape' Wine .........1...0e ic Any other variety of lnes .............1.50e i 10 -yards Full Cloth, home-maa, spun sud wove by baud,.... 10 yards Full Cloth, fae., tory made...... 10 yards Satinot, homo. made, epun and vove by hanS ............ 10 yards Satinet, tactory- made o ........... 10 yards vinter tweed.. 10 yards urnner Tweed 0yards Flannel, home- by baud, al vool... 10 yards* Flannel, home. made, by baud, -cetton varp............ 10 yards Flannel, factory mado, ail vool...... 10 yards Flannel, faclery . mado, cotton warp.. ,10 yards plaidi Flanol.'. 10 yards Woklen <Garpet 10 yards Rag Oatt Cottonvap 10 yards Rag Carpet, Pair Wooîen Blanketu, lioma mada .ý ' ýs Pair Wooleunketn taetory made ...... Pair Horse Blauletu.,... Covetiqt, hay Covenlet, liglit.... Shepherd's Plaid .... Pair Weolau Stockinge.. ci Bocks.... Cotton Steekinge. di "Bocks.... di WoenMite... Plain Woolen Yarn.. Plain cross bandeS Yaru 'lain double sud twistea Tain ............ Rag RU......i ffoolen Bug...... ..1 lass XII-ladies' M lentlemen's Plis rt baudmade. e. lentboman's Plain Shirt,- macinaema . jady'e Bonnet. .. 00ee won Quil ...... og Cabluin t 'nondsbip QiI îft Qua t...... ..... uit bed cover....... 'otchet vonk Ceunter. pane..... ... ancy Ntig tdy's Drleoe. ,!d Uuderclothing. est display et Mllbiety axe y Knittiug..... .. . rotchet Work. pplique Wotk.... mbroideny on Muelin. . - ii Lace.. . . "Woeted, " Cetton ... 1 lueS Berlin Wolvok àt- , c fi , Brman raiedworki.,.. aipura Work... ounille Wonk. .. exiean Needle Wnk. îameutal fi - ucimane of, Brauelm.g.,... af Pillow...... îlet.. ... tton Tidy... .. >oen-Tidy ........ rkcd Camp chair.. up Stool ........... à Fruit........ à Fie-ers..i* ka Sholle.. ... x Limies.. ... othr Floer,. )r Floer. Il Basket....... aplmat,..... ........ >y Table Mat.... '60o pane "Wall 50e Grec 2. Fane: 21 21 2 1 21 2 1 2-1 2 1 2 1i 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 75o So 75e 50o 75o S0e 75e 50e SO c 50 .50e 1 )epartl- 2 2 2.O 2 8 2 2 1.0 10 1.500e 1.50e 1L500e 1.500e .1.500e 1.50e -1.600e 2 1 2 l 2 1 -82 2 1 1.60e 1 1.,500 1 2.O 1 2.O 2 1 217 217 17 7 75o1i i 1.50 I 1 2 2 i i 2 i i SOI C1sXWV-Leathor &L~ ~0 ew c.. . .. . .$ 2 $1 il, Btherm l obsrvedM d d uwna. gu 6 1 othon»looerved.- qneenly arrogance waogone, audawo- 1 Pair Men's Rne Boots,peg. W> have but few, wo appreciate (hein manI gr, ifntlymo eeinJ b .ged................ ....2 tltoroughIli." held ts 'CÇIlSa w ùc 'A 10w truc friands are werth a world wrl! nln bbr ya1tithea 6.0 e P a ir M e ns C R i B o t s. . 2 1 ofh âl .ear td " on es," K irk a uw red. r- e m i ln e f 'ib. - T h at uw *'w eIi n' 50e out usotinet Bots.2 i 'Ibaon' a s, efrd in (Rh W sm,,exquisite. I dont oten cwc' to 50 Bsudioitlt of Booi I value al hi bya oyu ohr àô,,gt. thip la1 ié 60 otnc Shoomiaiere'. work. 2 <1i mol. You ore alwàys frank with me. aiLiblo.-!PheY wbxrled round>eim 0SOt o :Fafidn Harfe5s. . 8 2 YeXu deu't fawn and flatter as Éoeeof t er!itxoto f thi . antW 500 (1 Canae'. 8 2 1 (hem do. I know I eau trust yen- iubtleinfuiuon. IHeryellowbaâfl ' t- SIgle ~but I wouldn't dare to put mutul con- ofbu i ~eaSbr r a n-fOi s0 sande' 82 i dence tamoet of them. Theyll do noS hiae hook.1 Once aho liftea lier- 50............0 for fait voather, but notfor every day." ey'es te 'bis, compolltil by somos strange 5eSide saddle ............... 8 2 L i You oan trust de." Hotheruiiel uaid, powor tedosao. His&,Iance-was onher- Pair Heavy Horso Collais.- 8 2 i wtha an'taiady look intobhisfriende eyes. . Ece, fuil of conscoos power, sud yot Travelling Trunk. .....1.50 1i'.'1am prety sure of what "a man 10 toucheS with something l1k. regret. Oc eLahr.. gothbfr giv him my frlendshbip.