.U& 1n,' A À SPLENDIIQ 1OMESTRAD, eextatning about 01 first.claas Janf, etjlUithe «eo Prince 1?riOOTE F.ARM. tI cîttoattOns tand Its te nleuld tho atoll. Pittgbnre CeottIier- * T 9R:MB.- Postage Ires (o al ubsrber lu CauadA. i Xurw'B WzflxLt. 0o1eyey...-..- . 00 5Con ce fpymn l postage by the pubilshers. 5t1bU0rti1oU to li'Ittt'ÃŽMAGAZIWK, Wmx- v x n uà u$o e,. tdtresà for onu* year. #000 ;or. two 0 olai p .todlci. tu Que adOregs for one y0er, 07 '0; Postae Ù. o. Au Extra VoIpy 01f otber th0 ?4à *à ru, or u$411agtawll bo ,g lel rttfur *è>ery (ïa of 'Tire 8lube t ea1 0 #Ob, Il nermtt4ef-ior, Uta Cloesfor 020 00, v Mhont extra copy - Postage, frèe. llaak Nombers o"a t.. mppisa t atny time. r The Âinnnal Volues.ot "Urpe's Wely.» lit nos$ lti ndtao wI l e cent by oxpreua.4 fror - cpn.,fer $si400 euh.A oewulalte do, cptsictt te Viuen ot onr. Pal ' klnto the tflntrsânof thé cn- tnl lteutatlonAl Exposition. Ne*ses<aeont b op this dertime IMPE & YÛÃ",ýËBONewYork. ~koNÙE ÂliOR 1ýGAE>3. Baye o Uigt rom lte Prose Beatty's, Gol4on Tongue -Parlai Organz, hâve Wou for tbeuisolven Ma goiod rePýtAtlOn fat aud.wid.-Waohirigton (N. J.) Str, W.,wounld rooumend tbis excellent In- .trumeut ta the. wrld for ltt fitinanes 91 ton.-Pcteroburg (1(I) enoarut. *Woodhtuc Lodge oi Odd Fellows lbas pur. gl.na enut Ileattys o lfiraTongo, Or- aniued it late I...t tinstrument ever brult tu tii tovuu--Woodwtown (N. J.) ing -ter. Thit nîumnt dgi4t4 eiitir't'btti)jtitl>f Mfy lruther, 'hu pu'haged the èvgau, Je Thuut, wlto ih t)ptîrchuse a frt.elame - iet;trinont fur horn#', lit' rchurclt nîuai tlttll tty a Becatty bt.yai mnu a.-Ilr' lt4tsoe eqttii tu tthnroiet w' itav uver li t j ruoisttieeê i s t, oiaifitorre Itanol. le. Halte laptter tu, Finlay (Onici> A reptaîlutn v iait îdn.e.n iLla above i, tlpl.vian ! iy re !Inloriiol by the htgh. e8t ilitusialn uthor.ties; thrtiihout tiht irurîi vs th oint t-t. ch4ies (Mo) t60u81P. Agents iwauted &îerywher.. ta .'.nvassn for thls tiperior hiâtrutsavxt. Ad.lIre#ii, DIANIET F. BEIATTY, W'4]lingtoil, N. . The Leoîrd Scott Pub'g Co., f41L Barclay. Street, New Yor-k, four liea'tiiI'g Qtil l'te.riy 11.vii"w, JJ()NDON Q t'A RTl1I2BY LIVtEW (o. srv.tf o> tlittrimn of tai tlittle t, 1sud lvittgbi ini Litratuti, solunjc0 antd Art; atfd 'Plts raast poworftî ioît:ly lithe E. unglilii * lattgnage, fetmosfor storisa ]sayt at * ijiQtohvv, ailthe llilgittet ii!rary aterit. Teertais(niteeh,ng tatcouf, payable ltritty Ilit edvsmtîr :-- Fo.r atly tiua lleviow. .. 4 M 0raQr nnltîm i"irt my tvo ovioe.iî 7 PUt ir utv tirp't~îw,, 11V ................. 