e ORT PEsaY, ONT., JAN * CHARLES C. KELLP.Rt,, ATTORINET-AT-LAW, 6SO0TOITRNi LYMA N/J R<LbS19 L le ,, .Coû Street, Omhawa, G4. YOUJNG 5ll5TIfýs LL. fle -A. 0. Ne11LLAur7 -DARRISTOOs, ITTONT-T.LIW, - 9-ByConVSteetNSouh « ,t., ce CatyO tmîT Slcta, etue - THIÃ"1AB' nUecTOI#,- :rONCLERK AND TABASU1ýE1I, T Wbhby. Ofoo.-ov al.Hurs,ý Hl. J. Gtllyr44M l) S UBOZON TO TEE COUNTY.GAOL, SBt-non Street, Wlultby.ý UT'S HW1PITA LND N O N., the. eoR, 0.HB. £ OND&ONt, E D ETh NTIST, (SUCCES- le à rtoW. IH. Oaa-S.) Dt-r -vIci-on- Oxitie <ls i alitaredtnliepuesex C, N. VARI, ýLe 'Q, à É2i! , E ETH tusettet ou aIl theo 1Qc'?"ilatent prln4pies of thé art, &asthoeeuthé. ceapual, anti As gooti os lieJ lest. tholi Usdwith, GelS-Anti silver,1 -Teelli ,siracted wtbhoui ,* .lbypreduols- local anmeîheelaDentsl hlooju-lu Cew- an' esyblock, ocr tinikaoni's Drus-Soe Ring Street, Oshso,. e55 TRIVAU EEIiL BUILDER AND ýCONTRACTOR, DUs-DIBST5., vNiTZ. lrAU or4ons promptiy executed JI AIR DRESSINO AND> SHAVING Saloon, JBrook lMt., Whitby. JOhN IVOLOBN[DeN, A GENT V011 TUB' CELEI3RATED CI. cottteh Granité.- At Marbie Worksi Lr'ICNfE AUOTIONEBR FOR TRE Pont Olce-UnionvllIo. S alots ttended on the shorteotfibtieo, and oui rotsbalo terps. Term# cou be made à nd billé prlnted -at tOh clinoaccLa Offce for Mr. Carter. TUmmeER HECHANT, CARPENTER L 4andi Joiter, Oteisontreý Whltby. A large quahttty of al ds ofl icber con- UNýERAKIN,-FunralsfuU1y sup. ~lied and at4ended on short notice. Coffins kept cotitatly on hond. A hoes to hire on liberal termet. GEOR1GE, BOWN; PROéPITOt.' a ~iMw o sol abe nwy Alt- lords @i,cafor aepmnmodatlora for dcâ?cs 1 uté-The preeent prapristor -bas nprd ia pains-or xmnse lî flntroduclna ' AIjN E 813 HO P, lu the prnee ppolte Raya RritUeh A enican iotol, Dudaa-&t.,,Wbltby where ho wil keej on lanSdasupe lao~ everyt hoglà hi$e 11h. "f buainsa, asd i a Cha I public patrgnage. FRANI TYLPRR. -"OR -SALE, AT TEE GLEN MAJOR~ MILLS!1 *quvmo nat vule tend lthé7 1, fon an l c 'veede bspatrons. 600,000 test plusLuinhe, viii ieecned. Tortno,- July lth 107d. 29 Incch iloardm, Fleornus, QNTARIO HOTEL.4OsScautlius, 2-iou Plonit, - <LTE Dvia'.~ -Fenclng Beantis, . W EXTI3Y, ONTAUZ.O.- 100,000 foot of Oak, PETEBR -WAXkE, PROPRIETOR. HMaple for ailes, lot qualily, occem00odatlen. Tablo,suppue. bitelu ola ason. ,Gînnine supiS'- 'Ds.11Avood,. BnareTimber, CigreUt brande.'- Billard mra lAqons.'AU f c i ii le soiS cbeap for cash' stbes and$boa&.8-t - - - BEe wAEld HOo , g to saylicoktlice Oriel ]RITR, MCN RTBL ngnd n dingftrt-oiaue work. B Cboppilng doue ôO tin mtics veek, for ovony (luTZ-, aoeýs~c oui".) Proprietor. WHIBY O~TT~ De. gth î178. 811f ,Rouge' uevly rnnoteti sud lumnished IGODNciESFOR TELADIES. ticrougicoul, acc putin inWus doderfor lie reoeptlcn cf.gà sses Anorcullus te suS A NEW RE VELATION IN THE GR" TRIE RÂILWAY IIOTEL, SCIENE0DRS-ÂNG &T Wv[uIsY 5TATION, WW4 O'NEILL - P]ROPRIjETOR. Psties takln itrin ausllearlnghonss vii have Ihein viii aken cane eft 1111their relnrn. (LITE cOUECIcMLaI)c CORNWALL'S SELFIITTINOG WAIST è SHOULDER CHART. Dresses SIloS tftam meainroment alan. witiconl change aofa-titch. .For sle, vith free instructions, aI MISS MeINTYRE'S DiZutEXas.KzNG o IoOs, vEiT . BROCK.-sTT~, wcuîvnY, . Agents * ted. Liberslinlducements le TAYLO& Le HcCANN, PROPRIETORS. Wcty n- 817.8 roi 0 ~ Sesl ui& îr o irotnfoncit tur lieh se vl ueuhctel; vhih they LUMBER R LUMBER 1 1 have nowly SItteS upansud -estvaleS, snd putL Inb the lest etfci-dem tonrlice accommoda. 1l lion oeis. Tics Ban, vbioile c bod. The 'cudersis-neti itains- laen oppointeti someot i n île Couuty, I leiinsplieti vith 'Ageont-ancd aise Shippicug Aset-for the thes fineel Inracde . ofylutosy liquors, and ci. "extensive Lumber inu et Mesrs. Smith & grs. Ample encloseSa heti room anSdgpoilCo., o e oelen Talle, bas opeued,iu coneec. .tobÃŽlts-, box ls oDtoht boaton vith hie oticer promises, an extensive frcmtuercu4 t'ravelier. 9r U B R N J. P.TAYLOR, PHILIP MCCANii. "L M BER VA D loto ot Toronto. Adfoiuius the' Whltby &u Port Perry Rail. way Stationc, viere lue leeps c-ontetntly on baud large aitd complote stock af Lctmber J H E eto ail] utn sal, hoeale anti rotait.