- The waltz endod in a long strain of O00 1pe eiertohd.. hink 1 knew. yen for'a man, Fred treunulousweetuess.- 0eane .. 2 11 Kirk, andas snob I 11k. you."Tliey went ont, and down the lawa CafA etrange nmou, this Henry Bother-, te the ses. The waves leapod and HOC rnol.s..-.'2 i mol. A lover of booko more than. of sparkled in tho mo'oulight, sud broke in ....2 1 vomen; reserved. save when iii tho' upen the beach wiih a aoft flash (liai Bridle ' . . . 2 i compauy of those whom hoe admitted, vas ful ef soothing influence. Par ~~~~~.~~t JlssX - iolaeu. ( us friendoehip; thon lie waS goflual overhead aome hirds 1ev, ahOW1ing Mage xv-iÃŽcollanous.anS eharming.- Seemingly cela te blackly againet the clearness oft he sky. Pi n . . . . . . . . $ 4 0 O $ 2 those w o s &w h m lu bis eter li e ; T h y w alked nup and do un the shr. Cabinet Work........... 8 0O 2 but te (ho. few Whoe re&lly huww hum, a for Bomerne in silence. By-aud.by Sclpue uMabe . o arm-hearted, true man. ho I i spoeo. Slpte. ny a obI...... 80. 2 Between lm *anS Frederlck Kirk a7- This le our Iast vwalk together, I lolb. Hneyin omb 1 1 iset friendship had. grown up-.a friand-sppèse? I arn going away from Boa. Bec' ax........i 50 islip (bat Wasas- ton s(h-ov .beach toe rW. 1Oibe. Honey, straine .... i 50 1imnucau give te voman, but ef a differ-. $Goiug away'2" lilr veice was full 1Oibe, Maplo Sugar.i...7 50 1 eut nature. It was net inth le' nature ef RUr.j ,rls ansd ber face1paled a little Two loar'es ef Bread . i.. 50 1 of elther (o make- mucl'i show. of what in (tho mouli&hit. -" Net for long, are Collctin e Cofecioury oo2 (eyfaIt at heart; but tbey underutood yen ?I" Bouqteto flCowfeetae.. 2DO2iesoliother thoroughly, for aIl that. 11"4For yeare, perbape," lho auawered. Boqut f loer ale.. 2 00 Daunon aud Pythias, semaeue calteS "I nam goiug te Itsly next week. 1 han&-. 00 1(heur. Their warm andetiadtast friand- 0ought te have genesiveeksage." Letter Proe$Prlntiug .i..1 50 i ehip for eaoh otherýWaa 11ke a- modern Fer years 1" sho repeateil, with a Panel Deor........ i1 50 i version of theo ld etory, and the. naines in arluier voica, ber ayes fat off upon Window ah.. ..1.50 1 fitted'tbemi well. * the rippling waters of (ho bay. IlOh, Wiadow Bline.......i 50 1I o" Sybil Cameron bore 2" Rirk aLek- -yars asO80 long, eemetixnes.", Gralning in -Wood .i 50- 1cd:, altar a little silence. "IShal Yen miss me 2" lie asked, bis B e . i v e . . . . . . . . . .1 5 0 'Ith in k I s a w b e r w li e u I c a m e t , "' e y e e u p n le r fa c e , a n d d r a w in g lie r Bee Hve. 150 1Bothermol repfle. '"I may have beau eyes te bis. Taiore' Work....... 50 1 mistken, though. M~iss yen? Oh, Henry, how can Upholoterere' Wor k.......... i 1 "No. She le thora, in-the recase et Yen ask?2 ýFor, eh--" Shiestopped Specimon ef Tinsmitha's werk 1 50 1 (bat window," aidyeng Kirk, as suddenly, with ewift, resy flushes nont- Best collection Coopere' work 1 50 1 moment later, as the îhreug surged tagtoher hek sud hrow. Sho as Bout Sowing Machine..... 2 00 I sar like the waves brenkiug ou the Tory tendcr anS womanly nov, (hie Floral Designu............... 2 00O1i ehore. ."Isu't she loveîy, Hethermel 2" quecet ofhearts, MUSIC.-There vil be a lband i-'Hethétmel'aeayes tolloved (ho direc- "Weil-wbat 2" he said, Ieokiug et usi cgagd urig te xhii-tien zetfKirk'n. inger. A charming sttaight; into, lier ayee, with a utrange of msicenggedaurig te ehib- acature was aittiug alône ina-bay-wuln. pover lu bis glauce. tien, by the committce havlnig the dow ful of blessoming Plants sud trâil. F or lier lie, Sybil Cauneron coulé] net arrngmens t IaIdearten ~ing vines. A beautiful creature, with -bava kapt back tha e, wraS whlch crme uouxetbiug cf (lhe flexible, supplo grace te ber lips ferutterance. Bythe subtle charge, ofthe wîllow abeut ber, anS a face (bat -influence et hie vili ever liar, hie coin- vwas fair as meet dreams ata-clear sud pelled ber te epeak te (bain.