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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1876, p. 1

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,5'éUJWOIP'Rf frr I ,,t I '~ ~ LVU A NONLIS 8L.*Q 9, 000, Street, 1)îbgwa,4 '$otaryPublho, c9fcMM1i' Block, flrock âtreot Whmtby, Otaio. C0,VEYANOERM. à.' ~Q0"-. vu4l40rn0 uig 4lçargrli, oaxr, W ." w4i iit ità"lL, m uiStoré. ?lItieué aÈa dbiuiiériorth auiéc of r liq. f #Ânàtl . YTE TU iu'te don u fthé BU!LDER Â,ND CONTRÂCTOR, or Ailordri promptly cxeccted }IARDIESSING AND BHAVING Balcon, Bfock St., Whitby. A ENT l'OR' 'TU' Y#CLBBRÂTED *X«1é~ oble .Worki JO#* -CARTER, ~TIOBN~EDAUCTIO OR 8TUB L outÉl'of 'Onatéro, YorlcanA Poil. 'ôde , ftBBh Coeuuion Mfériliai. Poil O01eécý-UftIouvll. ales attoendnd tlwhb*rsnotce mud o% reiponabeterme. Torm"" e WmiZ d i sb iprlnted at thé CisOixzcL. Office for Ut Carter. -GEOiIGc-e CCJIUACK, T ME~E1CHANT,CABPBXTER 'M sd JO (tuGéu Strict, Whitby. A larÈ. qàantityý ef il1- indi cf lumbér cou- UNPERTàIING.-Fuuerale faUiysp plled lud ttou4ed ou short notice. coffini kept cousttiy on bisA. AÀlarse te litre 1i . MDLL, A T H B R L Yj Clark.Dlvlirn Court, Tp,.-Clark, commjs-inlaB., Land Agent. ho., &04o.,Athoely, ouaty Ontario. Alborly 94Î. Sud, 1872. 86 DI,$$ ARpiIN S&.BOGART, Phylsidan, Birgeoué,l Accouchera, ho., &o. ROT. 'ÜIfMAT, 9t. D., L. M. EDIN. GIrOe d ih onoré) e1 thé University cf Qitieu'g Clle , Canada; Phlladelphia * Unv. cf Moela euand sur a y; Amcrlcî of the UnIv. M Edinburg, scotind. cor- oner for thé County' oi Ontario. Office- 3ColAvqdr Bt., Orilisa. ; A%tth, 187. irS ORIB8TINO AND FORN. The Bubcriber havng erected on 'hi prée. mises, iBoflO, 1lai é u.drAgo etWy, a, firit-clasi UMlilyth &aI l :t tit Ilprové. ARS N ND UOOPPINO, MiTerme, WhithY'4oyémher Sth, 187K. 4 _P1ESCRIPT!ON FRE VoR thé pélyOie0fSmns ek ~n2esé,,LoetMunhocd sud ail disordérs broutht ou b>' iàdisrélionîor exeeî. Au>' Druiéitliai thé Ingrédienti.AMregs DD ON, 4'ÇQ% Mo290, wYork. ç,' ôOnwGoE,,, - OW-. PRoP3RR- t:~ ~ b"tnwr ~!wo, 1alpw~ay ~abPU isp1 . *~d1rO f - Ide GEOEG~B80W4 PBOBm29" les ' oéothuupalrouT.L :B~BB AKT nBANTRUX ,MEEZCA HO3TE L, 'A~T mdhb STATONe. W.I7B.r, POTBITO. Hoai" tewlthyin and q4 u inlhed hroaato cf q2.îts. ÂnOfn ate an rom fl tain. ,fut.LIg Rpéroa Pnttutku tht audaveg horue soIII hue ni we-Iéùs wcasupof ithl J.P ALR, - OKIIEEOUL,) 1jThofnoroln.dirtofosunu T HI T 0R' N-'T 0. 'h. moît Elégant, Cuil>and Perfect Hotel lu thé Dominion. Thiseligoe!ackuovledgez ne rival, cither iu its. management, appolutmcutn or oas. tion. - lathé latter respect 1* affmodiits guésa cbarmiug ind unobitructive ,iev 0, Laké Ontario. iN93FThé ducast Waterscapé viéw iu Canad. It bai 950 rooms furuishod wlth il thé ndruimproveménti. MOGAW & WINNBTT, A MBTRONG HOUSE, (LArE ZALBION,) WHI'PBY, ONTAUÎO. E. ARMSTRONG- PROPRIETOR. ROYAL HOTEL, WNITE>', ONT. A.. HINDEB, Ja., - PROPRIETOB. Commodions Sampl-roomi. Omnibus meotailU train@..27 Wffl TY HOUBE. DtTNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (Vii? 0W POiT OmWo£.) JOSBXPH A. BJZDBL, .PBOPBIETOB. Thés houai" h eau recenti> bnu i l large Md 8 00%y. sd ;UMup lu driasi style. Boit Winoî 'Liquorusud Cigars; fresh Lager Boeer. ôood itabliug and en- closed yard; attentive estiers. 