- Planlu nacciceandi al kinds ef vork ex- iDI L ecated p'snptly,ito orden. QUI rem VLULçM9.jt. .TOR ON TO. The mtusu icsnt, Cosuly sud Perfect Hotel lu the Dominion. This Hotel sekueviétigis no rivai, elîhet- lu ils managomeut, appoluluceole or loai-- tien. Iu th. lattai- respect it afforile its gueuts a charmins- anS uciobascuctive view of Laske Ontario. ta' 'Tht Ounest Waterscope viev ic Canada.i It has 2W 0recuis turishet vith ail lic i modernImprovements. M cGAW Lu WINNETT, 4911 Pncpietors. AR~STR0NO fOUSE, - W HIT BY , ON TAIIO. Whilliy, May 27, 1873. 22-tf JOHN S. M. WILLCOX; 0f lice Town of Whltly, has been oppeinteti OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, (UNDE R TUIE NEW ACT,) For the County of Ontario, Ail business ontruste(i to hie charge viii b. caretnlly at- tendeS te. Whltby,;Jan. 14th, 1874. 81Y M AJOR MILLS. T. P.- WHIT Ë vilI, on lice l4th Octobair, 187K. resume con- trol af the Major Mille, >vicen ho viUll e prépered 10 psy E. ARMSTRONG - PROPRIIETOR. 1 THlE HIGJIEST PRLCE1 R OYAL HOTEL, fWUIT1nY, ONT. A. MINDES8, Je., - PROPRIE TOR. RCommotions Sampe-room. Omnibus I .O'DELL, meute aIl trains. 2 A% T ER L.Y, CIerk Division Court, Tp. Clerk, Comlmlssiener tlu B. ni, Land Agent, &dc., &oe*, Alhoniy, Ceucuty COntanle, ÀtbnlvStit. ud~1879. 8 CA R D- Physiolaus, Surgeons, Accouchera, Luo., Lue. - Whlity, sopî,-8oi 1 1874,4 R OBT. EAX8Aý, M. D,, L. M. IIDIN. (iraduatblwlit h jofera) oethlie University 0? Queuon' 'Celles-e, Canada;.Phladophll Unlv, et Mediin 9uS rgn; ilca n Uol. t s huitlva gecla i ea Peouiv fpalaSaL;,Eclectie Coleage ot l'l lit uselvan ! uciato et, Hicrofly 0lhe oftEi)cburg, SeltlonS. Cen- oielOîeoily of Ontario. office- Amlisuit 241h, 1875. lt-r 8 ORISTINO AND -LUIO Tîca Subiierber .havnoi-neeteS nhie pro. mlee4o, Set 8su, iu the larc, c f Whiclby,.a grn.nilelage Mit ilU ithIe litest im!prove. recnu, la inov pi-sîtanitita sxocute ai GRIýT1NG- ÂKD', H PPINO,ý Ou Short Notice, and cciý sstshsTns lav-las- scuned lhe services etfanro.olgoi Miller. lIlnpilgby stiet'atteniion te business to oba eroiiables sli pc t blie Patronage. . QUINTIN Mý, ccOWAN& Wbltby, Norebr 241h, 1875. . 4 8 PCRl',IoNFRÉE b oil lt -yiqdiorotlous or O1000%. 1Ant- Demggst bas îte usretioutt. Adurese DAVID SQK uO.Box. 229o,,Nov yonk, 'P WPURS' _1 lRavligtbsaanocytovoneooit he isageet fri lsleNév York 41W11.sytt i-bé C"&5 tPice for azuy' q*tity f la o, COup 5ukî'tuê8 &o. - WITDY HOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (vST eP 0FOFF-ICE.) JOSEPH A. DANDEL, iPROF1lXIl'on. Thua bouse bas boen recenîtly butfinl lange andTuie andsuSOtti cp Iii-t-ls stylo. Boit Wines, Lignons ondi Cigrs; tesh Lagon Beer. Gooti stoblus- cie n- cioae4 yard; attentive ostiers. 4 G- LOBE- HOTEL, BUCOOLIii, ONT ton ony qUanliby etniwea dolvereti aI Wiitevale. Hlie ilmoka avec-y effevt te s-lyseuenrsatisfaction le thoet ho -may Potronize thceMill vith Iheir gistins-. -Fleur anti Feeti atthe lest quality, aud aI roeonabRe pricee, viii siso ho kepl cou- etonÃtiy on ianci and for solo. Whtovoe, Oct. otb, 1871. T P 41IE.d RE ATTY'S Ou CBH,, C SCIfOOL, Hail, Lods-e, Office Cabiniet Or s-ans. Beit lu use. S ant istamorepo circu. -bar. Auitreis, DANIEIL F. BEATTY, Washinugton, N. J. P IANO FoRl SALIE R A ltriltanO.lonod anti ecty tea h Pae eheap for Cash, Enquire aI the office et hhis papîr. Whitly, Nov. Othi, 187.46 F LOURI BRANR AND SHORTSRR11 OATMEAL, L&e. JAS. POWELL - PROPRIETOR.NE STORE, JUST. OPENED. FAMR u ICANICS HROTEL. ta, etrosiTEi"Yi'$ Ens. GIVE A'CALL. WM. JOUNSTON.1 j3RITI 811,AIM MICAIi As Seranoel,'C'omýpan7y. CAPITAL, 0400,000, EST ABLI 8,ED 3. This. cld .ac& el ,utab ile opn are rp.e:oaccept rieksau 11olsee10 ro y$atmaloas 10w asthose ci anyvoil ýsistI C Ceompan iin Canada. Iaoitedeand noýnhaaoclopery n- sreS for three yoars or leosaatspcay loy N ORTU BRITISH & MERCANTILE FIRE INSURA NCE. COUPA NY 1 Soae anti reHllo e, charRsmdrtpop ioîtlement of daims. t oirlpop GE.YULE, Agent. - Wltitby, Juno 2, 1875. 