[0/4) <~ f3 h ~/ 4 ~DW'RDFROST lias pleasure lu announcin4ý that the oWU p eud on I8A jDAY, 1ïOVUMpe OTK, for, '*he sie ofFanoy and'Stà p1e Dry Gbods, Clotb1n# Rats ~and ,Câps, Piu*s, Gentè Puraùhuias,4f ,.ý apno,, for desht#Win idiUe ,custom,&Pétdtp suit the present hard tieiýThe. dai ta pt for a CéW' r*tiil ýýij'e"tà do buét- zies à fjn>the ciedit, systat. , hoestoreé- th't seil 'oni timePP< wooà -be pleased. coula they close their boae counts to begin anew on ýthe better plan (both for buyer- and seller) of ready mony. -Wo e xéIusiv iy-for'aoli and FQaxnieS' ProduCé M hjùst~ a lare profit.t cover ex- -penses. W-eneed no bigiprofit to m çeý up fer b~d4bs NOTE. -Retail mèrchants- can bu y oheaper in October thasn ear'ler in the season duiing, the first rush for goodi in the wholesale markets. Our customers soecurs the benefit of aur buying goads low pric- ed, convoquent upen going ta the market somcwhat late ,xxtih âîo.ý We Winl guarantese ery method that we can devise to e ateour -,a iu dalin wih us Ai geoo narked in plinflg. Sýýr-Dre Goods and Qroceries in exohange for prodûoeýe. Clohing made to order. EWA D FOT UnWAd. ii. deow'EaWub Wbftby, lNovember rd, 1875. 45 "A Complets Pictorlal Hftory af the Times."--'$T-ho beit, chaîpest, and Moat -sUCCeÇaful Famlly Paper in 'the Union.,. Hïarper's Weekly. - ILL US TRA 2'ID. rp esWeeohly tlth@ îbloq and most pow- .erfnl iiu.hrat.dl periodleml publibod tu this ountty. ,te'dittorlare selolari, ana con- vlnctlg, so mrr muci weigt. Itu illustra. tiense current ovots are and olfreeh and ie b1,s O urg nboit desigers. Wttb a 0 a 01 M006 Ibm Wookly t ers by at lo nuit.. Milion r = ol1 tuIluence u au orÃn o09p=Qua% e mt.treMondons. Th eeZ ie-7 hs osi n 50in n exproes eCid@ewl opol ,oCattosu d diiiprooo 'L.sUCourlor4onmrn&L" 1 Cirleos remodeIS cf blgh.tcned dions. otonPmd @4s ieol liustrations aoz o n cor- robrti a ment# cf no m8=11forceo."N. utqn np t questions aud is bu 1 o ne b "14 the senti- mona0 teô utrr-PttlngCommer- T E RM 8. Potîge irses te mi Bubseibers in Canad. >ÀuXà râwoWonxtLl, 00ou@ r','..00 et 00 ineludos prepayment of postage bý' the LY rSÂOto ens ddremi for ene yezr, 0100 r. w o rraPor1odols, té one Au Itre py cf otter the MsosZINc, "Wok ,or 'fluai." viiab.aup led Iati. for l in one mihatio; criSeCopies for SSII00, without 0 16 eey: pOo tro iliol Nuzm canoeau o upplied il ny tme. Th Airl oi,o~f "ErposaWo.kiy,» lu nemIà te ad., lb. e nt by expréess frise! ez9pfena f4 7 00 eueh. A complets oul, cnpaliis Nzylon Vob non re- cet Iof aout th crate e0t1"511 Uper To.,I rSihî il expIset pf rhaier. PromitiiuamIite,5e1qvan in "Bar- perlalie .7 oietue Cn- Ininhcm xposalon. Nevpitromrenet hoo tOv ibs alvertlise mn tont lb. expreasorlon of Harper a, If loEa-RXMoTHBO, Now York, BEATUTY'S0 A AU eotis aoPAINTBR AND LET- TZIR eau 1nd omothbg ho big alvan. tagby sddnwtoig the. inuifelur,a DÂIML P. BBATTY, Wumablgn, XN. ErOclToBS SALE SHORT HORN CATTLE, 'AND OIRADES>P., DRERDINO CLYDE 1 MARSSà , ANOD WORICING CotswolaSsep?, sud AU implenrents mol otanla be usotnho liesRtale ci 1he là ts JAMES- WHITSON. Thîe &avoppty 'ill mli bold'by Pub. =1 noution, en -VEDNXESDAY, DEC. 15TII, 1875,- stilie Whition 014 panm, néainAtits, Pick. crinun, viliout