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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1876, p. 2

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28him, 18~70, -il. Major, lILY , ie E Ammum. ~ 4ftI~20, 1876, eficians f noà%aiy Ivemillons.lu revnue, râc w rlii nss beOb rer>' lami m 1-~ilsIertibill ed aI inteti*#the ofpa.rae.uîon the pe - 1't n i u iatesis.a Ditui-t4etl pta in ouse- m o theb.pr?.Y lg oercutial .'tit tm sUteàýcurse b. suigu.d t55 'eolf riunLtàvorable ma.et 1 be liavl le encrasuail taxation or ja ictlan lu thme sapenlmro, neithier ef )à veuai -bs easy of accotuphisia t. - Zoased taxatIon vantA nas aipftion lunltIzitdireelicu -votaî u.sai lootn of the, Mkensle'Àdmnallsrn - SwohUleig nmay blindoue latle et ostlas dovru èexipeumes, Lit Cly le su>' oppNelabie exheul, Iu. 1itn-sanil &litongît aur mne~nt lalinatas b beoom~y relrop.lantun are net jel îgsl thiepritotica rlt r fitet d.f itraticu -ef public a sfains. Whal mig»sthlan aroesenlucousequence rCineaa'm oadmissicu ltb th. nt, aud t-lite dp0tcft in the revenue, D are ireakers sheaf ýte avclf.vbhie rquire Mr. MUukoiizi'oimmil skill. flotage eoflIte îhip oet sials. Blecîltincf School Truotees. Asqlintimnîsl u l ire 'lune of lut veei, lste va @ shrp conit lu al lie yards for tuse clecîlce ef slteel trutees Ibisjol'. Twe otiw$mlem fak. lhtir place alitias, boardl-Mr. PeutÀ, fer lb.' SeuL, Wanslandi 1Ur. Powell .far lb. Nonda .Wadl. In the, (enr. Wsr Un. Moesoa elahie bs ui b>'a tigil içqueeme, obtalnlug enly a majonil>' cf cale aven M. J. G. McDengali. The p tsope al isemti Wsriitave (dans lleulvan lujusîloe.endAseefver>' 1uunic;lfruglY lu .- dlsplaetng Mn. Camp. kwilt. 'lI vsoreo e e i.besî memabers nt te bcnl, aotdti oinug bunlais effort. Lu) î,ramoe l Ia unesîs cif îLe lovu sohnots, Theutiutalecoure (in WVllty) wom leleen ut bnlulging cui t1h. ladies le vole aI liis eleetian. Faur veteil la lbe N ortia Werd, anA il, a-tlinted tlthoîr ut. frgaoqul>' ly eelt Mu-. Ilei anA i. Povell. -- ---statîsîlas show crime te Le 83* per cent grester lu hMassaachusetts - lin luIre. land4, Thiainla ofigitulsaugmentation oftcflilial ecîss la louA mer.- Smniable for the natmnben ofitg@ citurcica, Suudoj mholand.oufmeaus et religions intutruction. AnA jel lIis 1latho stale d4ielie ou thIe desenodantseofthlb ?igrlwansd Peritaus taet ii;pointèf ho am the. mcml nlrtuanpl of thte Slaleo fuhe Antenrican Unien 1- VimrmiLX (3a CsiinPinuis uoANDL"Iiea "on ltiLE.-4tteution las nqeasalof l ltse annpuneomoul ef sole af vabuable ceero tarins sud lando, tse proerty cf M1r. EJtvrd Màfjeî, lua her clumnes aImooa t el, griot iil,.sud store ta tales piaca%y's belel, ou th. 121h cf Pebruar>'. AUIlhebo itoare mosl eligibI>'iuatef sud no Letten oppor-ý lunit>' lies lbeou befoe thi. publie fat' saine lime fer thiueaÉeiing tg seurs geaI homes. NÂTaOaska INBUttAmetC oustPAmNY.-- This > tbcronghiy National Company' is f eeenvoedly gno*lng lu poptaanestimua; tien. Itl lais tncapitalet-8,Oi0u vila power tlaucrnoreîste 86,000,000, sud Otro ela.gooti rmord cftlis'geule. me tatouaIIlhend as goof busineumomn, canuiot fait (o pr-ove àa aneceeso. Il ai. tonds firslebaa*ss mcuniy ut>' oinurens. Mr OlharlW Nous'., lu thé effloleut agent At Whiatby. -Peeoai l4or mTyHiers Scsuooa-ÂIt hoe openlng outhle Higia soal, 'Ibis eruthiers aven, aver nenhbndref anA t henlyfrve paipilsII.attnfsue. The -enitber is expoéhef toi rdieb ene inn. fred sud IbirIy-flve wauthé selmcoc failyltheuesdev te vank. Tii. tac epsales for Iitas t oe emoul gualh' iug progrois 'ottheWhiltby igi Sclital. POATurIv sONPO P09s . Th@ cousus of Port-Perny, jus t ten for lias scocl board, glves a total population cf 1872; total numbeof etdayebilgu841 -au averasge off dv. taoaci famil>'. Thetochul, ipopuliolpa lureîurued nt 74t. __________ Qtqvzaa ,~-emnGibsan vil psy lhe bljgiest casha pricesfor.an> quart lty of Clôver PesA, -leUlvernd aI the, st~ol Gbson & Sp*oý.ll, Duadas sere. ofQ>sfaar andlimber, lb. propent> ed Mr.&Ar B. CampLeli, vli Le efferef for sale by suction -At WIlso'. hheb, Miiltur, op riday>, 29th Janunty. M&. Carsactu Tàxas Ens SRAÂ.-Ou Tlauueula>'Mr. hobl of tPeel teck his iét,ât*buh $li petitien afainst là reua es4 jttob et deded. Bsur J. tB. GoueUt-th.Voild re'o4ae $ t Bo ~wn anale - ou lùainot.et à ssale4 1 celvi. Of b.~ p.4ga vrhils agave -a msjoiuy 0178, veiulà havêlo10piy la thelb. Wgésl propcrý tien, 04,271; Llndé4r,#lhise gpe A 4mau4aoÉlLY lkfavorefDtit.eiiy4sw, 618,69S7;, villo theproportion etflthe Iwoý tow*mblps vhich gave 9dvelis.e ôt vould bave boon oely th1e pà1r fls et 010,0S0, for Ops, ad 154i04 Ae -Fénslon. Their -4.bentures for the». ssnount*, extendlug over a perléd 'of l*euty yearu, W'olsi have beesh lakeunta par. à 4nfoi $tim l1a.y vou4y .eumd,lIa. b.n.8lt. of z&daiwy 00 Munie4olaufor &HaI lusteoomme, vlth marktsl.naIhhir dean senbine hem te obtaln théb biemhprce'for ovo1 ryhhlu .lure onulb.-eeuostruction /ofethIe 'road volilbavé pislala' pritltina latge antout 0 o mataon"'luhe, oealihy. Af il e tliais .enor sasnei a Âbe-v$ln ef lm& vbi.la vwoufle sure se iôlow the oun. etshuohli no ttet i àiay lsud*r. laking et 111he Comny th'bok aifer the amouuIf cf tii. ,pnms, inhîilihe eoan. pistitien ot.tbe rodand su d.oymug cf lh. rails, asud ose ia Larly atonisied al-(whah euse eau 11h.e called ? )-tlie ignorsuan udnarrov.uiuddnemm ll>at coulA deohberstely rjeot the. golden op. portuuity for soeuring sncb immense advautagea at no luslknlficaul a coul. We are todf Ibat Slierlff Reynolds veut ont froni Wiiiby ta oppose tie Ly.taw, and, liaI o a certain exteut, bis interférence «cetribulef te ils fefeat. On tIblsAd vo quoI. tho-Ludsay Poat. ÀA goof f su of coueern vas ocas- sioerd lu toWc Tcesday evonlng sud "Wefnesday uaorulug by reports auf le have'origina ted vith