7 Du VFr lttu..'kwol',d eut t ina *ltetilewi . . . . I.. . .lu ou Ful L1tckwood l .ttd t1tti.' llttiiewti............... o ...iew .............11)00 <'btg.lî»oiii.t 'J1 twenty , pr Ivent. vili be taitoweci e lut t0our orzmorv er of aun le viwl',benuliaevnt ta o.v o.fidvvcm#foi- $12 ft);)four vo ,tc'a ut tlie tour Itoviewmanad n itît uttitiv prti.' lata .uay ba * 'lte'Letouiird lratIublIig (2 o., 46f 41 Barclaey Stret, N..'w York. ui~i~rnxï~CULEBIFAT- B 1'q .L.A Jk Y L) ' GOLDEN TONI,*U£" lrior Organe aie ranked by ftuiinent inuiian, ats the leatting orga.n ua nît unue. For ilti h' urch, Sabbuth Satnico, lodga or 1'arior they ttâve no su. perior throtigli6out the. worid. We challenge any rmanufacturer- ta ..quai thuntfor awuet- neséand vtoume.of toma. Whero we )lave nu agents ire wiil allow any oue wîebiung lu btythliaagente dh.acout. Agent» wanted evorywhlere. Sontl tamnp for liaI of teeti. tttoolaIs tandIcratuler of thilt wonterftîlmu. dia protliug instrurnînt. Addreo, I>ANLETnIII. 1îI-A'rTY, Wahtlngtou, N. J. Agento Wanted lu everyT.ouship1 Outtarîto beU tha fîlîtoua Plrizo Mda rgau manufactur. bd i.y tihe Smilla Awaricau Organ Co. antd George Stock ala Co.'& pÃAnne. ta fit.clal aenelsud litlie of titA. Clrouieansd prwe liaât seut fre.op N. ]b.-Ali instruments wsxrauted for iv. érs 1t .WHITIs, ae senibly o! the V Q4ae e nais t Kt F4usiwn for plsifilît01 aIlAct lu ns% 01 North ' t.~5 ui&,rIa atohb. vu euLa~mfie t i.StuIay ~>e lita, titi. tOIla dayof Octob~, ~0~fOE.' s a berbs bo vo ba aîô(êi by the owner, Dr. FooMta, b ffr te ubove viluale * ktylraile, caaxo'sed TOWW$SHIP OiY' RE AUX 1 Cotatnlig by a.incaeanyeuîett 150 acres of ceieralaneaep xeept abouSthr,ý ocres oldtôtb eP rt WVhitby &trPort Perry Ra$lweyConîpauný' There are about 180 Acres clearad andina a goti d ate ci cultivab. tloul thea balence là covereti vith Hst't. wvoodtimtber, Thero are erecleti ou the preoxisa a Y'rsoe Dweiig Ronge, luge sud comuiediotis Bai-ns, Stable sud Ot Iousee. Thid chance of securng one of the mot deirable .Uomnteado Ln lh. Province et Ontario, ohould draw the attention ed those seeklni oe ni, te miaI ofo nce thé. moct progressive portions o! the Do. ottiulo. Teruta vry lib4rai. TItiltit.. putelele. F'or tutîter parlieularg appiy to JNO. & D. J. ADAMS. Paît I'P<rry, fCel. th, 1874, 4141t ONTARIO BANK. DIVIifL-'ND No. 87. Capital Stoc tri i iis Institution lioelia day bicn eecieretl for tb. curcint lait year. sudI tuat te arne *111Ilb. payable ît the Blank a tuti bbranchas, oit and i eter 1Vedýîeedu1y; 7là fdail ecoea'- ext. l'hc Trinfer lacit, wilU ho closeS front the lôti te ta h Novetufîer next, bath days Inclusive. By arder cf the Bioard. D. tFISHERl. Geutrai MituâeaiOntario Banka. 'loroîto,22nt Oct1875. 'l'El E tlZ' LCI)Y'110!1 N'huelî (>ftlbe u,'ed 1by a tiîncely î'csoi-t to tlii.. etind- îIi'll rcImInatit), Iis be118 ecn 1p1-ovc<I.by the hîîudî'îd> of li -tbtîollialsrî "c'tvc-tiLy the cdged by mîtaîy pr'<iuiunt tt'oduc'ed forî' Lie î'elief* and an -i offer Ltît 'ou1iuti S'a ît ioiuetIbY the cxpt-ie~nce ft oh miterfoity yea's. 'Wlien r'oîto l t ohu 8tî.oî it (1 (101,1 .iil'i -Io euflèct ua peedy 011iI lte itîost sevcî' cuaesi4of Coig-19 ittlixcilîtis, Croup, X looiîg (ougli, 1iifltieîîz.t, Ast ina, Colds, Sol't> T1i-oat, Paims ci- Sore- in 4 îlthe eChest cani Side, Lit'ei- oîprit lcYn tit1 flie i luug, &C~. 