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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Aug 1875, p. 4

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i b er ide 6 e4Coi- ,Whltwott t EPigIme .tise great muIBbIisI. mode a miasugen musbine ,of Auch 4*11065 94eAtmeuit sudrégler shoul la rdortoe i.it tihe tOMuPerture ortShe zom ln whlhl$luIo kt suabà mSuexacoinothrl.It n" tlong r at*I81g5e5, owng th erpan. sien of tise =étal eOMrnoslng il under vsayIsgewertu65 -Thie exactuemo oft-w k maubaislplmaibeen attabiued lu ths cintry io by thse Pratt aud Clompany Of 1artiford COU., Who haue for years beau sepplylng ferlgu armer- ls wth speelal bools and leatrumeuts oftmaeoeato À ~srmîeAset of îteel eages 'and 3 iga, .or tesuplti, Witeihey mails for tise Anstvlan 0ev. erunest, hava nover benu equailed *in tht. eor ny. otîer eeuutry for exctnes. "hl, vîeceutly sent 41sio,ror a set cf - .Witworth's plurl -uand'collai- augea Wliieh are bisa tbard for ise thse worl ove?, luteudissg tg matnufaoture avJe for use luabiis coiiti'y. A plug mla tcollar gauge cmade by thîcu lase seeuroituly litte4 t'isât lu order te get it on and off 16 isd te ho lcept going lu and eut, tlis e beaof tise band inlutouels._ lus« It 0s) expautisg the coUir thsS if ai- lowidd te stand t ,,vce1d ebfrlnis tîghtly cuil1lie phug. Thoe Palace ilote!, Dow sîesrlssg ceci. lu B n an Franciseo,,id tise largest stA trueturte initisa worid. It cevr. ers V,250 squaru fait e ofued udla seveont tonies iigli; 24,0z,006.brics ~worri uses lu tise wails, '1000 tons of ouasst and wreugist Iron, anS 4,601,524 fontofet himor sud tîeitr. lb cotains 1050 wleUeowo, 177 cf %whlch are bay Winudows - 928 moines. one o! legs ize tissU_ 10xIQ feet, sud 188t.ath-roems. It t Cetains over tisemi iles of ihalli; thele areûv asegmeearatSsvn grand etairways; tl4ere are 4540 doors, DO00 gas bornera, ianS tiirty.twotcilles of gags 5554water-plpe. lb requins 59,- 000 yards, or twentyelgist Miles cf car- Eûot. It eau accouscodate 1200 guleits, hieelds 100 servants suad employeca0 Au~beett al tisere la Dot a Saris or or wiudowless voni lu tise houe. -lb bad beec docedite r'ue a lengtis of Jeiy a se sixteen incises bigis, cln h o f tise balusters and! bal- sàtrodesgsss a precaution against acel. dents# by chi-Idnen slidiug lowu tise bal. ustora or lmblng tihe balustradoa. Tim sPIstaglass W Ill sidiot tise gag jets, aa i -i__glie tlIterior courts wll present a dazziicg seeno.- A New London mnai bais afine deg wlslis ho lg edncatiug l'y tbrowing stiolks mbtisahewater andi cakriu.tise dog brncgthiîxuot. The othîr day tihe dog ,sissook the iînny of a lobster pot for tise missile, ansd, lis Do prses. lon coul educe bics te let go oe t.It, bout waî put eut for hlm and rescued luie jst.as ie assickicg. qxaustcd. No two sides cf auy lisican face are' preeiely aeikle. ILlM thseosaine with oeyliib ; ceôjpair of lisnbs are fasis. euoaie IkoneOuibad lasceeot alwaya larger tissu the other; se0.