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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Feb 1876, p. 2

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proesat. lie 1011 a', 5, ' , ., - a 41 i nonlt 1Uth e'ico., ci Marqii a, 8x,.70,1 ~SALES. eived by T. W. iti llîtueer, Tor- Mfaroih'4th, 1876, 1NL.Y SI PER AHNUM. adwitu ', oafflotin 'la 'tperlor stylo, I given or thoesale, To ~au iuaf.-Creurn MA5 WUI lem$e o teblelhsathle 0 Otic. '9 -4sen tpl o prose on Weédsedajj ,'aou Cainuutlb«Mongs seuhl lrfoi)-'receilate c'ilice flot haler than ssdujàl lu ondle'r to Inaropnlhlation, mate weç1ki - Ul~ . T. OIt'g Pamphlet. Wa ar~ue lunr 'apt c oi ,panlpiltie n. -- tithell "C~iiPuî ilbcrty lu îaowver Canada'. b>' SirA,. (ait, T11.illiibut serve 1< farirltsîtaiaplgte politîoac-rllgiotnu -- ntttrlnuQuebea. "l'ie wrilev atrpeans - f-- ilt llaat atîelvtt auîeeen l sarmteil - ~-aboot w14t t l'eiIu "ithse;raggresWins i 0 U brlnil îîl 8£!, aitiurges tht.eljooes. sit>' forA»-clopiag meucnrea l «e eppoas thl i ft4001clite0people'* -iill ight b>' etichplaahleel auhîsiovllet. 1Be doca iset, Luaveor, preleni te itev lu viaf wa a ha va'levigilte lave been lunsu>' vu>' Intorforeal itt. Flue pana. plileI contas js a letton lu-ttnillahat May', 10 Mn.,Itobinutil, tien Truer of thi. -fètOaii'%d lite ilere -'py .Mr. Bob. I toiprety veIl kîtev, freotaaustca tin f sone yetsns with N1r. De BouaIt. aervihle, analoo! puveval motta viii >' aotier 1RonaitCatiolie colleagues, un vital va>'tlitrpoa reproeii4talions veulai le vlcelypal, 'rite>' ottèaud ai (Ils. Claini an>' iitentiontolitrb ltany al - iiglitîs and ïsafegiarstu dairanîspal tic Protestants ut Leu<er Cnal;pi e oncatltikt auiS- ibi hittiî u ist tIendl dlsalciaehy tut tientor an>'political iaarl>'attuiautîlha t i, awl agmiredi51me via tai v) ,iy, duliracîl>'tir inuireetl>', i t>usi[lielte ,liilate WQava' rrtp'uiit, ;i' alter' tise lréseni ft ue cf laletalsiii hle mPrnvinm ViFnt iil IJit ig laîmjtlW *lfor ithua 1liaun 010flîlcloiac> vorll e lacccoiîl tu 11LeItarottast ataiailaîeacndthal a tue !' lit ul-oudîoal' aflains ionhl lal 'iiittlîîîl iniiisitlegily. 1d11e Mi atcl' viii tlaIt.a doicailon ut 4 t.Croix ha-aitiors'ivua n luis sit,- jecI i fhoi -1n18uunl isl hits Provincia wtt lie ciffet tut races sai ciffrcut nlglniin luli ',ilaion, as lu the ie aîanistraîtioat o! tle lsv, ilis iportanlt tat tite igiltutdiaip'lilegOs tif î'ai liwgiarautoeed vichtouit iitine- ta ofum origlut orn orocal. Fht. prosent Io vriiteî l fîhy ihtet-ineti tut inîîunletuî it all"their force tlie.rigis ad prvileo,, su ad vîji neyer peri-it, ost au>'priiext wîtat.qotivot, even su nt- twsupI Lai Lake Irvuithetuinnrt>' hit %vigiri tie Constitutionsanalthelie eof- rk sBrillli sutajct asesurest aiItos. a wlio livo inàir lise protection of!-th l- nQu omiave hlteglit titis voairi be asisaeîaybltuttenas nfl ot,,, Sir A.. T. (LaIt relave tle centesalpastoral of bMgr. Blonrgel, comrnentlng upen lb andS te tire t againal Ltbeval Cathue- bts8, wiogli gbeot, la hisiopinion, lte clvil igits cf lIthéanti'. 'ccnimnity. 110 - Ho îtanUrM. aiiut for ils Ar- -- tel - ' ituooclit, orîsaesis haetotsuei.i niation 10o give hie "lt.apty support anS - -) eyîpaîlay- tà tite Libenal Celluoies cf- Quiebse," snd lîinisthie ]rotestant De- feue. Asoctatiatu voulitdo velle to flpI s nante ltuving-a iider signi6'ltieit Sir A. T. Gail lias iccu laaling said ivasvcit'ig lualvesu lis <aid hart>' attaclu- - amants anal a senltlai Mr. lcekouzie's c abinct fer saine limie paît. Thte - - a pe t pitinluluaitlikelilti piat fer- vanthea à4ecien e for lie con- teuiphateai change e! heurt. I"Lilencîl -- Catiolices" vil'ol courso scout lie Idea cf Sir Ad Tr. GeIt putlisag inluaf for- -- r -v-Sas tlec'ochampion c! thîir igIle. - Flc>'Ituve ueitteraseal for,, auor (Io tie>' vsut lise asistauneof lite pre- aîaaptcuts -klgil. 'Thia ep cf Sit Alsxadteg'a siachs 0,litla of lie Quxll. Insbeaci o! hlepiug lMr. Mackenzhe, It %vihi, enilonslng Mr. Bun- intîon nes I ldoes-ouly, serve te omin îîunide taI genhheuue's administra. lin,sud compieste imaltera beveta 'i!qlutansd Iia <latîsclie suppiorters lisy te oelebraled $eottlitvocsit,' l il ah*tedfaml>', are auttonced tn appeaur n Wliithyi on Tuomaa, 7th Marçlh. '£hoe snintenicut vill, ve ap u~epre, es î'ee.lvd villi uuel Pasa'-b'ail who haie horaeofore :Zoyd the great treoa ta eoning's ietla ýWbonuav a., bspk AnS a 0laud, LbP leajs th a' ni>'Tvels, sud bis anly -eau slng 9, n hblm oeperfection. 4-ý ý' !9î0 BmiLLhai i *.o e ansd 'reo. bdi oo"I*h. ithoiltthis lit Pa *al1y 1fteýbfl h Importation cfover $3,000,000 worth of MAIeÂlaud.Indian oôrzL 'May cf env ,agrloultnral, and some it may b>e, of Dnr naunfactuniz7 Wi!end~ i iL' astcolShed te learu ÃŽhiiteÏtanadâ bou*Ëtý Tl'h o u, y ,paid lor i tIwliah vas baut obtamouutedte $1,874,481, Whist .th etperts amouc~te 091, n. l bides~estn, sd.els't oapbrts' wèe- 5,827,589, asud tii. eports 9285,-, 841., Althiougll-,wo Iorted aà iiêtioJ ibutter audcb&ee, ye #' e of- >b telatter no less tîii58S,8$8,226; àna 'Of butter, 02,8872. e, Report of the: Pcstmmàsteri.Gneral, The report of thy j Postmuater.