4 GLOBE HOTEBL, BROOKLIK, ONT JAS. POWELL . PROPRIETOR.- VIRiW.CLAO AIOIOMDâTIOV. F àf]RB $MCHAIfIC'B HOTEL, 1ERouoiRAu, OTAIXO. SB. WEBB, .PROPRIETOR. Beol Liquors sud Cigare aivays ou hma, Mah I0I, 187s. 14 Doe te intorm isIefrieudisud clthé public that ho carnies on thé Lîver>' huslnos at R &T'S -0L D StA N D. Pàrtica rtqutrlug ouvfleyacé--coverod aud epen-can be sonii dt a a oment'i &XCH. BIEIDON.' Whltby, Sept. 21, 1875.8 BOBT. K. YO1UN,, PEOPRIEToR. ùiry $e.,lrniéod te patrtiéaréquhugit awmuli acoïnidi, ,,, 5 BEWELL. I 'i tdim tm*îu 'A l~'R Nilit. cp efaitva 0 . ftm]ANE TYLR. ESaTAILýi1 !T *an an GLEN 'MAJOR - MILLSI 000,00 PiaFouéLuanhr, veWséuned. Miplé for axiui, lit quélit>', Basivood', * 15.000 Lt. quareTler AI i of hli vilsia cheap for cash. Re vould ise heg yt a>'t lthé Griét MUlité ruuulug,imud 15 doingdrst.oaso Ohopig onos6dsys in tUivée>, for evor> lla. MAJOR. Propitr G00»D NEWS FOR TUE LADIES. À NEW REVELATION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DBESS-MAXING. OORNWÀLL'S BELF4IITTING WÂIST & SHOULDER CHART. îDroises ftted trois measurmeul ie without change cf a éilch. ,For sale, villi fris lustruolenst a M1ISS M cIN T YBEB' S DREES-MAKING RoOus, WaRIT. Agetsanled. Lihénal luducoenîs te lieé tradle ,Whttby, Ag 1,1874. -84 L UMBER I LUMBEM i 1a The undersignod having bes appolulodl Agent--anS acsoShippîugAgent-Ion lie extendfve Lumber ArmaI Messrs. Smith Co., ni Fenelon Fille, lia opeued,fl connuc- lion villi hi cîber promises, su-extensive I3L-UMBER YARD Adining thé WWitjayàh Fot Ferry Rail- va>' Station, vhono hé keeps coustautl>' ou hana-a lange sud complote stock of Luniher of all indi for sala, vholemale as retal- Pbanolug machino, sud ail hindi cf vont ex. ecated prompti> , oroden. GO. CORMACE. Whitby, Ma>' 27, 1878. 22-tf JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, 0f tle Town cf Whithp, bas heen appointeS OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, <IJNDER TUE-EW ACT,) For the <bush>' of Ontario. Ail business entrasted te hia chargéevil'bo crefUl>'at- tesSeS te. Whithy, Jas. 14th, 1874. 81>' M A-JOR MILLS. T. P., WHITE wili, ou the 14th Octoher, 1875. reigmé con- trol cfthé Major Mii, wheu hé vil hé prcparéd to pa>' THE HIGHEST PRICE for any quantit>' of vheat delivered At Whitevale. Hé wili mike ever>' effort *0 give ontire satisfacto-to thoié who may patrcnize the. mil vitb thoir grlstiug. Flour sud Feod cf thé boit qualît>', as ab reaeonabié prices, wvilzaise hakept cou. stanîl>' on liand sud for sile. T. P. WHITE. Whitavale, Oct. 6th, 1874. a1 BEATL-rTY9SOa.OHTH SOHOOL, Hail, LoB ga, Office Cabinet Or- gane, Bot in é Bndîtmpter oru- l.Adarési, DANIEL PBETTY, Washin gten, N. J. A hriliat.toued sud easy touoh Piano, ohéap for Cash. Buquira at thé officeocf tht. paper. Whitby, Nov. Oth, 1875. 4 do A action fà commission Rooma, Opposite B lack's Hotel, Xing SI., Oshava. Rtegoiar Sales evor>' allerusO.. SaturAs>'l siteruocu aud eveuing. Fint sale an Sat- urSs>', thé 101h IULY TItant, aIl1 o'cleck,j P. ni, Cosilgnseut Slcited. ;aléa lu Tovu sudCocuntry' conunctéd ai ninéL. For Toru=, &c., Appi>'At Baieé Booms, O8hava, or at Office, lntby. Whithy, lui>' lst, 1875. 