2 ( E N (t'ctclAND» LIFF) CAPITAL, I $1,00,00, MARRIAGE LICENSES, Prlnýs4Ubrt, Si.24i, mi. o~ T. H-. M c M1LLA NI' Agent for the OFFICE....ntac.lo. Loon onfiSovings Ian a u' dn corner Ring =aI& Sun- Apiil M0h, 1874. 17 T.1 HALLT LAND, COM~MISSION,> ÂN]Y Agent for the Confederation Lite Assoia. lion of Canada. Rooka poeted anS accounte niade ont pecial attention given te the coflection cfINotes, 'Acoonnte, and Mortgagea. 0Ofce over É. H. Jameson's, Dnndas-st, Whitby, Sept. 1, 1874. 80 OHN L. WATKIS, AUQTIONEER, &o., &o. And Generai Comissieon Agent, _Port ALL INTUET ARNE PATENTgD,,,, 873.- Stylo 4, 4 Stops, 8 140. S3tylo tý, -5 Stops, - 1 50. Stylo 20,6 S topsux 10 StyleS, 8 Stops, o -175. PIANO FOUTES; W% the cealoînoted WEBER & CO'S. make i lvays ounsale heLoWeil Rotes ton fivesîas Instrument., Iùf ltudng punchasens are reapectfuily ne. monts le on luyius- lsevhere. We ore ilarigiose noSnotonstb Cash and Short- lime Customers buying direct trom tlie tac. COMPA N yi- G. , O UN G SMITH, seretl eondf-handlMelodeons MOLSONS8ANX G. A. BAYNES, ESQ., M.0. Head 0Offce fr tonC"ud: lgi & 8st. James Street, Houtreai . FORBES &ii UDOR, Chiot Agents. B. H. LAWDERI, agent, Wbltby. August 101h, 1875. ly-88 s TAGE. BETWEEN WHITBY & OSHAWA. Leoves Oshawa at 8Sa, mn., anS 2, p. m. Leaves Wiitby at 10. a. m., anti 4, p.ni Fore g5 cents each way. - WciIoeat au lthe hotelaAaaI..private resideuces (vîtu" ention are loftI at any of thce Rotels.) Connecte vith Oshcawa anti Bovmanvllle stage; aiso vltic the Wiitby anti Port Penny Rallsy, ant i vtb Brous-b. amn mail at Whitly. THOS. HOPPER. Wiitby, Hec-ch 9tb, 1875. il-if BEATTY'S PAIILO The lest anti mont isetins- panlor ors-su t>ow Ou useo. No clicer parler organ lise evor at- taiîued the samo p 'pulaniîy. Send tai np fer circulai- sud for terme to eaoions. Agents' vanteS evecyvhere. ASti-ose, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wasiiuglon, N. J. W ESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFI-CE, TORIONTO. CAPITAL STOCK,- 540a,ooa. ICSN OBOT vsu -NIouBso, IOSEFHE HOLMAN, BiIOOKLIN, ONT. Aise As-ont tonrlice CANA4DA TABlIE S MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Headi OMfce, HAMILT.ONi; andi IITIZENS'-INSUIIANCE COMP'YZ,lI--- Meutrcal, Tirs, Lie asud Onanntee Depontment, CAPIT AL, - 02,000,00() BrooklinxtDec. 2, 1872. 12iu49 CELEBRA- BE ATTY9StJTED GOLDEN TONGUE PARLOR ORGANS are iisly recommeutieti y Prof. O. H. Hans-r ey.i A. M. JolIe , Baltimuore, Md; P-f Johnj E. Reoncf BoyR. S.,Domer, Washing-ton, D. .; G. S. Dysant, Bloomlielti, Iowa; G. W. Robinsen. Prof. JohnBiton, Piiadei- phia, anti thousaut i ethiers os lice best lu use. Senti staiup for exteutiet lisI of testi- moniale lettre buiyius- a Parler Crs-an. Agente vaictotievenyvicere. Atidress, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, N. J. C H OIrC E A Il 0 U T 40,000, -AT TuE- HOME NURSERY, Frou bye l tour yeari of as-e, emabracins ail the lest Varieties. SETH C. WILSON, Lot No. 8, Qcud Con. Pickerins-, ou Kinston -BoaS, )et Office, Whby. 13aOtIGU&X, Os-TARIeTOTE AMES Begsa oonnce that,1he bas nomeveti te o Pions-be aud PIons-h Casting@, Stnsv. lKins-St.., afev doons O5 S. B. WEBB, -_ PROPRIrJiTOR. Cutaers, i7snning Mils,,ileapens and Mev- EAST OF> THE, POST, OFFICE,E BessILîqecors sud Cigare lvays on hand.S. c5, dm, . ot tue Oh 55 M ONTN-opposite Lukes show-rano, vhaee -will le et-O r 'ar 0t,17.14 W.tHS oN QnS a fine stock et slRk snd fel ta tfron oui Whithy Oct. 1811', 1875. t1.42 ladties and gentlemen, cf bis- ovu manu- "Ps1 TIVERY. 1ts Strav bols coloreS anS aioreS lun e -TUE'BES8T sbatte. dort_ Oshawva, Juiy th I, 1875. 8 9 - 1 HORSE MEDIGINES. O-AcN S Des-s 10 Inform. hie frinesanS 1h. pubieo -1Am1T ththcrison the Llveny busineuss OAilSsnpln tlb otHre3, PARLOR Na>4 R, A. '8 O D 8 TA i< kept cooutanlyon hand andforsaleoat .Au 'h1rst-.ises PAINTER ANDf ET e the WhfsbyueticStabltableEadvan. Parties nuquirluing ey eta.oeeni Wocaneinatrc.lge b>' atitiessins- the manufacturer, epen-,can le accammaitetiaIa oenî'SrN No chaDArEgF.BETTYorahlgto, . JN. notice. a nieta .BT -IIoF ET N Whlîby, sept. 21CH87.PERON-89 _MONEY TO' LEND R1 - ABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.