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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Feb 1876, p. 3

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6mimfon O e,' B;ï $24M6878 i24M0 s --~1 -r 4r We' cotify tha~tiheabovç:is a oorrect »s$aý t temi of the. Boceipts and Disburoe.nta, ofthe O6rpÉ,rati6zf'6f neri the Yeu k87à.- ;ýei OKÂSDUN Adi Purmuut te ra Pveoutoi edtigla a m9t. C.goe hib bpoopodet t he sale, ugo, 1h4b rlbpubilo Auo" t cth ie Noa tlfth* TOWN Ã"bF « WHITBYý by Noeri. ElSEOP * rMoKAt, Auctloný esso, on Tiseadajy, l4thb ay 'oflvfarc négt, et Uo'cloc neon, IIIàtvaluable pro. peg t teil n ilie. o aide ci Brok 1t, OJ»PFELLOW,,$ eÂLL,,1 Tbs vr1bua a frautage on Býool eêtiInohs to lm . Thet, subtantiai thrs.aâor e rick Building, tbe laver aterey her ef ittiup Ihto tv< chape andi60 t UPpT !ros e mbtva 4otj Tcaïpîà*"u _ëa lsta psy tothe11wVador', Boiio Itl~ime cf sale, ona.teitho0 thé pre)... iý»nuy, ma&tisle wthln'thirly drth«raeutoa te ~abalance thoreol Ilhtlntèesat ab o a k ir. p ,lot Purther partiunlàr t entlon a sle cau t abâd- tront te Anctioneesuant he Vondor's Bohoiltor. LYMAN ENGL1BH, Voudor'. solicitor. Paeuary Srti, 1870. 9 -1mPOBTAUT TO TEE 510K 1 DR. MoOULLOUGH, The celebratati Uurop«n- and oAiclau hysicien. 'Itloront ci th.ehb pitas cf, l biref cies 01 Englaud, Iroat, Scot,. land, France mathe UnitatiStates of Aminci, and lb. Dominion cf Canada, will Profuesionally, i; ray b. cousuléab O.zlb ROYAL HOTEL from Monday Marci 131h to h.9Mhby aSl W6 are sufferlng tramn Chronlo Llngerlng Disese, such un Consuwptic, Bxusobhtis, Asthma, Catarrh, andtIaIl aEwUodmg91 thétheb.Choit, Throat, Heart,-Nervou dteblity, Scrofule, Uldons Livar VOIIpIaiàitu, beumatlm 8km lFlsoasof &11 hindi n a &ter"hboy logsadnDopa, C hlorealansd Cani. cers cf the vorit sage vithoul th. use cf the kalle. And I al blootiatesues elt RliamseDys. peposa, E piIFita or dIng sic.LneOS, Apopletlo Vits or loeu af sauce or motion, paralyses, Neurelgia, (Chor« or Bt Vienis Dac Qre oltrie or thfck neck, Ah. Aldiseuss ofathe Ny. and Nar treatsd succoetnflly, .The duaMee of obildren tram lutsncy te adult a g a tateti euefitll .Femile oarpieinto of au 16hanti ,&des. criptions, Iwhthba ute or chronic, treateti tN. B,-I YU a esulerli t ram any a1 eh.above diih.ea, 'do net dlay, but visit th. dooor atis, o,othat ynumay bara thei heneit ai ts enme -sudtreat"et anudI*b restareti ta health thb. soaner. dU etsti. nionlala in posted-bllls. February 911h, 1870. 0 GREnAOIKBLOBT1 $1 ATan anti a Flve-by a poor Il ma. Five dollars will b. pren h.tntier. Apply qbCthe IONIuan cl fice. Wbitby YFs.28Oti,1676. 