'Wistat" S D:Lmttîî docs liot dry 111)a (2otigil, and l'at'e the cause bo.tiiîîî, asi s fi aewith îuîî»t Jn-epaurnion't, but it lOOselil4 anid, ele:îîîses thîe luitig, antd allay-s irita-tioi, tiuuý3l»r'eloviuti lîe Cause of the co.nplaiit. PRr«tr'îtrt l'r fIT W 'OWLE A&liONS, Bostan, Mat»., TWO TRI1PIS JAILY St,-arer CarY OF TORfON't1O (C ~t. Dtck> boaves daily fouto ot iYtgae treet,' -, routa, et 7 e. nm., sud 2p 1). t mtr'iceNiag. araat 9t.tO a. tu., andI4.31 P. rt., lau-ioa et 10 e. tm , soi 6 p. in. Colî,.ioits fer ta "lls, Btuffalo, (Ilv'elaud, lioclieote.r, AlIauy, 4sw I'ork, B3ostotn, &c., &. Tick. et. ma0'd1aIntformatiton t ho. 8,leIrnt Streçt. 1July 27, r875. r"ý-. B.MILIOY, Aet Burneti:'s Oocoaine Burnett's i ocoairie 1'reni mex lt- im Ileotly t'1, i Burnett's Cacoaine Burnet'stio'oiori"t ti Burnetts (ocoaine Lr.'tt'v 0iiri oB taied oai t'. Burne-W's Oocoaiiie Afoitte he.'uor lo. EBurnett's Oocoainc .Oo ot a el..it lo "ei-k.. 'Burnett's Cocoaine At'aIcllIte1's st Ltare. Burriett's Cocoaine t,,e e î, t ot m ÂeetIaait. Burnett'8 Oocoaine T'ittoettt' Longet lit Etre'o1 50 and 73 ascIi per 0.111.. "ERY DAVIS & SON a LAWIIENOE., - mOfITR1EAL, P. Q- Agieaufo os- ciliesof Cmcsa. JOSEPH SBIRNET & CO., BOSTON,_ Ppu pis-s. TIldE TABLE No. 'IL. Taliac eflet u ouelsy, Jann 7, 187ô, 'Trains i-uts byll'arà oto (jtiic, whiah is en. we mi3aontte lewer thon 01T.1. lirae. *ifl bAibloode- 0,9 - sa .40 pin. maliiiimtr ..... 620 aýam .... #Bum it ..... , #.W5am., 7.05 p.bn. 10.42' arn . 27pM. 619a.m. 2.1 . pn M 4uttt .2 .. .O 5untnlt .111 a.m idem ONItA TEAÀ ST B Y CXJIB S ON r & STPA IVEL L g5 Ilhdsi., Crates, and Cases,'ctontaummg the--LargegtBs * and Cheapbst -Assortment of China, Gla8-Wâre, and Fancyj<>,podq' 0f al kinds evel ex.hibitq4 d W hitby China Teà a Sottet, frai -$*50 ta, 20. Fancy Vases, frai» 10 cents to $.50, per pair. China Mottoed Cupa and Saucera, from 15c. te $1.50 escb. China Mottoed Mugi, Card Baskets and Fanoy*e~u IX" IN ENDLESS VARIETY 17 ltANe'v TOIL&T SETTS, FROM Si TO $S, PER SETT. *Ladies, ailthie aboyé. having been purchased expr essly for Christmae présents; Ithey viii ho aold chieap and without reserve. Pleasê 'Cal! ad examine for youreelves bofore purchaeing elsewhere. t.-« Also on htîni, a fîil assortment of choic Tees, Fernily Orç,ceries, iFruihtawl Spicea of ail l kinde, Hours, Bacon, Lard, fluttor, Âpples, Pots- OYSTERS, boat brauti, alvays on liand. GIBS0ON&SPARVELL'8. lVhitty, Doc. itt, 1874. LIST 0F ATTCTIONEEIRS* Licensed for South Riding of Ontario, North' Ftidinjg of Ontar'io, an.d separate Muuicipalities lun Jamies Digly, Jr. . James Digby, Jr..:- Johin L. W'tkia. ....- J. C. lilkey ... MUaiu ones. Thomias H. Walshe, Anthonystteele,. J. C. NWiddific 4'-. John 1. 0.ea, .. Tahu ILt.-Page,... Thoamatonchr,. . L. Irairbankii, Jr.. 1).» McKy ...... E. H. cemecron... - C. Moorei.. eoliu MetIlîl & Ca..- iloili l na,..... T. H. Waah,. . Witn. t3'rdort ... LIST 0F A. J.itogn Jamesa lriggi4.... villitby, Oet., 18751. TOMS cieremont ... Claromnont ... Potrt Perry.. satteid. Mauillia... 