-Gener-' ai frth. y.ar,,up thé 801h Juelest, shows tie expe(udtuàre ta b. lu exeus- cf lie revenue. The latter is $ 8, su9 ad the expeuditure, $1.878,241. The report tlt'us tiret there are 40892 poestboffcs lu the' Dominion, sud 88,480 miles oftý postal ro;Irte. ýOf letters aud post eards.thore were oarrlod forty. twa, chilligus. O! regIstereal letters tera woira 1,760j,sud ce o!neWspa. pors 81,800,000.,The.numbercf moue>' edrcesle givon ilM 687,'an4lte orders iMsUed b>' them amionnted te 6,- 721,489. The -number e! post effice savioga' bauks lu OntarIe and Qnebec je M18 wilh 24,294 depeeitorif,, and * 026:,00.4rat their eredit. )must tle caïses of-the defclcixcy lu the revenue are lte changes made theii Pestal Act iticl camue lu farce ou te irst cf Ma>'. Dy 'il extensive reduetions were Macle in the charges for otage, especal> uon xewsppers aud prolcala, transmitted new irôn the optfiee cf! publication to any part of the Dominion nt the. rate cf eue cent' per lb., -Vîile trancienî neavepapprs andl ;îeriotlicalsi are chargeaI at te rate o! ene cent for four cinoe, anta transientý uewsipapers lesa titan an ounce ea.cl anal paîteil ingly are echargedî iaîf *a cent, prepayment by Rtampbigc- essary itu al cases, The etblhin of the fre. dolivery systent ln the seven clii,! citles cu elau increaseil outîay aimonutîu te 0#0,000, te which some twent.y thousanal dollars uMay be a;lded 1closs o oirevenne, for charges fermer. ly1Moade b>' carriers, - and for box-es andl dawers' renta. It le pléeing te learn lIant the. reveuelia& gaineil by lthe vo- duection in the. postage on letters sud noespapers passing te andl frem lte United States. The receipts vere over ixty thousanal dollars in excess of those for 18U4 Prognesa o!fie Domiunion, TIhe foleowing are thea flatteting terme iii vhiclte Domtnion io spoien e! lu "Blackvenia." "FT.e wondeî'tul pungeee, lie cesse- legs activit', sud lte auneet sîbtrueive self-assertiou o! 1ev greac neigîieur liave'auttîtacle euln's stcuiibnt'om lie loveu' peto perîsapa teaiirg'owtiî o! Chàauds; àdal b les à tler e! reiiarha, ual penitaps unuocotuptieai vili a eiglît itigrecient lo!fIitlerîues , tîsaîl tee Une. lu s, test imuportnt iofthie Engliahi uevspapersarune alvoteal le (.j'aaadiaiaffallit., wvilie sert-rail riaumus acai-ohîted ai hoe.of Ilaca Jiteil 8tnles. 'rhe gruovi lte ea niai>'bli leinieuareiiig le iahelhu liar aiea c! thce iiuc, bliaitsai aility iiiutorjali- warnuact . anal nol ,;oatta-init le praulai e s>' lb matyc raiteinanil lal lie teanul- ing of! lielt'>' hae elansn, c ontoe thant one occasion, liaI lueiver said sîreigt hata r ote fiatunthic nai, ainad liaI fte utrafeatumes et natture, wvilal asu- peaing lie aivance tle matumity, havo eltraigtieued lte cemteiluicus cflita- liens titat hlava beau borna amiîist tae rigoa'a of! ancrea lintl." 'lluc uasv a'cjtiliotfe for fthe Militia cinese ihava Leen puiiei TFe soerul ranis o!fcticei's anc. deaignateai b>' ainbroiaiutea baugfes, as follunws Colonels vean a -Cravît and suai' Lieutenuael-Cohouel'es acroîve, sad Majorias stan, suai, simihatl>', Captiains wcar a crawu saidstar, Lieutunanli a crovu, suSdSali-Lieutenante a stan Fliese badl-es, viten vormioeut hecollar, vill lieaunmclilgI, sntl vitan vovn ou lte eeille-Cloti tWO lihlehligh. Reglintual oficers having- brevet mutk vear te badges oft tîein regintautal rani. t is uaîdontood lIaeêtat lie tuiltia viii 'penfou elgit clapi mriltiseCeint- ing scasun a I lte ltasaqucrtea'a o! lablallous aud cerps. Sîner OPF orTRuOTTINGST'ALirca--blr. 'i.Major cela is utrotting stalliou,--last veek, we une infoîîuîed, for lie hasua: sosia suna ofoee lsand idollars, ho Mr. Mm. Makie, pnoethn i ai te Si. Lawsrsnce Halh, Port Hape. IMaPnlrIML' te rTII tex aua.-Tlte ita- bitants o!f' W lttby an- i sîrraling ceunt>'yvlauld o veli ho netice lte' atîvenîlsemonte!lI.'oCf hiu th Ie celeinaleallt Eiopian sud Alttin physicien, ici unotimet' aoltaîu o! tuis paper. lFise Daon rentmes vl ne- 5tf5 ~ The 'eUe'- of ,4émperane. is gadontêdanol e ae, i~ a ti»W- Qbbal, lîoweverýîiil, il wiil scaIrpel excusa ln, , eheac iblk 'et sandsocial virij,ès, l idee4tô <t tii t~qbngpc hh~ lurch, to cb , anti i eor coim r t nolegiecl publie meetings and ledge. aýf sacrsd cliaia cter cf heao v elatiope ani kindred affections. »;Public, Accounts. The pfibîte 'accouts oof! lte Deninier have beeu brouglit down te oth à t lust. -Frointh ' 0 huIla> Volume %y gîcan tiis followiug particulars:- RBECEIPTS. Cooeicaied Ffand.-Cetoims, $15'. office, (iticloding. ceesu posttage aud money orders), 01,1ÎÏ5,882 ; Public .Vorks (inclualing railways) $1,402,359; 1h11l Staanps, $244,180 ;Intarest on Investruts, $8-10I,886; Orduance landi $21A3,0 -, Cascatîl lRevenue, $03,286; Preminni, Disciount 'ast4 Exchange, $1.,415 ; Bank Inipogs, $8,806 ;'F ine, Forfoiturna and Spizureu, S20,422 Hanbor Polie, $5,620 ; Vàriugiri Fond, $837,688; 1asàenger Dalles (Émna igratien) 5,092; SteamboatInspection FunaI, $16,144 ;* Fisheiies, $14,764; Cullers' Fees, $78,900 ; ?Militia, $12,- 187 ; Penitcntiarirs, 607,0>72; SundrT Special Iteceipta, 050,907 : Superannu- utien Fùund, $86,678 ; 'Transport .-oc Epiýgrants te Nerlhwest, $8,651 ; De. muinien Lads (Maniteobs), 027,641; Dominion Steamers, (lirit. Col.,) $2,- 975 ; total for '75, e24,618,715 ;ttl for '74, $24,205,092. Loccs.-Dominion Debentures, $19,- 460,666 ; Stockt;, $447.630 ; Savings Bianks, $8,975,222 ; total for '75, $23,- 89S9,525 ; total for '71, 014,103,599. ' Opens Accomnts.-This had includes Investuicuts. Locîn aud Discouuil Ac- count, Tru'l Fonde, ProvinCe .&cconute, Publie. Works and Migcellaneous, #3,- 498,377 for '75 ; $1,609,721 for '74. Total recc.ipts; for 1875, #52,036,617 for 1874, $39,978,412. - EXPENITURE. Coicooliietai I-'uneu.---ltret et Publie Delil, $6,590,790; Charges e- Mantsgcntnt, 0197,839;'Sinking Flind $55.5 ,778 ; Frem:inan Dieceunt mind Ex- .claaugýe.,, 28r7-,civil Ganaeî $J265 Adtluitratiottnoh Jaitice, b 197,4u15 Feuittla' usîl' a i'a mtaa nt Iuaîactrtc', $lljSa ; Legiiaioln, $572,273 ; (eiiaalSive>' 'cml 01a. sc-vatorie, $93,82P - Artq, Agrieul- I,08,392 ; Emigratiia uaiQuaatinea, $3012,770 - Mat'inc Hospitac- . 1so,0r2j Porisaiaxr.lGaaPaa65; SnJ*U'Trieneafionaa tiaaad ,77.2918i ; ilitin anal Entobiail Fut 21 W1 a ~ ; Pritli 'lie Welae andmIlrihl ingF, 5.;57a).3 tcanain auinlsiver Str-arni 4ricoc, $453;4,72 ,; Lighhheacetig anal ('asi Sens-in. A40,254 Fislitr. arat. 11851Cuii i iîha'r,5981.956 Stearaxiraxari Imieioiai. 