a«Y nerve. Cataiues ou applIcation ho JOEN WIIIT5ON, Excti oto JNO. MUZLLTi eclif i'eunnNov.i,17. n4 BEA TYS The boilt il.UBond mîrpte lIaIt ftes. tiluonili. Adîros, DAI4XLY.BAT TY, Wahington, N. J. Notce'es honeby givon liaI a Rpeci4l Gengnral motin f thé ahareoldoriof the Whitîly amd Port Pa Fny Rioon Ratlway F oniplmy %vil aeheil a he OOMFANY'S OFFICES, luWhitby, on BEATTY'SD GOLDEN TONGUE PAZILOR OIIGANS ire hiighly iecommsinded by Prof, . HR. Huger, Rev. AM. JuesyMioe M'; Prof. John B. wlad, Rov 5.DomrWasblngton, D. 0.; G. S.'Dynmrt, Bloomaield Iowa ; G. W. Robins.., Prof. Johaxîton, .1.ad phlî. end thousmudo of othersan the beit t use. Send tamp for extended lit.of lesti. monil.i before bnying a Pirlor organ. Agents winted evcrywhere. Addrens, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, N. J. A UOTION SALE Thorough-bred Cattie, Heavy-draft Horses and' Colts, Berk- shire Pigs, &o. Titi Sbseiber ha. necolved lIntructions front Mr. Wm. 'rH-OMSON -10 oeilml Publie Auotiou, ah hie pronimeus Lot X no.l thi e ,cou.eealn ci Pieken. on Wednesday, 24th No0v., '76, tlie virole oc ilevalumble7 stock sud lmlo-e mente, asi1 fo 1 Mare,by Imported Netherby, a yemr 0" ldo.,7ye&ns cl , 1 Mare 7 yean cl, Ir ~ l il ammWiitice" - 1Mare, 9 yemnm a y" lHemnof0Oak" aiihe îboveni m arc brea o Pneo r 1. è lu itt Yearling Colt by- "Sir Patehen";- I'Snnln Colt by -"The Riri"; 1 Spring Colt by "Prince of the West,, ; 8 Spzing Coite b'y "Lorne" ; 6 punebred Short 13oM Covo In eall; 2 thonongh.bred Short-horn Relieos, 2 hZ ol, on Incalf- 8thorougb.bred Shor-onB:î le; GriA8%ew In cmf; I firet cms 'Yoke of Oxen; 80 BerU. sbire PigosPsud lFat Hogm. IMPLiEVENTS. 2 Thu1mbi eiur Wmggons, one new; 9 set Bob Sleigbo,'<two new); 1 Joboston ileaper, (mew) ;_j Moyen, (new) ; 1 Cutlng Box and Honie Power (nov>; Clpr Ploirghs,Àonew) ,g T rou kio m P-s;e t To Hart-a; i sei Wooden iHmrrows; 4 aoti Double Harnmam- 1 PlatifomnSoie (2,50W lbe B ;1 ï ls. itýe -1.Cuter;-,I A absd lér Honîs à coliural PFumes 1 Land Relier - ITurip Drill, 5 sels withetre,, i SOe&en Bakes, Forke, Bcyhbeo, Oniadies, (ibsins, &a,, dca. A180o 20 orde et Wood. mOOBani, Utakes and P osi; 9M00Boisis of Turulpe; 10 Tons good TimotlhyHa 1290 Oit 5beîaî snd a qumntity et Lumber. "ltihe above propertylaegooil mnd vIli be sold vtthout neserve as Mr. Tixommson le retiring froni fmrmlmg. Sale Ah 10 o'clock aà ni Lunch il il oVcloek. Wood, iumter; Rails, &0., la bs soIS tiret. iTERUS.-812. mml. unas., Cash; over that âmount ceslt yl b. given tli ilt IOctoben 1870, by parties ternis bing, approvel I ont Notes, teroslt ronilatei1f oct PalS word - LEVI PAIRBANXII, Auctioneer. Pickering, Nov. 101h, 1875. 4 IN( Poli BALE i A bnillnt-toned ard sey tnoch Piano çeop torCab, Enquire let heffice ci 1h11 jppasN Wbîby, N ov. 9tir, 1875. 48 WHTBY HOUSE. - IUNDA&-5T.,WHITBY. thd 41/h Dcy of' peermel* sww.BZDL POBw e 'elocli, noo fon lis >,ur-. DY-iivs te mitato tie qua- =mberaf D -tens, alki th,$ 1,Ihe limesmuS proeeedlnai Pt Dinoho nmd ton snAob et fallure cf auyelotien ou ted for it and, thpi timea o f sifen booka,Msudsno olie;- eDineelOtonsMay iubmiîteo - JOHN J. ROSS'. Tihop, abu i neenliy bull>i, eI6d'n;attentivaeslflens. 