13x1bridge . stoufiv .Ille,.. State New Yoi-k, Whitby ... Thai-ali. Aitîbur . Thnrth. Sitiderlatid. MnuimapLrr. South tRiding. - Uxbritigc..... North -Iltding..:. North Riding ... Bli-Ch ............ Brock........ .... Scott,............. North Rtiing.** Northa Ritiog,.. Souh Outai-lo,.. llrot.k,.... ...... South Ontario. . South lti.lng.. Muas.......... Tltorah....... 41)........ ,.... South Riding ... Tîtarali....... (Io ....... ...... Briock . ........... PEPLERS FOIR THE CO. Port Ferry..... Onte horse, Çuunty, Cattnington . On FootCaunty,. - Oatw......On foot....... liroo.kliu .. .... 1 horse.à ...... WM. LAING, the latter. Liçzxos Empars. Oct. 251h, 1876. dot OcIétI, 1876. dot Set.95h, 1876. ot. 281h, 1878, No0v. 181h. 1875. No-r. lith1875 Dec 8Iif76. Dec. Ilîb, 15,i De.. 241h, 1875. Jan. 12 , 187. Peb. lct, 1676. Feh. lst, 1876. ue 28, 1lad. se tb. 20. 1878. 22, 1876. 2c.9., 1876. 18, 1876. "19. 1876. 19, 1876. ONTAIRIO. Nov. 1th, 1875. Nov. 21%t 1875. 2lîb April, 1876. Sth May, 1876. Co. Treasurer. &NE:WPO RT MANUFACTUIIERS 0F CARRIACÉS -& SLEUOHS,7 1)LJNIAS STRIEET, WHITBY, ONT. Have now on hand, ready for the road, a fir-st-ciass assoutmeut of Single and Double Buggies, w'licli for strenigth, liglitness, style and finish, cannot lie excelled. 1 Also on i atid, anîd for sale cheap, several, Ladyts Phoe. tons, niee antid gltof the latest and most appraved styles. Parties bîîyiîî- Cutriîî ges wil finid il dlecidedly to their adjvantagc ta exzamina aur Style andl Prices haLai-e pnrchaeing eliewire. Ever%- Catirilge*isalt i. tnari.tti tb[e cf tte b st mttteiil and wiorlcmanahip, suid >t gViîaraimtecd to gi%tv atiafactiotî to the buyet'. (y Ail wilI ho sold at cost. Ail work warranted. TOMS & wliîby, August 25t1t, 185. CD CD Mc'- NEWPORT, Whitby, Ontario. t- t- This Untel ie ituoteild in thie central portion of tIie cily, convenicit' ta ta -wholesale establishtments anti public buildings, sud fe~ touriste attridntomercial tî'avuliers (s aa unaI ligible tituation. Tihe hans. ha. Itoan titnrougltly rc-orgtîui;zed sud re-furuishçd tbroughont, sud (c fitted un ute moat coufortabla andl fashionablq, tyle, equal ta any firet'çlas biontse inthet Dominion. The bedroorne anti drwipg.rootcs ore large an airy, and tîe lieut exultai-y regulationo arj obseeda. Te large aud couveulaul camplo icorne, for the oqcoa à sion cf Cointuercial Travollers, are corunodione, anti conveie'nlly lociileti on lte ral faI. Oninibuses andi Carniages alwaye ready for (he accommoaation cf ieste arniving by aillite teains -and seamboatc, ant alo (o convey ti'PU ta tite dopots ani warveg au leaviug. Ga. ennedy, farmerly of Qaeen's Hotol. Owen Sound, Manager. TeleLcraph Office iu counecîion with Ibis Houa.. _TERNIS, si *~ 50 PER DAY. Furn iture!1.Furniture! Now is the time to buy good and cheap riurniture. llaving boughit out the business lately carried on by James H. Sanîlo, we talie this opportunity of Inviting hie maliy finds to givo us a caUl, and we ean assure al that we are prepared te do as well by them iu the future, as Mr. Samao htas doue in the past. Ti LL & JOHNSTON.l Orders by mail promptly attended. tto.