1112.099 5mb îiîieas do Prcvimeu's, $3,750lh,961 ,a -icel- Iiaeaaaaa, 3977.ti7al ); Clatrrgea naaReven. ie, 1,695T.It ; I)oiaiaxiien miale (Maîn- ira), $185,218 ; 1)oiluncForces, (Mrauaar>,33,!,27 ;' -Fole,,0388,- 58i-I ; Nethwaeh Teriter> Onganiza- alan, $2.1,702 ; Baumiaair> Snrvea>, Unit- cal Stateas, $121,741 ; tata i Consolidaa- caI Fiutea for '75, -$23,713,071 ; total fui, -'7-4, i856i. 'T'he cxpanituri on ope occuents ina 1875 anaouuta'ul l e11i,100.245 , a ngaiuîst $9,258,787, Of!tlia 6i,1lI0,- 2415, $G'928185b. vais fer publie vainke, is agiliit $.5,2534,698 li 1874. Fue met debt lte Doaminiconut althe ana l o!th- fis-al ermmas116,108,8781, us uainsl $108,8124,964 on lte 301h Jatte, 1874, Thte net chut on tlt I Jnhy, 1867,Irais $75,728,641. TutiaTecuacro ELOPEMENT ' CAS.- Tue rttea- particaluars et thieT'rornto -- loîaeîct, about vîtiaiaPse ucncl lis leemi asia, appear te ha as folove : 'li. youug laid>' ias leing slriev nal mba matlitdistastofniLe liher, andal th le Il eau> enus al lier disposaile elibtuin lte mua oflier' chacet. TFiac is a - ceuirn Fîi sita lhe qmeotiian. FIa is. 2tapoilaûl gautleman lima oltaitteal lta 'Ies ur, en l pî-eiageod, , it ls saai, ceranlart'd Oolîtrhae ontetouariled eauditini l !e aimoe ntrlained nt édin- novr coma uofl'ls intiate friands, ou lue eveniîug eofthIle laiperiet, ialliing tlita gentlemnan vliô»i lied provel ho lie lte chieof o!eIllay'. Ie lotIearly. 7Ise trilatul ce iirai orilaina(l 'ble service, etf aacler'gymacn, sad hflîeluftib> a aigil train. T.e lesantîg Ildy le a dngler of!lHou. Mn. McDJengal-t ; the geuclentais a he LIas ge is a gnr, Blrown, comunealei aid goe grut paiso ile te.aio'iegvont expecîtatWhîo commudedand etsgrea Proesvas irft ont o!' lie cuicuhation la a Mr. lineuigliout bhs Domtinion amaS cisc- Jabb. vhiere tor lis intivalietl succese u inte- - cuve o!fa8l1 'bronic aitul iugering aIle-- Rerision o! lie Tariff. esses, lierefoî'e al h le sufferng fnou isuasos cf sur linai vialevet', seule Il lu axpeeledltaI Mr'. Cartwrigt or cînonie. vatiîle o wlI te consutthliaviiliing lown lis builget b>'hie enud doct'at tieRoyatl lalel, WlilLy. oethelievei.- FIe big figlial c! the sas- sien le thoautieipat'ab. WVeHrTl' BFcI.aC. -M11vBYrUa pro- FIe 6ulttyu ili on b. removeal, il in poses to put saintali bell ia thuepeuh in saai, f'çtncertain nî ii~ii >'il Ail Saints', bo repreneulthe racle G., enterfiite Cauiu antanufaclurce. FTia lsniff;vill le otiel'ise reviscq'dfýait e and reqîaeste us te uay tlitI a Ptt>pe yielaiincreased revenue, wviile ffordîng wishiiughouniakIsIlaa lnQtpiai bell, saslarge a misueo f protection, te'oun, auldoe0sud haea aylns;eriptioi' r»me- manfactuteras aiunay hlu cou iisbnt casre epn t >Th 'vibifrt _ w lix.theile'*euts of ýfclcasaèes., The quirul oen 1. Fe pesen frt6li1 covemsinntal iiitaie thiestand huaI a is a niemorlal -1.1], I lesthlenrinte o!f % 'nue tariff le ialii-asebly noces- oee cf Mr. Iyrne'a cleceai elilhliven a. i tItis moment,, Iealing no'eo~epe Fie etof th e uev bell woulai net ex. ftlb ~ui~ c blaa rni ceed #75, We niadureaa Mn. 1l. lu- i. ~~ th1 ap.tô nvi tendasnîakiug au ofIfl tiro aild aunather liva acila-1011t1Ial beli veigling about 1f(10 Pannda.s, and ail>' isflsrnt ipep e ,Žrr Car~4 by:dciag19 hie lte peuh wou;d barounder- -bringi.doWura- bdilr; nt, i ed ver>' effective in lte -plpylng cof complicittecl.,ineeathrs e'uîh* - b lunes, as iviii as clangos. IÏÇmsy Le brought lie p tlàyay a vty.hyely'o,. meuliqucal Ilat on apeai cf citron belle ' G c pà~otd 'PiTe raja)rmi>' viafit w Goenotcotilunand litas blisaavar.' ti. numnlir Oefcanobs fl wiah aIXIy lie ansi>'esîlmaleai etfront 48 tb 60 voles ucg is 5040-he>' are caileai triplos 1he fermer beiag lie - <recaset veve aud woold vequirote Ires leurs ta ne. part>' Unes ara obliterted la>' the lla-cvr. com-pliah, - beui. B>' sdding cmi>' eue gence o! opinion as la fîe trde un7l Proection, beil more la thes proet eut poihe nuin .. . teo e!changes capable o! beiag pradîîc. The aunut mebting o! lie Wiitby euh wontId le 721); luctesal o!1201 villa Brandli cf lie W. C. B. Sachet>' iîilis canl>'B âlIr hellodblinlaihie Metiarlist Chnrrcit, onMon)- -- -- d ay ercaiug n ex l, at i ffi t a e q i Flil li" I BlaI h& Brothere.---------.... - a 3ocnRmsevOWNStraasu. 'Mr., .IL ; Winee'sAbrcvuatsÂatY.-he Speneer, soldl -igAiskoell t M. li* anniivorsan> cf the birti o!fGerge gan, tw pud4k otwjjej Wfgldngteu vas dllebrebod thnýoughouh traiIb evenmlle. îvii ltao Unitéda Slatom on-'Paesda>', 2W. - - -boat- - fr EButer muten. votSuiS5i~y'5t5 nttti Baa oiuon-intended tayatk t1~r~hu4a 1tf0~hS aQ - il, a t; Jpt~id4thî pooé t a! *e'klià flro f he. metloau "Co*n *1 ai«mrves aln' dàutimzs aho.'wsre - isnwd- 'aders-t9 dielnilge ign arr~~~~~~~~~~~~~n uthl utt odpape;4'~a~ il~1 e i'miting e'veeu >' ~latr Douase, " h c.. 5tr s î lhs 5 eriarl eddatssu eao y of'n e ~9t5~il~~lr> 1 ulM~î~~le~muoua ohi' ata~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l ah-ls ~ jie nc7hro.4lreprin- e!hiadise rlIttlU flkeI.htoi vohv icpse of#Om grs,~ o ~~~~. ~ 'z -e bikgblni'The diaure oat eS oUI!2ttla dsealevyrnanr- T 'tne tave aiflétal iett ee shi gnuîl eni lm 0 4rb e Fiiarr ,r o lr ge ec i p orti ln fteh&easdional tf allia ek a '*. B o ie v9r I mu> "he iii;ààâý4 nia for l~~the duler ttov vropeorleabl rstrin an unteih,dber;mdoral iinngetli, lutin,- Wsn ILlagI vas sorloy j giv-ite lue lii. 'oroval, v'ii-te, iteni'ainahi;- offot rt 'in - oaac i doir lie taar.t tf bl roc! larcn 1tei 0e i ah insbeor ht ovu le4uln'eyu em ran'ers bef»ore ah, n a el ena'clof I tihl- dauer" e cusaler lchle ie - prfi conehi art be nleSte n6 chia iButrofte moe Lefeliv.ordn ud il ntmerinn thfloipr. i#owiq' w!isent (villah*,lbiexcephionM cf lb. lubtir exsntphe, sit' abhli . e!a>an'utortyi btera- lbO Ï guate aàin h iok4,cnlnceelalaie a- I>' t tenis u cfso av~ ~~ e biteTovu' caneai >' l. cMd.. Uuîne.I lrd snteàwain' ud ed >tit<aATIMdCN5. ci Isa tavialgerlqe Lol', mah th0'mao', Froan' 11ev.