28 THE EEBT HORSE M ED 1-01 Alldscrplius c th bot Hmeé di- iN"No chargeoforale ce N. BAT. YOE TO LIND 1 Houmi, sud a, large Brick Houai. For bu, sappi>' *0 G. YOUNG SMITH. Wlithy, Job. 9th 187. 7 WM, 2'4YLOB, - PBOPBIBTOB. LATi W, 3. McGAW. Ç Â~1I t T. H. N 1Ag~ ROYAL .INBt b,: *400,tIJOO.' L SHEfl zSs~. àstallished ~Coéipauy atrhsksinailcia~,soé et iv ai Ihoté of ail>' lieU lu Canada. séardons prcperty lu. o; lésé ai 5p5clel~>'1ov NORTH BBITSH h IIEECAN 115h>'. FILE FIRE INBLIRANCE COMPAN Y I sifie, un iable hrésn rénlpompt GIBO. YULE, Agent. Whlthy, Jus. 2, 1875. 28 INSURANýCE -CO MPA NY 0OF LIVERPOOL & LOI4DO4 [CAPITAL, - G 0- T.- HAIJ.,,i -;. t LÂNDCOMMSSIO, Â}DI Agent for thé <loueatlon idi. Ameocla tion of Canada. ýý Dookiposted'and aicom "oun ut. ýeQjI Ateniongiven 1tii. ecollection Office over R. IL ameson'î, Dundas-et.- Wiîtby, Sept. 1.,1874. N '88 JORN Le. WATKIS, AUCTIONEER, &o,,, &o. . 1AMLIFF Bs» D DSION CO ÜRT, And Gênierai Commiosîon Agent, Port Ferry. G.- YOUN-G SMI1TH. IBBUZR0F - 1ooo,~oJMARRIAGE -LICENSES, MOLSON8 BAkK 8. A. 8AYNE8, E891, M.D. Head Office for Canada: 191 & 1988t. Jame Street, Moulreal. , FORBBEShMUDGE, Chiotenté. R. H. LAYDR,Ageut, Whiîh August 101h, 1875. 1p48 T.E Liverpool and, Londonand flobs Loîîéî p aid lu counié cf thity.fvAyéani axeweSPola MLLONS 0FDOLI.RB.ý cislnu efhfOlgoFixé otimatedat near- 1'08,000,000, ara hing blquldahed as ýsst s. ofthhisvoailti>Compréa>m. Head Office, Canada Branci, Monhncsh G. F. C. SMITH,on Oblef Agent ton Domini. L. FAIRBANKS, Ja.,Agent ah Wlhby, Ont. VJSTERN ASSURANCE Com 'ANY -HEAD OFFICE, TaRaN-Te. CAPITAL STOCK, - S44rooo. AO5NT Pou SOUTE ONTMO, JTOSEPH HOLMAN, DBOOKLIN,' ONT Aise Agent for 1h. CANADA FAu;ERs*' WHITB, ONTARIO. .JOHIlN8SON, DEALER IN LUMBER, W H IT BY, Bas ou hand a splendid stock ocftSe clir sud veil soaonod Lumbor. Ail hindi ton capeuer m uildin I aiva.>'.o tbaud. Grm'i plaulng mii adjolnàing, on the pramses. viiene orSo& re promptly exeoutod or doms, sélic, blinda, ho. Whitby, 2911 Nov., 1875. 49-tf 1V ALISES AND TRUNKS. LF-AI'T-F.flVALàrSND SARATOGA T1IUNKS, ho., &o., at WILLIAM THOMPSON'S, Sadien and Hsrnoe eMaker, BROCK.5T., WITE>'. June 24, 1874.2011f WHITBY, ONTARIO, MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANT,1 Importons, Dealienud Manuuaclaurs of -&Il1 Hea S Offc, HAXILTON; sud1 CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'Y,1 LEA THER Montreal, Pure, I4fe aud Guaratee Dépanhieul, CAPITAL, - - *2,00,000. Brooklmn, Dec. 2, 1872. 12m49 1131CIAr.tTY'STED GOLDEN T014GUE PAIILOR ORGANXS are hishi> recommeuded b>' Prof. O. H. Haner iBon. A. M. 3.ee, Baltimore, MS; Prof: John B. Rowlsnd, BRAY. S. Denier, Wsshi gtcu, D. C.; G. S. lysant, BloonifuelcI, owa; G. W. Robiuson, Prof. Johusten, Phldel- pi&ad dthousands et othans s. the ot lu use. 8eik tamp for «exteuded lilt of teuîl. mouils héfor. hnying s Parler Organ. Agents vanteS even>'vlere. .Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wsshingtou N. i. APPLE T R EES51 ABO U T 409000, -AT vix- HOME NURSERY, Promn two te four peau cf age, eubraciug al the boit Varietias. d Lot No. , 2nd Cos. Pickering, on Kingston BoaS, ont Ofice, Whitby. legs te unnounce that ho bas rémovéd te King St., a fev doors EAST OP THE POST OFFICE, opposite Lnke's shev-raenue, vheré vil hé lounuSsfSué stock cf sit and feit lbats for ladies and gentlemen,oethis ovun manu- factune. iNr strv aw ui4%olo n siereS lu shaloo. Oshawa; lnly Clii, 1975. 8 An fisnWlasi PAINTIR AN» LET- TERER cas Suu&m"'ciélhin'g te lisiadysu- ligé by'addnesiig thé manufacturer DANIEL P. BEATTYË, Wsshluglo, N... ALUABLE PBo PERTY FORBSALE. -The subscriher- offées for aie the o loov ing vaua roprtyin he Tovn cf; Whi. of lad, ituateS nteomofGvil ram Bt. PeMtér ts., lu the Bouth ;Ward, Aise, è a&raof linA, vel éitacSand inaàhglsata forSl se, North-W&rd. Iacre ou Cepn t. Southi cf théens.dne oîf0'.Drper, Eiqin thé Roth Wàrd. AIse 20 Sacnéf ged lu o -c - cf part et loI 18, 1Ich os fu pI)OfMulira, o. Northu mber. A cleairsud indisputabe titl. 'whlb ý glyei te i thé ahovoepot>. orn ur rpar. tlnasappil te ovai. .BEAT TY'9SS Th éa anst sud ielhastg pasxIemmWu?5MW lu nu.'No ollié parlor gas lias even i. laiued thésmé p apulait>'. SenSdèl= p vaat.dvenyvwr.. sernt! Hindi cf AND FINDING8, Cash paiS for Hiles, Data, sud Leather. Leathen atretched. - trBELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872. 22 Mens Sana in Corpore Sano TO NERVOUBS STFFERERb 1- . -Or xîRR ssEx- Descnîhe yonr aliment, how long snffering, give your ago sud present businuesi; negiect nov uscans a misérable existence, or an early grave, don't deiay. OVER 800 CUBED IN B8 MONTES 1 afler Many yeans cf sufferlng. I"HoxTaxÂrMENT" for elther Box, iarde cf vitaj importance te thé yonng, des gued for parents s e il. "PnZXvsuroN ANDC» CirOFOUXir"» ither cf tiiese seut prepaïd, ou recelpt of #L jar A CURE GUABANTEED .m n those diitreiein# affections, anising frem Indiienetions (ignorance ot Naturel Lave) lu Mîrid r iniévek ison SMIAL WEAKNE88, loscf nerve force decay cf manliced, veal memer>, tdypepilgpins lu thé hack; SPERMATO IB A, h. o Te socurésau suiver b>' nuéE mse 1.0nsu a stamp.; ANOTHER SPLENDID BOOK I "HIow Te ACQuISEPLUMWNEsi 0W WOR, strength cf limb enA Béant>' ofCoemplexion, culy 250. "Parties consulting Prof. Effl, cf Toronto, vil AnA hilm p)!etcty rehfable and trust- wcrthy lu every pariènlar" Brockvill. Re- corden.r. 11. .veo casdidby recommeni thé afficted te appI>' te him for relief ; hli h strictly lhou- ovàble and confidentlal lu hi. transactiozi" Nepanee B caver. ,-he lia gentleman dosecf ail coi d once an& thoroughbr"lyria 10. Arupreor Bouleau. Pléaddresa FiR. . Y. EGAN, Toronte,-Oiit. N.B.-Read thé aboyé Prresu cutracte. . Nov. 241h, 1875. 4 M ONET TO LEN». The undorsigned liai n y suu'nt et Mon- e>' te Lena upe Far= or Town Propértj', at usuusily Low Rates 0f Istereit. ;Loainéabo rcpali in =é outelhr- oéerra mprovéd Parmi sud Wild lards for saléchoas .dil usiIaiDb tur",a, aAohrna kbNie Stocks. For frie atclr pi't M ofiii Assignée, Brokhy, ho. OPPIOE..