9 HAIRBqUIeMEELTINGE Townohip ef Pikrn ,a dIa pures'e5 ganln aBousa 00 train lt 6 TavnshA in aid a--opa MEETINGS 't BEATTYPIANO I Grand Square anti Uprlght. Endorieti by h. bigbest musical autr. tilas titrougitout thevworlti as TEE BEST. "Mr. D. . Beatta Washington, War. ren County, N.S., haslougageinllte mon- -ufactun. of1 pianos, nti13 ugLngrfrom. hie ensngy, enterprise andi musical ability, the pubilà m&y arpect ta soecurs luhis pi anas well4niehed, durable ant i fne.laned- lu. strumeti ta a vony motierrte prie, Hie lacilltiewl01 anahie hlm ta compote wlth aniy."ý-Lambortrille [N. J.] Record 93 Bond stanrp fer ctalogu.Aidrous, DANiIEL F. BEATTY, Waahlngton, N. J. C HANCEN 8 ÀL Il! OP TRI COMMERCIAL HOTEL, (Car« ofKlngand Obunch t tret) VILLAGE 0F OSHAWA. Pu rouant ta tiecra. lu HODGSON vi EAST WOOD;tendons marketi '" otigic vs. Bitwood,"' l ho noceivei, addroed "T. W. Taylor, Esuquire, Materlun Chancery, Oegoode Bell, Toronto. np tla9, P. m.," FOURTH DAY OF MÂBOH, 1876, For t lI prchusoIn ena Parol ai théa sove 11otl, Wltih aIt an acre ai land anti promx Iues anti uhedt hento. TERME :-One.teul on being notiaed et acaplauce cf tender, balance ta b. paiti Inta Court la on. moutthuneailar, viliont intorost, vhen purohaier viii ha entilledt t hecanvoyance. Thiial iiib. aubjeclta t tenano'y of Jameas Blacit, viose tarin viii spire ou te lst day ai Sept,mbar, 187,,vhaaeas. sion viilb. givan tathe purchisar. -TheOpur- chasen wlDo etia e t ah o rtion et tae roetmma>"@m, but will b o lu-in tereal on hr rcasmaney tront limaai, rateoet8hpet cent,. e ssoasli th Tii. aber conditions viii b. ltse standing condtions oethle Court oai Chaoary asuiln as applicable, Porurite prllulraapply ta Méeasn Cracks, Kingetiu hàCattanicbToronto, or Mesrs.F w$vU & NIutetig, Whltby. - T. W. TAYLOR, A. Master in Chancsry BE ATTY P.1ANO I Grand Squao anti Uplght, C"Thene colebratet lustmumeuls have at- taluins vontieniai degré@e-cif-papnlarily amang thae ea ot ratenity gnrly Thsyliavt basamCtetiby, anti ece ëdth positive endoents ai semaefthe .Mot colibrietm onsaufor harn n d tiric- mms a oue.Thyarithout a oupeior. ~Rnrligdo EP.) onitor, 482, ,eut pTrpas o th*lajnlg h.great bausale ta tThe propriator ofth. Harbour CoMpsy 'wM 44tetosivalfaotaqzlIsn vhy ha ra"qiiirîa bàabîlm t hetw ôforopofningup thRabr. , The fol o tg daputation naîmati-to joI-- atend varions moealiage, yulgiva telirVie"s POLLING.SUBDMVSION NO, il Aé Aue- lins Bochoolfsonsa, on mondy,tU ai Fobruany, saI2Sp. m. r .K. Brao, Esq 1lt Dapl NooO Campbell, Es.j., at .3 ji*,Nq POLL!eG.DM' 81O*f No.$; Kinsalo Tom. pernoaHal, a Moday Ith kabmu: Crownatuphail, C Neq., anti 5.-J. Grn, eq, Sud Daputy Na.va. POLLING.DIVISION NO. 8, Orange Hall, an Tuoi4gar, Sth FobrnarysaBS p.m. Oancllor,anlà., .HoBoeq sq POLLING-DIVIBION N0. 6,Olsrmont Public Hall, n -Tuesdayi, 59Cb by., atI7 p.m. - J.J. Miller,- Net., D.,Macuab,2Eeq., anti 8. .,-Hldon, Esq. PC)LLIN-DMIvT N NO. 9, Altao», Tom- ponance Hall, on Wednesdaylit bMar., at S pn. _- hense, Esq., D. Macna, Esq.' POLLING-DIVISICIN NO. B Enagitani, Town Hall, lhý Wednosdaye lotMancit, aI7. 