Siterlff Bey. "noido, O etb ibrgaring the fifnan. elal standing afthe Whitby Extension Railway Ca. certain oppousute cf tlie by.iaw hocki up aud circulateil "liaïs rumora, Whbo, as fa alvays lbe "case, lnereaaed lu nproportioan sd oh- "surfity lb. grater thee distance rav. ".11.6, nutil Il vs a dully tatef that "Ibe'Sberiff vas bers vill a a rit lu bis "pocketIfLaiaahundred thouaffeIiat, sadvonîf 'seize lie b*.law' am soan "iTicesaudens shakrted b>' Siteiff "Beyuoldm ou Woduemday a"sin veifi.. "md tbe adage s lia" svlie rsvsl s "lleagus yul, Trutl lapnttlig au il. "'cosm," for ne doubt; hbesfounuf . "ticuoesi chargeosu-oestil a feeling et "diIa lui tuluf s c f lb. formera, liaI ecouif net Le removefeolte govallng commencee." We are seirpnief liaI a gentlemon et Mn. Sberiff . yuld's position miienît ipy himmeit open ta accusatians cf- se gravae5àciaracler. Itle mmalter of more lta surprise te hie frula sber. tIsaI hoe, a pronounefd raibva>' mon, wba fan more lion Iaenýy jeara idenlificl fluin. self wiLt te tt-jecl ts aWliILy Rail- va>' nerdf itonif nov oppose ils ex- tension, . WVorejeel lie wiisperef cou- jecleres avic thie ininuators bave ual tho courage ho put fénvord os epen chaorges. But viioleven Ibhe, ouimotiug msotivéofethLe Sbeid's aostliiy, il 'vasr, frein our peint e ofv, a Most 1-juilg. ef preceeding-one iu every voy tiacet unacceptabie te lie peopleeoftIihe vuw et Witby, &su sncb oto wici ave ver>' mucia regret Lie avonthi>' Sieriff ehonul bave alloved imsoseitola e bc. Inoyef.- Il votaîf appear tiat eîuco te vehiaug our fieufs norli have avokietel tLte importanc, cf avbatte>' bave for lis moment lest, sud that they are doter- minef te put tori s furîbor aund mono oicnsafl offert lu tarrof realizlug- l. Lemeffla te fthe extension. A lai-g. sud luuentiai deputation valteul upen 1the Allonney-Geuenol, by appalulment, immeliatel>' after the ris- ing cf lte Hanse au Tuemday evenieg. The deputallon vos compeutd c f Mn. Bow.î, reeve ef Manipasa, Mn. Adams, feput>' reeve, Mn. Poster auf nmie hlai donsaicthier prominaul gentlemen et taI towuship; Mn. Canueli>', of Opm ; Mn. Grace, Mn. Bertram, sud Mn. Mon. gapi cf Iànde;ay.; Mn. Adami Gerdon, M. P., Mn. Brownu,If.P P., Mn. Paxton, M. P P., ýMn. Smith, Mayorefne t aen ef Wlaihiy; Mn. Harper, Deput>' Reeve, Mn. Ferguea, Town Coun3cillon, Mn. Hlgglns, efthlIe WitiIy CHrioNii; Mn. Jas'. B. Campbell, Mr. A. Rosa, Mn. W., Muieck, solcior. Mr. Austin, Pi'es't. WVhitby & Port Perry Bitwa>, Mn. Ilicii, Vice P.eidenl, Mn. - Ecden, Msuagiug Direclan, Mn. Fulton, Vice. Presideut T. à N. B., »u. &o. The gentlemen cf lie deputalion ver. minre- duos il b>' Hon. -.il. .. Wood, andl voeoreceived illa gh roat ecunlos>' b>' the Premier. Mn. Holden, Mn. Gardon, Mn. Brelcain, Mn. Grace, Mn. Baves, Mn. Camron, Mn. Afdaine, Mn, FcsLsu-, sud Mn. Cauuallby ere thie poteamen. on th. occasion, sud ail -apoko 'lun.con-. demnatony termieofthliealegef un- varrantablo Interferenceo. ftlb.Siteif, and changeA ui -vwitibsringgiro oenuuc lunfonudof repente respeot. lug lbe position eýthle Company. It vas sîstef liaI il vas lheia.ntention of the Company te ubiit> a tu-eu bonus b>'lav ton 08,000-gnuping Tfindsa>', Opeansd Maipeus, (leoning ouI Feue- Ian,) sud tho geullemnefromeinl. bau. tiésa lamof gare 61ahisarouce pomiblé ltat lier. wasnal the stigltest donhl bqhiki i 14011oh bymlav vould be cançlef b>' &large majority.Onîeegruf hbey olsipinef lth.rigil ho Goverumeut - ulatanoe. H ou. 14ru. Mavat sîtofe tuat bepliasoele'laid doavu b>'- lb. Gev- ernm.nl vas b sa"Mot ucit îaadm as ad seouref umunicipal Lonueses, but that cicÙlemihces, Winlu'bis 'caue, fle tis parties gare proot cf thein abilitj te oc, mpl-t h iroif, zmieliarise le - Mu duc. lt ho dopant tram liapolie>'. Se exressîf himéé1f sddeddof e'-a ,maits oet1he utadortskink,: n L uf af- the dâepuit tatin taIhe liecainma of tl e Whltby-& Port Penny Extension fine te .lndsaysheuif receve tlb esiconsiti. eaateftheii. Ã"eeruupent.The depu'- laio hle wi larsw, hhsbking the-%,e 'ofthbir mission, .rq* 4bs 'a 'ny tmông 4Ç«ee w )oeli, 'Mins.Hie'kis sud Miss Burns; Ufri. EastWood, Mis. Thompton, MNs. ~l m"gs >!.mHgglna, 'l.ira. -î <arnOld4 Mr». A. C. Wilone, >auad mrout touac fslolou ne ai lte towu. The nov buildîdg vos luipettlod hlrouil6at, «llh- ieax. aeI~,,.u etus.8 of Its APppi) ouaIs,, sud the.careful arrangement - d a&M te feails, ver. alil-spe o nu fi#hterma osf satistachioir. - 1 'Mr.-JFerry, as ebairman, anpmuici hi. îoîmal o enu, and a-doing'o59 klu hueailyeiays, ealling 0inta Lài s,ý'n aLteutdonce, wvis a bey, aI Iths giAl 'log seliboolhome. on Audersoua otreet, sud briefly rse'iecd i9ogrs ,lt 'Our euaiul utli in uthe tavu, tram thal lime né ta tbae reoeuf', go,1 trasllug th iide-ea àJ the nl . u frior 'qulily cf-Iiihe dntsatioa'thon Wro dl i tue , Présent .0pleudid Zsoilles o pensutéte hi l ldîel cf the oor asne «lt as Lb.rich for cbtaiieg a frslelau eeca 110- Hocongrëialulatef tlinm npounlie possession cf'lb. f ne s01100L bauilding l inh ie by lien staod1-eiplanin, og 1e isbaudofef.- neation l baii ' li teiuay comlag (0te it l otra lasMunicipal LoàÎ Fuhaul1e lte purpose eft4ob building- tuais credi l. lhe.