àvth tfse foot, thse log, and tise rcs. But thse greatesi of ail marvées la this: noter were two buman faces slike. Msr. Pliip Curry was throwss eut of biis buggy ut Vngham ahd iustantly killed. Tise useuigesits ln Cuba, hava killeil one hundred aud fiifty Spansis soldiers boidIes eapturing àa cenvoy,$10,00 iu geld), and a quastity cf baggage -anS M. WILLCOX, LICE N8ED ÀAUCTIONEER Voi1ltMi OIS UNI'? OF ONTARIO, ANDO Town.îblp of blnIpo.4a & Cartwright B 11BSte thn issus i ssy fs-ende and thse .Lpsbleeneralll for tite lii ral patron. 4 ge bctoo-mspis u .ing tise past four ysMams. 'sq Havsiuo qieuuptissubueinot t Balf,ýk n1 uf t e , u vo% cMy whl ietuIse-1uiel of Auctioneer, CollectioR.0'if ItwilUo usyeieaven,-Ly rompt anS caraful attention te business, te gîve fl satisfat t SUailvisama7 faver me vitis tisir Sales or Celsoting. Bil iagited an& B nkl Notes furulsh- aS fresetfcharge. i AiseBMllStampsalaways ou bacnl -Arranementse au bu wde fer sales &o.. aSt *0 CmicLa ofilce.ý Wtby, Obaess'sr Office Prince Alert, suat thiseBasdcsr Oméie, Pet Perr. ~~ Puince Albiert, Sept..245h. 1872. 89 v ALuABLrPPnIRTT FoR sALrE. This ubuciibsu ffara for Osastisa telew- 55g vluasie.prepe)rtylunSthé Tuwu of Wbit- y t-Au exceflsut Brick Cottage witis4 acre J lanSsîtsitaeid outheacorner et Green AaI t Paersto thli tiése Suls Wa. Alae, Il ut culSl¶'atloss corner Wehlngtcu anS 011- euSd ste Nrsthiward, î acre on centre et. caSth of'tlie mlones e1 C. Draper, Eq. lu lie Mot W#Ar. Aise 20 acres et geod a, osaesuiee f part et lot l, ltis on. f eubp cf msimy, Ce, , Nouhumber À clear =4 lnuslputable ttle willhbe iven xc il the abeys prepsuy. Fou turtiser Par. telitrs applytetise owuer. VRAlICIS CLAIIE. whtby, ul- S.91f O FFICE TO LXT. F1RONT OFFICE. C RROT'UCLE BIg LDiNG. Josue Oad, 1574. [f 01: - 2- ii YINS' CUBER, ONT. D AJA OF, CANADe. u -'T À B1E) ikl. mpcrt hope te . aY. ItOrl a t Lluha- ad Poit Hope. .4 . Ar P& Hue.12:U3 p.m. ["thstomLaetlS - a4 ,. in. l. 5:26 p. us, 04rUlie Senshi§a"1owu] u.a sudo te. Vhtby, Zaa. l4the 1M7. Y. OUNG SM IBsusiR OS' I MRRIGELIC ýwmTBY,, ONTARIO. GA.T. HAIL, LA.ND, OMMISSION, AN» .<GENEILAL- AGENT, ý - Aent for the Coneesation LLueAsoe bleuo etCanada. - Bôokats sud aceuntamsUsSeg& eut. *speclal attention given W thseCollection oe$ 0eî Accounts, asua motgsges. Whltby, Sept. 1, 1874L8 WHITBY & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY 1 LeaLvéss Ofihwa et 8SA, i., sud 2, p. ci. Lenres Whltby at 10, a. cM., sud 4 Pl:tu pare 26 ets oac15wa~.sda rvS resldencos (wYheu culersa amileftSat any of tSiOhts S~ceunsecta wth Oshsawa and somuýl tage'- aise wlth tise Whltby sa l'ors psrry wyanw.sd with ilrough.- TEfOS. 1HOPPER. IWlty, Mreis ti, 1875. lt D)EALERIN 1KLUMBELI, coemmission Marchant tlhipptsg sand For. wardtsg Agent, Part 'hstl. Al rders preiptiy attenises ta. Wbitby,1Oct. ltis, 1874. 