- OUNO'li HOTELI Èagopnlyouoe lntoe.t~ ofivte nule a at'o The -ascIhnoecsfoc- scie thefoilov. IIOIOE ~Oî, DITON - onsale seerui Tvu ltstvo~ran lsvalcisile property, lunlthe Town oet Wht- Tli 0149 491),.DALToi, jIusýý, nd WIreýSrck,136ie' érby-An excellent Brick'iCollà ee ltb 1ocre eyt IIOBT. K. YUQ RPIlO.te lrms, pplyto Hna-Pt- ind ilaeicteenenoOse uSmn G. YOtNG SMTH St;$.Peton Ste,, lu the South1 « WanS& Aise, I Riaielmatnnnrogardins- 1he ce>nu. Wbltby, Fol. Gbhi 1874.iese otolfne, uil i- 11 -v tryMot., turulsbetit1 Petiasn oquirius-it -, Of 'Mci ivolon, enton Wellington ant i Gt- «5 ample Accommnodation ferRountersant 'fnateNTI ar n nCli. te;tosi rue, h aridlrersp îa UEEN'S OTE, -'ofth le nesidincuof C. Dnrîcon.Esq.. ln lu- Q tohset vludslab QWord. AIo2 ce fgn ad barl-anti lardprartppfclo le,.oiaagColi.I - McaSonlh - agn <ion une -Md: sWM. 4TAYLO4J '. - -, Abcjlmsr n ndof s-l ttl t ies "- , 1~OBER K, YOTNG, - LATE W. B. McGAW, -tol al lbh above Pc-perty, 1pgr lurthet- pat-r ~444ý. .,.p .4$ - . - EALER IN LUMBEIRIOQAL AND WOOD, 1 FROM $60 UPWARDS. FRED MUDBGE, Manager. Wiitby, Neveunler 24th, 1870. 48 J-JTTOM PlicEs FOR W H IT BY,. FIas ou hanS o splendid etock oetfinec ean cuti veil seesoueti Lucuber. Al Icinda tfu- ,arpenter anS building purposes. Floorins- anti Breset Lumber alvaya on coud. O-roe%, ieplc icu-mll sîjolning,on ho promises, wvieoaioresare promptly ciecuteti ton doono, sauces, blindas, &c. WVtitby, 29th Nov., 1875, 40-tf VLISES AND TRUNES. ~EATIIER VALISES SARATOGA TRUNKS, &o., &ot., ot WILLIAM THOMPSON'S, -Sadlen anti Hsi'.cornt Mater, BRtOCK-8T., WvuTîra. (une 24, 1874. 26ti [ÇING BROTHERIS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, nporters, Dotlens anti Manutanturers ef ail Elis et .EA THER AteD FINDINOS, Cash paiti for Hities, Blarsu, anti Lesîber. ËB7igLTINO MADE TO QIlDER ON SMORT NOTICE. ens Sana in Corpore Sano lm Ues V Ibis. AIi.lyceJTovMof1WhitbyVie the beucty e -07 ZZTUnRa EX Saturday, 517t day of Febritary, 1876, seriboyeni-ailment, 1mev ions- suftonins-, atIil 'cleck, foreneoci, tle foiloving s-élad e yenr as-e antipi-osent business; neglecl aud sremises, purosut Ici a poeofetsoie vmeons a reieerahle existenice, or au cenainet inl a certain indecutureofe mort. carly grae, dent debot-. gaga, yulc wilRblepi-otic ttia Sale. VER ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h 00C ED18M NHS ho Northc-West quarter et Les No. 15 in El R800CURE IN8 MOTHS1 t l 13hreuresmon'-o! lice Township ot aitîsi -aut-yeore tif iufftmricg. IReocb, icu lIe Connty anti Province cf On. acta TiuzîTUccNTc" for eitlijr sex, a guide toile, conlacins- 560 Aci-es et LaciS, moiesai- rital importac c thIe yeuncg, c] els-net loe. pareinte as vali. This le a valuiable propenty on vhich are irvc-TyIti A, Cur or Ceiiucpnon,'ituatetia goot DwelIins- lieuse, Bai-n anS croa thete sent pi-epai oun ecoiptofet$1. othec- bgiltins-LF, sut viill e soIt on reason- - A CUE GUARNTERD able tenus. Foi- furthet- pariblulons appît- hese tilitreselus- affections orisins- frorn - LEYS LuPEARSON. isrciu lscorance et Naturel Lows) in Solicitors for Venteor, r-ec or wnb eak vision, SEMINAL Toc-ento. AKNESS, oseet-enec-vo force, tecay er Tenonte, Der. 241h, 1875- I.tti holc. veait mrenry, dyepepei, pains lin____________ bock,_ SPRMATOBREA, &c., Le. IAL1 BME IEttLS VOUE ONLT SAPETa-.* IBEATTY'S OPAIiLOR 'Tus' SNP'A.LLIrnLE, The bootcaîl. -sendt4,stmncfo 1lie ofltes.; tcre an onever ly cudll senti $1,00 anti tiiloials. A N. s ANILF. BEAT- ANCTUER SPLENDID BOOK R cv TG ActUcitaPLUiti-cESa 0 or ou, DORT WHITBY AND PORT FERRY ngstheof unI sitd Beauty ef Oomplexten', -I EXTENSION -RAILWAY. -25. '.1 :1 nies côusultlug Prof. Es-an, otf-Torouto - Ond'him perfeclly rticahie anSd, st --TIH Tm L !nz lp tiynoveny paectcc4 Broclcoille Re. Takos oeoto enody ec ,8 caenêidiy cecommeuti Ibhe efflctoti u Trains, byTo~t l- i vn ta him ion relief; le ila sbnletlylion- t--tva minutes laver ItU I l.T U. M. te sud confientielinluhiselaansacion" . sues Boter.