>board sud lie bmlîid. iug oanitiltee"for vîxat tbey iad doue, sud cgave] spécial cretuilte ,Mr. James C Camnpbellasicnimun of lb.building cemmiîe, for lita oxertionB.suanAcare- fnl. eversightl of lbe vork He apeke generally of lie adranceent ef educa- lieu lu Canadla, ào f the judges, stalesmen, ouf eminent insu iu tbe learned professiont-,,at laa hi Leen eAu. estef ast pper Canada Cajiege. Af- dressiag hisaelf more pastiularlj la lie sacai lcilidren. ha, Icuoef m pou lie advaittagea vithin Ïbeir reaci aI the. present day-aud, eapeciaiiy te th. girls, be reminded themin f vlialWasi. ington sal-as to-lb. future mothérs ef lie great menoufethlIecountry. Mr. Petr7 lutroducof Iths maygr lu eulogis- tic terme, as an old sebeol teachor, sehbool inspecter, lawyer, sud finally mayar etfti e tovu lu wltichL e tangil sebool lu bis early daji. Mr. siitispoke Lriefiy, congratulat. ing thie boarofeteducatou, lth scioot chidIron, sud the peopîe oet hie lov, upeta lbe addition of lb e presont baud- saine building te their achool facilities. Mr. iCampbeli, Jatdgo Darînoîl, Mr. Robinson ((h"dmaister), Mn. Davison, Mr. Ormiston, Mi-. Blake, Mr. WiiIis, M~ m. obaon, Mr., eooe, Mr. Hlgus, Mr. Fergusen, Mr. 1,. Houck, sud cher gentlemen were callef upen and delivereil brief addresmea. The chairmàn lien aunduniecef tii. building as farmslly opened, undar tie nains of lhe Dunds Street Sebeeol, for 11ie pUrpomo of eKmCahIieU, Tie roeelinge, abici ver.e of a rcry pl=easansd satiofaclory- clarae. ter, aers cencitadedvitb lte siugiug ef national authein. Wealten Prophecy. The pnevailiug uuusnalij sîrnge aeathen, ton lie sasmn et lb. jean lui Canads, is lia suijeel tfguineral cen-a ment. Mn. Venuon, abuso aveolbsn praphea>' vas publishef boul Octobor, is, 0e an prevearl a truie prophot. W. repou-ceo bis veather notes. Everj prospect et an eanly, vel ofandeMos dieagneeoblcasutumnu, anew viii probab. ly cone eartj, but viii nt et u-5n, and tiee. viib. muA anA 61sitlong afttr lb. fate ab avlicb lest ysan ltaé gronnd vas firnlj trozeu andi covened wilb enea. Severe vealier vil ul est lu unhil loto lu Januor>', ouf ceneequenit- 1>', oumu chiot rivera and stu-eants yl Le open te an unusuaiiy loto peiod. lu. flan summen may lu, neprèecuef iy o day or tlaveohmoat, a veck of iniglit veallien, but tiua in ail prohnbiîiîy moy met cone togelier, but ratier b. seatteref u inte toirneou noccasionai tain day dnniug a misenaile Ocloier. Tii, violer baring sel ln (Ibis yl i. la%,I)il ill nett Le moens, Lut viliLe disinguisia4 tineugiont b>' fuequent t-anslaf et huainasenea, thie on. %bout cqualliug liheallier. Tic seît. sou, ccuaequentiy, vii le ereverse et dlean auf bighl, ouf boots sud rubbens, ratier thon meccosins yl Le lie enfer af lhe day. Chistmas oud lte New Feor LiA tfair tle Le elgualized b7 sbunfance cf nain anA sterin> sîeely vealisu. The groaleel amný. of inca viii LaU toards lie end et winlen, ouf tie sping of 1876 vili Le unusuali>' Lackvard, extending lu al preiabihily lt. ,jnto May. lu fiue, Lie vinter 1875.76 viii Le lie va7y re- Verse oethlaI cf 1874-75, thaL le, long, mild aouf f ear>', rallier Iioan short, sevene anAdabenng. IHigi winds vil aIse, lu ohlpu-babilily, fou-ina disîmu. gsisbing toatune. Hmmeo G. VrasmoR. Mon.reai, Oct. 121h, 1875. PîCFi.'NatuneDITrotor LOYIL ORiAsN Leaiet held ile-annual meeting in ltae Tempenanos Hall, Brongliati, ou Tees. day, Lthe 111h imat., ouf etecleil Lia fol- loving eiifo tle ensutug yoor:- John D. McA-vo>', District Maclen., John Wilson, District Dàpy.-MastLr. John Bcdd i>, " Ciaplain. T. C. McAvoy, " Secnetary. A. Jahuston, Brusgham, Dia. Trois. Tiaom. Gibeon, Director oftCoeonoie. Th.e nt imeeting vili Le hoîellit'te )3alsot Ouange Hall. Coutan> Agnceulîunal Socicety. ANNUAL jiEPrTItt. The annai moeeingct lihe members efthle Ceunt>' Agiculinnai Society of Seti Ontario, vos ha lèli te toavu hall, Whitpay, an Wefuesdaj. Thene vas a Ver>' tain sîheudauce, snd saine. viat cf osu improvement 'upen the meeting et proviens jears. -The chair vas biken hy Mu-. N. Baytbe u-Irniug president. Tbo annuel jreport vaa resd b>' Mr. Lawler, ,îLe secrohar>', vhieh siovef a ilfiit et about oe thousaufdollars. Mr. Boy lien blf lie chair, anAthie electiou cf -officens vas pracoeeo- aii, esnitiug - os tel. love:ý NatisuiiNsy, Prost.; Arthbur Johuasten, lai t -Pnusidenl, al' iyna- lamallen. Tic naine et Mu-. Johuaton vas preposef oas presideut anAdaili. dravu. - Mn. Lavior andl Mn. Huston decdined tubee.Au ifaîes for re-elechien as snoiebaàniOl#d treasuren. Tii. usmes cf Mr., Ta.Yrnold, C. lieurse, John Wilioi, loin 1Blow, aou.,sererni cliena vwerspropseodas scre a~. Tii.cou. test fusil>'la>' LehvetaMeusrs. Tan. noif , Néo nsd Blow, tho latter gen- tleman belug electe.d b>' o large - major- 1h>. The naines of sevrai ýgeutlemen vwre PreauamTréaeosr.n esultlug er.ahkualinylulial"tlo f f. m Laing" coutl>' reuubyoclbwa. tion4T a eblon lepi14e1"4rs w 'a -lles town à uýv 1Ylby 4u=-,$.7te y6ar.. pron theii.ry of conemy rased dAurmg qi course ;of lb. elelion, lbey ma thhk that we kif amoùgoh usthonse wbo voutl noeef o be transferred bacit tan or a dezen'years Inuth. hiatory cf ielvnpw1an our ývants vére oniali sihiý léexpêpsive, orthst we sbiaald- do alienot bidew&14II nd lampe, 1tid 'n fire .engins: sd ap sph -ucsaua those. 1Ho& erpumed wvo -mlight dis. pense - n4itChose neooàe7âibut thé' town, rotqalr6d heinoufai cher' towns had them; wvo eotaid tac ýe ila.- out tbem,-- ba mmet *eappab. wlth -lis limes. 'l e iétheugbitth11a l l t ieleol. ors loeei eA or "vato -uoeo that the tovu gotvalueln l. npyepedf u îLot,- lbtheneliàtur-e -va&opor'a ud menAaI b.tevForons cominittees shouid aI en«sàak-fi olertofor ir al. ever vork:nd maturuai tey m*oy r.