ÃŽ 'IJNDERTAKING.-The only first- c1as~s E stablishînent in the Cou.uty wheie fuiuerals are fui- ly suppIied. TILL WItitby, ,ýOetber lot, 7. JOHNSTON. F-R-ED E R I C K NL Wff0LESALE & 1RETAIL DEAI"fl U13 OCJiJJ3IES, WINES AN-ý ýHÂS REMOVED TO FAREWELI SBL OCILý AGEPNT FOIR DAVIES & BRQ.,'S Ceèlebra&ted X raià Aç4l~tx ~QIO~ BRA~u8.'P OJARS PND TOBACCOS Alr- "ÀAi w 2;OT t ff, Pr H TsuD 9 , N c S U-vP L->M7 i Tir fî:~~ I t' fr ty, omrt in M ry elbov ceii utoedlgtfuldona'feel SinceI've eait t Wooa Thou knovest Iliat vhen thon vr ;ftiye This vsnxng's heard ferni'hwj f And ht i h0e66rneTes. Wooda, vhý OSl0sochoic. a OUP, And won snch -vide renovui, .-ý1 H neyr. beau like -thee vornx> ii, Noryèt likib'theei, ý auw »owit. WOODALL'8 OLD CUTY T/wB ritish Amorioan Commercial * College, T OR ONT 0< W'1s established i ni181, and i e nov thé, moit papular and extensive school in the Dominon fer thée, dueafion of Young Mieï, Mùidliaged'Mo<n ant- Boy#, in, coïniiiaibranohea. Speciol attention in, given to, the science of Boolckeeping as appliedt t evcry departunent o! Trade anti Commerce ; elso te PRACTICAL PENMA.NSHIP, COMMERCIAIà AMTHMETIC, COMMXER- CIn A W, BUSINESS CORRESPONDUNC2, SPELLINO, k.. Its graduses are competant socountanls, anti ara eugh(.fir iy nurtîants anti business meu.iuawenl cf hlp, roi» ah parts of lthe Provlà és. 'I ý - 9:ý Thare are no vecations. Stidttis way enter et euy lime with equel oad- *Ramambir titis jasà fâli course commaeiîsi a.choel, anti conneoled vilh foniy cthers locateti ai Montreel andthle principal, citiea of th. UnitdiSlates. Terma teoobleeond loywer ttan mont cf te olter sebogls inutheAssocaition.«- Âny parmon'isendttig thfr nomne anti atdres. and .îaelosilig six cents ini ata.nps, wilI receive by nebi-n mail a piaca of O-iuheut'ol panmenship, ipecimenu o! Busines ia aneiuiip andi Circulai-. A TEACHER1S CLASS WILL BE OPE-NED DYU1ING TEE HOL1DÂYS ai very loy rates. * Addtresa, ODELL & TROUT, Toronto. OR GAN CO'S.1 NEW HAVEN JUBILEE N'Oý0-RVILLE lias them-Splendid Instruments-and aili salIl hm et prices liaI wiIl surpris@ yon. il you ever expect 10 buy ona. now is the lime. Be9 cure (o gire me a oeIl before .buyog. A good aseortmant of Clocks, et wholeoule priaes, to close out lthe lot. Clo0ks, Watohes, aud Jewel. ry neatiy andI promptly repotreti. H. W. NORVILLE, Dundas Street, Oppdïdât 1k. 'Potl Office. 851GENTS CLOTHJiN'G AND FULRNISHING GOODS Foir Superioe' Clothing suitable for Sumimer wear Iry the Ciothing Store and Merchant Tail- Orning establisument of ~J-Q DUNDAS STitEET, WHITBYi 0, 1.Q FIT AND STYLISHI CUT WA4RANTED 1 Gent's Furnishing Goods of ail kinds, includingShirts, Hota a.nd Caps, Unibreloas, &. Wiýitbyý tuly;,27tb, 18701. 