> Thomas Carlyle receutly cloeod an whbite, vith finI tinte et carnation on -"'Fer, oh, I love yeni, Henry, I love interview with a London correspondent- the chaaks, and reddar cnes on-Abe yen IU etflThe San Franci8co. Chrouuicle -'viblicnrving, parteS lips. .Hait et the. pal- Nover ta aulisielite 1bsd lie seeéni a face Ibis cbaracteristic growl at California: est geld, seitsud abundauut, framed in se badutiful au Sybil Camerou'e ai that -'Yen are doiug ne .geod there ; ô (he clear eut face, and contrasteSl moment, when that sweet confession areharnln (l ved. eve-~oer traugely vitl hahelarge gray eyasfbond utterance. Her eyee voie full yeur mines, leavo yeur .goïaSta W ihibseemod hardl.lsuited te tho beauty of soit liglit, ber checks dyod villi caru- eart, su go e plntin pette ~c, lier style; an&L yet (ho affect vas de- tion, nS 'at hole face euffused vwith Everyv man Who gives a petato le the eîdoïdly charoning. She wore a drese f et nostraugoe ndennes, Heosuihad a enî e làiste bonefacter of hie racè - but -soma floatag, disphaneus atuif, etf acoma te ber,. ayen vith your gelS are everturninig 0.~ pale green, -canght-up- bore anS (haro In Ibis-supramestliourothbis triumphi, oiety, r=&king tho Ignoble promineut, about thoe kirt witli snev drops. Some Henry %thermel fait that tasome vay aîncreaeing avetywbere tho expense of oet(ho samie floyers voee u ber hait hise'ro'venge vas,« aften al, a falure. 0living, anS eenfuaing ail thingi." sudon bot besom.- - eHoa set hbueof deliberateîy tle vin 13 IsIf I vote an artiet, I would paint thiuvomn'e beart, if ahe baSl sny, and 3 The othr day in oeueoe the.. Dublin ber as Summer," saiS irk, hie. admit. hen-spuru it aidl, a acsh ad punred C ourts a man vas chargeS vith steal. ing eyes, in vhich (bore vs eeietblng semauy hearte. Hebad vont(le (bing ng a cssk eivbisky, vbich 'baS beeu more thaninere admiration, neyer baý i.ehocoveted, but tbé Irinnipli as (het relieS eut efth(le bcnded sýores during iug lber face. vha( bie baSl antioipated. Thore v-as aà a great ire. - The prisouer vas fineS "I-111vonîd paint lier as Spting," an- senoc etf humiliation about lb, sud et £1,- sud, as tho ovwner diS net corn e vered Hethermel. - eelf-dotaat4 - Coula it ho (bat (bore vas forward te prosacute, (lie magistrate "lWby?2"asked Kirk. a spark of love in bis heart foi (hie otSeirgd (ho whisky te o b sent te (he "Perbaps 1 'amn wong," Hethermel wornan, who, eight menthe bock, baS Mealli Hespital for (ho use eft(ho ansvered, "ébut to me see emsa a iclile, cast asido (he love of hie deareit frîend- patients. "l GoS belp the patients," changeful veman; âne - ho vine a as a werthlees thing, sud maSo that exciaimolea phe soner, w1Èo, il appear.ý man's heart eune day by bot amiles suan oSancaaScll dsretle oS, baS trieS îCemerite eft(ho spirits eoquotry, anS caste it asido (ho ýnext, ail (ruth iunvemn, cause et hie rather freely. cariug no(hing for it atter il is von. BliglitoS hàpes and droams? Those porions vhe bogan t eaet, Springileflokie anS frise in promises, " 6Yen Iedve me," hoe crieS. "Yen tell large quantities etfish a fev yesrs ago, and net at allie pleasant season yen nue (bat, sud I bave nover spokon e sud bave kept up (ho practice ever poots would make us beliove.. Te me, %vord et love le yen I Ftoderick Kirk since vitheut biVg exporieneed thos (ho Besson aud the voman oseem alika." lovad.,yonu,,and