-. Havecempainln et. le thW4,dillîîr tessons ' Il b ig uouaniet - lioe aeluit e e xan ock fal r>' ou av -tm plaxi ; as u -wM r te, Wvrg: evu' îrîigviahe coune il fen an ligex-t i vis atsîou roitd e re ho iaI l vae.a parlndopan n lîi erclyeig e a, tiaiîÛ eamnu lîy. suri, ly u Rcsqent (i, c etionoftetpfvsnce ie lta lilgi ul o aftDier sun '1Pa a il u' seein te asol' ied 'wethulte iurah glr ik'-aw e ,uh le t iie oi il ie "f uitg av o't opic scude a~-vaae jhe.owcitaI uciu, abdu litg i ihltrél lio uNu cnahinw Uais ohitr eela'.e rien' 1d bteis. t.CAIC -- tait a I geha i u aishat ela f hie ri va'. IaiSrOCut t'tavtrto of tha is1h aine magiystcin' toec e 'litn veutai - ppîto.e getFa. ngigau ev Dufafins' Creei, b>-' a Car elor, pviug for lie hi ntea v i a ig s tIle jir lu li eag. Iimiîiug osuai a îîtoei 't>t icous. ni tin, "Ftiatsec lme, ttiet hn.vHop-gel top.tsh liea ove ,eo.ulie pere la il th- le jairgoela gxo Athesce zesud o TpqeNo.anal "ntesrOc i en; u' îa 111e d a r lop, 1. 0. . T.,-ïtuug e li reaotin g- msav a"a l sie aeoll hufsut hi ontita i b>' nl ousablnge- shtinle kpelia cvl ut v vn- Mv. Ku(1ing, hersoalei >Mbilongd iher' day. Wihi Yz lue s lsoi mol tetatic cause i eaint - uS lai te old nvi' acebilird yase a i itehst mahug cf inagilial e laikesp4%î lie ar, pull'u i oni ~osaeei u ohv île co, uteli ns a, ie huie,- i orialelus iihiu g he lietro l sufa1tltelcter, tcuai svi, '~olck on S~uy o aniug h placce - a aird e maicl u e I . on ie nîl Lîle it iyliard iîoin ed e ie sane effeel on uto',in 2s "s pn Fut. l'ni, he vtl H.Frgsnlult tacite yez te.t.a bota -vlaisiky t Ie ALle oiTEPRA EaglrTlITeiou li tied olnuk ; I vant liahis a yztecmmlltme umietsatitin itaI I 'tae bniate' s mn- On aMel.a n.rpr, ia pfoth- fvcu ii ga-euialtt a ali l9:lmiIe ili na oltingîînce pn oth- pn.or Pal nusol ieun'loiht e gurent l s fiteavenp e lt icn.Ce- a tvae t tua suvlyahet ihivil , liait iluatretüDýtoh Pat "rasvite atafoste ot l ta thor eM'. arpcera oil fe on eao obne . lai' tokp h liiout av in Mra.uing e ,,,.oo co atucilM . lisiaiy ani aihn n 3w.a i a ncaLongai -i hâî mea ld n' wde bictic. ai>, . uthdilvaisicmeva netio marsthn e la jans u nt e sripuls u rout ' îcil e rlCe iec rtpyn ut chimy u le gît Doe lacliatheair It he ocialusrcr.. li I i e ldi eu s aiite io lai micnai i'herri jaxaîge lanan aTa tde araltil>as ira tid aller andf, lta tjar and camash lon the y oalvc-, 1 Itruaaer hie 'atia teîsaie eectinaîc innolin tce tîuesei ar'lie yhraflie ulr a i anu latlt> aa fiaauc ia a cita Walinic inic-ic e whi e h ou c era oa. (iteors). tte lin' maP iuit-I g po asfn uaiacP n arp e hl Nrl . lausn n t he o I ac ez oiftakaeploioe whio to eu- icr.l. lielatr gelin te Iluiponince, I ana t 't ok s avyeliatoI îstal it he oc a ay asl' aler etithurstIli n u>' a aw e illai eut i m- an tait lita.. .Il eai , uai litaI i a q fonshiiteai n- conluryi mea corsi' uf dn ten > a ul>' o ndîlo at eL ic e r l Cia. frein liaiu 'l vrarle.int aion'l nel usruciosiaoeprtfv- paorPatnîne ingiantanaidhire-,uvgraniaudience. lue lav, atomont- liaru1ite lw tait aie Lur. asautCo mmiua- ntare Iluis su' vdrtoîîs #t!i(it in tire o tes. e atec d ia lt cnut M .ac in ouv.tA for Aunave fr. r %vs AUntlieaaiata!. asliiavo ledomaint M-na. Yoî;an rstes. i nl .sa s, his -lspiii', nhorshaa s, mrllien v is 'Mr.ul!onnt .11li as u ac aei teia stalilyi n'v alar' th revn yalIld opin pnu gie u ilal i n otuhet,, s ue pu rh e fu- ver>' soIlfe eeualy S tusunar, auîellsl sent plve t-utpirails a v Fie t p pers nc o israeayed cao he en, ohi fas qiteai nol~~~~~~~~~H aviaailels'fotlk'suaerlie St e salaIittat addu'eaind opa o it aihînn La. Yo irslto ioa>,e ltecuclvu os! iroî seig oo aetcpaoearieUioila ite din ci vit iilali, sud came Siattes itelaeouI Fio'bate a v . tir I ieaq î t"ie W nc' A~~~~~~~~~~u fains'paltut i pag'n '1'uperanee Aosiatîn"tFe>' vote clabu lithe e e!Iluienain. Flic>'onet hevtoe ceeiing orietebut as ho' inéil tvhto m nav uon ole lae>'. A t ncof aTe' aragleinbthure tter ;if, ttorii c d ae on. oweubam odve!rI po rot t he y * i4 hecuwe ehile î harlt a' ithèie buuanu e po imince tai sd>otheiecomaý1tig drunka11ds. cata iiatI aa' l ittcati aicofaîl qu' 1' , buair a I sup pres benbiqetn ecayliood. I d ont ai> tu e cfnrIl >' tafs c.0eprve l voio n o! li softaprincean' vomie vlas ara ane. lience Ms1-t.ae dinal ag eorea 1llîaal ic geoprileilsa n"the, cuea he lutersvetlemcon viilel ince ' e mli rri aytccu hime ace 1 eio o! llieiüalwtuhlea lo laes liuexicre, agLu' set a goo hamie, cnan v i uon. ere w s la. Tha a us, alos'Clriîlat eintcixaniy levrs ttat vn a eelfrb'tti e iu usyluotu. Bu tîcu ave aa nevie, Fu lad o vanle m intion o!a under Ili e nami aisI hie 'tio, 1herWne hicapes, f unS hue app na iepun-i boleausitu tutin an1) ion, aroircig do sa tirs udanuauds-ce b a vaiSsln oruil sua'peraI.Lîu poao'1ie )ii ! ii oa ctid'in a nil ve eosciauiusi' iifOcr"tot sytLeas fr aoselieatîyrsote tot itic-u. Thare laearlime p'vrtopia oe ecrl> iclmlIliIgele via goil up lia ae(iti taisiei myset Muan wi von ein uliertein pooint vceandesia.gnotuelurmi oir a Ilkrte anta aur a lue o ll a oani atye e - felc pinv Fininaooeral if m ie rieep he maulf . 