-Ovr the DomWnoz BaucXc- MillÏlsu'Brok Bf., hly Thé L awyps's, DIliesliaift ndfam dvao. 4I à - 't wult an> àudýiiblonabl bÙittaies of hom ln;mopy"l ,idif youd ýannt Ps ythéeday. it I muat forçlëeethé, motgage sudi, ;i hat uebie.héýante boy, "lie h sel théplacé," iaid;Mr Morton. to~lt h~éire émd i "lzA that camé ill i tii ne be eld filaior f My di"hé ted îulfi9 isj at a, great sacrifice, 'a aftér' ail thé Wall, veil I'I hv èa'éi dr itruggles I 'havée -,m ' dj 11 igtt ii taT htlSbv Iîu hé honhielesa. It 19 ver>' bard. »only ei en u i'afc, u hu wlshý you7hadte earn your mon1 y as,î paon sotruqgglin «g M.anuwili nsoveapeal do mine ; fu niht -enkuw siehome lu vain agaip.'C thiug of thé bard lufe of a poor Mau. 'Thé naïf day a baycallea ie cl-he ,If you cauld ouIin l imaiaton, put tInjsudotaàac ,g 'lIsïage'biné Ioref in ni> place',rihlir e nvlp, ,des1 Mr hhP. w=ldhave a 11111. mero>'on me," saiS Mni. ]liehop vas ver>' îuoh aarmed Mr. Bishop. W4Ïhe hétaok il, Ior*,large bIù .' envel. "h6j la nîclefsa fakiug; I éxténdéd opes vréseoiselhér ,Min1d wfth the iiméeue ý,:esr, sud I can do sa ne aS'ia aûdîwy-6 à4d thouglit il bodéd logr" Yled ,Mr. Mor"on, as ho ne ged li u bv>ntller turnS t bi dlansd continuaitbus lnoband çcame hemé ùimewrc Thé poorxmas ro.se from h méeta d "Hé oenéd il fl silence, ras Iéà valheS ýsa.SI y ont of Mr. Ménlou's contenté,' anS,' sàaS firvà.enll' Thanli office, hie 'last hopé gen.ne. HéiaSt ét. Hesven I'" reooerod -freux allunes, whioh "Whaet jeil, John2" inqulred ' bis li,aS vlovéd up aslthé e usi 8W"ld aurions v-,ite. hé hbad'lutendéd tomàké thelat psy. "God uwe, vifé",replieSt John;, n'en, upou bisàhanse. True, that gon. "muali mm htIneyer hopéed 'for, or tieman -hodtwaiteilcii. year, Whouen avhé éy en ieé'md of." faileS ta. meét the demaud, owing 'ta "Wla'i l-hi sijl' 'Tell tsé ilinoseu ils, famil>' sdhé, baS feit quick. I vaut ta heur 'i if jUs au>8. 'ver> inucli bliged te him for, Seing no, thlug gcoS.'< Tis yé7 1 haén laid',upfor. e- k 8"ro ascnele hémr oral :nptiO.-,4urgg vbich h cèq l èr lose "Maniô rm lt. debt-, 1 car iithing., ad il hie iviugiwore intereét sud nplaar aéa thés :néedéd for1thé support cf huii lim Inth futir ailaoiril aud farnily.À>'. il.hs, flld;su bl btsknov6ïl 1 'vét now hé vwould ýAssiâ *-ho hoineleu s aud "'mseglad. l 1tpp ,.lifg n lut, have té begin the worM aânév. - rd said thé nowbappy *vite, "But wbat heaven forsaken hlmit, sud *glvé n l eu ave corne ever Mr. Mnte6n 2r. aven to thé tender nmerdies ofthé vlck-II I do so né t bo. I'son', tra' ode saler the vay hé taikedl ta me Yeitér. Afler liehbai left thé office, Mn. Mer- day ,norning.' I willi go ilght ovéOr t t~~dr~ m phi h h q&1.e u eihmIowhappy h bis grief had given utterance. 4"'1 léh He found -Mn. - Menton -lu, raud& . you- had taecaru >'aur monéy as I do pressaid bis gratitude i lugowlng terms. miné."- "What cauld have lnduoed yen," hé Iu the midat of a rnofcf igures, "Put asked, "ta show us se mueh ldnduess ?" youreeif lu tu>' place," woubd intrude. 