42 T I E ST HORSE MEDICINES. Ail descriptions etftthe best Hers Midi. olues kept aesstautly on haud sud for sale at- the Whitby Livery Stables. . t'eNo charge for advlcî.N.R Y M ONEY TO LEND I À large qcutitr of znieY te land aS low -Fur sale, several Towu lots, t-se Prame lIeuses, aud a large Brick ]jouse. For tr sp ply te . G. YOUNG SMITHI. Whltby, lob. Dii, 1874. 7 1\ONEY TO -LIEND. The iscdersigced buays s usunt ut Meci- sy te Lend upon Farsu or Town Property, ai unnsually iow Rates cfi nterest. Leace eau be repaId Su sumo Se suit ber. rowers. Several Isoproved Parcis and Wild Lans for sale oheap. luvosbtsseutg adse le Mussîcipai Dobon. tus-es, Basuk, sud other ciarketatable Stocks. For further partlculars apply te JAMÉS HOLDEN,. Officiai Aosagnie, Broker, &o. OFFICL?;-Ovor tho. Docinuion Bansk, Me. BOLljsus Brook St., Wiitby. 1 Bpril th, 1872. 1 M ONEY TO LENDI ilopayabli by lusitalents for from. Two te T-lwety years. at low rhtes ot Sutireat, witis. eut commiuslen; sud aS moderato chargea. Pulvti Fundi to e eu. Âppiy t-1 J.E.PARigwELL, Solicifor, Brook St., Whitby. May 2btii., 1572. 22-tf M AJOB MILLS. T. P. WHI1-T E will, on the 14t5î October, 1875,resie eau. trol o esi.Major Milîs, visen hi w51 sic propared te pitfy THlE 1JG-HEST PRICE f or nuy- quastity of whisut dolivered aS Wlslteaîe. Ro viii ciake overy effort te give couire ,,sstlsfaction te thase whozniay patrouize tise nil l itis thir grsttng. Fleur and Foei. rf the beet quality. sfd - nt reasessable prices, w511 ais e b kept cou- titliy ou baud aud for cale. T. P. WHITE. Wtsltevale, Oct. 6tis, 1874. 41 L IST 0F TRE DIVI SION COURTS LIST 0F Pl loba Our. ,7&m«sBriggs.. Furniture 0"tl msy, o e o"uy, l u, ,.l On I iies............. Stis Ma, 1876. WM. AING Co.Treasurer, Fýùritur! Now is.the .time to -bi«y good-and cheap! Furniture. Having bought out the bus n3ss lately oarried, on byJames E. Samo, we'take thisopportunitY 9f* '~ti bis many friends to give us a call, and We can assure ail that we are prepared to aï as weil by.them- inlthe future, as Mr. Samo has donc in the past.. STIL &JOHNSTON. Orders by mail proriiptly, attended to. IJNDERTAING.-The only frt class Etjtablishment in the. County Where fanerais are fui- ly supplied. * - 1Whitby, Otober lut, 1878. TILL & JOHNSTON.,,, 4 .1 Xie i x wcWl Xs a pà LARGE - STOCK 0F CLOTHS! IS NOW COMPLETE. ýý- Ail the Novelties of the IPresent Seasonl IN GENTS' FURMISHING GOODSY MATS, CAPS, &c., &c., AT AP IRIN G LE'S. B ROCK STR EET, WH ITB YY (Next Door Noth'o! Dominion Bank.) SHOES.ý HIASA FIRT-CL-ASS -STOCK1 0f Ladieés'Gents', Misse&, and Childrenu' Boots & Shoes, whichi ha isdetarmineit te sali FOR CASH et tise lowest living prices. Leave jour enters. Cani't h be et fer a perfect anil easy-fitting boot.- ]icpairs as usuîal. - - %wvvi A Mr Ul m ua, SApril 28tli. 1875. FREDERICK I3rok~StWhtby. NEA L E -WHOLE SALE, & RE TAIL DEALER IN GROCERIES9 WINES AiN»D LIQIYQI.8 SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA, COUNTY 0F ONTARTO, HAs REMOVE D TO ,FAREWE LL' S B3LOCK. FOR THE YEAR 1875. 