-, uio4arn g ie year, si.t- liaItbey MaIb aeâ iu' 11e aceeptanco ýof sncbh edrs u th at tl. not, oniy got tbé vork and materiales t' a oi price.,,but ,liaI tbe sy]nl illalie..os wioux tiOy caif trust as actig fairly sud hoenestly vwith 1the -corporation. Whilè aur Ibis saibject, .. thouglat il nol o able for - the. comtîte. on streota te u4t.gxe pro onro a quality ef s5tone, apifthhse persollas oC»t cof employmn$~ sud wja ould be vÇlIg la work, maybu enablsd ta procurie, work san ol e' compýelled taasi for cbarity. This would -be benoficial te ths parties'ont ef Iwerk sud aisà é leb corperation. ,Hia vership etateil tint in passing tireugli Part Hope tbe otber day ho saw thttMisa as doue. Ho aise recemmendef Ibat a by.lav sheuid be passid, cempelling ypersons lu lteé business part o ef he Ibo tot dleainlb. aRnow frein lh. sidowalks lu front of 1h01? promises, anf promisef t i v e i s " îs i t a n c e l u p u t t a u s a s n o b bh1"inl force. Hi. werahip aise ra- cemmned e b.advlsabiliiy cf con. sidering wielîrer it vonld net b. vel te ceusalidatothie levu debt, cxteudîag tlii. lime of paymnt over a longer perief-thus lighteuiug tie taxes and cempelliug new-cemors ta bear tbsir sar. of 1h. burdea or laxltleu. HP remarkedl that sevoral'otlaor tevuls, sud ail the cien of the Province haf taken titis plan. He recommeudeil applica- tien fer special legisiation ou Ibis eub- ject. Hie versbip saif liaI lier. vere several allier maltera te vieb liede- sired' te mako refereuce ; they, lîow. ever, more properiy beloged to Ilis -s;everal committees aud'vould come up fer isicussion tiarouglai bein duriug the y.ar. Iu conclustion, li. lrugled tial the meetings ef lie coneuncFoula b. ceuuled lîarmoniously sud for lthe Lest interests of lthe w, sud ho asked Ibat'there be exteufeil ta hlm that con. sideration sudsassistatnce iluhelie . charge ofis duties, vic as a youug man bis deficeiles vanîf requir, s. aurilug the cnencl liat, an hlm part, tb. futies cf bis office yvonîf be diucharged te Ilite boit cf bisability. SELECT COMIiTt'EE. OUnMin OfetMu-. Harper, secondef by Mn. Gibson, o celumilte. cf f ve vas appointef le stnike thie slaufing com- millee.Thb alletresallef lu aver -cf Messra. 1Blew, Fcngneon, Gibeon, Har- per ouf Rling. Tii. ceuncil teol reass lu enfer te give lIhe commiltea lime te Ling lu tîteir repent. Council reemanci. TEIE STANDINGC CeMITTtEmS. Mn. GiLson reporte&. frein tic select comuuittee, nscemrnenfing lie follea- ing as tie standing comuittss fur te jean; F-;tc-bMusrs. Gibson, Hlarper, Kin-,-Blow anoufFerguson. ,Blown, Ring andA Fergneon. FIUN ANID WsruIt-Mces. !llnpcr, Jeffrey suda Watson. Tow.as PnOPrTiîr - Mesrs. lirf, Hannain*ouf Hepins. PRINrussu-MeëSne. liebion, Watsen and Long. APPaLICÂneArTIu OOFrcL-Mes;rrs. Ferguson, Watson ouf Jeftney. LtciNs-Tlie Major, ouf Messrs. Hopkins, Long andu« Robsen. BEijoi-Messene. Hannam, Hopkins, ouf Long. BeIItunOexHAÂLT-Tie Couneil. On LIme motion foea option, Mr. Hounnuamin jecef ed lii composition et liae ceunratle, on fine and voter. At- liough Mn. Harper vos aa 'aid mcmn. ber efthlIe ceuncil, ba diA net vislu le se. hlm a meiniiet. litaI aemmilîee. lHe thmliault it lduifotohLe interest cf lte lewn le bave a change-at isast ho tLe exteut cf alleving soins cîhen gentleman le be cbairmon. Wby net maie Mn. Jeffrey,. or Mn. Watson, chairman 2 He chargeA liaI, aithougi Mn. Kîtg's naine oppearocite hoLe ne. ports ase cairmon blas year, Mu-. Han. pcr lu nesîily fid 1h. business. Mr. IHarper. donief liaI suds vwas lie case. Mn. King sxpliouhua oee eider came. lehb.imode eut iy Mn. H'orpen ln refeneuce te soau-ry, anA saseeted liaI lie -select couamittee aveu-e particuiariy cart-fuil in iking lie sevorai conmît- tees, se as te put lia. igil aintahle igit place. Ho ouked viether Iliere vas o sueinet ofie councit vho coulA Le presumef te istow os muob about li. fine apporaîu ond is wenking as a ekillef mecbnnie sncb os Mr. Harper, anA if il voulLactonrLtme Leaiefil efthLIe levu le put eltion Mn. Jeffruy or Mn. Watson ii ils place. Mn. Harper ,vas adiîitedby the oulest Mou te manage the depanhmeut, sud lie Mn. Ktng, veuif net Le saliafief te iskitil facl te mais. iluwenahle lu tbhe ioueleofet oîere besexpenloucef. IL vanif Le like feuyiug Ibemasîve thie protection wvioci tie>'ne wbof lu tbe case et n uenufine bneaiing eut. H. mev thinluMn. Harper Iiey bail the rigit mon lu lie ight place. Mn. Honnaise dosired thaI île nom. sitouif net stand as ciairman cf the. Relief cemmittee ; ho Laref ho migit b. absent aI imes and dif net aisi lea loitlierespoaisibiliîy et f er. ing or- andiling accounte. Mn. Harper aepief thal as ciairman ho aveuld bave neonacre te do thoan>'D othen member et lb. comntmittoe, ex- )copt lu presentg lie repenl.'e .Mr. Long asief boy ilavonîLd e s te te gr&uting et arders for relief, sud cotupiainef cf the hast>' manunei avilci lie clauses of lie report vere Ur. King 4tiul Mn. Gibson gave cx.- planalion-a, t'ôte r.ing oethLe comilieo.q, ouf tb. repent vas 011ev. ed te pass vithoul amoudmuent, ouf vos nepertef anuf optof. -AUDITORS. Ou motion of Mn. Gibson. secoudef b>' Mt. Harper, Mn. R. J. Yannold wos nomef as, lovnuaditar, snd tb. major nambef Mn. dins. Nourse as lie seconid au'litor. _ Mu-. Blow intreduref s Ly-law, vwici pausA hirongb al liüstalges, ne-p. pointiug UrI. J.'E . Fitreveli sehool truste.- -COLLECTION 0F TAXES. -Ou motion et Mn. Oison a rosolution puui.ssefxcndiuglbh.-lime for. lie col- Special Meeaîýng et tic noard et Edu- cation. Atllie p muilieeting etflias Boni-f et E ducahion letd ou Thuirea>' a'uui ailth lI. nembýn r u-e prepeul, vitia lia exception etf]ýr. Tucien ouf Mr. liant. ARRANEEN~Tirte oTEICHNRS. Mn. John R~. Thompeon vas eippoint- ef Isocher of thlb.Dunfaa-sîneet school, al a salary etf $500, ouf Mis Hickie and Mies Buns, jai h Le anme salaries as henelofere. J-Miss Borrovinan vas lraustorned t - the Jcbn-itreat scicol. BEATIN, TE£NEWativ cisOn.. The commiýtee neportel liaI lis nev scbeol b eén sealed, ouI tIiot lie seala pueil dby Mr. Wmin. Bau-tas vene anrxclntnicle. Tise accumamul onsanm, wasl oenderef le i. paid. 0PENlIýO 0F NEW SCHOOL. Monda>', Lie 17dm mant., vas appoint- cd fui oe hég -b.Dundastrectl sehool, alliýe Iaou r icao'clock, anA il vos arranged Iia4 ia.hemeaniers of lihenni'r; Phonld olleuýin 10o Ldy at tise peaing. Judge Dar ýt.l gave notice tisaILie waua1ilot lte pexti meeting mOCEoa -e- lulion for tliîsj eaIing oethéIm loyer flot et t-b.e l I lia cheol buiiling. AIao tIsat certain amenaI Le ad. vanceel for Il o punalisa.e ofapîsaatu- tie sains le e netnnilelfrein puoceeds cf exiition te be given during thie jean. A A OSP Le) Reamy.