- hau entleman Seservins- cf al conSi- iAs Olc <Ot - nithoc-oughly reliable. .irutpn'r -WMbyJuco. ,- .tpaI1.0. 5. Pleieoatdd-esa - Whii~ "llOam Fii .Y. EGAN, torontoi-O"nI. Myrtle - - -l 8 am AU kMoenà tirdnd cSSoft Cool, consiel- Oas- eftlie celebratoti Lackowana, Sorian. ton, Brion HIi, Blosebons- anS ethen ooal, CHEAF -FOR CASH ! For quantities ta Ilisomithg sud othoni SPECIAL RATES 1 Wooti, czita engv h, 25 cente per cerd abatoment off necal prîtes. Senti ci ycn orders te A. ALEXANDER'S ,Wiitly & Oshcawa, Cool anti Wood Sepota. Whitby, Âugnst,8lst, 1875. t-6 A Clergyman, while reeldins- in South Aucerica, asisienery, diocovereti s saie anti simple remedy tioi tho Cure cf Norvns Weakness, Early Decay, Diseiaseofethlie Unlucaryant inomaiOrgocc,sti tics viole traie o7tilsordens broughlt ou b y baneful auct viccone habits. Great numbers have l'eeu cureti ty dis noble rencedv. Prompt- et by sadtcirc 1 boîcolit lice afflcteti sud unforcunate, I wili senti the reiepi for pc-e. parlng ecanomusitis ucoticine in a sealeti -civelope, te acuy eue wîuo cieccs it, Pros ef Charge. Atidrose, REVIX JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible Herse, Now York City. 22 L IST 0F THE DIVSION COURTS 01?Tita FOR TE EAR 1876. Pot .ery; 6 c18 0 2 1 1 I. , 261 6t 1414'2 l.n î Ahry..i i1171 i 3 1 0 1 19 Uxlndge~27î114 20 71Juni15122 Whitly, Dec. llth, 1875. 5 A UCTION SALE REAL ESTATE, There vii laeelti "Y Public Auction at thce-- mer.u 2 %,1 PnceAlbert ............ 1.0~. O'NET' TO LEND. . -' - r isîcc oom.s~ -~ Port Por-y....*,..........pat S.Oea.nr. - ~Prince 'Alliert.........* 60 a.m Ientesi-notiheu sut- acuut ofiMoa- Manchxester .. ... ........... .2am bLend. upen Fea-c or Towu Pi-epe-tyt- Snmt........... 0a t- oy Rates etf itereetst ia,----------. 8iwia.m suscm e rpatil- ecuelesuI bi. realilin ............... - 17»am e oe allumipovetiPAannsanti W jltLanS W ity..... . ........... !f7.<o.a it hep - -- Whltbv - ut-îu. .ar ive7.40am, à alIments- mode ini Hunicilua Ben- ' ute.-;- am. ,0sm , Bnk, an4 ti et rs-kelatable St>cks. - Piatfonm ta ttlons. -Ttuiis etop i onais-. cri hen p a çuila ppI t e -nas nit.:. - ' ' - -I-Conpuelns aI Wltb dùlucllon vith Lb. - JAMES HOLDEN, RG. T'. eveat tve4a et-tPot ervlwth ,E-CIrver lIceDomiioiM- bO On'B'~' B o elst., Asis-eEecr c fsrtt(suea t5ldly fu - Ià e MUSICoswÃeetin every Une R Oh cOnid I tell but on~ce for ail, *brtholdshýer nplchthug intent ..Lld 'or the leat she's gectly peonI1 Gond Havene l hat la this I so, That.killa romance at one d"1011 svop 2 Sh6oaZanng-can it veally ho?- How beet to moka potat-o-sonp i, (Ceniliude d lrom lsu se7k.) "'Yen are mati, vemau R'-eriedSiS fnioti, uuessiiy, for- Bicrîho as -lie c :e <reature v Icebo i auà y coutrol' c a bim, -or talicL Iveti. "Yenura I -madti t cross me Ihue R Came, Bont 'lot us relum le lice castia. Tho ni, greva apace, anti I must bo up.eilli "6To :feboli our foin bride bhem- soiti Berthca', vilh sa coruful -ian 1"IThiuk yenu toe eive me?: -Doj uot kuev Ithat in the monutalus t foreste et env ovu viid country itarir more thon humnan art-icol cempel tRio spirits ef the air, eantb, fl anti voler te deour liSting ?- &ni' me, BegiuAld, efthlie Bisou Hoat, hb yen plish-icelyour treth te uikicl Oenotvu Welleda ?" * "Silence PR io teti Sieg tnid, p ,8 sionaely. - "Do as I'bld ; noluru te1 - castie ai once, or fear my anger R" "C0owril 1" c<ed' Beth, opring- upou s rock, se lIcol ber Sice figi sîoweti ean as-insI lie ky, know yonn onsver 1RHave I net ho: youn bloe ?-iave I nots.lt yen t4 my lipatP Wbat yoons et miseny s anguifii bave I net suffereti aI yc bond ? Ycu dore nt ensen nn Yor har, bRak s i is, trembles Ig your-lipff shoulti uttor-foui perfly R'" " "Tie a se " repiiti Siegfned,ftas ing vitb tMI-sgt. a"I < triothet Gonoteva ViLeda, sud alcali manry 1 to-moiovi1 Yen 'tremble, do yoi rBock le lthecaste, minion, aud prepi le necolve yeur imistres V Fer a moment- Bertha prossoti R bonds leý ber heant, and- êeemoti shinnk hbck lu sgony ; then, -drawi herseit up' te hec- tull heigicI,a slretelteti forth lion arms lcvartis Si( tried, reiseti ien face boyards tho mec ise that ite toft lis-bt fell