4 -N0 T ~i cE B-1 TW-o ONE' Q ne CASES OF ONYkYf-L..ÂEnÀKEý 32kt.AT AUCTION, WHIOH'WE -ARAÊ INGIt"LÈES THA»t"'V4!,Ê IýtANUFAO' TURER8' -PRICES., CASE HEAVY TWILLEb' ¶OME- case Eatr L«re a'd e Blanket8 ýat $8.9' O~LL AiSPLENID 03KO NEW., WINTER SH4WLS AT WOEÀ.F RCS NEW AND,,FASHIONABLE DRESS FrQ 20Cents' a Ya rd. Plain and Chiecked Aberdeen Winceys in great1aundanc. Prices satisfactory:te ail., 0CLO0THINO FOR MEN, BOYS, AND CHILDREN. » STOCK ON HAND-l A LARGE1 ALOA SPLENDID STOCK 0F TWEED AND OVEBC04TINGS I FOR THE ORDER DEPARTMENT. Clothing got up with despatcb and goodl fit Guaranteed 1J BOOTS. AND S'HOES' We are offering, at- a smail ad-vance onù-cagh..,- We ai bound. fot to beundersold. Cail and examine our stock.. In eaoh department wi] be found. a large and wel:se1ect- ed stock of new an'd fashionable goodé, and prices -te suit the hard- timies. A- fuilstock of Groceries constant/y on Hand. cash, manufacturera' orders and.i JAMES OppsiteHateli &Br«. BROO-K STREET, WHI.ÜÎ:-TBY, Will becomplee iii 'wdays in'al LADIE S,- MIS5SE S" AND CHILDRENS', ALSOIN BDo Ys9,'à -YOU THBD1 Remember that KIRK - is' o ffering R UBBERJS AND 0J1ERSHOES, AT WHOLESALE PRICES. - 00--- RIJBBERS! RUBBEIRS!1 Ladies' Rubbers at 40 cents per pair. OVERSHQES OVERSHOE S Mens' Overshoes, . t $l 25 per p air. I Remember that Wýirk repairs ai ojRips, Free of Charge. 1October 2Oth, 1875. E/gin Wa tches! 44 WARE.ROOMS, CORNER 0F BROOK & DUNDAS, STS.,'WHILBY. LOW E'S POUWE L L Have on stock, ful limnes of the foilowing go-odit, t'O -which thcy invite the attention .of inean ucaes Carpato, Frenchi Mernnos, ' SIwls, Fancy Woolý0ooks Boaver Coatiogs, Fancy Dres Ooodo, Scarfe, Hosîery sud 0],Govesý Tweeds, Black Lustres, Printu, FJowerw à Feathers, Serge Coatinge Winceys, SheeMngu, ' ihiionsà B81ko, Sealakin Cloaking. Mantdes,- Shirifui, lHats'& Edhets, Blaekets, Flannels, Clotbing, Velvets, &o.,&c S:E Fal Line, -Cormploezýe in Every Departmnent. .,aý1 To" perpons -desiring te examines stopk eQbgcin# the greatest possible variety, the-newest an ot trctv tye e ol sayt we have it. Also a large stock of GBOOBRIES, and PFUBS. Firet-class Milliners,-.Drees -Makers, Mantile Makers, and Trailors. Ail orders exeouted on short nm'oice. 'A large" stock cf Milliuery ana Fauey iGoode just received.-- 0>. BUFFALO ROBES, WHQL.E.SU, NS. 'LOWES &,'POWELLD. Whitby, Sept. Sth.17. Fail Stock has NQW, Arvd The choicest designis toe7 foünd iii BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, ALL WOOL,17 A Kr% Whitby and Oshawa. 48-tf E/gin -Wa tohes!ý Chas. Fargo, J. T. Bycrson,. T. M. Avery, Francis Ruby, Lady Elgin, Gail Borden,- Dexter Street. Al,,the above:1Movements 511ver Cases. Cheap for Cash, a't in- Gold and * TAY LOR '& BARNA RDS,ý '- .Practical Watchmakers and JYeweilers, Brook st., ncxt door to GroBi lu McNaeht's aiýi*are Soe ,WlntbY, Oct., lSUi1875. -NEW FL TC TO: OUR cuSTOMERg 41W VTHEPU9IB We have inuch -pleà ere announcing the amrivao f aroù E F STOCK." 'You arene doubt'awre that ail classes çf ,Goodb in the-Eurppa Markiets bave beec, greîtly depresied in price... andhaving 'Made Our. p=#lee esrly aoMarfu11v', w. are now able to show Oeeof the beutsttoks for VARIE. TY,,,BTYLE audY4LUE e« offoed 1pWhitby. ODui. Tailorig '?epý1tzont, ~owefl :and fviby1 zi~i irond Whitby, suRa au ryhig we' ave evar beenable to',how -eret~e in plaaiad ficy Tweed., Octings, Vestiffs, &e. 