1<41 JOHN ST'ON'S SELF-RAKING RE-APER AWARDED THE FIRS8T ,PRIZE1 At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. We offer tLu Vr custome C frth ornm irvs to dis- tinctî Machinea, which in atyl,eand construction, embrace the iatest aud muaI useful ýimprovements of the day. THE "RING oz,,"43 BX,'f ýIhe univert3ai succese of this Machine, both in closeily contest- cd trials aud lu the hands of the. farinera, warrant us ia saying ual, ase s Self-Rak- luvIaipa Mc jà 4 ic, 'lu bas >ore ood pginî sud lest.de(ets, und bau met wllh Mor Mi94eq , ial&~s aoà re. hhsvi hîrelofore ofleredt tethe public. CAYUGA JUNIOR: MOWERI 4ie were awarded the First Prize and pIma, aI the Prcvin- niai Exhibition, beldinluToronto, 1870.in cîplto t lh latgMcinsu miltuufaplqredAnthe. Province ;sud w!ýb Our menct -haprovieenes. wê'uuhà llt- iangf ~*a ée, i nveaigait!on and,,cqOîpaà eipon wyulcompetirg Machines, we aré uh1îled that cuth inyes 't[gitfofl wtI bonvin ne srery Mnprjudicc4 mUoid (bat we ofer- bbc best Vower'îo the Fariner for l74bul-W Wté'Dc.njnon. -ý 'Sind 1r ýdesc rip.tive. aMal ogues. BRO & PATTERSON. JV ST TjPLQ ]300T AND SHI MAER, Has n ow ta-, hand a larme and varied stock of ~QQTSsAND SHOES. -- --0------- - e ériptio f I ddiÀrbOOK STOVES, 'WOOD .C00KSTOVES8, .BASE ]3UBNEBS, COAL 1S0UTTILES, O4 ÃœUSSIA. IRON STOVE PIPE, CORRUGÂFÉED ELBOWS ?6LADEý IN ONE PIECE. BROCK STREE T, ' T'~ Whitb.y, November Grl, 1875. CARRIAGES -AND »1JGGIESO M. 0'DONOvA&N'S Carriage Factory,,Brook-st., WHITB Y. YF13ýY OHEAP. OALL &SEE THEEM, NEW. AL L Q»DS W. i J.HCT IE & A LARGE -NEW STOCK New Dress Goods, New Frenchi Merino5, New.Black Lu'stres>, New Wincies, irFarmers produce taken ini exehange. CLOUU(lI & 11YAMN ~OIN CD.'S- (Lido Simnions & Cleugli "Organ Ca.,) I ' I VmJ C~B*f~V A N D GRAND COMBINATION,0ORGANS, FITTID MUiTE TEE >txvLr.iicvFXitv scRtIBNER'S PATENT QUALTPYING TUBES, An inven tion having, a unost important bearing on the future repttetion of Beed Instrumente, by maous of whichbte qnolity or-volume of lotie i. vriy largely increased, aud the. qnolily of tons ren4éreti Equal te that of thé »e9tei;ye Organs of the isanie Oapacity. our celebrated IlVaY_'Caeetç," I"Vax Hunana," Wilèox ratent," "Oc- tave Coupler," thie charminq IlCello" or Il aronette"' Stops,"Geme Horn," *1Grenions," e'Vax Angelet," IlViole E thieri u ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENT S Caxu bo obtatinéd 'ol4Y initheso Organa 1 c:j Fifty Different Stylet, fo i te!>arlor and the Church, the Béat Mglerisi anti Workmanship, Quolily anti Volume ef Ton. Unequalleti 1 PRICES, $5o TO S5oo. Esefarystiti Wareroomrn,*Cor. ofli sud Congress Ste., DETIrooa, Michigan. (Ealablielatti in 185J.) Agents Waubea in u vmr County. Atidrég- CLO'UGH& WARREN ORGÂN GO., DETROIT, MlICH. THE 0LSTAND, [ E 8,7,A 13L[1SAHE 18133. WNM. TILL, -PIROPBIETOR New Pai'iqr Sets, New Bed-roomi Sets, New Dininl-- 00M Sets. a areýstoc]k of -Canean W 14 boards. Hair,, Clothb, and DamuskLou-'e',Couhs A-fl;"*c.' Al n o'N ew Oilt0Wî -COxiis'cèp Th~eI..rget aîd .liapet scwkof ictrése'ver br0u ght i the n'ies.f hic.1,ifers at priýes that will not failito S:eTeundernigedwishjes to state to bis uIdustom ère ana thé puiblic er.lyla thoelobe4nfan!t thé "iOU) >~.