'lelal vh d prc Atde tas uîtli e inathe in' -van' l ic s or uls en. sort ly iuea Rokhi ae inu larealli et vievo enuljuignigit. ib se a doas i sarrara da ma'ir l'ut ia ra cl a eaI u ntulit, l abn- i ea ndfr conu , as LItepnaqo! IL. in' lav hn, vbeaineo ashun' er stir ie> a ti no c4le stlviiau>' musinga, vin ni ilt i. mpua aboly te ltbecotîel wa vtutflia bcaheeipnn ' lace. iiote pep o! v hiyae gUnit. dica igl icîo'-~i el t tlitead cme ahir inohe n, luw.ofiin naline hous.lt Goal, seking fori alureutisen-al The las av thet brn are al'ipI l inal4ing lte Cciuni uicuale t hhe a slisipuymiuîr maaucr ly min o! respects- greal tribual oe, sud befoee hticl i bilil'. Thaso min vul es' inreeteai for tiîir ats titi ereningluse>' veulîl liave unai-seus o! tinthtare al luintaive te acceunt. (Cliiecre). si thme isues-un.' vIte 1evthair famillcs Mn. Gibson v plicî llItitbicpelitian tI te supjport erç beauvin' eut couaidicens- wc'ild lia tecrit'c L iia all due courtes>', g shn ;i> aiyliigi luxes, muai more a«Jairegneattal laaat il hbai ual lien inivignuiyhibi te ginctal ran av piaceai befone Itom intlitt'-a eeke ;ago, ca ravin' tilperinca ontituasîs, au' il vua béovie e ouuc' 1 liaS coitutted hherna' bua dcwuilî injeis tte o blitiuav u'seclves tho lie te g f tlicences.1Ha CI liae property atethîe biddilu' avr Sncb ai -explaineailte a a tp. haid been taken c sel. Firme fmindoaiva"timpenuca vil analte diifleU, y et now deuliug vilt niver crgot l heo aiate la Lit usybovu fleic tatler, but aidfte counicil vouhl an' felov alilaîlas. If ve are -te berdaaith it 1hne nr us lte>'coulai do su,. f limpenirîce pinciples pravade, let us censistetl>'inuj ltice anai in luv. it Legin.allihe ile id. Letns prese upon rov u.noeîaRTY. tla g$vem'miut l'lia.dt>' etpaisOin' a gin- Mn. King p esented tlIe report cf b oral 1ev proventîa't li sle, 'Mnaclture thii.committes vacontnenaiug psy. sai maolsno Iavleitt licIment e! 5243.8tho MnE. B. Gibueon f or us aý i Qîee hadoin' ths, tubaie a, waod-5S ctaIs I 54.60 pet dodu. lie tue vain *111.raipo lliîl'aieo loiduiov ,for ah pl tleMn. Hanat e xplained, i>' nn -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h mc Fr-tr~ rni oncessit>' for makiig lie immediate lai - r t-àn r chais& ut hitite, sier. vas - TI O'ÂY.cl'o li ai! e corS cf vend 'on baud, anal ----e e-'- - - the voiidàs vet al, sud tiaL-the geo0l11 Fra AT . ACccaNTa.-A ferme-r nained qusuity eoftite 17oal btaine a va t -ekini, et te of ing esut fit t>'cents, par cavai, better t'han ê"ssin ethe', t n i cf ai, tIraIordinanil>' cughl ie ova. i. - 13 vltic oacsng îme ottser Ralye ' ise expiaineda t lilaltitongi le Itai aI "Icat villi is tesîn vwas Itili- netgeeu Mv. Re unan, hi ad consaiî e at 1a"wbýc 1y usaI. IL sppegure lte ual ýMe'. Heplil lte chen mcnber cf u, U nSi, ro - v ere otLoua riving the coittée, vie iteS apprevea-il h. punIse..ipo sonopled decea:u, -eaqed being be ..e>et<nv.ia asl-b'i inpsrale lîllid, ee'a ~ uauu ete in jO-rZo isclatylo s hey i assa , linti, sai as Use tolis] W).5oy nt1 pssge Sroyaa *as eos:aii theit reja, a>', the. vîcse rrait Wvaonsieeai ->thee t.- mat raailau sié Weýti. tnsAOCOiJT. tlaa -misa coul on lté .sueWpIoblgh ab Mv. flarper bi onghît lu lie repart of à t écie' ,lsfnL <lcta e Ãœo, o>gtt le lte sading c,mmittee ou ire aeuSJ Éôýn lid"lit -l t i afre a tG k faceory. -r 10 a Thy swnl~ ~soiabul o t o;be ap viie"tr li.to1tleable t*abuiahtsa alcb>p T Itigi fa tx, anti-to &et jost'lu in the Pfltest 1 !natter. He ItasIipforninaalat TJrE lest yeav's busi nems,' m ôt e of l Derlast hal dgaq!ï ept theirf u.He -de Pr.Gu te tavu, saiS Ibat lte>' vwere ail neces aie Ysi7, especia yaï iîberi v*ye 'n'a teni- arintî peranee'Ibbùo.s; eâid îbthk4hÏo *rîiýe=-t- Proml çlde b-avll07 1 conilt ?t&ta eitïae le dg jumieu ta ahl.Po Mv. 11ev xpreseS lme.totI ,ý aker ofit Mr. Blowper year, King'e epinolnaff-to the réduction eof - taverne, ami said ltp4y sItepîS notallov Mr. Fi theuiselves ta hLe .tooé e h.e1Mw The ladies deserv-Ïd »eredil for j wi o ,t lie>' laSd dugi uit have cost hem seiealýpot nuntevousl>' signé .andl heo '1'Po ~ imoA househld lp,Çs, 49d -not "bepneglecl. tinityle ad on thati îoeaunàt.an& lu àetaetdlng Mv. Mc )>ofore lie conucil., (Clipers dj Augh- The si ter.) H as -frd- elt rei' rt* wI ' cuanner mu wbichthe htothis oethe, towe Bllake au, weve eondndtled;andl vas lu favor of ScuLoo malcug' he lcene0100, vitilthe ex. tane.are ceptioc f h. 1National, whili b*elnz sciceer oui>' opeuedl hailthe yeat, lie wauted Cameron recluced al fe80. ýý1ýýI Mv. Hanuam eoincideal as tealte On moi aulountboiug 08100.- Ever>' eue knew Mr. Cana ltaI he vas net in fa'lor cf lie liquor fis mocre traffie, he ha4;Wnn. lvays a t.aetoteler; it as dt but cousidered titat men who hletor, quittai meaue invest.eai n lte iuiuee, bad s elle a a 'i l va, shioaxld bave 'nolie o! ie lunten.' r,,;T 1 tionta tecul tîîem off, asud eIti hLeDr. Gai ,ileal it ixecotteidersàtly. lu anotier Head ma ýyeur lthe ceuncil conid ual lu limiting the nevs, licenses. ' ,.,Mr. lic Mr. - Robson moade a few remaras intelag ýfayot of the report, salîl the liigher lthe tant teaci amount lthe more respectable th. workreqi liouses. and tua a ie nderstood the. -la Dr. G-t lîotel'keepers were willing te psy lta'- on sehool Mr: Ferguson allainet lielieve liaI lit as $125 weaîld malre them snDy more re. toaVapot spectaje,. ;tbt il wasa a.business liaI qualifieS could net bho made rétetabe le ut liaitaSdc ,-fle. wtxsiere ',increaaiug lu Ihe way cof Cotumbui -taxesschool wl relief tei paupers, 'muai. a burden on lthe h. îaid, tewu by drink, anal lie veala make the werequ liquor traffia lit canîedl it puy-for il. but wlsea" The towu hual nov te pa>' seven hbad- tiou befoi roal dollars a year lu tItis way, andal i receive a %wonld malte tite liconse fana Incet it. Mr.onllb 'AU o e lie oliotel at lhe Buay, if-il- could averse to tiot puy lthe $125, lb. sonner, it was Sehool,in closeal np the licIter. Be liad been tli That th tuaI the honte vas lu sncb a delapidat- uetted t; ed stute that il ouglit net have been the Wsti a granteàa li one. He comipiaineul et pohîtnen tia. illegal liquor traffle on Satuira>' next met nigil., %whiiah was plain te b. sa'eu' Lv Moveda anycutE v*alkhthîýberstreeta. -'Oct'.Batr- onldeS bri ils> nigits lie sîrcets vere. lîke