-Ne fnmily sienif ha ea-iheut soin, efficacieus remef y for ho cure ot affections se universaily revalent as cougis, colle, epre Ilunoat, *becpiug.ccugh sund croup -Boine rei >', toc, avhieb can be r.- lied on os saïO, sure sud certain. Dr. WisIan's Bal3am, ut NViid Cherry coin- blues tlb.dfiiderotuna. Tlien. are in existence a gt'sat mauy musical lus numeue.ts viicb are sal> wegectef ite meel important part ef thein canal allen, thiit is, toue. - Mou-e lime la taie ,andi tee muai laber sud exane Itcdefthélb.anse, oufdlise loue Endl>' eg1ected. This ismtItLe canse frein .ais i oi by tiié mesl cradilepa ls'et Mu-. D. 'F. BsaIIy'a inh-ret.The toue b. ceasifeu-s alie mutc nlipart, o ie hspores ne paintîloi. keil durable, niclm, ouf p hfct u in couetruclaIlis case le aurrnespnd ithlipnice. Seo. is advei'. lisernl cieviere. TUtE CL ar'o TSPIosEcuTaoa.-Mr. Keneei clenzie lias fecliu e tO ct .as= eueu tnsel ilutho prosoeutien et CIenets if Fraser. He prosecutef ho D]avis, , wila Clements sud Fr-amer as viluesos, sud it vouif nov Le- a compote,%ruof lb. tables Ie pu-seculo, Clementse uF u-ser vwiti Lie Davisea se vita, as. Ovhug te Mn. Mac- ienzle's r ai te _ael,-Mu-. B. M. Buil- ton, cf igeton, bas boem cailef upon. ýA tiare gil>-iposî mou vil-l lie *ven toe dag-,orl-nauywmay tra> Th. brut.'f confidence. - the publia vonk t ofhé Province passed asei 0liratm uaIolaIa-waie v us ent aulb com'Ittýe' ou Hou Mx -~a~duWI1 coilenùd ofthat soie n.-rviles..gtvèiBtt tbé'- mm nbéer by'tisbih ý;W 're iràieafas ,kuiipefleut. Afe* Bmgit amn4inhtî wesade, and progres a estl !Ounmain t l fr; H."ou. Mevat't,-he bill le carry ub .itarts i ggep- lieus for Ibe ameudmeut cf the 'latw tuafA y,lbemiiaosscnedt. 4ià- àiotàtte, vs-~~eaca lMme. On motion of Hou. Mr.,Dj!ywa, lte il te umenà lb. acta reapectig the praci-ico ý !nactions, of'ej4tmneutï vas ýýea4 lie second ine.- Mn.- lillgins ma~ve4t le. Cer qonýailà n stati]eninof lii. uiits-f railvay centruetef -lu-Ontario; mxiles uiter-eurao; mies~idlby - Oràer- iu Comneiil; capital elôcIeOfet esci u pany,; atun-paid, on stock ; - mni-. cipal ounsea; overage ceaI par mile, nd amount paiftram aid anA subsidy funda. Carrief. Pickring Counci. cancan imputes iffè1-.*a dhrssedasW spayeooc1 -an' oiIi. e d sas Coms4 .A a ,sthim cécoe'à. of thè,unice s'a' oliss wlant grand over iuiaod, I edup m'Omiudý that î il fib.nothin' else.: <MtLia,ý bidl ièrà U It1 sei.I again, ýoniosélf,' it isn'1mu htelIok ah. I end bàité bats ou4 v Oib uvetriut e. el elafthsyaàvWiie, me eojes gel useit l ce,. n io sI w u! Ihikin avhlm uppopo Misthierý thwI~ é ies gintleinxan tal I was *nies, ses I tomeoef agin, now we wiil ose the fan ; Ibis ia lie performer that trots the.Gvermaint around Ihe r;$Uft Wou, 'whin e cxpeotaahun wua ah ts bite, vint ojes tbiuk teck placeP WhyMith MdWat, 'igt sasamilin ant civil a 1ad y. Ian.; -jPet sod-"'Miaher' Spakor 1" hart jumpef junte Me mouth ; 1t asn't the Gliveërmint atbal;& alali1, as haf ýsuppôîéed, I à~ 1ih. anke ~'in' liaI way.liews sàpoken av by al l te mlaubers lia' 9t ' up-" Mial oer Spker "-Au' vhy,. Miather edit r?2 It as a inistbsry te me intirely, for devil a lwo yards htq gether did tlti soine Spolier spak4 ifl the,time. flwas ail silence, au, tlîry' là' te put- ou as much conuaekvenice an' fine airs, as iecuî4 as I tbougit, while showin'opff[ lis fine close, vîuic t lite sane ilta Bod, as betlght for biai lbe Miether Mcirat. Well, suri I uext turneil me allia. shuu te the Jlcbatin'. Ie vas the -grale queshtun si privilege hhat vas gem'n on, as 1I1 udherobtat l . Misther Mowat au' ho comfortably sated gin- tiemin aboi t him liad rames of paper bigger uer &htufliereal CHRONICLES, bfore lem c 3itaipin' vint they call.çl thiel prive1 dges. -An' part was that if âny rommer aced centbrary or un- proer that ý ie shonîf be Orpilled (sarve lîim rite,) a id be aise disqualifide fur four years. Mistiter MicliDagali, sun yer ottif fri id, Mlisher Carueron, the bowld ladhi r av lthe Oppesialin, Cen- dim'dIbis L4thber part &a, rçug., Tbey wanted the free au'. ludiplidilit eleC- thora that sa nt their man ta Parlimntu te bave suthin' te amy about the dis- qualifylu'. 1['ey didn't vaut Ihat n insàu itua ~.kieked ontI b. a parshal parteezan njajerity, as il May be, an' punished aI' tb. sains im e by Ihean, whiai the la¶ v o' tLe land an' lte elea- thora 'was ai reaily able te de the pun. iehin' part. Te a simple minfIlike me owu, this lattber view appeared rite, an' t'other - iew appeared te me as if the ?vtlistliky vanted tb havethe power of b ugin' a man aftier thspy bad kilt h But te bear ail the rearn ' an' r ntin' lbey bad about their pria'ilges. I, believe lhey are detar. mijisd te Ca *ry Ibeir priviliuegsam far sas te make jil a crime bereaftber. te loak ereeked at a parlymint nman. Tie debatin' ou this pie, brougbit te me miud. wliat the amons oulil Dane Swift vauceiosed cf 'the Irish Houpe ef Cemnieus win~i they war discussîn' tîjeir privilid ges- Thusnteaetbree iîundhurd brutes AU invoived inluwid'disputes, Boarini' titi rleir lune~s sr ,Tint, Priviiedge a PrlMn Ileft thin, roarin' an' tarin' an' spint tbe remaiud)ier av the eveuin' in con- vivial couvereallin, widji a nice, svell alioken giutIcimin namned Mistizer Juani- ue-i Briggli, $vho -arly kilt tuo wiffl talut', tellin'Ifunny alitories, an' who ln a friud te ai relaslinu av mine iu tlic reportiiers g Iliery. That purtyj boy.,lte elither av the Gazette, lh.ly tell me, lias gui ain- other grieva ece-an' a sure personal wan. The Il tle byps lu lie sthireele do be calliin' Il(abliege beaud" afther lm, an' ankin' Iliulta b seIî bard verdg, au' laelbas 'got se mad tint Cheef Brine lias now te 'keep vatcb an' wardiover bita, an' cave Iluiî from the iii inanuers av lhe poer goa cons. Auj av thum thal cry d-o-g cat afther lm again will bie Yer thrne friud, TIM O'DAY. 2na. Tu takes. sa to~ au mlmto ti -,Srd' "-o ereduce.theb. faiil-eitelie-of thi loansud eiàylung semi.snuual diridai He(thie Piresd.