yen trampled ou hie >desired inenease eftintellectual capacitv, I "But Susumer is enîy-Spring witb a hoart, as (rue s heit as evor boa(, after Mnay tbank (ho NovwDOrleans Revub aeul ta it," aneverd Kirk. yen baS lureS hlm en le tho muin oet(ho Zicn or(bi eplnaiou" nles Ye, 1 grant yen (bat," saiS Hlother. Seareet, seoetest hepes lite bola fer a in bas bramas, ut le uselasa for hlm mol. "u okn aSyi surnshlm.Noyebalm atenov te est brain food. It bas nover beau face, I Ntses 00suobi tadicatienti et a me. Yen con frai vbat lue fait, if (bat claimeS for fiah t(laI it croates; it ouly sol.Perbsps I conîd eeo it if I looked is tue. Yen eau know vbat a bitter strong(hens tho brain." with tb. fond eyee et a lover."' -- thing it lu te love in vain. Every day 111 do love honr," Kirk sale!, earuestly. et bhis lite ho (lis etyen villu bitter- An apparatus for dtyiuig hay. by arti- "lYen voie riglit wbon yen i ee n a naos sud regret. Ragret -(hat lia ever ficial hoast bas, alter Bomne years et ex- lover, Hothenenel. I nover careS fon a. knov yen,, ana bitternees bocisuse ho permZt' ,beanu ought ito sauocoa. ornbetore as Ido for SybiCamer- belioved yen tho soulotaau (bat lis va- of C ingordin sse, Enlan . thiig far an pue an sw et. $lie coie& on gave hie hoart a blow tlat Bisunarck's set have raiseed a hovi isy bc the weoman vithout a seoul, that hoe will novai recovor frein. Lita viil tbattbeFroch mhasa4r a Bolluyenimagine: but I cau't think et ber novai bo (ho saine te hlm that it vo le n(ialyte (hek ill (ie ltîme- in (liat vay. If I eau vin baer, I uball beoe, hocame ho bas loarned vlust (ana Society oeth(at capital. Thay vin hoc(lie bappieut man aliae.',frisa thinge (beee itb." next ho fer kaoping hlm a tabis kitohen "For y ur sake, I hope abe le ali yen " lOh, Henry, forgivo me, pity me 1"' snS finding him on toc good terme * fano eyhor," Hotberenlr answraîe. sha cried. "I loemoen Pity me, pity the cook. ' "Yen are vontiy ef her, if abc le. I me 1î" "I rut,"saS (ieet hope yen may bo rigt ; but,. parden "tYen lad nopity for Ftederick xirk," Itrut"s the Archbishop ofCao- me, my dear Kirk, I arn afraid yen are hoe auevered, vitli a strange yesmuig tebr oteSultan et Zanzibar, "ltht vrong." e t bis heart te foiS bier in bIs aima, and! your Hiuglnes -Wilnet object te Bil l I msy be," 'Kirk anavered; but- I bolS ber boaS upon h ie brost. -" Id miasienarios bavig accosi te your do. love honr." hava nous for Ye. ieis eait ariea minions." "lCartainly net," (ho Sultan ,"I* bave uething te aSiauce agâluet 'eut, III arn crual 1 cruol 1" - roplied. "I think (liat -no Qjstscle au argument like (bat, the othen sale!, "Oh, Henry 1" se.cried, sudI dropped shoulid ho placeSin tho vay et se great smifing."t atb is foot lu s vhite lueap -open the an avant na thaelnglsh heing hiough t 11 muet go sud speak vithlier," Fred sande, ber-face uplifted in vile! suppli.' toa knovlodgeof et i rue faîth. Lot Kirk saiS s mment lator. cton, lion eyes M fou toful eutreaty.$ (hein core na,-sud my aineS Mon shfah Boherm ltcedhM_ se-hovont "e i eculsu:hIIlv o Noble, a bigbly reaipected.£fari,living negr Wilhuxy, Ottiovoeouuiye billeS bisj vWite (bis evonig y-baa(lug bar ïvitis o club, anud cuibtiughr tbreai. Theiilog- oS couse is 'luflSaliy. H.suniredered tge h uioriiea. Five eargoea of trou for (ho Canaa Pacifie Ballvay, bave beon- laudeS ai Fort William Suring the-put i g. - This la a q notation freinao bIter wrliten>byoaChflaObride leatriand: "We bave hoon Marri e ut a mnunh uit suLr ssii for stôma. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1. 1 hsi 1 1 --- 1 - Il l' 'l. 'OR, 1 1 IE

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