1 eVa, T. B' While, Est., anti 8. Y. iOldenEsq. POLTANG.Divi5ioN No. 8, whitevale, Mnsio Hall, on Thurstiay, 2nd Moinci, T.PWhlt', sq., .B Hoover, Eîq., Councillar, anti J. Haighl, Esq. POLLING-DIVIBION NO.4. Dnffn's Croek Temmue, on Thuredy, Sud B. . ~'ovLq. 1...-Margaci, NEs., andi J. lght, 2q. - POLLINGDIVISIO$ ,NO 7 Dunhanton, Tepr eHl, on PriAs, atim r, J. PareritJ. MoCneiaht. J. Miler, B. K. Brown, B. I. Green, . IN. Hoover, T. P. White, S. J, Holtien, C. Campboll, D. Mac- nah U. Goulti, J. Monkitousi, S. Mackey, S.. J' Bpink, J. L. Mangacit, anti J. Halgitt, Esqnires. The Ratopayers aifteabove Mnnlclpallty are condinly Invited ta attend. J. H, MoCLELLAN, Proptietan ot HarborCou. Dominion Jank Buildingo, Oshawa, February 101h, 1876. ÇHANCB1YB'r- ALE orTHE Privileges, Dweling à T DU FFI NS' CREEKJ r Pursuant ta he Decrea anti an'Ortie Canada Permanont Building anti savings Socity vs. Nau, thoae vili ha oltiby Aucr lion, ulitlte approbation ofte Muster# by Levi PaIrlanka, Auctioneer,, at lte$ ROY-AL HOTEL. lin lte Town ci Whltby, sIt noon, on Saturday,* 26él1 February, linon. parcel,-slx Âcres, one Quarter ani Cventy.six Penchaz., part ai Lot ?4, and cor- tain igitîs anti privillges aven Lot lu Unte fi concession ot Pickering, ite Cunly af Onutuo, on vhich la erecteti a 1-story trame Griot MMi, 70x59, on a suheMantW ietou adatlcs,, knewn m as lte iraDate Mfille, viii store honte abeca on ousaLuï. ation, viii Elevatar attachoi, Man scapa. city a .000 hueheâla, anti aiseueesanti sali banse.. The.U aur rutneuaf Stane andti smn mciine propelleti by ave turbine wheais, supplileti y a dam &cross DuffIas Oneoit, a large navertailing Stream. The Mscoiinery la neanly al11tiew, man ti he i fateul anti must approvet islcriplian. Thon.lu iseWon tho prezaises dli storey trame Hone on Stane touadalion, vitit a kîiten attacheti, a trame stable, ton tour hanses ant i egit httId of caIlla, a largepi. Peu anti. thsoutt.hnlldlpgs,; ag, te echn gardon ai about tva ares, veRstoketi vith fruit sud onnamnnal ts The propenty adjoins die Du fasrOeait station cf Le iteGad TrunkIt ilvay, la cuis aifh tuat iet eat groving oMun"leuil -Ontmé;aantipd esaueeleitclts Mbd' shuauject.tuaréserv& lixetibythe lLeata, s oetmuth lié, >ùe chat. ntan ée-be pa l .UtsVâori Se- licitons aeta i ua'lte; anti balance luta cout vidiaut interest i ene ruandi hars. citer, I l abter respet lIa.onditions *ar îte standing candi î ia fte 'oure et Ohancony. por partiOulare ýanti tutr laormatlan tee large Itostens "a iappiy a izelav offie Of MosînsJoue$es En. &McesiTn dons Bolloltons Toronto. Febnuary ,t4h 1875. -T W STTLB WHEREr 'ro UY!i Gel m»ai up and put clovwn i beat "71l Brussels Tapestry ail Weol Carpets. Ojjleloths anda Corices, Lambroqulns anti Fringe. Win. * dp*v Blin s, ewtc., oB AWILLIAM Go RDou,&,, f il f' d<'/î RETi N1~R O M,, <t I +~ tI*~ ~USINESS - ,ry- f-r Thé whole'1 etocd