~4aiîitfboughtoutcinovsolti out, and t;in-owa onncfll '~~(isui'eta.ip1t' IA 24 r.4ýn Awarffed li e Rghe« Modal a5 Vienna. E. H,.,* T. ANTIhONY- & co., B9 r 'oadwtqy, e. Yorkc. <Opp. 1 retrepotîtan BoteLI o Matnufacturars, !rnportena anti Deals Là t CHROMOE ', ND FRAgZÇES pRÉOTýOORAPHW1 C'MATERIALS. W.ar caqnrtei-5 for everytlting in lite wsy o -- Bbg Manufactiarérs cfilthe Micro.-.Scieatific Lanteru, St e r-Paioptitoll Vniveratty gtereoptican, - Mvieers stereoptleost, Artopticen,' acHOOL LAS. TzRn, AMILTLAIiTKRR, Each k.liaboing t flt ilo!It l lea u lb. -Caliiogne. eOf xainrm anti Sud.. ith dir-ectin forun'seint On &PPIicAtllon, Âny enter piaing IL Un e makt'mo»5y w(th a Ma5 'léLitaui SWCutoutthis adrerlifet»auhtrrfercea p ATElqTS FOR InVIM NIN Expeditlonsly andi proparly.securt inuCiii. ada, the United State.sand __Europe. Pa. tent. gueraiteeti or no chi-t . e entifoi- printeti instructions. .gency.. r là ration tel, yeei-. HENRY GLU~ST, e_ - lttaw, -tiaada MecasiaBEgince, Sollotor oî'!Iants anti Darangllisman. 8 F OR SALE, tICHEÂP. Thal beaubiful brick reaitienos n b* -m TOWN 0F zWHITBY W1L SON' PROPERTY, a pi-aient occupiat by R. E. Lswder, Post Maemer. Thia place ia most beatnbfiy itus;Oi enjoying thé cool rtfresbing brussas the 1ut t awtc present a beautifol rounds vhucetlngthe fluait iu town, aà e beaut(foly Isit t, andi 'stock., etI with eafne cefleeton eof dowaring ibrubi anti plants, sa choie. fruit tracs.' Intendlng purchasera aur effpctfullyin- vîted to inspeel the, oaisz,'oibwhleh they ai-cus o t.e.le é,bomot more se than mith tae terme whuul utay ho knowo by enquirn~g et the offie of FAREWEIJi & BtUTLE)GE, CuS;T«ms DEPARTME-NT,I -UVTËlIZPD DIRCO'CUT '01 tice, 15 a et 46-If CoioLhlener of Coboa- E. J. HA4LE d SON, Publ8hera, a7 Murray St., W. Y., Are now laining, te mnhcrbe.nly THE THISTLE -ADDITION, the only fully flhiitrateti Erai" n o! TRe WAVEZLEY. 1N0VEL$- o! .&mrican ioske evarefterad le the public_. 01lthtez of S!St-Walter Scott it i., o! consa, unne rytýP yab>.. cfthé style of mantifacluro e I=- es ioir nt Poaf, "thabea i#m ffti. Ea eins -Fé*tyehvolumnes, avensprg 4W10pages csh, aidcoutslahýnît.ay-4ro fhmsswii voluniasJsuetimo»t4f PRFoi leth5il0xnovolun w ,S1JI Ea # s gUt t 2-0a CHAS. e'1ABNEY. Gnt'1 Care E. Balek &5Un. 17 4moi'st., y. y. ESTATIOr. TUE LATE HENRY. HOF.KINS: 'TIEIAlporins inidebU o the b Wëest thé la Isieeîry Baekng, ai-o ie- k fso t itubs e'tlî-mnt JofLthe . =plulth -7êe &til, dearieSsreion)gelune qnirft'tafinte bparticolar et0ttae asmete the undtisie. imOIG urK A .r A calls iuvited toi VIOL' ~1~IY A. SPLENDID STOCK 0F' cO0B-S. 0-F ORGANS. New Cotton Good4) R]ÈADY-MADE CLOTING For Men, and Boys. A choice assorteuient of G R OC ERI E S AND LIQUORS.. fil Y O 3. rj fr - ia à ' ( A O. t. PC 'Te itea c Pin -o ikes tp order every. des- ý,,4ne, onthe shortest' i