'êéwould .1l6 e41'your spécial attention te an ejeganl s4ortment Of .Dros Goorlpte In 40ie ,'w çmb"ntions of Shadea and vparltyof'styleu. ~Smal 'Wares ana'd mýmpniefnUi ssorted, andl sometbmng very neat in LADIES' TIES tê'iuubb i à famionable eolous; Largest Stock, LaetStyles,. 0Of Boots and Shoes jjüýTb 1 CASE.,ý,ý -,,Men's- Feit, Overshoes, - $ a d e s F e t O v e rsh o e s , - $ 1 M e n' C o rs e o ots ~ 2 0 0, w o r thj - Uorders punctalyateded. Repai JOHN - --ed untilllt t4 M HA M ILTO0N. & COWhib o. Have just received theIr Usuai The Leon WESTI BE ;JLAR&E FALL, A-ND. WI!N TE R THE PLACE'TO'BUY! FOR CONCERTINAS, go to Robertson's. 'A new S tock to hand this week. FOR VIOLIN S, go to Robertson's. 'The finest, best, andl cheapcst stock ini the county found there._ FOR' FLUTES, ACORDIANS, HARMONICAS, go toý .Robertsons FOR MUSIC, Sheet-or Hali-Dime, Instruction Bookse for -the Piano, Or0 u Violin, Elut, &o., Musical Worls-f every discrip. tien, go taeRobertson's. A large stock af ail on hand. FOR~ BIBLES, PFRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, 'Day Books, Journals, Ledgers,'Books, Stationary, and'Fancy Goods, of every description, go ta Robertson'$. TES stock in alth ga- monts is very complete.ilt.dpat BINDING. Binding, Binding. We bind-Books, Maga- zines, Papers, Pamphl.ets, of ail kinde, at Toronto prices. -J. S. ROBERTSON, Bookbinder, Stationer, and dealer inu ~usical Instruments, &o. B3rook Street, Whitby.ý GOLDSMITH'S H ALL, Stock now complete, and selecting and importing MY own goodo can offer superior inducemeuts, to cssh oustomers - ELGIN WATCHES. w Co CO, Gem leo #n vr ais a Emeko, &o. 8 Day imd 80-heu JAMES JO.HNSTONI Practical' Watch-maker. Gol4mlt's aUWfflby, Sept,2u4, 1876. 5 verin IUni ~eldfg pmmemmimne ForanUY GUeReview ....#4 00per mn For îny lb... evews .. . ..10 00 For al four Bevewm ...1o For Blackwood's magazine. 4 -0 For Bimckwoo&m na on. Bte- For Barwo u w Revievi ...... .......10 00 For Blackvod sud. tire. - evlews.-............18 00 ForBimckWoodand the four O B-Âdimeottcf vau'ty par cent. 'viii be sllowed to clubs of four or monspn sons. Tios:-Four copies of Bieeoctr Ofocue Eevte1w 'viibc ment thoee ddeves for $1 0-four- co ies o*ftire Iour e'iew, m=a BUCeIvood for f e OU. haton Application. The Leonard Scott FssblIainlg Co., 464tf 41 Barclay Stroet, New York. ME..JoN R IC E, 0f tii.Towu oi Witby, ih mohhonlzed tu OFFCfrLASSIG-NEE For nme. JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, - offical Asignes. Whtby, Oct. 2t, 1875. . 45 Cm t tepremimes cfth uarE- o t N o.2 5 9 th c o n c e s s io n M i t y a twodi&heanlg.RBm. Theovumr laregut. ed ho tm k e hl - a y a dp a> # otherwise the oanimalwM I xencldludu, course ci 1mw. , DAVID WIGHTON. Novembon Set, 1875. 81n«~45 Myrt Tho abc Verv' HAVE ON HAN]) Me-rchat ..Tailoring. S"R0-0X S TR EE 1 A a mu 'ii rà sd better stock1 g e th e GO.ODIMEN8f" IRiEADY MADE farmers' preduce.' Oshawa, October 26th, 1875. DOMINION, 70" 1 ID lz C3 0 re -1 NO TED FOR REL M BLE GOODS ý'- ýef - , G, > P R I'N