tobéold' at,-' COST I, lu, consequence of Mir. Watson's (wlb is owoe of thé promises we now- ooouccpy) itni~ building now stores and puiling doôwn the aId on*14 prosent occupiod by us, wo are forood to- -M JfTrTT 1IR MI I First We, the-refore, v 'E tho wholeofu our st x ROCE'BIES, 9 TO0 dis'pose of oz ýBY T H.E of A-pril Next, after this date l e bock, includling a genoral stockf CROC KEIRY GLASS WAIRE, WINES AND LIQUOIR89 SEED$, &. Parties. who i.ntend buying goodsj Cash will flnd a saving et TWENVTY FER CENT, purhasng fom ~, aTho~hoe stock iust peiol -sold bIy 'tfiè tiàro nintioned. *: We tWQU1d respeetLlll req OOOKING 8TOVES[OQ yat byR Eq Tp top vs A LAR~GE STàÇK-ObF-ý SHELE FHÂY~a2 AS 'ýUS.UAL,, LOWEST PÀIOES. imrtera'of Shelfiand Heyidvare, 'Whitby, Februlary 24th, 187. Bv 10, of at Upc fE i r c I w E I I iii Wl rebruary 151h, 1876. ANNIJAL 8.W.-B.,- SMITH, Corner Brook ant i ronda teWhîIîy. CASH )NE - MONTH VHOLELSALE SALE ON LYe, PRICES OUR WHOLE STOCK 0F SEASONÂBLE DRY GOODS, MIL I NEBRY, AND CLOTHING. HAMILTON bÊitby, February Sud, 1875. JUSTTHE LAC BOOT AND SHOEMAKEB, BROOK-ST., WHIBYJ [AS nov on hand a ian geand varieti utock of Boots amui Biga. . Ht &ho, Lmaskot order eoy description of Ladies* Gontomon? sund Childrnu' vear. 1rBopsiriýig done on tue shartout notice, sud at-ruasonable riates. AÀos ivitod Ca examine the nov utock. &'Co.] hitby, Docemben, 1875. 'LOU~ WILIA lUN8 llrottk Stroot, Whitby. YAND F EEP STORE -CHAS. -PE NN YL4EGO gs to~ hi otfy b i ndeadthe custômors ftê' bob 2Lhs ment traI hving bouht onjt tire intereet et Mr. (Jobb"hdin->l tire butsiess,-he la Row prepared teeuÉppjy> LOU R & FEEÈDOFýTHE< fiE TtQÙALITY, AXTiJ. J.LiU .AVVLJW fLIVING PLBjflB.ý1 lotir, Cor ni Chop-Feed, Bran, Shorts, Oatmeal. Czaked Wheàt, Peas,9ts oaos . AT WfOLESÀLE AND RETAIL. VEA PER- THA N THE, CWA PE8 TFR.cS a HAL WITY- e ýsoI st persona who 'have oôverdue acouÉts and notis on Our bohks tuocallaýt onc uo.n etlt amo7awe s» doterà&.d, to lavethbiisd,;ôfiim wound up ihi. S-8 ng .TH, F Be Fi CÂRRIAGE FÀCTORT -ý ROCKjÇý,T WITIY. ELGIN RÉGTNT ' o> The-fiýet, best, andcheapet ate«toh e l4è ôr the mo- nipy, iÀre-4hw ELGIN WÂTCHES, whioh cari bebz tTyo&_a nard0, IA eve; grade, bath ini Gold and. Silver., .8IL &es and Gents t-- ej. A s e' a large Bok of Englieli and Swîsé W aches 41 aWha d. Clo he Jewellery,, Silverwarp, and Fanoy Goods to inütvery tarte aud pocicet. Remember *the plic-niei oor 4ta Qik &MaeNachtan's, Hardware Merohants,'Brook Street, Whitby. IVIORY HÀNDLED TABLE CUTLERY, Pnan~d Pocket Knives, lFIeotro-plated- Sp oons, Forks > &o. S K A TE-S.-AN D S TIRAà P! NEW YORK CLUB. tKATES. GROSS & MACNACHTIANY RO OR RELIABL Stock Zol3omplete, and'Belegting.,aud hnporting mny own ~ozcam offer ouperiar inducements ta cash custamie.