'II follovod your auggestiou," replIeSl once aller il iaS, crassods hm mmd, Mr. Menton, "sud put mysélfinl your ho laîd down ila peu, sayiug, "*Weii, I place. I expoct it vonid surprise pou think I should finS il rathér lbard. I ver>' much to léaru theéstrauge bravéller hbave a mindte drop iu theie Ibis ufler. le whom yen ahowed snch kinduesi nuo nd suéée owil farci vith thé yesténday evéuing vas myseif." famI'.Ty t an liasarogd ni>'eu- "lIndeed 1" ézlalmed Mr. Bihop; tyiosil>'." n' "eau that he true 2 Hov 515 yen About fivé a'cleck bie put ou a g&ay disgulie youniélf s0 e li vig, snd semée old, ven, cat-cif IIvas not no Mucl diegansd, aller clethes, valkéS ta thé résidence cf IMn. ail'; but yen ceuld s ot ver>'. - néad»lp Bishop, sud knocked at thé deor. 'Mns. associsté Mr. Monton, thé lavyér, Witz Bishcp, a pale, weary-laokiug volsal a poor wâalng issu-ha!1 ha!1 ha 1" opeuéd Il ; anS théponr olS man ~rom laugiéd Mn. Merlon. quiestéd permisîsion te enter aud neat l'Wall, il is a gead joke, "lsaiS Mn. avhulé, saying lhé vas ver>' tireS villi Bishop,-"goed lunmore sensés'than bis long jeumne>', for lie liaS valked one. Il lias terminaleS ver>' plaisant- man>' miles that day. .1>' for me." Mns. fishep cerdiaUi nviteS hlm in, "I vwas surpriseS," saiS Mn. Menton, snd gave hlm thé boit seat thé room 6"at the broud sud libéal viewa you ex. afferded. 8h. lieu bégan hoaniaké presseSt of men anS théir actionisEu proparalions fer tee. The olS goutte-- erali>'. I suppose I baS greati>' théý ian watchmedhler uténtivél>'. Hé îaw 'advantage over yon lu meanis,- éduca-ý lioré vus noeélasîlcit>' lu lien stop, ne lieu, sud culture; yet bey cranpedl hope ilulber movernents ; sud pi>' for sud uarrow-mluded havé beeauni>' lier begounttesteali jte lis haut. Wheu viévi .bémsidé ypurs1 That vifs of hen huband entened, ben leaterne- p ours laau estimable trornpnandthat laked jute a mie, sud iii. forceS a bey of >yours vould hobcan b"Oour te chenrfubuéss lulo lier manuer. The au>' ian. I bell yel.' Bisbiap," saiS traveller noteS it ail; sud lié fait hlm- thé isvyor, hecomig, anmisted, "lyen self conipelleid te admire this vornanarc nlcl-i-nclibéyond vwhal moeé> via could sasme a chéarfulnu shé coutl nake yen. Yen have tréepro did net lest, fer lier laushassalte.- thaï; géloi3uenôst bu>'. What ýtht Aller thé tablé vus prépaséd, there vas boy saiS vas rnné. I . do samétimos uelhlug upen it but breuS, sud butter, es>'a gpoil deal of moue>' for thiugs' anS tes. Thé>' inviteit thé sîrsugor he for ni>' vfé, but bey ho coutil kuaw lb est willi théni, ayug, "lWé have not la what puzzles me. S'and that boy te mc t ll e ofrpu,hbut s cup ef tea viii icheel for thé soit four years,,-sud bé nfréshing sfter youn long jourse>'." tieulot hlm came luta ni>'office. I Héescpteai heln hospitalit>'; aud bélievé h ie ilmake, what ih aiS te b. as thé>' Siscuisédl thé frugal meal, hée ver>' scare, an-honemt' iavyer.- I tel, ledl theni, without ieémiug ta Sa se, te yen,y au ove me ne thanlcs. Semé-, talk of their affairs. hbeIséemta bavé lived yéané eluice III bought Ibis pièce of land," saiS yesterday îerning. I have gai mb oa Mn. Bishop, "I a ver>' low pnrie.;asd név venld. Wbat I learned at* your instead of waltiug, as I englt tae'have lbouse la Worth MOre lias Yen eved nie, doue, until I liaStsaveSt thé moeé>'te anS I arn your déliter yet. Hereafler build, I thouglt I vould borrov bye I