onlicer' ; aud 3a monotenue loue, whiich seometi 1boR(] Sieg-friedti un aspeil, spolketht fi 1 owins- ourse " Rtt11 g iccl t S ieg fried , I u r e tl i I *ouu-se tlcoe by licot lovewvbiccooce ovet I-RMay theo Senis wicicc -tic Lsumuiocied. but nov make tRime oç verdi tlîy puniebuient R Then- s -mine ici lite, anti shlil be oter deal] Tby troticis pliglîtedti t me, and I hoc licet te thîy word ; FarevellRtic been Sbal follev mt 1" t Tbnoving bier arme ever ber béa Bothticslepeti trom thce crag mbinot ahyss. Sieg-fried ti oIns--co te ihnk, ai ooketi ever. Tics waten ofethlie Rh foveti on es peaoeably as over. Cet she roolly have heen standing ou t] rock, or was it seina tearful dreaiz Ho vipedti he coRti eet taIbung - beatis upon hie brow, ani lottered bla4 l, Iis horse. Ho couic] net bear ti stilinese et the nigict, for ini bis sa ticere sîil mos- tht soun tt clte rible ourse. Meunîlus- bis stooti, be rode on1 te costie, bis first enquiry beus- ft Lady Berthao. Thue cestie vos roacicet ; but tl] lady couidt betle founti. Sice mn have let, unkuovu te eccybotiy. "Se il vas net a dreain," thons-: Sieg-friedi, vbe icatinov recoveneti troi lice sicock. "Sico bas reaily committe suicide. Well, aIl ticinge considese penhape Il isalice beel thiins- thaîcoul bave happeneti ; anti yet I ievet iber Baic R arn I srevua fool tle taik c love?2 Genofeva shiah psy me for a thcis. Moanwblle l'iltirovu my -nii ci vine." Calliug saieeoetbis foiiovers, Sieî fniei ontieret inemoine, sud passe tie nutli inmerc-lent. TUIE iNIOHIT' RDE. Leuti wcre lice solunceetflamenta tien ici lie cucotia WiRlet!a, vhoni Gene: osto vas diocoveeà dtesti in Rlie he]. Sriahl.rl vico reallyuic] Io je h d u hP inbis ovu peculian tuebion vas diseonselate, anti neilet as hitte-l as-ainst himuseit as ie basil dèue Ogacus ber ou the pnaoedius-evenug. Ho, cursed i s *ostinay, swore h( bac] broken lien litant, and ti lhodu net desere te Eive.' Aneu bis moeu <hiinsAd, Andi lie retumuëtti0 bis originel vlev ofice question, Seélanià g Ilcat Phie huati causetibarhem oWdeabi hby bei obîtinset-; lbe hhlievet -ie ica hS -an <liedt te tzMin, and ihat ePelis pqerrec bot-tait. Changea'ble s 'rHarold vus ini bis options,, to 'ouethins- ie remsaiue4a ro-ite vlue -onp'; seolicol viceci Sieg-fried, ar1cveti, lice afflictet 1thîer vas scarco)y.aaIuta ,bu hlm lice at intelligence, aud- cenai1iy net able - 'Prayens erën, 'eaid,,the'li111e, ciapel bell ran' g,-andti 1suseîtýhy bore beË body t- tie vaull u icethelihpe lic à ,te Iice:"De ProfucidUs' marched-slovly'np lihe- pobh ]eatiinq-t0 tice;-chapei, thé deep, roar of distant tbpudr: came sccou- v ice- .o ntgis. iie sund then, lielirli4ilightinli- tepihleti bebinath ie lofîlor peaki, antilie ky pteW Sark frein lie coming atom. Pisted ; lice bod4yývaicPÀ"aoe4 rp;th er'yl sud tic.prcceeeiuc a-obepuedbc$ h ras rapiciîyeppraotug. - :Presenlit Il.broke i lu ai 10e try. T~he lis-litg -playeti round the noun- tain . pasci, ligictins-np lthe->chasonsas rit phýosphoresceMtfineý; the wiad à b-ae 'ansu owled; lthe ranfellin . nritsnî'tRi iunic.m vei deatenins--; and lice Rime, whitte wiith foani, rush-j rocks,. tearus- awfLy., portions,, ot ite. tanks, a-i"sweîpingcg4leni off ,enitej - s P -sý i i 'ni ýr.tP5ýla y uuuneiu s aonnoeni, 11c tnltned ber pale, pie ding 6 týai fiîtle tbcnkelzow dearly h le -have te bim. -, 11-1..!, psy for t4s. WelJ, ~has .erVed me "I amc gfraid luis ysili l dosc±o là t fr oc, therefore 1 vil -fogiie im,,, ye. one day, Leslie; thon yon ili iog. With a firm tred, Siegfrid Ontored knOW 11W I suffer.1" *Se waa Ver nily the cicapel, -anad aperoaciced lthe bier genti., very eeot in fir utter despait vrwhereupon Geuofova vos piaced. - of bappines ; and tien bis bard, chah-. lio Ho oouid et tho outline of. the jbody, nate nature felt a pang of compunetion. the, for, the, v whiteisicronti or winding shoot l'You knew my opinion on certaoin. igei seemé4 to omit, o. foint liglit. Ho guljcol, Muriel,' and yot youndellbei- meos metrotcoidt oîih bis bauùd, andd Icheti ately ran ooutrary te il. Wicy nota lbe body. At that moment 4-loud olap we discues what ie irrevocable? Whist le " of %ilunjer soeeot toburet -oeilice ccéed te odd another pang to'a painfûl igh. -chapel,>rnakiug il rock'.te ils fouuid- >partiîng ? Muriel, foi- ée r;g edI. bye V yon atton. ,1 'l y And ie veut out-in][ii. own qdîeti mLd Ho lesrted bsok, frorn lie body in d4jberate way, a very rocko61 askant. wealarcu; butbis foare*as but for an in- LikWla blightéd lily, -Muril] att ihere -W& s tant'; thon, springiug forw rd,,ý i lieEeletIbe lier v .