- ]ELGIN -WA.TCHIES. WHEITBY. HALL~ - >' Co~ CoJ In Gold sud Silver, Ladies, adGents',, ifferent gra4ps an& prices. VMr ln. GOU ha,%edM mr'm'ltof Colo-etianti Bright (laid Sets, Lackols, Gem ed j, @,,gaeC 1 WOdi- Re Nea-sihtanti ather rIsoles. Bectro Plat. Bute Cclns S#a a Ik 8 Blay, Tout ach Racka, &c. 8 Day ani 02o« lacka, by teé bout malkons. Cjaj&,anl,«amine goods atiprices. +ÀMES JOHNSTON, Practical Watcbunsken. Gcldm i'. Hall, Whlthy, Jm. 11h, 1870. 2 (C IRC0U LA R.) Whitby, February 16t1#1870.- Bein e siou oco4ling tire attention of tire public te my large sudvare tc of Fashionablo Hats, Gouts' Furnisbgs,ý &0., I have taken Ibis mothad of soliciting a siraro.of your valu- able patronage. As my stock je ail new; ana having been re- ceùtly purohased from seveial of thre most'extensive Mfanufactur- ors and Wholosale Doalers, botir of Canada sund tire United States, I -amnprepâred to, show thre mort ouplete assortment ever puD_ùeg4'ut in -Whitb'.A I 'confiue my business exclu- sively Ote il lgitimaéte. hueè, Iboieve I arn botter preparod te meet tire vante efthIis cozmnunity than any dealer who -dabbles. in àdezen linos at once. I trust I may be pardned in oéing your1 attentin again te tire tact, tira, wing to tire short perod ofttime thatlIhave beesuin business, my goode mustshll be new - su&of the'lest fashions,' e aythlng in maî Une tiraI youMay - ùâ& ored, yvinfg l, me-fi ÛWcall you. villavai, oursoif of thre a&l vauàtage'oet avmng tir'e atet styles te select frem, and will have netear et having palmed off on yen old goode virich in style sud k, -faàieu ~tescktheýdayse -orgrand-parents. ---Trustig YOU'illbi%Ï min favorable censideration, I beg leave tb aigu mnyeifO, t, - Yors, itirgreat respect, P. .-P ...dc e tre avor of eali nud gos tire latest- 0MS & :t~ iu s L~rt-vw a chanuolfS ieep valtm bause oanco pravided Maid C ai di id tureby saiui C4 lntoo~ open until fii coehoo .honafeý shipi anti Ani polling - Pnbý penanco Hall1 ezer; Birne i lehenel Reourning officer t] divisio. 4din lth DuMfn's Crack linSmi Lintoýn lu herehy al division No. ,; tl am ln saiii Tavnlu ber.hy app"ite&,te therest -injoln sale Tovnsbip, atiJase bereby appointe to t ag Ihereal. Tito aliove ila a Inn. cc BY-Ia vich Vjll htakm tionby the Conuciofthg p o r a t i an f C h . T a v u b one monh tram Ch. firati in th. Whilhy Cimoxn=i, licatlonvasàmatie on Febrnnany, A. D), 16; antl and placeàthberein Idiadi BEATTY PIANO 1 Grad -Souareandi Unrizht. DANIRLe e FAÇTXI AGME CLUB 1 1 1 jý 1 eE 0LJ~ Qi- E. FROST) S UJP E R10R ]HIGH TES Crystal br family use, burns with a bright steady light, and la the best and safest Qil iii the Market 1.- 35o per 'Galion, or 5 Uallon8 for $1.50. A fHI supply.of Lamps, Buxuers, Chimneys, &o., at Lightý 1 1 000- DDD fELLOW81- &OSEPH RODGERS '&-SONS This Oil is manufacture& MATES, especi*aHyl BROOK -STÉEETý Cd w e .ý Il OF THE SEA SON 1 J U S T M FIR8 T A RRI VA L THE PLACE

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