7'ortPerry J9lu5t20125 1tS 19-128 Urrdg.1jj22 1~1I 81114 12 1r81 14 71j 9 1 5 î Tisorah::1 2u41 4 Mae ' 25 l18 19I I17 OEI0. H. DABTREILL, Junior Judge. Whttby, Jan. ist, 1870. I f OBEBT JOHN -XAIROLD,- OPPIOIAL 'A88IGNEE rois ripi CO0UNÏTY -0F ONTARIO. JJAT18I ATS 1 MATS!1 SILK AND FE 411 ELT, MANUFACTURED AND RENO- VATED AT HOME I M. 'LÉA1ST dc C. beg to annouuseý yia6i1ae %neft business at OsaUva' oÃŽceo-where - they =suactue EsHaeof~ evsy esuptles, anS lu the, hatstyle. * HATS RENOVATEID *quaite uew fr aetil.- m msAl~st O i7. lye8 JOHESOR HOUSE EAST XM1XTi NUARE, Y'iraS edaisaccemmeatlu fer tise ravai- lin iomnty. suites cf apatmecta en iw4Slossalinple rcom oer Cmm rcilTa- Tbb la Uetliltuulwlbvi* two miputss walkai-lie ii-Hall-SttIon cfIlh orths- Celebrated XXX Cream Aie & Porter. C9010EEST BRANDS 0O <!ÂRB AND TOBÂCMOS AL- WAYS IN STOCK. UFTHE TRADE Oteawa, Marais 24, 1875. SUPPLIED. -M Pl 3Z Ex GC AR&VEDAT w. ýJ.HI Kt & COS A Fresb Lot of Groriea ad ýChoie LiquOIM, Which wMl besold oheap for oash or fa=ters'produce.. Whitby, Âpil, 1875.- 1 HRA M1L TO .N. 0 H1aàve now opened; upi a Large Stock of Seasonable Dry Goode, oonsîstîng of NEW DIIESS GOODSP NEW LU STRE S, (Celebrated Bràndsý, NEW PRINTS, IýW CLOTRIS& TWEEDS, NEW HATS & CAPS, *NEW MILLINEIRY GOODS,. NEW MANTLES, &c., &c, Clothing madle to order inlatest styles, NEW TEAS AND GIROCE1tIES Whitby, April 6, 1875. CIARRIAQ ES cBU=Oi-lESI ýMESSIRS. TOMS &NEWPORTe Beg to inform the publie generaily, that they have opene, a Nè'w Carniage Factory, on Dundas, Street, TWO DOORS WEST of the POSTý OFFICE Where the are now prepared to executo ail workilu f Carniage Makiug Line, on tise shertest notice, sud mgdc of tise hast i teril, andt first-elass workmauship. ALL WORK WARIRANTED BEPAIBING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATOR. JOHNSTON'S SELFAKING R.EAPEF AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE. At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, iu 1870. Wo. offer to our customers for the comirig tiarvest, two di tinet; Machines, which in style and' construétion, 'embra( the latest and- most useful 'improvements of the day. ! JIISTO'SSINGLE SELF-IIÂKING RE TIRE "RING OIF REÂPERS."1 cdial ui tish bus !tÊé Iarmeira;, warrant us l saying tisat, as a Self- b Repin; liacisine, it bas mor-e goos!ppeints ans! lepsilefeetsaibs er sucre succýisansd les a inhume. tisan iscretel'ore offîres! te' ise public. CAYUGA %e were awarded the First Prize aud Diploima, at the Prcv rniai Zxiibitien, ,beqin.Toronteo, 1670.in cruspetition with ail theie-ading Mnci usanufknetid inithe Province;- and! ith osîr receut im;,oslovenntt. ve unhesil ingly chslleuge iuvieitigsf'on sund cempamàilsen vitis ceinpitirg Machines. vi sattiied ttisabach ,itsvestipgtion will convince overy unprejudiced milid, tisai oflor the, but Mowe e wtiseFarsueir for 1872. built in tise Dominion. WS for descriptive catalo'gis.