bed. arrangent lant, traps were laid for people and o, h, wagons, anal tiings placeal on the Gmn andl streats, whlioh vonla no e th le case if Mr. Oni lthe litels were shunt spdl liquor net Dr. ýGnn sold. Tuoe people shiouttl-'be let know "Wvm Ru motion su tltat tiiero was a law, sud the iaw the psti dh llb. put la force againSt titen. - vas ai. Mvr. Blow repieai;stIc) tIe National oni'v 0lir houai, anal c.tate;l lie vas uuawsre thnt The'-et ie wae sitliug at lIte couneil wahh a motion wl man whlo wss np ail niaclit'loo!ting at Snell ucettiragr on ounlthe streals. He va. Mr. Pot fprriul te lie fael ahat lhe Inspectrrsud that Ihe i TicenSe eornruitte liad reporte inlu'rate of 01( fayiootLb National hoLn getting 4 Mr. Bl. licpusa. Pherian, Mvr. Blow's umeudme-nt o! 0100 Andal aeepted 1 S8,1 was tien deciareal carried. : $75 perve On the itext clause, abolishing lteé Mr. fil shop license, Mr;,Kiog saa idtait mali the Dunda us lie sliould lika le see il doue, vesteai a liaI of a ,iaied lu luteresta ehould Le respacteal, andal aI Wc"me parties vite veut tbgreal expense sholld Ou mot bîave tirnel>' notice cf lthe chtange. Ho Dr. Gunra vas in favor o! the business, if aI ail, pert>' ve slîouid lie carried ou. b>'jtself sud net-anries as iu connaction wili chler business' in sat> for Il lie sante store. Mr . Bannant agragal, anal insistell Mr. Mc] liaI business men hlil a riglit leaSncell te ôonî ntotice lit tîte bauds et the cotucil Leforo mtudiune being wped ont. Ho voulai coeunIe-amoiamtthî othrs hsale onid Le done b>', mucli vere - A as Ite favorad thé cause cf lemperance. Alexander $980;, W M1r. Gibson vase!f lhe seine opinion, Tha,. De' sud statiea that lie knew parties bal Westlake, gene ta large expense in layiug iu stocks in eeuseqaîiieea o! lise auticipatai Mr.PFui change in lte tariff, wlîich tht>' would 'Powell, th net have donueat for lthe action sîf'eai>' ing do far Isipu b>' lthe conneil. He lia..] cousis. different i toe>' sund uloubteai lie legalil>' ef lie <Jisied.' Moveai action af tlle aeuIîeii ta îupptresliceuas sMr. Poasi aftor whal lad alreadly-beeu-doue. He IBoard Lie i vue alec lu favor of lhe sale of liquors Mri. Post iu a liquor store oui>'. He alec statuai ed Ly Mr. that gunlemeiieh bail eicaned lie hetd ie tht petiienusa cote e hl lIaI ay nti The ontg tpetition v ole ai ieif'the couy n-ducr. mee aausinkg a-laugl la> ieing lbh word JUVENU hll ",fer ru.uniug à intel. bo>,.twelv Mr. Blow inovea n amund nt tle liaIhO vi the effeat thiat ne perecurta'siu an>' listai een unteveet lu the nmanagement or pr fits lI e ena c o! a ItellshahL e allovealtocondt -W Septeauba billiardsaloon, anal haI Ilere uliail Le -coke b b te' conaection or lugreesscr egreissLe. canbolie ai vwepu a billiastal saloon or parleur, and I i> lie holeL. Carrie4,Couî Coamiteecis~auct.râ4orÉéd/ report cUîaîjIà fa Ae àtnenld. - sud it'qa On nufolion for adoption,* Mrw Fergu at Vllejo, aen moei eoddyM.Rcbso'u, bhinou ta -c ancreasse alI lîhe trvers icenses te - .125. 1 -1.-F oacuca( Y-eAs, Mfesr. FergaeonC, Bobeon, liai dring Harper atl Loug--4. fer trial fo Naye, Meusev. Blow, IBopkins, W. .whIli h. t on. iag.Jefrey ud auna-6. le>' and Bi Thoi report vas Ilhon adepteci. viti peu aADJOSN5SNT. as senpei "AWOURUX.Nliehodetecla On moton cfb~r H r, secondeS scope. r ho ldpd.y 2ht t.-Justice Ri site utiil pît eeven'clck.- - ,fer lte ext - r - :of "Dr. la£ riG ied ia..-Heeate b resident or justices cf l. Bprteheur ç lIfosra Domlaicire!Caad'v&l'e rtobeof !a,-Thtiesecig cpanoetanS black, ttYltumdS iheill no, Thle M ~musg e-toeowo KtahWosainsler <ound befor soi r Wm. Tauliesakiaig td bppoluta Aý à e. Board oa ýu w!,pn4 elufer the p1Ia ,iieè1 bsa Ue Whltby lig U .1111in existence,anAriou en Imf appreved. - N. Meutimevtwr, ffiam'-ae ah. Dundasstreel .chmt 4t 100, ?areweU moved secondeS iî, Me cûu nite hovoer b. appointeil c mquitlees zta strUkelthe cemnizîle 9 lek .f 1. harfor a ibo so glvetls umnttq su eppo OPhersanenlrs eet committ beought lu hel 'bici vas àgdopltd a wv: aea.Messs. ersenon, Powell, IC post.- DL !uANwàEENTv.-Mesre- Ormis. owell, Doclors Tueker sud. Gunui. L PusopzrrY.-Meoirs. lhake, Ham, suad Darlueil. alaen et Mn. Ormisten, secondeS bi neran, lte satar>' etMisseilorromal eased tram. $200 to $250, on accout, tod, et her hsviug been, change ttt sîhoc, vieve tie vark te. was nanti more tIata laI wiicî boen performiug aI O$2O0. RE ArroINTacvwzir os ' OS'roit unn sked that M. Bobineau, lt %s1er, te explit bth. board as du ail>' et applnut, amonitor. oblusan expisinedial wing lu inrase gqpîpuilie hopenin ho-but 4-e u Ie assis. ,ets tound il imypt ssiblç10 o.do the tireS.< -'He Lad'therefare lgioi aun, as chairm'an'o the camillot 4 masuagemeaut, as- te lhé prePie1 ting a monitor; ltait the- Dv. hma 'if h.lvie aiso)loniti aI>'. eessary la lave as-ittôniterý bit oee viom h. thougit bésat Ste 611 llte position. Be thaugt done Bo in appoiutitig Mise Ileal, 01 s, via vas taieuni>' pestan in tié seo bla acerltffcala. Thet o e. ; ian>' oliens lu lie iclool 'aho lte capable et fîlulite position, s'udhave te Pase au examina 'o the Higit ScItool Inspectons sud aceÏlificale tram tient, betone tir1 Slegal>' qualife.]la tesch. treveil,. stte t ating tit ho va, lihaviug lady teuchesiluthe Biga noveS. -- he Higi aciol Inspectons be ne- bc examine WIP. Hpton tocee if f it aud propet persan ta occaupy iou et monitor, sud liat'te ap- it et a monitor be laid over tl ring.ý -, ' 1 ,iu ameadment b>' Dn. Gunu, st-c Mv. Orisiotonualtue lpreacat culn Le siioweaf ta go ou liiilt aolida y s. ie vote vas firsttaken ameudment vica vas lest, Dr. a Mn. Ormiston onui vetingyca. aiston tien moved, secouldd b> i, inameaidmenî ltaI the nama af alaon" lue stranek uon thle engluai id aaýýL "ail maIe appliesuts tar ion ta insevted tai its place, wbich let, Mn. Ormiston sud Dr. Gunu ng >'ea. te vat then talion oh lie original titi wàs carieS . SALAav Or MIOlioitlu raIl. seconded by Mn. Post, movod salar>'ofethce monitor Le aI tnc tO0per yean. Carriod.