shahl aie as my> motte, 'Put younsélf bundred pounds. TheIntereit on thé iu hie place,' and. lry.to regiilate my> mene>' vonid ual ba néarh>' s. mucliactions b>' il." s thé rent I vawpu îgdn I shenîd hé savlng eeméthiug b>' Solhg it. I Itla siS liaIthé Hou. Ms. Norton', Sid natt bush tiare vould ho au>' diffi. vhose béant'auIl nsuseS te rav cuit>' iu puylug back thé, bornoyéS a&bout vhéu GeorgeIV. vsking, 1sud moue>'; but the first yeur iuy yife andWbasé talésîs have -madéer a vàawrthy one of oh thé clilidren vero 11, sud the ex- descendant cof Sheridan, thé' dramait penses iaft me vithoul thé means te 'an& erater, is about te h.' maïrneS -ho psy the débi. Mr. Menton agréaS il* SBrW. Stirling Maxwell.- Shé s'slx4ty. wait auothen.yéar if I venuMpsy tho se n, Yésri olS, lber f;t har at intereit. Id15 laI. This yéar lys. Hou. GqorgeOliappel Nortàn, hsvlng 111 for sevésmouthi, unablé ta vork at takeon place lu 1821, searn>' halàscen- ni> ItriSé anS éars anYthiug ; sud- cf Inn>' ago. 8h. vai a preconos rliym. course vian psy day cornes rouinS,9 and r, sanS s volumeié ai hon juvénile versés le ver>' seau, I @halagais ho unablé b vas publishéd lu 1820 méet the cëmiIl."4 " il'sai he étranger, "Iilsot - sVi e7T ru PLANTS. Mn. Menton wait aunollir yéar, f en- Wlin Haro sav Leander die, nialte altie circuistafloeo;kuoWu ta "Oh, Leadonl" shé dia or>';1 imi2 AnA vwhaî thé cruel océan slow, ",No, su," replieS Mn Bisho 'aî5W utos OL*ié"rv hlm bhih morning, LanS lie sali he, Wsor"muet OFB1sv11 'bas J-I-J' ,AA>'uupeI n s>'lifolesheart'mhé - a 4 Net kvlg vhsttIhe pôor cloS cbAncod tq fI' à venuSudsuaan pulse bencatiithe oe:S O1 l ever loyed lun1fHienlIiucb, &lb AnA tboh ,agki, varm, tandern- inné -ta'butàU ic ordina-tioo f gaven that love, peephée -h4Ëézlsit'beééesÙ esxs lan clbu; wod., hit it râhialld bc niplasût..'but qquq Éit ctei1.v h of, dévotion - te, no P.s thé ojpct ~ a > psowen, 'filua 'our vayfa ta; us4t îdfUI'usiuis glad- vhýh néisa - s v0r>'lïeze, upnnifl ug'or, twést pérhona, é *ay , ighing for,, tO, Il; lutc clierusalngurvadown thesmys. ýsénsiti, tics, rvrclié.mest dS Bonsi The Thee Fjsbs. sémail e s l[n thé kingdom cý f ep"hilu bil po liésan hécait lthOr &aSe,,thore uIagine vat once s pouid,:Iamqus forîlb.. Iing. thé>' cal lulsrly, excellant -Adhés:,contasiuedî-e~g The:,lug raevd bom u top'iltow-:îi g lfabié; suad hisisubjeptmwera pro Iiè4,hép eo mariSd. Il isppane Ihat lus s- .hye4 mulgIt si absîsiuod '(rom éatiug thèe e eicacues moau, I fea onlSrbltégo f tlirne, dutr. kfiiâueo immense sire, sud bigame;lards cf ,the,é- Yeonj Inona, wéP ic" ,ýexceptions; ýfor thé -Yen uni firet vs. nremanliabl>'counagéons, tli obinac second éxceedingi>' ouuuing, 'uni, thé on the third lazinesismeI. ý*The>' ér ie S, -wuuted hewever, équally'ý greed>', anS as tley sous, an SisSainéS insot vWorms, -sud littié fr>' or' you anS coasiSsatisf>' Ihein appetitesou vWhid uolhlng leos-ithas théir ypuuger, brelli. yWard, a rép, lb. ýpond l aihrtte vas cirouni sear>' depeopulated.dar But nothing cas hé bept secret;' thé, tennisc King aI lengli heard of their.versot>', Jackson aSStermined le atchsud est the m; cbid, s lie thenefere