& TT R 10511N .&PA TE S IWH-IT-BY ORGA'NS d.MEL ODEON OhGAN&S, THE 1VRLDQE & YARWOOD, gF'G CO., MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRÂTED'AMBICAN OÉeG 1 Spoeial noice is oalled te the ole gStyles sud pnces: Stylo 5, lu Walùut case, $140, in Resonant case, vitis Cprvingo, $10 style 15, in Wannt Case, $150, luin nn.C»,wihOàie~-7 Style 7, ilu Resonant. Case, $17ë inlu sain >0Csa54th;- O :'2$185, style 9, in Resonant case, $in lusaine, Case, lhC' ~~g,$200* Ai duse-e! B 1ets ahst.'panitlledi« with revolving or aliding Lock- bourds, conteininiiig ail tise latest-imprÃ"vemento, nestysud ALSOYAËW00P'b ",L9e QROGAN.25i In handsQine Rnosewood Piano C'ase i ~rfuiishea. Style- 4, $150O-, Style 6, $175; tye8~0. Tises. Melodeonl-Organý, Patented 187 8, are mànsifsotsrëe 80101Y 4Y ns ad ci on l on! pexoeuro1frius end ossa Âgést VYB PH ARMAC'ý YOUR JOTATOES Oum POTATO BUG DESTROYE-R. Manufactured by. "MeCailUm, Chemist, &o., T S , Lon on, O nta r lo. LUNe ;P IOTATO 1BUG DESTROYER. This remueS>'-bai been useS 'witis immense suocesa in Western Canada fer tise ri s $ il ians'dfor i-h. e epurp ose. leiv an-Ia aSexpen- mqu- bs tse astsndhs&imtl10:Ofe5teYiE tsai detrutive pest, tise Po. le$ 'hxg bid~ dlti~ séWoCaibs u x en setdon soveral ~eatcve~ 4. liigi 4~S~8~orn,!the oisosti-weue succese. ffe Lat trt1 riilS, bû i.iii -o ne need to #=#y 'r4S thei fwbe sar s 0 fur (list SenNen D i, -~ Il. se j le' 8e z 84 n 2: le' 51 r~i 'e '.4 O 'e te ri sr 3ed JUST , RECEl VED CHINA TEA .STO-RE GIBSON& SPAIRVELL, 35 illds., Crates, aild Cases, containing the Lagest, Best, and Cheapest Assortment of- Cihina, Glasis- Ware, and Fa-ne y- Goods 0f aillkEnds ever exhibited ini Whitby!1 China Tea Setts, frein $1.50 te $20. Fauey Vases, frein 10 cents te .50, per pair. -China Mottoed Cupi and Saucers, frein 15c. te $1.50 ecad. China Mottoed Mugs, Card Baskets, ana Fancy Goos, Rt3' IN ENDLESS VAIETY 1 ANCY TOILET SETTS, FROM Si TO Sit PER SETT. Ladies, al tie aboya having becupurchgsed expres sly for Ciristnmas presete. they will bo sld cieap and without reserve. Elease oll sud eaiefor yourselves befre purchasiug elsewhere. UA Aiseon hand, a ful1 essortmont cf choice Tees, Family Groceries, Fruits and Spices ef all in&s, Hacs, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Apples, Pots- tes, &o. OYSTERS, betit brand, slways ou haai. 0-IBSON &SA~ELS Whit'by. Dec. lSth, 1874. 5 Nw LE OLD STANID, ERs, .A B El -SH EL)1$3 iTILJL PIROPIRIETOR. Parlor Sçtets New e-om Sets,-ir es New iuin-romSe, a lrge stckof Cane and Woodý seat -Chairs: Cupboaras5 Th4 large inmon, l 21, Caao resi am4dliveiuj fnéoe 01gooda. the 8. on mt M r t. 01 504 d2xHeouting eceu. csuant.s 25. seuvfug notiece 0 50eJ.OSO wle e'5>seiDY ]Publias ea by or5.?. IT. J. IMACDL, - Ciesis ofthe Pesici, C. 0. WiibNov. 