%t) &4i Bcard vprd lnVta - cours..anufexpisinef lhi cet l(20 off -lie capitalis mulatef profits n p ho SIJ veeseMtj>ed,t y4e14 t bit àihê1ul ear lsoe hm ai -le ii.u helaeti from the 'het llie' vwao&s1tlt-w1llieg ho' oI cIaounrse,M auUd% ta t àhPli 'end vonld ho PAiâ neijuly. - Mleçr s horagla sud exhaustive dis. -enssian, l in c bfieli ehe inu -ei part, rviz., Mears.,.G. W.' Wbb, Rev2 Mr. Bain, A. H. Campbel, Alexander BÃŽ. Brovu, 0s MBi~, Jas. Lockhant, J,ýifl., Slesue, Jas. Her-, sou, 1:1k McÇleej -M. -Gillespie, W. P. Coa'n, nAthera, ýuloifo*loing resolutions wefe -carnief nnanimonsly, oI.moref bty 14011pkli scneud by Alex. Brovu, - 4'Tliat the Direlors Le ouf are iereiy anlthanizef lu obtain lb. sanction et Parliamettol reduce the Capital Stock etflias Bank tae lie extent- of lven>-.f re% pér cent, or 025 per share." - Ne. 2. Moref by C. W. Webb, sec. onulef by CapI. .Sinolair. "T 4 lu eblaanng legisliltion, il la f osirsa- aI théi same thl..to change lie naine of lie Bank, Sud LImaI lie siares tiereof hae 075 -eacb."' No. l. Moved iy Dr. Craylye, Sec- oudodr ýbyJas. MeBrien, -~Tiatlie naime et theBoni shah hoc clasuged into liaI ef 'The StaudadBanki cf Canada."' NoS. 4. Moved by Thos., Dniffili, sec- ondcd Lby Adam, Spears, "Tîmal lie Di- rectore Le enf are igrobyauliborizef to gzivo, afler lie necessarY législatien, la eaccibolfer et a pnld-up aliare eof00 in lie St. Lawrence Bauli eue poid-up s)iare et 75 eftIhe 'Standlard'Bank of - No. 2. Movedi y Ben. Johnson, séconfof Ly Capt. Gourneen, "Titlthe Directera Le- auf are iereby instrectefl le, eipforcm proînptly lia. esolution pass. cd t l ast annaVm'esliug lu reference t'O fbie ntorcemeul of pajnt of- 1th. nupaif stock."~ No. 6. Moved bly A. H. CampLell, secouded Ly B. McGee, "Tint a rate et thîcuis Le giron le tbe Pesaideul for bis able coufuct lu-thbe chair." TIhe meeting &tien separated. -,VCnew Thy Oppaniuuliy."f TIié gritu meusIen, Peatb, vas staI.i thily approacig. I coulA almeat leel b1is flot, fiery treatfi upen My foreheil.. My falîbless goffdeas, Hygeia, Lad- ulteniy doerteul me. Ouiy nev sud titan veulI blorphena befrieuf me, but on ihL suspicions day, ho had desigusd te moiisten my eyelids villi heav.nly unmbreaia, anti I aîept. As I siept, Le- Itoif, I hmd ao ream 1I1Ilianglit that I was reaming tapota--tereigu soi whiliier mny physicile af adseul me te recever iuy beaitli. I vas lu, a great metropolis-one efthte grand morts et lhe venld, Inuoe eoetmy strols I cbance te ncet o man vite hailin bis liauf a handiomely - Lounufvolume, ertitIef "Tii. People's Common .-Sense Medical Adviser." auf vbo seid lie vas ou agent fer lie sale of lbe Leok. The tille vas such a novai eue Iliat I vaà impeilef te give the varia a. casual notice. As I bastly gianceil over its pagea, I obaerved - thal Il conlained treatises net commouly tounn uMofi- - cal vorks. Bu ImaI I oo eemauy limes Leen linaxeil y appearaucca, anmd I determinef ltaI 1 vomîf haro uething te do vithiti. A voice ithin me. 11k. a faitaful mentor, viapereil, îsKuow tiy opperlunity -lu in ht book is tby satvation 1" I began reasening vitit my= f Altheugh doubtfni and dia- treita.yot I put forîb My Iîaud ho tmtke the book, sud, Ile! lb.héagont vas izenet I Ias miserable. lu my ageny I avoko. Great draps et prespiration vene upon my Lrov. By my bodaido vas a friend vie 11sf cailef dnnlug my sininher to e se me. SalA my frienil, 111 have Lrougbt vili me a book, juil pnbiisiod, vhicb I Ibaugil yin> ltereat yen." On. glance aI tbe von, anti'l vas asauref Ibal Il vos "The lPeoples Commen Seuse Medical 'Adviser," by Dr. B. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Sure. iy, Ibis vas tie vrntable booki vilci I baf seen lu my dreams. My tnienil hoaned me the vent, and erery day, as My sîreugia hpermitlef, I perusef its pagea. Although il containef .very intenestiug treiles on Biolegy, ýCar. ebral Pby8iolagy4 Eiuian Tempera. meule, Nursing et lbe Sici, etc., jet ., Leiug an invalid, I was moat interested' lu the e'nbjeclc et Diseases sud Reine- fies. I beliovef tisatI Ibaf a liven affeciou, aud yot imore tinanu Mefi. cal attoudaul lînul grononuef myu diseaso Cousumptien, and that I vomI;f liait wiblh tbe autumu beaves, lu IntaI booki I fouud my symptoms perteetty portrayef. I vas Lhou confident tat I baid not deceivef myself. I retasonef thune: "Auj nsu wviteaucon etruti- fuiy depiet my feelings, and apparent. iyunudersîauds my coustitationsl tond. bsoitanas of the acniresa au ininuen, tsua, bave-sent in e a, petilion reqamUugýtitst 200 veigil cf :tIa.,daugercursatfuf ~ Matie 'liutyo 1- teir "cil ý_beineoY0jd ferlhii. W-beir potilton;2 vill,-YLý foubt, be attendle-to,- sud *fèsIiegti. halions *iasuef te cplrtzl lho-lýMauufac-ý turo, stening su saeféxpjiisa. It, 5o, bovetor, obvions that, unislieW more civilizefd nd utilcurim nulle lu lia.. precautiouary meas±ea,ý tie cilizens et ia ii b. Leyosoeli te, perl et'atifreug' ffr t àoomission of -eue )- eea.tw-poulndasfio Na 1 sob hterribleiarec, hhis--is au. o çsghl cf0 Bnri, after- lie ba!isafane ,byAmerican glycerine lu Gormnny, itl aUgil uat la Le tee sanuine ho hope b. aenotby conchaîdef belveen lb. two> statue. -i- A, CHEitrinun CiI;Eua Nuti.