sent bis. fishérmen -ose. Ileir gr nigt te th. pend, vitli erders te, gelt heir fa abir soesailnuS>'b>' meunlie, 'vher tc' hé vouid »bo présent te vituens t'le bbey f l capture of the' bynts. - Thé 'mes, Ihot >'c accordlngl>'i seught s favourable peal: jheinrm tien on thé banbs, vhere lie>' establimh- 'TIé>'ce eS themuselves nutil the ienniug, sud panysw in thé Imeantirné begniied tielioursby thc rést esa1ting, driukin ,a* tâhking1 Thir aiel discounsei inaturali>' turneS oàý saudiJfy thé ihjéct'tlist'-hcu~Lt-tliém Ihitier, yen mi; vwas- fertunatél>'evéer d bhy afrcg- carefah thatjilved. in ,thé ,neiglibounrhood,- and, sct yeni Who forthvibli haateneid'ta i'uform-thé - devetefi fishes efîlieir ipeuïniéng-pèaru. - ;z Thé tbnec oe Ins-veemppîng. 'Ittoun logether vbés 'îlhe arriveS, anSunlleS uunidiopuling ir er- oroskings-so -8thé>'y.î'- m caleS leieiudl>' amlg; le>' s.thora g sistd, ovevhCàn ler jcining their feqe nevélo, whioli vers piongéd'uutil Put thé 'brc niidniglit,wvhéu thé>'feUuiep., hrw At sunrlaé, "thc KIgng-hVls cmé virllx4 tée Moshrmon prcceesded ta cust the ~I. n èi, -*ile thé vatoifül frog callieS long' leudI>' ou **lie tirée flubesao.ariis u h imovessud fliee. The ,brave andand are the. il>' avobe 'vth aarI;tue col e u ganSthé niaulli et s streaniý4 la ip, l fiômwéS -', juôtaelis'pend; 'bitiu-"frai,< tiroughlité Iïeïiïésof thé' net, »sea o resclisi a. -placé of ésIot ; mvhlé - heý id lb second coiuuteoiletl. eallianS float. ac ed 4ppareuil eiIlese on thé sae of té sp tiho'wstïrrwjï Ifnhavùlnjf iidhis ginf e âpo viifi scie -muS cf the - moat -disGre.' auai ablé'e llî. î'-- ln, Butin lu as2 15tIc fnog calio athefieqe sipggard; lil eard, .but vould 5oi, sanS I] oln. hé Éféenién bégas te Sagh~ rm- tel; thépo sugllvil Ienads 1h. iwcout cuuingfée* son dnite: eur tebe driftléS'aboutâaI thé villOIi f r vwAteri.; but, s-enilug hs hià sé'irea<>- dung lilmIale ukýito ble pon#'aè flo. W ivertli ovlug. heytbeu'adth est anS abou thé-..er, It is idJbhal è,.nwhi*ebieKing-. lidé 'lCéoheS atbir;motéa is I'**üau itiàoï «ïàws, eie gapéd aS iizafcoe-ië~ Sa Iné il flua idhaéas mvet' bhs sus éupu bglen lu' jvao s'p0hlievhl -7It .: hé igleol 10 mssrccueé' t m - te tons, suS bhey quarrl -vwith ie grnd -tbat yen lcno I ta béhutroducéd le thé RÀ inS tifs vs. juét the oppu#li a ,inîrocéIieemn a ai Simleaits then, and bnisg asg théý iluit ofrelation, .b astance of thein condiio*n let kceep hiSSen. Yen spée of Cammiseratios of -poor Du, vIa bas jnst lost fber favo aud thé>' thinh->'ou ouit asIc Zdef, lu thler firéi monuini ather. -Yon Pr"is.Young A p oftseenlu thé ivaemyl siel h paeoénslval au o st iculude in your p: nuagaziné article, of lait nu can nover jois bani a ay i thoatmeeven, or eing chorus It. Thé>'- mustalwapqs hé i separated, and-&specisily oic you clo as he>' Sesire. even ay tiip,,leî yoar vaUthe evi ,and offend thé ieusibilitieR irsel! ta moatlié - OnuD Bufflr,-Maity e hée Sjfferénco. wtly ..pen on tl caS laites; au-S ig itupwand'4n o>uda - Tiési3 i diectionItranél ce Séciiel>' Sani énu incontact vit nuss nd- ni -Soubtkés hba Ratfoéî. uyex 1-

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