-einhbs strèngth sud ire.i soize thie »lifeleas f<rm, -cmnd hurrieti wilfn1nesi, bh aSrobbeil ber of wbat sýer out. vgý,botter.thon lite-hopplness. la v e II ba v e h e r & a t t " ' h oie r n tt r o ; * * * . * , to ý1'now rovonge iî in ixy grasp 1" à A. masaire waincût otselainu As ho, approaobod bis horst, itý drow ýwhoe5o oarveéd'hesd.boaed lesico4 large as. baok, suorteti, piunggd, anti tried 10 quiaro.pulows. that v-ert daintly tice break oay.rufiioti aud broidoti; smatcorpet outhe t W icy,,how now, ot 2" ho sad. floci.,' Ihat receiveti ail te noises of ing patting tht animsl'e nck ; ÃŽleoeuyonnt footatepe ; darkoned windoNvsit, tajâet ,ure know your .master ? Mothinka licou bariy adinittoti s ligict lauicf ftht "IJ art possesseti: how'V thon tremblâst cconngai1 and siting iu ou inv lid 's rue Geutiy,. Otto, gentiy R The silly crea- ohair,'pallid s o gioat, aud weariug A' oar_ ture istrigicbenoti et Genoteva, anti weli worn, weary look in hiseoyos, vas Los- and hoe may ho, wra;pe ptd n l 'bsieeas l4 .it aiingbam., 'Orne la R lBel sliU 011-e-hostili." ýBut il >vas aot, aIli iiiesa »icut hat ne R Tht >faiîtufl animai knewZbis mas- matie snob ravages; seveo as hati bleu test ler'a Vo0ice,asnd fstooti> stili li low hMmnbies truggles for lite. It vile nôt the te meunt b ut hie dlanke quivere&wiî h'weryfat' e~ o~Iaoc io mi- ftear, udliesalsoaketi I - oo.'* imade Icini sleiaaant i siet ; and te Plociug tice bedy bictere bïirn,' donu*ut Lsi Waigcan e of ail thes lier Siegfried' gave, bis herse ti reins anti venld kuow wI3y lt was se. mn. galoped away. .ýOuly ltaI veoymorning bai 'he Wr8 WassltaIlihe rol et distant, Ibuater, lear notiwhat, aI-iin c'ietei±setita ho' * or vas it a bnrst et fiendish isugicter heoë->cal bis heart wolidnot lot ber Ibol b litard?2 Ho cored, not;, hoehlm bîlieve licat ho owed bis 1f. net to ho gainet bis.prize, sud vos doler- se rnnqh ýlà ois ticros aklful ph ' iiau ing hle 4 ave biesoelg. as ~ aîtcic onwlis~o 1W M svo1y ,he Ouvard 5ev his horst, ites casplacoticorne te nurse hîcu Ihronigic bicoatagi-' og- back, ilt ye startiug frei ilts' heait, -us illness, from wbioh hae ownu gistr> en, anti its red nosrls diendod. Otto Sec] affighted. in Rad elways been a evift hocrst ; but- Anti the,:suent,: goutte voman vice tao, the Couut bail nover keowe hlm te had nursietihirn,o iloh fongict besitit fol- galep like Ihis; lie flewoer lice him for 'every inch of grolcuti lie de- grounti, seoming aimeet te oulstrip, ice mou foyer lad i gaincd, -ta wbom lie eRtempoat, foie r eaor.efthlie shorn owed bis life,nder Providence-waï tI sosudeti boicicititicea. They vere Muriel Sanfllt. io noar hcome nov, jusca t the commence- At firîlca refuasid tocredit lic. trntb, vu -mont oethlie road loscling Up. ounlice siccply .because, ice. anted la diseredit art crag wlcero ho Lied met Blerthao on lice i ; licou, vicen lie-rtluotautly admitteti th R niglit betoro. il, Ihat terrible- pïide oand vil cf bis îuti "SIte willi nov soon *bo muino R" saiti carnewboldiy up, anti strove to quoncli onu SieRtnied, txnllingly. l'Once lu My lice fires ot gratiîtde. Thon came tics cast!e, ne potwer on eartic aol ta ber figicI for mastery, sud for'dà yu lice ceu- ad, troin me. AIc, sica Is cemingi b 1" - *91filet Igteti ; lice wvile, bc was cnoody' th Gently, as if vakiug from aosîtmber, sud aiRent, or reellese sud cross. Anti' lihe fig-ure stretql4cd forth-iti arus, lice atter Ibat, likooil on troubledi waters. il wiudcng shoot teli avay, anai Siegfried Muriel Senfielti anti love von lice day.t ine preicedth ie girl le bis heart ase if te re-. Lealie Walsingham vas Icappier.,thon. à dassure ber. - licouho bati iceen aince lho rofiod: ho With tender loýeésite embraced i hm, Mccrlel's eveet everleres for forgiveneas a? suad placed lion coid clccek againel bis, a year &go. -Ayesr ago- i a year ainco lu "Su1e thinke I arn, Frederlck," ho lie bail itou bier, -anti iehouolered boy Lk muttoreti te iimsoitf. "I'11 lame ber lhe blidlived viliceul ber.