- :sSeALABvOF tAtalrnAKEa. lie utoved, secondeS b>' Mn- Mea- liaI thse effet et Wm. Tasker bu' and liaît lie salar>' Le piscod at ert, CarieS. tke stated thal lbthesed-maatet cf as sînel srioot haul isnded hisu trlies tequirea i ta t scool sud ,knov viat lie hoard voull ndte Le doue. Mon of Mi. Farewell, secouded by sp lie comnultee on school pro. ýr. autiarized le pîîvciase surI lu i heir juagmeunt eenoces. aundaasteleet school. Piterson, chairman cethe rom- 4uqance, avoagi t ie repart et iie, %hichi vsadoltd. recoin- paymcut at variaus secosints ahlcWgeiber 10 84W0.20. Fie items L.Alexander, cah 214.08; A. rawod ffl.i21 ; Gea. Cormacki, . X.Higglis. priuting #17.60; -venili, $35;a Messrs. Dunkle>' 'evoîll moved, seconldeS b>' M. allihe spctetavy aI lie noxt naSet riel tiebeard vit st lofthe ineuraucea heid b>' lie Board. b>' Mr. Oncaiston, seconded b>' 14 biat ail future meetings et tis seld lu thb. ligi Sriool building. - moved,-insamnudment, second«- ,Cameron,liai the meetings be ae towu hai. 1is motion vas curied. leïr moved' .seconotulalb>' aM. Mc- fiat the cenînttîe on sebool pro-,' y lthe caretasaer ta lave the rcon lie musier reen prepared for lie tir Cri iel )ad nlc adiauoul aIst aquarter -V. Pierceo,!fite Werlii's 'y, Buffalo, N., Y., wîtose Meoaiclues have won golden sud aaahieved vorlai-viche EUp six A LANDLIDY.-'Fortait'- 9196 *repents aste Llier scIvecua> tali>' cf lier butter, a boardor ), cal., Yveceiveal a pabie ccv- tho hnsudao! bis laindlaul>. 4bttiman hIta-aeen- comuîittwd v) !orging'vailway liciete. wviLa Pau>' travalleul betveAn DUfi ýrmiughain. Tii>her ea nimade Landl ink, said lie imitation Wfecl t lei difference cenhld ai only b>' tieAdo! a- micrvo- rnzoe eOF "Dar. '4Wonas-Ur;> àmsa>' las gruabea awarrant traditicu, taJ'lié UfitedaStutea, wVorme, fer soet ime paît a if ono n i.t ë',cu i àchrges o! h.ntiu forge4d-.9,un. Loiiqslt n r-' h- d. connery-,te equal t asohcg for au eu- quir>' mute istatIe of, thepatiop, W$hicb as ever>' body kuova loir i'ht't inM bîcanse il le ver>' imporLent,5 amcun t Minietty o! tie de'. IH aaSthe i r1 . Cjtic o! appoltili 'iùelif b ~iat lie Geverntent, 'vlle r prfpstp8 r1hheir resadinese te bving clown L-teé , coacttrry.'14, ,afdii he ss . bevaiho a Hlonse cealal proeeçalto vote the - sti- smates vili such a a eeimittec asI ite r- Waterloo, disseuteal, sud reverledl ,iaturally te Adam Smilithsud-plitieel v acouiy. H'*ejuIu 4 a ofea, :Cbineset-wall-,- around -,ltae Dominioni. sirËvà- th6hqeslseuo;fpvoàtiè"uoni and- (cempareal lteleader' cf lt'e Opposition te Lord '- ohitnBaisellu n'thé' cgrteour X Ciarybdis.- Mr. Irvîng, Hanilten, vas il 41 oeerahcl i tituves on1 théîl ceuls cf lb. member fer Kingaton. - e.-cieclareai- lIta 5f-John rentinded i hlm of anotIter cartcon vhtere Lord. John Russell is seen ru,nin away aflar wrliug "u Popery" ona W al~ a Sir John Macalonald, -Lsd ritten uuPro. iteclion" ou, thé, vaIL sud,-un .ave>' Mv.,,Wcrkm n bdthc, s1c'r>' cf lhe c uffevrtg poÃ"rý ofblýentrcal, maldseemeulà ÃŽ.to;e. 'Iu trùck'ît choiral un"th. - sympa-, ae tbetiahéart of'tha-Çeumons ; but"lte, n effict vas eiy'cf temporar>' - urlieu; for lu a fev mqxnenla aàfterIhe had- talcen is seat the var o! tarifs btreke - Dýymoual Lbrougil up, thet ,wcll'knowti ;t pieae oc cicamnèrY' àbont wýi&tMr ThmsWbile satd ite ý Dominion Boardi cf Trade iu'1873. sud)li e alter-ý cd viov lieliais expvcsiued sulaequenti>', a r.to.alcaf vuhicli Mr. White hue airoual>' LreplieS b>' -pleaè1iig altereal circut-, stances. Mr. Woois. cf Hantilton; Mr. Kirkpatriclc, Mr1. Thompeon., Wel- yunJ, anal Mv. Macaionaldl, Toronto, ai. se sIput lu thoir oese, çvithout, 'howeverý, a tuufing lie waters le un>' appreciable exleni.. ami the dabat iedia a nalIural death* for tle day, at six o'cleàk, :a vactant o! the rmIes o! île Bouse. On, Prias>'hliedebate vas renevoal,' r aud'île motio*ncarnied viltau amni. meut inciudiuth îe mning intcreast, aud taise filiing, siing, and lumberiug. Vie. recclCcmmnittee i. cmposedi c Messrs. Barbe. (Suaibur>'), CurmicItuel, - Lerue Mcougail, Chalton, Plat Dyntonu, Sioclair, Wor1niau sud lteé tot'er. f 'Mr. Mackcanzie lias introduccda- aBill r respecting lie Novtli-WVest tervilerles, vlici couteuipiales lie orgunization et a Bepateto etttor>', of- vich the- Lieteuant-Geveruor cf Manitoba slial bca Lieuenant- Gavernor ex-office. Tht' lterriler>' la te have a separate Councih to ai 'A lhe Lieutenant. Goi'ev'ar lu-te uiliiiitraition o e! l fie f e!li -terrtory, viti lpower le. suak.laa 'suljjeetLle certain restrictions.. Tlç nainà o!flthe tervitor>' et district 'le left bhaink in lie Bill. Thse lintits ara e lee -as fohiova :-FvenitheItawesten beun dai'> Eue o! Ontaîrio, aloug ti. inter: nataional lina te the easlern limile ef Maajittba, hteude- lu a'-.nortiter'. suea j vesteriy direction 10 Lake' Màulteba, the Meadov Portage, lte esteni>' shore of Lake Winutpegosis, thé Mess>' Pet- -lae anal lhc nortitetu eîremit>' o! fhudson'. Bs>'.- New Liquor License Reguilationa. eOVEWNEMitT CIROULAEB. The foilowiug circuler respecting tic new Licence Bihlias liecu auiu3vsscalho tiis Clerlas e! Municipalities cf Ontavie b>' tle Provincial Treseurer a TutrAsumur DEP.IITMENT, Toronto, TeL. 11, 1876. Sir,-I LeS tb direct yaun attention te the tollowing provisios of the Act jusI passrd amending the law reipcctug lienases fornthe sale et iqisor, nantely.a- 1 TIi. powere ot the PaliceComsin ers in cities',-axid the Municipal Couuncüinl 1Lrsus, tucotporated villages, sud townshtps, ste tnuinsferted ta tih ev w Licence hBoard, comiposed et comnîlsaulanera appainted b>'1 lie Goverumeait. .