- W. once heard a yotdl a'dy sày te anelher, "Yetou oniteustae, - ate, eis bib'tlb. rpbining oethle' sunh, fer Itýl*Mlaj gaf me A erry or ebleerfiti cutnance - no tahee e b tiuge vhtci JereMîy -T~i sif hie onemieî sud jieysq. culera coulA net taie avay frem in l Thora are saine vhà sjinf hbeir lire. aî s if , a Iuluina dungeen. , Erery- Ibieg la fan, gloemy, ouf fonbafding. Tbey meurri tram day'to day liaI tthoy bave @0 itlîte, uf ti luconaslts ar lest abat uitIle the>' bave vin escapeý ont efthIeir bande. Tiey *ilvaja book upenlbte dark aide, sud eau neyer,;tm- joy lh. good f e ipressut, for tsar.iof. lte evil liati s te came. This is ual piety. True- reèligicu mates the laeart gisad;and vien zils noble pninciples are fe rébemù ïii . hap, -in s lecf the"Iseles Tis juméiias b,, dosa net coin- plain thât Ibere are 00 msny poloonouis floyers ouf liane>' ybrancesa'lu him rood, but buzes où, gslbeng lie bouey viere lie counid:u it, aufdppue- iug quietly by lie places viens tin f net. Tie ereounghiu is, vcnid te compiain about, aouf dfaful it vliif vo bave lbe disposition. W. trarol often lu a bordaouneuernoaik; but, witb a citeertul apirit, iobf a heart le Pr-ase Hearen for Ies merciee, vo May wal tiereinaviit great coinfont, oud coin. te lteenoucf our journey 'iu peoco. Thc corresponfeucosund -hable tlitoe Benjamin Robert Hajilon, the groot painter, bave beau publisief. Tiey ibrea soien. no ligit on lie history cf Washington Irving, Napelecu,-Weliig- ton, aud Byron. lu Inegard te lte latter, UHoaii n sys :r-leauon1I Iimi Lady Byreu'a Irealmout cf Lard Byrou Loir. Her meliodof cf acgming hlm f readftnly, ouf ieeping lias publie lu ignorance ofthle nature -cf lhe accusa- tion-, is a mare artful vo tf eatneying hie eharacter lion bylelbiug lte Irult bel it Le eern onorible., Tii.only ci. anm , had vasltaI-h. vas Mai, anA wbeu site -ounil tIat la-e ualo&-mad, cie loft itl. Mns. Opie tlli me, vi, brsskfaelieg vith ber at Narivicit, litaI au mral' he Leord - liaI 1h vosi se s yve al - evr he . eai. it l sartlef lier "as if lie Deril vas speaiug, viti jutent te begie' er." l"Ho gave ana the. idea,"»soif aie, "Pu if it ver. -sncb a voice as nAd deceived Ev.." Oii an-> olior occasion Byron soif, I have a great mind ta beliere lu Ctirislslulty for, lb. Mer. pleasureof etauyiug I.tus>' be damuef." Ho beggef Shelley' ualta tlu of heu'or giosisa aler dank-il made hlm "nnessty." FRusnsON Tm TaSiirisuxr E- UNITED STrErus.-A Timea' Wnoiiugton despatch saysa lith le course cof te investigations y the Treasury Depant- ment lu regard te lie pajineut et cetten ciainis, il inabeen diacoveircd hiat 60,- 100 aere raudulently' arawn <nom lie Tu-ressury iu lie case of ParkmnnBroocs & Ce.- Among lbe partie. ilicatea are soif te-b. former- Aisistsul Seere- ,ta 'Sameyer sud, Mn. Haînes, viaovas Commaissienea t C use.Ifondt Ly the Grand' Jury , gainsî soverai par-ties viii b. atisA for. How re bsvx Tenta Icti Baua.-Gct âs quanst>' ty femph>' barreis an boxe@ dur.' ing the coidoal limne in lihe *inter, sud- put o Loy incies cf voter lu eac ; lie, evoning vion lie colA la mosh intense iî lIh. besl lime te fa -Ibis. 'ALler lis voler le frozen soldf, dli up, again, r. pet the proces nutil lie borreis are< fuit et soif ice. thon rail tiem inmb yon -r celian, cever luern ne ai l let>' et saviluet or atrov, aud jour ice cnep -injFur 1»Wu lia. 15in lta. orcre cdr balance of lm vil me od in P*ECEL 16. Lot No. 18 li On IltisLote il 5e aces cd gS PAscEn 17, LoItlNo. 21, un spoutien eof vil b..wiu o in one ot, tao Lota ef 25 acre 13111 concest PaEi;OL IH the isteoncemi from udraii* suce vsl 11mb on Ih Laso. PAscaL W. aip cf Brock, Concession. 13 ZPASCEL 21. Latinluhle.VU lyjalter111e -a ceieituated Stat sud alasudman singleeid--onbi Tzmu orp coul. dovmaast 10 per cent. t meney inu80,fa 10 years, vithi B. MAJOR, Prupiels Januarjlsti, 1 N. e. Partie jas above, cas 1000 BUS~ CLOI Deli-venef aI Ci Higheat-Md6 ibPattlsaida111 ve yar old seeker U*kx*dger»"Wh5l tdo foUs mea by$1u?~'. TJney ref.ir te a bsuk. lhs Ïii.formà ta Wprveul -ater ! fljpùg',my in-',1 ýAf tr a long 2:B"ene> '-ThBo,. p4inh.a our cornai- man, James, lipp.d thé caulage <o'sv yesterday, va. jou afrsid hoavas going te cry, vhoi 7eu ad, 6"Damntyour oye., James ?19 The leùUdr paison on paper-A young laidyofRochester lalyzeed the followuzg note, scoompanied by- "backet of fonrs:" " '1 oundyouii UI boy a buiket of floyers. Tbey in- 1k. my l. cv for 114 lb. nil. shade jusans kiep',dark, lb. dog i fl--al -a* ypur slave, roses red sud pouls pail, mi muv fer yo!t sasUnover fais. "1HuwP1" gruzible&a eica1 mndi. vidual,- as he frxstleauble kt sgoî f the emiblems lin1the Windows of the ecurbhx. *'Tbiat's Wall osen .uybow-a sial51 cross sud a big creva ; a~ correcÃŽ measr~ ormolompisLy.", A fai days sites amlan -Cdivfite& -of druukende sstoodup before bis, Houer &1tii. poi*è.leo atnah i]E[onor'iaiti fl bis slw, Ã"bniàjr.1141il es Yeu th 10,Su, or lhfty daythé "ell 'i t. 811 kinder 11ke po.try," isid a Wl.- lsett t tihe exact spot." ,Mgr. More, *»výscouscted ILB.. Biphep cf t. Hyacinthe on Suuday. The. maiprity of the delegates chosesa ta eloct members totahb e ewrench Seoau m add la b. supporters of th. Buffet Goverzmént. ," "Katdam," maid a tranoe-nisdiun, 1yur busbaudc's spirit 'isbas teo om- municate vith jeu." "'No. malter,"' said tb. vidow, "if bs's gaI no more spirit in theootber worid hauho h"s iný Ibs t~a ~hbothe i bout." SNotices 0of Birtke, marriag, and Deaihi..Carged 59,*Unfe7acl. BIBTHS.- HOPKINS.-At Wbu1by, on the0 l8th. it., the vfisofMUr.'George Hapktins, of a,son. McMUÈTBY.,-In Bowmsnvllo, on the 2nd inst., th1e wife 0f Mr. W. J. Me- MurLry, Bsq., et lb. Ontllo Bankt, cf vins, son amidugbter. WHTYMABKETS. Onacmc= r.u Omcz, la.i9th, 1876. giduiWha.........1 96,Io Barlez, No. 111750; e. 2, #00@-Io 75 ....er............. 70o R... ........... ....M0 70 Bye .......... ......55e,0 -y...y.... ........ i... 010 *la E ý........... ...1ejft Coal, par UI...........47 -@-le Wood ...... .........g1400 a 4, 0 Pork, percvt .... . $6 50@17 00 Ohickens.............. 