- But'now, ice spinit Rl, icen the sosies vero talion froem bis ir "'Yen have coee bme, Beginaid 2" eyeî, hoe sav is--flly-ati ho lougeti or- murmnred lice girl. te fiy la borLand beg lier pardon on his Siegfried atno, eginauI 1H.ow kec. te couilMsekuow wlio il vas ? Ht R recovereti slrenglh, ropidiy from for At tItis moinent a flash-et liightning lhie'Moment etf tht resoîlion ; -and o alcot over tht sky. Ht glauced tievu fortnigic laier hoe had bisi carnlage aI ce aIticha girl's face, sud, vith a shricof ethé éf oor. ta go te Muriel aud begin is horror, Iriedtiet force bier frem hlm. accew theirolId-time love. It vas Berthca I-yes,- Bertba-ro Hoeieloved lierwit-a leve baem hIlonger beautift, as lhiati lait bebhtiet eilueR o h oft bel om licer, buit a cerpie 1Rlber al tics days etfhieà , lite,, bis ovn ed Vainly lie tnieti te ticmuil lier from sveol, forgiving Muriel1 ti, hlm. Her arm@ vero fixodti ightly He kuew juil vwbat lie venu do Id round his neoc, ant i e ntereti ehnleks vicea see came juta lthe parleur te r eto fiondisicetilaughten, uceel hlm, l iie4eyod surprise. Ho ut Miîen came yols sund orses, mingled wveuldtakt ber-upnp abis armsa udIds - il wih lie s u nd efthe bunners h emà , ber, anti viisper snob ove-w ods.a s ieh etf tht deep baying ofthice ounda, andtihie knew voultiba iebecc nito rsh of pha tarn h rses. Étrange hey ouitioit do vu anti talk, andi ahe ýg- figures floaltid by tbem lunlice air; 'sheniti promise to manry him- soon, d spectral ligicîs piayeti abeve lcein, sud- vqMj.smen. the c ecch-owl ebieketi above hie _ le ié eyei veerttender itihi s eeet leait. Iiug ics, sud is fc e w u fairly radi. "Ho-1, li, ho " rieti Bertha. "lWe st, as hoe desceetc from thie carniage ride iu gailaut oompauy touight R1-otndi entnp lice 6od tamiliar stops. a- T icre go s lie d m on untsm an * sd - Th t doo n w ss op e-tho evening as is pack R H ow 'bravely vur lors o w rm --an t i cE lg ic s ow ii ticao g h gallop, dear Siegfried 1R 1I ld you tRe pa a-br do r. vo coulti neyer port. *Yeu 6ame tue Ho vouRti stealinluand surprise dan.- l ate for Goeva ; lier lover FPrederick iug Huriel vîcceh.ll came dowu, for, î~ bore lier oaY.' Yen paîsedti heinon -of course, osas aipitairs dressing. Y tice resd-ba, lis ' R I vould net have - Se , 1 o vaiko ie oft6 liy a s as tlie st m y Reginalt i d sappeinlei, , o I tcok l i oom.;- ler place. 'Yen ave yor iii, dear Was il any vnter hie eart prag SSuegfied ; even after Ibis, ibis roa& -te bis ticreat vilhb iouthsltasetl viii be Irnovu slice NXuigbt'aBide fR hlm -retiing îeveral stopsa? Was il Ticere üa Irnîl in peiestie tonies, *sud iurr'rishcg licol a coiti persplraliou lteBodarjoico anti' hep yenu s- 'sieerearnetifroin venpr e tbssi lie, oat.' Do yen fot-, heaÃ, tiecu For there, jtciluder lie dlci-burming - r'About, dri ving >youir herse? By Ibis gasje, v ýae HMuril- anfield.--lying l ime yo u 1r -cousin ba yod lie fair G ný vwhite, and w'an, and ýpeaoeis1- lanhber ôtera R Holw pale yen loeok,' Rgliti coffin. oeth l aBck Heart r -Courage, mon, Leslie ilaggened te A sofa;,the strqog c o u r a sg t I, e g o ti l a 1p o v e r 11c. - s4Bô ~ b n' b r e tin g f r e i ' t -emos-, anti voesicalI behotlier-nevot s à tà .labiê sgcay. - n i eli lice.fragJ te.!part 1" -- > 1- - ronci roftheic.geronuis eand' tnberoe ,",Ho ,- R"ci-oti Siegfriej ; b t th t thal lay ro iq d er- bis 4oead~ é cL ,- s-boiéeooko1ibis cries,,anti tic. Beris enôdonetiwhat Il al meanIand&pcaye4 aronutihiem emed - lanti jeredl. HéIailmgtha4crfRengcoa i ~01te7. 481 1A82¶ I BQUA1~, !O1ox~o~ ~ w. q. ~OHIiPON, - PRO~IETOB. r.ÂT-LAW, I - ~ Tu~es, .1.00 por Day. Stablioq tu ~ INSURANC-É ISSUER OF , 4 vv mxl:.b X, ONTARIO. ic. JOHNSON, i AND ÀRP R EES, l' J20! 1 1 4%k i APPLE TI