- 2. Tie limie for gvanting Lîceuses under tht. umnedment Act beglus tram tic first day of May' in tath yeav. 8. Belveentlis date. (111hintuatansd the titteenlh day of Match, ail existeg i-> ceuses ma>' horeneved unil tl i ral day et Mdi>' nexl, Oit puymeut t euoe stxltlte prosent dut>', :Provincial and mnîçipal. .The. shaf t1h. Municipal dut>' sllh e palal te the Ireasuner o et i nxicipality, aitlait of thc Province letli presena iot;t'rs. Tic Provincial isaners vwili, upon > this btint, done, endorme tie ntnewal et each license, tîli the firtI S.'of lIdày nexl. i 4. Tht inspectons lierelotore appointéa seesetty tavernasd nia>'also ccnfiÃœeet-eë businessaof the shapieeper excînelvel'te lte' 18.) Tlie coalnmual'tau>' mulipalil3fiuay. b>' eiilar hy-law, luerease dut>' on lavera, or siptcne e 20h -- 7;-nfture ail applicu'tlansfor laveru - liîeeluaznnst show tuýt tbavrn i isï l ippoittei aal ficin eaiinhonise. as Weil as wa cher rpsmédts' PO$sess gthe ao 8. 'Thte iplicullous for new licenses sfiuSlas ati.e'betoa-helut day et Apnil. 9. Wbolesale liseuses. are >-u ow' sInrjtuîl l'alileS la whclenale dealerg. - - 10. Flic dutleD lxeal for licences are as Nvhoii(-alet, %150; uap sud . ta'rn,inu cilles, $100, shlp &ad avera, ja tewns, $90; amOp and lavera, in oalbum mamicipalihies - 660; One4ltird gain-,g te --e POviùce, al ' t- Itbirds te ltse sunuielpalit>' alter tLe el- peaus 'ave deduoted; "The- bol.- cf an>' excea ,,,,,à>S t~ by.iav utsgo gees le ILs hiave hhe ur ti e; ,'v -Y'Ter ebedient servant, - AtaX Citeojes, - - - 'reasfuver. -TheCentral l3oarul- o! Agriullurerof We -cei ofthae -B 'the year -bas been 1 0,cat<L TUE W n WMUNA9mçf« ,An exploration c wamd. e rm Lac -LAe aceiaw Riverw Bine,,toits 9North' [:;Thouipsoouwhioh establfshed tbatthe height of a sunimit te Le overcome Ten- fxmiaio om CIear Water te :River, Fraser l bas bozsth& znuch beavy work can b.e tirown ont and the. pa- clients general1y afImroved. A direct yout'fro -Jm~<ldlfee oute Inlelt, bebýen fonnd tbeb.impracti. theè, li.intervening _annitt ising 57,000 feet above lthe eÏ. - Il las'liseiù Iest ablished thai a route can'be o1,tain- Pd from Tetý,4axqq Cse e by the rivoir Fraser te o ri ègie, bout 245 miles, with comipaWivétlibtworkaod good 1, gradients; &- Roodroute way .be ob- taiued from ,Tot Jaune- Cache bt the eianuiie of theHxuàhoo paiwes, abPut. AéoO miles.- Serions diffieulties vwil;. 'bwever Le met iu the descent 10 tide water of the Vyacidi.- The Lower ~Frazer, from. Yaleforan ascending dis' tance c lte iel~ been mirintely examined. V The distsnie e rm- Yale -ta flurrard Inlet haibeen mnrveye&. An axamination eaàstwaMdIy-from. Fort Hope bas ýe stabliàhed that there le 1ne pinthat dieto owr than the ouualai. Muchiof the, mainland, norh cf the latitude of Vancouver Iuland-ias beeon explbred.- Examina. tiens have 7ohô* i'te ;route ' by the. :SýmokyPasa is fot.te lie recommended. ýEugineering parties hve been organiz. ed to prosecute furtiier survéys.- Itla1 believed that iu 'the course cf lthe en- suing year fi w!flbe psiible t6 e.tàbiih< approxËimately tl 1àitiou cf ltelins 'betweeu. Lake Superlerand tii. Paeific." _tiai OrCeigton, _vbwo ,died recently --n Omh,îf 1,900e eudow a col. lege iu Daytonï O., for lthe education cf indigent youug. xhéif.tÏho ddsfre to pre- pare titemmelves for lthe Cat4o]ic minis- try. CaoicLOLEOPTicE, Pcb. 28rd, 1876. l'ail ~ ~ ~ Ç Wet.....095 @ 5102 Spring Wha: 94 Ct. @, $0 98 Barley, No..], 75e; bo. 2, go:6w @ 5075 Clover............ se750P2 * -m*t« *.*.«.....-.8000s 8 25 >a. ........... .. 72o lalskBye Pets..86e0<â 9WC Rye............. .... e 0 70o Oate ............. . . Elatat.......... .if 0 m Eggs ................. 200 Butter .......... ...... 17c,@ 20. Ceai, Per ton ..........7 68-00 %We4 ...... *... ... .....84 00 $4,56 Pork, per ct ... 8.;..6 25 @87 00 Chickens - 85@'0derpai Dueks per # pr .......... 500e-@-me Turkeys, per lb.on Apples, per bushel....40 @60e Beef,l.hipa uarte......S0@ $7 Beef, fôrequarter. W 560 Shebis...........efl Hides - »4 50 a 5 Ounins. ............. ...lde91t Carrots........... CexFouirwno.-The agreeable ebaracter cf this preparatioaiasrnderea it a genéral favaurite. Macle sirnply with bailing water or milk. ,Each kpïÀckel a labeled, Jmas EP.Ps's & Ce., Homoeopathie Chemiat, 4, Threadheedfle-street, 'and 170, Pïeesdiy. Works for'Dictete ]Preiarations, :Buàton- reail and Caniden Town, London. NEW ADVERTI8EMENTS. ARM FOR 1SALE -1 The saibicriber offers for sale&a goil Farm consisting of.. 100 A.C7%j, being South-hali cf Lot No. il, dth conces- sion of the. Township of Pickerig. About 60 acres are cleared, the re-mder bezng covered, wxth, gog ad bsr and. soit woad. Twenty acres sré nov plcing7sd and ready for seed. There are on the. premises a- god two-etrey Faie ouse, splendid,-ont- _bu"iding, .-wogod bard vwater vels 'u n oeesen Lor futh.r Parieulaffl sud prie, apply to, ADÂM ELLIOTT, On the premnises, or Greenvaod. P. 0. Februaxy 1ftii, 1876. 6zn.9 FOIR SALE-OCHEAF 1 NEW- MILlT( TOWV by Mesrs. n Tuesda next ait" feet 4indtlu Soliiicr a- tii. purebsu ays here Puh ier i cen Le iad Vendor's 5 Februsry 2 -DR.!1 The ceeb the chief ci iaud, Preni R w- a froin Monda Chron ii Gtthm con Catafrh, ani FThrosl, HNu Skiai Dises. -long standiv -the imita.- Paralyses, 1 Dance, S&ur aceTurne Fie disesu * adulI Ae tri criptions, -vl sncesstay. N. 3.-I the aboardi the doctor ai beni fle b reistored la GE the ffodr. Wlatby. Pela Grand Endorsrd i yen Coantty ufacluee- eneg'ene pluiena>'e struments, at facillies vii 9r SenS s DANIEL B.: COMME -Pavanat t RB4BTWOOD WITHDRWÀL OF MORTOAGE Notice is hereby given lthat the Anctioti Sale, te, Le heliS on Tuesday, lith March. aIthse Bayai Hotel, Wbitby. forthc sale of -- - .a a. t -

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