85@ oSorpsir Ducks ar-erp - t-. ,- IWO @ 0600 TuLrkeys, per lb .... «..100 Appieè,'per bushéi ; ~.4Ã" a 60o Wes ...........3 eS4 hef ia quarter.....SU75$? Beef4ore rqý ..... 5 a15 50 Sheepskins ............7o 8 Ridés..........-.10 Tnis...... ...... >J Carrela. .. ....~.. -lSe,#-15005 - EPI'5'i4 UVOA.--G"TrEUL A» Oouwruo.-he greeabl& oharasc-f titis preparation bas reudered it s genuimi ,favofie. Msde tninply villa benling valsa or Mil, Bach packel in labeileA uoa .Bm'o & ca., 1Bomoeopslhlo OJ-.musl,4 , Tbrnsellemelw, sud -1ô0, Piccadly. Warks for Diotetio ]Prepmarstiosr-ustou- road sma Canideu Town, London., RES5EDY fREZu'-We menU fre, a slmple aua sure meaus eciuelàcurs, or O.à- éuntornhitisý, AsthbinsCataral Scrhls an andissseocithe Tbroat or Lungs.ý Nfflo1s DsiiyPýr8mataro D csyWeacness, sudonsU isrders brought en TUOTTLB & Co., 78 Nassau-e.slNi. Y. "Mcni Sanain Corpore Sgno.?' Hundre 01ailettonrofeà s shil arbrets t.Ith. extraesaieov, have beau re. The Pickering Council ',.met at Broughamn. Marnions all precent. Min- utes -et lait meeting read auf confiri- The Standing Comumitîce on accotants suul pohilione, prosenteel Lie toliewing report:* 1 ouir Standing Commitîc ouon c* donntesud peliiejis presenlef thile day,, heg leavjo report as foitoas : Firal, vonlf recemmeuil -paymnh ntof lia. fol- iewing accounts :-J-ohn H Smith, fer suppiyiug aid te Heur>' Buow-eanda vie, 800; J. & D. Macuab, for aid te aidov Yougz, 1$0 ; J. & D. Macuab,. fair aid -McGce sud vite, 880 ; C. Rogers, fer aid ho vidoav Gales, $22.115; Jolin Odie, for nid tp tbe Stener family, 680.50 ; Nevnick,.Wilson, for aidl te vidow PoulsIer, $80 ; SamI. Sommeu-ville, for aid tLe vifea MeKet- Irick, $22.50; Robent Seeken, ton aid le W. Beach, 817; James Logis, for aid to John MeMillan, aiîlew Keasl, ouf ailleaSitha, 877 ; Mre. Wood, for aid- te John Coirnse, 23.25 ; William Knowles, fer, ' aid le amu imbecile, 815 ; IL. >P. Hloover, for aid te Moses Allen, $38; Bd, Wright, for aid le -Mou-in Loisie, 89 ; Dr. Tueker, for medical aI- tendance on aidov Stener, aidea Jabuston. ouf vifew Koyes, 89 ; M. Bonilaeiden. for rapaininai roaf scrapers, 85 ; John Severhy, ton building bridge, $78.70; E. Deluarl, for gravol, 84 ; Thuos. Leapsu-, fer cesta incurneil in a cuit at court, 821.87. Yoamr commille. vouif recommninu lIant tite sceounu et Dr. Warren for umedicai alteul once on Mris. Farley be net paid, fne ngreeoble te a reseluinof titis colnvil ne accotants fou- medicai at- tenudance on indigents viii Le acceptefl unuies outîtonzel by o memben etflte counaril. Your coiuanillea vonlrecommeud pajnut o et bafolieving accunste l lise members oethte councilianuftoau- ship efficeas for lIae ycar 1875: John MiiIsn, reeve, $61.80 ;'J. K. Brbvu, feputy.reove, $47.50 ; $- J, Green, deputy-neeva, 41.80 ; D. Mac- ni, councillor, $45.60 ; P. R. Hoover, aouniller, $47.50 ;- Hector Beaien, Cierk, Trenstarer, Registrar, and select- ing jurer., $510 ; David Gileicint, as- s2seor, for îeiecliug jurons4, $ ; Ties. Hlamilton, heil keeper, $28 ; Hector ilenton, onîbtrcejeuruarys te Toronto aandhave te Whitiy, $13.15. AIt et abichistarcapecltniiy cLumwit- led. S. J. GRIEEN, Report roeivef and oloplef. Mu-. Green mnores liaI lite reere grant lii. arden ôu the trensurer iu for. or efthie parties 'necommendef by lb. standing commuttee on accouaIs anA petitiene. ,- Mn. Grcen mores ltaIlite councilide nov ajourmi aine die. Cou-nef. DZTànaOF -THE QiriCai CIatmpOa.- Mn. Henry' Lionel Dymoke, et Scnivels- by Court, ie-an Herecasile, Lincoln- sbire. the hon.thie Queen's Champion, died on Tuesday, ai 80 Itedehiffe-reaI, Senti Kensington, aI Lie ege et 42. The office ef Royal Champienlaa eny oncieut eue, andi bas Leen attacieul since 1377 le lIte manor et Seiveiebj, Ilion eLad by lie Mou-mien tamiiy. Thîis manen came Lby marniago te lb. Dymoke tamil>'. The gentleman juet deceased vas the nineui ethl hit ie vio liaI icîflImte office. TIi. duîy et the champion im, aI Lhe coroual.ion et tue Rings (on Queens) et Eugland,vben tii. Sovereigu le al dinner, tlernde, armeul cap-a-tie, jute Westminster Hlall, andîlb>' Lie preclamatioîn et a lieralui mauke a eliaaIIengýe, liaI " Il auj inu ebstl deny the Kimg's (or Quecn'ai title Le lte crevu. la. is-tiera le dotenui il lu single combat." &o., and lie-tIirowvs down hjs gage.- This Leiug doue, tie King drinks ho hlm, sudd sonda him o gili cap vili a cover fullioet ane, vhicb tb. champ ion dnuks, anAdiaas lime cup forhi&-fee. At tie coronotion et George IV., lie liev. John Dymoke. Preiendony of Lincoln auf Hector et Seniveleby, the champion, beang pneyouted by lis cleimal office frein penfonmiug service, bail te oct b>' deputyjoud bae tieretone apeolulef lais son, the 'laIe Smr Heur>' Dyruoke, Bort., %who fellillef tbe fuly, iicblbe likeaise 11f lunlais eaun igil nI the cononations et William IV. and Queeu Victoria; The offl içes' *Dt heredit"ryilutle Dymoke tamil>', but la attaehef ta the Lord eofthlb Manor et Scnireblb, vbieb la bel b>' Lie mocieul butane uevunasgrand, serjeanro-i.e., aber.eue tolde tonds csf tii. King by service vîici la. bas ho pertorna lu -pers in, tie service by abici Seniveislmý le hlilbeiug "-liathe a.lord lieu-etf sIaIll b. L -i.KingstOiaap-o.. Whitby, Januar The Thirde - te oCompuji - rTue8day1 221, j aloufcl, ýp By orMe 'tTendâ *m 'IJB.BY, 1676, f6 --saunaLaumbexý &U to be 2 feet Ig Orr THEc Mtuai Insi The -meeting cd tame Fbued atMt 512o'cbeck, p.m. catvjngllae Direci Januat>' 101h, 1876 ACRES; Rlemlock 'W sons. -- -ichumond, Va., Juan. 17-The Tre. degar Company' Iran ý,Wroks h'aro:- s.i peudef. Frein5,000 te6,000 eporatiros are enstef. - remens have been mai-l7.fr 'aut inter.1

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