17 Lt'-- l. F, GREAT' ENGLISH F3EMEDYI SPECIFIO MEDIL-,I-' Curez aU Nervous uis,eso;- iuel s, Trm-mrs, Debditty. P7oi.tal's 9,IP - whichis nssssny aies, are eroduceat,'Ycwer indulgence lu tise use cf tdbbseo and iko-. boUc spiite; but tise Specifio Medici f &i mmenepecially ecomeusded au anu= ingicue flot Semiassi Wesskssempè. Cp i- mil<arrlsews, Imleoirr snd *U l. ieaa 'ls that follew ass a squence of Self Abusé, à "m Loge oi DJeeorv, UnsverilLasi.--- tude, Pea,,,as tg&MeBock. Dtmmaeaof' VIsIon. PFenutre OId AgCe, anadrnany other digeaues tibat liad te iufnsiy or conpomptiofl sudsa premaure Gravi, an ol whicb, as a rule are Sit causeS by deviating frocitise.patIiof nature andS cr- indulgence. Tise Speeffie Meclicine istthe resuit etfse iestudy sud mInny yeaus et expei'ienlselu 'trésting these special diseases. Fufpartse.- Ulars =*our p"hlety ;bioh wei e tat send reb u oeeyoe Tise Sp edicie soby ail Ding- gits atpiper package, or six packages fer 05, r iiohasebby mailon 5cipt of the. mous y, by sadressl'ng WLIMGBAY & CO., WIndair, out. R2ViSold in Whitby by Jas. Il. Gaule & Ce., anSJames Byrne anS lby ail SuggLala everyvisere. Norihrcp i&Lysan, visole- sale agents, Toronto., 47 s ALT, SALIT, SALT rt FOR SýALIE 1 cars, for 86per ton, or by car là oad t e purchsera. Farmers, ciii anaS have your aira, yen vii noever bny cisper.- Aise arriving by cars a ,juintity cf fnealit mineS Ceai, dsreot#erm Pensylvanla. Anyquntiy f eod drvos!, &U fS- yar, ents aldel's otl.Wbitby. ALEX. AIýEXAEDEB. Mardi, iSl, 1875. 10 WAN4TBD-200 Corda Gitenwood, Beech.* sud Maple. cut tis wirter. Apply as- aboya. - Ottawa, Marcis 21si, 324.} teAmericau Invoices 4ntil fuxtiser neo- tc,15 pearcoliS. -R1. S. M. BOUCiETTE, j46.tf Commissi incr ot Customa. whiclt li 40 Bug DestuOyer- et. aeh, or. 5 for BOOTS AN D THE SUBSOBIBEIR i. -S' j i I ~a t c I 'J t -~ 'o - . j G 'i 'RIAND COMBINATION ORGANS FXTTED WITll TE EWLY!niVENTED. BORIeNER'8 PÂTENT Q'UALJIgeTUBE3, ninvention having a mot important bearing on the future reputation cf Reed Instruments, by means'of which thse' qality or volume.o! toue la very latgely ineremedc, and thse quàlity of tone réndérod: !aual ta that of the Best Pipe Organe of the smre Ca paoity.ý ir celebrated "IlVox Ccleste, Vox Humana," "WiIeox Patent," ,oc- tave Coupler," thse charniing "Celle" or ,"Clarionette Stops, Il'Gema Ilem," IlCremona," IlVex Angelet," IlViola Etheria," aud ALL- THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS- Cen be obtained ouly iu these Organe, e>. Fifty Differeut Styles, for the Parlor and the Churcli, thse Best laterial sud Workmnanship, Quality snd Volume of Toue Unequalled 1 PRICES, S5o TO S56o. ratory sud Warerooms, Cor. otii and Cougress Sts -tDTEOIT, Miohigan. tEstablishedSu 1850.) Agents Wanted iu Evemy County. Address-, CLOUGH & WARREN O1GAN CO., DETROIT, 31ICH.- . si- 1 Wlitby, July 29th, 1874. T THE B-Y 1. laiti ri 1 1 JUNIOR MOWER

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